#Morpheus x witch!reader
thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Can I request Morpheus and witch!reader? (One of my faves in sandman fanfic) fluff angst whatever you desire! 💗
Morpheus x Witch!reader is one of my favorite pairings! I went the fluffy route because I love a good fluff piece!
"I trust your rituals have gone well," Dream said from the doorway as he watched you blow out the last of the candles.
You smiled back at him, smug but no less sweet. "Don't sound so jealous Dream of the Endless."
He took a few steps into the room, eyes running over the dried plants that hung on your walls and the tiny trinkets that cluttered almost every space in your home. He enjoyed looking through your many charms and leafing through your books while you cleaned up after rituals or just did things around your quaint home. It had been hard for him at first, after being trapped by amateur witches before, but you were no amateur. You'd taken great care learning new spells and done extensive research before even attempting things you did not quite understand.
Having an immortal boyfriend made studying easy. Not only was he alive during every time period where witchcraft was practiced and honed, but he also had an entire library filled with the collective knowledge of the world. You spent many nights with Lucienne, searching for books and tomes and discussing the techniques of certain magics.
Dream finally stopped in front of you, lovingly looking down at you. "I am hardly jealous."
"No?" You asked. "Because to me, it seems like you only ever show up when I've been doing a ritual involving another deity. Seems rather, jealous does it not?"
It was partially true and both of you knew it. Dream was proud of all you accomplished but of course, he still enjoyed having you all to himself. "Perhaps I simply wished to be in your company."
You smiled and pushed yourself up on the tips of your toes to press a kiss on his cheek. "Don't worry, dear, you'll always be my favorite immortal being."
"That is relieving," he answered, reaching out to hold you. "Now, perhaps we could try another ritual of sorts."
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
Witch!Y/n is the best lover Morpheus will ever have
Author note: This was inspired by the video ;)
Y/n: Death is gonna have to send me to the dreaming realm if this sexy man is there! 
*Y/n points at Morpheus* 
Y/n: give me my witch spells of the dreaming I am ready for eternal paradise with the Lord of the dreaming for eternity! 
Y/n: I will be the best wife and queen of the dream as long as I have this sexy beast.
*Y/n is blushing as stand close to Morpheus and he is just amazed by her vows
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thebigsl33p · 2 years
Anyways Don't Be A Stranger
It's mid but we move on, please let me know of any mistakes!! Requests are open!
Morpheus had been a fool. He could admit that to himself with ease.
The King of Dreams had been free from Roderick Burgess' imprisonment for a few weeks now. And in that time he had chased down rogue nightmares, dealt with a vortex, his sibling(s), made amends with a centuries old friend and rebuilt his realm. And throughout all of that he had forgotten the only person he had thought about for just over two hundred years.
Y/N, his witch of a lover, a woman nearly as old as he was.
The pair had first met when Y/N called upon Dream of The Endless for a spell she was doing. At the time (the mediaeval era) Y/n worked for a small village as a pharmacist. of course she was gossiped about and shunned from the world but the many wards and circles around her house stopped people with bad intentions from passing her threshold. And that is why most of the village sent their children instead, small tiny humans with the purest of intentions and the loveliest of requests. They crossed her wards with ease and some even looked forward to their parents sending them to the Witch's cottage, whether it be for ointments or spells or charms.
This particular day a little boy and his older sister, seven and ten, had been sent to her. Y/N had been anticipating the knock all day and it finally came at 12:33 on a Sunday. She opened the door with a friendly smile and invited the children in whereupon they explained to her their predicament. The little boy had been experiencing intense night terrors and they had come to her for some form of remedy.
The Witch had told them what she would require: a feather from the boys pillow and a strand of his hair. As she was speaking she stood and reached for a vile of sand off her shelf and a jar which was filled with a bright white light.
"What is that?" the little girl reached up and pointed.
"This, my dear," Y/N placed it on her table, "Is a star, plucked from the sky on hallows eve."
The children made "Oo" noises and reached towards the jar and she let them and smiled before leaning down to the little girl, "Do you mind running back home and getting a feather from your brother's pillow?"
The girl nodded eagerly and then she was gone, hopping and skipping away back home, leaving Y/N with the boy who had plucked out a strand of his hair with ease and handed it to the witch, "Thank you!" she smiled.
She folded it into a piece of cloth and placed it into the pocket of her apron, before grabbing her cauldron and putting onto boil. She sat and talked to the boy about what he did, his friends, his interests before his sister returned with a handful of pillow feathers.
"Can I put them in?" She was bouncing with excitement as Y/N gently took the feathers from here and split them into two, handing the other half to her brother.
"Both of you can do it, go on. Be careful of the fire." She watched as the two children giggled and gently placed the feathers into the boiling water.
She smiled and then let them step back so she could continue. She took the sand and sprinkled it in an anti-clockwise direction, her wooden spoon stirring itself. She took the hair out of her pocket and placed it gently in the water. Her hand took a hold of the spoon and she stirred, murmuring as she went of Dreams and Nights and Stars and Gods and Endless.
The children stared in awe as she reached into her pocket and produced a pair of gloves that seemed to consume her hands in darkness before turning around and picking up the star in the jar. She unscrewed the lid and gently tipped it into her palm. She stared at the star for a minute, evaluating her sacrifice towards The Dreaming before lowering it into the water, hands fully submerged and when they came out the gloves seemed to have disappeared and there was a soft glow in the ever-spinning water.
It was all going well, the glow getting stronger and stronger as Y/N had seen many times.
But then she saw the light flicker and her face dropped and there was the sound of wind before the room was plunged into complete darkness. Instinctually she reached out and grabbed the children by their shoulders, pulling them into her arms and whispering instructions to them, "I need you to stay very very calm." She could feel them nodding in the darkness and she turned her back to where the cauldron used to be, feeling the children cling onto her skirt.
Then she saw them, the two white dots which seemed to hold the entire cosmos, much taller than her and unmistakably eyes.
Y/N spoke with power, strong and authoritative, "You stand within my home, with my rules and my wards, and I demand you show yourself or leave."
it was almost like the figure was laughing at her, her house shook with the echoes of chuckles, "Very well, Witch."
The candles flickered on, the sun returning to the outside world and her cauldron fire being re-lit. With no regard for the entity in her house she turned to the children and made sure they were okay, stroking their hair like a mother would and holding them close. Once she was reassured that they were going to be fine to turned back to the thing infiltrating her home.
It was a man. Tall with striking eyes, dark hair, wearing normal clothes, and she struggled for a moment before it hit her: the all consuming energy, the struggle to feel her own power.
"Dream of The Endless?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper, but he heard nonetheless.
"You asked for me, did you not?" He cocked his head in a form of confusion, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
"Yes but- not like this. It was merely a spell…the little boy behind me has had struggles with night terrors." Gently she turned behind her and held the boys hand, pulling him towards her.
Gently Morpheus crouched down and held out his hands towards the boy but he looked Y/N in the eyes as he spoke, "It is not a Witch's place to mess with dreams." She bowed her head in acknowledgement to his words but gently pushed the boy towards him and watched as The King of Dreams placed his hands upon the boy's head and stared at him before finally speaking, "There will be no more night terrors...your sister and you will sleep well tonight." he reassured him, letting an amused smile slip through the cracks.
The moment Morpheus released him he rushed back into the arms of The Witch who gently patted the two on the back, told them that they were going to be okay, everything was fixed and resolved, this man could be trusted, before sending them home. This will be something to tell their parents…
"This is not the first time you have meddled with my realm, witch." The King of The Dreaming stood up from his crouched position, "I may advise you not to attempt it again."
Y/N wasn't sure how to react. Show him respect? Treat him like an equal? Get angry at him? She simply took a deep breath and started to tidy up placing jars and utensils back in their rightful places before addressing the Dream Lord's words, "What's wrong with what I'm doing? I am simply trying to help."
"Your helping is causing disruptions in my realm. A great feat, I will admit, but not one I look kindly upon." There was a feeling that he was impressed with her ability and power, but not happy with it.
"I'm not sure whether I should take that as a compliment." She sighed and turned to face him, "I enjoy what I do, helping these people. And as much as I would love to continue my dreamwork should you forbid and warn me from doing it then I shall cease." She nodded with a sense of finality.
"Take my warning as you wish, witch." He said, his words hanging in the air and then Morpheus, King of Dreams, was gone.
"Don't be a stranger…"
The next time Y/N had a customer, requesting something to do with sleep and dreams, she turned them down in a heartbeat, not quite willing to find out what the Dream Lord's warning meant. However, that evening, sitting in her cottage on her bed, fire burning away and studying her grimoire she felt a presence in her room, one that wasn't entirely unwelcome but still put her on edge and made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
She looked up from the book she was reading and copying out of and saw that same man who had visited her weeks ago, sitting at her table, hands neatly folded. His eyes pierced hers, the stars and the moons reflecting in them, "I saw you deny your customer."
"Is that not what you asked of me, not to mess with dreams and sleep?" The Witch gently shut her book and sat up properly to address the Endless.
"I have changed my mind." His lips pursed, "I wish to help you Witch."
She was slightly taken aback but accepted his change in attitude happily, "How? Why?"
"So many questions all at once." he stood, "I am going to teach you how to manipulate dreams and sleep, how to enter The Dreaming, how to simply flick a finger and have someone doze off, all because I have taken a liking to you and admire your dedication to your…craft. After much thought I have decided that if you are going to make a difference to people's dreams and nightmares then you might as well learn to do it properly, no?"
Gently he reached a hand out, "Come, I have much to teach you."
Morpheus stood outside his lover's house, hands in his pockets and Matthew on his shoulder, a thousand thoughts running through his head. "Who is this woman?" Matthew asked, ruffling his feathers.
"This woman, is the only person who I have ever taught the magick of dreams to. She was - is - my lover and I have been so stupid." The last part was a whisper, mostly to himself. Her cottage had changed since he had last seen it, more modernised. There were fields behind it now, and a garden at the front which grew a wide range of plants and flowers.
Morpheus swallowed his nerves and walked up the new path that ran through her garden to her front door. She had installed a knocker on her door, one that was shaped like a hand that he gently slipped his own hand into and lifted. Three knocks and he stepped back a bit, waiting for her to answer the door.
"Could you calm down? I can practically hear your heart." Matthew huffed, still shuffling about on Morpheus' shoulder. "Hush, Matthew." Dream murmured and he was about to say more when there was noise from behind the door and then it opened.
She looked exactly the same as he remembered her, that same hair and those bright eyes, slightly mismatched way of dressing and that smile, "How can I help-" her eyes widened as they landed on Morpheus and she stumbled back a bit, "Dream- Morpheus-"
"Y/N…" He was struggling to find words but he didn't have to say much before she had run into his arms, burying herself in his coat and holding him close. "Morpheus, oh goddess, oh my stars." She was weeping into his coat, before she pulled away to look at him, hands coming up to touch and hold his face, "Where were you? How long have you been back?"
The familiarity of her nature made him smile softly, "Always asked so many questions…I was captured by a magus and I've been back for a few weeks and I am so sorry I didn't come sooner, I just- The Corinthian and Desire and-"
"I think you said enough with Corinthian." She smiled lightly, "It's so good to see you - to have you back, Morpheus."
"I want you to come live in The Dreaming with me." The words came from nowhere, but she could feel the weight and meaning on them. He was taking a chance on her like he had taken a chance in the beginning.
"Okay…okay." she nodded, took a deep breath and then threw herself back into his arms, "I missed you so much."
"You're all I have thought about for two centuries. I can't tell you how sorry I am for being late." He pressed his forehead to hers and then he kissed her, almost like he hadn't felt human touch in just over two hundred years.
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roguelov · 2 years
Summary: A recently turned immortal, and a witch, your life becomes entangled and thrusted into the life of an immortal, Hob Gadling. However, Hob soon introduces you to his oldest friend, Dream of the Endless. And over the coming centuries you find yourself falling in love with each of them, but how will it end?
Word Count: ~8k
Reader: Afab/fem
Warning: Mostly fluff, mutual pining, mentions of drowning and death, angst(ish) cliffhanger
Part 2 - (smut included)
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Strangely, this story began with a drowning.
The ravenous crowd cheered. A man tied to a sturdy, recently chopped, tree thrashed in the chilling river water. Bubbles escaped from his mouth letting the freshwater in.
Blood. They wanted blood. They beckoned out to Death, hoping for her to grace their presence.
The crowd brought the man up to the surface ignoring his gasps and pleas to spout insults and allude to his devil worship; then instantly forced him back under.
Hob Gadling had one thought in his mind: how much water can fill my lungs? When one cannot die, then what do you do when someone is actively trying to kill you?
His lungs were on fire as precious air was forced out. He would clamp his mouth shut, yet his body and survival instincts rejected it. His need for air opened his mouth allowing more water to rush in. It burned as it poured down his throat. It pained him in every way.
He was choking.
But, he was not dying.
And it was odd.
The thought of dying - actually dying - ran through his mind, yet he knew it would never come. Hob loved life, he loved it all dearly, but for a single moment - in complete weakness - he wished for death. A fleeting thought which was drowned out by the intense ringing in his ears.
Soon darkness overtook him.
Commotion erupted on land.
The murderous crowd scattered, like dogs with thier tails tucked between their legs.
A figure darted out of the surrounding woods and plunged into the river.
You dove in.
With a knife in your mouth, you swam to the man and started sawing away at the rope. He was slack, unmoving and at the mercy of the current. Dead or unconscious. You couldn't tell, but you hoped for the latter.
After a few more slashes, he was free from his restraints. You tucked the knife into your boot and grabbed onto the man’s slippery, wet clothes. You pushed off the bottom of the river and dragged his sopping body to the surface. You broke gasping for air, then swam with all your might to the creek bed.
Huffing and puffing, you hoisted him up and out of the water. You touched his neck, feeling for a pulse. However, miraculously, the man started coughing up water.
You breathed a sigh of relief. He was alive.
He cracked open his eyes. Water dripped off his eyelashes, following the curves of his face. Looking up, the sun - still high in the sky despite believing hours had passed - glared viciously, blinding him. He hissed. But, he enjoyed it, enjoyed the pain and heat. It was far better than the cool unforgiving darkness of the river.
You smiled sadly down at him. “I’m sorry,” you brushed his wet locks out of his face, “they were after me.”
He coughed up more water. “You? They were after me.”
You blinked. Him? I thought …
Each of you assessed each other in utter confusion. Slowly, the man pushed himself up, swaying side to side to properly look at you. “Why … why would they be after you?” He asked.
“Same as you, I suppose.” Standing up, you stretched a helping hand towards him. “For being a witch.”
He graciously accepted your offer. Clasping your hand, a pleasant chill ran down his spine. Your skin, although damp, was far warmer and welcoming than his own. Standing on his feet, he stumbled back and eyed you up and down. You raised your head, and did the same.
“A witch? A genuine witch?” He asked, almost in disbelief.
“And are you not a witch?”
You assumed given your recent activities - healing the sick, collecting plants, muttering to yourself what people thought to be gibberish, walking around at night, and more - stirred the nearby town’s fears. You assumed this poor soul was caught in the middle of your battles. But, maybe not.
“In a way, I guess I am, or at least to those lovely folks.” He huffed, which turned into a cough.
You stepped back, getting a real good look at him. A hum resonated within him - a hum of the supernatural. You met his eyes. “You are immortal, are you not?”
He blinked, eyebrows shot up.
Which all but confirmed your hunch.
You chuckled to yourself. “Please, we can continue this discussion some more, but allow me to care for you first. I have some dry clothes back at my home.”
He didn’t argue.
You guided the drenched man as he leaned heavily on you back to your little shack in the woods. It rose through the parted pine trees, tucked away from the world. It had cracks and holes in the foundation, and the roof barely kept out the rain or nightly chill, but it was enough. You weren’t necessarily planning on staying around in these parts much longer anyway.
Pushing open the rickety door, you hobbled across the room to the creaky bed and carefully sat the man down.
He didn’t fight. He didn’t have it in him.
His clothes stuck to his freezing skin, his hair clung to his forehead, while his eyes stared vacantly ahead. The weight of his situation, what he just experienced, now perfectly clear in his mind.
You frowned. You left him be for a moment and started to make a fire.
Hob’s eyes slowly trailed over you and your home.
Jars filled with dried herbs neatly placed in rows on a thin, poorly made counter. Plants, both herbs and flowers alike, were scattered about in various pots on the floor, on the single round table in the far corner, or either in the windowsill behind him.
You darted around the tight space, collecting herbs and throwing it onto the fire. You constantly mumbled under your breath, like a haunting song. Hob inhaled deeply. The aroma was dizzying. However, it distracted him from the freshwater and algae that threatened to suffocate him. In fact, he started to feel more and more at ease with every passing second. The ring in his ears vanished, replaced with the crackling of fire. His body had stopped shivering minutes ago, and his muscle had finally relaxed. The danger had passed.
Walking over, you bent down at the edge of the bed pulling out a small trunk. You rummaged around before pulling out a bundle of clothes. You eyed him then the clothes and smiled. It would fit.
You set them beside him and stood directly in front of him. He slowly peered up at you. Your kind, gentle eyes soothed every worry he ever felt. He was safe at last.
“I know you may not be capable of catching a cold, but please allow me to look over you,” you asked softly.
Hob nodded.
You smiled, your eyes crinkling. “If I make you uncomfortable, please tell me.” You pressed your hand to his chest. His face scrunched up and glanced down in confusion. “Breathe in and out slowly.”
Hob cocked his eyebrow, but obliged.
You immediately frowned. Water was still trapped in his lungs. You could feel it: the faint swishing and hum of gurgling.
You sighed, stepping back. “You have water in your lungs.”
Hob’s eyes widened.
“But, not to worry, I can get it out. However, you must stay completely relaxed and calm, and listen to everything I say.”
He nodded adamantly.
You smiled again. With the tip of your finger, you gently tipped his head back so he stared directly at the chipped roof. Your thumb carefully pushed on his chin, opening his mouth a bit. You looked through the window. “You are lucky, it is a clear and dry day.”
Hob tried to respond, but you silenced him.
“Inhale deeply. Take in the smell of herbs.”
He did as he was told. It made his mind hazy, his thoughts hard to grasp.
“Good, now don’t resist.”
Fear should have spiked, but he was at ease.
You leaned over him, and began to mumble. Hob couldn't understand a word you were saying. Yet, it was the same as earlier, an eerie haunting lullaby. Your words swirled around his hazy mind, drifting him further and further into a relaxed state.
Something slithered.
He flinched.
Your hands cupped his face, as your thumb calmly stroked his cheek. You never wavered.
The cool, wet sensation slithered out of the pit of his stomach and up his throat.
Again, he should have panicked. His eyes darted around and locked onto your. Your eyes were closed in concentration. The sunlight, the soft yellow, danced over your damp skin. Your hair stuck to your face. Water dripped down off the tip of your nose.
It dawned on him in that moment the lengths you went through to save him, to save a complete stranger.
Something swirled in his mouth. The distinct taste of algae and mud glided over his tongue. It was water. Fear finally reached him. He wanted to choke or throw up, but he instead froze. The water floated out of his mouth and hovered in a suspended bubble inches above his face. His eyes widened.
A dented tin cup appeared over his face, catching the water.
He blinked.
You took the cup and chucked the water outside. You turned around smiling widely at him. “There.”
He dropped his head, staring in awe. “You really are a witch.”
“Did you have doubts?” You teased, setting the cup on the table.
“I - I suppose I did. I … I just haven’t met others similar to me.” He struggled to string his thoughts together.
“You mean ones part of the strange and unspoken parts of this bizarre world?”
“… yes?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “You have lived a closeted life, or you have turned away from it all.”
He threw you a lopsided smile. “Really?”
You smirked, and moved on, refusing to reveal the many secrets of this world. “So, immortal man, how long have you been wandering the earth?”
“Since the late 1300s.”
You blinked, surprised. “That’s nearly 300 years?”
“Yes, but most say I don’t look my age,” he cheekily replied.
You snorted.
“And you? I now know you are a witch, but are you also gifted with immortality too?”
“I am.”
He cocked his head. “Because you are a witch?”
You shook your head. “No, all witches, magic users if you wish, live and die for that is life.”
“Then why you?”
You smirked. “And why would I tell you such secrets?”
“Because you saved my life? I would like to know my savior.”
“Saved an immortal’s life? Irony at its finest.”
He smiled, chuckling to himself. “Cheeky.”
“I will say a deal was struck, however, when my deal was struck? It was not as long as you probably think or hope, it was all fairly recent compared to your lifespan. It was only about half a century ago.”
“Ah,” he hummed.
But, unlike what you suggested, he wasn’t disappointed slightest. How could he? He has met another immortal, one more aligned with humanity compared to his other dear friend.
He smiled, practically beaming. “Where are my manners? My birth name was Robert Gadling, but please call me Hob.”
“Hob Gadling,” you repeated. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N).”
“And the same to you, although I wish it was under better circumstances.”
“Ah,” he waved you off, “I wouldn’t wish it any other way.”
You blinked, then laughed. “You are a strange one, Hob.”
“Says the witch.”
You smiled, “Cheeky.”
He laughed, shaking his head.
At that moment, an idea popped to mind. “Hold on,” you ran over and opened your trunk again, digging through clothes and other assortments. Hob leaned over peering down at you, but you instantly jumped up with a smile. You held out a plain golden locket. “Here.”
Hob stared down quizzically. “What is it?”
He knew the obvious answer, but given your occult tendencies he wanted to know more.
“A locket.”
Hob glanced up at you unsure.
You huffed. “It was a gift to my sibling.”
“I don’t follow.”
“It’s charmed. It is connected to me. If you hold it and speak my name I will know. It was a way for my sibling to call me when they were sick or in need.” A frown tugged on your lips. “They unfortunately passed away last winter.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Hob muttered. Loss was an old friend, one he never wished to see again.
“Thank you, I’m okay, but I wish for you to have it.” You offered it out to him.
“Why me?”
“I found you drowning in a river, I feel as though I should not have to explain any further.”
Hob smiled sheepishly.
“And I wish to stay in contact with you.” You took his hand and placed the locket and the chain in his. “A start of a new friendship.”
His fingers curled over the jewelry. He smiled up at you. “Okay, for a new friendship.”
Yet despite the hopeful promise, he never called.
It was only until decades later that you finally saw him again.
Under the pale grey sky, the air thick with the impending storm to come, you strolled down the busy sidewalks as carriages and horses trotted by. You glanced down at the scrawled list. All of it basic necessities, some of which your garden could not provide hence your trip into town.
“Move it!”
You glanced over to the commotion across the street. A man, in tattered rags and covered in dirt and grime, stumbled through the flow of people. Most covered their noses, as a few gagged. They all glared at the man and some even shouted at him.
You frowned.
The man was pushed and forced up against a building as people bumped his shoulder. He glanced around, trying to look for something. His beady sunken eyes peered through his scraggly hair that fell in front of his face. He slowly sunk down, as people crowded around him. The man threw his hands over head to protect himself.
Your breath caught in your throat.
Without any regard for passers in the street, you darted across. You worked your way through the crowd, shooing them away. They scoffed and gave up. A few eyed you oddly but you paid no attention to them.
Your heart raced as you approached. You dropped to your knees. “Hob?”
The man snapped his head up, looking through his greasy hair. Shock overtook him. He dropped his hands and looked at you properly. “(Y/N)?” He breathed out.
“Oh, Hob.” You reached out and helped him up onto his feet. He graciously accepted. He, however, tumbled into you, but you easily supported. Just like all those years ago. Your hand rested on his stomach while your arm wrapped around his waist. “What happened to you?”
“Life.” He muttered with a crooked smile, trying to hide his pain.
You puckered lips, not believing him.
“Nothing you should worry yourself over.” He quickly added, and laughed once. “Just one thing after another. You shouldn’t be too surprised given how we first met.”
It was meant to be a joke. But, you didn’t laugh. Your eyes softened. “Why didn’t you call?”
Hob hunched over slightly, and glanced away. “I did not think to.”
You frowned. “Hob, we may have only met once, but I do consider you to be a friend.”
Hob straightened up with you to lean upon. His hand touched the front of his ragged shirt, and just below a cool metal pressed into his chest. Your locket, one of his few possessions still on him. “It was not meant to offend you,” he whispered. “I simply have grown to rely on myself. It is odd to think I can call upon someone and they will still be there.”
Your frown shifted into a smile. “I’m not offended, Hob, in fact I understand perfectly well. All I ask is for you to be more mindful in the future.”
He nodded.
“Here, come back to my place. I can cook you a meal and -“
“No,” he quickly shook his head.
You raised your eyebrows. “No?”
He started to walk ahead, stumbling a bit to free himself from your grasp. You chased after him, clinging to him and fearful he may collapse.
“I am to meet someone,” he stated, marching forward.
“Meeting someone?”
“An old friend.”
“Are you -“
“It is a scheduled meeting, I cannot and will not miss it.”
Helping a fumbling Hob, you soon found yourself in front of a tavern. You couldn't hide your confusion and some disdain. A tavern? You looked to Hob in your arms, but his gaze was locked onto the door. Inside, the crowd cheered and bustled about. A faint hum of music filled the air as clacks of cups and tankards echoed.
Hob stepped forth out of your embrace. He opened the door, walking in as if it was his destiny.
The patrons immediately glared at Hob given his unpleasant appearance. But, with you on his trail, you easily reciprocated their hateful glare. Most then turned away. A man - a worker - tried to approach to remove Hob, but you caught his gaze. He flinched, and slowly backed away.
Hob stumbled around tables to the far back of the tavern. You followed like his shadow and protector.
Once in the back, Hob instantly beelined it to a man in all black.
You hovered, unable or unsure if you should leave Hob with this man. A man who exuded such raw power and commanding presence. His posture was perfectly straight with his head held high and leveled with the floor. He did not belong here. His long raven black hair swept back over his shoulders. His clothes were expensive and the height of fashion dipped in a velvet black. He was the night. The only flecks of color on him were a deep blood red from a ruby which sparkled at his neck and his pale blue grey eyes, the color of an early morning sky.
Hob, however, ignored everything peculiar about the man and stuffed his face with the served bread and began to prattle on about his life.
The man’s charcoal rimmed eyes soon slid over to you intrigued. “I see you have brought a friend to our arrangement, Hob Gadling.”
Hob visibly swallowed a chunk of bread and looked over his shoulder back to you. He blushed a little, embarrassed he forgot about you. But, he gestured for you to join them.
Hesitant at first, but you obeyed. You were mystified by his dark stranger. Why did he feel so familiar?
You took the chair next to Hob, and kept your eyes on the stranger. You began to have an inkling as to who he may be. If you were correct, you had met one of his siblings before.
“This is -“
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” the stranger cut off Hob. The stranger bowed his head in acknowledgement and offered a small greeting smile.
You returned the smile. Oh, yes, you knew exactly who he was.
Hob, mouth agape with food, looked between the two of you in bewilderment. “Have you met before?” He turned to you and pointed his ripped piece of bread at the man. “You know him?”
You smiled at Hob. “It seems you have a knack for attracting the unusual Hob, which I suppose is not surprising given your own unique circumstances.”
Hob blinked. “I don’t understand, do -“
“Hob Gadling,” the stranger called out. “You were regaling your life story, one I am most excited to hear if you so wish to continue.”
Hob squinted at the pair of you, but delved into his life. A story which spanned over the entirety of the last century, a story in which you also made an appearance in. And, unfortunately, a story which wasn’t very pleasant, one filled with mountainous heartache. But, when the stranger asked if Hob wished to continue living; Hob laughed and answered with a resounding yes.
You smiled, shaking your head. Even with the few interactions you had with Hob, you somehow expected his answer.
Hob twisted in his seat, facing you. “You should join us.”
You blinked. “What?”
“Come here to this tavern in the next hundred years, and we can discuss what we have done.”
You shook your head. “Oh, no, I -“
“You are welcome to join us,” the stranger interjected. “I am interested in your tale if you wish to tell it.”
Your eyes flickered back and forth between them. Should you? There was no disdain in their eyes, only joy and want. You smiled at the pair. “Okay then, I will be here.”
They smiled.
“On one condition,” you added. “That I may see you well before then.”
Hob smirked. “Oh, yes, I assure you will hear from me. You cannot get rid of me so easily now.”
You laughed, throwing your head back.
At the sound of your bubbly laughter, their hearts shared an infectious flutter. They glanced at each other, with questions in their eyes, but they ignored it; ignored the stirring of emotions just as they have done so for centuries.
You tilted your head, beaming at the pair, “Then to the next hundred years may they be filled with excitement and bring you joy.”
“To the next,” they spoke in unison.
After the meeting, you dragged Hob to your home for fresh clothing and a warm place to sleep for the night.
“I promise, I’ll be out of your hair by tomorrow,” he repeated over and over throughout the day and well into the night.
You smiled, leaning on the doorframe to the spare bedroom. You watched as Hob, now squeaky clean, slowly settled into bed. “You can stay forever how long you need Hob.”
“No,” he shook his head, “tomorrow morning I’ll leave.”
“If that is what you want.”
He locked eyes with you. It wasn’t. There was a swell of emotions in his chest. But, he didn’t wish to be a burden, besides a fire was lit under him after today. He knew he could create a new life, and stand proudly on his own two feet. “It is,” he said.
You nodded, “Just remember I’m always here for you.” You pushed off the frame, and began closing the bedroom door. “Goodnight, Hob.”
In your own bed, with the sounds of Hob’s faint snoring, you smiled to yourself and entered the Dreaming.
Just as you always have, and will continue to do so.
Your bare feet buried into the soft, cotton-like, pale sand. Inhaling, the salty air filled your lungs. Seagulls, gliding on the gentle breeze, squawked overhead. Waves crashed in a constant rhythm. Exhaling, you tilted your head up. It was an overcast sky, gloomy and void of most colors. Yet, the air was warm and inviting like a hug from an old friend.
A wave boomed against the shoreline. Louder, more notable.
Eyes now burned into the back of your head.
Lowering your head, you turned around. He was nearly the same image as he was hours ago, however he forged his expensive clothing for a simple black robe. “Dream of the Endless,” you bowed your head slightly.
He greeted you and bowed his head in return. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
You smiled warmly. “I am honored to be in your presence, but I must ask why are you here?”
“I was curious as to how you and Hob Gadling had met.”
“Ah,” you hummed. “Hob had already told of it earlier, not a particularly cheerful story.”
“True.” He stepped forth. His robe fluttered in the wind, skating across the sand. “But, I find it fascinating.”
