#Model Nil armor
ultravioletlightwaves · 8 months
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@theartofthecover Damn well ok, first of all that sure is a collection of words (comics are insane) but thank you for giving me the armor name so I can gaze lovingly at it some more. This is probably Iron Man blasphemy but the black faceplate is really doing some killer work here.
It's like the Radiant Black of Iron Man armors.
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rafent · 5 months
AXE -> boon
REASON -> bane
FAITH -> budding talent
RIDING -> bane
FLYING -> bane
Axe: Once Nil drops the defenseless act in chapter 5 of the Fell Xenologue, his unit description changes into a Fell Child who 'fights viciously with an axe' and that to me says it all. If you use JPN Rafal to score a finishing blow, if you land a special engaged attack, or if he wins his match in arena, he'll laugh like a maniac with unadulterated joy. Even in his ally profile Rafal has an image where he's swinging Revanche with a smile. He likes being in the thick of the action and that axe in his hand makes him feel alive.
"Inheritor of the blood of the Fell Dragon. Ill-suited for fighting, but reluctantly wields an axe." -> "Inheritor of the blood of the Fell Dragon. His true nature revealed, he fights viciously with an axe."
He prefers axes because they have the capacity to deal excruciating damage and as much of it as possible; they can hack, they can crush, spill guts, decapitate, and break bones. Combining personal (40%) and Fell Child (20%) growth rates tallies him at a hefty 60% over all growth rate in strength. Rafal has the highest strength growth not only among his half-siblings, but among the entire lineup of royals after likewise combining their rates. Some combatants rely on tactics or precision to score kills but Rafal is reliant on brutality, on a weapon that taps into his raw strength, and it gets the job done.
Looking at Rafal's in-game battle model as a Fell Child, his idle posture is confident, loose, and even casually leaned back as opposed to upright, vacant hand reached out in readiness similar to his twin; there's a lot of mixed signals going on here; it speaks to someone who is powerful and knows it, but likely not as concerned with textbook technique even if still disciplined in his own way. Revanche itself is functionally a signature Killer Axe with lighter weight balancing power and wieldiness. If you view him then as a Killer Axe user, someone who seeks out critical hits and inflicts dominating blows that leave his opponents in pieces, 'fights viciously with an axe' is precisely correct.
Authority: Authority has no skill equivalent in Engage so this boon comes from a purely character-based understanding. Rafal's contentious personality didn't affect his ability to successfully organize hundreds upon thousands of Corrupted. It helps that said Corrupted were obligated to serve him, their creator, but other than that they retained their original personalities no matter how troublesome and in some cases even needed to be fielded for it (looking at you Ivy and Fogado). If we're talking upper management, he has both the experience and the patience to commit without losing his cool.
Relevantly, his interaction with the Corrupted archer in the Gregory B-support tells me a bit more about him. Though Rafal is a Fell Child it's made clear that Corrupted soldiers don't obey the will of just everyone who shares in Sombron's blood. They can sense that Rafal is an Other, an anomaly from a different Elyos or an enemy aligned with the Divine One, and so conflate him with humans. Rafal's authority despite his own understanding doesn't reach here; he's disturbed by the absence of it and disgusted by a lowly foot soldier 'daring' to attack him. It's a sense of indignation come from being higher in position. This is someone who is used to being in charge, who has a precedence with giving out orders and having those orders obeyed.
Other derivatives of his relationship with authority exist, too. When speaking to him post-battle at Brodia Castle, he makes a remark that 'wanton destruction is not leadership' and that 'a good ruler should be admired'. This is a likely reflection of his own tastes, but there's an earlier light shed on this perspective when he compliments the reign of his native Divine Dragon during the DLC as Nil. Rafal who makes a show of prioritizing his own comforts and not caring what others think is noticeably interested in public opinion; the parameters of success in rulers and kingdoms.
Another instance of his interest occurs at the post-battle Mountain Settlement where he says, "alas, weak governance breeds banditry, and weak citizens are prone to death by bandits". Over all, he takes note of others with exceptional periods of rule, vocalizes his thoughts on systemic chinks, and knows inherently how promising leaders should behave - even if his way of communicating that is a bit morbid. It's not a stretch to believe that given his understanding, authoritative mannerisms, and natural self-confidence, he can be honed into something resembling a leader, given the opportunity. A diamond in the rough so to speak.
