#Monkie in the demon Bull fam au
quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Not to say anything... but if Wukong had his leg trapped under a ton of rubble, he probably has a broken leg now. Meaning the guy can't even run off even if he had wanted to
A fact that the Demon Bull Fam and the Noodle Shop Fam would use to further prove their point that Wukong should be resting and not over-exerting himself by training MK. >:)
Wukong celebrating around New Years cus his cast finally came off after healing "the dorky mortal way" - Only to get captured and energy-zapped to the point that the squad forces him to see a doctor for his health. >:3
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
So what exactly is the plot of the Crack 80’s au? Like, we know the plot of the show that’s inspiring it but how did the Monkie Kid crew get in this situation and how is it different from Kidd Video? Also what are the villains like the Demon Bull Fam and LBD like here? Other than LBD not caring as much about aesthetics as before considering she was willing to do evil dressed in something an actual child would wear lol
first of all i NEED you to be aware that the dress LBD wears is actually a prom dress, like, legitamately, and the reason the host girl was wearing it despite being 14 is because she stole it from her older sibling, so it’s just slightly too big on her, which makes it all the more ridiculous.
the Demon Bull Family is good here, and is running a restaurant.
LBD’s goals have swapped from just utter destruction to conquering the world via musical hypnosis and other such things. She’s got this magic record player thing going on. the effects of it sometimes change a little but the main effect is just,,, allowing her to control people. LMK gang + Wukong are unaffected by it. Red Son has to build his own lil things to put over his ears so that too won’t be affected by it. Macaque has headphones that were given to him by LBD that let him not be affected by it but also leave him unable to know when music is good or not, which is part of how she keeps him under her thumb.
there’s a LOT of differences from Kidd Video, its kinda more of a loose inspiration, but there’s some episode ideas that are carrying over, like a Sports Day Event
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arashikitten · 4 years
Monkie in The Bull Family au
It’s chaos on the MKD again, you know what that means!!
It’s au time, baby!!
So basically, this au takes place after episode 10, when DBK gets possessed and attempts parricide. MK jumps in to stop him, Iron fan and Red son team up with MK, you know how this goes.
However, after all of this goes down, the Demon Bull fam are now indebted to MK for helping them with the Baigujing. So they stop trying to wreck the city as much, and actually begin helping him out every now and then.
As this goes on, the family slowly starts losing their hatred for him, and MK even starts endearing himself to them quite a bit.
The first one to come around is Red son. After all, MK did save his life, and Red son’s never really had a friend who will listen to him infodump about mechanics and engineering without looking bored five minutes in. (I have a tiny little head canon that Red son is autistic, and you can pry it from my cold dead hands) Eventually, Red son starts to develop a massive crush on MK, but is wayyy too awkward to say anything about it.
The next one to come around is, surprisingly, the Demon Bull King himself. At first, he is very disdainful toward MK, still considering him nothing more than a thief and a coward. He knows that MK freed him from the white bone spirit, he knows that MK saved his wife and son, but he remembers none of it, and he hasn’t seen anything like that since then.
But then, he walks in on Red son talking to MK one day. DBK never really understood any of that technical jargon his son was spitting, so he never really listened to it. But he sees Red son infodumping about his latest invention and how it works and all the ins and outs and MK, to DBK’s surprise, looks genuinely interested in what Red son is saying. And Red son looks so happy to have some one who will listen to him for once, someone who will talk to him. After that, DBK begins to warm up to MK.
The last one to come around is Princess Iron fan. She doesn’t exactly hate MK per se, but she’s still very cold toward him and often ignores him. She’ll talk to him, sure, and she’ll help him out if he has trouble during a demon fight, but she remains very distant.
Until one day, when she finds MK curled up in an alleyway having a panic attack. And immediately, mother instincts kick in. Iron fan kneels down to face MK, and starts talking him through the attack.
Which is how she finds out that MK was thrown onto the streets as a young boy by his parents, and was found by Pigsy, who ended up taking him in. Apparently, his old parents had learned that he was the Monkie kid and had called him, prompting the breakdown in the alley.
This is what finally breaks Iron Fan’s walls. She may be an ancient demon, but she’s not a monster. Once MK calms down enough, Iron Fan helps him up and takes him to the Demon Bull fam’s new lair, where she gets him a blanket and some warm tea.
