#Mikhail 01
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lawslinger · 4 months ago
𐚁₊ 𓂃 DIVINE MACHINERY id pack  ( req. )
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© lawslinger.
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 7 months ago
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Best of Adagios (compilation) - Classical Music Gems
(1) Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra (2) Chamber Orchestra Saint Petersburg (3) Saint Petersburg Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra (4) Novosibirsk Symphony Orchestra (5) Saint Petersburg Orchestra of the State Hermitage Museum Camerata (6) Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra (7) Chamber Orchestra Renaissance (8) Saint Petersburg Orchestra Classic Music Studio (9) Elisso Bolkvadze
00:00:00 Samuel Barber - Adagio for Strings (arr. from Quartet for Strings, Op. 11) (1) 00:03:07 Tomaso Albinoni - Adagio in G Minor (2) 00:12:16 Sergei Rachmaninoff - Symphony No. 2, Op. 27 Part: III. Adagio (1) 00:15:18 Max Bruch - Violin Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26 Part: II. Adagio (3) 00:17:55 Edvard Grieg - Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16 Part: II. Adagio (1) 00:20:57 Franz Joseph Haydn - Symphony No. 92 in G Major "Oxford“ Part: II. Adagio cantabile (4) 00:23:26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - A Musical Joke, K. 522 Part: III. Adagio cantabile (5) 00:26:02 Felix Mendelssohn - Symphony No. 3, Op. 56 Part: III. Adagio cantabile (1) 00:30:00 Sergei Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 3 in D Minor, Op. 30 Part: II. Intermezzo, Adagio (1) 00:32:32 Robert Schumann - Symphony No. 2 in C Major, Op. 61 Part: III. Adagio espressivo (3) 00:36:08 Franz Joseph Haydn - Symphony No. 44 in E Minor "Funeral" Part: III. Adagio (6) 00:38:34 Alessandro Marcello - Oboe Concerto in D Minor, S. Z799 Part: II. Adagio (7) 00:42:40 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major, K. 488 Part: II. Adagio (8) 00:48:35 Georg Friedrich Händel - Water Music, Suite in F Major, HWV 348 Part: II. Adagio E Staccato (3) 00:51:19 Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - Violin Concerto in G Minor, RV 315, “Summer” Part: II. Adagio - Presto (3) 00:53:39 Franz Joseph Haydn - Symphony No. 101 in D Major, Hob. I:101 Part: I. Adagio - Presto (3) 01:01:12 Mikhail Glinka - Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act III, No. 15 Dances Part: II. Adagio (3) 01:05:01 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74 "Pathétique" Part: I. Adagio - Allegro non troppo (1) 01:23:56 Johannes Brahms - Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 68 Part: IV. Adagio - Allegro non troppo - ma con brio (1) 01:41:51 Ludwig van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 14, Op. 27 No. 2 ''Moonlight'' Part: I. Adagio Sostenuto (8)
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months ago
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Bakunin, Mikhail. O Conceito de Liberdade. Porto: Edições RÉS limitada, 1975, p. 48.
Bento, Berenice. A Reinvenção do Corpo: sexualidade e gênero na experiência transexual. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 2006.
Ervin, Lorenzo Kom’boa. Anarchism and the Black Revolution. The Anarchist Library, 1993. Anarchism and the Black Revolution | The Anarchist Library
Herman, Elis L. “Tranarchism: transgender embodiment and destabilization of the state”. Carolina do Norte: Contemporary Justice Review – Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice, v. 18, n. 1, 2015, p. 76–92.
Jeppesen, Sandra; Nazar, Holly. “Genders and Sexualities in Anarchist Movements” in The Continuum Companion to Anarchism. Nova Iorque: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012.
Kilomba, Grada. Memórias da plantação: episódios de racismo cotidiano. Rio de Janeiro: Cobogó, 2019.
Kropotkin, Piotr. Questão social: o anarquismo em face da ciência. São Paulo: Biblioteca Prometheu, s.d.
Malatesta, Errico. Anarquismo e Anarquia. Tradução de Felipe Corrêa. Faísca Publicações Libertárias, 2009, p. 4.
Mello, Anahi G.; Nuernberg, Adriano H. “Corpo, gênero e sexualidade na experiência da deficiência: algumas notas de campo” in III Seminário Internacional Enlaçando Sexualidades. Salvador: Universidade do Estado da Bahia, 2013.
Morrison, Toni. A origem dos outros: seis ensaios sobre racismo e literatura. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2019.
Pfeil, C. L. “Pela emancipação dos corpos trans: transgeneridade e anarquismo”. Rio de Janeiro: Revista Estudos Libertários, v. 2, n. 5, 2020, p. 146.
Pfeil, B. L.; Pfeil, C. L. “A cisgeneridade em negação: apresentando o conceito de ofensa da nomeação”. Revista de Estudos em Educação e Diversidade, v. 3, n. 9, 2022, p. 1–24.
Pfeil, B. L.; Pfeil, C. L. “À emancipação dos corpos trans: conceituando trans-anarquismo”. Biblioteca Anarquista Lusófona, 2023. Disponível em: www.bibliotecaanarquista.org. (Acesso em: 01/12/2023).
