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Millie and Moxxie made me gay
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atuariacolque · 11 months
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drades-lair · 1 year
Calamity: Jealousy
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Pairing: Straz/OC, Millie/Moxxie
Rating: T
“Hey, are you two going into Imp City today?” Chaz wondered curiously, looking at Striker and Calamity.
“Yes, we have to settle some details regarding our last two jobs,” Calamity confirmed with a smile.
“Mind if I tag along? We need some stuff so I figured I could pick it up while you two are off doing your stuff,” Chaz explained.
“No problem, we can drop Ya off at a supermarket,” Striker agreed.
“Alright, let’s get a move on,” Calamity encouraged tossing his duffle over his shoulder.
The trio headed into Imp City making certain to stop at a supermarket to drop Chaz off, Calamity giving a worried look as Chaz headed inside. Striker simply smiled at Calamity before they took off to handle their business, he was worried about Chaz as well but in the end, he was a grown adult and was able to handle himself.
Several hours later…
“Okay, that…should be everything, oh?” Chaz mumbled to himself when his phone went off. Pulling it from his back pocket Chaz saw a text from Calamity as well as from Striker stating they were on the way to pick him up. Smiling Chaz responded simply that he’d be waiting then slid the phone into his back pocket again to go pay for the items he’d picked up. After leaving the supermarket Chaz got back on his phone to send another text unfortunately while preoccupied, he accidently knocked into someone.
“Oh! Sorry…What!? Chaz?” The imp exclaimed.
“Sorry, huh? Moxxie?” Chaz stated in turn, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“Are you fucking serious!? Why are you here?” Moxxie exclaimed taking a defensive stance.
“Uh…oh, no, no, no, I’m just here doing some shopping,” Chaz retorted holding his hands up defensively along with the bag of goods he just purchased.
“Yeah right! Did my dad send you? You two work out some kind of deal?” Moxxie asked taking an aggressive stance.
“Honey? Everythin’ okay? What the…Chaz!? What are you doin’ here?” Millie exclaimed coming around the corner.
“Oh, Millie. Hi,” Chaz nervously greeted, slouching a little more as he continued to back away from the imps.
“Get the fuck away from my husband! If you want to kidnap him, you’ll need ta go through me first!” Millie aggressively spat causing Chaz to wince.
“I’m not here for him…I, I didn’t even know you two were here…I’m just shopping…” Chaz trailed off, voice getting shaky.
“I don’t believe you!” Moxxie barked in turn.
“Please, if I could just explain…” Chaz attempted taking a slight step forward only to yelp as Millie retaliated by backhanding him across the face causing Chaz to stumble backwards eventually tripping over his own tail sending him onto his ass. Millie made another aggressive move towards Chaz causing him to scramble backwards until his back hit the wall of the supermarket, whimpering as he held a hand against his cheek. Moxxie cocked a confused eyebrow as he’d never seen this side of Chaz not even when they were dating, and he certainly had never seen Chaz with tears in his eyes.
“Chaz said he’d be waiting outside. Right?” Calamity inquired riding around the supermarket parking lot with Striker.
“Yep, do Ya see…what the fuck? Chaz? Chaz!” Striker exclaimed suddenly clicking his heels to get Bombproof to move quickly ahead.
“Huh? Chaz!” Calamity exclaimed in turn upon catching sight of him being cornered by two imps.
Halting their hell steeds, the duo dismounted quickly with Calamity giving a snarl, baring his teeth at the imps who turned around in response. Striker recoiled slightly in surprised disbelief at who was standing in front of him.
“Get away from him!” Calamity barked, tail whipping around behind him.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me!” Striker exclaimed in turn.
“What the…Striker!? Why the fuck are you here?” Moxxie asked in complete shock upon spinning around.
“You know them?” Calamity asked turning to Striker.
“Yeah, that’s Mildred and her husband, the fuckin’ vermin,” Striker explained in exasperation.
“Stop calling me that!” Moxxie growled out irritably.
“There a reason Yer harrassin’ one of my mates?” Striker retorted, ignoring Moxxie’s comment.
