#More like repeated gif
c6jpg · 6 months
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JADEITE REDOLENCE ❖ favorite chenyu vale overworld tracks
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
I love the interactions between Olli and Richard though rare! But when I get to see videos, it warms my heart!
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Hi 👋
Oh let me tell you, I love those two dearly. When they meet on stage, their interaction always seems so genuine, spontaneous and heartfelt. I really enjoy seeing these two interact and honestly, Olichard is such an underrated ship, but I sail on it into the sunset to no end 😤✋🏼 (crying regularly that there are only a few fanfics about them). Anyway, here are some of my favourite moments of them being cute/goofy/very cool together:
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Feeling groovy I guess ✨ [source]
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Absolute cat behaviour 😽🐈 [source]
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I don't even know what this is, 'string instrument mating dance' maybe (at least I hope so) [source]
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No entry into the cryptid area for the chicken man >:( [source]
Two more cute (including one hands-on moment 😌) moments:
In conclusion: I love them 🖤
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If i see one more stupid take how Lando doesn't have a championship mentality and Oscar does and is a better driver and that mclaren should focus on him instead*
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hatchetfield · 7 months
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oh my god - he's the axe man!
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liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009-2023)
14 Seasons ; 323 episodes
It's a wrap.
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captainswan618 · 30 days
Just finished s3 and I swear to god that Shules scene was even more insane than the almost-kiss moment holy FUCK
She actually fucking asked him out oh my god!!!!! But of course she had literally the worst timing in the history of the human race 😭😭
And that CHEEK KISS HOLY SHIT????? The way he closed his eyes to it and they were still closed when she rubbed her thumb over the spot she kissed,,,, absolutely insane
Basically what I’m saying is, current mood:
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glitchdecay · 8 months
Natsuki Is So Much More Than His Ditzy Behavior: Part 4
A recurring... theory? Idea? Idea! That comes up whenever Natsuki (and Satsuki) is concerned is that the trigger for Satsuki's appearance is Natsuki's glasses being taken off in some way.
The true trigger for Satsuki's appearance, despite what the other characters (and basically everyone following UtaPri) think, is Natsuki being in danger. This is actually in line with real life accounts of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), aka what people used to call Split Personality Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, aka what the first season of the anime and the song オリオンでSHOUT OUT calls "Gemini Syndrome."
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This part will have two sub-parts, each with a scene that demonstrates the trigger condition. Before this point in Natsuki's route in Repeat/Repeat LOVE, however, we are aware that Satsuki can manifest as a dark aura around Natsuki — this has happened in May, when he went toe-to-toe against Shining Saotome; and in July, when his glasses were knocked off in a game of water polo at the school pool.
The first sub-part comes in October, when Natsuki brings MC-chan to the school roof so they could watch the school festival fireworks together.
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Note: The default name 七海春歌 (Nanami Haruka) will be used for the main character. I transcribed the Japanese manually from the Switch port, but I’m only human. All translations are my own.
