chainlollipop · 7 months
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have i posted this
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broken-clover · 10 months
"If I played for you, Millia, I'd write a cool, mature, and feminine love song, just leave it to Speothos Venaticus! Why, you ask? As a cool, mature woman myself, that sort of thing is my jam~"
Girl you are not subtle. At this point I think it's be less subtle if you just straight up asked her out
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joeled · 2 years
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this is what i did today
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ape-of-no-state · 1 year
HELLO. forgot to tell you this and i thought i probably should but ive written two other milphelt-centric fics prior to my most recent one!
^^been meaning to update this one, ill get to it soon^^
this wasn’t really meant to be any sort of self promo, just thought you’d be interested since you liked the most recent one i wrote.
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UWAAAAAAAHHHH THESE WERE SO GOOOD!!!!!! I SPECIALLY LOVED "in the end is our happily ever after" AAAAAYYYYYY it was v cute and sweet and and and
(also gioram reference spotted YOU CANNOT FOOL ME EHEHEHEHEH)
also like sorry if im too hyper ahahha. ok normal now. really enjoyed these! thanks a bunch for the recommendation:D :D :D
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k0koron · 3 years
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[shaking and crying nad sobbing] Doesanyone here like milphelt
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chainlollipop · 2 months
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broken-clover · 5 months
So goodsmile released a new pair of plushies, this time Elphelt and Millia...
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chainlollipop · 1 year
MORE MILPHELT! sorry gioram likers, i promise your time will come soon.
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broken-clover · 11 months
19- Bows
Wow, it's amazing how much less you want to kill everything when you get a decent nights' sleep...not that it seems to have helped with my posting schedule thought, heh.
Milphelt time! Another thing that I'm surprised took me so long to get to.
“Uh, I guess this one’s pretty…?”
She turned over the price tag and winced. “Maybe not that pretty.”
“How many times do I have to remind you?” A teasing elbow prodded her side. “Don’t worry about a budget! Mr. Kiske said we could get whatever we wanted!”
“I know, I know.” Still, her mouth pursed into a crooked line.
A hand patted her shoulder. When she looked up, a stuffed bush dog was staring her in the face.
With a very unflattering noise, she recoiled back and started to laugh. “Elphelt! Don’t startle me like that!”
“Aww, it startled you?” A pink-framed face poked out from behind it, grinning with glee. “I was just trying to be silly! But I guess it distracted you at least, huh?” She adjusted the shoulder strap on her purse, letting the toy dangle by her hip. One hand pointed down the hall. “If you’re not feeling anything here, wanna try the next section? They might have something you like better over there!”
Millia offered a half shrug. “Worth a try. Are you sure you didn’t want to put any of the ones in here?”
She let herself be pushed along as Elphelt nudged her in the direction of the next set of displays. The girl’s chunky baby-pink heels clunked against the carpet with every step. “Nope! I’ll do it later! Let’s find something for you first, okay?”
Even if she didn’t really understand, she could still entertain the idea. The two of them were flocked on either side by satin, lace, and sheer chiffon, not even mentioning the absurd amount of ribbons and bows on every surface. Millia didn’t know when the last time was that she’d even gone dress-shopping, which only made looking through the higher-end sections more daunting. Elphelt, at least, was exactly in her element, looking over the bridal gowns with an incomparable look of glee.
“Oooooh, oh oh oh look at that one!” They stopped in front of a fluffy-skirted ensemble with a large bow on the back. “That’d look super cute, wouldn’t it?”
Millia had no strong feelings other than confusion. Still, she pulled it off the rack. “I guess. Want me to try it on?”
“Yes! Oh, yesyesyes let’s go put it on right now!”
If nothing else, Elphelt offered emotional support in abundance. The same went for clothing assistance. One thing she’d started to figure out was that wedding dresses tended to be incredibly complicated to put on. She didn’t have any idea how people were supposed to put them on by themselves, between the zips and the ties and the ribbons, it had to be too much for any one person to handle.
El hung the dress on the changing room’s hook while she undressed from her street clothes. Compared to her partner's abundance of cute, playful accessories, her own winter peacoat looked rather drab in comparison. Millia shed it in a heap along one of the room’s chairs and got to work on the buttons of her blouse.
She realized that Elphelt was staring. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh. Uh,” sheepish, the girl sat down and looked elsewhere. “Sorry. I know we’ve been together a while, I just still get distracted looking at you sometimes. I-I can give you some privacy, lemme know when you’re done!”
Something about that made Millia chuckle to herself. “I’m going to need you to help me get it on, anyway. It’s fine.”
“Right. Right!” She immediately scurried over with the dress in her arms. Then it was just a matter of undoing all the zips, stepping inside, trying to slip it on, realizing the zip wasn’t down all the way, undoing the ribbon they had missed…
“Hehe, I guess I’m starting to get why you don’t wear these all that much. Some of these are really hard!”