You cocked your head. “How so?”
“To think the universe in all its cosmic power somehow aligned you to his path. A magic user and an immortal now intertwined.”
You smiled, “And now we are all intertwined.”
The corner of his lips twitched upward. “Yes, I suppose we are.”
“But, we were always connected in a way. Just a small thread.”
Confusion flickered in his stormy pale eyes, then he hummed. “My sister.”
“And have you spoken with her recently?”
There were far and few immortals. But, Death had a habit of speaking to those blessed with her gift. She had a particular interest in you and your story given your affinity for magic, and a certain arrangement.
“No, I haven’t, but given her duties I do not blame her.” You leaned towards him, a knowing smirk danced across your lips. “And you?”
“Pardon?” He blinked, momentarily confused.
“Have you spoken with your dear sister?”
“I cannot say that I have. We both have very busy lives.” He crossed his arms behind his back, regaining all his regal stature. “And your deal with my sweet sister?”
“Still ongoing.”
He nodded.
“Does he know?” You cocked your head.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Hob. Does he know who and what you are?”
Dream shook his head. “No, not entirely.”
“And why is that?”
Dream opened his mouth, but soon swiftly closed it. Why did he not tell Hob? Did it simply evade him? Was he too enraptured with Hob’s tales that he neglected his own? “I cannot say for I, myself, am unsure as to why.”
You chuckled.
Dream raised an eyebrow. “Does this amuse you?”
“How can it not?” You smiled at him. “And I don’t mean to be rude, but an entity who holds the universe’s collective unconsciousness, and has lived for eons upon eons, has failed at basic manners.”
Dream’s lips twitched upward. He looked out to the choppy sea, hiding his growing amusement.
You stepped in front of his view. “Talk to him. Visit him in dreams if you must. He speaks very highly of you.”
Before going to bed, Hob couldn’t and wouldn’t stop speaking of the Dream Lord. He recalled every encounter he had starting with the first fateful encounter back in the 1300s. You saw clearly how much Hob cared for Dream, and their brief fleeting moments.
“Maybe I will.”
“And never be afraid to visit me either.” Dream cocked an eyebrow at you. You simply smiled back. “Are you surprised, Dream Lord? That one may enjoy your company?”
“Surprised?” He hummed in thought. “A little, if I must be honest, but I am more impressed by your forwardness.”
You shrugged. “Fear should not govern your life. I used to be ruled by it, but with immortality I decided to forgo it. To take charge and do as I please.”
He smiled, a true and genuine smile. “How human of you.”
“Not a bad thing I hope?”
“No, not at all.”
“Good.” You looked down the shoreline at the white tips out in the middle of the sea and to sea foam lining the shore. You glanced back at the cosmic entity. “Will you stay until I wake?”
Dream’s enchanting eyes, ones that held galaxies, connected with yours. And for a moment, you felt cradled by the endless expansive universe. “I will.”
You smiled softly then strolled forward side by side as you carried most, if not all, of the conversation.
And when you woke from the morning light, a warm feeling bloomed over your chest.
One which came time and time again. One which sparked, leaving you breathless, every time you saw either Dream or Hob.
Soon, another century quickly melted away. And two men were back in a tavern as if it was always meant to be.
Hob and Dream chatted, catching up on recent years, however as the sun started to dip worry grew in their hearts. Where was their third member? Where have you run off to? Were you okay? Did something happen? Questions ran rampant in their minds, but neither would voice their concerns. Only when someone announced themselves did a flicker of hope and relief flooded their chests. Yet, it was quickly chilled. It was someone that neither expected nor met before.
Lady Johanna Constantine.
She was escorted by two unseemly men, whom she had each paid handsomely. Lady Johanna approached the pair and demanded answers to untold secrets and to address the interesting rumors which swirled around the mysterious pair.
But, neither Hob or Dream was entertained in the slightest, or intimidated for that matter.
In a flash, a fight broke out only to end just as swiftly. The men - ruffians more accurately - slumped to the ground with a resounding boom. Hob huffed, straightening his jacket. A proud smirk danced on his lips. Centuries of battles, he had more than enough experience to deal with men like them. He turned to check on Dream when Lady Johanna whipped out a knife, brandishing it at Hob. Hob’s eyes dropped to the knife with complete disinterest, it was nothing but a lousy, flimsy object in his way.
Dream, however, was already on his feet. His dear friend had helped him, when it was unnecessary, so he wished to return the favor. He opened his palm, conjuring his sand. He brought his palm up to his lips then -
“Lady Johanna Constantine.”
Lady Johanna flinched. She recognized that voice.
And so had her newfound companions.
Hob and Dream snapped their attention up to the second floor. Leaning on the railing, you smiled down at the trio. “Apologies, gentlemen,” you said. “I had nearly forgotten the day. And given my invitation, I wouldn’t dare try to miss it.”
Hob beamed up at you. “I would say you are right on time.”
Lady Johanna’s eyes flickered to the men then back to you as you strolled down the stairs. “(Y/N), I was not aware you knew of these men,” Lady Johanna stated with her knife still directed at Hob.
“There are many things you do not know, Johanna.” You walked over to her. “But, it is no one’s fault but my own. A teacher should have properly prepared their students.”
“Teacher?” Hob exclaimed.
You gently grabbed Johanna’s wrist and lowered her knife. She allowed you to do so. “Yes, teacher. Or at least I was until she outgrew me.”
Johanna huffed. “You showed me many things, but knowledge sometimes is best learned through experience.”
“And yet here you are about to be put six feet under.”
“A calculated risk,” she quipped.
You snorted. “Calculated? That’s not what I would say.”
She grumbled.
“Johanna, I beg of you, please just go home.”
“Beg? Oh, that is rich coming from you.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Have I not groveled enough for your secrets? For your secrets for immortality?”
You frowned. “Johanna, please, let’s not -“
“I am not a child. Do not use that tone on me.”
You sighed, “This is simply not the place for such discussions.”
“Oh? Then where -“
Sand glittered in the air. It tickled past your nose. It smelled of your parents’ cooking when you were sick in bed; it smelled of your first sweet and how it assaulted your young senses; it smelled of home, of warmth, and of old dreams of your youth. The sand blew directly into Johanna’s face. She inhaled it. Her eyes glossed over to a ghostly white as she began to mumble and sink to her knees.
You whipped around.
Dream dropped his hand back to his side. He straightened his back, his eyes locked with yours. “Apologies,” he murmured. “It seemed the conversation was going in circles.”
You looked back at Johanna and sighed deeply. “It’s okay. You’re right, it probably would have ended in another argument.”
“She wants immortality?” Hob asked, looking between you and Johanna.
“Yes,” you swiftly answered, eyes still on Johanna. “But it is the one question I would not answer.”
“Why?” Dream asked intrigued.
You looked at both men. “For it is not my place to answer. If she so seeks it then she may summon Death herself, but I will not give her the tools.”
Dream’s eyebrow twitched, a faint raise to his wonder and interest.
“I think we all know immortality is not a single answer.”
Dream hummed, his lips curled into a knowing smile. “Yes, that you are right.”
Hob bent down in front of Johanna, confusion and bewilderment sparkled in his eyes. He was surrounded by other worldly people. He turned back to the two of you. “So, now what? Find a new tavern?”
Dream shook his head. “It’d be best to end our meeting and for the two of you to lie low.”
Hob stood up, and cockily replied. “Why? It’s not like they can kill us.”
“No, but they can capture you.”
Hob immediately frowned, and rubbed the side of his face.
“Then would you gentlemen care to join me in my new shop?”
They both looked at you. “Shop?” Hob asked.
“Or at least it will be one day, I haven't quite figured out the name yet. And to be honest, at the moment, it is just an empty space with dusty shelves.”
“What kind of shop will it be?”
“A witch shop.” You smirked.
Hob grimaced. “Is that truly the best idea?”
“I will sell herbs for medicinal purposes along with teas and other plants. To others it is a plain shop for alternative medicine, but to those wandering and keen eyes, I will have other items I will happily sell them.”
His eyes connected with yours for a moment. Your determination was palpable. He shook his head, and laughed once. “Will you have a cauldron brewing too?”
It’s not my place, he thought.
“Oh, yes, that’s the dream,” you teased. Your eyes flickered between the pair. “So, are either of you interested?”
Hob smiled kindly. “A rain check, another time.”
Dream nodded. “Yes, apologies, I must admit the same.”
You waved them off. “Do not worry yourself, I completely understand.”
Hob shuffled in place. “So? Next hundred years?”
“You may continue on without me.” You said.
The two men blinked shocked a little by your statement.
“Are you sure?” Hob pressed.
“This was always your meetings and I adore seeing both of you, but I do not want to interrupt anymore.”
“I can assure you, you’re not -“
“I see you both plenty and these are your arrangements, so please continue without me.”
Dream stared blankly for a moment then accepted. “As you wish, until our next meeting.”
“Until then,” you glanced at Hob, “to both of you. I do hope it will be sooner rather than later.”
And sooner it was. Much, much sooner.
The dented bell chimed as the shop door swung open. A dark figure hovered in the doorway illuminated by the dim lighting of candles and oil lamps. He was hauntingly beautiful, especially in this lighting, a dark king.
You knew who it was without having to look over. His presence, his power, rippled throughout the shop.
“So, this is your dream?”
You smiled to yourself as you shelved jars of dried herbs behind the counter. You peered over your shoulder. Dream stood in the doorway of your shop - or one day it will be in the Waking.
“What? Do you not like it?” You asked, finishing the last row of jars.
“I do.”
You whirled around, leaning on the glass counter.
Inside, the glass counter revealed an assortment of vials of oils with petals and leaves neatly organized in stands. In wooden trays, in rows of two, tea bags were laid out ready for any cup. Card holders scrawled in beautiful calligraphy said the name of the tea along with a list of the types of plants used. Handmade tea cups and pots, each painted in various colors and designs, lined the bottom of the display case.
Behind you were bookshelves were filled with jarred herbs, ointments, seeds, potpourri bags, inscenses, other trinkets; like wooden hand carved items like spoons, jewelry boxes, to minuscule animals. Books aligned the empty space, books on mythology, human anatomy, plants, to even just plain fiction.
The walls were covered. There were diagrams of scientific names and properties of plants, as well as paintings of people and animals frolicking. Even extravagant trapesteries, collected over the years, hung from hooks. No one could tell of the wallpaper, or the paint color, behind all the chaotic mess.
The shop as a whole was relatively small, but a cushiony small like a hug from an old friend. Soft, warm yellow, a setting sunlight, steamed in through the surrounding windows. Chairs, rickety yet plush and inviting, were tucked in the nearby corner closest to the door. A table wedged between them was filled with games, and paper and pencils, to pass the time. Potted plants hung from the ceiling, their vines and flowers cascading down. While, tall ferns sprouted in their pots in most nooks. Inhaling, it smelled like morning dew, to a field of flowers on a lush spring day, your favorite hot tea on a cold winter night, to a home cooked meal, to almost anything and everything.
It was almost a secret oasis.
Your oasis, your safe haven.
However, in the back, behind a locked door which only opens to your touch, was where the real magical items were stored. Things you’ve collected over the years, things you’ve enchanted, and things only those seeking would find.
Leaning on the counter, you eyed the dark figure clouding all the greenery. His eyes scanned the room, taking it all in. “Bit simple, isn’t it?”
Simple? The place, your shop, was far from simple. But, the dream?
“Simple is never a bad thing.”
You smiled at him. “I suppose you are right, Dream Lord.”
Dream circled around the shop, his eyes still soaking in all the details, even down to the cracks in the floorboards and the dents in the walls. “You know,” he began, “you can call me, Morpheus.”
“I could.”
Dream turned, facing you. “Then why don’t you?”
“Do you not like it when I call you by your title? Dream Lord, your majesty, sire,” you listed with a certain mischief in your eyes.
Dream would never admit it, but he did. He loved the way your mouth curled into a smirk as you teasingly said such boorish titles. It brought a shiver to his spine.
He strolled towards you, “I don’t mind it, but I am merely curious as to why you still address me as such.”
You shrugged. “Respect, if I have to guess.”
“And if you didn’t?” He stood in front of the counter, his pale blue eyes locked with yours.
You smiled. “Because it’s fun. You don’t really meet a lot of kings or royalty these days.”
He dropped his head, smiling.
“But, for you, I can change that.”
He snorted. “How noble.”
You leaned closer to him. Your eyes sparkled with stars, pulling him in. “I have you know, I am very noble, Morpheus.”
He smirked. “Is that so?”
“It is.” A moment passed, a skip of the heart. You pulled away. “So, what truly brings you here?”
“You spoke of your dream earlier and I simply wished to see it for myself.”
You hummed. “Is that all?”
“No,” he admitted. He walked over to the plush chairs and sat down. “We did not get a chance to speak, and I too wish to hear what you have been up to since I last saw you. For starters, I was not aware you were teaching witchcraft and Hob certainly wasn’t aware of it.”
You strolled over to him. “Hob fears for me, and I do not blame him given how we met. I’ve had my fair share of townspeople hunting after me, but I love what I do. I may omit the truth only to lessen his worries for me.”
“You care for him.”
You plopped down in the opposite chair. Your eyebrows knitted together. “Of course, I care for you both.”
Morpheus’s eyebrows shot up.
You snorted. “Surprised? Do you think you are unloved?”
“I … I am simply taken back by your forthrightness.”
“Morpheus, you and Hob are part of my life so of course I care for each of you.”
So deeply than neither of you could begin to fathom.
Morphues, almost bashful, looked away. You laughed, “You know, part of my dream is for you and Hob to see it. For all of us to be here together.”
“Is it?” He peered back up at you.
“It is.”
He hummed. “Then I hope one day I can help fulfill this dream.”
You smiled. “We are already halfway there.”
He smiled, and his eyes crinkled.
You were not sure how long you talked with Morpheus, but time was always different in the Dreaming. You each spoke of your life since your last visit, and soon wished each other farewell.
Throughout the next century, you continuously talked with Hob and Morpheus. And occasionally offered any assistance, both magical and non magical, if needed. Your shop, now in the Waking, bustled with new customers becoming more and more popular. Of course, the shop was passed from mother to daughter, to a distant cousin, and a name change here and there.
But, life was good. Perfect.
Sitting in front of your fireplace, in your upstairs apartment over your now closed shop, you closed your eyes. The rain, heavy and constant, was a steady drum beat. A comforting lull. Your body ached from packaging jars, filling orders, and maintaining your expansive house garden. Yet, you enjoyed it. Enjoyed how your body curled into the chair, enveloping you and how you felt accomplished after a hard day of work.
Life, however, still loved to ruin the cultivated peace.
Your name whispered within your head, yet it wasn’t your voice. A warmth spread over your chest, as if someone’s hand laid on top of your heart. You placed your hand there, feeling your own skin.
“Hob,” you called out. “I hear you.”
“I’m coming over.”
You laughed once. “And I will be here.”
You had forgotten the date, forgotten the importance.
Hob, drenched from the pouring rain and your locket in his grasp, soon appeared at your door. You immediately let him in and guided him over to the fire. A towel appeared out of thin air and wrapped around the sopping man’s shoulders. Hob tugged on the towel, then spilled into the evening’s events. He tried to bite back the pain, tried to ignore the sting in his chest, but he couldn’t any longer.
“What did I do wrong?” Hob mumbled his throat thick with oncoming tears. “Why did I say that?”
What ifs and countless scenarios replayed over and over.
You listened to every word, trying to comfort him. Yet, your own sorrows grew.
And so did your anger.
Hob eventually fell asleep, completely exhausted and drained, on your couch. His hair now dry curled in odd directions. And luckily, you were able to switch out his clothes for comfortable warm pajamas.
“He’s my friend.” A thousand other promises hung in the air from his three words. I don’t want to lose him … I love him.
You pulled the quilt up over his shoulders. Brushing back his hair, you bent down and kissed his head. “I will try to fix this,” you whispered.
Because I don’t want to lose him either.
You sat down on the floor, leaning back into the couch. Hob’s face was a simple turn from yours.
You stole a moment and stared at him.
He was finally at ease. Yet, a crease still laid between his brows. A frown tugged on the corner of his lips. His cheeks were still stained with tears, no matter how many times you brushed them away.
Anger flared. An anger directed at Morpheus. Hours. Hours spent consoling Hob, and failing to soothe his pain - pain, if you may add, Morpheus inflicted.
You gritted your teeth. You will have answers, demanding them if you must. Closing your eyes, leaning your head near Hob and memorizing his sullen features one last time, you inhaled deeply and silenced any thoughts.
The tug, the weightlessness, then the solid ground beneath your feet.
You had entered the Dreaming.
Morpheus, in his throne room, tried to distract his thoughts by reading. Thoughts of his recent meeting, thoughts of Hob’s biting words, thoughts of you which always crept in when he saw Hob.
“Must you be the most insufferable being in existence!” Your voice boomed throughout the grand room.
Your anger had gotten the better of you.
Morpheus jaw clenched. He didn’t wish to speak with you. He was still bitter from his encounter with Hob, and he knew your presence alone would make it worse. Sitting on top of his throne, he snapped his book shut and slowly rose to his feet. There you stood at the bottom of the stairs, glaring up at him.
“And what do I owe for the pleasure of your company in my throne room?” Morpheus descended the stairs, step by step, looking down his nose at you.
“Why did you say such things to Hob?”
Morpheus gritted his teeth. He did not want to dwell on Hob Gadling anymore. “Why are you intervening where you are not welcomed?”
“I am intervening, your majesty, because a mutual friend has come to me with questions I cannot answer, and an absolutely heartbroken look on his face.”
Regret and sorrow flickered behind his eyes. That was why. That was why he didn’t wish to dwell on Hob. It was the suffocating guilt which weighed in his chest that he could not run from. But, he could smother it, smother it in a fiery anger.
It was something he understood better.
He steeled his emotions with his signature passive stare. “He spouts nonsense and insults me to my face.”
“Insults?” You began to climb up the steps. “You think he was insulting you?”
“He dared to think to call me lonely.” He hissed through his teeth. Anger, he needed this anger.
“Because you are.”
We all are.
You hovered directly in front of him. Morpheus, on a single step above, glared down at you. He towered over, a grand entity of the world’s unconsciousness. Your faces only inches apart as you glared menacingly at each other.
“You think I am in need of such company?” He asked lowly.
“You do not wish to hear what I think, Dream Lord.”
He chuckled darkly. “You burst into my throne room, pointing fingers, and throwing insults and now you wish to hold your tongue?”
Your eyes searched his eyes for the truth beneath this grandiose act. Yet, you couldn’t. Either he truly believed it, or he buried it well.
You scoffed, and spun on your heel, walking away.
“And where are you going?” Morpheus asked with a snarl.
“I will leave and wait until you get off your pompous throne, your majesty, and admit the truth.”
Morpheus took a single step down. “The truth?”
You whipped around, looking up with tears in your eyes. Morpheus was taken back. The guilt rose tenfold. The memory of Hob’s broken face and now yours tore his heart apart. But, he did not show it. It all read as a twitch of his eyebrows, and a new tension in his jaw.
“That we are your friends,” you said, plainly.
He stared, unable to speak or to find the words to do so. His throat clenched. Where was his anger from before?
“What a fool we are.” You muttered.
He blinked. A fool?
“We are just humans to you, are we not? Below you in every way, right?”
He bit his tongue. No, you weren’t. Never. However, his pride was more important, or so he thought. He was an Endless, a cosmic entity balancing the universe. So, were you technically not below? Yes, in a way. But, he served you, served humanity.
He clung to his anger, finding the hot rage far more comforting than the icy chill of guilt. So, he stayed silent.
And it stung. Immensely.
You loved him. You loved Morpheus deeply, in a carnal way. You loved him like the way you needed air to breathe. Yet, you also loved Hob. You loved him easily like a gentle breeze constantly guiding you forward.
But, you would side with Hob.
“I will not return till you admit your wrongs,” you said. You quickly turned away, your body vanishing as you awoke and took the first step to temporarily severing yourself from the Dreaming.
All the while, Morpheus was now left alone stewing with his thoughts.
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
A Dream Passion
Fandom: The Sandman (TV) Pairing: Dream of the Endless x Fem!Reader Summary: "Do you remember?" The voice whispers in your dreams. Insistent and deep, with a slight hint of desperation. Rating: Explicit (to be safe) Words: 1033 Notes: Boy. First time writing something as explicit as this, so, please be kind. Also, this fic is for my big sister @mousedetective, hope you like it, because I’m trying to write smut, which is something as you know, doesn’t come easy to me. Soulmate AU / Witch Reader. Warnings: Unprotected sex. PIV sex Prompt(s): #8.- Do you remember? from @fictober-event 
Read @ AO3
"Do you remember?" The voice whispers in your dreams. Insistent and deep, with a slight hint of desperation.
You groan. The hands that are currently running all over your body are sending shivers all over. The mouth that explores you is drawing happy sounds of pleasure. Your hands turn into fist, hanging into the silken sheets as the man slides down until he arrives at your core.
"Do you remember? Do you remember me yet, my love?"
Truth is, you don't remember him. If you had met before you would be sure you'd never forget such a handsome man. Not when he is like darkness personified, stars for eyes and dressed in black. Should you know him? There is something there, in the back of your head and your heart  and soul that screams that yes, you know him.
You're about to speak when strong hands part your legs wider and a firm tongue makes contact with your clit. Whatever you're about to say, it gets lost in the cries of pleasure that the man between your legs is drawing from you. His strong hands are keeping your legs apart, making it easier for him to explore you at his leisure.
One of your hands leaves the sheets and tangles in his wild hair, doing your best to push him further into you. "I need..." even with your mind clouded with pleasure, you sound breathless. 
He stops, "Yes? Tell me what you need, my love?"
"You. Please. Take me."
The man hums, quite pleased with your request. "Very well. If you want me, you shall have me. Who am I to deny my Queen?"
You're not a Queen, but you don't have time to deny that as, with one swift motion he has buried deep inside of you. You keen, he fills you so well. Like two puzzle pieces connecting at long last. Your chest feels heavy, your heart is loud and you can hear the rush of blood in your ears. Time stands still as the man above you does not move, but lowers himself enough that there is no space between your bodies.
The kiss he gives you is deep, and you moan into his mouth when he finally starts moving. And it is utter bliss.
He is both gentle and loving one moment, the next, it is as if he were a man dying to meld your bodies together that neither of you could tell where one ends and the other starts. You kiss him fiercely and devour the deep groans and growls that make their way out of his mouth. 
You only part when the need for air becomes to much. The world outside of this bedroom may be quiet and dark, but in the privacy of this bedroom, the sounds of flesh meeting flesh and the sounds of pleasure are like a song, like music to your ears.
Pleasure only grows and grows. Your hands exploring his back, clinging to his surprisingly strong shoulders. Leaving a trail of kisses on his neck. "Oh God, you feel amazing."
His mouth also explores you as much as it can, but he leaves marks behind. "Mine." He growls. Both hands resting on your butt, lifting up to find another angle. He knows he found the perfect spot when you keen and scratch at his back.
"Please, I'm close..." you manage to speak through the fog of pleasure. "So close."
You don't need to say more, for the moment those words have left your mouth, one hand leaves your butt, finds your clit and begins a soft massage that heightens your pleasure all the more. "Yes, please..."
"Mine." He growls into your ear. "Say that you are mine."
"I'm... yours." And you're close, so very, very close. "Yours."
He growls and you shiver, you're about to fall to the precipice when he speaks again. "Say my name. Remember it and say it out loud."
Your mind is clouded with pleasure, but with one more thrust and and pressure on your clit and you're falling down a precipice of pleasure, "Morpheus!" You scream, not even caring if the name is right or not.
"Good, you remember me." One more thrust and then you can feel him filling you. "My love, my Queen." He groans as he continues to ride out his pleasure.
You sigh, your walls still clenching and enjoying the bliss. Your eyes feel heavy with sleep and you wrap your arms around him and kiss the head that has come to rest on your chest. You play with his hair and he purrs in contentment. You loose track of time as you both remain wrapped around each other until you drift off to sleep.
"Morpheus!" You call into the empty room as you bolt upright. Light is filtering in through your curtains, and your bed is empty.
But you know that just wasn't a normal wet dream.
That is when it all comes back to you. Of the dozens of lives lived, of the many loving nights you and Morpheus spent together and the promise that you two would find each other in the next life. In that moment you know that you have to find him. He is part of your soul. Not only that, but your soulmate.
"Morpheus. I remember. If you're listening to me. Come to me."
But he does not.
That is when dread fills you. That is when you know that something is not right. That you got to find him. Because you know that if he had been able to, he would have materialized in your room the very moment you had said that you remembered who you were. What you both were to each other.
You will do everything in your power to find him so you two can be together again. And heaven help anyone who had harmed him, because witches like you could be hell when angered, fortunately, you had time. This life had blessed you into being born to a family of long-lived witches and wizards.
"Morpheus, I'll find you. I promise you that and we'll be together again. Hold on. I'm coming my beloved King. I'm coming, my dearest Dream."
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hauntedwitch04 · 1 year
Wrong time, right person
Azriel x reader
Words: about 3.3k words
Warnings: smut, smut, Iforgot to say smut, and Azzy himself ;)
Author’s note: Hi loves! I finally managed to write some more after the crazy week I had. Hope you like it, your witch Becky
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KINKTOBER ...........-..........KINKTOBER TAGLIST 2023
DAY 3: Sex pollen
It's an easy mission they said.
Touch and go, they won't even know you passed by they said.
Assholes. Liars. Bastards. Especially liars though.
This is all I can think of as the Shadowsinger and I find ourselves running through the trees being chased by the guards of the lord we had gone to spy on. Someone must have warned of our arrival, because a few minutes after arriving on the spot, we were already surrounded by enemies. We fought to the end, but were forced to retreat into the woods, seeking safety in escaping through that labyrinth of logs, hoping that those stupid enforcers would not be able to follow us.
It seems like hours that we are running when we finally decide to stop, in the vicinity of a cave, so that we can find refuge from the darkness and our pursuers.
"We finally lost those assholes." My companion comments, sitting back against the cave wall, leaning his head against the rock and showing his neck, leaving it exposed to my gaze.
That simple gesture kindles a fire in me that burns brightly, and I feel compelled to look away. I close my head between my legs and feel Azriel's gaze on me as he approaches. I feel him rest a hand on my shoulder, and I can't help but moan at that simple contact. I feel my cheeks get hot, but he doesn't flinch and asks me worriedly, "Hey, are you okay?" I can't bring myself to look at his face so I nod slightly still with my head between my legs and mutter a nonsensical apology. He still tries for a moment to wrest the truth from my lips, but I don't even flinch for a second. Azriel, seeing then that I did not intend to explain anything, stands up.
"I'm going to gather some wood for the fire, or we'll freeze to death tonight." He says, as he approaches the exit of the cave. I glimpse from below my knees the color of the sky, which is now turning blue.
"Okay, I'll stay here." I tell him in a whisper loud enough for him to hear me. I guess he nods, before walking out of our shelter, leaving me to think about why I took that action earlier. Ever since we escaped from the building I feel a strange sensation permeating my body, but I hadn't given it too much thought before since my priority was to run away from the guards, but it's as if after all that effort that feeling has expanded to the nth degree. It almost feels as if my body no longer belongs to me: I feel a wet sensation between my panties, while the fabric of my T-shirt brushing against the skin of my breasts sends shivers down my spine as my nipples harden against my bra. I squeeze my thighs together trying to ease that sensation, but it all proves futile. I feel a wave of embarrassment rise through my body again, thinking that this is all due only to a small gesture from the Shadowsinger.
Eventually I decide to lie down and try to get some sleep hoping that with a good dose of rest the next day I would wake up feeling better than I am now. I lie down with some difficulty on the floor only to fall unconscious in the arms of Morpheus after a few seconds.
But all is in vain, because in the middle of the night I suddenly wake up all sweaty. I sit up while with one hand I hold my chest. I feel the fire from before writhing in my gut, and on instinct my other hand goes to my center automatically, but realizing my gesture I immediately freeze.
Azriel was sitting in front of the fire, and seeing me feeling so sick he immediately approaches me, touching my forehead to feel if I had a fever. Immediately he retracts his hand feeling how hot I am, and makes me lie of me.
"You try to lie to me one more time about feeling good, and I swear I will never make you go on a mission with me again, and I will make sure Rhysand doesn't either." Says Azriel, as he removes part of my suit, to let the cold night wind cool me down a little. I again find myself letting escape a moan of pleasure as I feel that cool night breeze brush against my warm skin. I feel my nipples becoming turgid as I somehow try to get away from the Shadowsinger's constant touch, which is only making the situation I am in worse.
"I would say now is not the time to lecture me Az." I reply as I try to catch my breath. The Illyrian looks conflicted, but finally stands up and looks me straight in the eye.
"I'll try to do something. You stay here, and in case you give a yell, I'll be back here in less than a second." Says Azriel before disappearing into the night.
I stay looking at the place where he disappeared for a few minutes, trying to distract myself from the feeling of pain and the impossibility of having what my body desires, but finally I give in and begin to slowly run the fingers of my right hand over my center. I immediately feel the pain lessen, but like a drug, this never seems to be enough and I need more and more. My other hand wanders down my body until it rests on my breast and I begin to stimulate one of my nipples. My right hand I run it under my pants and for the first time my fingers come in contact with the wet lips of my pussy.
I remain in that limbo situation for what feels like an eternity experiencing enough pleasure to not die of pain and at the same time not enough to be completely well.
After what seems like hours, I hear Azriel's heavy footsteps getting closer. Quickly I try to look presentable, but immediately the lack of that little antidote causes me more pain than I felt before. I feel twinges in my abdomen that make me bend over, but despite this I look up at the man in front of me, and I cannot help but curse Mother for creating such a perfect being: he has not slept in days, he is drenched in sweat and tired, and yet he continues to be the most attractive person I have ever seen.
He stops to catch his breath, and only then do I realize that he no longer has the cape he was wearing before, in fact now his muscular arms are clearly evident, thanks in part to the tank top he was wearing.
"Where did your cloak go?" I ask, trying to distract myself in a very unsatisfactory way.
"I had to give it to Suriel, to get him to help me understand what you have." He says casually as he approaches me. At that gesture I try to pull away, but he doesn't let me, resting his hands on my shoulders. He then places his lips on my forehead to test whether I still have a fever. That gesture again unleashes a fire capable of burning whole woods in my stomach, and I groan, almost in pain, pushing him away from me.
