#Mondi Pay
k-star-holic · 1 year
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Alberto Fujimori, wife of acquaintance, gave birth..father of child is father-in-law" impact true story
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Me sleeping peacefully knowing that no matter how messy FMN gets, my bbg Loser Aemond is going to get his hubby, Lucemond will conquer all, they are going to walk off into the sunset in love. Years of pining will have payed off. And all the haters can kiss my incest loving ASS.
They both deserve a happy ending (Luke more than Mondy buttttttt 💃)
Thats the best part honestly. Knowing that no matter what fights go down, words are said, or who else Luke may sleep with while he figures things out, those two are gonna be endgame. I saw it in my crystal ball therefore it shall become a reality 😌
And saying that Luke deserves his happy ending more than Aemond is so real. Like, we like him but we love Luke.
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redd956 · 1 year
Worldbuilding questions to get the creative juices flowing 35
Theme: Jobs, Employment, Work
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What are common jobs? What are rare jobs? Why are these jobs common, uncommon, etc? Are the common jobs well wanted? Are the common jobs safe? (Awful working conditions can still be popular and well wanted jobs)
Are there any high paying jobs? If so why are these jobs high-paying? Do people like that these jobs are high paying?
In what ways are working conditions mandated? Are these regulations moral and/or properly followed? Are there unions? Are people currently trying to change working conditions? Do the majority expect a change?
What does the average worker look like? What workers do you tend to see walking around? (Salaryman, soot covered factory worker, mailmen bikers, etc.)
Do children work? Is retirement possible (and morally so)? Is work affected by gender norms? Species norms? Class norms? More? Who doesn’t work?
If your world has magic how does that affect jobs? Depending on your world’s level of technology, how does technology affect jobs? Is technology or magic used in jobs? Are species abilities used in jobs?
How are workers paid? Is the money salary usually worth it? 
How do most people get to work? How do some notable jobs get to work? Where do people work? What are well known places? 
Do world/society conflicts or changes affect work? If so, in what ways? (Civil rights movements, war, riots, more)
What are cultural beliefs on different jobs?
Is there free time? Is the economy good? If not, is there any inflations, recessions, depressions, or more occurring?
My Examples:
The nation of Mondie in my SOA worldbuilding project has most workers separated by their magic/abilities, due to cultural norms that advocate for people to pick jobs easier to their abilities. Fire elementals work in forges, illusive spellcasters don’t mind being lobbyist, spies, or critics, those with super strength can easily tote around materials for construction.
Healers of any type have the most leeway and opportunity for work. The dangerous working conditions of the common Mondiean workforces has opened up a position for on the job healers. They also have medical careers, military careers, and more open to them.
If you walked down the streets of the Mondie you would see a place constantly bustling with life. Bakers with aprons powdered in flour  would be hanging out the windows of their stores announcing their specialty recipes and cheap choices for the day. Factory workers and miners come piling out of the large industrial descenders, coated in the soot and ash from the underground magma districts. Young paper boys help guide loose messengers to their proper location, biking after some particularly fast ones in hopes of getting better tips.
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ravenlaguz · 1 year
the worst thing about being on medical leave is that theyre still trying to decide if i should get back pay and if my doctor doesnt get this medical certification form to them that shes had for two weeks by Tomorrow theyll deny me and ill actually OWE mondy for my insurance. you cant grind people down until they break and then withhold pay via admin bullshit and expect them to continue working for you, i'm lucky that henry has a job and my dad has been willing to help if we need it. most people don't have support nets like that and its unsustainable.
