#Minthe butterfly
tiredly101 · 1 year
Grease smudge
Pairing: Tall! Wally Darling x Engineer! Male reader
Part 2 and Part 3
Illustrated Au, Tall Wally Darling Au? And picture was done by @minthe-drawings and a thanks to @ghosteezofvispast for the idea!
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There was a new house in the neighborhood of Welcome Home which seemed to send a frenzy of excitement through the whole neighborhood. The weird thing about this house is that right next to it was a garage which was something most neighbors didn’t see so often or even have in the first place, Wally suggested to go and introduce the neighborhood to the new resident not knowing that love at first sight was a real thing.
“Hello neighbor? Is anyone there,” said Wally while carefully entering the garage that was opened. He saw a car and a tourist sitting in a chair sleeping which confused him.
“One second! I’ll be right with you,” said a raspy male voice from underneath the car and Wally waited with his hands behind his back. Wally had a smile on  his face but that smile was wiped clean when he saw a guy with some colorful overalls and a black short sleeved shirt underneath, one of hands where covered with a brown leather glove while the other had some grease smudge and he had some white with rainbow details wielding glasses and his face had some grease smudges.
“Hi handsome! Do you also need me to fix your car or maybe your scooter?,” asked the guy while the tourist tipped his hat and gave him a basket of honey crisp apples. Wally gulped and looked at the guy with fake confidence.
“Well my dear, my name is Wally Darling and I’m here to give you an official tour of the neighborhood,” said Wally while walking over to the guy, looming over his figure. The guy got on the tip of his toes and smiling at the faint blush that Wally sported.
“Well then handsome, lead the way,” the guy said while smiling, putting the closed sign up while closing his garage. Wally very hesitant asked the guy his name and he learned that it was M/n Valentine.
As they both walked around the neighborhood talking and lightly flirting. M/n got along mostly with Frank after they had a chat about if math could be adjusted to match the speed of a butterfly to be able to catch it with more accurately. No one understood a word that they both said (who can blame them, I don’t think I even understand what I wrote).
Wally smiles when they reach Home and stand in front of the door while looking down at M/n, smiling cheekily while looking at the beautiful sunset that was happening behind him which illuminated all the beautiful perfect imperfections on M/n’s face. Wally leans down and places a kiss in M/n’s now ungloved hand saying softly “Welcome Home” and walks back inside Home.
Should this have a part two?
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princessmeepa · 7 months
Is it me or dose all the the goddesses from LO clothes look bad on them (except for Pink RS, who is the only one who has nice and cute girly clothes.
All the goddesses dress like what will Kim K and the other celebrities would wear and it looks bad on them (except for Aphrodite’s baby doll dress and Daphne’s dating dress or Minthe just slaying away her outfits) and Pink RS of course is a Mary Sue and needs to wear cute clothes to make her look stand out. I am going to give some the style of my goddesses to make them look like what they represent and not butch of color Kim K wanna be clones. Here we go!
Amphitrite: some cute and sexy swimsuits or a beautiful mermaid tail dress, because she is the Queen and goddess of sea, after all and she will be covered in pearls, starfishes, bubbles and seashells.
Aphrodite: her outfits are going be look like Jessica Rabbit, Holli Would, Marilyn Monroe and Victoria's Secret Angels, because she is the goddess of beauty of course and her themes are going to be pink, with some hearts, pearls and roses.
Artemis: her look is going to be more of a wild tomboy look and it’s going to make her look like the girl version of Peter Pan and Robin Hood and not dress like she is going to hang out with her girlfriends at yoga. Her theme is going to be green for hunt and blue for the moon.
Athena: will dress mostly like a school girl or teacher, but she has some very cool and bada$$ clothes that will give her some wonder woman vibes.
Calliope: I think she will look cute in a Ballerina Outfits.
Demeter: will have a very pretty traditional toga that shows her lovely chest and she can wear a cute farm girl outfit or a housewife, with corn and poppies in her golden hair.
Daphne: I would give a ballerina tree style look or give her some cute spring related dresses or Lana Del Rey style look.
Echo: I will give her the ballerina look.
Eos: she would wear super sexy clothes to get all the sexy young men attention.
Eris: I will give the sexy black dress with gold that will give her the bad girl It girl look and not the some blond chicken thing.
Hebe: I will give her some cute and pretty youthful dresses or a Melanie Martinez outfits, because she is the goddess of youth and give her color theme orange, because orange means youth.
Hecate: I will give her the super cute and pretty magical girl outfits and sometimes a witch.
Hera: she will dress more like a bride or wear traditional brides dresses from all over the world, because she is the goddess of marriage.
Hestia: I would make her look more of a comic book superhero look with fire theme and she would dress in a 90’s work out outfit for health and a housewife look, when she is at home.
Leto: I will give her a pure white dress.
Leuce: I will give her the sea nymph look with pearls.
Persephone: I will give her the super cute baby doll dresses and other spring related dresses and a sexy black dress, that will give her the it girl.
Polymnia: I will give her the ballerina version of Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera.
Psyche: I will give her the pretty dresses with butterflies themed that will make her look like a butterfly/fairy princess and not RS just googled hot Cheeto girl clothes stereotype with that dumb Micky Mouse hair.
Selene: she would wear the super cute and girly nightgown that will give her the Wendy Darling look to compare to Artemis’ Peter Pan look.
Rhea: she will dress more like a queen and a mother.
Thetis: I will give her the cute girly dresses that will give her bubbly personality.
The Fates looks like Velma’s daughters and the furies look like color versions of Medusa or Medusa’s daughters. I will give mine a new look.
The fate sisters
Atropos: will wear a sexy and dark gothic dresses with a black gogo boots, because she is the oldest.
Lachesis: let’s get rid off the Velma look and replace it with a beautiful Lacey gothic corsets and some gothic themed clothes.
Clotho: she would wear a cute gothic version of Melanie Martinez or a super cute gothic schoolgirl uniform, because she is the youngest sister.
The Furies sisters
Note: each Furies gets a snake in her hair to represent her personality. The normal snake is Alecto, the scary snake is Tisiphone and cute snake is Megaera.
Alecto: will wear a red theme color, sexy and bada$$ clothes.
Tisiphone: would mostly wear pants and shorts and rarely wears skirt and she would wear something more bloody nightmare.
Megaera: she would wear cute and girly dresses with ruffles and some bows.
What do you guys think?
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droppingdonkeys · 5 months
Muse as a Diety ✨
Rules: Think carefully about your character and their development through their journey (canon or OC) within their story. Fill out the chart and tag whoever you want! Multi-muses, feel free to pick any of your characters-just a few, or all of them. Please repost, so the dash isn't clogged with reblogs.
Name; Luisa
Goddess of; Resilence, poetry, inner strength
Associated With; Unicorns, hummingbirds, donkeys
Sacred Plants; Marigolds, minthe
Sacred Stones / Gems; Any quartz stones (for example; from agate to amethyst to jasper, to onyx. More found here, on Quartz wiki.)
Sacred Animals; Donkeys, butterflies, capybaras, hummingbirds
Colors; Purple and blue hues.
Food; Coffee, chocolate, anything with fibers
Scents; iron, salt, lilies, wet grass
Accepted Offerings / Ways to Honor; reciting poetry, burning incense, taking care of others and yourself, dancing
Tagged by: @princessquinnella
Tagging: Whomever sees this and wants to do it. :)
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korereapers · 1 year
Title: Fated Encounters
Rating: T?
Fandom: Original, Dungeons and Dragons
Characters: Ohmrom von Allmen, Kore of the Eternal Forest. Background characters (Velia, Barkilara, Minthe)
Relationships: This is not a shippy fic, woa!
Kore sighs, her legs cramping a little after the long walk.
