#Moani Lee
secretlyofthefeywild · 10 months
i have got to stop becoming emotionally attached to npcs that are in two whole episodes
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city-tickles · 1 year
Have any where a lee isn’t that ticklish but is clearly loving it ?
Hi! I’m gonna share this one again.
These models are paid so unless they started a company of their own like Claire Coda or someone like that, it’s hard to tell who genuinely loves it and who doesn’t.
This is the storyline where the lee wanted this to happen. She’s not breaking the walls down (lol Y2J) but she is ticklish, squirmy and moany. It’s one of the closest I have.
Hope you enjoy!
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ركعت مرة واحدة في التشويق الاهتزاز أنا أطارد ذكرى ذلك لا يزال ، من كل البرد وبخها هذا الصمت السامي أعمى عن الغرض من الإلهية الغاشمة لكنك كنت لي يحدق في السواد في نجم بعيد التشويق في معرفة كم نحن وحدنا ، مجهولون نحن إلى البرية وإلى كلينا اعترفت بالشوق الذي كنت أحلم به بعض الحب أفضل ، ولكن لا يوجد حب أفضل يومئ فوقي وليس هناك حب أفضل لقد أحبني ذلك على الإطلاق ، لا يوجد حب أفضل حبيبي ، أشعر بحب أفضل اشعر بحب أفضل ولم أحب أبدا اللون الأزرق الداكن من الظلمة التي عرفتها فيك ، تملك منك أنت الذي يغني قلبه عن الفوضى سوف تضحك على المعاني والضمانات وبشكل جميل جدا عندما تحترق حقيقتنا من التاريخ من قبل أولئك الذين برزوا العدالة في الذاكرة العزيزة ، شاهدوني مثل النار تبكي من شجرة أرز اعلم أن حبي سيحترق معي سنعيش إلى الأبد لأنه لا يوجد حب أفضل هذا يومئ فوقي ، ليس هناك حب أفضل هذا من أي وقت مضى لديه الحب
rakaat murra vahida fe al-shouik lahitzaz anne atard zekra delk cerda yezal ، min gul al-bard ubakha hatha es-samat al-sami ami an ghardh min al-iilhia al-ghashima lekink kent lee yahdek fe al-sawad fe nagm-ad-din baaid al-shouik fe marfa stephen nihann wahdena ، majhouloun nihann elly al-baria ola kleyna eterfet balshouk al-dhay kent ahlam bah baad al-hab afdal ، welcon cerda jujd hubb afdal youmi fouqi wallis hannak hubb afdal luqud ahabni delk ola al-itlaq ، cerda jujd hubb afdal habibi ، ashaar bahb afdal ashar bahb afdal welm ahebb abda allon al-azraq al-dakin min al-zalma al-tay irfatha feick ، temelek monk ant al-dhay yaghni qalbeh an al-fawda souf tadhak ola moani waldmanat wabskle gamil jedda andama tuhturaq haqiqatana min al-tarikh min qable olik al-thain barzua al-addala fe al-dhakra al-azizah ، shahdoni muthall elnar tebki min shajra arz alam an habi sehtarg muay snaish elly al-abad lanh cerda jujd hubb afdal hatha youmi fouqi ، les hannak hubb afdal hatha min ai vaqt madha ladiyeh al-hab
mai ebar shiharan kanpa anthu kadhisilon mai atia year smriti anusaran karon, protito thandar atta hooch udaharan sei nirawatar dwara cided pashuswari uddeshyar prati andha kintu tumi more asilon konodur tarar fale ka'lar fale chai ash ami kiman akalsharia, agyat ami jonar shiharan vanaria aaru amar duore babe mai sapon dekhi thaka akangkshato swikar kariso kisuman bhal prem, kintu yatkai bhal prem nai bacon more oparer yay aaru yatkai bhal prem nai