Reason: Rafal is the Fell Child with the lowest magic growth rate. Black magic of the wholesale offensive variety isn't writ in his cards. He won't be casting grand spells like Obscurité and Bolganone or taking up the mantle of Gradlon's most powerful sorcerer any time soon. With that said, it's notable to me that Rafal is the Fell Child we see the most out-of-combat and status based magic application from.
From casting tracking and warping spells, to immobilizing prisoners with conditional barriers that eviscerate any limb out of bounds, Rafal's use of petty magic is a separate distinction that falls under the Reason category, but can't be categorized perfectly alongside proper offensive spells. Rafal took Sombron's advice to heart because his magic at a glance is rooted in underhanded schemes as opposed to straightforward devastation. Though I have no doubt he purposed these death traps to useful ends when weeding out his sibling rivals. Practice makes perfect and Rafal had a lot of practice.
When used alone his tools can be duds seen coming from a mile away. However, because he pairs them with coercion or ambush or a carefully manufactured weakling image, there isn't much that his prey can do. Even as a failure, he's a piece of work; a Fell Dragon who played the game through and through, and you can tell. A spider that patiently prepares a web, waiting for the right time and the right place, can be just as dangerous as the wasp that stings you outright. The fact is that you don't expect a failure to catch you off guard or to have such nasty tricks up his sleeve and he takes advantage of that. It's a bit oxymoronic, but utility spells like Warp, Silence, Fracture, etc (the majority of which are in Faith) are what I'm gunning for in order to better flesh out that unique aspect of Rafal.
Riding & Flying: Self-explanatory banes on the basis of being a Fell Dragon with an especially potent aura. Even more explanatory, JPN Rafal's formal character talent is scaring away animals ( 動物を追い払うこと ) which is abridged in the localization as being intimidating. I doubt this is an opt-in feature and it's more about his innate way of being. Everything about his presence screams scary and that glare doesn't play. When predators go into hunt mode and the entire din of the forest dies down from birds to crickets, that's the kind of effect we're talking when he walks by, and Rafal himself is well-aware of it.
Rafal, at Shadowy Moor: "Fear not. Even if more foes are lurking about, they will not dare reveal themselves to me."
He's terrifying enough to his human allies and enemies, so unless they lack a sense of life preservation, there is no animal in the world that is going to let Rafal ride them. Travel by buggy and horseback are virtual impossibilities for him. It's a good thing he can fly faster than any of them can move. Did I mention Rafal starts fresh out of the DLC with a Fell Stone that has cavalry effectiveness and another that can be refined to have flying effectiveness? Animals avoid this dude like the plague. There's a reason why you will never find him loitering at the farm in the Somniel.
Faith: Hi, Nil. Why do you have a restore staff sitting in your inventory that you can't even use, Nil. I choose to believe that Rafal at one point possessed an interest in faith magic, an avenue separate from his axe that could not only help Nel by lessening her burdens, but also by empowering himself with new purpose. This was undoubtedly a failed venture because the restore staff collected cobwebs in his inventory. His low magic proficiency wasn't about to take him anywhere. A catch, though; after you pour your life force into someone for a thousand years, something about you is probably going to change on a fundamental level. A long span of muscle memory embedded in you, from healing a sister, little by little, each and every day.
His 10% magic growth rate is a pitiful and near obsolete number, unable to be relied on for any concentrated magic build. 10% is just about fumes and more-or-less represents the inalienable Fell Dragon blood in him, but it's better than nothing. Even assuming that "Nil" had no promise in this field, succeeding the DLC he had a millennia of constant patterns and prayers that put its footprint on his body. Lumera when speaking of her identical actions in reviving Alear refers to the process as healing. Rafal has no knack for destructive Fell magic, but what about the strange equivalent to faith magic he has a thousand years worth of history dabbling in? Much to think about.
This last bit is just about pure indulgence on my end, but Rafal is a clearly defined destroyer. Someone who snuffed the life from his own world and took countless innocents over the course of his ambitions. Healing and giving as opposed to taking is diametrically opposed to his dark past, another way of atonement, and a quaint opposite.
