#Min Writing Log 2017
hootfort · 4 months
one hit update when??
Hi gamers!
So, if you've interacted with me in any sort of passive way, you'll probably know my life is always some sort of trainwreck. I've had a chapter (well, multiple, given their length) of One Hit ready to go since I last updated, but life has gotten in the way.
For the people who have left comments, sent asks, or messaged me and not received a response, I'm sorry. I see pretty much everything, but mentally, it's hard to find the energy to reply in a manner that feels fair to you. I want to meet you with the same attention and care that you have shown me, but my brain hasn't been up to it.
TL;DR - One Hit will get updated now that it's summer. I can't promise when, but I promise that it will happen. I'm studying at a place that lied to my face and has driven me to my limit, not academically but mentally. Picking up the pieces and creating a future that I can survive is exhausting, but I'm getting there. The lovely messages and comments are often the highlights of my month, and I am utterly grateful for all of your kindness. All of you are wonderful, and this fandom has been one of the driving forces for me to reach the finish line.
In no particular order, I was and still am enduring a lot of harassment/discrimination in my academic life. It's to the point where I'm facing the very real prospect of having to move to another university to continue my education beyond my current degree, but this final year and the state of my department is... a lot. I'm dealing with the aftermath of turning against a nonprofit that got me started with writing; the cornerstone of my identity since 2017 is in shambles, and that organisation was why I went to university to study what I do.
I don't want to out myself too hard here, but I cannot emphasise how crushing the sequence of events has been. Everything that we were promised when enrolling in this place was a lie. When I last updated, I was attempting to get out of a predatory internship that I had to quit THREE SEPARATE TIMES, and this was an internship shared by my university. I was being felt up, for lack of a better explanation, by a former driving instructor who took thousands of pounds from my family and utterly destroyed my self-confidence and my trust in the world. A large part of who I am and who I want to be is gone, and reconciling that has been difficult.
So, yeah. My life has been a mess. For more reasons than this, but those are my biggest feelings.
I'm getting there. I'm not even sure this is all pertinent information, but I logged into Tumblr and saw all of these alerts, and I feel like I owe it to people to tell them why I was gone. Because I love this fandom, I love the people in it. I love your art, your fanfics, and the countless other things that you do for a world that can seem so dark.
The world is lucky to have you guys in it, and I really want to thank you profusely for what you've done for my life, even if it wasn't visible through updates. My little corner of the internet makes me so happy, and it brings me great peace and comfort to know that now I've survived hell, I can enjoy hanging around a little more for now.
Fingers crossed that it won't take me forever to update this time.
- Min :)
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felixiesegg · 2 years
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Name: Seungmin (승민) Birth Name: Kim Seung-min (김승민) Birthday: September 22, 2000 Zodiac Sign: Virgo MBTI Type: ESFJ (His previous results were ESFJ ->ISFJ) Unit: Vocal Racha Spotify: Dandy Boy Seungmin’s Mix Factz (from kpopprofiles)
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea. – Seungmin has an older sister. – He’s attending Cheongdam High School. (SK-Talk Time 180422) – His nickname (according to his members): Is snail; his nickname (given by fans): is Sunshine. – He speaks English very well, though he only learned English in LA for 3 months when he was in the 4th grade. – Seungmin and Chan went to the same high school, and Chan was his senior. – He joined JYP in 2017 after winning second place in JYPE’s 13th Open Audition. – Unlike other trainees, Seungmin never missed a day writing his training logs. (Stray Kids show) – He thinks his most charming point is his chubby left cheek. – His shoe size is 260/265 mm. – His hobbies are writing in his diary, listening to music, and eating. – He is a morning person. – He is the cleanest member. – Among all the members, he is the most teased. – His favorite season is autumn. – His favorite food is eggs. – Seungmin really loves oranges and strawberries. – His favorite color is Purple. (Based on his birthday live on vlive)
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mzminola · 7 years
Dragonriders have the whole thing about ‘not fighting’ because anything with the potential to be fatal is a risk to the dragons. But we also see F’lar take potentially fatal actions against Lessa.
So from a worldbuilding position, should I assume F’lar is an outlier, or should I roll with “dragonriders have a pop culture understanding of Potentially Lethal, rather than an accurate medical one”? Like never clocking someone in the face, because you can snap their neck, but being perfectly willing to punch someone in the gut because they don’t realize that can result in ruptured organs?
Since wrestling matches happen at canonical Gathers, and F’lar had knife-fighting training (for self-defense?) I’m already going with the idea that they regularly engage in wrestling matches, though whether blunt practice weapons are allowed or bare-hands-only depends on who’s Weyrleader at the time.
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12 Terminal Commands
Every Web Developer Should Know
The terminal is one of the foremost vital productivity tools in a developer's arsenal. Mastering it will have an awfully positive impact on your work flow, as several everyday tasks get reduced to writing a straightforward command and striking Enter. In this article we've ready for you a set of UNIX system commands that may assist you get the foremost out of your terminal. a number of them square measure inbuilt, others square measure free tools that square measure reliable and may be put in but a moment.
Curl may be a program line tool for creating requests over HTTP(s), FTP and dozens of different protocols you will haven't detected concerning. It will transfer files, check response headers, and freely access remote information.
In net development curl is usually used for testing connections and dealing with RESTful APIs.
# Fetch the headers of a URL. curl -I http://google.com HTTP/1.1 302 Found Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Referrer-Policy: no-referrer Location: http://www.google.com/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=0fCKWe6HCZTd8AfCoIWYBQ Content-Length: 258 Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2017 11:24:01 GMT   # Make a GET request to a remote API. curl http://numbersapi.com/random/trivia 29 is the number of days it takes Saturn to orbit the Sun.
Curl commands can get much more complicated than this. There are tons of options for controlling headers, cookies, authentication,and more.
Tree may be a little instruction utility that shows you a visible illustration of the files during a directory. It works recursively, going over every level of nesting and drawing a formatted tree of all the contents. this fashion you'll quickly skim and notice the files you're trying to find.
tree . ├── css │   ├── bootstrap.css │   ├── bootstrap.min.css ├── fonts │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff │   └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 └── js ├── bootstrap.js └── bootstrap.min.js
There is also the option to filter the results using a simple regEx-like pattern:
tree -P '*.min.*' . ├── css │   ├── bootstrap.min.css ├── fonts └── js └── bootstrap.min.js
According to its Wiki, Tmux may be a terminal electronic device, that translated in human language would mean that it is a tool for connecting multiple terminals to one terminal session.
It helps you to switch between programs in one terminal, add split screen panes, and connect multiple terminals to a similar session, keeping them in adjust. Tmux is particularly helpful once functioning on a far off server, because it helps you to produce new tabs while not having to log in once more.
Disk usage - du
The du command generates reports on the area usage of files and directories. it's terribly straightforward to use and may work recursively, rummaging every directory and returning the individual size of each file.  A common use case for du is once one in every of your drives is running out of area and you do not understand why. Victimization this command you'll be able to quickly see what proportion storage every folder is taking, therefore finding the most important memory saver.
# Running this will show the space usage of each folder in the current directory. # The -h option makes the report easier to read. # -s prevents recursiveness and shows the total size of a folder. # The star wildcard (*) will run du on each file/folder in current directory. du -sh * 1.2G Desktop 4.0K Documents 40G Downloads 4.0K Music 4.9M Pictures 844K Public 4.0K Templates 6.9M Videos
There is also a similar command called
(Disk Free) which returns various information about the available disk space (the opposite of du).
Git is far and away the foremost standard version system immediately. It’s one among the shaping tools of contemporary internet dev and that we simply could not leave it out of our list. There area unit many third-party apps and tools on the market however most of the people choose to access unpleasant person natively although the terminal. The unpleasant person CLI is basically powerful and might handle even the foremost tangled project history.
Tar is the default Unix tool for working with file archives. It allows you to quickly bundle multiple files into one package, making it easier to store and move them later on.
tar -cf archive.tar file1 file2 file3
Using the -x option it can also extract existing .tar archives.
tar -xf archive.tar
Note that almost all alternative formats like .zip and .rar can't be opened by tar and need alternative command utilities like unfasten.
Many trendy operating system systems run associate expanded version of tar (GNU tar) that may additionally perform file size compression:
# Create compressed gzip archive. tar -czf file.tar.gz inputfile1 inputfile2 # Extract .gz archive. tar -xzf file.tar.gz
If your OS doesn't have that version of tar, you can use
to reduce the size of file archives.
Unix has many inbuilt hashing commands together with
and others. These program line tools have varied applications in programming, however most significantly they'll be used for checking the integrity of files. For example, if you've got downloaded associate degree .iso file from associate degree untrusted supply, there's some likelihood that the file contains harmful scripts. To form positive the .iso is safe, you'll generate associate degree md5 or alternative hash from it.
md5sum ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso 0d9fe8e1ea408a5895cbbe3431989295 ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso
You can then compare the generated string to the one provided from the first author (e.g. UbuntuHashes).
Htop could be a a lot of powerful different to the intrinsic prime task manager. It provides a complicated interface with several choices for observation and dominant system processes.
Although it runs within the terminal, htop has excellent support for mouse controls. This makes it a lot of easier to navigate the menus, choose processes, and organize the tasks thought sorting and filtering.
Links in UNIX operating system square measure the same as shortcuts in Windows, permitting you to urge fast access to bound files. Links square measure created via the ln command and might be 2 types: arduous or symbolic. Every kind has totally different properties and is employed for various things (read more).
Here is associate example of 1 of the various ways that you'll be able to use links. as an instance we've a directory on our desktop referred to as Scripts. It contains showing neatness organized bash scripts that we have a tendency to ordinarily use. on every occasion we wish to decision one in every of our scripts we'd need to do this:
Obviously, this is isn't very convinient as we have to write the absolute path every time. Instead we can create a symlink from our Scripts folder to /usr/local/bin, which will make the scripts executable from all directories.
sudo ln -s ~/Desktop/Scripts/git-scripts/git-cleanup /usr/local/bin/
With the created symlink we can now call our script by simply writing its name in any opened terminal.
