#More content where Wayne and Steve know each other outside of Eddie
morganbritton132 · 2 days
Post-Starcourt Steve and Robin needing to get the hell out of the mall parking lot and being like, “I have this friend. He’s close.”
Cut to Eddie standing at his bedroom door, holding his guitar like an axe because he’s pretty sure someone just broke into his house and is going to murder him. When he busts out the door holding a lamp above his head (didn’t want to break his guitar), he nearly bludgeons a couple of puke covered ice cream sailors.
After they all stop screaming, Steve looks at the lamp and nudges it like, “Lighten up, man.”
Eddie: What are you doing here?
Steve: Relax, my friend lives here.
Eddie: I live here
Steve: Are you my friend? No??? Then I’m talking about someone else. Duh. *makes a gesture to Robin like ‘this guy.’*
Robin, making the same gesture back: We are going to sleep on your couch.
Eddie: …Are you guys high?
Steve & Robin, after considerable thought: A little.
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
i love you enough
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'roadtrip/vacation' rated m wc: 995 cw: nightmare, implied sexual content tags: friends to lovers, getting together, love confessions, first kiss, loosest way to reference vacation is staying in a hotel
His eyes opened wide as Eddie's hands shook him awake.
"Jesus Christ, man. I thought I'd have to push you off the bed," Eddie sighed, his hold on Steve's shoulders loosening but not going away.
"Sorry," Steve gasped, his breath caught in his chest like he was about to have a panic attack.
This nightmare had been different.
Instead of Robin dying under the mall, it was Eddie. Instead of Steve being able to convince the Russians that he should be taken, Eddie convinced them he knew all they needed to know.
It was the exact type of falling on the sword Eddie would do.
Steve's eyes landed on Eddie, who was watching him silently, looking like he was doing his best not to cry.
"Eds? You okay?" Steve's voice cracked.
"Shit, are you?" Eddie asked back, letting out a disbelieving laugh.
"Yeah, sorry I woke you up."
"You're kidding, right?"
Eddie looked mad. He sounded mad.
"No, I'm really sorry. I know you don't sleep so great, either, so," Steve shrugged. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanna go down the hall to the girls' room."
Eddie blinked at him, silence making the air feel thick with an awkwardness they hadn't had between them in months.
And then Eddie's hands were cupping his face, almost lovingly.
"Do you ever think about how other people care about you?" Eddie asked, barely more than a whisper. "Or how seeing you suffer and then apologize for it breaks our hearts?"
Steve's mouth was opening and closing like a fish, searching Eddie's eyes for the answer he wanted.
"You have no idea how much people love you, do you?" Eddie's forehead rested against Steve's.
"Stevie. I need you to listen to me." Eddie breathed out slowly. "I can't imagine how much you've seen. I know you've told me, and I've seen some of it myself, but half of the shit you've done? Just to keep everyone safe? And you keep seeing it in nightmares all the time. It never goes away. You're so strong. You get up every day and go to work, and cart the kids around, and bring me to appointments, and cook dinner for me and Wayne, and help Robin with her girl problems, and then you go to bed and have to worry about what monsters will be waiting for you. And then you wake up the next day and pretend it didn't happen, but we all know it did. I know it did."
Steve sniffled.
"And here I am, shaking in the corner of my bed because I think I hear a noise outside my window one time." They both let out a laugh, but Eddie continued before Steve could interrupt. "I was scared. I tried waking you up when you first started making noises. You sounded like you were hurt. And then you said Dustin's name and I could feel you shaking. And then-"
"And then I said your name."
Eddie nodded.
Steve placed his hands at Eddie's neck, almost mirroring Eddie.
"You died. But it was the Russians. You convinced them you knew something to distract them from me and the kids, but you didn't so they just kept...they-" He let out a sob as tears fell down his cheeks. "They did to you what they were gonna do to me."
"Oh, sweetheart."
Eddie's lips were on his.
It shouldn't be happening like this, a part of Steve thought.
It should be romantic and sweet, maybe after a date where Steve used all the charm he's been saving just for Eddie, maybe when the reason for the wetness against their cheeks was because of rain instead of tears.
But in a way, it was always going to be like this: admitting too much at the wrong time, saving each other from pain.
Regardless of all the ways it should be and all the ways he wished for it to be, it was perfect.
When Eddie pulled away, he let out a small laugh.
"Robin said this would happen as soon as I said I was staying in your room."
"She said I would have a nightmare that left us both crying and kissing in a bed that is definitely big enough for us to not be cuddling, but we definitely were?" Steve asked with a smirk. "She's good, but I don't think she's that good."
"Oh, shut up," Eddie lightly smacked his shoulder. "You know what I meant."
He did. She'd said the same to him.
"Well, maybe if you hold my hand, I'll be able to fall back asleep?" Steve suggested.
"Yeah, I could do that. Or..."
"Or I could..."
"You could?"
Eddie nipped his bottom lip.
"I could kiss you in...other places..."
"Eds, just say what you wanna do," Steve giggled.
"Fine! I could suck you off so you can sleep!" Eddie laughed.
"You could do that, yeah," Steve nodded, pretending that wasn't enough to rile him up.
"I could. If you want."
"Is it just to help me fall asleep?" Steve asked, suddenly nervous that this wasn't anything more than helping out a friend.
"If I wasn't completely clear before: I love you. I love you enough to sacrifice myself in your nightmares, I love you enough to do stupid physical therapy sessions that I hate because you get sad when I don't go, I love you enough to make Robin take a room with Nancy and Jonathan so I could stay right here with you, and I love you enough to suck your dick to help you sleep."
Steve snorted.
"Be my guest, then," he gestured down at his lap, watching Eddie literally lick his lips.
Just when Eddie was breathing against his stomach, ready to move further down, Steve stopped him.
"Wait!" Eddie looked up at him, eyes wide. "I love you, too. Need you to know that."
Fondness poured from Eddie as he pressed a kiss to Steve's stomach.
"I know, sweetheart."
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
this is a part two to this post, can be read solo but i recommend reading this first.
the party is in full swing. their friends surrounding them, most of them set up in the living from and a smaller more introverted group gathered in the dining room.
steve never knew what a good community could truly do for him as living in hawkins was clearly not a place where someone like steve could thrive.
he hid for so long, but here in boston its so different. they have this amazing group of friends, 90% of which are like him and eddie. and the other 10% support them endlessly.
he looks around and sees robin and nancy curled up on a chair in the corner, talking to their friend jasmine who is sitting on the floor, the two of them with wide smiles. because him and her have telepathy, robin looks over at him them. he throws her a quick wink.
he can hear david's laugh from the other room and can smell the bouquet of flowers sitting on the coffee table that andrew brought.
he can feel the slight hint of eddie's bare skin between his jeans and his shirt where steve's hand it resting.
steve has friends. steve has a loving partner. steve is content.
steve also has his ex-best friend sitting on the other side of couch with whom he has not spoken yet.
they exchanged pleasantries, and him and eddie have chatted with michael plenty. michael was a handsome guy. probably late 20s/early 30s, dirty blonde hair with a middle part, and generic clothes aside from the round glasses on his face; steve could appreciate that. he wasn't steve's taste but he could tell he was an objectively attractive person.
he and tommy made an attractive couple, the two of them seemingly comfortable with each other. steve was happy for tommy, even though their friendship didn't end on good terms, he was glad tommy found himself.
steve must have been in his own head for a while as he just felt eddie poking him where he sat to his left, "babe? you okay?"
steve smiled, "yeah yeah im good," he leaned into kiss the juncture of eddies jaw.
