#Mok Tok
postmoe · 11 days
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Running isn’t an option. In the fight he had gotten a few good hits and kicks in, your ankle throbbing in pain. Not to mention the stench of blood on you. Foxians had a great sense of smell - Borisins, an even better one. Your only option is to fight, and even you know the single outcome here is death.
Oh this? Yeah. Just a snippet of a story where we get to be fucked. By a gigantic werewolf. Hehe.
Seriously that last quest like. 👍. Thank you thank you thank you. The lore. The material. Good meal. Can’t wait for dessert.
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supfag · 11 days
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kamibakura · 1 month
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glitterguts13 · 1 month
There is a new HSR villain in the new event named Mok Tok and he is fine wine.
Caelus has been captured by Mok Tok and the borisin to be used as a breeding ground for pups.
By the time Dan Heng finds him, he’s birthing out his fifth litter.
The death flags are flagging, but Mok Tok will live on in my memory no matter the outcome. TW: forced birth,
"Hurry up." heavy boots paced back and forth in the little cell. Stripped bare and laid out on the cold, damp floor, Caelus's legs tremble with the effort of pushing. Two newborn pups nursed at his swollen breasts, his belly still round and quivering, heavy with the rest of the unborn litter.
"I-I'm trying-" he swallows thickly, fingers digging into the grimy floor. Another hard push and all he's rewarded with is a gush of fluid. The third pup is lodged tightly in his bulging hole, with no progress being made.
"I won't ask again, push that pup out. Now." the heel of Mok Tok's boot presses down onto Caelus's heavy gut, a scream tearing from the Trailblazer's throat.
"STOP stop! You'll hurt them!" he sobs, frantically clawing at Mok Tok's ankle, trying to force his leg away.
"I wouldn't have to do this if you'd hurry up!" he presses down harder, the third pup finally popping free from Caelus.
"Honestly, after four litters you'd think you'd loosen up a bit." wiping the squawling pup down, he places the Borisin offspring atop Caelus's swollen belly. Trembling hands pull the little wolf pup closer, allowing it to snuffle at his breast and push its sibling away.
"That's it...drink up." Caelus coos, eyes heavy with sleep.
"You aren't done yet." Mok Tok kicks the young man's thighs apart before kneeling down.
"Please...I just need to rest a bit...the next one isn't ready yet," he whines, belly tensing up as another contraction rolls over him.
"You don't listen, do you? I don't have time for this shit, you already kept these little bastards inside two weeks longer than needed. Do you want to let them keep growing? You won't be able to squeeze them out of that tight little hole if they get much bigger." a large, rough hand squeezes Caelus's belly, gripping tightly and feeling around.
"Three more. You got three more to go and I have a meeting in twenty minutes," a flicker of rage passes over Mok Tok's face, "Remember, this is your fault."
Before the exhausted Caelus could question what his captor meant, Mok Tok's hand was shoved into his aching hole.
"STOP!" he struggles to wiggle away, but he's far too weak, and Mok Tok was far too strong. Keeping him in place, he forces his hands deeper up his birth canal, fingers curling around the hind legs of the next pup.
Vision going white, Caelus doesn't even hear the sound of his own screams. Mok Tok was nearly elbow-deep inside of him, pulling and tugging the pup deep inside of his womb.
"Fuck...it's so big." grunting, Mok Tok gives one final pull, yanking the pup free while Caelus's belly spasms with the remaining two pups.
His fingers begin to slip inside of his hole once more, a broken sob escaping Caelus's lips.
All at once, the door to the cell swings open, the light from the outside nearly blinding the men.
"Caelus! Caelus, I'm here-" the words caught in Dan Heng's throat, eyes widening in horror.
Mok Tok barely paid him any mind, too busy fishing the fifth pup from the Trailblazer's womb.
"Your friend is a bit...busy at the moment." he responds cooly, forcing the fifth pup free. Caelus howls in agony, Borisin pups crawling over his chest and belly, eagerly looking for milk.