With the ssh command users will quickly hook up with a foreign host and log into its UNIX operating system shell. This makes it doable to handily issue commands on the server directly from your native machine's terminal.
To establish a association you just got to specify the proper science address or URL. The primary time you hook up with a replacement server there'll be some style of authentication.
ssh username@remote_host
If you want to quickly execute a command on the server without logging in, you can simply add a command after the url. The command will run on the server and the result from it will be returned.
ssh username@remote_host ls /var/www some-website.com some-other-website.com
There is a lot you can do with SSH like creating proxies and tunnels, securing your connection with private keys, transferring files and more.
Grep is the standard Unix utility for finding strings inside text. It takes an input in the form of a file or direct stream, runs its content through a regular expression, and returns all the matching lines.
This command comes in handy once operating with massive files that require to be filtered. Below we tend to use grep together with the date command to look through an oversized log file and generate a brand new file containing solely errors from nowadays.
// Search for today's date (in format yyyy-mm-dd) and write the results to a new file. grep "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" all-errors-ever.log > today-errors.log
Another nice command for operating with strings is
. It’s additional powerful (and additional complicated) than grep and may perform nearly any string-related task together with adding, removing or replacement strings.
Many OS commands, together with some featured during this article, tend to urge pretty long when you add all the choices to them. to create them easier to recollect, you'll produce short aliases with the alias bash inbuilt command:
# Create an alias for starting a local web server. alias server="python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000" # Instead of typing the whole command simply use the alias. server Serving HTTP on port 9000 ...
The alias are offered as long as you retain that terminal open. to create it permanent you'll add the alias command to your .bashrc file. We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs.
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xxairo-dev · 4 years
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So I started making a 2D pixel art game. Welcome to my new Dev blog!
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No official name, but the unofficial name is Bowfish.
(TLDR and Dev log with pretty gifs at bottom)
Hello internet, friends, and 2020 -- those of you that have been following me all this time know that I’ve been doing art for a loooong time. Even before I got into digital art in 2010, I’ve been drawing with paper and pencil for as long as I can remember and probably started playing video games right at the same time. For reference, my earliest memories of video games consist of Lemmings 3D on PS1, followed shortly by Rayman and Spyro the Dragon. 
I’m still a big Spyro fan, also pretty sure this is how I became obsessed with dragons in general. 
Science based dragon MMO girl, wherever you are -- I feel you, I am you.
Basically, I’ve been playing video games all my life (to the detriment of my parents) and I owe it to gaming for igniting my early artistic ambitions. In fact, I remember learning how to draw by copying the character art of Neopets and Sonic Advance before one day stumbling upon one of my dad’s Game Informer magazines and being blown away by the art that I saw in there (particularly the WoW art). I’m pretty sure that was when I was first introduced to Big Boy™ game art and instantly thought, “Whoa, I want to be able to draw like that”.
Later, when I got my first drawing tablet and started making digital art, it became “I want to draw for a video game”.
Even later, when I learned that being a video game artist was not a very realistic career path and opted to pursue a bachelors degree in biology instead of art, it became “I want to draw for a video game... on the side”.
Even later-er, when I got my degree in 2017 and started working full-time and realized that work saps you of all energy and motivation to work on projects at home, it became “I want to draw for a video game... some day”. 
Well, today here we are in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, I got furloughed from my biology job due to the quarantine. I spent four months passing time, thinking that I’d go back to work soon. But by the end of July, I was at wit’s end of what to do with myself after getting burnt out on a number of hobbies, games, shows, books, etc. without spiraling into some very expensive hobbies (hello aquariums) with the money I wasn’t making. I badly needed to find something productive to do that I thought would also benefit me in the long run i.e. post-quarantine, and unfortunately I couldn’t work on wet lab techniques at home.
“Learn to code” is what my parents have said to me about a thousand times for the past 5 years. “Learn to code” is what I did try for about two weeks with Code Academy a few years ago before realizing that none of what I was learning was going to stick because I wasn’t programming in any part of my daily life. As a biologist, in evolution we like to call this “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. 
I know all too well about how coding is one of the best skills you can learn. However, I also know myself all too well to know that learning code for the sake of learning code wasn’t going to work for me. I wanted to wait to learn when the right situation presented itself, ideally when I would have an opportunity to use it almost every day at like a job or something.
Well, one of my good fellow artist (and biology) friends had recently taken the plunge into creating his first video game Meganura earlier in the year. I was (and still am) seriously -- and I cannot emphasize this enough -- impressed by his progress, dedication, and ability to learn coding for this game. Or more frankly, I was seriously impressed by his dedication and progress in to learning how to code for this game.
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Meganura in all it’s crispy pixel-y goodness. Man, my friends are talented.
I dwelled on this for a while. 
I always considered making a game to be out-of-reach because I absolutely could not muster up the motivation to learn a single drop of code without being paid to do so after 1) being beaten over the head by “learn how to code” for so long and 2) having already tried and given up in the past. 
But as it got harder to sleep well, eat well, and feel happy during the quarantine, I feel like I hit a rock bottom where I felt like if I didn’t make a big effort to find a new purpose, then I was probably going to become depressed. To preface this, I have experienced depression before, and ever since I got out it has been my goal in life to never experience it again. 
The only way I was going to survive this quarantine was to give myself a new “job”.
I already had a creative mind and the skills to create art and animations for a game. I already had a lifetime of game playing experience that had formed a detailed list of specific mechanics and visual details that I knew I wanted or didn’t want in a game. I already had an analytical and detail-oriented mind (thanks biology... or thanks videogames?) that liked to plan and build things. 
All it would take is just a little bit of code...
If you’ve read this far, thanks for listening and I hope some of you hear yourselves in my story.
I am just a daytime biologist and hobby digital artist with zero coding experience.
I’m extremely proud to say that since 07/29/20, I have been successfully developing and coding my own 2D pixel art video game in Unity and am in full swing!
This is the start of my dev blog, where I’ll be logging my progress and thoughts throughout this journey for like-minded and aspiring individuals. 
My Goals:
- To create everything from scratch -- art, scripts, etc.
- To create a game about bow hunting with intuitive drag/release controls
- To create a game that has cooking and campfires
- To create a game with pretty water graphics
- To create a game that has sushi and cats
- To have a playable demo by mid 2021 (my guess for the end of quarantine)
How I’ve been learning C#:
I have been following along with YouTube tutorials to create a base script and then looking up things in Unity’s scripting documentation to expand and modify my code to achieve exactly what I want. I’ve been learning C# and how to read documentation through almost entirely pattern recognition (e.g. mimicking and experimenting with code I’ve copied from tutorials and recognizing keywords in documentation) and turning to Google or my Tech Career Peers™ for help when I get stuck or to clarify things.
The key thing is that even after copying some code, I read the documentation and figure out how every line of code in my script works before moving on.
This is because after spending a few days of looking up YouTube tutorials, I realized there were no tutorials for the exact bow controls that I wanted. Instead, I ended up watching multiple tutorials and learned how all of their scripts worked before combining and modifying pieces together. Then, I started relying entirely on documentation to write lines of code. 
I don’t know how many original lines of code I’ve written so far, but there are so many now and I am so proud of all of them.
So anyway, here’s what’s happened over the past 2-3 weeks.
Dev Log:
- Came up with an idea for a game
- Installed Unity and started watching Unity tutorial videos
- Created water shader via shader graph (no coding required!)
- Created a basic background, player sprite, bow sprite, and arrow sprite in Photoshop
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- First time coding in C#
- Struggle to code in Notepad++, switched to Visual Studio Code
- Created physics based slingshot controls for the bow and arrow with a line renderer bowstring
- Colliders!
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- Unable to find a way to pull arrow back horizontally (-X) regardless of mouse Y movement (OnMouseDown)
- Decided that slingshot controls are for slingshots, not bows and arrows
- Scrapped physics based slingshot controls due to overcomplication (rip)
- Created new projectile based controls that still include drag/shoot physics
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- Limited rotation of the bow while aiming to max 45° and min -45°
- Developed distaste for vector algebra
- Made it so that if you don’t drag far enough, you won’t release an arrow
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- Created a trajectory line coming off the bow
- Made arrows fade away after colliding
- Created git repository to keep all project files backed up on github (Don’t wait to do this! Should’ve been done on day 1)
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- Added physics and collider to player
- Allow you to face and move left/right with the A and D keys + updated bow controls to match
- Created left/right movement while aiming + updated bow controls to match
- Created mouse drag line for development use
- Created waterline
- Made it so the bow resets to it’s default position if you haven’t used the bow for over 2 seconds
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- Updated Player sprite in Photoshop
- Obtained Asesprite
- Created walk animation
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- Created  bow walk, bow equip, and bow unequip animations
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kaximecad-blog · 5 years
How to Buy Bitcoin in Japan
As with some of the world’s technological fields, Japan has lengthy been at the forefront of Bitcoin adoption and improvement. The world’s first important Bitcoin trade became positioned in Tokyo and it accounted for the majority of Bitcoin’s trading extent for approximately 3 years. Japan remains a prime player in terms of the crypto trading volumes said with the aid of its exchanges. On the begin of 2018, it became envisioned that Bitcoin-associated economic interest delivered zero.Three% to Japan’s GDP.
It’s not only trading volumes which make Japan a key nation within the Bitcoin world. The japanese authorities has kept pace with trends in the fintech zone, being one of the first states inside the international to officially comprehend Bitcoin as “real money,” back in early 2016. The government has also handed comprehensive law geared toward making sure the safety and legality of all crypto agencies running within Japan.
How to shop for BItcoin inside the Japan
Japan’s corporate sector is also deeply worried in Bitcoin. Positive jap banks and IT firms have devoted themselves to the fulfillment of cryptocurrency, thru sizeable investments into Bitcoin mining and exchange buying and selling. Numerous eastern groups are experimenting with all sorts of blockchain programs to improve their commercial enterprise performance. It’s even viable that Bitcoin’s writer was japanese, given that they selected the pseudonym, “Satoshi Nakomoto.”
