#Morgan Cipres
jupiterdomain · 2 months
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Morgan Cipres
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late1900s · 2 years
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nanoland · 2 years
Vanessa James & Morgan Cipres - Beat It & Black or White @All That Skat...
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sunskate · 8 months
I feel bad for GrPa. To have such a successful breakout Olympic season only to lose their momentum (perhaps as people are suggesting due to programs) by moving to Olympic champion and silver medalist coaches even with a sixth place finish at their first worlds…who knows what happened if they didn’t move to MIDA. I think they took a big risk moving to coaches with no international elite coaching or choreographing experience (did we see any Charlie/Tanith/Greg choreo before MIDA? Maybe I should fact check myself there). It is not feeling like that risk is paying off
Charlie was establishing himself as a choreographer before MIDA - in 2018/19, he choreographed Wicked Game for Vanessa James/Morgan Cipres which had some buzz around it at the time, and he choreographed VM's RTR tour. there were other competitive programs, too. Not sure about Tanith choreo.
but Greg was coaching full time for years before MIDA - he's the most experienced of the 3. he was Madi Chock's partner before Evan until he retired in 2011 from competition. he was an assistant coach to Igor in Novi for years, then went to WISA, which is the connection to Green/Parsons, Bratti/Somerville and Cesanek/Yehorov, who all used to train there and moved to MIDA. i imagine he was making programs for teams at Novi and WISA too
Michael had been at WISA since he was 8 and left at 26, so that's an incredibly long time. he and Caroline teamed up in 2019, and if you remember their first couple seasons, their programs ranged from 🤷🏻‍♀️ to ick so the ones from their breakout season felt like a complete bolt of lightning. they said they did a large part of their own choreo for their FD, so they bring their talent with them. which makes that Rhapsody in Blue program that much more puzzling. MIDA has music tastes that feel like they come from a previous era sometimes. their programs have been pretty hit or miss so far
but that doesn't mean they won't learn. CPom had a bumpy first season at IAMO too, but they rightly got a reset. Gr/Pa can rewrite their narrative too, but it's going to be more uphill than they were anticipating
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buckttommy · 2 years
vanessa james and morgan cipres could have been an ice skating power couple but he had to go and be a freak. sad !
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trinitea-fics · 6 months
Hello! I saw you comment on a figure skating post that you miss when Kevin Aymoz was unproblematic. Can i ask how is he problematic? Genuinely just asking out of curiosity, because I don't really follow athlete's life and such. Thanks in advance, if you answer.
Hey Anon! So Kevin’s coaches also coached former pairs skater Morgan Cipres, who was accused and then charged with sending material harmful to a minor by electronic device in 2019, after sending inappropriate nude pictures to an underage skater at their rink. The coaches (John Zimmerman and Silva Fontana) were also accused of covering up this incident and intimidating the skater and their family into keeping quite. This resulted in Zimmerman being suspended from coaching by SafeSport for 2 years. And after all that, Kevin still has them as his coaching team, and happily so based off of his and Fontana’s interactions in the kiss and cry.
I think there was also some thing about him bad-mouthing Adam in the kiss and cry during this past nationals, saying that Adam’s success has lead to his downfall. But that’s less serious petty drama vs. working with coaches that covered up sexual abuse. But I do certainly think that's when a lot of people went from "Kevin has terrible coaches" to "Kevin has terrible coaches AND isn't that great of a guy either."
But long story short, any adverse reaction to Kevin online mostly has to do with his positive relationship with his terrible coaches that he should have left years ago.
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corporaloretsev · 1 year
sorry who was that post referring to? i’m new to fs
tw // sexual abuse
kevin aymoz, his coach silvia fontana (who you saw screaming with him at kiss and cry at worlds) and john zimmermann helped covering up morgan cipres' child sexual abuse case (you can google for details, john especially was listed on safesport if i'm not mistaken). he defended his coach, people were calling him out on twitter but he blocked every single one of them.
