#Mikey my beloveddd
guawowow · 1 month
Going crazy thinking about the complexities of Donatello and his relationship with his emotions in tottmnt just auuaua !!!!
Like, he's outwardly and unabashedly kind in this iteration and I'm SO here for it !!! And it doesn't diminish his ability to be snarky and witty, he still throws jabs at his brothers, but I feel like this donnie is a return to form in the sense that the center of his character, the motivation for his intelligence and penitent for creation, is kindness- more importantly, empathy.
routinely he is described as thoughtful, 'non-threatening', and usually very placid; we see mention of his temper when his computers are messed with, but he's extraordinary patient- polite, even- with the killer robot chasing him, subway security, and the deaf conductor, all while under high-pressure stress. When confronting the Mechazoids for the first time, he keeps them at a distance and straight up complements the engineering ingenuity! Same when confronting bishop in the subway! He talks enthusiastically, respectfully, with her about her system setup! His first instinct is to diffuse the situation, approach her with humility and establish common ground. Dude like even when running away from the Mechazoid he was always thinking of the people around him.. he was telling everyone to get out of the way, waited for cars to clear (his brothers just straight ran through traffic and jumped over moving carsss), tried to usher people away from train cars he was fighting in, etc. And in the narrated recaps between episodes, donnie is the first brother to consider bishops motivations in an empathetic manner, "maybe she has a tragic back story". Of course that serves as thematic foreshadowing buy he was still the first to offer the kindness of reason to bishops character, maybe there's a reason she's doing this, not just anger that she is.
Not to mention he full ass built a robot to protect his brothers and took the extra time to program in impeccable manners. just for funsies heheh. eueueu Metalhead my beloveddddd😭🙏💙💙💙💙
ALL THIS and yet still, in episode 10, donnie considers himself non-emotional. He says he's 'all left brained' and implys that he operates differently from his brothers who he considers more outwardly emotionally expressive. And yet, in the same episode, he spends a majority of it comforting wingnut. He lends his ear and speaks to her kindly even when her panic exasperates their situation, he doesn't get mad when she freaks out, he takes the time to talk things through with her and make her comfortable whenever able. Even when they think Leatherhead has unmutated, he's sad but tries to put himself in her situation and understand her actions. HES SO SWEET IT HURTS DUDE ❗️❗️❗️ main point being, I dont think he considers himself emotional because he operates on a mode of empathy that is reason driven. He's emotionally logical, of that makes sense. It shows an INSANE amount of emotional intelligence and maturity, I just don't think he understands that because to him, this is logical, and his brother are anything but.
For a majority of his life, the only other people he has to compare himself to are his brothers. When up against anxiety riddled Leonardo, chronically angry Raph, and Mikey's carefree disregard, of course he sees himself and goes, 'ah ok. I must be less emotionally prone because I don't react like they do to these situations'.
I think he just understands the whole social song and dance of understanding better than he thinks.
I know the whole thing with tottmnt is the aspect of unreliable narration, but even then! Like if Leo wrote donnie like this then it probably because he routinely displays this kind of understanding behavior. Plus idk bout yall but I kinda consider the events of tottmnt as like a blurry semi-cannon? I think there are nuggest of truth in there, the broad strokes yk? Like the flood arc referenced 'the bishop situation' like it was a thing that actually happened, albiet in passing, and not just something to poke fun at Leo. It's got legs, there's ideas there to work with ajaja
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
Tumblr media
the doctor's in ✨
heard he doesn't have much of a bedside manner tho 🤷
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falloutcoys · 10 months
michael WOE>BEGONE 2, 9, 15, 25
Michael my beloveddd
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
So there are. ten million. but if I had to name one, I'd say that he's a sheepdog. Both that I love that he calls himself that, because like to recognize yourself as doing that??!!!, but also the traits that caused him to identify himself like that. The protective urge for your younger self, the sacrifices he makes. SO GOOD
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Absolutely. I'd happily move to Latvia to do so lmaooo
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Do not crucify me for this but Mike/Michael to the end
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
So, this is kind of hard to answer because like so much of the first impression was just the first impression of iterations? But, I thought he was a bit of a dick like all Mikes are. The cowboy bit was goofy at first and I thought it was funny that he would tease Mikey so incessantly by doing it
Now I have a deep appreciation for what being a cowboy begun to mean to him. I think he is one of the strongest characters in the show, both as in he is emotionally strong and that his characterization is super solid. He is probably my favorite 'main' iteration of Mike Walters
character ask game
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