#More Valentine's stuff to bombard you with
hellfire--cult · 7 months
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Roe's Valentine's special - Steddie x Fem!Reader
wc: 9.5k
+18, explicit, threesome, p in v no protection, p in a, smut, angst, insinuation of suicide (not reader nor eddie or steve), mention of eating disorder (not specified nor described), cheating (to reader), revenge... a lot of revenge, slightly supernatural.
plot: The past month had been hell for you, and you couldn't swallow how unfair it was that the people that fucked you over lived happily without a worry in the world. But on every valentine's day, there are certain cupids that will help you mend your heart through revenge... and you caught the attention of two of them.
a/n: let's pretend it's still valentine's day, although this is not exactly fluffy, lmao.
If you liked it, reblog, please. Doesn't hurt you to press the green button.
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So let’s recount what happened in the last month.
Your boyfriend cheated on you with his supposed best friend and lied to you even about him being heterosexual when you first met him, so finding him and Chase while going at it like rabbits in the bed you shared for the past two years was not the best sight to ever dig into your skull.
You had to move out, return to your mother’s house reluctantly, and get bombarded with questions about why such a thing happened because if anyone in the relationship would have cheated, she always thought it would be you.
So you moved back out again into an affordable two-room apartment. It wasn’t big, it wasn’t fancy, but it was a roof until you and your now ex-boyfriend figured out how to split up your stuff, but you knew his now lawyer boyfriend would do anything to keep the house to themselves.
And then at work, the position you’ve been working so hard for, learning, studying, and staying extra hours even, was taken by Lydia because she sucked the boss’ dick. She was one of the worst administrators there, so it was obvious how she got that new salary and office.
Worst of all, today was Valentine’s Day… and you were alone. All alone.
“WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME!? WHY CAN THEY BE HAPPY AFTER EVERYTHING!?” You were kicking the pillow of a couch that had fallen off, and you weren’t caring if your neighbors would hear you, or were getting pissed for your rage fit. They might be even afraid right now, not daring to come up to say anything.
You needed to let the anger out. You couldn’t hold it back anymore. It seemed as if life said ‘Let’s fuck this person’s life today.’. They literally went and pointed at you. It seemed like a fucking joke, the kind that leaves a sour taste in your mouth and almost makes you want to puke. 
Your eyes were burning with incoming tears from your anger, sadness, and disappointment, just everything at once. Why did all of this happen to you? What kind of game are the gods playing against you right now? 
Your heart was broken into pieces. Small, fragile, and enough to blow them away with one breath.
“I WANT THEM TO FUCKING SUFFER!” You yelled finally, breathing heavily as your head leaned back so you could stare at the ceiling and close your eyes. You don’t mean it, it was just a spur-of-the-moment scream… was it?
You sighed as you kept your head towards the ceiling. You can fix it. All of it. You will strive for another position, and leave the team management you’re under. You will focus on spending more time with friends. With Robin, Argyle, Nancy… And your mom is not fixable, but you can keep avoiding her just like you are now. 
Everything can be fixed. It can, right? It absolutely can, yes, of course.
Except for the situation you encountered when you lowered your head to see two figures sitting on your couch. Two men. Two gorgeous men. One with long hair, curly, dark, tattooed arms with rather weird symbolisms, and the other had sun-kissed skin, brown and gorgeous hair with some faint highlights, and then you could see all the freckles adorning his skin and face.
These were indeed gorgeous men… now what the–
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” You jumped out of your skin almost, and you immediately rushed to the kitchen which was two steps away, and grabbed your biggest knife, probably dull, but it was still pointy. You turned to point it at them only to see them gone as if you’ve never had two men sitting on your couch seconds ago. You were confused, putting the knife back down on the counter.
Were you hallucinating? Was the can of soup you had earlier expired and you didn’t realize it? Maybe it had fungus? Mushrooms? Or were you so desperate for a good dick that you imagined two men sitting on your couch? You shook your head at your silliness, a small giggle escaping your lips while taking a hand up to wipe a tear away from the past outburst, only for one finger to graze your cheek, making your breath stop completely and for your body to freeze.
“Now now, no more crying.” 
Your head turned only to clash onto hazel eyes, beautiful and silky brown hair, a freckle or two on the side of his cheek... And he was in your fucking house–
“SHIT!” You tried to move around him to grab your knife again, only for your waist to be grabbed and pulled flush against another body, your side, and your shoulder hitting someone’s hips and chest. 
“That is no way to treat your guests.” You gasped as you turned your head to now see the man with long dark hair, curls falling down his shoulders, and deep brown eyes. You were panicking, your phone was on the couch, and you left it so far away! You need to yell, you need to call for help!
“HEL–” A ringed hand flew to your mouth, silencing you from your screams for help. The other man with hazel eyes sighed, shaking his head as you thrashed around in the other man’s grip, obviously too strong for you because he wasn’t moving a single inch.
“I told you, we should have knocked on her door.” You let out a noise of confusion, a ‘What?’ mumbled in the back of the hand that was holding you silent. You heard a chuckle from the man next to you, making you even more confused than before.
“What was the fun in that? I love it when they think we are murderers or burglars.” What the actual fuck? If they weren’t that– Wait, how can you trust them with that? What if they are lying about it in order for you to stay calm?
“For fuck sake Eddie, let her go so we can explain to her what are we doing here.” You nodded desperately at that but the man, whom you thought was the kindest, only pointed a finger at you with a glare. “Yell, and we tape that mouth of yours shut until we finish explaining. Got it?”
You were shaking at this point in fear, tears filling your eyes as you felt helpless, and the man holding you noticed your distress, a soft voice coming from him unlike the teasing one from before.
“We are not here to hurt you, Sweets… We are here to help you, you just have to listen to us for a bit, okay?” The man called Eddie spoke to you, and you were afraid of screaming and for them to do something worse to you, so you nodded in the affirmation that you were going to keep quiet. 
Eddie looked at the other man and nodded as he slowly took the hand away from your mouth, letting you take a gasp of breath as he pulled himself away from you, letting you go completely from his grasp. 
You had to choose. Listen to them and pretend this is fucking normal just so you won’t get killed, or, run for it. Before you could even think, the more tanned man snapped a finger on your face and–
You were sitting on your couch. What? You were in the kitchen– You pointed at it with wide eyes, then back at the couch, and back at the kitchen, and then you pointed at the two men that were standing in front of you. 
“W–What was that? I was standing in the kitchen, and now I’m on my couch… But I was standing in my kitchen–”
“Yeah, it’s freaky the first time, I know… Trust us that we don’t want to cause any harm… not to you at least.” The man you don’t know the name of spoke, making you stare at them only to then look down at the floor. 
“I’m dreaming, aren’t I? This is not real, there’s no way I just teleported from the kitchen to the couch, that is humanly impossible–”
“Good thing we are not human.” And that made you snap your eyes open like plates, looking at Eddie. Not… Human? The other man elbowed his friend in the gut, making you look at him.
“I’m Steve, this is Eddie. We’re Revenge Cupids.” 
You stared at them, just blinking, not a single thought in your head. They are what? Cupids? Revenge cupids? That didn’t make any sense, nothing of this was making any sense in any laws of the universe.
“Yeah okay, I am definitely on drugs or asleep.” At your words, a shadow cast above you only to bend down towards your eye level, making you freeze at the stern look on his face. Eddie’s eyes were glowing in a very unusual color. It was some sort of white, or grey.
“Say we are not real one more time, and we will show you just how real we can be. Okay Baby?”
And that threat felt real. Too real, and now you realize these two men are not human, these two men possess some kind of powers, and these two men call themselves Revenge Cupids, which made absolutely no sense.
“I– Okay– Um… Wh-Why are you here?” Your voice was shaky because these were still strangers in your home, and how can you be calm in a situation like this? Eddie sighed and got up, your eyes following him as he stood next to Steve, who proceeded to speak.
“We heard your plea.” He said in a calm tone and you tilted your head in confusion. Your plea? What plea? 
“I’m sorry?” At your question, now Eddie was the one that talked, surprising you when he called out your name without you introducing yourself.
“You said ‘I want them to suffer.’” 
Your eyes widened at that and your brain rewinded a bit to a few minutes ago. You did say that, yes, you didn’t mean it. You definitely didn’t… right? But what does that mean? Why would that make them appear?
“I– I did say that… but, I don’t understand what it has to do with you both?” This is out of a really bad Hallmark movie because two unknown men are in your living room, and they’re very real and appeared out of thin air.
“Okay, let us explain sweetheart, alright? First off, this is real, what’s happening here, it’s happening. So stop doubting.” Eddie said with a harsh tone knowing that you were still wondering if you were high, and his voice made you straighten up and stare at the two men a little more centered. Steve took a deep breath and started to explain.
“On Valentine’s Day, you have your normal cupids, helping you get the person you seek, all that stuff and happy shit, yada yada. We–” Steve pointed in between Eddie and himself. “We are the complete opposite.”
“Huh? Does that mean… you break hearts?” You asked in a confused tone and Eddie was pleased to know you were cooperating now.
“Yes and no. We are here to mend your heart… through revenge that might break the hearts of the people who wronged you.”
And that… That actually caught your attention. Mend your heart while getting… revenge?
“Wait, what kind of revenge?” You asked, now intrigued and Steve smiled at you, now knowing you were a little interested in it.
“Most people prefer small little acts of revenge. Lots of people pleasers if you ask me, but you can even say no to this and we’ll just erase your memory and we were never here sweetheart.” And you were thinking about it. You are angry, yes, but how angry were you? How unfair did life treat you for this to happen? “There’s no catch? Like… you just help me with these acts and then you’re gone?” You asked and they simply shrugged and nodded at you, Eddie chuckling afterwards.
“Of course, you won’t remember us.” You gave him a little nod in approval and then you squinted your eyes at them.
“Are all revenge cupids in pairs?” You asked out of curiosity, catching the men’s attention, looking at eachother. Eddie shrugged at Steve because you were going to forget it all once they were done, so no harm in telling you anything, right? Steve turned to you and pointed at Eddie.
“I was his revenge cupid… and well… Let’s say–”
“I caught his attention so badly because of my revenge that he was smitten instantly. Weren’t you?” Eddie said with a cheeky smile on his face while Steve rolled his eyes before continuing to talk to you.
“So I hired him as my second hand.” And you were completely stunned. They have feelings so it seems, they’re not just entities, and from what you are listening, they were human once, or at least Eddie was.
“So you two are dating.” You managed to say with a smirk on your face and Steve’s face turned a little pink while Eddie snorted before talking back again.
“We prefer the word… Partners.”
You weighed your options. You could deny this help and keep going just like you were doing minutes ago, or… you can have your revenge on these people that wronged you completely… But would that make you happy? Would that cause some kind of relief in you?
But why the fuck are these people happy when they left you alone and miserable?
So you asked yourself again: Would that give you any sense of relief?
Fuck yes, it would.
“I’m in.” 
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The next day you woke up, wondering if everything from the night before was even real at all, but when you saw the two men appear out of nowhere in the early morning already walking around the living room while looking at your furniture with intrigue, you knew you didn’t dream it at all.
So you cooked for them, and they seemed surprised at the gesture since they didn’t have hunger at all, but they still took what you made for them from your hands. It was simple waffles with syrup and some berries. You sat down on the table eating your own plate as you tried to gather your thoughts.
The two men are still here, and you had agreed that they could do acts of revenge for your heart to feel relief once again. To rejoice. And now they were sitting in front of you, already finished their plates long ago. 
“Whatcha thinking Princess?” Eddie asked as he leaned over the table with his elbows on the wood. You looked up to clash onto his brown ones and you licked your lips as you sat straighter on your chair. 
“Well… let’s say I want to take revenge on my mother. What would you do?” Eddie shrugged at that as he went deep into thought about it. Steve was thinking too, looking at the ceiling as if it were going to give him an answer. Then Eddie spoke again.
“Well, once someone told us to make the house of their parents infested with hornets.” And that was a good one…
“Another one asked us for their favorite furniture to burn accidentally thanks to the fireplace.” Steve said afterward and Eddie nodded as if remembering that, a small chuckle escaping his lips. 
They were good… but not enough. They weren’t even directed to the person who caused the actual pain, it was directed to all the material stuff. 
“I developed an eating disorder thanks to this woman. This woman considered me a slut and whore ever since she found out I lost my virginity to my neighbor. This woman that treated me poorly in front of everyone we ever met…” Your words were filled with venom, heart stinging as the two men realized that the broken heart was not recent.
It has been broken for a long while now.
“Then, what do you have in mind?” Eddie asked, curiosity at the tip of his tongue as he saw Steve slowly smirk from his peripheral vision. He knew his partner was intrigued and actually amused at the anger in your voice.
You thought for a while, but you knew what could break your mother. What could break her completely, heart, body, and soul, not caring for the repercussions that could bring because she never cared for yours. A mother who doesn’t care for her child, why would the child respect her? Why would the child care for their mother?
“My mother lives off fillers and surgeries so she could still look young despite the age she has. A cougar that fucks guys her age or younger because it makes her feel… with youth she no longer possesses.” 
“I like where this is going, honey.” Steve spoke as he looked at you with fierce eyes and Eddie was biting his lip at the anticipation of your plan. You looked up from your plate and both men went wide-eyed as they looked at the intensity of your glare.
Full of rage.
“I want everything that she ever did to her face and body to fall apart. I want her to finally look her age, but with the clear evidence that she never took care of her skin. Someone that didn’t use sunscreen at all in her entire life.”
And Eddie’s smile turned into a wicked grin, almost like a Cheshire cat. 
He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and Steve chuckled wholeheartedly, evilly as he closed his eyes. You were looking at both of them as your heart thumped wildly in your chest, filled with anticipation but no guilt. There was no guilt at all. She never had it with you, so it’s fair you reciprocate the same feelings.
“Oh, she looks hideous honey.” Steve talked, looking back down towards you, snapping his fingers and you saw your phone lit up as it sat on the table. You frowned as you reached for it, unlocking it, and… your eyes widened as you saw your mother screaming at the mirror. The sight of an old woman who lost her youth, no way of faking it anymore. 
She was touching her face, trying to lift it as the skin fell and fell, not staying up at all. The creases all over her face, the facial marks on her forehead, and the corners of her mouth. The sun stains all over her face and neck, and finally… she finally feels what you felt all those years you lived with her. She can finally have a taste of her own medicine. 
And you decided right then that this was going to be the last time you saw your mother, and you didn’t care anymore what could happen afterwards to her, locking the phone and putting it down on the table again. 
Eddie and Steve looked at one another and when they looked at you, their eyes widened, almost in shock as they saw you smiling while taking bites of your waffles, doing a little dance on your chair in victory. You were the first one they ever encountered to not show a single sign of guilt.
And Eddie couldn’t help but bite the side of his bottom lip as he stared at you. And Steve didn’t miss the way his partner was glancing at you, but he couldn’t blame Eddie.
Not when he was looking at you in the same way.
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The three of you were walking towards your office building, looking up at the tall structure as you prepared your next target, or well, targets. You still had to think of what to do to them, but some ideas had come up in your mind. 
You had one man on each side of you, both waiting for your response. They had kept an eye on you the past few days, just in case you felt guilt of some sort for what you’ve done to your mother. You even rejoiced when she called you to ask for some money so she could get surgery and your response was:
‘No surgery can help you.’