In case you’re in Japan and trying to get involved in the Bitcoin revolution, then this guide will provide an explanation for the scenario in your u . S . A . With regard to law and taxation. We’ll additionally explain how you can fast and without difficulty purchase your personal bitcoins from Coinmama, using any credit or debit card issued through either VISA or mastercard.
Check this : If You Want to Buy Bitcoin in South Africa
Japanese change Hacks and the Regulatory response
In the intro, we referred to the first Bitcoin trade with sizeable quantity turned into in Japan - this was of route the infamous Mt. Gox. Whilst this trade failed in 2014, approximately 650,000 bitcoins have been misplaced. Whilst a share of these coins has eventually been recovered, losses amounted to nearly half of a thousand million greenbacks on the time. However, this became no longer to be the closing predominant trade failure in Japan.
In 2018, Tokyo’s Coincheck trade changed into hacked for more or less $500 million well worth of the altcoin NEM (New financial movement). This became too much for Japan’s economic provider agency (FSA), who stepped in with strict guidelines for exchanges to prevent every other such occurrence. In April of 2017, the charge services Act was revised, requiring exchanges to sign up with the FSA and observe a sequence of guidelines.
Relaxation assured that Coinmama, whilst not under jap law, makes each effort to make sure purchaser protection. We have a spotless protection document due to the fact out founding in 2013.
Japanese Taxation of Crypto Beneath the hints formulated in overdue 2017 by using Japan’s country wide Tax business enterprise, Bitcoin earnings could be taxed as earnings. If you report fewer than 20 million yen in annual earnings or make much less than 200,000 yen in buying and selling income, you ought to no longer be taxed in any respect.
Tax is levied each time you sell or spend your cash. As crypto is taken into consideration to be much like other styles of cash, no intake tax is applied to Bitcoin transactions. Observe that Bitcoin losses are not deductible for tax functions.
Eastern Blockchain tasks Japan has carried out clean and honest policies concerning the law and taxation of Bitcoin and different cryptocurrencies. This technique has encouraged the nearby fintech enterprise, and numerous projects have resulted. Even though now not the most important, one of the maximum forward-looking projects is being carried out through Chubu electric powered power organization, that's testing out utility invoice payments through Bitcoin’s new Lightning community technology.
Any other assignment which demonstrates the increasing function of cryptocurrency in Japan’s economic system is the involvement of banks in the industry. SBI Holdings have become the world’s first bank to launch a crypto buying and selling platform, referred to as VCTRADE. Possibly even greater considerable is the position performed by way of eastern IT giant, GMO net group. In mid-2018, GMO released a slicing part Bitcoin ASIC miner, the B3, which achieves greater than two times the hashing power of its competitors.
How to buy Bitcoin in Japan Inquisitive about becoming part of this interesting new industry? Coinmama allows people in Japan to shop for bitcoin (BTC) with a debit or credit card issued with the aid of both VISA or mastercard. In case you’re searching to shop for bitcoin together with your credit score or debit card, then Coinmama permits this in some simple steps:
Step 1 - Create Your Coinmama Account: Head to the Coinmama internet site and pick out the blue “sign on” tab. Sign on and log in to coinmama You'll want to enter your email, password, first call, ultimate call and your united states of house.   Join up to Coinmama in Japan In case you have already got an account, just register along with your login details. For extra facts on how to create an account with us, click right here.
Step 2 - verify Your Account: To purchase bitcoin (BTC), you first want to grow to be established. It's far essential to add your identity or passport, plus numerous other documents relying on which level of verification you wish to reach. For similarly assist with account verification, please click right here.
Step 3 - purchase Your Bitcoin: Once signed in and proven, navigate to the “Bitcoin” tab inside the top menu bar. Buy bitcoin in Japan
As soon as there, you will be provided with several alternatives: both purchase a fixed quantity of BTC ,or enter in a custom quantity of as much as roughly $five,000 (as of the time of writing). Supply your Bitcoin wallet cope with; that is wherein we’ll send the bitcoins that you purchase. Next, select the “proceed to checkout” button.
Step 4 - the Checkout page: Complete the shape together with your relevant details. Ensure that your card details, such as your address, correspond with the details you provided when developing your Coinmama account. Subsequently, proceed to payment with the aid of clicking at the “Pay now” button. Word that handiest VISA or credit card are regularly occurring. As soon as your charge has been made, the order reputation will read “In manner.” which means that your order is being processed by means of the card corporation. After some moments, the order may be processed and the payment may be accredited.
Your pockets then wishes to be showed. In approximately 10 mins, you'll acquire charge to bitcoin on the deal with you provided. After a in addition 10 mins or so, this transaction have to seem as confirmed within your pockets. Be aware that in instances of specially excessive visitors, your transaction may also take slightly longer to confirm.
End Japan’s long records within the Bitcoin enterprise, mixed with its clear and fair regulatory environment, guarantees that eastern citizens are properly-privy to Bitcoin and able to buy it with none felony or tax issues. We at Coinmama desire and assume that japanese involvement in Bitcoin will develop even greater massive within the years in advance.
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lakhwanabhishek · 3 years
12 Terminal Commands
Every Web Developer Should Know
The terminal is one of the foremost vital productivity tools in a developer's arsenal. Mastering it will have an awfully positive impact on your work flow, as several everyday tasks get reduced to writing a straightforward command and striking Enter. In this article we've ready for you a set of UNIX system commands that may assist you get the foremost out of your terminal. a number of them square measure inbuilt, others square measure free tools that square measure reliable and may be put in but a moment.
Curl may be a program line tool for creating requests over HTTP(s), FTP and dozens of different protocols you will haven't detected concerning. It will transfer files, check response headers, and freely access remote information.
In net development curl is usually used for testing connections and dealing with RESTful APIs.
# Fetch the headers of a URL. curl -I http://google.com HTTP/1.1 302 Found Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Referrer-Policy: no-referrer Location: http://www.google.com/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=0fCKWe6HCZTd8AfCoIWYBQ Content-Length: 258 Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2017 11:24:01 GMT   # Make a GET request to a remote API. curl http://numbersapi.com/random/trivia 29 is the number of days it takes Saturn to orbit the Sun.
Curl commands can get much more complicated than this. There are tons of options for controlling headers, cookies, authentication,and more.
Tree may be a little instruction utility that shows you a visible illustration of the files during a directory. It works recursively, going over every level of nesting and drawing a formatted tree of all the contents. this fashion you'll quickly skim and notice the files you're trying to find.
tree . ├── css │   ├── bootstrap.css │   ├── bootstrap.min.css ├── fonts │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff │   └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 └── js ├── bootstrap.js └── bootstrap.min.js
There is also the option to filter the results using a simple regEx-like pattern:
tree -P '*.min.*' . ├── css │   ├── bootstrap.min.css ├── fonts └── js └── bootstrap.min.js
According to its Wiki, Tmux may be a terminal electronic device, that translated in human language would mean that it is a tool for connecting multiple terminals to one terminal session.
It helps you to switch between programs in one terminal, add split screen panes, and connect multiple terminals to a similar session, keeping them in adjust. Tmux is particularly helpful once functioning on a far off server, because it helps you to produce new tabs while not having to log in once more.
Disk usage - du
The du command generates reports on the area usage of files and directories. it's terribly straightforward to use and may work recursively, rummaging every directory and returning the individual size of each file.  A common use case for du is once one in every of your drives is running out of area and you do not understand why. Victimization this command you'll be able to quickly see what proportion storage every folder is taking, therefore finding the most important memory saver.
# Running this will show the space usage of each folder in the current directory. # The -h option makes the report easier to read. # -s prevents recursiveness and shows the total size of a folder. # The star wildcard (*) will run du on each file/folder in current directory. du -sh * 1.2G Desktop 4.0K Documents 40G Downloads 4.0K Music 4.9M Pictures 844K Public 4.0K Templates 6.9M Videos
There is also a similar command called
(Disk Free) which returns various information about the available disk space (the opposite of du).
Git is far and away the foremost standard version system immediately. It’s one among the shaping tools of contemporary internet dev and that we simply could not leave it out of our list. There area unit many third-party apps and tools on the market however most of the people choose to access unpleasant person natively although the terminal. The unpleasant person CLI is basically powerful and might handle even the foremost tangled project history.
Tar is the default Unix tool for working with file archives. It allows you to quickly bundle multiple files into one package, making it easier to store and move them later on.
tar -cf archive.tar file1 file2 file3
Using the -x option it can also extract existing .tar archives.
tar -xf archive.tar
Note that almost all alternative formats like .zip and .rar can't be opened by tar and need alternative command utilities like unfasten.
Many trendy operating system systems run associate expanded version of tar (GNU tar) that may additionally perform file size compression:
# Create compressed gzip archive. tar -czf file.tar.gz inputfile1 inputfile2 # Extract .gz archive. tar -xzf file.tar.gz
If your OS doesn't have that version of tar, you can use
to reduce the size of file archives.
Unix has many inbuilt hashing commands together with
and others. These program line tools have varied applications in programming, however most significantly they'll be used for checking the integrity of files. For example, if you've got downloaded associate degree .iso file from associate degree untrusted supply, there's some likelihood that the file contains harmful scripts. To form positive the .iso is safe, you'll generate associate degree md5 or alternative hash from it.
md5sum ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso 0d9fe8e1ea408a5895cbbe3431989295 ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso
You can then compare the generated string to the one provided from the first author (e.g. UbuntuHashes).
Htop could be a a lot of powerful different to the intrinsic prime task manager. It provides a complicated interface with several choices for observation and dominant system processes.
Although it runs within the terminal, htop has excellent support for mouse controls. This makes it a lot of easier to navigate the menus, choose processes, and organize the tasks thought sorting and filtering.
Links in UNIX operating system square measure the same as shortcuts in Windows, permitting you to urge fast access to bound files. Links square measure created via the ln command and might be 2 types: arduous or symbolic. Every kind has totally different properties and is employed for various things (read more).
