#Might do a longer version of this. Kinda working on one atm
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avocado-writing · 27 days ago
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OKAY I’M SORRY! I HAVEN’T HAD ANY REQUESTS (I’m still open for them hehe) have a lil greaseball x reader
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you’re too fast, and he doesn’t like it.
he’s meant to be the undisputed champion around here. getting to blink-and-you’ll-miss-him speeds, easy as pie. turning heads, breaking hearts - all in a day’s work for Greaseball.
and then… you swanned in.
new, shiny, diesel printed up your leg. attracting a crowd. he usually doesn’t take much notice of the nationals unless they’re eating his dust but there was something magnetic about you. when you were totally unswayed by his charm he’d been incensed, challenging you to a race on the spot. everyone else had gasped. you’d just shrugged and said ‘sure’.
his engine hot at the start line, you’d just revved up like it was no big deal, like it was any other day, not one where you were racing a celebrity. he’d been furious, anger simmering under his skin, his metal plating so hot it would have burned to touch.
and it had been a tie!
too close to call, they all said. photo finish but nobody had a camera. he’d demanded a rematch and you said no, as if saying no to Greaseball was a thing you could do.
and as you rolled away he’d just stared at you in… anger, right? it was anger? that heat under his collar couldn’t have been anything else, after all.
you’re too fast, and he doesn’t like it.
but secretly, maybe, he does.
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sarkywoman · 4 years ago
Writing Asks
Tagged by @under-the-shady-tree, thanks!
20 questions, writer’s edition, let’s go!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 85
What’s your total AO3 word count? 712708
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Oof, uh... since like, 1999? Um, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Andromeda, Supernatural, Heroes, NCIS, DC, Marvel, The Umbrella Academy, Kingsmen, ASoIaF/Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Community, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, Misfits, I think I’ve forgotten some...
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Noble Blood (Game of Thrones, ASoIaF - GRRM)  A Song of Bastards and Wards (ASoIaF - GRRM, Game of Thrones)  Young God (Borderlands)  Story and Sorcery (Loki: Agent of Asgard, Marvel)  My Shame is True (The Umbrella Academy (TV))
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to! Comments are so important in the fanfic community and I know how hard it is to think of something to say about a story, even when you’ve loved it to bits, so I don’t want people to feel ignored. Especially because I appreciate comments so, so much! I will say though, I have lapses, often when my mental health isn’t good, where I simply don’t know how to respond to people and then months go by and I feel weird about replying... so sorry if you’ve ever commented on one of my stories and got silence - it was me not you!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? The Aimless One (Misfits (TV 2009)) Straight up the saddest story I’ve written, no question. Normally writing sad stuff doesn’t make me sad but I had to take a break in the middle of this to just try and grapple with the idea I’d had because it tapped into a lot of depressing thoughts I have about life and death in general. The comments were all complimentary but so upset that at first I was like ‘hooray, it had the desired impact’, then after a while I started to think ‘why did I want to hurt people like this?’
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably  Realising All You Ever Wanted, a Hobbs/Dirk fic for the Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency fandom. There’s such minor conflict in that one that the sugary sweet ending isn’t out of place. 
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Well. I have some fandoms that are sort of crossovers already, things like Marvel where you have comic versions and movie versions and it doesn’t really feel like a crossover to be picking and choosing. Same with a Dirk Gently/Thor fic I did, because Thor cameos in the DG canon, but not this Thor. I think the most ambitious crossover I’ve worked on was a collaborative chatfic with @freshgratednutmeg that we’re never likely to post, where the need for more background characters in an Umbrella Academy A/o fic led to it being crossed over with Marvel and Brooklyn 99. (Leading to such amusements as Diego sparring with Rosa, and Five competing with Shuri in class.)
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yeah, but it’s never been very well-reasoned so it’s been fairly easy to dismiss. Some people expect everyone to share their own perspective of the characters and it’s weird.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Not really. I can go there and have done on occasion, but it doesn’t interest me very much. I think I did it more when I was younger because I felt like it was a necessary aspect of grown-up fanfic writing (when I started I was a teenager amongst mostly adults... or other people lying about their age too lol). These days I’m more likely to fade to black or allude to the acts. But I’m not averse to writing it or anything, but it’s never the focus of my story.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Only in the sense that I see them on other sites I didn’t upload to, sometimes in other languages, sometimes not. They normally say my name somewhere on them so they’re not stolen as such, but it’s still uncomfortable to see my work circulated to other sites without my permission.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not with my permission, but yeah. I don’t know how to feel about translations. Obviously I want people of other languages to be able to read my work, but at the same time I’m not fluent enough to be able to check the translator’s work, so I won’t know if they’ve done any better than google. Word choice is pretty important in fiction. A bad translation can totally warp a text.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not for posting or sharing, but me and @freshgratednutmeg cowrite all the time.