"I'm afraid you're late," Mok Tok stands, wiping blood and fluid into his shirt and pants, a smile on his lips, "Caelus is just about done birthing his fifth litter. He's a proper breeding bitch now."
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binkybuzz · 7 days
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hsr omegaverse??
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rubywolf0201 · 1 month
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Yup this guy is an undercover agent for the borsins.
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vincord · 10 days
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such a pathetic wet sopping man
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Mok Tok is so over the top that we kind of love it. He's so easily angered it's honestly kind of funny. His voice actor is always going at his lines in full force. One second, he's calm, the next he screaming at Jiaoqiu like a petulant child, and the next, he's groveling at Hoolay's feet.
We won't miss him if/when he gets his ass handed to him but we'll definitely enjoy him while he's here.
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razorblade180 · 19 hours
I like how committed HSR is when describing how strong any given character is. Three times now the game has gone “Don’t feel too good about one upping Topaz. She can in fact fuck you up.”
Same with how everyone on Belobog agrees that Gepard is an absolute unit and a good man. Not even a Luka focused quest could stop this man from being strong and the coolest guy in the room.
They even extend the curtesy to Yanqing. No one was calm about him getting possessed by a Heliobi. That kid could murder at least 97% of the people on that ship. The plan was literally go get Jing Yuan before Sushang dies holding him off. Even Boothill didn’t like his odds. Why is that kid so strong!?
This also makes characters like Hoolay very funny and cool to me cause Feixiao is an absolute beast and this man essentially looks at Mok Tok and says “I’m not a bitch. I said rally the pack.” Duke Inferno would’ve loved this guy. The Dream Master saw Acheron split reality and still said he’d kick her out by force and didn’t think twice about it.
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b1adie · 2 months
mok tok introducing jiaoqiu to hoolay
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elysiaheaven · 2 days
𝗡𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱-𝟮𝟱-(The Fox's Wedding)
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Mentions of k!lling
Hoolay, his demeanor cold and calculating, faced Jiaoqiu with a mocking smile. "Perfect chance? To return to my weak and shattered pack, at the mercy of a ridiculous false prophet, and become a mere puppet in her clutches? Heh, her plan is full of flaws. The only paths she has prepared for you are escape and death."
He then turned his piercing gaze toward Jiaoqiu. "Listen up, a wolf never allows itself to become prey. From now on, you'll follow my orders."
Jiaoqiu, stunned by the sudden shift, could hardly believe what he was hearing. "Wait, what did you just say?"
Mok Tok, clearly unsettled, interjected, "But my Lord...!"
Hoolay's eyes narrowed, a hint of menace in his voice. "Would an alpha wolf ever listen to a cub, Mok Tok?"
Mok Tok quickly lowered his gaze, his voice trembling. "No, I've never heard anything like that... I... I wasn't trying to defy your will. I will always unquestioningly follow your orders."
Hoolay, ignoring Mok Tok's plea, continued with an unsettling calm. "I'm offering you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't you want to run away, Jiaoqiu?"
Jiaoqiu's face was etched with confusion and concern. "What game are you playing?"
Hoolay's smile widened, his voice laced with dark amusement. "Just a little pre-hunt entertainment. Don't you want to run away? I'm giving you a chance to see the ports and report back to me."
Your eyes widened in shock and disbelief as Hoolay's words sank in. You struggled against the cage, your fear and confusion giving way to a desperate resolve. "What... what are you planning to do?"
Hoolay's gaze flicked towards you, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You Jiaoqiu, too, will aid me in this little game. After all, foxian like you always obediently return to their masters... no matter how far they run away."
Jiaoqiu, realizing the gravity of the situation, looked at you with a mixture of concern and determination. "Y/n, we need to get out of this. I'll figure something out. But you must be ready to act quickly."
You, despite the overwhelming fear and uncertainty, nodded. "I... I will do whatever it takes. But we need to find a way to stop Hoolay and Mok Tok."
