#Moraca Canyon
jontycrane · 8 months
Bjelasica Mountains - Kolašin to Katun Vranjak
Montenegro is home to some of the most mountainous areas in Europe, and the Bjelasica Mountains are a great example of stunning scenery that very few hikers visit. They’re easily accessible, only a couple of hours north of the capital Podgorica, via the spectacular Moraca Canyon. Travelling through this on the bus was an unexpected bonus, though trying to take photos from a moving vehicle in…
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jeanhm · 2 years
Gorgeous Gorges and Magnificent Mountains
Today has been a driving experience around the northern part of Montenegro. When we went kayaking last week the chap we rented from said we ought to go north of Podgorica and through the Moraca Gorge so we worked out a round trip which took us not only through that gorge but many others. However, unlike gorges I've been through in UK where the roads tend to follow the bottom of the gorge, not so here. roads wind their way up the mountains in a series of hairpins away from the rivers so you truly look down into a deep canyon. meanwhile you are surrounded by sharp jagged mountains in all directions.
The roads are not only winding but through many, many tunnels, some properly lined and built, some almost just holes blasted in the rock which look far less safe and everywhere there are pine trees and granite outcrops. The area we were headed to took us north initially up through the Moraca Gorge to Kolasin then north to Mojkovac before we turned north west then west following the river Tapa until we reached Zabljak. The gorge followng the Tara river (leading off the Moraca) to Mojkovac is the deepest in Europe and second deepest in the world behind the Grand Canyon and you can tell its deep even though you are driving a long way above it looking down. You managed glimpes of the river at times of the bends but there were few places to stop and the roads were narrow with some pretty dodgy driving from some folk. At times todays journey took us high enough above sea level for our ears to pop with Zabljak being 1465m itself and with 48 mountain peaks within the "Durmitor Ring" being over 2000m asl.
At Zabljak we headed into the Durmitor National park and to the Black Lake where we had dinner in the small restaurant by the lake. We had lake trout and potato which was wonderfully fresh. We had to walk from the carpark to the lake through the pine forest which was a refreshing change as the temperature in this area was a mere 27 degrees, feeling almost cold!
The area around Zabljak is almost plateau like with a ring of mountains around and this is the centre of the Montenegro ski industry so loads of wonderfully pointed little chalets and hotels and an area where there is a lot of new construction as I guess this is a growing industry for the country. After dinner and our walk through the national park to the lake and back we started to head back south, initially through the plateau like grasslands and then down some more bendy twisty roads. None of the them were quite as bad as the Serpentine road of yesterday but still some amazing hairpins. At one stage we found ourselves surrounded by what appeared to be a French Peugot 205 rally several of which managed to break down on the sharp and steep uphill roads! We did pass another few lakes and rivers and smaller gorges but none to compare to the mornings views. Still it was a long day of driving but with fantastic views when at times you really were almost on top of the world. Its just such a shame that the tourism industry hasn't realised that people want stops to take photos and the routes really aren't yet geared up for tourists with very few cafes or stopping places. Again, an area for this country to develop. Lots of photos to come.
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blizzregensburg · 5 years
Zwischen Adria und Schwarzen Bergen
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Regensburg - Montenegro, der kleine Balkanstaat mit schmaler Küste und zerklüfteter Bergwelt, steht bei Reisekreativ in den Pfingstferien vom 4. bis 11. Juni auf em Programm. Standort während der achttägigen Reise ist das Hotel Budva, ein modernes 4-Sterne- Hotel im Zentrum von Budva an der Strandpromenade und nur wenige Schritte von Yachthafen und Altstadt entfernt. Von hier aus führen Ausflüge zu den unterschiedlichsten Sehenswürdigkeiten entlang der Küste und im Hinterland. Dazu gehören unter anderem die venezianisch geprägte Altstadt von Budva, die komplett unter Denkmalschutz steht, oder die etwas außerhalb gelegene Ruinenstadt Stari Bar, die mit ihrer 2000-jährigen Geschichte zu den kulturhistorisch wertvollsten Stätten des Landes gehört. Ein Besuch gilt selbstverständlich auch der weltberühmten Bucht von Kotor, die sich wie ein Fjord weit in das Hinterland Montenegros windet. Neben einem Spaziergang durch die Altstadt von Kotor, mit ihren Palästen und Kirchen schon seit 1979 auf der Liste der UNESCO, steht auch eine Schifffahrt durch die Bucht bis zum Festungsstädtchen Herceg Novi auf dem Programm. Eine spektakuläre Zugfahrt ins Hinterland, bei der es 1.000 Höhenmeter zu überwinden gilt, bietet fantastische Ausblicke auf Berge und Canyons, wobei der Höhepunkt dieses Tages sicher das idyllisch gelegene Kloster Moraca sein wird, für viele das schönste Kloster des Landes. Um Landschaft und Natur dreht es sich auch bei dem Ausflug an den Skutarisee, ein Naturschutzgebiet zwischen Montenegro und Albanien. Der größte See des Balkans ist mit seinen vielen Inseln und Inselchen ein wahres Fisch- und Vogelparadies. Ein Abstecher in die geschichtsträchtige Stadt Shkodra auf albanischer Seite rundet diesen Ausflug ab. Eckdaten der Reise: ■ Modernes 4-Sterne Hotel an der Promenade von Budva ■ Malerische Bucht von Kotor ■ Kloster Moraca im Hinterland ■ Skutarisee im Grenzgebiet zu Albanien Mehr Informationen: www.reisekreativ.de oder Tel.: 0941/99250494. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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tripsterguru · 5 years
Temples and monasteries of Montenegro - 20 main shrines
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Temples and monasteries of Montenegro - 20 main shrines
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Crystal clear Adriatic Sea, mountain landscape, picturesque valleys, comfortable climate make holidays in Montenegro popular for people of any age. There are no communication problems (minimal language barrier), the infrastructure of the resorts is well organized (relaxation is possible at any time of the year), and a huge number of architectural sights of the country are available for viewing. Among them, in the first place are the famous temples and monasteries of Montenegro, hidden in the thickets of luxurious greenery of rare plants, shrouded in an atmosphere of ancient legends, secrets of Montenegro.