Preciado, Paul B. Eu sou o monstro que vos fala: relatório para uma academia de psicanalistas. Tradução de Sara Wagner York. Rio de Janeiro: Revista A Palavra Solta, 2020, s.p.
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krasivydevora · 1 year ago
Conteúdo do texto: episódio depressivo, menção rápida a sangue, menção a uso de substâncias entorpecentes, mutilação (acidental) e problemas familiares. Menção a @maximeloi e @mortimersage, e @samquebrabarraco com @svmmcrrxin
Já fazia algum tempo que Devora se encontrava ali, diante do altar da mãe, pensando em nada e em tudo ao mesmo tempo. Terminava de ajeitar os vasos de flores pomposas e a cesta de frutas que em breve congelaria naquele frio de temperaturas negativas (ainda que sem neve devido às barreiras do Acampamento), bem como a pequena escultura em argila que havia feito, à mão, do busto da deusa, com toda a delicadeza que poucas pessoas no mundo sabiam que ela possuía, refletindo sobre a real motivação de estar ali poucos instantes antes de partir daquele espaço. Quer dizer... Os deuses não se manifestavam como antigamente. Tudo parecia mais nublado do que realmente estava e a sensação de desamparo era gritante. Por que ela continuava tendo fé em algo, ou em alguém, mesmo sem ouvi-la assegurar sua presença já há algum tempo?
"Não faço ideia do porquê 'tô fazendo isso." Confessou baixinho, terminando de encaixar a pequena produção de argila entre os vasos dispostos, agora começando a lustrar as taças de cristal que havia levado consigo para que compusessem a produção. Mesmo com tanta revolta dentre outros sentimentos negativos em seu interior, continuava ali, tentando tratar a conexão que restava dela com sua mãe, com o maior esmero possível.
Por mais que isso também lhe causasse alguma dor emocional também: quem visse de fora, em outro ângulo, repararia como as bochechas de Devora estavam vermelhas e seus olhos pareciam brilhar mais do que o habitual, justamente por estarem cheios de lágrimas. Outra característica bastante marcante da russa, que, apesar de todos os pesares, ainda era uma pessoa sensível e emotiva até demais.
"Nem você e nem meu pai estão aqui, pra variar. De vez em quando nem parece que eu sou filha de vocês." Prosseguiu, crispando os lábios por alguns instantes, antes de respirar o mais fundo possível e decidir dar alguma vazão aos pensamentos que a consumiam. "Sabia que ele conheceu uma mulher nova? Kadja. Uma atriz da novela principal agora, ou qualquer coisa assim." Deu de ombros, realmente pouco engajada no que Mikhail andava fazendo de sua vida pessoal; amava o pai mesmo com todos os detalhes negativos entre eles, a começar pela negligência do mesmo em se tratando do suporte emocional e familiar a Devora, mas não sentia que havia uma preocupação mútua do que ela fazia da vida, como ela se preocupava com o que ele estaria fazendo; ou se estaria bem. O cantor, inclusive, já havia chegado a confessar à filha que isso se dava ao fato dela parecer forte demais. O que talvez significasse que ela não inspirava cuidados. "Da última vez que o vi, ele disse que queria ter filhos. Eu só consegui ignorar." Riu baixo, percebendo-se sem humor algum enquanto os olhos marejados começavam a anunciar a iminência do dilúvio: as lágrimas começavam a escorrer agora, silenciosas, demarcando a pele alva e fina do rosto de Devora, que se encontrava baixo porque ela continuava lustrando as taças. "Ele sempre fala como se eu não existisse. E tá tudo bem. Porque nem eu me vejo existindo." Concluiu, com a voz trêmula, ainda em tom baixo, como se estivesse envergonhada daquela constatação. Pegava-se pensando naquele tipo de coisa com frequência, mas era difícil aceitar os próprios pensamentos intrusivos simplesmente por uma questão de orgulho.
E de sobrevivência também, por que não? Devora era um oceano próprio de tantas frustrações, impulsividade e provocações. O combo perfeito para torná-la uma granada ambulante, ou uma submetralhadora incontrolável, bastando um acionar de gatilho ou remover de pino. Se ainda inventasse de pensar demais naquelas coisas todas ao longo de seu dia a dia no Acampamento, provavelmente enlouqueceria de vez. Era melhor não. Só de vez em quando já estaria de ótimo tamanho!
"E você também não fica muito atrás." Acrescentou, posicionando uma das taças finalizadas ao lado das rosas. O cristal sendo levemente anuviado pelo ar gelado ao redor, que, em nada, incomodava Devora. Muito pelo contrário: trazia-lhe algum conforto ao adornar sua pele e fazê-la se sentir minimamente viva por estar sentindo algo além da sensação entorpecida do dia a dia, em muito devido às substâncias que usava sem o menor discernimento. "Seus filhos estão com problemas. O Elói não tem mais o mesmo brilho no olhar, sabia? Sei lá. Deve ter sido o lance com a Sage. Ela era uma boa menina e você poderia ter olhado pelo amor dos dois." Pontuou, numa fala que se encerrou com um rosnado de frustração, até perceber que sua situação não era muito diferente. "Por mim também, porque, francamente. Que deusa do amor é essa que faz a própria filha passar vergonha gostando de uma pessoa pior que a outra?"