Hoolay, pleased with your response, turned to Mok Tok. "Make sure they understand their roles. I expect results, or the consequences will be dire."
Mok Tok nodded, though his face was filled with apprehension. "Yes, my Lord."
Jiaoqiu, couldn't believe his luck. "I can't believe he actually let me go... What game is he playing?" His thoughts raced as he considered his options. "Perhaps I can try to warn the Cloud Knights... No, maybe escaping might be the best course of action..But Y/n...."
He scanned his surroundings, noting the sharp pressure of a foxian's cold gaze. The look carried an unspoken warning: "Every clever little thought you bear might lead to severe consequences you will come to regret."
Jiaoqiu's expression hardened. "Just as I expected... He's testing me."
As he continued toward the port, his mind churned with concerns. "The Cloud Knights must have been aware of the situation inside The Shackling Prison for some time. Will General Feixiao personally lead a squad to capture Hoolay?"
Suddenly, a sharp, familiar pain made him flinch. 
"Y/n?" Jiaoqiu's eyes widened in shock. "What are you—"
You clutched his hand tightly, your expression full of pain and worry. "Jiaoqiu, be careful. Hoolay's games are dangerous... I will come with you tho,every step I take is like walking on a bed of needles."
Jiaoqiu could see the glass shards embedded in your hands and the pain etched across your face. Despite the agony, you tried to control your expressions, maintaining a semblance of calm. "I... I need to warn you. Don't go too far."
Jiaoqiu, torn between his mission and your condition, took a deep breath. "Alright, I understand. But we need to find a way to stop this madness."
He continued to move towards the port, his pace slower now as he kept a watchful eye on you. "I can't risk being seen trying to escape, and someone is definitely keeping an eye on me," he thought, glancing over his shoulder.
Jiaoqiu's mind was a whirlwind of strategies and concerns. "I'll do as Hoolay asked for now, but I need to find a way to alert the Cloud Knights without drawing attention."
Jiaoqiu stood silently before Hoolay, his eyes cold and resolute. "You're back, Jiaoqiu," Hoolay's voice slithered into the stillness. The wolfish leader's eyes gleamed, waiting for any sign of defiance or betrayal.
Jiaoqiu met his gaze without flinching. "You were watching me closely, weren't you? If I had sought help, your people would have killed them on the spot. Was that your plan all along, Hoolay?"
Hoolay grinned darkly, leaning back with a subtle nod. "Smart as always. You're quick to understand. I told you to go check the situation at the port, but I never said you could speak to anyone."
Jiaoqiu clenched his fists, his jaw tightening. He had walked through the streets, ignoring his instincts to seek help from the Cloud Knights, avoiding anyone who might be caught in the crossfire. He had seen the watchful eyes following him, the threat hanging in the air like a knife waiting to drop. But you... you had been with him all along, limping silently by his side, enduring the pain of the glass shards still embedded in your skin.
"Why?" Jiaoqiu growled, his voice thick with frustration. "Why this game? What do you gain from holding everyone's life in your hands like this?"
You glanced between them, keeping your emotions in check. Your steps had been agonizing, the glass shards cutting deeper into your feet with every movement. But you didn't let it show. Not now. Not when it was clear that Hoolay was savoring his control over both of you.
"You did the right thing, Jiaoqiu," you said softly, your voice steady despite the pain. "You didn't involve the Cloud Knights. But that doesn't mean he's done testing you."
Hoolay let out a low chuckle, watching the two of you with interest. "Ah, Y/n. Always the clever one, aren't you? But cleverness won't save either of you here."
He leaned forward, his expression darkening. "You're here because you want to play the game. If you had sought help, I would have had my men execute them in front of you. The more hope you hold, the greater your pain when I snuff it out. But you didn't—so now you remain in my hands, just like everyone else."
Jiaoqiu's heart pounded in his chest as he stared into Hoolay's cold, unfeeling eyes. There was no way out of this. No matter what choice he made, someone would suffer. He had taken the safer path, but it still led to the same end: submission to Hoolay's twisted game.