The Citadel is not too big, but it's always busy, so incredibly noisy that her ears hurt after years of having lived in the Eternal Forest. A perfect place to bury oneself among people, to hide oneself in plain sight. A tree in a forest, she guesses. Even someone like her doesn't attract anyone's attention, everyone being so used to each and every kind of being.
A tiefling is old news, apparently, when there's an anthropomorphic moth going around. Not that she is anyone to judge.
But she has no time to overthink. Thinking too much usually leaves her drained, and she has a tendency to remember what she shouldn't, and to dwell on it. Today, she is on a mission, she cannot afford to forget that. She cannot allow herself, the sounds and smells making it easy to lose herself to it all, her mind going back and forth towards her memories.
Minthe would like it here. She would really love it here. She should have been the one to represent the elves from the Eternal Forest, not her. A paladin of the forest, not just a cleric of death.
Kore keeps walking, trying to ignore her thoughts. It never really works.
The man she is supposed to meet is… apparently very conventional. The typical male human that would come to mind. The Citadel is also full of these, so she has to ask around a little. Trying to discern exactly which human she is looking for.
Chestnut hair, amber eyes. A beard that is a little bit too uneven, dark bags under his eyes, a perpetually worried expression. A blue armor, with a golden symbol on his shield.
Some people grimace when she describes him. A faint discomfort in their features that Kore doesn't quite understand. She was told the man was helpful, and nice enough. Visibly anxious, but genuinely sweet.
She is told that he can easily be found, both at the biggest pub in town, or at one of the different altars in the middle of the city. He is a man of faith, after all. Faith in both his god, and the mystical power of alcohol, apparently.
Kore is not a stranger to either of those. She may not be a heavy drinker, but running from your problems is an issue she knows well. They always seem to catch her, dragging her along, but she embraces the feeling eagerly. It's her fault after all. She wasn't there when her people needed her. When Minthe needed her.
It's only a matter of time before everyone leaves and she is alone. Shouldn't it have to be like that from the very beginning?
Dark eyes without pupils blink slowly, because she is on the verge of tears, and she cannot afford it. It makes her mad, really, how fucking useless and weak she feels.
She starts looking by the local pub, and the noise makes her tense immediately. One would have to be terribly drunk to zone out from the high decibels, so she takes a quick look and leaves.
She looks down to a piece of paper, the man's symbol drawn in it, an oval that has been broken and opened up. An omega , as someone from her people had called it. She recognizes the symbol, but she guesses it comes from a language she doesn't understand.
Maybe if he looks for the symbol on the many altars…
A very nice lady approaches her, luckily enough. She has six arms, and wings, and Kore mistakes her for a butterfly at first, but she realizes that the woman is, in fact, a moth lady. She reminds her of her own mother, genuinely nice and helpful, a little bit too nice for a place like this.
When Kore asks about the man she is looking for, the moth woman perks up a little, her wings buzzing a little. It's almost cute, in a way.
"Oh, I know him. I have seen him around, actually," she smiles awkwardly, pointing to one particular direction with one of her limbs. "He seemed particularly gloomy today. No way you'll miss his anxious energy."
Okay, that's weird. But her people say he is a man that can be trusted, and that's all that Kore needs. For now.
Indeed, the moth lady is right. She finds an altar with a very visible omega in one of those improvised temples, and in front of it, there is a human kneeling. His hair is a little dirty, eyes lost somewhere, as if he were having a very deep and intense talk with himself. He is not small by any means, bigger than any elf she has seen, broad shoulders and strong body, but he looks tiny like that, as if trying not to attract attention to himself, and failing miserably.
She knows a haunted person when she sees one.
Her staff gently hits the ground, trying to get his attention without disrupting him too badly. She actually sees fear on his features, oddly defensive for a man that is almost twice her size. As if he had seen a ghost. She realizes then that his armor is not very well kept, rust and blood making it look older than it probably is. The kind of dirt that never goes away no matter how much you try to get rid of it.
What makes her feel nervous are, in fact, his eyes. He does seem… stressed, no matter how much he tries to smile, a charming smile that is too shy and awkward to belong to a warrior like that. His eyes, his eyes feel strange when they are on her, because even if they are friendly, she feels… observed. Not in a creepy way, just… seen.
"Ah, sorry, did you want to pray, too?" He asks, and she realizes that his knees are trembling. It reminds her of herself, of when Minthe died, how she kept asking her lady Wee-jas for guidance, feeling guilty of even having the thought of having her wife back.
Death is nothing but life's counterpart, after all. A part of the cycle. That thought has never been enough to ease her sadness.
"I was looking for you, actually," she answers, and immediately feels the air tensing, anxiety on his features.
He smells of blood and sweat, and the presence she feels behind his eyes becomes even stronger. Both burning and chilling at the same time.
"What… did I… did I do something wrong?"
Spineless, and yet so dangerous. She can see indentations on his armor and shield, hits that should have killed almost anyone, and yet this man is still alive and breathing.
So she does the only rational thing.
"Are you stupid? Who would even think something like that? I come from the Eternal Forest, I'm your freaking contact. For the gods' sake"
The man blinks, slowly. Like a big puppy, his expression so guilty it makes her recoil from the emotional whiplash.
"Ah… sorry. Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me for my rudeness, I didn't expect-"
Kore raises her eyebrows, her skin even pinker in anger.
"Yeah, of course. You expected an elf. You get me, though. Deal with it."
He gulps, visibly intimidated by a woman that can barely reach his chin with her horns.
When he speaks again, her eyes widen, because she recognizes the language, but it's definitely not Common.
"I swear. I apologize. I harbor no kind of hatred towards your kind. You just… reminded me of someone I used to know."
That's in Infernal. A perfect Infernal, if she is being honest with herself. Humans don't usually know Infernal, even less such a pious man.
"What the hell," she states plainly, in Common, a little bit calmer when he actually chuckles, and behind all of that stressed energy, behind the sweat and the blood, he is actually kind of cute. 
She almost smiles at him, his aura suddenly devoid of any kind of threat. There is still something she cannot place, the feeling that they are not alone, but she doesn't really see anything out of place.
"It's a long story. A pretty boring one, too," he excuses himself, and Kore cannot really tell if he is lying. "But yeah! You seem to be a little tired from the trip. Do you mind if we chat while we grab some beer?"
Kore blinks at him, judging him silently. The man scratches the back of his neck, his smile nervous.
"Sorry, sorry," he apologizes too darn much. "Tea, then? And cookies?"
Kore does smile a little at that, her long eyelashes framing her pitch black eyes, her smile genuine, the kind that reaches her whole face.
The guy is just trying so hard to be nice.
"Just, don't think anything weird of it. I like women."
The human blinks at that.
"Ah, that's good. I like men."
Kore does let out a chuckle at that, and the man just smiles, a friendly smile that makes her forget about his whole unsettling aura. She will dig into that sooner or later.
He offers her his arm, such an old fashioned and chivalrous gesture it makes her roll her eyes.
"Care to join me, then? I'll answer all of your questions. Or most of them. You know."
Kore doesn't really know, to be honest.
"I'm good, I can walk by myself. But also, you haven't told me your name."
The man blinks, his face a little red from embarrassment.
"Oh, I'm so stupid. Sorry. It's Ohmrom," he pauses, as if giving it a thought. "Von Allmen. Ohmrom von Allmen."
He is not lying, and yet… there is something unsaid about that name. Kore shrugs. She wants to know if she can fully trust the guy, but she doesn't really give a flying fuck about his personal issues.
"Kore. Of the Eternal Forest."
Ohmrom's smile is genuinely friendly, and it reaches his eyes, but she feels something subtle behind them, a whisper, something she cannot quite reach. Something that doesn't fit a man who is, by all means, not just pretending to be nice to her.
"Nice to meet you, Kore. Something tells me you're going to love it here."
Kore doubts that, but she cannot really say no to tea and cookies, can she?
