#Mohsin Nawaz
mohsinnawaz · 11 months
Mohsin Nawaz is going to be star in a TV serial on Colours check ?
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Mohsin Nawaz is a versatile Indian actor, well-performed theatre artist, model, influential social media personality, and entertaining vlogger, primarily active in the Hindi entertainment industry. Mohsin is well known for his passion and perseverance in his work. He is highly dedicated to proving himself to the world as he consistently works towards achieving his goals and establishing himself as a successful actor.
Nawaz was born on August 29, 2000, in Siwan, Bihar. He earned his acting diploma at AAFT University in Noida, which also works as an acting studio. Additionally, he received theatrical training from MTG and NSD. He is fluent in both Hindi and English. He currently resides in Delhi, where he is dedicated to advancing his career to the next level.
He began his acting career as the lead in two short films, Fever and Yun Akele, both of which were selected for the International Film Festival in Delhi. And now that he has been chosen for a TV drama on Colours Channel, he has evolved to shine on the small screen. His transition from short films to television is evidence of his expanding success in the entertainment business, and viewers are ready to witness more of his outstanding performances.
Don't limit your perception of Nawaz to the acting world. He also has an influencer on social media and is a well-known figure there. He has received two amazing awards for his excellent Instagram video content creation. He is also a YouTuber who broadcasts vlogs while exploring different locations, people, and genres in India.
Mohsin Nawaz is the kind of person who appreciates hard work and determination. He is more able to carry the movie convincingly and can handle a wide variety of emotions. He is more enthused about performing and wants to show the world his ability. More short films featuring his performance in the most imaginative and original genres are still to come.
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mariacallous · 7 months
MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan—Mohsin Dawar’s campaign for re-election to Pakistan’s parliament was almost cut short before it began in early January when his convoy was ambushed in a village just a few minutes’ drive from his home in Miran Shah in Pakistan’s North Waziristan district, near the lawless borderlands with Afghanistan. As his car came under attack from militants armed with automatic weapons, sniper rifles, and rocket-propelled grenades, he and his team were lured into a compound by residents who promised them safety.
It was a trap. Once the gates closed behind Dawar, the attack intensified. For almost an hour, he said, they were pinned down. Police and Pakistan Army backup finally arrived but not before two of Dawar’s team had been shot and injured. The vehicle took more than 80 bullets, and the windows show just how accurate the attackers’ aim was: Either one of the shots to the windshield or passenger window would have struck and likely killed him if he hadn’t been protected by bulletproof glass.
The Jan. 3 attack on a popular, outspoken, liberal leader in one of the most vulnerable regions of a country fighting a growing insurgency by extremist militants hardly registered in Pakistan, where most believe the military attempted—and failed—to manipulate the Feb. 8 election in an effort to install Nawaz Sharif as prime minister for a fourth time and where media operate under tight government control.
The election wasn’t quite the foregone conclusion that had been expected, with candidates aligned with the jailed cricket star-turned-populist leader Imran Khan winning more votes than each of the major parties—the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Peoples Party—forcing them into a coalition to get the majority needed to form a government. PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif nominated his brother, Shehbaz Sharif, to become prime minister and his daughter Maryam Nawaz as chief minister of Punjab province, ensuring the dynastic line continues.
Candidates across the country, not only those loyal to Khan, alleged that the results had been rigged against them and in favor of military-backed candidates. Two days after the election, with his seat still undeclared amid growing concerns nationwide about vote rigging, Dawar and about a dozen of his supporters were injured when security forces opened fire on them as they gathered outside the official counting room.
At least three people died of their injuries; What Dawar had believed was an unassailable lead, according to polling by his secular National Democratic Movement party, had disappeared. In the count that was listed as final by Pakistan’s Election Commission, the seat went to Misbah Uddin of the Taliban-aligned Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam-Fazl party. Dawar is still recovering from a serious leg wound.
Dawar’s hometown is, once again, the battleground of what he calls “Project Taliban”—a war against the Pakistani state.
The Taliban’s transnational ambitions are threatening security beyond the borders of Afghanistan, and nowhere is this more evident than in Pakistan’s northwest, where the militant presence has been growing since the terrorist-led group came back to power in August 2021. Attacks on civilians, soldiers, and police have soared. The region bristles with checkpoints and hilltop outposts and is heavily patrolled on the ground and in the air by the Pakistan Army and armed border police. That’s during daylight hours, Dawar told Foreign Policy. Once night falls, it’s a different story.
“The Army checkposts you will only see during the daytime. Before sunset, they go to their barracks, and the people of Waziristan are at the disposal of the militants. Everyone has to secure himself or herself for their own protection,” he said. “It is militarized, and I believe it is a continuation of a proxy war that was started long ago. ‘Project Taliban’ is still continuing.”
The roots of militancy and terrorism in Waziristan go back to colonial times, when the mostly Pashtun people here were characterized as fearless fighters and pressed into service for the British. The stereotype stuck; the region became a center of recruitment and training for young men to fight the Soviets after Moscow’s 1979 invasion of Afghanistan.
After the United States led an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks, leaders of the Taliban and al Qaeda moved over the border and for the following 20 years enjoyed the protection of the Pakistani military’s intelligence wing, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency.
