#Mo’at x Eytukan
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skylarstark4826 · 22 days ago
I really loved this beautiful Avatar fanart of the characters of Eytukan with their daughters Sylwanin and Neytiri together and above all because I really love that in the Eyukan he is holding his daughters against him while he has one of his hands lovingly on the head of his beloved eldest daughter Sylwanin while at the same time he has his other hand lovingly on the shoulder of his beloved youngest daughter Neytiri while holding the 2 against his body but above all because I would also have loved it if we had seen a scene of Eytukan or Mo'at with his eldest daughter Sylwanin but at the same time I would also have liked to have seen Eytukan longer with his wife Mo'at and also with his daughter Neytiri but also with his son-in-law Jake and above all because I really would have liked us to have seen them for much longer time together in the movie because I really loved the relationship between husband and wife that Eytukan and Mo'at had in the short time we saw them together and I really would have liked us to have seen them together during the Avatar 2 movie and that we had seen Eytukan have the beautiful opportunity to have been able to meet his grandchildren and granddaughters… honestly
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By the way, this beautiful Fanart of them is not mine and the credits are not for me, but I let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the true creator on Twitter. Since apparently there is a new update on Twitter and you can only see the link if you press X.Com
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sunofpandora · 2 years ago
So I re-watched avatar. (edited)
The first avatar btw.
Has anyone else noticed how Eytukan shielded Neytiri in the scene where the come back the morning after from the tree of souls?
Like she tries to run to protect Jake but he holds her back and shields her with his arm.
The more watch this, the more I realized how much we missed out on seeing more of Mo’at and Eytukan?
I mean come on y'all they’ve already lost one child, they’re probably so protective of Neytiri after losing Sylwanin, especially to the humans.
(edit: am the only one who thinks that Tuk was named after Eytukan?)
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mechformers · 2 years ago
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[Reypaytun [ˈɾɛj.paj.tun] - Blood red (color) ]
6.7k words | Masterpost |
Tsu'tey x Human Reader
Summary: Tsu'tey wakes up after a night of vigorous lovemaking to blood smeared between your thighs. He does not take it well, panicking hard as he "flees the scene", effectively leaving you behind. Eventually, he learns what really happened and once he does, Tsu'tey is not afraid anymore.
Content warning: Period blood, Period, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Period Sex, Period Cunnilingus, Period Fingering, Squirting, Stomach/Belly Bulge, Size Difference, Na'vi/Human. Idk I feel like "Tsu'tey is not afraid anymore" should be a tag of its own lol
Authors Note: So this was supposed to be pure, filthy porking and nothing more. BUT(!) as with most things that I do, it caught a case of the feels and it became both angsty and filthy, and way out of hand... Sorry? lol Also, I stared too long at that manip and now it just looks stupid and wrong all over lol Might add it on a later date though, if I can find a way to make it look okay, and most definitely to Ao3 when that day comes lol Sorry, I know it won the poll T.T
Tsu'tey didn’t know how he managed to end up where he currently was, curled up behind you, a sky demon, after a long night of intense lovemaking. For months, he had battled with his own emotions, punished himself for the sheer betrayal his heart was pushing on him once he realized what the speeding of his heart actually meant. At first, he had thought it was a side effect of surviving the war with the sky demons - after falling from such a great height. But in the end, he had to be honest with himself that the speeding of his heart had happened long before the war officially came to a head.
No, Jakesully was to blame for this, and no one else. He had brought you with him when he convinced Eytukan and Mo’at to welcome Grace Augustine back into the clan. Along this Normspellman person, you had walked in beside them, a tiny little creature, speeding as fast as you could with your ridiculously small legs to keep up. You had been so helpless and pathetic that the sheer sight of you had made Tsu’tey angry at Jakesully to have allowed you to even join them. Had you been present with Jakesully and Grace Augustine when his betrayal was revealed, however, Tsu’tey knew that he would not have dealt with the situation as reasonably as he had. As it was, however, he ended up falling from the metallic flying machine, littered with bullet holes. Crashing through the forest to the ground, the sky demons greeted him with even more horror. When he came to again, it was your small hands that tended to him until Jakesully and Neytiri could bring him to Mo’at.
After losing his kuru, Tsu’tey had not been kind to anyone, but especially not to you in particular. The words he had said, the strength with which he had grabbed or shoved you, were beneath him, but the fact that it had happened, he could never hide from. And nor did he. Once he got his feet under himself again, once his mind cleared enough for him to realize a thing or two about this new life of his - he had nothing but the wellbeing of the clan and you on his mind. Convincing you to forgive him, to give him a chance, however, had not been easy. In fact, it had demanded all of Tsu’tey’s spare time to prove himself worthy of your affection.
In the end, you reluctantly agreed to date him - a sky people invention where two or more people become mates on a trial basis, to see if you’re compatible. It pained Tsu’tey to no extent to know that this was all you were willing to give him, that you trusted him just about as far as you could throw him. But he had done this, had caused this situation, he needed to stand steady in it or leave you be. Now, Tsu’tey was a lot of things, but a quitter, he had never been.
The courting process - the dating - had been long and difficult, but eventually, you had agreed to live with him in the kelku he had made specifically with you in mind. it had everything you needed within it and although you had been skeptical at first, after seeing all the hard work he had laid down with you in mind, something seemed to click right for once. It made Tsu’tey relax a little, made his anxiousness calm down enough for him to noticeably lighten up again. The first time he had cracked a joke or two, laughing joyfully, Jakesully had choked with surprise. It had been a very good feeling indeed.
With you in his life, everything just seemed easier. Laughter came easier to him, his normally stressed and harsh demeanor mellowed out and despite the fact that you are a sky person, Tsu’tey has never been happier in his life. It’s probably why he lets himself lose control while making love to you. The sounds you make beneath him, the gasped whispers of endearment as you cling to him only fuels his need for you further. For hours, he plows into you, driving you over the edge time and time again until you’re a sweaty mess beneath him, your skin slick and salty, and warm. As his cock presses as far as it can go into you, bulging your stomach enough that he can feel himself, Tsu’tey knows that there is nowhere he would rather be than right here in your arms.
Releasing one last time inside of you, Tsu’tey kisses your lips so softly, it makes you whine. Smiling down at you, he notices how your eyes glitter as you stare up at him. The right thing to do would be to clean you up, to bathe your sore muscles, but at that moment, Tsu’tey loses against the voice in the back of his head that’s telling him to let his scent seep into the very pores of your skin. You fall asleep in each other's arms like that, with loving words and soft kisses on your lips. It is the best few hours of sleep Tsu’tey has had in ages, the best sleep he has had in the month you have lived in their kelku.
But when Tsu'tey awakens early the next morning there's something wrong. Distantly, he registers an iron scent on the air that he knows all too well, but as his mind is slowly waking up, he doesn't pay it much mind. Instead, he runs his large hand over your small body, grabbing your small breast in his large hands as he kisses your shoulder, smiling into your skin as you too awake with a positively satisfied sigh. Tsu’tey runs his hand down your body, over your waist, squeezing your curved and soft hip appreciatively before continuing down to your subtle thighs, pulling a breathy moan from your lips that has his own skin erupt in a million small goosebumps. Continuing on his joyous morning journey, Tsu’tey presses his hand between your legs to find your core already wet and waiting for him. Pressing a finger into you, he lets out a rumble from deep within his chest at how ready you are for him.
Pulling back, Tsu’tey guides you over to lay on your back before slotting himself between your thighs, your hot, moist core smearing slick over his breastbone where it presses into you. Grinning up, he bends his head down, kissing your shoulder, your breasts, giving each nipple a good suck, before continuing down to your molten core, never breaking eye contact with you as he starts his breakfast. Your beautiful eyes are probably why he doesn’t notice the distinct coppery iron scent or the blood that is smeared on the inside of your thighs. Your breathy gasp as his thumb circles your pearl is probably why he doesn’t notice the bloody trail that has seeped from your puffed and raw cunt before he’s there. It takes him back with such shock that he's on his knees between your widespread thighs before either one of you can register what has happened. Lifting his hand to reach out to the blood, he's met with the bloody picture of his own digits between your bloody thighs and core.
"I have hurt you, yawne," Tsu’tey mumbles low, his voice small, even to his own ears. Getting up on your elbows to see what's going on, you look at the blood on his hands and on his chest before you look down at yourself, noticing the blood smeared between your thighs.
"Shit," you swear, clapping your thighs together, hiding your core from Tsu'tey's eyes in apparent shame. "It's alright, Tsu'tey. This happens."
It is alright?
This happens?
Tsu'tey can't believe what he's hearing. His careless mating has hurt you, has caused you to bleed from one of your most sacred places. The immense pain you must have been in while he took his pleasures from you… Shame floods through him and before you're able to say anything more, he gets up to his feet, grabs his tweng and bow, and flees your kelku. Running as fast as his legs can take him, Tsu’tey doesn’t stop until he’s crashing to his knees by the river. Vigorously, he scrubs his hand and chest until his skin feels raw. He can’t get the image of your bloodied cunt out of his head, nor the vulnerable way you had looked up at him. With great shame and stones weighing heavy in his heart, he gets up to meet the hunting party he was to be a part of that morning, only for the hunters to stare weirdly at him.
“Where is your battle band, brother? Your blade?” Atan asks as he steps up to him, Takuk closely following behind.
Patting the bottom of his ribs, he finds the skin bare from its usual protective layer. However, Tsu’tey could not go back to their kelku, even though you might not be there anymore. The sheer thought of crossing your path makes his ears bend painfully low against his skull with shame. Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath before opening them again to stare at his old friend.
“I will go without,” He growls too harshly, making Atan look at him with concern.
“Brother, I do not think that is wise,” Atan starts, but Tsu’tey cuts him off.
“It will be fine,” Tsu’tey bites back at his friend.
“Go back home to get it, we will wait,” Takuk presses, his gentle voice making Tsu’tey sigh deeply.
“Let us go before the hunt will be in vain,” He doesn’t miss the way Atan and Takuk look at each other with worried expressions.
The hunt is not successful. Or at least, not on his part. Tsu’tey is unfocused and stressed, resulting in him missing each and every shot before he’s even able to let the arrows go. When they return, it is without honor for Tsu’tey. Without bidding his friends farewell, Tsu’tey leaves the party to stew alone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long before Jakesully finds him and somehow that is even worse.
“What’s wrong, brother? Trouble in paradise?” Jakesully ask, immediately souring Tsu’tey’s already sour mood.
“Go away, demon,” Tsu’tey growls, noticing how harsh the words are spoken, making him involuntarily wince.
“Demon, huh? That bad?” Jakesully hums thoughtfully, falling into silence beside Tsu’tey. It takes hours of the two of them just sitting in silence together, Jakesully waiting him out, letting Tsu’tey wallow in his own shame and misery until finally, Tsu’tey breaks his silence.
“I hurt Y/n during our mating,” Tsu’tey admits, the words all but a whisper of shame, but of course, Jakesully hears them.
“Good hurt or bad hurt?” He asks as if there is a difference.
“There is no such thing as good hurt, Jakesully,” Tsu’tey growls angrily at his stupid friend.
“Trust me, brother there definitely is and I can assure you, with your size difference, there absolutely is,” The cheeky grin on Jakesully’s face is beyond infuriating to Tsu’tey.
“I made her bleed from her core, tell me where the good hurt is in that, demon,” Tsu’tey hisses before his shoulders slump, and the anger at Jakesully bleeds back into shame at his own actions.
“Oh…” Jakesully hums, his brother finally understanding Tsu’tey’s distress.
“And do you know what she said to me?” Tsu’tey huffs a humorless chuckle, “It is alright. This happens. Which means that it is not the first time I have hurt her like this, without noticing it - without her telling me. I have let her suffer because of my own greed,”
“Are you sure it isn’t just her period?” Jakesully hums, “I mean, she said this happens, right? The Na’vi don’t have them, but humans do. And it’s not as if she’s stopped your mating, right?”
“What is this period you are talking about?” Tsu’tey asks, because no, you haven't stopped their mating before. If anything, you have been overly eager for it.
“It’s uh… well, Y/n could probably explain it better, but each month human females bleed from their… you know,” Jakesully gestures between his legs, as if the word were somehow shameful.
“From the cunt?” Tsu’tey deadpans, watching as Jakesully’s ears flatten and his cheeks darken with heat.
“So crude,” Jakesully sighs before grinning, “But yeah. It's their reproductive organs, their uh… uterus? The womb. Shredding itself to prep-”
“Shredding itself?” Tsu’tey interrupts, his eyes huge as worry overcomes him.
“It’s uh, it’s her body’s way of preparing a new egg to be fertilized so that she can become pregnant - uh with child, after the current egg didn’t take,” Jakesully hastily continues, his discomfort so clear on his face and in his voice.
“So she is laying an egg?” Tsu’tey fills in, feeling bad for not having succeeded in fertilizing the egg you had worked so hard to prepare for him - for them.
“What? Fuck, no,” Jakesully barks, wiping his hands over his face, “Shit… uh, female humans carry a child in their stomachs, in their womb. It’s a… aw hell, I don’t know what it is, alright. There’s an egg, you jizz in her, she might become pregnant and the egg will develop into a child. If she doesn’t become pregnant, the egg will get washed out with the blood before being replaced with a new one.”
“I see,” Tsu’tey hums, but in reality, he does not see anything. Whatever Jakesully is talking about sounds weird and alien to his ears.
“Some women are in really great pain because of it, while others… - brother, where are you going?” Jakesully shouts after him, but all Tsu’tey can focus on is getting to your kelku as fast as possible.
He had left you alone in your kelku while you possibly were in great pain. He had left you there, too caught up in his own shame and emotions to hear you out when you had tried to explain it to him. Passing his people, he takes no care of them as he rushes as fast as his long legs can take him. Eventually, he’s crashing through the doorway of your kelku making you gasp with surprise where you’re preparing a yovo fruit for yourself.
“Yawne,” He pants, entirely out of breath.
“Are you alright, Tsu’tey?” Your worried words greet him as you put the knife down to greet him.
“Am I… Yawne, I did not know,” Tsu’tey falls to his knees before you, pressing his forehead to your stomach as he bends in on himself. Your hands immediately come up to hold him, your tiny hands gently caressing the base of what remains of his kuru, as you hold him close.
“Are you in pain?” He continues after lifting his head when his worries start to soothe, “Is the egg causing you pain?”
“Ah, you’ve talked with Jake I take it?” You hum with a soft chuckle, your beautiful eyes glittering as you look up at him in amusement.
“I have,” Tsu’tey confirms, bending his head down to look at you. “I do not fully understand, Jakesully mentioned that you might be in great pain, and I… Yawne, I left you,”
“It’s alright, yawntu, this is new for you. I would have warned you, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon,” You look down at him with your gentle eyes as if he hung the stars in the sky.
“I thought that I had hurt you,” He mumbles shamefully, “That I had caused you to bleed,”
“So your first cause of action at seeing me bleed would be to run away, got it,” You grinned up at him, teasing him as if this was somehow funny to you.
“Yawne! I…-” He starts, the protest and shame flaring up inside of him. How could he have acted this disgracefully to his mate?
“I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding, Tsu’tey,” You laugh openly as you push his head down into your stomach again, your weak arms holding him close as you chuckle.
“I have disgraced our bond, Y/n,” Tsu’tey starts, his heart breaking in his chest.
“Hey, no, Tsu’tey,” You urge, pushing his head up so that he’s kneeling before you at eye level instead. “Listen to me closely, alright?”
You don’t continue before Tsu’tey reluctantly nods his head, your small hands still on his face, comforting him through what must be a quite distressing time for you.
“Reacting as you did to seeing blood is alright. Especially for someone who has experienced violence as you have,” You pause until Tsu’tey realizes that you’re waiting for him to nod his head in understanding, “We mate with such passion that your conclusion wasn’t farfetched,”
“I do not know this word; farfetched,” Tsu’tey looks into your eyes, reveling in your patience with him.
“It means that it was not a foolish conclusion to come to, that it was within your right to think of it,” You smile again as if he has hung the stars in the sky while your thumbs caress his cheekbones comfortingly. “I’m small compared to you, and you are certainly huge in all aspects of the word,”
Tsu’tey can’t keep his chest from puffing up with pride, no more than he can keep his lips from forming a smug smile. Huffing up at him, your fingers take hold of the base on his ears, making them twitch.
“Behave, yawntu,” You grin up at him, letting him know that it is all in fond fun. “You have never and will never hurt me while mating, Tsu’tey. I don’t know if you’re even capable of doing such a thing,”
You stare up at him while he lets your words sink in, coming to the conclusion that you know best and that Tsu’tey has to trust your judgment. Sighing with the release of his stress and worry, Tsu’tey bends his head down to rest his forehead against yours. It’s comforting the way you’re still holding onto him, grounding him as if you somehow already knew what he needed despite your young bond.
“This period, this blood, can you tell me more about it? I wish to understand it so that I can better help you when it comes,” Tsu’tey hums, opening his eyes to look into yours.
“Of course, yawntu,” You smile beautifully up at him before slowly pulling away.
Taking his hand in yours, you lead him over to your nest, waiting for him to sit down before you bend your small legs to sit between his bigger ones. Taking both of his hands in yours, you look up at him as you start to explain what a period is, chuckling softly at his horrified expressions while explaining about your uterus shredding and how that causes the blood to dribble out. You walk him through everything, about how to contain it, about how you usually manage the pain, and how there are different methods.
“How else may I help you ease the pain, yawne?” Tsu’tey presses on when he notices you’re holding something back.
“It’s uh…” You stutter, your beautiful face darkening with an embarrassment Tsu’tey doesn’t understand. “There’s the act of mating, of - of reaching completion,”
“Mating?” Tsu’tey parrots, his eyes growing huge as his ears rotate forward with undivided attention.
“The act of mating reduces the cramping and reaching completion eases the pain,” You mumble, not able to meet his eyes head-on, “But it’s not something you have to do. I’ve got my heating pads, warm blankets, and excellent pain meds,”
At the mention of medication, Tsu’tey wrinkles his nose with distaste. He had never been fond of the sky people medicine, and to hear that you regularly take them to control a pain he could be helping you with, makes his anger flare. Slicking his ears back with annoyance, Tsu’tey huffs loudly.
“It is no bother for me to mate with you, yawne,” He starts, noting how your cheeks darken even further, “A little blood has never scared me before and it will not start now. Please, let me help you,”
“You really don’t have to, Tsu’tey,” You try again, your embarrassed little face looking up at him full of love and wonder.
“I want to,” Tsu’tey whispers, bending down to rest his forehead to yours again.
“Are you sure, yawntu?” Your eyes portray it all, your uncertainty, your need for him.
“I am, yawne,” Tsu’tey rumbles as he crawls over you, forcing your small body to bend backward to lay back in your nest.
It brings him straight to your hot core, the coppery iron scent strong and warm when he takes a deep breath. He isn’t afraid anymore though. This period had personally insulted him, but now, Tsu’tey would show you what a man truly was. Growling, he plops down on you, the entirety of his weight pressing the air from your small lungs, just how you liked it. The warm heat from your core wraps around Tsu’tey’s lower chest, lulling him to grind his hips into the soft nest beneath your bodies.
“You take my breath away, yawne,” Tsu’tey breathes as he lets the bridge of his nose run up the side of your neck, smirking childishly when it makes your breath stutter in your chest.
“Tsu’tey…” You gasp as he reaches your lips, kissing you long and deep.
The way your small hands clutch at his shoulders to hold on makes something inside of him snap. It’s ridiculous how every touch from you sends him over the edge, breaking the hard-set control he has over himself. You’re simply intoxicating to him. Running his hand down your flank, Tsu’tey lets his fingers flutter over every dip and roll of your soft skin, taking pleasure in the way the contact makes you moan. It never ceased to amaze him just how soft your skin was. The very first time you had allowed him to touch, to feel you, he had lost himself in your body, emerging only when the sun rose once more. His eyes had been blown wide the following day, much to everyone’s amusement.
Now, it was no different. The very scent of you stoked the fire within him, edging him closer to the point of no return, to the point where there was no one but you and him in this life that Eywa had graced them with. Giving you parting butterfly kisses, Tsu’tey dips his head lower, letting his lips trace an incoherent trail until he reaches the top of your chest. He’ll have to part with your thighs around his chest if he is to continue. A part of him doesn’t want to, but the needier part of him claws at his insides for Tsu’tey to present him with the sweetest nectar of your core. It’s the part of him that wins, in the end. Wrapping his hands around your thighs, Tsu’tey gently parts them from around his chest, pushing them back, opening you up like the most precious of flowers.
