#Mimi Inuzuka
kyriolex · 2 years
Kawaki Academy Arc: Strength isn’t everything
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We start where we left off: with Red Hana on the bridge, making a big show of “killing” Kae. Himawari and Kawaki basically go “nooo” and then Red Hana goes “yeeesss” and burns the bridge. 
The rest of the class shows up because they heard a huge explosion. Kawaki explains that Hana is the assassin and she just killed Kae. We spend nearly five minutes listening to sad music while the kids are in denial and despair. Himawari doesn’t think Kae is really dead because she didn’t see any blood, and Osuka points out that Hana could be planning to use Kae as a hostage.
We cut to the caves and see that, indeed, that is exactly the plan. Hana crouches in front of Kae and villain monologues the whole thing: her double personality, her plan to rescue her boss the minister from jail, and the fact that another accomplice from Bamboo is rolling up with a getaway ship in the morning. But the real Hana-sensei is still in there, crying over the pain Red Hana has caused her students.
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Kawaki announces he’s going to rescue Kae. The other kids want to help, but Kawaki says it’s too risky for Academy students to go up against a professional assassin. Eho argues that Hana-sensei taught them that even if they are “weak and clumsy,” they can still make an impact. ... These kids really know how to give out backhanded compliments, don’t they?
They work together to throw a rope across the ravine and crawl across. They then search the woods by shouting Kae’s name, like she’s a lost puppy instead of a kidnapping victim. What follows is a long train of convenient reasons to use teamwork:
They need a more efficient way to search the island. Can’t Harika use her bugs? But no, she’s a student and can only control her hive at a short range.
Sosha to the rescue! She wrote an article about a couple who got stranded on this island, and summoned a passing ship for help. Kawaki has a brilliant realization that they are on an island, and Hana will need to cross water to escape. But where on the coastline would she be?
It would be awfully convenient if Mimi’s dog could sniff Kae’s sent. But apparently when Kikuchiyo hurt his paw, his nose broke too or something, I don’t know. But you know who else has a good nose? Konashi!
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Yes, sweets boy actually does something useful. He can smell a drop of sugar from a mile away, so he sniffs his way to a piece of sweets Kae dropped. Kae was using the sweets Konashi gave her earlier to leave a bread crumb trail.
Harika says “I can work with this,” and her hive does the rest of the tracking to the cave. Kawaki tells the class to stay back: tracking his one thing, but fighting an assassin is too dangerous for students. The class asks what makes him so special, and he dramatically shows them his ninja headband and says “I’m a shinobi.” 
(Kawaki, you are a genin, and even then it’s only by technicality.)
Meanwhile, Kae decides she’s done relying on everyone else to save her. She uses Hana’s discarded kunai to saw her bindings free, then sprints out of the cave. Hana confronts her, and Kae bravely fights for her freedom, saying this princess will rescue herself from now on. 
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Except Hana is a professional assassin, and Kae is a student, so she immediately gets her butt kicked. But you know. Points for trying. Kawaki and his partner Himawari show up to save Kae, and the credits roll for a convenient cliffhanger.
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michininja · 5 months
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Been years, but I finally got around to catching up with Boruto. The fact that I started it as a junior in high school and now I’m ending my junior year of college is wild.
The Inuzuka cousins Mimi and Ashi (oc) and Kikuchiyo at the Academy’s festival.
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stevengrantshubby · 2 years
its very cute that i have an oc named mimi inuzuka and that theres a nw canon character named mimi inuzuka . i love it ❤️❤️❤️
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Bleak!primadonna AU brainrot continues (2024-04-04)
… I think I’m just becoming the blog of hyper-niche DoS future fic because… my brain… still rotting… from bleak!primadonna AU. At this point, I think there is no NOT!bleak primadonna AU, so maybe the bleakness doesn’t have to be specified anymore. The primadonna ‘verse, as it were….
