#Monster March 2023 Day 15- Humanoid Bird
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thecandywrites · 2 years ago
Monster March 2023 Day 15- Humanoid Bird- Rito/Kenku
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Of course I couldn't help but use moura too. And of course I couldn't resist but go back to The Switch as well as Souja to help me with this particular prompt. And with the research I did on Ritos and Kenku's specifically, I couldn't help but sympathize that in a fantasy setting these would be very much marginalized species of beings.
Also, do you have ANY IDEA how many hours were spent manipulating those damn feather pictures? DO YOU?! Because apparently, metallic mauve/lilac feathers with a rose gold sheen/iredescence- without even a paisley/mandella pattern superimposed on it- is not apparently a thing that exists. Well now it does. On my phone. In my picture manipulation apps. Because I had to use TWO OF THEM to get those results. So enjoy this photoset. Please. I worked longer and harder on it than I did on the story itself. Because the imagry in my head as a wrote it was one thing. The task of finding and creating anything even remotely what was in my head? Damn near impossible. Because all my stories, are basically movies that my brain makes up for me to watch and I simply write it down as it plays out inbetween handfulls of buttered popcorn.
But I am a very visual person and I wanted everyone to at least get a glimpse of the visuals themselves to piece together what I see in my own head for this story and the rest you're just gonna have to use your own imagination. Good luck.
So thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2023 prompts. I'm now 6 days behind. Great. But still had fun nonetheless. Enjoy.
Monster March Day 15- Humanoid Bird- Rito, Kenku
Hidden Potential 
“How’s it going there Whomper?” The barmaid, Violasciousia, who simply went by Viola, asked as Whomper came into Souja Inn and Tavern and took up an empty barstool right in front of her. It was the off-season so only the locals here in Fitsdale were currently in port right now and could come into the place without having to deal with the constant influx of travelers and tourists. So the place was pretty empty besides the locals. And the other barmaids were talking with the other patrons down the long bar that could hold dozens of barmaids, but in the offseason could get by with only a fraction of that and even the barmaids who didn’t have a patron were off socializing and running their own steins to various patrons throughout the tavern to at least get the added tip to do so themselves. But Viola was the only avian behind the bar tonight and was finding the regulars still thought of her as too new to really know her way back behind that bar. Which Viola found rather patronizing and downright, insulting. She had earned her place back here. And because of her wings, she could actually get to stuff the others had to use actual ladders to get to. But it still left Viola to simply perch herself on a stool and do some light cleaning as she did so, to pass the time. But the moment Whomper came through the door she was happy to hop down off the stool and smile brightly as the crest of feathers on top of her head stood as tall and high as they could. Catching the light and showing off her darker, more irrdescent feathers atop her pretty head. 
Viola was a moura and aarakocra hybrid. Her more aarakocra features were much prettier than most, and while her brothers looked practically full aarakocra, and even her other sisters did too. She was the only one who took more after her mother who was fuller human avian moura. Her very delicately curved little beak let her use most soft lipped beings cups. Her voice was still downright gorgeous and practically divine and her avian clicks and churs were practically melodic. Most females of either rito, kenku or aarakocra or any other anthropomorphic or humanoid avian bird species or subspecies and types, were dull just like their full avian brethren. 
But not her, nor her sisters or her mom. 
Viola was a prime example of what exceptional qualities could appear when moura interbred with the avian humanoids. She had these gorgeous rose gold color and sheening to her otherwise metallic mauve plumage. Whereas her other sisters were shades of plumb, purple and violet, whereas her brothers were much more indigo, royal blue, turquoise, green and red. 
But her coloring, for being “drab” comparatively, only accentuated her gold moura collar denoted by the pretty ring of pure gold feathers that grew around her neck. And her feathers had the most enchanting pattern. Almost like a paisley or a mandella in design among her plumage that showed on the feathers that showed on her form that wasn't covered in the prettiest clothes, even for a barmaid in a tavern. She looked like she could be there as a guest from any great house or gentry alike. And there was just something about her that made her seem like she was an exceptional jewel in an otherwise ordinary jewelry box.
