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無 #japan_bestsunset #hokkaido #chitose #camp #lake#lakeshikotsu #lakecamping #morap #sunset #北海道#千歳市 #支笏湖 #キャンプの思い出 #キャンプしたい #夕日の写真 #夕暮れ時の空 #癒される場所 #最高の時間 #薄暮 (Chitose, Hokkaido) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJlWQGlcrF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qeaukp0ci03y
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i was mostly talking about Jack Manifold (obviously) and how he and Tommy have moral similarties in that they deal with stress with violence and hostility and how criticizing one inhearently criticizes the other especially when talking about their violent tendencies
also how most every Character on the dsmp is morally gray but the way one see's their moraps depends on the perspective one is looking at and the character they are sympathising with (ie someone who watches tommy might think techno is evil well one who watches techno might see tommy as a backstabber) when in reality all of the characters have done bad and good things and no one is inhearently good or bad but depending on the perspective you look at you may see one Character as better then the other.
(count everytime is say morally)
!!!!!! this!!!!
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No, lobotomies are junk science. Would you like to know about our psychiatric care? - CSR Morapes
how do you feel about being lobotomized
-dilemma danger
How do you feel about it? - CSR Morales
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Congress has protested to cancel the Dharani portal
On the call of TPCC, a protest program was held under the leadership of Mandal Congress in front of the Tehsildar's office in Timmapur Mandal Center of Karimnagar District on the issues of farmers of Telangana State. On this occasion Mandal Congress Party President Morapalli Ramana Reddy and District Official Representative Elkapalli Sampath said....as promised to farmers in 2014 election. Farmers' bank was sufficient for the interests of the farmers as loan waiver of Rs.1 lakh was done in six installments instead of once...
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#Breking News#Flash News#TPCC News Updates#Congress Party News#Political News#Karimnagar News#Telangana News
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Kadadora Viharaya in Sri Lanka Itinerary
The Buddhist temple Kadadora Viharaya, also known as Kadadora Sri Priyabimbaramaya Viharaya, was located in Kadadora, Kotmale. As part of the Mahaweli Development Programmer's construction of the Kotmale Dam in 1979, the temple was abandoned and demolished. The remnants of several temples and human dwellings are claimed to be submerged by the reservoir's waters. When the reservoir was erected, it is reported to have flooded more than 14 tea farms, 57 villages, and roughly 54 ancient temples, among other things. However, many regions, including underwater, do not exist at this time. When the water level is decreased, the Kadadora temple and statues of Lord Buddha may still be viewed as a miracle. So this is one of the places you should visit on a Sri Lanka Itinerary.
Due to the persistent drought in the central hills, Locals have been flocking to the Kadadora area to see the ancient remains of Buddhist temples that have risen from the depths of the Kotmale reservoir. When the reservoir was erected in 1979, the temples of the Kadadora Sri Piya Bimbaramaya, Thispane Viharaya, Morape Viharaya, and the Medagoda Devalaya were flooded. Kadadora viharaya is one of the Tourist Attractions in Sri Lanka.
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Morapalli PinCode (Post Code)
Morapalli Pin Code is 505455. Pin Code is other name as Zip Code or Postal Code. Morapalli is located in district Karim Nagar, TELANGANA, INDIA.
PIN Code (Zip Code) 505455 Post Office Morapalli Town/Taluk Jagtial District Karim Nagar State TELANGANA
Morapalli Pin Code location and Details
Location Jagtial Taluk of Karim Nagar District Office Type B.O Delivery Related Sub Office Pochampad Project Colony S.O Contact Details NA Address 505455, Morapalli, Karim Nagar, TELANGANA, INDIA Longitude Latitude
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The Burning Age
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2quXfMx
by AuroraLynne, Sourlander
The Damerons lead a fairlly peaceful life on Chandrila. Poe's and Finn's daughter Mia is convinced that she has the best parents anyone could ask for and no one sees the shadows approaching, which are threatening to destroy the galaxy.
Words: 1433, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of Unknown Limits
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Meelan Bendar - Character, Morap Bendar - Character, Yoann Bendar, Embee Kayla, BB-8, Mia Shara Bey, Leia Organa, Nej Antilles
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, BB-8 & Poe Dameron, BB-8 & Poe Dameron & Finn
Additional Tags: Stormpilot, poefinn, Kylux - Freeform, Jedi Training, Padawan, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Art, May the Force Be With You, Dameron Family Life, Force-Sensitive Finn, New Jedi Order
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2quXfMx
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, BB-8 & Poe Dameron, BB-8 & Poe Dameron & Finn Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Meelan Bendar - Character, Morap Bendar - Character, Yoann Bendar, Embee Kayla, BB-8, Mia Shara Bey, Leia Organa, Nej Antilles Additional Tags: Stormpilot, poefinn, Kylux - Freeform, Jedi Training, Padawan, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Art, May the Force Be With You, Dameron Family Life, Force-Sensitive Finn, New Jedi Order Series: Part 13 of Unknown Limits Summary:
The Damerons lead a fairlly peaceful life on Chandrila. Poe's and Finn's daughter Mia is convinced that she has the best parents anyone could ask for and no one sees the shadows approaching, which are threatening to destroy the galaxy.