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nerd-artist · 2 years
Another one, for the upcoming Netflix show... Who would you cast?
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Marwan Kenzari as Avad
Yes, handsome Jafar. That's the explanation.
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Hill Harper as Sylens
Just in case Lance Reddick is not in the mood... I’m watching The Good Doctor right now and, believe me, this actor looks just as scary and clever as Sylens.
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Tilda Swinton or Morfydd Clark as Tilda van der Meer
I don't know if the name is just a coincidence, but Tilda Swinton looks like the first inspiration for the character modeling! And also, Galadriel and her frozen expression fit a lot for the role, but maybe she is too young yet.
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Richard Harmon as Nil
I know this wouldn't be the perfect choice for Niloy fans, but just look at his psychopathic stare... He is Nil.
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Adina Porter as Sona or Dekka or Gaia or whatever she wants
She needs to be in this series, haunting machines, advising wisely, forging armors... She just belongs to the horizon universe.
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swedebeast · 1 year
Solle Campaign 4+: A Game of Mutants & Misfits
So, there’s not been a lot of updates to this as, I think, I think I have mostly forgotten to post about it.
Suffice to say, a lot has happened between session 3 and session 12. So, what has happened? The players have trekked through heavy forests, abandoned suburban towns, found abandoned bunkers built after WW3 - already having had generations of workers in them and collapsed in some unknown war between surviving factions, or entirely new factions sprung out from the radioactive-
Not important. Players found loot and gear, because as interesting as ancient history is - they live in the here and now, and they need to arm up and find every thing they can to help them defend their home town. So, they have found ancient guns, old armour, and other settlements willing to help. Or, at least one. One inhabited by psionic goosemen.
And the robot character managed to succeed in his quest to remove his “behaviour chip” forcing him to follow the 3 Robotic Laws. A very skilled human mechanic in the goose town (Ultima Gus), managed to operate. And, as a bonus, install the equivalent to an emotion chip. Now this machine, former tinman slave called ‘Träsh’, is now Nils Isaksson.
Because that was the name of a dog tag on an ancient soldier stuck in a broken cryogenics tube they found in a crashed transport plane. He also has a m/90 Swedish military jacket he found in an abandoned army storage bunker. And an AK4. To complete the image, he based the look of his robot on Rogue One’s K2.
And now, the guys and gals are in the town of Solle, preparing for invasion. Having convinced the disparate clans to work together, set up black powder charges on the main access into the town - a bridge - and also set up pretty much one of the Sentry Guns from Aliens on a nearby ruined brick building, set up barricades, and having thwarted a saboteur they... the players also have access to about 8 kilograms of plastic explosives. Not to mention over 200 armed (muskets mostly) reasonably motivated outback townsmen defending the town.
So now, of course, I am tasking myself to still give the players a challenge. Of course, they have succeeded in a lot. Denied the enemy reconnaissance, they have armed themselves and united the town, and set up defences and created a killing field.
Not only will I streamline this mass battle, but I will also take cues from 7 Samurai and have multiple probing attacks if I can get away with it. But these tribal assholes have looted an old army stockpile. So, they will have a MRAP armored car with a home-build flamethrower on the roof, about 200 pissed off tribals rallied behind a psychotic Hannibal wolf-mutant with a core elite posse of heavily armed wolf mutants with a suicidal mission to burn this town to the ground, but also a set of mortars, looted sniper rifles, and some exceptionally loyal individuals with kevlar vests, SMG’s, and several handgrenades.
Oh, and one more thing.
The driver will prove to be a very nasty surprise to the settlers. The players have fought robots before - and they were a pain. But none of them were really military models, and they were all older models. None of the truly horrific things that where unleashed to roam and terrorize the lands.
‘Nuff said.
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postedbygaslight · 6 years
You’ll Be the One to Turn - Part 16: The Huntress
Sorry, folks. No Reylo in this chapter. But, come on. The kids deserve a little alone time after what just happened.
Here we have our first examination of the bounty hunter I created in Chapter 10. She’ll be pretty important to some events going forward. This chapter is more expository, but they can’t all be what Chapter 15 was.