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lilybluemooon · 2 years
Y'all not even know half of the story of the Cipres and coaches matter. If you would know, you wouldn't write what you just did.
All Kevin ever did was posting a heart emoji on a tweet that said his coaches are nice ppl. Some ppl came after him with really hateful comments though none of the whole matter is his fault and he didn't even type or say anything to it and he's not even allowed to.
Yes he is still with his coaches and if you call that supporting them ok fine, but it's not that black and white as you think it is.
Morgan Cipres can rot in hell, but Kevin is not at fault for what he or his coaches did to cover it up. And ppl should not hold him accountable for that. Or you can hold many skaters also accountable for still being coached or choreographed by ppl who did even worse (like for example Nikolai Morozov)
And btw since when is blocking ppl a crime? If Kevin doesn't want to see comments of certain ppl that's totally his decision. I can block ppl who post cute cat pics because I don't like cats because it's my social media space and he has the same rights.
lol ok
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prelude-numero-2 · 2 years
I watched the replay for the pairs.
The commentators (french) sometime say some shit sexist. They often talk when the athletes compete (sometime I can't hear the music at all) says mistakes about the jumps the names ect... This is kinda disgusting yes. When they are commenting I'm wondering why I watch.
At the final results, just at the last, Candeloro (one of them), after praised j/r (hem...) said " And we also salute Morg*n Cipr*s, without all this would not have been possible"
Holy shit. I screamed.
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Eric Radford and Vanessa James are teaming up for team Canada. And i have some thoughts.
Firstly, they are both abuse apologists. Eric for working with John Coughlin after his abuse allegations came out. Vanessa for continuing to work with and support Morgan Cipres after his abuse and grooming of children was made public. So I will not be supporting either of them.
Secondly, it has been reported that Meagan Duhamel (who still performed with Radford until the pandemic) was not informed of the situation until the rumours started to become public. As a result, Meagan will stand to lose a lot of income from various skating shows and events who will unlikely hire her as a singles skater. The whole situation has really left her in the lurch and regardless of your personal opinion towards Meagan, this is a terrible way to treat someone.
Lastly i want to quickly point out my issue with the Skate Canada federation supporting this new pair. It is a further continuation of their habit of relying on veteran skaters to bring home international medals whilst not investing in the next generation. This is what led to the absence of international Canadian dominance following the many post-2018 retirements that affected every discipline.
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jupiterdomain · 1 month
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Morgan Cipres
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late1900s · 2 years
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French former Pairs skater Morgan Cipres has been charged with a third-degree felony for transmission of harmful material to a minor by electronic device, which faces a sentence of up to five years in prison. He is currently in France. 
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skate-the-onion · 4 years
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In celebration of 1100 followers, here’s another flock of Troubled Birds.
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“I hope that we as fans stop putting skaters on such high pedestals, like these are people who we don’t see more that 0.5% of their lives, we don’t know them, they’re not your friends, don’t get too emotionally invested thinking of them as the idealized version you imagine. Honestly they may be worst or better than you think they’re. Also, Yuzuru isn’t some kind of robot, he has his bad days and doesn’t end up first and it’s nobody’s fault. Stop thinking of him as some god who can’t say or do anything bad (not talking about something illegal, just ‘politically correct’ ideas); the same goes for Nathan and Shoma and Alina and every other skater out there. These are people we don’t know and once some of you realize that, your experience as stans will be better. A skater does something you don’t like? Unstan and move on, stop hating on more successful ppl just because you’re jobless, that’s just pathetic. Unless they’re Cipres or Yagudin, they’re horrible.”
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“If people aimed even a fraction of the outrage they have at Shoma for his little rant at Cipres for sending dick pics to a 13-year-old, maybe some real change and accountability could happen in this sport. Abuse happens because it's brushed off and swept away. But it seems like a lot of people are more interested in being part of the problem than the solution.“
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