Coisa que a fez, subitamente, lançar a taça remanescente, que ainda estava em sua posse, contra o totem de mármore à sua frente. Os cristais imediatamente se partiram, com estilhaços esvoaçando, chegando a atingir parte da lateral da bochecha de Devora. Nada tão sério, já que ela ainda tinha a consciência de que deveria reunir os cacos, ainda que não fossem tantos, para levá-los embora dali. E foi nesse ato, que ela sentiu o corte também raso, mas ainda ardido, em uma de suas mãos. O que alimentou sua frustração ainda mais: Afrodite não estava falando com ela, mas era ótima em mandar recados. Em fazê-la querer se arrepender de tê-la ofendido de alguma forma?
"Incrível." Tornou a rir baixo, entretida com sua própria desgraça, enquanto alisava a parte machucada da mão, ainda sem se mover da posição em que se encontrava: ajoelhada e com a cabeça baixa, sem ser muito mais capaz de encarar o busto de Afrodite após aquele rompante de raiva. "Você me faz ter vergonha de ser sua filha mesmo quando não diz ou não faz nada." Continuou, ao mesmo tempo em que sentia as lágrimas vindo à tona com mais força. Havia tanta coisa se passando pela mente de Devora, e já há tanto tempo, que ficava difícil não acabar verbalizando em seus rompantes de raiva como aquele. "Por que diabos eu tô aqui se é pra passar por tudo isso? Eu não sei lutar, não vou ser útil pra você e pra sua turma de deuses sádicos. Foi pela minha cura que você me colocou no mundo? Eu sirvo pra alguma coisa além disso?!" Indagou, ainda que completamente ciente de que não haveria uma resposta.
Até por isso, é que Devora voltou a se desesperar. Entretanto, não demonstrando raiva agora: apenas uma mágoa tão grande que, por longos minutos, ela não conseguiu fazer muita coisa além de chorar. E soluçar. Incomodada com a pontada da dor do corte em sua mão, e agora com a brisa fria passando por sua nuca; com a textura do solo abaixo de si; com o cheiro das rosas que ela mesma havia cultivado e colhido para providenciar aquela oferenda. Dentre tantos outros elementos mais.
Até o momento em que desistiu da posição ajoelhada e se colocou prostrada; o tronco lançado para frente, com os braços suntuosos contra o chão, o rosto escondido entre eles, como numa alegoria cruel e péssima sobre a forma como se sentia agora. Envergonhada, para dizer o mínimo. E tão desnorteada que sequer se importava com a sensação dos outros estilhaços da taça abaixo de si, contra sua carne; a situação com Sam já havia colocado seu físico e seus nervos à prova, bem como o enredo envolvendo Rain e seus sentimentos. Nada mais parecia ser capaz de abalá-la, se não ela própria e os fantasmas de sua mente insegura e incapaz de enxergar nela algum valor ou importância considerável.
"Por favor, me responde. Eu preciso de você, mãe."
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gatheredfates · 11 months ago
Share 10 songs shuffled at random from a playlist —
I got tagged back atcha by @stalwart-spirit (thanks)! You can consider this your tag back atcha... atcha? You get me.
Anyway, I did my Spotify likes again because I'm always bemused by the variety I have at given time. LOL.
01. In The Air Tonight — In This Moment 02. How to Save a Life — Ruelle 03. DYWTYLM — Sleep Token 04. Better Than Me — Hinder 05. Thread the Needle — Sleep Token 06. Song of the Ancients — Keiichi Okabe 07. Cali God — Grace Mitchell 08. In The Dark — Flyleaf 09. Give Me A Sign (Acoustic) — Gavin Mikhail 10. under the weather — CORPSE
Apparently this was the cover special.
Tagging —
@kannedia, @thefreelanceangel, @piyopikamika, @seinthood, @thevikingwoman
@yloiseconeillants, @humblemooncat, @chainsofaether, @blackestnight, @mmorpg-escapism and you!
If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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moonovermeadows · 1 year ago
"Diving Duos" in Anime
1. Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang from Link Click/Shiguang Dailiren
Synopsis: Two friends run a photo studio together, named 'Time Photo Studio'. Apart from their normal business, they have...a side jig. Having special powers of their own, they dive into the photos of their clients to fulfill their request.
Cheng Xiaoshi (the black haired one), has the power to dive into the photo and to the past, by possessing the person who took the photo. Lu Guang (the white haired one) can see the events of a photo upto 12 hours from the time of its taking. Both combine their powers to solve the cases of their clients one by one.
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2. Shindo Arata and Kei Mikael Ignatov from Psycho Pass 3
Synopsis : Shindo Arata and Kei Mikael Ignatov are the two new inspectors of Unit One of the Public Safety Bureau. In the futuristic world of Metropolitan Japan, run by the Sibyl system, their methods are almost old-fashioned. A shared past shrouded in mystery and murder, the cases that surround the two, with an enemy watching their every moments, they inhibit the world of Psycho Pass 3 - the 2019 sequel to the beloved Psycho Pass series.
Shindo Arata (the short, brown hair) is a mentalist and a profiler, with high empathetic ability that allows him to cross the mental boundary and 'become' that person(Essentially, 'dive' into the memory of a person or scene). His skills are apparently not supernatural, but based on circumstances, reasoning, and statistics. Inspector Ignatov, (the tall, black hair) is his 'rope' who prevents his mind from wandering further into the abyss.