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libertariantaoist · 8 months
News Roundup 1/24/2024 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 1/24/2024
by Kyle Anzalone
NATO to Buy 220,000 155 MM Shells with Plans to Transfer Some to Ukraine Fox News
Ukraine Is Running Out of Crucial 155 MM Artillery Shells The Institute
Turkish Parliament Approves Sweden’s NATO Membership AWC
UN Secretary-General Says Israel’s War in Gaza “Killed Civilians on a Scale Unprecedented” in Recent Years UNThe Institute
IDF Says It Will Be Unable to Destroy Even Half of Hamas’s Tunnel Network HaaretzThe Institute
Israel Agrees to Transfer Palestinian Tax Funds to Norway But Says Finance Minister Must Approval All Spending X
24 Israeli Soldiers Killed in Gaza on Mondy TIMEAWC
Relatives of Hostages Disrupt Israeli Knesset Meeting, Demand More Action AWC
Report: Israel Offers Hamas 2-Month Ceasefire for Release of All Hostages AWC
US Intelligence Says Israel Nowhere Close to Its Goal of Eliminating Hamas AWC
Israel Is Destroying the West Bank’s Economy El Pais
Sen. Coons Admits Netanyahu Divides Palestinians By ‘Weakening PA and Accepting Hamas’ The Institute
Hezbollah Targets Command Center in Northern Israel AWC
US Launches More Airstrikes in Iraq as Tensions Soar AWC
US Military: Two US Navy SEALs Missing Off Coast of Somalia Are Dead AWC
UAE Assassination Campaign in Yemen Has Killed Over 100 People BBC
US Launches Airstrikes in Southern Somalia, Says Three al-Shabaab Killed AWC
Read More
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templesofindia108 · 3 months
Puri - 6
|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||
This post covers the wonderful stories related to the world-famous Rath Yatra. This is a long post, so an index of contents will be provided. 1. Story behind Rath Yatra 2. Details about the chariots 3. Events that take place on the big day 4. Other interesting facts
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Story behind the Rath Yatra
Let's begin with the story behind the Rath Yatra. About 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna appeared on Earth in the last part of Dwapara Yuga. We all know that he spent his childhood in Vrindavan and left for Mathura and later Dwaraka. The Gopis along with Yashoda and Nanda anxiously awaited their beloved Krishna's return.
A few decades later, the Pandavas called Krishna for the Mahabharata war that was to take place in Kurukshetra. Krishna and Balarama agreed and proceeded in chariots to Mathura and Vrindavan. The same is celebrated during Rath Yatra because Jagannath is none other than Lord Krishna himself. Thus, Ratha Yatra is a joyful occasion of Lord Krishna's return to Vrindavan, the land of pure love and devotion.
Details about the chariots
The chariots are placed in a wide open area in front of the East gate. They are made of wood and covered with long pieces of cloth. They are demolished after the Rath Yatra and rebuilt every year. The wooden logs after demolition are used to make souvenirs for tourists.
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Jagannath's chariot is known as Nandighosh. It is 45 ft tall. It is decorated with red and yellow cloth. The chariot has 16 wheels. The wooden horses are white in colour.
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Baladeva's chariot is known as Taladhwaja. It is 43 ft tall. It is decorated with red and green cloth. The chariot has 14 wheels. The wooden horses are black in colour.
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Subhadra's chariot is known as Darpadalana. It is 42 ft tall. It is decorated with red and black cloth. The chariot has 12 wheels. The wooden horses are brown in colour.
Events that take place during Rath Yatra
As I mentioned in the previous post, Puri is the only place where the Moolavars (main deities) are taken out of the temple. The festivities begin at mid-morning. The procession of the main deities from the main temple to the chariots begins at around 10 AM. It is a feast for the eyes to see the slow, rhythmic movement of the deities. This procession is known as Pahandi in Oriya.
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During Pahandi, the deities are decorated with large crowns. They are made by local artisans using 100% natural materials such as bamboo, flowers and leaves. Firstly, Madan Mohan (Utsava Vigraha) is taken out, followed by Sudarshana Chakra, Subhadra, Baladeva and finally Jagannath. Madan Mohan is placed in Jagannath's chariot and Sudarshana is placed in Subhadra's chariot. Then, HH Sri Shankaracharya Swami of Puri comes and pays respects to the Lord. The deities are decorated with special flower garlands.