The ISI wanted a tame Taliban-led Afghanistan to thwart the ambitions of archrival India to become the dominant regional power. The Taliban had different ideas. The group’s return to power has inspired affiliated and like-minded groups worldwide, as the extremist regime provides safe haven for dozens of militant groups, according to the U.N. Security Council. They now openly use Afghanistan as a base to train fighters seeking to overthrow governments from China and Tajikistan to Iran and Israel. Among them is Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which, Afrasiab Khattak, a former Pakistani lawmaker and now a political analyst, said, is “just Taliban, there is no difference.”
Earlier this month, the Taliban reiterated the group’s stance on the international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan when the acting foreign minister, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, said the government doesn’t recognize the Durand Line that has delineated the two countries since 1893. The line runs through the tribal regions, dividing ethnic Pashtun and Baloch tribespeople. Recent bilateral tensions have often focused on the border, with tit-for-tat closures impacting cross-border trade.
In comments that Pakistan’s foreign ministry later called “fanciful” and “self-serving”—and which underlined the simmering hostility between Pakistan and the Taliban it helped put in power—Stanikzai said: “We have never recognized Durand and will never recognize it; today half of Afghanistan is separated and is on the other side of the Durand Line. Durand is the line which was drawn by the English on the heart of Afghans.”
The Security Council said in 2022 that the TTP had up to 5,500 fighters in Afghanistan. That number has likely risen, Dawar said, as neither country, mired in economic mismanagement and crisis, can offer its youthful population an alternative livelihood. Victory brought strength, Dawar said, and the Taliban “can attract the youth because money and power is what attracts youth the most.”
The simmering conflict threatens to return Pakistan’s northwest to the wasteland of less than decade ago, when the TTP controlled the region: Dissenters were routinely killed. Terrorists turned the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), now part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province after an administrative merger in 2018, into a death zone. Millions of people were displaced as those who could leave fled to peace and safety.
Those who stayed lived in fear and poverty until the Army finally took action in 2016 and ended the TTP’s 10-year reign by simply killing them, often in attacks that also killed civilians, or pushing them over the porous border into Afghanistan, where they joined Taliban forces fighting the U.S.-supported republic until it collapsed in 2021.
The TTP wants an independent state in these border regions. It broke a cease-fire with the government in November 2022 and has demanded that the merger of the FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa be reversed. Attacks on the military and police have escalated alarmingly, presenting what a senior government official, who spoke anonymously, called “not only an existential threat to the state but also to the common man”—a recognition that what Dawar calls “Project Taliban” not only threatens to engulf the northwest but, if not contained, poses a potential threat to a fragile and barely stable state.
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar disagreed, telling reporters before the Feb. 8 vote that the military had the upper hand in the region, by virtue of numbers alone. “I don’t see that they pose an existential threat to the state of Pakistan,” he said, while nevertheless conceding it was a “big challenge” that could take years to dislodge.
He could be right. After the failure of peace talks, ironically brokered by the Taliban’s acting interior minister, U.N.-listed terrorist Sirajuddin Haqqani, Pakistan stepped up pressure on the TTP. Asfandyar Mir, an expert on South Asian political and security issues, said this appeared to have made a “marginal” difference.
“For instance, we haven’t seen a complex or suicide bombing attack by the TTP or one of its fronts for a couple of months now,” he said. “In that sense, it appears the Taliban is sensitive to pressure,” though “smaller-scale attacks and the erosion of Pakistani state authority in parts of the northwest continue.” Things could change, he said, once a new government is installed and, perhaps, brings some stability to the political landscape.
For the people of Waziristan, struggling to survive unemployment, a lack of development, and government neglect of basic services such as roads, electricity, clean water, and education—coupled with a downturn in vital cross-border trade with Afghanistan—priorities have again switched to peace. “The local people have learned through their own bitter experience of devastating war” what a Taliban resurgence means, said Khattak, the political analyst. The security establishment is playing a dangerous game, indulging the TTP so that “local people become so desperate they want the military to come in and help them,” he said.
Hundreds of thousands of people have marched through the streets and bazaars of North and South Waziristan over the past year, demanding action against terrorism and an end to state violence. Yet it continues. “No one is safe. Everyone is a target,” said a man in his 30s as he rolled off a list of potential victims: politicians, business people, teachers, doctors, journalists, civic activists, women’s rights advocates, anyone deemed “un-Islamic.” Even barbers are not immune from extremists who ban men from shaving: The day before the Jan. 3 attack on Dawar’s convoy, the bodies of six young hairdressers were found in the nearby town of Mir Ali.
Another local resident pointed to a “Taliban checkpoint” on the road between Miran Shah and the bustling town of Bannu. The long-haired, kohl-eyed, gun-toting youths in sequined caps stand outside their roadside hut in the shadow of an Army post on the hill above. Around the clock, the resident said, they randomly stop vehicles to shake down the drivers. “It’s just for money,” he said. “Money and power.”
But it’s killing, too, “on a daily basis,” said a government worker who left Miran Shah with his family at the height of the TTP terror and visited in early February from Peshawar so he and his wife could vote for Dawar. The aim, he said, is “to create an atmosphere of fear so that people leave and what is here is theirs.”