Ostrog Monastery
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An endless stream of tourists, pilgrims go to the main attractions of Montenegro. The cloister of the miracle worker Vasily Ostrozhsky is hidden in a rock at an altitude of 900 m above sea level (his relics are the greatest shrine in the world of the Orthodox Church). It has long been a haven for people who believe in help, the fulfillment of the most secret desires of the miraculous power of the Holy.
In a place filled with prayers of a special energy (next to the holy source, miraculous relics), they find help in solving problems, troubles. A sacred place appeared in the middle of the XVII century. The prison consists of two parts: the upper (older) and lower parts, created in the XIX century. In the lower zone is the church of the Holy Trinity with the relics of a 12 year old boy – the martyr Stanko.
The parts are divided by a steep path, about 5 km long, and you can overcome the distance (going uphill) along a special path in 30 minutes. Before the appearance of Vasily Ostrozhsky, hermit monks lived here in a cave hidden from the eyes of people. Gradually, two churches appeared in the sacred place: Holy Cross Exaltation, Vvedensky (Introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary). In the last place, the Great Miracle Worker, who died in 1671, prayed. His relics (in the role of the main shrine of Ostrog) are stored in a small cave of the Vvedensky church.
Cetinje Monastery
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The architectural, historical ensemble of Montenegro is the political, cultural center of the country. Here, on the site of the Zeta (the ancient South Slavic princedom that existed on the site of modern Montenegro), a monastery was built in 1484, which existed until the Turks destroyed it in 1692. The new building was destroyed several times, restored and was the residence of the Metropolitan of Montenegro in its ancient capital – the city of Cetinje, located at the foot of Mount Eagle Cross.
In the Middle Ages, buildings served as a powerful fortress. She was surrounded by a moat with water and stakes, fortified by loopholes. Now you can see part of the brick walls of the fortress. On the historical territory are the Palace-Museum of King Nikola, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Here are the remains of the king and his wife Milena, gifts from the emperors of Russia, a valuable collection of prints from the 13-19 centuries. The first printing house of Montenegro worked here. The first high school of the country opened in 1880 within the walls of the building. The famous works of the “Oktoih Pyatoglasnik”, “Psalter”, “Prayer Book”, “Four Gospels” are among the protected shrines. Keeps one of the richest collections of shrines of the Orthodox Church.
Moraca Monastery
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One of the main Orthodox monuments of the Middle Ages in the Balkans is an architectural complex consisting of the building of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, a small church in honor of St. Nicholas and living quarters for monks. It is located along the right bank of the Moraca Canyon in a beautiful mountainous area. All tourist routes try to include in their programs a visit to this unusual place.
The magnificent building with one nave, a cylinder-shaped soda was erected in 1252 from soft tuff covered with plaster. Of the many frescoes (the 13th-century technique of mural painting has no analogues in beauty), created under the direction of Stevan (the son of the Serbian king). His grave is on a local graveyard.
Now 11 scenes related to the life of the prophet Elijah have been preserved from the interior. The main work on the restoration of the destroyed architectural treasures was carried out in the XVIII century by the artists of Montenegro. The exact time of the construction of the small church of St. Nicholas is not precisely determined: the monks consider it to be a more ancient structure than the cathedral. Of interest is the interior decoration made by ancient murals from frescoes.
Piva Monastery
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Among the 1600 church sights of the country there are large, small, included in tourist routes, almost forgotten. You are invited to see them on your own or with local excursions. Such a building, called the symbol of invincibility of the inhabitants of the country, is located near Pluzine in the northern part of Montenegro. Among the pine forests near the “Pivsky Oka” in the XVI century there appeared an ordinary house with narrow loopholes that did not attract the attention of the Turks.
