#Monika Dumont
ronnydeschepper · 6 months
Régine Deforges (1935-2014)
Het is al tien jaar geleden dat de Franse schrijfster Régine Deforges op 78-jarige leeftijd is overleden aan een hartaanval. Zij werd vooral bekend met de romancyclus De blauwe fiets waarvan sinds 1983 zo’n tien miljoen boeken zijn verkocht. Mijn vrouw, die graag boeken van lange adem leest, heeft van deze trilogie genoten (het boek is ook verfilmd met Laetitia Casta in de hoofdrol), maar zelf…
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wortfinderin · 8 months
Rezensionen Emotionales Erbe
Emotionales Erbe von Calit Atlas Autorin: Dr. Galit Atlas, Genre: Sachbuch Psychologie, Verlag: Dumont, ISBN: 978-3-8321-8125-3, 2. Auflage 2023, 254 Seiten, Preis Hardcover €24,00 Aus dem Englischenvon Monika Köpfer Bei genialokal kaufen* Die Menschen, die wir lieben, und diejenigen, die uns großgezogen haben, leben in uns; wir erleben ihren emotionalen Schmerz, wir träumen ihre Erinnerungen,…
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i-am-grell · 4 years
Pls tell us more about the Doki Doki Literature Club paper I’m so curious and quarantined
Sorry about the late reply lol. Still have yet another essay to write (I’m dying send help).
So the basic rundown for this essay is I’m in a seminar class called Technology and Terror so it has to do with the horror genre’s use of technology (I’ve never watched it but think “if Black Mirror could do an episode on this” type shit - including, that’s right, Doki Doki Literature Club).
So for my topic I looked at the use of mental illness in contemporary and digital horror by examining DDLC and a novel we read in the course called “A Head Full Of Ghosts” by Paul Tremblay (highly recommend). I focused around strategies that both used in order to either (or both) perpetuate and subvert mental illness horror tropes (y’know shit like “mentally ill? = must be homicidal maniac!”). The 3 strategies I looked at were 1. ambiguity 2. lucidity 3. manipulation. (Rest below the cut: regular DDLC trigger warnings maybe apply?)
1. Ambiguity: In DDLC, we only have 1 absolute diagnosis for 1 character: we know Sayori is depressed, she says it herself, she has the mannerisms for it, but for the remainder, while we can tell there’s some problems, we don’t get anything clear. I found this post that diagnoses the other three with BPD, narcissism, and the traits of an abuse victim which could probably slot into some mental illnesses later on. But since the game only directly gives us one, and tied into the manipulative aspect of the game (which I’ll touch upon below), we are left to wonder how much of the game’s events really have to do with mental illness, and how severe it is as Monika admits in some of her conversation dialogue that Sayori was depressed, but her control over the game itself is really what shoved Sayori into her suicide scene (as well, she talks about Sayori’s survival instinct kicking in evidenced by her bloody fingers from attempting to get herself out of the noose). Because we know that Sayori is a victim, it subverts the “ill = monster” phenomenon. Monika perpetuates it, but the ambiguity surrounding her potential affliction (since we don’t have an official diagnosis other than recognizing that there’s probably some sociopathic trait to her) allows us to distance from that.
2. Lucidity: There’s plenty of self-awareness in the game, especially considering Monika knows she’s just a digital character. There’s that one writing tip she gives about remembering to save the game. I basically use this tip in order to emphasize how the self-awareness enhances the mental illness element of the game. We get repeated “help me” pop ups in the form of glitches, and we fear for the safety of the other girls after Sayori’s death because the manipulation of the game also makes us wonder if they are just as lucid and aware of what is happening. In this case, lucidity plays with our sense of empathy.