"alright, good," eddie smiled back at him and batted his lashes, "would you be a doll and toss some of the beer bottles in the recycle?"
eddie smiled again, "love youuuuu."
steve started gathering the bottles on the coffee table, quickly finding that there were too many bottles for him to take at once. steve just shrugged it off and planned to make another trip back up to the apartment from the recycle bin until he heard a voice perk up, "here, i'll help."
it was tommy, he was picking up the remaining bottles.
"ok, uh- thanks."
steve and tommy walked out of the apartment making their way down the few flights of stairs into the alley with the recycle bin. it was quiet, neither of them even attempting to make small talk.
but being around eddie for the last decade has made him uncomfortable with silence, "so uh, how'd you meet michael?"
they walked side by side by side, opening and shutting the lid of the bin, disposing of the bottles, "we met in college, he was in my american archaeology class my junior year. we were friends for a while and started dating like three years ago."
steve nodded, "oh that's nice, he seems like a good guy."
there was a lull again. they walked up the stairs, and as they were making their way up the last flight tommy speaks up, "hey listen steve, i know its too little too late and it was over a decade ago, but i just wanted to say that i'm really sorry about all the shit i did while we were friends. i know it doesn't mean much but i was just not happy with myself so i uh- took it out on you and that was shitty so i'm, yeah i'm sorry."
they had stalled on the landing of the staircase right outside of his and eddie's apartment.
steve fully did not expect an apology from tommy. honestly he had mostly forgotten about him, he hadn't been back to hawkins in four years since wayne officially moved to rural new york.
he had heard from the grapevine that tommy was living down in texas but really he had no connection to him or that part of his life anymore. he never expected to speak to him again, let alone apologize for what happened.
steve clapped him on the shoulder, "it's all good man. not exactly like i was innocent either, i was a dick back then too. hell high school steve would flip if.." he gestured his head in the direction of their apartment.
they both understood what steve meant.
"yeah me neither, pretty sure high school me would beat up current me."
they both laughed, the air lighter than before.
there was a respite in the conversation before tommy piped back up, "you know its actually funny uhh, looking back I'm pretty sure i had a crush on you back then."
that might have been even more unexpected than the apology, "really? that's uhhhh, wow."
tommy laughed lightly, "yeah i think all that shit with billy our senior year really threw me for a loop and it was the first time i really started thinking about you know," steve does know, "and i uh- fucking hated myself for it so that's why i lashed out like that."
steve gets it and he says as much, "yeah i understand that. when i was first figuring my shit out, it was right when me and eddie became friends so i pushed him away at first. then you know, we kissed for the first time and i had this moment where i was like 'oh i don't hate him, im in love with him' and here we are eleven years later."
"yeah it's hard but i'm happy for you steve, you seem really happy."
steve glanced over at the door of their apartment, he can hear the faint noise of an electric guitar being played to the tune of iron man by black sabbath. pre-eddie, steve never would have believed he could recognize a single black sabbath song, let alone from outside of an apartment with the door muffling most of the intricacies of the song.
how could steve not be happy? he has more than he could have imagined at 31.
he lived within walking distance to his best friend in the entire world. he has a group of friends who are perfect and lovely. he lives in a beautiful city. he has a great job. and he's in a more-than-a-decades-long relationship with the love of his life.
"yeah, i really am."
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munsonfamilyband · 2 years
Here is part 4! TW for mentions of parental abuse, implied sexual content (very vaguely, condoms are mentioned and Steve laughs at the handcuffs)
"Vecna? Like the campaign you were writing?" Steve frowned, looking at Eddie for clarification, only to get it from Dustin instead.
"Yes, like the campai- wait a second, you said campaign! And you said Vecna right! You've been pretending to not understand DnD this whole time! Steve, how could you?!" Dustin had a look of complete betrayal on his face, which somehow intensified when Eddie started laughing. Though he wouldn't say it, Steve was grateful that Dustin was here, if only because he was able to make Eddie laugh despite the situation they were in.
"Henderson, he's known me since July, of course he understands DnD by now. Who do you think came up with the tavern scene this campaign?"
"I could have been asking you about DnD for months, Steven-"
"Not my name, Henderson-"
"And you have been acting like you didn't even know the name of the game. I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this." Steve just shrugged, squeezing Eddie's hand before starting to stand so he would stand as well. Robin tried to stand up too fast when she noticed Steve moving next to her and nearly fell over, stabilizing herself against Steve.
"Well, now that we have a name for whatever is causing this, I think we need to get everyone together - or at least as many people together as we can. Dustin, do you have your walkie on you?"
"What sort of question is that? It's like you don't know me at all. Of course I have my walkie." Steve rolled his eyes, motioning for Dustin to get his walkie out of his bag.
"First, can you call Nance? See if she's home, let her know it's a code red and we need a place to plan. If you don't hear back from her, call Lucas and get his location, see if he needs to be picked up." Dustin nodded before stepping outside to contact the rest of the group in Hawkins. "Once we get an idea of where Lucas is and if we can go to the Wheeler's I'm going to drop you guys off there-" Robin quickly interjected.
"What about you? We shouldn't be separating." Steve gave her a meaningful look, tilting his head toward Eddie.
"I'll be coming back here, no way am I letting Eddie stay here alone when he's possibly wanted for murder." Steve turned to Eddie before speaking again. "I'll stop and get us some food. I'm gonna try to get in contact with the guys to let them know what's going on since you definitely missed practice this morning, and see if I can sneak into the park and see Wayne, maybe get us some clothes." Eddie squeezed his hand, giving him a grateful smile. Steve could see in Eddie’s eyes that he was barely keeping it together, focusing on all the information he had been given to avoid panicking.
Dustin walked back in at that moment, finishing his conversation with Nancy.
"Alright, thank you, Nancy. Steve will be driving us, so look out for his car. Lucas said he'll be over in a couple minutes after he showers. Over and out." Dustin looked up at everyone, "Nancy just got home, apparently there was another murder, some guy from the newspaper. Good news about that, Eddie's trailer isn't the only crime scene now so it may be less guarded by cops."
"Okay, that’s sort of good. At least that will make sneaking into the park easier. Alright everyone, grab your stuff, let's go." Steve waited for everyone to leave, Robin shooting him a wink on her way out, before he turned to Eddie and grabbed his other hand. "I'm gonna run those errands, I'll be back in a couple hours at most, okay?" Eddie just tugged him closer so they were holding onto each other.
