#Mikuni’s shop
ani-n-mu · 2 years
To honour the Birthdays of our favourite characters, Mikuni and Jeje. We have created a piano cover of Mikuni’s Birthday theme in the Land of Nod (Mikuni’s shop).
We hope it sounds ok ^^
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umbreix · 2 years
Sometimes the funniest thing you can do for an AU is keep part of canon
For example: It is my firm belief that Oriko and Kirika still try to kill Madoka in non-magic AUs.
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
The Mafia of Incompetence is out to get me, and not even for the first time this week. There’s all kinds of reasons these non-aligned dimbulb thugs wish me harm, but chief among them is my insistence that I must always receive my RockAuto magnets.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar. You see, RockAuto is a modern e-commerce corporation. It exists as sort of amorphous blob. Old-school parts warehouses, retail operations, and liquidators go out of business all the time. RockAuto scoops up those car parts and sells them over the internet. One of the things they include with every order is at least one small, rectangular refrigerator magnet, of another freak's car.
Time was, you could count on four things in life: gravity, death, taxes, and RockAuto magnets showing up with your order. Now, fewer than that many things are true. Border patrol has been getting increasingly sticky-fingered around my part of the world, and I'll often have a RockAuto package show up with different tape on it, missing all of its packing material and – critically – the magnet.
I've complained to my local political representative, using virtually the same words as I'm speaking to you now. They ignored me, because they have real problems to solve (what caviar to pair with which wine, how to give a larger tax break than 100% to oil companies.) I had to take matters into my own hands. Contrary to popular belief, a background check for the federal government is really easy to fake. Soon, I was the government's newest parcel snoop.
That's where I met my then-coworker, now-friend, Shaky Tim. You see, he was the one stealing the magnets. I caught him red handed my first day. When all the other border guards went to lunch, he stayed behind and hacked open a bunch of the RockAuto packages. His desk at work was laden with the things, a cascading pile many inches thick of gleaming hot-rods, warm-rods, and even cold-rods.
Ethically, I was in a bit of a pickle. Reporting him to my "superiors" would stop the flow of my magnets into his pockets, but it would result in no other benefit to myself. Ignoring him was out of the question: my refrigerator still had at least a few square inches of empty space on its fascia. When in doubt, make like King Solomon: we decided to split the booty. I wouldn't report him, and he'd punch my time card for me and come by with a shopping bag full of magnets every weekend.
We've been doing this for a few years now, and everything was going great. My boss had been giving me glowing performance reviews, based entirely on my ability to not embarrassingly fuck up at work. And my pension was fattening nicely. Unfortunately, Shaky Tim was the weak point in the whole apparatus. He had a crisis of conscience, and quit the government altogether rather than admit his horrible crime. Doing so backed up the entire works: all the remaining border guards were not nearly as motivated to process RockAuto packages quickly. I didn't get my new Mikuni carb floats for, like, a whole week.
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longwombraider · 5 months
Mlp infection AU got me HARDDDD
so obviously I have to do a servamp version of it! I'll probably post a part 2 later but here are the characters and what I think their roles are in an infection au☺️
(Format is heavily inspired by @/mrsgendered on IG, creator of the Evergreen Infection Trails!)
Sloth Pair
Kuro- immune 
Health- 100% 
Stress: 80% 
Consciousness - 100% 
Servamps are now taking charge of being the Eve's main defense and offense since they're immune. He sees the fires everytime he closes his eyes
Mahiru - Uninfected, not immune
Health- Healthy, 96%
Stress: 87%
Consciousness: 100%
Mahiru has taken upon himself to start rescuing people and delivering supplies to people since he has a servamp, meaning he can be protected (as long as kuro can keep up) Hes trying to keep everyone chipper, but the stress is taking its toll on him. He should stop overworking or it'll be easier to infect his weakened body.
Envy Group
Mikuni- Uninfected, not immune
Health; Healthy, 98%
Stress: 80%
Consciousness: 100%
Mikuni is primarily worried for Misono, so he had been keeping an eye on Misono, helping him from the shadows. He doesn't fight, and no one knows what his true motives are. He appears from time to time, usually only approaching Mahiru or Misono to hand them intel or products Johannes had created to aid them. His whereabouts are constantly unknown.
Nowadays, he seems to not carry Abel around with him anymore. Mahiru wonders why...
Jeje- Immune
Health; Healthy, 100%
Stress: 60%
Consciousness: 100%
Follows Mikuni along and shoots down any infected down whenever Mikuni goes out. He never misses.