ANYWAY, JUST BEEN THINKING ABOUT HOW EXTERNAL WOMB STUFF (as originated by loveelemental and further developed by damnsmartblueboxes) AND HOW THE POLITICS OF THAT WOULD OR WOULDN’T AFFECT SOME THINGS.
Because, like, I try to adopt as much of DoS fanon as I can from other writers and I realized one that I have internalized but didn’t think to apply to the primadonna ‘verse is the idea that Hana Inuzuka is the next Inuzuka clan head and also she’s a lesbian and engaged to her partner (as per JohnBurtonLee’s I Got You which I, at this point, pretty much consider DoS beta canon in that it’s basically canon until very specifically said otherwise by Word of God)
Anyway, all that being said: whether or not the Inuzuka are matrilineal (as I headcanon for the Aburame) or they follow primogeniture regardless of the firstborn child’s gender, it would still fall to Hana to have an heir of her own. Which, you know, get a donor, etc etc. BUT, if they want the child to be as genetically close to a biological child from both of them as possible, either Kiba is the donor with Hana’s partner being the carrier—I’m going to call her Kaori for now—or if Kaori has male relatives (a brother, ideally) then Hana is the carrier.
But, what if Kaori’s family SUCKS? What if they’re ABSOLUTE ASSES? What if they’re homophobic bigots who don’t approve of the relationship, much less them having a child together? Hana and Kaori wouldn’t going to want their DNA anyway. (Sorry to give you a shit family Kaori, but you're marrying into a pretty cool one so... congrats?)
But then it’s also like… uh… Kiba is your annoying little brother who really didn’t believe we were engaged. Not out of bigotry or ill-intent, but it’s still annoying. And also, like, don’t really want to think about your little brother’s sperm.
What’s a wlw couple to do?
Because it’s not just about the gestation and carrying the baby to term, but the incompatibility of egg-egg or sperm-sperm conception.
But wait! Introducing the new HaruNara external conception and gestation machine(/seal?)! For the low low price of (I don’t know, the first generation may be free since it’s all prototype and experimental?) you and your partner(s) can have the biological child you’ve always wanted! No mess, no stress, no risk that an undercover agent from an enemy clan/village will steal your bloodlimit and/or extremely politically important heir! Highly trained and accredited experts of medicine and sealing will oversee the HaruNara process and your genetic material/future child will be fully protected by an elite team of Konoha’s powerful shinobi! We’ll help you make the family of your dreams! SIGN UP TODAY!
… if you didn’t read all of that in an infomercial voice, I messed up.
What I’m saying is, Hana and Kaori’s first child—who I am now calling Manako which means eyeball—was of the first generation of HaruNara babies (a process which I assume EXTREMELY involved Sakura, hence the name).
Keen-eyed readers may remember that I wanted Mimi Inuzuka to be a year above Shikadai, and that is still true. I’m just giving Mimi Inuzuka and older sister, because I want the sort of… bookend of Manako is of the first generation of HaruNara babies and Mimi is from the last generation of HaruNara babies (outside of the ANY clan alliance)
Because the HaruNara requires a sealing master (from the Nara Sealing Research Group) AND a medic specifically trained under Sakura. Although there are ANY medics trained under Sakura, there aren’t any non-ANY sealing masters—except maybe TenTen—who are trained in the use of the seals and equipment, of which those would be proprietary Nara technology anyway.
… and even if TenTen COULD, I don’t think she necessarily WOULD because she is indebted/grateful to the Nara for even putting her name on the NaraTen seals (still industry leader, decades later) and giving her those royalties as opposed to just, like, a one time “consultant/independent contractor” fee and then goodbye forever. I think, even if she isn’t officially part of the Nara Sealing Research Group, she does get invited a lot or consults enough (with appropriate/fair payment or additional royalties) that she wouldn’t necessarily turn her back against them. And, like, look. Even if it was decades ago, she did love Shikamaru and they were friends even when they broke up, so she also grieves for him too. I don’t know her stance on, you know, straight up murder the councilors who ordered his assassination. But I can’t imagine she’d so fully turn against Shikako—who, again, was even more her friend than Shikamaru, and so ACTIVELY contributed to TenTen’s career success—that she would scab against the Nara clan and run half of the HaruNara technique on behalf of Konoha unless they SPECIFICALLY ORDERED HER TO.