Dawar said the turning of the Taliban tables on Pakistan “was predictable.” The Taliban “are now a threat to Central Asia. They are now a threat to Iran, to Pakistan, and to even China. All of them thought we will control the Taliban after the takeover. The problem is it didn’t happen,” he said.
In 2011, then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Pakistan’s leaders that they couldn’t keep “snakes,” as she called the Taliban, in their own backyard and “expect them only to bite your neighbors.”
“There used to be a time when people were sent from here to Afghanistan. Now they are coming around, they are biting,” Dawar said.
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news24-7live · 29 days
Pakistan: Armed Attackers Kill 12 Pakistani Police Officers in Ambush
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On August 23, 2024, two police vehicles carrying approximately 22 officers were returning from a police camp in the Machka area of Rahim Yar Khan District, Pakistan. The heavy rains had made the roads extremely muddy causing one of the vehicles to break down. As the police officers were attempting to manage the situation, they were ambushed by dacoits who launched a rocket attack on the stranded vehicles. The attackers then opened fire on the officers resulting in the death of 11 policemen and injuries to nine others. The death toll from this attack later rose to 12. https://twitter.com/SADigestOnline/status/1826885294584439207
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Also Read: Andrew Tate’s Romania Homes Raided Amid Allegations involving Minors The Katcha area located along the riverine borders of southern Sindh and central Punjab has been a stronghold for organized criminal gangs. These gangs have been active for decades, engaging in various illegal activities including kidnap forransom operations and highway robberies. The terrain of the Katcha area by dense forests and difficult to navigate waterways has provided these criminals with a natural hideout. Despite previous military and police operations aimed at eliminating these gangs, they have continued to resurface exploiting the lack of law and order in the region. The Punjab police in coordination with their counterparts in Sindh launched a massive operation to hunt down the perpetrators. Over 320 police personnel from Punjab along with additional forces from Sindh were mobilized to carry out the operation in the Katcha area. The Pakistan police identified the main suspect behind the attack as Bashir Shar. The police managed to locate and kill Bashir Shar. During the operation, five of his accomplices identified as Sanaullah Shar, Gada Ali, Kamlu Shar, Ramzan Shar and Gadi, were also injured. The Pakistan police have said to continue the operation until all the perpetrators are either apprehended or eliminated. The deadly ambush and the police operation prompted responses from both provincial and federal governments. Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz directed the Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar and other senior officials to personally oversee the situation in Rahim Yar Khan. Maryam Nawaz also instructed the Punjab Home Secretary to initiate an immediate operation in the Katcha areas with the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) Punjab taking the lead. Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah directed his provincial police chief to establish close coordination with the Punjab Police and provide any necessary assistance in the operation. https://twitter.com/imYmalikk/status/1826898695029182525 Also Read: Serial Killer Collins Jumaisi Khalusha Escapes from Police Custody in Kenya Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif saddened by the loss of lives and ordered immediate action against the attackers. The loss of 12 brave police officers has left a scar on the nation, particularly on the families of the martyred. The funeral prayers for the fallen officers were held in Rahim Yar Khan attended by Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, senior police officials and military leaders. Tributes were paid to the martyrs with wreaths laid on their coffins before their bodies were sent to their respective hometowns for burial. The nation mourns the loss of these officers who laid down their lives in the line of duty. The Sindh government ordered security measures across the province. Sindh Interior Minister Ziaul Hassan Lanjar directed the police to remain on high alert during Friday prayers. Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Pakistan Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi released statements expressing sorrow. The leaders described the slain officers as martyrs, a term often used in Pakistan to honor those who die in the line of duty. The Kacha area in Rahim Yar Khan has been a stronghold for bandits. These criminals ambush travelers and police forces by utilizing the region's difficult terrain to their advantage. This area along the Indus River often referred to as a no-go zone by locals due to the prevalence of armed robberies and other crimes. Security operations against bandits in this region, as well as in the southern Sindh province are common. Such a high number of police casualties in a single incident is rare. https://twitter.com/sunbrk/status/1826914098556350762 Also Read: Five Individuals Charged in Connection to Matthew Perry’s Death
Top Sources Related to Pakistan: Armed Attackers Kill 12 Pakistani Police Officers in Ambush (For R&D)
Reuters: reuters.com AL Jazeera: At least 11 Pakistani policemen killed in ambush by suspected robbers | Crime News | Al JazeeraWe use cookies and other tracking technologies to deliver and personalize content and ads, enable features, measure site performance, and enable social media sharing. You can choose to customize your preferences.Learn more about our Cookie Policy. The Guardian: Bandits kill at least 11 Pakistani police officers in ambush in Punjab provinceAttack on patrol in the Rahim Yar Khan district that was targeting robbers also left seven wounded Sky News:
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Armed attackers kill 11 police officers in Pakistan ambushThe attack, which has also left seven police officers injured, was one of the deadliest on police in recent years. Dawn:
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Police kill main suspect in deadly ambush on cops in Rahim Yar Khan’s Katcha areaSay five other dacoits injured; number of martyred cops rises to 12; CM Maryam orders immediate operation. DW News:
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Pakistan: Gunmen kill 11 police officers in ambush attack – DW – 08/23/2024The attack which took place in Pakistan’s Rahim Yar Khan district is one of the deadliest on police officials in recent years. Read the full article
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jobaaj · 4 months
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🔴BREAKING NEWS: Pakistan is starving! But its leaders have property worth $12.5 billion in Dubai!! 1️⃣What happened?🤔 An important study called 'Dubai Unlocked' was done by journalists from 75 different places around the world. They worked together to find out who owns property in Dubai from 2020 to 2022. Dubai has rules that aren't very strong, so it's a popular place for bad people like criminals, politicians, and people who are not allowed to do certain things in their own countries to put their money. Surprisingly, people from Pakistan owned the second most properties in Dubai after people from another country. These properties belonged to politicians, government workers, and military people. They owned 23,000 properties that altogether were worth $12.5 billion!