He's constantly seen around Mikuni's neck, alert and upright even in snake form. The infected had always gave him a feeling of disgust.
Johannes- ??? not immune
Health; Sickly, 87%
Stress: 90%
Consciousness: 97%
A prodigy researcher helping to discover a cure. Having a sickly body even before the infection doesn't help. His weakened body is further weakened due to his inability to fall asleep and his workaholic tendencies.
He constantly dons headphones to focus on his work, and not the pleas and groans echoing from the outside.
He trusts he is safe from the infected because it's Mikuni's shop. It should be safe, right?
Greed Pair
Licht- Uninfected, not immune
Health; Healthy, 95%
Stress; 88%
Consciousness: 100%
Licht has been worried about his parent's back in Austria. He can only have faith that they're still out there, alive. Took charge of offense, he, along with Lawless, patrols the borders and are usually on the front lines, fending the infected off. It's been getting difficult to keep up.
He hasn't played the piano for fun ever since. Screams and groans echo in his ears instead of musical notes.
Lawless - Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 87%
Consciousness: 100%
Together with Licht, they are sent to defend the area from the hordes of infected. The emotional stress is eating him from the inside out, and he can't help but rely on Licht to keep his emotions in check. He's worried because he can see Licht is starting to crack too.
A newly summoned rapier is used everytime they go into battle. It won't be good if it breaks halfway. Even magic has its limits.
Melancholy Team
Tsubaki- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 60%
Consciousness: 100%
The camellias don't bloom anymore. He goes around, like a grim reaper, killing off any infected that had entered the late stages. He hopes it brings them peace.
The only thing keeping him rooted is his family of subclasses. He hopes they're doing well. He hasn't seen them since the infection began.
Belkia- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 89%
Consciousness: 100%
A medic, helping to tend to the wounded and early infectees. He goes around with Tsubaki to rescue any possible injured, or to kill off the infected that breached the border.
He's tired. The injured and sick doesn't stop coming, and he's trying to give care to every one of his patients. Tsubaki and Belkia are what gives each other hope.
Sakuya- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 78%
Consciousness: 100%
He accompanies Mahiru and helps him with whatever errand Mahiru needs to run. He doesn't need Mahiru needlessly putting himself at risk by going out and exposing himself to the infected and disease. He also helps Mahiru in distributing supplies and rescuing the sick or helping to fend off the infected.
He'll do whatever he needs to to keep Mahiru safe.
Higan- Immune
Health; ??
Consciousness: ??
Was sent by Tsubaki to other parts of Japan to help to contain the spread of the infection with his fire abilities while also killing off any infected. He was also ordered to keep in touch at least bi-weekly.
It had been 3 months since his last text. Nobody knows of his whereabouts.
Otogiri- Immune
Health: ??
Stress: ??
Consciousness; ??
Primarily the subclass used for assassination and the gathering of intel, she was tasked to find out more information about the virus and its origins. However, just like Higan, she hasn't been contactable in months, and is currently missing.
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On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 9 Family Photos!
Some of these are a little shorter than others... Sorry, I got stressed by the deadline and didn't have a whole lot of inspiration.
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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🖤‼️Port Mafia family photos? Chaos. This (probably awful) idea was proposed by none other than the head of the PM himself, Mori.
🖤‼️Challenge number one: getting Aku into festive clothing for the picture. He is ridiculously stubborn when it comes to his outfit, and no amount of pleading can get him into anything other than his black coat. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is not a challenge you will win.
🖤‼️Challenge number two: getting everyone in the damn picture. The poor photographer is almost in tears by the end with how uncooperative everyone is, also he can’t say anything cause this is the MAFIA and he could be murdered.
🖤‼️Challenge number three: Aku refuses to smile. You also will not win this one, he’s just gonna look like the grumpy emo teenager that every family has.
🖤‼️It's… an interesting photo. And it's definitely going up on your refrigerator!
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💛🤠He’s definitely the one that suggested family photos. Misono fought him on it for so long before Lily convinced the angry runt it was a great idea to have Christmas pictures with all the servamps and eves.
💛🤠It's chaos. It's just a whole mess. Kruo doesn't want to be there, Licht is kicking Lawless around Mahiru is TRYING and failing to keep the peace. Mikuni himself is trying to set up the camera, which isn't going well.
💛🤠It takes like, 15 tries to finally get a decent picture because Lily keeps trying to strip for the camera.
💛🤠In hindsight, he really should have just settled for a picture with you and Jeje.