He’s presented with the same sight as he was that morning, your cunt puffy and red, needy and ready for his ministrations. The blood that slowly comes from your parted lips doesn’t scare him anymore. It’s so… little? Yet, that very morning, it had seemed almost too immense for him to comprehend. Curiously, Tsu’tey runs the pad of his thumb through the red liquid, marveling at the way it colors the blue skin of his thumb. Wiping it away from your entrance, however, only produces more as he forces your lips to part. Smiling to himself, Tsu’tey bends down to kiss the inside of your knees before starting his journey to the core of his desire. He takes a moment to marvel at your own stripes, the silvery, pink, brown, and purple smooth grooves that paint your skin in some places. Never would he have believed sky people worthy of such beauty, but yet again, you had proved him wrong. Your stripes are so different from his own, more like the lightning that crosses over the beautiful Pandora skies. Running his fingers over the stripes on your lower stomach, Tsu’tey marveled at your beauty for a moment before getting to his stomach between your spread thighs.
This close to your cunt, Tsu’tey can see everything. Hears your heart beating frantically in your chest as your blood courses through your veins. Tsu’tey can smell everything. And it makes something wild within him roar to life. His mind zeroes in on one thing and one thing only. Distantly, he registers that you’re talking to him, that your small hands find their way into his braids, but he’s lost in the spell you have over him. Running the pads of his thumbs along the outer lips of your cunt, Tsu’tey is helpless but to lick his lips as your red speckled slick coats his journey. Pressing gently on the silky smooth skin, he watches as your cunt opens up for him, watches as the impossibly small slit stretches the further he pushes.
Repeating the motion, Tsu’tey growls desperately when a fresh dollop of slick emerges from your cunt, the red speckles in it almost beautiful as it slides downward. Unable to hold back anymore, Tsu’tey leans forward, bumping his nose into your swollen pearl as kisses the warm, slick core of your cunt. The sound is almost rudely loud in your otherwise quiet kelku. The slick sticks to his lips in thin strings when he pulls away just far enough to meet your eyes over the swell of your stomach and breasts. Licking his lips, his nostrils flare as the taste hits his tongue, effectively sending his brain into a frenzy. Almost immediately, Tsu’tey dives back in, this time plunging his tongue straight into your core, lapping eagerly at your soft, warm walls. His nose keeps hitting your precious pearl, the hot air from his lungs blowing over it in rapid succession as he dines on a taste he’s never had before.
The taste of your coppery blood combined with the impossibly sweet and heady taste of your natural slick had Tsu’tey all but whining between your thighs, his digits tightening around the plump of your thighs as he held on for dear life. Driving his tongue as far as he’s able to reach inside of you, Tsu’tey breathes heavily as he makes a seal around your cunt, sucking while he licks at your insides. The taste of you explodes on his taste buds with each lick, making him push further and further to get more. He feels almost desperate when your small hands pull hard at his braids, trying your best to lift his head from your molten core.
“T-t..” You stutter, your breath coming harder than his, “T’ey,”
“Yawne,” Tsu’tey answers your call, his voice husky and raw, even to his own ears.
But you’re too far gone. With the little break that you obtained, your head falls back, hitting their nest while you continue to breathe heavily, your small chest lifting and sinking rapidly. It fuels something so primal inside of Tsu’tey that he physically had to clutch onto the bedding to keep himself from pouncing on you. He doubts the stretch would have truly hurt you, had he not been able to hold himself back. The amount of slickness and the plump readiness of your cunt told him as much, but even though you had told him how much you loved the stretch, Tsu’tey was acutely aware of your size difference.
So instead, Tsu’tey eases two digits inside of you, grinning proudly when he meets no resistance, just the slick, plump heat of your hole. Spreading his fingers, Tsu’tey watches as your head bends further back, a moan escaping your gorgeous red-bitten lips as he adds another finger. Like this, you’ve told him, he’s bigger than any human male known to history. It makes his chest puff ridiculously with pride. Add his own cock to the mix and you were a pampered little mate.
“What are you thinking about, yawntu?” You huff a chuckle as you look down at him.
“Nothing, yawne,” Tsu’tey smiles as he leans up to kiss your lips.
Pulling back, there’s red smeared on your face. The realization that he’s wearing you on his own face has his tail whipping painfully behind him with excitement. There’s something so intimate about this, an experience a Na’vi mate could never give him. For a moment, Tsu’tey thanks whatever power Eywa had in changing his mind, whatever made him turn on his opinion and pursue you. Staring down at you, there was no doubt in Tsu’ey’s mind that no atokirina could ever compare to your beauty. Try as she might, the Great Mother could not create anything even comparable to the beauty you held in his eyes. Grinning smugly, Tsu’tey spread your legs even wider with his knees, huffing proudly when your breath hitches.
The way his chest breathes deeply makes his heavy cock glide through the slick of your cunt, your size difference enough for there to be enough motion between you. The sheer heat of your cunt never ceases to amaze him, and try as he might, he’s unable to keep his hips from thrusting, to keep himself from seeking out your tight, slick heat. Pulling back, Tsu’tey meets your eyes as the head of his cock catches on the slick, hot “O” of your cunt. Swallowing audibly, he watches as your body shivers, your cunt spasming, kissing his cock head with an excited greeting. Wetting his lips, Tsu’tey presses forward, feeling his cock crown the tight circle of your cunt before you clench, sending his cock sliding through your slick to end under your navel.
“Tsakem rä'ä si, txopu rä'ä si, yawne,” Tsu’tey growls, his accent heavy, “Do not do that. Do not be scared, yawne,”
“I could never, yawntu,” Lifting your small arms, Tsu’tey bends down for you to grab onto the back of his neck, letting your weak arms press him down into a gentle kiss that touches his very soul.
Leaning his forehead to yours, Tsu’tey tries pushing forward again. The angle is weird like this, making it difficult to line up, but he wants to be close to you, wants to watch the exact moment he breaches your body, just so that he can see your pupils dilate to nothing but black. His cock catches on the ripe, slick circle of your molten core, but this time, when he presses forward, you don’t clench beneath him, denying him access. Instead, your body grows boneless beneath him as you relax, allowing him passage to the innermost sacred place of your body. It’s the easiest, most difficult glide Tsu’tey has had in his entire life. Never before has your body felt like this, clutching onto him as if the very thought of him leaving sent panic through your slick walls.
Groaning, Tsu’tey stills, letting the stretch of his size cement for just a moment before he pulls his hips back, tutting at your distressed whining before he slams into you, this time guided by the slick from his first slide. It fills you up to the limit, the head of his cock hitting that gloriously smooth and plush thing deep inside of you. It caresses the shaft of his cock, just behind his sensitive head while le butts into your wall. Distantly, he knows that he can go no further, but he still tries, pressing until his hips finally meet the plush meat of the crook of your thighs. You’re spread so wide beneath him that for just a moment, he wonders how you haven’t broken yet. Instead, you’re clutching onto him as if your very life depended on it, and when he pushes up on his hands, pressing the full weight of his body on your connection, he can see why.
Beneath your navel, there’s the clear indentation of his own cock beneath your skin. It isn’t the first time Tsu’tey has seen it, but there’s something about it this time that sends him over the edge. Involuntarily, his hips thrust hard, sending your body upward with the sheer force behind it. Your small shoulders meet his wrists, stopping your journey as his cock presses further into you from beneath. It’s a surreal thing to see. One moment, you’re gasping, eyes wide in shock, and the next, there’s something hot spraying from your cunt against his abdomen as your cunt ripples harder around him than ever before while you scream. Your orgasm lasts longer this time, squeezing Tsu’tey’s cock hard as your cunt tries its hardest to milk the juices that it so longs for. But it’s not the orgasm that has Tsu’tey perplexed.
“What was that, yawne?” Tsu’tey asks, his voice unrecognizable to his own ears.
But all you respond with is a series of ‘oh god, oh god, oh god’ while you covered your face from his eyes. Now, Tsu’tey was no fool, he knew your rambled string of words meant that you were in incomprehensible pleasure. It had happened the first time he ate from your core, the first time his fingers had entered your cunt, and especially the very first time his cock had stretched you around his size. So with that knowledge, Tsu’tey set out to get the same reaction again, if only for his own pleasure at seeing it.
With the same eye for detail, Tsu’tey repeats his motions, pulling back before entering you halfway once again. It sends your head back with a long wet moan, your puffy lips parted as you grab a hold of his wrists, preparing yourself for what you so obviously have anticipated to come. Grinning, Tsu’tey slams into you a little harder than he had meant to, but it’s all the same to you. Your loud moans fill your kelku as Tsu’tey presses further, testing the limit. It doesn’t happen immediately, like the first time, but Tsu’tey isn’t deterred. He is a man on a mission, a mission he is hellbent to succeed. And sure enough, after a while, your mouth starts forming that series of ‘no no no no no’ that always comes before something mesmerizing. It spurs Tsu’tey on, his mind chasing that burst of excitement, so pure, from your body’s core.
Thrusting faster, harder, Tsu’tey is not disappointed when he looks down just in time to see that same clear spray emerge from your core, coating his abdomen not just once as before, not twice, but four times. In time with your cunt contracting around him, Tsu’tey was helpless but to give into your core’s demand. With a final thrust, he sheats himself as deep as he’s able to while his body pumps you full of his seed. He’s breathing hard as he lays down on top of you, holding you captive beneath him while you breathe.
“You are,” Tsu’tey pants, taking deep breaths before continuing, “Amazing, yawne,”
Kissing your forehead, your cheeks, your gasping lips, Tsu’tey takes pity on you for a second, balancing most of his weight on his elbows, only for you to whine in annoyance. Huffing a chuckle, Tsu’tey slides down carefully once more, watching you closely as his full weight is on you again. Never would he have imagined his weight to be such a comfort to you, but as you hide your face between his pecs, Tsu’tey is left to drift on the sensation of your combined bodies while you land. He doesn’t know how long it takes, but by the time you emerge from his chest, the chill of the setting sun has started to creep into your dark kelku.
“Welcome back to Pandora, yawne,” Tsu’tey teases, only for you to clench your cunt around his sensitive cock, making him hiss.
“You are a cruel man, yawntu,” You huff, but the poorly hidden amused smile lets him know that your words have no bite to them.
“I am,” Tsu’tey agrees, grinning widely as he kisses your lips. “What does that make you, ma muntxate?”
“An innocent bystander?” You try, your sheepish grin mesmerizing Tsu’tey’s heart.
“You, ma yawne,” Tsu’tey starts, leaning down to hover over your lips, “Have never been innocent a day in your life,”
It brings the most beautiful laughter from your lips, a laughter that doesn’t immediately die down, but instead continues on until it gradually fizzles out. At this moment, Tsu’tey wishes that he could make tsaheylu with you, that he could show you the love that blossoms in his heart, a love that is so strong he’s not certain he could stay true to Eywa if challenged. But you do not have a kuru and he… he does not have his kuru anymore. Still, with everything that you are, you try your best to fill the gap he’s missing, letting him know how much he’s loved without actually having said the words before.
“I love you, Tsu’tey,” Because, of course, you would read him so easily. The notion is no less meaningless to Tsu’tey’s ears though.
“I love you, yawne,” He hums, kissing your lips slowly before hovering above them again, catching your eyes in his, “I have for a very long time,”
It’s an intimate moment, one heavy with emotions, with trust, and honor. You’re both from different worlds, but somehow, together, you have made it work, supporting each other with everything that you were. Tsu’tey knows that there will be nothing in this life or the next that can keep him apart from you. Beneath him, you reach a hand out to brush two of his braids beneath his ear, your small fingers gently rubbing his ear on your way back. Smiling, Tsu’tey gets up to his knees, watching his cock move inside of your small cunt. Pulling out, he watches as your red-speckled slick and his luminescent seed stick to his cock. There’s a mixed string connecting the head of his cock to the puffy mouth of your cunt for a moment before it breaks in the chill evening air. A moment later, however, his seed runs out of your wide-stretched, red hole. It’s beautiful.
Leaning forward, Tsu’tey attaches his mouth to your open cunt once more, sucking his seed and your slick from your abused and tired hole. If possible, your cunt is even hotter, even softer than before as he digs his tongue inside, slurping loudly even to his own ears. The plush of your thighs has collapsed shut on each side of his head, your cute weakness trying to push his head away, but Tsu’tey will drink his fill of you. Not even your gasped whines from above stop him in his ministrations before, as you desperately ramble, something sweet hits his tongue and face once, twice before your thighs fall dead from his head.
It takes him a moment to realize what has happened, but when he does, his cock twitches with interest. You, however, lay completely boneless above him, your breathing coming hard and fast, your eyes closed. Taking pity on you, Tsu’tey licks his lips before gathering you up in his arms. A bath would do you both good before some food and sleep. In the morning, Tsu’tey would quench his thirst for knowledge and you would let him, one way or the other. Grabbing a blanket, Tsu’tey wraps it around you, covering your modesty as he learned the hard way how sky people valued that sort of thing. Walking out of your kelku, Tsu’tey headed toward the river.
“Brother,” Jakesully shouted from the entrance of the communal meal, “Dinner was served a while ago,”
“We will eat at home, Jakesully,” Tsu’tey turns to his… friend, only for the man in question to holler loudly.
“Yo, Tsu’tey got his wings, alright!” Jakesully announces loudly, pulling the curious stares of Atan and Takuk.
Tsu’tey pays them no mind, however, as he continues his walk down to the river. He has a mate to take care of, one who brings him such joy he hardly believed he was still alive some days. To know that you felt the same as he - Tsu’tey could ask nothing more of the Great Mother.
That pesky egg of yours, however…
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neteyamyawne · 1 year ago
🫀— Broken Hearts
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༄ Pairing : Neytiri x Fem!Na'vi!reader.
༄ Summary : She left you for the one she said not to worry about, even when you warned her, in the end, this was not what meant for you to begin with.
༄ Warnings : Cheating, heartbreak, hurt/no comfort, Gaslighting, manipulation, aggressive behaviour, Neytiri being a red flag, toxic behaviour, attachment issues? Neytiri is an asshole, Jake being nice? use of [y/n] in some places.
༄ Prompt : Cheated on.
༄ Word Count : 1.9k Proof read.
༄ Note : I loveeeee Neytiri angst like THERE COULD BE SO MUCH NEYTIRI ANGST!! AHH FERAL (I'm crying 😭)
༄ Glossary : [uniltiranyu] - Dreamwalker, [Vrrtep] - Demon, [Tsahik] - clan's spiritual leader, [Yawne] - Beloved, [Tiyawn] - Love, [Vitrautral] - Tree of souls, [Paskalin] - sweet berry.
◦ Angstmas || Masterlist
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She was your everything, quite literally after losing your brother and family in RDA attacks, she became your whole world, everyone knew about you and Neytiri, she was like nectar while you followed her like a bee, childhood friendship turned into love, who didn't want that?
Mo’at took the initiative of taking you in, being the mother you lost, your life was nearly perfect, a family, a loving partner, a place to live, good food, a life filled with love and affection all until a certain uniltiranyu was brought into your clan with your soon-to-be mate by his side.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
You were waiting for the right time to mate, as said by mo'at the time hadn't come yet, but still your heart yearned for the day to come soon.
The vrrtep that has taken a place in your clan, never failed to irritate you, more so since it was sign from the great mother for him to stay and for Neytiri to be the one who train him, your fears grew though, with each passing day as they trained you’d see from afar how they behaved together, the practices were getting suspiciously touchy even when not needed.
His little tricks, his constant smile, he always had a hand touching her, her hair… hand… shoulder and it didn't go unnoticed by you.
The communal dinners were the same, while you sat with Mo’at and Eytukan, Neytiri was immersed in a conversation with Jake about practice they had earlier with a radiant smile on her face that you hadn’t seen in weeks since he came into her life, she seemed distant as days passed by… and you were terrified but you trusted her… right?
Mo'at saw the look in your eyes, seeing her daughter with a demon they despised was something the tsahik didn't like herself but even more when she saw the daughter she took under her wing looking at her soon-to-be mate with someone else pained her more.
“Ma ite, everything would be alright, the great mother would not disappoint you, my child, she has a path for everyone…”
Mo'at whispered in your ear as she smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder before cupping your face in her palm.
“Do not be afraid to ask your questions, ask them before it's too late” mo'at knew what she was saying and so did you, you had to talk to Neytiri about this, it was the only way.
You stared at the woman who became your mother then to the one who was supposed to be yours forever and sighed as you picked and fondled at your food and nodded, lost in your thoughts, you had to talk and soon.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
The clan was turning back to their hammocks now, you returned to the one you shared with Neytiri since who know how long, it for good to have her back with you, at least the nights were yours, she smiled, it was genuine and you could see it, as the hammock covered you both she pulled you closer, tangling her limbs with yours.
Her golden eyes shone in the bioluminescent lights and you couldn't help but smile sheepishly as she pressed lazy kisses on your face.
“Neytiri… I wanted to speak to you.” You whispered in the middle of her kiss session and she stopped with her eyebrows furrowing, still holding you close to her “what is it, yawne?”
You took a deep breath, holding her hand tightly in yours as she laced her fingers with yours with concern on her face “Tiyawn, what is it?”
“I- what's going on between you and that uniltiranyu? I know you are training him but… it's- it's getting- i don't like it, Neytiri”
When you uttered those words, her face went unemotional, there was no love behind those golden eyes as she glared at you, as if all of it just evaporated in a second, which made you rethink your decision to ask her about him.
“Why would you think that, yawne?! He's a demon, one of them! It is just my task to make him one of the people, am I supposed to go against the great mother?! you shouldn't be thinking like that” her tone was cold on some level which didn't sit right with you.
Your heart dropped, this wasn't the reaction you were expecting and you shook your head in a hurry, this wasn't what you meant!
“No- No! Neytiri… this was not what I meant… I was just- um nothing, leave it, I don't want to fight, I'm sorry, i shouldn't have brought it up” you whispered as you her tail was firm behind her, her ears perked up alert.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she simply held your hand and closed her eyes, turning away from you to sleep on her back, which made a pang of guilt wash over your heart.
“If you knew me, you wouldn't have said that, Y/n, go to sleep” She whispered as if there wasn't anything else to say and turned around, her back facing you, you've slept this way when you little spooned her but this time it felt different, it was on purpose.
Sleep didn't come easily to you that night while you thought about what he said, you really shouldn't have asked that, of course she's mad, you questioned her loyalty to you? Idiot.
But the thoughts still lingered in the back of your mind, the what ifs were eating you inside out but you pushed them aside and went with it, she loved you, she'd never do something like that.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
Days passed by and the regular smiles turned into frequent laughs with him, moments together with her were becoming sparse, as if you were just a person who merely entered her life and went away at her expense.
Soon the day of Iknimaya came as you rode your ikran around the floating mountains and landed next to Neytiri while she was behind Jake… her hand on his chest as she Whispered instructions to him, was it necessary to place her hand there?
Still you let it be and focused on the fight that was about to occur between Jake and his chosen Ikran, it was intense as he was nearly thrown over the cliff twice but he managed it somehow and took the first flight which you and Neytiri joined him on.
Only one thing was left now… the ceremony, which would occur tonight and for once you didn't want Neytiri to be with him, it was done, her job was completed, she didn't need to be with him now, or that's what you thought.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
The ceremony was one of the crucial rituals of omaticaya to become one of them, as for once, a uniltiranyu has become one of them, you were happy with his accomplishments but for now you attention was on Neytiri as the Night was young and alive, you thought it was the perfect time to take her to the tree of Souls.
Neytiri was near the fire circle, chatting with someone until you pulled her aside with a bright smile on your face “Yawne… let us go to the Vitrautral… I have something to tell you” you whispered excitedly holding her hands tightly… but this time she didn't lace them together.
“Do we have to…? Right now? Paskalin… let's not, it's Jake's celebration, he would not like it, we can go… tomorrow!” She said with an unnatural enthusiasm which left you puzzled.
“T- Tomorrow? But it's a beautiful night, let us go right now!” you said as you tugged on her hand but she held back.
“Don't you understand? I don't want to go right now?!” She snapped and you were taken aback, the enthusiasm completely gone as she slid her hands away from yours “you can go rest, I'll come after you”
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
Those were her last words, she never came to your hammock that night and heart filled with the worst scenarios, but what if she just wanted a break today? She has spent many nights like this when she wants to be alone, maybe it's one of those? But you knew it was different, everything was different and you didn't want to think about the other possibilities…
❝Now I have to
Remember you,
For longer than I
Have known you❞
— c.c.aurel
The dawn of that day was the darkest moment of your life…
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
The commotion in the main area woke you up, the gasps and murmurs filled the tense air, the whispers grew louder when they saw you walk in through the crowd before you heard Tsu'tey grunt and snarl at Jake “You MATED with this woman?!” And your heart dropped as you saw Jake and Neytiri standing between the circle- hand in hand.