She pretty much decides right then and there that MK is part of the Demon Bull fam, screw what anyone else says, and she and MK become a lot closer after that night.
Eventually, it gets to the point where MK will spend some weekends with the Demon Bull fam, as almost a joint custody thing. Obviously, this is done by either Red son or Iron Fan just dropping in and nabbing him from wherever the hell Mk may be. At the arcade with Mei? Red son needs him to look at a blueprint he’s working on. Fighting a demon? Iron Fan jumps in to help him, and she would be remiss not to help bandage him up after the fact.
MK is completely oblivious at first. He knows that the Demon Bull fam became a lot more chill after the whole Baigujing thing, this is probably just their way of thanking him.
It’s only when he’s sitting down to breakfast with them one day that he realizes that he’s been sort of adopted by this weird, ancient, powerful demon family.
And oddly enough, he’s perfectly fine with that.
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Right, so, during their investigation, Mk and Monkey meet a lot of extended family of Wukong’s including DBK who’s one of his brothers (unofficial? Adopted?? I DUNNO ACTUALLY WE HADN'T DECIDED HGKSAFMOWE) Qi Wukong fell out of contact with them years ago due to an argument, which they find out after breaking into their house through the back window. 
DBK PIF are INCREDIBLE parents in this Au simply because I said so. They were involved in some pretty shady stuff for a while, but after they realized they were going to have a kid they turned that all around, got out and are now living a pretty chill life and love each other and their son a lot. They've tried to get into contact with Wukong but he cut ties pretty thoroughly. DBK misses his brother, but the family lets Mk know that he and his dad are welcome any time. 
Monkey has no idea why he feels so sad when DBK talks about what happened between him and Mk's dad. 
So they learn a little bit about Mk's extended family and also that the DBK fam have nothing to do with Wukong's disappearance, but they do know some other people they can get into contact with or some info that could help and send them on their way
The next people Monkey and Mk run into are uh... not as nice  :P
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starsfic · 3 years
Feel like The Stolen Prince AU is just gonna become one big custody battle over Xiaotian. Tang & Pigsy vs The Demon Bull family vs Wukong. Pigsy and Tang want MK to have his own autonomy and not be an obvious pawn and weapon for revenge. But the Bull fam want Xiaotian back under their control and use his new found monkie powers to conquer the world. Oh, and because they missed him and stuff. Meanwhile Wukong just wants to spend time with and learn more about the son who was stolen from him. That's not even mentioning what Macaque is gonna do once he catches wind of everything.
Then there's Xiaotian who's having like, a major early mid-life crisis. Monkey King's his dad? He was kidnapped and raised by one of his enemies?! He's engaged to some demon he doesn't even remember knowing?!?! He's actually a demon monkey!?!?!?!?!?!? Poor boy is not having a good time.
Mei: So if you have to marry Red Son do you think you can convince them to make me your best Woman?
Mei: What? I'd let you be my best man at my wedding.
(Hope you do good on your finals)
The custody battle doesn't begin for a while, thankfully. As @vegalocity did in their White Bone Amnesia AU... Wukong doesn't tell Xiaotian that he's his son. In fact, he tries his best to keep it a secret because he knows Macaque has been keeping an ear out for any sign of Xiaotian. He's dying internally while pretending to not know Xiaotian and trying subtly to get to know him.
The Demon Bull family decide that they'll explain everything once Xiaotian is back in their care. This means Red focuses on kidnapping Xiaotian back to the family and flirting with him. Add in the fact that he's a handsome demon and Xiaotian sometimes has issues focusing.
And then Macaque happens.
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purble-turble · 3 years
AU of an AU where DBK and PIF see the writing on the wall and retreat out of the city to lick their wounds and plot, forcing Red Son to leave Prisoner MK behind.
Ooh I like this idea! In this case Red Son probably has to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the city, and probably doesn't even stop fighting until they're safely in another palace. He demands his parents let him go back and rescue MK before he's found, but the intensity of his demand and the wild look in his eyes make them both realize that oh. their son is in way over his head with his obsession with the Monkie Kid. They do not let him go back, and fearing that he might do something rash, he gets locked up in his room until they decide he's calmed down enough.