"I know you'll be back, sweetheart. I'll stay hidden and then we can have a night to ourselves and you can tell me more about your adventures." Steve held onto him for a moment longer, giving one last squeeze before reluctantly pulling away so they could look each other in the eye. Steve's hands moved up to cup Eddie's face in his hands, Eddie's hands still wrapped around his waist.
"I love you." Eddie grinned, and Steve braced himself for what he knew was coming.
"I know." Steve groaned, fully pulling away from him.
"I changed my mind, actually, I hate you, you're awful." Eddie just smiled and grabbed Steve for a quick kiss before letting him go again.
"I love you too, now go, I'll see you soon." Steve smiled, walking backwards to the door, refusing to stop looking at Eddie until he absolutely had to. Grinning, he blew his boyfriend a playful kiss and Eddie, in his usual fashion, acted as if it had been an arrow to the heart, falling to his knees with his hands to the his chest. Laughing, Steve stepped out of the boat house and hurried to his car, still grinning as he climbed into the driver's seat.
"What took so long?" Unsurprisingly, Dustin was bitching and Robin turned in her seat to look at him.
"Dustin, my genius child friend, you do not want the answer to that. I have had to watch them for months, be lucky you haven't."
"Rob, I was just saying goodbye. Sorry if I was reluctant to leave him again after thinking he may have been abducted by a murderer this morning." She just rolled her eyes at Steve as she faced forward again.
"Whatever, let's get going so you can get back here." Steve started the car without complaint and started the drive over to the Wheeler's house.
When he pulled into their driveway, Steve didn't bother getting out of the car with everyone but he did grab Robin's wrist as she opened her door.
"Robbie, I need you to stay safe, and to keep the kids safe, okay?" She gave him a sad little smile, placing her hand over his.
"Dingus, I promise I will keep your children safe-" She kept talking over Steve's complaint that they aren't his kids, "and I'm with Nancy Wheeler, I'll be fine. Now go so you can get back to Eddie. You've been tapping the steering wheel obnoxiously this whole time, so I can tell you're anxious."
"Alright fine, I'll call on my walkie when I get back to Eddie later." She grinned and climbed out of his car. Steve waited for her to be inside before pulling away from the house and driving away, first stop: Gareth's house.
When Steve pulled into the driveway of Gareth's house he could see the guys practicing in the garage, but they stopped when they saw his car. Normally when Steve came to practice he came with Eddie in the van, but they all knew Steve was supposed to be at work today so seeing his beamer was a surprise. When Steve climbed out Gareth was already making his way over, eyebrows creased in confusion.
"Steve? What are you doing here? Eddie said you had work today, and then he never showed." Steve didn't bother answering any questions yet, jumping instead to the important part.
"Have you guys seen the news?" This made Gareth frown more.
"No, why, what happened?"
"Chrissy Cunningham was found dead in Eddie's trailer this morning." Steve watched the blood drain from Gareth's face, he could also hear someone drop something heavy in the garage.
"Eddie wouldn't-"
"No, I know that, we all know that here, but the news had said he was missing this morning. Dustin showed up at Family Video and we went to find him. He's safe, I'm actually doing a supply run right now and then heading back to him." Gareth sighed in relief, leaning against the hood of Steve's car.
"You're sure he's safe?" Steve couldn't tell them the full truth, but he didn't want to lie to them so he went with a half truth.
"As he can be, all things considering. I'm going to try to see Wayne later too so he can know Eddie's safe."
"Good, good. You stay safe too, okay? I like your cookies too much for you to die." Steve had become decently good friends with the guys, especially Gareth, but he knew that none of them were big on emotional moments (Gareth reminded him a lot of Max in that way). Gareth's comment about his cookies, ridiculous as it was, was clearly meant to mean more and Steve just grinned.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Gare. I have a new recipe I've been meaning to try out so I can't kick it until I've made them. If anyone comes looking for Eddie, tell them you don't know anything and he missed practice, okay? Because it was Chrissy, some of the basketball guys may come sniffing around." Gareth nodded and walked closer to Steve to give his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before turning and heading back into the garage. Steve waved at Jeff and Alan who waved back, before getting back into his car and driving off.
After going to the grocery store and buying enough food to last at least a few days Steve headed to his own house. Parking in his driveway he climbed out with all the food and went inside. Steve left the food in the living room and hurried upstairs to his bedroom, grabbing a duffle bag for the food and a backpack for some clothes. He briefly considered grabbing his bat from under his bed but decided against it. Since he was planning to bike to the trailer park and then back to Rick's Steve figured that the bat would look too suspicious. As it was, he was only biking because he knew his car would look too weird sitting at Rick's, so despite the distance he was going to take his bike. Once everything was packed, including the copy of Lord of the Rings that Eddie had been reading to him, Steve went to his garage and grabbed his bike. Thankfully, from years of having to use it to get groceries, there was a big basket over the back wheel that Steve was able to strap the duffle bag into. With his backpack on and everything else secured, Steve locked the house and his car and headed into the woods to go to the trailer park.
He and Eddie had done this trek multiple times, alone and together, so he didn't get lost on the way there. As he broke the tree line, Steve put his bike down, leaning against a tree, and left his backpack with it before starting to sneak around the park to the back of the Munson trailer. Once he got close enough Steve spotted Wayne sitting on a picnic table nearby; seeing no cops, Steve called out to him and started walking closer. Wayne's head popped up when he heard his name and, recognizing Steve, he jumped up with more agility than he should have, hurrying over to pull Steve into a hug.
Wayne had taken to Steve very quickly after he and Eddie started hanging out. About a week after they first met, Steve's parents had come home and it didn't go well for Steve. His parents had been unhappy that he had lost his job, never mind the fact that the mall had burned down, and that the house was a mess, also ignoring his physical appearance.
He had shown up, unannounced at the Munson trailer with a newly bruised black eye and a split lip on top of the still healing Russian injuries. Eddie had opened the door and pulled Steve inside without even asking what happened and started helping clean him up. That was what greeted Wayne when he came home a half hour later with take out: Steve sitting on the couch with Eddie opposite him sitting on the coffee table, carefully cleaning Steve's split lip with a cotton ball while Steve held a bag of frozen peas to his eye. Steve had panicked, and Wayne, because he knew the look in Steve's eyes from Eddie, asked if he needed to spend the night. According to Eddie, Wayne had asked him about their relationship once Steve was asleep, telling him to tie Steve down or he was going to adopt him, because he wanted to make Steve a Munson one way or the other. Wayne had, of course, denied this but it still made Steve feel loved either way.
Steve leaned into the hug, clinging to the back of Wayne's flannel button down and just breathing in the comforting smell of cigarettes and oil that always clung to Wayne. To Steve, Wayne and Eddie and their trailer smelled like home, and standing there, being held by the only currently living man that he saw like a father, Steve felt tears well up in his eyes. Fighting to not cry, Steve spoke softly, his voice strained with emotion.
"He didn't do it, Wayne, I know he didn't do it." Wayne held Steve tighter when he spoke, rubbing his back like he does for Eddie.