3. Manipulation: I mean, enough said. And I’ve touched upon what I discuss here. We know that Monika has manipulated the game, and so we wonder to what extent any present mental illness had to do with the events. I already mentioned in dialogue that Monika admits she pushed Sayori too far, but there’s more than that too that also subverts the monstrous mentally ill trope. Another bit of dialogue has Monika revealing that she did not actually delete the files for the other girls because that would be too cruel, she simply moved them. She is not therefore as monstrous as she could have been and demonstrates some feelings of empathy. She simply just narcissistically exaggerates her own importance (problematic behaviour? sure. as bad as it could have been? probably not (?)). This also contributes to ambiguity as mentioned above: she pushed Sayori into suicide, so how much of the other character’s actions (like, for example, Yuri’s cutting and suicide) were on behalf of the character vs. influenced by Monika?
Anyway that’s the gist of the DDLC part of my essay. If you want the Tremblay novel I’m trying to procrastinate another essay on Dawn Dumont’s “Rose’s Run” that’s due tomorrow so by all means please for the love of god distract me i’m dying
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Open Characters
(names with * by them need to be better developed)
Alexandrea Steele*
Allison Wood
Andy Peterson*
Aurora Leite
Blair Briggs
Blake Kelly
Bryce Neal
Bryn Richmond-Farley*
Bunny Rothchild
Cezanne Baron
Cleo Johnson*
Cody Eaton
Delaney Bryce
Ellison March*
Esmeralda Horn
Estelle Dumont*
Evangeline Phillips
Eva Ortiz
Evie Lynch
Francis Montgomery
Garner Reid
Giselle Potter
Grace Novack Mullen
Haley Markus
Harley Bryant*
Heather James
Heidi Larson*
Hunter Everett
Imina Covington
Ivette Martinez
Izzy Rao    
Jenna Middleton
Jessy Stone
Jocelyn Markus
Joni Wagner
Jordan Preswick*
Josephine Moore
Katherine Cortes
Kelsey Cowan*
Kendall Lee-Larson
Kendra Arnold
Lennox Taylor    
Loren Fuller
Lydia Sullivan*
Marcie Barrett
Misty Kane
Monika Gomez*
Morgan Ross
Naia Romero-Grant*
Nala Wildes  
Natalia Holmes
Nevaeh Massey*
Nicole Kardar
Olivia Patterson
Perrie Ryan
Piper Kingsman  
Pippa Maxwell*
Presley Whitman
Reece Webb*
Rocsi Munt-Huntington
Sabrina Hill*
Scotty Thornton*
Tatum Peak
Taylor Cox
Teresa Gray 
Vaughan Rollins
Veronica Hughes
Viola Pittman
Wren Maddox*
Zelda Byrd
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filamentzine · 4 years
Vagelis - The Model Spy
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Α piece of music that needs to be played loud
Domenique Dumont -  L' Esprit de L' Escalier
A piece of music that moves you forward
Broken Social Scene - Pacific Theme
A piece of music that gets stuck in your head
My Wet Calvin - What Do You Say?
A piece of music that makes you want to dance
Keysha - Stop It!
A piece of music that makes you feel badass
New Model Army - The Hunt
A piece of music that you remember from your childhood
Giorgos Dalaras, Akis Panou - Harokopou 1942-1953 (Stis Paragkes)
A piece of music that reminds you your hometown
Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station
The piece of music you’ve listened to the most
The Cure - This Twilight Garden
Hi. My name is Vagelis and as far as I can remember my self I always felt irresistibly attracted to pop culture. Collecting glossy stickers in the 80s as a child, watching MTV and sometime later feeling enchanted by the emerging indie/alternative scene it was something like a natural evolution to buy my first electric guitar at 14 years old, a time when (for good, for bad or for worse) the brit pop scene was dominating the indie universe. I tried to teach my own self by trying to play impromptu chords, by badly perform riffs, by getting hold of some books on first level guitar playing and that’s how I kind of learned to strum the guitar. The truth is that I never considered myself as a guitarist, rather than someone who plays a bit of guitar. And I think that this was the main reason I started writing my own songs. It was way easier to perform the things I had written based on my own guitar skills rather than playing other people’s compositions.