seitoway mok ketiaba bhal paise, yatkai bhal prem nai darling, bhal prem anubhav karak bhal prem anubhav karak aaru mai ketiao garh neela bhal powa nai mai aponar majat jonah andhakarat, aponar para malik apuni, yar hriday arajkata gunn gaib apuni artha, guarantee, iman dhuniyakai hanhib yetia amar satya itihas para jolly yay jiskal bhal loga smritita nyay visarisil teonlok dwara, mok sakshi diok devadar gashar para kandi thaka juir dare janak ye more prem more saite jolly uthib ami chirkal jia thakim 'karan air chey bhal bhalobasa nai seitoway more oparer ingit die, yatkai bhal prem nai seitot ketiaba prem ash
Bir dəfə titrəyən həyəcan içində diz çökmüşəm, Mən hələ də onun xatirəsini, hər bir soyuqluğu təqib edirəm O səssizlikdən çilçıraq O, hər bir məin (vasitəçi) idi. Amma sən mənim idin, Bir uzaq ulduzda qaraya baxmaq Nə qədər tək, naməlum olduğumuzu bilmək həyəcanı Cırtdana, ikimizə də Xəyal etdiyim həsrəti etiraf etdim, Kimi daha yaxşı sevgi, amma daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Beckons üstümdə və daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Bu nə vaxtsa məni sevib, daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Sevgilim, sevgini daha yaxşı hiss et Sevgini daha yaxşı hiss et Mən isə heç vaxt daha tünd mavi sevməmişəm Sənin içində tanıdığım qaranlıqdan, səndən öz Sən ki, ürəyini anarxiyadan, Mənalara, zəmanətlərə gülərdiniz. Belə gözəl Tarixdən həqiqətlərimiz yandığı zaman Ədaləti xoş xatirələrdə düşünənlər tərəfindən, şəhid məni Sidr ağacından ağlayan alov kimi, Bil ki, sevgim yanacaqdı mənimlə, Əbədi yaşayacağıq "Çünki daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur, O beckons üstümdə, daha yaxşı sevgi yoxdur Bu, həmişə məhəbbətə malikdir
আমি একবার কাঁপা কাঁপা রোমাঞ্চে হাঁটু গেড়ে বসলাম আমি এখনও সেই স্মৃতির পেছনে ছুটছি, প্রতিটি শীতলতার স্মৃতি সেই নিস্তব্ধতার নিস্তব্ধতায় আচ্ছন্ন হয়ে পড়ে পাশবিক ঐশ্বরিকের উদ্দেশ্য সম্পর্কে অন্ধ কিন্তু তুমি আমার ছিলে অন্ধকারে তাকিয়ে আছে দূরের কোনো নক্ষত্রের দিকে আমরা কতটা একা, অচেনা তা জানার রোমাঞ্চ বন্য এবং আমাদের উভয়ের কাছে আমি যে আকাঙ্ক্ষার স্বপ্ন দেখছিলাম তা স্বীকার করলাম কিছু ভাল প্রেম, কিন্তু এর চেয়ে ভাল প্রেম আর নেই আমার উপরে ইশারা করে এবং এর চেয়ে ভাল প্রেম আর হয় না যে আমাকে ভালোবেসেছে তার চেয়ে ভালো ভালোবাসা আর হয় না ডার্লিং, আরও ভাল ভালবাসা অনুভব করুন ভালো লাগছে ভালোবাসা আর গাঢ় নীল রঙকে আমি কখনো ভালোবাসিনি তোমার মধ্যে যে অন্ধকারের পরিচয় পেয়েছি, তার চেয়েও তোমার কাছ থেকে তুমি, যার হৃদয় অরাজকতার গান গাইবে অর্থ, গ্যারান্টি, এত সুন্দর করে হাসবেন আমাদের সত্য যখন ইতিহাস থেকে পুড়ে ছাই হয়ে যায় যাঁরা স্মৃতিতে ন্যায়বিচার করেছেন, তাঁদের শপ��, আমাকে সাক্ষী রাখুন দেবদারু গাছ থেকে আগুনের কান্নার মতো জেনে রেখো আমার ভালোবাসা আমার সাথে পুড়ে যাবে আমরা অনন্তকাল বেঁচে থাকব কারণ এর চেয়ে ভালো ভালোবাসা আর হয় না আমার ওপরে ইশারা করে, এর চেয়ে ভালো প্রেম আর হয় না যে কখনো ভালোবাসা আছে