Later (after the construction of the hydroelectric power station on the Piva River) the building was moved 2 km higher. In its former place, a guest house (konak), a bakery, a cemetery have been preserved. Here they helped the rebels, sheltered the rebels, held negotiations with representatives of the Christian world. The building is built of stones of gray, pink shades. It has large dimensions: height 13m, length 23, width 15m. The appearance of the building did not cause enemies to rob him.
Inside, there are many old frescoes, a gold-plated iconostasis with a huge cross. A large number of manuscripts, paintings, books, and jewelry are also stored here. One monk lives here permanently. He keeps order, manages the bells, which are not on the roof of the main building, but under the roof of a separate annex. Come to the center of the spiritual life of Herzegovina (now the existing monastery is owned by the Serbian diocese) is proposed by boat on Lake Piva.
Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica
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For a long time in the country there was no main church of the Orthodox Church. Since 1993, the first stone was laid in the future huge building, striking in size, splendor of decoration, design. The construction began in the presence of Patriarch Alexy II. The author of the project was architect Pedja Ristic. The building belongs to the Neo-Byzantine style. It included many new architectural elements. The height of the two levels of the cathedral is 41.5 m, the belfry is made of 17 bells (2 brought from Voronezh), 7 crosses sparkling with gilding.
The monumental view of the building is formed by huge blocks of stone, decorated with antique. The interior is characterized by an abundance of images made of small pieces of granite, marble. Mosaic “Noah’s Ark”, a fresco above the entrance measuring 53.5 m 2. In one of the largest temples in Europe at the same time accommodates up to 5 thousand believers.
Daibabe Monastery in Podgorica
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At a distance of 4 km from the capital of Montenegro is an amazing place hidden in rocky caves. You can find it by a small building dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with belfries on the sides. The main premises are underground in caves located in the shape of a cross. Local legends say that as early as the III century, the first Christians were hiding in catacombs with their own source of water. The monastery appeared in 1897 and its first rector was the miracle worker Simeon of Daibab (his relics are stored here).
The first liturgy was performed in the cave church in January 1897. The dimensions of the cave used are 20 m in length and about 3 m in width. Chapels are hollowed out on the side walls; an altar is located in the center. The ceiling, the walls were painted by Simeon, his followers. The surviving murals are of great value. In an atmosphere of silence, peace, numerous pilgrims receive relief, hope for a favorable solution to their problems.
Cathedral of St. Tryphon in Kotor
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The ancient building is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Kotor. Saint Tryphon, repeating the path of Jesus Christ, is considered the patron saint of the city. The cathedral in his honor was laid in 1166. Previously, this place was a church, built in 809 by the noble townsman Andrii Saracenis. It was he who bought the relics of St. Tryphon au merchants of Venice.
The devastating earthquake of 1667 required the rebuilding of the bell tower of the cathedral. They are made in the form of high towers (up to 35 m high) made of special stone brought from the island of Korcula. Above the entrance is a window in the shape of the famous “outlet”. The ancient frescoes of the interior are poorly preserved. But even now, under centuries-old layers of stucco, lime on the apse, nave arches fragments of Byzantine-style paintings are revealed.
The exact time, the author of their writing remains the secret of the cathedral. The origin of the rare wooden crucifix in the church is also unknown. The relics of St. Tryphon are considered the main shrine of the Cathedral. In the sarcophagus, standing to the right of the entrance, lies the body of Andria Saracenis. The Cathedral, as a preserved example of the style of Romanesque architecture, is a World Heritage Site.
Church of St. Luke in Kotor
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A modest, not conspicuous temple, standing in the historical part of Kotor, is in fact a famous landmark and the oldest church in Montenegro. It was built in 1195 at the expense of the rich feudal lord Kazafragi (a memorial inscription testifies to this). In the current church there are two altars: Catholic and Orthodox), which is rarely found in temples of the world. The two branches of the Christian religion lived here peacefully, in harmony. The main shrines of the cathedral are particles of the relics of St. Luke, the martyrs of Orestes, Mardarius, Auxentius.
Among the interior, fragments of ancient frescoes by Italian, Cretan masters of the 17th and 18th centuries have been preserved. In a small chapel owned by the church, there is a unique iconostasis depicting Christ in the image of the King. The temple opens on holidays, before the planned excursions, weddings, baptisms. An interesting fact is the burial of local residents inside the building. Its entire floor consists of grave gravestones. During the great earthquake of 1979, this church was the only building that was not damaged.
Church of St. Nicholas in Kotor
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On Grets Square in the old center of Kotor rises a relatively young Cathedral building, erected in honor of the patron saint of travelers, sailors St. Nicholas. Historically, the existence of a Dominican monastery in this place, turned into a soldier’s barracks for Napoleon’s army, is historically confirmed. After the destruction of the church was built here, life, which broke off the fire of 1896. A new temple was erected on its foundation in 1909.
The building is in line with the pseudo – Byzantine architectural style. At the entrance are two tall belfries. Among the interior decoration stands the iconostasis of three meters high, created in 1908 by Czech artist Ziegler. The treasury of a beautiful building contains many valuable documents, icons, art objects, clothes. The most interesting are the Three-Handed icon, the book “The Sacrifice of Abraham of 1899”, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker in the form of a mosaic at the entrance. In the courtyard you can use a source of healing water. Services are held daily.