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3. Hiroki and Tsukasa from PET
Synopsis: Hiroki and Tsukasa are the 'crushers'. People who can enter into the minds of others, and manipulate their memories. They are trapped and bound by their organisation, which send them on jobs- many of them which force them to 'crush' the target's mind, by destroying their minds, corrupting their memories and putting them into a catatonic state.
The mind is made up of different loci. It also has a peak (the place with the happiest memories) and a valley (the place with the darkest memories). There are some, who are born without a peak, and are naturally sensitive to other's minds (causing them to be catatonic). Unless somebody shares their peak with them, they remain like that their entire life. Tsukasa(the black hair) is Hiroki's (the light hair) peak giver. They also have their own 'images' that they use to enter minds. Tsukasa's image is water while Hiroki's is a goldfish.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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From 2024, Russian Aerospace Forces will receive Su-57 fighters with new AL-51F1 engines
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/01/2024 - 09:13in Military
Since 2024, all Su-57 fighters, which are built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft factory and later transferred to the Russian Aerospace Forces, will receive new AL-51F1 engines, also known as "product 30".
“The second stage engine has been tested and is ready for operation,” a high-ranking source close to the Russian Aerospace Forces told the TASS news agency. A second source confirmed this information and added that “all fifth-generation production Su-57 aircraft transferred to the Aerospace Forces in 2024 will receive a fifth-generation engine”.
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Test of the "product-30" engine on the Su-57 "052" prototype. (Photo: Mikhail Polyakov)
According to a source, in 2023, more than 10 Su-57 jets with first-stage engines have already been transferred to the Aerospace Forces and are successfully solving problems in the zone of special military operations. "There are no plans to replace the engines of the first stage of the Su-57 already transferred to the Aerospace Forces with new engines," he said, explaining that even with the AL-41F1 engines, the "Su-57 surpasses the American F-35 in its characteristics."
In July 2023, at the Technical University of Samara, during a scientific and technical conference on the development perspectives of engine engineering, a presentation of the UEC-Kuznetsov was made and in one of the slides the second-stage engine of the Su-57 was designated AL-51-F1. This presentation also attracted attention abroad. For example, in the Aviation Week publication, a few days after the conference, he published a review of the engine, prepared by the publication specialist Piotr Butovsky.
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The second-stage engine of the Su-57 fighter is being developed at the Lytkarino Experimental Design Bureau in Moscow, a branch of PJSC UMPO. The new engine will allow the aircraft to perform cruise flights at supersonic speeds without the use of afterburning. On November 11, 2016, the first launch of a test bench sample of the "product 30" demonstrator engine took place. Flight tests of the Su-57 began in December 2017, with the testing platform being the prototype of the aircraft with tail number “052”, where the left AL-41F1 engine was replaced by a new one.
On the eve of the Army 2023 international technical-military forum, the first deputy director general of Rostec State Corporation, Vladimir Artyakov, said in an interview with RIA Novosti that the Su-57 aircraft is adapted to use first and second stage engines. "Even with a first-stage engine, the fighter meets the basic requirements of a fifth-generation aircraft. Aircraft with second-stage engine are currently in flight tests. Under the current serial contract, it is planned to provide a new engine to the Su-57, with UEC and UAC working on it,” Artyakov said.
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It is assumed that, in addition to the Su-57, the AL-51F1 engine will also be installed in the S-70B-1 Okhotnik flying wing-shaped attack UAV, as well as in the Su-75 CheckMate light tactical aircraft.
Tags: Military AviationRFSAF - Russian Federation Aerospace Force/Russian Aerospace ForceSukhoi Su-57 Felon
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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rcsplendent · 2 years ago
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┊ ➶ 。˚   °     TASK 003.
                   an incomplete, non-comprehensive playlist for mikhail "sasha" lukin, lord of russia.
songs  featured,  with  notable  lyrics:
*. * · 01.  one more hour  by  tame impala.  ┊  "  whatever i've done, i did it for love, i did it for fun, couldn't get enough ... "
*. * · 02.  T$RL  by  the neighbourhood.  ┊  " first, let me say this: i am black & white, everybody else just FAKES it. " 
*. * · 03.  BOYS  by  brockhampton.  ┊  " why y'all always mad cause i'm feeling myself? what the fuck you mean, i can't feel myself? " 
*. * · 04.  new person, same old mistakes  by  tame impala.  ┊  " feel like a brand new person ( but you'll make all the same mistakes ), but i don't care, i'm in love ( stop, before it's too late ). " 
*. * · 05.  super rich kids  by  frank ocean.  ┊  " we end our day up on the roof. i say i'll jump, i never do. but when i'm drunk, i act the fool — talking 'bout, 'do they sew wings on tailored suits?' " 
*. * · 06.  take a slice  by  glass animals.┊  " i don't ever wanna pick a slice — one is pretty but the other lies. " 
*. * · 07.  breezeblocks  by  alt-j.  ┊  " please don't go, i'll eat you whole, i love you so, i love you so, i love you so ... " 
┊ ➶ 。˚   °     click here to listen to the full playlist.
