#Monica Balli
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cuorerock · 1 year ago
Mai fatto bilanci di fine anno e mai ne farò probabilmente. Ma si vi va di farne potreste tener conto di quanto segue:
“Sul finire di questo anno fai tuo questo prezioso insegnamento: perdi un pezzo della tua anima ogni volta che chiudi il tuo cuore per paura. Ogni volta che dici "mai più". Ogni volta che pensi "tanto ormai". Perdi un pezzo della tua anima ogni volta che non rischi, che non sorridi, che rifiuti un abbraccio perché altre braccia ti hanno ferito in passato. Ogni volta che non ami perché chi amavi ti ha tradito e fatto soffrire. Ogni volta che non esprimi il tuo amore perché qualcuno ti ha lasciato. Perdi un pezzo della tua anima ogni volta che non giochi, che non balli, che non ti butti per paura di restare deluso. In questo nuovo anno, anima bella, hai bisogno di ricomporre questi pezzi. Ti renderai conto di essere una creatura divina e meravigliosa.”
[Ispirato alle parole della scrittrice Monica Grando]
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marwahstudios · 1 year ago
Global Destinations Expo and Conference 2023 concluded with great success
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Global Destinations Expo & Conference (GDEC) 2023 concluded with great success, igniting a new era in the travel and tourism industry. Organized by iCONEX in association with the International Chamber of Media & Entertainment Industry, this year’s GDEC took place from 21st to 23rd July 2023 at the prestigious India Expo Center & Mart in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
The event was inaugurated in the presence of esteemed personalities, including Subhash Goyal, Chairman of GDEC & Chairman of STIC Travel; Rituraj Khanna, CEO of Q Events; Rajeev Jain, MD of Rashi Entertainment; Sandeep Marwah, Owner of Marwah Studios & Founder of Noida Film City; Ashok Tyagi, Leading Indian Film Director; Sabbas Joseph, Founder & Director of Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.; Ms. Rakhi Kankaria, Founder & Director of Rachnoutsav Events Pvt. Ltd.; Arvind Singh, Former Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India; Ms. Monica Balli, Event Planner at Tuscan Bites, and Abhimanyu Singh, Director of iCONEX Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.
Themed “Shaping Tomorrow’s Journeys,” GDEC 2023 brought together industry professionals, thought leaders, and enthusiasts from around the world to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and innovations that will define the future of film production, travel, and tourism. As the world continues to recover from the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic, GDEC stood as a beacon of hope, unity, and transformation for the industry.
The event’s highlights included inspirational keynote addresses from distinguished leaders who emphasized the importance of resilience, adaptability, and sustainability in rebuilding the travel sector. Thought-provoking panels led by experts discussed various topics, including responsible tourism practices, digital advancements, post-pandemic travel trends, and inclusive travel initiatives.
The vibrant exhibition area showcased a diverse array of destinations, tour operators, hotel chains, technology providers, and startups, presenting their innovative offerings and solutions to drive the industry forward.
One of the key aspects of GDEC 2023 was the networking extravaganza, providing attendees with opportunities to forge valuable connections, foster collaborations, and establish partnerships that will catalyze positive change within the global travel community.
The event culminated with the highly anticipated GDEC Destination Awards ceremony, where exceptional projects and contributions within the industry were recognized, celebrating excellence and dedication.
Abhimanyu Singh, Director of iCONEX Exhibition, expressed immense pride in the resounding success of GDEC 2023. He emphasized that the event exemplified the spirit of unity and determination within the travel industry and served as a catalyst for innovative solutions and collaborations that will shape a sustainable and prosperous future for film production, travel, and tourism.
The success of GDEC 2023 was attributed to the unwavering commitment and support of partners, sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees. The organizers extended heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual and organization that contributed to making this event a remarkable milestone in the industry.
Stay connected with GDEC to be the first to know about future editions and initiatives that will continue to revolutionize the travel landscape.
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womanbride · 5 years ago
A Cinecittà World va in scena la serata di gala del prestigioso premio “The Italian Wedding Stars”, che celebra le eccellenze del wedding italiano.
A Cinecittà World va in scena la serata di gala del prestigioso premio “The Italian Wedding Stars”, che celebra le eccellenze del wedding italiano.
A Roma il Gran Galà per la consegna del più ambito riconoscimento nel mondo del wedding nazionale, ideato da Daniela Corti, alla presenza di una straordinaria giuria internazionale.
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Italian Wedding Stars Edizione 2018
Venerdì 29 novembre 2019, Roma diventa, per un giorno, la Capitale del Wedding italiano grazie a Daniela Corti, la brillante wedding & event designer, titolare di Madreperla Wedding…
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newbooks-tulibrary · 6 years ago
I.M.A.G.I.N.E. peace now : the Innovative Merger of Art and Guns to Inspire New Expressions of peace now.
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The "I.M.A.G.I.N.E. PEACE NOW " exhibition (an acronym: Innovative Merger (of) Art (and) Guns (to) Inspire New Expressions(of) Peace Now), organized by Boris Bally, includes 94 works of compelling, peace-themed artworks made from decommissioned firearms from Pittsburgh's ?Goods for Guns? Anti Violence Coalition. This book is a comprehensive catalog, featuring world-class craft artists from 6 different countries. Our team includes Jurors and Essayists Emily Zilber, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Curator of Contemporary Decorative Arts; Monica Moses, Editor in Chief, American Craft Magazine (also the Editor of our Essays); Shepard Fairey, Artist and Activist; Boris Bally, Metalsmith and exhibition organizer. Other, invited authors include: Michael McMillan, Associate Curator, Fuller Museum of Craft; Ian Alden Russel, Curator, David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University and Jillian Moore, artist, contemporary jewelry critic and writer. This publication is aimed at moving people to action through the power of imagery and art. 
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sciscianonotizie · 3 years ago
Riecco il Party del sorriso a Villa Domi la sesta edizione
A Villa Domi riecco il “Party Del Sorriso” di Angelo Iannelli, dedicato alle persone meno fortunate. Una parata di stelle e Premio Cuore D’oro a  Elena Presti e Cosimo  Alberti. Dopo il successo delle scorse cinque edizioni, ritorna il “Party del Sorriso”, serata di solidarietà dedicata alle persone meno fortunate . Si svolgerà Sabato 14 Maggio  alle ore 20:00 nell’incantevole dimora settecentesca di Villa Domi la sesta edizione. L’evento è ideato e curato da Angelo Iannelli “ Ambasciatore del sorriso”, organizzato dall’ Associazione Vesuvius A.P.S. in collaborazione con Villa Domi Event  di Domenico Contessa . Il sociale diventa luce ,il sorriso terapia e  Napoli capitale dei grandi eventi .   Lo slogan  di questa edizione è “ Per donare un sorriso basta poco, avere un cuore grande”. Si preannuncia una serata ricca di emozioni, comprendente : Il Sociale ,la Moda, l’Arte, la Musica, i Balli , la valorizzazione del territorio attraverso le Eccellenze Enogastronomiche  , tutto  glorificato dalla solidarietà. Aprirà la serata il Gruppo Musicale di Acerra,  a seguire  la moda con l’ Accademia Maria Mauro  , le modelle di   “The Quiero Mucho “  e la sposa di Nunzia Di Bernardo , seguiranno momenti musicali  con  i cantanti : Luis Navarro , Michele Selillo e Mario Conte  .L’atmosfera in villa diventerà magica con il percussionista Rosario  Scotti Di Carlo  e  i giochi di luce di Aiguil Duisheeva  . Alla serata saranno presenti tantissime personalità : blogger, vip, musicisti, pittori, istituzioni, imprenditori ,  ragazzi speciali e mass media  .Includere, valorizzare e socializzare, sono i tre obbiettivi  del produttore di emozioni Iannelli , C.t della nazionale del sociale che richiama tutti al grande evento per il suo Birtday.