"I know, kid, I never thought he did. Have you been to see him? Is he safe?" Steve managed to pull himself together enough to back up a bit, Wayne keeping a grounding hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, he's safe. I stopped to see the guys too so they know he's okay. I went and bought some food for us, I'm gonna stay with him for a bit. I wanted to grab him some clothes if I could, and let you know he was okay." Wayne nodded, never one for words, but the relief is clear in his face.
"Pigs are all focused on that other kid's murder sight now so I can sneak you in. I got a bag in my truck with some more... incriminating items in it for you to take too." Steve knew exactly what would be in that bag - any of Eddie's ‘work’ related items, all of the clothes Steve leaves at the trailer, and the tapes Eddie deemed the "Steve pile". Following Wayne to his truck he took the bag gratefully and then followed him over to the trailer. They both snuck in the second door, since the main door was covered in police tape, and the second door was right next to Eddie's room.
Stepping in to Eddie's room, Steve could tell Wayne had torn in apart to find any drugs. Eddie's room is normally a mess, but it was messier than usual and things had clearly been moved from their usual spot. Steve did manage to huff a laugh at the still hanging handcuffs by the door and the box of condoms on the bedside table. Quickly, Steve went over to the closet and grabbed a few pairs of jeans, some shirts and then he pulled some underwear and socks from the dresser. He took one last sweeping glance around the room before nodding.
"I think that should be good. Thank you, Wayne. For letting me in here, and for hiding anything that would look bad for Eddie." Wayne pulled Steve into another hug.
"As much as I didn't want to see some of the things I saw while doing it, there was no way I wasn't going to protect my boys. Now you get going, and let our boy know that I never doubted him. You and I both know he's going to be worried I think he's like his old man." Steve nodded in understanding, smiling at Wayne as they left the trailer.
"I'll let him know, I promise." Steve started walking away but was stopped after a few feet by Wayne calling his name, and he turned to look back at him.
"You keep each other safe, got it?"
"Will do, Wayne." Steve gave him a short wave and headed back to his bike. He needed to get back to Eddie.
Taglist @messrs-weasley @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @live-the-fangirl-life @nburkhardtt @inmoonywetrust @henderdads @vlada-elya @grtwdsmwhr @spectrum-sceptre @madamonsieur-silvrene @abookisproofofmagic @ashe-charcoal @knitsforthetrail @imzadidragonfly @blackholegladiator @maya-custodios-dionach @phantypurple @booksandsience @formacoon @gregre369 @beeing-stuupid
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fluffansmut-old · 2 years
Christmas shopping
December 12 - Christmas shopping
12 fics of Christmas - part 6 - masterlist
Summary: You and Eddie goes shopping with friends. 
Content warnings: Fluff, suggested/discussed smut.
Word count:1016
*Fic is also posted on ao3*
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The station wagon pulled up in front of your trailer like clockwork. Had Nancy said 11.00 am then she were there by 11.00 am.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, you and Eddie and somehow stumbled into quite the spicy situation that morning which meant you were way behind schedule.
“Have you seen my trousers“? you called out to Eddie as you dug through your overnight bag.
“Didn’t you put them in the washer yesterday?” Eddie replied, one leg into his jeans.
“Fuck” you said, remembering that you indeed had, and that they probably weren’t dry yet.
You got out some tights and a dress, shoving it over your head.
The car horn beeped outside, which made you and Eddie stress even more than before.
“Is she really that eager to go shopping?” Eddie asked, thinking of Nancy who you both knew would be behind the steering wheel.
When you came out of the trailer you realised that it actually wasn’t Nancy honking the horn, but rather Mike, from the backseat.
“Hey dofus, don’t annoy my neighbours too much now will ya!” Eddie said as he got in the middle seat next to Mike.
“Hey, it’s your own fault. “ Mike shot back, “how come Max is outside waiting when we pull up, but the two of you aren’t.”
“Well, mate, there is a very logical explanation to that question” Eddie began before you quickly shut him up by saying;
“There’s also kids in the car”
“We aren’t kids” Max and Mike shot back, almost in unison.
“You are still too young” you said, ending the conversation. Instead you turned to Nancy making eye contact with her through the rear view mirror. “Will Steve and Robin meet us there?”
They did, and they brought Dustin.
“Hey guys!” The curly haired boy said as he brought you all into hugs.
“Do you know how annoying it is to hear these two nagging each other non-stop?” Robin said to you and Nancy, motioning to Steve and Dustin.
Dustin was already trying to rope Eddie into agreeing with him about whatever it was that argued with Steve about.
“Believe me, it could be worse, you didn’t have Mike Wheeler honking because your morning hookup took too long” you replied.
“I figured from the hickeys” Nancy said motioning to the trail of marks going up your neck.
You hadn’t had a chance to look in the mirror and check the “damage” so now you felt your face heat up at her words, expecting it to look like you were advertising it.
“How do you even have the energy for sex so early?” Robin asked. “I would be too tired”
“It was more of an sleepy-intimate kind of deal, you know, slow thrusts with lots of kissing and… you began, but when you noticed that Max was listening in on your conversation then you quickly changed subject. “Where to first? I know that we’re on the hunt for something for Wayne right?”
Robin who didn’t quite catch the sudden change in subject just said:
“Still I think I would be too tired, or maybe I just prioritise sleep over sex”
“Well maybe you’re sleeping with the wrong people then” Nancy said, winking at Robin.
“Bold of you to assume I’m sleeping with anyone” Robin said back.
You ended up splitting up the group inside the mall, both Max and Mike were there to get gifts for El, and Dustin joined them in their hunt as more of a guard than anything else, making sure the two did something more than fight.
You, Eddie, Steve, Robin and Nancy all went together, you and Eddie on the hunt for new fishing hooks and a new mug, so you could check Wayne off the never ending list of people to buy for.
You didn’t search long before you found the mug section.
“Are there any specifics in it?” Steve asked as he tried to help the two of you. “Like is there anything we are looking for?”
“It’s more of a vibe, we are searching for a mug that feels like Wayne,” Eddie explained. “That what makes this so hard.”
Steve took the impossible instructions to heart and turned to the shelves again.
The mug that felt like Wayne was picked out about 15 minutes later, both you and Eddie reached for it at the same time and just then you both decided that it was the one.
“So what makes this mug Wayne?” Steve asked when you declared to the group that you found what you’ve been looking for.
You and Eddie both looked at it.
It looked like a mug you wanted to drink out of. 
It felt like a mug you wanted to wrap your cold hands around.
The motive on the front put a smile on your faces.
“It just feels like him” Eddie said, putting it on the counter to pay.
When you met up with the kids again Max had found 4 things for El and Mike had none.
“Did you even try?” Nancy asked, which only insulted Mike further, but it made Eddie chuckle.
“Shut up Munson,”Mike shot at him. “I bet you don’t even have something for her yet”
He pointed to you whilst he said it. Eddie smirked.
“It’s all done and have been for about a month Wheeler,” Eddie said. “Let me know if you want any help though.”
Mike gave Eddie the middle finger, although he was smiling in the meantime.