And that was the same response she gave you when you thought you needed a nose job thanks to her degrading comments. She laughed at you whenever you tried to apply makeup or fix your hair and with the years you understood that she was jealous of your youth. Of your skin.
“How did you become Revenge Cupids?” You asked them as your ideas kept swirling in your mind but they were used to your curiosity by now. They were curious about you too, and for the past few days, they have also asked you about your life, and how you got your heart broken in such a way.
“Well…” Steve began as he looked at you, “You make a bond with another revenge cupid.” You frowned at that, turning your head to look at him.
“A bond?” Eddie nodded and wrapped around your shoulders, sending shivers down your whole body, which you tried shaking away.
“When humans commit revenge, they might impress the cupids themselves. I surprised Steve with mine, and it helped that he was interested in me.” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at Steve and the brown-haired man only smacked the top of Eddie’s head. “Shit baby, there was no need–”
“And what did both of you do that… caught another cupid’s attention?” You asked this time and the two men looked at eachother for a second, before looking back at you. Steve took a deep breath in and was about to begin talking when your eyes spotted a security camera on the front doors of your building, an idea coming to you.
“Oh… Stevie, I think she thought of something good…” Eddie said with a grin and Steve smiled as he raised his hand, ready to snap his fingers.
“Take me to the CCTV room.” And with those words, you closed your eyes, a snap of fingers happening, and when you opened your eyelids again, you were in front of a massive computer, many monitors around showing all of the security cameras in the company. You turned your head to the side to see the guard sleeping, an eyebrow raised as Eddie chuckled.
“We put him to sleep, he won’t wake up, so you don’t have to whisper Sweets.” You smiled at that, surprising Eddie as well as Steve.
“Thank you… Okay… I need to find that day, the day before the promotion was announced…” And you leaned forward to start looking, only for Eddie to snap his fingers and the video popped up immediately. 
A wicked smile spread on your lips as you saw your boss, who is married with two kids, fucking Lydia without any shame, railing her on his desk. Her moans were all over the speakers, making Steve clear his throat for a second, and then his eyes widened when he heard what you were looking for.
‘You want that promotion, right sweetheart? Fuck yeah, I’m gonna give it to you, oh you are so fucking good–’
“Bingo~” Eddie cooed next to you and Steve leaned closer to you, a smile all over his lips as he planted a soft kiss on your shoulder, making you shiver with a sigh and then he whispered to you.
“What do you want to do with that Sweetheart?” A grin was on your lips and then you whispered your plan to him, making Eddie pout. You giggled at his antics and you leaned to whisper it to him as well, and both men were stunned at what you wanted to do, but oh so pleased.
You changed the camera to the present, seeing your boss on a very important committee, with members of the board from the company and other companies that wanted to seal a deal. You kept changing the cameras, seeing people watching the LED TVs that are in the cafeteria, near the office cubicles, at the reception area…
“Do the honors princess…” Eddie smirked as he pointed at the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard. And so you raised your finger and pressed the button in a strong hit.
Moans were heard all over the building, the words your boss said to Lydia as he fucked into her, everyone watching it happen, and you quickly changed it to the conference camera. You saw everyone start screaming at your boss, probably calling all deals off, and you didn’t even care if this would make you lose your job. You didn’t care at all if the company went bankrupt. 
You had lost all empathy. 
Maybe they can put another person in charge and it doesn’t go down. Maybe. You shrugged in your mind at what the outcome might be. You saw the men leaving as your boss tried turning off the TV but it didn’t go off. You smiled, looking at Steve who had his hand up, not letting anyone in the building turn off the devices.
Everyone saw it. Everyone was seeing it. Lydia will lose her job. She will be charged with adultery most likely as well as your boss. He will lose his family, his credibility, his company… All because he didn’t give you the promotion you worked your ass off to get for the past year. 
“He tried to come onto me. I guess that because I didn’t give in, he gave it to the person that gave the pussy to him. Resentful bastard.” Eddie and Steve’s jaws clenched tightly at that, and you didn’t ask for it but he twitched his hand again, and your eyes widened when your phone started playing the video as well, and you looked up to see everyone in the company building got their phones infected with it, to make sure absolutely everyone was seeing it.
You giggled with satisfaction as you slapped your hands together, pressing them onto your smile as you looked at all the cameras of people gossiping, screaming, running, just pure chaos as they all went to chase Lydia and your boss. Food was being thrown at them as well as toilet paper and drinks.
Your coworkers were mad, you all worked so hard so that one day you could try to get a raise, a promotion, anything at all, and it was never going to be appreciated. The boss only appreciated a good set of boobs and a tight cunt. And now they all knew. 
Eddie leaned over to you, now completely hypnotized by you, grabbing onto one of your hands to press a kiss on your digits, the index finger that pressed the enter button. You shivered at the action of tenderness, and then you felt your shoulder being kissed again, turning your head to look at Steve’s pleased face.
“Let’s head back. We got one more revenge, don’t we?”
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“You guys didn’t answer me the other day…What did you do to become revenge cupids?” You asked as you walked into your old neighborhood with both men walking on your sides again. Steve was the first one to talk.
“I wanted to give my dad my revenge. So, I did what I knew would hurt him the most… I made him get a bad deal, only for his entire company to be stolen away. He didn’t read in between the lines, and gave all rights to a fake firm, losing everything.” You tilted your head at that because it didn’t sound that– Ah… you imagined what happened later on to his father.
“I see… He deserved it?” You asked and Steve chuckled, a somber look on his face.
“Fuck yes, he did.” You held his hand for comfort, stunning him completely at your touch, looking down at your joined hands. Your gaze turned towards the dark-haired man now who was already smiling.
“I made my father depend on drugs in jail. Make him suffer from withdrawal later on… I also made sure he goes back and forth into abusing and withdrawal, and to always have an eye kept on, so he wouldn’t put an end to the suffering.” You were stunned at his act of revenge.
His father would suffer until his last breath… You didn’t want to ask the reason for hatred, to either of them. You weren’t going to meddle in those past stories, but you were certain the people they directed the revenge to deserved it completely. Your hands gripped theirs tightly as you walked towards your old home. 
Eddie and Steve shared a knowing look with a hint of a smirk, looking forward as you guided them. It was the last act of revenge and you were going to make them pay. You were going to make them miserable, till their last heartbeat. You stood in front of your old home, the one you shared with him, the one you two bought together, the one you dumbly let him have full ownership of the home because he said that once you two had kids, it would be directly passed onto them.
That was all a fucking lie.
“He is not inside…” A house that he will keep, a house that you won’t ever enter again, a house he and his best friend, his actual boyfriend, made sure to keep all to themselves… A house you know doesn’t have any kind of insurance because your boyfriend has always been a cheap ass.
“So… what are we doing?” Steve asked with a squeeze of his hand. You let go of both hands and took a step forward, raising your right hand up as if waiting for something to fall on it.
“I will do this myself. Give me a Molotov.” You suddenly blurted out and Eddie and Steve’s eyes widened in surprise. You were… amazing. You wanted to do this yourself. Eddie reached out to you after a snap of fingers, and he placed an already fired-up molotov in your hand. 
“Go crazy baby.” 
And it was all you needed as you leaned your arm back, and threw the Molotov right into the living room’s wide window, the fire instantly catching on the couch. The couch you two once shared, a couch you two cuddled on as you watched movies. The house that holds so many memories, never a bad one, never a fight.
It was in flames, all of it. All your past in flames, all the people that deserved it, got it. 
Eddie and Steve looked at one another, waiting to console you for your possible breakdown. It always happened at the end of the acts of revenge. It is as if there was a bit of guilt, a bit of regret in everything they did… but you–
You laughed openly as you opened your arms wide, twirling around with happiness, and Eddie and Steve just stared at you, scanning all of you, looking at your smile, at the lack of empathy for all the hearts you broke in order to mend your own. You loved yourself, not letting people walk over you, not anymore.
And damn they wanted you. They deeply wanted you.
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And now it was the day you dreaded. All the acts of revenge were done, over with. And they had to erase your memory now, leave you alone once more. It’s not like you will remember them, but will you be able to handle the loneliness? 
You three were in your room, both men looking at you with their arms crossed over their chests as you sat on the bed. You were mustering the courage to actually say goodbye to them, but in reality, you just wanted them to just do it. Press the device the men in black used to erase someone’s memory. Quick, easy.
“So… you two are gonna leave now, right?” You questioned them as your eyes went towards their eyes. A small smirk was in each of their mouths and Eddie was the first to walk towards you, sitting next to you on the edge of the bed.
“Well… You see baby…” He held your right hand that was on your lap, pulling it to his lips so he could give you a small kiss on your knuckles. A shiver ran down your spine, making you clench your legs together at the sight and then you felt your bed dip on your left, making you turn your head to see Steve’s face coming close to your face, his breath hitting your mouth.
“Remember what happened to Eddie?” You frowned at his explanation, not understanding what he meant, and his lips hovered over yours. “You caught… our attention.”
Oh… Oh… They wanted you. The both of them, at the same time… And you would be lying if you said you didn’t think of them at night. You would be a horrible fucking liar if you didn’t think of them railing you, fucking you into nothing, a blabbering mess. They intrigued you too, wanting to know more of them, and spend more time with them, you just wanted to do so much more.
You gasped when you felt Eddie’s free hand slowly slide in between your legs, holding you onto your inner thigh, squeezing the flesh there, making you whimper. Steve moved downwards so he could bite onto your exposed shoulder from the tanktop you were wearing. A small moan escaped your lips, and then you felt Eddie dip his head onto your neck, placing a kiss there, making you sigh in bliss. And then, he mumbled.
“Make a bond with us sweetheart.” He said in a sultry tone, making your limbs melt against him, his hand gripping your inner thigh a little tighter. You felt Steve’s lips going upwards to kiss the other side of your neck, and having them both kissing you like this just made you completely dizzy, and happy.
“Bond with us… Come with us…” Steve’s voice was as if you were a snake, and he was the charmer. Your body was on fire as both men joined hands on your lap, letting you know they were more than okay with including you in all of this. Their kisses didn’t stop, Eddie’s lips going towards your ear, biting on your earlobe, while Steve dipped into your neck, right in the union with your shoulder.
You whimpered, gripping their thighs as their joined hands let go of eachother, only to then dig them in between your legs, and their digits pressed on your inner thighs, one on the left, one on the right, and they both spread your legs, slowly. Your breathing turned heavy as your fingernails dug into their black pants.
“We can’t go on without approval Honey… You have to voice it out.” Eddie cooed in your ear, making you whine slightly as a moan got stuck in your throat thanks to him biting under your ear, to then blow cold air on that patch of skin. 
“Do you want this… or not?” Steve asked, placing one kiss on your jaw and… 
These men make you happy… So why the fuck not?
“I’ll bond with you two… Please, I want you both to take me…”  You wanted them to take you away from here, from this world, to wherever they are from. You didn’t care.
You could feel both of them smirk on your skin and the first one to turn your head to look at him was Eddie, a hint of lust in his eyes as his fingers caressed the dough of your inner thigh, sending shivers all over your body like electricity.
“You know how the bonding is done?” You may have an idea of it, but you assumed it had to do with a sacrifice of some sort or–
“You have to do a carnal bond, baby.” Steve mumbled on your skin, giving your shoulder a little nibble and now you understood why they were touching you, grazing your skin, kissing it, worshiping it.
“You have to let us mend your heart… and we can sense that you want us to fix it. Isn’t that right Stevie?” Eddie asked his partner and your head turned to look at Steve who had stopped kissing your shoulder, only to be inches away from your face.
“We sensed it days ago… The way you looked at us, the way you touched us in every chance you got, the way you take care of us and you love it… You fucking love it.” He whispered onto your lips, breath hitting them in the most delicious of ways, and your center clenched at nothing and their hands gripped onto your flesh even tighter as if they could feel what just happened.
“Say you are ours… And we will be yours too.” Eddie purred in your ear, and you didn’t think anymore, reacting by instinct, you pressed your lips against Steve’s, and a hum of approval vibrated in his throat. He kissed you back with an intensity you never felt before. Then you felt Eddie’s teeth nibble on your pulse point, making you moan into Steve’s mouth.
Steve’s fingers in your inner thigh traveled north, moving under your skirt and going towards your dripping cunt that was covered by your wet underwear. You whimpered at the touch, not noticing how Eddie’s hand moved upwards and under your tank top, gripping one of your breasts tightly, making you jolt slightly.
Steve took the opportunity that you opened your mouth, even if little, and his tongue found yours, greedily exploring you, wanting nothing more but to swallow your whimpers as you felt yourself falling more and more into the lust, into the desire.
He cupped you over your underwear, rubbing his palm against your covered clit, and a whine mixed with a moan made you move your hips against him. Your moan was muffled by his tongue and it seemed like Eddie felt left out, and pinched one of your nipples, and with a gasp it made you pull away from Steve’s kiss so you could voice your whimper.
“My turn to taste you baby…” Without needing guidance,  you turned your head and your eyes clashed with deep brown ones, and he instantly captured your lips with his, moaning at the taste of you. He pinched your nipple in between his fingers as he palmed all around it. Steve’s lips latched onto your neck, his fingers gliding underneath your underwear, pulling at the elastic to finally touch you, raw, making you straighten up against Eddie’s touch, hips moving against Steve’s.
Steve moaned at how wet you were, how soaked his fingers became just by moving, gelding them through your folds. His ring and middle fingers found your clit instantly, rubbing circles in slow movements, making you moan against Eddie’s mouth, and just like Steve, his tongue found yours after you opened your mouth to let your lewd sound out.
“Fuck Eddie, you have no idea how wet she is…” Steve chuckled against your neck and you let go of Eddie’s kiss in order to take a breath. You were extremely agitated but they didn’t stop touching. Your eyes widened, throwing your head back when you felt Steve’s middle finger enter you, a groan escaping his own lips.
“Yeah? Then let me feel it.” Eddie smirked as he let go of your breasts, gliding his hand down next to Steve’s who was pumping his finger in and out of you, squelching sounds being heard all over your room.
“S-Steve–” And then you gasped when you felt another intrusion. It wasn’t Steve’s index finger, no. You looked down and both men were now looking at you with smirks and dilated pupils, both hands were underneath your skirt and then they started pumping their index fingers in and out with no rhythm, one goes in, the other goes out.
“Holy shit Steve, you weren’t wrong.” Eddie was stunned by how drenched you were, your juices already coating both his and Steve’s fingers, seeing the white sheer ring of your slick forming at the knuckles. Steve’s mind was already hazing over, and he stared at Eddie’s face with want, and his partner understood completely what he needed.
Your eyes widened when you saw Steve and Eddie coming close in front of your face, their lips joining in a deep kiss, full of teeth and tongue, and the tempo in their fingers went even quicker, making you choke as you thrust your hips back and forth against them. 
The sounds of their kiss mixed with the squelch of your wetness and their fingers, made your belly turn and coil as your climax started to build. Your pussy clenched around them, and they noticed, chuckling into the kiss, and as if they read eachother’s minds, they curled the fingers upwards, and your eyes widened in surprise as your moans only raised in volume. 
“Ed– Eddie, Steve– God, you’re–” You smiled in bliss, throwing your head back as the pleasure became unbearable but you wouldn’t stop it even if the world was caving in. They pulled away from the kiss and Steve desperately pulled your tank top up, bunching up on your collarbone, with his free hand as you kept yourself up with your hands behind you and supporting your weight. His lips latched onto one of your nipples and Eddie clamped on the other. 