"Did I hurt you?" Azriel asks worriedly, and I wave him off, so as not to worry him, but he doesn't seem convinced.
"What did Suriel tell you?" I ask, trying to change the subject.
"Well, as we were running away you spilled a jar of powders on yourself as we were going through that sorceress's store, remember?" Azriel says, looking at the ground, as if ashamed. I nod, remembering very well that damned jar, which made me sneeze for several minutes.
"You didn't read the label on that jar, did you?" He continues vaguely, so much so that nervous and without patience, I force him to look at me before answering him.
"Of course I didn't have time to look at it Az, go straight to the point." I say impatiently. His cheeks turn red, and he stammers something under his breath that I can't understand at first, so I ask him to repeat it. He raises his eyes and fixes his in mine, before repeating what he had tried to say before.
"It was sex pollen, the one that spilled on you." He says finally, and I feel the blood freeze in my veins, still in shock from the revelation he threw at me. "And according to Suriel, the only way to keep you from dying right now is to...well you know, go along with what your instincts are asking you to do."
"Thank you for explaining in such a nice way that I have to masturbate Az, really very nice." I say almost angry at him, even though I know I'm not really. I'm partly angry at myself for putting myself in that situation, but I can't do anything about it now, and now I'm also in danger of dying.
"Hey, I'm trying my best." He replies, scratching the back of his neck with his right hand, looking embarrassed.
"I know, I know Az, it's just-" I pause for a moment, trying to find a way to say it. I take a big breath and keep talking. "I've already tried touching myself, alone, down there, but it didn't do much good." I confess in a low voice, hoping he won't hear it, but unfortunately Shadowsinger's hearing is too acute to miss my confession. He freezes for a moment as if he is about to reason out what to do, then speaks again.
"I know." Azriel says in a guilty tone.
"What do you mean you know?" I ask shocked as I look at him, not understanding what he was referring to.
"Well the Suriel may or may not have told me that you would not be healed this way. "He continues as he watches the fire casting beams of light on the walls of the cave we are in. I stop again, and begin to reflect on all that I knew about these powders as I feel the pain getting worse and worse. By now I can feel my panties completely wet, as every single contact with what's around me unleashes a series of shivers that reaches to my core.
"I thought that was enough...well you get it. In all the books dealing with pollen with potential danger they say that's enough, be satisfied." I try to explain, as I draw a groan caused by my shifting which resulted in clenching my thighs together.
"I thought so too, but he said this doesn't count if-" He freezes as if he cannot find the words. I, growing more and more impatient, ask him aloud to continue.
"Az just doesn't seem like the time to be shy." I urge him to speak.
"He said it's not enough when you're in close proximity to your mate." He blurts out, standing up sharply. I squint my eyes not believing what my ears have just heard, but I immediately understand that feeling that has long been building in my heart toward my mate. Well I would say more than friend. I feel something forming in my chest that takes shape through a golden thread extending from my sternum to that of Azriel, who is currently turned his back to me as he looks out of the cave as if in the same there is the answer to this problem. Immediately I feel that silly happiness I felt at having found my mate, and that he was the man I actually loved all my life already disintegrating under the idea that he didn't want all that.
"You don't have to." I whisper, in the grip of ever-worsening cramps, but right now they seem like nothing more than mild pain compared to what my heart was feeling.
"You don't understand, if we don't do this, you will die and I won't let you die." He counters by turning around and dropping to his knees at my height looking me straight in the eye.
"I don't want your pity." I reply harshly as I try to get out of his sight, unable to do much given my condition, because I don't want him to see my suffering and the pain his rejection has triggered in me.
"No, I don't want my mate, the woman I've loved all my life to die and I'm pissed off at Mother because I didn't want it to happen like this between us the first time. I wanted to do everything right, take you to dinner, confess under the stars and then make love to you in my bed between the sheets I had specially chosen your favorite color, not on the floor in a stupid cave after risking our lives! When I knew you were my mate I wanted nothing more than to thank Mother, fate or whoever, but now I hate them because they had to pass the anger they vent on me to you, and I don't want to see you suffer because of me." He blurts out as he begins to walk around the cave again, then finishes his speech by looking at me. A strange light sparkles in his eyes, they look like the eyes of someone who loves to the point of being sick, to the point of suffering, and that love right now is directed at me. I can't believe his words, but that connection makes me feel that everything he just said is the truth, and immediately the happiness I lost a few moments ago returns, along with hope.
"We can still do it." I confess in a whisper and he immediately turns to me, his eyebrows furrowed over his beautiful eyes. "We can do it once we get home. We'll tell Rhys they can go screw him and his missions, and we'll take some time to figure this out and get used to it, and we can do everything you just said, because believe me I want to do all that with you."
"But?" He asks as he approaches.
"But now all I need is you fucking me as hard as you can in this shitty place so that I can stop dying and talk to you without having to moan every time." I say, as I grab his shirt with one hand, since he was now close enough to me, and kiss him with all the passion in my body.
I feel like I can finally breathe again as my lips on his, and I can already feel the pollen fade as the urge to feel Azriel inside me increases without measure.
"As my lady wishes." Whispers the Illiryan on my lips as we pull away from that breathless kiss. I immediately feel his lips graze my neck, to start biting and sucking on it as if his life depended on it. Every single movement of his lips and tongue made me touch the sky with one finger as I moaned his name as if I were a priestess intent on making a prayer and he the deity I believe in.
His lips then move from my neck to my breasts, where he begins to suck on my nipples like a hungry child. I bring my hands into his hair and pull them every time his tongue touches one of my sensitive spots.
"Baby doll, if you pull my hair one more time, I don't think I'll be able to keep myself from fucking you so hard I'll leave your silhouette on the floor of this place." He says pulling away for a moment to kiss my lips again.
My hands move down, and I begin to open his pants, while he begins to open mine.
"All words, I want to see some action." I reply, trying not to give away how much his words had affected me. He smirks, realizing that he actually made a mark with what he said, just brushing against my panties and feeling how wet they are.
"You will regret saying what you just said baby doll." Az replies, as with a quick gesture he enters of me. I didn't even notice that he had moved both my and his panties, but right now I don't care.
Feeling his cock inside me is an otherworldly experience. I can feel the walls of my pussy tighten around his sizable member as he tries to stay as still as possible to get me used to his size.
"Tell me if it hurts, or if you feel like you can't take it anymore, okay?" He asks softly, as he kisses my sweaty forehead. I feel the cramps from the sex pollen return, and I groan before I answer him.
"Az, I can't take it anymore, either you move or I swear I'm going to flip you over and start doing what I need to do on my own." I say, trying to move my hips slightly and create some friction, but he stops me, resting his hips on mine and giving that silly little smile that makes him so sexy.
"Oh, I can't wait to see you ride my cock, but I'd say leave that experience for another time. Tonight is just for you, and for your pleasure." He comments and then begins to move.
Immediately I feel every single part of the universe fall into place as he gradually increases his speed. My body seems to be persecuted everywhere with shivers of pleasure as his lips rest lightly on my breasts again. Between his mouth, his cock, and the sex pollen in my body my orgasm seems to come with a speed I never expected.
"Please Az, don't stop." I say groaning, feeling the pleasure grow more and more every second.
"Oh baby I could never deprive myself of the feeling of my cock against your cervix. You're going to come, aren't you?" She whispers back as I try to nod. "Then we'll come together love."
"Yes, please Az fill me." I continue, and I feel her muscles tense even more under my touch.
"Honey don't challenge me, you know I could fuck you so hard you wouldn't walk tomorrow even if you prayed to Mother." He counters by increasing his speed.
"It would certainly be worth it." I answer as I now feel I am on the edge of oblivion, just one thrust would be enough to sink into pleasure. I hold my breath for a moment as I feel him move for the last time before my body begins to move in convulsions of pleasure, and my vision becomes totally blurred.
I feel him releasing all his semen inside me shortly after coming, and I feel him lying on top of me, relaxing.
We stay like that for a few minutes before he starts laughing. I look at him not understanding why he is laughing until he explains himself.
"God, I guess in the end I will have Rhys to thank for this mission." Whispers Az.
"Actually it wasn't that bad." I comment, laughing in turn.
"Let's say it had its upsides." He replies with a wink. "But don't think it's over here, wait until you get home, and when I'm done with you the only thing you'll remember is my name."
Yes I would say we definitely have Rhys to thank.
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hwaightme · 7 months
Feel alive
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🌑 pairing: strictland!seonghwa x gn!singer!reader 🌑 genre: fluff, angst, dystopian, sci-fi, noir, music, lovers to enemies to lovers 🌑 summary: after escaping the confines of prestige academy you find yourself singing at 'morpheus' - an underground bar and club for strictland outcasts. except this reality, too, crumbles before you. your fate is again in the hands of the same man, and you are forced to ask yourself: what does it mean to 'feel alive'? 🌑 wordcount: 9.5k total 🌑 warnings/tags: semi-edited, authoritarian regime (strictland/z/universe z), lore-inspired, guns/gunshots, implied attack on club, implied violence, crime, alcohol/drinking, implied organised criminal networks, discussions about death/murder/execution, nihilism/existentialism, 'bout as dark as the diary entries, long lost lovers, starcrossed, hope, blue bird, jazz, uprisings 🌑 taglist: at the bottom of the fic 🌑 a/n: noir hwa, ateez synthwave song quartet, and lore ponderings. hope you enjoyed <3 any notes, reblogs, comments, asks are always welcome! much love!
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The lights dimmed, and it was as if the jazz bar never existed in the first place. The worn seats occupied by drunks who liked to pretend they had taste, sofas in the far corner reserved for big shots and well-established scum with pretty young accessories on either arm, the bar that sold everything under the rays of the dying sun and evil moon, it all disappeared with the dawn of the spotlight falling upon your alluring silhouette. A simple, yet elegant sleek black dress with a hint of shimmer that graced your curves seemed to shine in the glimmering illumination. The delicate silver accessories were stars in the hypnotising sky, the allure of an unreachable universe becoming overwhelming as your hands glided over the length of the microphone to find purchase on the stand. The music, starting from a low rumble, was an echo of the abyss surrounding you, manifested only at the softest inhale. After what could have been the drums and trumpet, or could have been the heavens announcing the beautiful singer’s presence finished their spontaneous introduction, Seonghwa had the pleasure of forgetting his purpose, at least for as long as the song lasted. He could drift into a sultry paradise, seduced by what had to be a siren’s call, and regard the customers of the Morpheus bar with something less than loathing.
As soon as he cleared the last of the russet coloured drink he had ordered in one gulp and set the glass down on the bar, shutting his eyes momentarily to focus on the warmth of the alcohol running down his throat, Seonghwa found the fingers of his right hand softly drumming out the song in accompaniment, each digit hitting one note, another, again and again. Back in the day, it had not been often that his visits to the bar occurred at the same time as the one and only Y/N’s performances, but when they did, he swore he could see the smog clear and tomorrow become a certainty. The music consumed him whole and even though he knew down to the second when the magic would be extinguished, a part of him still retained the hope that the spell would never be broken. Not when the only encore he could guarantee for himself was another torturous raid on an establishment such as this one, or another feverish witch hunt for those who had regained their ability to feel and to think freely. All in the name of a faceless leader who even Seonghwa himself had only met a handful of times despite being in a high ranking position of Guardian Inspector - above the standard white-clad machines, above the so-called officials clad in military uniform, he was in charge of ‘keeping civil hands clean’. At what cost? Perhaps his own emotions were the price.
The dark-haired man caught himself wondering how many people in this bar could enjoy themselves to the fullest. How many of these poor unfortunate souls that succumbed to the rush for easy money and easy love were true followers of hedonism, and were spending their days in an enviable bliss? Biting his lower lip, Seonghwa regarded his surroundings with a subtle scorn. He was well aware that he was to blame for it all too; The regime, to retain the ultimate, unwavering control over the citizens, even those who wholeheartedly believed they were well-hidden from the authoritarian judgement, was a supplier of one of the many pleasures after all - toying with people's weakness before the formidable seven sins only to lead them into full submission. The Strictland government, despite propagating ‘human emotion being a disease’ had anything anyone could ever desire, and Seonghwa was one of the many agents to guarantee long term partnerships, addiction to the illusion of a better life, and most importantly, stability and security for the people who had taken him in all that time ago when no one else would, and had given him a chance. 
While he was the bringer of demise, the counter of profits drenched in crushing dread and the hand of twisted and subjective justice, at the same time, Seonghwa believed that it gave him all the more right to judge the society he was a part of. After all, he was not the one being fooled. Inevitably, his glimmering orbs settled back on the singer’s gently swaying form as they broke into the chorus, and nearly shuddered as your gaze, from languid, half-lidded but oh so appealing eyes, met his, only for a split second but it was as if hellfire itself embraced him and greeted him like an old lover. Each lyric - a personal address as you moved along at a sensual pace, the song smoother than the most expensive silk. He smirked to himself as he caught his ponderings accelerating uncontrollably, attempting to squash them under a sober, calculating fist. You were no fool either. An entertainer, measuring out each attack like a venomous serpent, not threatened, seeking fun in the reveal of vulnerability of your listeners - each one believed that you existed for them and them alone, and in the hypnotic state added bill after bill to their already hefty tips in the hopes that at least some would reach you, and you would give them that beautiful smile, maybe something more. Truly, a shame that the owner of Morpheus owed the regime a lot more than all the tips, so-called donations and what, compared to the rest of the money, was "honest" earnings all combined. The Captain of the Inspectors in charge of this little project had gotten a little too nice as of late, at least that was what Seonghwa had concluded, but it was not him who was going to pay for it, naturally.
Twisting his head, Seonghwa took note of the familiar faces that appeared at the entrance to Morpheus to join the rest of the Inspectors that were posing as regular customers, cleverly dispersed among the filth that reeked of dependence. Of course, dependence on what the regime was selling. There was no other way about it. Nodding the two men a curt hello, Seonghwa let his eyes trace back a swift path to the magnificent performance. He paid attention to how your dainty earrings glinted even in the lowered light, and how, with every subtle movement, he could see the gorgeous dress tighten just a little around your body. You were so out of place in this scene, an angel in the darkest pits of hell, a little bird struggling against the wiring of a cage, curling inwards, growing smaller until the last flutter of the wings. As he was caught up in admiring your beautiful style, grace, and listening to your sweet, warm tone, one of the two newcomers, a fellow brother in governmental salvation to Seonghwa, tapped him lightly on the shoulder and occupied the seat beside him.
“As flashy as ever, Woo. Might as well tattoo ‘trouble’ on your forehead,” he motioned towards his not so inconspicuous suit that made him look more like a mafioso rather than an average joe. Seonghwa had to admit, however, that the outfit looked too damn good on him, but this was going to be just one of those things he was to take to his grave. The man did not need his ego fed any more than what the ladies he finds as company for the less busy nights not hounded by the lower ranking Guardians provide.
“I’d carve a pretty smile on that face. Not even a hello?”
“Hi San,” Seonghwa deadpanned, looking past his friend who he noted had tied his hair into a low ponytail, and right at the other half of his duo. Wooyoung and San, two peas in a pod, and probably the last people one would ever wish to see if they were in trouble with any of the Inspectors.
“Aren’t you mean today… what, pretty star over there didn’t give you attention?” Wooyoung retorted with a smirk creeping onto his lips. With a raise of an eyebrow and a shake of the head, Seonghwa dismissed any thoughts of peace that he had been imagining, settling back to regular business.
Rolling his shoulders back, he let the scene come and envelop him. It was no coincidence that so many of the Inspectors had gathered, especially with Wooyoung and San now closing in the arrivals. It did not take a genius to guess that Captain had changed his terms, and this was no longer going to be an ordinary shakeout for money or customary information gathering from the owner of Morpheus. The owner had stalled for far too long, had strayed from ‘good practices’ of a loyal rat, and it was time to set an example for others. Disease was the human emotion, and this bar was a breeding ground for thought crime, was it not?. Lowly, lonely creatures who gathered here were all examples of where society had gone astray from the perfect vision Z had put forward, at least… most were. Those who had forgotten the meaning of feeling despite having regained the ability, those, to Seonghwa, were the true vermin. He regarded the few gathered who were most definitely not meant to be part of this story. A middle aged, haggard man with flushed cheeks and what had to be his fifth glass of the cheapest liquor on the menu. Some bigshot from another town who he recalled some of the Inspectors in charge of patrolling the area identifying this morning - no ties, no money, just a lot of ambition that was to amount to nothing. A few lowlives here and there who were faceless, in shades of grey. All not meant to be here, and yet by some stroke of fate, here they were to remain. Finally, he drifted back to the main act, still at the centre of the stage, the sole luminance among the tainted - those who had no hope in making Seonghwa feel anything but numbness. You were the only one working here. Earning your meagre pay - he had discreetly checked the bar’s balance books when the old man behind the counter was too distracted to care for a person of his kind strolling into his office that was concealed in a dark corridor. It was shameful how you were still in this far less than grand establishment, sharing your angelic vocals, despite obviously not having any compensation nor appreciation of your efforts. Perhaps the moments on stage were the only time when you felt alive; the thought would not leave Seonghwa. After much investigation playing pretend, he was confident in his conclusion: you had not changed.
You were on the tattered poster plastered up outside - the one and only, shows every Friday night. Perceive and behold the spectacular ethereal being as you sang songs that spun threads out of a spectator’s very soul, blood trickling from the cracks in their shattered form turning to gold. You sang their… his pain, promised him his glory, soothed and comforted him. Seonghwa was well aware that you were the sole reason that he had shifted his visits to Morpheus to this particular day of the week and monitored the illegal location so closely, otherwise, your face would never grace his corrupt, bleak vision. You did not deserve to go with the rest. When breaking free, one was not supposed to fall into another trap, and yet, here you were. You were not meant to be here, littering the ground that you stood on as the last of the gunpowder would settle on your perfect skin, your long, alluring eyelashes. The onyx-haired man felt a shift within himself as he mused the outcome of the unspoken plans - by the way in which Wooyoung leaned back onto the counter, a grin dancing on his features and by the way San was acting particularly kindhearted to the lonely staff who was rushing about, struggling to keep up with the visitors’ habits, he knew that tonight, they were not planning on hearing any cries for mercy. They were here to complete a mission for a higher purpose. And that mission was far from the sweet music which he had loved his whole life, and finally found again.
“They’re not supposed to be here.” he mumbled, his voice obscured by yours, echoing across and elevating to a sensual culmination.
“Aren’t we all? We’ve got to do what we’ve got to do. Think of them as a sculpture or something if it makes things easier,” Wooyoung took out a rolled up bill to put between his lips - a habit that he had formed after a few too many hits on the back of his head by San, an interesting approach to make a man quit smoking. He called it ‘smoking capitalism’, earning quite a few chuckles from the Inspectors, Seonghwa included. 
“So say someone’s going to scope the ring to clean it up a bit, would you let them hit our favourite auntie?” he asked, referring to the friendly cleaner who was probably the only one in the entire city who did not bat an eye at the violent matches that Wooyoung managed under the wraps for the regime, instead cooing over the fighters he brokered for and giving the men an extra helping of her home-cooked delicacies. In many ways, she was a mother figure for the Guardian Inspectors, despite her being at risk, every day, of being taken to the Red Humans should one of them be in a ‘different kind of mood’ on an arbitrary morning.
“Definitely not. But this singer. Who are they to you?”
“A pawn.”
“A pawn?”
“Mhm. I can pawn them in for rewards.”
“Suppose they are pretty enough, if that’s what you’re thinking of…”
“Goodness, take the pimp out of the bordello but can’t take the bordello out of the pimp. That business was shut a while back for you, no?” with a groan, Seonghwa retaliated at Wooyoung’s rather out of pocket suggestions. Over the many years of serving Z in not so ethical ways, the man had tried on a few too many hats and seen a few too many hats to retain even a sliver of compassion towards anyone except those closest. It was understandable. Odd, but understandable.
“Kidding. But for real though, what’s the use?” Wooyoung bit down on the bill softly, gaze following San who had moved towards a couple of underlings that had gathered in a booth off to the side, towards the far corner of the bar. Clearly, he was checking if they had read the room.
“Say, isn’t it Captain’s niece’s birthday soon? We don’t exactly have a musical act to hand since…” Seonghwa trailed off, knowing that Wooyoung knew what incident he was referring to, involving an accusatory phrase, a short temper and a very professional shot from a sniper rifle from the boss’s office window into the temple of a figure that was storming away from one of the many Inspector accommodations. Another one to fertilise the soil with.
“Smart. I’ll give it to ya. If you sort the business out before showtime, pretty thing’s all yours.” Wooyoung responded, patting his side where, underneath his shirt, Seonghwa knew was a holstered pistol. Pushing himself away from the counter he stood up, adjusting his long, leather coat and glove. It was not that he had a particular preference, but ever since entering the new life upon being pardoned for feeling, a life where he had to say found a home, he could not help but wish to always look just that little bit more put together, even if only to appear loyal. 
“Cheers. I’ll get them a nice candle-lit dinner to soften them up and then inform Cap’,” sounding purposefully sarcastic, Seonghwa mumbled under his nose, well aware that this was not a method that had ever been in use. One glower and curt phrase had always been enough - the rest was simply the heart’s doing masked by odd humour. 
“Awh, look at you, how sweet and lovely. What a darling,” Wooyoung teased, sending Seonghwa a wink. The music was fading away, the last notes landing on his ears, marking every moment.
“One more word and you’ll be the main course.” with his index finger he poked the centre of his fellow Inspector’s chest in threat, maintaining a cold expression.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I’m going to be roasting out here tonight, so make it hot with pretty thing.”
“Filth,” the taller man spat, knowing that attempting to counter his friend was nearly impossible - out of all the people he knew only Captain could fully round him in, and even then Wooyoung had a smile on his face, much to Seonghwa’s confusion.
“It’s not me who is with the heart eyes.”
“I just saw an opportunity,” playing with the leather piece that buttoned up to protect his neck, he eyed you, waiting for you to finish. Unknown to you, you did not have much time left before your very life would be placed on a scale and thoughtlessly pushed to lose against the weight of usual Strictland business. Such was the violent, catastrophic illusion of order, such was the structure that had been Seonghwa’s twisted saving grace. He was going to be doing you a favour by taking you away, won’t he? Either way, you would be out of work, and he was helping you with a little job search from one of the highest payers - chivalrous and kind hearted, that was who he was. How else could the Inspectors form any partnerships and feast on forbidden fruit otherwise? Who was he kidding - a soul like you was not meant for a life like this. But he had to try. He needed time to think. 
“Sure. Sure. An opportunity to grab the gorgeous star for yourself.”
“Oh shut up will you?” snapping, Seonghwa were desperately trying to cut the conversation short, seeing the window for him to make a beeline for the edge of the stage, towards which you promptly setting off after finishing your set, and receiving a dismal lack of applause - what else would he expect from the crowd gathered in Morpheus? Especially when the stench of iron and the final judgement was mere minutes away from materialising.
“You know that’s not my style.”
“Yeah, yeah. Be good. Hope you did not block my mustang,” throwing one last comment behind him, the solemn man was off, only barely catching Wooyoung’s half-hearted response.
“Have I ever…” 
The mission was simple. Since he was dismissed from the less than pleasant task of wiping out the bar, considering that two more senior Inspectors had made their appearance and were clearly more in the know of what was brewing, Seonghwa had only a couple of minutes before all freedom would cease to exist. And then, no heaven could bestow mercy upon neither him, nor the beauty he had come here to save for no logical reason, instead relying on some hazy version of hope and nostalgia. He had parked his ink black ride around the block - out of sight for unwanted eyes, and perfectly positioned for getaways just like this. If you could catch the Inspector’s drift, that was. One could only pray that the dazzler on stage was just as dazzling when it came to reading between the lines. He had perhaps even less than the estimated time to explain himself before Wooyoung and San would call the owner over to get the real evening show started. Time was ticking along with the skyrocketing pace of his heart as he stopped you on your tracks with a slightly outstretched leg, only to move forward and cast a shadow over you.
It was difficult to remain level-headed when, even at such proximity, in the normally less than flattering lighting, you were nothing short of a deity. Something out of fairy tales, stories of royalty or angels in kingdoms far far away, those that were not supposed to exist. But here was one, staring right into his eyes with your beautiful expressive orbs, as deep as the history that Seonghwa had raced here to try and reignite. A universe in your irises, an all-consuming black hole in your pupils, beckoning Seonghwa, leading him into a stupor before he stuffed his hands into his pockets, bringing himself out of the momentary trance by force. Time was not on his side, and he knew that it would never be unless he kept on running.
“Lovely song, that was.”
“Indeed. ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ is one of my favourites. Did you enjoy the performance?” Your speaking voice was different, of course, but nonetheless struck that stunning familiar chord within Seonghwa, one that should never see the light of day if he were to remain how he had to be. It was terrifying, how he was ready to let go of his resurrected image as an Inspector for a chance to turn the past into the present. 
You were polite. The features of your alluring face were hinting at a genuine interest, an appreciation of every movement, every breath you were taking. Though, in Seonghwa’s own line of work, particularly in the stage of undercover investigation, this was simply the usual. Show a smile, bat the eyelashes, make business, disappear. Genuine interest was an artform, but even if you were indeed expressing it in the way with which he was familiar, it felt so natural that he almost wanted to believe it. He wanted to believe this daydream who had come to change the colours of his occasional Fridays, his hunts for those straying from what Z had deemed ‘right’, leaving glimmers of memory to last him through the weeks when he had to be numb to life itself until he could come and see you again. It did not mean much to you, most likely. You were strangers in your respective new lives, and had Captain not made the decision to teach the owner of Morpheus a lethal lesson, you would have remained that way. Drifting together for a few hours, remaining distant, and drifting apart again. A forever flowing story that was to rekindle a starcrossed ‘once upon a time’ but never have that sought after resolution. A dream that reminded Seonghwa of why his unlikely survival was a blessing. As your eyes revealed a hopefulness, a plea for praise, Seonghwa gave you a soft smile.
“Of course.”
“I look forward to seeing you, you know.”
“O-oh?” Seonghwa could barely contain his surprise, the previously cool demeanour cracking into a raised eyebrow. Could you remember?
“Yes! You always sit at the bar, second stool from the left. And order… what is it… a brandy, right?”
He would be lying if he were to say he was not surprised by your suddenly chipper attitude. Almost like you were a kid who entered a candy shop for the first time to see all of your favourite treats, you excitedly revealed to Seonghwa your observations. While it was endearing to see, the shuffling behind him, along with the idea that he was not the only one intently observing left the Inspector with a sense of unease, nearly throwing him off from the initial goal that motivated him to brave talking to you in the first place.
The singer, who was previously an astounding yet distant figure captivating all who cared to look even once, rapidly transitioned into someone who he almost found endearing, the keeper of far too many qualities that cemented the rightness of his decision. You were not meant to be here, he repeated to himself. Mutters around the bar were getting louder, and as the rest of the musicians filed out of the main hall and crammed into a tiny room off to the side, in Seonghwa’s peripherals he noted San’s steady, seemingly innocent amble between the scuffed round tables and equally unpleasantly antique chairs.
“You are the only one who listens, so, how could I not notice? Actually, I wanted to talk to you properly, or at least say thank you but didn’t want to impose.”
As much as he wanted to sink into the warmth of your words and allow you to recognise him on your own accord, the rippling commotion that was finally rearing its ugly head spurred him on and struck his heart with an icy, calculating mace. He had a minute tops, knowing Wooyoung’s love for never counting down to zero before beginning.
“Well, let’s talk. Outside,” The black-clad man tried to walk off, aiming for the dark corridor at the end of which was the fire exit, but when you did not move, rolled his eyes.
“I was thinking I could buy you a drink-”
“Cute. Another time though,” seeing the tinge of disappointment in your gaze was new, and entirely unexpected, but gave Seonghwa plenty of leeway to sway you into following him, “since you watched me enough, I bet you can guess who I am. Or, what I do for work. Right?” 
A steely glare, leaving nothing open to interpretation. For additional evidence, he demonstratively adjusted his coat, loosening the belt he had tied around his waist to reveal a leather holster, discreet, gun always within reach. Attentive to detail as ever, you took note of the inconspicuous design of the pistol before he let it disappear once again under the fabric - in this city, there were few who had access to any form of weaponry, the items being so highly regulated by the government that it was nearly impossible to purchase or get licensing. Your mind began to list off options; Seonghwa clearly was neither a standard Android Guardian due to the lack of mandatory uniform, nor a scruffy criminal whom you had gotten used to over the time that had passed, nor part of the police force, nor a Class 2 Prestige Academy student. It only left an answer that shook you to the core. Of course, it was not that you did not hold the assumption in your heart. As a matter of fact, you had previously assumed that you were used to greeting people from different walks of life, all gathered in the same place, at the same time for what you wanted to believe was a ‘good time’. That was what drove you to live the life that you were living. Exist in this space, despite your pay and your security almost always not being enough, but you would give even that up if that meant you could keep your freedom.
Seonghwa was effortlessly graceful, determined in every step and gesture, not a single movement wasted. In a sense, it was as if he had purposefully learned and memorised the most efficient adjustments of the body, letting himself metamorphose into a lithe, agile animal. It was terrific, and terrifying, how at any moment he could pounce, and you would never know when until it was too late. For this hint of a reason, you decided to follow the man’s unspoken command, only whispering an airy inquiry after the other musicians, which he coldly dismissed:
“You need a better band anyways.”
The gravity of the situation only began to settle in when the biting breeze outside of the stuffy bar hit you, seeking opportunity to tousle your locks. The strands that had managed to fall over your face were trembling, the only sign revealing your suppressed distress as the last of Morpheus's dusk-like illumination was shut from your vision with a confident slam. Your eyes widened as you watched the Inspector, or in other words, your personal grim reaper, flip a lock on the door - previously thought to be inaccessible to anyone except the owner, done so masterfully as though he were the one who had installed it in the first place. An exit, a saving grace for innocents inside, turned into a dead end - more symbolic than one would ever initially assume. He trailed up the length of his arm stopping for a moment at the material that covered his shoulder, listening to leather hit leather. Seonghwa could only find calculated resolve within himself. This was the usual for him, and that after weighing all the options, he had logically come to the conclusion that the demise of the people inside was indeed the most attractive option.