What’s your all time favorite ship? All time?! That’s impossible to answer. I’m a multi-shipper for starters, in pretty much every fandom I’ve been in. When I find a ship I love, I love it intensely above all others for the duration of the fixation. Then eventually it gets set aside when I find a new fandom. I’m also indecisive enough to not really have an all-time favourite anything. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? A Song of Bastards and Wards (ASoIaF - GRRM, Game of Thrones). I can’t begin to describe the pages of notes I have for this beast. Unless I threw them out, which... scanning my room... is a distinct possibility. Ouch. I’d hoped to parallel the books for a long time with this one, but the amount of work for a project like that is too much when you’re no longer as passionate about the source fandom. I suspect what I might do is scenes with interconnecting notes, just so people get some sense of closure.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, baybee! Kinda makes me want to be a scriptwriter. People are always telling me that the characters ‘sound like’ them. I think it’s from reading voraciously from when I was young and being quite a social child, that moving speech patterns and quirks into writing is something that comes very naturally to me. Too natural, in fact, because IRL I write how I speak and that’s not always suited to the situation.
What are your writing weaknesses? Most things other than dialogue. Even thought processes are an internal dialogue, so they’re okay, but then like... a fight scene? A sex scene? Just even... what are their hands doing while they’re talking? How are these people physically present? Where are they? Are they inside, outside, is the building on fire? My descriptive skills are lacking, to say the least. It’s something I’m working on.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’m not quite sure what’s meant by this. I’m not fluent in anything other than English so I don’t see that would work well for me. I know a few phrases in German/French/Welsh/Latin/Spanish but nothing useful for conversation. Dropping in words can work, if it’s the same way the speaker would use them amidst their English. Most of the time the characters I’m writing wouldn’t be speaking in another language anyway. We can blame the tag-team of English colonialism and American media for that one I think. I think that sometimes authors utilise a character’s language in a way that just exposes how little the author actually knows of the language and that’s a bit cringe for me.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer. None of those are online atm because they’re so so bad XD I should post them just so people can see improvement but... I can’t even read them, they’re hilarious. The most gratuitous self-inserts, the most ludicrous arguments, the most out-of-character romantic declarations.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, that’s a quandary. I think I’ll differentiate between favourite to write, and favourite end product. Favourite to write was probably  Noble Blood (Game of Thrones, ASoIaF - GRRM) because it was just a romp through my favourite themes. Given it’s one of my most popular stories, I’d say that just proves you should write what you want! I was going to quickly say  Young God (Borderlands) is my favourite fic for quality of the finished product, because I pretty much just sat down one evening and spilled it into a word doc then reread it back and thought ‘huh, did I write that? Awesome’. But I’m happy with a couple of more recent things I’ve done for The Umbrella Academy fandom, notably  The Price of Parenthood, which is very different to what I usually write and is a look at the life of one of the mothers who gave up her child to Reginald. Also The Water Calls, which was the only thing I managed to write for the recent MerMay event. It took me a little while to puzzle out how it all fit together, then once I had it worked out it came together wonderfully and I was very happy with the tone of it. 
Tagging anyone who fancies doing it.
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magicflowershop · 5 years ago
one day kitty; Kita version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
kita was having a good time by himself in his grandmother’s rice fields, feeling the breeze like the precious farm boi he is,,, when he saw a cat sleeping on a wet patch in the middle of the field
gathering concern for the little cat, he brought him home and decided to clean it up 
then you woke up
you felt something scrubbing your back when you open your eyes you see a guy aiming a hose at you 
you scream bc obv, but that scream translated into a screech leaving your mouth and you see your hand
homie that was a paw
why do u have a paw?????