"We'll see… Now, about that tea…"
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gs-playground · 1 year
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[AF] Of Butterflies and Bitterness
Bat (left) created by: Choliosis/Pencholl
Minthe (right) created by: @artbyggk
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fluffiermonsters · 5 years
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Minthe’s butterfly forme
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wicked-akuma · 6 years
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Minthe, bastard princess of Moon and Toffee. Cold, calculated, and a reputation as cold as her heart. Currently crystallized. 
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
12 Anti LO Asks
1. its victim blaming of hades to tell minthe its HER fault she "couldnt get over him". like? you lied to her! youre the one who blurred the lines to date her! you were just as toxic to her if not more so by controlling where she lives and her job, all while never defending her to your cruel family! you had all the power over her while she had nothing! you dumped her for a 19 year old and dont care she crippled minthe! i wont excuse minthe's actions, but hades is ultimately the worse of the two IMO
2. you know why fans claimed "Minthe should've reacted better"? since the first episode Rachel has been drilling into their heads Minthe is an irredeemable monster, and her not bending over backwards to H/P means she deserves the absolute worst. Minthe reacting how anyone logically would doesn't matter when LO is designed to coddle H/P, and anyone against them must suffer for it, even if the victim to H/P's actions. they never wanted her to be "redeemed", they want her head on a silver platter.
3. i know this is not what she intended bc the only characterization rachel has of hxp is "the best over everything" but uh, does she know having hades control all the petroleum and gasses and whatever else is actively destroying the planet, right? like hes helping the very thing persephone draws her power from and what she's connected to be destroyed to appease hes need for wealth and power. its kinda gross hes being romanticized while he commits horrible acts like this for his bank account.
4. its not impossible to go opposite in their original myth personalities and still have it work. like in hades game, sisyphus is one of the most likable characters, achilles is gentle and kind, ares is calm and rational, etc, but it makes sense within the context of the story. LO in comparison goes "all these loving mothers are evil because i said so! this beloved god is now evil because i said so! minthe is evil because i said so!" and that's about it in terms of logic to these wild changes.
5. I can kinda get behind anon's theory about the flower nymphs looking like P to help her be undetected, the problem is there are also unrelated women in comic who are bright pink and look just like her, with hades even confusing them for her! if i had to bet the only reason they look like that is because rachel just wanted daphne to look like her to hammer home apollo is "obsessed" with P and to fake them as her "real family" over demeter. also just laziness in designing characters in general.
6. its weird hades and persephone are well aware what they're doing is bad even openly admitting it and yet the narrative is so hellbent on excusing their bad actions?? like hades being the major toxic factor in his relationship to minthe, persephone killing people, or hades wanting to bone an eternal 19 year old? like rachel you know thats not how character growth works, right? you cant show they have horrible flaws and leave them to never grow and learn from it, that's not good writing at all.
7. what i also dont get is the hierarchy makes no sense? like zeus is framed as the top god, but that would mean hades cant be the most important man ever so rachel also made him equal rank with zeus (and i guess poseidon too) so?? how does zeus have all that power over them then if theyre all equal? is it because zeus swallowed metis?  also how are the fertility goddess so powerful and rare yet so easily taken down? how are they overpowered and super weak at the same time? i just dont get it.
8. Re reading chapter 144 and other anon is right we do see the pomegranate pin on Hades outfit (so Hades gifts it to her)
But also some things to note
During the makeout session persy begins to disappear in butterfly form and hades is like "no don't leave!" And he grabs her, preventing her from leaving. Which is..kinda Ick considering they were on their way to having (public) sex and he doesn't want her to leave which seems like he's not really respecting her boundaries? (because if she does he'll "be lonely")
The pomegranate pin is Hades' to begin with so technically one of Persephones symbols is not hers (yes I know in the original myth she ate it in the underworld / was forced to eat it but still its supposed to be her symbol)
Hades notes that he "doesn't want to overstep his boundaries as host" because Persephone is a guest (too late for that)
Persephones main concern (after what a week or 2?) after being raped is when Hades wants to stop her reaction is "dont you want me anymore?"
Girl you aren't even dating ...??
Persy's literal one and only concern is that she thinks if she doesnt sleep with Hades right then or when/if he wants to that "she wont be able to give him what hes used to" ... Which is reinforcing that she went to therapy to get "over being blocked" in regards to having sex
Although Hades does mention that she shouldn't feel like she needs to please him and that a kiss can just be a kiss which would be nice
(And yet his thinking of marrying her amd he's known her for 2, 3 weeks? ... And he says "the beginning of a new relationship is exciting and scary" so hes basically indicating thay their dating at this point, I think?)
And later the nymphs in the store are like "do you wanna be the dominatrix of the bedroom?? Buy this lingerie!" And persy does. So??
Meanwhile Demeter is very worried for her daughter who is busy sitting in Hades lap in a pool. 
9. Can we talk about how anons are making fucking flow charts for the LO Timeline cause it's so ridiculously jumbled?
10. im not even against rushed relationships, ive known actual couples who met and were married all within the same year and it worked out great, the difference though is these were people who had their own lives and previous relationships. the issue with LO is RS designed it so Persephone can NEVER have relationships or a life outside of Hades, and if they did get married offscreen, it's framing their marriage in a toxic and unbalanced light. That's not a romance, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
11. i feel like there's a difference between drawing an interesting hooked/aquiline nose versus whatever the hell RS puts on Hades' face. It honestly looks like he's in between morphing into a bird half the time since it just looks like a beak over an actual facial feature.
12. are there shareholders or a board of advisors or something at underworld corp? because if there is id say they have more than enough reason to kick hades out and strip him of his titles/shares because of all the shit he's caused by being guided by his broken pp over thinking with his head. liking dating TWO employees? and getting one of them phsyically crippled by the other bc he can't be honest with either of them and she's a walking time bomb? he's a walking HR nightmare.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
How start to love favoritism and get redemption arc in LO.
So i want to talk about Underworld work, especially how much there prospers favoritism. There is you can read post why favoritism is bad 
as in this post i started to interest in it after discussion between Daphne and Thanatos, but after i started reread LO i have seen how much Thanatos was right, but his position was shamed by everyone, by"good" characters, by audience, even Author have shown it as something wrong, and only he strated to love Persephone and thought that special attitude to her is fine, he became good person and start his redemtion arc.
i don't want to talk about how unbalanced this relationship is (I saw many posts about it and i have nothing to add), i am more interested how it influences on other co-workers.
Favoritism in underworld or maybe on Olymp seems to be something normal, because Hera given this work for Persephone for to get closer with Hades (it was hinted very clear), although they had antoher opotuinities for this, with their finances and love for Savor they could do Dinner party, ball, party etc where Persephone and Hades could know each other better. Why was love affair at work best variant for it? I sincerely have no idea.
Wherein Persephone said that she isn't enough skilled for this work, so someone enough skilled doesnt get this position, because Hera want to make couple from Persephone and Hades.
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i would be fine if Persephone try hard for this job, yes, some characters said that she is smart, but I didn't see her labor and striving, i dont feel like she deserve this position, her only merit on that moment was beuty, it  s not enogh i think, btw to be nice and kind too. As they say in my country "a good person is not a profession".
Let's look on Underworld's bosses.
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in story RS tried to show as Hades is hard worker, he preferred work to relationship, he thinks about work even in strip club and many characters said that he is so. But his behavior shows him absolutly from another side.
to my mind he and Hecata busy only his personal life. With Minthe and after with Parsephone.
as soon as Hades knew that Persephone in Underworld he left everything and flew to save her, very romantic, isn't it? but let's think a bit: Persephone came in dangerous closed facility (btw where their security system?) and made accident, it like someone broke in secret laboratory and start the fire, even if it accidentally it s not something that would be left without responsibility.
Someone can said: it's not her fault, it reptile Minthe! I partially agree with it (only partially) but it s truth for audience not for Hades, he didnt know it. For him it should be random person which got into forbidden place and acted badly there.