The first band that I was involved in should be around 1998 and it was called “Snowing Summer” (a wordy variation of “Snow In Summer” which was a b-side by the Cure). We never played live, we just recorded a live demo of our own songs, but to be honest I do not even know where that tape is.
Moving forward to 2000, some friends and I started playing for fun as a band called “Mad! Panic! Yes!” which was a line a read in a comic book hanging at the studio lobby table during a rehearsal break. We played mostly punk staff, or poppier staff in a punkish way. When we saw that this could go somewhere further, a couple of members of the band and I decided to pull out of “Mad! Panic! Yes!” and create the core of “Paraffin” (the band was named after the single Paraffin by Ruby). By adding a new bassist, a new guitarist and a keyboardist to the band we recorded a demo EP including three songs, “Watch Me Falling”, “No Love Lost” and “Paraffin”. Around that time I also started spinning music as a “two days a week resident DJ” in the beloved POP bar downtown Athens. I deejayed and spent most of my personal time in POP from its (almost) day one in summer of 2001 up to its last day in summer of 2012. 11 sweet years in a row that this bar was way more than just a place with drinks and music. A meeting place for people who loved all kinds of art, a place where special human bonding, deep love and true friendship was founded. So, looking back to 2001-2004 life was music, listening to music, playing cds and records for people, playing the guitar, writing songs, throwing live gigs with Paraffin and somewhere in between a bit of studying economics.
So, it was the spring of 2004 when we substantially broke Paraffin apart. Almost instantly a couple of members, once again, and I created “the Model Spy” (we actually got the name from the track “Model Spy” by Cinerama). Konstantinos joined the group as our bassist and that was it. We were rehearsing and writing songs like crazy, however the band was essentially introduced to the outside small-town world around 2006-2007, with a couple of DIY self-released EPs and singles that were available at selected record stores (like the legendary Vinyl Microstore and the, now, 50 years old Record House) and our live performances in Athens.
Moving amongst the underground indie environment that Athens and My Space explosion were creating at that moment, we were putting together new material, hence the idea of leaving the DIY process for an official recording was more than a goal. It was still back in summer of 2008 when, during a rehearsal break at Sonic Playground studios, Nikos Triantafyllou (long time promoter, producer and sound engineer) stated that he was willing to take over the production and release Model Spy's full-length album.  From that time onwards and for months to follow, we would take meetings after rehearsing at the studio on almost every weekend and on as many weekday afternoons and evenings as possible, recording, erasing, recording again. A year or so later, we had recorded fourteen (instrumental) tracks. Even though, the production team was always by our side, however (and unhappily) some of the band members failed at fulfilling their commitment.  Sadly enough, long-term friendships were violently terminated and left a half-broken up band and an unfinished record.
Within a couple of years down the road, there was a feeling of unfulfillment for Konstantinos Vavousis (bass) and me. By that time we were leading the project as sole members of the Model Spy while we already had this “morning ‘real’ job” thing going on in our lives, Konstantinos was musically active with various Athenian indie acts (such as My Wet Calvin, Zebra Tracks, Monika, Leon of Athens, etc.) and I was still a part-time local indie DJ (still am). So, essentially the band was led to a hiatus.
Entering 2015 reunion era: There was still a feeling of unfulfillment. By that time, it was as if the band was a “has been” while the few people that had a connection to the band felt like we were another local indie pop act of the Greek My Space generation whose traces were lost. Nonetheless and weirdly enough time was not an issue. We had already waited for too long and it was 2017 by the time we revisited already recorded sessions, and finally decided to follow contemporary indie pop standards. We went back to Nikos Triantafyllou as the man behind the desk, kept the spirit of the album alive, but also started the whole thing from scratch.  Adding, the genius of Chris Bekiris (Bhukurah, Devamp Javu, Chickn, the Callas etc. etc.) in coproduction, sound design, additional arrangements and soon were some kind of a new band back together. 