Tantissimi i personaggi che hanno dato conferma al re del sorriso , che vuole rilanciare Napoli capitale degli eventi sociali nel mondo e stupirci in questa edizione :Corrado Ferlaino, Giulio Tarro, Gigi Savoia, Gigi Attrice, Lucia Cassini, Angelo Di Gennaro, Francesca Maresca  ,  Diego Moreno,Antoine, Teresa Moccia, Marco Cristi, Massimiliano Cimino Crescenzo De Gennaro, ,Lino Blandizzi, Enzo Guariglia,  Nicola Mora,Gino Accardo ,Francesco Iannelli, Lorenzo Crea, Cristian Musella, Antonio Riscetti, Fortuna Autiero, , Franco Melidoni , Alessia Fusaro ,  Zara De Felice,Chiara Aliberti,  Diletta’ Bone’ Acanfora,  Magda Mancuso , Stefania Pagano, Maria Grazia Verace, Morena De Rosa, Lina La Mura, Carmen La Bruna, Monica Pignataro,  Alessia Caputo. Eduardo Angeloni, Daniela Sabella, Delia Pacilio, Andrea Iovino  ,  Anna Semenkova, Miriam Rigione, Giulia Accardo, Susy Silvestri, Annabella Prisco ,Maria Grazia Liguori, Maria Guerriero, Roberto Minini (sosia Bono Vox), Natascia Ummaro, Ida Piccolo, Enza Guadagni, Miry D’amico,Maria Pirozzi, Vania Scarpato, Marianna Fortuna, Susy Fiorillo, Rosanna Romano, Ciro Marra, Alfredo Mariani, Massimo Sparnelli, Franco Capasso, Gigione Maresca, Raffaele Carlino, Franco Buononato, Teresa Lucianelli, Gianfranco Bellissimo, Vincenzo Assanti, Dora Chiariello, Pasquale Spera,Davide Guida, Giuseppe De Carlo,  Rosita Arpaia, Gianni Testa, Vincenzo Maio, Davide Ponticiello  e tanti altri ospiti a sorpresa .Per le istituzioni Invitato anche il Sindaco di Napoli  Gaetano Manfredi , i consoli: Gerry Danesi e Giuseppe Gambardella, Il Presidente Confesercenti Campania  Vincenzo Schiavo, il  sindaco di Camposano Francesco Barbato ,  il sindaco di Somma Vesuviana , Salvatore Di Somma  , il sindaco di Casola di Napoli Costantino Peccerella e tanti altri ospiti a sorpresa  . Durante la serata ci saranno i” Percorsi D’arte in tour “ con l’esposizioni degli artisti: Marino Di Lorenzo, Nadia Basso, Marcello Eraldi, Giovanni Cardiero, Claudio Torino, Francesco Sellone e  Tiziana Corvino. Momento clou della serata   l’esibizione di “Ragazzi Speciali . Un vero festival delle eccellenze enogastronomiche campane ; I fiocchi di neve di Ciro Poppella, le   pizze  di Luciano Sorbillo , Azienda Agricola Luigi Turboli, Acqua Service, Latteria Sorrentina, I Sapori di Napoli, Sabatini Jamonita , Antonio  Arfè  e le sue primizie , l’angolo Nestle’,  Pasta Gemme del Vesuvio, pelati La Torrente ,  Iazzetta,  Cantine Mediterranee,Antonio Tiramisù,  Mille Dolcezze di Nicola Obliato, confetti  Rastiello, Rogante vino e spumante ,Terre Pompeiane con il liquore Baba Re’. Tanti i partner ; Miky Makeup artist Accademy , Angelo De Falco Gioielli, Go Away Donna,  La Floricoltura di Michelangelo Griffo ,  Beaty System di Enzo Nocerino e Claudio Di  Martino , Carlo Di Giacomo  consolle e audio. Sistema Casa Immobiliare, Futura Service, Associazione Giaguaro “Accendi Un sogno “ Durante il Party  “sarà consegnato il prestigioso premio “Cuore D’oro” realizzato dallo scultore Michele Buonincontri all’attrice e cantante Elena Presti e all’attore del soap” Un posto al Sole “Cosimo Alberti . La kermesse sarà condotta da Erennio De Vita , Edda Cioffi, Angelo Iannelli ed  Emanuela Gambardella  con le miss . Mara Mollo e Lucia Schettino .  La manifestazione sarà ripresa  e documentata dai più importanti mass media regionali e locali .
source https://www.ilmonito.it/riecco-il-party-del-sorriso-a-villa-domi-la-sesta-edizione/
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agallimaufryofoddments · 6 years ago
An idea for a Mask Maker Trio fic popped into my head a few days ago, and I can’t stop thinking about the bally thing, treacherous mind o’ mine. My brain should know perfectly well that writing a Mask Maker Trio fic means writing Monica – shockhorror – and correctly conveying the mid-1700s dynamic of Huey-Monica-Elmer and I am confident in neither of these things.
Maybe this is my subconscious admonishing me for not writing more 1700s fics. It has a point, come to think of it; only two of my published fics are set in the 1700s in some capacity (the Elmer fic and that Maiza childhood fic). In my defense, one of my WIPs is a pure 1700s fic. No bamboozle. However, to my discredit, I have not made any progress on that fic innn way too long.
Yeesh. Brain, once I finish the final chapter of The Honeypot Affair, then we can talk about the other WIPs and yet-to-be-written ideas. And we really ought to talk about THA after the Real Life Quandaries are handled, not before. (I...actually did make progress on THA finale earlier this week, and I’m not sorry). 
(Honestly, the idea of writing a Mask Maker Trio fic really is a bit intimidating...but at the same time, I’m still glad I’ve had the idea. I ought to try writing at least one MM3 fic, and my Baccano! fics are very skewed towards the 1930s timeline... Plus, it’s important to me that I can still generate ideas at all, setting aside the matter of what the ideas are for.)
Only way to feel more confident in writing 1700s fics is to write them, really. 
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infiniloading30 · 4 years ago
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006
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Kutumb, a musical Gujarati film to be released this Jan. Lucknowites are so loving: Hiten Tejwani Hiten Tejwani to shoot in Sector 18 and 67 for upcoming. Swapna Joshi debuts as director in Marathi films.
Kutumb The Family is a Hindi movie released on 26 May, 2017. The movie is directed by Amit Shree Yadav and featured Rajpal Yadav and Alok Nath as lead characters.
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006 Movie
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006 Full
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006 Watch
MarathiBoli is website for all Articles in Marathi language, Information related Marathi Movies, Marathi Music, Marathi Books, Marathi Culture, Marathi Kavita/Poem Marathi Movie Kutumb By Mahesh Manjarekar, cast Jitendra joshi and others. Ramp walk music hindi. House line in palmistry.
Manjrekar at Education Awareness Event
Born16 August 1958 (age 62)(1) Occupation
Film actor
Years active1975–presentSpouse(s)Medha ManjrekarChildren3
Mahesh Vaman Manjrekar (born 16 August 1958)(1) is an Indian film director, actor, writer and producer.(2)(3) He is credited with directing the critically acclaimed films Vaastav: The Reality (1999), Astitva (2000) and Viruddh.. Family Comes First (2005). He has won a National Film Award and two Star Screen Awards. Besides direction, he has acted in several films, including some of his own productions. He was first seen in Door darshan Marathi series named Kshitij in which he played a leprosy patient. He first gained acclaim as an actor for his performance in the 2002 film Kaante, and later played negative roles in the Tamil film Arrambam (2013), Telugu film Okkadunnadu (2007) and as the gangster Javed in the film Slumdog Millionaire (2008). He played Shivaji in Marathi film Me Shivajiraje Bhosale Boltoy. He also played the negative role of Harpeez Dongara in the Aakhri Chunauti series of episodes in C.I.D.. Manjrekar was acclaimed for the negative role as inspector D.R. Talpade in the movie Wanted.