"You're doing this to prove that you hold all the cards, aren't you?" Jiaoqiu muttered bitterly.
Hoolay smiled, baring his teeth. "Exactly. You may have made it back here without seeking help, but that just means I get to enjoy this a little longer. Watching you both struggle... it's truly delightful."
Hoolay hurted Jiaoqiu!
What are you just staring at them! Do something!
 The moment Jiaoqiu winced from the pain, you couldn't hold it in anymore. A strangled cry escaped your throat, the sound raw and desperate. You rushed toward him, heart racing in your chest, but before you could reach him, something far worse happened.
"Ahhhh!!!!! Kill hoolay now!" You screamed at a borisin nearby. You could control their minds...Thank god!
A nearby borisin, stirred by your scream, lunged at Hoolay, as if trying to strike in your defense. For a split second, everything froze. The air was thick with anticipation, but Hoolay didn't flinch. Instead, with effortless precision, he stopped the creature mid-attack, his strength overpowering it with ease. His hand found its way to the doll that had been clutched in his grip, the one that symbolized a fragile piece of control he had over the situation. With a wicked grin, Hoolay squeezed it with all his might, and you could almost hear the crackle of fabric and stuffing tearing apart.
You stopped in your tracks, anger flaring in your eyes. You glared at him, your whole body trembling with fury as he crushed the doll in his hand like it was nothing. You wanted to lash out, to strike him down for daring to hurt Jiaoqiu, but your limbs felt frozen, caught between fear and rage.
Hoolay turned his gaze on you, amused by your reaction. His smile deepened, sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light as he observed you carefully. "You're a strange one, aren't you?" he said, his voice a soft purr. "You've lost your fear of pain and torture so quickly... fascinating."
You stared him down, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing you break, but your heart stuttered in your chest when Hoolay shifted his attention. His eyes, predatory and calculating, flicked back to Jiaoqiu.
Jiaoqiu's breath hitched, and his face paled as Hoolay's gaze lingered on him, the amusement in the warlord's eyes morphing into something far darker. You saw it immediately—the spark of fear igniting in Jiaoqiu's eyes. His bravado, his strength, all of it crumbled under the weight of Hoolay's piercing stare.
"No..." you whispered, your voice hoarse, barely able to believe the shift in the room. The dread clawed at your throat, choking you.
Hoolay's laugh was deep and mocking, echoing in the small space. He glanced back at you with a knowing smirk, his cruel eyes glinting. "Ahh, there it is... Your weakness is clear to me now," he said softly, his tone like ice cutting through your defenses. "You don't fear for yourself... you fear for him."
His words hung heavy in the air, and the realization stung deeper than any wound. He had found the one thing that could break you—Jiaoqiu. You could endure pain, torment, humiliation, but seeing Jiaoqiu in danger, seeing that fear in his eyes, was enough to shatter the steely resolve you had so carefully built.
Hoolay's laughter echoed once again, the sound dripping with victory. He knew he had the upper hand now. "Your courage is just an illusion," he sneered, "as long as you have something to lose."
You stared back at him.
The suffocating air in the room felt heavier with every word that Hoolay spoke. His voice, gravelly and thick with the weight of ancient hatred, slithered into every corner of the space. You stood there, muscles tensed, watching as he circled Jiaoqiu like a predator toying with its prey.
Hoolay's reminiscing turned into something darker as he recounted the early years of his captivity. His eyes burned with memories of suffering, torment, and bloodshed—of being prodded, poked, and drained by the foxians in their attempts to unravel the secret of "Moon Rage."
Jiaoqiu, despite his training, stood motionless, the weight of Hoolay's words pressing down on him like an invisible force. His face was unreadable, though you could feel the subtle tension in his shoulders, the quiet agony of realization sinking in. This wasn't just another prisoner speaking to him—this was a warlord of unimaginable cruelty, shaped by centuries of suffering, and now, reborn with the dark promise of his ancestors.