aami akbar kanpa kanpa romance hantu gede baslam aami ekhono say smriti pechone chhutchhi, protiti shitalatar smriti sei nistabdhatar nistabdhatay achchonno hoye pade pashbik aishwariker uddeshya samparkey andha kintu tumi amar chile ondhokare takie ache durer kono nokkhotrer dike amara katata eka, achena ta janar romance vanya ebong amader ubhayer kache aami ye akankhar swapna dekhachilam ta swikar karlam kichu bhal prem, kintu er cheye bhal prem ar nei amar upore ishara kare ebong er cheye bhal prem ar hai na ye amake valobeseche taar cheye bhalo bhalobasa ar hai na darling, aro bhal bhalobasa anubhav karun bhalo lagache bhalobasa ar gadha neil rangke aami kakhano bhalobasini tomar modhye ye andhakarer parichay peyechi, tar cheo tomar kachh theke tumi, yaar hriday arajakatar gaan gaibe earth, guarantee, et sundar kare hasben amader satya jakhan itihaas theke pude chai hoye yay yanra smrititey nayabichar korechen, tander shapath, amake sakshi rakhun devadaru gach theke aguner kannar moto jane rekho amar bhalobasa amar sathe pude jabe amara anantakal benche thakab karan er cheye bhalo bhalobasa ar hai na amar opare ishara kare, er cheye bhalo prem ar hai na ye kakhano bhalobasa ache
Ҡасандыр һелкенеү триллерында тубыҡландым Мин әле лә уның иҫтәлеген, һәр һыуыҡты эҙәрлекләйем Хуш юғарылыҡтың шул тынлығы менән һуғарылған Аяуһыҙ илаһилыҡтың тәғәйенләнешен күҙҙән ысҡындырыу Әммә һин минеке инең Ниндәйҙер алыҫ йондоҙға ҡараңғылыҡҡа ҡарап Үҙебеҙҙең ни тиклем яңғыҙ, билдәһеҙ икәнебеҙҙе белеү тулҡынланыуы Ҡырағай тәбиғәткә лә, икебеҙгә лә Хыялланғанымды таныным Ниндәйҙер яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт, әммә яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Минең өҫтөмдә бекондар һәм унан да яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Ул мине ҡасан да булһа яратты, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Дарлинг, мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Ә мин бер ҡасан да ҡараңғыраҡ зәңгәр төҫ яратманым Мин һеҙҙә белгән ҡараңғылыҡтан бигерәк, үҙегеҙҙән Һеҙ, кемдең йөрәге анархия йырлар ине Мәғәнәләрҙән, гарантияларҙан көлөр инегеҙ, шул тиклем матур Хәҡиҡәт тарихтан янғанда Ғәҙеллекте мауыҡтырғыс хәтерҙә тотҡандар тарафынан миңә шаһитлыҡ ит Сидар ағасынан илаған ут кеүек Мөхәббәтемдең минең менән янасағын белегеҙ Мәңгелек йәшәйәсәкбеҙ "Сөнки мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Өҫтөмдәге шул саҡырыуҙар, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Ул ҡасан да булһа мөхәббәткә эйә
Ҡасандыр һелкенеү триллерында тубыҡландым Мин әле лә уның иҫтәлеген, һәр һыуыҡты эҙәрлекләйем Хуш юғарылыҡтың шул тынлығы менән һуғарылған Аяуһыҙ илаһилыҡтың тәғәйенләнешен күҙҙән ысҡындырыу Әммә һин минеке инең Ниндәйҙер алыҫ йондоҙға ҡараңғылыҡҡа ҡарап Үҙебеҙҙең ни тиклем яңғыҙ, билдәһеҙ икәнебеҙҙе белеү тулҡынланыуы Ҡырағай тәбиғәткә лә, икебеҙгә лә Хыялланғанымды таныным Ниндәйҙер яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт, әммә яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Минең өҫтөмдә бекондар һәм унан да яҡшыраҡ мөхәббәт юҡ Ул мине ҡасан да булһа яратты, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Дарлинг, мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Мөхәббәтте