BUT EVEN THEN, I have to imagine the number of times she must have had “don’t interfere with clan affairs” thrown in her face regarding the Hyuuga Caged Bird seal and now she can throw it back in Konoha’s face. But, like, in a plausible deniability sort of way.
All that being said: the ANY alliance may very well be keeping this technique to themselves and either separately contracting (with all profits going to ANY alliance only, rather than it being split with Konoha) or charging an EXORBITANT FEE to those who are trying to hire them via Konoha official paths.
Because, like. You can’t tell me the Kantokusha clan of Hidden Grass don’t have the village under their thumb. That’s why they were so desperate to get rid of Shikako, someone who had seemingly defeated their ultimate technique.
And while Konoha has other methods of income, older and more established than the HaruNara seals, you can’t tell me the ANY alliance wouldn’t be extremely pedantic and petty about proprietary clan techniques. Again, just pointing at the Hyuuga’s Caged Bird Seal.
Of course, the ANY alliance isn’t trying to make more enemies—if anything, they are trying to do the opposite, and woo other clans to their theoretical secession—so they’re not being extortionate about it. But they are making it clear that this is a clan/alliance technique, not a village technique.
To be clear, this switch from it being a Konoha service to an ANY clan specific service is because of The Incident—hence why Mimi is part of the last generation of Konoha serviced HaruNara babies--so it’s not as if the ANY alliance have been denying or overcharging the Inuzuka use of the HaruNara process. And also, it may very well be that Hana and Kaori have reached the number of children they want (unsure if it’s just her and Manako or if I want them to have a/multiple siblings in between) and it’s just coincidence that they bookend the window of time where the HaruNara process was a village service and not an ANY alliance service. BUT I just thought that would be an interesting way to frame the Inuzuka’s involvement/opinion on the Incident, especially since I am REALLY thinking about writing another Primadonna ‘verse segment and it involves Team Chiyako which has Mimi Inuzuka and the Branch Hyuuga teen that Shikadai has a crush on.
Anyways, how do you look at all of your beautiful, rambunctious children and not be extremely grateful to the person who literally made it possible for them to exist. And, you know, wouldn't any Inuzuka member also want to tear to pieces the people who try to harm their family? Considering I imagine if the Inuzuka clan had a motto it would be something like Honesty, Loyalty, Integrity, I can’t imagine those Hana's personal opinion would be would be too different from her Inuzuka clan's opinion (unlike Chiyako and Tsunade’s, lol)
The Inuzuka are not official allies with the Akimichi, Nara, Yamanaka. They are also not official allies with the Aburame and the Hyuuga even though members of their clans get put on the same teams often due to synergistic abilities. I don’t know who they are official allies with, but we do know that they joined Konoha at roughly the same time as the other clans and have since been a pillar member of the village.
So the question then becomes: does the fact that their current clan heiress (Manako) and her sibling(s) exist because of Shikako Nara outweigh the generations of loyalty to Konoha?
Here’s where I thread this needle: I don’t think they would secede… but I do think they would gladly support a different Hokage and are fully in favor of Naruto stepping down. I think, if they have clan vows the same way the ANY alliance does, that Hana (with approval from Tsume and whatever elders or equivalent thereof that the Inuzuka clan has) changed them before Manako and her sibling(s) became genin and would have to say them.
I think Manako might not even be on a jounin led tead. I think Manako probably went from the Academy, then straight back to specialized Inuzuka clan training, both because she is heiress and also so that she wouldn’t necessarily have to swear oaths of loyalty to the village over her clan or to the current Hokage in particular.