Or so Whomper thought. 
Whomper and every other avian humanoid nearly swooned when she and her family moved to Souja Tavern and became part of the Souja Family, on part of Salgria Shipping and specifically The Contessina Order of said venture and enterprise. Now while Fitsdale was a pretty big place that saw most of the beings in the supersphere, with Salgria Shipping and especially The Contessina Order, the “fancier” folk were coming in droves, specifically to start their training and to help make Fitsdale’s skyports, both from the Salgria Shipping and especially The Contessina Order Skyports, stand out and really become the landmarks they were sure to be. 
Viola had many siblings, her mom looked pure angel because she liked to keep her wings out like her husband and her kids especially. And her dad was by far, the most handsome aarakocra any of them had ever seen in their lives. Since he too was an aarakocra moura hybrid himself, and while his looks were purely eagle, his coloring was damn near peacock in bright colors and only accentuated his gold collar that much more. Her dad, Kwarl, and her brothers were working in the Salgria Shipping Skyport and more specifically- The Contessina Order Skyports. And currently- specifically the crew accommodations so that those that worked at either skyport could live there, work there and help supply and service the ships that would be passing through there easily. But that couldn’t happen until the crew cabins were done first. And done right. And done so that a wide variety of peoples could eat, sleep, live and work there pretty seamlessly. 
Her Radiance Supreme Contessina Salgria herself- had hand picked Viola and her family to be the first to make sure avian species who could easily man and inspect the sails themselves as well as do quick mail deliveries as well as attend to other avian guests could be accommodated well and comfortably. 
Viola and “Tessa” as she liked to refer to Contessina as- had gotten along swimmingly. Tessa liked the fact that Viola wasn’t so eye-catching that she would and could be a distraction or have to deal with too many guests flirting with her and then giving her bad reviews when she would professionally decline their advances. And with Viola being a barmaid for the timebeing- that was coming to be an invaluable skill she was learning to hone. Tessa truly admired that Viola had a keen mind and keen senses and an eye for the details. And wasn't afraid to get in there and do the work herself and lead by example. 
And by now, Viola had especially good customer service skills. Tessa wanted Viola to manage the Avian Guest Department of the entire Contessina Order Skyport. It was going to be a very big job with very big and heavy responsibilities that Viola was learning to delegate. Viola, in the meantime, even being a "lowly" barmaid- was gaining invaluable experience in doing so. She was getting better at spotting good guests, and which ones could be trouble or which ones would be especially demanding and how to handle each one accordingly.
Unfortunately- Tessa had already hired Viola’s cousin who was in Dorierra to get the avian clients and handle the orders and finetune the Contessina Order ships to suit their unique needs. And Viola's cousin- Khlaqui, was giving all kinds of heads up to Viola on all manner of avian guests she would be dealing with in the future.
And while Khlaqui and the other moura/aarokocra hybrids in Khlaqui's friends and family circle were raking in commission sales, Viola felt like she was drowning in paperwork. Viola already needed to keep a separate large family room just to keep it all in and was needing to rent a second and possibly a third. Viola got boxes and crates full of paperwork by the day in the mail from Dorierra because Viola needed and liked physical paperwork and a physical "papertrail" so to speak because she had learned the hard way, sometimes data transfers via messengerari weren't as reliable as she would like.
In plain truth, Viola was downright overwhelmed. And Tessa urged Viola to find a Chief Filer and someone to help her in the moment so that it wouldn't build itself up to be a mountain that Viola felt she needed to scale all on her own on top of everything else.
But Viola didn’t want to use any of her sisters, who thought such work was “beneath them”. Since it was all “behind the scenes” work and not front and center where they would be seen and interact with any number of guests and potential mates who would be wealthy enough to elevate them from cook and maid or receptionist or whatever, to travel the world with them in style or many of her cousins or other friends with the same mindset. 
Which left Viola just plain frustrated. Because she had all this work, that Tessa was paying her a retainer salary for her to deal with. And while she didn't need the income from being a barmaid, she felt she still needed to gain the perspective and the experience of it. But other than to stack the damn crates of paperwork on top of each other to cram them all into the rooms until there was barely any room to move, let alone breathe in those rooms- there was little she could do right now.