Bekiris and Triantafyllou performed their productive magic while Leonidas Oikonomou & Aris Nikolopoulos from My Wet Calvin, Kat (Tango with Lions), Evangelia a.k.a. Miss Trichromi, Leon Veremis a.k.a. Leon of Athens and Jef Maarawi accepted their guest features and gave new life to the songs by endowing their voices. And there you go. Our never-ending debut was finally ready to go, with a little help from our friends. “Serenest (A Long Play On Truth, Deceit And Souvenirs)” was finally released on November 8, 2019. Needless to say that the whole covid 19 thing did not allow our summer 2020 plans to evolve. However we have already been preparing new material within the Model Spy, a solo project (called “Ntentenis” -?-) involving dance music is in the works, my weekly live broadcast through Avopolis Radio is still on for the fourth season, while I keep (part-timely) deejaying non stop since summer of 2000 and the love for music keeps growing like the sea.
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theresa-mielich · 4 years
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Damengedeck 2.0, ein virtueller Rundgang in die Zukunft
Sommerblutfestival 2020, Köln
Künstlerische Leitung, Regie & Szenenkomposition : Ruby Behrmann  
Künstlerische Leitung, Regie & Textkomposition: Liliane Koch 
Künstlerische Leitung & Szenografie: Theresa Mielich
Schauspiel: Amelie Barth, Emilia Haag Performance: Roserita Greiner, Monika Krämer, Christine Kleinen-Anders, Ethel Schmidt-Wiking, Antonette Sitzer, Erika, Hedwig Neven DuMont Projektleitung: Hanna Behr Outside-Eye: Stawrula Panagiotaki Musikkomposition & Zoom-Koordination : Rosanna Zünd Layout & Grafik, Magazin & Logo: Nele Solf
Fotos: Nathan Dreessen
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sloxmba · 7 years
o hej imienniczka 💞M /Make Up - R. City ft. Chloe Angelides/O /Ocean Drive - Duke Dumont/N /Nic nie zmieniać - Happysad/I /Impossible - James Arthur/K /koi fishes - shayenn/A /All We Know - The Chainsmokers ft. Phoebe Ryan/wyślij mi swoje imię a stworzę dla ciebie playlistę
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dotchr-blog · 6 years
@sanpatron ✑ ( sc )
     “Hi, Mr. Dumont! Fancy seeing you here! Ahaha!”
Of course, it’s a joke. It wouldn’t be odd to see the CEO hang around his own clothing store. Monika had come here, not too often but often enough that her face would be memorable, since you know - clothes shopping was usually in the back of her mind. Spring was just a month away after all; early spring shopping was never a bad idea.
The store was a little empty ( though not too empty ), mostly due to the bitter cold weather. Honestly, Monika wanted to curl up on the couch and eat junk food but, well, being a responsible adult meant you had to take care of your responsibilities.
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     “Seems like most people are doing some last minute winter      shopping, huh?”
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
The International Dance Music Awards Announce Nominees For 33rd Annual Awards Show
The International Dance Music Awards have just opened the polls for its lucrative 33rd annual awards show. Taking place once again during this year’s Winter Music Conference, music enthusiasts and members of the music industry will gather to recognize those nominated. The IDMA’s serve as dance music’s longest running, most inclusive and credible awards program. This year’s nominees were determined by Viberate and The IDMA Advisory Board comprised of notable artists, managers, agents, publicists, and promoters. Topping this year’s list, Run The Trap favorites like Diplo, DJ Snake, RL Grime, Alison Wonderland, San Holo, Illenium, and REZZ are just some of the IDMA’s standout nominees.
The IDMA’s cap off an exciting Winter Music Conference jam-packed with exciting keynote speakers and panels featuring some of dance music’s top artists and industry luminaries. In addition daytime programming, each Winter Music Conference badge holder will also have access to attend over twenty sanctioned WMC events free of charge. Get your business done by day and blow off steam at night with parties featuring top talent including Ghastly, Throttle, Shiba San, Chocolate Puma, EDX + more. Check out the full list of nominees below and cast your vote here.