どーんッ! 花火が上がり、屋上が明るく照らし出す。 【七海春歌】:「あっ」 四ノ宮さんが眼鏡を外していた。 【四ノ宮那月】:「今は名前で……那月って呼んで」 四ノ宮さんの瞳がまっすぐわたしを見つめていた。いつもの笑顔とは違う。真剣な顔……。 目を逸らせなくなる……。 【七海春歌】:「……那月くん……」 自然と口からそうこぼれた。 那月くんはふっと微笑んで、わたしの額にキスをする。 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕はずっと、あなたのことが好きだった。……でも、それは恋とは違うものだと思っていたんです」 【四ノ宮那月】:「小鳥さんたちや、翔ちゃんを好きな気持ちとおんなじなんだって。だけど……気づいてしまった」 【四ノ宮那月】:「これは恋なんだって……翔ちゃんを好きな気持ちとあなたを思うこの気持ちは別物なのだと……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「あなたはずっと僕を見ていてくれた。僕の支えになってくれた……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「そんなあなたを、僕はずっと前から好きになっていたんです。ただ、それに気づかなかっただけ」 ドーーーンッ! 再び花火が上がる。 かしゃんっ。 那月くんが私の肩を掴んだ瞬間、わたしの背中が屋上の金網にぶつかった。 【七海春歌】:「ん……!」 ドキドキが止まらなくて今にも倒れてしまいそうで、わたしは金網にもたれかかった。 【四ノ宮那月】:「…………はぁ。んっ」 そんなわたしを追い詰めるかのように、那月くんが金網に手をかける。 【四ノ宮那月】:「……っ。春歌……本当の僕を見て……!」 次第に、那月くんの顔が近づいてくる。 【七海春歌】:「……………………」 動けなかった。それどころか、目を逸らすことさえ……。 わたしは那月くんの瞳に吸い込まれそうになっていた。 でも……。 どーーーんッ!!!! その時、わたしの目に飛び込んできた花火。それは、学園長先生をか��どったものだった。 その瞬間、脳裏に浮かんだのは『恋愛禁止』の四文字。 【七海春歌】:「!!!!やっぱり駄目ですぅぅぅ!」 気づくとわたしは那月くんを突き飛ばしていた。 パキッ! 【七海春歌】:「………………あ」 眼鏡が…………。 突き飛ばされた拍子に、那月くんは眼鏡を落とし、それを踏んで壊してしまった。 【七海春歌】:「あ、あの、ごめんなさいっ。あの……わたし……」 【四ノ宮那月?】:「やってくれたな……」 【七海春歌】:「え……あ、あの……す、すみません」 ……那月……くん?なんだろう、全然違う人みたい……。 まるであのプール開きの時の……。もうひとつの人格みたいな……。 【四ノ宮那月?】:「あやまれば……許してもらえるとでも?」 やっぱり、違う。那月くんじゃ……ない。 【七海春歌】:「あ、あの……ほ、本当に四ノ宮……さん?」 【四ノ宮砂月】:「ああ、俺は四ノ宮だぜ。ただし、那月じゃない……。俺の名前は四ノ宮砂月」 砂月……くん?もうひとつの人格にも名前が!? 【七海春歌】:「あの……那月……くんは……どこへ?」 【四ノ宮砂月】:「さぁな?お前が拒絶したんだろ。もう、帰ってこないかもしれないな」 【七海春歌】:「そん……な……。ごめ……ごめんなさい……。那月……くん。那月くんは今、どこでどうして……」 【四ノ宮砂月】:「……自分から突き放しておいて今更、那月の心配か?」
Bang! The fireworks went off, lighting up the school roof. Nanami Haruka: Ah. Shinomiya-san removed his glasses. Shinomiya Natsuki: Say my name... Call me Natsuki. Shinomiya-san's eyes looked straight at me. He's not smiling as usual. He looked serious... I couldn't look away... Haruka: ... Natsuki-kun... The words slipped out of my mouth. Natsuki huffed a smile, kissing me on the forehead. Natsuki: I've always loved you. ... But I thought it wasn't the romantic kind of love. Natsuki: I thought I loved you the same way I loved little birds or Syo-chan. But... I realize now... Natsuki: That this is romantic love. That how I feel about you is different from the way I feel about Syo-chan. Natsuki: You've always looked at me. You've supported me... Natsuki: That's who I've been in love with for a while now. I just never realized it before. Ba—ng! Another firework went up into the sky. Crash. No sooner did Natsuki-kun grab my shoulders than I crashed into the iron fence around the roof. Haruka: Ngh...! My heart beat so hard I thought I'd faint any second. I grabbed onto the iron fence behind me. Natsuki: ... Ah. Mmh. Natsuki-kun held his hand against the fence as if to push me up against it. Natsuki: ... Haruka. Look at me... the real me! Natsuki-kun's face slowly closed in on mine. Haruka: ............ I couldn't move. I couldn't even avert my gaze. It felt like I was being sucked into Natsuki-kun's eyes. But... Ba—ng! The firework that appeared was in the shape of the school principal. At that moment, the words "romance is forbidden" floated to the back of my mind. Haruka: !!! I just can't do this! I noticed I'd just pushed Natsuki-kun away. Snap! Haruka: ......... Ah. His glasses...... The moment Natsuki was pushed away, his glasses dropped to the ground and broke from his step. Haruka: I— I'm— I'm sorry— I didn't mean... Shinomiya Natsuki[?]: You've done it now. Haruka: Uh... I— I'm sorry. Natsuki... -kun? He seems like a different person altogether. It was the same as the time we were at the pool... Like he had another personality... Natsuki[?]: Did you think... You'd be forgiven? He's not the same. Not... Natsuki-kun. Haruka: Are you... Are you really— Shinomiya-san? Shinomiya Satsuki: Yeah, I'm Shinomiya all right. But I ain't Natsuki... My name's Shinomiya Satsuki. Satsuki... -kun? The other personality had a name too? Haruka: So... Where'd... Natsuki... -kun... go? Satsuki: Who knows? You're the one who rejected him. Might not even come back. Haruka: No... I'm— I'm sorry... Natsuki... -kun. Where is he? How is he...? Satsuki: You were the one who forced him away... Worried about him now?
