#Miguel beastars
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alligatorpie1945 · 2 months ago
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Welp I watched the new season of Beastars. And absolutely fell head over heels for the Shishigumi. So much so that I been literally just going through the manga to read the parts they are in. I had to take a stab at drawing them, but since I've never drawn antro-lions before I took one of my favorite manga panels and redrew it!
Original Manga Panel is under the cut.
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crisisandcritters · 2 months ago
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Miguel was actually I think my favorite to draw! I love his mane so much!
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soupy-sez · 3 months ago
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Beastars, S3E10
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bl0ss0mlily · 4 months ago
Love your art, can you draw the Shishigumi from beastars? Thanks, but if you don't want to then that's okay.
Hello, thank you so much!
OUGHHHHH Sorry this took so long, I don't know if you have a particular favorite but I wanted to draw everyone there! This sure brings me back, I loooove the Shishigumi!
Agata and Ibuki are forever my top favorite boys <3
In commemoration for Beastars season 3!
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fhgfdbmbayi · 3 months ago
They have stopped working ~
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sexy ~
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arseanlupin · 1 year ago
Hi, can you write how the lions would be looking after their pregnant wife? I love your last two head cannons 😊
Yes ofc I'm glad you enjoyed my first two head canons, and thanks for being the first to send in a request! Enjoy!
Caring for thier pregnant wife
He would be very careful with you and tend to your every need.
If you every have cravings for any food he'll be sure to buy it right away.
If you ever feel the baby moving he'll always put his head or hand to your stomach.
Whenever you go out he'll always bring a gun for protection. He doesn't want anything to happen to you or your baby to come.
He would be very tentative to your needs and try to support you in any way he can. He'd also be very physically affectionate.
When you first start developing a bump he most definitely will tease you a bit.
If course if you tell him it bothers you he'll stop with out question.
He'll try his best to cook you meals on the daily and when he can't he'll go out to get some of your favorite take out food.
Dolph would be very tender and careful with you.
He's a bit afraid that you might over exert yourself doing something while he's at work and hurt yourself.
Once you two talk about it he'll a lot less concerned about you hurting yourself.
He would definitely cook for you every night no matter how tired he may be.
He would try his best to care for you and your needs but he won't be able to do everything.
Because he's so young he doesn't always know what you need.
Even though he doesn't always know what you need if you ask him for something he'll do it to perfection .
He would 100% kiss your baby bump and try to listen for a heartbeat all the time.
He'll cook for you every night but it might not always be the best but at least he tries.
Like Free He would be very affectionate and care for your every need.
I could see him giving your baby bump lots of kisses.
He'd probably try to get out of work to be with you once and a while.
He would definitely cook for you most of the time and when he did it was great.
I think he wouldn't be too concerned about you huring yourself but he would want you to take it easy
He'd definitely do a lot of cleaning around the place.
He's probably ask you if you want to go out for a walk or get a coffee here and their.
He'll definitely cook for you but you might have to give him some pointers and help him out. ( He's not a bad cook he just need guidance)
He would definitely take care of you and he would definitely want to to fun little baby things with you
I feel like he would definitely want to go baby shopping and find cute little clothing.
He would definitely become a lot more affectionate with you too
Jinma would cook for you when he could and it would usually be pretty good.
Dope would take your pregnancy very seriously.
I think if you ever went out on your own he would have one of the other lions watch you just to be sure you're safe.
I think would he'd also not want you doing a lot of work and try to convince you to take some time off.
An amazing cook who would always make something for you when you ask.
Will want you to take time off for you and the baby to come.
Like Sabu he'll definitely clean a lot but I also think he would try to get flowers for you every once and a while.
I think he'd also take as much time off of work as he can for you.
If you guys are ever just sitting together he'll rest his hand on your baby bump.
He would definitely cook every day and it would tast exceptional. You can't tell me this man doesn't have amazing cooking skills.
