unabashedrebel · 1 year
Shape of the Heart
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A cage with iron locks
You are an enigma. You take care to remain that way. You aim to keep people guessing; your motives are uncertain even to yourself. What is it you truly want? You’ll never know if you keep your heart locked away like that. You deserve to be known, truly and fully. Stop being afraid of what you might find if you open your heart up to self-reflection. Stop thinking that no one will love you the moment they understand you. You are more than the facade you put on.
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“Pleeeeeeease don’t call me out like this. Next thing you know people are going to start expecting me to share my feelings and I already pay enough people for that. The mask definitely has more personality” -Kirollis
Tagged by: @luck-and-larceny
Tagging: @minstrelofmyths @damien-ward @kaylechipper @starforger @alannah-corvaine @kavtari @straightouttatheashes @safrona-shadowsun
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mazthoril · 2 years
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You are amethyst, a gorgeous purple stone that reflects your peaceful, serene personality. You are patient, kind and have a healing energy that makes others feel calm and at ease when around you. You may find that people tend to vent their problems, anger or frustrations to you quite often. This is precisely because you are such a great person to lean on in times of hardship.
Tagging @dardillien-ward @minstrelofmyths @asharinhun @thalsianiii @gloamingdawn
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asharinhun · 2 years
[ 🌟 ] is your muse comfortable in their identity? are they insecure or confident?
Arlyn is... adjusting. She thought her tidesage heritage was a thing of the past, yet she voluntarily took it back to help her friends. Sure, she can use easier water magic, but she's adamant she'll never ask for help to be taught again by another tidesage, so she is fumbling around on her own and isn't sure how magic will fit into her everyday life from now. She did use the water elemental a few times to help out, but the only reason she can actually do that is in the end it was the elemental who "offered" the bond. Otherwise her magic is a big question mark and she's actually not that keen to fumble too deep... even if opening portals sounds nice.
Thanks @minstrelofmyths
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tribeoftrolls · 1 year
To the Goodest Boy I have ever known...
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Wrex Sept 30 2011 - March 26, 2023. 
Wrex was 11 years old boston terrier and would of been 12 in Sept. It’s been a very hard week for me of his passing. It was sudden, I’ve only had him for 2 yrs at the age of 9 when I adopted him from my brother. Long story short in the process of trying to figure out what was going on with him with my vet, within just one week of finding out he had cancer and it reached his lungs. He was healthy, he was vibrant, he was full of life. Nothing was indicating he was sick this entire time of 2023, it took just one week. And cancer took him one quiet sunday morning, which I was there and experienced the process of him passing away safe in my arms. I’m still heart broken, still grieving but it’s not feeling as heavy as I am aware that he’s no longer sick and is free. He can play forever just how he likes it because he ALWAYS wants to play. 
I’m so glad in the 2 yrs I got to take him to park thats near my neighborhood to play fetch with him. Let him lay in the cool grass, drink some water, enjoy the sun. He got to go to family bbq’s, he got his first swimming lesson in a pool with a life jacket on him. He has met so many of my neighbors and majority of my neighbors he would run to, to say hello. He got to play with SO MANY construction workers that were in the front of the house working on putting in a sewer system in my neighborhood lol. He had a very friendly disposition with people that I knew I didn’t have to worry he would do anything to anyone. If he ran at someone, he had a ball in his mouth and put the toy down staring up like “Play!?” The only thing I WAS worried of was how people reacted to him so I would only let him meet people that showed interest in wanting to pet him. He’s gone to deli trips with me even though the trip to the deli was always a big one for him, it always gave him anxiety because of all the sounds and smells. (I think he thought he was going to the vet to be honest lol) But I was teaching him to socialize and using treats to get him use to the area and we were only there for five to ten minutes. As my husband was in the deli store to get breakfast. 
Once we were back home, that little experience which is down the block from our home, tired him out lol. I had him dressed up for holidays, just simple t-shirts or just a bow tie on the collar. Only time there was a costume was during christmas and he was dressed up as an elf and this year he was a reindeer. He was always patient with those kind of silly pictures I’d take of him, thats’ the only time I’d have him in a costume lol. He was all spruced up for mothers day in his button down plaid shirt so he got all the attention from my family such as my mom, cousins and aunts lol. There is so much that I can type about him, there is so much he did in just 2 years with me and my husband. And I’m glad we got to know him and love on him as much as he loved us. 2 years feels so short but when I think of all the things me and my husband did with him, he had a blast as there wasn’t any place we didn’t bring him. This year it’s going to be so much different. It’s going to be hard to not have him for family vacations, holidays and more. I do plan on adopting some day but I am going for just one year to recover from this and see how I feel in a year. It’s all touch and go from here on and out and going through this process to grieve. It has so many up and down moments. I miss him so much and my house just feels...empty. Me and my husband are working through it together and my family is there for us to. And my best friend Minstrelofmyths has been there for me to! <3 
At times wish we just had a little more time with him, just one more summer. But it is the way it is, we never know when it will be our last today. Which is kind of scary to think about so I’m gonna put that thought away where it belongs lol. Anyway it’s 3am....I’m beat tired. Good night.