Church on the Island of the Virgin
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The history of the creation of the ancient church on the reef, which turned into an island in the original construction way, annually attracts many tourists to the city of Perast. Virgin Mary, living on a reef, protects the local sailors. As a token of gratitude, the locals regularly spend here a feast of fashinada. On decorated boats, they swim around the island three times and throw stones into the water, strengthening the shore.
In such a strange construction way, for almost two centuries, stones were collected on the sunken ships, reefs, a stable platform was formed. It grew an ancient landmark of the country church. The ground floor of the building is decorated with icons, paintings of artists of the 17th century, an organ sounds, whose age is 300 years. The altar is made of four types of valuable snow-white marble and is decorated with the image of the face of the Holy Virgin. It illuminates the interior of the chandelier made of real Murano glass, made almost 3 centuries ago. The archaeological museum is invited to see old exhibits: Roman crosses, a fountain, silver roots.
Drimsim is the first universal sim card for travelers. Internet abroad starts at $ 1 per megabyte, and calls start at $ 3 per minute. Works in 197 countries! Lifting mechanisms, lights, bells and other elements belonging to ships of different countries at many times. On the second floor are amazing ancient amphoras, jugs, mysterious captain’s chests. A collection of paintings depicting ships, the olive stele of Diva, adorning the bow of a ship in the Middle Ages. Among them is a unique icon of the Holy Virgin, embroidered by a woman from Perast, who had been waiting for 25 years for the return of her sailor husband. Thousands of plates (gold, silver, bronze) are mounted in the walls of the building. They were presented by sailors (the custom still exists) in gratitude to the Virgin for a successful voyage.
Cathedral Church in Bar
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A magnificent building was built on the site of the construction of the XVI century in 1863. The last reconstruction was carried out in 2016. The cathedral was consecrated in the name of the first ruler of Montenegro, Jovan Vladimir, who accepted the death of a martyr on the cross. The snow-white architectural creation is decorated with three golden, sparkling domes. They are trophies taken during the Austro-Hungarian occupation in 1918. All bells, guns, cores were remelted and new ones were made. For the past few decades, the cathedral has been the main Orthodox church in the city.
For the manufacture of walls, a beautiful-looking solid stone (red limestone) was used. On the facade there is a window in the form of a “rose outlet”. Inside the cathedral, frescoes with images of Saints have been preserved. The cathedral church is called the largest religious building in Montenegro. Its height is 41 m, an area of ​​1200 m2. Services are held daily. In a special room of the amphitheater, events are held for cultural and spiritual development of the population.
Gradiste Monastery
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In 1116, the construction of Hradiste began on the site of ancient buildings (Grajevine) and the old Greco-Roman cemetery. It became a monument of fresco painting of the Middle Ages in Montenegro. The surviving ensemble includes a cell building, the ruins of a protective wall, a cemetery, and the structures of three churches.
Among them:
Saint Sava. One-nave building of alternating rows of white, red stone and a belfry with three bells. The iconostasis was painted by Nicholas Aspiotis in 1864.
St. Nicholas. Built in the XII century, painted by a fresco master from Budimlya. Among his creations is the fresco “Mammal” (patroness of young mothers). In antiquity, mother’s gifts that did not have breast milk were left next to her. A luxurious carved iconostasis appeared here in 1796.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The small building is located on the upper platform next to the cemetery. The frescoes depict saints from the Nemanich family.
  The buildings suffered greatly from destruction during the invasion of the Tatars, the French, during the war of 1941, from a severe earthquake.
Podmaine Monastery in Budva
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Historical facts indicate the emergence of a Christian structure at the foot of Mount Ostrog or in a place called Maina, around the time of the reign of the Nemanichi dynasty. For a long period of time here was the residence of the country’s metropolitans. Within its walls, Negosh wrote a literary work, “The Crown of the Mountains,” which became the literary monument of Montenegro. The buildings were given a new life by the modern restoration and opening of the complex in 1995. The complex includes two churches dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The large building was renovated in 2000. The icon painter again portrayed the scenes of the Last Judgment, placing among the sinners the image of the communist leader Broz Tito of Yugoslavia. The small church (4 m long and 2.5 m wide) is a catacomb of the first Christians and is located under cells. The building was built in the XII century. A stone water tank is installed in the center. She is famous for amazing stone carving. There is an inscription in the room, indicating that the last restoration took place in 1630.
Dulevo Monastery
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There is a written mention of the structure that appeared in honor of the soldiers of King Dushan in the middle of the XVI century. The novices of the Decana parish came here after a haircut. The building was often destroyed by wars, natural disasters. Now it is fully restored. On the walls of the south and north sides are visible traces of former buildings, a cell building with narrow windows in the form of loopholes, a belfry with a bell. Inside the old building, fragments of two layers of ancient painting, the original frescoes, have been preserved.