Their fingers in you, their teeth biting softly and pulling on your nipples, and you couldn’t wait for them to actually make you theirs. The simple thought of that made your pussy clench and they moaned at the feeling, and finally, their fingers synchronized, going in and out of you, curled up all the way abusing your g spot and that threw you off the edge.
Your mouth fell open as you convulsed underneath them, trying to keep yourself up with your hands as your chest pressed against their mouths because you arched your back, and your hips moved quickly against their fingers as they helped you ride your orgasm out. You were breathing heavily, your body trembling, and their fingers slowly slipped out of you once you stopped clenching on them.
Your body fell against the bed when their mouths unlatched from your chest with subtle pops. They were breathing heavily and both men looked at one another, a smile on their face as they raised the fingers that were inside of you, and Eddie licked Steve’s while Steve licked his. 
Even in your fucked out state, you could see that action. You whined with need as they moaned at your taste. They wanted to dive in, but there was going to be time for that later on. They both turned their heads towards you, and they got up from the bed, Steve held your skirt, pulling it off followed by your underwear, while Eddie took this time to undress himself.
Your eyes had heart eyes, mouth drooling as you climbed further into the bed, taking your tank top off, throwing it somewhere in the room, and laying bare in front of the two men. 
“Aren’t you fucking beautiful?” Eddie’s hoarse voice made you smile as you spread your legs inviting him over, his throbbing cock all the way up, in alert, red tip oozing precum, letting you know just how desperate he was to have you. 
“Well, fuck Eddie… And to think we will have her for all eternity…” You couldn’t help the wide fucked out smile you showed the two men, who were staring at you, drool almost slipping from their lips. 
“And I will have you both…” And that made Eddie growl, his chest puffing out and looking at Steve, as if pleading, begging. Steve chuckled and gave his partner a soft kiss on the lips, but his hand went up, gripping the dark hair, and pulled his head back.
“You fuck her… and I will fuck you.” 
Your eyes widened at that but you were trembling in excitement, ready to go again even if your body was still spasming from your last climax. Steve let go of Eddie’s hair and the latter smirked at him, then crawled on the bed to get in between your legs.
“Hi sweetheart.” He smiled down at you and your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him into a soft kiss. 
“Hi Eds…” A toothy grin spread on his lips and you slid your hand down, gripping onto his dick and a groan escaped his lips as you rubbed the head of it against your folds, coating it and mixing with his own precum.
“Shit.” He cursed and you positioned his dick so it would rest on your cunt, and he moved back and forth, coating it with your wetness as a lubricant. Your clit was brushed every time he pushed forward, making you moan out his name. 
“Eds, please– Please–” And who was he to deny your pretty cries. He grabbed his cock and guided it to your entrance. He bit his lip as he slowly sank into you, both of you letting out strangled moans of pure bliss and you felt so full. So fucking full.
You must have imagined it through your lust and your mind becoming cock drunk, but you felt as if your chest was lighter. It wasn’t your chest per se, but it was like inside. You couldn’t think much because Eddie decided to move, making your moan finally come out of your mouth.
“Pay attention here baby. Just let yourself feel.” His face was sweaty, his eyes dilated from pleasure as he thrust in and out of you, and the wet sounds made it all the more pornographic. You felt his movement grow faster and then he was balls deep inside of you, making you throw your head back in bliss as your nails dug into his back.
“Eddie! Fuck!!!” You could feel him in your belly, you were sure that if you pressed there you would be able to feel the tip of his dick inside of you. Just the bump of it and it thrilled you. His skin started slamming against yours, and you let go of him so he could hold himself up with his hands and arms so he could slam deeper into you.
“Fu–” And his movement stilled for a few seconds as his eyes widened and you wondered what happened to him, only to then see the most beautiful face he ever made since you met him. His face became flushed, red on his cheeks, eyes glossed over, his hair falling down on the sides, and there was a different sound of squelching, you maneuvered yourself the best you could to look behind Eddie, and a smirk spread on your lips.
Steve was now completely naked, his cock a little thicker than Eddie’s but Eddie’s was a little longer. Both of them, you wanted inside, but for now, this will have to do. You can take Steve later on. The brown-haired man had his index and middle fingers inside Eddie’s hole, using the lube you used for your toys that sat on your vanity.
Of course, he didn’t miss that.
“Fuck her and my fingers. Now.” It was a command and you couldn’t wait for Steve to treat you that way as well. You bit your lip as Eddie moved again as strangled moans were caught in his throat, moving inside of you, to then pull back to engulf Steve’s fingers inside of him.
Steve’s patience though, was running thin. His hand wasn’t enough. He had been stroking himself watching Eddie fucking into you, but he wasn’t going to cum on his hand. There was no way. He hissed when Eddie clenched on him because you clenched on him. It was a chain reaction. He knew Eddie could take it, even with no preparation or just one finger, just as Steve could take him. 
He slid a third finger inside and Eddie’s eyes widened, stilling his hips all the way inside of you, a whimper escaping your lips as you felt his tip brush your G-Spot. Steve’s pace increased, not letting Eddie move as he pumped his fingers in and out of him, Eddie moaning with his eyes wide as Steve started scissoring him. 
“S-Stevie– Steve, please, more, more–” And seeing Eddie in this state was making your hips roll against him, making him groan and whimper, his arms trembling slightly and your hands went to his face, rubbing his cheeks, cleaning a bit of his sweat off with a smile on your lips.
“Steve… He is so beautiful…” At your words, Steve chuckled and pulled his fingers out of Eddie, a sigh escaping from the man who was whining on top of you, still inside of you.
“And you haven’t seen nothing yet.” And Steve had already coated himself in the lube, and he gripped Eddie’s hip, rubbing the tip of his cock against the small hole, and then you saw it.
You saw how Eddie’s eyes widened, and you could see the strangled choke as his mouth fell open, and then it shut, a whimper trapped in his throat, biting his bottom lip as Steve sunk inside of him, slowly, yet a satisfied groan escaped Steve’s lips, smile on his face as he closed his eyes at the feeling.
There it was again, the relief in your chest. A warmth that slowly started spreading all over, and you didn’t know if to tell them, to warn them. It didn’t feel bad, it was feeling good, like a breath of relief. You didn’t notice your eyes had glossed over, a tear slipping out of the corner as Steve bottomed out into Eddie.
Eddie was breathing heavily as Steve leaned forward to press soft kisses against the inked skin, and then he looked over his shoulder to see your face. He smiled fondly, despite what you three were doing. Eddie looked up and smiled weakly at you, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips before talking.
“Your heart… is mended.” 
And then Steve leaned over Eddie’s body, holding his waist, and he reeled back, only to plunge back inside of him, and thanks to that, Eddie went deep inside of you as well. The three of you moaned out, feeling whole, complete, full. You never felt this happiness before, it was as if everything in your life finally made sense, for once.
Steve’s thrusts became rough as his fingertips dug into Eddie’s sides, and Eddie was trembling on top of you as his hips moved inside of you thanks to Steve’s movements. Your cunt clenched around Eddie and he whimpered, his ass clenching around Steve’s. The latter man growled thanks to the stimulation, and a loud smack was heard across the room, Eddie jolting with a gasp.
“Move those hips, Eds. Fuck us.” Steve groaned out and you couldn’t help but guide your hand in between you and Eddie, your fingers finding your clit to rub circles on it, twitching at the sensation.
But then the air was knocked out of your lungs when Eddie started swaying his hips back and forth, thrusting inside of you, and making Steve’s cock thrust inside of him. He was doing it at a fast pace, choked-up moans escaping Eddie’s lips as he felt himself lose his mind to pleasure.
Steve was moaning behind, one of his hands holding onto Eddie’s ribs so he could move his waist freely, and he ran his other hand through his hair, feeling pleasure he hadn’t felt before, and he knew Eddie was feeling the same because of how cockdrunk he was right now. He can’t wait for his turn next time.
You couldn’t hold it in, it was too much, everything was just too much, but yet it wasn’t enough, and it will never be enough most likely because you will never get tired of these two. You were meant to be together. Your pussy clenched as you started trembling under Eddie, whimpering, whining, tears falling from your eyes.
“I’m– I’m going to cum– I can’t– I can’t hold it–!” You warned them and Eddie cried out when you clenched on him, and he once again clenched around Steve.
“F-Fuck, Steve, I’m going to cum too, I’m–” Eddie moaned out, his hips stopping the movement he was railing you with. Steve felt the coil in his stomach too, his balls tightening, and he smirked in bliss as he grabbed Eddie’s waist once more and started slamming himself inside of him, in order to make him bounce into you at each thrust.
Eddie leaned down so he could kiss you, but your lips never touched. It was just tongues swirling around, lips grazing every now and then as you inhaled his moans and he inhaled yours. 
And then, everything was white. You almost bit your tongue when your second climax hit you, without warning, your belly exploding as you clenched tightly around Eddie’s cock, which was still pistoning inside of you thanks to Steve’s thrusts. You were speechless, choked up, drool falling off the side of your mouth as you spasmed under Eddie.
Eddie was whimpering as he felt your clenching around him, and he gurgled a moan as he spilled inside of you, his ass clenching onto Steve. His arms trembled to keep himself up, his body fired up thanks to his climax, and Steve moaned loudly, his hips stuttering with one final thrust as he slammed himself inside of Eddie in one final thrust, making Eddie do the same with you, and his cum filled Eddie’s insides.
The three of you finally unclenched with one another and you thought you were going to die, not feeling like you had enough air coming inside of your lungs. Eddie was over you, trying to keep himself up in order to not crush you, but he was losing the battle. He looked over his shoulder towards Steve.
“S-Stevie… You need to get off or I’m gonna crush her.” Steve had his forehead pressed on Eddie’s back, trying to catch his breath. He nodded at that, and he left a kiss on his lover’s skin before pulling himself up and retreating so that he could pull out from Eddie.
A wince escaped from the long-haired man, and when Steve was out, he felt all of his cum dripping down from his hole, making him shiver. He slowly pulled out of you, making you snap back into reality, making you realize that this really had happened, and it made you whine as he left your cunt.
Eddie plopped right next to you, breathing heavily, and Steve crawled to lay on your other side, his chest going up and down from trying to get the right amount of oxygen back into his lungs. You felt Eddie’s cum coming out of you and onto the sheets, but you didn’t care. You really didn’t. Not when these two were right next to you.
“You okay baby?” Steve asked and you were about to answer, only for Eddie to interrupt in a hoarse, spent voice.
“Me or her? We have to get some personal nicknames for the three of us.” You couldn’t help but give a weak chuckle, your body sinking into the bed as both men turned on their sides to cuddle up to you, wrapping their arms around you, enveloping you like a cocoon.
“What… now?” You managed to breathe out, and Eddie kissed your shoulder as he rubbed circles on your arm.
“Well, you come with us now.” Eddie explained, but that did nothing for you to understand.
“Where?” And Steve smiled, his hand raising up and you knew he was going to snap his fingers.
“To our home.” 
And with a snap, the house became empty. Furniture gone, pictures erased, and no sign of a human ever living in that place. Your mother never had a daughter. Your name was not in the registry of your company. And your ex-boyfriend forgot he ever cheated.
But everything remained. Your mother could not bear her face, and nothing could fix her. The company eliminated the tyrants, and it was now a workplace for people who put their all into work. And your ex was left alone, without a home, without furniture, without anything at all. 
And a year later–
“I HOPE THEY ROT IN HELL!” A cute blonde with a ponytail screamed in the middle of a field. She was screaming with all the capacity her lungs allowed her, letting all of her pent-up anger out. 
Three figures emerged from the woods, two men, and one woman. The three of them were holding hands as they slowly approached the young girl who was already scared out of her mind but instantly calmed down when you sweetly smiled at her.
“Chrissy, right?” 
And you knew she was going to cooperate, filling you with joy, but a small hint of a wicked smile formed on your lips as the girl explained what happened to her, and it wasn’t just you who felt that joy.
They both smiled as they looked at you, your first task and job on this new Valentine’s Day. You could feel their pride as they looked at you, as you talked to the girl whose heart had been destroyed just like yours once had. You could feel what they felt and they could feel you as well. That was something new.
A constant chain reaction.
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a/n: fuck them fluffy fics
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not-magdi · 7 months
"Be my Valentine?"
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Warnings: none :)
Summary: Lando surprises you on Valentine's Day.
Word Count: 1k
Reading Time: 4min 12sec
I am so sorry for not updating again, but life has been really stressful lately. I sadly can't promise you that it is going to be better a school is about to start again but I'll try.
Love y'all Magdi <3
February 13th, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and you just ended a call with Lando, who was currently in Barcelona testing the new car. When he first told you he would be away for the 14th, disappointment and sadness were the only emotions you felt.   
Valentine's has been your favourite holiday since you were a little girl. It didn't matter if you had somebody or not. The pink hearts everywhere, the smell of roses in the air, and people all around being in love made it so special for you. 
And for two years, you got to spend Valentine's with the love of your life, Lando Norris. Although every day was special with Lando, he always made extra efforts for the 14th, such as preparing breakfast in bed, presenting flowers in a rainbow of colours, and gifting sparkling jewellery.
So, him not being here home with you this year crushed your spirits for tomorrow completely. Lando felt incredibly bad when he found out when the tests were, but nothing prepared him for how the spark in your eyes disappeared when he told you. 
Guilt was eating him up the entire trip to Barcelona. Even Oscar noticed and asked what was up. 
After you hung up with Lando, you decided to cuddle yourself up on your couch and do some self-care while watching some nineties rom-com. 
You knew it wasn't Lando's fault he didn't have a say in when the testing was going to be, but you were still really disappointed he couldn't be with you. 
Your stiff back and sore neck were the result of you falling asleep on the couch yesterday. The TV was still running when you decided to get up and make yourself breakfast. 
The second you unlock your phone, you are bombarded with posts of couples enjoying Valentine's Day together.  
Letting out an annoyed huff, you throw your phone on the couch and decide to take a shower, wanting to escape all that valentines crap for a bit. 
Afterwards, you felt way more refreshed and optimistic for the day. So you decided to throw on some of your favourite jeans and your most flattering top and head outside to the centre of Monaco. 
You spend your whole day wandering through Monaco, strolling through a few shops and taking a few breaks in some cafes. And even though you were still a bit mad at Lando, an addition to Lando's Valentine's present made its way into your bag. 
Your mood improved gradually throughout the day, but not hearing anything from Lando made it hard to stay positive. You texted him, "goodmorning ❤️" to show him you were not ignoring or mad at him. 
He reacted to your message, but it has been complete silence since then. You thought that maybe he was too busy, as he told you that today would be the media day, but not hearing anything from him hurt you were not going to lie.
And you were indeed correct in your assumption. Lando was incredibly busy today but not giving interviews and making content. No, he tried to convince Zak to let him fly home earlier today so he could spend some more time with you. 
"Oh, come on. Please Zak, I'm done with all my stuff, for what do you even need me here?" Lando begged his boss, quite desperate to let him fly home. 
Zak looked at him with a slightly tired expression. "Do you really have to fly home. I mean it's just Valentine's day."
Lando tried to put on his best puppy dog eyes. "It's really important for Y/N. I can't do that to her." 
That seemed to do the trick, as Lando is currently on a plane home to Monaco. He spent the whole flight on his phone, trying to make the time go by faster. A smile made its way onto his face when he saw you posted a photo of you sitting in one of your favourite cafes, enjoying the sun.