"stay still, you might hurt yourself”
and why is there a Kita Shinsuke spraying water at you lmao
you see that he’s kinda annoyed that you’re moving so much while he’s trying to clean you up but at the same time you arent sure since he isnt easy to read and that don’t know him too well rip so you let yourself be cleaned for free ig
but yo what the hell??? so you’re a cat now????
you try to remember what happened before all this and how in the world you suddenly turned into a cat and magically wake up in Kita’s place 
you dont know the exact location of his place so you have no idea how to get back home from here
Kita pulled the cat closer to him, and wiping the wet fur with a towel as generously as he could that the cat soon found comfort from his gentle caresses
okay maybe you could stay for a while yk huehue
“you’re having fun”
you hear a familiar voice from a mile away, you look back and see a fat, creepy cat standing on two of its hind feet
o wait
you saw that cat last night when you were watching the shooting star outside,,, you thought it’d be cute if you suddenly wished for something so you did then that thing appeared outta nowhere promising you that he can make your wish come true than compared to a stupid star
so he forced the wish outta you
that you wished to be closer to a guy you admired,, and you had a lot of crushes in your school ykyk,,, just that Kita takes the entire cake
“you have until midnight to remain as a cat. be sure to leisurely fulfill your desires, y/n.”
and so he vanished
while knowing full well you’re basically Cinderella now, you take consideration of your leisure time with Kita-sama
do you stay or do you go home first to check on your household
“oh what do we have here?”
Kita’s grandma entered the scene and you think that okay maybe this development is a little too quick since you weren’t ready to face his relatives yet
“i found this cat in the fields. it looked like it could get sick so i cleaned it”
o yea you were a damn cat
also Kita calls you freakin “it”
pennywise who
you chose to stay in Kita’s place bc grandma thought it’d be lovely to let you stay there for a while,, and that you looked like you were starving when you saw the food on the table
thank goodness you were a cat bc jesus were you actually drooling
so you spent time in Kita’s place big deal
but his place isn’t what you’re aimed for no?
“i’m leaving”
Kita says putting on his shoes, ready to leave and he’s wearing casual clothes,, you don’t think he’s going to school for volleyball practice
IS HE GOING ON A DATE????????????
as if thats actually true cmon Kita doesn’t even hang out with girls that much,,, even though he prolly has a bunch of admirers like the other Inarizaki Vball bois
but what if he swang that wae?
so you followed him right?
you wanted to find out where he’s headed also that he looked good in casual clothes you just want to keep looking at him like this 
Kita went to the grocery store
and apparently he was buying ingredients to make food
so you begin to think that you were foolish for lowkey gate-keeping him
like sis cmon you’re a cat rn keep your head in the game,, what do you do with those paws of yours that cant even grab his hand and pull him away when he was about to bump into a girl as he was about to grab a bottle of tomato paste
heck you cant even get inside the damn grocery store and walk in between them cause you’re a fcking cat!!!!!!!!
you watch their mouths say sorries to each other
the girl was blushing
Kita looked worried that he couldve hurt her since the hag was coverin her face
nani k
n̸̢̪̜͚͑́̾́̑̋ á̴̠̜̳͖̼̃͗̚͘͠ͅ n̵̼͙͇̻̹̓͜͜ i̷̥̲̻̪͈̞̙̩͛̾̅̓͝͝͠ ̶̨̡̜̞̟͆̿̈́͜ḵ̶̂̓̀̚ o̶͎͛̋̋̊͋̊̅̈̅ͅ r̶͙̮̱͊̎͠ ę̷̺̪͎͈̗̖̯̣͍͒͊̒͆͂̈́͛́̒̃
you started tapping the glass windows like mad SKSKD
and ofc since you’re a stray animal ppl wont let u get away with absolutely anything so one personnel saw you tapping the windows and shouted at you from inside the store
Kita and the hag saw you and yea that was enough embarrassment for the day, you ran away and let your feet take you wherever 
its a bit boring that since its a weekend there’s nothing to do,, you never expected that Kita’s weekends would be this boring too :(
so the creepy cat appeared
“what’s wrong you dont seem to be enjoying yourself anymore”
“turn me back to human i need to finish my homework”
maybe thats not the most liable excuse you have but it is true that you need to finish an assignment
“but i gave you a chance to be with the person you admire, no? is this not enough?”