2️⃣What are the details revealed?🧐 Lots of important people from Pakistan are mentioned in this report:
Pervez Musharraf, the former leader, and his wife had 3 properties.
Asif Ali Zardari, who used to be the president, has kids who own 3 properties in really nice areas!
The son of General Qamar Javed Bajwa, a high-ranking military leader, is also listed as owning property!
Nawaz Sharif’s son, the wife of Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, Provincial Assembly member Sharjeel Memon, and Senator Faisal Vadwa are all said to own properties too!
There are also mentions of retired Army and Air Force officials, 4 members of the National Assembly, and around 6 members of the Provincial Assembly who own property in Dubai!
3️⃣Interestingly:😲 - Pakistan is desperately struggling to secure another long-term loan with the International Monetary Fund! - The country is barely hanging on and one misstep away from total economic collapse! - 40% of its citizens are below the poverty line and over 20% are undernourished!! - Pakistani lawmaker Syed Mustafa Kamal recently went on a rant in the Sindh parliament where he spoke of how India went to the moon but Karachi lacked drinking water and children were dying in open gutters!! 4️⃣Is there hope for Pakistan?❓ Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group for more)
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dpr-lahore-division · 5 months
Information Minister Azma Bokhari Meets CEO CDRS Pakistan-USA Mr Todd Shea
Lahore, 20 April 2024
Provincial Minister for Information & Culture Azma Bokhari met CEO Comprehensive Disaster Response Services(CDRS) Pakistan-USA Mr Todd Shea in which matters pertaining to ongoing welfare projects in Pakistan especially in Punjab- Lahore, House of Blessings for the orphans, Animal Welfare Centres and other affairs were discussed. Mr Todd Shea gave a comprehensive briefing on the ongoing development projects. Head CDRS Lahore Syed Mohsin, Director Fauzia Todd, Muhammad Faizan and others participated in the meeting. Information Minister Azma Bokhari while expressing her views about CDRS welfare projects in Punjab remarked that providing services to the grief-stricken humanity is praiseworthy. She added that ensuring the well-being of humanity plays an important role in the progress of a society. Azma Bokhari underlined that according to the vision of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, we aim to lend a helping hand to the downtrodden and destitutes. She acknowledged that opening a welfare centre for the orphan children and destitute women in Lahore city is a laudable step initiated by the CDRS. She highlighted that the Punjab government despite its limited resources is working immensely for the uplift of the distressed humanity through its welfare projects.CEO CDRS Todd Shea apprised that so far, we have accomplished more than 750 clean water projects in Pakistan. Mr Todd Shea added that we are opening centres for the orphan children and destitute women in Lahore and Islamabad after Rawalpindi and Karachi.
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Zulfan Tedian Ludan Khawin Wally | Mohsin Raza Shadi | Arshad Nawaz Cheena
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thewikiwiki · 10 months
Mohsin Nawaz (Actor) Age, Wiki, Biography, Family, Career and More
Mohsin Nawaz (Actor) Height, Weight, Date of Birth, Age, Wiki, Biography, Girlfriend and More Mohsin Nawaz is a versatile Indian actor, accomplished theatre artist, model, influential social media personality, and entertaining vlogger, making significant contributions to the Hindi entertainment industry. Known for his passion and unwavering dedication to his craft, Mohsin strives to establish…
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wordexpress · 2 years
Imran Khan vows legal action against 'every officer' involved in house raid
While Khan was in Islamabad to mark his presence at a court on Saturday, over 10,000 armed Punjab police personnel launched a major operation at his residence.
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Pakistan's ousted prime minister Imran Khan on Sunday vowed to take legal action against “every single officer” involved in a raid on his Zaman Park residence here and brutal beating of his party workers during the search operation.
While Khan was in Islamabad to mark his presence at a court on Saturday, over 10,000 armed Punjab police personnel launched a major operation at his Zaman Park residence and arrested dozens of his supporters. Police claimed to have seized weapons and petrol bombs from Khan's house.
Khan’s supporters managed to take control of his residence late Saturday night when the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman returned from Islamabad after attending the hearing in the Toshakhana case.
Addressing the nation, Khan on Sunday said he would take legal action against Punjab police, including “every single officer” who participated in the “attack” on his residence.
Heavy machinery was used by the Punjab police to break into Khan's residence. Khan's wife - Bushra Bibi - was present in the house during the police raid.