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Next, an important spectacle of the day is the arrival of HH the King of Puri. He offers Arati to the Lord and waves a fan made of peacock feathers to ward off the heat. Then, he takes a broomstick with a golden handle and sweeps the chariots and streets. This is a mark of humility and service to the Lord. There is an interesting story behind this that we will definitely cover soon.
After these rituals, four wooden horses are attached to each chariot and then begins the majestic pulling of the chariots. Lakhs of devotees, not minding the scorching heat, pull the chariots using long, thick jute ropes. First, Balarama's chariot moves starting at around 2 pm. Drums, cymbals and musical instruments are played that adds to the spirit of the festival. Subhadra Devi's chariot moves next.
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Next comes the rigorous challenge of pulling Jagannath's chariot. In Telugu, there is an epithet "Mondi Jaggudu" which literally means "stubborn God". It takes enormous effort and time to move his chariot. The priests sing Oriya folk songs known as 'Dahuka Boli' named after Krishna's charioteer Dahuka. Then Nandighosh moves much to the delight of the devotees. The people pull the chariot enthusiastically chanting 'Jai Jagannath'. It is believed that a mere glimpse of Jagannath on his chariot can destroy lifetimes of sins.
Bhakta Salabega's Samadhi (Located on the main road that leads to the temple)
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After a while, Nandighosh stops for a few minutes at the Samadhi (tomb) of Salabega. He was an Oriya saint who was born in a Muslim family in the late 17th century. Though he was prevented from entering the temple, that did not prevent him from longing to see his beloved Lord. Once, during the annual chariot festival, Jagannath's chariot suddenly stopped in front of his house. No matter how strong anyone tried to pull it, it refused to move. Only after Salabega having Darshan and being satisfied, the chariot started moving again. To commemorate this incident, Jagannath stops in front of his devotee's tomb.
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Thus the chariots reach Gundicha temple by late evening after which they are taken in a procession into the temple. The Lord stays there for nine days. This is symbolic of Krishna enjoying his childhood pastimes in Vrindavan. Meanwhile, the Mother of the Universe Lakshmi Devi anxiously awaits her husband's return. We will continue in the next post.
Interesting facts
We all might know the English word 'juggernaut' which is used to refer to anything mighty, powerful and at times destructive. It is interesting to know that this word came from the Sanskrit 'Jagannath'. Apparently the English were fascinated with the grand chariot procession in Puri.
Rath Yatra is the only opportunity for foreigners and non-Hindu devotees to see Jagannath. On other days, entry to the Jagannath temple is limited only to Indian Hindus.
New chariots are constructed every year by a team of about 1000 skilled carpenters. The process begins on Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Chandan Yatra. It is noteworthy that the design and the dimensions of the chariots remain same every year.
A day before the Rath Yatra, Gundicha temple is opened and thoroughly cleaned. A number of foreigners, particularly ISKCON followers are seen sweeping the temple, in honour of the saint Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who began this tradition.
We must be grateful to Srila Prabhupada for making Rath Yatra a global festival by taking Jagannath to the streets of New York, London, Silicon Valley etc. Almost every branch of ISKCON worldwide hosts Rath Yatra in the same manner as done in Puri.
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|| Jai Jagannath ||
|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||
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kikotapasando · 9 months
E palu ta dòrná pero Kòrsou si ta shushi!!
E palu ta dòrná pero Kòrsou si ta shushi!! WILLEMSTAD – Kòrsou kompletu parse un mondi shushi grandi. Pa promé biaha den historia di nos dushi Kòrsou, nos pais ta asina shushi. Esaki ta e realidat tristu ku èks parlamentario i miembro di partido MAN-PIN, Eugene Cleopa ta konstatá. Tur kaya ta tapá ku palu i yerba shimaron ku a krese fo’i alsera, i tambe mei mei di kaminda, hasiendo e totalidat…
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threenorth · 10 months
Today was probably the best and worst day of my life.