You thought about what Eddie had planned for you. Was it one thing? Or a bunch of small things? Was it like a date or something? You hoped he hadn’t spent too much money on it.
You took Eddie’s hand as the whole group made their way to get some lunch.
“Can one get a clue as to what you’ve been done with for about a month?” You whispered to him.
“Truth be told, there’s more than one baby,” Eddie whispered back, “and if you’re good, then you might get one before before Christmas”.
“Aren’t I always?” You questioned.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
The Satanic Panic VII +18
Devil!Perv!Eddie Munson x Witch!Sinclair!Reader
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For other chapters/story summary check out: https://usetheeauthor.tumblr.com/post/691280498281070592/the-satanic-panic-series-masterlist-18
Chapter Summary: With a new murder victim, the town is on edge but somehow Eddie’s popularity rises. Noticing that you’re on edge about the attacks, Eddie decides to put a hold on the hunt and gives you a night of fun.
Word Count: 5.5k+
Warnings: mentions of death, religious themes, blasphemy, pining, sexual content, nipple play, pillow humping, little dry humping, biting, clit stimulation, bit of cum eating, heavy petting, breath play, fluff towards the end
VII. Wrath
You scrubbed away at the blood, watching it go down the shower drain. What the hell was that dream? It wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been real. And yet there’s a bloody handprint on your body identical to the one in your dream. Blood doesn’t just randomly appear.
You brush off the incident for now. There were important matters ahead. They’ve claimed a second victim. Picking up the book of names, you head over to Eddie’s place to discuss the craziness of it all.
When you arrived, Wayne Munson was sitting outside on the picnic beach, taking a smoke break while reading today’s newspaper.
“Hello, Mr. Munson.” You greeted.
“Morning, Ashley. How ya holdin’ up?”
“Honestly, a little on edge.”
“Who could blame you? Someone’s going around killing people at random and somehow they’re still trying to point the fingers at Eddie while the killer remains on the loose.” You could tell he was frustrated. Wayne knew that his nephew would never harm anyone.
“People will believe whatever fits their narratives. I know the truth of that night. I’ll always be there to defend him.”
“I know. That’s why I don’t feel the need to worry much. You’ve really been a huge support in his life. Eddie always tells me how grateful he is to have met you.”
“Yep. That boy’s got it bad for ya.”
Your face begins burn as you grew bashful. “I’m sure it’s all friendly. Eddie and I just have a great respect for each other.”
Wayne shrugs. “If you say so.”
You smile awkwardly at him before entering the trailer. You turned the knob to Eddie’s door and you’re greeted by a shirtless Eddie who must’ve came from the shower moments ago. His hair and chest is slightly wet. You found yourself hypnotized by the water droplets trailing down his abs down to the v line of his abdomen, jeans hanging on his hips. He looked absolutely sinfully appetizing.
You snapped yourself out of your trance, worried that you might drool. “Shit! Sorry!” You hurriedly tried to close the door only for him to stop it midway.
“Would you relax? It’s not like my dick’s out or anything.”
“Uh. Um. Well, I…” You were blubbering like an idiot, unable to form a coherent sentence and he just stood there smirking at you.
“Why don’t you get in here? Take a seat. You probably need the break after hearing the news.” He knew that you were obviously dumbstruck by the compromising situation you found yourselves in but he was willing to give you an out since serious matters needed to be discussed.
You nod, quickly walking passed him and sitting at the edge of his bed. He shuts the door behind him, locking it. For some reason, that makes you audibly gulp.
He stares at you. “Something wrong?”
“I had a dream last night!” You blurted out, wanting to deflect from this tense situation only to end up bringing yourself into another one. You couldn’t possibly tell him you had a sex dream involving him and Steve. “Actually, it was more of a nightmare.”
Eddie leans against his dresser, arms crossed. “What was it about?”
“I got attacked by a guy I met at a bar.”
“Oookay?” Eddie responds, not sure where this was going.
“Well, he didn’t actually attack me. I’m honestly not sure what he did to me but I was bleeding and his hands were covered in my blood. Then, he touched me. When I woke up, there was a bloody handprint from where he touched me.”
“Are you okay?” He’s genuinely concerned.
“Not really. When you told me they found a body this morning, I knew my dream had some relation to the situation.”
“Who was the guy? When I find him, I’ll—”
“No. You can’t reveal yourself to him.”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s the Archangel. He touched me in my dreams and suddenly a handprint manifests itself into reality. Witches can jump through dreams but can never leave a physical mark. And I’ve recently read in the book of names that—”
“Only divine beings can leave behind physical messages from the spiritual realm,” His eyes squeeze shut at the frustration. “They’re fucking onto us. Did he say anything significant to you? Maybe we can piece together some things.”
“Well, the night at the bar, he told me what the tattoo on his wrist meant. It was 001. Then, he asked me if I needed to be saved. In the dream, though, he asked me to join him.”
“Shit. He’s imprinted on you. This means that we have to be extra cautious about how we move forward. We might have to lay low for the meantime.”
“Lay low?! Another innocent person has just lost their life because we didn’t act fast enough. How many more will die before we do something? What happens when they get to their last victim?”
Eddie nods, agreeing with you but still set in his orders. “Was there anything else he said? Anything is something.”
“He said “she” saved me. I’m not sure who ‘she’ is but she must be the ringleader of all this.”
“She? You mean to tell me there’s angel bot ranked even higher than this guy. We’ve gotta find this her or we’re screwed. The book probably has it written down somewhere.
“I highly doubt it we’d find the info there. We need to go to the site of the attack. I can do the precognition spell—”
“It’s dangerous on your own.”
“I know but what choice do we have? I don’t want anymore people dying when all of this could have been prevented if I were a better witch.”
“You can’t keep placing blame on yourself.”
“It’s easier said than done, Eds. We know more about this stuff than anyone. The more blood is shed, the more it’ll be on our hands.”
“What if we get Nancy and Robin to help you?”
“I wouldn’t want to risk their safety.“
Eddie sighs. “Fair enough.”
He looks down at your fidgety frame. You really are on edge. This was a lot of pressure added on you. “Where’d he touched you?”
You lift your skirt just enough to reveal your upper thigh. “Here. Now, there’s just bruises. Hadn’t noticed he gripped me that hard since I was so paralyzed by fear.” You chuckled nervously but your breath hitches when Eddie lowers to his knee in front of you.
His hands travel between your inner thigh and you involuntarily clasp your thighs together, trapping his hand there. He looks up at you, eyebrows raised. “Spread your legs.”
You couldn’t. You were sure he could smell your arousal. It didn’t help that he was still shirtless. How was it so easy for him to turn you on? You knew you had to obey, though, because you could see his patience running thin. So, slowly you pry your thighs apart.
He moves one leg wide enough and looks at your inner thigh while you tried controlling your breathing.
“Shit. You’re marked.”
“You’ve been marked with the mark of the beast,” He points at the numbers between your legs and you looked down. “It signifies loyalty and devotion. He’s tagged your dreams so he can enter your mind whenever he wants.”