As you heard the first shot resound inside of Morpheus, you shuddered, but did not dare stop following the man in the trench coat as he strode on ahead, hands remaining in his pockets. To any onlooker it would seem that he was relaxed as ever, out for a late night walk in a neighbourhood he knew better than he knew himself. Breath in, breath out; you were trying to remind yourself of the simple act, focusing harder than you had ever done during your performances. Imagining your diaphragm stretching, letting the lungs take in as much air as possible and-
Another shot. Breath knocked from you, balance off kilter, you desperately wanted to run. Anywhere. Maybe you should have stayed, not picked up on the subtle offer of your life being spared. In that way you would not have to live with the guilt of not having said anything to your fellow bandmates, not having said thank you to the owner for… what was there to thank anyone for? Out of habit, you lifted a hand to brush over your ear, echoes of the time when you had first felt emotion rippling across your body, making you shiver. You were all fools misled by hope for a brighter tomorrow in a world that was permanently overcast. Where did this running lead you? Where did your wistful song guide you? Back into the arms of the apocalypse - broad-shouldered with hair the colour of ink, the last thing you would see before disappearing for good. At least you should thank your former so-called colleagues for the information about the common demise. Tears welled up in your eyes as you obeyed the lean man’s orders and practically toppled into the black vehicle parked by the Morpheus, a lonesome yelp masked by the gunfire and indecipherable orders. 
You had no idea where he was taking you, and you did not dare ask. The man reminded you of all you had been trained to avoid in your new life, a threat, a weapon, a soldier. His gloved right hand remained resting beside the gearshift, while his left coldly gripped the steering wheel. Not a single one of his muscles appeared to be relaxed, and not a single movement had a semblance to anything natural. An automaton in the driver’s seat, you wanted to feel comforted by the idea that you were the only one truly human in the car, for the idea that someone as brutal as a Guardian Inspector could be conscious or decisive was too strong of an agony. 
At the same time, in the moments where the Inspector turned his head to check the surroundings, you noted something familiar. He dashed past the blue, purple and aquamarine signs that lined the streets of the district you had learned to love, himself turning into a painting. Be it in the angles that formulated his stern face, or in the elegance that he was unable to conceal, the past crawled out of a long-forgotten cavern in your psyche and gnawed at your nerves, just out of reach of realisation. Perhaps in another time, you had known him. Perhaps in one of the banned art pieces, you had seen him. At the same time, this could not be the first Guardian Inspector you had encountered - they were all similar enough in demeanour, so what was another face? Equally as entitled, above the law. Above a runaway like you. You were vermin. The enemy. A traitor to the Academy, to Strictland, to Z himself. Or so you were told. The only thing that could be different about this Inspector, was that he could be your last.
A sharp stabbing sensation spread from your temples and what had to be through your skull, jabbing into bone and into the cerebellum. Nauseous, you shut your eyes and clutched your head in a futile attempt to seek some form of relief. The car roared, and a sudden stench of rubber and concrete penetrated through every crevice, choking your senses and making you taste the acrid pollution. One turn, another, your organs were being jolted back and forth as the monstrous engine urged on by none other than the embodiment of oblivion dragged the car across eternal misery of long-abandoned districts.
“Oh goodness…” a feeble whisper left your lips. You reached out to grab hold of the door handle, peering at the grooves to find at least something to focus on. His vision was swimming in your eyes, etchings of your surroundings morphing into repressed memories. 
A boy marching beside you to class, head held at the angle commanded to all academy students. A young man, dressed in all white with black locks parted in the middle. A solemn stare, unreadable, though not fully blank as it should be. But at the same time, how could you, another student of Prestige, detect that something was not quite right? Since when could you feel? You lifted your head cautiously to try peeking at the Inspector again, but he was frozen. Only the abrupt tightening of his gloved hand around the steering wheel and a determined turn reminded you that he was not quite an automaton. 
“I must be dreaming…” you blinked away a teary blur, and clenched onto your dress for the remainder of the journey, feverishly recounting whatever lyrics you could. Your little safe haven, your precious prayers to the arts - truth which you had discovered after abandoning everything you could have been.
Your hand moved on instinct to the side of your head, feeling for what once had been the hub of your consciousness. A chip that made you feel right at home, heartless, but with a purpose. Forty years of education, an eternity to serve something greater than you; clear goals, a mission for your generation and many that would come after you. Hand in hand, you were soldiers of a catastrophically closed-minded society; at the time, however, you could not be ‘happier’. Or rather, more numb. Because you did not know of negative nor positive, you could not experience either, and so remained in a stable equilibrium, just as the superpower of this forlorn land had instructed. Disease was the human emotion. You were ‘healthy’. Until that boy appeared in your life, and revealed himself to you.
Bright-eyed, hopeful, excited. So unlike anyone. And against better judgement, you let the inklings of curiosity drip over your heart, and the beginnings of affection take flight. Dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin, a smile brighter than the sun, a soothing mellifluous voice, vowing to you that you could build another life together. A life much more beautiful than one constructed with deception and hollow propaganda. What could a little tap of a breaker do to you? Apparently, it could change your destiny. 
As you massaged your temples, you locked gazes with the man in front of you, but met the boy from your past in the mirror. That same worry, knotted eyebrows, concern and care so evident you could touch it if your fingers grazed his cheek. You could not move, even when he turned back to the road, and continued to stare at the rear view mirror in the hopes of seeing your daydream again. You had to be wrong. This had to be you hallucinating. You must be just… afraid. Out of your mind. And so you were recalling one of the few times when you thought the world could do you no harm. 
“Get out,” a command. As cold as steel. The engine was still roaring in your ears, despite the surroundings having gone dead silent.
A click. The doors unlocked. You could run if you wanted to. Though you were fully aware that the action would shorten your lifespan to a mere few seconds. You remained seated, gaze falling onto your lap, and listened to the painful succession of sounds that led the man to open your door, and roughly grab your upper arm.
“I said, get out,” you followed him like a rag doll, knowing that any attempts to resist would put you into even more danger. At the same time, even though the Inspector was obviously attempting to instil terror and a twisted respect for him, he could not face you. Consciously he made an effort to barely raise his lashes, thus keeping his scrutiny concealed. Reading through his hesitation was easy enough.
He could not keep his hand on you for a second longer after you stood up straight, darting away as though you were an open flame. The man cleared his throat and locked the car, before gesturing towards an abandoned building that loomed over the gravelly opening where you had completed your journey. Comically, it reminded you of Prestige, even though the latter was of much larger proportions and possessed a more unique shape. Perhaps it was the fact that this block, what used to be an apartment building, was crumbling, made you think of the academy’s inner workings. Rotting away. The cogs in the machine tearing each other apart.
This might be your end or your beginning, you were not sure which one. With an astounding loyalty, you let yourself be guided into the long-forgotten cement fortress, up exposed stairs with metal railings, past walls left bare, illuminated by an exposed moonlight, laying down a carpet of silver. It was oddly easy to think that life was beautiful when it was likely going to be taken away from you. The walk was silent, and the longer it lasted, the more at peace you felt. The odd step rang out and echoed like the gunshots you had heard, so surreal that you could barely believe it. It must have been a joke. Fireworks, or someone just being a little boisterous. Morpheus had seen so many colours of Z’s regime, it could not disappear now… oh who were you kidding. It was done for. You little version of an escape. Your space to feel.
As you made sneaky glances at the Inspector to your right, who not so ceremoniously had loosened his coat’s belt once more to have easy access to his gun, you could not help but think of the boy. You had followed his advice, made a run for it while he had been taken away by the Red Humans. Two youngsters who betrayed the regime. But who was truly free? The one who had been exterminated, or the one who had to live in fear, but at least felt the ruthless emotion?
The enigmatic man slowed down, and so did you. He made a turn, so did you, acting as his shadow. You were certain that you were probably breathing at the same rate. An empty hallway, lined with equally empty rooms and destroyed apartments. From a humble abode to rubble, you could see the horrific vistas of the district, and the drop to the cold ground below. No wall, no security, no certainty. It was only you and your fate in the form of a man who seemed to possess too much of a likeness to the keeper of your fragile adoration.
The Inspector walked in front and turned to face you. You froze, burning under his scrutiny. Eyes like scalding cold ice, assessing you, condemning you. Your best listener, now listening to your terrified heart. For what could be the last time, you felt alive. As the man reached into his pocket, you prepared for the worst, however, he only motioned with his head for you to follow him. Confused, you obeyed, finding yourself in a more secluded corner of the floor, one which had remotely retained the appearance of an actual room. Stuck in the same few seconds, there were no further commands from the Inspector, causing your mind to wander, and lips to move on their own accord:
“I should not be here.”
“Neither should I,” he deadpanned, though his choice of words was unsettling. Wasn’t he on a mission?
“I should be dead,” you persisted.
“I should have more blood on my hands.”
A pause. You were in shock, pointlessly clinging onto your own upper arms, stuck in a false embrace. Like prey that had been cornered, you were beyond the point of trusting survival instincts. You simply wanted for the interaction, or dare you say, interrogation, to be over, so you could be given away to the Red Humans, to whatever the afterlife had to offer, in peace. If you were to be melted, then so be it. If your departure were to be short and sweet, so be it. But a little question in your head still remained, a persistent worm which you decided to unleash given your hopeless circumstances:
“Then why-”
“It is pointless to ask when there is no answer,” the man answered coldly, not sparing you a glance as he picked at a filthy off-white tulle which covered a blown out window - now just a frame, with his gloved hand, glaring at the pitiful greyness outside the abandoned building before wiping the hand off with a handkerchief produced out of the pocket into which he had stuffed his hand.
A few steps separated you, but you knew better than to try and make a run for it – the man was armed, and you assumed that the gun you spotted was not the only weapon in his arsenal. He was menacing, unpredictable, and very dangerous. Alongside that, as much as you hated to admit, but the Inspectors were nothing short of extraordinary when it came to their expertise and training. Unlike Android Guardians, they were the leading forces, capable of high-risk decision making and unparalleled critical thinking. If you were to try to describe them, you always ended up thinking of chess. That was what they were playing whenever they were out in the field.
In fact, it was for this exact reason that you were concerned about this Inspector’s behaviour – it was out of line. Inefficient. Sub-optimal. You wondered if this was a new strategy or there was a higher plan; there were so many possibilities that your head could start spinning. You dug your fingers into rapidly cooling flesh, waking yourself up from the distressed rumination. What was the Inspector going to do to you? You had followed his demands so far, and weren’t putting up a fight - what more could he want?
He was unreadable. Gestures unpredictable, expression stoic, he regarded you with an air of superiority characteristic of people from his class. Serpent-like and calculating eyes, regal nose, facial structure reminiscent of a statue, plush perfectly shaped lips – all were a nod to his upbringing, you bet. He did not feel real. Reminiscent of automatons that the regime sometimes used in place of regular Guardians during high-volume riots, he was what one would call the ‘ideal specimen’. Down to the strand of wavy hair that fell on his face, he was a beautiful painting of your worst nightmare. Life had been unkind to you, you decided. It only showed you something prettier than the night lights when it was the last thing you would see.
The man stepped towards you, and your eyelids slammed shut automatically. You did not wish to see your death. The sound of leather against leather, the tied coat belt, the creaking of ancient rotten wood planks under lacquered ankle boots. He must be getting ready to end you. Were you too high profile to be lying with the other bodies in the club? Were you more dangerous in the Inspector’s view, being a singer, or as one could say a ‘spreader’ of inappropriate entertainment. Was this treason? Terrorism? You were not sure – the sentence changed more than the weather. But were you an enemy? With confidence, you had to answer with a Yes. Having escaped the regime, and according to those who had helped you regain some parts of your past self, having had a part in the uprising within Prestige Academy, you were the worst kind of citizen of Strictland. Disobedient, unchanging, and influential. You were waiting for the cocking of a pistol, for cool metal to hit your head, and for the world to go even darker as you collapsed on to the floorboards. The man had to be taking out his gun. He must have taken you away from the raid to be particularly ruthless. A sadist? Maybe. You had no time to judge.
You felt the fabric of your shimmering dress under your fingertips, and imagined you were preparing for a show of a lifetime. You counted your inhales and exhales like you would do before a performance, and conjured an audience in your mind. More rustling, another step. He, that boy, no, young man, was in the audience. Still in the Prestige Academy uniform, but the chip was long gone. He was giving you an encouraging smile eager to hear what you had achieved in your time away from the academy. Leather caressed your hand and you flinched, comforted only by how cautious the action was. Hand turned to raise your palm to the omniscient skies, your illusions combined with reality - what was Seonghwa to give to you?
Funny, how in critical moments, the mind could give you what you had longed to forget. Seonghwa. His name tasted sweet, with a bitter aftertaste. A fine wine, dizzying, addictive. A handsome, talented student who had the future ahead of him, only to throw it away for the taste of something more ‘real’ in his eyes. Something cold was being pressed into your palm, reminiscent of a large bullet or a device your fingers could remember before your mind. Your eyes shot open and were met with a dream and a nightmare. Finally, it hit you. Behind the Inspector’s facade, a mask crafted by years of experience and brutality, was the same boy, who, just like now, pressed a breaker into your palm.
“Wake up.”
Your gaze fell to the intricate metal handiwork, spotting the carving of an ‘A’ contained in a circle right at the base. The taste of anarchy, an uprising, revolution, a hope for something better flowing through a tragic story you two had written. At last, it had a resolution, and you were more than content with who was holding the lethal pen. You stared at the breaker. The very thing that brought you out of an eternal somnolence, submission to a regime. You had woken up then, and never could sleep.
“Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer… the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune…” you lifted your head once more, staring into Seonghwa’s softened eyes. He had matured, his features having become siren-like, dangerous, seductive. Befitting his character. You smiled sadly, “...or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing end them?” He remained quiet, as if he was the one waiting for you to decide your own destiny, “Shakespeare. Hamlet. Ever read it? Or do they not let you?”
“I-” he cleared his throat, concealing a pang of nervousness, “I am familiar with his work.”
“Mm, isn’t that a criminal offence?”
“What is?”
“Reading work exploring human emotion… sounds like treason to me.”
“Reading does not imply sympathising.”
“But you do.”
Again, a heavy pause. Seonghwa rocked from one foot to another one time, another - an old habit? Or an attempt to convince you that he was at least a fraction the same?
“I… I do not,” before you could scowl, he continued, “‘Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once’. I am more partial to this way of thinking.”
“Ah, the irony of it all.”
Your hand formed a fist around the device, and you kept on searching for fragments of the man you loved inside of the new Seonghwa before you. In flashes, you spotted glimmers of gold, feeble hints for something that could be concealed in the depths of his soul. 
“So, are you going to make me a valiant person?”
“Wasn’t that what you were supposed to be doing?” feeling a little more brave, you taunted him, wishing to see what his limit was. Whether he was lying to you just to set you at ease and make his job easier. So he could see one final sense of betrayal in your pupils.
“We are already dead, Y/N.”
Music. A universal language. The biggest risk for a community that someone wanted to silence. So you hummed one song after another, head leaning against Seonghwa’s shoulder as you sat on the concrete floor, in the corner of the room that was barely holding itself together. Bathed in silver light, you shared with him the luxury of reminiscing, mourned what had been lost only to have the feeling be replaced by a budding desire to wish upon anything at all.
Seonghwa might have lied to many of the Inspectors, and was in danger of facing a fate worse than extermination, but at least he did not lie to you. And because he did not lie to you, you were here; you were real. He could have the pleasure of having you beside him, wrapped up in his leather coat; your dress was not exactly ‘inhospitable conditions’ material, as pretty and befitting as it was. You were refusing to let go of the breaker as though it was the tether to a more sunny past, not that Seonghwa would ever dare pry it out of your hands. So long as you could keep singing for him forever. Even when music were to cease existing, and when the sky would fall down, he would still hear your voice. How many times had he visited Morpheus in secret, outside of his official inspections and scouting missions? How quickly had he transferred into a field role just for the chance to find you? How had he managed to remain alive even though his sentence had been supposedly set in stone, and he was still feeling? With each question, the answer grew blurrier and blurrier, until it no longer existed. Perhaps this was a manifestation of destiny. You were supposed to meet again after so much turmoil, so you did. Curious.
“What song do you like?” your voice, sleepy, serene, cut through his ruminations. Seonghwa looked down and to his side, meeting a gentle gaze. 
“What song do you want to sing?”
“Mm, no that’s not an answer,” you snaked your hands around his arm and pulled him closer. 
“But I like everything you sing. Because you sing it.”
“Sweet, but I’m at a loss.”
“Then let’s be quiet. Together. For as long as we can.”
“There’s not too long left, is there?”
Your question was rhetorical. Both you and Seonghwa were aware of it. Time in Strictland was not governed by the individual but by an unforgiving system. A person, or perhaps a symbol, holding the clock with an iron grip and making the hands fly faster and faster until a second was an impossible measure. Involuntarily, he sighed, causing wisps of steam to escape his lips and rise to the exposed armature of the floor above. With cooling temperatures came the cooling heart, and it was difficult to tell what it was that you loved. What was it that made you feel alive?
“You know, they gave me a choice,” Seonghwa began. There was no reason why he should be telling you about what had happened to him, but the sombre atmosphere seemed to bode well for a confession. You did not interrupt, choosing to remain passive, resigned, “either die for what I believe in, or admit I was wrong.”
“Funny how they gave you a choice,” the infamous ‘they’. The Guardians, the regime, the enemy. Now turned into a friend. Interesting how life changed.
“Definitely was not what I expected.”
“You sure they didn’t say ‘sike’ at any point and you just got lucky?”
“I don’t think they can miss,” a simple, but sharp fact. You bit your lower lip, “...anyways. You can probably guess what I chose to do. The only caveat is that I admitted I was wrong… for a different thing.”
“Do tell.”
“I was wrong for putting you in danger, Y/N.”
“Nothing we could do about that. We were two fools in love.”
Seonghwa detangled himself from you, only to grasp your free hand in his, place the other on your thigh and meet you face to face. Misty-eyed, his rationality was growing frantic, and you knew that at any moment he could snap, and only the clearing night knew what would happen then.
“But I was the one to jolt you out of a peaceful existence. I was selfish-” After years of doubting himself, sinking into a destructive illusion where he would march alongside others like a machine, he was breathing. Much to his regret, it was a sensation far too sweet and heavenly, worth every revolution and rebellion.
“I don’t regret it.”
“I would put this thing to my head time and time again if I had to,” you raised the breaker to eye level, attempting to get at least a smile or a chuckle out of Seonghwa. Much to your dismay, it did the opposite. You would be lying if you were to proclaim you were euphoric. 
“I- I’m… Y/N I’m so sorry…” you shook your head and pulled him in, until his exhales and inhales were tickling your neck. Hunched over you like a black-clad shield, Seonghwa was unmoving. Eyes darting down, you spotted that he had taken the pistol out of the holster, and upon a second glance to where he had been sitting, you noted its lonely presence, tucked away with debris and gravel.
“You are alive. And clearly still care enough to remember me. That’s your apology. And your punishment,” in a soothing gesture, you ran your fingers through his hair, cautiously at first, then turning your ministrations continuous, measured out when Seonghwa sat back down on the concrete, only this time nuzzled into you. 
“Sorry…” he forced out, choking up.
The moon counted down the time while lazily passing over the building. You were at a crossroads. In haste, Seonghwa had told you of the opportunity to serve the Guardian Inspectors, being a private entertainer of sorts, but he knew you would refuse. Fast. Becoming one’s own enemy was the one thing you would not follow Seonghwa into doing. And that is why he admired you. You were strong. You were truly alive. A bird soaring in the skies in spite of the risks of being hunted, being shot. Simply for the feeling of the wind under your wings, to be closer to the stars and to sing your song loud and clear, every note a celestial blessing. 
“Blue bird…”
“I think I have an idea… if you are willing to go into hiding, that is.”
“Planning uprisings are we?”
“Oh they’ve been long in the works, my love. It is part of my job to close my eyes when necessary, and when convenient.”
“Are you about to be wrong again?”
“Maybe. Or very, very right. Depends on how the song sounds to you.”
Walking down the corridors of the headquarters, hands behind his back and appearance pristine, Seonghwa was nothing short of a model Inspector. Low ranking employees cowered before him and bowed, while his immediate colleague Wooyoung smirked, attempting to hook any information out. 
“So… where'd the pretty star go?”
Silently, Seonghwa handed him a slip recording the disposal of an ‘unnamed entity’.
“ Oh… well that’s harsh. What did they do, reject you?”
“Apparently once gone so far astray, one cannot be changed. I had to do what was best for the regime.”
“Such an example for others. Wow. Almost too good to be true, Park. Well, I’ll be reporting that the extermination and cleanup of Morpheus was successful.”
“You do that.”
While Wooyoung turned the corner, Seonghwa continued to walk straight down the metal corridor, eyes locked onto the very end. Morpheus was no longer, indeed. But your song was still ringing in his ears, and no doubt, there would be a time when it would resound over the many speakers planted all across Strictland.
Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds all day long
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly
Blue days, all of them gone
Nothing but blue skies from now on
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dyns33 · 7 months
A story of witch
Happy Valentine day !
As a gift, here a looooooooong Morpheus x female reader.
Careful, some spoilers here, from the comics and so maybe from season 2.
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Time had a different hold on witches.
A certain influence, because contrary to common beliefs, nothing escaped time and nothing was perfectly eternal, but it slipped over them as long as they decided, and had enough magic to repel its effects.
Y/N had already been walking on Earth for several centuries when she met Morpheus.
She had heard many legends about the Endless. Rumors. Lots of warnings, especially regarding Dream, who was described as a changeable, dangerous, angry and resentful being.
Her many sisters whispered to each other that becoming his lover was as much a gift as a curse. He would offer you the whole world on a platter, he would do everything to please you, and then one day, without warning, you would no longer suit him, you would do something wrong according to him, the feelings would no longer be as strong, and then misfortune would strike you.
The king would always find a way to blame you for this new emotional failure. Then you risked Hell, endless nightmares, eternal sleep.
Too much hassle for little benefit.
Y/N didn’t think about any of that when she met Morpheus. Neither to the wonders he could offer her, nor to the torments he risked inflicting on her.
For a witch, some might have thought that she was young, still naive, far too in love with her books and grimoires, fascinated by stories, and therefore vulnerable to the charms of the dreams master.
She didn't think she would fall in love. Neither did he. The mourning of his marriage and his child were still recent, for a being such as him. Y/N had barely been born when this tragedy had happened.
The subject was not brought up, like none of his former lovers. Morpheus did not forget, he never forgot, but when a new relationship began, he did not look back to compare with the previous ones.
No doubt it was a mistake on his part, who then never learned from his mistakes.
Y/N hadn’t had as many relationships as him. Witches have the luxury of immortality, and they knew the consequences of it. Bonding with mortals wasn't a good idea, even less so with their peers. Too risky. Too dangerous.
Attempting to see the future in dreams could have been described with the same words. Y/N was taking the risk of being punished by two Endless, Destiny and Dream.
But Destiny never interfered in anything, and Dream was intrigued by the little witch, asking her not to repeat her experiments, but welcoming her into his domain.
As they walked in his garden, the inhabitants of the Dreaming knew before them what was going to happen.
"Your flowers are beautiful. Everything is beautiful here."
“Would you like to see my library ?”
"Oh, I'd love to ! But you must have a lot to do, I don't want to bother you more than necessary."
"You don't bother me, mikri magissa. You are welcome here."
It took a while for Y/N to realize that they were getting closer. The courting of the king of stories was subtle, ethereal like him, full of poems and tenderness while doing without many words far too heavy with meaning, and at the same time far too limited to convey all the ardor of their love.
Because they loved each other, there was no doubt about it. The end of their story came quickly, although to a mortal three centuries seemed like a lot. At the same time, those who knew Morpheus well could testify that this was quite a long time for a relationship with him. But as always with his relationships, there had to be an end.
“I’m just saying he’s not wrong.”
"You don't know what you're talking about, o mágos mou. This man is insane and I'm not lonely."
“However, I have felt you far from me for some time now. Perhaps forever.”
"Don't I love you more than anything ? Haven't I shown you my love on many occasions ?"
"I don't know. It's difficult for me to know with you, immutable and yet so variable. Sometimes you give so much, too much, and sometimes not enough, if it's not nothing. There is no middle ground with you. Probably not with me either. It's possible that I'll ask you impossible things."
“Nothing is impossible for me.”
“Yet you refuse to speak, to really speak. You flee this kind of discussion, as you fled the friendship of this man.”
“Don’t push me, Agápe μου.”
Y/N left the Dreaming that night knowing she wasn’t coming back. Morpheus' indifference to her departure could have been seen as fortunate, but it hurt her deeply. He didn't try to catch her, he didn't try to punish her either.
Even though it seemed obvious after several weeks that he would not pursue her, neither in her dreams nor in the Waking, Y/N took precautions to prevent their paths from crossing again. Using several spells, rituals, amulets and ancient seals, she ensured that her mind was cut off from the realm of her former lover.
This protection proved very useful when the sleeping sickness arrived.
Like the rest of the world, Y/N didn't immediately understand what was happening. She knew Dream enough to know that he would never neglect his work like that, that he would not abandon his position unless forced to do so, and that despite all the cruelty and resentment he was capable of, he would never do such a thing to the dreamers.
Something had happened, but she didn't know what.
Too afraid of what he could do to her if she went into the Dreaming, or what could happen to her sleep without the protections, Y/N didn't try to find out. It wasn't her business anyway, since they were no longer together and the fate of humanity wasn't part of her responsibilities.
Time continued to pass, and she still tried to help mortals when she could, with potions and incantations to help them sleep, or on the contrary wake up, ensuring that their nights were not entirely nightmares.
But this was difficult, because she was not the master of dreams. Without knowing it, she came very close to Morpheus the day her steps led her near a mansion with dark, gloomy energies, which she did not wish to approach too closely. However, there was something, abandoned under a tree near the property, which attracted her with strong force.
The body of a raven. A raven different from the others, a dream. Jessamy. Someone had shot her and she lay there, lifeless, far from her creator, far from her home.
Y/N took the poor thing with her. Necromancy being prohibited, it was not good to anger Death, and the existence of dreams being a complex thing, she did the only thing in her power, to offer a decent burial to the little emissary whom she had loved very much and who had often helped her control Morpheus' moods.
When collective sleep returned to normal, there were no signs. Nothing that made it possible to understand what had happened. Curious by nature, the witch repeated to herself that she should not try to understand. The rumors would spread quickly.
She heard about Burgess. Whispers recounted the long confinement of the maker of nightmares, who had taken revenge before setting off in search of his stolen instruments in order to rebuild his kingdom. Twice he went to the Underworld, he faced a Vortex, he fell in love. Nothing really new, just the same story over and over again.
Y/N didn’t want to know any of this, but the choice wasn’t hers. One of her sisters came to visit without being invited, and to ask her advice.
“I don’t see how I can help you, big sister.”
"You have experienced what I am experiencing. Tell me how to escape from Oneiros, because I no longer wish to see him and he does not seem ready to accept it."
The rumors had not mentioned the fact that Morpheus had fallen in love with a witch again. Older than Y/N, more powerful, crueler too, because Thessaly had little interest in things of the heart.
" … I repeat, I'm not sure I can help you. Make sure you don't inspire him with any more feelings and you'll be free."
"Sweet little sister, he still loves you and yet he left you alone. I'm asking for this."
"He doesn't love me. He didn't love me for a long time when I left."
"We argued often and each time my wing of the castle was razed and then rebuilt under his orders. There is no trace of his former companions left in all of the Dreaming. None, except you. He did not touch your room. He denied me access to it. He recreated it with everything else after his return. Can you tell me that doesn't mean anything ?"
Y/N didn’t respond. She didn't know what to answer, she didn't know about all this. Her eldest whispered that she was almost jealous. Many times she had wondered if she had gotten his attention because of their similarities, because she reminded him of his lost love.
It might be a good idea for her younger sister to discuss it with the Lord of Dreams.
"Or not. That would allow me to slip away without him probably noticing, but I can't wish harm on one of ours. I'll find a way."
This time, Y/N closed herself off to the whispers, not wanting to know if Thessaly had found this way.
Part of her wished the best for the lord of stories, who had suffered far too much in the last century despite all his wrongs, and who did not deserve to receive another injury. Another part didn't like knowing the older witch was with Dream.
She was afraid for her sister, and she was afraid for Morpheus, whose fickle heart was more fragile than he wanted to admit. The consequences were likely to be terrible for everyone.
Filled with memories, Y/N wanted to visit Jessamy’s grave. A powerful spell had hidden it from the eyes of the world, to prevent it from being desecrated, and she wondered if she had not made a mistake in doing so, for it was possible that Morpheus had never known where his faithful emissary rested.
But the magic of ravens was special, these beings knew things, and she shouldn't have been surprised to find one of them on the tree that protected the location.
"Good morning." she said politely, making new flowers appear near the grave.
"Hi. Do we know each other ? I feel like I know you."
"I don't think we've ever met. You're Dream's new raven."
"Yeah, Matthew. I don't know why I'm here. I'm sort of drawn to it, and Lucienne told me to follow my instincts for this sort of thing, but I don't understand. Are you the one calling me ?"
“I think it’s more your predecessor that you are feeling.”
"Jessamy ? Oh… The boss thought her body was destroyed or something. Were you the one who buried her ? That's nice of you. You don't look really surprised to see a talking raven. I feel like I'm supposed to know you. You seem important."
"Not really, no."
"The boss could tell me but he's busy at the moment. He's accompanying his sister on a quest. Good, it's keeping him busy. It's been raining too much since his break up, it's been days. Merv told me that it was almost always like that, frankly it's painful to watch. The time with this Nada, the time with his ex-wife, the time with another witch… I don't know what he has with witches. I didn't like her at all, she was mean."
“It rained in the Dreaming when I left ?” Y/N couldn’t help but ask, surprised by the news.
Before that day, she had always believed that her departure had had no impact. A total, cold indifference, showing that she no longer mattered. But Thessaly had talked about her room, and Matthew had talked about the rain, and Y/N didn't know what to think at all now.
She had left Morpheus because of his inability to communicate, the distance he put between himself and the whole world. His grand declarations of love always seemed hollow, lacking something.
Maybe he had changed. He would never have allowed his emissary to speak as Matthew did, who was moving around on his tree asking a thousand questions about the relationship between his boss and Y/N. He even allowed himself to order her to leave, because he really didn't need Dream falling into depression again by seeing her through his eyes.
"He's got enough problems, he… Oh. Oh, no. I feel it, he's there. Shit, shit, shit. I have to go !"
