#Miraculous Revolution
alexfierroaf · 1 year
Yea, I’m convinced that the Miraculous season finale was unsatisfying on purpose.
The “happy ending” scene at the end had this surrealist lighting and slightly off-putting music in the background. It gives off major false utopia vibes. It actually makes me feel relieved, because there were two things I was worried about for this finale but the way they wrote it resolves those issues a bit.
First, I was worried that they were going to try to wrap up everything perfectly within the span of this two episode special. There was no way they were going to be able to give all the different plot points and character arcs the closure they needed within that time frame. by leaving us with an open ending, It gives itself room to properly develop and deal with the fallout from this mess slowly over time.
And then, arguably the bigger issue, was Miraculous’ future after season 5. I kept thinking to myself, what are they going to have to do to keep Miraculous interesting after this? Sure we’ve got Lila, or Cerise, or whatever her name is, but everything we’ve been following this series for since the beginning was about to be resolved. Monarch gone. The Agreste arc over. Adrienette canon. What is Miraculous’ sense of identity after this? Do they hit the reset button and retell the story Disney sequel style? Do they force a breakup between Adrienette to keep the romance plot alive? What’s the point of this still VERY fresh reveal of senti-Adrien if Gabriel and his influence is nothing but a distant memory?
But because of the way things went down, none of those things we thought would be resolved actually are. Monarch fucking won. He got what he wanted, and now everyone is living in a world of his image. He’s remembered as a goddamn hero, which is fucking infuriating! And Adrien doesn’t know! Doesn’t know that his dad was a supervillain and terrorist, doesn’t know that he’s a sentimonster, doesn’t fully accept that he’s been abused. And Marinette is keeping all that from him! Probably because she doesn’t want to inflict unnecessary pain on him, but when he finds out he’s going to be an absolute MESS.
Which means the Agreste plot, the family drama, the relationship antics that we’ve been following for all these years will continue as a throughline in the show. It means that there are natural reasons to continue existing conflicts and keep the show running without it feeling contrived. Because none of this is ok, and it’s going to take a lot of time to resolve. A lot of pain, a lot of drama, and a lot of conflict. I wouldn’t be surprised if Adrien and Marinette have major relationship problems over the secrets that she’s keeping from him. The Ladynoir angst from season 4 is back at full force. And you KNOW Cerise is going to zero in on that shit like a moth to a flame. Before this I was fearing a ultra-contrived break up to keep the audience invested in their story, but now I would be totally satisfied with a temporary break up as Marinette’s secrets become too much to keep hidden.
So yea, I was angry at the season 5 finale. The Gabriel statue made me gag. And I REALLY wanted to see Adrien stick it to his father. But then again, he did in his own way. He pulled one over his father by tricking him into muting his mics, which gave him a chance to strategize with Plagg. He’s the one who decided to play the long game and wait patiently while Plagg found a new holder to defeat Monarch with -- as opposed to rushing in with brute force, which shows significant character growth for him, by the way. I’m proud of him. And I can’t wait to see where his arc goes from here as he continues to explore his own agency and his relationships with people around him.
As for Marinette, I was very satisfied with her face-off against Monarch/Gabriel. The moment he realized his archnemesis was her was priceless. And that piano? God. That was glorious. She was a total badass. And she demonstrated her growth, too. She acted with a lot more maturity than we’ve seen at other points in her story by putting aside her personal vendetta towards Gabriel and Monarch to focus on creating a peaceful solution -- even if it did come back to bite her in the ass hard.
So the manipulator won. Fitting, because I feel kind of manipulated too. I would’ve never guessed in a million years that Gabriel would actually be able to make his wish in the permanent timeline, or that Miraculous would go down such an unsettling and unsatisfying route (at least in the short term). I’ve gotta respect them for that. All these years we thought we knew how this conflict was going to resolve -- all those dramatic reveals in the Agreste basement, the final battle between Adrien and his piece of shit dad, Adrien breaking out of his control in one decisive and cathartic swoop. Instead, we got something much more sinister, something much more insidious. Whatever is lurking around the corner is bound to have MAJOR repercussions going forward.