“Neytiri…” Your whisper was louder than any scream that she could have heard, the sight in front of you broke your heart like never before, you trusted her…
She looked away, not daring to look at your way, your face, the whole clan was quite watching with bated breaths, mo'at closed her eyes Whispering a prayer to eywa to give you the strength to face this.
You walked forward to her but Jake got in between “Look, Y/n, I'm sorry… I know this was an ass-” but your growl made him shut his mouth as you brandished your knife to his neck and he backed off with his hands in the air “you stay out of this Sulli! Do not talk or-”
Your sentence was cut off when Neytiri tackled you to the ground and snarled and hissed in your face, fury ebbed in her eyes as she pressed her own knife to your throat.
You couldn't care less as you looked into her with all the sincere love you had for her “so this is what I shouldn't have worried for? That you'd “never” do this to me? Why lie Neytiri? Why LIE?!”
You pushed her back with your strength as she was left speechless, the flowers from her hair falling out, you got up ready to fight before Tsu'tey gripped you from behind and held back as for the first time, tears streamed down your flushed azure cheeks, tail swishing behind you tensely.
Neytiri on the other hand looked at the ground in shame, Jake placed a hand on her shoulder in some sort of comfort before she spoke “Y/n… I shouldn't have done that… I know and I still did and will do it again for him because… I'm sorry- I- I don't love you.. anymore” her voice was hushed at the end but the words were enough to cut your heart in half.
Mo'at could watch it as she looked at her daughter in disappointment and then at Jake in anger as she stood beside you “Neytiri, you have done wrong, to our clan and Y/n, your illicit affairs shall be taken care of later”
Her voice was cold and Neytiri was in shock, her mother never called her by her name, always some sort of a nickname but also Neytiri knew she did wrong.
There was no point in standing there as Mo'at and Eytukan took you aside as your sobs were unstoppable while Tsu'tey argued with Jake and Neytiri about something.
You've never felt pain like this, you always saw her as your mate, your dear mate who could do no wrong in your eyes but you were too blind to see the signs.
Now it was all you could do, wallow in the pain of your heart that broke down piece by piece as the one you saw your mate turned your whole world upside down, if this was the path eywa chose for you, then you despise her for it.
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Ho Ho Ho : @cryinginthemoonpool, @luvv4j4ybe11, @xylianasblog, @plooto, @itchaboi-itchyboy, @pandoraslxna, @taylormarieee, @thewiltedpeony, @neteyamswillow, @danniackerman, @hotdsworld, @zafrinaxyz, @xstarsdiary, @moondaisye, @puddle-nerd, @eywxveng, @minnory, @neteyamssyulang, @tavsianus, @ele-sme.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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ronwestbreeze · 2 years ago
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
summary: they're mates....they've always had been
word count: 4.9k
author's note: kind of nervous and kind of excited for this chapter ahaha. finally a proper jake and tinkers reunion. hope y'all enjoy <3
AO3 | prev | next
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Mo’at had led you to her tent to examine you hours after your transference. The night was still quite young but it was close to dawn. But Mo’at was insistent you’d come to her tent right after. She said as the spiritual leader and basically the head of all the healers, it was her job to make sure that everything in your body and mind was sound.
But you really didn’t care much for the needles.
“Ow.” You winced.
“Ssh and hold still.” Mo’at tapped your other arm, telling you to raise it up for her. You tried not to cringe or flinch when she added more needles to your arm. What made it worse was that it was hot too so you really had to refrain from fighting off her grip. “If you cannot deal with small pins, then how are you to be a warrior?”
You frowned, ”I think I would manage fine without the needles actually—ouch!”
“I told you not to move and you moved!” Mo’at scolded as she finished with the needles.
“Barely!” You hissed, glaring at the pins in your arm. “When are we going to be done?”
Mo’at stood and walked toward the small bonfire in the center of the tent. She grabbed a small wooden bowl and stirred whatever contents inside around as she spoke, “You do not rush this. Let me work and you hold still, tsmuke.”
Before either of you could say anything else, Neytiri entered with who you assumed to be Kiri following close behind her.
Yet your eyes couldn’t stay on her for long when you saw Jake standing right outside of the tent already looking at you. He didn’t move to come inside, instead there was this look on his face. Anxiety, shock, disbelief? You really didn’t know. Whatever it was, it made him turn and walk away.
Neytiri saw this and sighed as she approached you, “He is very hard on himself.” She said as she squatted down next to you. “When it comes to you and when he thought you had died, he hadn’t forgiven himself since.”
You frowned, dropping your gaze to your hands. The last thing you had wanted was for him to blame himself.  “He does not deserve the pain I’ve caused him…” If anything you completely understood if he never wanted to be near you ever again.
“Do not do that.” Neytiri frowned at you, pulling you out of your self-deprecation. “Jake loves you. And you love him. Do not make this more complicated than it needs to be.” She placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly, “Just give him some time. And he will come to you.”
For a moment you considered her words. Perhaps she was right. Hell, if you were in Jake’s shoes and the person you thought was dead for years had suddenly come back, you’d definitely need a moment to process it all. That was fair.
So instead of dwelling on it for longer than you should’ve, you instead turned to Neytiri, “Why are you pushing for us to be together?”
Neytiri looked at you in confusion, “Why wouldn’t I? You and Jake are mates.”
“I thought you and Jake now were…?”
“Yes, we are mates as well.”
You blinked at her, your brain crashing, “I’m confused.”
Mo’at made a sound similar to a snort from her spot at the fire, “For someone who claims to know The People, you get confused a lot, tsmuke.” You frowned in annoyance as Mo’at came back to your side with the wooden bowl still in her hands. “We are not bound to only one mate. It has always been that way. Years before, Eytukan had a second mate, Sylwanin’s mother. But unfortunately she died in childbirth.”
Wait, you knew this. Not in specific detail but Tsu’tey told you about how they had multiple mates among the Na’vi, how they weren’t monogamous like humans usually were. You had forgotten this but that definitely made a lot more sense as to why Neytiri was trying to encourage you and Jake’s relationship to meld back together. Why she had been so adamant to save you.
As if reading your mind, Neytiri nodded, “Jake accepted that you were gone despite us never finding you…I suppose he never thought you’d ever come back.”
“But you did.” You said in a matter of fact tone. “For some reason you never gave up on me…even when I had given up on myself.”
“Mmm.” Mo’at hummed in agreement as she placed the cool liquid from the bowl on your skin.
Neytiri shrugged, “The both of you are hard headed, somebody has to have some sense out of the three of us.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled despite Mo’at still picking at the needles in your arms, “Thank you, Neytiri.”
She gave you a small smile in return and nodded. The slight movement behind Neytiri finally caught your eye. And when you looked you had realized—and nearly forgotten—that Kiri was in the tent with the three of you. Neytiri moved to the side so that you could see Kiri better who had been staring at you both curious and hesitant.
“Kiri. This is ma tsmuke. Ma’Grace knew her as well.”
Kiri looked up at Neytiri, stunned, “Ma sa’nok?” Neytiri nodded with a patient smile. Kiri then looked at you, now more curious. “You knew my mother?”
You nodded, a smile growing on your face. “Yes, I did. She was, in a way, like a mother to me too. She was always looking out for me even when I was being a stubborn idiot about it. Sometimes I was looking out for her too and believe me I can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved her as—I mean her tail.” Both Neytiri and Mo’at sent you looks before Kiri scooted closer to you.
“Tell me!” She grinned up at you. “Tell me more!”
You glanced toward Neytiri who motioned for you to continue. “Well, um, there was this one time where she got lost in the forest…”
And from there you had spent that time telling Kiri stories of your time with Grace. You had never thought you’d be able to relive these memories without feeling grief over it but Kiri’s large smile and youthful laugh at some of the most ridiculous parts in your tales was what made it easier. And you were glad for it.
Kiri didn’t know her mother before she died. But you were happy to share every single detail about her as best as you could, just so that she could feel as close to Grace as you did. Just so she could think of her as if they had already met. It was the one thing you were happy to do for Grace, the least you could do really.
Sometimes you often thought that you had failed her. But after seeing her face to face for the first time in what felt like forever, those doubts slowly dwindled away from you. Because in the end, Grace was right.
You had time. You still had time.
And this time you would not let it slip through your fingers so easily.
Neytiri woke you up when the night had been replaced with gray clouds and rain. She led you out into the forest while Kiri stayed behind in Mo’at’s tent, sleeping. You had never seen rain much in Pandora and it was mostly rare considering the hot climate of the forest. But when it did, like now, it was still somehow so beautiful. Back on Earth whenever it rained it was always so dreadful and depressing, it made you wish that sometimes the Earth was as beautiful as Pandora.
It once was. Many, many years ago. The humans just never appreciated it. Which is why it was dying. The last thing you ever wanted was for them to come here and do the same to Pandora. Which was why it was strange just walking in the forest, no longer an avatar or dreamwalker, but one with your new body, and be at peace with it. Not having to worry about the RDA roaming about or having to hide away from Quaritch.
This was nice. This is what you had always wanted.
For a second, a curious thought appeared in your mind.
“Where will my former body go?” You asked Neytiri as you both ducked under a few leaf branches.
“We will give it a traditional burial, the Omatikaya way.” Neytiri then suddenly pointed up at a tree she stopped next to. “We climb.”
You had never climbed a tree before. Especially not in this body. But you did your best, trying to keep up with Neytiri. And yes, you looked quite pathetic climbing next to Neytiri who did it with very little effort. She was practically on the branch she wanted to stop at by the time you made it.
She tsked, “You are like Jake, you are practically a baby.”
“Yeah well, I didn’t exactly have much time to learn how to climb a tree.” You frowned, mirroring her position on the large branch the two of you now squatted on. Neytiri rolled her eyes as you spoke again, “So why are we out here?”
Neytiri closed her eyes and breathed out a long sigh through her nose, “I can not teach you to be one of the People like I did with Ma’Jake. But I can show you how to listen.” You furrowed your brows but copied her and closed your eyes as well. “Listen to the forest. See the forest. Then you will understand what it means to be of The People.”
You listened, you really did. To the rain drops. To the sounds of different creatures in the distance and nearby. To the leaves as they swayed in the gentle wind. Breathed in the air—and it felt terribly different compared to wearing a mask. It all felt so nice. So peaceful.
There wasn’t a moment where you never not admired the nature of Pandora. You appreciated all of it, and wanted to study all of it years back. But you just never had the time to truly just take it in, let it breathe you in, and draw you into its arms. Perhaps it was easier for you because in a way you already understood and respected what was around you. And so you were a lot more open-minded, willing to accept it.
Suddenly, a bunch of water dropped down onto your head, startling you out of your trance. Your eyes snapped open, looking around to find where exactly that water had come from. Only to find that Neytiri had moved the leaf that had been covering your head from the rain. She was grinning at your reaction.
“Neytiri!” You scowled despite the laugh that wanted to leave your lips.
Neytiri smiled, “Should’ve been paying attention, tsmuke!”
“You told me to feel the forest! I was feelin’ it!” You say in English, realizing slightly that you had been speaking in Na’vi the entire time until now. You’d done it so much it just became natural to you like how English was before.
“Then go. Continue feelin’ it.” Neytiri gestured toward the forest as she stood and reverted back to Na’vi. “I must head back before my children wake. You know the way back?” You nod, despite being unsure. Neytiri saw right through it and sighed before pointing west, “Follow the torukspxam until you find a stream. Go across the stream and you will find home.”
Home. Home. You were going to have to get used to that.
Eventually, you got to your feet as well but leaned against the tree. Neytiri watched you for a moment before she nodded to you, “I see you, tsmuke.”
A smile tugged at your lips, “I see you, tsmuke.”
After watching Neytiri jump down, effortlessly, from the tree and toward the ground, disappearing in seconds.
You continued venturing the forest but didn’t wander too far. Instead, you eventually came down from the trees and landed on the soft grass. The rain now poured down on your head and hair, completely uncovered. And you just stood there, letting the rain fall onto your face with a content smile on your face.
For a moment you allowed yourself this peace. This moment alone. You were grateful to Neytiri, Mo’at, and even Spider and Kiri for keeping you company for all these days, especially in your weakest moments. But now. This is when you wanted to be alone. To absorb everything that’s happened. To absorb that you had been gone for five years, that you were alive and the transference had worked, that Jake was also now living quite happily among the Na’vi, that you had won the war and missed the celebration.
All of this should have been overwhelming. All of it should’ve at least bothered you. And some of it did, truthfully.
But really, you were just glad it was all over. Constantly fighting, surviving, and seeking some form of revenge that would satisfy you. You were glad that all of it was done.
And now you could start a new life. Hell, maybe even start over if you could.
The Na’vi did say that every person is born twice. This, you realized, was your second chance at life.
It was now your time to live.
You were lost.
It was sometime in the afternoon that you realized you had gotten lost during your attempt at getting back. You did exactly as Neytiri had told you and followed the torukspxam, those large mushroom looking plants that were taller and bigger than you in every way. But now you were starting to think you had followed the wrong one’s home. But at least they made for good covering whenever you got too wet from the rain.
God, this was embarrassing. The last thing you wanted was to be an inconvenience just because you couldn’t navigate a damn forest.
There was a rustle coming further from your right. You stopped listening for any more movement. It was a bit difficult to hear anything else but the rain pelting your ears but you listened the best you could.
After a few seconds, there was another rustle, this time it had gotten closer. That was when you darted away from it. You really didn’t want to stay and figure out what it was, that wasn’t the survival instincts you had instilled in you and you’d be damned if you got attacked by some creature just because you wanted to wait and see what it was. Could be dangerous, could be peaceful, you didn’t care to take the risk.
When you ducked behind a thick tree, in the corner of your eye you saw a black skinned creature darting around the corner you had just come from. You pressed your back against the tree and waited for any more sounds. There was more rustling and a growl. Fortunately, it didn’t sound like it was too close to you, so you risked a glance from behind the tree.
It took everything in you not to let out a string of curses.
The creature, as it turned out, was a Thanator. It was one of those creatures you knew enough about not to ever cross. And yet here you were. Really, you had never seen one in person nor did you wish to but it was a lot scarier looking than how Grace described it when she saw one.
It was roaming and sniffing about. It wasn’t going anywhere which meant that it knew you were near.
Thinking quickly, your eyes searched the ground around you until it landed on a large rock. You grabbed it and clutched it to your chest. The Thanator hadn’t noticed fortunately for you but it was roaming a little too close to your hiding spot. So when you peeked around the tree again to find the Thanator facing away from you, that was when you threw the rock in the opposite direction of where you were.
You ducked behind the tree, hearing the rock’s impact against a nearby tree. It was loud enough to echo just a bit and capture the Thanator’s attention toward it. You watched it and a few seconds later it darted off in the direction of the rock.
With that, the Thanator had disappeared but you didn’t come out right away. You waited a few seconds more until you were sure you couldn’t hear it coming back.
Something suddenly clutched your upper arm.
At first you had thought another Thanator or a more dangerous creature had snuck up on you as you whirled around.
Only there was no creature.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jake’s voice registered in your ears before you realized he had been the one to grab your arm. “It’s just me, okay? It’s just me.” He held his other hand up cautiously and you stared at him in confusion until you realized your other hand had been raised up to strike whoever it was that had grabbed you. But now seeing that it was just Jake, you lowered your arm and slid down to the ground. Jake knelt down beside you, “Hey, are you hurt? Are you okay? Doc?”
You waved him off, your other hand absentmindedly latching onto the wrist that still held onto your arm. “Oh my god, Jake, don't scare me like that!” You smacked his chest, startling him. “What are you even doing sneaking up on me like that?! I thought another Thanator caught me!”
“Another?” Jake’s brows furrowed. His eyes traveled your body, “It didn’t get you—”
“No, it didn’t.” You sighed, slumping your shoulders against the tree bark.
Jake seemed to have been calming down as well as he let you go and stood back up. You frowned at the loss of touch but followed, pushing yourself up on your feet, “What are you even doing out here alone? I thought you were getting checked out by Mo’at.”
“Yes, hours ago.” You nodded moving away from him and toward a nearby torukspxam and stood under it as it was still raining. “Neytiri and I were out here earlier together.”
“Why didn’t you come back with her?” Jake questioned, frowning, his face unreadable.
You dropped your gaze away from his and pressed your back against the thick stem. You felt embarrassed, you felt like hiding away from him and his masked gaze. “I came here to think. I needed some time too.”
There was shuffling before in the corner of your eye, you saw Jake stood under the torukspxam with you. The two of you were quiet for a few seconds. Your gaze fell onto a pink leaf, dripping with water. Gently, you allowed your fingers to graze it.
Then Jake finally spoke.
“It’s too dangerous for you to be out here alone, especially when you’re not properly trained.” You could feel his eyes on you. Burning your skin. “You could’ve been killed.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve endangered myself.” You smirked a bit.
“Y/N.” Jake scowled at you. “You can’t keep putting yourself in danger like this. And if you keep being reckless, then someone will get hurt because of it.”
This wasn’t Jake speaking to right now. This was the leader of the Omatikaya. The Olo’eyktan. Speaking to you as if you were one of his followers. And pretty much pissed you off.
You glared at him now, “Then why did you come? Since I’m so dangerous, why are you here?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Is that why you came all the way out here?” You questioned, pushing away from the stem and stepping back into the rain. “Just to lecture me, make sure I don’t get anyone else killed? Is that all?”
Jake didn’t say anything. Just stared at you, or past you, you really couldn’t tell. His eyes were too glazed over, his face was too guarded. 
Fine, you had never been good at reading Jake. Or rather, he wasn’t that great at expressing himself emotionally. But right now it was particularly frustrating.
Your shoulders lumped and your hardened face loosened. It was then you realized something you were afraid of. That all of this. Was caused only by your actions.
“Look, maybe you’re right.” Was what came out of your mouth first. At the sound of your words, Jake now stared at you in both confusion and hesitance. “What I did….what happened those five years ago…that wasn’t fair. Grace told me not to do it and maybe…maybe I should’ve listened to her.”
“And even though I’m not sorry for what I did to Hell’s Gate, I am sorry for leaving.” You frowned, dropping your gaze. “I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to leave you. I tried, I tried so hard to come back from it. To come back to you and the others….but I didn’t…”  
The rain filled the silence between you, wrapping you in its cold embrace as you speak, voice now shaky. Jake had yet to say anything nor did you hear him move. But you kept going, you forced yourself to keep going even though these words hurt your heart. Hurt every part of your soul.
You closed your eyes to keep the tears at bay. “Just…Just say you hate me. Say it and maybe this loss will be easier. Maybe it won’t be like stones on my heart anymore.”
It wasn’t until you felt both his hands on your face did you realize how close he had gotten to you without you realizing it. The physical contact had taken you off guard, so much so that you just stared at him as he brought your head closer to his until both your foreheads had connected. And the both of you stayed like this, one of his hands lowering to the side of your neck, squeezing it gently. Out of habit, your hand came to meet his wrist.
And for a moment, you had forgotten the rain.
“Loss will never be easy.” Jake whispered to you, pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead. “No matter what I did, numbing myself, burying it all down, forgetting…I could never forget the woman I loved. That I love so much it fucking burns me.” He pressed a long kiss against your cheek and you melted into his warm touch. He muttered his next words against your skin, his voice trembling, droplets of warm water dripping down your neck. “I thought I lost you…”
Your foreheads met once more. This time you moved your own hands to his face to wipe away the tears. And you were so relieved when he leaned into your touch as much as you did with him. You were so relieved to be able to feel him instead of imagining it, instead of yearning for it. He was here. Holding onto you so tight as if you were to disappear.
“And I’ll be damned if I do again.” His hands moved down to your arms, pulling you closer until both your chests were pressed against each other. “Don’t ask me to hate you. Don’t ask me to let you go. It’ll only make me hold on, it’ll only make me love you more. And I’m sorry, Doc, but I won’t let you go this time.”
He pulled you closer until his mouth was on yours. His lips against yours were as soft as you remembered. As gentle but possessive just as his hold on you was. You remembered the last time you had been held by him like this, how all you felt then was dread and worry of what the inevitable held. But now, all you could do was just sink deeper into this, embrace it, embrace him.
When you broke apart, it was your words that came out first, “I see you.” Jake’s eyes lit up at your words and you smiled, “I never got a chance to say it before.”
With a teary smile, he stole another kiss from you.
“I see you, Y/N.”
Jake’s hands slid into yours as he tugged you forward, “We should head back now. They’re probably wondering where we are.”
You nodded as you allowed him to pull you along, “Right, the great Toruk Makto and now the Olo’eyktan. What can’t you do, Jake Sully?”
“Get you to be my mate any faster.” Jake sent you a small smile, his hand moving to the small of your back as he moved a leaf out of your way.