But Viola also knew that she would need to choose and fill this position of Chief Filer- very carefully and give it to someone trustworthy and dependable. Who wouldn't think the work was beneath them, but be happy and grateful to have the work to do in the first place. And someone who could do it well without getting bored or feel ignored or feel unappreciated because they weren't in the spotlight but would be content knowing that they were key in helping Viola and the other managers run The Contessina Order Skyport well. Because Tessa was counting on her and the others she had already hired and stationed there to do so. And do so well. 
So ever since she came here, she had her eye on several potential candidates, only for them to prove with their behavior that they weren’t as trustworthy as she at first thought they could be or what she felt she needed them to be. 
All, except one. And he just came into the bar. And honestly, he was her last hope. And she could only hope tha this own past experience as well as her own, along with her own desperation wouldn't scare him off of it either. 
Plus of all the local avians, Whomper was one of the few that had proven that he was so much more than what he seemed and she could see the potential in him. And she had urged him to at least try to apply to work with her dad and her brothers at the skyport but the second he even got to the base, he was practically chased off because the others took one look at his kenku looks and assumed he was there to steal building supplies and "sell them back" later at a higher price. Which both infuriated and frustrated and humiliated them both. And by the time Viola heard of it, the damage was done and she couldn't talk her dad or her brothers into trusting her and her instincts enough to see past his own kenku heritage to see him as an individual and give him a chance to prove what kind of person she already knew him to be. And Kenku never approached those skyports again after that. 
So that simply left Viola and her sisters and her mom to work and wait while the skyports were being built. So to supplement their income, Viola and her sisters and her mother worked here at the tavern and were being trained to work the Contessina Order Skyport when it would be finished. But until it could be built, they figured they could still jumpstart their income and experience by working here and were happily welcomed into the fold so to speak and with Viola and her family being here, Souja Tavern now got more and more avian clientele. But usually only when her much prettier and brighter sisters were cooking and serving the food. Which left Viola to feel unseen and unappreciated by anyone except for Tessa. Despite her own gifts at making a damn good ale and an amazing lager and an astounding stout, all on her own. And while all of that spoke for itself. And while she raked in the sales of the steins for her ales. Most non avians were content to accept steins full of her ales from others they had already known for years and were more comfortable with. 
But Viola was determined to prove that the potential that Tessa saw in her was well founded and wanted to prove that such a hefty responsibility could be handled and handled well in her capable hands. Even when there wasn't much to do in the moment but accept the crates full of paperwork and have them stored away safely until they could be unloaded and filed away properly. 
Plus, Viola's sisters worked in the kitchens making some of the spiciest foods the kitchen could churn out because while most avians were fond of chilies because their tongues didn't really have that many spicy receptors- everyone else thought the spicy food was damn near addicitive and practically drugged because even as they were sweating and even crying while eating, they couldn't stop themselves from having and wanting more while washing it down with Viola's brews. 
All while their mother, Nautisia, worked specifically with the soap company to get a soap specifically to wash and preen feathers and the skin beneath them. As well as have a variety of cleansers and conditioners specifically for the avian guests and their many types of feathers. She used her own kids and husband as well as her own wings to test out which ones would work best before they could receive either the Salgria Shipping stamp or the very coveted Contessina Order stamp on the bars that Tessa had entrusted her with. 
Viola’s family was by far the most handsome avian humanoid family in all of Fitsdale. And they had come here by way of another moura colony that was pulled into the Contessina Order, both the ships and the sky ports. And word was that more were coming. And many were waiting to see if the others would be as pretty as Viola or her sisters or as handsome as her brothers before they made their move so to speak. 
But Whomper, no such waiting was necessary or even warrented. Once he saw Viola, he was instantly smitten and already head over talons crazy about her. He scrimped and saved to come in here on the days she worked as much as he could. And he was happy to come in and simply take up a seat at any part of the bar she was working from. And just listen to her talk. Talk about anything and everything she wanted to. And Viola really appreciated Whomper's patience in letting her vent and talk her own frustrations out. As they both much more in common than most might at first assume. 