Here is associate example of 1 of the various ways that you'll be able to use links. as an instance we've a directory on our desktop referred to as Scripts. It contains showing neatness organized bash scripts that we have a tendency to ordinarily use. on every occasion we wish to decision one in every of our scripts we'd need to do this:
Obviously, this is isn't very convinient as we have to write the absolute path every time. Instead we can create a symlink from our Scripts folder to /usr/local/bin, which will make the scripts executable from all directories.
sudo ln -s ~/Desktop/Scripts/git-scripts/git-cleanup /usr/local/bin/
With the created symlink we can now call our script by simply writing its name in any opened terminal.
With the ssh command users will quickly hook up with a foreign host and log into its UNIX operating system shell. This makes it doable to handily issue commands on the server directly from your native machine's terminal.
To establish a association you just got to specify the proper science address or URL. The primary time you hook up with a replacement server there'll be some style of authentication.
ssh username@remote_host
If you want to quickly execute a command on the server without logging in, you can simply add a command after the url. The command will run on the server and the result from it will be returned.
ssh username@remote_host ls /var/www some-website.com some-other-website.com
There is a lot you can do with SSH like creating proxies and tunnels, securing your connection with private keys, transferring files and more.
Grep is the standard Unix utility for finding strings inside text. It takes an input in the form of a file or direct stream, runs its content through a regular expression, and returns all the matching lines.
This command comes in handy once operating with massive files that require to be filtered. Below we tend to use grep together with the date command to look through an oversized log file and generate a brand new file containing solely errors from nowadays.
// Search for today's date (in format yyyy-mm-dd) and write the results to a new file. grep "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" all-errors-ever.log > today-errors.log
Another nice command for operating with strings is
. It’s additional powerful (and additional complicated) than grep and may perform nearly any string-related task together with adding, removing or replacement strings.
Many OS commands, together with some featured during this article, tend to urge pretty long when you add all the choices to them. to create them easier to recollect, you'll produce short aliases with the alias bash inbuilt command:
# Create an alias for starting a local web server. alias server="python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000" # Instead of typing the whole command simply use the alias. server Serving HTTP on port 9000 ...
The alias are offered as long as you retain that terminal open. to create it permanent you'll add the alias command to your .bashrc file. We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
#b2b ecommerce
#b2b seo
0 notes
12 Terminal Commands
Every Web Developer Should Know
The terminal is one of the foremost vital productivity tools in a developer's arsenal. Mastering it will have an awfully positive impact on your work flow, as several everyday tasks get reduced to writing a straightforward command and striking Enter. In this article we've ready for you a set of UNIX system commands that may assist you get the foremost out of your terminal. a number of them square measure inbuilt, others square measure free tools that square measure reliable and may be put in but a moment.
Curl may be a program line tool for creating requests over HTTP(s), FTP and dozens of different protocols you will haven't detected concerning. It will transfer files, check response headers, and freely access remote information.
In net development curl is usually used for testing connections and dealing with RESTful APIs.
# Fetch the headers of a URL. curl -I http://google.com HTTP/1.1 302 Found Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Referrer-Policy: no-referrer Location: http://www.google.com/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=0fCKWe6HCZTd8AfCoIWYBQ Content-Length: 258 Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2017 11:24:01 GMT   # Make a GET request to a remote API. curl http://numbersapi.com/random/trivia 29 is the number of days it takes Saturn to orbit the Sun.
Curl commands can get much more complicated than this. There are tons of options for controlling headers, cookies, authentication,and more.
Tree may be a little instruction utility that shows you a visible illustration of the files during a directory. It works recursively, going over every level of nesting and drawing a formatted tree of all the contents. this fashion you'll quickly skim and notice the files you're trying to find.
tree . ├── css │   ├── bootstrap.css │   ├── bootstrap.min.css ├── fonts │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff │   └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 └── js ├── bootstrap.js └── bootstrap.min.js
There is also the option to filter the results using a simple regEx-like pattern:
tree -P '*.min.*' . ├── css │   ├── bootstrap.min.css ├── fonts └── js └── bootstrap.min.js
According to its Wiki, Tmux may be a terminal electronic device, that translated in human language would mean that it is a tool for connecting multiple terminals to one terminal session.
It helps you to switch between programs in one terminal, add split screen panes, and connect multiple terminals to a similar session, keeping them in adjust. Tmux is particularly helpful once functioning on a far off server, because it helps you to produce new tabs while not having to log in once more.
Disk usage - du
The du command generates reports on the area usage of files and directories. it's terribly straightforward to use and may work recursively, rummaging every directory and returning the individual size of each file.  A common use case for du is once one in every of your drives is running out of area and you do not understand why. Victimization this command you'll be able to quickly see what proportion storage every folder is taking, therefore finding the most important memory saver.
# Running this will show the space usage of each folder in the current directory. # The -h option makes the report easier to read. # -s prevents recursiveness and shows the total size of a folder. # The star wildcard (*) will run du on each file/folder in current directory. du -sh * 1.2G Desktop 4.0K Documents 40G Downloads 4.0K Music 4.9M Pictures 844K Public 4.0K Templates 6.9M Videos
There is also a similar command called
(Disk Free) which returns various information about the available disk space (the opposite of du).
Git is far and away the foremost standard version system immediately. It’s one among the shaping tools of contemporary internet dev and that we simply could not leave it out of our list. There area unit many third-party apps and tools on the market however most of the people choose to access unpleasant person natively although the terminal. The unpleasant person CLI is basically powerful and might handle even the foremost tangled project history.
Tar is the default Unix tool for working with file archives. It allows you to quickly bundle multiple files into one package, making it easier to store and move them later on.
tar -cf archive.tar file1 file2 file3
Using the -x option it can also extract existing .tar archives.
tar -xf archive.tar
Note that almost all alternative formats like .zip and .rar can't be opened by tar and need alternative command utilities like unfasten.
Many trendy operating system systems run associate expanded version of tar (GNU tar) that may additionally perform file size compression:
# Create compressed gzip archive. tar -czf file.tar.gz inputfile1 inputfile2 # Extract .gz archive. tar -xzf file.tar.gz
If your OS doesn't have that version of tar, you can use
to reduce the size of file archives.
Unix has many inbuilt hashing commands together with
and others. These program line tools have varied applications in programming, however most significantly they'll be used for checking the integrity of files. For example, if you've got downloaded associate degree .iso file from associate degree untrusted supply, there's some likelihood that the file contains harmful scripts. To form positive the .iso is safe, you'll generate associate degree md5 or alternative hash from it.
md5sum ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso 0d9fe8e1ea408a5895cbbe3431989295 ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso
You can then compare the generated string to the one provided from the first author (e.g. UbuntuHashes).
Htop could be a a lot of powerful different to the intrinsic prime task manager. It provides a complicated interface with several choices for observation and dominant system processes.
Although it runs within the terminal, htop has excellent support for mouse controls. This makes it a lot of easier to navigate the menus, choose processes, and organize the tasks thought sorting and filtering.
Links in UNIX operating system square measure the same as shortcuts in Windows, permitting you to urge fast access to bound files. Links square measure created via the ln command and might be 2 types: arduous or symbolic. Every kind has totally different properties and is employed for various things (read more).
Here is associate example of 1 of the various ways that you'll be able to use links. as an instance we've a directory on our desktop referred to as Scripts. It contains showing neatness organized bash scripts that we have a tendency to ordinarily use. on every occasion we wish to decision one in every of our scripts we'd need to do this:
Obviously, this is isn't very convinient as we have to write the absolute path every time. Instead we can create a symlink from our Scripts folder to /usr/local/bin, which will make the scripts executable from all directories.
sudo ln -s ~/Desktop/Scripts/git-scripts/git-cleanup /usr/local/bin/
With the created symlink we can now call our script by simply writing its name in any opened terminal.
With the ssh command users will quickly hook up with a foreign host and log into its UNIX operating system shell. This makes it doable to handily issue commands on the server directly from your native machine's terminal.
To establish a association you just got to specify the proper science address or URL. The primary time you hook up with a replacement server there'll be some style of authentication.
ssh username@remote_host
If you want to quickly execute a command on the server without logging in, you can simply add a command after the url. The command will run on the server and the result from it will be returned.
ssh username@remote_host ls /var/www some-website.com some-other-website.com
There is a lot you can do with SSH like creating proxies and tunnels, securing your connection with private keys, transferring files and more.
Grep is the standard Unix utility for finding strings inside text. It takes an input in the form of a file or direct stream, runs its content through a regular expression, and returns all the matching lines.
This command comes in handy once operating with massive files that require to be filtered. Below we tend to use grep together with the date command to look through an oversized log file and generate a brand new file containing solely errors from nowadays.
// Search for today's date (in format yyyy-mm-dd) and write the results to a new file. grep "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" all-errors-ever.log > today-errors.log
Another nice command for operating with strings is
. It’s additional powerful (and additional complicated) than grep and may perform nearly any string-related task together with adding, removing or replacement strings.
Many OS commands, together with some featured during this article, tend to urge pretty long when you add all the choices to them. to create them easier to recollect, you'll produce short aliases with the alias bash inbuilt command:
# Create an alias for starting a local web server. alias server="python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000" # Instead of typing the whole command simply use the alias. server Serving HTTP on port 9000 ...
The alias are offered as long as you retain that terminal open. to create it permanent you'll add the alias command to your .bashrc file. We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying comprehensive enterprise web, mobile apps and customized software solutions that best fit your organization needs.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
0 notes
3rdyearstuff · 4 years
Jenny and Eugene Talk
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Keep reading below....
The Thrum of the Tide
Jenny Gilam and Eugene Hansen (co-authored)
 Separate and collaborate and co-authored – co-oopt skills and labour
 2019 Residency – Ak Reg Park – Bar Cottage
Whatipu – Kauri Milling region - jenny research online and physical ibrary
Tramway – moving logs – depleted resources and moved to the next place
Track ran up the coast.
