#Mini Bing
lounaticm · 1 month
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And, here's the reference sheets of Bing and Mini Bing.
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Bing and his miniature self live inside the indoor skate park! He encourages kids to stay active while eating Iplier’s Birthday Palace brand pizza and other healthy foods.
Meet Bing: Bing loves to skateboard almost as much as he loves sharing and safety practices! Instead of spending his free time on the spine (his favorite), he teaches kids how to stay safe and have a good time!
Meet Mini Bing: An extension of his larger self, you will almost always see Mini Bing performing multiple tricks in his display case. He holds the same likes and values as his larger self.
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windwenn · 9 months
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Magnus archives fanart? On THIS account?? More likely than you'd think.
(Also im so sorry if the colours on this r a little off i've been trying to calibrate my monitor literally all day and i can no longer tell blue from red✌)
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gay-bowl-ofcereal · 10 months
being a fem-passing enby at the gym is so fucking funny. I was at a workout class bc I'm a fitness girly 💅 (/s) and there was ONLY WOMEN THERE. (I mean as far as they knew but still.) and every time the instructor said "LET'S GO LADIES YOU GOT THIS" I was kinda just in the corner like
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How the fight between Nezha and Ao Bing went in au
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ksan-nooo · 10 months
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Original fem!Luo Binghe vs fem Luo Bing-mei
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its-ezraaa · 8 months
Okay listen. As a die-hard 2ha fan I can only recommend everyone who loves 2ha and Ranwan to read case file compendium (bing an ben/bab), another danmei by Meatbun.
Even though it's not set in a typical cultivation world but in our modern world (with some sci-fi elements), it shares a lot of similarities with 2ha. If you love one thing (and don't mind the TWs ofc), you will also love the other thing.
Hexie feels like Ranwan reincarnated into another AU. What used to be shizun and disciple is now (ex)doctor and (ex)patient. He Yu is basically going through the 0.5 to 2.0 phases like Mo Ran lol. And let's not forget Xie "Let me sacrifice myself for others again" Qingcheng... You know it's a Meatbun novel when a 20 year old boy with a pretty face falls for a traumatised middle-aged man.
The characters, the plot, the suspense, the suffering... I cried a little... A lot. (Yes, I love angst.) Reading case file compendium felt like reading 2ha for the very first time again :)
In case I managed to pique your interest, there is a good edited MTL on wattpad up to chapter 122. The complete MTL version can be found on mtlnovel.com. Of course, I recommend everyone to buy the official English version once it releases in February 2024, it's worth it! Feel free to DM me if you need any links.
Well... Thank you for listening to my TED talk, heh ( ´ ꒳ ` )
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martyrbat · 11 months
youre allowed to have at least one (1) mental breakdown in the summer without it counting btw. its a freebie for enduring august.
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ehh-is-the-name · 5 months
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
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why are we not talking about this
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lounaticm · 1 month
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A Lost Binglet
Of course, Murdock's not going to hurt him, despite Mini B's fear upon seeing someone so frightening.
Just a 'little' something to celebrate the birthday of my two favorite orange androids~ (And by 'little', I mean a whole-ass comic of sorts sfsfvfsfvfvf 😅) And yeah, it's also Red, Green, and Oliver's birthday too, but that would've been way too many figures to draw. (First pair of images, I decided to get in some practice with not using any references at all, so don't mind the quality and anatomy inconsistencies.)
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therealdaydreamstark · 3 months
Binge Watching / Vi Stark Rant Time 📺
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Riddle me this one please 🙏 why is it that the human brain has the capacity to continue a series without stopping? 🧐
First, we have a log line, which is that juicy one-liner that describes what a movie or series is about. We all know this, it’s the summary that captures the reader and peaks the viewer’s interest despite us might not wanting to see the series or film. I bet, we all had that feeling where we don’t know to watch something or not, but it’s that long-line that makes us interested 👀 (it also helps hearing it from the perspective of someone else who had already seen the product before!)
A good log-line answers the “What is it?” question, clearly and enticingly. Most log-lines will state the central conflict of the story and provide some sort of an emotional hook to stimulate interest.
Secondly, the open loops! We are all too familiar with those dang cliffhangers at the end of our favorite TV shows that leaves us wanting more, feeling annoyed or antsy cause we want to know what happens next! What are is rest of this story? What comes next? Is Meredith gonna end up with Derek or not?! Are Mark and Lexie gonna stay how they truly feel?
The human brain is so complex yet captivating as it wants to comprehend and close that loop.
This is why SO MANY people end up binge watching their favorite series til the end in a single weekend. We need the answers! Sometimes it’s not answers, sometimes it’s that simple evoking energy the series gives us that might be comfort, that leads up to keep watching.
Third, the storytelling duh! What do really great TV shows and movies have in common? They have all mastered the art of transporting you out of your living room and into an entirely different world that they’ve created. And they do this through extremely thorough sensory detail and descriptive storytelling. The lighting, the music, the dialogue, the carefully crafted costumes and landscaping, they all play a pivotal role in your cinematic experience.
But all of this can be carefully replicated just as well, if not better through great writing! That’s because great storytelling brings out all of your senses, sounds, taste, sight and even the smells.
Sooo now I wanna hear your thoughts on this! 🫶 What are some series or movies that have grabbed your attention and why? 📼
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @purpleprincessonfyre @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @huskerhale @gaminggirlsstuff @rooster-84 @ask-starrk and etc
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bingspace · 6 months
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Woodland rat bringing leaves into the house
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heymeowmao · 10 months
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抉择 | Stand by Me E5 ° Ten years ago, I trusted you. You were the one who abandoned me regardless. Now, I don't want anything to do with you!
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feralferretxp · 1 year
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Some storybot shenanigans I drew from Magma as of late
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