#Millie's radio collar au
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bonefall · 1 year ago
Dovewing becomes a Patron after her death but in shadowclan she’s patron of the beavers and only responds to them
Hey, that's a pretty fun idea. Maybe there's a common superstition/misconception in future ShadowClan Culture that beavers are actually all deaf like her?
Beavers are not sapient like cats, but are respected greatly in ShadowClan. They don't speak or communicate, and are "uninterested" in learning how. They could believe they're all just too busy and hardworking to care, and can't hear them anyway.
Makes for a cute misconception, like how salamanders used to get associated with fire because they liked to hang out in dampened kindle.
Clanmew: "Deaf as a beaver" = English: "Blind as a bat." Both incorrect, with both animals actually having quite sharp hearing and sight.
They get referred to with Pyrr/Pyrrs or Urrs/Urr pronouns in ShadowClanmew, for the record. They are on equal standing and dishonorable to kill. RiverClan does not agree; the groups will fight over them occasionally.
Kinda interesting that Dovewing ends up giving ShadowClan their own type of red squirrel, thinking about it. A mammal that is protected at all costs, to the point of causing border disputes.
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troutfur · 12 days ago
it must be fun being a wildlife photographer in the warrior cats world, just seeing cats fishing in the river and play fighting and coming back to life after breaking their necks :)
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somerandomwarriorsrewrite · 2 years ago
A little introduction here! ▪︎ Uma pequena introdução aqui!
English 🇺🇲
Hello! My name's Randomic, but you can call me Random, Ran or Dom, i use she/her pronouns, but i don't mind using he/him.
I'm an brazilian artist, my main is @somerandomicthings , where sometimes i post art(mostly digital), and this blog is more to express some ideas that i have if i was to rewrite Warriors, so i just more of a fun project, but i'm open to sugestions.
This is more of a masterpost, that i will be adding stuff later, and also there's a links masterpost, so you can see all the more info stuff organized.
Some things that i want to do is:
- A wishlist of some form, that is not conect to this masterpost;
- Totally removing the Tribe, and reworking the quest of The New Prophecy;
- Changing some names, i just can't with the 4 Robinwings and 2 Tigerstar;
- Making designs, because i love drawing theses silly cats;
- Change stuff around obviously;
- Have fun with this.
Before ending this to do the Português part, here is my inspirations for making a rewrite in the first place, also giving some credit and asking you to check their rewrite.
@fatal-rewrites-warriors (main inspiration, their rewrite is interesting as hell) @notwarriorswiki (her art is so adorable and good, i have to have a better look at her rewrite, because is so interesting) @thistledown-au-warriors (i just started reading the AO3 fanfic, i recommend it), @bonefall (obviously, their rewrite is so cool and massive, Millie's radio collar is my favourite au).
If this have any english grammar errors that i overlooked, tell me so i can fix it.
Português 🇧🇷
Olá! Meu nome é Randomic, mas pode me chamar de Random, Ran ou Dom, eu uso ela/dela, mas não me importo em usar ele/dele.
Eu sou uma artista brasileira, meu principal é @somerandomicthings , onde algumas vezes eu posto arte(geralmente digital), e esse blog é mais para eu expressar algumas ideias que eu tenho, se eu fosse reescrever Gatos guerreiros, então é mais um projeto por diversão, mas estou aberto à sugestões.
Isso é mais um masterpost(que seria o post com diversos links e informações), e eu vou adicionar mais coisas mais tarde.
Algumas coisas que eu quero fazer são:
- Uma lista de desejos(ou mais de coisas que desejo fazer) de alguma forma, que seja separada desse post;
- Remover totalmente a tribo, e retrabalhar na aventura da Nova Profecia;
- Mudar alguns nomes, eu apenas não posso com 4 Asas de Pintarroxo/Asas de Pisco e 2 Estrelas tigradas;
- Fazer designs, porque eu amo desenhar esses gatos temperamentais;
- Ter diversão enquanto faço isso.
Já vou avisar rápidinho, que eu não estou muito familiarizado com os nomes em português, já que é mais fácil achar a série em inglês, desde que ela parou de ser adaptada e traduzida para o Brasil, e que depois do post da Ferncloud, eu parei de traduzir os posts, por demorarem muito tempo e serem desgastantes de se fazerem.