He was a MNS candidate from Mumbai North West in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections but lost to Gajanan Kirtikar of Shiv Sena.(4)(5)
YearFilmsRoleLanguage1999Vaastav: The RealityAs himself in SongHindi2001Ehsaas: The FeelingMichaelHindi2002KaanteRaja 'Balli' YadavHindi2003Pran Jaye Par Shaan Na JayeMunna Bhai HatelaHindi2004PlanSultanHindi2004RunGanpat ChowdhuryHindi2004MusafirLukkaHindi2005It Was Raining That NightBrij BhushanEnglish2006ZindaJoy FernandesHindi2006Jawani Diwani: A Youthful JoyrideChappu BhaiHindi2007Dus KahaniyaanHindi2007OkkadunnaduSona BhaiTelugu2007Padmashree Laloo Prasad YadavAdvocate Prasad Pritam PradyumanHindi2007Deha2008Meerabai Not OutManoj Anant AchrekarHindi2008Slumdog MillionaireDon JavedEnglish2008HomamDaddyTelugu2009Me Shivajiraje Bhosale BoltoyShivajiMarathi2009WantedInspector TalpadeHindi200999AGM (Aatmaram Gyanshekhar Machve)Hindi2009Fruit and NutKhandar ZalaHindi2010AdhursDon Baba, the main villainTelugu2010Teen PattiDagdu SethHindi2010DabanggHaria (Rajo's father)Hindi2010Don SeenuMukesh Duggal / Duggal SaabTelugu2011ReadyRam Kapoor (Prem's father)Hindi2011Fakta Ladh MhanaBababhaiMarathi2011BodyguardRanjan MhatreHindi2012Tukkaa FittHindi2012OMG: Oh My God!Lawyer SardesaiHindi2012Jai Jai Maharashtra MazaMarathi2013HimmatwalaSher SinghHindi2013Shootout at WadalaInspector BhindeHindi2013Once Upon a Time In Mumbaai DobaraLocal gangster RawaHindi2013ArrambamMahadev RaneTamil2013RajjoBegamHindi2014Jai HoAuto-Rickshaw DriverHindi2014RegePradeep SharmaMarathi2014Singham ReturnsChief Minister Vikram AdhikariHindi2014Ardhangini by Abhishek MukherjeeBangla2015Bajirao MastaniShahuji Raje BhosaleHindi2015AkhilDivya's fatherTelugu2016Guntur TalkiesJakieTelugu2016Badsha - The DonShyam VhaiBengali2017FU: Friendship UnlimitedChilly's fatherMarathi2017VelaikkaranMadhav KurupTamil2018SanjuHimselfHindi2018Take Care Good NightInspector PawarMarathi2019Mard Ko Dard Nahi HotaAjobaHindi2019Vinaya Vidheya RamaChief Minister of BiharTelugu2019Total DhamaalChinnappa SwamyHindi2019SaahoPrinceHindi Tamil Telugu2019Mulshi PatternGanpatMarathi2019Dabangg 3HariyaHindi201966 SadashivMarathi2020Kesari(6)Vastad MehmanMarathi2020Taxi No. 24Hindi(7)2021Boss
(with Pawan Singh)
Aai (1995)
Vaastav: The Reality (1999)
Astitva (2000)
Kurukshetra (2000)
Jis Desh Mein Ganga Rehta Hai (2000)
Nidaan (2000)
Ehsaas: The Feeling (2001)
Tera Mera Saath Rahen (2001)
Hathyar (2002)
Pitaah (2002)
Pyaar Kiya Nahin Jaatha (2003)
Rakht (2004)
It Was Raining That Night (2005)
Viruddh.. Family Comes First (2005)
Vaah! Life Ho Toh Aisi! (2005)
Matichya Chuli (2006)
Shikshanachya Aaicha Gho (2010)
City of Gold (2010)
Ami Shubhash Bolchi (2011)
Fakt Ladh Mhana (2011)
Kaksparsh (2012)
Koknastha (2013)
Natsamrat (2016)
FU: Friendship Unlimited (2017)
Me Shivaji Park(2018)
Bhai: Vyakti Ki Valli (2019)
Pran Jaye Par Shaan Na Jaye (2003)
It Was Raining That Night (2005)
Shala (2012)
YearShowRole2006Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 1Contestant2009Monica MogreCriminal in Case File No. 12009Specials @ 10Director of Har Kadam Par Shaque2009Arre Deewano Mujhe PehchanoHimself (contestant)2010Maharashtracha SuperstarHimself (Judge)2010C.I.D.HD (Harpeez Dongra)2015Agent Raghav - Crime BranchDilip Chauhan2018Bigg Boss Marathi 1Host2018Selection DaySir Tommy2019Bigg Boss Marathi 2Host2019Kaale DhandeAnna Bhai2019TVF CheesecakeMirza
^ abMultiple sources:
'Mahesh Manjrekar'. BollywoodMDb.
'Mahesh Manjrekar celebrates his birthday'. mid-day. 18 August 2012.
'5 things you did not know about birthday boy Mahesh Manjrekar|The Times of India'. The Times of India. 16 August 2014.
'Mahesh Manjrekar celebrates his Birthday | Indian Photo Agency'. indianphotoagency.com. 17 August 2012.
^'Mahesh Manjrekar'. IMDb.
^'The day my work suffers, I'll retire'. Rediff.com. 12 November 2001. Retrieved 21 August 2011.
^'Mahesh Manjrekar was MNS Candidate from Mumbai North West'. IANS. news.biharprabha.com. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
^'Celeb politicians: who won and who lost'. Hindustan Times. 16 May 2014. Retrieved 17 October 2014.
^Matkari, Ganesh; Matkari; 2020; Ist, 23:21 (28 February 2020). 'Kesari Movie Review'. Pune Mirror. Retrieved 3 March 2020.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
^Adarsh, Taran (25 September 2020). 'FILMING BEGINS.. #MaheshManjrekar commenced shoot for thriller #TaxiNo24 in #Mumbai.. Costars #JagjeetSandhu and #AnangshaBiswas.. Directed by Saumitra Singh.. Produced by Saviraj Shetty'. Twitter.
External links(edit)
Mahesh Manjrekar on IMDb
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Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mahesh_Manjrekar&oldid=992249866'
Director: Sudesh Manjrekar https://infiniloading30.tumblr.com/post/654215800404819968/rivala-matha-song-mp3-free-download.
Producer: Great Maratha Entertainment
Writers: Mahesh Waman Manjrekar (Story and Screenplay) and Raveen Tarade (Dialogues)
Cast: Jitendra Joshi, Veena Janmkar, Gauri Ingawale, Mihir Soni, Siddharth Jadhav, Manasi Naik, Vaibhav Mangale, Bhalchandra Kadam
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006 Movie
Music: Ajit-Sameer & Abhijeet Kawthalkar
Rating: * * ½ Paretologic data recovery pro 2.2 0.0 crack.
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006 Full
Plot: Even though they struggle to make ends meet, Namdeo (Jitendra Joshi) and Ganga (Veena Janmkar) live a peaceful life with their children Laxmi (Gauri Ingawale) and Subhan (Mihir Soni). Namdeo, who works as a gardener, will go any heights to fulfill the wants of his family. He even does some extra work and bears all pains with a smile. However, their simple life turns ugly when they are faced with a number of obstacles.