Sea cave on the coast – Te Anaru – The Ballroom
Ferry Onihunga -  from piha, Muriwai.   No road access.   Sands Washed down
Now cave has huge sand embankments – 1km from sea   Tides will return to sea cave
20 min drive, farm lodge and camping ground at Whatapu beach, walk to cave
Audio and video recallings
Developed work on the walk to the cave
Waitakere Ranges rahui – 2017 – 2018 because Kauri suffering die back from bacteria in the roots, protecting the rest of the forest
Tikauawau a raki, took a year for ak city council respected this view  – pre colonial politics, made work more resonate, not till you talk to people who live there that it makes sense
Historical connections,
Looking at the ceiling, cleats in the ceiling, only physical evidence of the dance floor
 Permit required pre 1900 for excavation.
By 1920, they would not have left that amount of kauri in the cave…would have repurposed.
 Theoretically at 5 mtrs but only got 2mtrs down.
Eugene had all the tech equipment – sismagraph down into the sand.  The same tech used to find ghosts – playful, “searching for the ghosts”.  3 wks writing code.
 Sunset into the cave – beautiful
 Ricky Bennet – ranger, Taonga poura – moving magical moments
 Settlers Museum – denial of pre colonial history of the place, cave used intimittently by Māori – “what got buried under the dance floor”
Meet with heritage officer
Sound of sea still present in cave
Physcial vibration, low rumble in floor
Art Gallery,
Under floor surround sound, every 5 min plays  Publication
Text In collaboration with AI’s???
Funding for dancers – micahel Parmertor choreographer and Claire O’Neil
Work providing structure for other people to respond to.
Install was problematic…level 3!
Narrowing down making a selection of what is discovered and made.
“6.5 seconds with an artwork”
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0 notes
mzminola · 7 years
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5 notes · View notes
aceofwands · 7 years
it wants to give us the exciting parts and the emotional pay off without actually doing any of the work, is the best way I can think to explain it Ria hateblogs Discovery: Episode 7 “[Poorly Written Time Travel] Magic to Make[s] the Sanest [Wo]Man Go Mad”
liveblogged to @kendradaynes
we had entirely 'last time on Discovery' before the intro credits, like not even a teaser ...
kendradaynes... That's an unusual choice
aceofwands I thought so too!
it was just Mudd being left behind on the Klingon ship. probs cause Mudd is gonna show up (we saw in the teaser last week). seems an odd choice too, like it was only a couple episodes ago, we haven't forgotten what they did???
close up of Michael's face, giving a personal log
oh lord
already paused it to write an awful line of dialogue down: "despite my fears, I seem to have found my place on this discovery"
discovery of WHAT
the dialogue is so bad Shin, so bad
kendradaynes..... What? That is...That makes angsty teenage fic seem well written
aceofwands: she's talking about the ship's settled into routine ... which ... what? aren't they in the middle of a war?!!!!!!!!
and about how she's made a friend in Tilly, and how she's taken comfort in her work
and how "this ship has become the most important weapon in the Federation's arsenal"
and I can't even
it doesn't even feel like they're at war! the way they go around on this shiny ship and talk about how it's settled into routine?????? 
kendradaynes... I want to send them all of DS9 s7 and Voyager's Year of Hell 2 parter and maybe Enterprise season 3 to show WHY THAT WOULDN'T WORK
aceofwands: Stamet's wacky drive piloting ability has "Given him access not just to unseen parts of space but his personality as well" and like ... that's a worry! WHY IS NO ONE WORRIED ABOUT THIS
aceofwands I keep pausing this ONE PERSONAL LOG
she confesses she finds some members of the crew more interesting than others (lol what others, they feel even more like background characters than any of the other shows somehow???) and it's her talking to Voq-Tyler
(people online have been debating how it's too obvious that he's Voq, but I don't have any faith in these writers not doing the really fucking obvious)
"Lt Tyler has suffered so much and still maintains such dignity and kindness" I really really hope he actually is Voq like wow I want them to be this bad at writing (and nothing I've seen so far makes me think they're any good at it)
“I fear my personal history interferes with my ability to forge relationships. I am among the others yet also apart." I can't get over this, it's like bad self-insert fan fic (I'm not even 5 mins in lol, I'd better let her finish her stupid log and stop pausing it lol)
oh lord, she's facing one of her greatest challenges so far ... they're having a party
they're ... playing ... beer ... pong ... on Star Trek
this is like a gross noisy college frat party ... on Star Trek ...
why is Michael not wearing casual clothes ...
kendradaynes... #weneedtheorville
aceofwands Orville's party in Pria had more dignity??? which y'know, the show is full of dick jokes
oh it's okay though, Tyler is giving a speech
wait did he just point to a guy who's "sacrificed for us" who had some sort of disability? I went back - there's a guy sitting on what I think is supposed to be a futuristic wheelchair I guess?
how did we get from It's Only a Paper Moon to this?
kendradaynes There are also... Very few disabling things that can't be at least partially cured by the 23rd century
aceofwands yeeeeah my thoughts exactly. but it was unclear and part of a dramatic speech so
Tilly left Michael and Tyler alone together at the party, but they were asked to report to the bridge
I still don’t know why everyone loves Tilly ... she doesn't seem like a cadet, unless you count the AOS crew as cadets ... again, everyone's too 2017
ummmmmmm. so Michael and Tyler were walking along the corridor. when she bumped into Stamets and knocked a container of whatsits over. and he hugged her and asked why she's apologising for a random moment that makes life so gloriously unpredictable and WHY IS NO ONE CONCERNED FOR HIM
kendradaynes... That makes sense. He sounds high
aceofwands ohthe Doctor has just shown up in this conversation out of nowhere. "I deeply apologise for my partner, lately he's been acting ... different"
(I keep pausing it, I'm only 7 mins in, I might uh ... stop pausing it and try to keep up lol)
kendradaynes There are so many plot holes in this show
aceofwands they made a cybernetic augment for his arm?? 
then they asked what the deal between Michael and Tyler is ... and I just ... why is this show ... so ... clumsy? there is no nuance, no subtlety, it’s like they have to hit us over the head with everything like MICHAEL AND TYLER LIKE EACH OTHER OKAY AUDIENCE, DO YOU GET IT?
kendradaynes Honestly it feels like 18 year old self-insert fanfiction
aceofwands cut to the bridge. Saru and Lorca found an unidentified signal ... its some sort of biological space organism
which Michael knows a lot about
kendradaynes Of course. Because she knows everything
aceofwands protocol requires them to take care of it, because it's endangered, which is nice because actual Star Trek things
and um what
kendradaynes I hate her, jsyk
aceofwands they just beamed it into the cargo bay???????????????????
kendradaynes welp that thing would be dead
 some dude in a helmet hitched a ride inside its mouth and used it to get on board
its killed a bunch of people, but Michael escaped
oh its Mudd, to no one's surprise
kendradaynes Of course. Because self insert
aceofwands "did you really think you could leave me in a Klingon prison and suffer no repercussions?"
what have they done to his character
good fucking grief
aceofwands he's come here to find out why the Discovery is special, and is talking about how he's gonna sell it to the Klingons, but "not this time". so Mudd's causing a time travel loop. exploding their ship. the Discovery is blowing up. but now it's back to the party
this sucks
usually I LOVE time loop episodes
they're usually so fun! but this show is boring and dumb
oh man ... if you're gonna repeat scenes ... THIS IS THE BEST YOU'VE GOT???? them walking along a corridor talking
OH LOL it's Stamets. he's the only one who recognises the time loop. and everyone thinks he's crazy! "I need all of you blasted people to start listening"
why is this episode not about Stamets talking to someone?
why wouldn’t they listen to him???
Michael's all "oooooh how did Stamets know what it was going to be???"
.....had to pause it. Michael requested being in charge of the operation. Lorca: "I don't give a damn, I just want it done". then Tyler requested being in charge for security. and Lorca: "I still don't give a damn"
this. is. not. Star. Trek.
when there was a time loop on Next Gen and they started realising they HELD A FUCKING STAFF MEETING! and they realised through the poker game, which was clever! and everything about that was more fun and impressive than this shit has been in the first 15 mins!
the spore drive just activated, and they're all like 'why is this happening?". but obvs Mudd's in engineering
Tyler and Michael are threatening him with phasers, but haven't shot him on sight. oh they finally did. but there was a forcefield. Mudd's trying to figure out how the drive works. 
Michael: "You are mad."
Mudd: "No, I'm Mudd."
I wish the idiots who wrote this garbage would get stuck in a time loop and forced to watch this awful episode over and over until they figured out how to stop it from being so bad
then he yelled at them to tell him how to work it AND STAMETS WAS BEHIND HIM AND SHOT HIM IN THE BACK. and said: "As days go, this was a weird one" which is hilarious
except that I'm not even 20 mins in and somehow bored?
how can they make time loops boring?
they keep saying different things???? in the scenes????
is it a time loop or isn't it?
do they know or don't they?
this doesn't make sense!
kendradaynes That's... not how a timeloop works. It only changes when they realise it
aceofwands yeah it's clearly trying to jump to the parts later on, cause Stamets implies that they've looped many times already. but instead - as usual - it just comes across as .. confused? muddled? like it's not really a time loop because they clearly know it's a loop enough to change what they say, but not enough to realise they're looping???
kendradaynes Yeah that's not how time loops are meant to work and I'm mildly vexed
aceofwands Mudd has got Lorca to come down with him "I really can't take it from the top again Lorca"
ummmm Mudd's talking about how he's explained this to Lorca before, but needs his help to access part of the ship ... if he's aware they're looping then ... why is he so bad at ... I don't even know .... [I stopped being able to explain everything wrong with this episode’s plot around this point]
this episode is a primer in How Not To Write Time Travel
Stamets is explaining how he thinks he's outside of the loop: "it's getting really hard to keep it straight" lol
he needs Michael to talk to Tyler but they're about to loop, and Stamets wants her to tell him something so she'll trust him straight away next loop. and she did??? and he made a sad face and said he was sorry
don't make me have feelings with your decent acting Anthony Rapp
but also do they not have protocols for time travel or like anything else to share???