Hades reaction: he started to regret her, to apologize, to go everywhere with her, What the Hell was going on? oh yes and another co-workers had to look for Persephone`s brooch and cloak, so they had to left their their direct responsibilities, because somebody coulndt go away after she understood that this place is dangerous, she could wait after door of Tower 4 or befor Hades cabinet, she wouldnt lost anything in this way. But Persephone is sooo smart, isnt she, Hera?
btw very considerable moment Thanatos started to worried about his work when he knew that Persephone is liked by Hades, because he entered in train before her, does it mean that Hades not only choose favorites but shamed co-workers which dont like this favorites? we will see that yes he do it.
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Another situation is presentation Persephone, oh i feel your cringe Minthe, i were in similar situation, my past boss forced our team to congratulate his girlfriend with birthday, should i say that we even didnt know her?  it was so awkward. when i read this part of story i feel the same cringe as in that day. Yeah this boss was kinda terrible, mb he didn't like me because i am not enough beauty for him? i have this feeling after LO reading.
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First working day of Persephone is just quintessence of favoritism. initially Hecate went with her everywhere, after - Hades started to do it, they even changed his schedule and yeah i find indignation of Minthe and Thanatos (i dont care about their motives now) very reasonable and Hecates arguments were just silly. Why he should work with someone unqualified? and why boss dont have better business than to take an excursion ​on Underworld with new intern?
Hecate arguments is annoying, he cant said that she is unskilled (she is really so) because he eaten her baklava? great. Why they need to apologize for Persephone stupidity? Tell me someone pls, it s to hard for my mind. And yeah it's not school prom, mb Hades will start to work and stop flirting with new intern?
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Oh i start to hate her, how she can be one of the favorite character by audience. Can she just be honest? Persephone is here and everyone go around her because Hades find her attractive.
Another favoritism example it is Persephone salary, Author could not accentuate that trainee dont get salary in Underworld, and it would be fine, okay she get receive income now but no, Persephone should be special and other interns aren't so special,  it would okay if she would work in office some time and she would be so hard worker that leadership would want to prize her for it. But she is just special, just because she is attractive for Hades. 
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In chapter 88 Persephone confessed that she flirt with Hades, but she dont want special treatment, but she embarrassed only by business card, not salary, not that everyone worry about her. It shown as joke, oh ha-ha how naive Persephone, for me it looks not like joke, more like mockery for people who work hard and don't have such prizes, because they are not attractive for their bosses.
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And in this chapter Hades left his working place and gone to decide Persephone's problems, problems other workers don't matter, but Hecata asked nice question.
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i think no, how Hade's corporation are still active and success with such directors?
but actually no, looks like Thanatos and Minthe are still try to do some job, because only they could teach Persephone how to work with computer program (why is not Hermes? he works in the same position as Thanatos does it mean that he doesn't understand in this work anything because she even did not ask him?) and  I on Thanatos side in this, why he should spend his time for her?  (He already has trouble that he works worse than Hermes) and btw he tried to work, did not fawn for boss favorite, so he tried to make his work better in honest way.
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And maybe she will try to read user guide? if she learned how to rule car from reading what is problem to do the same with computer program? and doesn't waste time of another workers.
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Anyway It's strange that people which try to work are not fire yet. Because another worker who tried to do her work right was almost fired, because princess don't know her ID. Whose fault is it? Again for Persephone's fault another worker had trouble, and why is shown as humor again? why pain and fear are funny here, and it's unfunny where Gestia acted with Persephone in similar way. I think if it s funny it should be funny with everyone not only with defenseless and weak workers which isnt boss favorite.
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and of course hades gone to bank with their interns, because what else he could do on the work? pffffff
the only time where Hades reaction looks adequate at the start at least, it accident where Persephone given coins to souls which made riot  because of it and again with it should deal other workers. everything what happened with Persephone that Hades was a bit angry and after they kissed, she transformation in butterflies, he forget about this accident and started to search what transformation means.
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I thought it makes no sense to compare relationship Hades/Persephone and he\his other workers. For everything that she done any other worker would be fired, beaten, killed or something.
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this leitmotif in LO if you like Persephone you are nice, if you don't - go to hell. Thanatos redemption start from his liking Persephone and think that Favoritism is fine.
Why it should care other workers and Thanatos especially? because they have trouble because of her, she tried to waste their time, and some great hard worker dont get any prize, where she get prize only for flirting with boss. their boss became unproductive and don't care about them, he think only about his sweet princess. 
So go away Daphne, pls. You are such smart as Persephone.
Btw Thanatos is gathering souls, and Hermes falsified counts of souls because of Persephone, i am not sure about that but looks like Hermes productivity were such great because of this falsification,  so if it is so, he can hate her with pure conscience, because he was blamed that he is lazy and bad worker and didnt get increase in salary.
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So okay, i think Favoritism can be in fiction, but not how it was shown in LO, as something unequivocally positive and romantic, and Thanatos opinion was unequivocally shamed, everything it can work with grey moral story and such type of characters, someone can say: in LO characters are "grey", maybe, for me they are much worse than grey, but in story they dont show as grey, grey moral story it s when you can like any character and dont be in others eyes "misogynic" or no one will say to you "dont sit right with me" because of it, and another phrases which get person who prefered unpopular LO characters.
Oh what a huge post, thank you if someone read it to the end)
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magicalfxgirl · 4 years
LO Characters as Pokemon Trainers: The Nymphs
The Nymphs teams are based on LO, and their origins in greek mythology. Anything else is pure fanfiction. Please enjoy.
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Her Bayleef, Bloom has been with her since birth as the two were born in the same field. The two are extremely close. Bloom has hated Apollo ever since she first met him. Literally attacking him with razor leaf and vine whip when the two first met. Apollo has avoided Bloom at all cost ever since. The pokemon Bayleef gets it named after bay leaves which are part of the laurel tree family. The tree which she turns into in the original myth. Her Bellossom, Bella was given to her as an Oddish by Persephone when both Persephone and Daphne were children. Persephone later gave Daphne a Sun Stone to evolve Bella from a Gloom into Bellossom. As Gloom smell bad and Persephone knew it would hurt Daphne to have to leave Bella behind when Daphne left to start her carrear. Bella is always seen dancing on Sprouts its sings. The two are close as they have been with Daphne the longest. Bella evolved from a Sun Stone that Persephone gave her. Bella spied on Daphne's and Apollo's date's in order to protect Daphne as Bloom could not. Bella has also appeared in some of Daphne's photoshoots. Her Frosmoth, Silk a gift from Thanatos as he is associated with moths or butterflys. Silk is often mistaken for a beautiful bow as she loves sit on Daphne's head. Pumpkin, her Pumpkaboo initially was in the care of Thanatos. Thanatos cared for Pumpkin, but feared people would think he was getting soft so he gave Pumpkin to Daphne. Although Echo thinks it was just so he had an excuse to visit Daphne. Her Finneon and Goldeen are a reference to orignal origins as a water nymph.
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Echo is ace is obviously Chatter, her Chatot who often repeats what is ever said around him. Daphne calls Chatter, Echo Jr or Echo's shadow as the two are never far a apart. Something useful as Chatter repeats Hera's commands in order for Echo not to miss a word her mistress speaks. Hera has mixed feelings toward Chatter as realizes he is useful, but he also never shut up. So she is on the fence about him. Her ditto, Daffodil, is a reference to Narcissis the man fell in love with, but was more in love with her own reflection. Her Vaporeon, Vapor can literally become one with water. Another reference to Narcissisus. Her Misdeavous, is known for mimicing people. Her Gogoat, Fauna and Pikapek, Reed were both gifts from the God, Pan, who loved her. She also has Audino, its just not on her team.
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Aetna has only had 3 apparences so far, but her team will definetly leave an impact. Half her team is based on her appearence in LO, while the other half is base on her portray in Greek mythology.