They depict scenes from the lives of saints and are a matter of pride. The vault of the room is decorated with compositions covering important gospel events: the Present, Christmas, and the Crucifixion. On it are six medallions depicting Christ, Our Lady of Oranta, and saints. Two cells are located in the upper part of the building (Saint Sava worked in them before traveling to the Holy Mountain).
On the territory there is a source (Savvina Voda), which helps pilgrims treat diseases of the stomach. According to legend, the soldiers of King Dushan were healed of typhoid fever by this water. It is also proposed to see an old oak tree under which Saint Sava sat. The complex is located on a plateau above St. Stephen.
Praskvitsa Monastery
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High in the mountains, near the villages of St. Stephen and Pržno, not far from a stream that smells of peaches (where the name of the building came from), an ancient monastic monastery lurks. The religious shrine of Montenegro appeared in 1059. After severe destruction, a new stage in her life began in 1844. The new church of St. Nicholas (the original construction was carried out in 1413), together with the Holy Trinity Church and monastery cells, are included in the architectural ensemble, which is a landmark of the country.
Along with the tour, you can sit at a stone table where the council of elders made crucial decisions of the Middle Ages. Visit the museum with a treasury. It contains a valuable collection of icons, ancient artworks, ancient weapons. Manuscript books (among them the Gospel of the 16th century), documents of the Pashtrovich era, an old monastery seal, the golden cross of Dushan. In the cells there is a valuable library with a total number of books over 5,000 copies.
Rustovo Monastery
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In the current monastery for nuns live 8 sisters. They serve the buildings included in the monastery ensemble. Today it includes the construction of three temples. In 2003, a monastery was founded on the site of the ancient church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (built in the XIV century, destroyed by fires, an earthquake). His consecration took place on the Epiphany Eve. You can still consider the preserved foundation of the ancient structure.
During the construction process, the remains of the pastoral martyrs of the XIV century were found. Archbishop Amphilochius laid the foundation in 20005 for a small cathedral dedicated to members of the Romanov family who were martyred. The remains of the XIV century sufferers were first placed under the altar of a large church, and then buried in the foundation of the Romanov temple.
The third temple (paraclis) is located in the cell building. It is dedicated to the famous saint of the VI century, who founded a large number of temples. Located next to Chelobrodo Hill. It offers a panorama of the most beautiful part of the Adriatic Sea of ​​Montenegro.
Church of the Archangel Michael in Herceg Novi
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The Orthodox Church, whose age is just over 100 years old, is considered the pearl of the Montenegro region. It stands in the center of the old quarter, on the Stefan Vukmcha square in Herceg Novi. The unusual architectural style is associated with the participation of several architects in its construction. Each of them expressed his preference for the Romanesque, Byzantine, Gothic, Baroque, Islamic architectural heritage. All elements blend in harmoniously and form a unique appearance of the structure.
The interior is striking in its exquisite beauty. The altar and iconostasis were made by master Bilinich from beautiful, rare marble. Many icons are considered rare, unique. They are written by Czech artist Ziegler. The local library holds a large number of church books, including from Russia. The building is surrounded by majestic palm trees. On the beautiful square there are many cozy cafes, places for relaxation, viewing the temple.
Church of the Savior in Herceg Novi
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Behind a high stone fence on the main street (Negosheva) is an old temple complex consisting of the churches of the Savior and St. George. The first was built in 1713 from stone blocks brought from the island of Croatia. It received its final appearance in 1864 as a result of a complete restructuring, starting with the foundation. In the middle of the next century, an interesting iconostasis appeared in the building, a belfry with three bells.
Among the many decorations of the interior are several Russian icons. The Church of St. George was built at the end of the 17th century. This place used to be a Turkish mosque. The main shrine is a round icon depicting Saints Peter and Paul. The archives store old books, icons, church dishes made of silver. Behind the fence is an old cemetery, a two-story building of the residence of the bishops of 1700, a school where the future famous poet and priest of Montenegro Negosh studied.
Savina Monastery
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The current complex (10 monks live in it), surrounded by a garden with many exotic plants, is the center of Orthodoxy among the settlements along the Boka Kotorska Bay. It is named after the first archbishop of Serbia, St. Sava. The complex includes three buildings: Malaya Uspenskaya, Bolshaya Uspenskaya and St. Sava Church (it is located next to the upper cemetery). The Small Cathedral (10 m long and about 6 m wide) was built in 1039.
The main preserved value is the ancient frescoes made in the Byzantine, Gothic styles. At the end of the 18th century, under the leadership of the Venetian architect Nikola Foretic, the Great Temple was built in the style of luxurious baroque. The iconostasis of the 18th century, consisting of separate zones created in the traditions of the Orthodox style of the east, has been preserved.
Sacred relics are considered to be a crystal cross belonging to Savva and decorated with rubies, the relics of Tsarina Helena, George the Victorious, the shroud of 1642. Icon collection, library containing over 5,000 rare manuscripts, handwritten gospel. The church of St. Sava was built by him in the 1230s. Now it is used as the parish church of the monastery.