“One of your…what?” Moxxie exclaimed again.
“Move!” Calamity demanded having come to the end of his patience, shoving past Millie to get to Chaz who was huddled in the corner with his knees up around his chest, tail wrapped around himself quietly whimpering.
“I suggest Ya don’t get in Calamity’s way he’s more protective than I am,” Striker chuckled with a smirk.
“Chaz, honey…are you okay?” Calamity asked taking a knee beside Chaz.
“What in all the rings of hell is goin’ on here?” Millie exclaimed.
“I’m…fine, Calamity,” Chaz sniffled, taking his hand away from his cheek revealing the red mark that was already starting to bruise. Calamity gasped at seeing the mark then turned to M&M instantly snarling angrily at them while pulling Chaz closer.
“Bring it on Ya bastard!” Millie growled.
“Hey! Back off!” Striker growled back, tail rattling as he stepped between Millie and Moxxie and his mates taking the two smaller imps off guard.
“Sshh, it’s okay,” Calamity cooed as he carded his fingers through Chaz’s hair.
Chaz had tears starting to trail down his cheeks as he nuzzled into Calamity’s neck clearly seeking comfort yet another thing that caught the two smaller imps off guard.
“These two are yer mates. You’ve taken on that lyin’ sac of shit!” Millie barked angrily, gesturing towards Chaz who let out more whimpers as he shrunk into Calamity.
“That’s enough outta Ya two! I’m not gonna let Ya insult one of my mates like that!” Striker hissed.
“Do you even know all the shit he’s pulled!?” Moxxie chimed in.
“We’re well aware of everythin’ that happened but Ya refuse ta hear him out about the truth,” Striker answered.
“Truth? Truth! He probably just fuckin’ lied ta Ya!” Millie barked again.
“I didn’t lie!” Chaz suddenly exclaimed, voice carrying an angry tone underneath the shakiness from him crying.
“Ya just won’t listen,” Striker added getting more agitated the more Millie and Moxxie attacked his mate.
“I swear I didn’t lie, Calamity…” Chaz assured the other shark, grabbing onto Calamity’s upper arms out of fear he’d leave or turn on him if he believed M&M.
“Sshh…hush love…it’s okay, I believe you…” Calamity hushed the younger shark gently pulling him into his chest. Moxxie and Millie took a step back both feeling a twinge of jealousy run through their chests at seeing Chaz being fawned over by another not to mention to see Striker being protective over him.
“I think it’s time for Ya both ta leave,” Striker suggested with a deep snarl.
“Whatever, we need to go anyways. Come on Millie,” Moxxie encouraged grabbing Millie’s upper arm.
“That would be best,” Calamity snarled.
Once striker was certain the two smaller imps were backing off, he moved to Chaz, taking a knee on the opposite side from Calamity to have a look at the young shark’s cheek. Chaz nuzzled at Striker trying to get more comfort which Striker obliged in giving, nuzzling the younger shark back followed by a gentle kiss to his forehead. M&M scoffed a little over their shoulders before leaving around the corner finally leaving the trio alone, Calamity and Striker helped Chaz get up followed by gathering up the groceries he’d dropped upon hitting the ground. Chaz mounted Calamity’s hell steed in front of the other shark that way they could ride back to the motel where they were staying at where upon arriving, they helped Chaz inside. Gently they sat Chaz down on the edge of one of the beds, Calamity sitting next to him while Striker grabbed a few things before coming over to set them out on the bed. Striker pressed a hand towel filled with ice to Chaz’s cheek then leaned in to press his mouth to the sharks in a gentle loving kiss followed by Calamity doing the same once Striker pulled back making Chaz hum appreciatively at the caring gestures. Striker finished treating Chaz’s minor scrapes and bruises then got into some comfortable clothes while Calamity helped Change Chaz till, he was in just his boxers, trading with Calamity afterwards to allow him to change as well.   
“Don’t listen to them Chaz,” Striker encouraged seeing that Chaz was a little depressed still.