яҡшыраҡ тойоғоҙ Ә мин бер ҡасан да ҡараңғыраҡ зәңгәр төҫ яратманым Мин һеҙҙә белгән ҡараңғылыҡтан бигерәк, үҙегеҙҙән Һеҙ, кемдең йөрәге анархия йырлар ине Мәғәнәләрҙән, гарантияларҙан көлөр инегеҙ, шул тиклем матур Хәҡиҡәт тарихтан янғанда Ғәҙеллекте мауыҡтырғыс хәтерҙә тотҡандар тарафынан миңә шаһитлыҡ ит Сидар ағасынан илаған ут кеүек Мөхәббәтемдең минең менән янасағын белегеҙ Мәңгелек йәшәйәсәкбеҙ "Сөнки мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Өҫтөмдәге шул саҡырыуҙар, мөхәббәттән дә яҡшыраҡ нәмә юҡ Ул ҡасан да булһа мөхәббәткә эйә
মই এবাৰ শিহৰণ কঁপাই আঁঠু কাঢ়িছিলোঁ মই এতিয়াও ইয়াৰ স্মৃতি অনুসৰণ কৰোঁ, প্ৰতিটো ঠাণ্ডাৰ এটা হুচ উদাহৰণৰ সেই নীৰৱতাৰ দ্বাৰা চিডেড পশুঐশ্বৰিক উদ্দেশ্যৰ প্ৰতি অন্ধ কিন্তু তুমি মোৰ আছিলোঁ কোনোদূৰ তৰাৰ ফালে ক'লাৰ ফালে চাই আছে আমি কিমান অকলশৰীয়া, অজ্ঞাত আমি জনাৰ শিহৰণ বনৰীয়া আৰু আমাৰ দুয়োৰে বাবে মই সপোন দেখি থকা আকাংক্ষাটো স্বীকাৰ কৰিছো কিছুমান ভাল প্ৰেম, কিন্তু ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই বেকনে মোৰ ওপৰেৰে যায় আৰু ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই সেইটোৱে মোক কেতিয়াবা ভাল পাইছে, ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই ডাৰ্লিং, ভাল প্ৰেম অনুভৱ কৰক ভাল প্ৰেম অনুভৱ কৰক আৰু মই কেতিয়াও গাঢ় নীলা ভাল পোৱা নাই মই আপোনাৰ মাজত জনা অন্ধকাৰতকৈ, আপোনাৰ পৰা মালিক আপুনি, যাৰ হৃদয়ে অৰাজকতাৰ গান গাইব আপুনি অৰ্থ, গেৰাণ্টি, ইমান ধুনীয়াকৈ হাঁহিব যেতিয়া আমাৰ সত্য ইতিহাসৰ পৰা জ্বলি যায় যিসকলে ভাল লগা স্মৃতিত ন্যায় বিচাৰিছিল তেওঁলোকৰ দ্বাৰা, মোক সাক্ষী দিয়ক দেৱদাৰ গছৰ পৰা কান্দি থকা জুইৰ দৰে জানক যে মোৰ প্ৰেম মোৰ সৈতে জ্বলি উঠিব আমি চিৰকাল জীয়াই থাকিম 'কারণ এর চেয়ে ভাল ভালবাসা নেই সেইটোৱে মোৰ ওপৰেৰে ইংগিত দিয়ে, ইয়াতকৈ ভাল প্ৰেম নাই সেইটোত কেতিয়াবা প্ৰেম আছে
Մի անգամ ծունկի եկա՝ ցնցելով հուզմունքս Ես դեռ հետապնդում եմ դրա հիշողությունը, ամեն մի ցրտից Խշշում էր այդ լռությունը հըշշոտ վեհ Կոյր՝ ի նպատակի, որ Աստված դաժան Բայց դու իմն էիր Սեւության մեջ նայելով ինչ-որ հեռավոր աստղի Այն հուզմունքը, որ իմանում ենք, թե որքան մենակ ենք մենք, անհայտ ենք Դեպի վայրին եւ երկուսիս Խոստովանեցի այն կարոտը, որ երազում էի Մի քանի ավելի լավ սեր, բայց չկա ավելի լավ սեր Բեքոնս ինձանից վերեւ եւ չկա ավելի լավ սեր Որ երբեւէ սիրել է ինձ, չկա ավելի լավ սեր, Սիրելիս, ավելի լավ սեր զգացիր Զգացեք ավելի լավ սեր Եվ ես երբեք չեմ սիրել ավելի մուգ կապույտ Քան այն խավարը, որ իմացել եմ քո մեջ, սեփականը քեզնից Դու, ում սիրտը կերգեր անարխիայի Դուք կծիծաղեիք իմաստների, երաշխիքների վրա, այնքան գեղեցիկ Երբ մեր ճշմարտությունը վառվում է պատմությունից Նրանց կողմից, ովքեր արդարադատություն էին մտածում, որ սիրում են հիշել, վկա՛ր ինձ Ինչպես մայրի ծառից լացող կրակը Իմացիր, որ իմ սերը կայրեր ինձ հետ Մենք հավերժ կապրենք «Քանի որ չկա ավելի լավ սեր, Որ իմ վերեւն է կանչում, չկա ավելի լավ սեր, Որ երբեւէ սեր ունի
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kacey-at-heart · 4 years
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@spaceykacey on Instagram for Moani Lee's birthday - 07/26/2020