Warmth filled your cheeks despite the cold weather. “Patience. That seems to be it.”
Jake’s hand squeezed yours as he continued pulling you along, “I have waited five years for you. Patience is long overdue.”
A foreign sound left your lips and it strangely sounded similar to a laugh. “Well, not all of us can be perfect.”
“Tsmuke!” Mo’at scowled once she spotted you and Jake walking out of the forest. Did I say you were done here? Where have you wandered off to?!”
“I’m sorry—” You tried but Mo’at ignored you and tugged you back into her tent with Jake trailing behind.
Inside, Neytiri was already there with Kiri and two other kids who were playing with each other. You sent her a look as Mo’at made you sit on the floor, “You could have given better directions, you know.”
She raised a brow, “My instructions were quite simple actually…” As Mo’at began washing on the liquid that had dried on your arm, you watched as Neytiri’s eyes settled on something behind you. You briefly glanced over your shoulder to find Jake slipping into the tent. He looked at you with a certain softness that made your heart flutter. His eyes twinkled when he saw Neytiri and the children.
You felt it without him even saying anything. Everything felt complete, felt familiar…
And felt like home.
A shy smile tugged at your lips and Neytiri smirked before saying, “Like I said. My instructions weren’t too difficult.”
You stared at her suspiciously, briefly wondering if she had meant to leave you out in the forest on purpose and that Jake finding you wasn’t as much of a coincidence as you had thought.
One of the boys grinned and rushed over toward him. Jake knelt down toward the boy who you realize right then was one of his sons. The other one was sitting next to Neytiri and staring at you curiously just as Kiri had in the beginning.
Neytiri noticed and gently caressed the boy’s cheek, “Neteyam, this is Y/N. She is meant to be a part of our family now.” She glanced toward you, “If she chooses to accept us.”
The boy, Neteyam, looked back at you and smiled. It was amazing how much he looked like Neytiri when he did. “Hello, Y/N.”
Mo’at pinched your arm, “No moving.”
You winced but obeyed and then turned back to the boy, “It’s nice to meet you, Neteyam.” In the corner of your eye, Jake was now playing with the other boy, lifting him up and down as the boy continued to giggle loudly. Inside the tent was very peaceful and quiet. Not quite to the point of discomfort. It was the type of quiet you wouldn’t mind staying in for a long period of time, especially with the people that you cared for. Who loved sitting in silence also.
Kiri came up to you to show her doll to you as Mo’at went back to retrieve more of the liquid from the fire. She went on and on, talking about her doll in her cute childlike babble. You began showing her how to play with the doll, similar to the way you had done so back when you were a child. And then eventually Neteyam found his way over to the two of you, sitting quietly while watching as you and Kiri played with the doll.
Eventually, Kiri and Neteyam got distracted and went over to Neytiri and Mo’at, watching the latter do her work as Tsahik. The other boy soon followed them.
On your left, Jake settled down next to you, his shoulder brushing against yours. You watched the three children with a smile. One of them looked like Jake, another looking like Neytiri, and then one who looked almost identical to Grace. It made your heart heavy that you had missed her birth or the first five years of her life. But you hoped now, after Grace’s request, you’d be given the chance to actually be there for her.
Just the same as Grace had done for you.
When you looked at Jake, there were tears in his eyes. But it wasn’t sad. It wasn’t grief. Instead he smiled and it reached his glassy eyes.
And the whole time he was just simply looking at you.
“Happy?” You whispered, smiling gently as you wiped away his tears.
He chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss to the hand that held the side of his face, “I’m just glad you’re here. And that it’s not a dream I’m dreading to wake up from.”
Your smile grew as you rested your head on his shoulder. For a while you stayed like that. You met Neytiri’s eyes from the other side of the tent where she stood with Mo’at and the children. She smiled at the two of you and you smiled back.
Quietly, you say, “I missed you too, Puppet.”
His shoulder shook as he chuckled, pressing a kiss in your hair.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari @tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol @thotd-f1 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @3leni @23victoria @lovesickollie @atxara @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @ladylovegood-69 @lovekeeho @lilithmoon14512 @n7cje @fyfy-world @cleverzonkwombatsludge @goddesslilithmoriarty @itszzmoon @eternallyvenus @bajadotcom @ducks118 @alexandra-001 @sweetllamaparadise @padfootsvixen
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shu-box-puns · 2 years ago
You wanna be one of them (Tsu’tey x Reader) Act 2
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Previous chapter <-- Act 2 --> Next Chapter
If you prefer to read on Ao3, you can find the fic here!
Word Count: 8243
Summary: In which Tsu’tey has his love crisis.
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
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Tsu’tey was in love with an idiot, and they were going to kill him of a heart attack before he even got around to telling them. 
No sane person would throw themselves into the path of an angry palulukan for an even bigger idiot. Perhaps it was a Sky Person quality, since Jake tended to make the same reckless decisions. Or perhaps he was just attracted to stupid. And frustratingly enough, he couldn’t find it in himself to be pissed or upset about it. 
His pa’li rode near the rear of the herd, expression set in a fowl scowl as he watched the pair of idiots in question keeping their heads down. Neytiri hadn’t needed to speak a word for him to fall into the back, content to keep his eye on the dreamwalkers whilst watching everyone’s backs. It was soothing to have everyone in sight where he knew they were safe and accounted for as it allowed him a chance to relax. 
A protective quality which had helped Mo’at and Eytukan pick him out as the next Olo’eyktan. A position he had been trained his entire life for. Even when Sylwanin died, he was still set to become the leader, only to take Neytiri instead. What would the people think of their future Olo’eyktan taking a sky person for a mate?
His face morphed into an expression of horror, his pa’li snorting uncertainty at the sharp twist of guilt and anxiety that knotted his stomach.
What about Neytiri? 
He looked to her now, sitting proudly astride her mount, bow in her lap, ready to jump in at a moment’s notice or at the slightest rustle of leaves. 
Sure he only loved her as a sister, and their courtship was heavily because of their duty to the clan, but he couldn’t in good conscience mate with her when his heart clearly belonged to another.
These thoughts plagued his mind as the group of four trudged back to HomeTree empty handed. They dismounted in silence near the river, releasing the pa’li from their bridles to wander until they were required again. 
Tsu’tey bowed his head respectfully to Neytiri as she grabbed Jake’s arm and began dragging the man away. He attempted to protest, calling out to Y/n in his alien language to which the hunter simply grinned and waved. Tsu’tey felt a flare of affection erupt across his chest at the easy slant of the avatar’s shoulders. How their tail swayed so cutely in the face of Jake’s middle finger.
They turned, pausing as their eyes caught on Tsu’tey. <”I didn’t know you could smile.”> They stated bluntly, making Tsu’tey’s private grin morph into yet another scowl before he swatted at them.
<”Go and be useful.”> He snapped instead of responding with a quip, pushing them towards HomeTree with his bow. 
They rolled their eyes, grabbing onto the shaft of his bow and dragging him with them. He allowed the casual touch, relieved that he would not have to find an excuse to keep them in his sights. With luck, his presence would deter them from doing anything fatal.
The evening continued like that. With Y/n carrying out tasks that other clan members asked of them, and Tsu’tey hovering nearby. Sometimes the na’vi they were talking to would take pity on him and assign him a similar job so he wasn’t sitting around uselessly. And other times, Y/n would find ways to divide up the simple chore so he could help out. 
It was sickeningly domestic and easy. The repetitive nature of their tasks and the soft din of the clan grew steadily louder as the hunting parties and the foragers returned from the forest, lulling Tsu’tey into a calmer mindset. 
Crouched before the fire with Y/n’s thigh pressed against his own, whilst the pair descaled fish, he could almost forget about the day's events. His eyes falling to half-mast as he lost himself in the repetitive motions of sliding his blade through flesh, skillfully removing bones as he went. 
<”Careful.”> Said the gleeful voice of the idiot beside him. <”If you get any more relaxed, you’re going to start purring.”>
<”You missed a strip of scales.”> Tsu’tey returned easily, making an effort to wake himself up.
Y/n hummed. <”So, why are you hovering again?”>
<”It’s the only way I can ensure you stay alive.”> 
<”Hey, I am not that bad.”>
<”I looked away for a couple of breaths, and you decided the best way to deal with that situation was jump /towards/ the dangerous predator.”> He stopped the motion of his knife to turn and catch their gaze. <”So yes, you /are/ that bad.”>
He kept plucking out bones, ears lying flat in embarrassment. It was not often he was so easily read. 
<”It worked didn’t it.”>
Y/n fell still. <”You’re genuinely upset about this.”> An observation. It was true but it made Tsu’tey feel surprisingly raw. He kept his head bent, refusing to meet their gaze. The teasing note in their voice had evaporated with the sentence. <”Tsu’tey, I’m fine.”> They said softly, a five fingered hand gripping his knee and squeezing.
Y/n huffed, their hand disappearing from his knee, and he assumed they would leave him be. 
Instead, they reached for his wrists, gently lowering the fish and knife to the pile he was crouched before. They take hold of the hand not covered in blood and guts, their expression open. Almost kind. Tsu’tey tore his gaze from that look, knowing there was a very real danger that he would start purring if they kept looking at him like that. 
<”It’s like you’ve learnt nothing. As if my teachings did not stick around in that thick skull.”>
Thankfully, the avatar remained oblivious as they took his hand and placed it - palm flat - against their chest. Tsu’tey eyebrows furrowed, confused until he felt the steady thump of their heart beneath his touch. <”That cat didn’t even hit me.”> They reassured him, unknowingly loosening something that had wound the hunter up tight
Neytiri found him in the roost tending to his ikran after the avatars had disconnected in their hammocks, and the clan had dispersed after dinner. 
She approached him as he scrubbed at a stubborn mud stain on his Mount's neck, lips pursed as he scowled up at the patch of dirt.
With a light touch to his shoulder, she effortlessly captured his attention, her voice firm as she stated simply, <”we need to talk.”>
Tsu’tey nodded, stepping away from his ikran to give her his full attention. 
Neytiri swallowed, seeming to gather all of her courage before speaking again. <“I wish to mate with Jake, once he has completed his training.”> For a moment there was silence. Besides the pair of them and the ikran, there was no one else in the roost. A fact Tsu’tey was eternally grateful for as his shoulder slumped and his heart suddenly unclenched. The relief that flooded him made him lightheaded. 
Neytiri studied his reaction carefully, as if expecting yelling or some form of reprimand. It took everything in Tsu’tey not to sweep her up into a hug.
<”I want to start courting Y/n.”> He replied with, instead of voicing any of those thoughts. 
Neytiri relaxed, smiling knowingly. <”I’m surprised you didn’t withdraw from our arrangement when they became Omaticayan.”>
<”It was too complicated.”> Between his duty to the clan and Neytiri, to the uneasiness of the people accepting a Sky Person into their midst. Although they had thoroughly proved themselves during their training and the months afterwards, it had taken the People time to truly accept Y/n as one of their own. When it came down to it, few still doubted they would stand with the clan if the Sky People declared war.
<”What changed?”> Neytiri asked easily. 
Tsu’tey waved her off, feeling like the question was too personal. He didn’t even know. One moment he was joking and hunting with his friend, and the next he was scrambling to grab that same idiot as they fearlessly launched themselves at a superior predator. Watching them literally slip through his fingers, and feeling his entire body wash with horror so intense he’d never felt anything like it before.
It was that day in the forest all over again. A wounded avatar, fearlessly throwing themselves at him in self-defence, and all his brain could think was ‘strong.’ Tsu’tey always knew he’d been attracted to strength, someone to stand beside him instead of behind. Someone he could rely on when he himself faltered, on the battlefield and off of it. 
<”Jake scares me with how reckless he can be.”> Neytiri admitted, pulling him from his musing. <”But he’s got a strong heart. He feels right.”>
Tsu’tey nodded along, amused by the far away look in her eye as she spoke of the man.
Decision made, Tsu’tey straightened, his strides were even, more confident than he felt as he approached his intended. She turned to him as he neared, her expression knowing as she held herself proudly, shoulders squared and her chin up. Absently, Tsu’tey admired her for her courage, for knowing what she didn’t want and being fearless in letting it go. In letting him go.
They would have to tell the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik later so the rest of the clan could be notified and decisions could be made for the future, but for now, it was just them.
With an air of finality, Tsu’tey placed his hands on Neytiri’s shoulders, her gaze locked on his, a mutual understanding passing between them. <”I, Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan, release you, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite, of your oath to me.”> There was no dramatic shift in how he felt for her, but there was a relief of pressure from his shoulders.
Neytiri bowed her head. His hands dropped from her shoulders, and she mirrored his earlier stance, hands squeezing his shoulders as she inhaled a steadying breath. <”And I, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite, release you, Tsu’tey te Rogloa Ateyitan, of your oath to me.”> 
And just like that, they were free. 
Unlinking was disorientating. The process took seconds. A single blink. And then you were transported to a new world. Your senses were dull compared to that of your avatar. The sounds of the machinery muted compared to the clear sounds of the forest.
The pocket compound was a quiet hum compared to the din of the main chamber during the evening meal. The smells were off. The pleasant hints of vegetation and chilled wind replaced by sterile halls and metal. 
Hauling yourself up and out of your link unit with a groan, you felt your shirt stick to your back, your head throbbing unpleasantly from long hours spent doing nothing.
You moved towards your desk before venturing into the next room, the whirr of Jake’s link unit providing some white noise. Pulling out a spare deodorant from one of the drawers, you found your gaze drifting to the stars peering in through the window. Pandora was gorgeous at night, although the soft glow of the forest was muted from this distance as well as the light pollution from the light behind you. 
You had only been gone moments, but you already missed it.
Forcing your gaze away, you screwed the lid back on the small tub, metaphorically doing the same to the mounting sense of yearning that was making your chest ache. Shoving the deodorant back into the drawer, you swiftly turned on your feet.
Grace and Norm were rustling around in the kitchen, the whirr of the microwave suggesting it was about dinner time. You noted Norm loitering by the stove, peering into the small machine with a bored expression. Dreading the tasteless meal to come, you flopped heavily into a vacant chair at the table, exhaustion making you groan.
“Long day?” Grace asked without looking up from her notes. She had taken over most of the table with her laptop and numerous stacks of papers.
“Again?” You parroted and Norm snorted from behind you. Turning to him, you repeated the question. “What do you mean again?” He waved you off as if it was too long winded a story to repeat. 
“Jake almost got killed by a thanator.”
Down the hallway the creak of wheels indicated Jake’s approach towards the kitchen. “What is it with that man and stupid decisions?” 
Norm simply shrugged, whilst Grace chuckled from across the table. “As if you’re any better Y/n.” She mused, snatching up a file from the stack to her right before carefully typing out the contents on her laptop. “On your first day you got separated from your team. Were lost in the forest for hours. Managed to get wounded AND fall out of a tree, almost killing Tsu’tey by flattening him, all before you took out a knife to finish him off.”
“Again?” She replied, not bothering to look up from her work.
Leaned up against the stove, Norm had gone very still, whilst your face had split into a reluctant grin at the recollection of the hunter’s face when you’d whipped out that utility knife and tried to stab him. He’d easily caught your wrist and disarmed you, all whilst looking mildly peeved at the whole interaction.
“Am I hearing this right? You tried to kill Tsu’tey on your first day?” Jake laughed as he glided into the room.
“In my defence, I thought he was gonna /kill/ me.”
“And yet here you are, playing best friends and threatening to braid each other’s hair.”
“Y/n has always been a charmer when they wanted to be.” Grace agreed, reaching over to mess up your hair whilst you shoved at her hands. She laughed at your childish squirming before retreating back behind her computer screen. “They and the future Olo’eyktan have been chasing each other’s tails ever since.” 
“With what evidence?” You deflected.
You groaned loudly, kicking her under the table. “Can you drop that already?”
“You’re not dead for one.” Norm interjected.
“You haven’t been there, you get no opinion Spellman.” You dismissed without missing a beat, to which Jake immediately took up the challenge instead. 
Grace kicked you back twice as hard. “It’s hard to when the evidence is staring me right in the face.” She replied easily, “you’re so infatuated it’s disgusting.”
“He spends practically all day with you.” Jake added.
“We work well as a team.” 
Grace tuts. “I never took you as someone afraid of love, Y/n.”
Jake just shook his head before continuing on. “And he was waiting for you to turn up earlier. AND, he practically chewed you out for throwing yourself at the thanator earlier.”
“He did, until I saved his idiot ass. But that’s besides the point, Omaticaya do not mate with outsiders, looking at you in particular Jake. Neytiri already has commitments. And that’s not including the fact that we’re not here for the long-term. It would just end up hurting everyone involved.” You retorted, pulling the conversation back to an area you could control.
You scowled, “I’m not afraid.” 
Grace hummed, not looking convinced or agreeing with you. “But you’re right, all jokes aside, we are not of their world.”
Grace butting back into the conversation at that. “I thought you said Jake almost got killed.”
Your heart clenched despite knowing it was the truth. Despite repeating it to yourself everyday since you’d fallen for that gruff voice and scowling face. 
Even in the privacy of your own thoughts, it was hard to admit that you loved him. That you wanted that deep connection with him. To mate with the man you had chosen and spend forever with him. Because even in your thoughts, you knew it was something unattainable. You knew you’d always have one foot in either world; looking in but never around.
Mo’at and Eytukan had taken the news of Tsu’tey and Neytiri’s broken engagement reasonably well. With the Olo’eyktan storming off for several hours and leaving the young pair sweating bullets, whilst the Tsahik took one long look at her daughter and came to a fast conclusion. 
Which led to him and Neytiri crouching around a low burning fire in the main chamber, each attempting to create their courting gifts. The dawn was still young, with the hunting parties having left already, but Neytiri had already given up on her courting project. 
<”Thank you for being honest.”> The woman stated bluntly, addressing both of them before turning her attention to her daughter. <”I will speak with your father.”> Then she swung her gaze around to Tsu’tey. <”We will have to discuss whether you will proceed as Olo’eyktan or Neytiri’s mate will take up the position instead.”>
She was being frustratingly unhelpful, as per usual, as she excitedly told Tsu’tey all about her evening with Jake. They had progressed surprisingly far into their courtship in such a short span of time, with Jake allowing Neytiri to braid his hair the night before. The man was currently parading the new look around the clan, following Y/n around like a lost puppy. 
Tsu’tey tried not to scowl at his turned back. Instead focusing on carving an accurate atokirina into the hilt of the knife in his hands. He’d discovered the palulukan tooth not far from HomeTree and had brought it home to sharpen and attach to a hilt of his making. It was almost finished, and only required the last few decorative carvings to the hilt before he could present it - and his heart - to the subject of his affections.
Across the flames, Neytiri’s face visibly lit up, her posture straightening as Jake rounded the firepit to take the vacant spot at her side. Tsu’tey watched with an amused smile as the man sat down a respectful distance from the woman, only for Neytiri to purposefully shift herself into his side. Jake visibly stiffened, eyes boring into the flames as he avoided Neytiri’s fierce gaze. It was amusing to watch him suffer, whilst Neytiri grinned evilly, her tail thumping in silent victory. 
Although internally Tsu’tey was raging at the idea of Jake taking his lifelong position, he managed to bite his tongue and nod his understanding. 
She thumbed one of the beads woven into a front braid of Jake’s hair, the motion full of love that made Tsu’tey’s stomach twist, whilst Jake flushed a bright purple.
A hand on Tsu’tey’s shoulder brought his attention away from the couple, instead allowing him to focus on Y/n who had dropped into an easy crouch at his side. Their gaze had immediately fallen to the knife, eyes wide in interest. Tsu’tey tried not to preen too hard at the blatant show of intrigue. 
He made no move to conceal his work. Privately, Tsu’tey had always disagreed with the idea of secrecy within the courtship process. Why work for hours on a present his intended might not even like? He might as well ask their opinion as he went and ensure they loved it. 
He allowed their curious gaze to linger for a while, content to entertain them whilst he worked. 
<”How tall are you in your demon body?”> He found himself blurting when the half formed thought of creating them a necklace for their second gift came to mind. Beside him, Y/n had gone stock still, their hand freezing on his shoulder, but Tsu’tey couldn’t say he wanted to take it back. If he was going to do this, he was going to commit all the way. Avatar and Sky Person alike. And for that to work, he needed to create twice the amount of gifts, or at least, that’s what he assumed.
When the time came and he did gain the privilege of meeting Y/n in their natural body, he wanted to have a piece of himself already there. A necklace made by his hand would work perfectly. Small enough to remain out of the way, but obvious so as to tell others that they were already involved with someone. 
<”What?”> Y/n finally choked out, whilst Jake had gone very still across the fire. 
Tsu’tey shot him a warning look. Injecting the expression with enough venom to silently reassure him that he would retaliate if he got involved. 