“Couldn’t you do that, too? Maybe if you override his influence, I’ll be free.”
“I chose not to mark you with the mark of the beast for a reason. People who get marked by it become soulless subjects. I wanted everyone on my side to have their own free will. Including you. I couldn’t possibly put you through that.”
“Will I become soulless?”
“No, you’ve already devoted to me. All he can do is haunt your dreams. You probably won’t be able to conduct the precognition spell anytime soon. He’ll only pick your mind.”
“But we have to. It’s the only way we’ll get more information. There has to be a way I remove it.”
“I’ll kill him.”
“B-but he’s so powerful.”
“So am I.”
“What about laying low until you recall everything?”
“I think I know enough.”
“Maybe. But we’ll let Steve be the judge of that.”
“Oh, so now he calls the shots?” Eddie feels his anger spilling over. Why’d you bring him up all of a sudden. Steve wasn’t your god. He was.
“I’m only suggesting that you could use the second opinion. Wouldn’t you like to be fully ready? I don’t want you getting hurt or anything.”
He rubs at the bruises at your thigh. “Just let me be the one to worry about you now. I’ll be fine.”
You can admit that it did feel good having him caress you this way. You were so used to the rougher touches that when he would touch you softly, you’d greedily relish in it. You place a hand over his while he continued to rub at the marks, eyes staring into each other’s. The metal of his rings did little to cool down your heated skin but they still felt incredibly nice digging into your thigh.
Now both hands rubbed up and down your thighs, he digs his nails into them and you gasped. He climbs over you, his erection pressed against your clothed cunt. His mouth sucks and licks at your neck, your eyes rolling back. Eddie grinds himself into your core and it just felt so good to have his body over yours. You scratch down his back causing him to bite your neck.
“Ah.” You cried out.
Then he pulls away from your throat and you get to see his face again. His eyes are pitched black. It should of frightened you but you were lost in them, paralyzed even. His bottom lip lightly grazing over your own. There’s a knock on his bedroom door, halting the activity.
Coming back to your senses, you blink up and around the room. Eddie groans in frustration, peeling himself off you and heading for the door. You sat up in a daze.
Eddie answers the door and it happened to be the guy you were dreading to see at the moment. The guy you drunkenly kissed. Steve.
“Hey, Eds,” Steve greets before making his way in. “Sorry, I’m late. I had a group of girls asking to join and— Hey…Ash.” He shoots you a small smile.
“Hi.” You wanted the floor to swallow you whole.
Steve looks between you two. Eddie’s shirtless, your skirt risen for any boy to indulge. “Should I have come a little later?”
“Nah, um, you’re good, ” Eddie says then awkwardly clears his throat. “Ash, would you show him the mark?”
You sit back on your hands, parting your legs slightly. Steve is confused at first with the energy of the room before his eyes bugged out of his head. “The mark of the beast?! Who did this to you?”
“The man at the bar. The archangel.” You answered
“Fuck,” Steve shakes his head. “I should’ve been there for you. I dropped the ball.”
“It’s not you. I left myself vulnerable in his presence. He knew to target me and now I’m paying the price.!We have to hunt him down.”
“No. Killing him should be the last option. This mark could be so soul binding that if he dies, you might die, too. There is an option we can try though: The Severance of Souls spell. We can cut ties between him and you for good.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“It’s not going to be easy though.” Steve states.
“Oooof course, it’s not,” You say in frustration. “Why won’t it be easy.”
“During the spell, you’ll enter a state of mind that resembles our world but slightly off. If you figure out the difference, you’ll be led to your soul and given the opportunity to free it. If you don’t…you’ll be trapped in your version of hell possibly forever.”
“Goddamn.” It was all you could say. Either you hunt the archangel and die or free your soul and die.
“What makes the spell a better choice?” Eddie questions.
“I’ve read an old book about witchcraft that states that there’s a 75% chance of survival for the Severance spell compared to a 50% chance of survival killing the archangel.” Steve explains.
“That settles it, then. We’re doing the Severance spell.” You’ve made up your mind. If you didn’t break free from the mark, you were sure he’d come after your family. The look in Henry’s eyes in that dream showed you that he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
“I’d think this through, Ash.” Eddie reasons.
“We don’t have time to think through things through. We’ve just got to do it,” You put a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “I’ll be okay.”
You turned your focus back to Steve. “So when can I do this spell?”
“We can do it tomorrow afternoon before the Hexennacht celebration. I’ll teach you the spell, too.”
“I hope I don’t die before I get to celebrate my first witch holiday. I’m really looking forward to party.” You joked.
“You’ll do fine. You’ve got it.” Steve encourages.
“We should probably read through the book and see the new victim’s name, though. The police haven’t released it to the public but it’ll for sure be in the here.” Eddie informs.
“Right on. But dude, not that I mind much, but will you please wear a shirt?” Steve laughs, throwing a shirt off the dresser at him.
Eddie huffs, pulling on the t-shirt. You picked up the book and the boys gathered around you, flipping through the pages before landing on a page. The archangel’s list only a page away.
You looked on each side of your shoulders, the boys encouraging you to go further. You flipped the page like ripping off a band-aid.
#2 Billy Hargrove….
“I know him! That’s Lucas’s girlfriend’s dickhead of a stepbrother.” You stare up at them. “Wait. Am I allowed to call a dead person a dickhead?”
“You die a dickhead, you’ll forever be one in my book.” Eddie shrugs.
“I gave him a little visit one time. A barb-wired baseball bat in hand because he tried putting his hands on my brother,” Eddie chuckles at your story. The thought of you swinging a bat around directed at a man twice your size was a sight he’d pay to see. You continued, “If I had to guess the deadly sin he was taken for, it’d definitely be pride. The fucking ego on that guy.”
“Oh, it’s definitely wrath. I went to high school with that guy back in L.A. Serious anger issues.” Steve counters.
“Wrath and gluttony,” Eddie began. “He’s claimed 2 lives within our age group. Two people that have some significance to us. So…”
“Looks like we can narrow down the list of victims to people around our age and/or people we know.” Steve finishes.
You feel anxiety creep in. This confirmed your worries. There was eminent danger your family will hasn’t experienced yet. It did not help that you were attached to the Leader of these beings set to destroy humanity itself.
You ended up having to leave the boys because of a call you received from your dad at the police station. You knew it had something to do with his suspicions on the murders and that he wanted to gather some information. You couldn’t get him involved in all this of this.
When you arrived, immediately, Sheriff Jim Hopper greets you. “Hey, kid, you’re lookin’ a bit shaken. Everything okay?”
“Oh yeah, just my job’s wearing me out.” You shrug it off, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Alright,” He sounds unconvinced. “Well, your father’s waiting for you in his office. Try not to be so hard on him. He’s had a rough day.” He pats your shoulder the walks away.
You rest your hand on the knob, slowly turning it and swinging it open. “Dad? You wanted to see me.”
“Yes, Ashley, come on in. Shut the door. Have a seat.” He says, briskly.
You do as he says, trying to remain as cool as possible by sitting up straight and making direct eye contact.