Banya Monastery in Risan
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The existing convent, founded in the 15th century, is located on the shore of the Gulf of Risan. In ancient times, there were Roman baths, which gave the name to the new building. In the XVII century, a temple was erected on the foundation of an ancient medieval fortress in honor of St. George the Victorious. Particles of the relics of the great martyr are the main shrine. The existing look was created during the restoration in 1729, carried out at the expense of wealthy sailors of the region.
Now here you can see old icons, clothes used during religious rituals. It is skillfully embroidered with silver, gold threads, decorated with gems. Many faces of saints are made using the techniques of ancient embroidery. The library archive contains a large amount of church literature. It is allowed to visit the interior with a guided tour, groups of pilgrims when performing the prescribed form of clothing and observing all the rules.
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cucircula · 6 years
Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro
Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro: Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe. #topNews
Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe.
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              from Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro via Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro October 18, 2018 at 06:04AM
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vytautolo-blog · 6 years
Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro
Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro: Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe. #topNews
Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe.
    copyright © 2018
        from Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro via Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro November 13, 2018 at 07:30PM Copyright © November 13, 2018 at 07:30PM
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reginaperes157 · 6 years
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PODGORICA (Reuters) – Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe. Gov-auctions.org - #1 Government & Seized Auto Auctions. Cars 95% Off! Chinese companies are hard at work on building a road through the mountains to connect Montenegro’s port city of Bar with Serbia.
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newstfionline · 6 years
Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro
Noah Barkin, Aleksandar Vasovic, Reuters, July 16, 2018
PODGORICA (Reuters)--Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe.
The government has described the 165 km (103 mile) highway, with its imposing bridges and deep-cut tunnels, as the construction of the century and a pathway to the modern world.
It is designed to link the port of Bar on Montenegro’s Adriatic coast to landlocked neighbor Serbia. But once the first, challenging 41 km stretch through mountains north of the capital is completed, the government faces a difficult choice.
A Chinese loan for the first phase has sent Montenegro’s debt soaring and forced the government to raise taxes, partially freeze public sector wages and end a benefit for mothers to get its finances in order.
Despite those measures, Montenegro’s debt is expected to approach 80 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) this year and the International Monetary Fund says the country cannot afford to take on any more debt to finish its ambitious project.
“There is a big question about how they complete it,” said an EU official who requested anonymity. “Their fiscal space has shrunk enormously. They have strangled themselves. And for the time being this is a highway to nowhere.”
The road is at the heart of an intense debate about Chinese influence in Europe, both within EU member states and countries aspiring to join the bloc such as Montenegro and its Western Balkan neighbors Serbia, Macedonia and Albania.
As Beijing extends its economic reach under the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), poor countries across Asia and Africa have seized on attractive Chinese loans and the promise of transformative infrastructure projects.
This has allowed them to develop in ways that may not have been possible without access to China’s vast foreign exchange reserves. But some countries, such as Sri Lanka, Djibouti and Mongolia, have found themselves weighed down by debt and ever more reliant on Beijing’s largesse.
Montenegro is the first country in Europe to find itself in this position as its government presses on with its dream of a gleaming new highway to lead the nation to a brighter future.
“This highway is a big deal in Montenegro. It reminds people of Tito and the days of grand socialist projects in the region,” said academic Mladen Grgic, referring to former Yugoslavia’s long-time communist leader Josip Broz Tito.
“But it’s a trap. Now that it’s been started, the politicians can’t stop it--no matter how harmful it might be. And frankly they don’t want to,” said Grgic, author of a 2017 study on the highway.
The idea of building a highway from the coast to Serbia can be traced back to 2005, a year before Montenegro’s vote for independence from its neighbor. The project was championed by Milo Djukanovic, who has served as president or prime minister of Montenegro nearly uninterrupted since 1991.
The government hopes the highway will give an economic boost to the country’s underdeveloped north, bolster trade with Serbia and improve road safety as Montenegro’s narrow, winding mountain roads are notoriously dangerous.
Having recognized that there is little scope to take on more debt, the government’s options for building the next three phases of the highway are limited.
Prime Minister Dusko Markovic has said it will be finished at any cost and promised to deepen cooperation with China in other areas, including hydropower and tourism. He has dismissed critics as “disbelievers”.
But opposition politicians are worried--about the country’s finances and about China’s role.
Dritan Abazovic, head of the United Reform Action opposition party, said it was normal for an economic power such as China to seek a role in the region, alongside the EU, United States and Russia.
But because of the scale of the project, he worries the deal with the Chinese will end up giving Beijing much more influence over Montenegro.
“It puts the Chinese in a very very comfortable position,” he said.
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Chinese 'highway to nowhere' haunts Montenegro
Chinese ‘highway to nowhere’ haunts Montenegro
PODGORICA: Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro‘s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe.