“I want to ask everyone, police, army officers, the judges of this country and the people (about) the respect of chadar & char diwari (veil and walls) in Islam,” the 70-year-old former prime minister said while talking about the raid on his house.
Khan said he wanted to address the nation last night but could not as he was angry. “And a person should not talk when he is angry.”
He accused the Punjab IG of violating the orders of the Lahore High Court (LHC), saying he had referred to an anti-terrorism court for obtaining a search warrant even when a high court judge had already laid out the procedure for conducting a search at his house.
He said that his party would initiate contempt proceedings in the court and also take legal action against Punjab’s caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi.
Later, Senior PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry said that the party had sent a letter to the Punjab chief secretary requesting a case be registered against PML-N chief organiser Maryam Nawaz, Naqvi, Punjab Inspector General of Police Dr Usman Anwar, Lahore Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamyana and 18 other police officers for the “attack and robbery at Zaman Park”.
Chaudhry said the PTI had requested a judicial commission as well on the Zaman Park operations and the death of party worker Ali Bilal.
Khan earlier questioned the authorities under which law they broke the gate, pull down trees and barged into the house. He said much worse, police raided his house after he left to present himself before the Islamabad court.
"Bushra bibi, a totally private non-political person, was alone in the house. This is a total violation of the Islamic principle of sanctity of chadar & char diwari [veil and walls],” Khan said in a series of tweets.
He said that the contempt issue, violation of the sanctity of the home and the violence against his workers and domestic staff will be raised in court.
During the address, Khan announced that the party would stage a power show at Minar-i-Pakistan — the same venue where he launched his campaign for the 2013 elections — on Wednesday. He added that it would be a “referendum” on where the nation stood.
Meanwhile, Lahore Police on Sunday booked Khan and over 1,000 PTI workers under terrorism charges in two cases. The number of cases against Khan has climbed up to 97.
Police claimed to have recovered rifles, Kalashnikovs, bullets, marbles and petrol bombs from his house during the search operation.
Police had also removed all the space encroached in Zaman Park for the last several months and also destroyed the “bunkers” made to attack the law enforcement agencies.
Meanwhile, Interior Minister Rana Sanuallah said the government would consult its legal team to assess whether a process could be initiated to ban Khan’s party.
"Terrorists were hiding in Zaman Park. Weapons, petrol bombs etc have been recovered from the residence of Imran Khan which is enough evidence to file a reference against the PTI for being a militant organization,” Sanaullah said.
Regarding the government's plan to initiate the process to declare the PTI a proscribed outfit, the minister said: “Primarily it is a judicial process to declare any party proscribe. However, we will consult our legal team on the issue."
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif appeared to agree with the assertion by his niece PMN-L Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz that Khan’s party is a “militant organisation”.
"If anyone had any doubt, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Niazi’s antics of the last few days laid bare his fascist and militant tendencies," Sharif said, adding that Khan has "taken a leaf out of the RSS book".
Police on Sunday obtained one-day physical remand of over 100 PTI activists arrested during Saturday's operation.
As Punjab police has completely withdrawn security from the PTI chief, the Gilgit-Baltistan province where his party is in power is providing security to him.
The cricketer-turned-politician was disqualified by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in October last year for not sharing details of the sales. The top electoral body later filed a complaint with the district court to punish him, under criminal laws, for selling the gifts he had received as prime minister of the country.
Khan was ousted from power in April last year after losing a no-confidence vote, becoming the first Pakistani prime minister to be voted out by the National Assembly.
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worldspotlightnews · 2 years
A nation for the rich, by the rich | The Express Tribune
By ALI ASAD SABIR/Abdul Rehman Nawaz | Design: Mohsin Alam PUBLISHED March 12, 2023 KARACHI: Pakistan’s Defence Minister Khawaja Asif recently shed light on the existence of over 200 golf courses built on government-owned lands, exclusively for the country’s elite. Speaking out on this issue, he pointed out that if these lands were to be reclaimed and auctioned, Pakistan could potentially…
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Mohsin Raza Naqvi Takes Oath As Punjab Caretaker CM
LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 23rd Jan, 2023 ) :Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi took oath as caretaker chief minister of Punjab here on Sunday night. Punjab Governor Muhammad Balighur Rehman administered oath to the caretaker chief minister in a ceremony held at the Governor’s House here. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader Malik Ahmad Khan, Punjab Chief Secretary Abdullah Khan Sumbol,…
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mohsinnawaz · 1 year
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piyasahaberleri · 2 years