Namdeo receives unconditional family-like support from his friend Magic Mamu (Siddharth Jadhav) and his wife Saira (Manasi Naik).
(For more reviews and information on Marathi cinema, click here.)
Review: Parents are always expected to work hard to present a better or a comfortable life to their children. But how acceptable is when children take up the responsibility to better the lives of their parents? Such an unusual yet interesting question is explored in Sudesh Manjrekar’s Kutumb. The characters and some of the events surely succeed in moving the audience but due to the writing and execution (in some parts), the film turns out to be just a one-time watch.
During the initial moments, the writers and the director use the visual medium very intelligently. The nature of the four characters, the love between them, their problems and their everyday life is described without much use of dialogues. And once Siddharth Jadhav’s character is introduced, the proceedings get a booster. But there was no need to include two songs without any gap to prove the dancing skills of the two kids. Despite that, the first half manages to lay a decent foundation.
Kutumb Marathi Movie 2006 Watch
The events that follow are appealing alright. But now the film starts treading on predictable lines. An over-emotional scene (not possible to reveal more), involving one of the main characters, appears silly. But what hurts the most is how the audience is made to watch a dance reality show for a long duration later on. The pre-climax and the climax should have been framed in a way that it gets the audience rooting for the kids.
A very interesting fact is observed in a number of Mahesh Manjrekar’s films including Kutumb. The main protagonist receives tremendous help from a supporting character who is Muslim by religion. Apart from Kutumb (where Jadhav plays Joshi’s friend), this is seen in his earlier films Kurukshetra, Viruddh, Vaah! Life Ho To Aisi!, Mee Shivajiraje Bhosale Boltoy and Shikshanachya Aaicha Gho. Co-incidentally, in three of the six films mentioned, Jadhav has played the concerned character.
Technical aspects like cinematography (Ajith Reddy) and background score can be included in the plus points. The editing is fine but it should have been tighter during the dance reality show scenes. Ajit-Sameer and Abhijit Kawthalkar’s music suits the film. Dialogues (Pravin Tarde) are effective and moving.
The performance area is the biggest plus point. Jitendra Joshi is brilliant as he pours his heart out while playing a caring father and husband. He is on a roll this year. Vena Janmkar too gets into the skin of her character with perfection and presents a realistic act. Gauri Ingawale and Mihir Soni deserve huge applause for not only giving mature performances but also showing some terrific dancing skills.
Siddharth Jadhav presents a lovable act. Manasi Naik is likable too. Vaibhav Mangale plays the bad guy well while Bhalchandra Kadam, his sidekick, is not bad either.
Overall, Kutumb can be seen once if you prefer emotional family dramas. The film will need positive word-of-mouth to succeed at the box-office. It will face opposition from next week’s awaited No Entry Pudhe Dhoka Aahey.
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dilipnewsdesk · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on http://www.filmwalaexp.com/another-biggest-show-by-sir-prashob-saini-of-event-planner-federation-27th-september-on-event-industry-day-n-world-tourism-day/
EPFame Awards 2.0 Event Industry Day 2020 – EPF Colosseum 3.0
•• In an unprecedented year where  it is important everyone continues to social distance, Event Planners Federation will be taking the Award Show from the stage to your Screen with Recognising The Best in 50+ Categories shortlisted out of 2700+ applications Who Have Been Pushing The Boundaries of Excellence. The Acclaimed Award Show will be paying a Tribute to The Global Events Fraternity by celebrating Event Industry Day on 27th September (World Tourism Day) after EPF helped popularise the Event Managers Day Concept as a Global Phenomenon which was Celebrated with much pompous in 50+ countries worldwide . EPF Colosseum 3.0 is the bedrock philosophy of EPFAME Awards which in its third outing brings together Veterans of The Event World from 10+ different countries as Speakers in line of EPF 2020 Agenda “Focal on Global”.
•• Transporting EPFAME Award Show straight into living rooms across the World, Event Planners Federation has enlisted the support of Tourism & Culture Minister of India – Shri Prahlad Singh Patel & some of the Event Industry World’s Leading Professionals Such as “George Diamontopolous(Owner of Diamond Events, GREECE), Monica Balli(Owner & CEO at Monica Balli Events & TuscanBites Catering Services, ITALY), Sarah Young(Owner of Sarah Young-Luxury Events and Wedding Planning, Malta), Andrea Hamanova(Owner of Exclusive Weddings In Prague), Mikala Forcellini (Journalistic Reports on Florists & Formations for Florists), Elisabeth Vasquez (Owner at Zoo Music Management, Spain), Veronique Dussault
(Freelance Conceptor & Ex-Cirque Du Soliel , CANADA ), Jyoti Singh(Director/Founder V Indus Pte Ltd, SINGAPORE) , Clement Yong(Owner – Dazzling Lights, THAILAND)  & Himanshu Shah
( Chief Mentor of SOI Live & Eventaa , Gujarat) &  Shaju Ignatius
(Entrepreneurship at Ignite Enterprise,Mumbai ) from The Indian Sub-Continent.
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••Chairman of EPF – Sir Prashob Saini puts in, “It’s always a thrill to splash some limelight on outstanding members of our community, but this year it feels especially gratifying to honor eventers who have skillfully led their brands’ messaging to new heights both before and during the thicket of uncertainty, fear and dissent that has characterized 2020. As you read the profiles of our EPFAME Award finalists, you’ll notice recurring themes like diversity, relatability and flexibility. There’s an earnestness there, and a restlessness. It becomes clear that in eventing, there are many who do good work but only some who rise to the genius level”. He adds that , There are Also Few who from the Community who are Going to be Recognised in Special Categories for Their Work which was Par Excellence , such as Gittika Ganju Dhar(Founder-Ministry of Talk-Made In India) has been Nominated for The Most Coveted Global Artist of the Decade , Ali Quli Mirza( Bollywood Actor-Singer) has been Nominated for The Highly Prestigious EPFAME Koh-E-Noor , Sushma Gaikwad (Co-Founder WizcraftMime & ICE-Global) has been  Nominated for The Coveted “Global Event Educator of The Decade” & Rini Chandra(Celebrity Playback Singer, Saregampa Fame) has been Nominated for the Prestigious EPFAME PEARL.
The Names of the 50+  Brand Leaders that have been shortlisted as Finalists are *Primax360 International* (Asia-UK), *LEO Digital Media* (Mumbai), *Entertainment Sportz* (Gujarat) in 2 Categories , *ES Celebrations OPC Pvt Ltd* (Gujarat) in 2 Categories, *Tamannaz*(Mumbai) in 2 Categories, Raj Khatri Films (Mumbai), *Setwala* (Mumbai), *Innovate 369* (Gujarat), *Eventaa* (Gujarat), *IIRA International School*(Gujarat), *Nirala Entertainment* (Delhi), *Arch Events*(Jaipur), *GoFesto International* (India-USA), *Purple Star Entertainment* (Mumbai), *Pearlescent Events* (Bangalore), *60 Seconds Asia* (Mumbai), *Eventoss Entertainment*( Uttar Pradesh), *Entertainment 365*(Maharashtra), *Leaf Entertainment* (Gujarat) in 3 Categories , *Brite Entertainment* (Gujarat), *The Urban Events*(Jaipur), *Ashu Events* (Gujarat), *Stellar Concept* (Gujarat), *Search Minds* (Gujarat), *Celebration Event Management* (Mumbai), *Motion Monks Entertainment* (Gujarat) , *Navkar Events*(Gujarat), *K9 Fabric Solutions*(Gujarat) in 2 Categories , *Nine Cube Events*(Mumbai), *Wow Dance & Events*(Gujarat),,
*Colors Events*(Uttar Pradesh), *MAA Associates*(Gujarat),
*Nakshatra Events* (Maharashtra), *JEEL Elite Event Management* (Gujarat), *Crystal World*(Mumbai), *Bholenath Crackers*(Gujarat), *Camp Unity*(Gujarat), *Drishyam Entertainment* (Gujarat), *Arena Events*(Mumbai), *Once More Events*(Mumbai), *35mm Candids*(Mumbai), *Premier Studios*(Hyderabad), *Wedding TV*(Hyderabad), *Montaged Movies*(Mumbai), *Outbox Media* (Delhi), *Connext*(Delhi). ,
*DJ Joy*(Gujarat) in 2 Categories, *Shefali Saxena* (Mumbai) , *Dharna Mehrotra* (Delhi), *Kristine Zedek*(Mumbai), *Arundhati Chakraborty*(Mumbai) & *Deep Sangoi* (Mumbai).