You stepped forward, trying to break the heavy silence, your breath quickening. "Stop it, Hoolay," you demanded, your voice sharper than you intended. "What kind of monster are you, to believe in these barbaric rituals? The Lunar Embryo, the moon heart, devouring... you're nothing but a savage, clinging to a nightmare."
Hoolay's laughter rippled through the room, deep and rumbling. He turned his gaze toward you, eyes glinting with amusement. "A monster, you say? Perhaps. But you, little fox, have yet to witness the true power that lies within. Your words are laced with fear, not bravery." His gaze flicked to Jiaoqiu, and his lips curled into a twisted smile. "But not him. No... Jiaoqiu seeks power, but not to destroy his enemies or to become them. He's the most pitiful of all—he seeks it to help others."
You clenched your fists, feeling the sharp sting of glass shards embedded in your skin, remnants of your earlier defiance. The pain was dull now, overshadowed by the anger boiling beneath the surface. Jiaoqiu shifted slightly, glancing your way, but his attention remained locked on Hoolay. His silence was deliberate, cautious.
Hoolay's voice softened, almost mockingly. "I see it in you, healer. You want answers. And I... well, I know everything about the Moon Rage, about the power you so desperately want to understand."
Jiaoqiu's lips twitched, his voice low but steady. "What are you trying to tell me, Hoolay?"
The warlord's eyes gleamed as he began recounting the tale of Duran, the ancestor of the borisin, who sought to defy his limited lifespan and seize control of the stars themselves. His words painted a vivid picture of blood sacrifice, genetic sorcery, and the birth of the Lunar Embryo—a power that, he claimed, resided within every generation of the Borisin Warhead.
Hoolay stepped closer to Jiaoqiu, towering over him like a predator sizing up his prey. His voice dropped into a hushed growl. "Devouring is the essence of life, Jiaoqiu. It's what allows us to endure. To thrive. The divine heart that beats within me has been passed down through generations, through ritual and sacrifice." He paused, then leaned in, his breath warm against Jiaoqiu's ear. "I thought I was lost, that hope had died after centuries of torment. But now... this heart beats once again."
A tremor ran through you at his words. You knew Hoolay's next move would be ruthless, unrelenting. The sheer conviction in his voice was terrifying, and yet, you could see the flicker of hesitation in Jiaoqiu's eyes. He was holding something back, weighing his options—perhaps deciding how much of the truth he should reveal.
Before Jiaoqiu could respond, Hoolay's lips twisted into a sinister grin. "Now, it's your turn to tell me everything about the Merlin's Claw."
The air shifted, and you felt a twinge of unease crawl up your spine. You opened your mouth to protest, to stop whatever was about to unfold, but before you could utter a word, a soft rustle caught your ear.
From the shadowy rooftop above, Moze crouched, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene. His voice, barely a whisper, carried through the night air. "Jiaoqiu... I've found you."
"Little Maggot, Are you sucking off to find peace in this little foxian? You always suck off something from everyone." He said...
Your breath caught in your throat as the rage began to bubble to the surface. Hoolay's laughter echoed through the room like nails on glass, scraping against every nerve. Your heart pounded, hands trembling, blood dripping from the glass shards embedded in your skin. Every fiber of your being wanted to shut him up, to tear down his arrogance. The mocking gleam in his eyes was unbearable.
"Maggot, am I?" you spat, voice shaking with fury. Your words dripped with venom, eyes burning as they locked onto Hoolay's sneering face. "Then, Just like a maggot, I'll *suck* and *slurp* up all your wounds—until there's nothing left. Going on until you're *dry*, until every ounce of blood in your veins is gone. I'll devour every last shred of you, piece by piece!"
Jiaoqiu, eyes wide with both shock and a flicker of dread, watched as your voice twisted into a snarl. Even he hadn't seen this side of you before, the raw hatred bubbling over into every word. But it was Hoolay's reaction you focused on, the slight twitch of amusement still plastered on his face.