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stampopo · 2 years ago
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In August 1918 the first translation into Russian of the memoirs of Manfred von Richthofen (it was published in 2000 copies). The translation was made by the wonderful russian aviator Mikhail Smolyaninov.
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Mikhail Smolyaninov (09.27.1890 - 05.20.1919) - Russian pilot, head of the Air Fleet of the Siberian Army, holder of many military awards. Born in the Ryazan province, in a family of hereditary nobles. He graduated from the Orlovsky Cadet Corps, after which he studied at the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. 1913 Mikhail Smolyaninov was sent to the Aviation Department of the Officer Aeronautical School On August 29, 1917, he flew on a Schneider plane to Belgrade. Attached to the British aviation detachment in Serbia. In September 1917, Smolyaninov returned to Russia and served in the White armies of the Eastern Front. Promoted to lieutenant colonel. 04/01/1919 was approved as the head of the Air Fleet of the Siberian Army. In the early morning of May 20, 1919, Mikhail Smolyaninov flew the Albatros. The airplane caught fire for an unknown reason and rolled over in the air. Smolyaninov fell from a height of 600 meters and crashed.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years ago
Episode 141: Operation Sunray & Bulgaria’s Tsarichina Hole Photodump
Image 01: Either a photo or a drawing (we aren’t sure which) of the alleged entity at Tsarichina, found at the bottom of the Tsarichina Hole Image 02: “Rare 1965 Bulgarian Tourism Video” Image 03: The three brothers Pavel, Petko, and Mikhail with the Panagyurishte treasure they discovered Image 04: King Samuel (or “Samuil”) of Bulgaria Image 05: Three of the psychics associated with this story: Baba Vanga (seen here as an old woman and again in her youth), Elisaveta Loginova (still alive today), and Dimitar Kekemenov Image 06: CIA FOIA request noting files about Operation Sun Ray - were the Americans involved in this project, too? Image 07: The picture of a tourist, Valentin Vasilev, standing near the stone marker at Tsarichina Image 08: The only remaining photos of the secret project, part 1 Image 09: The only remaining photos of the secret project, part 2 Image 10: The only remaining photos of the secret project, part 3
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aqurette · 1 month ago
Mikhail Zygar on Musk and Moscow
“The most popular person in Russia right now is, of course, Elon Musk.” Read it at the Last Pioneer. https://aqurette.com/diary/2025/01/23/mikhail-zygar-on-mus
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adrl-pt · 2 months ago
Sanctions Against Maduro Regime. Putin’s Damage to the Russian Budget. Ukrainian Prisoner Stories.
You are watching the news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is January 11, 2:30 PM.
The Associated Press reported that on January 9, in Venezuela, opposition leader Maria Corina Machado was detained after a protest the day before Nicolas Maduro’s inauguration. She was later released, but according to her, repressive forces shot and killed a man during her detention. After the presidential elections, the opposition gathered 85% of data from electronic voting receipts, proving their victory. https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-election-inauguration-maduro-protests-edmundo-machado-db8a045f2614cb71022674dc6b73bd88
On January 10, the United States imposed sanctions on eight Venezuelan officials and increased the reward for information leading to Maduro's arrest on narcoterrorism charges to $25 million. https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2778
On the same day, the United Kingdom announced sanctions targeting 15 judges and senior officials of the Maduro regime. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-announces-new-sanctions-targeting-nicolas-maduros-regime-in-venezuela
Canada imposed similar sanctions on 14 current and former senior Venezuelan government officials. https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2025/01/canada-imposes-new-sanctions-against-venezuelan-officials-involved-in-human-rights-violations.html
The Council of Europe also expanded its sanctions, adding 15 members of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council, judiciary, and security forces to its restrictive measures list. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2025/01/10/venezuela-council-renews-restrictive-measures-and-lists-a-further-15-individuals-in-view-of-the-situation-in-the-country/
The United States has also taken action against Russia’s energy sector. Sanctions imposed on January 10 targeted oil companies, liquefied natural gas infrastructure, marine insurance firms, and 183 tankers identified as part of the "shadow fleet." https://ofac.treasury.gov/recent-actions/20250110
According to the BBC Russian Service, oil and gas sales accounted for one-third of Russia’s budget revenue as of November 2024. https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/cnvqyegvpl2o
On January 9, oil and gas analyst Mikhail Krutikhin discussed on The Breakfast Show the economic damage caused by Putin’s policies. He explained that gas exports to China are priced below the cost of production and transportation, failing to recoup even the expenses of constructing the "Power of Siberia" pipeline. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N0OcDUJ3bs&t=3851s
Last summer, Texty.org.ua investigated Vyazemskoye Pre-Trial Detention Center #2, one of the sites where Ukrainian prisoners are tortured. Olexander Gritsyuk’s wife described the condition of his body upon its return from Russian captivity: “His head was completely blue, his nose was crooked, and his index fingers had no nails.” Vitaly Klochenko’s sister recalled, “There was almost nothing left of him; even his bones had dried up.” Alexei Kretsu, released from captivity, returned with tuberculosis and hepatitis B, having lost half of his teeth during interrogations. https://texty.org.ua/articles/112776/konctabir-smerti-vyazemske-sizo2/
The "I Want to Live" project shared harrowing photos of Roman Gorilyk, a senior controller at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant security checkpoint, following two years in Russian captivity. https://t.me/hochu_zhyt/1580
On September 23, a UN commission on Ukraine highlighted the coordinated use of personnel from specific Russian agencies in acts of torture. The commission also noted that attacks on energy infrastructure are impacting millions of civilians. https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements-and-speeches/2024/09/update-chair-independent-international-commission-inquiry-ukraine
Support the €100,000 fundraiser for portable power stations for Ukrainian hospitals and schools. https://antiwarcommittee.info/en/energy-for-life/
Proofs and links are in the description. Subscribe and help!