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torokichi402 · 6 months ago
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imacookie212 · 3 months ago
Can I request how the shishigumi with a gender neutral S/O who rolls around a lot in their sleep? Maybe they even fall of the bed? I though it would be funny, thanks! <3
Gender Neutral S/O that moves around a lot in their sleep 
Chief Lion
Although he probably wouldn’t mind you moving around in bed If you ever fall off, he’s gonna start holding you tighter so that you won't hurt yourself 
Pimp Response: Buy a bigger bed, clearly you need the space to move around without the danger of you falling off 
He’d start investing in ways to get you to relax throughout the night, so going to spas, tiring you out more on your outings, and talking with you to make sure nothing else is going on. 
This worry-wart wouldn’t let you fall off the bed in the first place, even in his sleep, his instincts as a protector kick in, so he keeps a secure arm draped over you
He’d start asking you questions in the morning to make sure you’re not having nightmares or if something is on your mind that’s keeping you turning. You’re going to start sleeping on his chest more often so he makes sure though. 
He’d consider getting baby gates at some point if you’re constantly on the edge of falling off; he just doesn’t want you to get hurt! 
If you fall off the bed, Free won’t let you live it down, “Was the floor comfy? Should I join you next time?” He’s only joking, of course, he will pull you back up and wrap you up in his arms to prevent it from happening again
He’s probably the same as you, or worse, in terms of moving around in bed, so both of you guys are basically fighting while asleep for bed space 
If one day you fall off and he’s too tired, he might just join you on the floor to sleep (bringing everything on the bed with him). Be aware, he’s gonna try to convince you to get freaky on the floor in the morning. 
He’s patient with you, a lot of the time he’ll reposition himself to avoid being elbowed or kicked. But if your shuffling seems more restless, he’ll wake you up to make sure you’re okay and do his best to comfort you before going back to bed.
Like Ibuki, he might place pillows on the edges of the bed to act as barriers, just in case your movements get a little wild
He’ll tease if you fall off the bed, but he’d carry you princess-style off the floor and back onto the bed, with him holding you close to his chest 
This man will cling to you like a koala to stop your movement, joking that it’s for your safety “There, problem solved. No more rolling away from me”
 He’ll tease you about falling off the bed, but he’s also just as guilty about moving around, maybe worse than Free. He’s for sure fallen off the bed more times than you and broken more things because of his size. 
Since you both are impaired in the sleeping department, he’s gonna suggest making forts on the floor for some date nights. You guys would just play games, have snacks, and cuddle without the risk of falling off the bed. Fort’s destroyed 45 minutes into yall sleeping though.  
This guy won’t notice, he sleeps like a ROCK, and he will not be moved or woken up by your movements. The workouts, the jobs, the errands are keeping him nice and dead for the next 9 hours. 
 Wakes up really confused to find you on the floor, but easily picks you up to place you on the bed. THEN he sees how much you move if you stay asleep after he gets you back on the bed “Where are you headed in your dreams?” 
All he really has to do is rest an arm on you to keep you grounded, he doesn’t mind your movements and finds it pretty amusing when you basically fight his big ol’ arm to move around. 
Takes advantage of his skinny self and drapes himself onto you to keep you from moving around as much. Reassure him that it isn’t him that’s making you restless and moving away from him.
 You’re cooked if you fall off the bed, he might catch you as you fall, so you’re gonna be jolted awake by your body being yanked up to stop you from colliding with the floor. 
If he doesn’t catch you and sees you’re still asleep from the fall (poor man doesn’t wanna throw his back out), he’ll toss a blanket on your body. He’ll take you out somewhere nice on his bike to make up for it. 
He immediately starts asking around a market for remedies, catch him taking notes from older animal ladies who put their kids into REM sleep in 30 minutes. He’s just worried you’re not getting enough sleep or good sleep. 
If he wakes up mid-shuffle, he’ll mutter something cryptic like, “The stars move too, you know,” before going back to sleep. Neither you nor him remember this though. 
He’ll start using your falling as an excuse to keep you close to him, it’s for your own good. He definitely didn’t spray a melatonin cologne he got from one of the grandmas he talked to. 
I feel like Dope is also a deep sleeper, your movements are barely registered and if he does wake up, he shrugs it off with a sleepy grin. He’s too tired, he might just peek over to make sure you're okay though 
He’ll ask Jinma for any black market remedies he knows of though, he just wants to rule out any nightmares or bad sleeping habits of yours. He accepts fate if there really isn’t anything wrong.
