anim-ttrpgs · 3 months
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(Excerpt from the vampire PC rules in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.)
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kaneidae · 6 months
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OC sketches, Rachel the kelpie, The Queen, and Kazimir the Black Knight Dragon
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ghostpotion · 1 year
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And what if they were jumping gleefully. Would that upset you.
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dubiouslydragon · 4 months
*Blank*girl Stereotypes
Catgirl: You do not want to work you just wanna sleep and sunbathe and get pet all day
Dragongirl: Similar to catgirls but you also want to be powerful and intimidating and have horns and wings and claws
Mousegirl: You are a bottom.
Ratgirl: You are a bratty bottom
Slimegirl: You love stimming so much you wish your entire body was a stim toy
Sharkgirl: You just really really like sharp teeth and pectoral muscles and I honestly can't blame you
Snakegirl: You fucking love big tails
Foxgirl: You either want to be a small and cute or tall with massive tits, but either way you first and foremost want to be a fluffy creacher
Demongirl: You want to be respected and treated like a royalty, but not necessarily seriously - some of yall just want evil minions to cheer for you when you manage to get out of bed before noon and that's valid
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Who could deny a little fish a small smooch on the cheek?
back in 2017 there was a period where I was drawing @elizadobikenobi as a mermaid, and someone liked one of the pics and I was like, oh I can do much better now.
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viscericorde · 2 years
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face breakdown and general appearance notes of my favorite lady, Beleth. The pretty face is hiding a nightmarish non-euclidean true form that would drive unwitting mortals to madness.
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missputotyra · 8 months
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belderchal · 2 years
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torosakana's octopus character
I don't know their name...
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bew2tched · 1 year
two siblings, one from who knows how long ago and one from this week
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Killy(gren) He/Him cis gay boy
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Slimeantha (courtesy of @bread-pat ) she/they transfemme lesbian
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anim-ttrpgs · 6 months
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Playable Monster Popularity Contest
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Alright the Kickstarter is launching on April 10th which at the time of writing this is in 2 days. The Kickstarter trailer for Eureka is going to be uploaded tonight or tomorrow, but it is still my job to do as much promotion as possible even though I am worried I might be running out of ideas. I still gotta post.
Let’s just have a Eureka playable monster popularity contest.
The vampire is not exactly your 20th and 21st century Hollywood vampire. They dont have super speed, don’t hypnotise people or make them thralls, and don’t instantly die when exposed to sunlight—though they are significantly weakened by it. The Vampire in Eureka is more of a 19th century and earlier folkloric vampire, with all the powers and weaknesses that come with that, including a compulsion to count things, an inability to enter homes uninvited, turning into a bat or other creatures, walking on sheer walls, etc. The vampire has almost no way of restoring their Composure except by drinking human blood, which means they will need to go on the prowl pretty often. Luckily, they never need to eat or sleep. They are also super strong, super stealthy, and resistant to all forms of physical damage—and they can only be killed permanently by ritual means.
The wolfman shares a lot of features with the vampire, such as super strength and resistance to all physical damage, and this is because they are a Hollywood wolfman. They can regain a little Composure through normal means, but if it ever runs out, they will transform involuntarily and go berserk. This is one of my favorite things about them honestly, and I can’t wait to see it actually happen in play. They’ll also involuntarily transform if they are exposed to the full moon, but that’s a lot more situational.
The witch is up next, and for all intents and purposes, they are pretty much a normal human, except for the ability to command curses and a variety of powerful spells. These curses can render victims violently ill, put them to sleep, turn them to stone, turn them into an animal, or reduce them in size. While witches can restore their Composure just as well as a mundane human, they can also do it by eating people, and the Composure drain of using their supernatural powers is much faster and harsher than any other monster. Oh, and one of my favorite things is that they can ride around on a broomstick or other flying vehicle.
The fairy is shares the ability to cast the same curses as the witch, and, optionally, the same spells, but they are also supernaturally charming, with a few other abilities unique to them. They cannot tell lies, but they can sure steal people’s names and other aspects of their identities, and/or spirit them away to the fairy world. Another interesting thing about them is that their Wealth skill gets a boost from being a fairy, and unlike anyone else, their Wealth skill can actually be capped by Composure just like any other skill.