••Head of Secretariat at EPF and Convenor of EPFAME organising committee, “Ruchita Patel Saini” elaborates on The Mission Statement of EPFAME Awards(EID Global- EPF Colosseum) which is that , EPFAME Awards In the Events World   celebrates creativity, innovation and effectiveness in the industry.  It’s a true symbol of high achievement & excellence.
••She Further Adds onto the History of EPF from the time, EPF was Founded in 2014, For creative Event Professionals who seeked deeper connections with like-minded individuals, EPF provided innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges and acted as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry.
••She elaborates that EPF facilitates the exchange of information, promotes the adoption of industry best practices, develops programs to promote event planner professionalism & educates the public on the profound economic impact of the events industry.
••EPF Members when Interviewed state that, EPF is a Community of Creative Event Professionals whose skills, Expertise and Experience power some of the most recognised and respected live events.
••They Add that EPF is a community centred around celebrating all aspects of live Event production & management so members can deliver the very best work to their clients and organisations.
••The EC Members of EPF Whose Brainchild EPFAME Awards(EID Global – EPF Colosseum) 2020 is , Stated that The 2020 Edition is a Proud Initiative to raise funds for Event Profs affected by COVID by celebrating Event Industry Day 2020 co-located with EPF Colosseum 3.0 & Celebrating 7 Glorious Years of EPF Fraternity on September 27th 2020.
••Event Industry Professionals When Asked Stated That, EPFAME Awards(EID Global – EPF Colosseum) is a Global phenomenon that celebrated  the Momentous Event Managers Day Concept in 2019 as a Tribute to The Events & Experiential Fraternity & In The 2020 edition , The I.P is celebrating Event Industry Day in order to enrich the fraternity as it brings together the Event Professionals on One Platform to generate ideas, tackle the challenges faced by the industry, acknowledge The Achievers & grow together.
      ••In Order To Raise The Bar & Create Value for All , The Makers have Associated with  leading Brands such as  the Patron Brand of EPFAME Awards 2019, The UK-Asia Based Globally renowned & Multiple Award Winning Agency “Primax360 International Group”  to Indian Sub-Continent Based Established Brands Such as Eventaa, Innovate 369, Montaged Movies,  LEO Digital Media & Setwala.com.
•• The Show Shall be hosted by a Triad of popular Speakers from India namely Shefali , Dhaarna & Kristine.
••Mission :
India as The Sunshine Diaspora
Events Industry as The Sunrise Industry.
••Registration Link :
••On : 27th September 2020
••Time : The Ceremony will commence at 5pm IST and will end at 7pm IST tentatively
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travelcenter-uk · 5 years ago
A Holiday Guide to USA Quad City 2021
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Are you looking for ideas for that ultimate holiday? This time around, do something unique; get ready for the great USA Quad City trip with our multi-centre holidays. But this is not just any road trip; this one’s situated across the West Coast and East Coast of the United States believed to be amongst the most gorgeous places on Earth.      
The United States of America is a massive nation, packed with various sceneries and cultures. Because of all the contrasts across the different areas, it could be helpful to separate some places and discover more about what truly makes them so different. On your USA Quad City trip, you’ll find that the East Coast and West Coast are tremendously diverse places when it comes to the way of life, and each one serves various kinds of people.    
The West Coast is famous for its stunning beaches, its flourishing cities, and young, diverse occupants, and no matter what kind of traveller you are (explorer, artsy, family, historical, or relaxed), you’ll discover an ideal holiday in one of the many East Coast states as well.
Promising the best entertainment from morning till evening, this trip to the great USA Quad City gives you the chance to experience the best of the East and West Coast on your multi-centre USA holidays. These four destinations are the most famous cities that you could explore during your USA Quad City tour, here’s what each of them is famous for.
New York
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New York is known as the city that never sleeps, is famous for the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, and the Brooklyn Bridge, you can shop at designer stores, and reward your taste buds with some of the world’s most delicious cuisines. When you’re done with all of that, you’ll have to make time for the museums. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MOMA, Guggenheim, and the American Museum of Natural History all top the list.      
Gourmet restaurants, well-known tourist appeals, and marvellous street art – New York has all of it and so much more. Whatever you’re searching for, you’ll come across it in the Big Apple. The one issue you’ll encounter is not having enough time to see and do everything.
San Francisco
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One of the most famous and distinguishable metropolises in the world, San Francisco is home to fashionistas, hippies, and techies while also consisting of brilliant summers, monuments, architecture, fog, and rolling mountains.
It’s famous for the emblematic Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco cable cars, as well as its wealthy and varied culture.
Los Angeles
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Recognized as the biggest city on the west coast, Los Angeles is famous for its huge amusement parks such as Disneyland, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Universal Studios Hollywood, Knott’s Berry Farm, Legoland, and Pacific Park (Santa Monica Pier).
One of the other things that Los Angeles is known for is its TV, Movie and Music Industries. LA is the perfect destination for movie buffs, as there are several movie studio tours, as well as the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And, music fans would enjoy touring the music-themed attractions situated all over the city.
Las Vegas
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Well-known for exhilaration and fun, this city in the desert offers up all types of options for travellers. The Strip, Las Vegas‘ popular resort-bordered street, shines with lights and reconstructed glitzy locations from cities all over the world. The Grand Canyon is just a brief helicopter ride away, and the adjacent hills and mountains are home to all sorts of leisure opportunities.  
Las Vegas is a globally recognized resort city, famous mainly for its gambling, shopping, excellent dining, entertainment, and nightlife.
Top Trendy Restaurants in the Cities
Anton’s, New York City – The rustic previous space of West Village’s Frankies 570 Spuntino has turned into Anton’s, a throwback European restaurant from Nick Anderer. The chef — who used to head the kitchens at Marta and Maialino — goes into his Italian food training with a pasta section titled “macaroni,” with choices like a bucatini amatriciana and linguini with clams. Elsewhere, discover raw oysters, salads, and entrees such as roast chicken or barbecued pork rib chop with apple sauce. Cocktails are variants on classics, which include pre-batched martinis that come directly from the freezer.
Holy Ground at 109 W Broadway, New York City – The next time you need a meat-heavy dinner in a refreshing-space, but didn’t plan far enough ahead of time to grab a table at 4 Charles or Minetta Tavern, visit Holy Ground. It’s an underground spot in Tribeca where you can envision Duke Ellington relaxing in a red leather booth having an old-fashioned and porterhouse. This place isn’t a customary steakhouse though – the Old Fashioneds are prepared with mezcal and tequila, and the menu concentrates on slow-smoked meats such as pork shoulder and wagyu brisket.