"now is usually around the time he kills the Captain" - can we stay in that when we fix the loop lol
"you kill a Starfleet captain they lock you up for ever" ummm do they really
loop back to the party: Michael and Tilly talking. Stamets appears, taps Tilly, "I just spotted the hottest guy over there and apparently, he's in a band! Have fun!" (she was explaining earlier how she used to be into soldiers but is lately into musicians, cause that's what passes for character development on this awful show)
genuinely made me laugh
Michael's secret is that she's never been in love ... which we knew from the way she acted earlier in the episode??? not even a secret
oh that was enough for Stamets to prove he was telling the truth ... and she now has to talk to Tyler about mudd?? idk it's super unclear why this is happening or what they're hoping to achieve ?????
honestly this episode is a terrible muddled mess
...................had to pause it again
to explain this scene
I'm leaving out so much and you're probably confused (I'm watching it and I'm confused)
she blew her chance to talk to Tyler because she likes him, which Stamets points out, and she says she's out of her element, so he says 'dance with me, for science, so I can see what I'm working with ... 'and like .... helping Michael talk to the guy she likes .... .... so they can save the ship from a time loop ... is the worst idea for a Star Trek episode I've ever heard. and I've watched Threshold
stupid space lizards make more sense than this plot
she's wondering how people make connections
and Stamets is explaining how Dr Culber and he got together
because the Doc was humming terrible opera
I ... I ... this
I can't Shin
you'll have to watch this dumb show with me if you want to make sense of it
I have to go back and attempt
no I'll just type out this conversation
see if it makes any sense to you
kendradaynes This sounds like it's impossible to make sense of even while watching
"Hugh and I fell in love after I told him to get lost." 
"That doesn't make any sense." 
"Love isn't logical." (they're slow dancing while this happens) 
"I was in a wonderful cafe on Alpha Centauri when three seats down comes this hideous humming. Have you ever heard someone try to hum Casselian opera?" 
"I can't say that I have." 
"Well I told him to stifle it or sit somewhere else. Instead, he sat right next to me. And he's been there ever since." [Michael looks as confused as I am] 
"After such a rude exchange. Why would he do that?"  
"I told him how I really felt. And he did the same. And we liked that about each other." 
"I'm good at honesty." 
"Never hide who you really are. That's the way relationships work."
... ............... I have no words for how little this scene makes sense. that is not how relationships work???? that is a terrible way for them to get together???? and most importantly WHY ARE THEY SLOW DANCING (hint because they realised having them stand around the corridors was fucking boring probably)
aceofwands I KNOW RIGHT
lol Michael is pulling Tyler away to dance in this time loop, the lighting is very purple with lots of close ups of their hands on each other
had to pause it again I am dying of bad laughter at the nonsense
they're dancing and it's kinda sweet and they've got an almost hint at a sexy vibe .... and then Burnham goes "So I hear you were locked up in a Klingon prison cell with Harry Mudd"
whyyyy are they not having a staff meeting about this?
I mean I know Lorca is a jerk and all. but this approach makes ZERO SENSE! she's telling him the whole truth, while they dance ... Stamets is watching and looking bemused .... 
Tyler is like "why would he think I'd trust you?"
"Because I like you. And he thinks you like me too."
and he's like 'oh ... tonight's gotten weird but also very interesting'
like ... how is it that Shakespearean, larger than life characters in previous series somehow feel more real and genuine????? these people just SOUND LIKE THEY'RE IN A TV SHOW????? like it sounds like TV dialogue!
I can't explain it
"if time really is repeating, this won't matter" and he kisses her. of course. 
maybe less dancing more saving the ship?
they're talking while dancing "he used to brag about robbing a Betazoid bank" 
!"a non equilibrial matter state" - a time crystal, which she learned about at the Vulcan science academy. which they haven't been able to perfect, but a 4 dimensional being must have perfected it, according to Burnham
good thing she knew all of this ??????????
there's no figuring anything out!
they just already know!!!!!! 
cut back to the bridge, wondering where Michael and Tyler are. Mudd appears, playing music
hahahahaha the computer addressed him as Captain Mudd: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually tired of gloating"
he's found a weaponised dark matter ball in Lorca's stash of dangerous shit. and he's blabbing on about it "and if any of you were planning on being heroes - including you, random communications officer man" LOL (the guy just ran up to try to stop him) "you'll find there's very little I don't know."
Tyler and Michael burst out onto the bridge for some reason ????
tried to shoot Mudd, the forcefield is still there ... he chucked the dark matter at Tyler .... who dissolved .... 
Mudd: "well that was new"
why would they listen to him? Michael you KNOW IT'S A TIME LOOP
he told him to stop, because he can't watch Mudd kill any more people
what kind of plan .... 
why did ....
kendradaynes Is your brain broken?
aceofwands yes
Stamets gave himself to Mudd????? even though he knew it was a time loop?why would he do that?
Michael has figured out the space whale has a ship in its belly .... with Mudd's crystal energy source in it ..... 
how .... does Michael know about Stella ???? I can't explain this episode to you any more Shin ... you'd have to watch this nonsense for yourself
she has come to sacrifice herself .... because the Klingons want her more than the ship
"you'll get a lot for this ship, but what would I be worth to them?"
"what's in it for you?" "Lt Tyler" "Lt Tyler is dead" "Not for long" ... and then she ATE A DARK MATTER BALL .... to force him to reset the timeline .... 
or are we supposed to believe she remembers?
this episode MAKES NO SENSE
has Stamets finally told the Captain? why is he on the bridge
yes ... she did tell them .... everyone there knows and Mudd's confused
Lorca greeted him "Captain Mudd, your chair" - offers his chair
he realised Stamets was "passing on notes"
"don't try to con a con man" "I'm not, I'm negotiating with a business man"
"why would a Federation Captain do that?" "I will not have a repeat of the Boran [sp?] [his past ship]"
this episode is complete rubbish
he's leading Michael and Stamets off to the transporter room to meet the Klingons
lol Stamets has found out about his wife Stella. they found out he's been running from Stella, not to her lol
this episode would have been clever if the time loop wasn't so poorly done!
they rewired the captain's chair to send the message to Stella and her father .... who's come to get him lol
why ... why are they even doing this? they're so obsessed with making a new Star Trek series, why keep bringing in old characters for no reason?
Michael and Tyler waiting for a turbolift, Stamets told them both that in a previous timeline they danced .... they're super awkward
"What I'm feeling is complicated, and strange" "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere”
I actually think they're really cute? I would usually like so many of these characters! but wow the plots are so. bad.
and it's so clumsy!
holy crap that was bad
oh lord, Saru in the next ep, they're on a planet, there are Klingons and the Admrial being tortured
wow. that's over. and took me ages to watch because I had to stop it so often lol
I have watched a lot of time travel episodes in my decades as a Trekkie (and on other sci fi shows) and that has got to be worst I’ve ever seen! It was SO confusingly done!
they just have no internal consistency!
you have Mudd getting revenge and Stamets working against him ... really really poorly ... 
and all of their solutions to the problems just made no sense???
Stamets giving himself up to Mudd???
and then the final solution of them all working together ... it wasn't like in the Next Gen episode I keep thinking of, where they eventually realise they're looping and find the message in Data and it feels like they worked together to solve it
it feels like this show ... cuts corners
it wants to give us the exciting parts and the emotional pay off without actually doing any of the work, is the best way I can think to explain it
it was ... choppy and confused
that sums the show up to be honest.
they went on and on about how they’re telling a big serialised story, but it isn’t even? we’ve had these weird interlude episodes with Sarek and now Mudd where stuff just happens just because? and they keep TELLING us they’re fighting a war but it doesn’t feel like they’re in one! 
if they’re going to do serialised season long arcs then they need to do way way better, like I just binge watched 9 episodes of Stranger Things yesterday! I know what a good serial narrative looks like and this is not it!
and if they’re going to do episodic then they need to do way way better
the plot of this was just confused nonsense that was weirdly focused around Michael and Tyler’s relationship more than anything else ... it just feels like they’re mashing a bunch of random rubbish together and hoping it works, rather than like a carefully crafted story on either an episodic OR a serial level!
and now I’m just thinking about how much I want to go watch some fun time loop episodes - like man, give me SG1 stuck in a time loop doing stupid shit any day, at least that was fun AND made sense
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w-anky-blog · 7 years
ebook reader android
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itsrattysworld · 5 years
Since this is the #game Google, LinkedIn and Facebook  #playing Mervelee Ratty Nembhard will earn my benefit as a #carer and expert on the day Boris Johnson takes the reign as Prime Minister. Like. Comment. Share
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Jennifer, Sharon and 18 other friends have donated through Facebook. This is how https://www.facebook.com trick us into brainwashing us and using our intellectual proprty making money from our misery. By saying they will take care of processing donation with no fees we are led into a false sense of security. 
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 Mervelee Ratty Nembhard. 9 mins · 
This is how the #criminals set about #scamming us. This is the classic case of Google targeting Mervelee Myers for my own intellectual property from sharing stories about the issues tha #affected me from I created my website Myvision.org.uk in May 2012. I have been paying for Googleadwords since. My stories have been used by other websites who are benefitting from sharing my personal experiences to help others. Yet after Mervelee Ratty Nembhard was targeted by LEYF Nurseries #LEYF after the death of my #mother causing me to lose 5 years of my life. Google UK Ltd decided to #join forces with #terroristcells to deny me my rights not to be discriminated against. 1. Community Plaything Visit 2016 re Videos 2. Royal Court Of Justice Empowerment With Ved Chaudhari and Caul Grant 12 July 2019 (Autosaved) 3. Barrister Ryan Clement EAT Money for Arnold Tomlinson 01.02.2018  4. 