IDMA’s 2019 Nominees
Breakthrough Artist Of The Year
Alison Wonderland Fisher Loud Luxury Peggy Gou San Holo
Best Pop/Electronic Album
Above & Beyond – Common Ground Alison Wonderland – Awake David Guetta – 7 Rufus Du Sol – Solace Sofi Tukker – Treehouse
Best Electronic Album
Against All Logic – 2012-2017 DJ Koze – Knock Knock Jon Hopkins – Singularity Rezz – Certain Kind Of Magic San Holo – album1
Best Pop/Electronic Song
Feenixpawl – “Neon Sky” Loud Luxury – “Body” Marshmello – “Happier” Silk City & Dua Lipa – “Electricity” Tiesto & Post Malone – “Jackie Chan”
Best Electronic Song
Adam Beyer – “Losing My Mind” Camelphat & Au/Ra – “Panic Room” Fisher – “Losing It” DJ Koze – “Pick Up” Peggy Gou – “It Makes You Forget”
Best Remix
Bicep – “Opal (Four Tet Remix)” Charlie Puth – “How Long’ (EDX Remix)” Fatboy Slim – “Praise You’ (Purple Disco Machine Remix)” Halsey – “Without Me (Illenium Remix)” Lou Rawls – “You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine (Frankie Knuckles, Kenny Summit & Eric Kupper Remix)”
Best Label
Anjunabeats Armada Music Monstercat Spinnin Ultra Music
Best Club
Avant Gardner / Brooklyn Mirage, New York Bootshaus, Cologne Printworks, London Sound, Los Angeles Space, Miami
Best Festival
Electric Forest Electric Daisy Carnival Movement Tomorrowland Ultra
Best Podcast/Radio Show
Armin Van Buuren ‘A State Of Trance’ Tiësto ‘Club Life’ Pete Tong BBC Radio 1 Nora En Pure ‘Purified’ Monstercat ‘Call Of The Wild’
Best Radio Station
BBC Radio 1 Evolution / iHeartRadio KNHC C89.5 Seattle Rinse FM SiriusXM BPM
Best Streaming Service
Amazon Apple Music Pandora Soundcloud Spotify
Best Youtube Channel
Majestic Casual Monstercat Mr. Suicide Sheep Proximity Spinnin TV
Best DJ Equipment Manufacturer
Allen & Heath Denon Native Instruments Pioneer Technics
Best DAW
Ableton Live 10 FL Studio Logic Pro Pro Tools Steinberg Cubase
Best Male Artist (Pop/Electronic)
Alok DJ Snake Marshmello Martin Garrix The Chainsmokers
Best Female Artist (Pop/Electronic)
Grimes Juicy M Krewella NERVO Tigerlily
Best Male Artist (Techno)
Adam Beyer Boris Brejcha Carl Cox Richie Hawtin Stephan Bodzin
Best Female Artist (Techno)
Amelie Lens Charlotte De Witte Deborah De Luca Monika Kruse Nina Kraviz
Best Male Artist (House)
Claptone Disclosure Duke Dumont Kungs Vintage Culture
Best Female Artist (House)
Honey Dijon Maya Jane Coles Nora En Pure Peggy Gou The Black Madonna
Best Male Artist (Bass)
Baauer Illenium Louis The Child RL Grime San Holo
Best Female Artist (Bass)
Alison Wonderland Huxley Anne Lady Bee Laura Escudé REZZ
Best Male Artist (Trance)
Above & Beyond Armin Van Buuren Gareth Emery Markus Schulz Paul Van Dyk
Best Female Artist (Trance)
Christina Novelli Maria Healy Nathia Kate Nifra Orla Feeney
Best Male Artist (Drum n’ Bass)
Andy C Chase & Status Delta Heavy Hybrid Minds Noisia
Best Female Artist (Drum n’ Bass)
DJ Rap DJ Storm Djinn Kyrist Mollie Collins
Best Male Artist (Downtempo)
Bonobo Emancipator Kaytranada Petit Biscuit Thievery Corporation
Best Female Artist (Downtempo)
Emika Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Lil Bo Weep Sister Bliss TOKiMONSTA
Best Male Artist (Hardstyle)
Angerfist Brennan Heart Coone Headhunterz Wildstylez
Best Female Artist (Hardstyle)
AniMe DJ Stephanie Korsakoff Lady Faith Miss K8
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Read more from Omar and connect with him on Soundcloud, Twitter, and Instagram.