But because he was kenku, he faced the reputation that he and his kind were particularly predatory, crafty and sneaky and if things went missing, it was usually found in their possession or if they were selling things, that they were stolen in the first place. Which Viola found completely unfair that an entire peoples would be judged like that, and not seen as the individuals they were and should be seen were. Because sure, there were some, she didn't trust as far as she could kick them. But Whomper was one of the few she felt she could trust and could depend on and had already proven what kind of person and what kind of man he was. 
Because aarakocra on the other hand, had the opposite reputation. Which was, to say, same as moura usually. Upright, honest, dependable, trustworthy and tight knit community. And many aarakocra had made colonies all over the world and even moura served as a bridge between the avians and the dragons which from the homeworld, had been mortal enemies. But Viola knew there were vast differences in culture and upbringing between "mountain moura" and "Dorierran moura" or even among the aarokocra. Some of who were the lonelest of lone drifters. And would be seen one moment and dissappear the next without a trace or care in the world. And it wasn't fair that aarakocra were given that kind of reputation when it wasn't well earned by the outliers. 
But that still didn't change the fact, that to Whomper especially, and in his own humble opinion- and the opinions of most of the others at Souja and Salgria Shipping and The Contessina Order- that Viola was just and fair. She was also very nice and sweet and practically had a heart of gold. She gave everyone a chance to prove what kind of person they were by their actions- before she ever thought of judging anyone, especially by looks or kind or whatever and Whomper wanted to prove that he was worthy of her attention and worthy of her grace and kindness. 
Besides having a wonderful personality, Viola had much more vibrant and beautiful features and plumage than Whomper had ever seen before in his life, even among the female peacock avian people. And it didn’t matter to Whomper if she was drab in comparison to her sisters. If anything, it helped her stand out that much more in his eyes. Because she was humble and unassuming and much more approachable and he felt the most at ease around her. Which Tessa always claimed was the most important parts that she admired about Viola and why she chose Viola to do what she hired her to do. 
Of course, it was most likely the moura heritage that gave her all her better than average looks and gifts. Including the fact that she had arms with fingers and wings that folded beautifully on her back and clawed feet that she usually put into special.sandals and shoes and even boots when she walked. 
But as much as Whomper wanted to dwell on that, she had asked him a question and he needed to answer her. 
“Good, got a good find today on shore, I was able to clean it up and sell it for a good price.” He answered as he offered her some of the coins in his possession to exchange for a stein of ale. 
“I'm happy to hear it and I'm happy you could do that and come in tonght and see me. Well tonight I have…” She began to list off all the ales and stouts and other spirits they had in his price range of the coins he offered as she picked them up and counted them to be sure they were right. 
“Ooh, that last one.” He decided when she chose to list off her own ales, stouts and lagers last when she listed them off. 
“Let me get that for you then.” She smiled as she then poured him a stein of it into a special stein Souja Tavern made just for their beaked clientele. She placed it before him before she got a small plate and put a few pieces of seasoned bread and a small dish of oil and spices and herbs to dip it in and handed it over to him with a wink. 
“On the house, I know how rare it is for you to find the good stuff on the beach.” She offered sweetly. 
“Thank you.” He offered gratefully. 
“Did you make enough for a full plate tonight?” She asked hopefully. 
“Not quite.” He admitted, but this would tide him over until she would work again, hopefully. 
“Well then let me get you a bit of something more substantial then. It’s not every day you get to come in here to celebrate a good find.” She offered before she left and came back with a small plate of food for him. He could tell she took one of the smaller appetizer plates but still piled it high with what she could manage to get on there in a few moments in the kitchens. 
“You’re too good to me.” Whomper admitted before he was slow to eat and really savored the food, despite his hunger. 
“Well, I think kenkus and ritos and all of the corvid avian types get a bad reputation. I know you try really hard to do what you can. So what did you get today?” She explained as she began washing the other dirty steins behind the counter. 
“It was a wine bottle, still had good wine in it.” He answered. 