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zemboya · 3 years
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Zemboya and Alacyon at the Velvet Cartel Hallowend Party at Un’goro in the crystal cave! The screen shots are of the costume contest! Alot of people dressed up as awesome characters within world of warcraft theme! Their was headless horsemen woman! A tauren dressed as a Drust, a couple pair that came as warlocks, a vulpera as Robinhood which I liked as it reminded me of the Disney Robinhood that I grew up watching as a kid! Their was also a goblin dressed up as the host in the costume contest. I’m sorry I can’t remember the names of each character dressed up in costume! 
Their is so many more fun costumes in the group picture! Hopefully we got them all in the screen shots! And lastly Zemboya and Alacyon dressed up as a costume pair as Flik and Kit Kobolds! Complete with rat pets and hearthstone mouse mounts! As Kobolds are notoriously within hearthstone! Zem and Alacyon won first place in the costume contest! Me and Mins always choose a pair of characters each year to go to holiday events in game! We were scrambling to figure out what to dress up as and decided to go as a pair of lowbie little kobolds! We were surprised and also thankful that we won in first place of the costume contest! :D 
I want to thank the Velvet Cartel for an awesome party! So glad we made it and to get the chance to see so many cool costume ideas, to meet people and just have fun during october hallowend! We both had a great time and look forward to more events as this! Seriously thank you so much Velvet Cartel! ^_^
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wanderingshield · 4 years
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Ba’kari and Yotin found a mechanical version of Ajah’el and Kabili! :D 
RP quest adventures continue! 
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rajidinsultusk · 6 years
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Raji’din (My character @tribeoftrolls ) as Time Lord Rajidormu the Warden of Time, representing as the Bronze Dragon Flight. The costume to look as close to being a Bronze Drakonid. 
Wanja @minstrelofmyths character is dressed as a matching character that is paired up with Raji representing the same as Time Warden Wanjamu.
Rajidormu and Wanjamu won along with 2 other’s to share the win for the costume contest. Raji won a Wicker Pup and Wanja a Ji-lun hatchling. 
Thanks so much for the fun of this event, including the last game event of bon for apples. The music and dancing we enjoyed just as much, it was a good time! Big thanks for the host who put this event together the Voodoo Expedition League! Did my best to taking screen shots!
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Random gift art for @deeafrotailmisstress.tumblr.com of her character Jazali. Thanks, for all your encouragement, support, and for all you patience with me on this. I really hope I did the character justice! <3’s
Yas u has done Jaz absolute justice, look at all dat hair!! I can’t believe that it only took u around a week to do this!!! She looks so fab and happy and u even got the cloak exactly how I imagine it!!! :DDD
Thnk u @minstrelofmyths u da bomb and u needs all da love <3 <3
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the-kouchfort · 3 years
The Building Light
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Here we are, yet agin, facing the ending of one year, and looking trepidatiously toward the coming year. What will it bring? What bad news will we hear? What people, that we once looked up to or considered friend, will turn out to be something less than we thought them?
Questions, even these that scare us, have answers, of course. The terrifying thing is that we do not know whether those answers will be minor, and easy to deal with, or utterly devastating. It's that fear of the unknown, the pessemistic expectation of the bad that holds us back, often, infusing us with a dread that we really don't understand, and just can't shake.
That's okay. That's normal, and just makes us human.
The thing is, though, that if we look back, we can see all of the terror, the danger, the humiliation we've gone through. We can see that every time the world has tried to break us down, we still have survived. Even if it's left us with hideous scars, we are still here.
If you are reading this, then I am proud of you. You are still here. You have fought back against the things that go bump in the night. You've had the courage it takes to deal with this world on your own terms.
You've continued to bring those around you more joy than they'd have had if you weren't in their lives. You've brought warmth and comfort into the world, adding to its light, rather than helping it sink into more darkness.
If that's not worth celebrating, then I don't know what is.