Which makes Mimi’s placement on Team Chiyako interesting if she is the only one of her siblings(? Although, it could just be her and Manako) who didn’t get recalled back to clan training after the Academy. What oaths did she make? Are the Inuzuka very deliberate in their wording of loyalty to the village (but not the Hokage?) in protecting the people, but not the administration.
I think, if the Inuzuka can’t make Shikako Hokage (and if this WERE closer in time to the Incident, they probably would have voted a no-confidence in Naruto, had that been a route available to them) then they are part of the group who either want Kakashi back in power (even though he very much DOES NOT WANT) or are of the belief that if they can’t have a Hokage they can be loyal to, they will either FIND or MAKE a Hokage they can be loyal to.
By which I mean: if I’m already playing the next generation parallel game, not only is Mimi Inuzuka the kunoichi on a team one year older than Shikadai, she also, like TenTen, wants to be like Tsunade. But, unlike TenTen, its not because of healing, it’s because she’s a female Hokage and Mimi is going to be the next one if she has any say over it.
I do think the most “healing” of the candidates is Shikadai, given it is a rift between Konoha and the Nara specifically, but hell… at this point, anyone else might be enough to get the ANY alliance to stay. Sarada who, even if she is still genetically a Sakura-Sasuke child, would have been raised by Sakura-Ino-Sai is arguably part of the ANY alliance… maybe?
Because. Almost all of those Uchiha repopulation program kids I made are of age or younger than Shikadai. (Sakako doesn’t exist in primadonna ‘verse, sorry. Add another check in the bleakness column.) So either, they ARE using the HaruNara machine(/seal?) as an officially allied clan of the ANY clans (ANUY alliance? Hm… I don’t like that) OR it is one of the only Konoha official usage of it post The Incident—by which I mean, Konoha is subsidizing some/most of the exorbitant costs so that the Uchiha DON’T officially join the ANY alliance—OR… they aren’t using it and they’re just going old fashioned surrogacy (as it was originally written) but you HAVE to imagine that absolutely frustrates whoever is in charge of the program (probably Sakura, let’s be real) because there is this method to make the program so much more efficient if it weren’t for FUCKING POLITICS and it HAS HER NAME ON IT.
Oof. Yikes.
Anyway, sorry I went on a tangent. Many people are gunning for that Hokage spot, Mimi Inuzuka included. I think she was deliberately put on a jounin led team because Hana or Manako could smell/see the way the winds were blowing in Konoha. The Aburame heiress/future head as well as a Branch Hyuuga representative being on the same team—those two (and maybe the Uchiha, gotta figure that out) being the most likely to join the ANY alliance in secession—would need a stronger tether back to Konoha. And while the Inuzuka may have self-isolated a bit due to lack of faith in the Hokage, they are still loyal to the village as a whole. And then their third teammate is a Kurama because I’m already playing the next generation parallel game, so I needed a genjutsu user. BUT I have also made their abilities synergize, so this team does make sense functionally as well as, uh, metaphorically? Politically :D
FINAL TANGENT before I let this brainrot go, 1) Kareru Uzumaki definitely exists in this ‘verse because 2) the first generation of HaruNara babies are younger than him because the techniques didn’t fully gel together UNTIL Shikako discovered the seal he was in so 3) AT MOST there is eight years difference between the oldest of the HaruNara babies and Shikadai’s year, and I don’t even think that much but I can’t be bothered to do math right now.
Hopefully this rambling around will lead to an actual legible ficlet. If you made it this far, sorry for this disaster of a post.
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I’m sorry but i don’t know if I can refer to Mimi Inuzuka as anything except “the baby Inuzuka” now
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godtierwallflower · 2 years
Mimi Inuzuka
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And her partner, who I assume is named something-maru.
It was nice to see a new Inuzuka kid in Himawari’s academy class! Pretty cute design, very different from most of the clan. But she has those signature cheek marks!
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turbomaslo · 2 years
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Kawaki and Himawari attends Ninja academy!