“I’ll admit, I was never really all that into dresses. Not in a long time, at least…” She turned in the mirror, looking over her shoulder. “They’re not the most practical. If they’re tight, it’s hard to kick.”
Elphelt nodded, fiddling with one of the bows. “Yeah, that one I get. That’s why I like my skirts all floofy! Lets me move around a lot more!”
“Goodness knows I’ve seen plenty of that. I still don’t know if I’ll ever understand how you can fight in heels.”
“It’s all a matter of practice! And good balance! Apparently it’s a good calf workout, I can kick my shoe off all the way across the courtyard!” Her cheeks pinkened a bit. “Which…which I absolutely found out on purpose.”
“Oh?” Millia tilted her head, giving mirror-Elphelt a teasing little look. “As much as I prefer flats, if they’re useful as a weapon, I might have to try them out sometime.”
She could tell that the girl was trying to feign confidence, as it was incredibly cute. “D-definitely! And I think it’d look good on you! So, um, what do you think of the dress you picked out?”
As much as she hoped that she’d immediately be blown away by the sight of herself in the mirror, it was barely a slight breeze. Even when she turned around, the only part that stood out was the large bow on the back. How strange that something so difficult to put on could still feel so bland.
“I don’t know. I’m not sure if I like it,” she replied, hesitant.
Elphelt simply gave her an understanding smile “No worries! We’ve still got months! We can try on as many dresses as we want. Your perfect outfit has gotta be somewhere, we'll just have to find it!”
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chainlollipop · 1 year
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i'm a juliet, who want's to run away
but don't call me by that name
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chainlollipop · 1 year
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back on my bullshit
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chainlollipop · 1 year
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based off that one twitter post
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chainlollipop · 1 year
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i present: them. i will never shut up about them
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broken-clover · 1 year
oh if the requests are still open 19 with Miphelt?
Okay, okay, this one was a bit of a toughie, hence why it took so long. I wasn't fully sure what 'stealth' hugging entails, so I tried my best based on my own interpretation. It's a little short, but I hope it's still okay!
Operation reviewed. Task set. Target acquired.
While she had never been at the forefront of the Guild’s planning, Millia knew enough to emulate it. An agent without a plan was a dead one, after all. Plotting out every step, including several backups, was key. She had spent hours on it before deeming this operation solid enough to act upon.
First task. Simple enough. Feign normalcy. Put on an air of averageness. Walk through the public area and attract very little attention. She was a common fixture, nobody had any reason to pluck her out from a crowd over anyone else. 
Second task. More complex. Move deeper into the building, avoiding getting lost or stumbling into the wrong place. She had been here enough times to know the general ins and outs. Still, no good came from getting complacent. There was a long way to go. Follow the path, move quickly and quietly.
Obstruction. There were people in the next hall. She could not be seen. Being spotted would compromise the operation and force a retreat. Evasive maneuvers would be required.
Angra spread out into long tentacles, gripping the ceiling lights and lifting her from the ground. She scuttled against the ceiling overhead. Nobody even thought to look up. She stayed elevated until there was another corner to round, lest the motion of dropping catch their attention. Never get sloppy at the last moment, she had known many agents that had lost their lives that way.
She carried on.
A guard dog. Troubling. Animals were difficult, their sense of smell was far stronger. Even if it couldn’t see her, it could smell her. Distracting it as quickly as possible was risky, but important. Millia spotted an abandoned toy that lay just outside of the animal’s reach. It must have flung it too far away while playing and forgotten it was there.
She scooped up the object and teasingly shook it to get the dog’s attention. As soon as she had it, she tossed it in the opposite direction. With eager panting, it had already hurried off to retrieve its property.
Easier than expected. She knew this wasn’t the most well-trained guard dog, but it didn’t hesitate in running off. Well, it didn’t matter. The defenses had been bypassed, now all there was to do was to find her mark. Hopefully, she would be alone. This wasn’t supposed to involve anyone but the two of them. 
Millia did her best to keep the door squeaking to a minimum. She knew it had needed some kind of oiling, but with enough finesse, it opened in near-silence. The room was just as quiet. She peered inside, skeptical. This hadn’t been in the plan, according to all of her analyses, the target was supposed to be-
“Millia! There you are!”
Hearing a voice before the tug against her ribs was the only reason she didn’t throw and/or eviscerate what had grabbed onto her in surprise. With enough wiggling, she managed to turn around in that grip to face her sudden opponent.
Elphelt smiled, totally unaware. “Hi! I was wondering where you went off to! I guess you were looking for me too, huh? Well, that makes it easy for both of us! Hey, do you know where Ketchup went? Ram wanted me to look after him, and he always wanders off!”
With a goofy little grin, Millia sank into a tight, rose-scented embrace.
Operation failed. Task successful!
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chainlollipop · 11 months
you know what time it is
milphelt :)
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chainlollipop · 1 year
eat up all 10 of you in miphelt nation
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