<”Human?”> The word felt weird rolling off his tongue. 
<”Your demon body.”> Tsu’tey repeated, looking up to find an unnaturally neutral expression plaguing Y/n’s face. Their eyes searched his, looking for the joke, or worse, a trap. <”The one you disappear to when you close your eyes.”>
<”My /human/ body?”> They returned sharply, using a word Tsu’tey did not recognise. 
”Banshees? <Strange.”>
<”It’s easy to pronounce in english.”>
Y/n at least took pity on him, leaning back as they explained, <”it’s what Sky People call themselves.”> They fumbled for an example, the distant call of an ikran making their ears perk. <“Right, so you have ikran, right?”> He nodded uncertainty, unsure where this was going, <”well, they refer to them as> banshees.”
<”You still haven’t answered my question.”>
<”It’s just not really that important.”> They deflected, but Tsu’tey could tell they were withholding it for a reason. 
<”I can’t remember.”>
Tsu’tey narrowed his gaze, uncertain as to why he was being denied such an innocent piece of information. <”What? Why not?”>
<”Are we not friends?”>
<”Of course?”> They arched their eyebrow.
<”Then tell me.”>
And now Tsu’tey was confused. <”I just need you to describe yourself to me.”>
The avatar huffed in a way that Tsu’tey knew meant that he’d won.
<”I can’t show you my human body. It is too fragile for Pandora.”> 
<”Why are you so invested?”>
<”Just tell me!”> He finally snapped, eyes narrowed.
They began simple, describing themselves in details that Tsu’tey could understand since he’d only ever seen snippets of humans from a distance. They showed him roughly what their height was in comparison to their avatar, they described the hue of their eyes, the tones of their hair, the state of their hands. They depicted their typical attire, how they carried themselves, mapping out old injuries and aged scars, all of which he absorbed greedily. 
It was more than he’d asked for, and he was grateful for it. It would be easier to construct gifts to their taste with this additional snippet of information.
They settled in more comfortably, turning away from the flames to give him their full attention. Tsu’tey drew his gaze away from his work, eager to not miss anything. 
As their rambling diverged off the original topic, Tsu’tey listened with mild amusement as they began complaining about the exo packs they were forced to wear whilst exploring Pandora. Telling him about how the air of this planet was too dense with carbon dioxide and easily overwhelmed their lungs if they breathed it in, to which he felt compelled to interrupt. 
If these ‘exo-packs’ were so crucial, surely he should learn how they work. As their future mate, he should possess the skill to step up if it were required.
<”Show me.”> He said simply, and they stilled again. He seemed to keep surprising them today. <”I want to learn how it works.”> 
They made a show of looking down at their weapon’s belt and loincloth. <”I don’t have one on me.”>
Tsu’tey tutted as he rose fluidly from his crouch, slipping his knife back into its sheath whilst he set aside his courting gift. <”You said you’re in a new hideout. Up in the Hallelujah Mountains. Yes?”> He pressed, motioning to said mountains on the horizon. They nodded as they rose to their feet. <”There’s still plenty of daylight left.”>
They agreed easily enough, following his lead towards the double helix staircase after biding a quick goodbye to Jake. He issued a half-assed challenge at the base of the helix, to which they grinned and immediately agreed, going so far as to shove him aside and making a head start. Tsu’tey laughed at their boldness before jumping after them, effortlessly climbing faster and making it to the rookery before they cleared the fourth level.
In companionable silence, the pair saddled their ikran before taking to the skies. It was still early, the forest only just waking up. The skies clear and the sun bright on the horizon. With a whoop, Y/n took the lead guiding the pair in the direction of the Hallelujah Mountains.
When you got into the link this morning, this was not how you envisioned yourself returning to the compound.
As the small, silver unit came into view on the horizon, you slowed the speed of your mount to warned Tsu’tey of the other people you were sharing the compound with. He nodded along, content to follow your lead as you began your descent towards the open strip of grass. 
Landing your ikran near the other side of the cliff, you slid off with a comforting pat to your mount’s snout. Striding across the short distance towards the compound, you absently remarked on how small the helicopter felt now that you were almost as tall as it. 
Crouching down near the compound doors, you knocked lightly on the metal, aware of your superior strength in this form. Tsu’tey approached slowly from behind you, eying the building with clear mistrust. 
One of the windows shifted as someone peered out. You smiled with a wave, unable to make out their face as they dipped out of sight just as fast as they’d appeared. You didn’t have to wait long, as you heard the hiss of the airlock and shuffled back to make space for whoever was coming out. 
Decked out in an exo pack, Grace poked her head out of the compound door. ”The hell are you doing here?”
”Tsu’tey wanted to learn how to put on exo packs.” You replied simply, motioning to the hunter over your shoulder. Grace followed the motion, visibly stiffening as her gaze found Tsu’tey looming nearby. ”Would you mind grabbing a couple and a silicone dummy?”
She nodded despite her confusion, disappearing back inside to rummage through the storage. 
<”Humans are very tiny.”> Tsu’tey commented with no malice. 
<”And fragile. So be careful.”> You warned, offering to help Grace with her load as she stumbled back out of the airlock with the equipment you needed. 
Together, you laid out everything on the grass not far from the compound, Tsu’tey sat crossed legged across from Grace as the older woman launched into a brief explanation on the exo packs. She pointed out the different pieces and dismantled and rebuilt one for Tsu’tey to observe.
Then she strapped one to the face of the dummy and instructed him to remove it. He crushed it easily between his forefinger and thumb, making his tail thump in annoyance. Grace laughed before replacing the mask, instructing him towards the straps at the back of the mask and how they worked. 
It took plenty of trial and error, with a small pile of ruined exo packs building up behind Grace, some beyond repair, but most could be recycled into spare parts. But eventually, Tsu’tey learned how to get the old exo pack off, before Grace challenged him to strap a new one on. 
It was fascinating to watch how engrossed he became in the task. Ears pricked in curiosity as he messed with equipment much too small for his large fingers, navigating the fiddly compartments with a growing sense of familiarity. 
“Stealing from your friend? Now that’s low even for you.” You lightly pushed her, rolling your eyes. 
Whilst he worked, you caught Grace’s eye, to which she looked pointedly at your arm. “Now I know for a fact you can’t weave. So what sorry sod did you steal that off of.” She mused, ignoring how Tsu’tey’s ears flicked towards the conversation, even as he continued to focus on the task at hand.
“Tsu’tey actually made it.” 
Grace raised her eyebrows but said nothing else. Her eyes drifted back to Tsu’tey who had almost gotten the exo pack back over the dummy’s head. You followed her gaze only to find Tsu’tey glaring daggers at her and the woman refusing to back down. 
You internally debated starting up a fresh conversation to distract them from one another, but you were terrified of either of those gaze turning on you. 
“You’re such a mum.” You jabbed, “it was a gift obviously.” 
In the weeks that followed, Jake passed his rite. 
You’d heard his triumphant whoop echoing from the branches of HomeTree as the new hunters returned home. Grinning to yourself, you helped prepare the evening feast whilst Eytukan and Mo’at climbed the helix staircase to greet the newest additions to the tribe. 
The rest of the members began to tuck in before anyone came down from the rookery. The main chamber falling into its usual rhythm of chatter and crackling flames. Finding yourself a vacant spot further away from the staircase, you knew when the hunters emerged as a triumphant roar erupted from all the clan members. 
Joining in with gusto, you watched as Jake made his way through the assembled na’vi, receiving back pats and calls of congratulations as Neytiri dragged him along by the arm. He looked good in paint. His hair had also been restyled, accented with braids and beads which looked significantly better than the rat tails that used to hang around his ears. It was definitely Neytiri’s handy work, you knew for a fact that Jake couldn’t braid. Nor did his human body have hair to practise on.
Tsu’tey found you before too long, taking the space opposite you, his leg guards still strapped on after a long day of climbing the mountains and gliding around on his ikran. 
<”How were they?”> You asked by way of greeting, pushing the serving leaf closer for him to pick at.
<”That is good.”>
<”My students performed excellently. As was predicted.”>
<”And Jake?”>
<”Almost plummeted to his death, but as you can see,”> he motioned to where Neytiri and Jake had disappeared off to. <”Eywa does not wish to take him yet.”>
Tsu’tey did not respond. He seemed to come to a conclusion as he confidently reached for his belt once again and pulled a knife free. Your eyes zeroed in on the thanator tooth blade before gliding down the smooth, wooden hilt. It looked like it had taken days to carve, sharpen and construct. And fuck was it an attractive blade. From the alluring glint of the tooth to the heavily detailed handle, you couldn’t even fathom the amount of hours it would have taken to acquire the materials, let alone make them into something new.
<”Something on your mind?”>
He jumped as if he’d forgotten you were there. You narrowed your gaze. <”Did you do something?”> You deadpanned, mentally preparing yourself for anything between leaving the saddle on his ikran to straight up murder. 
Judging by the look on his face, he was definitely preening. Then again, so would you be if you had managed to craft something on the same scale as this.
<”It’s gorgeous.”> You breathed, leaning closer to examine it further. Tsu’tey held it out to you, encouraging you to take it from his hands with a firm nod of his head.
Tsu’tey hummed, not reaching for the food like usual. That in itself was off putting. Refocusing your attention, you realised he was acting strange. Almost skittish. His hand reached for something at his belt, only to rethink his actions and for it to drop back into his lap. You frowned.
It was perfectly balanced and fit like it was made to be held by your hand. 
<”Jesus, how long did this take you?”>
Tsu’tey shrugged, going for modesty, but you could see the pride oozing off him in waves. His ears had pricked cutely, whilst his tail swayed as an obvious sign of glee. 
Tsu’tey’s tail stilled. His happy swaying was abruptly cut off as his eyes snapped open, pinning you in place with a look that could freeze over the north sea. 
<“So when are you going to give it to her?”>
“Huh?” He breathed dumbly.
Behind him, someone audibly winced, shuffling in closer to their family group. Tsu’tey paid them no mind. 
You tried to play it off with a laugh, assuming he hadn’t heard you beyond the compliment regarding his craftsmanship. <”When are you giving it to her?”> You repeated, smiling encouragingly when his expression did not change. The longer he stared at you with that blank, unreadable expression, the longer you felt yourself grow uneasy. <”This is for Neytiri, right?”> 
He was the one who looked unsure now. Eyes skittishly fluttering all over your face.
You broke eye contact, turning the knife over and over between your palms. In every sense of the word, it was perfect. A much better fit than the measly weapon strapped to your chest, or your old utility knife.
<”Thank you.”> 
<“No.”> He snapped, making you jump at the sudden harsh tone. His eyes flashed, ears falling from their tall swivel. <”It is for you.”> He continued quieter, his tone losing its harsh note. 
He nodded, seeming to finally relax. <“Good. Your one is an embarrassment.”>
You huffed, leaning across to give him a playful whack to the shoulder, which had a smile breaking out on his lips and his tail thrashing again. Whatever had been brewing between you seemed to evaporate in the wave of the familiar gesture. 
As Tsu’tey reached for some food, you busied yourself with unsheathing your knife from the sheath strapped across your chest. You’d made it yourself during your early weeks spent at HomeTree from a rock you’d smashed open and a smoothed down slab of wood. It had served you well until now. Sliding the new one in in its place, you grinned at the perfect fit. 
Tsu’tey shared your smile as he nodded slowly to himself, ears pricked and his face relaxed. 
Over his shoulder, you caught sight of Mo’at picking her way back down the double helix stairs, Eytukan’s hand on her shoulder to keep her steady. The Tsahik spared him no attention, her gaze driving into your soul despite the large, open space between you. You could’ve sworn she was smirking, but you /knew/ that Mo’at did not smirk. 
The party lasted late and long into the night, so you were not overly surprised when there was hardly anyone around the following morning when you linked up. After descending the spiral staircase to the main chamber, a nervous energy fell over the few hunters who were already awake. 
There was no chatter today. The main chamber of HomeTree was eerily still.
Tsu’tey was nowhere to be found. Whilst Mo’at and Eytukan were not in the plaza as they usually were. The sudden break in routine had your hair standing on end, some deep rooted na’vi instinct warning you of an impending danger.
But you were safe. You were beneath HomeTree, far away from the Sky People and any other form of threats.
Shaking the feeling off, you decided to busy yourself. Tsu’tey couldn’t hide forever - he was clingy like that - so you just had to find something to do until he showed himself. Stepped out of the shadow of HomeTree, you made your way towards the river where the pa’li grazed. 
The atmosphere out here was not so stifling, the sunshine helping to ease the previously sombre mood. Or so you thought.
You’d barely made it onto the path that led away from HomeTree when you noticed Jake and Neytiri walking hand in hand towards the tree. You gaze narrowed, unused to seeing them so forward with their physical affections to one another. Against your will, your legs stopped walking as you observed. 
As if sensing you needed a push to slot the pieces together, the wind decided at that moment to pick up, wafting the smell of sex and togetherness straight at you. Your eyes bugged, connecting the distinct smells of Jake and Neytiri.  If you were blind, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
That thought throws you as an instinct that isn't your own knows what it is. The words echo in the back of your mind. Short. Simple. 
They had bonded.
Jake would have been on cloud nine if he hadn’t just witnessed the destruction of the Tree of Voices. According to Neytiri, they should be basking in the presence of one another and enjoying their newfound closeness through the bond, not internally panicking about the bulldozers which had gotten far too close for comfort.
HomeTree was eerily still as the newly mated pair rushed towards the main chamber with the intention of warning the Olo’eyktan about the approaching attack. The pair had barely gotten into the shadow of the massive tree when a fuming Y/n stormed up to him out of seemingly nowhere. He had taken one look at that expression before his stomach had dropped with fear sharper than any bulldozer.
They took one look at him, nose twitching unnaturally. Then their expression hardened, similar to those first few weeks of him being around HomeTree. 
Neytiri had also stopped walking, her expression perplexed as she watched the scientist visibly attempt to calm themselves.
“When I said don’t, it wasn’t a fucking challenge to get it on as quickly as fucking possible.” They blurted, tail thrashing. Jake very much wanted to run. He felt genuinely in danger.
When a hand caught his ear in a vice-like grip and began dragging him out of HomeTree, he briefly contemplated unlinking and begging Trudy for a rapid getaway, but decided he wanted his knife on him if anything went wrong. “That hurts!” He whined instead, confused as to why Neytiri was just laughing instead of helping him. 
They didn’t bother offering a response and instead dragged him out into the sunlight despite his best attempts at wrestling them off. His ear was on fire, eyes watering. Somehow it was worse than being at knife point. 
“What the fuck are you playing at?” They snarled, letting go of him with a shove that sent him sprawling in the dirt. Thankfully, they’d dragged him away from the main path to HomeTree and into the undergrowth to the side where there would be less witnesses. His blood chilled at the connotations of that thought. 
Y/n was still fuming, hands twitching at their sides as if to reach for a knife, but Jake mentally noted that they weren’t wearing their weapon’s belt, odd, they never took that off. “We are /visitors/.” They hissed, drawing his attention back to the matter at hand. “As much as we wear the skin and decor of the clan, we do not belong here.”
They smack him upside the head again. “Exactly! You didn’t.” 
Anger flared to life in his gut. “Stop talking to me like I’m a kid.”
“Then act like a fucking adult for once in your life.” They returned sharply, giving him a harsh thump to the head as if to activate the rest of his brain cells. His expression remained pinched, defiant. Y/n returned it with such venom he almost wanted to back down. “What happens when the programme closes down Jake?” His heart plummeted as their expression morphed into something more neutral.  “What about when they rotate us home?”
He fumbled for a response. “I didn’t-.”
"And Tsu’tey-" they cut themselves off with a groan. "I know that you hated him, but stealing his intended is several steps too far Jake."
Their expression held a thousand words. “Why do you think I never took a mate after my rite?”
“I didn’t-”
"Look, I can explain." 
"It better be fucking impeccable." They threatened, “I've got eight months of training on you in this body, I can and will kick your ass.”
“What? No!"
“Then unlink so I can beat your ass.”
“Don’t make me come over there Jake. I will unlink right here.”
“I’m not doing that either.”
“Look, I get that you’re angry. This looks really bad-”
“I am beyond angry Jake. What the hell were you thinking?”
"They aren't intended anymore!" Jake hurriedly, supplied. Y/n froze.
"Tsu’tey and Neytiri. They broke it off." 
Meanwhile, Y/n had frozen up. Their brows furrowed, whilst Tsu’tey watched on with an expression of pure glee. Jake wanted to smack him. 
They turned to Tsu’tey, their tone dead serious and still festering with poorly concealed rage. <"Is it true? Your engagement?"> 
To his credit, Tsu’tey did not cower, and instead responded with a simple, <"yes."> The tension bled out of the scientist, whilst Tsu'tey's grin grew, preening at the act of someone defending his honour.
Y/n back off, physically retreating a step or two. "Then I apologise, Jake."
"You don't have a very high opinion of me do you?" 
The leaves behind Y/n rustled in response to his declaration as the pair in question finally stumbled upon them. Jake sagged in relief. Neytiri was immediately at his side, checking him for injuries with swift passes of her hands over his body.
"You're unpredictable. And stupid." They responded without missing a beat. And Jake couldn't exactly fault them for that observation.
Jake was about to bite back a not so kind retort when Neytiri effortlessly hauled him back to his feet. “As touching as this is, we must speak to the Olo’eyktan. It's urgent. The Tree of Voices has been destroyed." 
“I needed to get rid of it for fear of stabbing him.”
“You were planning to stab me.”
Tsu’tey was still grinning as he handed them back their knife belt, "I found this in the bushes." 
“In my defence, I thought you were in your rebel era.”
“Shit. I forgot about that part.” Jake admitted before he could stop himself.
In the language of the na’vi, there was no word for lie. In a world like Pandora, there was no room for treachery or deceit. Only a clear line between right and wrong. 
Your heart pounded as you glanced between Jake and Neytiri, the telltale scent of sex and togetherness that suggested a completed bond making you want to gag. Warning him against mating with one of the clan members hadn’t been a fucking challenge. 
But that wasn’t the main issue. The issue was the destruction of the Tree of Voices and Jake trying to explain Quaritch’s plan. 
The clan was deadly silent as he finished his rushed explanation. The tension mounting as Neytiri stared at Jake as if she didn’t know him. 
Their earlier ease with one another had evaporated. Jake's body tensed up whilst Neytiri looked devastated.
<“What are you saying Jake? You knew this would happen?”> Neytiri asked, her hand on Jake’s shoulder, trying to get him to look at her instead of her father. Her expression was searching as she tried to understand what he was getting at. Tried to grasp the concept of him being a double agent. 
You shifted in your spot half a step behind Tsu’tey, catching Grace’s eyes across the small semi-circle. This was a delicate situation now, one Jake could throw into chaos with a few wrongly placed words.
You felt the colour bleed from your face. What the hell was he thinking?
You stepped closer, ears pricked as if that would help you understand. Tsu’tey to your left mirrored the action, somehow still between you and Jake. <“You knew?”> He accused, his face ablaze with fury. You could see his hand twitching at his side, a sure sign he was going to draw his blade.
<“Yes, but-”>  Jake replied hurriedly, sensing he was about to send the entire encounter into a tailspin.
Neytiri abruptly tore herself away from him. Your stomach dropped at the pure agony twisting her features. <“I trusted you.”> She whispered, voice shaking. Then she hardened, her posture stiffening, her expression warping into a ferocious snarl. <”I trusted you!”> 
The hunters observing the scene reached for their bows.
Thankfully, he seemed to grasp the kind of situation he was in because he visibly steadied himself before responding. His expression was open, honest. You could see the fear glistening in the depths of his eyes. Noticed the shake of his hand as he grasped his mate’s hand on his shoulder, his tone soothing as he replied. <“Look, the Sky People sent me here, to learn your ways-”> 
Mo’at made a grab at her daughter’s arm, trying to pull the woman away from Jake as if he were the threat.
Tsu’tey stepped up, face contorting into a cold snarl.
You grabbed his arm when you saw the genuine fear spreading across your friend’s face as Jake instinctively backed away, unaware of the waiting hunters at his back. <”Okay, lets all just calm down.”> You commanded, dreading the look on Grace’s face when you found her in the crowd. “Jake, what the fuck are you talking about?” You hissed in english.
The steady grip you had on Tsu’tey’s forearm was ripped away as the hunter turned on you. Eyes burning with enough hatred to make you want to bare your neck. You remained firm, knowing that because of association you were also an enemy in his eyes. 
“Did you know about this?” Tsu’tey demanded accusingly. His expression was not of your friend, but of the next in line to the clan, ready to defend his people at a moment’s notice. 
“Did you /know/?” He repeated, almost shouting as he got up in your face. You held firm, refusing to back away or back down as you sternly met his gaze. 