So I’m content to wait and see what happens next. There’s no point in complaining about how a story went when it isn’t even resolved yet. Was it perfect? Nope. Will it be done perfectly in the future? Also no. And that’s ok. Because it never will be perfect, and what we saw here made sense. It was impactful. It creates new opportunities for the characters and their story arcs that didn’t exist before this finale. We are in a new era of Miraculous, and I will be waiting on the edge of my seat to find out what the hell this beautifully unpredictable series is going to evolve into next.
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struggling-author · 1 year
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a-flaming-idiot · 9 days
I love Marinette's skull-dress in Revolution.
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Or how I like to call it, "The Death-Flag Dress"
Just cause if any other character in any other piece of media wore this dress during an impactful, plot-important episode, it would be an unsubtle death flag. Like that character is GOING. TO. DIE! Likely in that season's finale. Like it is a sugar-skull dress. And not even an unsubtle one at that! This might as well be a murder weapon!! If she wasn't the main character in a kids' show this girl would be fucking DEAD! If I wrote it, she'd be in a fucking CASKET! I'd give her the most dramatic, impactful death ever! It doesn't even matter if she gets revived or something, this girl is going to die!
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"AnDrE iS a GoOd FaThEr!"
Newsflash: Disowning your child all because they're a brat that you refuse to discipline and help them, and forcing them to live with an abusive parent or family member, which FYI, she literally calls her own daughter "a loser" in the end, isn't good parenting.
Oh and to any Chloe haters that think this is karma for all the bullying she did, do it yourself a favor and fuck off from my page now.
Abuse isn't discipline. Get the fuck over it.
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itsawritblr · 11 months
The MLB writers really hated Chloe.
I haven't watched many episodes of MLB after Season 2, because I hate pretty much everything the show did.
One thing in particular is how they treated Chloe Bourgeois.
MLB set her up as Marinette's nemesis and the school's worst bully. But in Season 2 the writers gave us reason to understand why Chloe has issues. They even had her ask a question that very few adults can bring themselves to ask.
I love the way they had her hesitate. In this scene we see a sad, lonely child.
The writers could have had all kinds of interesting ideas come from this. It'd be unrealistic for Chloe to be healed immediately, especially with Audrey being the self-centered bitch she is. But they could have explored the girl trying and failing and trying again to be a better person, and even Audrey making in-roads to a better relationship with her daughter, then slipping back to her callousness. It'd keep the audience wondering what would happen with Chloe, perhaps even cheering her on to find redemption.
But no. The series completely hated her guts, and turned her into a shallow caricature, rotten and irredeemable.
I was curious what the writers did to her before everything in the world was reset after The Wish. It was even worse than I thought. Not only is Audrey an utter monster who now has control of Chloe, but Chloe, rather than reaching out to the one person who's very good and asking for forgiveness and help, she chooses to attempt to make that good person feel horrible and to make her suffer.
In the same way, the writers wanted Chloe to suffer.
I want to ask the writers, and especially Thomas Astruc
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I know it's a kids show, and often characters are cardboard cutouts with no depth. But in Season 2, as the clip shows, originally the writers began to give Chloe some depth. We saw she understood the most painful thing a child can know, that one of her parents doesn't love her. Even so, she desperately wants to win that love, just as children do in real life. We have reason to sympathize with her, and to hope that if Audrey never cares about her daughter Chloe can someday break free from her need for her. She didn't have to stay the spoiled bully the entire series.
But after Season 2 the writers decided Chloe was going to be a flat, one-note character till the end. It was lazy writing.
Season 2 Chloe deserved better.
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rel312 · 1 year
My thoughts on Miraculous Revolution (SPOILERS!!!):
It’s interesting seeing them dealing with a non-miraculous related villain, I’m excited to see where this goes
I love how Plagg calls Marinette “the most amazing girl in the whole universe”
An alliance between Chloe and monarch… No way this can go terribly wrong
Adrien looks so lovesick for her I love them
Lol the license plate on the car says “ZAG”
Chloe’s lessons I can’t
Did… did she replace the Eiffel tower with a gold statue of herself???