Hephaetus gifted her Rotom, Virus and her Porygon Z, Update. As he was worried she was lonely being limited to the web. Technically Aetna recieved Update through trading a Hepheatus another Rotom, but that was just done so she would have a Porygon with better graphics. Charjabug makes sure the computers she uses stay powered even during blackouts. Her Octillery, Palikoi, is known for hitting enemies with blasts of hot water. He is named after the greek god of geysers and hot springs. Depending on the myth on Aetna is the mother or grandmother of Palikoi the greek god of geysers and hot springs. Stakataka, an Ultrabeast looks like a building come to life is reference to Mount Aetna which shares her name. According to greek mythology Zeus threw Mt. Aetna on top of father of monsters Typhoon. According to pokemon canon Ultrabeast are not legendary as there more than one of each as they come. Her Camerupt, Mountain is another reference to Mount Aetna.
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When I said Zeus had a type well Thetis is the secound mistress of his that has a Malamar as her one of her Aces. Thetis is no where near Leto's level, but she is still a master manipulator. Manipulating both Zeus and Minthe. Her Malamar, Malice will do whatever it takes to get what it wants. Even framing Thetis' other pokemon in order to remain on top of Thetis' team. That being said it is still number two Thetis' true Ace, Yuki-Onna, the Frosglass. Its Moon dex entry explains its spot on Thetis' team "The soul of a woman lost on a snowy mountain possessed an icicle, becoming this Pokémon. The food it most relishes is the souls of men." Beautiful, yet vicious nature of Thetis's Yuki-Onna makes it easy to understand why the pokemon is her ace. Jaws, her Sharpedo, was a gift from her parents as Thetis is a water nymph who always had men after her. Her Leipard, Leila hates that it is third place in Thetis' team. It is well known that Thetis' Liepard considers Hera's Persian its rival. Something that Hera's Persian seems indifferent too which just makes Liepard angrier.Gossip, her Nickit often helps her steel Zeus' phone, when Thetis wants to hurt Hera.
Leila and Gossip happen to be friends. As Gossip will help steal food for Leila while Leila protects Gossip from getting attacked by Thetis' other pokemon. Her Huntail, Glow, was from a trade that went wrong. Zeus was susposed to trade her Clamperl with a Deep Sea Scale so she would have a Gorebyss. Instead it was holding a Deep Sea Tooth and evolved into a Huntail. Wierdly enough Jaws and Glow are close friends and help keep each other safe from the infighting within Thetis' team.
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As master manipulator of men from Thanatos to Hades it makes sense her main ace would share the same skill. Salazzle rules over the male salandit and destroys any female who threaten her rain. Her Salazzle, Sass is just vicious as her trainer. Most people in Underworld corps think its fiting that one of Minthe's ace is Gorebyss. As it's pokedex entry states "Although Gorebyss is the very picture of elegance and beauty while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this Pokémon inserts its thin mouth into the prey's body and drains the prey of its body fluids." Her Gorebyss, is named Siren. Ironically Siren was gift trade from Hades who traded to her a magickarp in order to make it evolve. Minthe literally drains the life of those around her be it Thanatos or Hades. She uses her beauty to bring them in before draining them completely. Her preference for poisin types continues with her Dragalge, and her Victreebel. Her Carnivine was gift from Thanatos who wanted to impress her. It did not work. Her Poliwag was gift from her family and her only connection to time as simple water nymph. It is also where Hades got his pet name, tadpole from as Poliwag is the tad pole pokemon.
Nymphs are done. Who is next, but the most feared beingings in LO, the Titans.
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godsofhumanity · 4 years
okay folks so your gal just finished LO season 1, thought i might just give my two cents about the whole shebang. spoilers below cut.
OVERVIEW: LO S1 pretty much just revolves around Persephone in a modern-day AU (kind of?? idk i’m still unclear about this) where she manages to convince Demeter to let her move to Olympus, where she lives with Artemis. Shit happens and she meets Hades, CEO of the Underworld (literally tbh) and they fall in love, but they both have lots of issues and obstacles that they must first get past before they can like, get together. 
RATING: idk.. 5/10 ?? it’s not a favourite, and i wouldn’t read it twice.. but yeah. i really think reading it for yourself is a lot better than just going by other people’s opinions (which is what i did previously). it’s honestly, quite a quick read.
> the author’s artistic choice to keep all the characters related to a single colour scheme. visually speaking, this is very appealing and helps the reader differentiate between characters considering they all the freaking same.
> exploration of other myths on the sidelines of the main story. i particularly liked the twist on the eros-psyche myth where aphrodite actually calms down and decides to test how much eros really loves psyche, because she doesn’t want her son’s heart broken again.
> aphrodite’s whole family in general. ares, eros, aphrodite and the little kids are so fucking cute... i’m not a fan of aphrodite in most interpretations but i actually like her in LO. she’s questionable at the start but she gets better i think.
> zeus, poseidon and hades having “compulsory” family brunch where it’s just “bonding time” with the bros. i thought that was pretty funny.
> HERA!!! during *that scene* (y’all know the one) when Hera could sense that someone was in pain, that they were in distress but she wasn’t sure who... aghhhhhh like a mother concerned for her child... 
> also hera teaching Hebe that it’s wrong to snoop around... Hebe.. so cute
> helios having a chain around his neck. don’t get me wrong, i HATE that he’s being used for labour, like a punishment, he deserves so much better!! BUT, i like that the consequences of war are actually shown,, and that the olympians aren’t as hot as they think themselves to be, like everyone pretty much hates them.
> pomegranate soda or whatever it was.. clever
> i like Minthe as a character. it seems to be that she genuinely wants to be better, and that she does in fact like Hades, but she is really struggling with her emotional state, and i hope she gets help. soon. i said before that i thought hades x minthe would be better than hades x persephone, but now i realise that actually no, that’d be very toxic.. but i am wondering about minthe x thanatos because it seems to me they are actually pretty good to each other (EXHIBIT A: thanatos bringing minthe food when she was an emotional wreck and wouldn’t leave her apartment after hades broke up with her).
> fave characters so far: hera, poseidon, ares, eros, aphrodite, hermes, thanatos, hades, helios, and controverisal but... zeus (idk.. i’m still deciding)
> alright let’s talk about hades-persephone’s relationship. first of all, i think that even in a “modern au”, if Persephone had been like 2000, and Hades had been like 4000, that at least would have made sense because like, they’re gods, so comparatively that would’ve been alright. BUT, Persephone is NINETEEN (19). not converting from goddess-to-human years.. i mean she has actually been alive for 19 fucking years. she is not just a child compared to Hades, she is a fucking BABY!!!!!! she’s a newborn!!!! and Persephone’s “youthfulness” is clearly demonstrated in her immaturity (which is natural because she’s a fucking teenager) AND her lack of awareness about the real world.. she has no experience (don’t get me wrong, this isn’t exactly her fault)
[EG] persephone trying to give the poor souls on the beach money so that they can get a ride with charon, and then a riot starting because that was a stupid decision and she doesn’t know any better...
> Hades, on the other hand, is like a grown-ass man who is running a company and managing the souls of the underworld, etc, etc. Hades thought it was OKAY to pull out the eye of a news reporter because he slandered Persephone (an eye for an eye is a pretty archaic principle, which makes since because, oh yeah, Hades IS archaic!).Hades has soooo many years of experience more than Persephone. he literally fought in the olympian-titan war!! Hades treats Persephone well, for sure... but honestly?? she is just too young... and the weirdest thing about it?? most of the characters in the story ALSO AGREE THAT SHE IS A CHILD!!!!!!
> related to the above^^, Hecate literally, when she first hears about hades-persephone from the newspaper, SCOLDS hades, and tells him that she is wayyy too young for him.. but then literally the next chapter comes, and she’s suddenly okay with it?? she’s like shipping it too???????? HELLO???? make up your mind hecate.