Such a shit sleep but so freeing to hear such wonderful things talked about me, but only when they found it tis was his last day to be a full time worker at job-co.
Now the hunt begins again,
I've applied to new York and pittsburg, and Washington those would be nice in the future paying good too egh, depending whitch one but the job I really want is in Denver, it's both and it could be close for you...
Today I found myself day dreaming of you, getting distracted by what I was supposed to be doing and lucky caught myself at the right times as something happened or the call dropped or the person needed my moblie hot spot for YouTube was blocked.
I never left an outbox mail, just thought of people cared they would know why, and where to find me if they needed me.
Just to leave a feather in the sand.
Maybe it was poetic, maybe I'll post some photos of a Mai-Tai on Friday.
Till Friday, I think about you my dear...
It's late, and I should probably sleep as I'm trying to correct this terrible sleep schedule.
But I have messages to check...
Everything reminds me of you too, like the water being perfect temperature, the pen was flowing perfectly, the weather was a little over cast but spits of rain, to I still got the smell of rain, it was all reminding me of you, even the name James rings a bell of James potter, like the word I stole always from Harry Potter, without knowing it. It there's at least one thing a day that reminds me of you,
Here's my mine craft house goals.
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I got a farm outside the front of my lake, and I chicken cope, and a lamb and cow pen on the right.
So stay tuned tommrow I need to re find my way to a zombie dungeon so 'driver' (Robert) can help me make a grinder, I traded a bow but I didn't have the level to repair it where this spawner will help get some levels by the time my study finishes up.
I am using netherack to find my way because of the loops and dips and holes for this one.
and then I need to make my house look "nice" but that might take some more time, then maybe get a subway system in the abbonded mine shaft, also in that tunnels of confusion.
then take a look at my own cave system is a nightmare, so I need more rocks to sort the right path maybe I'll use wool as I have alot of sheep's, and sort my mine cart system for sending resources up, we have a rail duper in the community center.
Anyway, back to messages.
You don't make mistakes in my eyes, just learning opportunities...
Well that's all I got to see update today.
I hope you go to Joe's, have a nice coffee it's Monday.
I hate mondys, but coffee makes it worth all the awhile, even if I had an energy drink.
I think you might like it, even if they changed the recipe slightly, it's called V it's the most common energy drink in nz and Australia,
I think you'd fall for it but you need to teach me how to shot gun, I hope it doesn't go in my face, but if does at least I'll laugh it off, or we'll try to...my favorite is blue, but a green is good too but nothing beats the taste of redbull, or wait actually I prefer all as I also like monster.
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davidpwilson2564 · 1 year
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Another longtime colleague has passed. When I read that Tom Olcott had died I thought (though I knew this wasn't possible) I was reading about Tom's father. Tom and I go back decades. Trombonist, lawyer (he once acted as my attorney), Union rep. We shared a love of books. The last time I saw Tom (it was a Union event) we taked about things literary. This is a gut-punch. I have to let this sink in.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Make a couple of calls. My calendar is now cleared for jury duty. Really not at all looking forward to this. Not knowing how things will go I cancel my cardiologist appointment. My hope is that they'll let me go after a couple of days. (Incidentally, it pays forty dollars a day. To date I have been on three juries. I have written about them elsewhere.)
More medical stuff: The young lady who works for Dr. C phoned to say my tests came out okay. How nice of her to call. Odd that even with my reluctance to exercise my numbers are so good.
A dream in which I am a band director at an underfunded school. Cacophony. Instruments all in need of repair.
Note: I was a band director for one brief and unhappy year at a school in suburban Knoxville. I have written about this elesewhere.
Friday, September 15, 2023
At long last it is cooler. Doing my usual stuff. Returning home, walking under an awning...pooped on by a pigeon, one of those nasty inner-city pigeon. Damn. And I just got this shirt back from the cleaners.