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lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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A disagreement amongst the students
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fangblessed · 6 years
"Don't tell me you are afraid?"
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     ‘ eh ?!  no way ! ’     okay so maybe what the older genin had suggested was a definite reason to worry but mimi would be damned if she’d admit to that.     ‘ i just don’t wanna give my papa more trouble than necessary. ’     arms folded tightly across her chest, a brief flicker of a pout visible.     / @cubfangs
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If they plan to recreate Team 8 for the new gen, these three are the most likely candidates 😁
Himawari Hyuuga-Uzumaki
Mimi Inuzuka
Harika Aburame
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kyriolex · 2 years
Kawaki Academy Arc: Hana
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So this episode was mostly about Himawari's teacher Hana, although we got to learn some stuff about the students too.
Contrary to her character design, Hana has no relation to Sai, Yakumo Kurama, or any of the other painting-type shinobi. She's a clumsy wind user who perpetually sounds like she's on helium.
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So she's invited some special instructors to teach the class: Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki. Ehou's mind immediately sees it as a networking opportunities. He says you have to get connected to get ahead, because if you get the wrong sensei or team, you may never get a chance to make it to jonin or even chuunin.
It's sad that civilian kids have to think so cynically when they're young, especially while rich kids like Hima can stay innocent, but it's definitely realistic. Props to the writing team for that subtle commentary.
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Anyway, Team 7 takes the kids to the gym for some demonstrations. In true little brother style, Boruto gets in Kawaki's face and acts obnoxious. Kawaki kicks him away, and the two start fighting in class.
Poor Himawari just mutters "this always happens." She knew those two would embarrass her the moment they were in a room together.
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While Mituski is showing a lightning technique, some of the little kids move for a closer look, because like moths to a flame, they have no sense of self-preservation. Hana wind-blasts them of the way before one of them can get electrocuted, but instead of being a badass moment, the kids whine and she apologizes.
Next up is a bit of product placement, I mean team-building. Boruto brings enough burgers for half the class, then says they have to fight over them. They can go anywhere on campus, and whoever has the red balls by the end of the period wins the burgers.
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But since it's peacetime, none of these children know how to fight, so it becomes an awkward game of tag.
(Unrelated note: I apologize to Harika for insulting her fashion sense. Other than the aviator helmet, her outfit is actually put together well. She even has a cute purse...or maybe it's a bug-carrying sack like Shino and Shibi used to wear. Who knows?)
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Mimi, who I misgendered last time and is actually a girl, is the only child who thinks "Hey, maybe instead of fighting we should go visit the vending machines." Ehou decides this is AGAINST THE RULES, even though as Soul (girl in red) points out, the teachers never said anything against scavenging.
He confiscates Mimi's candy bar, and soon the whole class is fighting over whether poor Mimi deserves chocolate. Despite Hana's efforts to calm them down, the class splits up, with Ehou and Soul leading each side. Everyone except Kae and the Uzumaki kids boycotts school because they don't want to study with "the enemy."
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In one of Shino and Anko's little peanut gallery conversations, Shino concludes this lesson must have been "too advanced" for children who haven't learned about teamwork yet.
The crotchety old man in me wanted Iruka to come down and remind these kids that if they don't come to school, they can't graduate and become ninja. But instead it becomes Hana's duty to bring the class back together.
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She approaches both ringleaders to coax them back to school. Soul apparently idolizes Gai-sensei to the point that she has his picture in an old-fashioned locket. So Hana personally sewed Soul a hideous spandex uniform for her to wear. Soul understandably refuses, saying she admires Gai's skills, not his fashion sense.
I'm calling it now, this girl is the new Tenten: a snarky mom-friend who is obsessed with taijutsu. She's skyrocketed in my personal tier list for this class.
Hana bribes Ehou with ramen and a Hokage speech. She then sends out mysterious invitations to each student. They all show up at school, and she announces they're having a cherry blossom viewing party.