Antes de eu passar para o português, tem um parágrafo falando quais foram as minhas inspirações para essa reescrita.
Se tiver algum erro de português que eu não percebi, só me diz que eu arrumarei.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
just found an old post about erin hunter falling into the gorge as a kid and getting saved by the clan cats, can you tell us about that in more detail... (also about her cat billy, did he actually join a clan? does she ever find out what actually happened to him?)
Sure! This enters total does-not-matter territory and is just extra fun really
Erin Hunter is the girl who fell into the gorge that fateful day. She doesn't actually live in this town (the name of which is slipping my mind), she just spends weekends here as part of custody/babysitting/something else.
Her father/uncle/grandparents are assholes. Not in a way that threatens custody, but in a way that does make you feel bad for the kid. To avoid confrontation, Erin spends most of her time outside.
SkyClan lives in Deepsands Gorge, which is surrounded by farmland and hedgerows. Erin usually stayed closer to home, but wandered too far and ended up taking a bad tumble down a 6 foot drop.
When her guardian came looking for her later, they didn't believe her that she had been cared for by sapient cats. They figured she's a clever girl and did it herself and told them a silly story.
And yes I'd been planning for Billystorm to have been her cat, but I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it. The plan was that they keep Billy around because Erin likes him, but are actually not fond of cats at all. He eventually is killed just before SkyClan is driven out of the Gorge by Sharpclaw, Darktail, and their rebels
So I might make it MacGyver instead, and he tries to tell Erin goodbye before he goes.
Erin becomes OBSESSED with the research program that launches soon after her accident. She wanted to be part of it so bad, but was still a kid. She ends up joining it once she's an adult with a doctorate, and becomes the person who cracks and records Clanmew.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
have the human researchers encountered the tribe? if not, hypothetically, how differently would they approach researching the tribe opposed to the clan cats, if at all?
It would actually be a LOT easier if they knew about it. They would really enjoy studying the Tribe.
Tribe cats don't have the same cultural fear of humans, but they're also not TOTALLY unacclimated to them. They occasionally come in conflict with humans as a result of the sheep hunts they carry out, intentionally driving an unattended sheep away from a herd and running them off a cliff to kill it.
There was once a time where One Eye took the form of a human, rallying some of the farmers into an eradication campaign. That was one of his deadliest incarnations, but after he was driven off a cliff like a sheep to his death, the farmers dispersed again.
I think a lot of the cats in this region have "Local Folklore." The researchers have a lot of little nuggets to find, all around this county.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
i just had an idea. yknow how at some national parks and whatnot they have little signs telling you to stay hydrated and stuff? and they sometimes have the park's mascot on them? firestar park mascot
Oh that WOULD be super cute, who would the mascot be? Graystripe, the first Clan cat they encountered? Firestar, one of the most popular? A WindClan cat, one of the easiest to observe?
They probably have various phrases, maybe even feature different cats;
Firestar has a sign on the lakeshore telling you how to recognize illegal fox snares, and to report them to a certain number if you see them
A RiverClan cat, maybe Duckfur or Sedgecreek, have an infographic on the launch dock about their rafts, and how you should give them a berth of at least 10 feet if you happen to see them.
Various signs warn about not feeding or interacting with the wildlife, explaining how it's bad for them and how they aren't friendly like domestic cats.
After the debacle with the sitka plantation getting flooded, there's warning signs about it now being an off-limits swamp area, instructing you to follow the trail or risk falling in mud.
There should be a little nature center nearby that sells the official WC minis as souvenirs, like the merch at a good zoo's giftshop.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
Do all cats in the bb universe generally cook their food and make tools, etc? Or is it just specific highly developed groups? Do the clan cats look down on rouges or loners who may not have the resources or know-how to cook their food?
It is specific, highly developed groups. Making fire is very difficult, and a skill that must be taught. Park Cats didn't have it; you can trace fire as an invention in this region back to the Great Kinships of the Lake, the society that Fallenleaf ruined.
Even within Clan culture I imagine it's pretty difficult. On the Great Journey, I imagine Crowfoot was actually the one who set 75% of their campfires. He'd get impatient with how long it takes everyone else.