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honeymoons33 · 2 months ago
Roman Messer - Suanda Music 466 (The Best Of #138 2024) [#SUANDA]
[00:00] 00. Intro [01:12] 01. Adip Kiyoi & Nadia Anjani - Our Destiny [04:57] 02. SergDreamer - Tears [10:04] 03. Roman Messer & Diandra Faye - Why So Serious [14:42] 04. Made Of Light & Vanessa Berni - Don't Speak [Exclusive] [20:16] 05. Roman Messer - Message In A Bottle [24:23] 06. Dmitriy Kuznetsov - 108 Minutes [30:32] 07. Roman Messer - Coming Home (Full Fire Mix) [34:39] 08. AYUUB - Teemo [38:49] 09. Roman Messer & Jennifer Rene - Alone [43:45] 10. Mikhail Tseslyuk & Divaiz - Past Away [48:37] 11. Davey Asprey - Catch [53:15] 12. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Roman Messer - Tranquillity [57:53] 13. Roman Messer & Alexander Popov & FEEL - Moonlight Sonata
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cellythefloshie · 2 years ago
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;; Mile High Chapter Fourteen of the Road Wife Series
Table of Contents 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 11 |  12 | 13  | 14 | 15
Summary: You're wanting nothing but to be home after a long and strenuous road trip, but you have one last appointment before you hit the tarmac and it's with the quiet and mysterious Erik Cernak.   Kinks & TW: sex work, public sex (plane), protected sex, hickies (she already has them, I wonder who put them there), bondage (mild), choking (mild), finger sucking. Word Count: 2247 TAGLIST: @equallyshaw , @charles11700 , @starshine-hockey-girl , @swissboyhisch , @wingedwheelprxncess , @luvmmarner , @fandomrejects
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With a 4-6 loss in the second of two games in Detroit, you and the Tampa Bay Lightning finally were set to go home. The boys had won four out of the six road games during their ten-day road trip, with the last being hard-fought and consumed by penalties on both sides. If it had been any other game it may have left the boys troubled, concerned that they may be losing their edge - but they were much too tired to be caught up in such a loss and it left the plane ride home quiet. There were no celebrations, no longwinded debates or conversations to be had. No, most of the players had chosen to sleep during the flight between Detroit and Tampa, while others watch Netflix or lost themselves in a book - and you, you would have loved to indulge yourself in sleep but instead, you waited patiently for the gentle buzz of your phone to remind you of your upcoming appointment. 
When the vibration of your reminder rumbled against the table, your head was comfortably propped up on Brayden’s shoulder. He had become your pillow as you listened to an audiobook on the flight back home and you did your best not to wake him as you sat up and pulled your headphones from your ears. You tucked them away in your bag carefully only to become distracted when you heard a pair of heavy footsteps moving through the cabin. 
Erik Cernak had abandoned his seat, leaving Cirelli who had fallen asleep in the seat nearby. Your eyes followed him through the dimly lit cabin as he found another, more favorable, seat near the back of the plane. It would have been something out of the ordinary, something that would have left you perplexed if you hadn’t known that Erik possessed the next appointment on your calendar. Much like the rest of the team who sought your service on the flight home, he wanted the privacy that came with sitting at the back of the plane. 
Pushing up from your seat you smoothed out the skirt of your dress, the one you had worn to lunch with Mikhail and to the game earlier that evening, and you carefully moved past Pointer. He had fallen so deep into sleep you could have crawled over him without him waking up. Your eyes lingered on him as you passed, craving the rest he had been allowed to take - but your work was never done. 
You kept your head down as you moved to the back of the plane as you expected to find Erik at the back among the cots pulled out for the players that couldn’t stand sleeping upright - but you didn’t make it to the back of the plane. At least, not the very back. You were about to clear the final row of seating when you felt a large hand wrap around your wrist. Thick fingers and rough palms left calloused from years of stick-handled and hockey fights coiled around you, leaving your wrist feeling small and fragile. 
With your gaze shooting up from the floor your head snapped in the direction the hand had reached out from. Erik was sitting in the aisle seat and beside him were Palat and Rutta. The pair had abandoned the card game that was sprawled out on the table in front of them in favor of sleep. Your eyes were focused on the cards when Erik pulled you closer to his seat. You stood in the aisle, your jaw slacked as his hand left your wrist and disappeared up your skirt. 