He felt so incredibly guilty after your call yesterday, already forming a plan for how he can make it up to you.
The second he touched the ground again, he immediately rushed to your favourite florist to get you the biggest bouquet of sunflowers he could find. 
The friendly old lady who runs the shop smiles as she sees Lando entering. You also visited her today, telling her your dilemma while buying a bouquet of pink tulips. 
So seeing Lando buying your favourite flowers made her happy for you, knowing you weren't spending the day alone anymore. 
You just came home from your trip, putting the flowers you bought in a vase and starting to make yourself some dinner. 
You were about to start eating when you heard the doorbell ring. Confused, you make your way to the front door. Looking through your peephole, you rip the door open in excitement.  
You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw your boyfriend standing before you. Well, you could barely see him between all those sunflowers. But what you could see. Was his adorable smile while he held a pink sign saying, "Be my valentine?" 
Rushing over to him, you tackled him in the biggest teddybear-hug, burying your face in his neck. 
"Hi baby." Kissing your head, Lando wraps one arm around you, squeezing you tight. 
"How-when, why are you here?" 
Chuckling slightly at your confusion, Lando answers, "Well I couldn't leave my girl alone on Valentine's now, can I? Besides, Zak couldn't withstand my puppy-dog-eyes." 
Laughing, you tilt your head, giving Lando a loving kiss while murmuring a sincere "I love you" against his lips.
"Mhm, I love you too, baby."  
After standing in your hallway like two teenagers, you ushered Lando inside, not letting go of his hand, wanting to have him near you all the time.  
You were now cuddling on the couch, your wrist decorated with a new bracelet, a sparkling "L" adorning its front. 
Lando broke the comfortable silence you two were basking in, "You didn't answer my question from earlier." 
You look up at him, confused. "What do you mean?" 
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, he says, "Will you be my Valentine?" 
Laughing, you take his face to kiss him, "Yes, Lando, I'd love to be your Valentine." 
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome !!❤️
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
♡First Valentine's Day With Them ♡
Genre: Romantic + Platonic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): LMK Crew
A sorry post for being away for so long. There's another post stating why. Also, this one's a bit long, so prepare! Started writing this three days ago so sorry if there are any grammar errors, I wanted to get this out on time.
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He's so adorable and sweet about it, it's absolutely teeth rotting. He looks up places that he thinks you'll like, see if he can get matching accessories, your favorite flowers. Everyone finds it cute- Pigsy just wishes he would put some of that effort into his deliveries.
When the day comes, he's at your home early in the morning with a giant bouquet and card with a drawing of you two. You gush about it, placing both in a safe place before giving him your gift. He's ecstatic upon seeing it, seeing as it's the new game he wanted so badly! Ugh, he loves you so much. 💖
He'll dash you away to the arcade, trying to win all the prizes he can for you, and after that, it's off to a cute little cafe that just opened. You're both enjoying your time there,goofing off and sharing treats. Of course, you end it off at Pigsy's, getting some noodles and joking around. Pigsy's so happy for his son.
At the end of the day, you thank him for the wonderful and sleep over. He's never cleaned his room do fast before-Mk's really happy that he was able to get you to smile so much. You enjoyed your time with him, and him with you. He couldn't imagine anything more perfect than this. He feels so lucky to have you as his Valentines.
☀️Sun Wukong☀️
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Why choose one day to confess your love, when you can do it any or every day? What's special about THAT specific day? He doesn't get it, but he'll try his best. He'll look up what he can do, stuff he can get you, and make a quick pit stop to a food place and get you your favorite foods the day before Valentine's.
He thinks this'll be a peace of cake. After all, he's Sun Wukong! There's nothing he can't do! ... Except get rid of the nervousness that he feels as the day gets closer. What if you think it's too little? Maybe you'll see it as him taking you for granted? That he doesn't care?... Maybe he should improvise his plan a bit more.
Day of, he's at your home, inviting you to Flower Fruit Mountain. You're excited to see what he's planned, since he kept hyping it up. When you arrive, you're bombarded with gifts from the other monkeys. Fruit, flowers, little trinkets they may have stolen from Wukong's stash. It's incredibly cute and has you gushing and hugging them.
He'll bring out the food he got, along with a small cake just for you. It's kind of like a feast, and you're laughing a bit. He's a bit confused, but when you tell him how happy you are to see him put thought into this, he's beaming with pride. After stuffing your faces, you decide to hit the hay, cuddling and whispering sweet words to each other.
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He thinks it's a bit odd, and silly might he add, but he decides to make an effort for you. He'd start thinking about what to do, maybe make a nice dinner and get you that one item you've been eyeing. End it off with a shared night of cuddles. That should be good, right? Pfft, he's got this in the bag-
No. No he does not. As the day gets closer, he's becoming more nervous. Maybe he could take you out to a nice restaurant? He doesn't have a lot for money, nor does he like being in crowded places, but this IS an important day. He wants you to see how much you mean to him, how much you've helped him. He doesn't want you to think you're being taken for granted.
On the day of, he does his best to act all cool headed, but you can tell he's nervous. Color him surprised as you bring out a stash of gifts, from a bouquet of purple flowers that reminded you of him to an array of his favorite snacks that you personally made. You even got him some art and theatre supplies for if he ever wants to continue on that path.
He can't help but break down. It's been...so long since he's felt such warmth, so much love poured his way. He's been alone for such a long time, so having you here with him and spoiling him makes him feel absolutely blessed. After helping him calm down, you decide to have movie night, laughing and stuffing your faces. He decides that next year, he'll take you somewhere nice. A little vacation for just the two of you.
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You're texted as soon as it hits Valentine's Day. A plaster of heart emojis and an extensive plan to fill up the day. You think it's cute, but with how long the list of locations were, you highly doubted that you'd be able to do everything. Still, you were excited to see what the day would bring.
You're bombarded with gifts. Flowers, chocolates, matching jewels. It's a bit boggling, but it's really sweet. And when you bring up the list, she's dead seat on hitting them all. You've gotta experience the best date after all! You tell her that it's fine if you don't hit them all, and that it's most likely impossible-
Nope. You hit every single location on that list. You we're swept to all sorts of restaurants and had a wide array of sweets/food, gone to the arcade and given all of the prizes. Heck, she even took you shopping to get some matching clothes, along with some she just thought looked great on you.
By the time you're heading home, you've got a large assortment of gifts. Of course, she helps you sort it into your closet and decided to stay the night. After a movie or two, you're passed out from all the energy you've spent. She'll fall asleep right after, dreaming of what she'll do for you next year.
🔥Red Son🔥
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Nothing but the absolute best for his beloved. After all, it's what you deserve. Don't worry. He's got the whole day planned out. No need for you to stress about it. He's done all the research he could need, and he's absolutely confident in his plans to woo you. 😎 Liar, he's so fucking nervous.
First, he'll give you the present he's worked so hard on. A sick ass motorcycle. It's okay if you don't know how to ride it. He can teach you, plus more time spent together. Then, he'll take you to the finest restaurant, where it's only you two in a room, since no one deserves to sit in your radiance.
After that, you'll take a walk around the park, just taking in the silence and enjoying each other's company. When that's over, you'll be taken back to his house, where he'll surprise you with a shit ton of more presents he hid in his room. As said before, only the best for you.
When all the excitement has left, and it's just you two watching a movie in his room, he'll hold you close, thanking you for being with him. He didn't expect to find love, because he wasn't really looking for it, but he's glad it found him in the form of you. He can't imagine life without you, nor does be want to.
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You and Sandy have been buddies since like, forever, and you've both started the tradition of spending Valentine's together. You don't exactly remember how it happened, but it did and you're so glad it did. It's a nice way to give more gifts and spend another day together. It reminds you of how close your friendship is.
You both decide to go to a cute tea shop near by and talk about anything and everything positive, like what you think your future holds, what hobby you picked up, any new plans? Make any new friends? Others who pass by can't help but feel invigorated by the intense positivity that you and Sandy exude.
At his place, you'll do some yoga, both laughing when either one of you does a silly mistake. Once that's done, you'll help take care of the precious cats and spoil them, giving them their favorite treats and petting them to their hearts content. They'll be laying all over you two as you sit down and enjoy a movie. All around, it's a really nice and calm day.
🐷Pigsy + Tang📕
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These lovable idiots probably don't know what to get at first. What do you get your friend that doesn't seem so...cliche? Tang was fine getting you something simple, like those great looking chocolates, but Pigsy wasn't. He wanted it to be more that. I mean, you were their good friend after all! And you've been along for the journey! Gotta spruce it up!
So they play to their strengths and do what they do best. Pigsy makes you a bowl of your favorite noodles-and his best one may he add. Tang, on the other hand, decided to gift you a book that you happened to have your eye on... Along with those nice looking chocolates.
Though Pigsy gets upset, you're quite happy with the gifts, thanking them for caring so deeply. You gift Pigsy a new set of kitchenware, while giving Tang a ticket for a week long bufffet, free, might you add. Safe to say, they were in tears. You all shared the chocolate, happy to spend the day together.
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Don't you even worry your pretty little head, she's got this covered. It's all been planned out, so now you just have to wait for Valentine's Day to arrive. It doesn't help your curiosity when she gets excited thinking about it, the way she smiles like she's got it in the bag.
When the day arrives, she's up bright and early, getting the presents ready and later on begins cooking. You can smell it, and before you know it, you're up and heading to the kitchen. To day you were shocked is an understatement.
My girl has literally made you feast, filling the table to the brim with your favorite dishes. Seeing it all makes you hungry, and your crying at how good it is. And if you'll let her, she'll feed you herself. Watching you enjoy her cooking, something she pours her heart and soul into, makes her overjoyed.
Afterwards, you'll take a stroll, cuddling with the rabbits and just goofing around. When it's time for the Valentine's special for her show, you're welcomed as her cooking assistant and partner. It's a bit nerve wrecking at first, but you're both having fun and giggling by the end of it. You've both gotten fan mail and such about how cute y'all are and how they hope y'all stay together forever. She hopes so too.💙
🕷Spider Gang🕷
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So, like, they can't really go above the ground, so no surface dates. Buuut that doesn't mean that you can't improvise. You can sneak stuff in and nobody would suspect a thing. And they don't, since they're busy trying to readjust from the LBD incident and get back into the groove.
When Valetines arrives, you're calling everyone go the meeting room, where they see a giant table decked with all the foods, desserts and drinks they like. They're surprised. Don't get them wrong, it's a lovely surprise, but how the hell did you sneak a hug ass table in-
Spider Queen is given a pair of earrings and necklace, along with some wine she had been craving. Syntax was given new parts for him to build with, along with new blueprint paper, since he was running out. Hunstman got a bunch of tea. You noticed him really enjoying some that Sandy gave him so you decided to get him some more. Strong Spider got workout equipment that suited his needs and wouldn't break so easily.
They not able to really show it, since they're not used to it, but they're really happy. You decided to spend this day with them, giving them gifts with thought and love put into them, and spend the rest of the day hanging out and laughing with them. And when they ask why, you're acting like they asked a dumb question. "You guys are my best friends! Of course I'm gonna get you something nice!" Don't look at them they're crying-
🔶Yin & Jin🔷
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Ah, these dummies. As we all know, they're not the brightest, but this time, they're using every bit of their brain power to think of what to get you. You're a dear friend, one who's wrecked shit with them, and you're always there for them when they need you.
You're not really expecting anything, since to you, it's just a normal day. So imagine your surprise when these two bombard you with an assortment of random gifts. The food you've been craving, some nice smelling flowers, a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that you remember mentioning. Don't ask them where they got it from-
Y'all play some ping pong and arcade games that they had at home, along with some card games, ending the day off with you making something for them, with the three of you goofing off, laughing and poking fun at cheesy romance movies. All in all, a fantastic day for you three.
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kimetsu-chan · 7 months
Since you said to request- I guess I am HSAJDHSAKDJH
Might be more goofy but MariMui fic (Maybe specifically in Kimetsu Gakuen) where he tries to give Mari hints that he likes her... But she doesn't seem to realize and sees them as platonic gestures. Muichiro gives her little gifts, which he usually doesn't do. He's more physically affectionate with her... And even says "I love you" whenever they have to separate (<- Mari isn't as oblivious with romantic gestures towards others, but Muichiro is different since they've always been affectionate to each other since kids, so she thought it was like that-)
With some help with Tanjiro, Yui (and Yume, if you're okay with another oc and also made by Bunskero!!) , he was able to confess his love to Mari in Valentines day... And after moments of processing, she now just realizes he likes her and boom! happy ever after
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This is such a confusing scenario im sorry
A/N: HEHEHEHEHEHEHE MARIMUI— I was planning this out and I was like, “yknow what would be kinda funny? Is if it was in Yuichiro’s perspective.” So now we’re here :3
And it’s not confusing, tysm for making it detailed ♥️
This is not proofread, please lmk if there are any mistakes
TWs: none except MariMui are idiots in love and Yui is absolutely sick of it
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Yuichiro was tired.
Tired of seeing his lovesick brother try, keyword try, to subtly confess to the girl he liked. Tired of seeing it all go right over her head.
And he was especially tired of watching them all lovey dovey, right in front of him. And still claim that they weren’t together.
Yuichiro just wanted them to confess and get it over with so he wouldn’t have to listen to his brother’s rambles about, “How is this not working? Am I not being obvious enough?” Yuichiro gave his brother an unimpressed look as he rambled.
“Maybe she’s just dumb— OW”
Muichiro threw a book at him. And it landed on his head.
Yuichiro couldnt help but be salty the next day at school. Of course he was grumpy because his forehead had a bruise now, but he was also grumpy because he had to see Muichiro and Mari being idiots in love.
With a sigh, Yuichiro could find comfort in knowing that Valentine's Day was the next day and that Muichiro had a plan to confess in a way that couldn’t be misinterpreted. He, along with Mari’s friend, Yumera, and Tanjiro, they were gonna help Muichiro carry out his plan.
He watched Muichiro do his daily goodbye, and “I love you” with a scowl on his face. He made a loud coughing noise as Muichiro waved her off with an impatient tap of his foot. He sighs and nudges his brother before nodding at Yumera and Tanjiro who were talking to each other by the front door of the school.
“We gonna go discuss your plan to get a girlfriend or are you just gonna keep gawking at her from afar.”
Muichiro stuck his tongue out at his brother as a slight blush spread across quickly across his face.
This only made Yuichiro roll his eyes and stuff his hands in his pockets.
It was mainly Tanjiro, Yumera, and Muichiro discussing the plan. Yuichiro was kinda just sitting there, grumpy. He didn’t really have any involvement in the plan, so why did he have to help?!
Oh well, Muichiro was not going to let him sit this one out.
The group had decided that Yumera would ask Mari help her with something after school. She told her to meet her by the blossoming willow tree near the back of the school right after last classes ended. It was Tanjiro and Yuichiro’s job to keep everyone else away from the willow tree at that time.
Yuichiro thought that was doable, so he agreed. He didn’t know how exactly they were supposed to keep other people away, but Yuichiro’s plan was to just scare them all away.
With the plan set in stone, the group went to their separate homes. Yuichiro was not at all prepared for Muichiro’s constant worries. In the car alone, he was bombarded with questions such as,
“Do you think it will work?”
“Will it be enough?”
“What if she doesnt like me like that”
“What if she rejects me?!”