Most cats in the BB!Universe have basic tool manipulation skills, on the level of a Caledonian Crow or a Kea. There would be papers in universe documenting this; they have a casual understanding of water displacement, simple door handles, and backpack zippers. The difference with cats and birds, however, is that cats are lazy.
This can make domestic cats pretty difficult to research. They're not usually motivated by fun or satisfaction quite like a parrot. Other small differences between Albion (BB!UK) and the real world (Canon!UK)
(side note. yes i do laugh at my own jokes. you will not stop me.)
Some fridges have a latch or better suction to close them. These are marketed as "pet savvy." Not all households have them though.
I don't design with ACTUAL genetics in mind the same way I DO write dialogue with Clanmew in mind, but I do think that genetics are different here. One example of this is Sweetness Tolerance.
"Problem Groups" of feral cats are treated as a bigger problem in general, on the same level as problematic monkey troops. Rounding these up is a job handled by local municipalities.
Every town has a "local colony," though they're usually not paid attention to. It's just vaguely known as a feature of human settlement.
BloodClan IS special, and it's a well known local quirk that some of the cats in the local colony wear strange collars.
DEEP BB!Iceberg lore here but Jellicle cats are canon. They live in the south.
A well-established group of cats with a religion system will start to develop physical differences from the "Standard BB!Cat," but never enough to be too different.
Hengest, where Jessy, Stormcloud, and Fernsong came from, has good examples of normal colonies. Disorganized groups that vaguely follow a few charismatic leaders, but for the most part, hang out where they can find the most food and sleep safely.
Research into "Cat Culture" is in its infancy. The discoveries that are going to be made about Clan cats will advance scientific understanding of what a cat is truly capable of immensely.
Functionally though? It's not going to change people's lives too much, besides make it easier to register cats as service animals lmao.
But, anyway, unfortunately, yes Clan cats look down on outsiders who do not know how to use fire. They accuse them of being full of worms.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
I can only imagine the in-universe social media posts about the cats in the Millie’s radio collar au Lionblaze gets his picture taken and tumblr immediately names him something stupid
A Karen makes a Facebook post about how upset she is that the nature preserve isn’t selling the cats
Nightheart becomes a meme for stealing that chicken
Out-of-touch but well meaning researcher trying to settle the panic on social media site Tumbles: "Specimen 02-F011 was spotted at the Day of Defenestration carnival, we assure the public that he is not dangerous, and any damages that occured as a result of his actions have been compensated!"
Bentley_Hammel8087: "Don't you feed him? This is animal abuse"
GanondorfBigNaturals: "GIVE HIM MORE"
Werewolfgarlicknots: "CHICKEN BOY"
Bloooooop: "is he related to Suplex? The one who lifted the tree"
Cats_of_the_Forest_Official: "There was some confusion at first, but yes! We can confirm that 02-F011 is the grandson of 02-F06, through 02-F09"
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bonefall · 2 years ago
What would the humans in Millie’s radio collar think of briarlight’s mobility device?
Impressed and fascinated. Both versions of it, the original that was seen on Wildfur, and the refinement that is Briarlight's. They'd immediately take note of,
A sense of self and others Briarlight did not make her device for herself, it was made FOR her. It seems simple but this is huge. "YOU need an accommodation I do not. This is for your unique needs." Many animals do not innately have this.
Cooperation Putting the board on is a two-cat job, the board-ee needs to get on top of the board and allow a second Clanmate to tie it around their back. This doesn't work if both cats don't understand the needs of the other.
ADVANCED tool use and creative thinking in a 3D space Self explanatory really
Cultural learning Briarlight's design is an improvement on Wildfur's. It is not the same board and Briarlight never met Wildfur. Cats remembered it and recreated it for an unrelated paraplegic cat.
Society This should already be obvious from the use of medicine, but not only do these cats use medicine, they care enough about each other to create tools that don't matter to survival. Briarlight can't hunt or patrol and the Boogie Board didn't change that. There was no reason to make that device besides Briarlight's comfort and pleasure. Because the group cares about her.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Forgor if I asked this. But a question about Millie's Radio Collar AU. Would something like an under the skin microchip be possible? Idk if they actually make those kind of tracking devices, but would a Clan cat notice something was in their scruff and have it taken out?