Then finally the Thing from Beyond, which I will be abbreviating to TFB for the rest of this paragraph. The TFB is the most unique monster in the lineup, a large flat blanket of skin and teeth that can fold up into a human shape to interact with society. They can change the color, shape, and texture of their skin to mimic anyone they’ve studied long enough, right down to the outfit. Unlike other monsters, who get their Composure back one bit and victim at a time, TFBs engulf one person whole and slowly digest them over the course of a week, recovering 1 point of Composure each day. They can even have a body inside their human-shaped disguise and you wouldn’t even notice!
You can find out a lot more about these creatures and their powers by downloading the free Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy demo from our website and going to Chapter 8!
The vampire is really strong in combat and stealth, with a lot of powers to draw from, but is handicapped by far the most weaknesses.
The wolfman is a good combat powerhouse that isn’t quite a strong as the vampire in most cases, but doesn’t have to deal with as many weaknesses. Watch out though, if things get too intense, they could completely lose control of themselves and end up eating someone they weren’t supposed to!
The fairy is more a “face” character, with more tools at their disposal for convincing people to cooperate with them than ability to use force, though curses do definitely fall under “use of force”, I suppose.
The witch is just a good all-rounder, with something for every situation, though it might not always be the *best* something.
The TFB is very good for stealth as well, but a different kind of stealth. The vampire is good for a more Solid Snake or Sam Fisher kind of stealth, while the TFB is more Agent 47’s style of stealth.
There’s also two honorable mentions I’d like to include because they’re Kickstarter stretch goals and thus not really fully fleshed out yet.
The dullahan is a headless specter from Irish folklore that feeds on death. We haven’t really figured out exactly how to make this work mechanically yet, but that’s because we haven’t hit that stretch goal yet.
The gorgon is the last written stretch goal, and maybe the one I’m most excited for. They turn people to stone by looking them in the eye, and this is such an awesome blessing and curse to work around during gameplay that I really really want the excuse to implement it. They also may eat have snakes in their hair up to player choice, and eat people whole with mechanics sorta similar the way the TFB works, we aren’t quite sure because until we hit those stretch goals they just exist as a bunch of scattered notes and ideas. I gotta count on y’all to make sure we hit those stretch goals.
There is also a potential for the option to play a talking dog or a living doll, which will also be stretch goals if we can swing it.
Remember also, all of these will be playable as PCs, so they could be your enemy, or your ally.
Now that aaalllll that is out of the way..
Now, if you really want to support me and my team specifically Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, our debut TTRPG, is going to launch on Kickstarter on April 10th and we need all the help we can get. Set a reminder from the Kickstarter page through this link.
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If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, there’s plenty of ways to get one!
Subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
Donate to our ko-fi and send us an email with proof that you did, and we’ll email you back with the full Eureka prerelease package with the most updated version at the time of responding! (The email address can be found if you scroll down to the bottom of our website.)
We also have merchanise.
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kaneidae · 9 months
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Happy New Year! Reposting some dragons while I work on something new
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lavenderalchemyart · 1 year
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New content is coming soon. But i really need commissions, so october slots are open. I hate asking but it's sadly something i have to do. Any support is very much appreciated.
★ ko-fi | links | Youtube | Vgen★
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commissionerjanky · 1 year
You're Cute
Another 'short story' centering around Bafa and Karasu.
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pikafanzrk · 2 years
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Hi Tumblr! You can call me Pikafan or Pika for short I'm an artists and a vtuber who likes to draw cute stuff, silly stuff and horrors from the abyss Hope you like my content
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pumpkittensart · 2 years
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Did art for https://toyhou.se/1073191.suvan
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weregazelle · 5 months
hello! if you like many people you have been watching dungeon meshi and wonder what it might be like to play a fucked up chimera monstergirl in some kind of fantasy roleplaying game: boy do i have the supplement for you. enjoy!
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