Shoulders back, spine straight, you snapped in fluent na’vi. <“Of course not.”> You bared your fangs, ears pinned flat against your skull. Jake shifted behind you, and you waved your hand at him. Silently ordering him not to intervene. <“I’ve spent every hour here, helping the clan. Doing my duty. The only time I return to the compound is to eat and sleep.”>
Tsu’tey maintained eye contact, chest heaving. You dared not blink. Hunter to hunter, neither of you moved. Then his body lost its tension. He found what he’d been looking for in your gaze and he backed down with a nod.
“Grace!” Neytiri yelled, straining against the harsh grip Mo’at had on her forearm. You spun in the direction she was attempting to run in to find Grace’s avatar collapsed onto the floor. A couple women rushed forward to try and bring her back, but you recognised the unnatural stillness of an uninhabited avatar.
“Shit.” Jake cursed, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“They found us.” You breathed, barely loud enough for you to hear yourself. 
“The Sky People?” Tsu’tey asked, his hand found your shoulder and gripped tightly to draw your attention back to him. Numbly, you nodded, heart pounding as your hand found his arm and held on for dear life.
Behind you, Jake was also visibly panicking. He tried to draw everyone’s attention back to him long enough to explain, but he struggled to get the words out. His na’vi was breaking up as he stuttered through a poor explanation. <”You have to leave.”> You could barely understand what he was saying before his voice cut off, body stiffening and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He went down like a rock.
Distantly, you heard Neytiri screech his name before she tore herself from Mo’at grip and ran to him. 
You were next, you realised. It was only a few steps past his link to your own. 
<“Listen. Listen to me.”> You pleaded, turning to Tsu’tey. His eyes flickered to the collapsed bodies of your colleagues before giving you his full attention, expression grim. <“The Sky People have found our compound. They’ll be coming for HomeTree next. They will show no mercy.”>
Anguished shouts erupted across the hollow chamber. You wanted to roar with them, but there was no time. 
You turned to the Olo’eyktan who had been watching the exchange wordlessly from Mo’at’s side, his expression unreadable. Tsu’tey did not tear you away as you stood before him. Nor did Mo’at order you removed. For now, for these few precious seconds, you were still one of them.
The symbolism of the bow at your back and the beaded armband encircling your bicep still held strong. You were still a hunter pleading to your leader. And for now, he would listen to you. 
 <“Olo’eyktan, you need to evacuate everyone who cannot fight.”> The People roared their disapproval, but Eytukan silenced them with a hand. He nodded once. It gave you hope. <”They need to go somewhere safe, the warriors-”>
Your body gave a lurch. Tsu’tey’s grip turned painful as your muscles locked up. Your vision blurred and your pupils lost focus. 
Mentally, you clawed at your hold over this body, fighting with all you had not to wake up as you felt strong hands pulling at your shoulders, slowing your descent. Someone was yelling your name. 
But you were leaving. Drifting away. Your consciousness slipping. 
You came up swinging on the other side. Grace was yelling from across the room as an RDA officer restrained her. Jake was out of sight, and Norm was also being held down. Your fist connected with someone’s temple as you screeched a war cry that should not have been possible with human vocal cords.
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Previous chapter <-- Act 2 --> Next Chapter
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justcaptiannoodles · 1 year ago
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I wanna be old and experiencing fluffy domestic family stuff with these two, waking up together in the mornings and getting ready at our leisure, babysitting the Sully grandkids and spoiling them, being blatantly delusional and ignoring canon cause everything is fine and no one is dead and the RDA is gone :)
I love Mo’at and Eytukan sm I wanna marry them💙♥️💙♥️
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zafill · 12 days ago
hi! my name is zafill. idk how to make a cutesy acc, soooo sorry :d i write for a lot of fandoms, like: mouthwashing rdr1-2 tlou1-2 mha kny-demon slayer solo leveling kemono jihen Beastars Avatar(both navi and atla) squid game (plz include number) most movies (please tell me and ill see if i know them or not) and if its not on the list, still tell me and ill see if i can do smth! yes ill write: fluff, sfw, nsfw(depends) death, fighting, gore(to a degree) Oc x character, Y/n x character, female y/n, male Y/n, Gn Y/n. - No ill not write: r@pe, minor x adult, sadism/Masochism, piss, scat (all the underage characters i mention is meant for brother/sister x reader or Child!Character x Parent reader) -
characters i write for
Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Bill Williamson, Micah Bell, Lenny Summers, Sean MacGuire, Sadie Adler, Karen Jones, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Molly O’Shea, Susan Grimshaw, Leopold Strauss, Reverend Orville Swanson, Simon Pearson, Kieran Duffy, Uncle, Josiah Trelawny
Joel Miller, Ellie Williams, Tommy Miller, Tess, Marlene, Bill, Frank, Henry, Sam, David, James, Dina, Jesse, Abby Anderson, Owen Moore, Mel, Manny Alvarez, Nora Harris,
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Momo Yaoyorozu, Fumikage Tokoyami, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Mezo Shoji, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Hanta Sero, Rikido Sato, Koji Koda, Toru Hagakure, Neito Monoma, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado, Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Nemuri Kayama, Toshinori Yagi, Enji Todoroki, Keigo Takami, Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi Todoroki, Himiko Toga
Demon slayer:
Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Kanao Tsuyuri, Genya Shinazugawa, Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Muichiro Tokito, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibo, Doma, Akaza, Hantengu, Gyokko, Daki, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Enmu, Rui.
solo leveling:
Sung Jin-Woo, Yoo Jin-Ho, Cha Hae-In, Go Gun-Hee, Baek Yoon-Ho, Choi Jong-In, Min Byung-Gu, Woo Jin-Chul, Lim Tae-Gyu, Lennart Niermann, Thomas Andre, Christopher Reed, Liu Zhigang, Siddharth Bachchan, Ryuji Goto, Hwang Dong-Su, Kang Tae-Shik, Ashborn, Antares, Baran, Igris, Beru, Kaisel.
Kemono Jihen:
Kabane Kusaka, Akira, Shiki Tademaru, Kon, Inugami Kohachi, Mihai, Nobimaru, Yui, Kumi, Aya Tademaru, Momiji, Raiden, Inari, Hishiki Yoichi
Legoshi, Haru, Louis, Juno, Jack, Gohin, Ibuki, Bill, Riz, Pina, Dom, Kai, Collot, Durham, Miguno, Voss, Sagwan, Tao, Free, Kibi, Agata, Seven, Sheila, Rokume, Melon, Yahya, Gouhin.
Avatar - Atla:
Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph Beifong, Zuko, Azula, Iroh, Ozai, Ursa, Ty Lee, Mai, Kuei, Long Feng, Jet, Hakoda, Kya, Pakku, Bumi, Jeong Jeong, Zhao, Piandao, Hama, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, Yangchen.
avatar - the way of water:
Jake Sully, Neytiri, Neteyam Sully, Lo’ak Sully, Kiri Sully, Tuk Sully, Tsu’tey, Mo’at, Eytukan, Ronal, Tonowari, Tsireya, Aonung, Rotxo, Miles(spider)
squid game:
(i lowkey only remember gi-hun, Thanos and Nam-gyu. but ill do all if u also say the number)
- this acc is on my pc, and i dont check tumbler that often due to school etc, but ill get to your request some day!
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chibsandchill · 2 years ago
Chapter 10: Snitches end up in ditches
Tsu'tey x OC
Effervescent masterlist
The machine shut down with a heavy groan that tore through the now warm gel. In an altogether choppy process made more difficult by the guilt, Alva was bit by bit torn away from her blue counterpart and pushed back into the human one. 
Alva opened the upper lid of the link unit before sitting up. The room was relatively quiet, most of the avatar drivers already working on their other projects.  Grace sat on a swivel chair with her arms crossed. The scientist wasn’t wearing her white coat and her red hair had been swept behind her ears, a pair of glasses resting low on her nose. 
“When I told you not to do anything unusually stupid yesterday, I meant it.” Grace said. “Skipping important meetings to throw temper tantrums in the corridors like a five year old, jeopardizing our entire mission here so you can run amok in the forest is stupid. . Do you know what Selfridge would do if you got hurt?”
A dull throbbing grew behind her eyes. 
“Sran. Yes.”
“Bullshit.” Grace scoffed. “If you did then you’d have brought that Avatar right back. Quaritch is frothing at the mouth trying to find something to escalate this conflict, and if you get hurt… Well… It won’t be just arrows on display in his office.”
“I won’t get hurt.” Alva brought up two fingers to massage each temple. It did nothing. “Eywa protects me.”
“Eywa doesn’t take sides. She protects the balance. You are not the balance, Alva.”
Alva shrugged. 
Grace scoffed again as she pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her shirt pocket. She lit one of them, taking several drags of it with her eyes closed before she spoke again. 
“I get it. Really, I do. I was close with them once too. Closer than you could imagine.” Grace pushed her chair closer to Alva’s bed. “But we are not one of them. We can’t be. Not after everything we’ve done to them. And it sucks. Seeing the world like they do, experiencing it as one of them is… addicting. But it’s not real for us. Your brother made sure of that a long time ago.”
“It could be.” Alva denied, hopeful of a future she dreamt of. 
“In a perfect world, maybe.” The scientist sighed, resigning herself to something. “Relations with the Na’vi used to be amicable. Each of us stayed in our lane… mostly. I started meeting with Mo’at, the Tsahìk, to talk about the people and try and figure out how to coexist with them here. She taught me so much, but each morsel of wisdom she gave us was returned with death.”
“The school.” Alva said. 
“Yeah. Best thing I ever did. But it began way before that. Selfridge got greedy, he wanted more mines. More territory when the resources grew scarce. They started dumping the waste in the waters, contaminating it. Mo’at finally relented and came and visited us with some of the children, but they got sick.”
“Sick? Sick how?” 
“Poisoned by the contaminated water. Mo’at found the cure with the Tawkami clan but our relationship with them was even worse so they refused to let us return. It wasn’t just the children anymore, but the adults, and even the Avatars got sick. This poison used up important nutrients before our bodies could replace them, which is why it affected the children first. Eytukan was preparing to attack us, and I wouldn’t blame him. We had poisoned their children but it wasn’t intentional.”
Alva felt small under Grace’s gaze. “Did any of them die?”
“Thankfully no.” Grace breathed out. “But they never visited again, and it took years before Mo’at trusted us enough to let me build the school.”
“Have you spoken to her since?” Alva asked. 
“No. How could I?” Grace placed the cigarette between her lips. “I got her daughter killed.”
“There’s still time to get your friend back.” Alva placed a manicured hand on Grace’s leg. “I’m sure she misses you too.”
“Yeah, like the deer misses the wolf.” Grace gave a wistful smile. “It’s too late for us now, but Jake still has a chance to turn this thing around. No more children have to die.”
Grace let the words linger in the air before she sighed and stood up. Her knees cracked but she didn’t seem to notice, or was indifferent to it. She snapped her fingers and one of the technicians jumped up from one of the chairs nearby with a steaming cup of coffee and a PDA device at the ready. 
“I won’t let it get to that.” Alva muttered. “Tsu’tey is taking me to the tree of voices tomorrow. I’ll leave after we’re done, tell them some of my family survived. They’ll understand.”
“He’s bringing you to the tree of voices?” Grace swiveled around, placing a hand on her cocked hip. “Do you have any idea how sacred that site is to them? It is one of the most important places to the Na’vi. It’s how they communicate with their ancestors. It’s a direct link to Eywa.”
Alva stretched out her legs in front of her. There was a new bruise on her knee, and a grass stain on the side of her shin. 
“He invited Ayotola to the tree of voices.” Alva countered. She was painfully aware of what going to the tree of voices would mean, of who waited for her there. “Not Alva the human.”
“Yes, but Tsu’tey, the leading warrior of the Omaticaya, the unofficial runner up for Olo’eyktan, has invited you, Ayotola, whoever it is you’re pretending to be,” Grace threw her hands in the air, “to the tree of voices. This is huge, Alva. In all my dealings with the clan, Mo’at never even mentioned them. Can you imagine the samplings I could take there? It could change our entire understanding of Pandora.”
“I-, I can’t. He’ll notice no one’s connecting back to me.”
“All I need is a piece of one of the vines. This is a game-changer. The board won’t be able to keep sticking their head in the sand if I can prove-”
“-but I’m not a scientist.” Alva protested. “And I’m terrible at lying. It was a miracle he didn’t find out last time.”
“Really, Ayotola?” Grace took a drag of the cigarette held loosely between two fingers, her eyes narrowed at the interruption. “I’d say you’re the best one here at living a lie. I’ve read your file. There’s a lot of redacted information.”
The glitter coating the top part of her neon yellow socks sparkled in the artificial light. Heaps of it fell off whenever she moved, a sizeable pile already coating the metal floor beneath. 
“It’s there for a reason. A lot of people would get in trouble if it wasn’t.” She giggled. “Does my brother know you’ve been digging in my past?”
Grace shook her head. 
“He wouldn’t like it very much if he did.” Alva told her. “You know how he is.”
“An idiot?” 
Alva laughed. “Yes. But he is my brother.”
“Adoptive.” Grace corrected. 
“Our father told us family are who we choose, not who we are born of.” She looked up at the scientist. “But I miss them. I would choose them if I could.” Alva confessed, eyes falling back to her hands. 
“I’m sure you would.” A ghost of a sad smile passed Grace’s face. “Here.” She offered Alva a see-through bottle. “I found them on your desk. The label says twice a day, you know.”
Alva hesitated. “I don’t like them. I can’t… feel with them.”
Grace hummed and looked at the label. Alva knew she wouldn’t find the name of it. The text had long since been scratched away during one of her episodes. “What is it anyways? Your file doesn’t mention any medication.”
“Secret.” Alva sang. “They’re made just for me. Parker says they’re supposed to help but they just make everything dull. And I’m always tired. I don’t want to be tired.”
“Then don’t take them.”
“He’d know. He counts them.”
Grace dropped the pill bottle in Alva’s lap. It was half-full and rattled like a baby’s toy. 
“Living a lie isn’t healthy, Alva.” She said. “But neither is whatever this drug is. We don’t know how this affects your brain, or the potential life-lasting damage it could cause. Your mind isn’t some mine that Selfridge can just send his bulldozers into. Forcing you to take some experimental medication for some… eccentricities is insanity. I can’t let you go through the link without knowing if this could potentially cause a stroke.” 
“No, please! I- Don’t take this away from me.” Alva pleaded. “I’ll do the tests. Just don’t, don’t take my Avatar away.”
Grace shook her head. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. You’ve made friends with too many of them to pull you out now. They’d kill the Avatar and any chance at peace would be dead with it.”
“I’ll talk to him about the pills.” Alva promised. “He’ll listen. He always does.”
“You and I must know two different Selfridges’.” Grace scoffed. “And if you don’t talk to him about it then I will. Your wants matter, Alva. You’re not a goddamn mine.”
“I will. I promise.”
“Good. Good. You deserve better than being pumped full of drugs just because your asshole brother wants to control every aspect of his life.” The scientist lingered by Alva’s side for a few moments before she sighed, briefly squeezed Alva’s shoulder and walked away. “I’ll… see you at dinner.”
“Yeah. See you at dinner.” Alva responded, but Grace was already too far away to hear it. 
Max thudded down the stairs and down onto the floor. Alva glanced up at him before her eyes fell back on the pill bottle. 
“I’m sorry.” He began. “I told her about your episode. I had to. She’s my superior.”
“It’s fine, Max.” Alva said and sighed. “I should’ve told her about them a year ago.”
“If it makes you feel any better she gets them too.” Max wrung his hands in front of him. “My, uh, my room is next to hers. I hear her at night sometimes… crying. Mo’at wasn’t the only one who lost someone that day. It’s why Grace is so hard on all of you.”
“It doesn’t.” Alva said. “Make me feel any better,” she clarified. “But she’s right about me being a danger to them. And the pills… They’re supposed to help. Keep my head out of the clouds.”
“Can I sit?” 
“Of course.”
Max sat down on the bed next to Alva. 
“Listen. Grace and Selfridge have been at each other’s throats since they got here. Don’t let them use you as ammunition. Neither of them.” Max took the bottle from Alva, read the label before shaking his head. He dropped it on the bed next to him. “Selfridge won’t touch the natives or the hometree as long as you’re there. You are not dangerous, Alva.”
“No, but I know what he’s capable of. Even if Grace thinks I’m not.” Alva turned her head to face him. “And she’s right. If they hurt me, even by accident, Quaritch will use that against them and my brother won’t want to stop him.”
“Maybe.” He shrugged. “But why are you assuming they’re going to hurt you? Just- just listen to what Eywa tells you. Follow your gut. If it says to stay and learn, then stay and learn. You’ve always been so vocal about not being caged. Why are you folding so easily now?”
Alva shrugged. 
“I don’t want to be the reason anyone gets hurt.”
“Just… think about it. When is it going to be your turn to be happy?”
She looked away from him.
“I don’t know.”
Max and Alva were walking down the halls to meet up with their pilot Trudy on the half-way mark between the Avatar compound and the large warehouse-typed lodging where the pilots dwelled when they weren’t out flying. They were passing one of the smaller meeting rooms when they heard Quaritch booming at some technician. 
“I didn’t know they had meetings this late.” Alva commented. 
Max glanced at the closed door. “They, uh, they don’t. The company isn’t fond of paying unsocial hours.”
“Want to eavesdrop?” Alva’s lips curled into an easy grin. 
She was walking towards the door before Max had a chance to respond. It slid open automatically and for a brief moment she froze. It was quiet. Alva breathed out a sigh of relief and snuck into the room before it closed again, Max right at her heels. Whoever Quaritch had yelled at seemed to have fixed the problem because the ape of a man was silent, content almost, it appeared. Instead a cacophony of voices murmured and muttered in low tones. Alva and Max rounded the wall and crouched low on the stairs leading up to the raised platform. From there they could peek up at the meeting without being seen. 
Soldiers were bundled close around a dimly lit hologram of the Omaticayan kelutral. The image showed the many layers of it and some of the columns, as well as the giant mass of unobtanium resting in the ground below; possibly to remind everyone in the meeting as to their purpose. Selfridge stood on one end with his arms crossed over his chest, but he hid whoever he was looking at, while Quaritch stood on the other with Paz. 
“Go on, tell us.” Her brother urged someone. 
“If you want to hit this thing, it’s gonna be complicated. Your scan doesn’t show the internal structure. There’s an outer row of columns – real heavy duty – , then a secondary ring here.” A familiar voice revealed. 
“Uh huh,” Quaritch hummed. 
“And an inner ring here. There’s a core structure like a spiral,” they continued, but then they leaned forward to adjust the hologram, revealing… Jake. “That’s how they move up and down.”
Alva bit back a gasp, sharing a wide-eyed look with Max. It was strange seeing him there. Jake had never looked so at home, so comfortable as he did in that meeting. He wasn’t tense, instead leaning against the table without a care in the world, a ghost of a grin on his soft face. He wasn’t stingy with his words, or jokes. Here, Jake knew what to say, how to act. And Alva was reminded that for most of his life, this is what Jake was. A soldier. 
“We’re gonna need accurate scans on each column.” Quaritch said. 
“Roger that,” Jake replied. 
Selfridge moved around the table as if to better see what controls Jake was fiddling with. “What else can you tell us about the structure?” He asked. 
“Don’t,” Alva whispered, but Jake didn’t hear, and so secret after secret spilled from his lips. 
“The second ring is also load bearing.” He told them. “They mostly gather on the first two floors, but they’ve got sleeping hammocks spread through most of the middle layers.”
Max gripped the back of Alva’s dress and gently pulled her away from the sight and out of the room. Jake continued to talk but when the door divided them, his monotone voice faded away. 
‘So this is what Quaritch wanted him for’, Alva thought. 
“We need to tell Grace,” Max stressed as soon as they could no longer hear the meeting. 
“Yeah.” Alva agreed. “Did you leave my pills in the lab? I’m gonna need them.”