So after he loses MK this time, Red Son goes through a similar period of isolation where he's alone in his room in some remote palace and all he can do is wallow in his own misery. He has another mental breakdown where he convinces himself that MK really does love him, and he HAS to get him back under any circumstances! His parents are alive this time, though, so it's not quite on the same level as his transformation into Demon King Red, luckily. And since Demon Bull King is still alive, he doesn't form his own court or summon armies of demons to aid him in kidnapping MK again, so he's on his own in this mission.
Meanwhile, after the DBK fam was chased out of the city, Sun Wukong and all MK's friends storm the palace as usual and find MK there like casually reading a book, having no idea they were on their way but super excited to see them and be rescued! Their reunion is super happy and MK is brought home to recover and get back to his old life as best he can.
It takes a few months for him to get back into the swing of things. After all, Red Son and his parents weren't defeated in this version of things.. they just ran off. So they're still out there somewhere and MK is still worried about when they come back. This time though, he swears he'll be ready, and he won't ever let Red Son get the better of him again.
So when Red Son does show back up and tries to snatch MK up, as was inevitable, he's mentally prepared for it, unlike in the Demon King Red version where he was caught off guard and froze up. Instead, there's a fight and Red Son is successfully fended off.
Now I imagine the rest of this AU proceeds much like the beginnings of the Yandere Red AU where Red Son is acting alone but is constantly trying to capture MK so he can whisk him away to some remote palace he's got set up away from even his parents. Except it's not cute or funny this time and MK is NOT into it at all, so it's properly horrific :U
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Hilarious idea I had to merge both the original storyline for the Slow Boiled Stone Egg Au with the Alternate way DBK learns about the Stone Egg;
The Pilot fight between MK vs DBK comes to a halt when the bull overhears an annoyed grunt of;
Pigsy: "HEY! What sorta jerk lets a pregnant bystander get hurt!?"
DBK: "Huh?" *turns out of interest/concern*
Pigsy: *is holding a "normal" pregnant monkey demon in a bridal carry after pulling them away from some debris*
The "normal" pregnant monkey demon: *Is clearly Sun Wukong*
DBK: Xiandi!?!"
And since Wukong is being really cagey about his condition and how it happened; DBK & PIF immediately assume it was from less than ideal circumstances and activate Protective Brother + Sister-In-Law mode to make sure he's ok.
Pigsy insists on coming along so that the "skinny-looking kid" (Wukong) is ok and gets a decent meal.
DBK & PIF have a buffering moment when they realise that their opponents look to be... versions of Wukong's Pilgrim brothers?? Oh dang they need to come with too!
Wukong is unofficially kidnapped (with heavy encouragement by a worried MK) to the Demon Bull Palace for a proper health check up and meal.
PIF & DBK decide to take the reins of the Monkie Kid's training in Wukong stead (much to Wukong's complaints) until the baby arrives. MK is confused, but very glad that he wouldn't be sparring with his pregnant mentor/hero. Also he's being mentored by two of the coolest villains in Jttw lore! Him and Tang share a fanboy moment over it - much to the couple's amusement and Red Son's ire (Tang told him bluntly that he found Red Boy to "just be some bratty toddler").
And cue a back and forth of both the Demon Bull Family and Pigsy's protective instincts over the Monkey King. It ends up nearly a "Capture the Flag" situation where the Noodle Shop fam will rescue Wukong from the Bull Palace to let him hang out in the city/the island, and the Demon Bull Family will kidnap him back to the palace out of worry.
The arguement between DBK and Wukong still occurs during New Years... because thats when DBK finds out Wukong has been pregnant with a almost-always-fatal Stone Egg since the start of the Journey to the West!!!
And cue the demon world finding our via the two brothers arguing so loudly that LBD can't even do her villain speech.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Answering all three Asks I have about The True Immortal Compliant in "The Monkey King and the Infant" au:
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Answering asks from @justweirddino and @kyliecatqueen + an anonymous;
Pretty much yeah; the whole Monkie Gang only start out barely tolerating True Immortal Compliant/TIC/Ruyi. Wukong (+ most characters who know about the incident) thinks he's a scumbag for extorting the Kingdom of Women all those years ago. But DBK really wants to see his little brother again (the bull has been locked up for hundreds of years) and begs for them to be at least polite when he visits.