Since it’s May the 4th I have decided to start posting this fic. Yeay!
May the Force be with you!
#Unknown Limits#PoeFinn#Stormpilot#Poe Dameron#Finn#Kylux#Jedi training#Luke Skywaker#Hux#ben solo#Dark Force User#The Force gets messed up
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The Burning Age
by AuroraLynne, Sourlander
The Damerons lead a fairlly peaceful life on Chandrila. Poe's and Finn's daughter Mia is convinced that she has the best parents anyone could ask for and no one sees the shadows approaching, which are threatening to destroy the galaxy.
Words: 1433, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of Unknown Limits
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Meelan Bendar - Character, Morap Bendar - Character, Yoann Bendar, Embee Kayla, BB-8, Mia Shara Bey, Leia Organa, Nej Antilles
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, BB-8 & Poe Dameron, BB-8 & Poe Dameron & Finn
Additional Tags: Stormpilot, poefinn, Kylux - Freeform, Jedi Training, Padawan, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Art, May the Force Be With You, Dameron Family Life, Force-Sensitive Finn, New Jedi Order
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2quXfMx
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Modelo: Prabhit @prabhhkauur #morapics #mateuphoto #nikon #instapic #photography (en Francia-España)
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l o n e l i n e s s 🍃 👧: @nathaliaalzate #fotografia #photography#photographer #barcelona #spain #españa #marcosalberca #morapics #olimpuspenlite #olimpuspen #olimpus (at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona)
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A Peek Under The Hood Of South Africa's Mobility Scene feat. Obakeng Morapeli Matlhoko Of AftaRobot
A Peek Under The Hood Of South Africa’s Mobility Scene feat. Obakeng Morapeli Matlhoko Of AftaRobot
Back on the show for the first time since contributing his fair share of involuntary hot takes on Episode 109 entitled “Investor Bias Debate 2.0 + Should Africa Embrace Uberisation?” Tapsnapp Founder, Vije Vijendrenath, assumes co-hosting duties in Musa Kalenga’s absence. https://soundcloud.com/african-tech-round-up/atru-0118-a-deep-dive-into-africas-mobility-scene-feat-obakeng-morapeli-matlhoko…
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Photographer: N. Morapeli Model: Candice De Mendonca MUA: Monica Ferreira
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For your FanFics Ask game: F, G, and T
How do I even deserve you?? This has NEVER happened!! Thanks!!
Okay, here we go:
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“So my brother is with the Resistance?” A slight smile. “He has always been an idealist. How is he?” The casual tone of voice with which these words were spoken was even harder to take than the words themselves.
“Dead,” Poe said, his voice husky. He cursed himself silently. Every piece of self control had vanished with this man’s entrance, who called himself Morap’s brother. He had known that Morap had come from the Unknown Regions and had found his place with the New Republic. Morap had never wanted to talk about his family, not even to Poe who had deduced that Morap had run away. Maybe from his family, maybe from the Order. Poe had thought about it a lot, but this... this was unbearable. “The First Order murdered him.”
The corners of Bendar’s moth twitched but his eyes remained as expressionless as ever. “Idealistic rebel,” Bendar said coldly after a few moments, looked down at his hands and pulled up his gloves as if he had to made sure they fit properly.
This one is from my story “The Pilot”, my first contribution to the SWA fandom and the first thing I published in English. This scene is basically the key to all my writing since then. Meelan Bendar, my first real OC is a total jerk, especially in this scene, but things happened and I met some incredible people through writing this fic and this scene seems to symbolise everything good that happened to me in the last year thanks to writing fic.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I usually write a story from start to finish. I take a notebook with me wherever I go to write down ideas or outlines, but that’s it. I like the feeling of having to wait to write something really really important. I only made one exception so far and that was the scene in “An Officer’s Fall” I had to warn my readers about at the beginning. That scene was so intense, I had to write it beforehand and I barel made any adjustments to it before posting it.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Um.... I don’t think so?
Thank you so much @cha-llamala
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