#Momina struggling to name her friends because she keeps deciding them as family :(
dreamieparadise · 1 month
Hii!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ Can I ask Friendship and Meet Strange for Momina? Sending hugs for you, I hope you're feeling a bit better today.
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Awww, hi June!! Thank you so much for your sweet words. At the moment I'm not too bad! My health can switch from moment to moment [it's truly my enemy] but I really appreciate your well wishes! And of course you can!
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Me putting this under a read more because it became long...what's my problem?
Friendship: What's your OC like as a friend? How are they at making new friends? What are the most important friendships in your OC's life?
When it comes to her interpersonal relationships Momina is always trying her best. Being a friend is an important title to her, along with being "family" so once you've become either in her eyes she is dedicated to you and in it for the long haul! She'll try and be there for you whenever you need it, you could call her up at 3am and she will come running. She always puts others before herself so she'll do this even if she's not well [yeah, it's an issue she has and eventually tries to work on because she learns from Miruku and Colonnello how that isn't a good trait.] Her main love language is Acts Of Service so she's constantly doing things for her friends or getting them things or making things...it's common to receive gifts from them. She is very doting!
Momina is friendly and approachable so it can be pretty easy for her to make new friends but she's also someone who can be socially awkward and anxious. It can take a hold of her in, what seems like to her, random times so there are moments where she is more shy when interacting with others.
Her most important friendships...? Miruku is definitely up there. Although if you ask Momina she would consider Miruku "family" but they are also best friends! If possible, Momina would like to spend all her time with Miruku but she has other loved ones so she tries her best to make time with everyone. Part of why Miruku means so much to Momina is that he taught her a lot about boundaries [creating her own, that is] and putting yourself first more because then you can help others properly. This was very eye opening for them and they appreciate and love Miruku soooo much as a result. Miruku is always giving Momina clarity.
Another would be Yamamoto, he's her best guy friend and they're always having fun with each other. There is a bit of a rift at one point but that eventually gets smoothed over. Kind of. Sort of? It's a bit difficult because both are physically affectionate types and that makes Gokudera insecure. :') but yeah, Yamamoto is someone Momina goes to when upset and he always listens to her! Another issue that came about was Momina feeling like she wasn't being a good enough friend to Yamamoto because she noted he never went spoke about his feelings. Nothing negative ever seemed to leave his mouth and that concerned her. She understands you can't force someone to open up so she instead would make sure he always knew she was there for him. He appreciates it but inwardly didn't understand why she did that? He was fine! This is what made Momina eventually insecure about how good of a friend she is but talking to Miruku made her realize that being by his side is enough. Momina had to learn to understand that Yamamoto is private and may never open up like that but it's fine as long as they continue to be there for each other in their own ways. Also, Momina tries to make it to all his baseball games and has also asked if she could be there for practice too. He was fine with that and so she cheers for him and everyone else on the side lines!
Momina and Kyoko actually talk quite a lot. Kyoko sees her brother in Momina and she finds it very endearing. She, for example, would never describe Momina as angry but "passionate"! That means a lot to Momina as she has had issues with how she comes across before. It was upsetting [although Momina does think she has a temper problem and it's something she works on.] Kyoko is always looking at her with good faith and trying to understand where she's coming from. Momina really adores Kyoko and tries her best to be there for her. So she's pretty protective...even...overprotective, one might say. [Another thing she is working on.]
Adding Ryohei here because the two are both older siblings and actually talk a lot about their approach on caring for their younger siblings. They go back and forth on being protective, what being overprotective really does to a person and how it is actually detrimental to the growth of the younger sibling. [Something they discuss through gritted teeth because ooooh! They just want to protect them SO BADLY. BUT IT EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC!!!] Them tearing into handkerchiefs with their teeth. They're comrades and Momina often goes to the Sasagawa home for dinner or just to hangout.
This was a bit difficult for me because while friendships are very important to Momina, she puts family above in her heart? So, basically, once you're close enough to Momina she considers you as family! All the Neo Vongola are considered that in her eyes but these three are still important friendships to her. I wonder if that comes across well. Due to her familial obligations, Momina is someone who "puts family first" but this doesn't mean friendships don't matter to her. Again, she puts her all into her interpersonal relationships, it's just family is a higher priority. So if you become that good of a friend, you are now family.
Meet Strange: What's the most memorable way your OC has ever met a new person? Was it a good experience? Bad experience? Just plain weird? How's their relationship with that person now?
The first that came to mind was how Momina met Colonnello!
She was on her way back from school when she heard a voice shout out to her from above, "hey, kid! You Momina Luqman?" She looked up to find a falcon carrying a toddler in fatigues.
Momina stared at this scene for a moment in shock before a confused smile appeared on her lips, laughter falling from her mouth. "Uh...hahaha, yeah? Do you need help...?"
"I'm not the one who needs help, kid! I'm here to help you, hey!"
That was the start of the relationship between the two. Colonnello goes on to be something of a father figure to Momina. Momina relies on him a lot, he's definitely one of the most important relationships she has! She has to thank Reborn for that, as he was the one who called Colonnello to train her in the first place.
Again, thank you for the ask, June! So sorry I blasted you with the Longest Answer Of All Time at 6am. I'll be sending questions your way! Hope you're well. („• ֊ •„)
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