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whotimbaland · 5 years
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bestfashionphoto · 6 years
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Antonina Petkovic in Harper’s Bazaar US February 2019
Ph: Carla Guler Fashion Styling: Tennille Yamashita Hair: Linh Nguyen  MUA: Moani Lee Model: Antonina Petkovic
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divinebeauties · 7 years
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Londone Myers  //  MUA: Moani Lee
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officialnoire · 7 years
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Dayna Frazer Photographed by Philip Edsel. Styling by Newheartnyc, Joe Lombardo and Moani Lee. Make Up by Angelica M. Moreno. Hairstylist  JGibbsHair. 
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Hiii! May i ask for A, E and Z for Zen, ty <3
[Tickly Alphabet] Send no more, pls ^^
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
Oh my goodness, Zenny boy is the cuuuutest and softest boooy~
If he's tickling his s/o, he'd be like "is my baby okay?" While he gently brushes his s/o's hair back and gently fans their face with his hand. "Here, love. Some water. Did you have fun?"
Zen will always ask you if you had fun, because he tickles people to make them feel good and enjoy a nice, playful time with him~
He's really tender 💕
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
He's more of a ler than a lee!
He'd express his wish to tickle... As soon as he needs it hahaha, he can be reading a new script for his next job and you'd be just vibing with him and he'd suddenly be like:
"Honey." And you look up and see him with his hands up in little claws and he's wearing the cutest smirk and he goes "I am... Going to tickle you!" And just starts to chase you around 🥺
Z: Zones | N$FW - Do they have an erogenous tickle zone: the spot that turns them on when tickled?
Nnghh he does. He really does.
Like I said, he's more of a ler, but when he's leeing he soooometimes gets a bit turned on, specially if he'd like making out with his partner and they just start tickling him to be a meanie and Zen just lets out moany giggles into their mouth, nnnghh pretty hot
He'd also be turned on if his s/o liiiightly tickle him when they're in the do! If they brush his ribs or the sides of his tum or his belly button or his hips with the very tip of their fingers, he'd be squirming but goodness, he'd be getting so hard, *sweats* 🥵🥵
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not-so-shy-lee-chu · 3 years
eager to know your thoughts on tickle torturing a subsmissive trans-tickleee / cross dresser / sissy, would you love to be humiliate & tickle torture trans people ?? and do you have any experience tickling a trans person
Well honestly everyone in the tickle community deserves their tickles. And If I were a ler I would definitely tickle a trans person 🥰🥰 I can't see why I wouldn't~ It would be so much freaking fun!