'The International Dance Music Awards Announce Nominees For 33rd Annual Awards Show
The post The International Dance Music Awards Announce Nominees For 33rd Annual Awards Show appeared first on Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music.
from Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music https://ift.tt/2ILB3rM
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christineebernard · 8 years
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Man is the story-telling animal.
Salman Rushdie, Luka and the Fire of Life
Deutsch | English
Menschen sind das “story-telling animal.” In meiner Lehre und Forschung zum literarischem Schreiben versuche ich, dem erzählenden Tier auf den Grund zu gehe, ob in der Literatur, dem Videospiel, dem Film, der Serie oder im Theater.
Seit 2014 unterrichte ich die Roman-Werkstatt der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Bonn. In diesem Seminar, offen für Studierende aller Fachrichtungen, arbeiten Studierende nach einem gesonderten Bewerbungsverfahren über mehrere Semester hinweg an ihren Romanprojekten. Wir kümmern uns um jedes Stadium eines Romans, von der Idee über die Planung, den ersten Entwurf, die Überarbeitung und den Feinschliff bis hin zum Anbieten im Literaturbetrieb. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist dabei die Kombination aus Theorie und Praxis; praktisch handelt es sich bei dem Seminar um einen klassischen Workshop mit großem Augenmerk auf der Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens. Theoretisch befassen wir uns sowohl mit handwerklich-narratologischen Ansätzen, vorwiegend aus den Vereinigten Staaten, und mit den Poetologien vorwiegend deutschsprachiger AutorInnen. Ich lege neben dem Workshop-Modell vor allen Dingen darauf wert, in dem Seminar literarisches Schreiben und innovative Erzählforschung zusammenzubringen, indem ich die Studierenden an meinen eigenen Forschungsprojekten teilhaben lasse und sie mit der Arbeit von Wissenschaftlern wie Keith Oatley, Raymond A. Mar und Melanie Greene vertraut mache.
Die besondere Herausforderung stellt die Vielfalt der Romanprojekte dar, die die ganze Lebendigkeit junger deutschsprachiger Literatur in Nordrhein-Westfalen wiederspiegelt, von allen kommerziellen Genres über die klassische Belletristik bis hin zum innovativen Sprachexperiment. Die Werkstatt ist stark in der Region verwurzelt: Jedes Semester kommen Verlagsmenschen aus Nordrhein-Westfalen zu Besuch, von DuMont, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Bastei Lübbe, Lilienfeld, Lektoren, Agenten, Autoren, Literaturvermittler, um die Texte der Studierenden dem Praxistest zu unterziehen. Außerdem präsentieren wir einmal im Jahr die Texte einem großen Bonner Publikum beim KulturCampus.
Es gibt nur eine Regel: Da draußen warten Leser. Let’s go get them.