“Hmm…I was just afraid you guys might not…believe me…” Chaz stated hanging his head.
“Nah, just cause they say it doesn’t mean we’ll believe them over Ya,” Striker assured Chaz gently rubbing the young shark’s shoulders.
“Why do you believe me though?” Chaz wondered looking up at Striker.
“Uh…well…after bein’ wit Ya for some time now…basically I know Ya can’t lie worth shit,” Striker stammered out trying not to laugh but failing at the end as he chuckled.
“What? I can too!” Chaz exclaimed in an offended tone.
“No, you really can’t Chaz,” Calamity agreed giving a small, snorted laugh.
“But…I thought I was good at lying,” Chaz groused, puffing out his cheeks in a pout.
“Sorry kid, Ya couldn’t lie yer way outta wet paper bag,” Striker chuckled again.
“It’s fine though Chaz,” Calamity assured him coming to sit on the opposite side from Striker.
“Humph,” Chaz’s pout got more pronounced as he folded his arms over his chest with a huff.
Calamity and Striker laughed harder before the crimson shark started tickling Chaz on his sides causing the younger shark to burst out laughing. Chaz toppled backwards onto the bed in a fit of laughter while his mates positioned themselves on either side of him, Striker’s tail coiling around Chaz’s while Calamity’s wrapped around Chaz’s torso. Calamity relented in the torturous tickling to caressing his hand up Chaz’s torso along with Striker’s till the pale imp lightly pulled Chaz’s face towards him for another loving kiss followed once more by Calamity doing the same. The trio snuggled together till they fell asleep.
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smudgedpixelsart · 3 months
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Honestly its been a LOT of fun learning to draw the Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss art styles. I've quickly fallen in love with the character designs in both these shows and yeah... theres probably going to be more 😅
For now, I leave you with Millie and Moxxie from Helluva Boss!
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yarart4ever · 2 years
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Just finished a certain art gift and ever since I watched the new helluva boss episode- I was in my MilliexMoxxie era ❤️ I love these imps so fucking much, and Moxxie is such a kin 💀
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alastorscreamlover · 8 months
Do you only do reader or OCs or will you do just canon characters?
Not at all I can absolutely do canon characters! Usually only by request but I do love seeing the ships come to life! MillieXMoxxie or HuskerDust and such! If you want a ship and it makes sense in context (sometimes even if it doesn't lol) I'll try it for you!
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
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A little late on the Next Gen Challenge, so here's the next kid being from the M&M Ship! ❤ Name: Marco Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Marco is the son of Moxxie and Millie, and takes after his mother quite a bit. Feisty, wild, and prides himself over his kills and wins. However, unlike his mother, he takes a lot of Moxxie's class, whether it be dressing in fancy outfits, or being stylist while fighting, he likes to keep things clean, quick and entertaining. He's a little scamp full of energy, and has to be doing something whenever he's awake, as he never likes wasting time. He got into the I.M.P business at a very young age, though it took a while for him to properly go on missions, mostly just hanging out with Luna or watching from the sidelines much to his annoyance.   He gets along with Blitzo quite a bit, who's not above teaching his way and 'corrupting' the young imp just to annoy his parents, but he does deep down love it whenever his nephew, as he calls him, looks up to him, asks him about stories about missions they went on, and to teach him things.
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zamypachi · 5 years
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🎵Oh Millie🎵
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sammythesamsy · 4 years
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An AU me and My friend were talking about and I seriously like these doodles!
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me when i see a spider
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Screenshot edits of Helluva Boss (Pilot).
MilliexMoxxie moments.
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drades-lair · 2 years
Threes company
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Pairings: Blitzo/Striker, Millie/Moxxie, Millie/Moxxie/Striker
Ratings: M for sexual content
Blitz getting hung up on a job and bailing wasn’t anything unusual to Striker however when it happens on a night Blitz invited M&M to drink with them it was awkward. Striker hated having to drink alone with the two…well specifically he hated sharing a drink with Moxxie, Millie wasn’t so bad, but Striker still hadn’t really warmed up to Moxxie. If all that wasn’t enough as Striker sipped his whiskey an annoyingly familiar feeling started creeping over him, heat rising in his face and between his legs causing the pale imp to curse under his breath while yanking out his phone. Striker anxiously texted Blitz wondering when his mate would be back, explaining why Blitz needed to get back as soon as possible only to curse again at finding out Blitz wouldn’t be able to get back for at least two days.