“yea well its-”
“here you are”
you feel someone pick you up and you see that it was Kita:0he must’ve looked for you since you dont even know where you are
oh my god Kita Shinsuke looked for you ma’am eye- or mayhaps you took the route back to his house without knowing since you were busy staring at him when you were stalking him earlier ye
you watched how he looked at the creepy cat you were talking to and and judged it from head to hind feet lmao Kita
“do you have the same owner as this cat?”
he asked you and you gave out every ounce of your energy to shake your head as a no as well as to let out the most disgusted and disapproval meow you ever could-
“the hell would i want to be acquainted with that thing!”
no way did u just speak
so Kita stared at you for the remainder of the time but decided you speaking isnt physically possible and that he could’ve been real tired since he saw the Miya twins along the way
he took you back home since his grandma seemed to be real happy seeing a little animal in the house with them
but you didnt miss to see the little knowing smile from the creepy cat from earlier, you just knew from that alone that he was messing with you since as you said you were bored 
it was wrong of you to talk to that lil disgusting thing
since that moment you refused to speak with your mouth every again, if you were going to speak thought you would probably just purposely say meow only to not make anymore mistakes
also you’re spending a lot of time with Kita’s grandma than Kita himself
“i wonder what your future spouse is doing at this moment, Shin-kun”
Kita looked like he wanted to roll his eyes so bad lmao since he always hears things about his grandma wanting to see his wedding before she dies :c
and yk it makes you sad too just hearing about this
and you want to help 😔
and you would offer help 😌
they heard the cat speak and now you’re running away bc they heard you talk about wanting to marry Shinsuke 🤡
the day ended and you managed to go home before the sun set basically nothing happened and your transformation was all for nuttin, you were bamboozled by a demon cat you randomly saw one night
the next day you were back to your human self and it was a school day so ofc you have to live on normally in school as if nothing happened, as if you didnt just stalk a guy from your school but we’ll get to that
see, you’re friends are friends with a few of the guys from your school’s volleyball team,,, so you’re within vicinity of Kita’s attention 
when you explicitly did not want to see him atm
you decided to run away but you realize that’s useless bc you’re all going home together :D
now you weren’t the crowds type of person,, you had no idea how it come to this, you’re used to hanging out with your girlfriends yes but they were having fun altogether like this it was fun just watching them goof off and whatnot
when i told you you’re almost dropped the second you hear Kita calling to you, you best believe
you said hey but in a different tone of voice bc it was too early for him to notice you had the same voice as the cat he saw yesterday,,, then you both walked in silence
you couldnt take it anymore and decided to go to the nearest convenience store since you had something you want to buy,, you went and whispered this to your friends but when they were asking you to let your voice out, you were deadass croaking
but then you clown yourself sum more bc Kita was concerned of you acting like this and asked if you were alright
now you’re stuck with him in the convenience store bc your friends and his friends thought it’d be a great idea for him to go with you :D
“you should eat something warm before going to sleep, and take a warm bath too”
okay now you feel bad for actually making him worry lol
your alibi of getting sick works really well with not speaking at all around him so you used this till the end thinking you can escape him with this until it rained and you dont have an umbrella with you
aight y/n you’re one hell of a clutz
Kita was enough of a gentleman to buy an umbrella for you until its actually out of stock
you guys stayed in the convenience store for the time being
you were losing your mind
how much longer will you stay with him
you thought of an alibi to save you from the embarrassment so you told him you gotta jet and go back to school bc you forgot to bring your notebook with you 
but now you realize you realize you didnt have to tell him bc he’ll still follow you as if his life depends on taking care of you :(
after you randomly stormed out of the convenience store, he caught up to you and pulled you somewhere where there’s a roof over
“are you usually this reckless? or do you just like getting yourself sick?”
homie does not hold back
he pulled a spare shirt from his back and put it on your head,, proceeding to wipe your wet hair with it until he realized he’s subconsciously invading your personal space
he looked right at you, so you two were standing there,,, staring,, his hands on both sides of your head,,,,, both of y’all are wet hunni
he let go and turned the other way,,, the darkness wasnt dark enough to conceal his red cheeks and hunni you made him blush aight
“you reminded me of a cat i saw yesterday im sorry about that”
“you dont have to apologize”
o sis you did it now
you s p o k e
so Kita was beyond surprised to hear that voice again,,,, and this time from yOU,, ALL NORMAL,, NO FROGS
“i, i can explain”
he looked at you confused, hell was he so confused, that you sounded exactly like the voice he randomly heard yesterday which made him think that came from the cat,, he didnt think that was physically possible bc yk but the embarrassment from your face was enough for him to guess
“did you really say you’re willing to marry me”
“i mean,,, i don’t mind”
“grandma would be glad”
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stay tuned for more!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years ago
this is an outta nowhere question but what are your thoughts on Joker in Smash about a year since he was added? I've heard some folks say the reason the Persona fandom got so toxic is bc Smash got involved and I wanted to know what you thought since you've been in it way longer than P5 and Joker in Smash
Short answer: Yes AND No. 