“So, Ashley, I’m sure you’ve heard that we’ve discovered a new body.”
“Yeah, I’m aware.”
“The victim died in a similar way to Chrissie Cunningham. It’s almost strange that not long after your friend was released from prison, a new victim is found.”
“It’s not Eddie. It was an angel bot. I thought you believed me.”
“I know and I’m really still learning this spiritual and supernatural side of you, your mother, and your siblings but I also reason with logic.”
“This is above logic, dad. Thinking in terms of what’s possible in the human realm is pointless. Their powers transcend beyond comprehension.”
“Then, just tell me…who do you believe is the next victim? What’s the targeted preference? I need to know to save your life.”
“I don’t know. It’s not like I’m in the minds of the angel bots or something.” Although, they were definitely in yours.
“I’m not sure I believe that.” He says through clenched teeth.
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
“The truth.”
“The truth is, I have no idea who the next victim is.” You really didn’t. You were withholding the targeted demographic but you couldn’t tell him that for his safety and yours.
“You realize people have been speculating, making rumors about our family especially you. People talk in this town, Ash. You know this more than me. They’re saying you and Eddie have been ‘hanging out’ a lot.”
“You mean, the thing that most friends do?” You inquire, sarcastically.
“It doesn’t look so friendly based off eyewitness accounts.”
“Well, maybe eyewitnesses need to mind their business because they don’t understand anything.” You were getting defensive. This wasn’t good. You needed to keep your cool from any further speculations.
“Have you ever heard the term Hybristophilia?” Your father asks.
You scoffed. “Are you saying I’m some obsessive fan for Eddie?”
“I wasn’t trying to call you that. I’ve just been noticing that Eddie has gotten lots of attention in the media and from girls in town. Most of them being fans of him for their attraction to those who commit crime. After the tv interview, the hysteria has gotten so bad that the police station are constantly receiving phone calls from townsfolk begging to speak with Eddie or set him free, And it’s not just women but men come to his defense, as well.”
“Maybe some people are supporting him for the wrong reasons but I don’t think it’s so bad defending someone who’s clearly innocent.
“Okay, so allow me to spin this scenario. I’ll accept that the angel bot took Chrissie’s life. However, what if I were to say that Eddie might have gotten so high of the attention that he would be willing to do anything for it. Including going to sought out his first victim so he can continue getting support. After all, Infamy is fame regardless of the reception.”
“I’d say you have a creative imagination, dad,” You stood up from your seat. “I need to pick up Lucas from basketball practice.”
Your father sighs then nods. “Alright, you’re free to go.”
You give him a purse-lipped smile before walking out the station. The moment you got to the car, you were racking your brain. Why did everything your dad say suddenly make sense? Eddie has been acting a little strange lately. Meaner, sometimes. You were beginning to question if it were really him or the actual devil took over.
No! There’s no way he’d kill for attention. Eddie was never the type to care for popularity. Sure, he’s powerful now but he wouldn’t force his superiority in such a way.
You parked near the basketball court. Lucas notices you, waving goodbye to his team then running over to enter your car.
“Hey.” He begins.
“Hi.” You say.
“Can I stay over at your place tonight? Mom is constantly listening in on my conversations with Max. She keeps saying it reminds her of her relationship with dad and it freaks me out.”
“Don’t be so freaked out. You’d be glad to have a relationship that loving.”
He groans. “Please don’t say ‘loving’.”
“Oh come on, you never told Max you loveee her.” You say, a teasing infliction in your words.
“Jeez, and I thought high school was puppy love city. Guess times have changed.”
“Yep, It’s not like your olden days where people would court each other and get a pop of soda at the diner.”
“You little shit.” You stretch out one hand off the wheel to attack him while your eyes remained on the road. He wriggled around to avoid your hand, the two of you laughing.
“Fine,” You say, focusing back on driving. “You can stay at my place tonight. Erica’s gonna feel so left out, though.”
“She stays over at your place all the time. She’ll be fine.”
You were busy reading through the book of life for more information. You could at least read the parts that weren’t in Ulkic. People really did die in the strangest of ways all around the world. Honestly the book, sort of scared you. Again, why did Joyce own this book?!
Multiple knocks on your door cause you to jump up, no longer sucked into the laws of the dead.
“I’ll get it!” Lucas says, quickly sprinting to the door. The door swings open and a whole group floods in. There was Will, Mike, Dustin, Eddie, Steve, Robin, and Jonathan.
“Hey, Ash.” The groups says as they pour into the living room.
“Whoa, Lucas, you could’ve warned me. I’m practically naked.” You were dressed in pajama shorts and a giant t-shirt. Running to your bedroom, you threw on a sweater and figured it was decent enough.
When you got back, everyone was gathered around the coffee table setting up some games and snacks. You walked up to Eddie, “What are you guys doing here? And why hadn’t you told me you were coming?”
“It was a surprise.” He smiles, before grabbing your shoulders. “I’m just trying to lighten you up. You’ve been so tense lately. Figured you could use some moments of levity. Especially since, tomorrow you’ll do the Severance spell.”
“Yeah, I guess. I could use the break.”
He hums in agreement before, pulling you a little over to the side. “How was the talk with your dad?”
“Not good. He thinks your some kind of a serial killer and that I’m covering you because I’m love with you.”
“He thinks you’re in love with me?”
You nudged his arm. “That’s what you got from that.”
“Sorry, it’s just that I thought he believed us. Cops, am i right?”
“Yeah. Fucking cops,” You shook your head. “He says he’s trying to think ‘logically’. Thinks your doing this all for fame. He should write for horror movies with that crazy imagination.”
“Yeah.” Eddie simply says before joining the group.
Oh no. Why did that make you suddenly suspicious of him? Why was he so dismissive of the conversation? He was the one that pulled you to the side in the first place. No. You had to stop this overthinking.
You sat with the group. “What are we playing?”
“D’n’D.” Will says, excitedly.
Your eyes quickly dart to Steve, Robin, and Jonathan. “You guys play this game?”
“Nah, we just wanted to come and support you. We know you’re not feeling well and we didn’t want you to go through it alone.” Robin smiles.
“Oh, contraire, we’re…” Dustin gestures to his friends. “…here to play D’n’D with Lucas and Eds.”
“Gee, thanks for the support, Dustin.” You rolled your eyes. “But why here?”
“Because Eddie insisted we do. Because he loves you.” Dustin says, making kissy faces.
You noticed a blush creep onto Eddie’s face. He narrows his eyes at the teenager. “You little shit.”
“Come on, let’s get this nerdy game started already.”Steve speaks up, grabbing a player card. “What’s this?”
“That’s where you write out all the things you’d want for your character.” Jonathan speaks up.
The group stares at him.
“Oh come on, I don’t play this shit. I literally have a brother who’s freakin’ obsessed.”
“You totally play it. He’s too shy to admit.” Will teases.
“Nothing wrong with being a nerd. I’m a huge nerd.” You admitted.
“Yeah, alright, swim team captain.” Eddie says, sarcastically.