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🤍🖤We’re gonna do this with Crime Sorciere because I sincerely doubt that Brain wanted to organize Christmas pictures for the Oracion Seis. Anyway, Jellal wanted Christmas cards to send to Fairy Tail (mostly Erza, let’s be honest). As such, he is slightly obsessive about making this Christmas pictures perfect.
🤍🖤Macbeth is sick and tired of Christmas pictures within five minutes. It’s so boring! He’s gonna fall asleep! Richard and Meredy are honestly the only ones that are ok with this. The others are sick of Jellal’s obsessiveness.
🤍🖤By the time Jellal has gotten everyone where he wants them, Macbeth has indeed fallen asleep on your shoulder. You can gently shake him awake or wait for Jellal to notice and watch the world burn (he won't notice until after the picture is taken).
🤍🖤Jellal ends up with a nice card regardless, and Macbeth gets a nap out of it so it's all good.
Freed Justine
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❤️🎄Thunder Legion Christmas photos are a riot, honestly. We’re gonna say this is during Laxus’s banishment because I don’t want to include him.
❤️🎄Freed organizes the entire procedure, and Bickslow makes it his personal mission to mess it up as much as he can. You probably side with Freed on this issue because it’s Christmas and you don’t want to stress him out too much, the Christmas tree incident was already enough stress.
❤️🎄Bickslow insists that Freed wear Christmas lights and ornaments in his hair. He pesters the poor green bean until he relents. Bickslow himself rocks a full Santa costume! Ever is decked out in a fancy Christmas dress, and she probably got one for you as well!
❤️🎄The photo ends up looking great!
Touta Matsuda
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🖤👮Normal family photos with him! Nothing crazy, just a nice picture of the two of you for his parents.
🖤👮He looks so adorable all dressed up in his nice suit! He says you look great, as well.
🖤👮Nothing really crazy happens, honestly. It's just a cute outing for the two of you.
🖤👮He'll probably let you wander around the mall and get some Christmas shopping done afterwards. Maybe you could also go get some dinner while you're out!
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❤️🏜️Obviously family photos with Kankuro and Temari. Standard family pictures.
❤️🏜️There's a little bit of trouble getting Gaara to smile. He did spend several years of his life with only a sour grimace on his face (which was very justified, actually).
❤️🏜️Kankuro keeps trying to get away with making funny faces. Eventually you guys just decide to take one serious picture and one silly picture.
❤️🏜️Both pictures turn out great!
Rogue Cheney
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🖤🐉It's you, Rogue, and Frosch. It was probably your idea, but Rogue agreed pretty easily.
🖤🐉You have some serious trouble trying to get Frosch to look at the camera. He just keeps getting distracted!
🖤🐉Once you finally get Frosch to look at the camera, it's an adorable picture!
Alphonse Elric
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💛🐱It was Winry and Al's idea to do Christmas photos. Ed was dragged along by his braid.
💛🐱Nothing too exciting happens, other than the usual Winry hitting Ed with a wrench.
💛🐱It's a super cute picture!
Mahiru Shirota
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🤎🙂You two were invited to take Christmas pictures with all the other servamps and eves. Mahiru thought it was a great idea at first…
🤎🙂…Until you actually got there. It was utter chaos. Mahiru tried his best to calm things, but to no avail.
🤎🙂You both are exhausted by the time you finally get a good picture. Next year, you definitely won't try to attempt wrangling all 7 servamps and their eves into a family photo.
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yarrayora · 11 months
i was going to joke that mikuni's shop is located somewhere east in tokyo but then like. tokyo itself already means The Eastern Capital (because they moved the capital from kyoto, which was in the west)
for context, mikuni's shop is named after Land of Nod, where Cain was exiled to after committing the first murder and is said to be located "east of eden" so like. you see where im going here.
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sorakazeno · 5 months
Sailor Moon Infinity Art Book Part 3
Please note, not all images from the Infinity book are being listed on this blog.
Outer senshi by Utatane Hiroyuki. He started as a hentai doujinshi mangaka and now publishes his own material.
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Sailor Uranus and Super Sailor Moon by Mikuni Naoko. Mikuni has done a lot of doujinshi. Also published under Yanagi Mayu.
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Hamatsuura Makoto note to Naoko Takeuchi. His character was feature in a manga only side story in a pawn shop.
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This page contains thank yous from the various members for the first stage of Sailor Moon musicals.
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Thank yous from actresses from the Stars First Stage Musical featured in the Stars musicals.