Despite not working since the second nervous breakdown in a #toxic work environment in the United Kingdom I have kept up #payments and invested in Merveleeconsultancy, WordPress, Fight4justice amongst others. Instead of getting the support needed to expose terrorism Google UK, Central Saint Giles where I went for training and Morello Marketing used my #image for #band building and promotion, Google Chrome think it’s ok to #reject and #remove my posts to stop me telling my stories. 1. Appeal Employment Tribunals Judgement t444-eng 3rd August 2017 2. 18 June 2019 Conclusion of Meeting at Southwark Police Station 3. 1st LinkedIn Publication 19th July 2017 Dealing with Death of Loved Ones updated – 4.
This is nothing new as LinkedIn did the same when I was excluded by the Nursery World FORUM and #LizRoberts send me email. To when Facebook joined in from 18 September 2015 to date. I have had threats from Bates Wells Braithwaite. The Voice: The Union for Education Professionals still taking my fee. The Department for Work and Pensions – DWP exacerbated my disabilities. HMRC claims not to know of me living at my address until 2015 when LEYF #tampered with my data. Winsome Duncan: Author, Artist & Book Confidence Coach #scammed me and got the Metropolitan Police involved in #hatecrimes against me. The list goes on but I will stop here for now. 1. IOPC_Appealing_against_decision_to_discontinue 2. Letter to LEYF Solicitors 15th October 2015 8.9.2017 3.  Argument Winsome Duncan Small Claims Court 20 March 2019 4.
Well done, your post got 12 views “4 years ago Mervelee Ratty Nembhard July 18, 2015 at 8:21 PM · JA High Commissioner was at the Brixton 02 Academy 1st Night. Was in the…” 1. 6 Months Volunteering Programme 22nd August 2015 -Theodora (Autosaved) 2. A Daughter Tribute To Her Mother 5 Years After The Final Goodbye 16th January 2019 3. Facebook Breaching GDPR 13th August 2018 4.
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Now this takes the biscuit for terrorism. When will Google be locking me out of my account? 1. Amendment District Judge Stella Sterlini County Court Clerkenwell 20 May 2019 2. Santander Complaints Response by Mervelee Myers 2 May 2019 3. Solicitors Regulation Authority My Response re 24 January 26 March 2019 4. © 2019 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
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If you’ve been redirected to this page, Google My Business doesn’t support your browser. If you’re not using the latest version of your browser, Google…
1 Comment Fight4justice. Like. Comment. Share
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 Fight4justice I will #write to Boris Johnson the new PM. This will be my 3rd letter. I wrote to #DavidCameron and got a fourable response. Can’t say the same for Theresa May. But I am not surprised. Is it any wonder Mervelee Myers is #page1 of ITV News at the Windrush70 at Westminster Abbey?
Let The Battle Exposing Terrorism And Modern Slavery Continue 24 July 2019 Since this is the #game Google, LinkedIn and Facebook  #playing Mervelee Ratty Nembhard will earn my benefit as a 
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
World of Warcraft: Classic preview
After I was in my late twenties, I went again to go to the home I’d grown up in. It felt unusual, strolling into rooms crammed with recollections, the place all the things felt smaller, older. It wasn’t a foul home, however my view of it was compromised by all the opposite locations I’d lived since. It was additionally the home the place, on Christmas Eve 2005, I got here dwelling with a replica of World of Warcraft, an thrilling new sport primarily based on the lore of a technique sport I already beloved. I took one step into Azeroth and started a journey that also hasn’t ended.
In 2017 Blizzard introduced World of Warcraft: Basic, a strategy to play WoW near-as-dammit because it was when it first got here out. There’ve been alternatives to expertise it like that earlier than, in fact, should you had been prepared to dip your toe into the waters of the personal server neighborhood. Blizzard have made no secret of how they really feel about unauthorised variations of the sport, however the time has lastly arrived for an official one. The BlizzCon demo this week offered us with a playable leap again by means of time.
Putting in the factor says so much. It tells you it’s copying information, slightly than downloading them, however the file measurement is a fraction of WoW’s present complete. WoW has at all times run on a wierd hybrid of latest and outdated cod. Although Basic is way bigger than its launch version, it’s had some high quality of life stuff bundled on this time. Most noticeable is the power to spice up the graphics previous what was achievable over a decade in the past, in addition to the present model’s secondary settings for once you’re in a raid or battleground occasion.
Positive, should you’re working it on an older laptop, or one with much less graphical functionality, it’s most likely going to look about the identical as you bear in mind it, save for the decision. However bump it as much as the highest setting and the sport fills out the terrain with wavy grass, nicer skyboxes and higher lighting. Abruptly, WoW Basic is glowing, and it’s not simply because of all of the nostalgia.
After logging in and quickly recreating my first ever character (Thorox, the Tauren Arms Warrior — simple, given there’s far much less selection in Basic), I discovered myself in one of the vital iconic places within the sport’s historical past: The Crossroads, a hub of Horde tents and a postbox in the course of the useless, dry plains of the Barrens. This main questing hub was additionally the central assembly level for the notorious Denizens of Barrens Chat, the textual content chatroom solely for folks enjoying in that space of the map. After I logged into Basic, folks had been standing round chatting about Chuck Norris. In 2018.
After all, getting again on the horse of vanilla mechanics is a tough trip should you’re used to the large effort Blizzard have since put into the sport’s consumer expertise. In 2018 we’ve got dungeon matchmaking, simple quest monitoring, and the equal of a complete Pokémon MMO stuffed in as an additional characteristic. WoW Basic has none of this — and is the toughest model of the sport there has ever been.
Weapon talent proficiency, slower well being regeneration, quest textual content that writes itself onto the web page in actual time… The MMORPG of yesteryear is a sport steeped within the style traditions of the period. A time when folks had been extra affected person, and when sustaining a excessive fantasy aesthetic was extra necessary than consumer comfort. It was an enormous ache within the bottom remembering that I needed to visually find each quest NPC once more now, however there’s one thing about being compelled to learn “north” in quest textual content, and head north to seek out your location extra organically, that makes Basic really feel extra like an journey and fewer like an interactive guidelines.
That being mentioned, questing is unquestionably slower basically. Drop charges of loot from useless enemies are again to their lowest. “Kill birds,” they mentioned. “Take their beaks,” they mentioned. They didn’t say most birds don’t have intact beaks by the point you’re completed with them. That is as grindy as currently-available MMORPG experiences are going to get, and should you’re coming in recent I’d positively advocate a podcast, or some music — precisely how I performed it within the mid-2000s.
One factor I actually am pleased to have again is the outdated talent tree system. I take pleasure in the brand new one — fluid; extra spec-focused — however it will possibly typically really feel somewhat siloed, like there’s no true strategy to be a hybrid construct. Not so in Basic. There you could be a Safety Warrior and splash into Fury for somewhat extra rage, and even use some Prot talent factors to make your self hardier in Arms. It’s related for different lessons, too, and it’s good to have the ability to choose how far right into a sure talent you’d wish to go. It’s much less binary, and feels nearer to Dungeons & Dragons than it does the World of Warcraft of 2018. Extra complicated, positively, however extra rewarding for individuals who take pleasure in min-maxing their characters.
For me it was like scanning my teenage bed room to see if my stuff was nonetheless in the identical place. And it’s! I do know the place the Quillboar hang around, and why I have to kill a load of them, and I might most likely draw you a map of Wailing Caverns from reminiscence. Even should you’re not as acquainted as I’m, there’s enjoyment available from rigorously going over quest particulars, stocking up on tools, and heading out not understanding how lengthy it’ll take or should you’ll achieve success. There aren’t any flying mounts — no mounts in any respect, for a superb whereas, and positively not within the demo’s degree vary. Simply you, the open street, and a load of odd-looking mountains.
Again within the day, although, after I wasn’t messing round with mountains or ending quests, I used to be raiding. I raided casually in Vanilla, and at a progression-competitive degree throughout The Burning Campaign, and it’ll be fascinating to see if these varieties of communities will type once more in the direction of the tip of subsequent yr. Onyxia’s Lair, Molten Core, and, in fact, the whelp room the place Leeroy Jenkins made his manner into online game historical past. There are a number of, scaling endgame pursuits, and if the sport maintains a devoted fanbase months into its lifecycle, these locations will see unbelievable battles fought as soon as once more. If folks log in, mess around till degree 10, after which resolve to move on again to Battle for Azeroth, and even different video games solely, then Ragnaros and his fiery cohorts will stay lonely within the depths beneath Blackrock Mountain, and Basic will really feel like an amusing distraction slightly than a real remake. That’s the factor about massively-multiplayer video games — if it’s simply you, by your self, it will possibly really feel such as you’re solely enjoying half of it.
However this brings us again to the purpose of the remake, actually: who’s it really for? Going by each the advertising and marketing and people really displaying curiosity in it, it’s Vanilla gamers on the lookout for a visit down blade-swinging reminiscence lane. However is that sufficient to meaningfully maintain it? It’ll positively be a novelty for individuals who began enjoying a lot later into the sport’s lifespan, however having so most of the options they’re used to stripped away in Basic could also be somewhat an excessive amount of to bear for the numerous hours it takes to complete. Early MMORPGs had been primarily based on folks working collectively to fill staff gaps for group quests and dungeons, in a manner that matchmaking tech handles for us now. Its absence in Basic will sting for individuals who favor to play solo and infrequently dip into the odd dungeon or raid with out interacting an excessive amount of with anybody else, in addition to gamers who’re used to leaping out and in rapidly.
The caveat, in fact, is that even should you’re on board for Basic, a lot of the sport isn’t really accessible to check within the demo, because it solely helps you to degree up a number of instances inside a few areas. Decide Horde, and it’s a bit of the Barrens; choose Alliance, and it’s Westfall. For those who acquired demo entry with this yr’s BlizzCon Digital Ticket you then’re capable of play it at dwelling proper by means of this weekend, and don’t want to move to the present ground — which is an thrilling and inclusive transfer on Blizzard’s half, and one I’d wish to see extra publishers think about going ahead.