TIC is like that creepy mega-right-wing uncle that you have to put up with at thanksgiving and/or christmas. Has really harsh, outdated opinions on womens health. Makes dirty jokes at others expense. But since he's a guest, you don't want to be rude and call him out. In general a dinner with him is more painful than the furnace in SWK's opinion.
After its over Shadowpeach are like; "Lets never speak to him again." "Agreed".
Then a couple of years pass and Spicynoodles are expecting their first baby(s). Uncle TIC makes himself known. At first DBK and Red Son believe he's emerged to establish contact with his future grand-niblings. PIF is suspicious; she knows her brother-in-law still has access to that Spring Water, and that TIC has been enjoying his new life of luxury in the Underworld...
Red Son is like the little kid who used to think his uncle was cool, then as he got older realized that a lot of stuff was red-flags. He makes sure not to give MK/Xiaotian any drink provided by TIC.
It comes to a head when TIC invites the whole Spicynoodle fam + grandparents to his palace in the Underworld in the lead up to the Spicynoodle wedding. The volcanic, super-hot Demon Bull Palace in the Underworld.
At dinner there's nothing but wine/baijiu to drink. Luckily most of the fam packed their own supply of water/iced tea for the journey and give that to MK to drink so he isn't dying of thirst. The micro-aggression does not go unnoticed however.
Later on in the night, MK gets out of bed to stretch his legs (babies making a ruckus), only to be summoned by TIC sitting in the drawing room. A platter holding a pitcher of water, two full glasses, and wedges of lemon just sitting there on the table.
TIC: "Why don't you sit with me and drink? I'm so sorry I'd forgotten your... limitation during dinner." MK: "Um... it's no problem really. I'll sit for a bit. Kids were just keeping me awake is all."
A few moment of awkward convo pass. @justweirddino describes the perfect proceeding scenario. MK is just swirling his glass of water, glaring into it as TIC sits with his own empty glass.
TIC: "You're not drinking." MK: "You poured the glasses before I came in. I didn't see you pour yours." TIC: *Pupils dilate a little but tries not to show any emotion* MK: *pours half the contents of his into TIC's own glass* "It wouldn't be fair to drink mine with yours empty. Drink up!" TIC: *hand shaking as he takes his glass. hesistates taking a sip.* MK, still as brightly as before: "The Demon Bull Family has such a rich history! I really can't help looking into it, seeing how I'm gonna be part of the family really soon!" TIC: *Sweats* MK: "And of course I love hearing how our families interacted during my dad's pilgrimage. Including a really funny chapter involving the Kingdom of Women." TIC: *oh shit reaction* MK, smile turning devious: "You really thought I was that stupid did you?" *lets out the loudest Help!/Danger! chirp he can* Outside the drawing room: *frantic boss music starts playing and getting closer*
TIC barely makes it out of the room alive.
Fun fact about the Spring Water. Half a bowl/goblet is sufficient to cure a pregnancy. But more than that? According to the old woman in Journey to the West that helped Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka; "Any more will dissolve your insides."
Wukong helpfully provides the above knowledge and proceeds to nearly strangle TIC to death.
It wasn't just a simple "remove future heirs"-plan.
It was also a "remove nephew's spouse"-plan.
Once the group learns that last bit, Red Son has to be held back by multiple family members/bull clones to stop him from delivering his Uncle straight to The 10 Kings themselves.
As you can imagine, this was the final straw for DBK. He can deal with a jerk of a little brother - but for his own flesh and blood to try and murder his future son-in-law and unborn grandbabies? Zero contact immediately. Thank you for dinner, never speak to us again or we will destroy you.
Bonus horror/crime idea of TIC;
Princess Iron Fan is comforting MK as TIC is being dragged away to answer for his crimes. She smells the glass and winces.
PIF: "Urgh. No wonder you noticed it. It smells so bitter. Almost like..." PIF: *Drops the glass, shattering it on the ground. Hands clutching her mouth as she remembers the times in the far past when she and DBK had tried for children. A servant always bringing her a familiarly-foul smelling tea when the queen became "nauseous/unwell".* MK, immediately worried: "Yuemu! [mother-in-law] Are you ok?" PIF: "...I'm going to kill him." *wind teleports out of there* MK: *is left confused, but understands her anger*
So yeah, when TIC shows up he doesn't escape post-S4 alive.