Hoolay chuckled lowly, the sound making your blood boil. "Oh? Is that how you plan to finish me off? By sucking me dry like the parasite you've become?"
You took a step forward, unblinking, pain no longer even a distant thought. Your vision narrowed, focusing solely on him. "You'll die so slowly, Hoolay," you hissed, voice shaking with a barely contained storm of rage. "So painfully, that you'll *beg* for the centuries of torment you've already lived through. You'll *wish* you never met me, because when I'm done with you, there won't even be enough left to recognize as human—or whatever you think you are."
Hoolay's smile faltered ever so slightly. For the first time, his eyes narrowed, lips pulling into something less amused and more cautious. He seemed to be weighing your words now, sensing the sheer madness boiling just under your skin.
And that's when you knew you had him.
"You think you're untouchable? That your power makes you invincible?" Your voice rose, anger lacing each word with deadly intent. "I'll drag you into the dirt where you belong. I'll make your heart stop and start again, over and over, so you feel the edge of death—*just* long enough to know what it's like to be helpless. Just long enough to remember what fear *really* feels like."
Jiaoqiu, breathing shallow, took a hesitant step toward you, unsure whether to intervene or let you continue. Moze's presence from the rooftop, unseen to the others, shifted slightly, eyes sharp as he watched your confrontation unfold.
"You... you're strange," Hoolay finally said, his grin returning but with a hint of unease. "To lose your fear of torture so easily... it's almost amusing. But," his gaze flicked toward Jiaoqiu, lingering for a moment before falling back to you, "I see your weakness."
Jiaoqiu's eyes widened as Hoolay's words hit him like a dagger to the chest. You clenched your fists tighter, muscles coiled in preparation, but Hoolay merely laughed.
"Oh yes, you can scream and rage all you want, but your weakness is clear as day." His gaze flicked back to Jiaoqiu, a cruel smirk forming on his lips. "You can pretend to be strong, but when it comes to him..."
"Shut. Up!" you roared, your voice cracking with intensity as you took another step toward Hoolay, teeth gritted.
Hoolay's laughter only grew, the sound grating against your nerves like sandpaper. "Ah, there it is. Your fear, your rage—it's all tied to him, isn't it? Your precious healer. Without him, you're nothing."
Your breathing grew ragged, chest rising and falling with each sharp intake of breath. Every part of you wanted to lash out, to strike Hoolay down in that very moment—but you hesitated. Because as much as you hated to admit it, there was a grain of truth in his words.
He saw the hesitation flicker across your face, and his grin widened. "See? You're just as weak as I thought."
Trembling with barely-contained fury, you forced yourself to remain still, eyes locked on Hoolay's with a hatred that felt like it could burn the world to ash.
"Mark my words," you growled through clenched teeth. "You'll die wishing you never crossed me. You'll regret every second you spent thinking you had the upper hand. When I'm done with you, there won't be a single piece of you left for the wolves to scavenge."
And for the first time in that endless, twisted conversation, Hoolay's laughter died in his throat.
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nvuy · 10 days
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mok tok gotta hop off hoolays dick this is insane
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kamibakura · 2 months
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glitterguts13 · 10 days
Omega Caelus dealing with morning sickness and throwing up when he heavily pregnant with borisin pups and he just hates the feeling of it which makes the Borisin feel bad for him.
Mok Tok doesn’t know what to do with a pregnant omega that’s experiencing morning sickness.
Mok Tok is terrible with showing any sort of concern, but inside he's freaking out because he has zero clue what Omega's actually have to go through. TW: vomiting, a lot of it
As if being confined to a dingy cell wasn't bad enough, the bucket Caelus had been given wasn't replaced nearly as much as it should be. His body shivers, cold sweat running down his back. Nausea bubbles back up in his belly, and the squirming borisin pups resting in his womb certainly wasn't helping.