Later I am told this is good luck. Well...also told that rain on one's wedding day is also a sign of good luck. These luck stories new to me.
Having to close a few windows because of the coolish weather. Jean and the kids are upstate. I'm sure it's even cooler up there.
Note: The mood struck me to reread some Graham Greene. I took up "Travels With My Aunt" to look at those opening pages. (I couldn't watch the movie. Gawd no. Too campy.) Quirky and fun...but don't know how far I'll get. Terrible problem with cocentration. An urge to reread more of Graham Greene.
To attempt to focus I do some of the New York Times crossword. Notice how it becomes more difficult as the week wears on.
I report for jury duty on Mondy morning. Not looking forward to this.
Just want to get it over with.
to be continued
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vltinehvrts · 2 years
closed starter no salão principal . . . participação especial : @coldhevrts
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Os Hearts eram unidos por si só, Valentine tinha uma teoria vaga sobre o motivo, mas evitava a colocar em palavras para que nenhum dos lados ficasse com as emoções ao extremo; a partida de seu pai já era dolorosa demais em memória, ele não precisava ficar a utilizando a todo momento. Largou da saia da progenitora apenas quando entraram no vasto salão, procurando o que usaria para se distrair em um primeiro momento, pois assim que se afastasse da Rainha de Copas só voltaria no fim do evento, como sempre, mas um detalhe lhe chamou a atenção. Diamond. A distância era um pouco incomoda, o irmão não ficava tão longe assim e de imediato uma luzinha acendeu na mente do caçula, a aproximação foi silenciosa até os dedos tocarem em um dos cotovelos. — Tá tudo bem, Mondie? — Direto. O sorriso pintando os lábios em uma forma de descontrair, estavam rodeados demais para que tentasse outra abordagem, ainda mais, quando não queria chamar a atenção. — Quer dar uma volta? Vi que tem um doce muito bom no outro salão, podemos ir comer!
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage, Stunning, (German Designer Mondi) White Wool Coat, size Medium, $125.
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Stand up Pouches Market Size, Leading Players, Analysis, Sales Revenue and Forecast 2029
Stand up Pouches Market: size was valued at USD 22.50 Bn. in 2021 and the total Stand-Up Pouches revenue is expected to grow by 8.0% from 2022 to 2029, reaching nearly USD 41.65 Bn.
A report on the Stand up Pouches Market has been released by Maximize Market Research, a renowned global provider of data and research on the regional and global aerospace and defence sector. The research provides market sizes by region and predictions through 2029 in addition to other key business information.
The research covers a wide range of market- and industry-related topics. Product launches, company growth, alliances, joint ventures, and acquisitions are a few marketing strategies. The creation of this study has taken into account all significant elements of market research that are essential to the situation of the industry today. This market research analysis also covers the key business trends, challenges, and opportunities. The leading business consultant for the aerospace and defence sector, Maximize Market Research, recently published a report on the competitive landscape and market intelligence for the Stand up Pouches Market. An expert with 18 years of expertise looked at the market from both a domestic and international viewpoint using both primary and secondary data.
Request Free Sample Copy (To Understand the Complete Structure of this Report [Summary + TOC]) @all https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/17256
Market Overview:
By conducting a detailed statistical analysis of current and emerging trends, the fundamentals of the Stand up Pouches Market may be better understood. In order to assess the importance of numerous aspects, including threats provided by diverse agents, competitive strength, and the understanding of a resource by ambitious young enterprises, the study examines Porter's five forces. The study looked at each country at the micro level to establish the total market size by countries and market categories. With the use of a method known as "bottom-up" forecasting, the size of the regional and global markets is determined. A micro level analysis of each country will reveal how much the underground market contributes to the growth of the larger market. The findings were supported by in-depth interviews with well-known local business owners. The information used in secondary research is obtained from both for-profit and open-access sources, and it is then analysed. The sources for consumption by category and supply by each player in each country are actual government data, commercial databases, and annual reports of publicly traded companies.