Yuichiro had to hold back from hitting his brother after that. Muichiro only seemed to calm down a little once Yuichiro expressed that there was no way Mari would reject him. Yuichiro thought Muichiro was stupid for not realizing how much Mari obviously liked him.
Muichiro’s worry died down for the night, but oh boy was it back in full swing the next morning.
He was constantly fidgeting, and got extremely nervous around Mari.
When the time actually came to get ready for the plan, Yuichiro was happy to get away from the worries that were spewing out of his brother’s mouth.
The end of the school day approached quickly and Yuichiro gave Tanjiro and Yumera one last nod before leaving to survey the willow tree. Thankfully, no one was there at the moment so he didnt have to shoo them away. No on really came up either, except Yumera who came to confirm what she told Mari before leaving the school.
As he saw Mari approaching, Yuichiro went to hide with Tanjiro by the actual school building.
He watched as Muichiro handed the girl a card with his face all red. He saw Muichiro’s mouth moving, but he couldnt hear him.
As he saw Mari’s own cheeks turn into a bright red color, he could only assume it was a success.
He suspicions were confirmed when his brother shot him a happy smile, signaling that Mari had accepted.
He and Tanjiro approached the tree and Mari looked at them in bewilderment. Yuichiro raised an eyebrow as he stopped right in front of the two.
“Took you guys long enough.”
Yuichiro was halfway through rolling his eyes before he let out a sudden yelp. He jumped away from the boy next to him and borderline squealed at him.
“What was that for?!”
Mari tilted her head in slight confusion and turned to said boy.
“Tanjiro? What’d you do?”
Tanjiro snicked and he didnt even have to answer, Yuichiro did for him.
“He pinched me!”
Muichiro smirked, not passing up the chance to tease his brother. He folded his arms and Mari immediately wrapped her arms around one of his and rested her head against his shoulder.
“Yeah, well, you kinda deserved it.”
Then Tanjiro and Mari had to spend the rest of the day to make sure Yuichiro didn’t kill his brother, the end
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A/N: i love MariMui.
Taglist: @larz-barz
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alcoholandcakes · 2 years
Bsd boys on Valentine’s Day
< Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryunnosuke, Edgar Allan Poe>
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Dazaj Osamu
- he’s so extra
- even though he has “no money”, somehow he still manages to pull off a whole over the top plan
- at first he acts like he forgot or sum
- first you’re welcomed with roses on your desk when you enter the office
- he won’t get off of you, literally glued to your side
- at lunch he won’t do anything extra, he’s just preparing you for dinner and stuff
- he won’t stop talking about how precious you are to him
- “ Belladonna, you don’t understand- I need to show you how important you are to me”
- “you’ll make us go into more depth, Dazai”
-Kunikida is also done with his shit but this time he won’t say anything
- he will take you on a night stroll as soon as the sun starts to set, it’s really romantic actually
- I was talking about taking you to dinner, well-
- the dinner is on a rooftop like a picnic
- the view is amazing and I’m sure you’ll love it
- he knows you so well
- Dazai starts to confess about his undying love for you but instantly ruins it with asking you to commit double suicide with him
- when you come back it will be romantic in the bedroom what can I say ;)
Atsushi nakajima
- poor tiger doesn’t know what to do
- he’s utterly broke and cannot afford a fancy dinner nor taking you out somewhere romantic so he needs to be creative
- if you love teddy bears then you’re in luck
- he would buy you a teddy bear, like a big one which is in his budget 😭
• “Why did you buy me this?”
• “do you not like it?”
• “ Atsushi dear, why would i need a teddy bear? I already have you!”
- he would get so flustered but he’s glad that you like it
- he would also take you out for a stroll when the sun starts to set
- walking right next to the river where he and Dazai first met
- let’s just hope it’s not full moon that day so there won’t be any trouble
- he did take you on a picnic and you guys just admired the night sky
- well, you were admiring the night sky because he was admiring you
- your beauty under the moonlight
- he would call you moonlight from that on
Sorry I had to
- he’s trying his best
- it was really cute {he’s cute<3}
- he would also throw so many compliments at you oh my lord
- like he doesn’t do it every single day
- he just loves you with his whole heart
Chuuya Nakahara
- he’s fancy and has money
- he will bombard you with expensive gifts
- that necklace you saw a week ago in that shop? Now it’s on your desk waiting for you to wear it
- he will take you out for lunch and dinner
- like he doesn’t do it whenever he has the chance
- this is one of the only few days he lets himself be seen with you
- he doesn’t want you to be in danger so yeah
- and it’s not like those dinners before
- there are rose petals, expensive wine and stuff
- I’m really bad with this romantic stuff I’m sorry 😭
- he loves to make you feel special
- even Kyouko helped to organize this
- she’s way better at knowing what a woman loves
Akutagawa Ryunnosuke
- he doesn’t understand why are people so excited about Valentine’s Day
- I mean yeah, what’s the big deal it’s just another boring day?
- if Valentine’s Day is important for you and you get excited over it he’s willing to do something in his own emo way
- he asks his sister for help
- asking ways to make you feel more special than you already are
- I mean, you’re literally sleeping in the same bed as Akutagawa and you’re his girlfriend if that doesn’t make you feel special enough istg
- if you have this cake or something that you really like but don’t eat often he will literally try to bake it for you
- let’s hope he doesn’t burn down the kitchen 😭
- Rhamshon tries to help also
- when you get home you just see your favorite cake on the table and a sweating akutagawa in the kitchen
- “ did— did you bake that?”
- he wouldn’t even answer your question, just looking at you with narrowed eyes
- “eat it”
- I swear you thought that he’s going to poison you
- it was really tasty surprisingly
- of course it was tasty, his sister helped for sure
- give him a kiss in return so he knows you like it
- he was so nervous
- he calms down a little when he sees you liked it
- he loves to see you happy even if he doesn’t show it or if that means he has to suffer for hours to make something you love
Edgar Allan Poe
- now listen here
- even if he’s wealthy he’s maybe tho only one who doesn’t spoil you with gifts
- okay now I lied but I hope you know what I’m trying to say
- yeah, he will buy you anything you want
- but he wrote you a book
- and a romantic poem
- I just love this man
- he wouldn’t take you out for dinner
- HE would make dinner in your home
- Carl this day would be way more touchy and even cuddle with you which is rare
- I’m sure he would do that to make Poe jealous that you’re giving more attention to him than your lover
- okay now, he made you dinner, wrote you a book and Poe, even bought you something you like
- so when you guys are eating he would read it out to you making you awestruck
- “ that was beautiful”
- “not more beautiful than you”
- that was a little corny but idc I love this man
- I feel like he would even propose to you for god’s sake!
- I’m sure he would propose
- he’s a man who dates to marry
- Carl is your child, and you cannot change my mind
- you’re like a little family
- he hopes you like the book
- and also
- make sure that you assure him that Ranpo could never compare to him and that he’s the love of your life and he’s perfect
- just boost his fragile ego when it comes to Ranpo, please and thank you
A/n: ik im a little late IM SORRY! I forgot to post it in time. I really hope you guys liked it and I wish you guys all the best
Be safe and make sure to eat and stay hydrated! I love you guys&lt;3
Posted: 15.02.2023
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not-really-a-writer · 2 years
Just Another Day
Summary: Each year, Love Day is just another day for you... that is, until a sweet clone trooper comes into your life.❤️❤️
Clone trooper Kix x reader
Warnings: NON CANON HOLIDAY "LOVE❤️ DAY" stuff and concepts (It's basically Valentines' Day y'all) fluff, dating/new relationship dynamics. Kix is a sweeeeeetheart and that's my hc till i die!
If you had remembered what day it was today, then you certainly wouldn't have worn your red sweater. You would have worn anything else. Literally anything else but that.
But it was too late to go back home and change. You brace yourself as you enter your office tower in the city. While on the transit train, you couldn't help but be bombarded by ads and displays along the way - Constant reminders of the special day it was today. A day that you had forgotten.
It wasn't hard to remember. The corporations made sure of that. Rather, it was easy for you to forget because the day bore no special significance to you.
Love Day was a day meant to celebrate romantic love on your planet. It wasn't meant only for couples, who proudly wore red to signify their taken status - singles got in on it too, as the day was also a fun day for those who were 'ready to mingle' to advertise openly without shame by donning green clothing. Those in more complicated relationship statuses wore yellow to signify 'proceed with caution'...and those who were less inclined to advertise their relationship status always wore neutral colors on Love Day.
So ironically, you trudge into your office, red sweater announcing to the world: Stop! I'm taken. But you weren't.
There was someone. But you weren't together, exactly.
Months ago, the 501st made stop on your planet. Their blue and white armor wasn't a completely unusual sight. There were always clone battalions coming and going from the city during the war. Your planet's close proximity to Coruscant and its manufacturing and ship repair facilities made it a popular stop for Republic forces rotating to and from the battlefront.
So on one particular day during your lunch break, you noticed one of them in your office tower’s ground floor cafe with you. Sitting to observe, you saw him for the first time - the man you eventually learned was named Kix.
It took some time sitting there, quietly watching him, but you did gain enough courage to talk to him. He was taking an unusually long time going through the caf garnishes at the cafe. Perhaps he was unfamiliar with the syrups and creamers available for self-service and needed some help. You can't imagine that the Republic provided anything but the basic dirty-water tasting caf available for the clones. You wanted to show him how good it could be.
"So uh.... do you need some help?" you asked shyly, giving him your friendliest smile. Kix turned to you with his mouth full of something to say, but he just smiled instead. A quiet "Maybe" escaped his lips, the warm cafe lights reflected in the darkness of his bourbon-hued eyes.
"That one's rather plain," you had said, motioning toward the syrup bottle next to his hand.
"Really? It looks good though," he replied, turning back to you with that dazzling smile.
This earned a small laugh from you. "Well, you can't go just by looks. You gotta taste it first," you had said, reaching for a stir stick. Gently taking the bottle from his hand, you squeezed out a few drops onto the stick. You balance the thick syrup on the flat part of the stick and bring it up to his lips.
Maintaining his smirk, Kix took the stick into his mouth, tasting the syrup that you called 'rather plain.'
"It's good!"
"You don't think it's kind of plain?"
"Hmmm.. wait till you try this one!"
... and so went your afternoon. Chatting away and learning things about each other.
And one afternoon turned into two. And then three. And five. And then it became a regular thing where you would see each other whenever he was on your planet. And then you talked while he was away.
But you never agreed on anything official. You knew you had feelings for him. But did he have feelings for you? You weren't sure.
"Ohh, someone's got a boyfriend?" You hear one of your coworkers tease. Oh the joys of working being slightly older than your coworkers. They always seem immature.
"Yeah. I forgot what day it was," you toss over your shoulder. A phrase you had prepared on the tip of your tongue the moment you realized you had made a mistake in your wardrobe choice today.
You make your way to your desk, and your cubicle mate, Korr, turns when they notice you. Closer to them than you were with your other coworkers, they lean over to you before speaking. "So, are you and that guy... official now?" they ask. "Oh... no..," you mutter. "We're not like that. We haven't had that talk yet," you admit.
You had never had a real boyfriend before. And you weren't sure how things transitioned from dating into a real relationship. So this was all uncharted territory for you. And it made you uneasy. So you never brought it up with Kix no matter how much you wanted to. And you had wanted to since you knew Love Day was coming up. If you had someone this year, it would be the first time that happened in your life. It would have been perfect timing since Kix was on your planet just the week prior.
The work day goes on, and you continue to be assaulted by prying questions from your coworkers. "Doing anything special tonight with your boyfriend?" and "Awww, did he do anything sweet for you today?" and "What do you have planned for this evening?" All questions you had no answers to since you didn't actually have someone special. Today was just another day, you thought. You and Korr work in silence together. They knew you well enough to respect your privacy.
The long morning dragged until early afternoon when you finally take a break for lunch to the cafe on the ground floor of your tower - the place where you had met Kix. Upon returning from lunch you notice something on your desk. As you approach, you see a cloud of delicate blossoms gathered in a vase centered on your workstation. Korr lets you know they were delivered to your desk while you were downstairs at the cafe.
"Curious..." you mutter, thinking this must be a joke from your coworkers.
The blossoms give off a lovely perfume, an exotic scent as beautiful as the planet of their origin. These were no ordinary blossoms. You retrieve the note to see what you're sure is someone else's name. Someone who's cubicle number closely matches yours which would explain the mis-delivery. Who would give you such an ornate gift for Love Day of all days?
You open the small envelope attached to the vase and see a handwritten note from someone familiar to you:
Hey Sweetheart. Sorry I couldn't be there for Love Day. I wanted to give these to you in person. Thanks for making my life special. I can't wait to see you again. I hope these make your day a little brighter - Kix
A warm feeling spreads across your chest and your eyes begin to brim with happy tears. No one had ever done anything so sweet for you on Love Day or any other day for that matter. No one had ever called you a pet name like "sweetheart" before. No one had ever told you that you made their life special, or that they couldn't wait to see you again. Is this what it is like to be loved?
You wipe your tears before anyone sees, and settle down at your desk to get back to work. Korr says nothing because they know you're just as surprised as they are. But you can tell they are happy for you.
And you were happy for yourself as well. What a surprise it was to know that someone special was thinking of you on Love Day, even when you had forgotten. Suddenly you feel a little more confident in your red sweater. Turns out it was a special day after all.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships two brooooos..
Mallory couldn't just wait for recess. She was eager to give her friend something for Valentine's day. After all, she had been the only one to stick by her side despite the barriers she had with the rest of her fellow classmates. It was something a little kid cherished, and will cherish for her whole life. Something that gave her a sense of belonging in an unaccepting world she'd stepped in.
But also, something beautiful. Mal figured that if her eyes set itself on a sight so ethereal she'd never find it in herself to look away, and she also figured that her seatmate Lillian Carlton was nice to look at from time to time. Every time she would bear the pretty brunette from beside her a glace, she couldn't look at anything else. She had been so nice and so.. pretty.
Her new friend certainly had made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and the little girl can't help but smile at that thought.
So, she came home the night before present day, bombarding her own father with desperate pleas to get Lilies for Valentine's day. He was a tough nut to crack, but luckily she got through him and he decided that a few flowers wouldn't hurt.
As excited as ever, Mal skipped down the school halls waiting for Lilly. All day and night she had been eager to give her what she'd been wanting to for quite some time.
"Mal!!" There she was!
Mal turned around with a big smile on her face, before abruptly pulling out the lilies she specifically had to beg her father to get.
Lilly stopped in her tracks.
"Lilies! For you, Lilly!" Mal exclaimed with a huge ear-to-ear grin on her face. Her eyes glistened with hope for her new friend to like her present. It wasn't much, and she could've handmade a card as well, but the little girl had been to excited she completely forgot about the other stuff.
Lilly felt a blush rushing into her cheeks. "For.. me?"
Mal nodded repeatedly. "Do you like it?"
Lilly grabbed the lilies, before smiling to herself. And looking up to her friend. "I love it! Thank you, Mal!"
Mal felt like she was about to explode in excitement and adoration she gasped with her eyes wide and glistening. "Really?? I got them for you! Because people like to call you Lilly!"
Lilly softly gasped, her mouth slightly agape as she thought about how considerate Mal was, and with their little time spent together they seemed to have an inseparable bond, carving their names onto each other's hearts leaving an indelible mark that not even death could remove.
"That's.. so sweet.." Lilly mutters under her breath, feeling herself getting a bit shyer.
"You deserve a treat because you're very nice and pretty!" Mal smiles at her, her eyes almost disappearing as she did so.