“That is a good find. Most bottles you find on the beach have messages in them.” She nodded with a smile her petite parrot beak let her have as her eyes pinned, showing off those. Intensely gorgeously amethyst eyes. 
“Who’d you sell it to?” She asked. 
“A man who got thrown out of Glockies.” He answered. 
“Glockies is close to the coast, but you have to be pretty drunk and pretty disorderly to be kicked out of that place.” She appraised honestly. 
“He was happy I was there and had the wine and paid me what he could.” Whomper explained. 
“Uh-huh, I see. The right person at the right time. Perfect. I'm really happy you could find it and sell it for what you could.” She smiled proudly once she finished with washing and rinsing the steins and started to dry them. 
“So, I wanted to ask you, I know you do odd jobs here and there and try to get by here in Fitsdale. But, I was hoping you’d at least be willing to try to apply for…” Viola began to try to say before Whomper cut her off. 
“Viola, I know you mean well, but one look at me, and no one will hire or trust me with much of anything. Not without others watching over me constantly to make sure I don’t mess up stuff or to make sure other stuff doesn’t go missing or…” He tried to excuse because Viola had asked him to at least apply to work on the skyport and he did, and he got a hard ‘no’ when he did and he didn’t feel up to asking again, only to have another door slammed in his face for even trying. 
“But I would. I would hire you and I trust you. I talked with Tessa today. And she said that I get to hire who I find most suitable for any number of positions. And the work I want to hire you for, isn’t that hard. It’s just mundane and it’s repetitive as hell and most would go nuts with boredom but I know that- that kind of thing wouldn’t bother you. And that you’d be good at it. You know your alphabet and your numbers. The job I want to hire you for is to literally stand in a special room behind a wall- behind the front desk and hand and recieve files through a special slot in the wall itself. You would have to be in a uniform, and organize the guests’ and their paperwork and stuff and file it according to their name and country of origin. Tessa has already okayed it and gave me the power to fill and pay a variety of positions how I see fit. And with so many people from my colony coming all the way here and all of them already using their family ties to mine and their social standing at the colony to try to sweet talk me and are banking on all of that- for me to give them cushy jobs where they get to do so little work for a lot of money. And I hate it and I hate their presumptuousness. Which you don't have any of.": She explained as she leaned across the counter and dropped her voice so most wouldn't overhear her conversation with him. 
"I know, you go to the beach at sunrise, every day. You comb through every inch of that shoreline, every single day, rain or shine, or snow or sleet. Especially after storms. And you look through everything, just to find something valuable, just to find something shiny or something you can use to fix up other things just to sell to whoever you can to put food in your belly and keep a roof over your head and the clothes on your back. And I know that once you leave that door, you’re going to have to swallow your pride and go to the back where we have the soup kitchen for less fortunate in Fitsdale. Please. Take the job I am offering you.” She begged as she leaned across the bar and fixed him with those big gorgeous eyes and he was near tears that she would even ask or invite him to do such a thing. 
“But surely, someone else would be better at…” He sheepishly murmured. 
“Whomper. I don’t care if someone else would or could be better at it. I want to vouch for you and I’m willing to vouch for you to whoever I have to. To Tessa and Kragan if I have to. I have seen you give the valuable food that I know your own stomach hungers for- to the little ones who do the same thing you do at the beaches. I know you go without just trying to give others a leg up. I’ve seen you drop off more kids here at the orphanage than anyone else who works at the beach. You’ve never taken advantage of any of them. You’ve never hurt any of them. In fact, I know from when I've talked to them myself, that you’ve drawn any dangerous people away from them, just so that they could escape to here or to their homes safely. That says more to me about your character than your fathers or your beak or anything else about you ever could. You do have a great eye for details. And you use it both to look to see if you can find something good among garbage to see others the way they really are. And I see the same thing about you. Whomper you have all the skills and all the potential. All you need is the chance to prove it. Just like I was given the chance to prove what I’m capable of. Please Whomper, please don't turn this offer down, I need you for this and I trust you with this. And I have full faith that I can have full confidence in you to do it, and do it right.” She firmly insisted. 