“I can’t believe we got stuck drinking with Striker,” Moxxie groused
“Relax honey, Striker isn’t that bad,” Millie retorted in that usual cheery manner of hers.
“Easy for you to say he doesn’t relentlessly berate you,” Moxxie pointed out taking a sip of his Shirley temple.
“Oh hon, I’m sure he’s just teasin’…huh? Uh…Mox…do Ya smell that?” Millie wondered suddenly taking a deep inhale of the air.
“Smell what? All I smell is piss, smoke, and cheap booze,” Moxxie replied also sniffing the air.
“Smells like an imp in rut…a submissive one if I’m not mistaken,” Millie added continuing to sniff trying to track down where it was coming from.
“Oh, your right…wait, is it coming from…?” Moxxie agreed finally catching the scent, both imp’s noses led them in the same direction.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’! There’s no way,” Millie chuckled softly in disbelief as they both realized the scent was coming from Striker, confirmed slightly by the light hue of pink starting to cross the pale imp’s face.
“There must be some mistake. In what corner of hell is Striker a submissive imp?” Moxxie whispered to Millie.
“I don’t know but isn’t Blitz gonna be gone for a while yet?” Millie wondered as her expression turned to one of pity as she watched Striker’s tail twitch, and he started fidgeting in his seat a bit.
“Yeah, why?” Moxxie shot back arching an eyebrow in confusion to Millie’s question
“Well…I was just thinkin’…we’ve wanted to spice things up for a little while now and Striker looks like he could use a hand till Blitz gets back…” Millie trailed off in suggestion.
“What!? Are you serious?” Moxxie exclaimed
“Yes, come on babe. We both know what it’s like to go through a rut with out each other, how do you think he’s feelin’ without Blitz?” Millie insisted causing Moxxie to pause for a moment.
“Ugh, fine if that’s what you want to do, but I’m not asking,” Moxxie relented pinching the bridge of his nose. Timing couldn’t have been better as Striker finished his drink then stood up clearly preparing to leave, Millie put herself in the tall imp’s path to prevent him from leaving.
“Hold up,” Millie stated earning a genuine surprised look from the tall imp.
“Can I do somethin’ for Ya, Mildred?” Striker inquired raising an eyebrow
“Maybe~ Me and Mox are going to have a little fun tonight and I was wonderin’ if Ya wanted to join us?” Millie explained cheerily
“What!?” Striker wasn’t often taken completely off guard, but this was certainly one of those times.
“We figured with Ya goin’ in ta rut and all it’d be a win, win situation,” Millie continued
“Wait, Ya can smell it already? Shit!” Striker averted his gaze quickly as the blush deepened across his cheeks.
“It’s alright Hun, let us help Ya out,” Millie persisted adding a slight seductive tone to her voice. Striker seemed to struggle for a moment internally as to rather or not he should do this.
“Fine,” Striker agreed in a low tone after a few moments
“Well alright, and ta make it a lil more comfortable for Ya let’s go get a motel room,” Millie suggested
Striker didn’t say anything further simply followed the two smaller imps to a nearby motel where they promptly bought a room. Entering the room Striker wanted to immediately put on his façade unfortunately his instincts from the rut were already in full effect, ashamed yet horny Striker was starting to wonder if this had been a terrible idea.
“Striker, Hun,” Millie called snapping the pale imp out of his thoughts
“Hmm?” Striker acknowledged as he looked up to see Millie beckoning him over with a single finger.
“Come over here,” Millie instructed causing Striker to obey, walking over to stand in front of the smaller female imp.