Hiccuping, he rests his head against his arm, trying to will the bile rising in the back of his neck back down. One hand works circles over his heavy stomach, gently massaging the sides, trying bring some relief.
"F-u-ckk..." groaning, Caelus lurches forward. He's barely able to get his face into the bucket before another stream of watery bile splatters from his burning throat.
"Again?" the voice above him sounds irritated, but the Omega can't bring himself to care. A burp followed by another retch causes Mok Tok to step back, nose crinkled in disgust.
"You have to eat." setting the tray aside, he kneels down, grasping Caelus by the back of his hair and forcing his head back. The Omega chokes, bile and spit running down his chin, eyes burning.
"C-ca-ca-can't...too sick.." Mok Tok releases his hold, but not fast enough, Caelus retches again, chunky bile splattering less than an inch from Mok Tok's shoes.
"Fuck!" the Alpha stumbles backward, snarling.
"S-sss-sorry-" the Omega slurs, wiping his lips with the back of his soiled sleeve, "Can't...kee-keep it down..." hiccuping, Caelus sobs, "Feel sick...so sick-"
Looking around, Mok Tok spies a few fellow Borisin peaking into the cell. Concern and sympathy written on their faces, Mok Tok growls at them, low and deep. They scatter right away, leaving the Alpha alone with the sobbing Omega once again.
"What...can I do to make you stop."
Sobbing harder, Caelus gags, vomit spilling from his bruised lips.
"D-d-don't know...they...they won't stop...moving," he sobs harder, barely able to take a breath in, "Feels so...so...so bad...they just won't stop!"
Muttering a string of curses under his breath, Mok Tok pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Lay down."
"C-ca-can't...might...might get sick-"
"Try, damnit." roughly, the Alpha shoves the Omega to the floor. Caelus whimpers, but doesn't make any movement to protest, far too weak. Sprawled out on his back, Mok Tok raises the Omega's shirt.
The sight of the Omega's belly causes him to flinch.
The skin was stretched too tight too quickly, bright red and hot to the touch, long angry stretch marks littering the swell. He can see the pups moving, shifting about, and causing Caelus's tummy to quiver and jump with movement.
Swallowing back his hesitation, Mok Tok cautiously puts his hands to Caelus's belly. The Omega whimpers, tummy flinching as the Alpha's cold hands make contact with the hot skin.
"Aeons- fuck-" Mok Tok can't tell which side of his brain is winning, the rational side that finds the whole situation horrific, or the Alpha side that was howling in arousal at the sight of such a fertile, swollen Omega.
Calloused hands work circles over the taunt skin, and slowly, the pups inside seem to calm.
Satisfied that the worst was over, Mok Tok moves to take his hands away, only for the Omega to grab his wrist.
"Don't! Don't stop...please...don't stop." tears dripped down the sides of the Omega's face, lips parted as he panted softly in relief.
Softly, Mok Tok puts his hand's back to his belly, fingers tracing the angry red stretch marks, and running over his pronounced navel. Caelus moans, head lolling back, body finally relaxing.
Arousal stirs hot and deep in the Alpha's gut, his cock twitching in his pants.
"Fuck...fuck..." his head begins to spin, "I'm never letting you leave...you were made for this...so...perfect for breeding."
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binkybuzz · 7 days
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goldom · 1 month
On one hand, I am incredibly suspicious of how far Mok Tok keeps going to keep Jiaoqiu alive. And I mean, look at Jiaoqiu, he just screams heel turn.
But like... if it turns out he's working with the invaders as part of some deal to get the medicine he needs for Feixiao – especially with the conflict of knowing she would never want him to make that bargain – mmm that's some good writing. (And... scary foreshadowing.) But I'm gonna hate having to inevitably fight him, because I'm obviously on that side even though I know the game won't want me to be.
(His playstyle from the short trial with him is also super interesting. One of the more thought-required characters to date. It all makes me really want to get him... but like... what am I going to do with another Fire-type? I kinda have that covered for the rest of ever.)
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