> Persephone The Naked Butterfly scene where she fucking falls on top of Hades, naked....... how necessary was that?
> let’s not even talk about ap*llo in this comic.. that was fucking disgusting, and that’s all i’m gonna say about that.
> zeus setting demeter’s crops on fire because she was sick of having to cover for zeus’ affairs and finally put her foot down. you go, girl! but zeus.. that definitely did make me dislike him a little..
> thetis... HATE HATE HATE HATE her!!!!!!! ughhhhhhhhhh
> why does daphne have like.. a crush on ap*llo??? shouldn’t she hate him?
> Persephone The Mass Murderer scene.......... i do NOT understand at all how some mortals digging up flowers = the death of a nymph. if this was the case, then there shouldn’t really be ANY nymphs left.. i mean so many people dig up flowers... also, idk about y’all but i’m certain that in a chapter Persephone was seen to be making flower crowns for Cerberus.. does that not require the flower to be yanked from the ground??? hello??? i feel like the author knew that she wanted Persephone to do something tragic and dangerous in order to win the name Persephone, but wasn’t sure exactly what so she just quickly put this together, because the logic is fairly lax in my opinion.
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thebest-medicine · 4 years
Lore Olympus, Persephone / Hades, tickle fic/fluff, takes place during/directly after ep 112
A/N: I have fast pass and so I waited a million years to post this because I read ep 112 and HAD TO FCKING WRITE THIS OK impossible not to god I fucking love lore olympus AND I LOVE HOW MUCH HADES DRINKS RESPECTING WOMEN JUICE 🧃 GOD(S) DAMN. Also maybe it’s the fact that I color coded the dialogue so I had to edit this more thoroughly but this is one of my favorite things I’ve written in a long time and I just really fucking love this web comic and this pairing and this feels like it’d be on vibe and that makes me really happy ok? ok.
Summary: coda to ep 112, Persephone and Hades chat about what has happened in the past day or two and Hades comes up with a cute (i.e. ticklish) way to help distract Persephone when she is tired of feeling glum and worrying
Words: 2,495
(so... spoilers for 112, also 110 spoilers mentioned)
An hour ago, Hades wouldn’t have believed who was about to summon him. Had he known Persephone would have wanted his company, perhaps he’d have worn something other than sweatpants. But now, laying next to her in her own bed, he was happy to have comfortable clothes. At least something was comfortable. They needed to talk about what happened between them. He didn’t want to pressure her, she said she wasn’t feeling good, maybe it was because of him..?
“Can we.. talk about the kiss?”
“Did you...not like it?”
“The kiss?”
He felt a tightness in his chest evaporate when he heard her words. “...I loved the kiss.”
Suddenly, he realized, everything was comfortable, how could it not be, around her. Hades nearly melted into the pillow. He told Persephone to tell him if she wanted him to leave, and of course he would respect her wishes, but he couldn’t think of anything more devastating than the thought of leaving where he was right now.
“Then.. why did you leave? What happened?”
“I guess I... really enjoyed the kiss and I... got.. excited...” She answered bashfully.
Relief - and he had to admit a bit of flattery too - washed over him. “Oooooh..”
“And then I.. felt scared of those feelings I was having. My body reacted in a way I didn’t expect.” She paused, turning to face him. “I’m sorry for leaving you...”
I wish you’d never leave me again. He caught himself thinking. Jesus, Hades, she’s her own person, relax. He chuckled to himself. God, she’s just so... sweet, and cute, and adorable, and gorgeous, and nice...
“And I’m sorry for being weird.”
He thought he might evaporate into an array of butterflies too when she turned herself fully toward him, letting her arm fall over his chest. When was the last time he just...cuddled?
“You’re not that weird...” Hades smiled. A black moth took shape above them in the bed. “See?”
Persephone’s smile softened the room as she giggled, bringing her fingers up to the moth where two small pink butterflies fluttered into existence next to Hades’ moth.
“Thank you.” Persephone sighed against his chest.
Hades tilted his chin towards her. “What for?”
“For coming..”
“You summoned me, to be fair.” He snorted, then taking her hand. “But you know, I’d- I’d come whenever you ask.”
Persephone gazed up at him, and he could see the smile in her eyes. “I appreciate it.. a lot. And thanks for... for listening. For staying. For being here. With me.” She wiggled closer to him, pressing herself against his side.
Hades realized he was holding his breath after she moved even closer. How could this be so- so nerve-wracking? She likes you too, you idiot, why are you so nervous? He counted to ten in his head and tried to stuff down the butterflies in his own chest, regain his composure, confidence..
“You said before that you.. didn’t feel good and were having trouble sleeping. Do you... want to talk about what else is bothering you?” Hades offered.
Persephone shrunk in on herself a bit, holding him tighter. “Not- not really.”
Hades couldn’t stop his face from falling a bit. He pulled her close. “That’s alright. If you ever do... I’m here to listen, Kore.”
An idea popped into his head. “If you don’t want to talk about it.. Would you rather be... distracted? Comforted? Held? Or... Want me to just shut up?” He grinned at her. “What do you need?” He squeezed her hand tighter.
“Um..” Persephone thought aloud. “Hmm.. actually.. Distracted...sounds pretty good! I’m not exactly sleepy.” She stifled a yawn into her palm.
“I actually have something in mind that might help you with that.” Hades smirked at her.
Persephone’s eyes widened a little at him. “Um-” She hesitated.
“Oh not- not like-”Hades smacked his own forehead, a blue blush rising to his cheeks. “I’m not- that’s not what I meant! I swear I’m trying to bring my scoundrel level down!” He laughed. “What am I at now by the way?”
“Hmm, well I would have said maybe...15%, but- but that number depends on whatever you say next!” Persephone raised an eyebrow at him.
“15%? Nice, I’ve gone down!” Hades grinned joyfully. “My number might go up after this but..... only a little bit.” He paused sheepishly. “I hope!”
Persephone propped herself onto her elbows on his chest. “Well, now I’m curious, what’s your big idea?”
“I just want to ask you a question.” Hades started, shrugging innocently. “I think it’ll be pretty distracting.”
“... Okay.” Persephone agreed.
“Are you ticklish?” Hades couldn’t keep the smirk out of his voice.
Persephone stiffened up in his arms. “N-” She started to make a noise but stopped when he looked down at her.
She was blushing even more pink than usual, a goofy, nervous smile on her face. “I- I-” She couldn’t make eye contact with him
She had been in many a tickle fight with the flower nymphs she played with back home in the mortal realm. Was there any answer, though, that wouldn’t end with the same result? He’s gonna test it out...
She felt him slowly shifting himself into a better position to do just that, one of his hands was crawling slowly toward her side.
When words finally came to her, just as Hades was about to find out regardless of what she said, all she answered was, “Are you?”
She always fucking surprises me. Hades thought to himself as a blush grew on his cheeks. How does she do that? I was in control a second ago, wasn’t I? He chuckled. “Well, I’m.. not, I- I don’t think..” That definitely didn’t sound convincing.
“!! YOU DON’T THINK?” Persephone practically shouted, a bright smile on her face as she stared at him with giddy disbelief. “YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?” She was almost embarrassed by how excited she knew she sounded.
Hades rolled his eyes. “I mean... who exactly do you think is going to be tickling the King of the Underworld?” Hades laughed at the thought.
“ME!” Persephone couldn’t help herself.
Hades could think of a few times as a child that he’d been tickled by Rhea or the other gods because of how serious he always was, and they figured somebody needed to put a smile on his face, right? Maybe a handful of teasing pokes from Hera or an accidental brush or two of fingers from Minthe that surprised him by how sensitive it was, but none of that was ANYTHING like what Persephone’s fingers were doing to his side.
She was leaning over him, five fingers digging into each side of him, her thumbs pressing between the muscles on the sides of his abdomen while her fingers squeezed around the back of his sides sporadically. She wiggled her fingers up toward his ribs and used her nails to dig in a bit between the bones.