"You.. you think I'm pretty?" Lilly asks.
"Yes! I think you're more beautifuller than the flowers!" Mal responds, before taking Lilly's hand. "Come ooon! We'll be late for class! Let's just hope Rebecca doesn't bother us again!"
Lilly smiled at her friend, and for a moment back there, she too, found Mallory Carrington very nice to look at.
And so the little girls ran to their classrooms, one of them with lilies in hand.
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morganlefaye79 · 2 years
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It is again one of this rare occurrences that I have enough written stuff to make a WIP Wednesday!
Some background:
Valaire and Kerry are married but at this point no one knows, and Valaire is officially Kerry's bodyguard.
They were on their way down from Dark Matters on Valentine's day when the elevator stopped moving. So they had to keep themselves busy for 5 hours.
When they stepped outside, the media was already waiting:
“Mr, Eurodyne, is it true that you and your bodyguard are in a relationship?” One of the many reporters bombarded Kerry with questions. Valaire, who is officially his bodyguard, had a hard time to keep everyone at bay.
“Mr. Eurodyne, I heard you’re even married! Is it true?” another one yelled from the back of the crowd.
Valaire, who is very chill in most situations, started to get nervous because the crowd was encircling them more and more while they tried to get to the car. 
“Mr. Eurodyne, is it true that your bodyguard is a former Arasaka assassin?” a third one asked.
Valaire grimaced for a split second, this question was too unexpected to hear to keep it straight. Where did they get that information? 
“Please, I was stuck in an elevator for 5 hours. I heard your questions and will give a statement later. But right now I would like to go home.” Kerry stated towards the media, but they weren’t satisfied just yet.
“Is it true that your bodyguard was the reason for your frequent visits to the hospital?”
“STEP BACK!” Valaire intervened finally when they got far too close, “I’M NOT GOING TO REPEAT MYSELF, AND I WILL USE FORCE IF YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!”
A quite burly man felt provoked and took 2 steps towards Valaire, “AND WHATCHA GONNA…”, he stopped talking immediately when he looked down the barrel of a gun.
The crowd fell silent, and waited for what would happen. Valaire was aware that they were recording and everything he might do wrong would be out there for everyone to see.
“STEP ASIDE AND LET US PASS!” Valaire demanded. The crowd took a few steps back, but not enough for Valaire and Kerry to walk around the guy in a safe distance.
Valaire pulled Archangel’s hammer back with his thumb until it clicked, “Wanna try me?” Valaire asked calmly but threateningly. “I protect my charges at any cost, your life means nothing to me!”
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fo4-hellhole · 2 years
Fallout 4 romanced companions with a S/O(The sole survivor) who was a pre war singer? Like they were featured in pretty popular songs on diamond city radio they even had billboards and posters along with magazines with them strewn in boston they even promoted fashion items and more popular brands they were basically a big shot or should I say they were the face of Massachusetts known as "Mrs./Mr./Mx Massachusetts" back before the bombs dropped.
Even too this day in post war boston they're recognized by the pre-war ghouls even some citizens who are a big time fan of their music and the occasional obsessive collector.
Basically romanced companions dating a pretty famous singer from pre-war america also can it be GN?
I dieded but now im back
He’s never really paid any attention to the billboards he’s come across while traveling with the Brotherhood. So he might feel like he’s seen your face somewhere before, but doesn’t realize who you are or where he’s seen you.
He doesn’t actually learn about your history as a pre-war star until he and you meet a pre-war ghoul who recognized your face. Probably just says “Mr./Ms./Mx. Massachusetts, huh? Interesting.” lmao
Lowkey wonders what it’s like to be a celebrity. He might ask you one day.
He probably jokes about it at some point before he realizes you were alive before the war. Says you look like the celebrity on the billboards and jokes that you’re them, without realizing that you’re literally them. If you tell him or if another person points it out someday, he’s genuinely surprised.
Had definitely made some “Hey, you see that that person on the billboards? The one that looks like you? Yeeeeeaah, them and I were in some movies together before the war. We were basically the biggest celebrities around,” kinda comments in the past.
Probably notices the similarity, but doesn’t think you’re actually Mr./Ms./Mx. Massachusetts. Probably jokes, “Y’know, you look just like the person in those old billboards. The pretty one in the Nuka-Cola ads.” But when you explain that, yeah, that’s you, he goes, “Huh, you’re being serious? I’m not tripping right now?”
Totally brags about you sometimes. And if a pre-war ghoul recognizes you, he’s super smug about it, like internally all “Yep, that’s my partner.”
Notices the similarity, but doesn’t point it out at first. When you share that you were around before the war, he’s all, “Hey, you’re not… the person on the old prewar billboards, are you?”
Literally thinks it’s the coolest thing ever.
Probably starts asking you questions about prewar life, and what it was like being famous. Sometimes he asks you really stupid questions like “What was it like before electricity was invented?” lmao. It’s kinda like Preston’s Bunker Hill comment
Notices immediately, but doesn’t say anything, cause he assumes you just look like the person on the billboards, or maybe he’s just remembering wrong. Though, once you start traveling with him and you both run across a billboard, he’s mentally like “Ok this is weird, you definitely look EXACTLY like them.”
When you mention that you were born pre-war, that’s when he points out when he noticed the similarity. He’s genuinely surprised when you explain that it’s you, and he probably mentions a memory of OG Nick hearing about you on the news.
He doesn’t actually notice at first, but when you guys eventually pass by one of the billboards, he’ll point out how much you look like them. When you tell him that it’s you, he’s genuinely pretty shocked. But he’s kinda like Mac, he thinks it’s super cool and will probably bombard you with dumb questions about prewar life.
He probably asks you the most about what it’s like being a celebrity. He asks you about how you ended up being Mr./Ms./Mx. Massachusetts, how did you end up on the billboard, were you ever on television, stuff like that.
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noisyalmonddreamer · 3 years
Valentines day: Nico Di Angelo
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- Lowkey doesn't care - kinda - when he was single he didn't care at all - after getting together with you he actually starts caring - he'll get you chocolate and stuff. And none of that rite-aid crap. I'm talking *nice* chocolate - and also - he kinda uses Valentine's Day as a day to like reflect on how lucky he is to have you - he sometimes feels like he doesn't deserve you so it's a good time to just think - it's not like he doesn't do that anyway but Valentine's Day it's all pushed into his face - so it's like extra yk? - he sets up a real nice picnic in a secluded area - there's those hand held lantern things??? With the metal around it? - I'm pretty convinced he's lowkey a hopeless romantic ~~~~~~~~~
Nico looked around his room for a final time trying to remember anything he may have forgotten but nothing in his line of sight reminded him of anything.
He hadn't really been able to spend much of today with you, not that he minded all that much, however he did see you earlier that day for a few minutes.
As soon as Nico had left his cabin he was bombarded with roses and pink. Well not fully bombarded but the camp did look kinda like Aphrodite and Eros threw up on it.
Some of the trees and been turned pink and red (he suspected the children of Hecate but didn't say anything) heart decorations where everywhere, pink streamers and beads hung from the not dyed trees.  Couples hand and hand walking giggling about whatever, some of the Aphrodite campers where handing out roses while others where holding full bokay's.
It did make him feel like he wasn't do enough. Yesterday he show traveled to this chocolate bakery thing and got some pretty high quality chocolate but maybe he should have gotten flowers? Or a card?
Shaking off his anxiety Nico walked to his table for breakfast, waving and smiling lightly at you when you caught his eye. Throughout breakfast he could feel your eyes on him as he eat. When he would look over he would see you smile at him and blow a kiss, causing him to flush a bright red.
When breakfast was over Nico walked walked over to a more secluded area and waited for you like normal. Everyday you would go here to have a few minutes alone before heading to the days activity.
"hey there Neeks!" You placed a soft kiss on his cheek "Got anything planned for today?"
Nico shook his head "I got off on activities for the day so I'm probably gonna relax. How about you? You're with the younger campers right?"
You rolled your eyes and let out a fake groan "yeah. But I swear to gods if another six year old asks me if I'm 'as old as Zeus' I'm gonna loose it!" Nico chucked at you and pecked your pouting lips. "I'm sure you'll get through it, (y/n)." Clearing his throat he dug into the inside pocket of his jacket and handed you a heart shaped box "umm anyway this is for um for you."
You grabbed a hold of the chocolates and smiled, pulling him into a hug "Thank you Nico! These look delicious! I'll put them in my cabin right now so we can share them, yeah?"  You kissed him again and started walking to your cabin. You would have liked to spend more time with him but you did have activity's.
"Alright. Just hide them so your sibling(s) don't steal them!"
~~~and of flashback~~
He dropped off the picnic basket and walked to your cabin.
After he knocked one of your sibling opened the door the grinned at him "(Y/n) your boyfriends here!"
"Okay I'm coming I'm coming!" You yelled back at them. A few moments later you arrived at the front door. You weren't wearing anything to nice. Not normal camp clothes but nothing to flashy.
You smiled at Nico and grabbed his hand "alright see ya later (y/n)! Don't what up!"  Your sibling rolled their eyes as Nico and you left.
On your way to...wherever you where going you made light conversation, You complained more about the young kids causing Nico to laugh and smile sweetly at you. He never knew what he did to deserve you. He wanted to protect you from everything anything. He brought your interlocked hands to his lips and placed a kiss on your knuckles.
"Nico? What's up?"
"It's just I...I would give everything up for you"
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years
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Karma Akabane is bellusromantic aroace on main and it's crazzyy that no one else notices it.
During the field trip, the boys all ask each other what girls they’re into. When Karma is asked, he takes it rather in stride. “Hmm, Okuda, I guess.”
What gets me is the “I guess” part. Cause he knows they're talking about romance/sex, but he knows he’s aroace and he’s chill about it, but there’s no reason to randomly come out to these dorks, so he just picks the girl he thinks would be the easiest to get along with.
Like if he cared about making friends, he’d probably become friends with her. She’d be really useful in the mission to kill Korosensei
And it SHOWS in how he answers why. Like he doesn’t say anything like “she’s cute” or “I like the shy type” or “nice personality” he’s like, shes good with poisons and we could cause a whole lot of trouble
If he has to choose someone, might as well be her
He’ll just play along, since he can’t be bothered to be bombarded with amatonormative questions afterwards if he did end up just flat out say he doesn’t like anyone
He doesn’t care about sex or romance, but he does find everyone elses thoughts on it amusing. He’s a go with the flow kinda guy, up to a point.
He gets paired with Okuda at the Test of Courage, but even though he knows what Korosensei is going for, he's not bothered by it at all
Neither he or her are interested in each other. They’re good friends and they’re comfortable like that
He’s more interested in whatever scary stuff Korosensei thinks he’s got planned for them when they go deeper into the cave, if any.
He finds it funny whenever anyone picks on Nagisa, especially when it comes to romance stuff, because he gets so weird about it.
Nagisa is aroace too obviously but he’s definitely not as favorable around romance stuff as Karma is. Karma teases him about it all the time
Karma and Rio tease Nagisa about it whenever the situation comes up
See all the “dates” with the rich boy, and the kiss with Kayano
Its really funny seeing him being so oblivious to Kayano’s feelings, or him getting awkward about the rich guys crush on him. Dude's so repulsed.
Karma doesn’t do anything for Valentine’s day cause…why would he?
When the guys are trying to sneak a peak at the girls panties, he’s not even there, he's so uninterested.
Like almost all the other guys are trying to do this perverted thing and Karma just,, is nowhere to be found…
why didn’t the mangaka write him in?
You know why.
Karma is bellusromantic, so he can play-flirt if he is in the mood to. Usually just making jokes with Rio.
Rio and Karma are Aro/Lesbian(??? I think that’s canonical??) Solidarity
Since Karma is bellusromantic aroace, he's fine with handholding or going on "dates" even though its pretty synonymous with just hanging out, but since he's friends with girls, to people on the outside it looks like dates. But that's only if he ever wants to hang out with anyone, period.
During the final battle on Korosensei’s birthday, he grabs Okuda so they can run together
Cause she’s the closest behind him and also they’re pretty good friends and also she’s not as fast as Rio, I think
She also wouldn’t take it weirdly. Not that she knows he's aroace--maybe she does, but they’re pretty cool around each other. Rio would make fun of him for it, and Nagisa can take care of himself.
When he’s an adult, he obviously isn’t with Okuda or anyone. Doesn’t keep in touch often.
Even with Nagisa. That was established.
He’s focused on becoming a politician. Relationships, outside of the business ones to further his career, are not even in the question-- they’re so far at the back of his mind.
Dude's aroace
Like, when has he ever shown ANY romantic or sexual attraction towards ANYONE? And I mean real attraction. Never, right! Anyway Happy Pride, I just wanted to finally make this Aspec Analysis it's own post! DNI aphobes, queerphobes, period; and proshipp/antiantis-- you're gross and stupid
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captainlevisteacup · 4 years
All Characters, the Nicknames MC has For Them, and the Events That Follow: A Wholly Unnecessary Thread
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Warnings: None, unless you count demon boys being butthurt about being called out
Enjoy my stupidity!
Pridey Pants
Gordon Ramsey of Life
Loosen-up Luci
Jesus's emo brother
*cough* Daddy *cough*
The results of these nicknames....they were not pretty. MC calls him Luci? He doesn't LOVE it. Does that small scary smile that MC knows (or should know) not to push.
Pridey pants...ohhh boy. MC says it at dinner....is absolutely terrified when he doesnt do anything. After dinner, follows MC into the hallway to dole out *ahem* punishment
Beel is the only one to understand the Gordon Ramsey one. Starts booming laughter
Mom. Oho. This is the second worst. Happened when MC asked Luci to pass them a steak knife. Ended up with the knife being thrown into the table, inches from MC's hand.
Ah. The worst one. Jesus's emo brother. He doesnt even know where to begin. The brothers AND Diavolo have to SPRINT away to keep from cackling like crazed lunatics. Simeon is the only one who openly laughs. Kitchen duty for 2 months. Absolutely worth it. Would do it again without hesitation.
Mammory Gland
Finding Nemo Seagull (Mine! Mine!)
Tan Elsa
General Greedous
"Ehhhhh? What's a mammary gland?"
*muffled Satan laughter*
Mc has to explain the crow one, because apparently it isnt common knowledge that crows love shiny things?
Tan Elsa. Levi was crying when this one slipped out of MC's mouth. All Mammon could do was be offended. After much, MUCH coaxing, reluctantly agreed to dance to "Let it Go" in a dress.
Has a thing for degradation, so you can really only insult him with anime stuff
Levi Heichou (if you get this, we can be friends)
Leviathan the lonely
Snake man
Mermaid Boy
Snekky snek
He could ignore all of them.....except for
I mean come on!
"MC did you really have to go there? That was really-"
"Below the belt?"
*distant suggestive Asmo noises*
Angry bean
Grumpy kitty
Angry librarian
Blond, angsty James Charles
Fashion disaster
There isn't a single one of these that DOESNT make Satan want to break something.
Who is James Charles? Fashion disaster?! "I happen to dress very nicely, thank you very much"
"How am I a librarian? I just read, it's very different, honestly MC"
Refuses to even acknowledge "grumpy kitty"
Polly Pocket
The kinky one
*jokingly* slutttttt
He, surprisingly, doesn't mind any of them. He thinks it's really cute that MC has nicknames for him. He always encourages you to call him them more often, and even makes a bunch of them for MC. His favorite one is Momo, because:
"Its just so cuuuuuuute!"