Punjab'ın çıkışından sonrasında Başbakan Chaudhry Parvez Elahi Pakistan Müslüman Birliği-Nawaz (PML-N) eyaletteki bekçi CM görevi için üç isim ortaya çıkardı, ek olarak iki adını de Salı günü Pencap Valisi Baligh Ur Rehman'a göndererek eskininkileri reddetti. tavsiyeler.Danışmanın İsimleri Başbakan Kurum hakkında Ahad Cheema ve üst düzey gazeteci Mohsin Naqvi, PML-N lideri Hamza Shahbaz tarafınca valiye gönderildi. Partiden meydana getirilen açıklamaya nazaran Shehbaz, geçici başbakanın adları mevzusunda istişare yapmak suretiyle PML-N üyesi Malik Ahmad Khan'ı aday gösterdi.Ek olarak, "PML-N'nin giden Başbakan Elahi tarafınca gönderilen isimlerle aynı fikirde olmadığını" da sözlerine ekledi.İki gün ilkin, CM Elahi, CM ile istişare edildikten sonrasında üstünde anlaşmaya varılan bir bakıcı CM için üç adı deklare etti. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Başkan İmran Han.Başbakan tarafınca paylaşılan üç isim içinde Ahmad Nawaz Sukhera, Naseer Ahmed Khan ve Nasir Mahmood Khosa içeriyor. Üç isimden birinin kesinleşmesinin olası bulunduğunu da sözlerine ekledi.İl genel müdürü ek olarak resmi Twitter hesabından, "Bu adları hükümete gönderiyoruz. [Punjab] Vali ve karşıcılık geniş düşünürse tavsiye edilen adlar üstünde anlaşmaya varılması olası görünüyor."'Medyadaki biri latife yapmış oldu'PML-N tarafınca tavsiye edilen iki isimle alay eden PTI Kıdemli Başkan Yardımcısı Fawad Chaudhry, partisinin Navaz Şerif liderliğindeki partiden isim almadığını söylemiş oldu. "Bir ihtimal medyadan biri latife yapmıştır" dedi.PTI lideri, Cheema'nın Ulusal Hesap Verebilirlik Bürosu (NAB) davasında Başbakan Shehbaz Sharif ile beraber suçlandığını, her şeyin arkasında ise Naqvi'nin bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu. Siyasetçi, "Bu iki isim tartışılamaz" dedi.PTI başkanının talep etmiş olduğu Başbakan Shehbaz'a karşı gensoru önergesi verilmesi olasılığı hakkında yorum icra eden Fawad, gensoru oylamasında oldukça sayıda PML-N üyesinin bulunmayacağını iddia etti.PTI siyasetçisi, CM Elahi'nin il meclisinde güvenoyu vermesinin bir sonucu olarak merkezdeki iktidar partisi içinde ihtimaller içinde gerilimlere işaret ederek, "PML-N'nin mevcut durumu göz önüne alındığında, Rana Sanaullah Pencap'ın cumhurbaşkanlığını feda etmek zorunda duracak" dedi.
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newslobster · 2 years
Former Pak PM Imran Khan Faces "Attempted Murder" Charge: Report
Former Pak PM Imran Khan Faces “Attempted Murder” Charge: Report
The case has been registered at the Secretariat police station in Islamabad. Islamabad: Mohsin Shahnawaz Ranjha, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader and member of the National Assembly Saturday registered a case of “attempted murder” against PTI Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan, reported Geo TV. The case has been registered at the Secretariat police station in Islamabad.…
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With compliments from, The Directorate General Public Relations,Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.No.666/QU/MujahidHANDOUT (A)Lahore, July 7: Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi conducted visits to the Nawaz Sharif Social Security Hospital at Multan Road and the Social Security Hospital at Ferozepur Road. During his visits, the CM thoroughly inspected various wards and…
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telfordcarly · 4 years
Bringing Nawaz Sharif back to test govt
ISLAMABAD/LAHORE: The government and the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) have become active to bring former prime minister and PML-N Rahber Muhammad Nawaz Sharif back from the UK after his increasing contacts and consultations with the opposition parties.
Nawaz Sharif’s politicking has thrown a serious challenge to the government and official proceedings to bring him back will be initiated next week.
It has been learnt that the National Accountability Bureau will approach an accountability court to declare Nawaz a proclaimed offender in the Toshakhana case.
The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday, August 20 disposed of a petition filed by Nawaz against declaring him absconder in the Toshakhana case.
A division bench – comprising Chief Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Aamer Farooq – took up the petition.
The court dismissed the petition seeking withdrawal of non-bailable arrest warrant for Nawaz in the case when his counsel Barrister Jahangir Khan Jadoon sought permission to withdraw it.
An accountability court on Tuesday, August 18 passed orders for seizure of vehicles of former president Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif in Toshakhana case.
The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) had requested the court to seize the vehicles of PPP co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari and PML-N Rahber Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.
The court froze Zardari’s ownership of three vehicles, including two BMWs and one Lexus car. The ownership of one Mercedes owned by Nawaz Sharif was also seized.
The NABhas also decided to inform the IHC that Nawaz was an absconder. The bureau will file an appeal with the court for implementation of Nawaz Sharif’s sentence in Al Azizia reference.
Meantime, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) will hear former prime minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s appeal against his sentence in Al-Azizia Steel Mills reference on September 1.
A divisional bench – comprising Justice Aamir Farooq and Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani – will hear the appeal.
The court has also fixed for hearing the NAB’s appeals against extension in Nawaz Sharif‘s sentence and acquittal in the flagship reference.
It merits a mention here that the Accountability Court Judge Muhammad Arshad Malik had given verdicts in Al-Azizia Steel Mills and Flagship References. Arshad Malik was sacked following a video scandal.
Addressing a press conference in Lahore on Saturday, Prime Minister’s Advisor on Accountability and Interior Barrister Shahzad Akbar said the government was determined to bring Nawaz back as a convicted criminal very soon, along with his children and former finance minister Ishaq Dar.