The government has described the 165km (103 mile) highway, with its imposing bridges and deep-cut tunnels, as the construction of the century and a pathway to…
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gbnewslog · 6 years
Chinese 'highway to nowhere' haunts Montenegro
PODGORICA (Reuters) - Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe.
via reuters: top news
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how2to18 · 6 years
Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro's picturesque Moraca river canyon, scores of Chinese workers are building a state-of-the-art highway through some of the roughest terrain in southern Europe.
from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2LbWiD8
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projeto0038-blog · 7 years
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Back to the Balkans: 20 years after the Bosnian war
https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2012/apr/06/montenegro-serbia-bosnia-balkans Liz Boulter. Friday 6 April 2012. 22.44 BST.
It is 20 years since the start of the Bosnian war, and a new tour reveals a vibrant region striving to escape its troubled past
In Ivo Andric's Nobel prize-winning novel about Bosnia, The Bridge on the Drina, a shopkeeper tells a tale of the devil, envious of the smooth, fertile land God had created, gouging its surface with his fingernails, creating the mountains and ravines that are such a feature of the Balkans. This craggy geography might well be regarded as the devil's work: for centuries it had a baleful effect on the region's history. Mountains divided it into isolated units, acting as barriers to economic, political or cultural cooperation. Conflicts, onslaughts, displacements and betrayals were a backdrop from the middle ages to the late 20th century.
Today, 20 years after the outbreak of one of the most vicious wars in the history of a region used to fighting – the 1992-95 Bosnian war – that rugged landscape is for once working in the area's favour. High peaks and plunging valleys, lakes, forests and wilderness make the region a tourist playground.
Drawn by the chance of seeing an exotic-sounding region a short flight away, my friend Kalpana and I joined one of Explore's newest tours, a Journey Through the Balkans, taking us from Croatia into Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The Dubrovnik area was parched and touristy, but when we crossed into Montenegro suddenly all was green: wooded mountains, mysterious valleys and empty roads. The smallest country in the former Yugoslavia, Montenegro has more than its share of geography, including the largest lake and highest mountains on the peninsula, and the world's second-biggest gorge.
Ancient towns and wooded hillsides looked gorgeous reflected in the blue water, but we were beguiled just as much by the people. Friendly hotel staff plied us with supplies for picnics. A woman selling figs by the roadside refused to take any money. A gardener wanted to give us a pot of basil; we smilingly refused pleading air travel and he pressed dried sage on us instead.
Inland Montenegro is even more stunning, such as the sleepy town of Virpazar, with a tree-lined square overlooking the Moraca river just before it winds into vast Lake Skadar. We dined on a terrace cut into the riverbank at Konoba Badan restaurant – swallows skimming over clear water as the light faded from high green hills.
But Montenegro had more dramatic stuff in store. First the Tara Gorge – Europe's grand canyon – 78km long and 1,300m deep. Then, in the Durmitor national park, the Black Lake, Crno Jezero, so called because of the deep green of forested mountainsides reflected in water that fades to pale jade near the shore. We hiked around its perimeter, snacking on blueberries and tiny wild strawberries, bought by the cupful from another smiling local.
We were pleased to have done the hike because a highly calorific evening awaited us. Hotel MB, in the ski resort of Zabljak, is famed for its food. Bekendex andHemendex (the latter means ham and eggs – work it out) had a Two Ronnies ring, but the speciality is Karadjordjeva šnicla. This is a vast pork escalope breaded and fried then, just to make sure it is really fattening, spread with clotted cream,kajmak, and rolled up. But the highlight was a side dish of tomatoes. The Serbian/Montenegrin word for tomato is paradajz, and in this part of the world they are heavenly – tomatoes as nature meant them to taste.
As we neared Serbia we saw our first reminder of the area's Islamic heritage, a minaret poking up from a roadside village. Over the border in the town of Prijepolje, a Muslim man beckoned us over the road to proudly show us a pretty white mosque built by Ibrahim Pasha in the 16th century.
Where Montenegro was all about natural glories, Serbia's attractions were human-based, including an open-air museum where you could stay the night. Sirogojno, on the slopes of Mount Zlatibor, is a reconstructed "ethno-village" of 19th-century wooden cottages. We got to snuggle down in shuttered Hansel and Gretel houses, with traditional textiles on floors and beds, and geraniums at the windows (though we were glad of non-folkloric electricity and plumbing).
Walks into the countryside took us past rivers, forests and farms where dome-shaped haystacks were being built by hand. Everywhere was so tranquil that it was hard to believe only 20 years ago savagery on a staggering scale happened here.
Over the Bosnian border was Višegrad, the setting for Andric's novel. It looked peaceful in the sunshine, the 11 arches of its Mehmed Pasa Sokolovic bridge spanning the blue-green Drina. But its history is violent, from the bridge's beginnings in 1571 under Ottoman rulers, with saboteurs put to death horribly right on this spot, through Austro-Hungarian takeover and two world wars. Andric's book came out in 1945, but the devil was set on visiting more horror on Višegrad. In May 1992, the town was subjected to "one of the most comprehensive and ruthless campaigns of ethnic cleansing in the Bosnian conflict", with some 3,000 (Muslim) Bosniaks killed, many on this bridge, their bodies dumped in the river. Though glossed over by our (Serbian) tour leaders, it was a sobering reminder that this trip was about more than pretty countryside.