Boyd, Brian. On the Origin of Stories. Campbell, Joseph. The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Fludernik, Monika. Towards a New Narratolgy. Frey, James N. Wie Man Einen Verdammt Guten Roman Schreibt. Gardner, John. The Art of Fiction. George, Elizabeth. Wort für Wort oder die Kunst, ein gutes Buch zu schreiben. Gottschall, Jonathan. The Story-Telling Animal. How Fiction Makes Us Human. Isabel Bogdan unter www.isabelbogdan.de übers Übersetzen, Schreiben, und die deutsche Literaturwelt. Kehlmann, Daniel. Diese Sehr Ernsten Scherze. Lehnen, Christine. “Exploring Narratives’ Powers of Emotional Persuasion through Character Involvement: A Working Heuristic”. Literaturen: ein Literaturblog | http://literatourismus.net/ Oatley, Keith. The Passionate Muse. Exploring Emotions in Fiction. Rob Morgan unter https://gamestoryuk.tumblr.com/ über digital storytelling Sacks, Oliver. Dankbarkeit. Samantha Shannon unter samantha-shannon.blogspot.com über die englischsprachige Verlagswelt. Sklar, Howard. The Art of Sympathy in Fiction. Vogler, Christoph. The Writer’s Journey. Mythic Structure for Writers. Wissenschaftler unter OnFiction.ca über die Erforschung von Fiktion und Erzählungen. Zeh, Juli. Treideln.
+ 10 Bücher, die mich vorangebracht haben: Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. Arnon Grünberg. Der Mann, der nie krank wurde. Aldous Huxley. The Island. Irmgard Keun. Gilgi, eine von uns. Irmgard Keun. Kinder aller Länder. Jonas Lüscher. Frühling der Barbaren. George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four. David Szalay. All That Man Is. J. R. R. Tolkien. Der Herr der Ringe. Nina Yargekov. Double Nationalité.
Blogbeiträge über die Lehre, das Studium und die Erforschung von Geschichten und Literarischem Schreiben: #teaching
We are, as a species, addicted to story.
Jonathan Gottschall, The Story-Telling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human.
Reading Recs
We are the story-telling animal. From the beginning of time, we have told each other stories. Whether I am teaching or researching, it is my goal to understand this story-telling animal – and help my students understand it too, be it in novels, short stories, video games, TV, film, or the theatre. Since 2014, I have been teaching the Novel Writing Workshop at the University of Bonn, open to students from all disciplines. After a special application process, students may spend several semesters working on their novels. We cover every stage from the first idea over outlining, writing the first draft, editing and polishing, to submitting. We focus especially on a combination of theory and application, with particular emphasis on the craft of storytelling and the latest findings of narratology, a functional approach to fiction proposed by researchers such as Keith Oatley, Raymond A. Mar, Melanie Greene, or myself. The students work on projects that represent all the variety of young contemporary fiction in the country, from genre fiction over accessible literary to innovative language experiments dressed in long narratives. Every semester, we showcase their work to editors and agents, e. g. from DuMont, Kiepenheuer & Witsch and Bastei Lübbe, and every year we present it to a larger audience from Bonn at the annual KulturCampus. There are readers out there waiting for stories. Let’s go get them. Reading Recs:
Boyd, Brian. On the Origin of Stories. Campbell, Joseph. The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Fludernik, Monika. Towards a New Narratolgy. Frey, James N. How to Write a Damn Good Novel. Gardner, John. The Art of Fiction. George, Elizabeth. Write Away. One Novelist’s Approach to Fiction. Gottschall, Jonathan. The Story-Telling Animal. How Fiction Makes Us Human Kehlmann, Daniel. Diese Sehr Ernsten Scherze. Lehnen, Christine. “Exploring Narratives’ Powers of Emotional Persuasion through Character Involvement: A Working Heuristic”. Oatley, Keith. The Passionate Muse. Exploring Emotions in Fiction. Researchers at OnFiction.ca about the science of fiction Rob Morgan at https://gamestoryuk.tumblr.com/ about digital storytelling Sacks, Oliver. Gratitude. Samantha Shannon at samantha-shannon.blogspot.com about the English-speaking publishing world Sklar, Howard. The Art of Sympathy in Fiction. Vogler, Christoph. The Writer’s Journey. Mythic Structure for Writers. Zeh, Juli. Treideln.
Blog posts on teaching, studying, and researching creative writing: #teaching
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