“Good, now remove Yer coat, vest and shirt,” Millie instructed again and once again Striker obeyed removing the garments along with his hat, discarding them to the ground. Striker’s face was dusted with a deep pink blush and his pants were clearly getting uncomfortably tight in the front.
“Satisfied?” Striker inquired with a little sass in his voice.
“Very, hmm…now turn around,” Millie instructed
Striker did so then put his hands behind his back upon feeling Millie tugging on his arms, a rope was promptly wrapped around his wrists. Striker struggled for a moment from his instincts as a hitman, but quickly settled to allow Millie to bind him, overwhelmed by his primal instincts from the rut. Millie gently pushed on Striker’s shoulders till he knelt facing the bed with his back to Millie, who praised him for doing as told. Millie caressed her claws along Striker’s bare back eliciting a shudder before reaching around to undo his pants, caressing her other hand along Striker’s collar bone as Millie moved in front of the pale imp. Leaning down slightly Millie initiated a kiss that Striker swiftly returned, opening his mouth to allow Millie to deepen it only to moan into it as the smaller imp slipped her hand down his pants to stroke the outline of his length through the thin fabric of his underwear. Humming approvingly into the kiss Millie pulled Striker from his boxers, lazily stroking his already firm member at a steady pace as precum drooled from the tip.
“Oh…fuck!” Striker hissed out pulling from the kiss, panting softly with his eyes half lidded.
“Don’t worry Hun, we’ll take good care of Ya,” Millie cooed meeting Striker’s gaze as she continued to stroke, adding a twist near the head that made Striker bite his lower lip.
A few moments later a pair of hands wrapped around Striker’s torso, claws dragging slowly down his chest causing the taller imp to glance over his shoulder revealing Moxxie. The small male imp had stripped off all his clothing except his underwear and if what was pressing against his back was what he thought it was Striker was impressed. Moxxie trailed his mouth up Striker’s spine to his neck where he started nipping adding further sensation to Striker’s already pent-up system causing his breathing to pick up, hips rocking into Millie’s strokes.
“Easy Hun…stand up,” Millie instructed, removing her hand from Striker’s cock. Striker barely managed to hold back the whimper that bubbled up from Millie removing her hand from him, but he obeyed her command.
“Good, now bend over the bed,” Millie once more instructed
Striker hesitated for a moment at this command before obeying, he was still fighting against his rutting instincts internally after all he was with two imp’s he wasn’t used to having sex with. Millie got Moxxie’s help pulling Striker’s jeans off along with his underwear then stripped her own clothing off. Moxxie slipped down between Striker’s legs, wrapping his hand around the base of Striker’s cock to pick up where Millie left off causing Striker’s hips to jerk out of surprise along with an equally surprised yelp. Millie started caressing her claws over Striker’s hips down over his ass cheeks, switching to his thighs then back again eliciting wonderful little shivers with each pass.
“FUCK!” Striker exclaimed as Moxxie unexpectantly took his cock into his mouth, nearly deep throating the pale imp in one go. This was getting to be too much not that Striker wasn’t enjoying it, but rather that the mass of sensation was quickly shattering his façade allowing the submissive instincts from his rut to come through. Millie moved a hand to stroke the base of Striker’s tail while the other continued to lightly caress his hip with her claws and that was it…Striker let out a high-pitched whine as he pulled at the binds on his wrists. M&M’s efforts faltered for a moment at hearing the uncharacteristic sound from Striker before continuing.
“Wow, that rut is hittin’ Ya hard, ain’t it sweety?” Millie asked rhetorically just as Moxxie pulled off Striker with a slight cough.
“Ya good down there Mox?” Millie asked a little concerned
“Yeah, he’s producing so much precum though I can’t keep up with the blowjob,” Moxxie nonchalantly explained
“Really?” Millie asked raising both eyebrows in surprise only to look up to see Striker turn a darker shade of red.
“I-I’m…part…incubus…” Striker panted out, averting his gaze from Millie whose expression shifted to one of understanding.