Get Free Sample Link: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/17256
Market Key players:
• Amcor • Bemis Company • Berry Global Group • Mondi • Sonoco • Sealed Air • Coveris • ProAmpac • Smurfit Kappa • Huhtamaki • CONSTANTIA • Winpak Ltd. • GUALAPACK S.P.A. VIA CARLO MUSSA 266 • American Packaging Corporation • Bryce Corporation • CLONDALKIN GROUP • Interflex Group • Swiss Pac Pvt. Ltd. • Glenroy, Inc. • Hood Packaging Corporation
Market Segmentation:
By Applications, the Food and Beverage segment dominated the market in 2021 by holding XX% revenue share and is expected to maintain its dominance at the end of the forecast period. Stand-up pouches are widely used in the packaging of sauces, pet food, ready-to-eat meals, candies, chocolates, dried fruits and nuts, nutritional supplements, and confectionery goods in the food and beverage industry. Stand-up pouches are composed of highly sterilized materials, which serve to keep the product clean. Many of these pouches are made with multi-layered films that protect the contents from moisture, light, and odor while also preserving the freshness of food and beverages. Convenience is the keyword in consumer goods today. The consumer has shown a willingness to pay a premium for packaging that delivers convenience. Easy-open, pre-portioned, ready-to-use, microwavable (dual-ovenable), etc. – all of these features have proven to be popular with consumers today. Beverages have been among the products that have been subjected to the most dramatic of these changes. Bottled water for personal use was virtually unknown in this country 40 years ago. Commercially produced and packaged iced tea was also a new category. Bottled coffee products, energy drinks, juice blends, and other beverages have all been added to the multiple choices consumers have.
Regional Analysis:
North America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
South America
In the research's examination of the Stand up Pouches Market, cost structures, market shares, the producers' supply networks, and the laws and regulations in force at the time are all taken into account. It is possible to analyse the regional markets for the Stand up Pouches Market by comparing the cost of locally produced goods to the profit made.
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Website: www.maximizemarketresearch.com
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chrisdofdof · 4 years
Huawei brings seamless, contactless payments to 20 African countries in new partnership with Mondia Pay
Huawei brings seamless, contactless payments to 20 African countries in new partnership with Mondia Pay #Huawei #Africa
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Chinese technology company Huawei is partnering with digital payment company Mondi Pay to bring seamless, contactless payments to customers in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region.
The partnership will give Huawei customers a simple, fast and secure way to pay for online services using their mobile phone without a card.
Mondia Pay will launch on HUAWEI Mobile Services’ (HMS) AppGallery…
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vessalis · 6 years
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... I would cry if I saw something like that...
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barbaraspinozzi · 4 years
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🖤🤍❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗 #DGNextChapter: 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙤𝙡𝙘𝙚 & 𝙂𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣'𝙨 𝙁𝙒21 𝙁𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬. Sfilata Donna Autunno Inverno 21 • #DGNextChapter: in collaborazione con @istitutoitalianoditecnologia, la Collezione #DGFW21 svela come tecnologia e artigianato, due mondi apparentemente diversi, si uniscono per celebrare il Fatto a Mano. Anche i look, ispirati alla ricerca sulla robotica e all'Intelligenza Artificiale, rendono omaggio al DNA #DolceGabbana degli anni '90. #Repost @dolcegabbana • • • • • • #DGNextChapter: in collaboration with @istitutoitalianoditecnologia, the #DGFW21 Collection reveals how technology and craftsmanship, two apparently different worlds, come together in a celebration of Fatto a Mano. The looks, inspired by robotics research and Artificial Intelligence, also pay tribute to #DolceGabbana DNA of the ‘90s. https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6Qq4LHyYf/?igshid=zf4h5zblj3wd
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