Some of you may recognize the designation of Nil’s droid, and I’m definitely calling back to HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic II. While this is NOT the same droid, and Nil has obviously programmed out a lot of the snark, you can follow the link below to get an idea of how the droid sounds when it talks.
She is called Vyada Nil.
It is the name that was gifted her when she was called to her birthright. It is the name she adopted when that birthright was taken from her. It is a mask and armor. It is all that she is.
Nil checked the coordinates she’d plugged into the hyperdrive one more time, locked-in the auto-pilot, and jumped to light speed. She walked to the back of the cockpit and punched the access code. The door slid aside and revealed the cargo hold, with a large weapons locker and stasis pods modified into charging stations to house rows of battle droids, all slumped in standby mode.
Turning, she opened the weapons locker and examined the contents. The arsenal she’d arranged had been curated for a specific purpose: to hunt, entrap, and kill users of the Force. But now she faced the most challenging targets she’d encountered, and each weapon served a unique utility that would surely be employed in the coming days.
Blades. Sith liked those. For show. For the intimacy of a slow kill. To exert the most control over when and how death would come. Their opinions changed when the control they craved was turned against them. Everything bleeds.
Explosives. Useful for strike radius, but easily detectable by Force sensitives. Their utility was in confusion. When the battlefield descended into the chaos of black smoke and charred stone, and the air was choked with embers and ash, even a powerful Force user could become disoriented.
Toxins. Darts and gases. Darts could be employed with relative ease, and, though most Force users would be able to withstand the effects of poisons, the effort required to do so would distract them from the onslaught visited upon them in the kill zone. Gases were less effective. They were more useful for weeding out a Sith’s servants. Or a Jedi’s allies.
Nil had never actually encountered a being calling itself a Jedi that lived up to the billing. They were all of them zealots and pretenders. Users of the Force, but wild and untrained. Easy to confuse. They died like any other target.
Sith were different. They were nimble, adept, and cruel. They had an understanding of their powers and traditions. And they were harder to kill because they were defined by self-interest. But Nil loved nothing more than to watch the disbelieving shock on a Sith’s face as it became inevitable that death had come for them. In the expanse of the Empire, deep in what these people called the Unknown Regions, there was never a lack of warlords or vagabonds, monks or fugitives, who consecrated themselves with the title of Darth and set about earning the right to be feared. It bred a demand for assassins, and marked the grounds upon which these dark pretenders stalked as subject to the hunt.
The Jedi, on the other hand, had been cut off at the root sixty years prior, and the only sprouts that had emerged in their place were pale exercises in mimicry. They gathered in communes and caves, constructed temples from clay and wet timber, and thrilled at making rocks float. None of them were true Jedi, and Nil doubted there would ever be again.
She went to close the locker, and considered the last weapon in her arsenal:
They were unwieldy and unnecessarily dangerous weapons. An untrained novice was more likely to hack their own limbs off than strike a blow while using one. For one, they were much heavier than would be imagined, and the insistent thrum of the kyber field could make those not familiar with the flow of the Force nauseous from prolonged exposure.
But they inspired fear and wonder in the enemy. They overpowered any other weapon. They were elegant and efficient. And they killed anything they touched.
The huntress closed the weapons locker, picked up a datapad, and skimmed the information she’d received from the First Order. She knew what the information said. She knew what she needed to do. Her droids, however, were another tale. She had always known how to kill. She had been instructed well in the craft of it. And Nil found it a bitter irony that she now spent much of her time teaching machines to end life as efficiently as she.
She set down the datapad and approached a red droid with armor buffed to a matte finish. It didn’t gleam or shine. Nil preferred stealth over style when it came to her servants. It was time to determine if she could count on them in the battles to come.
“HK-9217, activate.”
The droid’s dim orange eyes blinked to life, and it stood at its stasis station, straightened its back, and looked at the huntress.
“Designation HK-9217, active,” the droid’s voice buzzed and crackled slightly, and sounded like the voice of a man who was profoundly amused to be trapped in a robot body. “Mission commander: Vyada Nil. Query: What is my mission status?”
“Standby,” Nil said, her voice carrying less inflection than the machine that now regarded her. “State mission readiness.”