“Of all the other avians in this entire city. When Tessa told me about all the positions she wants me to fill, you were the very first one I thought of for this. Most avians, especially the prettier they are, they all want the spotlight and they want to show off their fancy feathers and special talents and if anything, all of my sisters and all of my female cousins are hoping and praying some rich avian will sail through here and sweep them off their talons and they get to live such lavish lifestyles with them for no other reason than they're pretty, which they are so vain for thinking and assuming about themselves." She complained before she reached out and grabbed his hands with her own. 
"But you are content with little, while still taking pride in using what you have for your benefit and the benefit of others. You will literally just be in a room, filing paperwork away. There will be nothing for anyone to ever think or suspect that you would ever try to take. If children of all kinds trust you not to hurt them, and if I can trust you to tell me the truth. About anything and everything, then that’s all the trustworthiness you should ever need. And I trust you that even if you would accidentally make a mistake, that you would be honest about it and be quick to make it right. I’m not asking you to be perfect. I just want you to be competent. And if Tessa trusts me and my judgment, she’ll happily accept you as my choice as Chief Filer. We already know how we want the room and the files to go and be ordered and arranged. And Tessa already has a system she’s designing to put it all into place. The papers are being made as we speak, the filing cabinets are being built as we speak. The very stamps we would use, are already being carved and so far it’s all pretty basic and simple and easy to do and easy to follow and if I get any more crates, I’m gonna have to build and keep a whole storehouse for it all. It’s gonna be a damn library of filing cabinets is what it’s gonna be. All you have to do is follow the system and follow the protocols that will be spelled out in such fine detail that there would never be a question about what to do or how to do it. And for that work, you’d get paid very well. And because you’d be working for me, others would have no choice but to respect you and the job that you would do. There is no door for me to shut in your face. I am here, I will get on my knees on that stool back there if I have to. Whomper, come on. I believe in you, and I see and believe in your own potential and your ability to do the job and you’re my friend and I want you to have the job. I want to be with you, and work with you, and be close to you. And show how trustworthy and dependable you can be.” Viola insisted.
And for once, Whomper was speechless, as he just stared in awed amazement at her. 
“What would it take for you to say yes?” She asked before Whomper just pushed up on his elbows to bring his beak next to hers to make a kissing noise. 
And the whooping chur she made was both exciting yet exhilarating and she practically leapt up over the counter to the other side and almost tackled him to the ground but he managed to get off the barstool so they wouldn’t crash onto the floor and make themselves even more of a spectacle than they already were. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Se thanked him as she just hugged him and pressed her beak next to and all around her and made the kissing noise back as if she was pressing kisses all around his face that she could reach. 
“How could I ever say no to you?” Whomper asked rhetorically as he felt like the luckiest man in the world at the moment. 
“Well, get whatever you need or want from your place. Because when you come back, you’re gonna come back to me right here. And you’re gonna stay here and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the Souja family as well as mine. You’re gonna get your own room and you can eat as much as you want from the family dining room. I’ll even have dinner with you tonight, cause no one else will use me on that damn bar tonight.” She insisted before it was his turn to kiss her all over her face with his own beak before he left to do just that as she quickly quit the bar for the night, and got to work getting him a good room and a spot on the Souja Family roster. 
And when he came back, she was right there, with key in hand to a single room he’d have as well as a desk with it’s own messengerari and numbers to call Tessa and her network as well as all the other Chief Filer’s to make sure he learned and would know the job and the expectations. 
To his surprise and delight, Tessa was just as nice as Viola was. Granted she was human, but she didn’t look down on him or treat him with anything other than professional courtesy and kindness because Viola had already vouched for him. And with a few questions, including a few trick ones, which he surprisingly got right, he was accepted and welcomed into The Contessina Order. His wages were automatically sent to be paid out as well as orders for the uniform he would be wearing as well as a sign on bonus to get some good decent clothes to wear when he wasn’t in his uniform which Viola assured Tessa she would see to personally. Which Whomper was sure Viola enjoyed much more than he did. 
