#Monumento aos Combatentes no Ultramar
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Monument to the Combatants of the Portuguese Colonial War, Lisbon (No. 2)
Built in 1994, the Monument to Overseas Combatants is a fitting tribute. Two black-and-white pillars rise out of the clear waters of a public lake, forming an incomplete inverted triangle. An eternal flame sits under the point where the pillars would meet.
According to some interpretations, the lake symbolizes the oceans that separated many of the combatants from their homeland, while the pillars act as a metaphor for unity. The implication is that those who served came from different backgrounds and practiced different religions, but all made the same sacrifice.
Visit the memorial during the day, and you’ll see an armed guard watching over the eternal flame. The presence of armed guards leads some Americans to draw comparisons between Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Near the memorial, you’ll also see 180 bronze plates, which are engraved with the names of soldiers who lost their lives in the Portuguese Colonial War. While tourists are allowed to take photos of the monument, plaques, and even the armed guard, be sure to treat the site with appropriate respect if you get to visit.
Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar has no admittance fee and is open all day. When visiting, take care to show respect for the memorial. Avoid eating or drinking on the grounds and keep conversation to a low level.
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alternativaportugal · 4 months
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beirapt · 6 years
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Inauguração do Monumento aos Combatentes no Ultramar amanhã na Guarda
As cerimónias terão início pelas 10h30 e estão integradas no âmbito das comemorações do 94.º Aniversário do Núcleo da Guarda da Liga dos Combatentes.
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biostatprof · 5 years
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Monument to the Overseas Combatants Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar
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artsketchure · 5 years
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2019.05.05 | Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar
Em Belém, Lisboa
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dustinwhittle · 3 years
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Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar, Portugal! (at Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXi25O7orOD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jcsb69 · 4 years
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• • • Member @hart_splash@mylife_hdr @cb_colorsplash @solo_splash @splash_of_spain @lucky_csplash @hdr_photogram @hdr_transports @Fotofanatics_hdr @pic_eye @gallery_of_all @yes_hdr @total_vehicles @turkobjectif_hdr @lucky_transports @guruhdr @hdr_stronger @la_bwsplash @ig_monumentalworld_splash @editmoments_splash @vehiclesgrafias @ig_monumentalworld_transport @colorsplash_of_our_world_ @pasion_por_navarra VIP Member @phoenix_hdr @hdr_professional @hdr_stop @club_hdr @coolworld_hdr.@think_splash @think_hdr @exciting_vehicles_shotz King Member. @tudo_hdr Admin @portugalalive 🇵🇹📸 @shots_hdr (em Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfm34Hpsrv/?igshid=1d0r7oeja88nc
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diogofalmeida · 7 years
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Monumento Aos Combatentes do Ultramar.
Schlecker 400.
Belém, Portugal.
April, 2016.
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vintagelink-de · 5 years
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Portugal / Lissabon
Denkmal für die Veteranen[1] von Übersee Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar
Denkmal zur Erinnerung an die gefallenen portugiesischen Soldaten des portugiesischen Kolonialkriegs (1961–74)
Serie mit 25 Bildern von 2019
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Monument to the Combatants of the Portuguese Colonial War, Lisbon (No. 1)
Located on the west side of Lisbon on the shore of the Tagus, the Monument to Overseas Combatants is one of the world’s most compelling memorials. The monument’s magnificent architecture makes for an effective tribute to the people who sacrificed their lives for their country. It maintains a quiet, somber atmosphere, and visitors who stop by understand that they’re walking on hallowed ground.
Any trip to Portugal should include some time with this captivating cultural landmark. Here’s what you need to know about the monument, along with some practical considerations to keep in mind during your visit.
Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar translates into English as “Monument to Overseas Combatants,” which leads some visitors to assume that the monument addresses all foreign wars.
However, the monument is intended to specifically address the losses suffered in the Portuguese Colonial War, known in Portugal as the Overseas War. During the conflict, the country’s forces fought in three African theaters from 1961 to 1974, and more than 9,000 Portuguese soldiers lost their lives.
In Portugal, the wars took a heavy toll. As the fighting went on, public sentiment turned against the government of fascist leader Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, eventually resulting in the 1974 military coup of his successor, Marcelo Caetano.
That context helps travelers understand the importance of Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar; while it certainly acts as a tribute to the sacrifices of the country’s military, it’s also a monument of peace and a reminder of the true costs of war.
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liltom974-blog · 5 years
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Reléve de la garde 💂. #Memorial #Lisbonne #Lisboa #Lisbon #Travel #Road #BestPic #Huawei #P20 #Portugal #Holiday #Sun #Summer #Love #PicOfTheDay #BestPic #Touristic (à Monumento Aos Combatentes Do Ultramar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0I0XHiIvor/?igshid=16ywoo24rxiqa
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arturmadeira · 5 years
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em Monumento Aos Combatentes Do Ultramar https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_Ky47nqOL/?igshid=mnl7vvtsji3g
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metronewsportugal · 5 years
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Nesta cerimónia discursaram ainda o presidente da Liga dos Combatentes, Tenente General Joaquim Chito Rodrigues, o vice-cônsul Britânico no Algarve, Sr. Clive Jewell, o embaixador da Austrália em Portugal, Sr. Peter Rayner e o presidente da Associação dos Ex-Combatentes do Concelho de Vila do Bispo, Sr. Bernardino Martins.
Seguiu-se o descerramento de uma placa comemorativa, a deposição de uma coroa de flores e a bênção do monumento pelo Padre José Chula.
Com este monumento, a autarquia pretende homenagear todos os Militares do Concelho falecidos na 1.ª Guerra Mundial (em 1918), na Guerra do Ultramar (em 1962, 1966, 1968 e 1969) e, igualmente, os 10 aviadores da Royal Air Force (9 Ingleses e 1 Australiano), falecidos no dia 22 de março de 1943, na Praia do Tonel, em Sagres, em plena 2.ª Guerra Mundial. Além disso, este monumento evocativo constituiu, igualmente, uma homenagem e uma forma de reconhecimento do Concelho a todos os Combatentes locais que prestaram o seu serviço a Portugal na Guiné, em Angola, em Moçambique e no antigo Estado da Índia (Goa, Damão e Diu), durante a Guerra do Ultramar (1961-1974).
A cerimónia terminou com a celebração de uma missa de sufrágio na Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, em Vila do Bispo.
A iniciativa organizada pela Câmara Municipal de Vila do Bispo contou com o apoio da Associação dos Ex-Combatentes do Concelho de Vila do Bispo e da Liga dos Combatentes.
Vila do Bispo com Monumento de Homenagem aos Combatentes Nesta cerimónia discursaram ainda o presidente da Liga dos Combatentes, Tenente General Joaquim Chito Rodrigues, o vice-cônsul Britânico no Algarve, Sr.
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scannertripfan · 6 years
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Monumento aos Combatentes do Ultramar - Lisboa . . Mais sobre Lisboa -> link na Bio . . #lisbon #lisboa #remember #lisboaportugal #visitlisboa #travellisbon #lisabom #traveladdiction #travel #viajar #viaja #TLPics #worldbestescape #exploringzone #exploreyourglobe #picsportugal #travelblog #beautifullspot #beautifullplace https://www.instagram.com/p/BpiMemDl7sP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xmadkl9uvqap
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