Erik dragged his fingers up over the curves of your outer thighs and did not stop until he had traced over the hip of your panties slowly. Then, the index finger of each hand hooked the waistband of the thin fabric and dragged it down your leg. When the fabric had come to your knees, he released it slowly and let it drop to the cabin floor around your ankles. He looked up at you with his dark blue eyes, the stare forcing you to swallow back a nervous lump that had formed in your throat as he silently told you to step out of your panties. You sidestepped the fabric carefully, kicking them beneath his seat and out of the aisle as you did so. It was with your panties out of the way, Erik’s touch gripped at your hips, the only thing keeping his touch from your skin the fabric of your dress, as he guided you effortlessly into his lap. 
There was no player that intimidated you more than Cernak. So you didn’t stop a single one of his insistent touches that you settling just the right way into his lap - not even as your leg became trapped between his thick thigh and the leg of Palat who slept directly beside him. The contact left you holding your breath as you cast Ondrej a glance, worried that the simple touch would rouse him from his sleep - and the worry only grew as Cernak reached between your bodies to rid himself of the confines of his belt and slacks. You could feel every movement of his hands against your tender inner thighs that had once been marked by Brayden on the flight to Detroit when the Captain had told him to be gentle with you. While he was gentle, the dull ache the hickies left on your inner thighs was a constant reminder of him - especially as Cernak ripped open the foil of his condom, eased it onto his cock and so effortlessly guided you down onto the girth of his cock. 
Erik left you there, his cock sheathed inside you, as he reached around your body. You held his gaze as he worked to reach around you. The communication he could make with nothing more than a glance left you shuttering. He took one arm, and then the other and guided them behind your back and with a single glance you knew he wanted you to interlock them at your fingers. Then, he sought out the tie he had worn into the locker room earlier that night and tied it tight, leaving you to take in a sharp inhale as you were bound by its silken fabric. 
When he was sure his knot was sufficient, his hands left yours and found your hips again, and began to guide them in their steady rise and fall over his cock. Erik’s guidance was slow at first, easing in and out of you carefully until he was sure you could take him fully. It was then his fingers dug a little deeper into your hips and guided you down until your body was meeting his wish a smack that was only muffled by the fabric of your dress as it was caught between each of your thighs. It sent your knees digging into the seat - your left leg pressing against Palat for a little extra leverage - and your head was leaning back as your expression melted into ecstasy. Your hair hung down your back, tickling at the skin of your arms that had only grown hypersensitive to his touch and the tight bounds against your wrists. 
You craved to twist your arms free. To brace yourself against the seat of the airplane as you rode him, but Erik was going all the work, the strength of his biceps growing even more prevalent in the confines of his shirt with each rise and fall of your core around his cock. The pleasure of his cock stroking at the walls of your core mixed with the pain of the impact, and left your lips to part. From them, left the ghost of a moan, so soft almost silent but it was enough to capture all of Erik’s attention. His gaze snapped to your features in an instant, and one of his hands found your throat. It enveloped it in its careful hold, his grasp pressing down around it oh so carefully. 
He used the firm, yet gentle, hold to draw you in until you were a breath away from his features. Your lungs failed to breathe as you met his stone-cold gaze, and the only life you were granted came from the breath of his words against your cheek, “best stay quiet unless you want the whole plane to watch me fuck you.”
Erik’s tone had been firm, sending a shiver down your spine. You had no reason to believe that his words were untrue and the thought of Erik drawing all of that unwanted attention left your skin red hot and your jaw slacking as it let out an uneven breath that left your lip trembling. It must have been an inviting sight to Erik, as his hand was quick to abandon the hold it had on your throat and instead found its place along your jaw. From there, he slipped his thumb in between your lips and into your mouth. You could taste his skin on your tongue as you let your lips wrap around him. You watched him through your lashes as you began to suck carefully on his thumb, and the simple action had him leaning his head back against the seat. His cold eyes shut, and his own jaw slacked as you felt him shift his legs just right beneath you. You would feel Erik’s careful movements as he widened the spread of his legs and dug his heels into the floor. It was the leverage he needed to thrust up into you all the while having his hand occupied by your mouth. 
The thrust left you whimpering around his thumb, the soft sounds barely loud enough to be heard as he pushed up into you. Soon, your legs were trembling as they struggled to withstand the force of his thrusts and the friction of the seat beneath your bare knees. Despite the discomfort felt in your legs, you did your best to meet each thrust of his hips and soon Erik was leaning back into his seat in pleasure. His thumb eased out of your mouth, and his arms found the armrests that you hadn’t even realized had been tucked up to the side of the seat for your comfort. He drew them each down carefully, muttering a quiet apology when they dug into the tops of your thighs. It was then he shifted you carefully, taking you by your hips to ease you off his cock before setting you across his lap. His touch was gentle as he smoothed your dress over your legs so as to not expose too much skin to anyone who would find themselves awake and wandering the cabin during the late-night flight. When he was sure you were modest enough, he reached back and freed your wrist from the tight knot of his tie, but he wasn’t finished with you yet.
First, he would place a kiss on the shoulder closest to him, then on each of your wrists that was left red from the pressure of the tie. It was his quiet and careful attempt at assuring you had some form of aftercare while you were restricted to the plane. 
“Do you need help getting back to your seat?” he muttered against the delicate flesh on the inside of your wrist. 
“I should be okay-” you assured him in a low whisper, your voice broken as you left Palat’s leg shift against your own. You shot him a nervous glance, relief taking you as you found that he was still asleep but merely trying to get comfortable. 