She’s stealing people???
This is literal torture
Never thought I’d see Chloe’s mom look so proud
She called him perfect!
“Super Underpants” Kim wtf
I love seeing everyone stand up for them though
Umm… HELLO?????
He’s having so much fun cataclysming everything I love him
The sapphic girls all standing together… for the other sapphic girl to become mayor. I love it here
Adrien looked so sad nooooo
She misses Sabrina, but of course she goes to tell Marinette about Adrien
Gabe is once again a piece of shit
Adrien is struggling so hard I hate gabriel so much let him be happy for once pleaseeee
I’m so confused about her dress, why does she have those skulls?
“I will never abandon you” abhjjdkksksnebqjdnd
Marinette chasing after him, go get your man
Gorilla once again being the best
They’re so strong it takes two grown men to literally force them apart
The parallels of them holding the special bracelet and the tear falling on their fingers I can’t
I’m not crying, I’m not
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wavesketches · 1 year
hold up now hold on just a minute. please. I would like a moment to lay down. Just a short second. Respectfully. p l eas e
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kaalki-cinnamon · 1 year
Super sapphic frames 💞
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plumsaffron · 1 year
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Rumor has it that he becomes goofier by each rotting second.
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Un clásico de telenovela 😋
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struggling-author · 1 year
chloe depression followed by redemption arc anyone? I know I‘m clowning, but… 🤡
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generalluxun · 1 year
I actually think most of this episode could have worked great... In S3 or so, some reconfiguring would have needed to happen but it would have turned a C- into an A I think.
Why? Tone.
Revolution belongs squarely in the earlier more farcical episodes. You can still get the messages across with a farcical theme, especially for kids, and it just fits the plot so much more.
A not-very-bright 14 yr old girl with a laptop and some aggressive trash cans taking over all of Paris/France isn't a coup, it is by definition a Farce. She's the least powerful threat in the show so far.
Tone is where this trips. Chloé takes over Paris is fertile grounds for some wackadoodle hijinks and an episode full of laughs, eye rolling, and heroics, then you still get your message across. Wrapped as it is in all the deep angst of S5, it just doesn't work.
Adrien's parental doom, last second Chloé/Mari angst, sentimonster angst, this being an actual plan that a man on a timer comes up with, it just doesn't gel.
Again, it's not the worst. It's functional. I would have loved to be enjoying the farce a lot more though. You know who would have made this work if you wanted it serious?
Lila. Have Lila be Gabe's little front girl. She could sell the lies and cajoling, and when it all goes south she strips her Lila-persona away and disappears to come back later. That's one heck of a better reveal
Than plan #1947 to expell Marinette.
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Did the Chloe Is a Dictator For a Day episode break my previously unbreakable suspension of disbelief for Miraculous shenanigans? Yes
Do I think it had an important message for kids (the target audience) about the importance of voting and collective action and about why monarchies and blood lineage succession in politics is bad? YES
This show deserves a Very Special Episode once in a while. Especially with what’s going down politically in France right now
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alexfierroaf · 1 year
Aside from all the obviously terrible crap we’ve seen Gabriel pull in the last several seasons episodes, one thing that seems to have gone unnoticed is how totally unconcerned he was when Adrien just.....disappeared in Revolution. Gabriel has always kept him on a tight leash and an even tighter schedule, so there’s no way he didn’t notice Adrien dropping off the face of the planet for what looks to have been several hours at least. He must’ve figured out that Chloe abducted him, but he doesn’t care at all. Regardless of what his plans going forward were, that’s still such an awful thing to do to his own son. 
At least forcing Adrien to go to London was because he knew he was gonna die soon and wanted him to live with family. The padded room situation wasn’t part of the initial plan. But this? This is just trapping Adrien in purgatory. 
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roro59 · 1 year
remember when i said that i won't watch derision (even doe i tried to watch it but i literally can't)? well.... that also applies to revolution. there, nuff said.
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kaalki-cinnamon · 1 year
They are so unstoppable team!!!
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Whats going on here?????
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They detransformations, whaaaaaaat???
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