So, in light of the coming new year, I give you this: May the prospereity of the lengthening days fall softly into your life this coming year. May life-changing upsets be more gentle, and hit you less hard than they may have in the past.
I love you,
(I don’t have room to tag over 600 people, but here’s some tags anyway! Not all are friends, anf frankly, some may not even know I exist. Haha. Just felt like throwing out some love!)
@unabashedrebel @handhour-galleries​ @whimsicallyart @minstrelofmyths​ @thesnoreashan @darnath -- (not personal friends, but three that I admire very much!) @dduane & @petermorwood​ & @neil-gaiman -- @enigmatic-goat​ @falindae​ @gentek @jemini-arts​ @momma-mentor-ffxiv​ @risrielthron​ @sir-camelot-ooc​ @bat-in-the-machine​ @frrrozi​ @the-zombee-cat​ 
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mazthoril · 2 years
character arc: nenniah
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redemption arc
your story had a pretty rough start and you did some things you're not proud of, but you made the choice to change. i won't go through how important it is to accept responsibility and keep striving to improve or whatever because you know that already. what i think you should know is that your fuel does not need to be shame. you don’t need to stand over the bathroom sink with your blood in your hands until you can no longer make out your reflection. you will look at your face and you will see the person you used to be, but that person no longer exists. today, you are looking, and that makes all the difference.
tagging @asharinhun​ @dardillien-ward​ @saltsparkle​ @silver-by-the-sea​ @saidelia-draconis​ @renardsnoir​ @drust-apologist​ @newsnerd-ooc​ @whitedawn-wra​ @minstrelofmyths
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asharinhun · 2 years
Kyrian: What's the kindest (or most selfless, if that's easier) act your OC has ever done? Are such deeds common for them, or was this a rare occasion?
Neria can be considered relatively 'kind' for a black dragon. As for that particular act, it would be the time she defied Deathwing's orders and tossed off her orc rider to his death and didn't attack the village she was to raze in the Second War. She paid for it dearly, with half her body now covered in burnmarks, but she'd do it again. Her conscience didn't allow it. (Luckily for her, being Sabellian's daughter meant she got a second chance to be useful, and she had gone to ground before she could be used again.) Such sacrifices are rare on her part, but in general she has a gruff, pain in the arse personality, under which she can be decent company if she's in the mood.
Thanks @minstrelofmyths
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tribeoftrolls · 4 years
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Ba’kari and Yotin making friends with the Larion’s. 
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safrona-shadowsun · 3 years
What Female Horror Archetype Are You?
Safrona's Results: The Heroine
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The ingenue, the maiden, the Madonna. You're feared because of your cleverness. Like the survivor, you're often the target of terrible horrors, but unlike her, you find your strength in knowledge instead of physical endurance. Your patron saint is Reiko Asakawa. You're most compatible with the she-beast, whose torment could be eased by your gentle touch.
Tagged By: @irrfahrer - thank you!
Tagging: @twosidedsana @fel-temptation @gloamingdawn @minstrelofmyths @belillinafireseeker @straightouttatheashes @kiraspringdale @renardsnoir and honestly I don't know who else to tag. If you're into horror genre movies and are curious, feel free!
Take the test here.
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demonhuntersaevel · 3 years
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Few screen shots captured during the fun adventures of the all time favorite Bonfirebash of 2021! Got some screenies of Saevel, Storm and Rey all partying on through out the celebration! Some dancing shots along with the big group shot. They’re is more to set up with screen shots but these were the best ones and some of the shots made us laugh due to the facial expressions! Oocly we had a blast! ICly our characters let loose and partied on into the late hours!
I hope another year of the bonfire bash comes around. We all so needed this, just something fun to join in and have fun! I was so glad Rey got to join in, it was their first time to take part in the event and we had so many laughs and silliness that went on! It was some GOOD times of role playing through out the event! From swimming, to watching the games being played. We loved watching Bass ball! My first time to see it in action! I didn’t get any screen shots sadly as I was so immersed with watching the game lol! But we all had a good time two days straight! 
Thank you to the STVBonfirebash leaders, team and friends that pulled off this event once again! We look forward to more! :D
Saevel belongs to me! 
Storm(All purple Nelf DH) belongs to @minstrelofmyths
Rey ( Voidelf) belongs to @cuddlyplaguedoctor
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belillinafireseeker · 3 years
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
It's not exactly this question but it was answered Here and Here. You should send me a do over question for this once I finish up so I can answer something for ya ;-)
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unabashedrebel · 3 years
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
God this one is straight seratonin.
Thanks @minstrelofmyths !
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