Long answer (it’s me of course it’s gonna be under the cut due to length 8U):
I’mma be honest, there’s always toxic fans. I know Smash Fans (and Nintendo fans in general) haven’t exactly been peaches, esp when it comes to Twitter (which I think is also an issue atm). But there were toxic fans before than and there’ll be toxic fans later. It’s just life tbh. (dunno where to put this but I’ll put it here: Twitter nowadays is like 2012-2015ish Tumblr, different being Tumblr was a bit more hiveminded and if you disagreed with a popular fandom opinion you.....were kinda bullied let’s be honest so no one could really say their opinions. While Twitter now it’s not a hivemind but instead two sided extremist that you need to choose. Both toxic and similar but just a taaaaad bit different, I’d probs take the two extremist sides over the hivemind if I had to chose tho...even tho Tumblr had better content during that era than Twitter right now imo but that’s in general and not Persona only. 8U Tumblr’s REALLY calmed down since the porn ban I’m not gonna lie, and ironically that’s roughly around the time that Twitter started getting shitty. So like....kinda saying there’s a correlation, I think a lot of toxic tumblr people probably migrated to twitter, and while there’s toxic fans everywhere it feels like a lot gather on Twitter so it really highlights the fandom there sadly). 
From my experience (which is from P4 PS2 era onward, I missed the pre-P4 P3 PS2 era stuff but apparently there were waifu wars which from what I’ve found I probs would’ve just classified as “shipping war” stuff rather than waifu wars....and it seemed liked standard shipping war stuff from back then), the bigger a fandom grows the more fans it obviously attracts, but that also means more toxic fans too. And that’s why I say yes and no for the smash community, yes because they did attract more fans (and their community seems to be a bit toxic atm, like I get expressing your wants to a company and I support that! but the INSTANT you don’t get a specific character announced for the fighter pass and instead of just being like “oh golly darn :(” but instead “***** this place ***** Nintendo you all suck ****** *slur* *slur*” yeah no that’s a little....you gotta take a step back buddy, so yeah I’m sure there’s a bit more toxic fans in that fandom atm but they are also a BIG ASS FANDOM so I’m not surprised), but it’s also just the cause and effect of the fandom getting bigger in general.
It happened when P4 got it’s anime (btw anime fans ya still valid and are a Persona fan, just keep in mind if you wanna talk lore just know you did watch a very abridged version of the game so be aware you might have somethings wrong cause of that.....cause I’ve seen it happen.....DX btw let’s play watchers are also real Persona fans and I’d say even people who just like Joker in Smash are at least Joker fans and that’s ok too enough gate keeping guys DX), it happened when we started getting spinoffs, kinda with the P3 movies (only really cause FeMC fans were salty or P3 fans upset what was cut/changed, but it wasn’t on any toxic level tbh just normal complaints, I think the fact it was a movie instead of an anime bypassed newer fans than with P4/5 animes), it happened when P5 solidified it into the mainstream gaming market (I’ll stand by P4 helped break Persona into it via all the other avenues of mainstream, with P5 finally latching the main series into mainstream games.....I say mainstream cause spinoffs are looking the same as pre mainstream which.....>.> *shrugs* could be better imo), it happened with P5′s anime, and it happened with Smash Bros. And tbh I’m sure it happened or will happen with the Steam community (and Switch/Xbox if it ever goes there too) and P4G (P4 fans go through the same cycle of BS constantly, most of which I believe originated with the anime generation, that it’s hard to tell if there was an uptick or not). And it’ll probs get an uptick again with P6, and then P6′s anime. And maybe manga cause maybe P6 fans like the P5 fans and won’t listen when people say “don’t get attached to the manga name it’s probs not gonna be used so hold off till the anime” but hey let’s have drama for no reason cause we need it. 8U (obvie you can still like the manga name, it’s more for people complaining about name changes or not getting why Atlus just didn’t keep the manga name even tho an explanation is probs within arm’s reach and they were warned beforehand)
