#Milestone post
qqmariztwsse · 22 days
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I never expected so many people to like my moodboards and dividers (sob sob). Thank you all so so much for your support !! Every single like, comment or reblog is highly appreciated. 🥺
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Special thanks to my moots who always cheer for me and support me + favourite blogs that keep on inspiring me!
@winterfea @suzy143 @hrteun @chaer-yeons
@v3gue @luvfaeri @jealovsie @babymochibeargyu
@alloraamore @luvcsbn @fairynii
@jaewsss @dollywons @hyelita @daddldee
@eun-luv @gyustarzzi2 @haerinism @hrteun
@chaer-yeons @cupid-l0v3r @lil-liaa @yuzchaes
@iwonbin @sugarish @wonjuii
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rowanisawriter · 1 month
80 stories on ao3 🎉
my brain rot has reached new heights! here are a couple of stories i’ve written recently that I’d like to highlight, in honor of this milestone 😁
1) allegory (bg3 - wyll/shadowheart) a fairy tale subversion, i like rarepairs in bg3 but wyll (prince charming) and shadowheart (gods favorite princess) fit so well together, especially when wyll doesn’t realize he’s the one who might need saving
2) a catalog of non-definitive acts (dragon age - cullen/trevelyan) cullen’s in Denial, i am always scared of writing exchange fics because i don’t like writing with rules but am proud of how this one turned out
3) candlelight (ff7, cloud/aerith) a quiet moment near the end game, i snuck this one into the planned series and love its quiet sincerity, privately i think this is my best ff7 fic
4) west hall mirror (hades, thanatos/zagreus) my tsoa rot meets hades rot, creating this supernova of pining from achilles’s pov, pining for his old life and what he sees before him as than and zag fall in love
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚ Follower Milestone ︶︶︶︶༉‧₊˚
50+ Followers - March 15th, 2024
100+ Followers - March 27th, 2024
200+ Followers - April 22nd, 2024
♡ Having a platform to share my hyperfixations and interests is very dear to me. I did not expect to ever reach two hundred followers. I expected even less to learn of so many wonderful content creators!
♡♡ All the appreciation and support I get really makes my day. It does. I just can't believe it. Yes, I will be celebrating every step along the way. I know to a lot of the internet two hundred followers is nothing. It is quite a lot to me. I can barely name ten people off the top of my head, much less two hundred.
♡♡♡ Thank you to the casual readers!
♡♡♡♡ Thank you to my followers & anon(s)!
♡♡♡♡♡ Thank you to my mutuals!
♡♡♡♡♡♡ Can't wait to reach 300 with you all. (?)
Special thanks to all my mutuals! Go check out their wonderful content. You may just find a new favorite blog: @marchsfreakshow @slutforgarlogan @coentinim @doll3tt33 @newwavesylviaplath @moonhasmanyanimals @fear-is-truth @girlyfart @lacucarachapisser @bluerthanvelvet444 @nahoyasboyfriend @cxndiedvi0lets @etheral-moon @dangeroustaintedflawed @ozzgin
Honorable mentions (check them out as well): @hipsterlover2002 @h4wari @eyeless-kun @numberone2008 @rianberry @505-fierce-deitys-simp-505 @calicocritterz4u @allisonfromloz
My small community is lovely and I wouldn't trade it for all the rupees in Hyrule, nor for a sweet lil' yandere partner, and not even for James Patrick March or Kai Anderson.
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daechwitatamic · 23 days
Daechwitatamic 2k celebration :')
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To celebrate hitting my 2k milestone, from today until Friday, June 14th I will open requests!
Request any scene/moment from one of my existing couples (can even be "what are __ couple up to") (@ moni i stg if you show up requesting of ruin wedding im gonna dropkick you off a cliff) or...
give me Member and Trope (ie. "Taehyung and exes-to-lovers" or "Seungkwan and close-proximity") I'll accept requests for the following members (because these are the ones I feel confident writing!!!) - BTS - Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook SVT - Seungcheol, Joshua, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino
I can't promise to fill EVERY request and I will not fill anything that makes me uncomfortable, does not follow these guidelines, or just sparks no inspo for me. I'll do my best!
I will probably not write explicit smut for these so please allow for scenarios where the smut can be vague or implied.
Anons welcome but I will not include even vague or implied smut for anons. If you want to request under anon and DM me privately to verify your age, that's great!
Multiple requests allowed :)
let's have some fun! leave requests here!
celebration banner by @sailoryooons - thank you for whipping that up on the fly!