Years without any news and within moments Y/N hearing about her former lover almost every day. Until someone came to her door and she found herself face to face with Morpheus.
He seemed embarrassed. He had always been awkward in the waking world, out of place, because dreams hardly survived in reality. But there was something else. He would never have bothered to knock before. He would have come into her house to say what he had to say, demanding that she listen to him, and agree with him at the end.
Without saying anything, he observed her as if he were seeing her for the first time, turning his gaze towards her bedroom, the door of which was surrounded by several symbols used to repel dreams and nightmares. Y/N expected this to make him angry. He had already not liked her touching his domain when they first met.
"I thought you followed my sister into the sunless lands…" he whispered, looking down. "I no longer felt your presence in the Dreaming. I didn't think you were running away from me. It didn't seem to me that I gave you reasons to run away."
“I wasn’t sure you’d be happy to see me again.”
"I have waited a long time for the day when I would have the joy of seeing your sweet face again. It never came, but I am the one responsible for it. You were right about Hob Gadling, You were right about many things but I didn't listen, and I lost you. It was one of my greatest regrets."
“Why are you talking like that ?” Y/N asked as she approached, their hands almost touching.
"Mikri magissa, so much has happened. I am at a crossroads, with a big decision to make. I admit to being afraid, and you give me courage."
“Maybe I can help you ?”
"Even if you could, I wouldn't ask you. The search for my little sister is dangerous, a lot of blood has been shed since we left in search of our brother and I couldn't bear to see it happen to you. I had agreed to help her to see someone again, without understanding that it was you I secretly wanted to see, and now I must find a way to console my sister, disappointed by my lack of investment. But the only way we have left is one that I dare not name."
Y/N had briefly met Morpheus' family, including Destruction and Delirium.
The prodigal had spoken to her little before his retirement, but he had seemed tired, reaching the limits of his functions and no longer seeing the point of remaining with all the inventions of mortals and immortals which fulfilled his role perfectly without he needs to intervene. His siblings did not understand his decision.
One of the most affected by his departure had been Delirum, very close to his brother, who would have given anything for a family reunion.
"If this means your downfall, I can't believe Delirium would ask such a thing of you." Y/N said indignantly, not daring to come any closer. “There must be something else.”
"I don't think my younger sister is aware of what she's asking of me, nor do I think it's possible for me to go any other way without putting someone else in danger. I just came to see you, and thank you for what you did for Jessamy, and for the dreamers during my absence. I hadn't seen all these acts of kindness. But maybe it's you who didn't want to see me again. Not with my behavior. Oh, mágos mou… I so wanted to be better for you, but I could only change by going through all these trials, and for that I had to lose you."
It felt like goodbye, and Y/N didn’t like it. By definition, the Endless had no end, at least not while there was life in the universe. Without thinking, she placed her hand on Dream's cheek. He usually hated it, being touched, especially without permission, but he closed his eyes with a happy sigh, pressing his skin against hers.
Asking him if he was okay seemed stupid, but the question left her lips, and when his eyes opened again, they had a strange glow. He muttered that no one had asked him that question since his release. It was almost years ago. In truth, no one had asked him that question, even before he was captured.
Like he said, it could be because he had changed, and he didn't really deserve to be asked if he was okay before. And now that he was making an effort, that he was understanding, that he was improving, it was too late.
"I'll find a way. I'll talk to your sister."
“Delirium has always loved you.” he sighed. "My whole family, I think. I never noticed that our relationship is the only one that Desire hasn't tried to sabotage. But maybe they knew that I would sabotage it on my own."
“Let me talk to her.”
Much to Morpheus' surprise, his younger sister listened to Y/N. She even seemed to become Delight again for a moment, as the witch promised to find Destruction, even if it would take time. She just had to be patient, but also accept that it was possible that their brother didn't want to be found.
It was his decision to leave, as it was her decision to change, and Dream's decision to stay the same. But if she asked him to continue their quest, horrible things could happen, and she might lose another member of her family.
"… Okay. But you promise to look ?"
“I swear on our mother’s first ledger.”
"Several people have died trying to help us, Delirium… It's not safe to…"
"Oh, shut up. You'll be with her to protect her, you didn't care about the others. You're probably happy that Y/N came back. I'm happy too, she's nice, you two were good together. If you find our brother, then everything will be perfect."
Several spells, formulas and sacrifices were necessary to find the trail of the Prodigal, or Destruction took pity on them by inviting them to join him, but they talked, and as Y/N had predicted, he did not wish to return, but he entrusted them with a dog to give to his little sister.
Before disappearing between the stars, he took his big brother by the hand, walking together near the cliff, and whispering something to him.
"What did he say ?" Y/N couldn’t help but ask.
"He told me not to make the same mistakes and to think about myself for once. Not about my position, not about my kingdom, about nothing but me, and about you. O mágos mou, it's been a long time, but if you…"
The kiss cut him off in the middle of his question, time seemed to stop, and it was as if they had never left each other.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
🎃 A Truth Universally Acknowledged: Chapter One
A Truth Universally Acknowledged: It has long been established that you don’t like Dream of the Endless, and he doesn’t like you. Unfortunately, fate has decided to stick you both in a glass cage for a century. Who's throat will be torn out first? Yours? Or Dreams.
Warnings: Reader and Morpheus do not get along, Maga is latin for witch.
To Note: Morpheus x WitchFem!Reader.
Prompt: Role Reversal
Word Count: ~7.7k
Masterlist | Next
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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It was a truth universally acknowledge that should one mortify a pride, forgiveness would not so easily be obtained. So how were you ever expected to truthfully forgive someone who had not just mortified your pride, but trampled on it until there were permanent stains and tears in it. Nothing would sew your pride back together, and nothing would remove the stain of insult rendered upon your being. The season of 1815 had not just rendered you mortified, it had shattered your pride.  It had started out as an average season, as an immortal witch you’d decided to spend that year in London to enjoy the frivolity of the marriage mart.
Now, on all accounts by no means were you looking to be married… what sane mortal would willingly wed a witch? But you did enjoy the social aspects of the English balls and liked to dress up in fancy clothing. You certainly had the fortune to do so after living for so many centuries. So you had gone to the modiste and ordered several dresses for the season, and had even splurged on a few new jewelry pieces for your collection to have as a memoire of this time. You’d lingered at the fringes of the first couple of balls, but were slowly mingling further and further into the ton.
At some point you had made a friend out of one of the bachelors searching for a wife. It had been clear that neither of your were particularly romantically interested (which was better for you int he long term) and had taken to meeting up every ball to gossip and preen over outfit choices and who had committed a faux pax over luncheon. It was pure fun for you and Henry was certainly getting your experience in searching for a new wife. You had pointed out a potential match you thought would suit the young man quite nicely when you caught sight of an omen. Well it was less of an omen and more of an irritant.
The Dream Lord had no reason to be in the Waking Realm, it was your turf, and just like you respected his realm, it was only right the he respected yours. For what reason had he come to London when you were there? Nothing good, that you were sure of. So you headed for the parchment table full of lemonade for surely it wouldn’t be nearly as sour as the conversation you were sure to have with him should your paths cross.
Grasping the skirt of your dress to keep it out of your way, you glided across the room with clear intentions to parch your throat. The train of your silk dress trailed behind you in a soft bed of blue flowers carefully stitched into the tulle overlay. Carefully grabbing a glass of lemonade you took a sip as Lady Camden joined your side.
“Lady Bell,” She greeted you, using your alias. You nodded to her with a dip of your chin in greeting.
“Lady Camden, a pleasure to see you tonight, I noticed the Lord Richards was quite taken with you while you were on the floor. Do I suspect a match in your near future?” You replied with a tease in your voice. Her eyes sparkled and she fanned herself with her gossamer and feather fan.
“I surely hope so,” She softly giggled, her doe-like eyes flittering over to where Lord Richards was speaking with a few other eligible men. Ah to be mortal and in love… what you would give to feel that fleeting emotion once more.
“I am confident he shall do so, for he would be a fool to do otherwise.” You stated, taking another sip of your lemonade. You and Lady Camden made more merry conversation while you blatantly ignored the dark and brooding menace lingering in the fringes of the ballroom. It was only when the band started up music once more that you placed your glass down and looked to the dance floor. The next set of dancers were due and perhaps someone would invite you. Your hand was indeed asked for a dance and you happily accepted.
You danced line with the other woman, exchanging partners a few times and all around enjoyed yourself immensely… but on the next partner change you found yourself spun into his arms. You nearly smacked his hands away from your body when he caught you but managed to safe face purely because you had a good reputation among the ton and planned remaining in England for the next several years. They wouldn’t take well to you smacking the Dream Lord senseless on the dance floor. So you grit your teeth and forced yourself to remain calm.
“My lord,” You greeted, barely covering the tinge of hostility within your voice. “To what do I owe this pleasure of your visit?”
Lightning crackled within his stardust gaze.
“Presumptuous of you to assume that I am in attendance purely for your leisure,” His lip curled just the slightest and your eye twitched in return.
“Then what, pray tell, brings you to such an event as this? I am sure you are far too busy with your duties to indulge in the leisures of man.”
“One could ask you the same, Lady Bell,” Dream rebutted. “Surely such whimsical mortal activities are below the standings of a prominent witch such as yourself.” Oh that was an insult if you ever heard one. You didn’t bother maintaining pleasantries with the Dream Lord any further and cut to the point.
“Why are you here?” You boldly questioned. Suffice to say you didn’t directly ask why he was there being a nuisance to your festivities. You did hold some self-preservation in regards to pushing his temperament. Annoyance flashed through his blue eyes.
“A wayward nightmare, presumptuous of you to assume that I am here for you.” Oh the complete audacity of him to assume that you wished for his presence! You could count on one hand the number of times you willingly sought his presence let alone wanted it. None of those times had been your own desire, but out of necessity.
“The audacity of you to insinuate that I would ever desire your despicable and repugnant presence! I would rather lose my magic than willingly spend time with you, you loathsome cad.” You hissed at him, your eyes flashing with the color of your magic. Morpheus’ hackles rose at your audacity to speak to him as such and immediately fired back at you.
“You dare to speak to me in such tone and disrespect Maga!?” Dream growled at you. The floor beneath your slippers shivered and groaned as the music was interrupted by the argument between you and the Dream Lord. You and he were causing a scene. Jerking back from the menace of the Endless, you glared heavily at him.
“I simply dare to speak my thoughts when you have called for such words as clearly you have infringed upon my life in a way that I do not care for!” A lady should never raise her voice, but your mind was so wrapped up in anger and despite that all call for decorum and manners went out the window. “I have been nothing but respectful towards you, my lord, yet you cannot afford to do the same in return?”
“My respect is offered to those who have earned it and you and your promiscuous ways have far exceeded my limit.” You blanched at his words as gasped echoed within the ballroom. “You are a harlot pretending to be a hare. Sharp tongued and wicked.” Just like a snap of a fan, Dream had just reduced your hard earned reputation to ashes and all for what? Your words of truth?
“You are the most deplorable and depraved being I have ever had the displeasure of meeting, my lord,” You spoke with an even voice despite the trembles that now wracked through your body. “I hope you rot in hell,” Further dramatic gasps went around the room at your harsh words. But at this point you had no care because he had just ruined everything. Grabbing at the skirts of your dress, you gave Dream one last murderous glare and fled the ballroom before the talk could start.
Why did he always have to ruin everything.
Your pride was still very much ruined even after a century had gone by. Oh yes, your pride was ruined and your hatred for the Dream Lord still burned like the great Sirius. You hadn’t crossed paths with the Endless’ since that fateful night in 1815, and you were glad so. You probably would hurl a flaming ball of plasma at his stupid pretty face the moment you caught sight of him. Not even his one act of kindness during the witch trials could stop the burning hatred you felt within your heart. He might have saved you from burning at the stake, but now you held nothing but contempt for him.
You huffed to yourself and shifted where you sat, chains ratting as your arms moved. It was by sheer luck that Roderick Burgess had managed to get his hands on the grimoire that held the spell to bind you. A downright miracle that he had performed the ritual correctly to actually keep you in place. So stuck down in the bowels of Fawny Rig and sapped of your power due to his siphoning, you had plenty of time to contemplate past memories. You had no idea why that particular one of Dream humiliating you and mortifying your pride stuck out.
You hadn’t come face to face with him since that day, and while you did occasionally like to cause disturbances for him (because you were vindictive at times), you hadn’t really thought about in since the turn of the new century. You’d been too busy with new witch magic and the search for ancient grimoires. Now you were locked up in a basement with plenty of time to think about your past.
Roderick Burgess was a greedy man.
It wasn’t enough that he repeatedly stole your magic from you, no, he was taking it all every time you recharged in hopes that he could resurrect his son Randall. Resurrection was not possible. You had told him that straight to his face and earned a backhanded slap from the elder mortal. That had been the last time you reminded him of the truth. It was easier to just repeat the rules of magic and avoid mentioning resurrection all together. Tugging on the shackle around your left wrist, you chewed on your lip as your raw skin ached and burned.
The old metal had cut your skin and then dug in to your broken flesh, leaving behind half broken scabs and trails of dried blood. You had suffered worse during the witch trials, but you disliked the discomfort of your current ailments. You were immortal, not invincible or impervious to death. Speaking of Death she was actually quite a nice friend to have, unlike her brother. Your face soured at the thought of him once more and you crossed your arms over your gathered knees to rest your chin on them.
Repugnant man. His face was cloudy in your mind, hatred had blinded you to him so much you couldn’t exactly remember what it was like to glare into the face of that Endless. Heartless cretian. The iron gates creaked as your captor strode into your confined solitude… but he wasn’t alone this time. No, he was followed by his acolyte all robed and covered. While the acolytes began drawing in the sandy dirt floor with red chalk and light candles, you eyed Burgess.
“What more power do you wish for? Is it not enough that you drain my magic? Are you that desperate for your son?” You questioned the man with a sneer on your lip. “You are grasping at the straws of an empty barrel.”
Rather than take the biting words spilling from your mouth, Burgess lashed out. The back of his hand cracked across your cheek. Pain blinded you for a brief moment as you tumbled to the side, your unwashed and messy hair falling into your face. You spit out a mouthful of blood and touched your throbbing lip. Split. A chuckle passed through your lips.
“Testy today, are we?” You giggled darkly, eyeing the mortal through your curtain of hair. He gave you a look in warning. The next hit would knock you out. So you kept you mouth shut as you maneuvered your body back into a sitting position. Content to see Burgess fail for what seemed to be the thousandth time, you leaned back against the steel column you were chained to. They were still getting ready so you took to nudging the dirt beneath your feet around with your big toe.
It wasn’t particular interesting to watch them until they began drawing sigils you recognized. Straightening up in your seat, you stared at the crimson markings in puzzlement because how could Burgess know of these markings? Your eyes flickered back to him and you saw an old book within his hands. Grimoire. How had he gotten his hands on such a book!? Grimoires were sacred tomes that a witch would die before allowing into the hands of a mere mortal! You wanted to demand him where he had gotten such a book, but knew that you would get no answer from him. You’d get smacks though.
Licking the blood that bloomed from where your lip had split, your eyes turned scrutinous. Just because he was drawing correct sigils, did not necessarily mean he knew what he was doing or was doing it correctly. But the longer you watched, the more concerned you grew, while you didn’t recognize this particular combination of sigils, everything else was frighteningly correct. You could make out a few binding sigils, so he planned on binding something other than yourself (you pitied the being caught by the amateur). But there were also summoning markings.
“Summoning,” You murmured to yourself, brow furrowing as you struggle to figure out who Burgess could possibly want to summon after getting nowhere with you. The mortal didn’t spare you a glance, but he had heard your murmur. Of course you’d recognize what he was doing.
“Yes, since you are so resistant to aiding me in my wants—”
“Which are entirely impossible,” You interjected before earning a glare from him. You raised your eyebrows as if to say ’continue?’.
“—I shall summon and bind another being that will help.” You snorted and rolled your eyes because what creature would ever help such a greedy mortal like him? Desire perhaps? No. You might not have met them, but even they had standards. Roderick Burgess fell far below that line. Far, far, below. So you slumped back and closed your eyes, they were going to have to wait for nightfall for whatever summoning they were going to two as the moon boosted summoning magic. You wanted to be ready for whatever hell Burgess unleashed upon himself.
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The gods were punishing you. That was the only explanation. Why else would Burgess’ botched summoning circle summing the one being in all of creation that you despised the most? Punishing or laughing, you were unceremoniously dragged from your seat to be locked up in some fancy globe that was currently being welded shut with you and Dream in it. It was downright laughable! Burger seemed smug enough about it though, he was confident that Dream would give him what he wanted.
He wouldn’t, and the mortal would soon find out. If the stupid, deplorable, loathsome, Endless would just wake up already!!
You didn’t know exactly what kind of magic it took to summon an Endless, but it sure did take a lot out of Dream. He’d been out since arriving and had yet to wake. You also didn’t know how powerful he’d be without his tools. A faux pas on his part you took great glee in knowing. And yet, if he was out of power just like you… how were you going to get out? You’d consider that later, right now you were just concentrated on glaring at the lingering man responsible for your situation.
He had regretted binding you upon learning of your unwillingness to cooperate. He was going to be in for a rude awakening when Dream woke up and gave him his ‘holier-than-thou’ attitude. Leaning back against the thick cold glass, your eyes trailed along the freshly welded seams of the cage. How want Burgess going to siphon your magic with you locked up like this? The mortal in question, almost as if hearing your thoughts, strode up to the hanging cage and stared at you with a glare. Your eyebrow twitched in challenge.
“No need to worry about our little sessions, witch,” He told you, his blue eyed tight and heavy. “I can still take your magic with you in that cage.” You were tempted to mouth off on him since he could smack you around anymore, but between your split lip and mood sullied at your future trapped with him, you chose to remain silent. Crossing your arms against your chest, you leaned your head back and closed your eyes. If there was anything you learned about Burgess, it was that he hated being ignored.
He eventually left when the glass cage was completed and the workers all trickled out, only two guards remaining behind. To watch you and Dream you suppose… but exactly where were you going to go? Your stomach rumbled and a new worry emerged. Being immortal didn’t mean that you didn’t need to eat. It wouldn’t kill you to starve but you weren’t exactly excited about the idea. The 1500s had been hard enough, you didn’t ever want to get that thin again. You sighed and reminded yourself that you had gotten through tougher times once more.
“Think of all the spells you can curse him with when you get out,” You whispered to yourself, trying to distract yourself from reality. While you were mindlessly flickering through memories of your travels over the centuries, the Endless you were crammed in the cage with began to regain consciousness. He didn’t move, not even a muscle but the minuscule amount of magic you had recharged since your last draining altered you to his alertness.
Narrowing your gaze, you glared at the naked Endless (you were guilty of appreciating his beautiful body for about five seconds before you remembered that you hated him) and waited for his eyes to open. When they did, you cursed him for having such beautiful eyelashes. You, of course, were he first thing he saw and the Endless could have sworn he was hallucinating you after such a long period of not having to deal with you and your annoyances. But then you blinked, scowled deeper at him, and curled your lip.
“Welcome to Fawny Rig.”
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Dream hadn’t uttered a single word or sound since waking up in the glass cage with you. Hadn’t answered to Burgess’ demands when the mortal had come to make them. Hadn’t commented when Burgess turned to you and taunted you with freedom, you had just rolled your eyes and looked the other way. Now you were nodding off, so he followed you. You had been on his mind on and off over the last century, the incident in 1815 notwithstanding. Your anger and rage at the Endless was still palpable ever after all these years.
He suppose he deserved your anger, but he believed that nothing he had said that night was wrong. He did see you as promiscuous as you were close with many and at times flirty, and your tongue was sharp and wicked. No one else in all of creation clashed with him like you did, not even his sibling Desire. It was infuriating. Materializing in your dream, Dream was surprised to find himself in a familiar place. The same estate in which you and he had your explosive encounter in 1815. What had caused your consciousness to think of this?
Him, most likely, but the Endless wasn’t smart enough to think of that.
It wasn’t hard for Morpheus to track you down, you were the only one existing other than he within your dreams. So walking the corridors, he happened upon a back balcony where you were standing. Your back was to him and face turned upward, gazing at the luminous full moon overhead.
“Is it not enough that now I must see your face every day?” You grumpily complained, not bothering to look at him. Dream’s eye twitched at your words because was he not Dream of the Endless. It was by his powerthat you had the ability to dream in the first place!
“I see that your tongue is still just as wild as the last night I reluctantly spent in your presence, Maga.” You shot a glare over your shoulder, eyes connecting with thunderous blue.
“And I see that you are still a loathsome creature without an ounce of compassion or dignity!” You hissed at him, eyes flashing. “Or do you take pleasure in ruining a woman’s hard earned reputation in front of an audience?”
“I spoke nothing but the truth,” Dream spoke to you, his chin lifting while his eyes glittered with anger. Insolence and insult from you yet again.
“Yes, the truth of how you see me!” You snapped at him. “But have you considered how your insidious words might affect me in the long term? I had a life in England until you ruined it! You are nothing but a big bully who throws words around when you don’t get your way!”
Now that really made Dream angry, but you didn’t remain in place to experience his blow up. It had been far too long since you had been able to dream like this and you just wanted to rest. He called your name but you just ignored him. Surely he would understand that you just wanted to be left alone. At the very least the irate Endless could indeed feel that you wanted to be left alone… but his curiosity of how you ended up in that decrepit basement. So he followed silently behind you as you made your way to a bedroom in the large estate. Lingering in the doorway, Dream stared at your back in distaste, trying to remember why he disliked you in the first place. He couldn’t remember.
He walked over to the foot of the bed and glared at you further, thinking back to the first time he had met you. Surely something within his memories would trigger the reason for his great dislike for you. He found no immediate memory, just those of your torture at the hands of the witch trials and saving you, the brief visits you had within his realm, and— Dream was distracted by wounds dotting your wrists. Eyes sharpening on the wounds, Dream’s eyes followed the signs of restraint. They were far from new and were in varying stages of healing. Then his eyes found the lingering blood on your chin and lip. Someone had struck you. Who would dare to strike a witch of your caliber and standing? Roderick Burgess no doubt, he had no shortage of gall and greed.
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Your guards figured out early on that you and Dream did not like each other. You two squabbled with your eyes and facial expressions, well you mouthed off to him in a one sided conversation for Dream never said a word… but you appeared to understand each and every twitch of facial muscle the Endless made. It was rather impressive and yet, Burgess got nothing he demanded from Dream. He still got his power from you, yes, he never failed to siphon that… but get Dream to obey his demands? Absolutely not.
After your last shouting match you had purposefully squirmed yourself around so you were cramped against the glass with your back to the Endless. You were refusing to look at him and the Endless refused to acknowledge your presence. Gods the Endless annoyed you to the core! Why did you have to be trapped in this stupid cage with him, it was driving you insane!! You growled under your breath and slumped further against Dream’s hard shoulder. Superficial arsehole.
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The years had come and go, and after nearly a decade of being trapped with him, your digs at each other had slowly ebbed. Boredom, of course, was on the forefront. But you spent a lot of time with what little magic Burgess left you with maintaining your body so you didn’t waste away to a skeleton. You had already lost a decent amount of weight, your hipbones were pronounced and the vertebrae of your spine were all very prominent. Even Dream found your state uncomfortable to look at, but with you constantly presenting your back in refusal to look at him he had nothing else to look at. You were counting the number of times the guard threw a ball against the side of the stone wall when Roderick came down for his monthly siphoning.
The elderly man, not having aged a day since summoning Dream, strode into the room and settled his eyes on you. You were back to being a sullen and pouting wench, subdued by your current predicament. But he knew that at the drop of a hat you’d turn into a fiery hellcat and spit crude insults at any who dared to gaze upon you. Your wicked side was merely laying in wait, slumbering. Burgess prepared himself for siphoning your magic, muttering the incantation beneath his breath for he had memorized it by now. With the spell activated, he walked to the edge of the summoning circle and stared at you.
Your shoulder jerked a little as the meager amount of magic you had regained flowed out of your body and to the mock wizard. Grunting as the strain of over siphoning made your limbs twitch you hunched in place and struggled to grasp at what magic you could keep for yourself. Not much, regretfully. Your fingers clenched against the skin of your chest, for the pain you felt there was not new to you but still just as uncomfortable as it was the first time he’d stolen your magic.When the last few embers of your magic floated free from your soul and traveled into Burgess’ chest, you let out a strained wheeze and slumped in a weak ball against the glass. How did you have any magic left to give now? Your weakness was making it hard for your body to recuperate the magic lost.
As you lay limp as a rag doll with labored breaths, trembling ever so slightly, Burgess turned his gaze to Dream. He had a deal for the Endless, surely Dream would be happier without you there to snarl and argue with him.
“I have a deal for you, Dream,” He spoke, cold eyes observing the Endless. He was sitting with his ankles crossed and arms hanging over his knees. He hadn’t moved from that spot in decades despite you squirming around next to him. Dream couldn’t help but raise his eyes to the mortal. What would he try to bargain with this time? “I will let the witch go, if you bring back my son.” Dream almost laughed at Burgess’ words. He’d release you if he brought his son back? That wasn’t happening, it would never happen. Even if Dream could bring his son back. A brief look of disgust flickered across Dream’s face and that was all the answer the mortal needed.
The Endless would let you rot next to him rather than do anything to help Burgess.
“You are positively the worst,” Your voice croaked from where you had your forehead pressed against cool glass. “I hope you know that Dream. The. Worst.” He’d take that over you getting a win in any day.
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Something in the air had changed. It was a palpable feeling you’d woken up to this morning and it had kept you on edge since. Your boney back had leaned heavily into Dream’s shoulder as you looked upwards at the eaves overhead. Something was off. Something didn’t belong. You just didn’t know what. The dust that floated in the air vibrated with a different frequency, one that wasn’t of this world. If only you weren’t so weak you could have pinpointed out what it was! Despite your uncertainty of what was going on, you decided to voice your thoughts since the guards post was empty.
“Something has changed.” Your words brought Dream out of his internal thoughts. His eyes opened and he stared ahead at the empty guards table. Nothing appeared to be different, but your senses had always been exceptional. Even with you in a weakened state. He said nothing, of course, but silently acknowledged your words. Now on alert, Dream scanned the empty basement slowly. Nothing was out of place. The something fluttering at the gate to the room caught his attention.
Like a beacon of light, Jessamy wormed her way through an opening in the wrought iron and perched on it, heading cocking side to side as she examined her Lord and Master in his glass cage. Of course she also noticed you laying limp next to him, but her concentration was on her master. The raven fluttered into the room and swooped up to the cage, banging herself and beak against thick glass to break it. Hope combined with happiness filled Dream’s face as he rose to his feet. You simply rolled your head to look up at Jessamy, glad that someone knew you were down in this decrepit basement.
Hope was beginning to bloom in your chest, for you hadn’t been this close to freedom since capture. But just as soon as that swelling feeling grew within your bosom it came crashing down. There was a loud crack that shattered Jessamy’s attempts to break the glass and before you knew it black and red was splattered against the cage. You gasped with a stricken sound catching in your throat. Oh gods, Jessamy… Alex Burgess was standing several paces behind with a gun raised. Your eyes burned because while you might have a particular distaste for her master, she was a good acquaintance. Now she was gone.
You watched as Dream slowly lowered himself back to the floor of the cage, unaltered shock plastered on his features. It was like he was still trying to process what had just happened. But his eyes… Oh you could see the tears quickly gathering and something within you cracked. Burgess came bursting into the room in a fit of rage, shouting at his son for potentially breaking the glass that kept you and Dream trapped. But you were entirely focused on Dream. You’d never seen him cry, you didn’t even think it was possible for an Endless to cry. But the devastation on his face wasn’t a fluke or a trick of the light, tears were flooding his lashes and his nose was beginning to run.
Even the great Dream of the Endless was capable of ugly crying? You were moving before you even realized what you were doing.
Boney arms reaching for the Endless, you pulled him to you and tucked his face away from prying eyes. Your fingers absentmindedly found themselves stroking his midnight hair while you began murmuring several death rites for Jessamy. She had been an exceptional companion to Dream and clearly the Endless had cared for her. She hadn’t deserved to be killed in such a way. Mid rites, you felt Dream shift within your arms and thought that he might lash out at you for daring to touch him so intimately… but rather than do as expected he leaned into your embrace in a slump.
You nearly started crying yourself the moment you felt his tears drip onto your skin. He’d never been this vulnerable in front of you before. No, you were sure that he’d never been this vulnerable ever. You ought to be happy to be experiencing something so rare, or even happy that he was hurting after all the social destruction he’d caused you… but all you could feel was pain in your heart because it had only come because of a death. The basement which had always been cold, damp, and dark, was now a tomb marred with blood and death. You found that you hated the way Dream trembled within your arms, and for each tear he shed, your hatred for the Burgess’ grew.
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Burgess’ death had ben anticlimactic and incredibly disappointing. You had wanted him to burn for thousands of years for the pain and anguish he had caused Dream, and for his imprisonment of you. He’d gotten off far too easily dying from just a head injury. He deserved so much worse. So much worse. It was your only hope that he had ended up in hell where he belonged. You would have looked on the bright side if Alex hadn’t decided on taking over his fathers job siphoning your magic.
He feared that you’d grow to powerful if left unchecked.
Your lack of magic was beginning to seriously take a toll on your body. Without a steady source of magic to supplement the nutritional intake you’d normally have, your body was taking muscle and fat from you. If Dream thought seeing the vertebrate more pronounced was disturbing, it was nothing compared to your entire spinal column. That’s why you’d gone back to sitting side by side with him, to hide just how depleted your body was becoming after over a decade of imprisonment. You often rested your head on his shoulder when fatigue overtook you and were lucky that t he Endless allowed such a thing. With tiredness ruling within your mind and body, you decided to close your eyes for just a moment to rest them.
The grounds of the witch trials greeted your eyes, and a sharp tingle of fear ran up your spine for but a moment. Even after two centuries had gone by, the memories of your experience at the hands of the crazed people and witch hunters still haunted you. You still had the brand of the christian cross upon your shoulder. The old mark burned in memory and your rubbed your shoulder as it ached. Sometimes when the memories were strong enough you could swear you smelled the scent of your flesh burning as the red hot iron cross was pressed into your flesh. Your eye twitched.
Why were you having this dream? Why were you remembering these horrors now?