“I really am. I was valedictorian for crying out loud.”
“Getting good grades doesn’t make you enough of a nerd.” Mike challenges.
“Oh, it is so like you, boys, to gatekeep everything you feel is exclusive to you.” You shook your head. “Newsflash. Girls can be nerds. Now let the games begin. I think I’m ready to make some nerds cry tonight.”
You had no idea the rules for this game and it made the expert players shake their heads and laugh at your cluelessness.
“See? Not a nerd.” Dustin smirks.
The group had been deeply immersed into the game laughing and joking around. Half of you didn’t understand how to play but you enjoyed your time anyway. It was especially nice seeing Eddie be himself. He was silly, fun, and nerdy as ever.
“You've been following this tunnel for about 120 yards. The water on the floor is ankle deep and very cold. Now and then you feel something brush against your foot. The smell of decay is getting stronger. The tunnel is gradually filling with a cold mist.” Eddie paints the scene, his voice mixed in with theatrics as Dungeon Master.
“I don’t know guys. Sounds kinda suspicious. Can we see something up ahead?” Will asks.
“Your torchlight’s within range, the tunnel is more or less straight. You don't see any branches or doorways.”
“Let’s go for it!“ You exclaimed.
“We haven’t asked enough questions.” Dustin says.
“Live a little.” You say, rolling the dice.
By the end of the game, you all were defeated by Vecna. The younger boys looked at you in disappointment for your decision. “At least, we had fun.” You gave a nervous laugh.
Everyone began to pick up after themselves as the night grew late. The group making their way to head out.
Steve gave you a longing hug before he left. You knew full well that he still thought about the night of the kiss. You and him were bound to speak of it once he’d get the privacy to bring it up with you.
Your brother had crashed asleep in your bedroom and you were stuck having to contemplate sharing the bed or staying on the couch.
“Great,” You threw your hands up, walking into the living room. “He took over my entire bed.”
Eddie chuckles.
You were busy, cleaning up the coffee table, slightly bent over, when you felt a hardness against your ass. Then, a pair of hands grip your waist. You quickly shot up, wide-eyed, the back of your head hitting his chest.
“E-eddie? What are you…” He silences you when his hands come up behind you, cupping your breasts. He uses his index finger to circle around your hardened nipples through your shirt, careful not to touch them directly. Your eyes fluttered closed.
“I just wanna make you feel good.” He whispers near your ear, placing a chaste kiss on your temple.
“But Luc—”
“He’s asleep. Long as you stay quiet, he’ll remain that way.” He growls, lifting your shirt to expose your stomach, he brings his fingers around the sides, digging his nails into the soft flesh and scratching. The sting actually felt so good that you moaned. Your hand flew to your mouth and you feel him smirk against your shoulder.
“That’s a good girl.” He praises you. You took the initiative to keep the loud noises from tumbling out your lips. You deserved a reward.
His fingertips brush up and down the length of your stomach, although ticklish, it also felt so damn nice. Then, he blows into your ear and your knees buckle, ungracefully falling to them with Eddie following behind you. His hands are still on you, cupping your breasts and kneading them while placing soft kisses on your neck.
“Feels so good.” You mewled.
“I’m glad it does, little one.” He just couldn’t stop smiling at the state you were in. You were usually the reserved, dry humor kind of girl and with one touch from him, you were now a whimpering submissive.
He unclasps your bra, your boobs freely bouncing from the gravity. His mouth water at the sight of your hardened nipples and perky tits.
“They look so perfect.” Eddie groans, moving your arm back and around his neck so that they were out of his way.
He notices your hips thrusting and searching for some form of friction. Taking a large pillow from your couch, he places it on the floor between your legs, resuming his ministrations on your hardened peaks. He’s pinching and flicking them expertly with his fingers while you rocked against the plush material under you.
If these shorts hadn’t been in the way, you’d really gush. As if he heard your thoughts, he tugs at your pajama shorts from behind, moving them to the side just enough for your clit to be in contact with the thick seam of the pillow.
“Unhh, fuck.” You bite the skin between your index finger and thumb.
Eddie notes this. You really loved pain.
He gathers your hair in a tight ponytail, yanking your head back against his chest. A gasp melds into a moan once you feel his beautifully full lips attacking your neck again. He begins thrusting himself against your round and ample ass, no longer able to restrain himself. You can feel how hard and huge he is even with the barriers of clothing between you two. Goosebumps lighting across your skin when you hear him moan your name for the first time.
“All you have to do is ask and I’ll give you exactly what you need.” Eddie says, breathlessly, continuing to play the instrument that is your body.
“I want you to…need you to…” You whined out, not having the strength to finish your sentence.
Eddie could feel himself getting frustrated. Why were you still stalling this tension between you two? You were riding hard against the pillow beneath you and, yes, he found this extremely sexy, but you weren’t answering him the way he wanted.
While one hand continued to tease a nipple, the other was now sliding down inside your pajama shorts. You were extremely wet that it shocked him. He hardly did a thing. You wanted it bad yet you resist. Why?
He rubs you through your panties, hearing you whimper desperately for him. “Eddie….please, it’s too much.” You panted but he wouldn’t let up. Not until you finally begged him to fuck you.
He rubs at your clit just right enough to have a new flood of your wetness soak through your underwear and coat his fingers.
“Gonna cum.” You whispered while resting a hand over the one circling your clit.
If he was truly evil, he’d pull away as a petty form of punishment for you not giving your body to him. However, he was so enamored seeing you in this much pleasure that all he could do was give in to you.
“Cum, baby. Soak my fingers in your cum.”
His words sent you over the edge, you topple forward shaking and quivering in your earth-shattering orgasm. He kisses your neck still hovering over your body and toying with you until you physically had to yank his hand out of your shorts. When you came to, you looked down noticing that your arousal had wet the pillow beneath you.
Eddie’s hand had been wet with your arousal as well. You hear sucking behind you, realizing that he was tasting his fingers. If you’d broken your self control, you would jump his bones this very moment.
You look over your shoulder and he gives your ass a light smack, smiling down at you.
“Sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.” He says.
You felt pride in your chest at his words. Did that mean that you tasted better than all the other girls he’s had? Including…Chrissie.
He picks you up, carrying you onto the sofa before attempting to walk away.
You grab his forearm. “Please, don’t leave me.” You sounded needy but you couldn’t care less. You just wanted his skin on yours.
“I’m not going anywhere. Just getting a blanket. They’re still in the hallway closet, right?” He thought back to the first night he slept at you place.
“Yeah.” You were getting super sleepy but you couldn’t close your eyes until he was laying right next to you.
He comes back with a blanket, putting it over your bodies as he squeezes into his position behind you.There was barely space for two but you both made it work. Him acting as the big spoon in the cuddle position.
His arms are tight around your waist. He whispers, “You better come back from that Severance spell or I swear I’ll come and find you myself regardless of the rules or whether the archangel’s watching.”
You turn your head back, kissing his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be back. I promise.”
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Taglist: @nerdypartytrashpsychic @frozenhuntress67 @readsalot73 @babeyglo
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