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More thanks from actresses from performances of the Stars musicals.
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Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity by Takai Biki.
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Art by mangaka Takemoto Izumi.
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Very early drawing of Sailor Moon by Takeuchi Naoko with rough coloring ideas.
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The following pages are a guide with information to help identify the artist for most pages. The pages full of comments from the Sera Myu cast are not included.
Page below. Sailor V information and target audience. They were surprised to see it was popular with boys.
Which looking at the 90s anime... that would help account for some of the youma fan service?
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catboirights · 8 months
If you are still wondering about Mikuni's who thing with Abel: basically it's heavily implied to be how he coped with being unable to support Misono/see him for so long. The reason is because Mikado reacts in a similar protective way when he thinks Mahiru is looking at Misono in a weird way and as much as Mikuni may want to deny it him and Mikado are similar in some specific ways.
It also adds an interesting perspective of how Mikuni views his relationship with Misono, as Abel in the Bible was the first murder victim, killed by his brother Cain. So it's possible that Mikuni also views himself as a potential threat to Misono
Oh yeah, after the recent chapters where we get more backstory for the Aliceins I understand the whole thing with Abel a bit more. Especially since she’s also the only remaining thing he has from his mother that might also add to some of his weird compulsion to make sure no one else touches her. Despite his complicated feelings towards his father I feel like he really did love his mother, at least a little bit so having to be the one to “kill” her probably drove him to be even more protective.
And yeah, despite how much I dislike Mikuni as a person I think he’s one of the best characters in Servamp in the way he’s written. His relationship with Misono is so interesting to me because I genuinely cannot tell if he loves him or resents him. Like, obviously Mikuni cares deeply about Misono, that’s not what I mean we’ve seen that more than enough, but the fact he continually does things that hurt Misono really makes me wonder if there’s some sort of hidden resentment or guilt in his heart. Mikuni has consistently hurt Misono’s closest (and only) friends and even almost killed Tetsu, he’s the one masterminding Lily’s betrayal and because of how guarded he is about his facade he really hasn’t shown any obvious guilt. He’s making sure that Misono hates him enough to keep a distance from him but he does it in a way that keeps taking away Misono’s few sources of happiness. It makes me wonder if he feels some resentment towards him for being the indirect reason his mother is dead.
Not to mention all the religious imagery in his character like you said, with Cain and Abel and his shop being called the Land of Nod. We know that Jeje was also a member of the clergy back when he was human and Jeje’s form as a snake ties back to Adam and Eve and the first sin. He’s an interesting character I’d love to dissect him like a frog.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
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This page was just a quick 4koma Tanaka added later but I think it might come back. It takes place right after Mahiru visits Mikuni's shop and meets Johannes. Johannes discovered something and Mikuni is happy. Did he find out the secret about Mahiru that only his mother and uncle knew?
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kon-konk · 1 year
I'm like 90% sure Mikuni was trying to steer Mahiru towards the Kuro v Inner Kuro/Sloth face off way back when he said there was a way to nullify the contract. Our good doctor Johan just happened to be trying to do an experiment with something that would send an Eve into their Servamp's psyche? In Mikuni's shop?
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mahi-does-some-art · 2 years
You know how Mahiru played a role in almost every servamp pairs arc,i womder if he will play a role in what i hope will be envy arc
There is a small chance that he might not– at least not directly with Mikuni and Jeje.
I do believe that he abso-fucking-lutely will!!
Mahiru has played a big and very direct part in the now-changing lives of the Aliceins and it would actually be kind of shocking if strike doesn't have Mahiru playing a part in Envy Arc.
Of course, we'll need Strike to cut back to what's happening inside Sloth's little world inside the black goo he, Kuro and Mahiru are in. Along with directly confronting and fighting Sloth for the second time– or just a continuation of their first actual fight with gear and youtarou, there is another thing that might happen lmao.
Which is Gear throwing the jar of goop into the ocean because they are currently in a helicopter, flying from the forests of europe back to japan where all the fighting is happening. In fact, Gear outright said he'd throw them into the ocean if the goop started to form into the big ass lion or into Sloth again. But they have a limited time frame to get back to Tokyo so I kinda doubt that.
I got off topic but YES!!! I am very sure Mahiru's going to play a very vital role in Envy Arc!!
Mahiru helped Misono and Lily, he knocked some much needed sense into Mikado and Mikuni genuinely seems to like and or trust him in general.