I don't have an experience about tickling (neither ler or lee in a proper tickle session but I have been tickled mercilessly by friends a lot of times) (but I am dying to have my first tickle session and get trained into a complete tickle mashocist one day) but I would make sure that you guys were desperate, giggly-moany puddles by the time I was done with you. 😈
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Psycho Analysis: Count Dracula
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
So, in all my time doing Psycho Analysis, there have been a few villainous characters that, while extremely obvious, have such large and daunting scopes that it seems a bit scary to think I could accurately analyze them. Characters like Disney’s Pete or Bowser come to mind. Both are obvious 11s, but where to even begin with them? And that is a similar problem I faced with the villain who is arguably the single most important foe to ever grace fiction: Count Dracula.
How on Earth is one supposed to talk about a character who has spanned so much media and has remained an enduring fixture of pop culture for over a century? The guy has been in movies, comics, books, video games, plays, cartoons, musicals, songs… and he hasn’t even been a villain in all of them! How does one talk about such a villain with such a broad, all-encompassing scope?
The obvious answer is, of course, to talk about him in a broad sense and how he has affected culture, of course! This one’s going to be a little different than usual since I’m focusing more on the concept of Dracula than one single version, so there’s a lot of Dracula’s to go over here:
Performance: Throughout the years, Dracula has had many actors take a shot at him, though I think the finest takes are courtesy of Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee. The former is basically what cemented Dracula as a sexy, Gothic horror icon, changing the far less attractive man from the book into a seductive monster that would color numerous adaptations after. Lee’s take brings the sexy, but is also far more violent and monstrous, mostly because Hammer horror films were all about that bright red blood, so gotta have someone spill it all!
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If you’re looking for more flamboyant, hammy Draculas, Richard Roxbourg of Van Helsing and Duncan Regehr of The Monster Squad have you covered, playing Dracula at his most deliciously, monstrously evil. However, the hammiest (and thus most amazing) Dracula was Michael Guinn’s take in Symphony of the Night, with the entire opening exchange between him and Richter Belmont being a testament to the joys of chewing the scenery.
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More comedic takes on Dracula have popped up over the years, with the most notable ones being Adam Sandler’s lovable, fatherly take on the character in the Hotel Transylvania films and Phil LaMarr’s performance on Billy and Mandy, where he plays a ridiculous, possibly senile version of Dracula who is abrasive and hilarious in equal measure.
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Basically, when it comes to Dracula, you can easily find any sort of performance to suit your needs and give you what you’re looking for.
Best Scene: Over the years, Dracula has had a great many fantastic moments under his belt, so many fantastic scenes and boss battles… but for my money, the single greatest moment Dracula has ever been in is the opening battle of Symphony of the Night. Just watch this cheesy melodrama unfold and try and disagree with me:
Though, of course, his death in the animated series sure is a contender:
Best Quote: From the above scene, we have “What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!” among moany other meme-worthy bits of dialogue from Dracula. 
On the subject of Castlevania, from the TV show we have Dracula at his most tragic and pitiable, especially when he delivers these fantastically tragic lines like “ It's your room... My boy... I'm- I'm killing my boy... Lisa... I'm killing our boy. We painted this room. We... made these toys. It's our boy, Lisa... your greatest gift to me... and I'm killing him. I must already be dead.” and “Your greatest gift to me... and I'm killing him." as he does battle with his son, Alucard.
Then of course, we have the legendary moment from The Monster Squad where Dracula drops any pretense and starts strangling a little girl, screaming in her face "Give me the amulet, you bitch!" It’s so deliciously, horrendously evil!
Final Thoughts & Score: It’s very strange to think of how much all of fiction owes Dracula. The original book invented a lot of traits (the lack of reflection being one) and popularized others (such as shapeshifting and weakness to garlic), but at the same time also predates a lot of things modern vampire fiction takes for granted. The Dracula of the book has no weakness to sunlight and gets younger as he drinks blood, starting as an old man; in fact, Dracula in the book is entirely lacking in the Gothic sex appeal that almost every adaptation of the character after would give him. He was also not very seductive, instead outright attacking women if he wasn’t hypnotizing them. Hell, he wasn’t even explicitly Vlad the Impaler in the books!