“Oh, that explains a lot. Mox, why don’t you move up there then and I’ll continue back here,” Millie suggested
Moxxie knew exactly what Millie was suggesting immediately moving around to crawl onto the bed, settling in front of Striker’s face on his haunches. Moxxie pulled his underwear down his hips to release his hard member causing Striker to swallow hard with a sharp intake of breath before slowly opening his mouth allowing the smaller male to guide his cock into it. Striker did his best to suck Moxxie off however it wasn’t easy in this position, but it seemed to suffice as the smaller imp began to softly moan. Millie hummed approvingly while continuing to caress her claws over Striker’s ass, using her tail to search Moxxie’s pockets for the small bottle of lube they brought eventually finding it. Popping open the cap Millie slicked up her one hand then set the bottle on the floor.
“F-Fuck…you’re great at giving head,” Moxxie moaned out
“Hun, Ya might want to have him pull off for a moment,” Millie suggested
“Yeah,” Moxxie agreed having seen Millie lube up her hand
Gently Moxxie encouraged Striker to pull off eliciting a confused expression from the pale imp right before Millie inserted a single finger into him. Striker jerked in surprise with a breathy whimpering moan, eyes screwing shut as he bit down on his bottom lip. Striker’s entire body tensed as Millie started thrusting her digit in a steady pace until once again Striker’s rutting instinct took over making him give in, relaxing with a breathy exhale. Millie inserted a second finger easily as Striker began to quiver with desperate soft moans that he directed into the bedspread beneath him, cheeks hot with embarrassment and arousal as he completely succumb to his submissive instincts brought on by his rut.
“That should do…unfortunately I don’t have my equipment here but I’m sure Moxxie can oblige,” Millie explained pulling her fingers free of Striker’s ass. Moxxie crawled off the bed to move towards Millie while she encouraged Striker to flip over and lay on the bed. Striker did as told revealing he was flushed from face to mid chest with sweat beading along his pale skin, panting heavily as he averted his gaze from the two smaller imps.
“Take it easy sweetie, like I said we’re gonna take good care of Ya. Now, crook and spread Yer legs,” Millie gently instructed
Once again Striker hesitated for a moment before obeying the instruction, crooking his legs up then spreading them. Moxxie grabbed the lube bottle to slick up his cock before moving between Striker’s legs, pulling the taller imp’s hips to the edge of the bed. Gingerly Moxxie lined up then pressed into Striker making him groan out, tipping his head backwards. Moxxie continued to push forwards inch by inch till he was hilted inside Striker, stopping for a moment to allow them both to adjust although Millie got a little concerned at seeing Striker’s heavy breathing and the way he was clenching his teeth. Millie gently caressed a hand over Striker’s upper arm to get his attention.
“Ya alright Hun? Maybe Mox should pull out for a moment…” Millie began before being cut off by Striker
“N-No! Ugh…just…please…” Striker out right pleaded, locking eyes with Millie.
“Okay, okay…calm down sweetie,” Millie reassured Striker, caressing over his collar bone to his chest.
“I…need…it,” Striker stammered out averting his gaze
Moxxie simply nodded in understanding then started rolling his hips before starting to thrust starting shallow yet steady. Millie crawled onto the bed beside Striker to settle on her haunches using one hand to fondle her breast while the other dipped between her legs, two fingers slipping inside her wet pussy. Striker’s moans got louder the closer he got to Cumming, a puddle of precum collecting on his stomach as Moxxie hoisted Striker’s legs towards the tall imp’s chest to start thrusting deeply. Millie timed her finger thrusts with Moxxie’s moving her second hand from her breast to fondle her clit, quickly building her own orgasm. Millie came first with a moaning cry, hips stuttering as she worked herself through the orgasmic high. Striker was cursing a blue streak through heavy panting breaths, cock throbbing desperate for release as Moxxie sped up. Whipping his head to the side Striker squeezed his eyes shut as his stomach clenched, back arching slightly with a whimpering moan at the feeling of release washing over him while threads of white cum painted his stomach and chest. Moxxie felt Striker clench around him upon Cumming promptly pulling his own release out of him moments later, spilling into Striker with a groaning moan.