Dragon Beaux, San Francisco – A blend of classic and modern dim sum is on the menu at this always-packed Richmond District restaurant from the team behind Bay Area Stalwart Koi Palace. Everyone enjoys taking Instagram worthy pictures of the soup dumplings with coloured skins, but those in the know fill their tables with the type of inventive, accurately executed dim sum specialties you’ll come across at forward-thinking places in Hong Kong: blood-red rice rolls packed with fried fish, the city’s top sugar-crusted baked pork buns, and, for good measure, destination-worthy crackle-skinned roast pork belly. Try the winter melon hot pot with roasted squab during the night, when Dragon Beaux moves over and turns into a hot pot restaurant.
Pearl 6101, San Francisco – This restaurant has gained the hearts of metropolitan diners far past its warm, suburban Richmond neighbourhood location. In an exquisitely-tiled corner dining room, chef-partners Mel Lopez and Joyce Conway, offer customers handmade pasta and hefty wood-fired pork chops, accompanied by drinks such as the not to be missed Pearl Martini from partner/bar manager Nahiel Nazzal (it’s Oakland-distilled “sea gin” with Italian vermouth and pickled sea bean).
Olivetta, Los Angeles – There may not be a trendier restaurant in Los Angeles than Olivetta at the moment. The attractive space has four separate rooms with diverse auras, but the chief dining room with its luxurious sitting area, extravagant design, and modest noise level is the ideal spot to experience Michael Fiorelli’s welcoming but refined take on California Italian food. Try the grilled branzino, rye macaroni, and kale salad.
Found Oyster, Los Angeles – LA can always use more seafood restaurants, and this jewel of an oyster bar in East Hollywood has a compact menu from chef Ari Kolender that pulls from his East Coast upbringing. Find everything from steamers and shucked oysters to an enormous lobster roll.
Jing, Las Vegas – Downtown Summerlin’s new Japanese restaurant focusses on sushi, shareable wagyu hot rocks, and wok dishes with a menu from Joseph Elevado, the previous executive chef at Social House at Treasure Island and Andrea’s at Encore Las Vegas. Fire and water features equip the space that comprises of a courtyard and live entertainment.
Pepper Lunch, Las Vegas – A anticipated inclusion to Shanghai Plaza, the self-described “DIY Teppan” restaurant is already attracting crowds who are excited to cook their own dishes on the Japanese fast-casual chain’s signature iron hot plates, which go up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. After ordering at the counter or through an app, the iron plates are filled up — with the chain’s signature pepper rice, Hamburg sizzling curry, dry-aged steak, or pasta, to name a couple of choices — and brought to the table, where customers could decide the final temperature of their meal.
Top Travel Tips for Travelling Within the Cities
When you’re in New York, remember the hot zones for foot traffic so you can keep away from them.
Taxis are normally very expensive in New York and if you’re in a hurry, traffic will make it about the same speed (or slower) than the subway. Sometimes, walking is even quicker.
When in San Francisco wear comfy shoes. You would be doing plenty of walking on steep hills.
Locate the oyster happy hours – There are plenty of restaurants all over San Francisco that has an oyster happy hour at least once a week for around $1 per oyster. Ichi Sushi, Waterbar, and Waterfront Restaurant are great places to begin.
Spend Smart: There are some shocking ways to save money in Los Angeles. Dining on the best of food doesn’t have to break the bank as several amazing restaurants provide lunchtime specials on their most famous dishes. How about tours that cost nothing at all? Tourists could get complimentary tickets to places like television tapings, museums, and cultural events.
Know what to look forward to in Hollywood and Beverly Hills: In Hollywood, you’ll come across museums consisting of souvenirs from Hollywood’s past, the Walk of Fame, and the renowned footprints at Grauman’s Chinese Theater.
In Las Vegas distances are further than they seem, The Strip is four miles long, and because the buildings are so close together, they look closer than they really are – a two-building stroll from, say, Bally’s to Planet Hollywood is achievable, but any more than that, and you’ll ruin your walking shoes.
Plan your Attack – As with any new travel destination, you’ll get the most out of your Las Vegas holiday when you acquaint yourself with your surroundings first. After your check-in, take a stroll around your hotel and casino and remember where the vending machines, restaurants, restrooms, and seating areas are.
The Best Hotels in the Cities
Fairfield Inn & Suites New York Queens/Queensboro.
Holiday Inn L.I. City Manhattan View, New York.
Holiday Inn Express San Francisco Union Square.
The Cova Hotel, San Francisco.
Queen Mary Hotel Los Angeles.
The Main Street Station Hotel and Casino.
The Luxor Hotel and Casino.
OYO Hotel and Casino Las Vegas.
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/a-holiday-guide-to-usa-quad-city-2021/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
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margiehasson · 5 years ago
Al Festival di Venezia 2019, un grande ballo alla Truman Capote
Simone Marchetti
Gabriele Maggio, Francesca Airoldi
Matilde Gioli, gioielli Roberto Coin. Make up, Armani beauty. Make up artist, Simone Belli
Melissa Greta Marchetto
Federico Foschini, Lamborghini
Federico Marchetti
Elena Radonicich
Anna Ferzetti
Nicoletta Romanoff
Sara Cavazza Facchini e Mathias Facchini, Genny
Beatrice Valli
Stella Egitto
Giulia Bevilacqua
Elena Radonicich
Arianna Casadei
Cristina Lucchini, Giampiero Bodino
L'ultimo gioiello di Lamborghini, la Huracán Evo Spyder
Lavinia Guglielmann, Giulio Scarano
Esmeralda Abrajovich, Francesca Leoni, Eleonora Pratelli, Francesca Airoldi
Alessandro Egger
Tomas Arana, Silvia Damiani
Sveva Alviti
Patrizia Dini, Luca Dini
Monica Bellucci
Il corner del partner fragranze, Good Girl Carolina Herrera
Sarah Felberbaum, gioielli Roberto Coin
031_Malcolm Pagani, Monica Bellucci, Simone Marchetti, Cristina Lucchini
Annabelle Belmondo, in Genny
Nataly Osmann, Murad Osmann
Anna Foglietta
Bebe Vio
Madalina Ghenea
Sara Cavazza Facchini e Nicoletta Romanoff, in Genny
Vera Arrivabene
Il corner beverage a cura del partner Vini Santa Margherita
Jacquelyn Jablonski
Viola Arrivabene
Saul Nanni
Simone Marchetti, Matteo Corvino
Fedele Usai, Francesca Singer
Andrea Iannone, Giulia de Lellis
Annabelle Belmondo in Genny
Valentina Lodovini, Simone Marchetti, Euridice Axen, Sara Cavazza Facchini
Roberto e Pilar Coin
Il corner beverage a cura del partner Vini Santa Margherita
Massimo Giorgetti
Alida Gotta in Genny e Maurizio Rosazza
Yvonne Sciò
Francesca Rocco in Genny
Daniela D'Antonio, Malcon Pagani, Simone Marchetti
Euridice Axen in Genny
Domenico Nocco, Stefania Vismara
Lily Juliet Gavin
Simone Marchetti, Alessandra Mastornardi
Il corner beverage a cura del partner Vini Santa Margherita
Sabato 31 agosto, per la prima volta a Venezia, Vanity Fair ha celebrato il cinema e i suoi artisti con un ballo al Salone della Scuola Grande Della Misericordia che per l’occasione ha ospitato personaggi del cinema, della moda e dello spettacolo.
Ispirato al “The Black and White Ball” di Truman Capote tenutosi nel 1966 al Plaza Hotel di New York, il Ballo di Vanity Fair ha voluto celebrare la tradizione dei balli storici e il glamour delle feste in Laguna. “Black&White Ball – la Fête en Tête” è stato il dress code suggerito dal direttore agli ospiti e l’ispirazione per l’allestimento creato in collaborazione con lo Studio Matteo Corvino.