Hades already had a hard time keeping any kind of guard up with her, so it was only a matter of seconds before she had him laughing. “Ohmygods- Kore st-stahahahop!”
“YOU ARE TICKLISH!!” She nearly had stars in her eyes. He was more adorable in that moment than any of his dogs (but she would never tell them that) even Pomelia.
Hades hadn’t laughed like that in.... he didn’t know if ever. Somehow in 2 weeks, she brought out things - feelings, situations... that he never in thousands of years even dreamed of finding himself in.
“Persephoneheheehhehehehe-” Hades giggled helplessly as he squirmed on her bed. His arms wrapped around her but he didn’t actively stop her. He didn’t want to push her away, and he ESPECIALLY didn’t want to hurt her. Hades would probably rip the head off of anyone else who made him feel so... vulnerable and silly, but with Kore it felt right. Even if she might be torturing him a little bit. This kind of torture was far better than the torture he felt trying to be away from her.
“I- I can’t believe...” Persephone squealed. “You’re...You’re...so cute!!!!!” She stopped tickling him with one hand to cover her face. Both of them had fire in their cheeks.
Hades took advantage of her slowing down her tickle attack and grabbed her tickling hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. “Okay, okay- Stahahop- I- nobody has ever- I’ve never been tickled like that-” Hades calmed himself through his residual giggles as he pulled the Goddess of Spring against his chest, wrapping his other arm around her.
“Hehehehehe.” Persephone snickered, twirling her free hand’s fingers against his neck and under his chin. He flinched away. “You’re ticklish.”
“You’re lucky.”
“You’re ticklish.”
“Anyone else who tried that would be dead.”
“And you’re ticklish.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re very ticklish.”
Hades rolled his eyes. “Okay fine... maybe.”
“Where else are you ticklish? Your feet? Your knees? I didn’t even get to try under your arms...” Persephone noted.
“I don’t like where this is going...” Or maybe I do? Hades laughed hesitantly. “Anyway... weren’t we- weren’t we supposed to be talking about where you are ticklish?”
Persephone, a sudden bolt of confidence shooting through her, declared. “I’m not. I never said I was.”
Hades, almost disappointed for a moment, narrowed his eyes at her. “I don’t buy that shit for a second.”
Persephone’s confident smile faltered.
“So let’s just see about that!” Hades continued, suddenly using the hand that was already holding hers to try to also grab her other wrist. She squirmed enough that he could only keep her one arm pinned, so he just started anyway. His free hand, instead of holding her to his chest, started pinching just above her hip on her side. “Are you ticklish here?”
“Nohohohoho-” Persephone cackled.
“No? You sound kinda ticklish..”
“I’M NAHAHAHHA-NOT!” Persephone insisted, squirming wildly and trying to somehow smack his hand away.
That only encouraged Hades to keep trying more places. “Okay, then..let’s see where else you’re not ticklish.”
Persephone practically screamed.
“You do realize Artemis is here, right?” Hades teased. “How much trouble do you think you’d get in...” He latched onto the side of her rib cage and squeezed mercilessly, making Kore wriggle madly in the bed, rolling around and practically falling off trying to get away. “If you laughed, or you screamed, so loud you woke her up?”
Persephone turned her face into the pillow, rolling herself face down on the bed. Hades let go of her hand and rolled up onto his knees, hovering over her as he continued teasing her.
“Artemis would charge in here, arrows notched, ready to help poor, sweet Kore who screamed for help.”
Hades, caught up in the moment, climbed over her, straddling the back of her hips. He was so concerned with properly tickling her that he didn’t even have time to appreciate that he was sitting directly behind her butt. His two hands wiggled their fingers under the edges of her sides and began to tickle, first in the same spots, then slowly down toward her hips and up toward her ribs.
“And then she’d see this, the Goddess of Spring, giggling helplessly underneath a King, in her bed, in her room, in the middle of the night.” Hades laughed at the scene.
“I mean, what would she think of us?”
Persephone grabbed at his wrists uselessly as Hades tickled along her midsection. She definitely did not see the night going this way. “H-Hades ohmygohaahhaHAHAHAHAHA- plehehehease!” Persephone’s laughter got even more desperate when he started pinching her lower ribs.
Hades leaned down, practically next to her ear. “You’d better be quiet...” He warned as she cackled into the pillow.
“Though.. I don’t know, you’re already in a lot of trouble.” He winked, not that she could even see it, laughing her head off face down. Two fingers on each side latched onto the space just in front of her hip bones and started squeezing.
“100! HAHAHA- 100% SCOUNDREL!! HAAHHA PLEASE BASHSHAHA HADEHEHEHEES- st-stoppit!” Persephone wheezed, pounding her fists against the bed.
The way she giggled out his name.. he was the one in trouble.
“Calling me a scoundrel, while you might be right, given the situation, still doesn’t seem like the best way to get yourself out of it, now does it?” Hades teased.
As he kept going, tickling upward, he noticed Persephone wouldn’t move her arms from her upper sides/ribs so he decided to try her underarms out another time. There would definitely have to be more of this. A lot more.
“I wanna try one more spot, and then I’ll stop, alright?” Hades offered, slowing down his tickling a bit to just lightly scribbling his fingers over her back, shoulder blades, and sides.
“OMG! I ahahahaha - I was nice to you! I- I stopped!” Persephone tried.
“That’s ‘cause I stopped you.” Hades corrected her. He slowed down his tickling on her sides and ribs, shifting himself so he was facing her legs now. “And Kore, here’s the other thing..”
Persephone grabbed the pillow she was laughing into, wrapping her arms around it.
“I think you.. also could, very easily, stop me right now.” Hades grabbed ahold of her ankles and pulled them up close to his chest. “If you wanted to.”
Persephone was grateful the laughter and the pillow were there to hide her blush. Alright well, maybe he’s right, maybe this was a great distraction... and.... maybe she was having fun.
They both noted how she didn’t answer.
Hades kept a tight grip on her ankles with one hand while the other’s fingers spidered and wriggled all over her soles, between her toes, over the tops of her feet even. It didn’t last more than probably 45 seconds, but Hades was actually beginning to worry a little about waking Artemis up with all this giggling.
When he finally did stop, he noticed pink petals strewn around the room.
He slid off of her, swallowing down the nervous feeling that gripped him when he remembered he had just been literally straddling her. He inched back to his side of the bed.
He glanced away sheepishly, a palm to his neck. “Uh- s-sorry if I got a little carried away..”
Persephone pulled her face out of the pillow, a giggly, warm, almost teary-eyed smile upon it. “Don’t worry about it.” She assured him. “I- you- uh, I didn’t mind.” She giggled.
“Well good because, that was really cute.” The words somehow pushed through his brain and out of his mouth and he admitted, laying down once again and pulling her back toward his chest. “Next time, don’t lie to me though.”
“Lie?” Persephone gave him a weird look for a moment.
“You said you weren’t ticklish.” Hades laughed.
Persephone snorted and rolled her eyes. “So did you.” She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Touché.” Hades kissed her forehead.
Kore kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his chest and pulling herself even closer. “Thanks for distracting me.”
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
The problem too with how LO handled Minthe and her demise is, assuming RS actually follows anything from mythology, mint is Hades’ sacred plant, one he holds dear over everything else. So either she completely disregards an important symbol and item to Hades (wouldn’t be surprising, RS stole Psyche and Thanatos’ butterfly symbols and gave them to Persephone of all people), or, because LO Minthe is so awful and Persephone hates her, Hades ends up weirdly embracing his dead girlfriend’s remains in spite of Persephone? For what? Unneeded drama? Because at that point Persephone has no reason but to lash out at him too, which at that point would just start her down to being an abuser like Minthe was. Someone make it make sense.