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calyxestra · 2 years
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1000th post! keels over
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doumadono · 1 year
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On May 26th, just a day after my birthday, I celebrated a small milestone of reaching 1k followers. Barely a month later, I joyously celebrate another milestone. Today, another milestone has come my way. Despite not being very active, I recently discovered that I have crossed the 2k followers mark. I'm completely taken by surprise and have no idea how this happened, but I am immensely grateful to everyone who has chosen to follow me. Thank you all for your support and encouragement! Without the support and influence of the people around me, I wouldn't have achieved the success and position I currently hold 🥺❤️
On this special occasion, I would like to ask for your guidance on how to celebrate this achievement. Should I write headcanons, a fic, or explore other exciting avenues? I'm leaving the
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candieduranium · 9 days
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the people peasants love me😌
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dragonsholygrail · 3 days
Oh, wow. Ok, I’m buzzing. I’m flying high! I’m freaking out. Woke up this morning to see I’ve reached another insane and amazing milestone thanks to you lovely and amazing people!! Only now able to process and talk lol
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Thank you guys so much for this, this is so amazing!! This has been a very wonderful month, so many amazing things have happened. My fangirling over every notification. Having blogs I adore reblog my stuff or even become a mutual! Such a wild ride and I can’t wait to get into more.
Again for an update, I now have over 75-80 drafts. So I gotchu. We’re gonna have fun.
I really have no idea what to do about this milestone. Should I do something? Like a celebration? An event? What do people do!
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sweetbunnytears · 1 year
tysm for 2,000 followers!💕
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qqmariztwsse · 2 months
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I hit 300 followers just a month ago and now we're already at 400??
Thank you so so much guys! I truly am grateful to each and every one of you for interacting with my posts and my blog! Thank you all for supporting me!! <3
I'm also wondering if I should make a 400 special event? Would anyone be interested in joining?
Tagging my moots (love all of uu<3) & some of the blogs I absolutely adore:
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skz-films · 1 year
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hi, it’s adri :D it’s been a while since i made a milestone post for this blog. a month from now will be my 1 year of making gifs for skz and time has gone by impossibly fast since then. it’s an experience full of learning and meeting lovely ppl along the way. i just want to thank you for being here, and if you’ve been here long enough, thank u for sticking w me and seeing me grow, for looking at the contents of this blog and for liking and supporting whatever i make (which are mostly bouts of excitement and motivation). i always make sure to read tags and see the things u write under my posts, thank u for leaving such nice things for me to come back to as they truly make my day. i hope this little space that i originally created for myself became a source of happiness, comfort and healing for u too :’) most of all, thank u for loving stray kids <3
i’m also writing this to say that i will be taking an indefinite break soon, but i won’t be leaving! things are kinda hard for me atm and i’m taking whatever i need to get back up and heal. i might not be around for the next skz cb and its promotions [cries] but if i can be, then it’s great <3 for now, i’m still going to be here :’)
if u wanna follow my main blog it’s @hyunebear! i have another sideblog for ggs too which is @oddzeye, and here’s my ko-fi page if u would like to buy me a coffee but please don’t think that u have to!
thank you soso much for reading through <3
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Whaaaaaaat?!! I can’t even believe this! Thank you all so much for sticking around this bizarre (and what I thought was niche) blog. I know they’re silly internet points but it feels good to know I’m not alone in this odd obsession. Much love and stay safe exploring the liminal, the backrooms, and all the perpetual in between. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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make-me-imagine · 3 months
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So a few days ago I hit 9k followers on this blog.
I am beyond grateful for everyone who consumes and shares my content. I started this writing blog almost 7 years ago and it has become a place of comfort and a way to express myself in many ways. I have met many wonderful people and I cherish them all.
My life was turned upside down in various ways at the beginning of this year and I know I have not been writing or posting much. But I thank all of you who have stuck around and waited, and continued supporting me. And those of you who have followed more recently.
My desire to write has been coming back recently, and I hope to release more content on this blog soon. I cannot promise a lot, or that it will be for fandoms you followed for. BUT I appreciate everyone and anyone who has supported, read, and reblogged my writing in the past, present and future.
Thank you all
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hisonetrueloveee · 2 months
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stayteezdreams · 2 months
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
It doesn't feel like it's been a year! Thank you to everyone who followed and has been reading/liking/reblogging my work!!
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tieronecrush · 4 months
like huh?!
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gah this is WILD!!!! thank you all so much, can’t wait to continue sharing my writing with you all!
and so thankful for all the friends and support i have received from this freaking website! i have made some best friends and i genuinely love seeing everyone in my notifs and in my dash. you’re all amazing. 🩷🥹
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