L’evento è stato organizzato con la collaborazione di Automobili Lamborghini, che per l’occasione ha esposto la nuova Huracán Evo Spyder, la versione open-top del suo modello V10 da 5,2 lt e 610 CV. Una super sportiva dalla personalità unica e dalle prestazioni mozzafiato: scatta da 0 a 100 km/h in 3,1 sec. e raggiunge una velocità massima di 325 Km/h. Stefano Domenicali, Chairmain e CEO di Automobili Lamborghini, commenta: “Siamo felici di aver collaborato con Vanity Fair per celebrare, in una città straordinaria come Venezia, la creatività e l’estro del cinema mondiale. Se oggi Lamborghini è diventata un’icona pop, il merito è anche dell’industria cinematografica, che a partire dagli anni Sessanta ha sempre trovato nelle nostre super sportive una fonte inesauribile di riferimenti alla velocità, al design del futuro e al lusso. E come nel cinema, le nostre vetture raccontano storie: di eccellenza, di sfide, di innovazione e portano alto il nome dell’Italia nel mondo”.
Special initiative fashion: Genny, la maison made in Italy fondata nel 1962 e oggi sotto la direzione creativa di Sara Cavazza Facchini, che ha vestito alcune delle attrici presenti alla serata.
Partner fragrance: Good Girl Carolina Herrera New York ha realizzato per tutti i partecipanti un bracciale e una boutonnière di fiori bianchi che richiamano le note floreali della fragranza.
Partner Jewellery: Roberto Coin, i cui gioielli mix di immaginazione e sensibilità estetica sono stati indossati da due protagoniste del cinema italiano che hanno preso parte all’evento: Sarah Felberbaum e Matilde Gioli.
Wine Partner: Santa Margherita ha offerto agli ospiti la possibilità di degustare le novità 2019 “Stilrose” e “Stilwhite”, nonché di brindare – all’insegna di “Uncork Extraordinary” – con gli sparkling icona di Santa Margherita: il Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Brut e lo Spumante Rosé Brut. Anche i cocktail – creati ad hoc per questa straordinaria occasione e molto apprezzati dagli ospiti – hanno visto protagonisti questi iconic sparkling, esaltandone l’elegante bouquet e souplesse.
L'articolo Al Festival di Venezia 2019, un grande ballo alla Truman Capote sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Al Festival di Venezia 2019, un grande ballo alla Truman Capote published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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misslacito · 6 years ago
Elle Cancer Ball 2019
Elle Cancer Ball 2019
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Hoy vamos con una cita solidaria que tuvo lugar la pasada semana en Madrid. Está organizada por la revista Elle y es la primera gala solidaria que realizan. Se llama Elle Cancer Bally es una cita consolidada en otros países. Monica Bellucci ha sido su madrina internacional. Se han dado cita un montón de caras conocidas y todas las blogueras de la revista. La noche se ha viralizado en redes con el…
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bangtanitalianchannel · 8 years ago
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“Nella notte dei Billboard Music Awards, i BTS (Bangtan Boys o “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” in inglese), la boy band sud coreana, hanno fatto la storia diventando il primo gruppo k-pop a vincere il premio Top Social Artist – battendo Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez e Ariana Grande.
Il lunedì seguente il loro nome era ovunque sulle testate americane come Rolling Stone, E! Online, Mashable, People e molte altre; e tutti postavano articoli su chi fossero i BTS. È il momento più sconvolgente dei BTS negli Stati Uniti ma non è il primo. Il fan base ARMY ha cominciato a formarsi fin dal debutto della band nel 2013. Il loro amore e la potenza dei social media hanno aiutato i ragazzi a raggiungere un apprezzamento a livello globale che solo poche band kpop hanno raggiunto.
I membri dei BTS – Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Rap Monster, Jimin, V e Jungkook – hanno rilasciato nove album e stanno concludendo l’Episode III del loro tour mondiale Live Trilogy Tour. Scrivono loro stessi le loro canzoni e coprono diversi generi (tutto dall’hip-hop e il rap fino a potenti ballad) e inoltre hanno ricevuto apprezzamenti per le loro coreografie perfettamente sincronizzate ed elaborate sia sul palco che nei loro video musicali. Twitter ha dato loro una emoji speciale; gli show negli US della band sono andati sold out in sole poche ore.
ELLE.com ha intervistato i BTS prima della premiazione ed è stato chiesto loro cosa sarebbe significata la vittoria del premio Top Social Artist, come si sono riuniti insieme alla Bighit Ent. (in Sud Corea le compagnie musicali reclutano e mettono insieme delle band formate da artisti chiamati “idol”) e cosa si aspettano dal futuro.
-DOMANDA- i siti americani di news dicono che siete sul punto di “esplodere” negli Stati Uniti. Come vi sentite a riguardo, ragazzi?
RM: penso che tanti miracoli siano accaduti, dall’emoji su Twitter ai Billboard Music Awards. Ma allo stesso tempo siamo solo all’inizio e ci sono ancora tante cose fantastiche per i BTS da raggiungere e non vediamo l’ora che accada. JH: è un grande onore per i BTS e devo dire che questo è solo l’inizio. Noi vogliamo e andremo ancora più lontano e più in alto. È tutto possibile grazie al supporto dei nostri fan di tutto il mondo. JK: a volte è solo incredibile; in parte forse è anche un po’ di fortuna. Ma noi facciamo del nostro meglio e continuiamo a lavorare comunque. I fan ci hanno supportati così tanto, ci amano. Ci piacerebbe arrivare ancora più in alto.
-DOMANDA- cosa significherebbe per voi vincere il premio Top Social Artist?
RM: è solo una cosa fantastica che potrebbe accadere ai BTS, anche solo essere stati invitati ai BBMA dove tutti questi artisti si ritrovano in un unico posto (è un grande risultato). Se vincessimo il Top Social Artist sarebbe possibile grazie agli ARMY (i nostri fan) di tutto il mondo e il nostro onore e la nostra gratitudine vanno direttamente a loro.
-DOMANDA- che impatto vorreste avere sulla scena musicale americana?
SU: voglio entrare nella Billboard Hot 100 con un singolo in coreano. JM: desidero che i BTS possano diventare un modello per il k-pop con la migliore musica e i migliori contenuti in modo da avere un impatto positivo nella scena musicale americana.
-DOMANDA- potete raccontarmi qualcosa della vostra storia? Siete tutti dei bravissimi scrittori, cantanti e ballerini. Come avete sviluppato queste abilità e come sapevate che la musica era la vostra vocazione?
RM: amavo scrivere testi rap quando ero alle medie. Amavo studiare ma volevo diventare un rapper che scriveva i testi e li cantava. SU: scrivere rime e testi è un’abitudine che ho fin da piccolo. Sono la piccola parte delle emozioni e dei pensieri che mi girano per la testa. Dopo qualche tempo li riordino e a volte diventano dei magnifici testi per le canzoni. JH: quando ero piccolo semplicemente amavo la musica e mi piaceva esprimermi con il corpo. Ero piaciuto a tutti quando alle scuole elementari salii sul palco mentre c’era un talent search. E in quel momento ho deciso di diventare un artista.
-DOMANDA- come è successo che tutti e sette vi siete trovati e vi siete uniti alla Big Hit – e come si è creata la formazione finale dei BTS?
RM: sono stato presentato al nostro produttore esecutivo “hitman” Bang e ho fatto un’audizione davanti a lui. Qualche tempo dopo mi ha detto che sentiva che il suo destino era quello di creare una “hip-hop idol band” quando mi ha incontrato per la prima volta. SUGA si è unito al gruppo dopo di me e J-Hope è stato il terzo membro (lui era abbastanza popolare nella sua città natale per le sue abilità nel ballo). Con l’inserimento del resto dei membri i BTS sono nati nel 2013.