Refusing to look at the gallows where the noose swung ominously, you turned in the direction of your old home. After crossing the ocean on a colony ship, you’d taken to assisting the local doctor. Many colonists fell sick after making the voyage and you had faithfully tended to and nursed them back to health. You had given the Salem community nothing but kindness and what had you gotten in return? The witch trials. The people you had come to care for and love, had turned on you in a blink of an eye.
Technically speaking, you were a witch. But never in all your years of living had you ever considered using your magic to do harm. Why would you wish to uproot and ruin the happy life you had? Nonetheless you had been branded a witch (literally), and set to hang with the other ‘guilty’. You were the only witch in Salem.
You found yourself in your small home, everything exactly as you remembered. Your basket of medical supplies sat by the door, the hearth with its pot hanging above waiting to be used for dinner, your bed. You touched the threadbare blanket. It was just as scratchy as you remembered, but it had kept you warm. Your hand went to the rough fabric of the waistcoat you wore. You’d forgotten how hot it was to wear the full outfit. So you began stripping yourself of the thick materials, your waistcoat going first, then your dress. Now just standing in your simple shift, you let your hair down from its tightly pinned position and shook it out.
“Can’t say I enjoyed the rigid customs but life was quite peaceful for a time,” You mused to yourself, exiting your old home and heading to the nearby river. On Saturdays the women of Salem always did the laundry for the week and during the summer months it was nice to cool off in the water. This dream was making you feel hot and a nice cool down with a dip in the river sounded nice. Your feet followed the path to the river on automatic, even after over two hundred years you still knew it like the back of your hand.
The river was cold. It always had been. But it was a nice break from the heat you felt. The ends of your shift were rapidly soaked and pressed against your skin as you sloshed further into the river. It was funny how even the rocks at the bottom of the crystal water still looked exactly the same. Walking until you were waist deep, you shifted a few stone not he river bottom with your foot. It was strange that you were in a dream. Dream had been locked in a subdued and moroseful state that hadn’t changed since Jessamy’s death. You hadn’t had a dream since then, so why were you having one now?
“Best not to question and simply enjoy,” You stated pragmatically before dunking yourself beneath the water. Floating for a few moments beneath the chilly water, you let yourself relax and just stay hunched in place. The current were you were was fairly weak so you didn’t have to use much effort staying in one place. Standing back up, you pushed your hand over your wet hair. While you were observing the fading sun on the horizon, the dream around you shuddered for a moment. Then the sun disappeared and the entire dream darkened to nightmare.
Your head swirled to the land behind you which the disturbance had originated, and you saw a thunderous looking Dream standing behind you. What had gotten his knickers in a twist? This was your dream, what could you possibly dream of that would make him so upset?
“Dream, you’re disturbing the peace,” You quietly announced, attempting a soft pointer given his rather fragile state. His glowing eyes flickered for a few moments, then faded back to starry blue and the dream returned to its normal. As the summer heat returned, you observed the being closer to figure out what had caused him to go all ‘Endless’ on you in a dream. He still looked enraged, barely containing it behind his pretty blue eyes, his jaw locked, even his fists were clenched. “Dream?” You prompted him again, hugging your arms around your body because you were as good as naked in front of him and unlike he, you did care about people seeing your naked body.
His lashes flickered and eyes narrowed.
“You never spoke of bodily harm,” His voice came out rasping and deep, echoing the emotional turmoil you could feel and see. What was he talking about? Your apparent confusion to his words only made the Endless scowl at you. “The mark upon your shoulder, Maga,” He growled darkly, stepping closer to the rivers edge. “You never spoke of them hurting you.”
Your mind went blank as you processed his words. He was… angry that you’d been hurt? Well he wasn’t just angry at this point. He was enraged at the idea. Your face screwed up some and you half turned in place so your neck wasn’t screeching at you for the unnatural strain you were causing it.
“There was no need. You stopped my hanging, what more did you need to know past that?” You questioned, still very confused about why he would be so upset by the mark of an injury that had happened over two hundred years ago. It had long since healed. For some reason Dream got angrier at your words. Once more he took more steps, closing in on the river. “You didn’t even need to stop them from hanging me in the first place. Why would I tell you about them branding me?”
Dream’s eye twitched as he furiously questioned in his mind why you hadn’t informed him of what the morals had done to you.
“They hurt you,” He reiterated, stressing out the word hurt like it would explain his reasoning to be upsetto you. It did not, but you didn’t want to pick a fight with him when you had been on such cordial terms with him.
“It was over two centuries ago, Dream,” You answered him, resting your hands against your chest and looking own at your fingers. You remembered how bloody they had been after being beaten by the towns people. “I’ve long since put that in my past.”
It seemed that no matter what you told the Endless, he was still very upset over the fact that you had been hurt in the witch trials... so you decided to shift the conversation because the breeze was making you chilled.
“If you wouldn’t mind, Dream, would you please turn around?” You asked, looking down at your wet body. The white shift was still very much see-through. Dream titled his head to the side, his face telling you that he didn’t understand why you were asking for such a thing. “My shift is wet and very much see though at the moment.”
Dream didn’t understand why you should ever feel the need to be self conscious over your naked body but did as you asked. When his back was to you, you sloshed your way back towards the rivers edge. Once there, you carefully stepped towards the path leading back to your home. However, Dream heard you heading away from him and promptly turned around.
“You asked me to turn around and then design to sneak off?” He questioned, eyes boring into your back and lingering on the branded cross on your shoulder. You froze in step.
“I am in my shift that is currently see through, Dream,” You reminded him stiffly. “I’m not in presentable attire to be speaking with you at the moment. If you wish to continue conversation you are going to have to wait until I am dressed accordingly.”
Dream, while having innumerous patience, simply could not find the ability to be so at the moment and strode up to you, coat in hand. He dropped it around your shoulders and continued walking towards your home.
“We will be finishing this conversation whether or not you believe yourself to be in presentable clothing.” He stated, striding confidently ahead. You stared agape at his back, fingers clutching the star laden coat around your shoulders. Finishing this conversation? You still didn’t understand why he was so upset over a brand you’d gotten two hundred years prior, but followed him nonetheless.
It was nice to just talk with Dream of the Endless, rather than fight.
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Holding up a facade of okay health had taken every bit of your concentration. What magic that ran thorough your blood now went entirely to preserving your life the best it could. You stopped counting the years after fifty. It was pointless as Alex was so fearful of what Dream would do should he let the Endless out, that there was zero hope of you getting out of your cage. So you just stuck to developing a non aggressive relationship with Dream, and it was… nice. More than nice actually. You got to see the other side of the Endless you hadn’t seen before.
It had to have been a century by the time Alexander Burgess made his last visit to the decrepit basement of Fawny Rig. He was old, frail, and nothing like the youthful boy who had murdered Jessamy. You knew he’d spent most of his life tormented by the knowledge that you and Dream sat in this cage in the basement of his home. A bitter satisfaction came from that knowledge, and yet, you couldn’t help but pity the man for being so weak. Overshadowed by his older brother to the very end. A fitting ending for the Burgess lineage.
As Alex spoke his last word and sat back down in his wheelchair, Paul began to push him away from the cage. Less than a second went by and you felt a massive ripple of power run through you. You jerked where you sat, holding in the gasp that wanted to crawl from your throat, and looked at Paul. He was looking back at you, and then at the ground. Following his gaze, your eyes widened when you spotted the clear break in the circle binding both you and Dream in place. Gods above. Your eyes didn’t shift back to Paul’s as he wheeled Alex out. A broken circle meant that Dream had a grasp on his power, a broken circle meant that you could use your own magic outside of your body!
A tremble began in your body as you forced yourself to remain calm and silent. Nearly 110 years of captivity and freedom was within your grasp because of Paul? You knew that Dream could also feel the change in your captivity, the muscles you could feel against your body had gone rigid the moment the circle had been broken. He knew he had his chance and without a doubt would be taking it. Hunching in a ball, you began murmuring all the incantations for low level teleportation magic. You didn’t know if you had enough magic to complete even an entry level spell, but you’d take which ever spell got you out of this place.
While you were concentrating, you felt the sands of Endless magic caressing your skin. Then gunshots and yelling, glass shattering, one of your spells activated and your eyes flickered open in triumph. Fingers clasped tightly together, the last you saw of Fawny Rig was unconscious guards and the glowing aura of a seething Endless. You’d never seen him so angry, so enraged. Your fight or flight instincts kicked in and your mind echoed one thought and one thought only: run.
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Date Published: 10/5/23
Last Edit: 10/5/23
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Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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212 notes · View notes
gaypirate420 · 1 year
Moonshine and Starlight //Dream*
Dream* of the Endless x witch!GN!reader.
Summary: Morpheus helps you sleep.
Angst/Fluff. Dream and Reader being divorced..
A/N: Probably ooc because I haven't written for my husband for so long.
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"What's the matter, Matthew?" The words of the King of Dreams echoed through the wide halls of the entrance to his palace.
The Dream Lord found his raven very busy in another matter, that being melting onto your touch while he nuzzled on your lap.
"We have a visitor, my lord." Was all the raven could respond as your gentle fingers brushed down the feathers of his head making him caw.
"Why are you here?" He asked not really knowing what tone should he use with you.
"I'm afraid I'm not here because I wanted to see you, but because I have a problem with dreams, my lord." You said mockingly as you caressed the feather's of the new raven before standing up and meeting his star filled eyes and long figure, those black ropes dripping down the marble floor.
"Enlighten me then. What kind of problems are dreams causing you, dream witch?" Morpheus muttered with the silky smooth voice that you adore, you took his arm and begin to walk, seeming so normal, muscle memory perhaps.
"It must be something important if it makes you come to my palace after two hundred years. Something that goes beyond the centuries of knowledge you possess." He spoke gently. You smirked and looked at him and although his gaze remained emotionless but you know when your ex-husband is teasing you.
"A client of mine. She's been having this— weird dreams about her family telling her very specific things." You explained as you begin to walk alongside the Endless, the night sky that lied above your head on the palace's ceiling captured your eyes.
You stoped for a moment to look at it, missing it's beauty.
"I've been looking inside her dreams, trying to decipher their meaning." You continues with a tone of slight frustration before meeting his gaze, noticing his starry eyes looking at your every moment.
"You came here just to ask the meaning of some mortal's dream?" Morpheus asked as his eyes took in your image, you smirked again and shaked your head.
"No. I don't give up that easily, Oneiros." You smirked with smugness, the Dream Lord mimicked your smirk.
"I never said you did. Why is it that you're here then, moonshine?" He asked as he walked you through to the large halls of the palace.
Moonshine, what a nickname to give someone, specially coming from the Lord of Dreams. The Endless that finds you as bright as the shine of the moon, a signal of light in darkness.
It's been so long since he's mutter such nickname.
"Well, It's been costing me my sleeping hours, but that's not new— the things is when I do sleep I have dreamless rest or the most horrible nightmares." You whispered, there was a linger of anger on your tone.
"I came here to ask you something, Dream."
"Ask away, moonshine."
"Have I done something wrong? Something to deserve this punishment, perhaps?" Your whispers makes him stop on his tracks, his eyes meet yours. The Lord of Dreams face had an expression one of confusion and deep sadness.
"Do you think that is my doing? You think of yourself worth of a punishment so severe?" He whispers back, his eyes looking at your tired eyes, the darks circles under them.
"Do you think I would do such thing as that to you?"
You stayed silent, looking away from his gaze. His pale hand cupped your cheek, you gasped and a silent tear fell down your cheek which was wiped by his thumb that consequently held your chin and make you meet his eyes once more.
"The answer is no. I am not punishing you because those night terrors that invade your sleep were not send by me, moonshine." He whispered with such conviction.
As in saying "Believe me. I could never harm you."
"And you have never wrong me nor this realm. You've been an impecable aid and- companion for me." He stated, you smiled and felt yourself blushing, a yawn scaped your lips and his gaze softened.
"Am I boring you, moonshine?" Morpheus smirked you looked at him with sleepy eyes.
"It's not my fault your voice is so comforting and I'm- exhausted for my work and the horrible sleep I've had." You explained before smiling.
"Comforting?" The Dream Lord asked, you nodded and looked up at him with a smile.
"Soothing. Perfect for listening while you fall asleep." You explained before yawning again.
Feeling his hand on the back of your neck and in a matter of second you were lied down on the softest of mattresses, resting your head on a pillow that could pass for a cloud.
You looked up and met the most beautiful night sky you've ever seen, pink and purple surrounded with constellations.
The bed itself was almost floating in between marble floors and the night sky.
This is the room of Dream of the Endless himself.
"Why are you not sleeping yet?" Morpheus's voice snap you back to reality, you meet his eyes that now shine with the reflections of the galaxy that surrounds you.
"I dunno, maybe you've lost your touch." You teased, The Dream Lord furrowed his eyebrows but his lips let out a soft chuckle.
"Perhaps you're just stubborn." He whispered while his slim finger caress your cheek, you leaned on his touch so quickly that it made you disappointed in yourself but it felt so good.
"Those nightmares won't bother you again, my moonshine." Morpheus stated as his fingers kept moving across your face with delicacy.
"Why am I in your room? There's like two hundred guest rooms." You asked as your eyes closed. Dream fell silent for a second.
"Because I- want you here." He started speaking so softly almost as if he was embarrassed to say it, you nodded for him to continue.
"Your precense on The Dreaming has been missed, the creatures of the dreaming had voiced that sentiment many times." The Endless continued, his mouth still slight open, you could picture him trying to find the right words.
You nodded once more, it always difficult for him to speak his emotions and needs.
"The haunted dolls of my shop miss you." You spoke sleepy, The Dream Lord arched his eyebrow and smirked as his hand moved to your hair, touching it with a hint of shyness, thinking if he's still allowed to do such motion. Afraid of crossing any lines or boundaries.
"The- dolls? Do you miss me, perchance?" He asked with a uncharacteristically shy and insecure voice, you opened your eyes.
"Do you, Oneiros? Or just the creatures of your realm?" You snapped back with a smirk. He leaned closer to you, the stars in his eyes shining bright, his thumb stroked your bottom lip as his eyes got lost on yours.
"Yes." Morpheus whispered with a discreet but playful smile once that 'yes' was heard by you.
"I do miss you, moonshine."
You closed your eyes once more after his words, so much sincerity and raw devotion within such a short sentence.
"I miss you too, starlight." You whispered back with a smile, Morpheus smirked and kept stroking your hair.
How has he missed that nickname.
A play of words with the one he has for you.
Starlight. The light of a start that accompanies the shining moon at night. He wonders how, of all things, you could see him as a star.
The drowsiness was unbearable now for you.
The last thing you felt before falling asleep was a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Sleep well, moonshine." Morpheus whispered against your ear, making you fall into a deep and much needed rest, filled with the sweetest dreams one could imagine of.
And of course, The Dream king holding your hand all the time, supervising these dreams.
A/N: Heyyyyyyy, it's been a while since I've wrote for my husband, ugh, I love him, I always enjoy writing for him, it just so right. Hope you liked this!
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jiliansky-blog · 8 months
Sandman Masterlist
Started: December 18th, 2022
Morpheus X OC, Morpheus x Reader
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Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. Morpheus
Chapter 3. Accident
Chapter 4. Dreams and Nightmares
Chapter 5. Feelings
Chapter 6. Uninvited guests
Final chapter. Hope
The power of love
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Day 1. You had me at hello.  
Day 2. I don’t know you, but I want to
Day 3. Two broken souls
Day 4. The beginning of something new
Day 5. Warmer in the winter with you
Day 6. Baby, it’s cold outside
Day 7. My true love gave to you
Day 8. Last Christmas I gave you my heart
Day 9. Time to fall in love
Day 10. The most wonderful time of the year
Day 11. You’re mean one, Mr.Grinch
Day 12. I won’t freeze you out
Day 13. Crazy for Christmas
Day 14. Let it snow
Day 15. Let it go
Day 16. Sing for my life
Day 17. Every day is Christmas with you by my side
Day 18. Snowflake
Day 19. Just like Christmas
Day 20. You make it feel like Christmas
Day 21. Jingle bells
Day 22. Stay another day
Day 23. Underneath the Christmas lights
Day 24. Christmas Eve
Day 25. Everything I want for Christmas is you
Final chapter. Happy New Year
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Chapter 1. Into the Dreaming
Chapter 2. Discovering the power
Chapter 3. Lord Morpheus
Chapter 4. You are not alone
Chapter 5. Emotions
Chapter 6. The heart’s desire
Chapter 7. Keep my heart safe
Tale as old as time
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Day 1. Arrival
Day 2. In the light of new day
Day 3. Mystery
Day 4. The flower
Day 5. Healing
Day 6. A sudden guest
Day 7. Butterflies and confessions
Day 8. Pay back
Day 9. Deep inside my heart
Day 10. The ball and the escape
Day 11. Home is a place where your heart is
Final chapter. The words of love
Cat of dreams
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Last chapter
The god of dreams
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Part 1. The greek vocation. Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Final chapter
Witch's love
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Chapter 1. A long time ago
Chapter 2. Old flame of love
Chapter 3. I still care
Final chapter. You won't be alone.
The Labyrinth of dreams
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Chapter 1. King of goblins
Chapter 2. King of nightmares
Chapter 3. A world beyond
Chapter 4. Heart’s decision
Chapter 5. Where your loyalty lies
Chapter 6. The ball
Chapter 7. You have no power over me
Final chapter. Happy ending
In the dark
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Chapter 1. Unexpected guest
Chapter 2. The beginning of something new
Chapter 3. The mistake
Chapter 4. Through the fairy woods
Chapter 5. The fairy realm
Chapter 6. Confrontation
Chapter 7. Trials
Chapter 8. Looking for the fern flower
Chapter 9. Final task
The final chapter. A win of true love
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
🌠To Catch A Fallen Star🌠 The Sandman/Stardust Crossover mini-series tag list! If you're wanting to be tagged in the next parts interact with this with a comment, reblog or like and you'll be added!
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
The Witch’s Finale Breathe & Prayer
Author Note: If you get confused in the beginning Y/n is the ancestor of the descendant Y/n who will appear later in the story. 
The Witch of the Dreaming fear a dreadful fate soon come to pass on her fellow witch sisters… 
Mankind was getting fearful of witches, and hatred, yet they are the same species “Mortals”. 
The witch had foreseen a vision that she and her sisters would meet a terrible fate of fire. 
She stop her tracks as she was walking with her King and he turned to look at her, looking confused and concerned. 
“Y/n? Are you alright? You seem distracted and disturbed.” He says as he walks closer to the witch to see a disturbed look on her face.
The Witch contemplates if she should tell her lord of her feeling…the vision of her fate. She closes her eyes for a moment and thinks. 
No, I mustn’t my lord has too much on his hands. I must leave it up to my goddess Hecate of our fates.
She slowly opens her eyes and looks at her lord in the eyes, “I’m alright my lord but…I must ask you something if you don’t mind…” She says as they continue their daily walk together. 
“Of course, my dear you know you are free to speak your mind.” He says as he gives her a warm smile… 
Something she will truly miss is his face and his beautiful smile, perhaps maybe Death could be kind to her. 
“If something were to happen to me or my fellow sisters from mankind could you please…please promise me something?” she asks as she breathes in and continues.
The King looks at his loyal subject waiting for her to continue, “Have mercy on mankind if such an unfortunate fate may be placed upon me…please.” she begs as her voice quivers. 
The Endless looks at her as if trying to find some truth in her words or was she just saying a “what if” question out of curiosity? 
“Of course…I’ll have mercy on them. But why this sudden question?” he asks sounding worried. 
The Witch sighs, “Just curiosity my lord if something were to happen to me and my sisters” She says as she continues to walk side by side with her Lord. 
Morpheus looks at her for a moment then brushes off that question it was a silly question after all right? 
The Lord and Witch continued walking and having a pleasant conversation it felt peaceful and warm…
May 1693 
Y/n was rushing her children and brothers and sisters out of the house to the carriage, they needed to leave as women were screaming and being dragged from their homes. 
“Mama! Where are we going?!” one of her children asked in fear as the other looked at her with glossy tears. 
“Mama, aren’t you coming with us?” her young one asks as they hold their teddy bear close and she holds their cheek. 
“Soon…For now, your Aunts and Uncles will take care of you my darlings…” She says as she kisses both of her children’s foreheads. 
One of her Brother whips the horses as the carriage moves to leave Y/n alone only to be dragged by men 
She struggles as she tries to break free but they only hurt her bringing her to the stake along with her fellow witch sisters. 
Her mentor was already tied up as the other witches cry begging for mercy, and cries of women were heard from the town square as Y/n soon got tied up. 
“Any last words Witch.” The mayor said to Y/n sounding deep and threatening as she looks at him in fear and from the corner of her eye, she could see…Morpheus within the crowd. 
The Witch could see his glossy eyes and filled with rage, Shed knew her Lord would be angry but he had to keep his promise to forgive mankind. 
For they do not know what they do, they are just scared…
She gulps, “ We are not the enemy, me and my sisters were only trying to help…I do not wish you any harm or curses….I only pray that Hecate may forgive you” She continues. 
“I Pray the Gods to forgive you…I pray The Endless….The Lord of Dreams and Nightmares forgives you for these sins. I pray he has mercy on you and your children!” She says as the men and Mayor ignore her. 
“I had enough of this nonsense, Burn them. Burn them all!” The mayor yelled as the crowd cheered and as they light up the stakes. 
The women screamed as Y/n prayed and pray for the Gods and The Endless to have mercy on mankind for their sins since they are only scared. 
“My Goddess and My Lord! Please forgive them. Have mercy I beg of you! for this is my fate and nothing can be done. Forgive mankind for their selfish and sinful acts!” She screams in agony as her flesh was being burned off. 
The Witches screamed and screamed as their flesh was burning until their dying breath and they burned corpses and were unrecognizable. 
Y/N was the last one breathing weakly in agony as she soon was greeted with death…she smiles as she sees a beautiful woman. 
A woman with beautiful wavy jet black hair and brown skin with a gorgeous smile, “It’s time Y/n…come with me” she says. 
Y/n soul grabbed Death’s hand without hesitation and smile at the feeling of being led toward paradise on her journey. 
While the witch may have found peace along with her dear sisters with Death, The Endless of dreams, Lord of dreams Morpheus did not find peace with this. 
Y/n was his dear friend…maybe could’ve been his lover, He cared for a mortal so deeply. 
Maybe if he just…made her immortal this all could’ve been avoided but what was done was done. 
Morpheus did continue doing his function, his duties as The King of Dreams and nightmares, and looked after his subjects and dreamers. 
He was so full of rage and sadness because his dear friend made him promise and prayed to him to have mercy on mankind even those who murder her. 
He kept that promise and accepted that prayer, The King had to hold his pride in and not give in to his passing friend.
It had now been three hundred twenty-eight years since the passing of the Witch of Mortals, The Witch of Dreaming Morpheus's loyal subject and friend. 
Now, Morpheus after being trapped by the dreadful mage ended up freeing himself, had to get his tools, defeat John Dee and bring Corinthian home.
However, that didn’t end that way Corinthian the Nightmare ended up killing innocent people for nearly a decade. 
It would’ve been just a punishment but The nightmare had gone too far and needed to be erased from existence. 
Morpheus was saddened by this and disappointed in the mortals who were involved with the murders and sins of their actions. 
Morpheus was in his realm creating Dreams and Nightmares when a young woman looked similar to his dear friend all those decades ago. 
“Hello, Dream I hope I’m not intruding…” She says with the same voice and the same features. 
Morpheus turned around and gave the young woman a warm smile, “Hello…Y/n” He says as the girl smiles at him. 
Y/n a young witch in her 20s appearing much like her Ancestor, Y/n in the training of the dreaming realm, and is a professional witch.
Morpheus didn’t mind the girl’s company even if he was working, the witch had a lovely conversation with The endless and she was very red around him.
Morpheus chuckles at the Witch’s blushing face and smiled at the effect he had on her, unknown to the girl she had the same effect on Morpheus if you can look closely. 
The King had a faint blush as he worked on his creations…
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madhattervanessa · 1 year
Valerian Root
This is a blurb I have been writing on for a while - it might spin off into a longer fic but I’m not sure I’ll ever upload it... if I’ll ever do it, you’ll find it on ao3
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Deathless x f!Witch!Reader
Summary: As you suffer from another wave of migraines, an unexpected guest returns to your home to take care of you... in more ways than one.
Warnings: Migraines, consensual-ish drugging (It’s for the reader’s health) and sudden appearing in readers living spaces, nipple play, biting, scratching, grinding/dry humping, rough-ish p in v sex
Words: 4646
Masterlist - Mobile Masterlist
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“I seldomly see you return this often, little witch.”
Your eyes stray from the beautiful scenery and towards the edge of your dream, the fibrillation coming from the deep timbre catching your attention - because despite opium and valerian root making for potent sleep and pain aiding drugs, this was not one of the usual effects.
You find him wandering through the darkness at the edge of the clearing before he manages to come closer, through the soft grass and into the light.
His long coat swishes through the moss and ferns as he slowly approaches, like someone attempting to feed a stray cat. Centuries of experience make him know to be careful - your dreams had always been fragile bubbles of calm and you’d grown protective of them even as a child. Now, more than ever, he was reminded of your first few meetings.
He knows, even cats who have grown docile will bite if given reason.
You purse your lips and avert your eyes towards a pile of books off to the side. He lets his eyes trail over you, the long, lightweight gown that floats just shy off the ground as you sway back and forth on the padded swing you sprawled out on.
He stops just shy of the swing, his presence carefully pushing into your personal space, gently intruding, waiting for you to pounce, retreat… or stay.
His coat is shed as he takes another form, jumping up into the swing with you to rub a soft cheek against your bare leg, carefully nudging the thin fabric covering you.
You smile and set your eyes upon the large, black cat nuzzling into your skin. You reach out and carefully pet his chin, moving on to his cheek before it smashes against your skin again.
A low rumbling purr starts as you continue caressing the soft fur behind his jaw, your other hand reaching for a book to read.
You keep the illusion for a while but then the walls of it shudder again and a slither of pain runs down your spine as the connection to your body strengthens again, the dreaming barely holding on.
You groan as you wake, still trying to hold on to the comfort your dream had brought you but it’s too late: The sharp pain and thrumming behind your eyes has returned with viciousness. You forcefully try to relax the muscles in your face as you look over your sun filled apartment.
It’s of no use, though.
So you carefully detangle from your sheets and pad through your apartment towards the kitchen. 
There’s already some darkness creeping over the smooth tiles there. You sigh as the first step brings a cooling sensation underneath the soles of your feet, a short lived comfort.
You click the electric kettle on and grab a fresh thermos before filling it with your hand mixed tea as well as some honey.
As you wait for the water to boil, you hear the pearl curtain in your hallway clatter softly, despite it being absolutely windless in your apartment.
You’ve reached for a knife without much thinking. Your heartbeat immediately feels more prominent than your nausea as you peek around the fridge, down towards the hallway.
No one there.
You’re about to sign off of it being all in your imagination. But checking other rooms would not hurt. It had never been a bad idea in any century.
The kettle clicks and you hear as the water starts boiling.
But as you take a step backwards, the hair on the back of your neck stands and goosebumps litter your arms as you feel a presence stepping closer.
“Put the knife down, little witch.”
You jump, despite the soft murmur, and the knife clatters to the ground.
Two hands quickly envelop your shoulders and pull you back, the knife’s edge only just missing your bare feet.
You turn your head. “Morpheus”, you murmur, returning the fond look he has leveled at you, his hands slowly smoothing down your arms as he takes you in. “I- I have not called upon you-”
“I made time, after sensing your distress.”
He lets you go and carefully picks up the knife from the ground. Meanwhile you are still standing, quite starstruck, trying to make sense of this.
The last time you had seen him had been just months ago, a brief meeting after a hundred or more years of his disappearance. Nothing but a quick reassurance that he was back and would return to you once the rebuilding of the dreaming was done. Paired with a short request to look after a particular member of the Constantine family.
He strolls past you and into the kitchen. As you turn to follow him, another wave of nausea crashes against you and you hold on to the doorframe before deciding to sit down at the desk on the other side of the hallway.
The clinking and clattering from the kitchen grates against your sensitive nerves and you hesitantly open an eye to watch as he fills a teacup with boiling water before sprinkling some of your tea mixture into it.
The clattering stops and you close your eyes again, trying to focus on the distinct silence and the way the air seems filled with his presence.
A soft touch to your knee makes you open your eyes again to find Morpheus kneeling in front of you, the cup of tea in one hand and a small, white pill in the other.
You roll your eyes, contrary to your smile, despite the pain it causes.
“You know I don’t like painkillers-”
“Amuse me.”
You glare at him, your smile falling as you look back towards his offerings. As you reach for the teacup, purposefully ignoring the pill, he levels another soft and openly amused look at you.
“I’ll have the tea. Thank you”, you murmur and he sighs before tilting his head in silent acceptance.
You tentatively sip at your tea, finding at the perfect temperature. He watches closely as he gets up and you take another gulp. The pill is placed on the desk, well in sight of your weary eyes.
“Have it your way, then.”
“I always do. You know Hecate makes sure of it.”
The reference to the Moirai makes him straighten up for a second before he smiles - no doubt catching your remark as what it is. 
You had not just idled around, you had found out where he had been all this time, what exactly he had been up to.
As you sip your tea, he follows his own curiosity, doing what he hadn’t been able to do the last time; carefully cataloging your apartment, the changes, the new additions. One of them being a plush armchair, the blue hues of its padding close enough to his eyes to have reminded you of him, just like the dark wood had reminded you of his attire and hair.
The dull ache in your head goes on and you hardly listen to the sounds surrounding you, trying to focus on your heartbeat.
That is, until you hear the dull sounds of boots falling, one by one, harshly interrupting your meditation.
“What are you doing over there?”
You turn to find him carefully draping his coat over said armchair as a wave of drowsiness overcomes you, his boots already neatly stacked underneath.
His pants follow, leaving him in underwear and a shirt, just like you.
You look him up and down before meeting his eyes and your breath hitches, the urge to get up and join him increasing with every second of eye contact shared between the two of you. But then there’s another wave of drowsiness and the pounding pain in your skull dulls to a gentle knock.
“You put something in my tea-?”, you murmur, your tongue feeling sticky and heavy in your mouth.
You put the tea down and your head lolls to the side before a gentle hand caresses your cheek and your temple rests against the soft fabric of his shirt. The smell of moss and old books from your dream fills your nose, a clear testament to his visit in it just mere moments ago.
“I do have access to more elusive ingredients for potion mixing, aiodos.”
The endearment runs down your spine soothingly as you frown, even though the energy to do so is leaving you steadily.