If he fails at waking up to pick you up from the floor, he’ll jokingly build a pillow wall between the two of you “Out of sight, out of mind” He doesn’t like waking up to see you're not in the bed, he’d rather not see at all 
I think he’d be the most “bothered” out of all the lions since he’s the lighter sleeper, he’s gonna wake up if you're shuffling around a lot 
If you fall off the bed, bro won’t notice, he’s too sleep-deprived to bother starting the process of falling asleep all over again. Unless you fall off the bed violently, he’s not getting up to check, and yes, he will make it up to you in the morning 
He’d use your shuffling as an excuse to hold you closer when you two get into bed, it helps him sleep better and you won’t bust your face + cuddles from your super hot man
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gr3ml1ngu7z · 21 days ago
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Wanted to re-draw one of my favourite manga panels with my design of Louis🤞also added in some fun doodles of a few of the others💪💪(under the cut is a non-shaded ver bc I think I made the shaded one look too cold😭)
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angelicheaven12 · 3 months ago
Welp shishigumi is filled with precious boys especially I love mostly Agata and ibuki one because it really adorable and hilarious😭🤣
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What's the dumbest thing each of the Shishigumi has done
This is such a fun and cute thing to imagine
Miguel:  He tried to show off by doing some pull ups on a tree branch that was very obviously too thin for him but he was drunk and couldn’t think straight. He did one pull up and right as he was pulling himself up, the branch broke and he fell on the ground in front of everyone. The thud was really loud and everyone felt it. Everytime they pass by a tree branch now, they always tease him.
Agata: Tried downloading a game for free on the Shishigumi laptop/PC and got a really bad virus on it.  Dope lectured him for the longest time because a lot of important information was saved on there but the virus made the computer completely mess up.  Now, Dope just buys him any games he wants.
Free: Similar to Agata, he fell for another online trap: this time those “These busty babes are in your area and they wanna fuck!” He thinks it’s actually people on the other side but it’s just bots.  He ends up sending them a dick pic and it almost gets used as blackmail but Dope, again, comes to the rescue and tracks the person down and deals with them.
Dolph: He tries using some makeup to cover his scar but ends up using a color completely different than his fur.  He thinks it looks fine but his scar is still visible, now it’s just a darker color than his regular fur.  He gets a lot of looks and he thinks it’s because they’re surprised about his scar being gone... Hino tells him and then Dolph washes his face off and never touches makeup again
Ibuki: He saw a kid in the BAM who was crying and tried to cheer them up.  He suddenly forgot he was a member of the shishigumi and when the parent of the kid saw this giant lion with their kid, they went kind of crazy and brought a bunch of attention over to them. The other gangs took it as an opportunity to fight cus they thought he was picking on a kid.
Sabu:  When he was younger, he was really into piercings (he still is tbh) and tried to do one by himself... but he had no idea how to care for it or even how to properly pierce it.  As a result... it became very badly infected and it was how he got one of his first scars on his face. 
Jinma: Goes exploring in the BAM and ends up somewhere he isnt familiar with and ends up being cornered by a rival gang.  He has no way of contacting the shishigumi so they dont come for him because they just think he’s out exploring.  The rival gang just gives him up because they waited so long and no one came after him so they thought they just picked up some random lion 
Hino: Hino tried to DIY some mane care things, only to make something that completely messed his mane up.  He woke up the next morning looking like someone rubbed his head with balloons.  He had to keep his hair in braids like Miguel until his hair got better.
Dope: It isn’t a one time thing but he constantly messes up with telling servers “thanks you too” when they say “Enjoy your food!”. He makes it more awkward by trying to correct himself. For someone who’s good with words, he messes up a lot when it’s casual conversation.  
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blastymcsplodo · 11 months ago
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pandadrake · 10 months ago
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I said that designing a werewolf AU Miguel would be easy and I was right.
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beautifulstarsbeastars · 1 year ago
Beastars Characters and their Unpopular Opinions: Shishigumi Addition!
Ibuki: Some people really shouldn’t have kids.
Free: Nobody cares about your relationship status unless you’re cheating on your current partner.
Dolph: Not everyone is going to like you and that’s ok because you don’t have to like them either.
