ambroselaveau90 · 1 year
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After his abuela dies,Matthias discovers that he is a witch when he begins to exhibits unique abilities,tied to the dark days of Salem.But his family decides that living with his eccentric aunts would be the best place for him to learn how to control his abilities.
But as a series of blood-curdling mysteries converge on the town,it forces Matthias to align with others to combat these horrors.Join him as he tries to figure out the secrets of his past and who he can trust as he develops feelings for a enigmatic vampire,while trying to survive in this Hellmouth.
Caleb Mclaughlin as Matthias Adesanya
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A 21-year old newbie witch with immense powers,inheriting them from his ancestors.He shares blood with both the Salem Witches & the Voodoo Practitioners of New Orleans due to being a descendant of Tituba Immaculate & Bridget Bishop.
When his grandmother Marisol dies,his bound magick starts to manifest itself,which leads his folks to send him to live with his aunties Esperanza & Tabitha,in hopes of teaching him how to control his powers.But when he crosses paths with the very peculiar denizens of New York,maybe it was his fate to live in the city that never sleeps.
Stephanie Beatriz as Esperanza Ortega
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A 35-year old Witch,the wife to Tabitha Montgomery.She is a powerful witch.Compared to her wife and nephew,she is the second strongest among them innately but her talent lies in offensive magicks like curses & hexes.After her mom passes away,she decides to take in nephew to help him with his newfound powers but also wants to figure out the string of horrific cases that have recently been happening in the city.
Lucy Barrett as Tabitha Montgomery
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A 30-year old,a witch,the wife to Esperanza Ortega.She has strong mystical skills & is a strong witch.Compared to her wife and nephew,she is the weakest among them innately but her talents lie in defensive magicks like boundary spells.
Like her wife,she wants to teach her nephew how to use his newfound powers but she also wants to help her family deal with the loss of Marisol,as they each become obsessed with other things to not deal with their grief.
Micheal Cimino as Antonio Salazar
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A 23-year old/501-year old vampire,a main protagonist of the Millennium Of Hellfire Series.Sired by a Conquistador in 1520,making him apart of Rebekah Mikaelson's Sireline.As members of The Strix start going missing in the city,Antonio is assigned to investigate the many disappearances but as he follows the trails of his comrades,he ends meeting a trio of witches that are following the same trail.The youngest one interests him the most,if it wasn't for his status as a Weaver,it definitely was the scent of his blood.As they become closer,will Antonio let the horrors of his past consume Matthias in a effort to protect him from his bloody secrets?
George Sears as Gabriel Mortensen
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A 22-year old Werewolf,a main protagonist of the Millennium Of Hellfire.Gabriel was born as the youngest child of the Legendary Alphas Lena Grace and Daniel Mortensen on the outskirts of a Russian Village in 1999.As a member of two centuries and highly esteemed Lycan bloodlines,Gabriel was raised along with his sisters to see lycanthropy as a gift.As a string of disappearances and murders start to stress out the leaders of New York's underworld which include his parents,he decides to impress his parents by figuring out who is really doing this,but while he is doing so,he meets two men that interests him,a sassy witch and a charming vampire.
He knows his family would make him a Omega for mating with a vampire,but a witch is out of the question,especially since this witch isn't some nature loving Wiccan,he's a Dark Witch that sacrifices others & practices magicks that make others cower in fear.But as they get closer,will Gabriel let his wolf take over,embracing the bloodlust of his ancestors,or stay in the shadows of his sisters?
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ambroselaveau90 · 1 year
⛥The Queen And Kings Of Narnia⛥
Caleb Mclaughlin as Matthias Adesanya
•The Witch Queen
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Micheal Cimino as Antonio Salazar
•The King Of Blood
•Vampire(Draugr,Rebekah's Sireline)
•Enhanced-Upgraded Original Vampire(Draugr,Unlinked From Sireline)
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Mitchell Hoog as Gabriel Mortensen
•The King Of Wolves
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Praneet Akilla as Khalid Thompson/The Antichrist
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The Pentads are the new dynasty of the Land Of Narnia following the Age Of Conquest,which started when King Tirian,decided to repeat his ancestor's crimes by colonizing Narnia as they did.For over 2000 years,Tirian's descendants ruled with a iron fist and the Narnians were ousted as their ancestors were during the Dark & Telmarine Ages.