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drabblesbyjubs · 2 years ago
Seeing y’all thirst for the men I’ve been thirsting for since before the word ‘thirst’ meant anything other than water is really funny imo
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skylarstark4826 · 22 days ago
I really loved this beautiful Avatar publication of the characters of Eytukan and Mo'at with their daughter Neytiri together and above all because it was thanks to this publication that I realized that during the small battle between Tsu'tey and Jake Eytukan had moved his youngest daughter Neytiri to be close to him and his wife Mo'at to be able to prevent her from getting hurt in the middle of the chaos and above all because in addition to that I also love that in the 1 image we see Eytukan putting her arm in front of her daughter while Neytiri has one of her hands on his arm while at the same time Mo'at has one of her hands near her daughter's tooth while she and Eytukan protect Neytiri from damage so that she doesn't get hurt by mistake in the middle of Tsu'tey and Jake's battle at the same time that I also love that in the 2 image we see how while Tsu'tey looks at Jake on the other hand Moat holds his daughter's wrist to carry her while Eytukan still holds her arm in front of Neytiri while she also still has her hand on her father's arm and last but not least I also love that in the 3 image we see how Eytukan and Mo'at are protecting their daughter Neytiri when Jake punches Tsu'tey right in the face during the battle and above all because I really would have liked us to have seen them for much longer time together in the movie because I really loved the relationship between husband and wife that Eytukan and Mo'at had in the short time we saw them together and I really would have liked us to have seen them together during the Avatar 2 movie and that we had seen Eytukan have the beautiful opportunity to have been able to meet his grandchildren and granddaughters… honestly
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By the way, these beautiful publication of them are not mine and the credits are not for me, but I will let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the real creator on Tumblr.
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tonowarii · 2 years ago
Doing It All For Love
Pairing: Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyitan x Fem! Dreamwalker! Reader
Summary: Quaritch was about to hit Hometree. (Y/N), Grace, Norm, Jake, and Trudy make a daring escape to save all that you can, however, it came with a price.
Word count: 3.6k
Warning/s: angst, betrayal(?), mentions of blood, hurt/comfort
Note: All for Us suddenly played while I was making this and ?? I thought it kinda fit so... have this.. I think this was a request I can vividly remember back on my main.. Enjoy! Likes, reblogs, and feedbacks are most welcome and appreciated! Let me know your thoughts!
italics - na'vi being spoken
GIF is mine!
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“Quaritch is rolling the gunships, he’s going to hit Hometree.”
Trudy spoke out of breath due to running, holding her helmet.
You moved, standing up. “He can’t-“ What the hell?
“My God.” Grace says, before she sprints towards the control room, followed by you, Jake, and Norm.
“Dr. Augustine, you cannot be up here!” A guard says to her. You shoved him out of the way in frustration. “Back off.” You said, you weren’t about to let them destroy Hometree.
“Parker. Wait, stop. These are people you’re about to...” Grace said before the guard yanked at her again which made you angry, pushing him away from her. “I said back off.”
“No, no. They’re fly-bitten savages that live in a tree!” Parker says, pointing at Grace. “All right? Look around! I don’t know about you, but I see a lot of trees. They can move!”
“There are families in there. There are children in there. Babies. Are you gonna kill children?” You questioned. You were fuming as you stared Parker down.
“You don’t want that kind of blood on your hands. Believe me.” Jake said. “Just… let me try to talk them out. “They trust me.”
Parker looks at the three of you before he gives in.
“Calibrate fast. We’re going in, right now.” Grace commanded as the three of you along with Jake rushed towards the link units.
“Calibrating three, four, and five.” One said as you approached the link unit as it opened.
“Run sequence.”
“Initiating. Thirty seconds.”
You hopped on your link unit, placing the frame onto your body.
The last thing you see was Selfridge going to Jake, saying something to him as the unit closed.
You were panicking.
Closing your eyes, you opened them to find yourself back at Hometree. You blinked back a few times before standing abruptly, looking around for Grace and Jake. Once you’ve spotted them standing up. You rushed over to them. “Let’s go.” Jake said.
“Ma senpu, ma sa’nok!” Neytiri calls, gathering the attention of the olo’eyktan and the tsahik.
“Eyktukan, I have something to say.” Jake spoke, looking at them while you and Grace stood back. “Listen to him.” You said, your eyes meeting Tsu’tey’s.
“Speak, Jakesully.” Eytukan granted him the permission. “A great evil is upon us… The Sky People are coming to destroy Hometree.”
The people reacted, huffing out. You looked around, face contorting in worry.
“Look, tell them they’re going to be here soon.” Jake said to Neytiri as she translates the message. “You have to leave. Or you’re going to die.” Jake continued. “Are you certain of this?” Mo’at asked.
You looked at Jake, then back at Tsu’tey. “Look. They sent me here to learn your ways. So one day I could bring this message and that you would believe it.”
You watched as Neytiri turns to face Jake towards her, her hands feeling like they were being burned from touching Jake as they extend and retract on his chest. “What are you saying, Jake? You knew this would happen?”
“Look, at first, it was just orders, and then everything changed.” Jake talked to Neytiri. “Okay? I fell in love. I fell in love with the forest and with the Omaticaya people. And with you.”
You frowned as you saw Neytiri’s tears fall. Then her ears fell. “I trusted you…” Her voice cracked. “With you..” Jake convinced. “I trusted you!”
“Trust me now, please-“
Neytiri screamed at Jake, looking at you and Grace before she returns her gaze to Jake, shoving him away from him. “You will never be one of The People!”
You heart ached. “We tried to stop them-“ You tried to explain but Neytiri held her palm up, turning her head away and going behind her mother. You looked at Tsu’tey.
He was angry, he was distraught. How could you do this to him? After everything… after he had taught you their ways, fell in love with you, and... even chose you in front of Eywa. His eyes that once looked at you with fondness now glared at you with hate, resentment. He hadn’t uttered a single word to you.
“Bind them.” Eytukan commanded as he was quick on his feet, not sparing you a glance as he held Jake down.
You now felt yourself being tugged, you swallowed, looking up at them. “You have to go. They’re coming.” You begged.
“You have to leave now!” Grace says. You were pushed down to your knees as your hands were bound. All you could do was frown as they had decided to fight.
The three of you were bound to a post in a line. The people were gathered around you, waiting. Then you heard it, the choppers.
“Go! Please!” You spoke. “Run to the forest!” Jake shouted. “They will destroy this place!”
“Neytiri, you must go now.” Grace said, but it was ignored. Then they were in front of you. “Have no fear!” Tsu’tey shouted. “Tsu’tey, please!” You said, fighting against your restraints. He ignores you. “Take the Ikran, attack from above.” Eytukan commanded Tsu’tey as he followed, running towards Hometree but he paused for a moment as he looked at you.
There it was still, resentment. However, his eyes also held sorrow. “Tsu’tey…” You called but he shakes his head, yelping at his teammates as they went and climbed inside Hometree.  Your eyes then caught sight of the gas cans being launched at you, smoke clouding your vision as you heard the people coughing, trying to get out.
Eytukan had then commanded to open fire, their arrows doing little to no damage on the RDA aircrafts. Then your eyes widened as they switched to the rockets, hitting Hometree square on the ground. “No!” Jake screamed as the missiles kept firing and firing. Then a chill ran down your spine.
Tsu’tey was still in there.
“Stop!” You screamed. Your heart pounding as tears rolled down your face. “Get everyone to the forest!” Eytukan signaled, leaving the three of you still bound.
“Neytiri!” Jake called to her, but she just gave a blank stare as she walked away.
“We gotta move, he’s gonna blow the columns!” Jake said to the two of you. You breathed in deeply, tears clouding your vision as you tried to break free from your restraints. “I- I can’t.” You spoke out. “You can, come on now, (Y/N)!” Jake says, struggling to break free from his own.
Then you see Mo’at approaching as you blinked, carrying her knife as she approached the three of you, her knife dangerously travelling to Jake’s neck.
“Mo’at, no!” Grace pleaded. With tear-stricken face, Mo’at cries out. “If you are one of us, help us.”
She then cuts Jake’s rope, freeing him. Next it was you, then Grace.
“This way!” Jake said, you followed him, your eyes couldn’t help but look around you as the people still struggled. Then another round of missiles rained down.
It exploded, sending a wave strong enough to knock you over the branch as you coughed out. “Come on, Grace. Move!” Jake says, helping Grace to hop over the fallen huge branch. Then you supported Mo’at in crossing over as you hopped over in time as large missiles came.
“Head down!” Jake says. “Down, down!” He says, as you hid yourself behind the tree branch. Explosions rang left and right as your lip quivered. All you could think about was Tsu’tey.
Then the final blow hit. Leaves started to fall amongst you. You heard it. The large creaking sound of the base of the Hometree snapping.
Everyone looked up in horror as they knew what was coming next. “Go. Go!!” Jake pushed you in front of him as you ran. You looked back and forth as you ran, your face scrunching as you ran for your life.
Separate branches then fell. You were about to run into one when Jake yanked you towards him. “No, no, get back! Back!”
The screams from around you had struck your heart, your whole body feeling frozen as you hear their screams become muffled as Hometree finally surrenders, dropping.
You kneeled as you watched around you. Destruction. There were flames and sparks everywhere. Smoke still hanging in the air. You grasped at the ground beneath you, closing your eyes shut as you hear Mo’at scream in terror at what just happened.
It followed by more screams and cries. You couldn’t take it. You stood up, walking around to see if the rest of the people are still okay, somehow. Your breathing became ragged as you tried to look for a sign of Tsu’tey. You prayed to Eywa with all your might that he must’ve made it out alive.
You feel fresh tears running down your face as you walked with the people. Jake excused himself, saying he was going to look for Neytiri. You began walking with Grace, with your heart heavy. Grace frowned from beside you, going to wrap an arm around your shoulder to rub your arm.
Then Parker pulled the plug.
You were still walking when Grace suddenly dropped down, lifeless. “Oh no…” Was all that you managed to say when you feel yourself slip from your consciousness, dropping alongside her.
The children around you were alerted. “Tsahik!” They called out to Mo’at.
Suddenly, you were back in the link unit as it opened. Anger. That was all you felt as the first guard you see hovering above you was given a punch on his face. He pulled you out from the link unit as your hands were bound yet again. “You murderer!” You hear Grace scream at Parker.
“How could you?!” You shouted as you were being yanked to stay still.
Now you were detained. You had your head in your hands as your thoughts ran almost a million miles an hour.
“What’s going on, brother? Long time no see.” You heard Trudy say, making you look at her to see her pushing in a tray carrying food. “Personally, I don’t feel these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak.” She chuckled.
“They get steak? That’s bullshit. Let me see that.” The guard spoke, crouching down and opening the cart door.
You saw how Trudy approached him and then bought a gun out, making your eyes widen. She then aimed at his head. “Yeah, you know what that is. Down, down.” Trudy said, making the man lay on his stomach with his hands up. “All the way down.” She said, before raising her hand and smacking the gun on the back of his head, rendering him unconscious.
“Trudy!” You hear Norm say. “Max!” Trudy called out and Max comes into view, typing something on the padlock and the door opened.
All of you now were running to get to Trudy’s samson. “Trudy, fire up the ship, go!” Jake said, making Norm and Trudy head to the outside.
You also reached the first door, pulling it open and going over to grab your mask, handing one to Grace, and Jake. “Max, stay here. I need someone on the inside I can trust.” You heard Jake say as you handed him his exopack.
Reaching samson 1-6, you helped carried Jake onto the chopper, once he was on, you quickly handed his wheelchair to Norm. “Come on!” Trudy said, knowing that her unauthorized engine start was now notified.
Then bullets sped past you as you helped Grace get back on, the last one to board was you. “I’m taking fire, let’s go!” Trudy shouted.
“Come on, (Y/N)!.” Norm said, pulling you up. You held onto him as you managed to sit down, exhaling. Now you were up in the air.
“Yeah! Wohoo!” Jake and Norm cheered. “Everybody alright back there?” Trudy asked.
You were about to reply when you felt it. A wet sensation on your side, warm, sticky. You breathed out, placing a palm against it, making you wince as you saw that your hand was covered in blood. Your blood.
You gasp out a breath. “Fuck.”
Jake had a smile on his face when he turned to face you, but that quickly dropped when he saw the bloodstain on your side. “(Y/N)’s hit!” Jake said. “Oh, shit.” Grace said, inspecting you.
“What?” Trudy said, looking back. “Get the trauma kit!” Jake said to Norm. “Trauma kit’s forward, on the bulkhead.” Trudy says. “Keep the pressure on, (Y/N). Hang on, alright?” Jake said as you squinted in pain, the adrenaline leaving your body as you were about to possibly bleed out.
Reaching the link shack, Norm had linked to his avatar to monitor the outside as the link shack you were currently in was now being hoisted up by Trudy’s chopper. You laid against the fluid gel pack on one of the link units. Trauma kid had been applied and you weren’t feeling any better.
You then felt Grace inject something on your arm as her face contorted in worry. Jake revealed the blanket covering your body to see the bandage was already beginning to get soaked further of your blood. You clenched your jaw, eyes fighting to stay awake.
“I’m gonna get you some help, (Y/N).” Jake promised, placing a hand on your arm after he places the blanket back on you again. “You have to be strong, hold on (Y/N). The People can help you, I know it.”
You let out a shaky sigh “Why would they help us?” You shifted, but every move you made hurt. Jake looked at you, biting the inside of his cheek. “Get some rest, alright? We’re almost there.” He only said, patting your head as he moved away. You closed your eyes.
After Jake had claimed Toruk, he now had to face the people.
“Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan, I stand before you… ready to serve the Omaticaya people. You are Olo’eyktan, and you are a great warrior. I can’t do this without you.” Jake said to Tsu’tey, his eyes pleading.
Tsu’tey thinks, blinking to look at Toruk before he looks back at Jake, nodding. “Toruk makto, I will fly with you.” He said, placing a hand on his chest, however. The next words that came out of Jake’s mouth had a chill sent to his spine.
“My friend is dying. (Y/N) is dying.”
Tsu’tey’s mouth went agape, he had been occupied with his anger, hate, and grief that he had forgotten where you were, or where your body was. He didn’t even find himself asking for you after the aftermath of the destruction of Hometree. Tsu’tey backs away, looking at Mo’at then back at Jake. “I beg the help of Eywa.” He speaks.
Tsu’tey’s brows furrowed “Where is she?” he demanded. The need to see you overcame him as his heart drummed in his chest. Jake’s eyes flickered over to Tsu’tey. “She’s here.”
You stirred awake as you blinked, the bright bioluminescent lights almost blinding your weak frame. You then see Jake, in his avatar, then Neytiri from beside you as she was wrapping you in something. “Stay with us, come on (Y/N).” Jake said.
“Be strong.” Neytiri adds, looking at you, placing her huge hand on your shoulder as you were laid down.
Then you spot Jake and Neytiri looking at someone before they stood up. You let out a deep breath as the face of the man you had wanted to see for the longest time appeared. “Tsu’tey…?” You muttered weakly.
Tsu’tey swallowed the lump in his throat seeing you. It was the first time he ever saw you in this form, your true form. You were small, smaller than him. You were weak as your eyes flutter open and close just to see his face. He bites his lip. This was truly you. The one he was mated with. It left a deep ache in his heart seeing you in this state, not even knowing the chance of your survival.
Tsu’tey inches closer, his hand going their way to place them on your head, down to your cheek, but it was covered due to your mask. You might live, or you may die.
“I see you.” You whisper weakly to him, a smile etching on your face as you reached up to him, your hand barely covering his cheek as he instinctively leaned into your touch. “I see you.” Tsu’tey answered, yet his heart felt regret.
“They’re ready.” Jake announced.
You and Tsu’tey looked at each other before he carefully swept you up in his arms.
Making their way towards the Tree of Souls, you opened your eyes, seeing this beautiful sacred site in your own form was overwhelming. You looked around, gasping. “This place…it is truly beautiful.” You mutter, only Tsu’tey could hear as he looked down at your awe-struck gaze.
Jake carried your avatar body as he laid it to the side. The people were gathered around as Tsu’tey now carefully laid you on the other side. You felt the cold ground. Then you had the feeling of vines crawling their way onto your body, trapping you in a hug, almost.
“The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is, in this body.” Mo’at explained to Jake as Tsu’tey never left your side. “Is that possible?” Jake asked. “She must pass through the eye of Eywa and return.” Mo’at answered. “But Jakesully, I feel her getting weak.”
Tsu’tey swallowed the forming lump on his throat as his eyes darted between your human form and your avatar. His hand going over to hold your shoulder. He nudges his forehead to the side of your head, a rare show of vulnerability coming from Tsu’tey. He scrunches his eyes closed, muttering his prayer with all his might.
“Do not leave me, tìyawn. Eywa, bring her back to me. Give her strength. Do not let her leave this world without me. Ma Eywa, it is all I ask.” Tsu’tey muttered against you, as tears formed in his eyes, dropping onto you.
Jake could feel the same ache in his heart watching the two of you. He treated you like the sister he never had, it had him closing his eyes, wishing that Eywa could hear his prayers. Grace, now in her avatar form stood side by side with Norm as she has a frown etched on her face watching Tsu’tey being vulnerable.
The moment Tsu’tey sat back up and looked at Mo’at, she had then commenced the consciousness transfer. Then the ritual chant began as the people held each other as they closed their eyes, praying that you might cross the eye of Eywa.
Tsu’tey chanted, keeping his eyes trained on you.
“Hear us, All Mother.” Mo’at praised. “Eywa, help her.” The people chanted. “Take this spirit with you and breathe her back to us.”
“Let her walk among us as one of The People.”
All you saw was a bright light, then memories flashed around you, in your human form, when you were little, then up to now as you watched yourself falling in love with Tsu’tey.
Eywa had known you. She knows you. She was real.
Standing there, you felt a wave of peace rush over you as your skin glowed. Looking, you spot a path, then you felt this urge to keep fighting. Breathing in, you feel yourself walking, jogging, that turned into a full on sprint as you desperately chased the end of the glowing pathway.
“Do not leave me, tìyawn. Eywa, bring her back to me. Give her strength.” You hear Tsu’tey’s voice echoing around you. Making you push yourself as you ran.
I am not leaving you. I will come back. Great Mother, hear me.
You finally reached the end as you were enveloped in a bright flashing light.
Tsu’tey’s eyes looked at Mo’at as her chanting stopped. His heart felt like it was about to burst from his chest as Mo’at ordered them to stop.
Tsu’tey and Jake circled around you as Tsu’tey carefully inspected your human body. Your eyes were closed as you heaved your last breath. Tsu’tey then jumped over towards your avatar form, his hand going over to your shoulder as Jake stayed with your human form. Mo’at hovered her hands above your human body towards your avatar.
Tsu’tey still glued to your side as his eyes never left your face. “What’s happening, did it work?” Jake frantically asked.
The vines running around the Tree of Souls glowed brighter than ever, almost blinding.
Tsu’tey then laid you on your back, his hand going over to cup your neck as he carefully hoisted your upper body in his arms.
“Tìtxen si, ma yawne. (Wake up, my beloved).” Tsu’tey whispers against you.
And then he feels that Eywa had heard The People’s prayers as your avatar stirred, then you opened your eyes.
Tsu’tey was the first one to see as he pulled you close to him. “Thank you, Great Mother, you have returned her to me. I am forever thankful.”
Jake rushed over to him as you awoke in your new body.
“Tsu’tey…” You said, a smile now crawling on your face.
“Hey there, big baby.” Jake said, breathing out his relief as he looked at you. You glanced at him and you shake your head. “Look who’s got you crying.” You said to him as he chuckled, the last of his tear rolling down his face.
“She has returned to us!” Mo’at smiled as the people yelped and cheered.
“Thank you, thank you.” Jake said, looking up at the Tree of Souls.
Tsu’tey still held you in his arms, eyes scanning your face as you smiled at him. Eywa has returned you, Eywa has returned you to him. He nuzzles his forehead to yours, closing his eyes as you reached up to cup his cheek. “I thought I had lost you.”
Even though the looming threat of the RDA still hung, Tsu’tey could not be bothered as he feels you breathe beneath him.
He was then filled with determination as he looks at The People. He was going to do everything he can so they could win this fight. He then glanced back at you. He was going to fight for you.
He was going to fight for a future with you.
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scryarchives · 2 years ago
𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 - 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲
age-old traditions were to be continued for generations, but when it finally comes down to the toruk makto's son, he's not so willing to comply...
– pairings: neteyam x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, cross-posted on wattpad
– author's note: this oneshot takes place after the events of avatar 2 because i refuse to believe that neteyam is gone.
– ma tìrol [my son] – zamunge fko [strong one]
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Being given an arranged mate was something like a toss of a coin. It was sheer luck if you ended up loving the one you were destined to be with.
Despite the arrangements of suitors being highly disliked, Neytiri turned back to the tradition of her forefathers, a part of her following the custom in memory of the late Olo’eyktan, Eytukan. As much as he didn’t like it, Jake followed his wife’s wishes, knowing how much her culture and her father meant to her.
And so, with the consultation of the current tsahik, Neytiri and Mo’at had decided who her firstborn would be promised to, both looking at the candidates for the next tsahik. It was decided that the matched pair would be introduced when Neytiri’s son, Neteyam, the next in line for Olo’eyktan, was of age to be part of the People.
Unfortunately, the young man hated it. Neteyam hated the notion of not being able to experience falling in love, and he had hoped that he would be able to understand the look his parents shared when they looked at one another, and share it with someone who would be his equal.
