#Morgana the little mermaid
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thecourtofgraywaves · 3 months ago
Kathryn Hahn would be perfect as Morgana if they ever did a sequel to the live action Little Mermaid.
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tampire · 6 months ago
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The Little Mermaid villains wielding Triton's Trident
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avitha · 10 months ago
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A Little Mermaid Tale
Happy MerMay!!! Here's a crossover!!!!
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princess-ibri · 3 months ago
Ursula's Other Other Sister
So, we all know Morgana, and if you're in this side of Tumblr you've probably heard of (and raised an eyebrow over) Uliana, the infamous younger sisters of Urusla...
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But turns out, there is another.
The continuously brilliant Collin Looks Back had finally done a restrospective video on Ursula, which can be found here (would highly recommend all of his Disney Villain Retrospectives or any video of his)
And at the very end of it, we are introduced to a Disney Parks Only character, who appeared for a Disney Diva Villains extravaganza event in 2000
Cala Mari, the self proclaimed "unauthorized" sister of Ursula.
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She apparently MC'd the event, introducing various Disney Villainess as they performed skits and songs, and she even had her own minions/back up dancers in the form of a couple of "She- Urchins"
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Love that hair 👌
Collin got his info for the event from: LaughingPlace.com
The link should take you right to when Cala Mari first appears in the show. There's sadly no working video links anymore but there is an overview of the highlights and a lot of pictures.
Anyway, thought I'd show off this fun little bit of obscure trivia. If Urusla gets about 3 more sisters we'll have the full count from her "Daddy's Little Angel Song" from Broadway 😅
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romancemedia · 6 months ago
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The Little Mermaid & Return to the Sea (1)
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jinxthejubilee · 11 months ago
I don't know why the fandom is having such a hard time picturing Azul having a little brother based on Morgana from the second Little Mermaid movie. It could totally work in canon!
Let's break this down for a second:
Azul's parents are divorced. He was raised by his bio mom and his step-dad.
Azul says himself that his step-father is "the father he respects," which could mean that he has absolutely no contact with his bio-dad. He wouldn't know what he was up to or if he had other children.
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Azul's bio-dad could've also been a cecaelian (octo-mermaid) and had another child, or he could've been a normal mermaid who got with another octo-mer after he divorced Azul's mother.
Heck, maybe that was the cause for the divorce in the first place. Maybe he had an affair and destroyed his marriage himself. Or if you want to go a bit deeper, after their marriage fell apart for whatever reason, Azul's bio-dad wanted to recreate the family he lost and got with another cecaelian woman and had his little brother.
This point, in particular, could be a reference to the popular theory that Morgana was Ursula's half-sister. Same mother, different fathers.
The theory goes that Ursula was the result of an affair Triton's father, the former king, had with an octo-mermaid. Such a scandal would bring shame upon the royal family, hence why Ursula lived with her mother away from the prying eyes of the court, but it would also make sense why, in her youth, Ursula still had ties to the castle and lived there from time to time (according to the movie).
A few years later, Ursula's mother had another baby girl with a normal mermaid. He wasn't anyone special like the king, with no royal lineage or special magic of his own, making Morgana "unremarkable" in her mother's eyes. Or maybe their mother truly loved this man, and the relationship didn't work out, so she takes her anger and insecurities out on Morgana.
With all of this in mind, it's possible that Azul's bio-dad could resent Azul's little brother in some way, giving him an inferiority complex a mile wide, just like Morgana. He wouldn't stop talking about Azul and how great he's become, how his brother should strive to be more like him.
It was always: Azul this, or Azul that, or (INSERT NAME), why can't you be more like your brother Azul?
He would grow to despise Azul, his own brother, who he's never even MET. That's perfect angst potential right there. To add fuel to the fire, maybe little bro tried to reach out to Azul and connect with him, but their father sabotaged that somehow and made him think that Azul just didn't care.
Now you might be asking, how would Azul's bio-dad even know about Azul's accomplishments? Glad you asked!
Either A): Azul's mother is the only one in contact with him and updates him on how Azul's doing from time to time.
Or B): His bio-dad enrolled the Morgana stand-in in Azul's school by chance and heard through the grape vine that Azul became the deal maker non-technical crime boss he is now.
Or both. Honestly, both of these combined would push little male Morgana over the edge. His classmates hear the rumors about an octo-mer who granted devious wishes a few years back and are either scared of or really unimpressed by the little bro's lack of magical prowess.
The bullying and self-hatred haven't skipped a generation, and neither has the body issues. Instead of being insecure about being overweight, Azul's little bro is insecure about being way too skinny.