More than any other villain I’ve covered so far, Dracula is truly deserving of an 11/10. Even Count Orlok owes him a debt, seeing as Nosferatu was just a blatant ripoff. Hell, aside from villains from old mythology, I don’t think any villain can lay claim to the sort of scope Dracula has, having forever altered vampire fiction even as certain elements of him become lost in translation.
But what of some of his other incarnations over the years? How do they fare in terms of score? Well, I’m certainly not going to be incredibly thorough and list every Dracula ever, but here are a few I’ve encountered:
Obviously it’s unfair to give the Bela Lugosi incarnation anything less than an 11/10, mainly because this is the Dracula who pretty much inspired most other interpretations of Dracula after him. He’s suave, Gothic, attractive in that dark and mysterious way… it’s no wonder Lugosi’s Dracula became such an iconic fixture of cinema. Then we have the other classic Dracula, Christopher Lee’s take. I think he’s only a 10/10 because I feel like Lee’s tenure is a bit more overlooked and Lugosi tends to supplant him in terms of iconic status.
Castlevania as a franchise is specifically built qround defeating Dracula as the heroic Belmont clan or some adjacent vampire hunter. So you’d better hope that the big bad and master of the magical castle the game takes place in is impressive, right? Well he most certainly is; while he’s not completely fleshed out in every appearance he has some, like his iconic portrayal in Symphony of the Night, really help sell the idea this incarnation of Dracula is a rather tragic villain, though at other times in the series he seems to revel in being a monster far more than that interpretation would allow. Notably, the Castlevania show went with the more tragic approach to great effect, with Graham McTavish delivering a fantastic performance that swings from being genuinely terrifying to hauntingly emotional (just watch the scene where he breaks down upon fighting Alucard and realizing he’s killing his own son). Both game (in a broad sense) and show Dracula get a 10/10, for different reasons.
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Duncan Regehr portrayed the Dracula in The Monster Squad, and it is quite obvious he’s having a hell of a time. He’s just wonderfully hammy, and he might be one of the most evil Draculas ever seeing how he called a little girl a bitch and tried to slaughter children with dynamite. This one’s a 9/10 for sure. I honestly think he’s the best take on the character, but his movie is sadly too obscure to really give him that push to being a truly iconic portrayal. He just captures the menace and charisma of Dracula so well, it’s a shame more people don’t know about him.
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Van Helsing had a Dracula, played to hammy perfection by Richard Roxburgh. Say what you will about the rest of the film, but any Dracula movie that features evil bat monster Dracula fighting fallen angel werewolf Hugh Jackman in a battle to the death over Frankenstein’s atomic heart is worth at least an 8/10. For a more minor role, we have the Dracula who appeared in the blaxploitation classic Blacula. While he only appears for a bit at the start, long enough to curse an African prince with vampirism and dub him “Blacula,” this Dracula firmly cements himself as one of the most evil Draculas ever, gleefully participating in the slave trade. I believe that’s another 8/10 right there. On a related note, Blacula serves as a chief inspiration to the Billy and Mandy incarnation of Dracula, who is a cranky old black man with a big mustache and lots of sass (in fact, he’s accidentally closer to the original book’s depiction than most other Draculas). Sadly, as a more neutral chaotic comedic figure, I can’t give him a rating, but boy is he a riot.
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Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf features a more comedic and zany Dracula, one who participates in some good-old-fashioned Wacky Races cheating in an attempt to keep Shaggy as a werewolf forever. He’s mostly amusing for a oneshot villain, so I’d say 7/10 is fair. Speaking of oneshot villains, Dracula also showed up in an animated straight to video movie for The Batman, where he did things such as turn Joker into a vampire and get killed by Batman. He’s probably a 7/10 as well.