“Though I admit your mix of opium and valerian root to be quite potent.”
You blink again and feel your old heart slow as if you were a bear about to enter hibernation, your lips tingling pleasantly as if you had sipped some spiced wine instead of tea.
You want to say what you think of his little betrayal, want to curse and spite him-
“Come now, let’s get you to bed.”
You find yourself in his arms, despite your pitiful whine, despite trying to push him away. Your head falls against his chest and suddenly you feel frail like glass.
He carries you through the short hallway with care, his lips at your temple as the fight in you returns for a second, the need to prove you can damn well take care of yourself but a shush and his lips pressed to your forehead makes the seed die before it can sprout.
You sigh and go limp in his arms, then, the numbness traveling from the toes of your feet and your fingertips, up your body with every breath you take.
“Rest now. There’s nothing you need to fear. I am watching over you.”
When you next wake, the moon is barely peeking through the curtains, bathing everything in a cool, glittering light.
The heaviness you feel in your bones makes you feel like you have slept for eons.
It takes you a moment to remember, to become aware of the warm nook of a shoulder you are pressed into, the arm wound around you, the soft breaths fanning over your head.
You glance up at him and find him resting. A rare sight, even in your living spaces, thoroughly secured by runes and protection circles.
You can’t help but smile as you turn and let the flat of your hand carefully roam over his chest. There is no shame in staving off the inevitable a little longer, not after all this time.
So you watch the moon slowly illuminate the altar off to the side of the room and wait, relishing in the calm. It is then that you notice the absence of your pain and exhaustion.
“I trust you are feeling better?” The low grumble underneath your ear almost makes you jump had there not been the steady climb of a second hand towards your thigh.
You sigh in response and rub your leg against his underneath the plush blankets. A low hum sounds in return and you know there’s a pleased smile on his face without turning. The hand on your thigh moves in calming back and forth motions like a pendulum.
You lose yourself in the gentle touch before your hand travels higher, up to his collarbones and you feel him tense for a moment as you trace the lines up to his neck, the links of his necklace. As your touch travels to his jaw, he relaxes again.
It’s quite telling, really, that he is still laying here, instead of leaving you, knocked out cold.
“I feel... exhausted. Thoroughly rested.” You take another deep breath and prop your head up as your fingertips dance over his chin and back down to his throat. There’s the slightest hint of stubble there, underneath your touch and you wonder if it’s to feed into your own desires or if it’s an unwanted symptom of him not resting before taking care of his kingdom.
“You worried me.”
You hum and keep appreciating his form, wetting your lips as your fingers trace the lines of his chest. Inside, the admission had made you freeze and almost catch your breath.
Your eyes flick to his but you find him looking anywhere else, your sleep mussed hair, your shoulder peeking out from underneath the blankets - anywhere so as to not meet your eyes. It is more telling than him looking back but you simply take it in stride.
“I do apologize if I distracted you from your duties, milord”, you murmur, a teasing smile on your face as he finally returns your gaze. He tugs you over himself by your thigh, fully covering himself in you. His fingertips tickle the back of your thigh and you bite your lip.
However, before either of you can start to banter, a distant flutter, followed by a quiet squawk distracts you.
You turn your head and catch a shadow moving outside, then another flutter and the distant sound of bird’s claws on the balcony just outside your living room and kitchen.
You level a glare at Dream from the corner of your eye before you shuffle out of his grip and out of bed.
A call of your name and another sigh follow your footsteps through to the other room. Still barefoot and only in a shirt and underwear. You fumble with your fingertips at the seam of it, only then realizing the black color, the soft fabric- it lifts your sour mood just slightly. The smell of petrichor and sandalwood envelops you, following you, just like Dream’s eyes do.
You spot just the slightest hint of a beak through one of your windows before the small, black shadow flutters to the next.
You hasten your steps in turn and manage to pull the window open before they can hop any further.
They jump, visibly shocked as you face them with a grim smile.
“Hello there. May I help you with something?”
After a few inquisitive turns of their head, they clear their throat.
“I-I-” You take your time to muster the bird, thinking them to be the familiar of another witch but then there’s that smell, that energy surrounding the little spy.
“You’re quite handsome.” The nervous flutter of feathers makes you perk up and you look him up and down a bit more intently as you lean onto the window sill. “You’re Dream’s new raven, aren’t you?”
“Oh- uhm... yeah, I keep an eye out for him, he... he tends to... get into trouble.”
You smile sweetly at him and nod.
“He does. But he is safe here, you know. And I do appreciate my privacy.”
“I-I understand but he’s been-”
The raven nearly jumps off of the sill at the low growl from behind you. 
Pretty name for a pretty bird.
You welcome the warmth pressing against you from behind as an arm winds around your waist. “I told you not to spy on me.”
“I know, Sir, but after yesterday-”
Out of the corner of your eye you see Morpheus reaching towards the window.
“Give Lucienne my regards, Matthew. And please do visit again, I feel like we have much to talk about”, you quickly manage, sensing the impending end of your conversation, and as soon as your last word leaves your lips, Dream slams the window shut right in front of Matthew’s beak.
“I’m sorry about him.”
You arch an eyebrow at that, the word sorry had seen few uses in Morpheus’ vocabulary over the centuries. His nose presses against your cheek, just shy of a kiss.
“Let’s head back to bed.”
You spot the point of a raven’s beak as you just outside the window as he presses you impossibly closer, his lips trailing over your cheek to your neck.
Another arm wraps around you and you watch his hand trail over your collarbone before a thumb briefly rubs against your nipple: cheeky, and yet not to be unexpected from your lover.
“Morpheus-”, you whisper, rendered breathless at the overflow of tender motions. You give into the distraction and avert your eyes from the window.
“I’m barely back on my feet.”
“So let’s return to your bed, lover”, he murmurs, already pulling you back, away from the window and out of your kitchen.
You chuckle and turn in his arms, meeting his eyes before you lean against his forehead with your own.
“You should not be so harsh on him, you know? Jessamy’s footsteps are big ones to fill.”
“He is too curious for his own good. He needs to learn.”
“Is that what this is, then? A lesson for your raven?”
“It does present itself as a welcome side effect. Though my visit was motivated by very selfish cravings.” The low murmur makes heat lick up your spine. A knuckle tilts your chin up to his and your lips are captured in a kiss, his nose nudging against yours as his lips delicately press against your own.
The kiss leaves you in something akin to a trance and you follow him through the apartment to your bed, his hands steadily wandering over your body as do yours.
You are tempted to push him against a wall instead but as if he were able to read your mind, then, he kisses you again and holds you tight against him, his hands sneaking underneath your shirt. It sends a thrill up his spine to hear you moan in response, to feel you fit into his hands once more.
He grunts as he walks backwards into your bed but you just chuckle and redirect him.
He sits back and you crawl into his lap, before pressing another kiss to the frown that had presented itself on his lips.
“You know this would be easier in my realm.”
“Mh- but I dislike the journey there too much and you know full well.”
He sits back against the headboard and you settle there together, your hands trailing over his chest as he grabs you by the nape of your neck to pull you into another kiss.
You hum and grab the hem of his shirt tightly as he opens your mouth with his own, your breaths mingling as you inhale each other’s presence.
His hands fit themselves into your waist, relishing in the bare skin underneath as he seems to swallow you whole. He could, potentially. Kidnap you and keep you, like Hades did with Persephone. But he knows better than to upset your matron goddesses.
“You know I struggle with the waking world just as much.”
“If you insist”, you whisper back, a faint smile on your lips before you peck his lips again. As you lean back to take your shirt off, however, he leans in to press more kisses to your jaw and down to your neck.
You sigh in content, melting in his grasp as you let your head fall back. However, when you shoot a quick glance towards your alarm clock, you find the space empty.
As teeth scrape over the thin skin covering your collarbone, you do another double take. But it’s gone.
“Dream-”, you mutter, still distracted, especially as he gentles the rasp of his teeth with his tongue. “Morpheus, where is my alarm clock?”
You frown and this time it’s you who grabs him by the chin to make him look at you. You lean back to look at him, even though you miss the proximity immediately.
“How long did you make me sleep for?” He purses his lips, the annoyance clear as day on his features. Oh, you could picture it perfectly well now, that glare towards the alarm while you were sound asleep on his chest. One time must have been more than enough, then, for him to make the poor thing disappear.
He sighs.
“Two days.” He trails off, his eyes caught on your lips for a moment before they flick back upwards. “I think.”
“You think?” You let go of his chin and shake your head at him. “Two days. I have a job, Morpheus.”
“That job is pointless. You’re a witch”, he grumbles, pressing another furious kiss to your neck. “Besides, you had fallen ill. No use in working when you can hardly stand.” He tugs you back to fully sit in his lap again, winding his arms around you as if you were a dream about to catch flight in the world. Your boiling anger simmers at the tender motion, if only for a moment.
“You’re not usually this disagreeable with me.”
The murmur is almost lost on you but the memory it procures definitely isn’t. Images of past meetings make your still weak head spin, make you bite your lip at the memory of hastily rucked up skirts and wanton moans that had left neighbors in many a century both flustered and angry.
You lean in to kiss him again, then, because that is usually all it takes, especially when he frustrates you: The memory of time you had spent together when you could.
“Next time you are in distress, call for me.” Teeth nip at your bottom lip, a silent reprimand and you let your fingertips trail over his neck, towards the nape where you can sneak into his hair.
“I have friends and other, less busy lovers for that, Dream. You don’t need to take care of me”, you mutter, tongue too quick and nudging against ancient disputes between the two of you.
The hands on your hips tighten at the mention of the others. While he tolerated your need for more than his sparse visits, he didn’t necessarily like it.
“I’m sorry, I-”
Instead of a wrathful reply, you receive a fierce kiss, one that makes your teeth click. You can taste a hint of blood from where teeth must have pierced your lip but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
His hands gently cup your face and he grunts as you cant your hips against his. He turns the two of you so you’re flat on your back. Your mouths never part, locked in a hot and messy tangle. A tongue nudges against yours and you lose your train of thought. The soft touches quickly escalate into something more desperate after that.
One of his hands grabs your ass to hold you steady as you squirm underneath him, the soft touches underneath your shirt turning into rough groping, his thumb steadily rubbing against your nipples.
You hold on to his shoulder, losing yourself in the kisses exchanged as you gasp for air. He lets you grind your pussy against his hard length, the damp fabric catching on your clit with every one of your combined movements.
It’s a stubborn game, the silence between the two of you. Every time one of you moves to kiss the other’s neck, their jaw, the other muffles their own sounds. When you bite down on his earlobe, a small gasp escapes him and you grin triumphantly as the thrust of his hips jolts you up the mattress with your own moan.
You let your lips trail over the shell of his ear. As you grind your pussy down against him, you moan into his ear and the groan he responds with makes you shudder. Out of the corner of your eye you see him furrowing his brows and both of his hands tug you down harder, his own hips searching for the friction.
Finally, he rips your underwear off of you - you scramble to get your shirt off but he is faster than you, pinning you down to line himself up with your pussy.
You’re abruptly shoved up the mattress and gasp as he presses into you with a rough shove.
“Morpheus”, you whisper and grab his chin to lead him into another kiss.
“What is it? Tell me.”
Your fingertips dig into the bone of his jaw. You would be drawing blood with any of your human lovers, you know that, but he is leaving imprints of his teeth in your skin and you can’t help yourself. You bare your teeth as he leans down to suck at your pulse.
“What do you want?”, he murmurs over the wet skin and you feel yourself growing wetter as you grind against him.
“You know exactly what I want, you just want me to say it. I shouldn’t give you the satisfaction”, you sigh and roll your hips against his a little harder, finding that perfect spot to rub your clit against, a perfect bit of friction that makes your cheeks heat up. “Undress me, Morpheus. I want to feel you. Please.”
He hums and slides his hands over your back, up, underneath the shirt. He pulls it off very carefully and your hands move on to his shirt before your own is even fully discarded. You’re less careful than he is and he seems to approve, visibly impatient as he shuffles you until your chest presses up against his before his lips find yours again.
He starts moving his hips again and you keen into his mouth at the friction. You pull at his shoulders, wanting more but unable to voice it.
You let your hand trail over his back, down until you can scratch your nails over his thigh. It makes him moan, his hips jutting forward until you can grasp it in one of your hands.
“Cunning”, he murmurs but he doesn’t resist your pull, doesn’t so much as blink an eye. Instead he pushes two of his slender fingers against your clit, the slick sound drowned out by your moan.
"Morpheus, more-"
"Be patient", he murmurs and you want to bite at him, your lips already searching for the skin of his neck.
You faintly hear your phone ring but Morpheus pushes his slick fingers between your lips.
You meet his eyes, fully entranced, your legs haphazardly nudged to the crooks of his elbows as he pushes closer, closer until you can feel him bottoming out.
You bite down on his fingers. It changes his sullen expression, his brows furrowing, his lips twitching as he presses his hard cock deeper until you keen and let go. 
Spit slick fingers trail down over your bottom lip before he leans in to kiss you again. The spit smears against your arm before he intertwines his fingers with yours. Your moans are muffled by the kiss, a harsh and passionate thing, aided by tongue and teeth as he thrusts into you.
The headboard creaks with great offense as you grab a hold of the wood and dig your nails into it.
He drags his palm over your arm before it settles next to yours on the bedframe, his nose dipping down to press against your cheek. His thrusts are almost punishing. Every single one is making the breath in your throat catch.
You lean your cheek against your knee that is pushed up next to your head. He follows the movement, his lips smearing against the tendons in your neck.
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes, yes”, you gasp, mindless in the pursuit of your own pleasure.
He doesn’t let up until your orgasm burns through you and he has to muffle your sounds with another kiss before he follows with his own orgasm.
You pant heavily as he lifts his mouth from yours. You detangle carefully, your whole body aching. Meanwhile Morpheus is quick to get dressed again before he is off to your bathroom.
You awake to a warm feeling and crack one eyelid open to watch as Morpheus carefully cleans you with a wet, warm towel.
When he is finally done, he joins you in bed again, his hands dragging over your still naked body, his lips pressing a lingering kiss to your temple.
“How do you feel?”
You snort and scooch closer until you can put a leg over his hip.
“Godlike”, you finally sigh. It earns you an amused chuckle and another murmur that you don’t catch over your increasing drowsiness.
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roguelov · 2 years
Entangled (Part 2)
Summary: A recently turned immortal, and a witch, your life becomes entangled and thrusted into the life of an immortal, Hob Gadling. However, Hob soon introduces you to his oldest friend, Dream of the Endless. And over the coming centuries you find yourself falling in love with each of them, but how will it end?
Word Count: ~7.8k
Reader: Afab/fem
Warning: Smut (oral (male!receiving and giving), handjob, praise kink, minor dirty talk, unprotected sex, riding, threesome), minor drinking (drunk makeout), little angst in beginning, fluff at the end
Part 1
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A century passed.
And somehow during it, during the steady unrelenting crawl of Father Time, not a single world from Morpheus.
You, however, would not grovel before him. You would not apologize, for neither you nor Hob were in the wrong. Yet, behind the pride, deep within in your aching heart, you would. You would utter those two words just so you could see him again.
So, why hasn’t Morpheus said anything? Why hasn’t he tried to reach out? Why did you, and Hob, live with this painful heartache?
Some days you were constantly reminded of Morphues. You saw his eyes in the morning blue sky, then at night in the twinkling stars. Every shadow in your peripheral vision was his figure. Every morning, after all those nights lacking in dreams, you would wake with a bitter frown. While other days, you lived in blissful ignorance. Your work - busy mindless tasks - occupied your mind. The changing world and its inventions grabbed your curiosity and questions. You would collapse into bed, drained and exhausted, pleased to have dreamless nights. You were forgetful, and you were happy.
Hob soon visited more and more. Neither of you spoke of Morpheus, yet an empty third chair weighed on the both of you. You each tried not to look, yet your eyes always flickered over.
Unanswered questions swirled, all leading to one: why?
Why did it come to this? Why wasn’t he here? Why now? Why did it hurt so much?
Just why?
But, you and Hob ignored all of it and moved on.
Or tried to.
Questions, insecurities, heartache, all of it worsened when Hob’s and Morpheus’s meeting soon approached. You didn’t think it would be possible, but the downhill trajectory would only continue.
You almost joined Hob, yet you didn’t want to intrude. Hob assured you countless times you wouldn’t, but you decided to stay behind. Hob and Morpheus needed to talk first.
“I’ll drag him over here once I see him,” Hob promised - still smiling, still so hopeful.
“You better.”
He chuckled, and headed off.
The early morning drizzle trickled down the siding of your shop, and pinged against the windows. Your nerves rose with every drop. You rapped your fingers on the counter, you tapped your foot, you paced about, you simply couldn’t sit still. There were no customers to distract your anxious mind, especially not on this dreary week day.
So, you tried. You tried to distract your mind by reorganizing your shelves, but that only lasted so long. You tried listening to the radio at nearly full volume to drown out the questions and what ifs, but it still did very little to help.
Task after pointless task and the hours only dragged by.
Morning shifted to midday and soon to a pitch black night.
Closing your shop, you now found yourself at your kitchen table nursing on a stiff alcoholic drink. Your leg bounced as you stared wearily out the window only to see your reflection. A reflection painted in worry, and clung ferociously to hope. You assumed - hoped - Hob and Morpheus had forgotten the time enjoying each other’s company.
A false hope.
A bell chimed. Footsteps stumbled in an awkward dance, followed by low murmuring from your shop below.
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
Before you could move, the footsteps moved up the rickety stairs and your apartment door swung open. A body fumbled in. Keys fell to the ground missing the nearby table.
He leaned heavily against the door with half a bottle of wine in one hand. You rushed over to catch him. He instantly fell into you. “Oh, (Y/N),” he mumbled. His breath reeked of alcohol. “How … how are you this - this fine wonderful evening?”
“Oh, Hob,” you whispered, saddened by his state.
He perked up, and tried to walk forward. “None of that. We - hic - we are going to have - have fun and drink the night away.”
You guided him over to the kitchen table and carefully set him down. He took a swig of his wine, then offered some out to you. You didn’t refuse. You took a giant swig, thankful for the sweet tang. You wordlessly handed it back over and Hob continued to nurse on it a bit.
“You know he … he gifted this to me,” Hob smacked his lips. “Gave it to me in a dream - last one I had in ages … we … we talked for hours.”
You plopped down in the seat across from him. “I take it he did not show?”
“Of course he didn’t and why would he?” He huffed, running his fingers over the glass bottle.
You sighed. “He will come back to us.”
“Will he?” He snatched the bottle again, taking another sip.
“I think so.”
It was diminishing hope, but hope still resided.
Hob believed, even now, but sorrow and alcohol was on the forefront of his mind, muddling his thoughts. He leaned on his hand, trying to keep his swaying body upright. In his free hand, the wine bottle hung loosely between his fingertips. Slipping, and slipping, threatening to crash into the kitchen tiles.
You gently grabbed it, pulling it out of his weak grip and placing it on the table. Standing at his side, you ran your fingers through his hair. “Hob, it’s okay I - oof.”
Hob wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your chest. He sniffled faintly, and tightened his grip.
You sighed, and continued running your fingers through his hair hoping to soothe him. It pained you to see Hob like this, and it also pained you to think Morpheus was possibly alone in his castle. Did he truly not consider Hob or you to be his friends?
Where is he? Where did you go, Morpheus?
“I don’t want to lose him,” Hob mumbled into your shirt.
“He is just being dramatic.”
Hob tilted his head back, staring up at you. “I don’t want to lose you either.”
You smiled softly, brushing back a loose strand of his hair. “You won’t.”
Something instantly changed.
A shift.
His glassy eyes flickered to your lips. Transfixed and in awe.
Your heart skipped. “Hob -“
He instantly shot up. The chair knocked over, clattering to the ground. His hands cupped your face, and pulled you in.
Your lips collided.
Hot, and messy, and unable to conjure a single thought.
And you were drawn in.
You tumbled backwards into the wall, dragging Hob with you. The wine, the sweet tartiness, on his tongue was intoxicating. It swirled, numbing your senses.
Centuries. For centuries, you’ve wanted this.
Your hands curled into his hair, and yanked on it. Hard. Hob hissed. He chuckled, like a lovely melody of the past. Your shared past. His lips skimmed over and down your jaw. You shivered, clinging to him. His hands grabbed your waist, and rutted his hips into you.
“Hob,” you purred in his ear.
He smiled against your neck. He began to kiss up and down, marking every inch. A moan rumbled in the back of your throat. You craned your head, giving yourself over completely. Your eyes slowly trailed from the floor, up to the spilled wine and toppled chair.
Oh. Oh no.
“Hob.” You said as realization chilled your hot skin.
He hummed, unaware and unbothered.
Your hands, once tangled in his locks, now pushed on his shoulders. He stumbled back, blinking widely at you. “Wait, did I do -“
“It's nothing. Just not now, Hob.”
“Not now?” His shoulders dropped.
“Let’s revisit this when you are sober.”
“Sober,” he whispered, frowning.
You stepped forward, grabbing his hands. You brought them up, and pressed your lips to his knuckles. “I promise, but for now you need to rest.”
The deep frown still cut into his face. His eyes were miles and miles away.
You smiled. You reached up, touching the center of his forehead smoothing out the furrow. “Rest, Hob.”
His world titled. His vision blurred. Yet, what grounded him - what made him feel safe - was your kind eyes. Eyes he dreamt of. Eyes which sometimes mixed with the King of Dreams himself. Hob fell into a sleepless slumber; a constant of his last hundred years. But, this time, he would not wake up alone.
Not anymore.
Decades ticked by.
And, like always, time has changed your life.
For the better, you believed.
In a tavern, you now co-owned, you read a book listening to the white noise of chatter and clinking of glasses. However, directly beside you, the infrequent scribbling pulled at your attention more. You peered out of the corner of your eye. Hob puckered his lips as he fiercely tried writing on one of his students’ quizzes with a dried out pen. His free hand mindlessly fiddled with his locket, tossing and turning it more and more with his growing aggravations.
You closed your book, setting it on the table. “I told you to grab another one.”
“But it’s my favorite pen.” Hob dropped the locket, letting it bounce against his chest. He pouted, a little, staring down at the useless pen. “I thought it would have lasted longer.”
You smiled, shaking your head. “And it’s my favorite too.”
He grumbled.
“I told you to grab another from the drawer before we left.” You twirled your fingers and pulled a pen out of thin air from behind his ear - like a magician’s coin trick - then poked his nose with it. “You’re lucky, you’re cute.”
He beamed, taking the pen from your hand. He kissed your temple. “You’re amazing, thanks love.”
“Thank me later after I have successfully dragged your ass to bed.”
You eyed the stack of papers: quizzes, tests, with probably a few leftover essays from last week he had yet to get around to. It would be a miracle if you could get him into bed at all. It was a constant struggle all week.
He chuckled. “Trust me, I will do a lot more than thanking.”
Your eyes trailed up, connecting with that mischievous twinkle shining in his eyes. You leaned on the table, your face inches apart. “Is that so?”
“It is.” He smirked.
You laughed, picking up your book again. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Oh, I promise.” He whispered in your ear.
A pleasant chill ran down your spine. You rolled your eyes, yet still smiled. You gently smacked him in the head with your book. “Then stop flirting and finish your work so you can keep your promise.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You laughed, shaking your head. You opened your book and began to finish the last couple of chapters. However, with barely a dent in, the door’s chime rang gaining your attention. Your eyes slid up. The air was immediately knocked out of your lungs. Your hand shot down gripping Hob’s thigh. His eyes snapped down then over to your shocked expression.
“What? What is -“ He followed your line of sight and his words died on his lips.
Dream. Morpheus.
He was here - he was back.
Morpheus’s cool, pale eyes scanned over the room and landed on the two of you tucked in a corner. He made his way over standing in front of your table.
You felt Hob tense, anticipating the worst.
Morpheus, surprising you both, smiled. A beautiful, charming smile.
All tension melted away. You and Hob smiled, easily matching Morpheus’s. “You’re late,” Hob teased.
Morpheus’s smile only grew. “Apologies, I hear it is impolite to keep a friend - friends waiting.”
His deep chilling voice was the same as you remembered.
Morphues took the seat across from the two of you. His eyes soaked in your appearances; different clothing, changes in hairstyles, but it was still you and Hob. Two faces he thought about constantly during his imprisonment. Two people who whispered encouragement and serenity. Your voices calmed him, centered him, during those troubling times. He wondered how he would have differed if neither of you had entered his life. Would anger make him snap? Would sorrow weigh him down? Would the pressing loneliness finally consume him?
Taking you both in after more than a century, he also noted how close you and Hob sat. You were nearly attached to the hip. A flutter of joy - joy for his friends - hummed in his ancient heart. Yet, a sting of jealousy and sorrow also zipped through. It has been over a century, he bitterly thought. He sighed, pushing aside such childish emotions and thoughts. “How have you been faring?”
“Oh god, where do we start?” Hob breathed out, chuckling a bit.
You and Hob spilled into every detail over the years, or tried to.
There was a lot.
Hob now worked as a history professor, your business was still running now under a new name, you both decided to buy this tavern after learning the unfortunate outcome of the original one, and obviously the two of you were together with Hob having moved into your apartment over your shop.
Morpheus hung on to every word, every tale, listening intently. He smiled to himself as you both rattled on. He didn’t want to be anywhere else. This - this right here - was what kept him afloat, what kept him sane over the last century.
You glanced over to the windows, the sun was now tucked snug behind the buildings. “Here,” you stood up, getting their attention, “let’s continue this somewhere more comfortable.”
Hob nodded enthusiastically, and Morpheus agreed.
A short time later, all three of you were at the front door of your shop - it was the easiest way to get to the apartment above. You opened the door, a light instantly flickered on, and you gestured to them. “After you, fine gentlemen.”
Hob snickered while Morpheus simply smiled.
Hob strolled in first, spilling into another story of the last century, and Morpheus looked at him completely enraptured with his tale. You stepped in and shut the door behind hearing the soft click. Yet, you paused. The odd pair lingered in your chaotic, somewhat messy, shop. Hob’s loud voice boomed filling the silence as Morpheus nodded along, hanging on to each of his words. You sighed, leaning on the door smiling to yourself.
A dream finally came true.
Morpheus peered out at you from the corner of his eye to see your soft smile. He smiled back. After so many years, your dream was fulfilled. Like a missing puzzle piece found under the table, the picture was now complete and whole - you felt whole.
You floated forward, elated by it all. Walking behind Morpheus, your fingers grazed across his lower back. “Come, we can sit upstairs. I can make us some tea.”
The men followed after you up the stairs and into the kitchen. Hob and Morpheus sat across from each other at the table, while you started getting tea ready.
Yet, instead of talking, they watched you.
A low hum passed over your lips - a dreamy tune similar to the one Hob had heard all those years ago. They watched as a kettle floated out of a cabinet, hopped over to the sink, and filled itself under the running water. You opened up other cabinets searching for tea bags and mugs while sugar and honey soared over to the table along with a small pitcher of milk.
“Amazing, isn’t it?” Hob muttered.
Morpheus looked over to him to see his lovestruck eyes. “Certainly. It is nothing to bat an eye at.”
Hob scoffed. “Oh, you would say that, Mr. Dream Lord.”
Morpheus laughed once. “I do suppose my normality differs from most of humanity.”
You set down empty cups in front of them. “Obviously given how you are also not human.”
“That I am not.” Morpheus smiled up at you.
You smiled, shaking your head.
“Honestly, I think I would be lost without you.” Hob said to you then turned to address Morpheus. “I’d probably lose my head if it wasn’t for her.”
“You would be perfectly fine without me. Might not be as fun, but you would be fine.”
The kettle screamed.
You waved your hand and the kettle flew over carefully pouring the steaming water into the individual cups before landing back on the stove. Tea bags happily plopped into the scalding water. Smiling to yourself, you finally sat down beside Hob.
You clutched the warm cup, dunking the tea bag a few times. “So,” you licked your lips, “the question of the century: where have you been?”
It was the obvious question to ask. And it burned on the forefront of your mind since you laid your eyes on him. Why? Where did he go? Why did he leave? And after stewing for hours in the tavern, you decided you couldn’t take it anymore. You had to know.
Morpheus frowned slightly.
“You don’t have to answer,” Hob interjected, seeing the dream lord’s frown. “It’s not really our place to know.”
“But, it is, Hob.” Morpheus mumbled. “I have left you in the dark for more than a century, not to mention simmering in … unpleasant emotions.”
Heartache. Guilt. Sorrow. Anger.
His eyes flickered over to Hob. Hob, however, glanced away almost embarrassed and ashamed. Morpheus sighed, sinking further into his chair. “Are you aware of a man by the name of Roderick Burgess?”
Dunking your tea, your eyebrows shot up. “That fraud?”
Hob cocked his head quizzically. “Fraud? Who is he?”
“Oh, the great Magus,” your voice dripped with sarcasm, “was a supposed magic user, but all he had was rumors and threats. All spoke of a demon of some sort he trapped … trapped in his …” your voice trailed off as you locked eyes with Morpheus. You frowned at the chilling realization. “No … no … it was you, wasn’t it?”
Morpheus nodded, a small twitch, the tiniest of confirmations.
“What? What am I missing?” Hob’s curious eyes jumped between the two of you.
Morpheus whispered, broken and exhausted. “I was bound by an amateur trapped in his basement while he made demands for things I could not - and will not - give.”
Hob’s heart dropped into his stomach. “You were a prisoner for more than a century?”
“Yes, I was.”
Hob gripped his knees, and gritted his teeth. It took all his willpower to maintain his composure. You instinctively reached over and clasped his hand, running your thumb over the backside of his hand. Each stroke calmed him. Each stroke centered him. He sighed then peered over at you. A spike of icy fear ran through his veins. You glared menacingly ahead at an unknown force.
Hell could freeze over twice.
“But, you’re back.” Hob squeezed your hand, centering you as you did with him. He looked back to Morpheus. “And you’re okay … you are okay, right?”
Morpheus’s expression never told if he was in any pain. He nodded plainly. “I am.”
You wanted to curse that monster and his descendants for eons to come. The potential magic crackled over your skin. Closing your eyes, still holding Hob’s hand, you inhaled and exhaled in slow even patterns. You opened your eyes, connecting with those pale galaxies. “Are you sure? Please, don’t lie for our sake.”