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arashikitten · 4 years
Me, about to join the Monkie kid fandom: Oh boy! I’m going to make so much content for this fandom, hopefully I won’t fall back into the trap of constant au’s and headcanons and I’ll make content for the actual show proper!
Me, a little less than a month later, up to my neck in my Bluekong au and literally five seconds away from making another one:....
Y’all know what time it is.
Au time. It’s-it’s au time.
So I was thinking about episode nine, and I was actually listening to it as I was working on my cover art for Of Molten Gold and Frozen Silver, when I decided to take a break and scroll through tumblr. As I did so, I stumbled upon the Macaque’s kid au by @fallenangelofsalt , and I had a small epiphany.
The idea for this au is pretty simple: everything remains the same as canon up until episode 8, which in this au, happens way later.
The first half of episode nine is, again, much the same as in canon, with one small exception: the seal that Macaque puts on MK’s back takes a lot longer to store up power than it does in canon, so it takes about 2 months for it to get to full capacity.
Of course, Macaque was only expecting to have to keep up the charade for maybe a week, so when he checks the seal about 5 days after he starts training MK to see that it’s at most a fifth of the way full, he panics a little. At this rate, Wukong will for sure find out what’s going on, and Macaque is not ready to face the wrath of a pissed off, overprotective Wukong.
But then, Macaque realizes that, if he plays his cards right, he could not only get Wukong’s powers, but also a new minion in MK.
So, he decides to continue to “train” MK, subtly trying to turn him against Wukong in the process.
This plan goes great for approximately a week.
You see, in the first week that he had spent training MK, Macaque had discovered that, although he was slightly loud and a little immature, MK is an absolute ray of goddamned sunshine. And Macaque, despite being the edgiest bastard in all of China, got very attached very quickly.
After all, no one that Macaque could remember had ever seen him as more than a Wukong imposter. A wannabe. A copycat. They never saw him as him.
But aside from that one slip-up in their first encounter, MK never called him Wukong. The kid never once compared him to the Monkey King, never once talked about how ‘oh you look just like Wukong and have the same powers and yada yada yada’.
No, MK treated Macaque like he was someone else, completely separate from that stupid Monkey King. He always called him by his name, asked for his opinion on things, and as time went on, actually seemed to really care about him. Not Wukong, not his connection to Wukong, but him. Macaque.
And slowly but surely, Macaque finds himself getting attached to the kid. The smiles he gives MK when he pulls off a kick or a swing correctly start to become genuine. Macaque starts hanging out with MK outside the dojo, going to coffee shops in the city or playing arcade games together. He begins to associate the feeling of happiness and excitement with training MK, and before Macaque knows it, he’s completely forgotten about his little plot.
It all comes to a head when, like in episode eight, MK gets the skeleton key, and the Demon Bull fam comes and steals it.
But this time, when they steal the key, MK gets badly hurt in the ensuing fight, winding up in a coma and being sent to the hospital.
By now, about two months have passed since Macaque first met MK, and he’s gone through the whole “shit I’m a dad now” thing.
That evening, Macaque waits for MK to show up at the dojo like usual. Three hours pass, MK doesn’t show up. Worried, Macaque goes looking, first at the arcade, then the coffee shop, a burger joint MK frequents, and a few other places, but MK doesn’t show up.
Finally, Macaque thinks to look at MK’s apartment. He rushes over, going as fast as the shadows will take him...
Only to find burnt ruins where the kids house used to be... and the strong, overwhelming scent of MK’s blood.
Macaque fucking loses it. His kid, the one person in the goddamned world who genuinely seems to give a shit about Macaque, who sees him as his own person completely separate from Wukong, is either badly hurt or dead.
And Macaque couldn’t protect him.
Macaque tears off to the demon world, hellbent on finding whoever was responsible for daring, daring to hurt his kid.
It takes him twelve hours to learn who’s to blame for MK’s being in a coma.
It takes twelve minutes for him to decimate the Demon Bull family.
After all, MK is his kid now.
And unlike Wukong, Macaque would not hesitate to kill anyone if it meant keeping him safe.
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