Sexy Vacuum man
The last Weasley
Snack Buddy
Hungry Bean
These all make the boy SO HAPPY
MC cares enough to make nicknames for him?
*happy Beel noises*
Wait. MC thinks he's sexy?😳
What's a Weasley?
He has a snack buddy?☺☺☺
Sloth man
That bastard with a choking kink
Killer grip
The emo twin
Black Sheep
"I woke up like this" master
He wants to be mad. He really does. But there's a problem: he can't argue with ANY of them. Kinda makes him smile just a LITTLE
Is glad MC has forgiven him enough to actually JOKE about the choking incident.
Spends a lot of time trying to get someone to explain what "emo" means. Levi knows what it means, and refuses to tell him because he thinks its funnily accurate
Double D Dia
Big Tiddy Divvy
King of the Boobs
Milk man
The rich, gay uncle
There isnt a single minute he doesn't find these hysterical. He thinks it's a charming human world custom, to give someone a nickname. He also thinks it shows how comfortable with him MC is.
His favorite is easily DD Dia. Mc noticed his body? *smirk* interesting
Why are so many of them boob related? MC does realize he is a male, right?
The rich, gay uncle. Diavolo has no words. Absolutely shook.
Lucifer overheard some of these...was appalled MC was harassing the PRINCE with their ridiculous nicknames.
He was about to go off on a terrified MC, when Diavolo stepped in laughing and told Lucifer....
"Calm down, Mom."
Mc nearly choked on their own suppressed laughter
Barbatos had to quickly usher them away so MC could openly laugh and therefore breathe
Barbatos 🧐👀🐀🕓
Simply one hell of a butler
Time warp man
Chuck E Cheese
The cake maker
Understands every single reference, is actually surprisingly cool with it, as long as MC doesn't embarrass him with it.
Diavolo catches wind of what MC is calling Barbaties, eventually starts adopting the nicknames
The only one Barbatos doesn't like is "Chuck E Cheese", because he hates rats so so much. How dare they compare him to one of those disgusting creatures?
Dad joke central
Beautiful man
Sinful shoulders
Angel Dad
Sin-ammon Roll
Simeon can't decide between being flattered or appalled. He's not THAT old. Nor is he a father! Well, maybe more of a father figure in regards to Luke, but still! He doesn't tell THAT many dad jokes.. right?
Blushes intensely at Beautiful man and Sinammon roll. Wonders if MC really means that or is just teasing him.
Eventually he makes the stupid decision to ask Asmo....wrong move. Asmo ends up laying out all of Simeon's desires towards MC, the week following he can't even look MC in the face. MC has no clue what happened and starts to think it was their fault.
They confront Simeon about it after a while, and Simeon full on breaks and confesses to MC
Asmo takes full credit for this happening
Shady Lady
The sus one
Kinky dude
Draco malfoy
Doesn't mind MC having insulting nicknames for him....he has them too. Starts swapping them with MC to see who can make the other laugh harder.
Sometimes, the brothers will sit in and listen while they exchange them, and they'll keep score and vote on who wins
Eventually, Diavolo and Simeon get involved
Barbatos caters these events
Baby angel
Little doggo
The poor boy has no idea which one he hates more. Gets so flustered whenever MC calls him one of these that his whole face turns red
Simeon tells him its adorable every time without fail
This makes Luke even worse. All MC has to do is call Luke one of the names and its fair game for Luke hunting
The only one he actually...kind of...likes is Son. He likes the idea of MC as a parent figure.
Which leads him to realize: what if MC and Simeon got together! Then MC WOULD be his parent
Gets Solomon and Barbatos to help bring MC and Simeon together
They end up bombarding the two with an obnoxious Valentine's day-esque cake
Did it work?
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Violets: Loyalty and Devotion
Valentines Special: Day Six
Day One: Morning Glories Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers Day Four: Pink Camellias Day Five: Yellow Tulips - Day Seven: Lisianthus
Plot: The reader keeps receiving flowers and sweet messages every day from an anonymous source leading up to Valentines Day. But who is sending them?
Choose your own character ending (coming on Valentines Day).
Gender!Neutral Reader x ???
Triggers: None        Words: 1,535
Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney, @thebookbakery,  @groovyfluxie  Requested Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @gaitwae, @fablesrose, @kitkatd7, @thefallenbibliophilequote, @beksib, @destynelseclipsa, @criminaly-supernatural, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus, @snarky--starky, @saintbootlegloras​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​, @empath-bunny​, @okkulta​, @katinthemoon, @wecallhimbrowneyess​, @ravennight41​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​ , @okkulta​ , @anonymous-pls-dont-click​ (just daily), @username23345​, @hulkswitch​, @theofficialzivadavid​, @lainphotography​, @fred-deeks-ben​, 
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February 11th
It was early-morning as you were lying in your bed, still comfortable under the covers. You had stayed up till late at night with the others as you discussed Tony’s Valentines party. Tony was hiring some party planners and caterers today to set everything up. 
You were also bombarded with questions about your secret admirer. And everyone was questioning whether it was one of them, but of course no one spoke up or admitted it. If it was one of them, they played it off very well. 
As you were lying there, you were flicking through the notes you had received over the last five days. You had read over them countless times now, the words embedded in your mind.
You tried to match the language of the words with the people you knew. The most obvious would be Loki and Vision. They both had a way with their words that came off as poetic. But then again, maybe the way the notes were written were purposefully written in such a way as to throw you off. 
Reading over the note that had been attached to the Sunflowers, your eyes read over one part again and again “I adore your grace, and elegance, your compassion, kindness and bravery. There is no way I could not absolutely adore every fiber of your being.”
This part made your heart swell. ‘every fiber of your being’, the good and the bad. You smiled at the words as you continued to flick through them. You felt like a bashful teenager reading through texts from their crush. 
You began thinking about Tony’s party. You wondered if Valentines Day was what all of these notes and flowers were leading up to. It seemed to be that way, and you hoped it was. Though, you were very nervous about it. What if everyone except you secretly knew who it was? God you hoped it wasn’t going to be a public admission. You cringed at the thought. 
After glancing at the clock you figured you had been lying in bed for long enough. Getting up, you took a quick shower and got changed before leaving your room. You weren’t headed anywhere in particular, you had no work you had to do today, so you were free to relax, but you got bored sitting in your room all day. Maybe you’d go for a walk? 
Rounding a corner, you see Bucky, Steve and Sam coming from another hall. Upon seeing you they all smiled and greeted you. 
“Hey” you replied as you approached them “What are you guys up too?” 
“We’re about to go train a bit, wanna join?” Steve suggested. 
“I would but I have been demanded that I not do anything strenuous today because of what happened yesterday.”
“Sounds like a good idea, just in case.” Bucky commented, while smiling fondly at you. “How are you feeling anyway?”
“I feel fine. I’m think I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“A short one” Sam said, as he pointed at you.
You nodded and laughed “Yes, just a short, non-strenuous walk. See you guys later” you said as you parted ways. 
As you began walking towards the exit of the building, you were stopped when a man at the front desk called out to you “Agent L/N!”
“Hey Gene” you greeted as you walked over to him. 
“This letter was left here for you” he said handing you a small pale blue envelope, a sticker with your name printed on the front. 
“Oh, thank you. Uh, who was it left by?” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t see, I was talking to someone else and when I turned back around, there is was.”
“Oh, hmm, thanks Gene” you said as you walked away from the desk and opened the letter. You immediately recognized the font of the letter and your heart began to beat rapidly. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Y/n,
I was so glad to see that you were alright after what happened yesterday. I was so afraid that you were more badly injured. Especially as I sat next to you in your hospital bed, and you seemed so faded. I hope you liked the flowers I left for you again. 
Also, I am sorry for what curiosity and confusion all of this might be causing you. But I must admit, I also hope that you are getting some form of enjoyment or excitement from it as well. I’m sure you must be wondering, when will I finally show myself? And maybe you have already guessed that it will be on Valentines Day. I think it quite suiting, and hopefully romantic. 
So, please wait patiently for only a few more days, and then all will be revealed.
But until then, you still have 3 days before then, including today. I’m not sure when you will receive this letter, but you should have another present waiting for you at your door, perhaps you already received it. I hope you like it. 
Until the party.  ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You smiled at the letter as you finished reading it. Looking around the lobby, you tried to see if anyone seemed to be watching you. But seeing no one paying attention to you at all, and knowing you had yet to receive your next gift, you decided to go on your walk.
On your walk, you could not get the thought of what the flowers you will receive will be. The ones you’ve gotten so far have been so beautiful. You should press them, save them somewhere. Maybe a flower from each. 
Unable to stop thinking about it, you turned back mid way through your walk to head back. You wonder when they always know when to deliver the flowers...
Making your way back into the tower and up to your room, you held an energy of nervous excitement. As the elevator door opened at your floor, you partially expected to catch them there, at your door. But, you were not really surprised when the door slid open and all you saw was a small plant at the base of your door.
It was small, and as you approached it, you could recognize what it was. A small potted violet plant, with blooming flowers sprouting from the top. You smiled as you picked it up, admiring it. 
“Cute” you muttered with a smile as you unlocked and entered your apartment as you plucked out the note from the pot. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Violets.
Violets hold the meaning of Loyalty and Devotion. Both are traits you have and both are traits I admire about you. But besides this, these are both promises. Promises of how I feel towards you. And they are exactly what you deserve. You are loyal to a fault, and you deserve someone to be loyal to you for as long as you live. You are devoted, to saving people, to helping people, to making people happy. And you deserve someone to be just as devoted to you. 
I hope that I can give these to you. I have been loyal to you since before I remember having feelings for you. Because you are the type of person people trust wholeheartedly, as I do. And I promise, no matter what, to be devoted to your happiness.  ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You sat on the edge of your bed as you read the powerful words. “Do I deserve this person?” you wondered out loud. They seem so....well, devoted. You often caught yourself wondering what exactly you deserved out of love, and you have only been hopeful that you would find someone who could make you feel so important and loved. This could be that person.
Sure, you still had your hopes of who this person could be. One person in particular. But, you seemed to find yourself falling for this anonymous person anyway, even not knowing who they are. And to a part of you, it did not matter. 
Was that crazy? Falling for someone when you don’t know who they are? I mean, apparently you did know them, so it wasn’t as crazy as falling for a complete stranger. 
Falling back onto your bed, you stared up at the ceiling. “Only a few more days” you said out loud. Would they show themselves before Tony’s party, during? After? How would you react? 
You only found yourself asking more and more questions throughout the day. Debating whether or not you wanted to talk to someone about it, you decided against it though. What if you ended up telling everything you felt and feared to them on accident. At this point, it could be any of them.
So, you kept it all to yourself. Any time you saw one of the others, they would ask you whether of not you had received another gift, or a note. You would tell them yes, but not go into detail. The notes were too personal, you couldn’t just share them with anyone. They were meant for you. And you would keep them stored away for yourself. Hoping that some day soon you could really talk about them with the one who wrote them for you.
xx xx xx xx xx
I hope you are enjoying these so far. 
I know they aren’t great, since there is no real Character x Reader stuff in it, but I hope you are enjoying the build up and are excited for the endings. 
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tsumuki · 4 years
haikyuu boys as different types of love languages
a/n basically the boys i think most embody the 5 basic love languages; super random but
physical touch as sugawara koushi
constantly touching you in some way whether it be patting your head, holding you hand, rubbing your back
greets you with a hug and kiss every morning and every night when he drops you off
also guides you by having his hand on the small of your back in the hallways, so it’s not as obvious as holding hands
but in private he’s all over you, laying on top of while you have your arms and legs wrapped around him, when you’re cooking he’s hugging you from behind, or when you’re working he’ll take your hand and use the excuse “i can type with one hand”
“koushi i cant breathe” you say as he lays on top of you, in attempt to cuddle you.
“it’s okay you can die like this” he says as he nuzzles further into your neck. you hit his back lightly, letting out an airy laugh. his warmth spreads through your body and you inhale his scent.
he gets up and looks at you as he flips you over, so now your laying on his chest and straddling his waist. “better now?” he says with a cheeky grin.
you feel your cheeks heat up as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his face closer, teasing him as your lips brush against each other.
“so that’s how you wanna play?” he questions as he quirks his brow, he moves his hands lower to your waist pulling you even closer.
“two can play at this game babe.”
words of affirmation as oikawa tooru
oikawa is no stranger to self doubt and insecurities, but since he knows what it feels like, he never wants you to feel that way
tells you everyday that he loves you, even if you guys are fighting, he will make an effort to send at least a text, reminding you that he loves you
reminds you every morning how beautiful you look, definitely a great hype man.
knows that his fan girls can be a lot sometimes, so he puts in extra effort to reassure you he only has eyes for you
you felt pathetic, crying on your boyfriends bedroom floor pouring out your insecurities. his fan girls were so beautiful, thin, and what were you?
his heart aches as he wraps his arms around you, cooing in your ear. if he could take the pain away he would, but he can’t. so he speaks up instead,
“baby, you know what i love about you?” he waits for a reply, continuing when he’s met with silence,
“i love when your eyes light up when you talk, or how you look when the moon lights your face when we walk at night.”
he hears your cries start to soften, his heart warming as he continues.
“i also love how your cheeks lift when you smile, or how your hair flows when you let it down” he kisses your head,
“baby i could go on, but we’d never stop. i know how you’re feeling, but if you remember anything i tell you tonight, remember, you’re my world. if only you could see yourself from my eyes, you’d love yourself beyond compare. and i’ll always be here to remind you of what you’re worth”
he kisses the top of your head and lifts your head up so you meet eyes, “okay?”
quality time as kenma kozume
introverted bby so he prefers staying in with you, usually orders food and listens to you ramble about your day or whatever else is on your mind
isn’t the most talkative, but a great listener. when you’ve run out of things to talk about you two just enjoy each other’s presence while doing your own thing
always makes an effort to walk you home after school so you can spend more time together
will sometimes show up to your house unannounced and lays on your bed while you do homework or talk to your friends
you don’t have to be talking to each other, but he’s comforted knowing you’re around
“hey babe” you say as you enter his room, he greets you back as you make your way to his bed. he lifts up his arms allowing you to rest your head on his lap.
“how was your day” he says, eyes still glued to his monitor. you rub his thigh and start your ramble about today’s stories, but then you stop. worry creeping in about talking to much and potentially annoying him since he was gaming.
“why’d you stop, i’m still listening babe”
although it’s small, you can’t help but feel your heart swell knowing you’re not a bother to him, even with your constant rambling.
not long after you two fall into a comfortable silence and you get up and pull out your work from your bag and mindlessly start. you notice kenma starting to dose off, soon he’s the one who rests his head on your lap.
you sigh contently as you bring your hand to his hair and play with the ends, he hums when he feels your touch. you smile as you push your work the the side and you close your eyes as well, dosing off as well.
you can always finish your work later, you think to yourself as you slip into unconsciousness, your hand still playing with kenma’s hair.
acts of service as iwaizumi hajime
isn’t the best with words so decides to let his actions do the talking
does small things like walking you to class even if his class is the other way or walk you home even if he’s tired from practice
i also believe he’s a great cook, so he prepares lunches and snacks for you while he’s making his
also when your sick he’ll pick up your work from your classes, prepare some food for you, and will care for you while you’re sick
or when you’re stressed w school or work he’ll tidy up your room / house so you come home to a clean space so you’re able to relax. overall motherly af
everything was falling apart. no matter how much you tried to balance out your school, work, social life, and clubs it never worked out, something was always overlooked and missed.
you received many texts and reminders from iwaizumi to not over work yourself. although you knew you should’ve told him, you hid it from him, not wanting him to worry. he has been working so hard with his work, that you don’t want to add any stress. so you put on a smile.
you groan as you clock out of work, making your way back to you and iwaizumi’s apartment. once you get home you’re met with a delicious aroma. you’re confused, to your knowledge iwaizumi had been working late tonight.
you make your way into the apartment to be met with iwa’s back to you, as he cooks something on stove. you scan the apartment to see your books and papers organized and everything that littered the floors and tables, put away and tidied.
you exhale contently, your heart swelling at the sight as he turns around and pulls you into his arms rubbing your back. the simple act makes your eyes water.