Basic will arrive entire in the summertime of 2019, say Blizz, and shall be included within the unchanged value of your present subscription charge. I’d slightly have the choice of paying a smaller, separate charge solely for Basic, in addition to with the ability to bundle each collectively if you would like. Many people don’t return to WoW for lengthy stretches of time, and if the prospect of wading by means of quiet, older growth content material doesn’t enchantment, however Basic does, being caught with one-price-fits-all may reduce that enchantment.
If Blizzard decides so as to add issues like matchmaking, it could swing extra folks into aiming for endgame, understanding they gained’t must run a wholly new guild or chat-channel-organize a 40-player group simply to play by means of older content material. However regardless of potential teething issues, I, like many different WoW veterans, couldn’t be extra excited to move again. For me it’s a possibility to get again to fundamentals, to expertise outdated recollections, and to take action in a manner that takes among the greatest capabilities of newer know-how to energy old style experiences. If Blizzard proceed to contemplate high quality of life additions and balances issues like higher graphics and straightforward group-finding in opposition to talent proficiencies and the older, boxy character fashions, it’ll really feel slick as something.
However, even when they don’t, it’s okay. As a result of your childhood dwelling isn’t good, and never all of the recollections had been pleased. However should you can expertise it by yourself phrases, understanding all the things you already know now, then possibly that’s sufficient. Your glasses don’t have to be rose-tinted right here – simply in entrance of eyes prepared to simply accept that what they sees is clunky, overcomplicated, and uncompromisingly genre-changing. Vanilla is again. Let’s go farm for Thunderfury.
from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/world-of-warcraft-classic-preview/
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homeofbadwords-blog · 7 years
Best Android Apps May 2017
So, a week ago, I made an video on How to download any video of the internet from Android terminal and for some of you, the commands were too over whelming .Well, if you are one of them, then check out, Instube, It’s a new app lets you download videos from several diff sites like Facebook, YT, etc including several diffs downloading format like you get in similar apps. And it has a built-in private mode to password protect all your saved videos. (though make sure you check the permissions of any app you install outside play store, right now, it only ask for storage, which is Okay) So, yeah, check out insTube.
1. Linux CLI Launcher
Linux CLI launcher turn your regular Android phone Into Linux terminal And not just in the look department.
It’s a fully fledged linux terminal. You can toggle WiFi, bluetooth, Move around in all the directory Or even call using commands. But, let’s be practical, The most you will do is open apps right from your launcher And after fooling around with it, You’ll be back to regular launcher. So, why do you want to try it? It look geeky, I mean look at it To keep toddler or nosy sibling away from your phone
2.Fake Text Message
So, with Fake text message, Any android phone can fake an incoming or outgoing sms.
Let me show you, what I mean, Say, you forget to send an important email to someone And now they are mad at you, Or you want to prank your friends with fake text from someone, that you never got in the first place, Well then, with this app, you can select a contact, set any date and time Type in your message And volla, it’ll appear your message app. And, It would look as legit as any other message app. Now, the point of this app is not the app itself But the concept.. I mean, Whenever you are skeptical about an SMS Remember these type of apps exist.
3.Call Tracker
This one is out insurance app of the day, I.e. you might never use it, but when you do, it’ll be life saver for you. Simply put, this application sync all your call logs (every call you make, receive or missed, will be recorded on your google calendar with date and time.
This is useful in situations like, Say, you left your phone in the cab, And now wondering, what’s the number of cab driver, Well, now, you can simply log-in to your google calendar and find it out. Though, it would be a good idea to create a new calendar to keep things tidy. Since it’s on google calendar, you can fetch it from any device you want.
Curiosity, gives you 5 interesting facts, everyday It’s one of the best UI, I’ve ever seen By swiping left to right You scroll to different days And swiping up and down, give you knowledge cards. You can tap on it to read more or just skim through the cards. The dev believe, By spending just 5 mins each day, you can get smarter day by day. And, since these cards are curated by a team, You’ll get the best of best content.
No fake news! Though TBH, I don’t get much ‘me time’ these days, And whatever, is left, I spend that on browsing reddit So, I’m not sure, if I use this app regularly or not. But, if you like sites like Quora, Then you’ll like this app.
5.My script calculator
Most, of you might have heard of this amazing app Photomath. You point your camera at any math problem and Photo match will give you solution, step by step It’s really a great app, but since it’s based on OCR, It might be difficult for it read the, handwritten problems, And well for that, maybe you can try My script calculator Simply put, it’s a handwritten based calculator, where you write And it solve for you, But I find the real magic in the undo option If you type something wrong, You can always get it right in next attempt If you are maths student, it’s definitely, something to keep in your arsenal.
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kracekumar · 7 years
Notes from Root Conf Day 2 - 2017
On day 2, I spent a considerable amount of time networking and attend only four sessions.
Spotswap: running production APIs on Spot instance
Amazon EC2 spot instances are cheaper than on-demand server costs. Spot instances run when the bid price is greater than market/spot instance price.
Mapbox API server uses spot instances which are part of auto-scaling server
Auto scaling group is configured with min, desired, max parameters.
Latency should be low and cost effective
EC2 has three types of instances: On demand, reserved and spot. The spot instance comes from unused space and unstable pricing.
Spot market starts with bid price and market price.
In winter 2015 traffic increased and price also increased increased
To spin up a new machine with code takes almost two minutes
Our machine fleet encompasses of spot and on-demand instances
When one spot machine from the fleet goes down, and auto scaling group spins up an on-demand machine.
Race condition: several instances go down at same time.
Aggressive spin up in on-demand machines when market is volatile.
Tag EC2 machines going down and then spin up AWS lambda. When spot instance returns shit down a lambda or on-demand instance. Auto Scaling group can take care of this.
Savings 50% to 80%
Source code: https://github.com/mapbox/spotswap
No latency because over-provisioned
Set bid price as on-demand price.
Didn't try to increase spot instance before going on-demand
Cfconfig to deploy and Cloud formation template from AWS
Adventures with Postgres
Speaker: I’m an Accidental DBA
The talk is a story of a Postgres debugging.
Our services include Real-time monitoring, on demand business reporting to e-commerce players. 4000 stores and 10 million events per day. Thousands of customers in a single database.
Postgres 9.4, M4.xlarge,16GB, 750 GB disk space with Extensive monitoring
Reads don't block writes, Multi-Version Concurrency Model.
Two Clients A, B read X value as 3. When B updates the value X to 4, A reads the X value and gets back as 3. A reads the X value as 4 when B’s transaction succeeds.
Every transaction has a unique ID - XID.
XID - 32 bit, max transaction id is 4 billion.
After 2 billion no transaction happens.
All writes stop and server shutdown. Restarts in single user mode,
Read replicas work without any issue.
Our server reached 1 billion ids. 600k transaction per hour, so in 40 days transaction id will hit the maximum limit.
How to prevent?
Promote standby to master? But XID is also replicated.
Estimate the damage - txid_current - Current Transaction ID
Every insert and update is wrapped inside a transaction
Now add begin and commit for a group of statements, this bought some time.
With current rate, 60 days is left to hit max transaction limit.
TOAST - The Oversized Attribute Storage Technique
Aggressive maintenance. Config tweaks: autovacuum_workers, maintenance_work_mem, autovaccum_nap_time - knife to gun fight. Didn’t help
rds_superuser prevented from modifying pg system tables
Never thought about rds_superuser can be an issue.
VACUUM -- garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database
vacuum freeze (*) worked. Yay!
What may have caused issues - DB had a large number of tables. Thousands of tables
Better shard per customer
Understand the schema better
Configuration tweaks - max_workers, nap_time, cost_limit, maintenance_work_mem
Keep an eye out XID; Long-lived transactions are problem
Parallel vacuum introduced in 9.5
pg_visibility improvements in 9.6
Similar problem faced other companies like GetSentry
MySQL troubleshooting
Step 1 - Define the problem, know what is normal, read the manual
Step 2: collect diagnostics data (OS, MySQL). pt_stalk tool to collect diagnostics error
Lookup MySQL error log when DB misbehaves.
Check OOM killer
General performance issues - show global variables, show global status, show indexes, profile the query
Table corruption InnoDB, system can't startup. Worst strategy force recovery and start from backup.
Log message for table corruption is marked as crashed
Replication issues - show master status, my.cnf/my.ini, show global variables, show slave status
OTR Session - Micro Service
OTR - Off The Record session is a group discussion. Few folks come together and moderate the session. Ramya, Venkat, Ankit and Anand C where key in answering and moderating the session.
What is service and micro service? Micro is independent, self-contained and owned by the single team. Growing code base is unmanageable, and the number of deploys increases. So break them at small scale. Ease of coupling with other teams. No clear boundary
Advantages of Microservices - team size, easy to understand, scale it. Security aspects. Two pizza team, eight-member team. Able to pick up right tools for the job, and change the data store to experiment, fix perf issues.
How to verify your app needs micro service?
Functional boundary, behavior which is clear. Check out and Delivery
PDF/Document parsing is a good candidate for Micro Service, and parsing is CPU intensive. Don't create nano-service :-)
Failure is inevitable. Have logic for handling failures on another service. Say when MS 1 fails MS2 code base should handle gracefully.
Message queue Vs Simple REST service architecture. Sync Vs Async.The choice depends on the needs and functionality.
Service discovery? Service registry and discover from them.
Use swagger for API
Overwhelming tooling - you can start simple and add as per requirements
Good have to think from beginnings - how you deploy, build pipelines.
Auth for internal services - internal auth say Service level auth and user token for certain services. Convert monolithic to modular and then micro level.
API gateway to maintain different versions and rate limiting When to use role-based access and where does scope originate? Hard and no correct way. Experiment with one and move on.
Debugging in monolithic and micro service is different.
When you use vendor-specific software use mock service to test them. Also, use someone else micro service. Integration test for microservices are hard.
Use continuous delivery and don't make large number of service deployment in one release.
The discussion went on far for 2 hours! I moved out after an hour. Very exhaustive discussion on the topic.
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