Their Dynasty began with Matthias Adesanya aka the Witch Queen in NY 4,575 and went on until the ending of Narnia centuries later.In all,it spanned bloody but peaceful eras and was the third longest dynasty of Narnia.Their reign was widely accepted as the Dark Golden Age Of Narnia.
The Pentads were a group of five supernatural creatures from the Earth,all of whom were of varied ages(both physically & spiritually)when they entered the Wood Between the Worlds and went to the Narnian Portal for the first time in the Narnian Year 4,575 during the second Telmarine Age.Their violence proved influential to the enslaved Narnians and their arrival coincided with Jadis's rebirth & Aslan's return,so that both events rose the enslaved Narnian's crushed spirits.
Though merely young adults,the Pentads helped motivate the Narnian morale and thus led the Narnians into an uprising against the Telmarine Kingdom & Aslan himself in the Narnian Revolution.
After the glorious victory,the Pentads were all coronated as ruler,establishing the second oligarchy.Matthias Adesanya,was deemed the Queen Of Narnia by Jadis,before she decided to become their ambassador to the many other kingdoms.
After the thirty-year of the Dark Golden Age,the five had grown into kind but wicked rulers,as their own children took over.With heavy hearts,they decided to leave Narina,since they knew their own children would be good rulers as their time had passed and they raised them with kind but wicked hearts.
They found the Wood Between The Worlds and returned again to Earth,where they found themselves physically as they were when they entered the Wood.This event had left Narina to evolve into a Age of Enlightment.
The Pentad is the name of the group given to the supernaturals that decided to fight the forces of darkness that plague their world and the Multi-Plane.
Each of them are descended from lineages that would be considered"unique"even among the supernatural communities(E.X.Gabriel comes from the Marrows,who was known for being descendants of Fenrir).
The original four came together once Matthias realized that maybe if they worked together & used the resources at their disposal,they could defeat their common enemy:The Mikaelson Family.
After intense planning,the group was able to unravel the family,allowing them to kill the most important players and scattering the rest to live in peace.
After defeating the Mikaelsons and freeing New Orleans from their tyranny,they decided to stay together,knowing that many people would be after them.But the group was completed when Khalid came into their lives,when he wanted to escape his status of the Antichrist & the grasp of his father,Lucifer.
But after years of defending the Multi-Plane & bringing a new age,they settled down with their loved ones & after taking the time to make sure they were in a good place,they decided to have children.
With Matthias's magick,they were able to have biological children of their own,to continue their bloodlines.But they didn't stop there,they also adopted children,whether they were human or supernatural,to give them a home and family.
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ambroselaveau90 · 1 year
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The Silent Child will come at the midnight hour:Darkening skies will herald the rage of our mother.Lightning & winds dance across the sky.Shadows will bloom in their honor and produce many posions for them to use.Rejoice for the Silent Child will be born and their birth will signal the beginning of the New Age.(The Oracles Of Lilith,Ancient Times)
Beware the witch that carries the blood of the serpent and the crow,for with it,they will rule over the children of the night(Meridiana,???)
The Silent Child is born but forged by all of the realms.They will possess countless gifts for they are the embodiment of magick and their power is rooted in light & shadow.Though they will awaken into their gifts unsure,their power will exceed that of the great sages.It is their destiny to bring about the New Age,either by saving or razing the world to ashes.(Mother Shipton,1560)
They will possess countless gifts for they embody magick itself and their power is rooted in light & shadow.Though they will awaken into their gifts unsure.For they are the Silent Child.They will emerge while the reigning Supreme is in her prime & surpass her.They will return what has been lost in the darkness of death and teach the knowledge of the past.(Marianne Wharton,1869)
And a child shall be born of the natural,infernal & ethereal realms.And in mockery of their spawn,they shall perform divine miracles & profane acts.
Their final act will allow the Dark Prince to open the Gates Of Hell and enslave the world.And once he does,the child will rule as his Dark Queen and the New Age will begin(Samantha Crowe,2000)
-The Silent Child,Prophecies Over The Ages
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