I'm sure you see my friend Katz posts (if not, plz, they're so fucking cool), but in Tanaka Box, Mahiru is implied to work part-time at Mikuni's shop "Land of Nod". I'm like, 98% sure some of the shit Mikuni has in there is haunted but thats besides the point–
There is nothing that says Mikuni has hired anyone to work at Nod and I don't think it's ever said that anyone besides him, Jeje and Dr. Faust are ever "working" there. I think Mikuni has a lot of trust in Mahiru to pay him to work there but ALSO– Mikuni trusts Mahiru because of everything he's done for Misono, his darling little brother.
Now, I have no fucking clue what that hidden-away bottle thing in the Alicein manor (from the new raws) is or what Mikuni's planning with it, but I would lay money down to have Mahiru help Mikuni or even use his special magic thing that i forgot name of how could i omfg- to help snap mikuni out of whatever madness hes driving himself into.
Mikuni is, much to Jeje's dismay especially, very similar to his mother. The beautiful son of a beautiful woman. He may be close to experiencing the same insanity his mother had died from and my GOD im so fucking curious. I want to crack his head open and see how he ticks–
Overall, I think Mikuni needs a good pop in the ass with a sandal and Mahiru already has the shoe in his hand.
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ani-n-mu · 2 years
As promised it's a double upload today :D
Here is the piano version of the land of nod’s main theme :3
Who’s in the shop when you visit?
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katzkinder · 2 years
Thinking about the fact that Mikuni plays both instruments Licht is also confirmed to play
Meanwhile Misono can’t draw OR play music very well ww
… that’s probably gonna be a point of friction now that Misono’s older
Like, as kids, it was admirable. Mikuni was amazing, Mikuni could do anything, Mikuni was his awesome, super cool big brother
But when you grow up, you start to realize just how much you lack, and… You can end up resenting it. The skills other people you once looked up to have
I really want Misono to see Mikuni just. Harmlessly, totally screw up. Or at least the aftermath of that, like having to splint his finger because of something incredibly dumb like he slammed his hand in the shop door, or getting frustrated because a design isn’t coming out the way he wants it to and finding the pile of crumpled up papers from where he’s discarded sketch after sketch, or even just. Not paying attention and walking into a sliding glass door because he thought it was open
Things that make Mikuni seem more… Human.
It feels unfair, because even if Mikuni’s touch doesn’t turn everything he attempts to gold
He still gets there
Meanwhile, for Misono it feels like… No matter how much he practices and practices and tries, he’s… Always lagging behind
Even if others accept that about him, even if he’s grateful for it… That doesn’t change the feeling of inadequacy he experiences
Even when he starts going out more and improving his strength because he’s actually moving and no longer being kept in a cage where his wings will atrophy, because of the time disparity between what he’s been allowed to do by both his own body and the people around him (who come from a good place, but ultimately, it’s only hurt him in the long run), Misono is still the weakest of the Eves. Still the one he sees as dragging everyone down—
What is something only he can do? What is something he can do WELL?
He’s not… Creative like everyone else he knows
Mikuni draws and paints and sews and plays music and… Lots of things
Mahiru cooks and can make clothes by hand
Licht plays music on a STAGE and his poetry is sold in stores
Lawless can act, Lily makes the most beautiful scrapbooks, Iduna’s an inventor, Freya can grow things, Niccolò can sing and dance, Tetsu does calligraphy, Jeje makes bottled ships, Kuro writes and draws, everyone does something
… Everyone but him. He’s… Not good at any of that.
… is he really suited for this position he’s been put in? A lot of it is going to be dealing with things like design and marketing and… Well, making stuff look good
Can he do that?
I want Misono’s story to target these things and how he feels about them. I think it would be really interesting to see his inadequacies from the beginning of the story brought back around and used to help him grow!
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kyukicho · 8 months
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@ofsavior asked: “I think we should do matching couples costumes~.” (Tsurugi to Mikuni)
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"Do you now? And where would we wear these costumes? I'm not going trick or treating with you." Would they just wear them around his shop? Well maybe that wouldn't be so terrible.
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kaluawoo · 2 years
In addition to Proto Higan, I also completely forgot this guy
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[ID: A screenshot of the Servamp manga, showing a guy with messy, long, dark hair, wearing three pairs of glasses (one on his face, two on his head). End ID]
Proto Johannes (before Johannes was put into Mikuni’s shop)?
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howtoplaynod · 1 year
How come the website is not reachable at the moment?
Site seems to be up at the moment. If you mean Mikuni’s shop, that’s because it disappears sometimes during ongoing events like new year’s/halloween’s etc
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