Natsuki first removed his glasses on his own. It was only when MC-chan pushed him away that Satsuki took over (after having experienced perceived rejection). The glasses breaking didn't do anything, as the next chapter establishes that fixing the glasses and putting them back onto him didn't make Natsuki take over again.
Natsuki and Satsuki also speak differently — the former uses polite language, the non-threatening 僕 boku, and the more formal あなた anata; while the latter speaks more roughly and uses the assertive 俺 ore/the informal お前 omae. I tried to slip some of this by making Satsuki say "ain't," but it doesn't come across as clearly in English.
The second sub-part is from November, when Syo recounted a brush with danger (read: Satsuki).
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【来栖翔】:「俺……砂月は嫌いだ」 【七海春歌】:「…………?翔くん、砂月くんのこと知ってるの?」 【来栖翔】:「…………昔。ちょっとだけ会ったことがある」 【渋谷友千香】:「ちょっと翔ちゃん、その話詳しくっ!」 【来栖翔】:「会ったっつーか、すれ違っただけっつーか。子供の頃、ヴァイオリンの演奏会でさ。俺と那月は楽屋が一緒だったんだ。」 【来栖翔】:「本番直前になっても、あいつ、楽屋でうたた寝してたから、起こしやったんだよ」 【来栖翔】:「そしたら、いきなり睨まれて。『お前じゃ、俺には絶対勝てない』なんてぬかしやがった」 【来栖翔】:「俺がキレたら、那月の奴、もっかい寝ちまってさ。起きた時には、普通に戻っていやがった」 【来栖翔】:「たぶん、あの時出てきたのが『砂月』なんだと思う」 【来栖翔】:「……あの頃、那月は天才ヴァイオリニストだ なんだってもてはやされてて、俺はそれが悔しくてさ」 【来栖翔】:「『絶対お前を越してやる』なんて、啖呵切ったりしてたんだよな」 【来栖翔】:「にしても、『絶対勝てない』はないよなぁ。子供心にグラっと来たぜ」 【渋谷友千香】:「で?一度でも勝てたことあるの?」 【来栖翔】:「聞くな!」 【渋谷友千香】:要するに勝てなかったのね」 【来栖翔】:「うぐっ!」 【七海春歌】:「と、トモちゃん……」
Kurusu Syo: I... hate Satsuki. Nanami Haruka: ......? Syo, do you know Satsuki? Syo: ...... A long time ago. I met him once. Shibuya Tomochika: Hold up Syo-chan, tell us more! Syo: I didn't really meet him, it was more like I passed him by. There was a violin competition when I was a kid. Natsuki and me were in the same waiting room. Syo: He was still asleep even though it was going to be his turn next, so I tried to wake him up. Syo: But I got glared at. "You're never gonna win against me," he said. Syo: I got mad, but he went back to sleep. But when he woke up, he was back to his regular self. Syo: I think Satsuki was the one who appeared at that time. Syo: ... Natsuki was a genius violinist back then. He mastered everything so quickly that it was frustrating to me. Syo: So I got mad at him and said, "I'll get better than you for sure!" Syo: You wouldn't say, "You're never gonna win," huh? It's shocking to a kid. Tomochika: So? Did you ever win against him? Syo: Don't ask! Tomochika: You never did, then. Syo: Geh! Haruka: Tomo-chan...