“i know how stressed you’ve been. you don’t have to hide it” is all he says, and your few tears turn into sobs. he stays silent as he continues rubbing your back trying to sooth you, letting you know he’s here. once your tears dry he kisses your temple.
“i have a bath running for you babe, wash up and we’ll eat when you’re done” he says as he kisses you again, “and i’ll bring your clothes, they’re in the dryer”
you feel your eyes water again, not because of stress or sadness, but because you can’t contain how much you truly love him. you smile and nod, pulling him to hug him again.
“thank you so much.”
gift giving as akaashi keiji
mans is a sucker for cheesy romantic stuff
brings you a bouquet every time you guys have a date, isn’t necessarily the biggest bouquet but makes an effort to bring you one every time
goes ham when it’s your birthday, christmas, valentines, etc. holiday? you better prepare to be bombarded with gifts.
also loves taking you shopping. you always tell him he doesn’t have to buy you anything but insists. and when you see something you like but decide against getting it, he’ll buy it for you the next day
even small things like when he’s walking home and he sees a stuffed bear, he’ll buy it for you saying “it reminded him of you and he absolutely had to get it” or picking up your favorite snack and bringing it to you at much
you always tell him he doesn’t have to get you anything to be happy but he insists, that doesn’t mean you don’t shower him in gifts as well
you’re rushing through your apartment as you’re putting the final touches on your outfit for you and akaashi’s date. you jump when you hear the doorbell.
you swing the door open to be met with a face full of flowers. you blush at the sight, no matter how many times you’ve received flowers from him, you’re still flustered. you gesture him to come in, taking the flowers from his hands, thanking him.
“hey babe you look great” he says as he kisses you on the cheek. you smile back as you put the flowers into the vase with the preexisting flowers.
“you know i’m gonna drown in flowers one day if you keep getting me them babe” you say in a joking tone, he chuckles with you, “at least you’ll die a beautiful death” he retorts, laughing as you lightly hit his shoulder
he smiles as he takes both your hands, looking you up and down, “beautiful absolutely beautiful” he says, voice full of admiration. your heart swells at his simple words. “only for you” you say with a smile resting softly on your face.
“you know what would make it better though?” he asks, you shoot him a confused look and he reaches in his pocket pulling out a small velvet box.
your eyes widen and heart drops as he reveals a simple ring. he laughs at your obviously shocked expression, “hey it’s just a promise ring,” he starts, worry slightly seeping from his words, “don’t worry, this is just as a reminder, that i’ll love you forever” he finishes as he slips the ring onto your finger
you feel your eyes slightly water at his words, feeling overwhelmed with your emotions. cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
“so promise you want drown in my flowers before i make it a real one” he says with a cheeky grin
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It's more Nick Valentine and John Hancock because whO DOESN'T LOVE THE TOASTER MAN AND FRIED SALAMI
Now we've got @vincent-van-heelal requesting Nick Valentine and SS surprising John on his birthday >:D
I don't know how or why but this ended up being angsty af lmao
also they sent in another request that I adore but probably won't be up for a few days bc I want to put a lot of work into it since I have so many ideas, so be on the lookout for that!
Here ya go, an angsty short
It was a sunny day in the Commonwealth, something you and Nick had both been hoping would happen. Nick took off the detective hat for the day and took a day to spend with you and one of your mutual friends, Hancock.
Between his job as mayor, Nick's job as a detective, and your job as General of the Minutemen, it was hard for any of you to find time to take a day off and relax together, but today you and Nick made special plans and dragged Hancock out of Goodneighbor to participate.
After a day of swapping stories and going on a little adventure that you and Nick totally did Not plan, the sun was setting and all of you were relaxing at the Red Rocket Station you called home, drinking and laughing.
After you finished telling a story, Nick tapped your shoulder and tipped his head.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, “John, stay here!” You ordered, and the two of you rushed off.
Hancock sat there confused with a beer in his hand, but shrugged it off and took another sip as he watched the sunset over the Commonwealth.
Within a minute, you and Nick were coming back, and you were doing a terrible job at hiding something behind your back.
“What the hell is that?” Hancock asked, his dark eyes looking you both over.
You were practically jumping with excitement, and Nick had a smile on his face.
“Surprise!” You practically shouted and pulled a small box out from behind your back. It was old and dirty, but it was obvious someone had tried to make it look nice.
You handed it to Hancock, who was even more confused now, “What is this?” He repeated as he opened it.
Inside, there was a holotape, much smaller than the box itself, but he figured they must not have been able to find a smaller one.
“Happy birthday, John!” You shouted, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Birthday? How'd you--”
“I'm not a detective for nothing.” Nick laughed.
Hancock smiled, almost not able to wait to hear what was on the tape.
“It's a recording of Magnolia singing Goodneighbor, I know it's your favorite song.” You chimed, taking your seat next to Hancock on the ground.
Nick followed suit and sat next to you as you continued to bombard Hancock with questions about how he felt about the gift.
“It's great, Y/N, Nick, but I can't accept this. It's not your problem I was born, neither is it my fault, who am I to get free stuff for it?”
You laughed, “It's not about only you, John, it makes us happy to make you happy!”
He laughed and ran his rough thumb against the holotape before putting it away.
“Y/N: Is it on yet? It is!? Okay! Hi John, I know this isn't the best gift in the world, but I thought it would be nice! Nick: I think he would've appreciated some Jet more. *He lets out a chuckle* Y/N: Shush, Nick! Anyways, we just wanted to tell you how much we love you, and how we couldn't imagine a life without you being our friend! I know that's cheesy, but it's true! You mean the world to us! Nick: She's not wrong, you know. We wouldn't go out of our way to get Magnolia to let us record her singing this for just anybody. Y/N: Well, I hope you enjoy it, John! We love you!”
“Took a walk, out in the fens”
The song echoed from the pip-boy in his hands.
“Had a talk with a man about some chems”
He looked up to the ceiling, tears stripping down his face.
“He asked me what's your flavor, I said I need a favor”
His hand shook as he took another hit of the chems he had, trying to hide from the pain.
“I'm a little short on caps”
Y/N had long since passed, a stray bullet in the back when traveling alone.
“But I'm a good good neighbor”
Nick had reset, forgetting everyone and everything once again.
Hancock stopped the holotape and started it again.
“Y/N: Is it on yet? It is!? Okay! Hi John, I know this isn't the best--”
Who was he to think he could ever accept a birthday present?
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glitterge1pen · 4 years
Pink Ink
Keigo Takami x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,930
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Hawks was walking with you to the store. He had the afternoon off and had asked to spend some time with you. At this point it had been years since you had taken an internship at his agency. You weren't a hero, you just ran errands and filed paperwork and you were only there for eight months as you tried to beef up your resume. Eventually you finally landed where you wanted, sure the work was difficult, it left you sleepless, it left you angry at the world, but still you liked being a teacher.
Hawks had kept in touch with you after you left though. You didn't think much of it at first. But he spent a lot of time with you, and you knew just how much time because you had worked with him before and knew what his schedule was like. Sometimes you wanted to ask what he thought of you, if he did. Doing so made you uneasy though, fearing that he might push you away.
These days those thoughts seemed to chase after you harder and faster. What was he thinking? How come he texted so late sometimes? Where was he? Was he hurt? What was he doing in my dream last night? Why did that song make me think of him? So today felt like a bit of a kick to the gut.
Upon entering the store Hawks grabbed the cart for you. He waited for you to guide him, meeting your eyes you turned from him trying to reign in your emotions.
“So, what we getting today?”
“Well, I need craft supplies. I want to make each student in my class a valentine card, and I was thinking of getting everyone some candy? The class is having a valentines party in the afternoon on Friday.”
“Can’t you just get one of those boxes of premade cards”
You gasp in fake hurt.
“As if I would succumb to that, hand made cards are the best, plus making them is kinda fun”
“I wouldn't know”
Your nervous feelings and hesitancy that you had started having around Hawks faded immediately when you heard this. You lunge at him, grabbing at his arm. He looks down at the contact but you are now on the mission and pay no mind to it.
“You haven't ever made valentines day cards?”
His voice is more feeble than usual as he replies,
You drag him to the craft section. You grab glitter, glitter glue, foam heart stickers, rhinestones, you even splurge on some of the lacy paper and felt heart pads. He watches as you move frantically through the shelves throwing things into the cart. A bemused smile on his face.
While you're at the self checkout he gets approached by a fan. You two are used to this and you don't mind. It's part of his life, besides he is admirable. He is done speaking just as you are finishing up packing the bag back into the cart.
Once outside again you start to push the cart to one of the corrals. But Hawks grabs you at the waist.
“What are you-”
You two take off across the parking lot. His hands on the cart as he pushes the two of you with the wind from his wings. You're moving so fast that your feet struggle to stay on the bar of the cart, but you're laughing so hard, and the air is so nice.
At the edge of the parking lot he stops abruptly. You are tossed forward a bit but he catches you. You stay there laughing in his arms. When you catch your breath and turn to face him you halt. You’re much closer than intended, you don't know where to look.
“We should hurry up before your next patrol starts”
You say moving to grab the bags from the cart. He nods, helping you carry things. The walk back to your place is more peaceful. The winter cold not as sharp, sun gold as its light rained down through the empty trees. He tells you about his day. Today it's mostly about Tokoyami, a work study student that he really seems to have taken a liking to.
“I want you to meet the kid I think you'd really like him”
“If he’s a absolutely amazing as you say I probably will”
Hawks smiles at that as he lets himself into your home. You clear off the kitchen island and start getting to work. You show Hawks the sheet with all your students' names. At first Hawks doesn't really help just observers and listens to you gush about your students.
“Come on, you have to at least make one”
You make an excited sound as an idea comes to mind.
“Tokoyami is your student right! Make one for him!”
“He’s in high school though, your kids are in elementary school”
“So? Look you need to make one, I promise it's not actually that scary”
Hawks huffs at this.
“I never said it was scary”
“Oh yeah? Then how come everytime I push the sticker towards you, you push them back?”
He says nothing more. Just grabs some supplies and starts working. He doesn't know how to open the glitter glue and he says nothing when he hands it to you. He puts the foam heart stickers on each of his fingers and then shoves his hand in your face. He lets you stamp hearts on his hand with pink ink. He holds down the string as you tie ribbons through the paper lace. You smear glitter glue on his arm. His feathers sort out the finished cards, moving them into an alphabetical pile.
“I think it’s nice that you're doing all this for your class, making them each something, letting them have their little party”
“Things have been tense in the world lately, they are old enough to know things are changing but not old enough to really understand why. I just want them to have a special day, something that eases them up a bit you know?”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
It was tough keeping your class together through the morning lessons. They were rowdy. They were whispering, and were bad at whispering. Even after recess and lunch the excitement had not dwindled, their energy was still running high.
You instructed everyone to take out their “mailboxes”. You were explaining how this was going to work. That while the students were handing out their valentines you would set out the snacks. A knock at the door. Without missing a beat, still throwing out instructions you went to open the door.
You stare in shock, mouth open in surprise. You had been expecting one of the school secretaries but instead it was Hawks. The rustling of your students pulls you back to reality. You quiet your voice as you speak to him.
“What are you doing here? Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine, I just, you had said that you wanted to make the valentines party really special, and I am the number two hero and kids love that kind of stuff-”
“Holy shit,how come I didnt think of that, wait right here”
A couple of the kids had been leaning over the desks trying to see who you were talking to. But as your attention turned back to them they all fell flat in their seats.
“I have a surprise”
The kids all start to clamour in excitement, trying to guess what it is. Most of the guesses are about getting extra candy or maybe extra time on the playground.
“No, it's better than any of that I promise! But…”
You trail off knowing it will silence the students as they try to uncover the mystery that is the surprise.
“We will do the valentine's day exchange first! Then we can have fun with our surprise guest”
The word guest gets them real worked up. They start throwing out names. One student says it's probably another class, so they can have a joint party. Another brings up that popular local lawyer and you stifle a laugh at that. You walk back to the door to let Hawks in. 
His entrance isn't grand or exciting but once the kids see him you can longer control them. They are half out of their desks, disbelief, a few are laughing hysterically unable to believe that the number two hero is actually in their classroom.
It takes a while but eventually they settle down and get caught up in giving out their cards. Hawks is dragged desk to desk, answering questions, he is pulled this way and that. But once the kids start opening up their cards he is like a forgotten toy. 
You have been at your own desk at the front of the classroom, watching the scene before you, a cheerful expression on your face. Hawks came to stand by you. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out his own card. He must have gone out and bought more supplies because it was completely different from the ones you had made with him.
You saw his handwriting on it, it said you two really needed to go on a date. You were about to agree, to tell him that you returned his feelings, that he should stay after class was over so you could talk, that you were so thankful for him coming here today. But you had not pulled the chance card from the monopoly deck.
“Oh my god! Hawks just gave a valentine to our teacher!”
One of your students shouted. It seemed that they considered this an accomplishment for themselves as well. Soon all the others were chiming in with questions. After getting them to settle down, Hawks started talking.
“I've know your teacher for a couple years now”
This surprised the class as well.
“They used to work at my agency! Did they never tell you?”
You start calling kids up to your desk to grab snacks and give them the valentines you made them. Hawks starts telling stories about being a hero. The only sound is the crinkle of candy wrapped, your students obedient in their listening. They devour everything Hawks has to say.
“And you are all lucky to have a teacher like yours, who cares about you and works hard to make sure you are cared for and learning”
Your students then start to thank you for the afternoon. For letting them have the party, their valentines, for having Hawks there. Their happy chatter is cut off by the bell. You sneak a picture of the class bombarding Hawks in a goodbye hug.
They linger longer than usual. Asking about homework that doesn't exist, taking out markers for Hawks to sign backpack straps and scraps of paper. But they have to go, buses and parents calling them home.
When the classroom is finally empty Hawks is the one to break the silence.
“What do you think?”
You're confused.
“About what?”
“Didn't you read the card?”
You laugh. Realizing that he must have been suffering through his entire story time with the kids. To you the answer was so obvious though.
“Do you seriously not know that I feel the same?”
And it's like nothing's changed. He helps you pack up your things. As you walk together he starts asking how long you've had feelings for him, why you didn't tell him, if there was anyone you dated while you liked him. You answer patiently, honestly, with a smile, knowing that you wanted to ask the same.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
A/N: ehhhhhhhhhhhhh so tired. Writing so hard. Milkshakes so good. Me lactose intolerant. Throwing up another playlist because I can. Currently washing my face and brushing my teeth, sleep is near. Oh! I already started writing a valentines thing for Iwaizumi and any other valentines day esque requests would be <3
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