“Weapons systems: thermal detonators, four active; single-shot missile ordnance, two active, two reserve; flamethrower tanks: left arm: fuel levels, 100 percent; right arm: 87 percent; shock batons: two, sheathed and fully charged. Defensive systems: energy shielding, chest deflector active; rear deflector active; anti-kyber pulse, operational but unloaded; warning: pulse discs are single use, and this unit has no replacement—“
“Disregard. State this unit’s combat readiness.”
“Diagnostic: all joints and hinges at full operational capacity; all servos at full range of movement; thrust capacity: approximately 120 seconds at full discharge.”
“Very good. Has this unit processed the additional intelligence received from the First Order?”
“Target One is a human female, aged 20 standard cycles. Height: five feet, seven inch—“
“Stop. Omit biographical data.”
“Continue with classification.”
“Classification: Target One is a Type IV Force sensitive with limited training.”
“Training summary.”
“Target One has been trained in some techniques used by the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic. Observation: Many of these skills appear to be intrinsic, rather than taught.”
It was an extraordinary circumstance, Nil thought. This girl, wherever she’d come from, had a massive amount of potential, and her power in the Force was only growing. No wonder Snoke had sought her out. He always did have a knack for spotting his next student. And his next victim.
“Target One has possession of a Corellian model-YT freighter with customized weapons systems. She utilizes a number of melee weapons in combat, including a durasteel quarterstaff, monomolecular blades and axes, and, it is reported, a lightsaber.”
“Tell me about the saber.”
“Reports describe a late-era Republic style lightsaber with a blue kyber crystal, Type I-B attunement. Origin of attunement: Skywalker, Anakin; Jedi Knight. Deceased, 4 A.B.Y.”
Enough about the girl. Nil wanted to hear about him.
“Next Target.”
“Classification: Target Two is a Type IV Force sensitive with extensive training.”
“Training summary.”
“First Order, approximately seven years. Instructor: Supreme Leader Snoke. Deceased 34 A.B.Y. Target Two has been trained in the use of the Force in the fashion of ancient Sith traditions.” The droid paused, as if to add dramatic effect. “Addendum: Target Two was also trained by an unknown Jedi. Deduction: It is highly likely that prior to instruction under Supreme Leader Snoke, Target Two was a student of Skywalker, Luke; Jedi Master. Deceased 34 A.B.Y.”
“Analysis: Target Two was enlisted into the ranks of the First Order at the age of 23 standard cycles. Records indicate he was already proficient in many Force related skills and abilities associated with the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic. The refinement of these skills suggest extended formal training. At the time of Target Two’s recruitment, the only living Jedi Master was Luke Skywalker. Conclusion: Target Two was likely trained by Skywalker in the Jedi arts.”
Nil was impressed. The droid had deduced Ren’s hybrid training history through implication. She was interested to see how much more the droids might be able to imply.
“Does this unit have any conjecture to report as to the previous subject?”
“Affirmative. Requesting permission to speculate.”
“Speculation: It is possible Target One also received some limited instruction from Skywalker.”
“Analysis: Target One, while untrained in a formal sense, exhibits signs of advanced training in observed use of Force abilities. As she displays many techniques of Jedi origin, the deduction reached in regard to Target Two also applies here. Observation: Target One is reported to possess the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker. Further speculation: Target One May have received the weapon from Luke Skywalker or another family member.”
“List known Skywalkers.”
“Skywalker, Anakin; known alias: Darth Vader. Skywalker, Luke. Organa, Leia. Solo, Ben.”
“Skywalker, Anakin: Deceased, 4 A.B.Y.; Skywalker, Luke: Deceased, 34 A.B.Y.; Organa, Leia: whereabouts unknown, likely with the organization referred to as the Resistance; Solo, Ben: whereabouts unknown. Permission to speculate.”
“Go ahead.”
“Analysis: Ben Solo was known to be Force sensitive. He was trained by his uncle, Luke Skywalker, at a training temple that was destroyed circa 27 A.B.Y. He was assumed missing afterward. At the time of the attack on the temple, Solo was aged 23 standard cycles. Speculation: considering the naming convention associated with his title, it may be likely that Target Two is Ben Solo.”
“Request for clarification: shall this unit assume the First Order’s records concerning the Knights of Ren to be accurate?”