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The kids point out that it's not the right season for cherry blossoms. She has the kids close their eyes, and then suddenly petals are raining down from the sky. As a viewer, I thought this Hana's chance to step out of Team 7's shadow and show off her fancy genjutsu.
But actually the petals were paper. She was just using wind jutsu to blow the petals around like a fan. But everyone agrees it's the thought that counts.
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Soul and Ehou confide in Himawari that they mostly came out of pity for Hana-sensei, since even though she can't do anything right, she still tries hard.
On one hand, that's pretty brutal after Hana visited them both personally for a pep talk. On the other hand, Hana tripped over a rock and needed Himawari and Kawaki to catch her. She also burned the lunch she cooked for the students beyond recognition. So it's a little understandable why the kids doubt her competence.
The last shot shows Shino asking Boruto if he'd like to be a guest instructor again, and Boruto nopes out of that quickly. He's seen how brutal these kids can get. Genocidal aliens he can handle - petty preteen drama he cannot.
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sluggysslime · 2 years
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Some things ik so far abt this gen:
-Harika is the same clan as shino (aburame)
-Mimi is also the same clan as kiba (inuzuka)
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inumbratte · 6 years
Mimi’s blogs
because lord knows i play a lot and I’m pretty sure a lot of you have followed a blog and gone “is that mimi” at least one time @inumbratte shikamaru @illumxno RTN shikamaru
@shadcwd Shikadai @leafstruck Konohamaru @babemetaru Metal Lee
@sandstcrm Baki @savloniic OC-Mushi @tsuktori Hana Inuzuka @shinranshiin Inoichi Yamanaka @katyuxha OC Shikoko @insectenvy Shino Aburame @puppetvice Araya
Keep in mind: blogs from sandstcrm to puppetvice are all sideblogs and follow backs will come from @kattellya 
Further more, some of these blogs arent done yet, you can follow them still and I’ll slowly get them out as I go. You can however, send asks.
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kyoties · 7 years
If you aren't busy, what about a Kiba and Sakura baby? (Well, if I may add my two cents, how about twins/triplets/whatever? Sort of like a dog litter and Kiba is apart of the Inuzuka's...)
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Akamaru cuddles are the best~ Kiba would snap a hundnred photos just of this lol
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Kiba deservs all girls tbh lmaooo So Sakura was on bedrest since carrying one baby is hard enough, she had three babies to keep in for as long as she could. Staying in the hospital for that long by yourself is really lonely so Kiba would visit every day for as long as he could to keep his wife company. 
Their names are Mimi (L), Teiru ©, and Kuchi ®.
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fpog · 7 years
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So this is another Team I created thanks to the help of my best friends who actually don’t watch Naruto but like to take part in my OC Stories.
The boy on the lefts’ name is Akito Satou and his speciality is Gen-Jutsu, which he likes to use to prank people in a horrible way. But he thinks it’s funny and usually doesn’t hurt anyone. He gives off a dangerous vibe due to him causing mischief which is why people distrust him constantly, expecting to be pranked by him. In reality, he does all that to make the people laugh along and just doesn’t seem to get it right. He forcibly smiles a lot.
The girl in the middle is called Sayo (working on the last name but going for Oshiro), a distant relative to the Inuzuka Clan. As a young girl she lost her eyesight due to a dogs attack which left her scared of dogs. Because of that and the scar she was teased by other kids and became pretty distant and harsh until she found that stray Cat, Mimi. They became best friends and due to that, Sayo learned to be more open. And because the Inuzukas and their dogs fight together, Mimi engaged in the training too. The boy to the right is called Yasu Maki. He’s a pretty boy, too often mistaken for a girl up to the point where he didn’t really care to correct them anymore. His family didn’t really inherit any special ways to fight, which is why his low self esteem while fighting often results in him loosing. He eventually starts to pick up different things from his and the other teams and later develops a more unique style mainly based on Tai-Jutsu. He is friendly and caring, maybe a little too much.
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