“The government has decided to make fresh contacts with the UK government to extradite the convicted criminal who had been allowed a limited 8-week conditional bail only for medical treatment. But the criminal has never fulfilled any condition and has been roaming freely on London streets defying the law and judiciary,” he said.
Shahzad dispelled the impression that the PTI government was politically victimizing the PML-N chief and stressed that it was not a vendetta, but the government wanted to uphold the writ of law.
He reiterated that PM Imran Khan would never give “NRO or even its N” to the opposition leaders. He said the PTI government would write letters to the British government and Interpol for the extradition of Sharif family members. He told a questioner that the judiciary and the Punjab government had rejected the extension requests in Nawaz Sharif’s conditional bail and thus his status was now a convicted absconder.
He said Nawaz Sharif was permitted the bail only to get medical treatment from abroad, on conditions to return to the country within the stipulated time. Secondly, he was bound to submit his periodical medical reports and updates to the court as well as the Punjab government. But Nawaz never submitted any report, to either the court or the Punjab government, he added.
Shahzad explained that Nawaz was granted conditional bail by the Islamabad High Court on October 29, 2019 for eight weeks for medical treatment in the Al-Azizia case. The Punjab government was to proceed the case under Code of Criminal Procedure and conduct a proper hearing after his return. Later, Shahbaz Sharif filed an undertaking in the Lahore High Court on November 16, assuring that Nawaz would return after the required medical procedures. But after the eight-week bail had expired on December 23, Nawaz appealed to the Punjab government for an extension in his bail, he said.
Shahzad said since the bail was granted on medical grounds, the Punjab government constituted another medical board, which demanded fresh reports of Nawaz’s treatment in London. But the board was not satisfied with the reports as Nawaz had not been given even a single injection over there, he said, adding that the medical board had thus recommended against extending Nawaz’s bail. Later, three hearings took place this year on February 19, 20, and 21, where Nawaz’s lawyer, doctor, and party members submitted documents describing Nawaz's health problems. The Punjab Home Department rejected extension in his bail on February 27, and demanded that Nawaz should return to Pakistan immediately and surrender before authorities.
Later, Nawaz’s lawyer filed an application in the Islamabad High Court, claiming that he had not received the government’s decision, which the PML-N had actually received, claimed Shahzad and added that he had brought this order to satisfy media and if someone could send it to Nawaz. He said the order has also been sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the direction to send it to the British government. Shahzad said recently, on August 18, the IHC declared Nawaz an “absconder" as his bail has expired. The federal government wants to proceed in the case with the help of the NAB. He lamented that this dual standard of accountability could not be continued in Pakistan as common people hardly get any relief or parole, but people like Nawaz Sharif who has been disqualified for life by the Supreme Court and found guilty in two cases, is enjoying his life in London.
Shahzad said Nawaz Sharif was convicted for seven years in the Al-Azizia Steel Mills case, and would not be able to enter practical politics for the next seven centuries. Nawaz was disqualified for life, said Shahzad. He told a questioner that Pakistan has an agreement with Britain for the "exchange of criminals and the law is applicable to all criminals.
To another query, he said, Nawaz's political activism is confined to the Oxford Street, while his daughter Maryam's politics is restricted to Twitter. About Ishaq Dar, he said he has also been declared an absconder by an accountability court in 2017 and the government would not allow him to stay further in London, and bring him back along with Nawaz's children.
About Shahbaz Sharif, Shahzad said the PML-N president "is free nowadays and should appear before the NAB". He added that the relevant institutions have stepped up efforts to prosecute Jahangir Tareen and Suleman Shahbaz. "If these people resist against being a part of the probe, we will issue red warrants against them,” he added.
Talking about “NRO plus”, a reference to the opposition’s proposed amendments to the National Accountability Ordinance (NAO-1999), he said Imran Khan won't even give the "N" of "NRO plus" to the opposition. He said Pakistan is in danger of moving from the Financial Action Task Force's "grey list" to "black list", and added that if it happened, “we would become like Iraq and Iran, and wouldn't even be able to import medicines”. He said after receiving a list of recommendations from the FATF, a civil servant has been appointed as director-general FATF. In charge institutions such as Counterterrorism Department, State Bank, Federal Investigation Agency, National Accountability Bureau, ministries, and provincial governments are also involved to address the FATF issue.
He said: "All watchdogs are made non-functional and an institutional capture took place that was noted by the international forum.” He said the PTI views money-laundering as a serious offence while the opposition did not consider this crime "serious". He said: "The biggest bottleneck is money-laundering as the opposition is asking us to not bring the crime under serious offences.”
Meanwhile, the Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) leaders Saturday warned the government against using the NAB as a political weapon against the opposition parties.
Addressing separate news conferences in the federal and provincial capitals, PML-N Secretary Information Marriyum Aurangzeb and central leader Ahsan Iqbal said Nawaz Sharif had gone abroad after fulfilling all the legal requirements and he would come back when doctors would declare him fully fit.
Marriyum said the PTI government was desperately trying to shift focus away from their deplorable two-year performance. She said the government had launched a new onslaught against the PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif because Imran Khan's political existence had no roots and he could not survive without using Nawaz Sharif's name.