Sure, he would try his best to get along with whoever was planned to be by his side as his mate. But for all he could know, they would’ve already been in love with someone else, and it was just another unlucky draw.
He dreaded the way his parents spoke of his arranged mate. His mother passed him a slightly pitiful look, and his father only gave his wife a guilty one, knowing what happened previously between her and her chosen mate.
So far, he had turned down nine of the women his mother and grandmother had introduced to him, and he had turned them all down. They just didn't click to him, especially after most of them had passed him thoughtless grins with wandering eyes. 
His mother was at the end of her rope, praying to the Great Mother that this time, her son would consider her current option to be the next tsahik. Besides, all she wanted was for her son to be happy and loved, just as she was. And she was starting to lose hope.
“Nete,” Neytiri frowned, trying to convince her son. “If you’re lucky, she would love you, and you could grow to love her.”
“But mother, I want to be a mate to someone I’m already in love with!” The firstborn protested, his frown deepening at his mother’s suggestion.
“And are you already in love with someone?”
Neteyam looked away, knowing that he indeed hadn’t found that special someone. Yet. He grumbled with crossed arms, Neytiri sighing as she hugged her son’s head close to her.
“Ay… Ma tìrol…” Neytiri muttered as Neteyam hugged his mother slightly tighter. “Give her a chance. She could be the one, only Eywa knows.”
Neteyam closed his eyes slowly, knowing that he couldn’t argue with his mother anymore. He let out a slow breath as he pulled away, nodding slowly. Seeing this, Neytiri’s smile returned, and the mother placed her palm lovingly on her son’s cheek, the boy leaning into her touch.
“But if I feel like things won’t turn out right for us, I want to choose who I am mated with,” Neteyam spoke up again, looking his mother in the eye, determination set in his features.
Neytiri pursed her lips, her turn to nod slowly as the two came to an agreement. If he agreed to follow her terms, she would agree to follow his.
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The day of the meeting had eventually crawled by, Neteyam inwardly groaning before keeping his mind open to the one he was supposed to meet.
He did his best to realise that whoever he was meant to meet was promised to him as he was to her, so they were both stuck in the same boat.
Neteyam watched the way his mother smiled, and from it he knew that she was confident that things would work out. He was partially ready to prove her wrong.
"Nete, remember to keep an open mind," Neytiri smiled, pushing her closer to the little healing hut where Mo'at usually worked.
"Mother, why are we at grandmother's healing hut?" Neteyam raised his browline in confusion.
"She works under the tsahik to learn to heal. Her name is Näytle te Ìviu Oa'ite. Find out more about her, maybe you could both share common interests," Neytiri grinned, nudging her son closer. 
But just as Neteyam was within the radius of the hut, Neytiri grabbed her firstborn son's shoulder, whispering in his ear as the young man listened to her every word.
"Her mother has decided that the two of you shall meet each other first. She does not know that you will be arriving to meet her," Neytiri nodded. "I will not be following you in, but I can only trust you to make a good impression."
"Mother!" Neteyam frowned back as he glanced at Neytiri in annoyance at her meddling.
"Ma tìrol, she's keeping an open mind you must do the same," Neytiri gently kissed her son's cheek before pushing him towards the hut.
"Now go!"
Neteyam muttered curses under his breath, walking towards the hut with his browline furrowed.
Neytiri watched from afar as her son stormed off, placing her hand gently on her chest as she glanced up at the sky.
"May Eywa guide them towards a path of happiness."
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“Hello?” Neteyam called out to the fairly empty hut. 
He walked around, trying to find the woman he was meant to meet. He peered around the pillars of the hut as he decided to try calling her out by her name, walking deeper into the wooden-built structure.
He called the woman's name out as he passed by other Omaticayan healers who simply pointed him in the direction of where the mentioned healer would be.
From within a far corner of the shelter, Mo’at’s ears perked up at her student’s name, recognising her grandson’s voice. A small grin grew on her face as the tsahik gently tapped her protégés back.
“Näytle,” She turned to the young woman who was tending to a small Omaticayan boy’s minor wounds.
“Yes, tsahik?” The doe-eyed Na'vi woman turned to face her with a small smile.
Her eyes were filled with eagerness to learn from her mentor, her soft smile showing glimpses of kindness and hospitality that was very much needed in the medicinal part of the Omaticaya.
"My child," Mo'at placed her hand on the young woman's shoulder tenderly. "I am going to go gather with Olo'eyktan Sully and his wife. I need you and the other healers to make sure that whoever needs healing gets it as soon as possible." 
"Of course," Näytle nodded eagerly. "I'm glad you have entrusted me with this, tsahik."
The younger female turned her attention back to the child before her, wiping her hands free of the healing salve before wrapping his wounds up with some long leaves.
"Of course, my child," Mo'at smiled before stepping towards the back exit. "Oh, and I think you should be expecting a visit from someone."
"Who should I be expecting?" Näytle asked the older woman, but as she turned around, the tsahik was gone.
Näytle frowned in confusion as she gently turned to the young boy in front of her, patting his head as she softly spoke to him. She saw the way the boy grew a frown at the sight of his tended wound.
"Don't worry, zamunge fko," Näytle ruffled the boy's hair. "The pain will pass with time, as all things do."
She turned around, kneeling while holding a small piece of traditional candy, or something similar to it, the boy's frown disappearing.
"For your bravery."
The boy took the sweet, running off as the healer smiled warmly at child's burst of energy, unaware of the figure that watched her actions from afar.
The girl turned around, now face to face with a taller Na'vi. He appeared to be her height. She was surprised, especially when she couldn't hear the person's footsteps. Perhaps he was a hunter in aid of wounds he gained from the hunting group earlier. 
"Yes, that would be me," The healer responded, standing up from her kneeled position. 
Näytle watched the young man in front of her, taking in his appearance as she glanced him up and down for any wounds that needed tending.
He was attractive, she wouldn't deny that. The energy and wonder in his eyes about the world around him wasn't easy to miss. They hid in specks of ocre and gold that flickered brightly in the light of the hut.
His stature was built, one of a proud warrior. His beaded hair moved with the slightest movement of his head, little clinking noises of the beads knocking against one another caught her attention as she thought the braids framed his face perfectly.
If she could say, she would tell him that he looked as though Eywa herself handcrafted him to fit her image of perfection.
"Oel ngati kameie."
I see you.
Näytle nodded respectfully, repeating his action, without realising how his heart jumped in his throat when he said the phrase.
He couldn't tell if it was the way she interacted with the child, the way that she was filled with so much love and kindness for the life around her, but there was something special about her. Something just beautiful. Something that the other women lacked when he met them.
Her physical beauty in his eyes just emphasised that something special. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about her eyes that just made him want to discover more about her.
"Do I know you?" The woman before him, Näytle, spoke. 
Her gentle voice bounced around in his head, and he treasured the way it sounded for a few minutes longer.
"Neteyam," He placed his hand on his chest. "My name's Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan."
He watched the way her eyes widened in realisation, embarrassment flooding through her cheeks as they flushed.
He adored the way she looked so cute and flustered.
"My apologies!" She nervously tucked a strand of braided hair behind her ear. "I hadn't realised that you were coming to visit!"
The guilt of not recognising the Toruk Makto's son had lingered in her stomach, but it vanished when she heard him chuckle.
"No, it's alright! You have never seen me before?" Neteyam tilted his head slightly, amusement filling him.
"Ah, unfortunately not. From where I stand in the crowd, it's always too far to get a good look."
The young woman picked up the bowl of salve, walking towards a nearby table to keep the balm away. Her tail flicked mischievously as she formed her next words jokingly
"I have heard stories that he is undeniably handsome, though."
"Have you now?" Neteyam perked up, a small grin unknowingly growing on his face.
"Yes," The woman smiled, taking some leaves from nearby and taking them towards another table where a Na'vi equivalent of motar and pestle lay.
"What else might you have heard?"
Neteyam prodded on, leaning on the counter next to the female Na'vi. 
"I heard that he was a skilled hunter, a hunter that was much sought after by other women."
"Well, that's a pity," Neteyam shrugged. "They would have to do without me."
"And why would they have to?" Näytle gave him a questioning glance, tilting her head towards him slightly, as the circular motion of her hands slowed.
Neteyam's eyes glanced down at the wooden counter beneath his hands, feeling suddenly nervous.
Because perhaps, he was falling in love.
"Because I have been matched. And I wouldn't mind getting to know the woman I have been matched with."
Näytle smiled softly, her smile growing. She placed the pestle on the table.
The young woman held her hand out to the young hunter before her.
"Let's get to know each other then. It was nice to meet you, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan."
"Please," The Olo'eyktan's son took her softer, smaller hand into his, holding it gently.
"Neteyam is just fine."
He bent down, gently kissing the back of her hand, something he had seen his father do as a sign of affection towards his mother.
He saw the way her cheeks flushed, his smile growing wider at her suddenly shy state.
"And it's a pleasure to meet you too, Näytle."
His mother had proved him wrong, and for once, he didn't mind. Maybe this time, being arranged together didn't sound too bad.
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theme inspired by @aokoaoi !
gif by @world-of-pandora
taglist: @mooncleaver @moonie-writings @peacelovepandora @neteyams-tsahik
— dm me if you want to be apart of my taglist!
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star-girl69 · 2 years ago
But You
Tsu’tey x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
a/n: reader is omaticaya na’vi. reader is described as having mid-length hair, but eye color is not described, and i try my best to make everything as ambiguous as possible.
i apologize in advance if something i write isn’t inclusive. we are all humans and we all make mistakes! please feel free to tell me if you have any suggestions as to how i can cater this fic to the most people possible.
send an ask, comment, or a private message if you want to be added to the taglist!
You know the cruelty of the world well. You felt the loss of your parents, taken by the humans when you were barely ten. Raised by Mo’at and Eytukan, you had sisters now, and a growing infatuation with you sister, Sylwanin’s betrothed. Tsu’tey is the tskarem, and although the clan sings his praises, he is not know for his kindness. But you have never received a rude word from him.
The next loss hurts like a million deaths, Sylwanin shot by the humans.
The next years are rough, without your sister, your family slowly tries to heal. When gathering herbs one day, you suffer an injury at the hands of the humans.
When your parents need to keep you safe and your desire for the outside world clash, Tsu’tey is there.
You thought you were lost, doomed to a life of boredom.
But Tsu’tey. But you.
Chapter One - Summer Rain
Chapter Two - Cold Without You
Chapter Three - Don’t Doubt Your Dreams
Chapter Four - Of Memories and New
Chapter Five - Who Ever Did
Chapter Six - Blessed With You
this is all @eywas-heir’s fault. i love you tho pookie!! 🫶
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eywamygoddesswrites · 2 years ago
— 𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 — (neytiri x gn!reader)
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pairing: neytiri x gn!omatikaya!reader
tags: "right person, not enough time", young neytiri, physical affection (sfw)
warnings: lowercase intended, angst
a/n: takes place before jake sully was in pandora
word count: 1.0k
+ gif not mine. ctto.
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before jake, there was y/n. an omatikaya who exceeded expectations, who performed their iknimaya earlier than most of the clan, who also trained to become a warrior but also studied the practice of the tsahik. they loved learning when others dreaded it. that’s why eytukan and mo’at saw them as someone worthy of taking the role of olo’eyktan or tsahik, someone who is also a great influence on their daughters sylwanin and neytiri.
growing up, neytiri would follow y/n everywhere they go. she would learn from the older na’vi on how to hunt and would ride their ikran until she herself completed her iknimaya. it was like another older sibling taking care of her until she began seeing y/n in another light.
it started off as a little crush. they looked up to y/n so much that they wanted to hang with them outside of their responsibilities. they got the chance early on but y/n began to get busy so their late-night walks became a once-in-a-blue-moon occasion for the two.
neytiri herself became busy training to become a warrior. she also became busy but that didn’t stop her from taking time off her busy schedule to see y/n. they were also students in grace’s school and y/n as one of grace’s best students, standing beside neytiri and sylwanin. this was one of the times that they get to hang during their training and made the most of it.
y/n in turn, they began liking neytiri more than a friend when during one of their ride in the night on their ikrans, the moon shone brightly and enhanced neytiri’s beauty. y/n’s face flushed light purple as their white spots glowed.
neytiri saw this and laughed in glee, her face flushed like the na’vi in front of her.
after flying, they rested on one of the floating rocks and watched the sunrise from the distance. no words were exchanged but their hands laced on each other, leaning on each other’s shoulder in comfort.
when they came back home, y/n had asked the olo’eyktan and tsahik if neytiri could be promised to them for when the time comes, they will be able to mate before eywa. seeing their hard work and efforts as a member of the omatikaya clan, they accepted.
of course, they are not to do anything beyond hand-holding, hugs, and occasional forehead and cheek kisses until they finished all their rites and initiation.
but when the school that grace’s school was attacked, not only was sylwanin taken by eywa, y/n was taken as well. they were so close to leaving the school but a stray bullet flew through their chest, hitting an artery, and had no way of reaching hometree back.
neytiri thought y/n got lost during the escape and came back to the ruined school, only to see their body a few feet away, chest unmoving as their skin was pale because of the blood loss.
just like that, her sister and future mate were taken away from her. her cries were painful to hear as she clung to y/n’s cold body. she begged eywa to give y/n back to her. she promised to become a better hunter and warrior in order to protect y/n from harm. just give them back… please…
like the na’vi’s before them, when eywa gave life, the energy must be returned. she carried y/n back to hometree and was buried alongside the na’vi’s that had lost their lives because of the sky people.
neytiri decided to keep one of the beads in y/n’s songcord, the bead that told the story of how they asked her parents to have her be promised to them until they were of age to mate and bond for life.
y/n’s life was cut short. their songcord was short and deserved to be longer but it could never add new ones anymore. neytiri thought at the moment that eywa was selfish. she was cruel for taking her first love and the first person that understood her fully. but, maybe it was eywa’s plan the whole time. she is the great mother of pandora and maybe it was really y/n’s time to go.
two years passed and neytiri met jake sully. although she didn’t want to love another because it felt wrong to love someone other than their first love, then she remembered what y/n had told them during one of their flights.
“ma ‘tiri, when i die, don’t force yourself to not find love. better yet, when love finds you.” y/n says while playing with neytiri’s fingers, eyes staring at the ground in fear of seeing her confused and hurt eyes. they sat on one of the floating rocks so their ikrans can rest.
“what makes you say that, ma seze? you’re not dying! i’m not allowing it.” neytiri grabs y/n’s face with both her hands, forcing the na’vi to look at her. “i will protect you so that we can both grow old together, okay?” neytiri leans against y/n’s forehead, y/n’s arms wrapping around her waist as they basked under the sunset’s glow.
it took a while for neytiri to even be close to jake but love grew between the two. neytiri had told the story of how she once upon a time, found love just like this. though, instead of her teaching the other, it was y/n who taught her what she knows now.
neytiri also showed the bead she had gotten from y/n’s songcord, explaining the story behind and why she kept it.
jake knew he would never replace her first love, but what he can do is help neytiri heal from the pain of losing a loved one because they aren’t that different from one another and show her that finding new love is not so bad.
all their experiences in life will help them strengthen their bond.
and so, their story began.
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na'vi dictionary:
seze — blue flower
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skylarstark4826 · 22 days ago
Rain pattered down on the forest, making a pleasant drumming sound in the leafy canopy. A young Mo'at lounged on a limb high above the ground. He is always surprised to find me in the jungle instead of somewhere in Hometree like the others, she thought with amusement.
She loved the wild jungle. It was where she heard Eywa best. Oh, she could hear the All Mother well enough in the teeming anthill that was the Omaticaya Clan's ancestral home, but she could feel the presence of the goddess all around her here so easily.
It was that very trait – her need to spend time along in the jungle every now and then – that had intrigued the young warrior. Eytukan knew that she was tsahik. Everyone did. But he was convinced that there was some other secret that drew her there. One of the things that made him one of the best warriors of his generation was his curiosity. He was never content to let a mystery rest. And so what better way to pique his interest than by being mysterious? Mo'at chuckled to herself.
Though Mo'at was not a hunter, she was more skilled at moving unseen through the jungle than many, for both her parents werehunters and good ones at that. It was inevitable that some skills would rub off on their daughter. Anyone well practiced in the hunters'-gift would be able to find her easily, but those who were not practiced would have a harder time. Those not hunter-gifted would never see her, if she did not want to be seen. She found it a useful talent from time to time. Such as now.
Mo'at's eyes were closed; given the fog and rain, her sight would be all but useless in this soup. Her ears were at full extension, her mouth slightly open to improve her hearing that little extra bit, as her parents had taught her.
She soon caught a sound that was out of place amid the pattering raindrops. A soft scuffle. It was brief, but enough to catch and direct her attention. She waited. The sound came again, a foot cautiously placed, and she smiled. She had him. Eytukan was a warrior, first and foremost; though he was a decent hunter he would never be able to match the stealth that those with hunters-gift – or someone taught by those who did - could manage.
The tsahik waited patiently until he came into range, and then her hand flickered. A small pebble pulled from the lake next to Hometree flew through the air. She heard the thwack as it hit the target squarely – and then muffled oaths that would have made her mother grab the young man by the nearest ear and haul him off to his parents for chastisement if she had been there to hear it.
Mo'at couldn't help giggling. "You make enough noise for a whole herd of angtsik," she called, and lounged indolently on the branch to exaggerate the insult.
Eytukan rubbed the top of his head where the stone had hit him. "That stung!" he complained.
"Serves you right, sneaking up on someone like that. What kind of warrior are you, to complain about a pebble on the head? Maybe you should be a child-tender, you could catch all the toy ikran that the little ones throw around. Or would that be too rough for you?"
He dropped his hand and muttered, "Warrior enough to catch one annoying apprentice tsahik!" and lunged.
Mo'at, of course, was nowhere near the spot he grabbed for. She'd had her exit route carefully planned from the start. Her deceptively indolent posture masked strategically placed hands and feet. As soon as the young man made his move she bailed off the tree limb. Eytukan came upon empty space and a teasing chuckle in his ears. Again.
"What are you doing out here?" he roared in frustration.
"Playing with an apprentice warrior's tiny mind. It's not hard," came the taunting reply as Mo'at vanished into the fog.
Eytukan took his confusion where he usually did. "The girl is driving me mad, Sirtey!" he complained to his best friend. "I knowshe's doing something out there, but I can never catch her at it to find out what it is!"
The young hunter was amused. He'd lost count of how many times the warrior had come to him with a similar litany. "So give it up," he suggested. "It can't be that important, whatever it is. Forget about it."
"I can't!" Eytukan repeated for what felt like the thousandth time. "It feels like she's doing it deliberately, just to taunt me! If I give up then she'll win! I can't let that happen."
"Then change tactics," his heart-brother suggested.
It caught the young man off guard. "Change tactics? What do you mean?"
"Every single time this happens you go tearing off into the jungle like an enraged angtsik, and every time you fail," the hunter explained. "It's obvious that that tactic won't work. Try another."
The warrior was baffled. "Another? What other? What do you mean?"
Sirtey muttered a Na'vi proverb under his breath about warriors having rocks for brains, and asked, "Are you trying to kill her – or catch her? Eytukan, you're using the wrong weapon – and the wrong bait. "
He watched the expression of confusion on his friend's face turn into thoughtfulness – and then brighten with inspiration. "Thanks, Sirtey, you're the best! I have to go get something!"
The hunter chuckled to himself as the warrior hared off into the woods. I think Mo'at's hunting is going quite well.
A few days later, Eytukan saw the tsahik slip away into the jungle after the evening meal. He knew that she would be aware of him following her – in fact, this time he was counting on it. He let her get a bit of a head start and then headed out after her, taking care to track her the way he usually did – clumsily.
Mo'at had seen him prowling around the base of Hometree, of course, and didn't attempt to hide her path for the first little bit. She didn't want him to give up too soon. She had a place in mind and headed for a small river that emptied into the lake. When she was far enough upstream she went high into the canopy and found a good hiding spot in which to sit comfortably and wait.
The tsahik listened as she had done many times before, focusing all her attention on her ears when she anticipated that Eytukan might be coming into range. There were a few long moments of silence.
Then the unmistakable music of a flute sounded nearby.
Her eyes and mouth opened wide in surprise.
Eytukan's eyes were closed, concentrating on playing the instrument he had crafted out of hollow-pole wood. When he finished every courting-song he knew, he opened his eyes – to see Mo'at standing in front of him. "You never told me you could play," she stated with wonder.
He smiled and rested his hands on his knees. "There are many things I have never told you," he said softly. "Perhaps we could speak of a few of them?"
"Perhaps," the tsahik replied, "After you play me another song."
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