“Further request for clarification: shall this unit assume Target Two was trained by Luke Skywalker?”
“Yes. Continue.”
“If such records are accurate, Target Two arrived at the behest of Supreme Leader Snoke in 27 A.B.Y. along with six others. Target Two was the only amongst them aged 23. The rest were younger. Conclusion: there is a 59 percent likelihood that these seven individuals were survivors of the temple attack; assuming that to be correct, confidence that Target Two is Ben Solo is 100 percent.”
The huntress considered this a moment. She had made the deduction herself within hours of receiving the preliminary intelligence. This droid had deduced it in an even shorter amount of time. It made her wonder why it wasn’t more widely known. It also made her wonder if the droid could fall prey to over-reliance on speculation.
“Target One. Could she be a Skywalker?”
“This unit requests permission to utilize sarcasm.”
She almost thought she heard the droid breathe an exhausted sigh.
“Analysis: Target One was first observed by the First Order at a salvage settlement on Jakku, a planet best known for being the site of the wreckage of the remainder of the fleet of the Galactic Empire. Intelligence indicates she was a scavenger and had been known to the locals as an orphan once owned by a parts dealer named Unkar Plutt. Further intelligence indicates she had been scavenging there since she was a child.”
“Historical observation: Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were highly visible individuals within the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. Birth records do not indicate Organa had any other offspring. And, considering the Jedi inclination toward celibacy, it seems unlikely Skywalker produced any of his own.”
“Permission to assume Skywalker was not celibate.”
“Analysis: Skywalker’s whereabouts and movements during the time period surrounding the assumed birth year of Target One were well documented. Chances he could have produced offspring without anyone learning of it are less than 15 percent. Addendum: it is also unlikely that any custodian of an offspring of Skywalker’s would elect to abandon that offspring, particularly to the kind of existence common to scavengers, and at such a young age.”
“Conclusion: likelihood of consanguinity is less than one percent.”
Nil was satisfied. The droids were no fools.
“Return to Target Two. Weaponry.”
“Target Two uses a highly modified lightsaber. Kyber crystal of unknown original color. Type V attunement. Origin of attunement: Unknown. Origin of crystal bleeding: Target Two.”
“Describe the saber modifications.”
“Diagnostic: Target Two’s lightsaber utilizes a Malachorian design to accommodate the unstable kyber field generated by the damaged crystal. The focusing chamber is braced by quillion emitters that vent excess energy into a cross guard.”
“Is the crystal’s field being manipulated?”
“Unknown. Speculation: Target Two may have manipulated the kyber field to make the field as stable as could be maintained while still using a portable housing.”
Good. The droid had a grasp of who they were dealing with. Now to see if she’d managed to teach them anything.
“Analyze targets for engagement and elimination.”
“Target One, whereabouts unknown. Observation: Hunter Nil could utilize a strategy of attacking the innocent. Jedi are known to be drawn out of hiding, and even be deceived into sacrificing themselves, for the good of others.”
“Noted. Combat prediction.”
“Prediction: Target One, if engaged, will likely be dangerous due to her status as a Type IV Force sensitive, and her unpredictability as a result of lacking extended formal training. Suggestion: Hunter Nil should utilize a strategic ambush to catch her off guard. Chance of success: 83 percent.”
Nil considered a moment, and nodded. An ambush was the best option. And springing the trap could be accomplished through use of the right bait, as the droid had suggested.
“Next target.”
“Target Two, location: the Finalizer, acting flagship of the First Order flotilla. Observation: This target will be highly difficult to engage without an organized insurrection or targeted betrayal.”
“Understood. Combat prediction.”
“Prediction: Target Two, if engaged, will be a highly dangerous opponent. Suggestion: Hunter Nil should attempt ranged or remote assassination. Chance of success: 62 percent.”
No. Kylo Ren would not die in his bed or at his dining table. He would not be picked off at range by a dart or a lucky blaster bolt. It was his destiny to die standing, and in full knowledge of the burden and crimes of his legacy.
“Rejected. Next suggestion.”
“Alternative suggestion: Hunter Nil should utilize a systematic assault with battle droids, and engage Target Two in direct combat. Chance of success: 51 percent.”