It's interesting that Satsuki appeared here. Of course, one could make the argument that Satsuki's "in charge" when Natsuki is sleeping, but you have to remember: you're defenseless when you're asleep.
Besides, a previous conversation with Syo and Natsuki (see Part 2) indicates Natsuki's memories of that time were a blur, implying a degree of dissociative amnesia from Satsuki taking the figurative wheel of their system (which is also shown in the anime).
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thisbluespirit · 4 months
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Endless list of ships: Colin Beale/Matty Firman (Wish Me Luck LWT 1988).
"Never slept with anyone I liked before." // "Well, I've never slept with anyone whose name I didn't know."
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 3 months
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Neighbours Episode 8990 (2024)//Neighbours episode 5042 (2006)
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stinkrascal · 3 months
pick 8 pictures from pinterest for standstill!! (a moodboard)
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heyyy so im actually really awful at moodboards but i do save pictures of things that inspire standstill so heres some of those! sorry they arent like aesthetically cohesive. standstill talks about a lot of different themes all neatly tied together w the thin thread of a romance plot so sometimes it's hard to describe those in a way that feels coherent, even in picture form. hopefully u get the idea though 👍
#jade answers#Anonymous#straud asks#dogs/rabbits are thematic for vlad and brie specifically. when i see dogs or rabbits i think of them#bc it's about... the power play... it's about... the switching... wink... sometimes you're the dog and sometimes you're the rabbit#birds are more thematic for their life circumstance than Them as people. the birds are more about the journey#the trees remind me of them too... specifically the picture i included. bc it has underwent a process known as inosculation#which is when two trees growing in proximity begin to merge together into one tree#run down trailers bc those are where most of brie's childhood memories are. notice the forest surrounding the trailer#forest too are special in standstill... there are 2 posts so far of caleb and lilith traversing the forest when they arent supposed to#vs vladislaus having a genuine fear of going into the forest (hasnt been shown yet on my blog but it's written and comes up soon)#vs breanna not only going into the forest but being genuinely unafraid of it unlike lilith and caleb who enter it with fear#and vlad who doesnt enter the forest at all bc of his fear#the picture of the red woman swimming in blackness. almost like she's drowning in water. it evokes the image of human vlad#who stood on the dock overlooking the red bloodied water. and even more so the image of vlad as he was transformed#since he was lying on his back. and lastly that bible quote is included bc it's a quote vladislaus repeats in his head often#i think? i took out the scenes where he says that quote repeatedly bc i decided his compulsions are mainly internal but#it is an important quote for him nonetheless and i think about it very often while im writing#if you actually read all that im making out with you sloppy style
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vermintine · 1 year
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to the reviewer on Amazon who gave The Book Thief a 1-star review and said they threw it in the fire for kindling after just a few pages because it was so awful
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nygleskas · 7 months
missed jermstone 2nd year anniversary (twas feb 21st) this is so so sad ....sorrey gideon i luv youuuuuu 💗💗💗💗 everyones obligated to look at him
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absenthearted · 2 years
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THE TIES THAT BIND || a travis x laura playlist about the pull of fate, the lines drawn in the sand, a home you can never return to, and finding hope and trust and love again in the last place you would ever look. [read] [listen]
master & a hound - gregory alan isakov where were you when I was still kind?
promise - ben howard who am I, darling to you / who am I
little lion man - mumford & sons but it was not your fault but mine / and it was your heart on the line / I really fucked it up this time / didn’t I, my dear?
wish it was true - the white buffalo mother, I tried to do right by you / to do what you asked me to / I did wrong, and I knew
poison & wine - the civil wars I don’t have a choice but I still choose you
the savior complex - phoebe bridgers all the bad dreams that you hide / show me yours, I’ll show you mine
happiness is a butterfly - lana del rey do you want me or do you not?
shrike - hozier I couldn’t utter my love when it counted / ah, but I’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now
peace - taylor swift all these people think love’s for show / but I would die for you in secret
heal - tom odell and take my past / and take my sins / like an empty sail takes the wind / and heal
to build a home - the cinematic orchestra this is a place where I don’t feel alone / this is a place where I feel at home
last sunrise in the wasteland - at the end of times, nothing instrumental.
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