Sabu: Meat tastes better when it came from your enemy.
Miguel: Tv shows and movies will never be as good as the books they’re based on.
Dope: Disney is officially a toilet we flush money down for the sake of nostalgia and getting shitty remakes in return. Pun intended!
Agata: Romance and intimacy are not the same thing.
Hino: Dyed or colored hair is much cooler than regular hair.
Jinma: Men can be ‘loose’ and ‘slutty’ too and usually more often than women are but no one wants to admit it.
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xj-frost · 2 years ago
Happy International Lion's Day 2023
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fhgfdbmbayi · 2 months ago
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas boss !!!
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arseanlupin · 1 year ago
How would the Shishigumi react to meeting thier significant others family for the holidays? Well might as well write a headcanon about it! ( I also included Louis) Enjoy!
Meeting your family for the holidays
Just thinking about meeting your family makes him nervous.
He'll probably bring a gift for your parents as to make a good first impression.
Hell definitely dress nicely for the occasion and will clip his nails as short as possible.
When you get their he's very tense and nervous and trys to hide it.
Once he starts talking with your family he becomes much more calm and happy.
You're family will be all over him and ask many questions that you might have to help Ibuki with.
You might have to remind him of everyone's names and who people are too.
He's very nervous, and trys his hardest to avoid going entirely.
Hell try making excuses like, "I'm not feeling great babe" or "I've got a work thing tonight".
Once you convince him to go he'll try to dress nicely but you might have to help him out a bit.
When you arrive Free's much more nervous than before but your family will be very welcoming of him.
He'll be very talkative and your family will love him almost as much as you do.
He quickly becomes the star of the show.
He isn't nervous about meeting your family but he definitely is thinking about it a lot.
He doesn't want to mess this up because your so important to him.
He'll probably bring a bottle of wine for the dinner (preferably red wine).
Some of his family may ask about his scar wh ih can make him feel a bit self conscious.
You might have to help him deflect there questions.
He's nervous with out a doubt and has a hard time hiding it from you.
He'll over think a lot so you'll definitely have to reassure him He'll be okay.
Once you get their he's still very nervous and when he starts talking to your family he's still a bit nervous.
You might have to do a little more talking for him than when your family asks questions.
He tries to not stress himself or you out when getting ready to meet your family by not thinking about it too much.
Like most lions he prides himself on his mane and makes it very nice for the dinner
When you get their Miguel introduces himself to everyone.
The more he talks to your family the more he gets nervous but is very good at hiding it.
During th dinner he might be shaking his foot due to his nerves.
You might have to take him out for a bit of a break here and there.
He's quite nervous about meeting g your family mainly due to his bandana.
He tries his best to remember everyone's names before getting to your family's place.
When you do arrive you Sabu tries to talk a lot with your family to get to know them.
He does get a few questions from your family about his bandana to which he tries his best to avoid.
If your family member is a bit pushy about the bandana you might have to step in.
He's more excited than nervous when thinking about meeting your family.
He decides to bring gifts for your family as to show that he cares about this very much.
He doesn't really have any reason to be nervous.
When you get their Jinma tries to at least talk to everyone their once or twice.
He also helps set up the table.
He tries to keep his feelings of nervousness under control and is pretty successful.
He does talk to you about these feelings and confronts them head on with you.
When you arrive at your family's place Dope tries to help your family with the dinner
Whether its cooking, cleaning, setting up the table, he would help with anything.
Like Sabu He does get a lot of questions about his scar but is able to easily deflect them.
Unlike most of the Shishigumi hes not nervous at all.
He makes himself as presentable as possible which doesn't take him very long due to his already great looks.
When you get their your family will be astonished by his looks.
Because he uses his social skills so much for work your family will love him instantly.
Your family will definitely want to take as many photos of him as they can.
They'll definitely compare Hinos looks to celebritys.
He be a bit nervous but he'll be able to deal with it much better than others.
Like Ibuki he'll bring a gift for your family and expect it to be quite fancy.
Because of his well known status your family will be all over him and ask many questions.
He'll be very polite and courteous when talking with your family.
He'll really enjoy meeting your family and even tell you so.
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