Iiiikhhh 😬😬😬 I am not 100% sure Minthe is Hades' sacred plant, I trust you here xD
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koreecob · 4 years
Season 1 timeline
Day 1, Saturday, March 10th: Hades gets stood up by Minthe and goes to the party by himself. There he sees Persephone and he finds her later that night, passed out in his car. He lets her stay for the night in his guest room seeing shes drunk.
Day 2, Sunday (TW; Rape): Hades and Persephone flirt a LOT in his kitchen. He gifts her the coat that he had gotten for Hera. They get interrupted by Zeus, insisting on family brunch. Hades takes Persephone home, before he goes to have brunch with his brothers at the strip club. Eros comes over to Artemis’s house and apologizes to Persephone for putting her in Hades car. Eros and Psyche backstory happens here. Eros, Artemis, and Persephone go shopping. Apollo and Hermes meet up with the girls after this and they spend the rest of the day with them. Apollo rapes Persephone that night and leaves directly after. Hades has a nightmare about being swallowed by his father and decides to call Persephone after getting a text message from her. They stay up and fall asleep on the phone together.
Day 3, Monday: Zeus and Hera fight the next morning about things that were said over brunch the day before. Persephone goes to see Hera and is given the internship in the Underworld as a part of Hera’s plan to see if Hades should be allowed to court Persephone. Thetis shows Minthe the Weekly Nark article which shows a picture of Hades and Persephone leaving his house on Sunday morning. Persephone has her first day of college and is picked up by Apollo afterwards. Cerberus helps her out of that situation and he keeps her company while she spends the rest of the afternoon studying her notes.
Day 4,Tuesday: Persephone has a nightmare about the greenhouse with a dark figure outside asking about her life and her ambitions. Persephone goes to the Underworld Corp to meet with Hades and ends up getting directed to Tartarus. Hades saves her and then brings her up to his office after where they discuss her internship. They play a game of chess to see if she will be given the internship and she wins. Minthe and Hades fight after Persephone is introduced to the employees but make up later that night after she shows up at his door and apologizes for her recent behavior. Hades writes a letter talking about wanting to try to have a committed relationship with Minthe and meanwhile Persephone is getting her coat taken away by Hestia after she found out about the article. Hades calls The Furies and tells them about the photos that were taken of him and Persephone.
Day 5, Thursday: The Furies track down Alex, the photographer. Minthe and Hades plan to have dinner that night.  Hades gives Persephone a tour of the Underworld after Hecate has ‘overbooked herself.’ Hecate and Hades have a little heart to heart and she gives him a letter Persephone had written to her. Hades takes Alex’s eye out. Minthe decides to go to get after work drinks with Thetis. Thetis gets under her skin and Minthe ends up getting drunk and missing dinner with Hades. After Hades realizes that she isn't going to show up, he decides to eat the baklava that Persephone gave him earlier that day and reads the letter. He calls Hecate after finding that he was mentioned in the letter. Persephone admits to having a crush on Hades and opens up to Eros about what Apollo did to her. He comforts her and lets her spend the night at his place.
Day 6, Friday: Persephone meets Eros’s family the next morning and gets a pep talk (kinda??) from Aphrodite. We get another flashback about Eros and Psyche, learning about Eros killing mortals when he was heartbroken. Hades goes to ask The Fates for the memory he lost when super drunk in the mortal realm. Minthe confronts him angrily at work and ends up slapping him and comparing him to his father. Hecate stops her and suspends her until further notice. Hades has a traumatic break according to Nyx and they talk until she tells him Hera is there to see him. Hera and Hades talk about what happened between him and Minthe and the general topic of him getting married pops up. Hera kisses Hades and we get a flashback to when they first met before the war started. Hades stops her and they then go back to her house and Persephone happens to show up too, intending to plant rose cuttings for Hera’s garden. Hera invites them both for dinner. This same night, Thanatos is snooping in Persephone’s room and finds the ledger. Hades and Persephone share a sweet moment in the garden until Zeus tells them to go home after turning on the sprinklers. Hades takes Persephone home but they find Apollo outside, wanting to talk to her. Hades takes care of it, getting Poseidon to take Apollo off to the mortal realm, and Persephone steals the lyre. Thetis sends Hera Zeus’s nudes and they end up fighting about it until Ares shows up. Minthe and Thetis go clubbing and Minthe tells Thetis off.
Day 7, Saturday: Persephone goes to the pregnancy center after having a nightmare about being pregnant.
Day 8, Sunday: The brothers meet up for brunch and discuss Hades getting married and having an emotional affair with Persephone
Day 9, Monday: Persephone finds out about what Hades did to the reporter and goes to the Underworld to ask him about it. She finds herself waiting in a really long line and ends up running into Ares. Before she knows it shes at the front of the line and Hades takes her to his secret place where they discuss what he did and why it wasn’t okay with her.She starts to talk about setting up boundaries, especially since hes still dating Minthe. They go to the hospital and Hades puts Alex’s eye back in. On the walk home they both fully agree to the boundaries. Hades gets forced into joining in on a TOGEM meeting by Hestia after he offers to donate money to the program. On his way out he gets a code red from Zeus and finds him and Ares fighting out in the front lawn. Hera gets hit in the face and she kicks everyone out. The brothers go to the mortal realm and we meet Semele, Zeus’s mortal girlfriend, and Hades new puppy, Meli/Pomelia.
Day 10, Tuesday: Persephone is forced into joining breakfast with Artemis, Apollo, and Hermes. Everything is fine until Artemis and Hermes leave. Persephone confronts Apollo about everything hes done, showing him the lyre, and telling him she wants nothing to do with him. Eros swoops by and gets Apollo to leave. He convinces Persephone to take a day off from school and instead come over to his house to bake stuff. She agrees and onceshes there she runs into Ares again and he apologizes for making her upset that day in the Underworld. There’s a flashback to how these two met. Hades wakes up after having a dream about having a family with Persephone. He decides he doesn’t want to be with Minthe anymore and he breaks up with her that same night.
Day 11, Wednesday, March 21st: Its Persephone’s 20th birthday and her first day at her internship. Hades asks Persephone about having bank account and she tells him she doesn’t have one. They go to the bank together and open up an account for her. Thanatos goes over to Hermes house to try to get more information about Persephone but gets told off. He is then taken to go see Helios by Apollo and learns about Persephone’s act of wrath. Persephone goes to the beach to give the shades coins to cross the river but things go bad and she is saved by Hades. Hades scolds her for doing this and later ends up admitting that he wants her. Persephone kisses Hades and then gets overwhelmed and turns into butterflies.
Day 12, Thursday: Persephone uses the map Minthe had give her to direct her to Tartarus as blackmail so she will help her figure out how to use the computer. Minthe alludes to knowing more about Persephone than she thinks. Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos tell Zeus about Persephone’s act of wrath.
Day 13, Friday: Persephone is paranoid to sleep in her own bed due to what happened the last time she did. She contacts Hades by hitting the ground twice and he stays the night with her. They talk about the kiss and how it made her feel and he comforts her, assuring her shes not being weird.
Day 14, Saturday: Hades and Persephone wake up together and go over to Hades house for breakfast. After Persephone leaves, Hades gets the tape he asked for from Hermes and he watches it right after, learning about the first time he and Persephone met in the Mortal Realm. Persephone goes back to Olympus and does some shopping. She runs into Apollo and Daphne and tells Apollo off for being with her. She threatens to tell about him raping her if Apollo doesn’t leave Daphne alone. He brings out the photos he took of her and uses them against her, saying he’ll release these if she says anything. Demeter shows up at Artemis’s door, asking to see Persephone.
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fluffiermonsters · 5 years
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o brother mine.png
A drawing I made for my boyfriend of Minthe and Revell, who are half siblings. Revell (Red Velvet) is the child of Mina and Toffee, who was enlisted onto the Royal Guard. He plays a major role in Minthe’s story, so keep an eye out.
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wicked-akuma · 6 years
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Beginning of the bad end
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