At first, he expected the weariness and reluctance from Viola’s family, but it was Viola’s mother who seemed to warm up to him the quickest. Then, slowly but surely, he was earning each person’s trust in her family as well as the Souja Family as a whole, and with the other kids vouching for him too, came much easier. And as soon as he could, he made Viola his mate and then they adopted any and every rito and kenku orphan there was at the Souja Orphanage. And with their combined income, it paid for them to live very comfortably as he was proving his own worthiness to everyone. Once he proved he was more than compitent, he was given more responsibilities and given another raise and given the chance to prove that he should be taken as an individual and not judged based on his kind both in public and private. Especially when Kragan had to agree that orcs often had a lot of the same bias and that if Tessa trusted Viola, and if Viola trusted Whomper, then that was good enough for anyone. 
And by the time more from Viola’s colony came to Fitsdale, particularly to the Souja Inn and Tavern to stay while their accommodations were being prepared for in the Salgria Shipping Skyport and especially The Contessina Order Skyport. With Whomper, simply going by ‘Mr. Womper Ompre’ per Viola’s insistence, he was welcomed rather warmly by the others. He found he carried himself better. He walked taller, took better care of himself and before he knew it, what he always thought were dull black feathers, soon glossed and even sheened subtle but pretty hues of greens and blues too and the fact that he was kenku was never an issue. And just as he was doing this for himself, and those he adopted, he was slowly but surely, getting more and more kenkus and ritos to get the same treatment. Especially the ones that he knew- were also fighting against a bias. And trying to prove that they were good people. And suddenly he wasn’t the only kenku or rito around, soon he was simply grouped in with the other aviaries as an equal, which was all he could have ever wanted and asked for. 
And when The Contessina Order Skyport had been built enough and the crew quarters completed, he was delighted when he and Viola got moved into one of the bigger and better rooms because of the very important positions they both held in The Contessina Order. And when the skyport’s reception area was built and got finished, he was thrilled to finally get those blessed filing cabinets, set up how they were supposed to be arranged and already getting files and boxes of special folders to populate them all. And while it was a lot of work. It was, by now, a tried and true system. And one he found he could easily and happily manage and keep clean, neat, orderly and organized. 
And he had never been more happy that Viola saw this much potential in him. All along and from the start. He was happy to keep proving her right and then going above and beyond every chance he could. So that Viola never once had any reason to doubt him or have second thoughts about her choice and decision to hire him and be with him and raise a family with him and stand by him and support him as much as he was happy to do the same.
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thecandywrites · 2 years ago
Monster March 2023 Masterlist
From the prompts from @borealwrites
Monster March 2023
1. Djinn/elemental spirit- The Emperor’s Gemling
2. Forest Spirit- The Joys and Dangers of Mushrooms
3. Naga/Lamia - Stuck Shed 
4. Alraune- Bloom of Life
5. Other-taurs. Caribou! - The Velvet Spa
6. Robot/Android/Cyborg - Aftermarket Attachments Part 1, Part 2
7. Minotaur - The Rut- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. 
8. Demon- Glass Dragon  
9. Centaur - If the Shoe Fits- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
10. Chthonic/Eldritch Abomination- daughter Babylon the Great. Part 1, Part 2
11. Ghost/Spirit- The Talisman- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
12. Nymph - Trapping the Dragon 
13. Succubus/Incubus/Concubus-The Lotus House 
14. Harpy- My Harpy, My Moura
15. Humanoid Bird -  Hidden Potential
16. Giant- Hemi’s Dream Pixie Goddess Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
17. Drider- Drider Silk Brocade 
18. Pixie. The Hollow
19. Merperson- Something Special Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
20. Humanoid Cat- What to Bring to a Table Part 1, Part 2
21. Vampire- Coconut Water
22. Fae- Coronation Day Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
23. Dragonborn- Dragon Heart Flower Festival 
24, Alien- Sting of Life
25. Angel- Half of My Forever
26. Werewolf- Kabluey Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
27. Doppelganger-Dr. Vitanova
28. Shapeshifter- A Mother’s Touch Part 1, Part 2
29. Dragon- Dragon’s Rite Flight
30. Slimeperson- Astral and Their Alleviator Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
31. Satyr- Sheepishly Mine- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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