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And then there are all the heroic takes on Dracula, such as the version from Dracula Untold or the “overbearing but endearing father” take on the character from the Hotel Transylvania movies (though that rap Adam Sandler does at the end of the first movie is pretty heinous).
And this is not an extensive list by any means. There are so many Draculas I haven’t watched yet, so many different takes I haven’t read the adventures of. And that, I think, is what makes Dracula such a great villain. He is a character who any writer can bend and shape to fit a plot, a villain who can serve almost any purpose and who can fit in almost any fantasy story imaginable. Dracula is incredibly versatile, and whenever he shows up in a work, things almost always get better for a bit. And keep in mind, this is a character who has been around since the year 1897, and yet he is still a household name that even people who have never read the books or seen the movies can accurately describe and recognize.
Is Count Dracula the greatest villain in all of human history? It’s debatable for sure, but I don’t think there’s any denying he’s up there considering his scope and influence and how he helped mold modern vampire fiction into what it is today. If nothing else, Dracula is still wildly influential.
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dailykaceymusgraves · 5 years
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Moani Lee's Instagram Story (May 6, 2019)
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֎ Dating Mark Lee:
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in three words:  CUTIE SHY BOY
really sweet
and caring
he’s actually a little dorky
and weird at times
will be really shy around you at first
but he’ll become more chill as time passes
loves natural people
he could seem like a hyped and childish boy
but inside he’s a really thoughtful and sensitive person   (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
prefers girls with long hair
who are cute yet funny
he never had a lover
so he prefers someone who can teach him
and guide him in his relationship
he’s not the romantic type of boyfriend
is actually kinda forgetful
so, expect him not remembering special dates   (◑○◑)
however, he’ll make it up for you
(so, don’t worry sweety~)
will take you out to lots of dates
expect some matching couple stuff
such as keychains, necklaces, caps, etc
he loves skinship
but is too shy to do it in front of others   (〃>∀<〃)ゞ
so except some when it’s just the two of you
now a little of NSFW Time~
in two words:  BRATTY  SUB
doesn’t have any experience
neither in love and in bed
at first he’ll just be true submissive
an obedient and cute one
following all your words and commands
however, as he gets more comfortable 
he’ll become more bratty
is actually a closeted experimentalist    (๑>ᴗ<๑)
will try lots of different things
(games, positions, toys, etc)
but won’t openly admit that he actually wanted to try it too
as he gets used to do those kinds of things,
he’ll get more kinky
might spank you when he’ll acting all high and bratty
loves to see you triggered about his actions
he’s the moany type
loves kisses and biting
will leave lots of love bites
like, for sure
wants to be called him Babyboy   ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ノ ──☆*:・゚
has a thing with riding
(you riding him tho)
he loves it when you’re on top
will hug you and nibble your ear
as he whispers sweet things to you
you both snuggling until you fall asleep
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lexeecouture · 7 years
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Glamorous View – The alluring Kristina Romanova serves up pure glam for the November issue of Vogue Mexico, appearing in a fall fashion spread lensed by Diego Uchitel. The model, who is normally a brunette, tries her hand as a blonde in the glossy images. Fashion editor Sarah Gore Reeves dresses Kristina in the ladylike outerwear of Dior, Prada and Louis Vuitton amongst others for the dreamy outdoor snaps. / Hair by Felix Fisher, Makeup by Moani Lee
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anneedmonds · 5 years
Kacey Musgraves Shares How Her Madame Tussauds Wax Figure's Makeup Will Be Done
Sharing a behind-the-scenes look at the making of her Madame Tussauds wax statue, Kacey Musgraves reveals how accurately the museum's artists will mimic her makeup. The photo shows a face chart provided by makeup artist Moani Lee, which breaks down the details of the products she frequently uses on Musgraves and how she applies them. Kacey Musgraves Shares How Her Madame Tussauds Wax Figure's Makeup Will Be Done published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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comesticblog2020 · 5 years
Bán fanpage mỹ phẩm làm đẹp giá 2tr5 - 0966664361 https://www.facebook.com/110675723832044/
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