The odds mattered less to her than the principle. She was hired to kill the Jedi girl. And she would die. That was the contract. Ren was part of her payment. And he would die. That was the promise.
“Does this unit have any queries?”
“Affirmative. Query: This vessel appears to be approximately 62,000 light years from Imperial space. Is Hunter Nil planning on returning to the Empire?”
“Additional query: have additional bounties been contracted?”
“Observation: Hunter Nil is not planning on continuing to hunt following the current bounty.”
Nil’s eyes narrowed until they were black slits.
“This unit will deactivate.”
“Affirmative,” the droid buzzed, took two steps back into the stasis station, and slumped back into position.
Nil walked to the viewport at the back of her vessel, and stared out into the streaming pulse of blue and white that made up the distances between the stars. She knew what she had come here to do, and that purpose had been stolen from her. So, now, the thieves would be dealt with as all thieves must be: with the chain and the sword.
She raised her hand to the glass and touched it lightly. The flickering glow of hyperspace outlined her fingers as though a clutch of energies had collected around them. As though she could reach out and harness them and bend them to her control. She stared at the illusion of it, knowing it to be a trick of the light, and closed her fist, one finger at a time, around nothing.
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bestcgart · 7 years
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ZBrushCentral Highlights May 12-31
Wow. What spectacular artwork we have for you this week! Hats off to our ZBrushCentral members for their outstanding work!
Spawn – a digital statue by ZBrushCentral member Kfir Merlaub inspired by the 1997 film
Sean Connery as James Bond – likeness sculpted by ZBrushCentral member Pierre Benjamin. Spot on!
Mech Assassin – first ZBrushCentral post from artist Muhd Aiman. Awesome design!
Warrior – character created as a personal project by ZBrushCentral member ChiKai. Beautiful!
Legacy of Shin – character created by ZBrushCentral member Gilberto Magno
The Old Orc – see the progression of this creature creation by ZBrushCentral Stephane Ma on the ZBrushCentral post!
Pegasus with Foal – toy model sculpted by ZBrushCentral member Anna Schmelzer for Schleich Bayala
Homage to Gene Wilder’s Wonka by ZBrushCentral member Giovani Kososki
Rockerbot – an updated render for one of Marco Plouffe’s awesome characters from a couple years ago. Love the design!
Armored Rider – awesome concept by ZBrushCentral member elSEEDY. Very original!
Trico – fan art for The Last Guardian by ZBrushCentral member Maria Panfilova. Very nice!
Hussar – beautifully sculpted by ZBrushCentral member Przemek Nawrocki
Study of anatomy in motion featuring Roberto Bolle by ZBrushCentral member Fabiano Di Liso. Inspired by the art of Pascal Blanché
Troblins – a collection trolls and goblins by ZBrushCentral member Jonathan Derby inspired by Lord of the Rings
Venom – a nice take on the classic Spider-Man villain by ZBrushCentral member Josh Thomas
Concept for Game of War by ZBrushCentral member Majid Esmaeili completed for The Mill studio. Excellent pose on the character and horse!
The Blues – very cool portrait by ZBrushCentral member Cyrille Dethan. Bluesy vibes, indeed!
Running from Winter – the latest work from ZBrushCentral member Bruno D’Oro. Concept by Fabien Mense
Knight – Top Row piece by ZBrushCentral member DuXiangBo. Concept by Hidetoshe. See closeup details here on ZBrushCentral!
Warcraft fan art by ZBrushCentral member ZHANGXIAO98. Fantastic work here!
Sybil – the latest from ZBrushCentral member Piotr Rusnarczyk. Beautiful concept and execution!
Tom Brady – this excellent likeness by ZBrushCentral member Su Weizhao made its way to Top Row! Great job!
Gunslinger – the latest original concept from ZBrushCentral member Nils Meyer. Very cool suit and weapons!
ZBrushCentral member Adam Miller has shared a batch of his new concepts! See more like this lizard guy in the original thread!
This scene courtesy of ZBrushCentral member arunckraj based on artwork by Matt Dixon. Nice sculpting!
Rhino Warrior – see this piece by ZBrushCentral member Omar Chaouch from different angles at
Statue by ZBrushCentral member André Yamaguchi. Nice work on the pose!
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