Moxxie pulled out once his senses had a moment to reboot, lowering Striker’s legs while Millie helped the taller imp sit up so she could cut the rope around his wrists. Striker’s rut haze seemed to have cleared a little although it didn’t seem to be necessarily a good thing, rubbing his wrists Striker refused to make eye contact with either smaller imp.
“Everythin’ Alright?” Millie asked gently
“Humph, Ya must find this an absolute riot,” Striker scoffed
“Whatchya mean?” Millie wondered, arching an eyebrow in confusion
“Don’t fuckin’ act like Ya don’t know! Watchin’ me turn into some simpering submissive bitch!” Striker barked back irritably
“Striker, it’s fine. We know it’s only because of Yer rut…” Millie began
“Humph, fuckin’ things a pain in the ass,” Striker groused out
“Look, we know you don’t want anyone else to know about this and we promise to not say anything,” Millie assured Striker with a warm smile
“Really?” Striker whipped his head over to Millie in complete surprise at what she just said.
“Yeah, tonight was purely between the three of us,” Millie once again assured him
“Um…thanks…I guess…” Striker awkwardly thanked the little imp
After a cool down period, the three had a couple more rounds as Striker’s rut continued before falling asleep in the room. The next day Blitz had managed to make it to the motel just as M&M were leaving, pointing him in the direction of the room Striker was still staying in.  
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charsawdeath · 2 years
Helluva Boss fics from StolasxBlitzo to MilliexMoxxie, and FizzarollixAsmodeus
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stupidneko · 4 years
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finally redesign this little babie !!!
i created her on december 2019 but i never was satisfied with the design so,,
anyways, this is Tilly nya’ll! is a MilliexMoxxie fan baby! She’s Resse(spidermoth fan child) bff. She’s pretty much like her mother, cheerfully and lively, also very devoted and passionate, even so it can be a truly nightmare if you get her as your enemy, so don’t dare to mess with her. Compared to her parents, Tilly, in fact, get’s very along with Loona (or more like auntie Loona ;D) and Blitzo’s ‘’granddaughter’’ as he often like to say.
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vanilla0chinchilla · 3 years
🎬 Mike
This is assuming it would be an animated cartoon/video game, so imagine Mike's VA
how they’d be introduced- Mike is side character who only gets few scenes. He's introduced as being Alexandra's roommate/boyfriend, but he does get to show up
who the fandom ships them with- The people who don't ship him with Alexandra (it's similar to the MilliexMoxxie ship) would ship him with Jason, because he's the only other attractive male.
why the fandom loves them- Because he's a sweet heart who loves Alexandra a lot.
why the fandom hates them- Because he's dating their waifu Alexandra
what the cast relationship would be like- He really likes working on Lake Obscura and side material, though he's also glad he doesn't have to deal with the child actors as much as the others have to.
what was their audition scene- Hmm, I'm not really sure.
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with- Also not sure
if they spoil things- Hmm, possibly. He might accidently spoil something.
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large- Yes, but he wishes he could have showed up more.
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laytonesqueautistic · 4 years
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Hazbin/Helluva OCs, Twyla Goetia and Max the impling. Max is the son of Millie and Moxxie, Twyla is the accidental daughter of Blitzo and Stolas (thus the younger sister of Loona and Via). #helluvaboss #helluvabossfanart #helluvabossoc #helluvabossocs #hazbinhoteloc #hazbinhotel #hazbinhotelfanart #helluvabossmilliexmoxxie #helluvabossstolasxblitzo #helluvabossblitzo #helluvabossmillie #helluvabossmoxxie #helluvabossstolas #helluvabossvivziepop #helluvabossstolitz #helluvabossmoxxiexmillie #helluvabossbaby #helluvabossau #helluva #vivziepopfanart #vivziepophelluvaboss #vivziepopart #vivziepopcharacters #vivziepopocs #milliexmoxxie #blitzoxstolas #stolitzo #stolitzart #milliexmoxxiechild #milliexmoxxiekid https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6qNpDpMev/?igshid=tfxoxfjvs4hf
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