Microchips don't have GPS; they are a thing that is scanned when a cat is taken to a vet or shelter. You can't track an animal through an implant.
Or, certainly not in the 2000s when Millie was collared. I referenced the Sirtrack catalogue for the device she wears, the same product that was used for Meerkat Manor. It was absolutely top of the line at the time, that show couldn't have happened without the advancements put into that collar.
So... short answer is no. That's not how microchips work lmao
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Please tell me they call Firestar Cheeto dust or something like that
No they call him Rusty because his humans recognized him after he went up to one of the trail cams and...
Well, the clan cats were frightened of the random twoleg objects and thought it was a new kind of snare, y'know? So big bad Firestar had to go up like a dad and assure them it was safe.
The footage the trail cam captured:
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bonefall · 2 years ago
what if the cats on beach patrols found a beached whale one day. could you imagine how terrifying that would be. the ocean is very useful but everyone wishes it was a little less horrifying
I think the biggest thing they could possibly see is an orca! So technically not a whale but a huge dolphin. They're visiting a beach that faces the Irish Sea and I was trying to find if it had TRUE whales a couple months ago, but no dice.
But if they saw an orca, that's still the biggest animal they've ever seen in their lives. It's bigger than their imagination. It's practically the size of a camp!
Someone would definitely try to eat it, if it was still fresh. I think they'd have a field day with that thing.
Erin Hunter and Kingsley watching from their research van like 20 feet away:
Tumblr media
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bonefall · 2 years ago
ok so researchers definitely would only be able to put a few cameras in a clans territory but what about the gathering island. i bet there are a good few cameras there
DEFINITELY. They have soo much time to hide the cameras, good vantage points because of those huge pines, so many cats are present...
Having a meeting every month proves that the cats have a sense of time. It also gives them a great glimpse at inter-clan relationships, since trail cams don't reliably capture border interactions (they have to be in a specific place, and also have to capture patrols at the exact place they're meeting)
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bonefall · 2 years ago
for the radio collar au - how do the researchers react to, say, snaptooth and flywhisker becoming kittypets? wouldn't it be weird to be studying these feral cats and then suddenly have two of them just. decide to become housecats
They are absolutely invaluable to the research, though it completely depends on if the researchers ever find out their whereabouts. They don't have a camera on every cat, they just know that those two vanished after the civil conflict.
Plus, the cats are exciting and they're active around the year 2020, so social media has massively progressed, but interest in the project has likely disappointingly died down around that time. Cultural attention span is sadly very short. It's a tossup if Snap and Fly's new owners even know their new kitties are from the Clan cat society a couple miles away, or how aware of the research they are.
But if the researchers had access, they would DIE to get some good studies on them. Weight, genetic sequencing, some tests of intelligence, so on. Willing Clan cats who don't HATE (forest four) or want to troll humans (skyclan) are incredibly rare, and provide invaluable data.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
i am ENAMORED by the radio collar millie au. do you think they've ever accidentally set up a camera in the right place to catch a cross-clan relationship? "oh the cats are sneaking out. oh that's [windclan cat] and [thunderclan cat] and they are sneaking out to meet each other on the border. they are CLEARLY on alert is this part of their laws??" everyone would be making romeo and juliet memes about the two
This should totally happen to Shellfur and Fernstripe LMAO
Even funnier before they're romantically involved and just meeting as friends to give Shellfur advice on how to interact with Spotfur so she doesn't cut him off forever. People jumping the gun and announcing they're in love.
You'd hope they'd have had the same reaction 10 years ago when Holly was meeting Heather on the border, but they were Home of Phobic back then. Sapphoclaw and Her Friend.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
would clan cats be surprised at a car slowing down on the road to let them cross
VERY. I think the first cat it happened to just accepted death and was frozen in place when the car halted. Like a deer in headlights, life flashing before its eyes.
The human gives a little honk and the cat scurries across. Waits a little longer, holding up traffic, for the rest of the patrol to cross too.
It's a strange story that is passed along, along with Firestar's from when he was a young warrior fetching WindClan and a car swerved OFF the road to try and hit him.
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