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-DOMANDA- andrete alla cerimonia dei Billboard Music Awards. Cosa siete impazienti di vedere?
JIN: tutto!! È la mia prima volta a Las Vegas e ai BBMA. Non vedo l’ora di vedere tutto. JM: solo essere invitati allo show è emozionante. V: le esibizioni di tutte le leggende!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-DOMANDA- avete suonato anche in giro per gli US. Qual è il vostro ricordo più bello del tour?
JIN: durante il tour ho notato che un buon numero di persone parlava coreano per comunicare con noi. È stato fantastico, sono stati momenti speciali. V: ogni show negli US è stato indimenticabile. Personalmente i miei momenti preferiti sono stati le visite al MoMa a NY e all’Art Museum di Chicago.
-DOMANDA- quello che vi distingue dagli altri gruppi kpop è il fatto che i vostri testi sono così personali e siete molto disposti a parlare della salute mentale. Le canzoni che avete scritto e i sentimenti che avete espresso attraverso la musica come vi hanno aiutato a crescere?
RM: le mie canzoni mi hanno fatto diventare qualcuno che costantemente osserva la società e vuole diventare una persona che può avere un impatto migliore e più positivo sulle altre persone. JH: la musica mi ha aiutato a comprendere la nostra giovane generazione e anche ad empatizzare con loro. Mi piacerebbe scrivere e creare più musica che li rappresenta.
-DOMANDA- quale messaggio sperate che arrivi alle persone attraverso la vostra musica?
SU: voglio che le persone ricevano energia positiva dalla nostra musica. La vita è dura e le cose non sempre funzionano bene ma dovremmo essere coraggiosi e andare avanti con le nostre vite. JH: mandiamo diversi messaggi alle persone della nostra età. Voglio che ricevano energia buona mentre ascoltano la musica dei BTS. JM: sarebbe davvero fantastico se la nostra musica continuasse a toccare le persone. Una volta che il tuo cuore si commuove diventa migliore e più positivo.
-DOMANDA- se doveste fare una playlist di sette canzoni per un nuovo ascoltatore dei BTS, che canzoni scegliereste?
JH: No More Dream, Boy In Luv, DOPE, FIRE, Save Me, Blood Sweat & Tears, Not Today.
-DOMANDA- i vostri balli sono incredibili. Per qualcuno che non è familiare con la vostra musica quale video musicale mette in risalto maggiormente la vostra migliore coreografia di gruppo?
DOPE e Save Me.
-DOMANDA- qual è stata la più difficile da imparare?
Spring Day: una coreografia di danza moderna.
-DOMANDA- state per concludere l’Episode III del vostro BTS Live Trilogy tour. Cosa possono aspettarsi i fan per il futuro?
JIN: ci stiamo ancora lavorando ma come avete potuto vedere nei nostri ultimi tour qualsiasi cosa arriverà sarà eccitante e speciale. JM: una nuova storyline, un qualcosa che tutti potremo apprezzare. Mi aspetto il vostro supporto!
-DOMANDA- come si è sviluppato il vostro modo di scrivere le canzoni? Il successo negli US e nel mondo ha cambiato il modo in cui scrivete la vostra musica sapendo che è per un pubblico mondiale?
SU: questo non ha cambiato il mio stile. Cerco di non farmi influenzare dal successo o dalla popolarità. JK: questo mi fa venire voglia di creare musica più fresca e migliore ed è per questo che tutti cerchiamo di ascoltare e studiare più musica.
-DOMANDA- quale tra le canzoni che avete scritto significa di più per voi e perché?
RM: probabilmente Spring Day. Ho scritto la melodia e il testo per la canzone. SU: tutte le canzoni che ho scritto. Mi hanno reso una persona migliore e mi hanno aiutato a crescere. JH: Mama. È il mio primo singolo ed è molto importante per me perché parla di mia mamma.
-DOMANDA- Rap Monster questa domanda è per te: ho sentito che hai imparato l’inglese guardando Friends, il che è incredibile! Quale personaggio ti assomiglia di più? E a quali personaggi assomigliano gli altri membri?
RM: Chandler! Ho sempre ammirato il suo senso dell’umorismo. Ma non riesco a scegliere un membro che gli assomigli….
Joey: Jungkook Ross: Jin Phoebe: V Monica: RM Rachel: non so decidere.”
 Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©CiHope) | ©ELLE
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its-dsb · 6 years ago
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abbysm17es-blog1 · 7 years ago
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infosannio · 5 years ago
Roma: "Mamma balli con me?" Al Teatro de’Servi dal 20 dicembre al 5 gennaio
Roma: “Mamma balli con me?” Al Teatro de’Servi dal 20 dicembre al 5 gennaio
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tmnotizie · 5 years ago
PESARO – Domenica 1 settembre, dalle 18.30 alle 24 alla Palla di Pomodoro, appuntamento con il primo “Festival di Balli di Gruppo”. Diciannove scuole di danza, provenienti da tutto il centro Italia, si esibiranno in piazzale della Libertà per una bella serata di festa.
L’evento inizierà alle 18.30 con uno stage diretto dal coreografo di fama nazionale Luis, dove tutti (turisti e cittadini di ogni età) potranno cimentarsi a ritmo di musica. Dalle 21.00 ci sarà poi l’esibizione delle 19 scuole: dai balli di gruppo e social dance al ritmo dei tormentoni estivi.
“È l’anno zero di questo evento – spiega Fabrizio Oliva, presidente Apahotels – con l’intento di farla diventare una manifestazione a carattere nazionale su più giorni e su più categorie di ballo: un momento di accoglienza per la città che diventerà importante anche per gli albergatori”.
Il tutto è organizzato dalla scuola di ballo Dancemania di Pesaro, in collaborazione con Apahotels ed il Comune di Pesaro. “L’idea è nata perché volevo raggruppare diverse scuole di ballo per divertirci insieme – così Simona Gurini, coordinatrice delle scuole di ballo – non è una gara ma una festa: un momento di aggregazione dove chiunque può ballare per trascorrere delle ore spensierate”.
Previsioni meteo favorevoli, ma se dovesse piovere è già pronto il piano b nel teatro dell’Astra. “Il ringraziamento va a tutti, in particolare a Apahotels – conclude il vicesindaco e assessore alla Bellezza Daniele Vimini -siamo in un momento di rilancio di una stagione da ricordare, non era scontato mantenere questo livello di partecipazione in termini di presenze turistiche. Con un grande sforzo collettivo ci siamo presentati al meglio, abbiamo avuto un riscontro unanime dal pubblico.
È una città che sta investendo sempre di più in questa direzione, tenendo insieme sport, cultura, divertimento e capacità di stare insieme. Per noi la vetrina principale è piazzale della Libertà: un elemento qualificante per l’aggregazione dei cittadini e dei turisti. Questo è un evento che ci piace molto, perché in linea con il progetto di Pesaro Città della Musica Unesco”.
Con la partecipazione delle Scuole di Ballo:
Dancemania (Pu)
Adrenalina Son (Pu)
Adriadance (Pu)
Choreographic Dance Studio (An)
Corazòn (An)
Dream Dance Marche (Pu)
Forum Dance (Pu)
Funny Dance (Pu)
Gio Dance (Roma)
Happydance Accademy (An)
Lady Monica Dance (Pu)
La Torre Dance (Pu)
MF Dance Project (Pu)
MY Dance (An e Pu)
Pesaro Balla (Pu)
Pollaio Selvaggio Dance (Rn)
Sereni/Vismara (Pu)
Social Dance Luca e Stefania (An)
Stella show Dance (Pu)
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