Morpheus sighed, and spoke the truth. He didn’t wish to hide anything from either of you. Not anymore. “I will not lie and say it was easy, nor was my return. But, now? Now, I am sitting here with my friends and I finally feel at ease.”
You smiled, small and a little unsure. But, you accepted his answer. “Good.”
“And we are here for you if you ever need anything,” Hob added. “Whether it is a help hand in the Dreaming, or an ear to lend so you can complain - whatever - we are here for you.”
Morpheus smiled, a faint flutter hummed in his chest. “I appreciate that, Hob. Thank you.”
Alone. All those years, Morpheus was alone.
A new understanding passed over you and Hob. An understanding as well as the remembrance of an old secret. A confession you both shared under the blanket of night, a confession which was brought back to the front of both of your minds.
The next critical moment, Morpheus was left in the dark. He couldn’t comprehend what was now stirring in the air.
All he could do was watch.
He watched as Hob leaned over and whispered lowly into your ear. He watched as you listened, hanging onto Hob’s every word. He watched as a smile curled over your lips. He watched as Hob pulled back looking directly at you, and you met his eyes. He watched as you nodded enthusiastically.
Morpheus cocked his head curiously. What were the two of you whispering about? What was with the new secrecy? Soon, yours and Hob’s eyes snapped over, locking onto him. Morpheus couldn’t deny the flare of heat which burst in his chest.
“We have a proposition,” you began.
“And you can say no.” Hob added.
Morpheus knitted his eyebrows together. Proposition?
Slowly, almost as if to not frighten Morpheus, you stood and strolled over to him. Morpheus gazed up at you with confusion. You reached out, but stopped inches from his face. “Tell me to stop if you are uncomfortable.”
He nodded, a tiny jerk of his head in understanding. Curiosity pulled at his senses. Where will this go?
Where did he want this to go?
Smiling softly, your fingers brushed back his raven hair then caressed his face. He immediately fell into your touch. So long he was locked away, so long certain needs were left unfulfilled - neglected. Your fingers trailed down his face, and across his jawline drawing him in. You bent down, your lips barely grazing over his own and testing his boundaries.
His heart thumped.
Oh, how he missed this.
You didn’t see or hear any signs telling you to stop. Brushing past his lips, you whispered into his ear. Your breath fanned against his skin. “We want to show you our love.”
Morpheus’s eyes darted over to Hob. Hob leaned on hand, staring intensely at the two of you. He smiled devilishly at the dream lord.
You meant it.
You both wanted him.
Morpheus’s eyes slid back to you. You tilted his head back, looming over him. “Tell us if you want this or not. If you don't, that's okay, we will forget this ever happened.”
How could he forget about how the two people kept him sane all those years? How could he forget how desperate he was to be free just to see each of your smiling faces? How could he forget how his heart yearned carnally for each of you?
A century away has taught him much. The prevalent lesson: he regretted his inactions. Not reaching out more, not saying what he always wished to say, not leading with his heart rather his mind.
No. He wouldn’t forget.
His hand cupped your face. His lips skimmed over yours as he murmured, “I want this.”
This was where he always wanted it to go. To follow his heart, to follow his dreams.
Your eyes flickered over to Hob. A silent conversation passed. You looked back to Morpheus, smiling at him. You grabbed his hands, and guided him to the bedroom. Hob followed directly behind. Once in the bedroom, you and Hob had effectively trapped Morpheus, sandwiched between the two of you. You stood in front while Hob was at his backside.
He was caged once again.
Yet, he didn’t wish to be anywhere else. He happily locked the door behind him.
Your hands wandered up and down his chest, feeling the valleys and rigids of his body. Morpheus let out a shaky sigh as his eyes fluttered closed. Hob carefully removed Morpheus’s coat, tossing it onto the dresser. He kissed over Morpheus’s shoulder blades and up his neck.
All tension melted from Morpheus. He let you and Hob put your combined spell over him.
His clothing fell off one by one with little resistance. And, just as his fell, so did yours and Hob’s.
Yet, one thing remained. A trinket, a golden locket, still hung from Hob’s neck. Morphues, who now faced Hob, picked it up, twisting and turning it. Your power exuded from it, a tether linking to you.
“Maybe,” you wrapped your arms around Morpheus’s waist and kissed his back, “I’ll give you one. It would be a nice way to call instead of popping up randomly or waiting for one specific day.”
Morpheus hummed, a smile tugged on the corner of his lips. “Yes, I suppose it would be nice.”
Hob gently grabbed Morpheus’s chin with his thumb and forefinger, bringing his attention upward. “We can discuss that later. I believe we are in the middle of something.”
Hob leaned in kissing Morphues.
Morpheus hummed, his knees nearly buckled. One of his hands laid flat on Hob’s chest, under his beating heart, and the other snaked up to his neck, drawing him in deeper.
Hob groaned. Dreams could never compare to the real thing. He broke the kiss, trying to catch his stolen breath. His eyes flickered to you snug behind Morpheus’s back.
Another silent conversation.
Smiling, you turned Morpheus’s face to you. He fell into your kiss, your lips, just as he did with Hob. You gently twisted him around and guided him backwards. Your hands laid on his bare chest then you pushed; a slight shove. Morpheus tumbled backwards out of your kiss and onto the bed. He bounced on the mattress now splayed out. His eyes, crystal blue eyes, glowed in the dim lighting. They twinkled of endless stretching galaxies, of endless possibilities, of hope and dreams.
You and Hob stood at the ends of the bed, smiling lovingly down at him.
Morpheus’s heart flipped in his chest. Nerves. Giddy, aroused nerves he hadn’t felt in a century or more crackled over his flushed skin.
Oh, how he craved this. Oh, how he imagined this moment countless different ways. Oh, how he prayed to the universe for this. Luckily, and thankfully, someone finally heard his pleas.
Hob was the first to make a move.
He crawled onto the bed, crawled over Morpheus and captured his lips once again. Slower this time. Hob wanted to memorize it, commit it to his everlasting memories. Like how easily his lips slotted against Morphues’s, how intoxicating it was. Hob pressed his body down, trapping Morphues against the bed. He was almost fearful Morpheus would slip away again; fearful this was a dream or drunk haze. Morpheus’s fingers delicately caressed Hob’s cheek, feeling the light stubble growing in.
It was real.
He was truly back.
Hob pulled away, pressing his forehead to Morpheus’s. He closed his eyes. The only sound was their combined heavy breathing. Hob was savoring it, savoring this life altering moment. He opened his eyes to see those wonderful pale galaxies. He smiled, lopsided and boyish.
But, it quickly flipped.
It was now wicked and sinister.
Hob slid down Morpheus’s body, peppering kisses along the way. Down his slender frame, and over his coiled muscles. Down his hips where he gently bit him, excited to bruise his body. Down, and down to where Hob’s lips truly wished to be.
Hob’s hand wrapped around Morpheus’s hard length. Morpheus’s mouth fell open, forming a perfect ‘o’. Hob, with the flat of his tongue, licked up his length then took all of him into his mouth.
Morpheus moaned.
Fire - a fire of desire and list - burned over his starved skin. Unknowingly, he bucked his hips desperate for more. Hob hummed, a low chuckle. The fire morphed into explosions, each burst was dizzying and all consuming.
You sunk down into the bed beside Morpheus. His eyelids were half open, drooped in ecstasy, and he lazily glanced up at you. You smiled. He was picture perfect. Always was. Your fingers danced over his jaw, and drew him close, he hummed in delight as your lips pressed to his. You cupped his cheek, and -
Hob swirled his tongue around Morphues, making him moan. His lips parted, giving you the sweet opportunity. Your tongue darted in, exploring his mouth. He shivered. One of his hands skimmed up your side, following your curves, and cupped your breast. He kneaded and played with you, drawing out your wants. You hummed. He then pinched your perked nipple.
You gasped.
Morpheus smirked.
Oh, so that’s how he wants to play.
Your fingers threaded through his hair, forcing his head back. Your lips moved away from his and down his throat. You pressed soft butterfly kisses up and down his throat. When you passed over the crook of his neck, a soft moan rumbled in the back of his throat. Smirking against his perfect pale skin, you nipped at him. A test. Morpheus groaned. Fueled by his sweet sounds, you nipped and sucked at his skin, excited to see all the potential bruises, all your love bites.
Morpheus squirmed, breathing heavily. With one hand, Hob gripped Morpheus’s hip, pushing him down, keeping him steady. While, you were practically draped over him. Morpheus sighed. One of his hands was in Hob’s hair softly tugging on the stands, and the other was on your lower back pressing you further into him.
He was trapped - entangled.
And he loved it.
Ever so slowly, inch by inch, you kissed down Morpheus’s chest and soon backed off the bed completely. Your warmth was immediately missed. Goosebumps rose over his skin.
He nearly reached out, chasing after you and your touch.
Hob hummed.
Morphues arched his back, and forgot about you, successfully distracted.
You moved in slow measured movements. Your hands trailed over Hob’s bareback, over his taut muscles. Hob hummed at your fleeting touches. You curled yourself over his back, pressing yourself into him. Your hands traced down his chest, passing over the locket you had given him all those centuries ago. Your heart always skipped at the sight. It was a piece of yourself you freely gave over, and he fiercely protected it. You wrapped your arms around his waist. You pressed your lips into his shoulder, and peered up at Morpheus. His eyes were closed with his lips parted lost in his pleasure.
“He’s so beautiful, is he not Hob?” You whispered into the shell of his ear.
Hob, who had been constantly watching Morpheus gauging his reactions, groaned in agreement.
Seeing the King of Nightmares in such a state was thrilling, and a rare opportunity.
Biting your lip, your hand slid down, wrapping around the base of Hob’s cock.
Hob pulled his mouth off of Morpheus muttering a string of curses. Your lips curled into a sinister smirk. “Don’t stop on my account,” you teased.
You stroked Hob, an easy gentle rhythm. He panted slightly. Your thumb swiped over his tip, collecting a bit of his precum and making him buck into your hand. “Fuck,” he muttered.
Hob twisted his head, and pulled you into a searing kiss. You laughed a little against his lips. All the while, you kept your hand on him stroking him, enjoying his faint moans trapped in his throat. Hob, however, quickly slid his tongue between your lips. Your knees shook, weakened by this sudden change. You whimpered. You could taste Morpheus on Hob’s tongue.
You pulled away, just a smidge, whispering against his lips. “Let’s not forget why we are here in the first place.”
You both shifted your attention. Your combined gaze pinned Morpheus on the bed. His heart leapt into his throat. How could an entity - one who had lived generations, had seen thousands and thousands of kingdoms fall and rise, had nearly seen it all - be rendered into a complete mess by two measly humans?
Preposterous. Idiotic.
Yet, there was quite a simple answer: because he loved you both immensely.
Because he couldn’t imagine his life anywhere else, but leading to here.
He wanted this, he wanted this for centuries, only his pride had gotten in the way. But, now he tossed it aside, discarded, to stay in this moment forever.
“Please,” he whispered, his voice strained and husky.
A simple plea, a one worded prayer.
An intense want.
Hob smiled, answering his call. He took Morpheus’s cock back in his mouth. Morpheus sighed, closing his eyes in bliss. You, however, continued to watch as both of them became beautiful messes. Hob bobbed his head, swirling his tongue and enjoying the encouraging moans from Morpheus. All the while, you slowly pumped Hob from tip to base, knowing his body well after so many decades together.
You smirked, deviously.
You abruptly quicken your pace. Hob closed his eyes, moaning. In which, his moans, those mind numbing vibrations, caused Morpheus to moan and grit his teeth in pleasure. You nuzzled your face into Hob’s neck, listening to his strained breathing as he battled between his own bliss and wanting to please Morpheus. But, he kept his pace, using his pleasure to fuel him.
Looking up at Morpheus, you asked with mock innocence. “How are you faring, my sweet king?”
Morphues hissed, trying to speak - trying to keep his wits. But, how could he? He opened his mouth with a somewhat snarky retort to combat yours, but Hob hummed, taking Morpheus deeper. His nose brushed against his abdomen. All words died. It became an incoherent mess.
You chuckled, stroking Hob back at a leisurely pace - you loved to tease and rile him up. You kissed Hob’s shoulder. “It seems our king is having some troubles.”
Hob smirked as Morpheus’s cocked twitched in his mouth. He knew the effect your teasing, honey-like words were having on Morpheus.
Hob moaned.
Morpheus bucked his hips, and Hob took all of it, loving how the tip of his cock kissed the back of his throat. Hob quickened his pace. Unlike you, he was done teasing. He desperately wished to see the King of Dreams come undone. Morpheus moaned out Hob’s name - a plea, and a warning. His slender fingers twisted Hob’s hair. He needed something to hold, to steady him in this rising high.
And those same painful tugs only brought immense pleasure for Hob. It coursed through him, making him shiver.
“Morpheus, oh sweet Morpheus, you’re doing so good.” You cooed.
A faint whimper hummed in the back of Morpheus’s throat. He bucked his hips, despite Hob’s ironclad grip. He was close, so tantalizingly close. And he was becoming completely desperate. Hob, wishing to give him everything, quickly bobbed his head, taking all of Morpheus as possible. Spit and precum coated his lips. He wanted this as much as Morpheus. Maybe even more.
Hob hummed once more.
The vibrations, the sinfully wet noises, your praises and gaze, it all collided together. Morpheus bit his lip, moaning as he finally came in Hob’s mouth.
Hob - sweet Hob - swallowed all of it. He savored the salty taste, and swirled his tongue collecting every last drop. Then he finally pulled away with a pop.
You smiled.
Your turn.
With your hands still on Hob, you quickened your pace again. Hob immediately fell forward, his forehead pressed firmly into the mattress. His eyes lazily looked down and watched as your delicate hands jerked him off. He whined, bucking his hips into your hands.
He wouldn’t last much longer.
“I think you should look up, darling,” you whispered.
Hob slowly raised his head to meet Morphues’s hungry eyes. His heart jumped in his chest. Heat licked at the tips of his ears. Oh, it was thrilling. Those vast pale blue eyes swallowed him up. He shivered. Becoming more and more needy, Hob started to rock his hips, fast and hard, into your hand - you hardly had to do much at this point.
Smirking, you nipped at Hob’s earlobe. “Oh, sweetheart, come for us.”
Hob groaned. Just like Morpheus: your words, Morpheus’s hungry gaze, centuries of want, it all clashed together making him come in your hand. He muttered a few curses. His hips stuttered as he placed his hands on the bed to keep himself upright. His breathing was the only noise in the still room. You kissed over his shoulder. “You were amazing.”
A towel appeared out of nowhere landing on his thigh. Hob chuckled softly as he slowly came down from his high. “Thanks,” he mumbled with a lopsided smile.
You glanced up to see Morpheus’s hungry predatory gaze had now locked onto you. He needn’t say much. You knew what he wanted, and so did you. Smiling, you crawled on top of Morpheus. His chest still heaved with the remnants of his fun with Hob. His chest and forehead glistened with beads of sweat. You reached down brushing back his hair, taking in his lovely face. He instantly turned his head into your soft touch.
“Are you okay?” You whispered.
He laughed once. “Yes, love. I am perfectly fine.”
Better than ever, he thought.
Your heart swelled at the nickname. It was such a simple one. In fact, it was the same one Hob called you, and yet it still stirred such giddy feelings inside of you. Like it was your first crush, your first innocent infatuation. You leaned down, your hands planted on both sides of his head. Trapping an entity who wanted to be nowhere else. You smiled lovingly and kissed him. He sighed. His hands reached cupping your face, then carefully his hands trailed down your chest, to your sides and landed at your hips.
He smirked to himself.
He lifted his hips.
His cock teased your entrance. You moaned into his lips, and he greedily swallowed up the sound. You pulled away breathless to see a teasing smirk dancing across his swollen lips. You simply couldn’t help but grin.
The message was perfectly clear.
Sitting up and aligning yourself, you sank down - inch by delicious inch - onto Morpheus. His lips fell apart, but he made no noise. Not yet. He stretched and filled you. You let out a breathy sigh, tossing your head back as you adjusted to him.
“How is he, my sweet?” Hob whispered in your ear, now resting beside you.
“Amazing,” you breathed out, looking at Hob.
Hob peered over at Morpheus. “And Morpheus, my beautiful stranger, how does she feel?”
Morpheus’s fingers dug into your hips, beginning the process of bruising them. His Adam's apple bobbed, and licked his lips, and muttered a single word - it was all he could manage. “Divine.”
You laughed once, smiling. “I believe you had said the same thing, Hob.”
Hob chuckled. “I believe you may be right.” He leaned his and nipped at your neck, whispering into your skin, “Nothing can compare.”
Hob turned your face and kissed you.
Your eyes fluttered closed, and fell into his warmth.
Morpheus watched, enthralled by the two of you. You slowly pulled away, breaking the sweet kiss. You pressed your forehead to Hob’s and smiled softly. A smile filled with absolute love and adoration, love built over centuries.
Morphues bucked his hips. Your smile dropped as you let out a low moan. Oh, he probably enjoyed that more - how easily to fall apart at the simplest of touches.
Hob chuckled, loving how your face twisted into pleasure. “I think someone wants your attention.”
You glanced back to Morpheus. And oh what a sight to behold. The King of Dreams and Nightmares on his back as he grabbed your hips as if it was his lifeline. His eyes once a pale blue, now a black hole filled with love and lust. His pale skin covered in red marks from you and Hob, and his puckered lips swollen as the sweet forbidden sounds passed through them.
You smiled, “You have my attention, my sweet king.”
Morpheus smiled, chuckling lightly.
You rolled your hips.
His smile instantly vanished into a frown of pleasure.
You slowly moved up and down: a steady rhythm.
Morpheus fingers dug into your hips, grinding you down further onto him. He breathed out a moan, as your walls fluttered around him. You swiftly picked up your pace. Your hands splayed out on his chest for balance as you rolled and rocked your hips, drawing out every sound imaginable from Morpheus. Groaning, he met your pace by thrusting up. Every downward motion was met with a delicious jerk upwards, hitting spots you couldn’t imagine. You tossed your head back as pleasure rolled through you - building and building.
Then without warning, fingers circled your clit.
You gasped. “Fuck, Hob.”
He chuckled, kissing your shoulder. “Only trying to help.”
Morphues groaned as you clamped down around him from a simple act. “Do that again, Hob.”
“With pleasure.”
Hob rubbed and teased you, making you whimper and whine. Your head fell forward as you breathed heavily. Your eyes opened a bit to see how Morphues disappeared inside of you, and Hob delicious fingers were all over you.
“(Y/N),” Morpheus moaned. Another warning.
You whimpered again.
Oh, to always hear that. To hear how your name flew off his beautiful lips.
You quickened your pace, feverishly bouncing up and down chasing your highs. Your legs burned, but you didn’t care. Morpheus bucked his hips while Hob continuously whispered in your ear, saying such sweet praises.
The pleasure build and build and -
You crashed.
You cried out.
Morpheus grinded your hips down on him. Your walls clamped down and soon he followed after. He hummed, throwing his head back into the pillows.
Hob quickly reached up cupping your face and kissing you, swallowing all your moans. You hummed in utter bliss.
Pulling apart, you both looked down at Morpheus. Each of you with crooked tired smiles, and eyes drooped in lust. You bent down, kissing Morpheus once again, loving how easily your bodies meddled together. You then rolled off of him - suppressing a moan as you leave his warmth feeling slightly empty inside - and collapsed down next to him. Hob fell down on the other side, tossing his arm over Morpheus’s chest.
Morpheus closed his eyes, adoring the warmth you both radiated.
Yes, he couldn’t imagine himself anywhere else.
No one could.
Yet, before he could continue to cherish this lovely moment, you sat up, looking down at the pair. A thought from earlier had popped back into your head. You extended out your hand towards Hob, “Hob, can I see your locket for a second?”
Puzzled, Hob still agreed. He slipped the chain over his head and dropped it into your waiting hands. “What are -“
His mouth clamped shut.
Just like all those times before, a hypnotic melody of jumbled words muttered over your lips. Such a beautiful rhythmic lull. Even now, Hob could still remember the first time he heard it - so clear in his head - and it always eased his heart.
You held up the chain as the locket swayed side to side, like a magician’s watch ready to hypnotize a crowd. You then slowly pulled the chain apart. A black chain, shiny and new, was being pulled out of the golden one. Almost as if the black was behind it all along, a simple sleight of hand trick. You kept pulling and pulling, chanting and humming, until there was a clang - a clang of two lockets gently banging together.
In one hand you held out Hob’s golden locket, the one he had for centuries, and in the other was a locket in similar style but dripped in an onyx black.
Perfect for Morpheus.
You held out the lockets for them with a soft smile.
Hob, who was always dumbfounded by your abilities, wordlessly grabbed his locket and quietly looped it around his neck. Morpheus, on the other hand, only stared at your palm. “What is this?” He finally asked.
“A gift.” You said, like it was obvious. “I said I would give you one so here you are. A way to always be in contact.”
Morpheus blinked, somehow still confused by the gesture. “But, why?”
“Because I would like to know what trouble you boys get into,” you teased.
Morpheus then smiled, laughing once.
Because I love you - the true reason why, one that didn’t need to be spoken just yet.
He grabbed the locket, yet held it up to the light. It twinkled like the night sky with thousands of minuscule stars. Love - a dizzying warmth - spread all over his body.
Hob sat up and without being asked, gently took the locket from Morpheus. Morpheus didn’t protest, only stared. Hob smiled and hooked it over Morpheus’s neck for him. He carefully laid the locket on Morpheus’s chest, and chuckled as your words from earlier resurfaced in his mind, “Trouble does seem to be our middle name.”
“Trouble, pain in my ass, the list could go on,” you joked.
Hob leaned towards you, smirking. “Oh, but you love it.”
You cupped his face, pecking his lips. “I do.”
Morpheus traced the oval shape on his chest. It was so warm against his skin. His heart soared because of it. It was such a simple gift. And somehow almost pointless. He was a worldly being with unmeasurable powers. If you wished, with a simple call of his name, he could appear. Anytime and anywhere. So, it was a useless trinket. Yet, he would treasure it with all his heart. It was the sentiment, the thought, and the love poured into it which made him smile.
Yes, it was pointless, but it was also incredibly invaluable.
He truly didn’t deserve either of you.
“I know I have said it once before but I wish to apologize for my behavior,” Morpheus muttered, still playing with his new locket. His eyes flickered between the two of you. “For how I acted all those years ago.”
You and Hob stared at him. Sorrow passed over your features. Imprisoned, tortured, and forgotten. Morpheus didn’t deserve that, no one did. But, the pitiful sorrow vanished as love - bright and welcoming - eagerly replaced it.
Hob laid down and brushed Morpheus’s cheek, rubbing his thumb over his cheekbone, “All is forgiven.”
You needn’t apologize.
You laid down next and kissed Morpheus’s bare shoulder. “Apology accepted.”
We should be apologizing to you.
Morpheus sighed, somehow finally relieved. It gnawed at him for centuries and to hear those words, to hear your both soothing voices, it was healing. “Thank you,” he mumbled, his voice thick as he battled against his frightening emotions.
Your arms wrapped around Morpheus’s torso. “And like we said we’re always here for you. You won’t ever have to be alone again.”
“And nothing will ever harm you again,” Hob murmured in Morpheus’s neck.
Morpheus smiled softly and closed his eyes, letting the warmth envelope him - a warmth he hadn’t felt in a century from being locked in that damp cold basement. With a new locket laying over his beating heart, he mumbled. “Thank you.”
For once, in over a century, all three of you could finally rest easy with your hearts full, and with sweet dreams to come.
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Returning customer - Morpheus x Witch!Reader
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Continuation to [Welcome to Moon Siren Horticulture!]
SUMMARY: That strange, brooding customer is back and, just as you wished, no children or curses are involved. Your new neighbours make themselves known.
“Sir, unless you provide me with proper documents, I can’t sell you a Liverstone. That’s the law,” you explain slowly. There is hardly a simpler way to get your point across. Nevertheless, the man seems to miss it entirely. In turn, his lack of understanding makes you miss the bright ringing of the doorbell as someone has just walked into the store.
“Come on, lady.” Here comes another pitiful shot at haggling. “Do I look like a maniac? I’m not going to do anything stupid or illegal with it.” Interesting that he would suggest such a course of events when you haven’t even pointed to a suspicion of this kind. People often say that it is the thief who is most afraid of being robbed. Perhaps folk wisdom isn’t always wrong.
“It’s not a matter of belief, sir,” you answer sternly. Somewhere behind him, you can see a head of black, dishevelled hair but the enigmatic visitor seems to exist only when you’re directly paying attention to him. The moment you look back at the discoloured face and bloodshot eyes belonging to the cultist, the existence of the yet unknown client immediately disappears from your thoughts. “Until I receive a signed confirmation from your High Priestess, I’m lawfully prohibited from selling you this.”
The man puts his clasped, shaking hands on the counter in front of you as if he’s about to say something off-record. It’s hard to say whether the trembling is brought by nervousness or withdrawals. “Look, Lady Helena is swamped lately. She asked me to get a Liverstone, while she’s busy preparing for the festival. You know Lady Helena, she’s going to be very upset if she hears you pawned me off.” The cultist gives you a meaningful look, although all of its reasonability or seriousness is long forgotten because of the clearly deranged gloss covering his eyes. Some part of you doubts Lady Helena even knows he’s here. Does she have any idea how far gone his addiction is?
“And Lady Helena knows me.” You’re not giving up, both for his and your own’s sake. “I’m sure she’ll understand that I can’t sell it without proper documentation.”
For some reason, it is at this moment that the other customer decides to step in. In the black dishevelled hair and a heavy coat, you recognize the mysterious man that had visited your shop a while ago. He puts his hand on the red-eyed man’s shoulder. The cultist furrows his eyebrows and slowly turns around. His eyes mindlessly search the other man’s face as though it’s taking him a significant amount of time to recognize him as a human or at least a humanoid.
When the excruciatingly slow process comes to an end, the cultist opens his eyes wide. Clearly, the enigmatic man in a coat is not unfamiliar to him. Suddenly rejuvenated, the addict takes off his top hat.
“My good lord Morpheus!” he exclaims in disbelief.
‘Morpheus?’ you repeat in your head. ‘Could it be…?’
The cultist reaches for the man’s other hand, shaking it vigorously in an overly-excited show of politeness. Although Morpheus appears to be reluctant about the gesture, he doesn’t withdraw his arm.
“As I live and breath!” the man says as he continues his obnoxious pleasantries. “This is such an honour! I will be much obliged to tell my fellow professionals about it.”
“You really shouldn’t, Theodore Hearson,” Morpheus speaks patiently in a low voice. “Go home, soon you’ll feel better.”
The cultist immediately drops his vigorous hand-shaking. He ponders for a moment, staring blankly into space. “Yes… yes, I should go. Good day to you.” Then, he puts his hat back on, tips it to Morpheus and leaves the store, Liverstone long forgotten. You have befriended either an exceptional diplomat or a top-notch sorcerer, it seems.
Not wanting to seem shaken up with the miraculous persuasion, you welcome Morpheus as you would a regular client: “Welcome back. How can I help you?”
“I’m in need of your help once more. My friend is looking for a plant that might have killed someone.” As his low voice makes the marrow in your bones vibrate, he pulls out a folded note from his pocket and hands it to you.
Before you can even take in the information hastily scribbled on the torn piece of paper, you notice the striking familiarity of the style in which the letters are written - you’ve seen it countless times before. “Hey, I know this handwriting. It’s Johanna Constantine’s.”
His eyebrows raise unnoticeably. “You know her?”
“She does regular ‘pest control’ for me.”
“What interest could demons have in a plant shop?”
“It’s not really interest per se,” you explain. “The soil of more delicate plants should be fertilised with crushed soul stones and although they’re shards, demons still can reside in them. Selling a haunted flower gets the license revoked, so I’m not risking it.”
You’re about to look down on the note again, this time focused on putting together the information Johanna could give you, when a booming thud resounded above your head. Again. The sound is followed by heavy footsteps and something like a muffled growl.
“Speaking of risk…” you say under your breath. As though you could see through the walls, you look at the ceiling expectantly.
“Something’s troubling you?”
“Hard to say, really.” You look at Morpheus again. “There’s a new store opening up there, The Blind Gorgon. They sell cryptids mainly. Arcane Weekly wrote about them some time ago. People and cattle were getting strangled in some village in Russia and when the Emissaries of Ilharin went to investigate, it turned out that the owner of the store had a wild bukavac in the cellar. Before the Russian bureau of Emissaries could pin the guy as a suspect, he closed the shop and disappeared. Go figure.” You give him a dismissive shrug but a creature of his sort is far too smart to be deceived by something like that.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips. You shake your head but it’s more of a way to shake off the sudden disturbance rather than a show of your dissatisfaction with new neighbours.
“Anyway.” You look at the note properly this time. “Red flower, pine aroma, growing out of a corpse?” you read. Although the amount of information is scarce, it’s enough for you to immediately know the answer to the charades. “It’s Devil’s Nightcap. Nasty way to go. The thing is, the victim had to ingest the seed for the plant to grow and kill them but you can’t buy them. Whoever did this, owns a Devil’s Nightcap, which, no surprise, is a heavily restricted plant. A warlock, a sorcerer, an alchemist, maybe a healer,” you count all the possibilities. “Or a horticulturist, of course.” In a vague motion, you point to yourself.
Morpheus takes the note back from you. Deliberately or not, his fingers linger on yours for a strangely long period of time.  “In what currency does Johanna usually pay you?” He wastes no time getting straight to the point.
“We barter,” you answer flustered. Nervously, you rub your hands against your gardening apron. Maybe you’re reading a bit too much into his gesture? “I do favours for her pro bono and she gives me a discount for her service. Besides, it’s bad luck to take money from exorcists.”
He loiters for a moment as though he’s considering saying or doing something more. Whatever calculation he made in his head, Morpheus apparently decided against continuing the tense interaction. He’s about to turn around, leave your store, when you stop him:
“I wanted to thank you again for getting rid of the nightmares brought by Widow’s Woe. The day you came here I had my first restful sleep in years.”
Morpheus’s face lights up. A faint smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. “What did you dream of?”
“It was quite strange, actually.” You scrunch your nose remembering the vision. “I found myself in a meadow where flowers I’d never seen before grew. I think there was also a black cat.”
“That’s a nice dream,” he says in an uncharacteristic, soft voice.
 You’re not sure what it is about his sudden tenderness that makes you blush. “Yes, I think so, too.”
Morpheus leaves the store and the quietness of the plants is unbearable for the first time in decades.
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