She said the selected prime minister could not even lay a brick as the development work while Nawaz Sharif completed various projects worth billions of rupees.
Slamming the statements regarding making those responsible for sending Nawaz abroad an example, she said the government should start the process by arresting, investigating and prosecuting Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid, board of government doctors and the Punjab government, who had clearly stated that Nawaz's treatment was not possible in Pakistan and he had to be moved abroad to save his life. Nawaz went abroad through legal processes, she said adding that Imran should set an example by bringing back the money-launderers and public sugar money looters, who he conveniently helped flee the country on a chartered plane. She demanded arrest of Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and Jahangir Tareen, who were responsible for flour and sugar crisis in the country.
The former information minister said the new wave of hoopla against Nawaz was because the Imran-led mafia government knew it had destroyed every sector in the country from its economy, industry, to businesses, and jeopardised national defence and security.
She said Imran's corruption and corrupt decisions had plummeted national growth from 5.8 to minus 0.4, sugar price has reached Rs110/kg from Rs52, flour from Rs32 to Rs78, medicines have become unaffordable because of PTI's 500 per cent price-hike, petrol had hit the roof with unprecedented price-hike and inflation had skyrocketed from 3 to 13 per cent.
Marriyum said Imran inaugurated Nawaz Sharif's initiated projects and then alleged corruption in the same projects. “Why hasn't he shut down any of these projects if they were marred by corruption,” she questioned.
She said the NAB-Niazi alliance was not just called out and criticised by the opposition but the Supreme Court of Pakistan too. She said the international rights bodies slammed it as an instrument of political engineering and persecution of opposition. She stressed that the PML-N would stand strong against any law that hampered the national growth and progress. She said those who embezzled Rs13,000 billion in loans, Rs120 billion in Peshawar BRT, trillions in sugar, wheat, flour and petrol corruption, were now busy laundering that money.
Marriyum pointed out that it was the joint opposition that included the money laundering clause in the FATF related legislation. She told the government mouthpieces like Shahzad Akbar to read the letter written by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi lauding and appreciating the opposition's role in FATF related legislation before doing a presser filled with lies.
The PML-N secretary information warned the PTI government against politicising matters related to national security such as FATF, as it would have devastating long-term consequences. Stop telling PML-N what it should do regarding the FATF legislation because it had more knowledge and experience of such matters than the PTI, she said.
She once again challenged Imran to file a case in the court and name those who demand an NRO. She lambasted that the selected PM had neither the power nor the mandate to give anyone any NRO other than his mafia friends who loot the country.
"Imran Khan has intentionally taken every action to destroy every sector and institutions of the country with a well-planned agenda motivated by the money of those 23 illegal and undeclared accounts for which he refused to answer," she said.
Answering a question regarding the all parties conference (APC), she said the Rahber Committee is busy formulating the agenda of the conference because the upcoming sitting would not end with just a declaration but start a movement to send the government packing.
Separately, PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal said Prime Minister Imran Khan and his advisors should resign if they think they were deceived on the issue of Nawaz Sharif’s health.
Addressing a press conference at 180-H Model Town Lahore on Saturday, he said Nawaz Sharif was sent abroad after complete examination by senior doctors including Chief Executive of Shaukat Khanum Hospital Dr Faisal. Why he was made health advisor if he had deceived prime minister, he asked. Dr Faisal had said the condition of Nawaz Sharif was not good and he should be sent abroad for treatment. Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid had also confirmed that the condition of Nawaz Sharif was critical.
He said Nawaz Sharif would come back when doctors would give him certificate of good health.
Ahsan Iqbal said actually Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has been doing politics on Nawaz Sharif health issue, like it did on the health of the late Mrs Kulsoom Nawaz.
He said actually the government had failed to fulfil the promises they had made with people. They had actually wasted 200 pages by publishing a performance report.
He said why the circular debt had increased despite increasing the rates of electricity and gas. He said after two years, the economic situation had deteriorated from bad to worse.
He claimed that the PTI Members of National Assembly (MNAs) had started saying that their government had broken all records of corruption. Jahangir Tareen was sent abroad in the darkness of night. Who made money by increasing fuel prices, he questioned.
Meanwhile, addressing a news conference at the Railways Headquarters, Lahore, Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed said that the case of PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif and his son Hamza Shahbaz was very serious and they were in troubled waters.
To another question, Sh Rashid said former finance minister Ishaq Dar and Suleman Shahbaz could not be brought back. However, he added, Nawaz Sharif should come back and face cases against him in the courts. The railway minister said the PM was regretting why Nawaz was allowed to go abroad.
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theeurasianpost · 2 years
Tarar says Nawaz can be arrested upon failure to secure transit bail
Tarar says Nawaz can be arrested upon failure to secure transit bail
Federal Minister for Law Azam Nazeer Tarar (right) Nawaz Sharif, former prime minister and supremo of PML-N. — AFP/YouTube ISLAMABAD: If former prime minister Nawaz Sharif does not secure transit bail while coming back to Pakistan, he can be arrested, Federal Minister for Law Azam Nazeer Tarar said Tuesday. In 2020, Islamabad High Court’s Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani issued non-bailable arrest…
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