This feeling grew as we drove on towards Sarajevo, passing derelict houses that must have held sad stories. Sarajevo would want none of our pity though. From April 1992 it endured the longest siege in modern history, the death of nearly 10,000 inhabitants and damage to nearly all its buildings. But today it is a lively atmospheric city, particularly at night, with the call to prayer rolling down the hillside from the illuminated minarets of its 200 mosques, young people thronging cafes and bars, the smell of grilling cevapcici and sweetcorn on street corners.
The story of the war can be traced in the Historical Museum, the Tunnel Museum and in cemeteries overpopulated with the young. But it's just as rewarding to walk streets of churches, synagogues and mosques, browse oriental-style shops, and see the bridge where Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914.
Many places claim to be the city where east meets west, but here is the very corner where they meet. If you stand on the main pedestrian drag, Ferhadija, and look east, you could be in Istanbul or Cairo. Turn 180 degrees and the solid Austro-Hungarian buildings feel like Vienna or Trieste.
In Andric's tale, when Allah saw what the devil had done, he sent his angels down to spread their wings over the abysses so men could cross, and so people learned how to build bridges. In tradition, one of the greatest blessings is to build a bridge, and the greatest sin to interfere with one.
The next city we visited, Mostar, became world famous for its bridges. Under Tito it was a thriving multi-ethnic city. Its lovely Ottoman-built stone bridge became a familiar image the world over in 1993 when it was destroyed by Croat shelling.
Mostar feels older than Sarajevo, and sadder. Bombed buildings mar the centre, and the city is still divided – schools, hospitals, even bus stations – between Bosniaks and Croats. But with the cool green Neretva river flowing through it, and terraces and bars along both banks, it is a lovely place to wander around. We watched a moving video in the tourist office about the reopening of the bridge in 2004, then stepped outside to see a young man leap from its apex into the water.
Bosnia looks peaceful now, but the challenges are scary: rebuilding after the war; reforming a centrally planned economy; soothing tensions inflamed by the trial (starting next month) of Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic. In this heartbreakingly beautiful country, with its engaging and resourceful people, a little prosperity and the building of a few metaphorical bridges could lead to miracles. Perhaps if Allah's angels would once more glance this way...
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your-children · 8 years
Attractions in Montenegro | About all | woman's World
Montenegro - a country rich in tourist attractions. It focused very much as created by nature and man-made monuments. Even the extraordinary hospitality of the indigenous population can be considered a local landmark because of the hospitality can not be found anywhere else in the world.
Extraordinary city Montenegro
The unusual architecture of Montenegro cities makes them easily recognizable and interesting. Petrovac amazing historical monuments, which incorporates elements of several cultures. No less interesting and other cities of the country: Kotor, Budva, Cetinje and others. Admire them can afford each installment tours will give the opportunity.
Budva It is famous as the center of various national holidays, international festivals.
Bar very interesting for its historical monuments. Among them: High-Nehaj fortress, the remains of walls, the citadel. Near the old town you can admire the olive tree, which has two thousand years of age.
Kotor - A small town nestled at the foot of Mount Lovcen. It is more reminiscent of other cities city times of the XII century. The historic city center is included in the list of cultural heritage.
Herceg Novi It is famous for its flora, it is a real botanic garden of Montenegro. Here, magnolia and eucalyptus trees coexist with palms, bamboo and agave.
Montenegrin monasteries
Residents of the country people are very devout. Therefore one of the main attractions is the rich spiritual heritage. In Cetinje is the main shrine of the Montenegrins - Tsetisky monastery. Since the dawn of the century, he guards the church relics, not measurable. It contains a part of the cross, which was used in the crucifixion of Jesus and the relics of St. John the Baptist.
Monastery Moraca today more than 750 years. The monastery is the Church of the Assumption. For many years it was the burial place of the country's rulers. The temple is decorated with frescoes of incredible beauty that amaze tourists.
Monastery Ostrog and its founder, St. Basil of Ostrog are famous all over the world. Carved high in the rock, striking monastery of the opportunities that the Lord has endowed man. Pilgrims from everywhere come here to pray. To see these impressive facilities, you can purchase tours to Montenegro from Minsk.
Natural monuments Montenegro
Four national park in Montenegro are located in different parts of the country. It:
• Durmitor;
• Lovcen;
• Skadar Lake;
• Biogradska Gora.
The largest among them - Durmitor. The other three little inferior in size, but not inferior to the number of unique natural monuments.
The second-largest after the Great, Tara River Canyon It impresses with its grandeur. Excursion on rafts or floats will provide an opportunity to admire the glacial lakes.
Unusually clear lake Skadar It has a rich and exotic flora and fauna.
Reserve Biogradska Gora retained on its territory untouched by man, has kept local endemics untouched virgin forest.
Montenegro invites guests to share all their wealth. There is a variety of attractions that one visit will not turn out to see the country and the tenth part. But at the same impressions will be enough.
Montenegro Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
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