This went on way longer than I thought, but to wrap up: All this to say, if we got Jamil's sister, who is a reference to Jafar's twin sister from that obscure Aladdin game, I think it's plausible for Azul to have a brother.
Thank you, and goodnight!
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deathcandylove · 3 months ago
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Uliana Gala!
Morgana's human form and name. Hey, if Ursula can have one so can she. I made her look similar to Vanessa so you could tell they're sisters, but different enough. Don't ask me who's voice she has. Probably a background character.
From what I understand from my daughter Uliana is similar to Morgana. So she decided they should be the same character and Uliana be her human name. And to really pull the characters together without doing multicolored hair I have dark brown (like Vanessa), but added blue, teal-green, and yellow pearls to the halo braid to represent the colors in Uliana's hair while still making her hair natural looking. Gotta stay in the little mermaid style. Two skin tones like Vanessa because I like them both.
Every time I was coming up with an outfit for her I kept using Vanessa's casual dress as a reference from the movie. It took me awhile to realize I should be making her a ball gown since this is fancy Disney. Not casual Disney.
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squishosaur · 1 year ago
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hhhello twst fans. i am dropping these vvv embarrassedly & running for the hills (octatrio family members for my au/event)
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acecykes-dono2 · 6 months ago
I just watched Descendants 4. There is no reason for Ursula's Crazy Sister not to be Morgana except for the fact that Morgana starts with an M while Uliana starts with a U.
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 7 months ago
I haven't seen Rise fo Red yet, and I'm gonna be so fr I don't think I'm ever going to see it, but I DID just watch Alex Meyers' video about it and I find it so funny that there's ANOTHER cash grabby Disney sequel that features Ursula's previously unmentioned crazy sister as an antagonist. It's insane that that's happened twice.
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shewhowantsmouseears · 1 year ago
So not too long ago, I decided to pay for my very first art commission ever - to James Silvani, who did the original Darkwing comics run.
My request was a certain scene from the little mermaid "Why Eric, run away with you? This is all so... so sudden~") but with Darkwing and Morgana. Today, it arrived!
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sexymonsterotd · 9 months ago
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sexy monster of the day: morgana from the little mermaid 2
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disneydarlin · 9 months ago
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, Morgana —Aesthetic
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Morgana's Character & Personality
Morgana is a cecaelia octopus who's the younger sister of Ursula. She works alongside her pet tiger shark, Undertow, as well as her two pet manta rays, Cloak and Dagger. Morgana is deceitful, baleful and ruthless. Although she isn't as talented at magic or potions as her older sister, much to her embarrassment, she's equally evil. Unfortunately, Morgana lacks her sister's subtlety and deviousness. More than anything, she hates being criticized. Morgana has a massive inferiority complex relating to her sister as she also hates being compared to her. Due to all this, she's driven to do what Ursula could not: rule the ocean to prove her superiority over her sister. Beyond this, Morgana has a funny but malicious sense of humor. She's even cannibalistic as she'll eat a plate of dead sea animals containing her own species. Morgana is arguably more evil than her sister because her plans couldn't be easily foiled by loopholes. In addition, she's more cunning as she's able to easily manipulate others with her motherly-like charm into doing her work for her.
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princess-ibri · 3 months ago
How did Ursula react to Morgana being exiled by Thalassa?
Honestly I think at that point their relationship had deteriorated enough that she was more annoyed at Morgana then anything, and was relieved to see her gone.
Morgana's attempt at a coup seriously jeopardized Thalassa's plans, and Ursula knew that. To them, Morgana was a liability they couldn't afford to have around anymore. And she was more impressed with her mother's ability to spin this fiasco into a win for them, then upset about losing her sister.
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romancemedia · 6 months ago
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The Little Mermaid & Return to the Sea (2)
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kmixon · 9 months ago
Forbidden princess of the sea 🌊
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Princess Melody is " only Princess give birth we know." Melody is forgetting PRINCESS EVER......🥺🥺🥺
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This is the first mother and daughter talking in sequel.... I REPEATED THIS IS MOTHER AND DAUGHTER TALK IN SEQUEL!
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Melody got wish be a mermaid. Melody is excited to be " mermaid " it spell be 24 hrs....😮😮😮
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Melody getting her greatfather of sea! Melody and Ariel see others be a " MERMAID"😮😮😮
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Meteora got Melody to her getting Triton. "Meteora, kill 2 times.....😱😱😱 " If they killed her all the fandom will be MAD.... 😠 😠 😠
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King Triton blood work in family.... 😮😮😮 Melody want to be together. COME ON BE MELODY BE DISNEY PRINCESS.....😤😤😤
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