“Thanks though,” you added after a moment as he carefully helped you up from his lap. 
Cernak was fixing his pants back around his hips when you bent over, reaching beneath his seat for your panties that had been kicked to the side. When you stood back up on weak legs, you wavered for a moment as you held your panties. It brought an awkward smile to both of your lips as he settled in to sleep alongside Palat and Rutta, and one that you would continue to wear as you made the slow walk back to your seat. 
Sneaking back in to sleep beside Pointer was proven to be more difficult than it had been when you left as the moment your legs brushed up against his, his head was raised from where it rested against his seat and you were met by the horse whisper that was his voice laced with sleep, “you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” you assured, making sure to ball your panties up in your fist so that they would go unseen, “I didn’t mean to wake you-”
“Don’t worry about it, Darling,” Brayden assured, shifting just enough in his seat to give you more room to shuffle past him. 
The comfort of your seat consumed you as you let your body fall into its embrace. It was enough to leave you groaning as you slipped your panties into the pocket of your carry-on bag - and what came after had begun to feel like a routine. You leaned back in your seat, your eyes falling shut as your head lulled to the side. It didn’t find the comfort of your seat, but instead the comfort of Brayden’s shoulder. It was upon his strength that you were able to find sleep, and you remained there until the plane touched down back home in Tampa.
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months ago
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🧐 “Todas las familias guardan un secreto”
🎭 Teatro: “TIEMPOS MEJORES” 👨‍💔👩
✍️ Dramaturgia: Mikhail Page y Rasec Barragán
🔎 Género: Comedia Dramática
⌛️ Duración: 90 minutos
💥 Argumento: Andrea (Alicia Mercado) se conecta desde California con sus padres María Laura y Antonio (Laly Goyzueta y Javier Echevarría) que viven en Lima, para celebrar el cumpleaños de su hermano Leandro (Mario Cortijo), que estudia teatro en Londres. El inminente anuncio de la separación de sus padres en la reunión será la pieza necesaria que hará resurgir eventos ocultos del pasado, de cuando todos vivían juntos en Lima.
👪 La puesta en escena revela el drama de una familia feliz que prefiere mantener enterradas heridas que han empezado a develarse. Las relaciones entre padres e hijos toman un giro inesperado ante la revelación de un abuso que no se supo atender en su momento. Los dramas familiares son temas vigentes en toda sociedad, evidencian las grietas de muchas familias ante el secreto. En esto radica la importancia de esta obra: en las diferencias que enfrentan los integrantes de una familia ante los eventos dolorosos que aparecen con el tiempo.
👥 Elenco: Javier Echevarría, Alicia Mercado, Mario Cortijo y Laly Goyzueta
🎹 Música: Italo Maldonado (piano)
📢 Dirección: Roberto Ángeles
📝 Asistencia en Dirección: Daniel Cano
💡 Iluminación: Mario Ráez
🖼 Escenografía: Ysela Castañeda
👤 Asistencia en Producción: Alisson Guillén
✏ Diseño Gráfico: Roger Pérez
📸Fotografía: María Claudia Bardales
💻 Community Manager: Ana Sofía Ruiz
💱 Administración: Verónica López
🔎 Producción Ejecutiva: Carolina Cano
© Producción: La Ira Producciones.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 08 de Noviembre al 01 de Diciembre
📆 Funciones: Viernes a Lunes
🕗 8:00pm.
🏪 Sala Alzedo del Teatro Manuel A. Segura (jr. Huancavelica 251 - Centro de Lima)
🎯 Entradas:
🎟️ Platea: S/.45
🎫 Mezzanine: S/.35
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/theater/lima-tiempos-mejores-64737
📧 DM: @lairaproducciones
👀 A tener en cuenta: Obra recomendada para mayores de catorce años. (14+)
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thesimmergin · 6 months ago
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Mikhail Hristov || YA Spellcaster
I do not own any of the CC used. All rights belong to their respective creators.
Required CC:
Eyebrows #59 (under Eyebrows #56-61) by sims3melancholic
Hair 56 - RUG by MoooD
Dwight Jeans by AdrienPastel
Mark Outfit by AdrienPastel
Nathan Jeans by AdrienPastel
Sweatshirt, socks and sweatpants from First Fits Kid Conversion by AdrienPastel
Harry Shirt by AdrienPastel
Luke Sweater by AdrienPastel
Workout Jacket from Growing Together Add-ons 1 by AdrienPastel
Take Off Pants by Trillyke
Plaid Pants from Grunge Revival Add-ons by AdrienPastel
Zachery Jeans by clusmyalien
Lay Back Pants by Trillyke
Waterproof Boot 01 by Jius
Leather Slippers 01 and Suede Ankle Boots 06 by Jius
Leather Derby Shoes 01 by Jius
Velcro Sneakers 01 by Jius
Familiar Taste of Poison Tattoo by sugar owl
Random Tattoos 03 by hishel
Eyes N90 by Praline Sims
Cestmir Skin Overlay by sims3melancholic
Eyebags N09 by Praline Sims
Nose mask N02 by Praline Sims
Note: I use CC traits and aspirations, I am not linking these as some simmers do not wish to use them. Give him whatever traits and aspiration you'd like.
Download tray files here
Download his daughter here || Download his sister here
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