*sighs* Sorry back on topic, each time the fandom grows so will toxic fans. Tbh I feel like the phrase “toxic fans” are thrown around a lot. And it’s esp used for only....”haters” it feels like and I don’t think that’s right (cause it can be fans too), it just feels like ANY negativity (even constructive and kept reigned in by certain users) is viewed as that. Like take me, I’m sure I’m probs labeled as a “toxic fan” due to be being a Megaten/Persona fan but disliking P5 and talking shit/calling it out. But I try my damnedest to do that in the appropriate places (ie my personal blog, maybe a confessions place, or a thread/board that’s expressing negatives only OR it’s explaining/expressing pros and cons type of stuff, I find that to be the best because it keeps people who want to vent away from people who want to gush so no war happens, not saying I am perfect or you HAVE to follow this or you are toxic, it’s what I decided to ascribe to and find it works well and good enough and it gives me a better fandom experience). Aka, I don’t go on twitter to someone’s fanart of Yukari or Makoto and trash the character because I’m not a freaking asshole (or in this case a ~toxic fan~). But this also applies to the “fans” as well who will talk about something they like (character/game) but the ONLY  way they can raise it up is by tearing down something else (other character/game), it’s really rude and also toxic as well. Negativity is not inherently bad all the time, and Positivity is not inherently good all the time (with positivity it’s more of giving yourself a break from it rather than saying something positive can be bad at times, tho I’m sure there are times that-that has happened but it’s 2:30 am and I don’t want to think of an example for that). It’s how it’s used/expressed. I see the Twitter community trying to combat the “negativity” by trying to only spread “positivity” and I’m afraid 1) any negative expression, even constructive, will be scorned (I guess I’m afraid of us going back to a hivemind mentality again), but most importantly 2) the people trying to head it are going to be burned out and it’ll hurt them mentally (I do not want it to happen obvie, but I know personally it can wear you down which is why I’m concerned). Don’t get me wrong I love what they are doing/trying to do, but I think we’re generalizing the word “negativity” and “positivity” a bit too much and it’s just raising a few red flags for me (I’m just hoping I’m being paranoid/overanalyzing in this case). 
Uhhh there was one last thing I wanted to address.....Oh yeah gate keeping. I know you asked about Smash but this stuff is kinda related and hey think of it as a history lesson for the Persona fandom (or at least Nusona cause I didn’t have a game system in the 90s ;_; plus wee little me wouldn’t have been able to find P1/2 fandoms back then due to me not really using the internet like I do nowadays till around P3 was probs released). Plus you know how long winded I am so this is kinda what you sign up for, 3 am ramblings of overexplaining~! But gdi I will try to cover all the bases and get my point across in....some fashion. 8U
But yeah, Gatekeeping in relation to the Smash fans, cause I see Persona fans shit on new fans that got into Persona through Smash (I know above I said Joker fans are valid Joker fans rather than Persona fans, but I’m assuming they’ve yet to play/watch Persona and are just aware of Joker and are a fan of him vs the fans who saw Joker and then watch/played the games to get into the fandom. One set is a fan of a character vs the other set got into a franchise because of said character. Like I wouldn’t say I’m a FE fan cause I liked Marth/Roy in SSBM, which is why I have that distinction myself BUT if you wanna call yourself a Persona fan that’s valid, you’re valid, it’s whatever, I don’t really care about the details that much, I just have two categories for convenience). Anyway I don’t think it’s fair to shit on them. Same as I don’t think it’s fair to shit on anime only or manga only fans. Or if they got into the fandom through Nusona (Oldsona is P1/2, Nusona is P3-5 atm). Or Oldsona. Or another Megaten game. 
Maybe it’s cause I came from P4, where it got shit on cause it wasn’t (”dark”) like P3, it wasn’t (”dark”) like Oldsona, it wasn’t “dark” like other Megaten games, it got shit on every way to Sunday for daring to try to have a more lightened mood at times (3 murders happen, we see 3 dead bodies, a 6 yo dies onscreen, we have characters going through intense existential crises, we deal with characters mourning through death as well as other relatable struggles, basically shows our teammates die one by one in the final boss, having a chance to hear Naoto’s death scream on the phone if you don’t stop Adachi, just the “you didn’t save the person” phone calls in general, talks about society’s toxic gender roles and how it can negatively effect a person both to an extreme extent and minor, god forbid they eat an animal cracker to lighten the mood, and this isn’t counting the dark shit that happens in the spinoffs). As if P1/2/3 don’t have comedy, or any other Megaten game, all the demons are freaking weird of course there is comedy. Oh and it also got shit on for going mainstream first, and not even counting that it got shit on for spinoffs (which P3 was included but no P3 gets a pass for some reason), and the fact that it was shit on for not being P5 (before and a little while after P5 came out) because it wasn’t “dark” like P5 (fdksjafajkfljafj P5 has it’s moments, esp with Shiho, tho P4D did it first and went through with it, but seriously each game has it’s own light and dark moments and one isn’t better than the other only cause they have more of one than the other). And....*sigh* let’s just say thank god that I was able to buy other Megaten games right before the flood gates of shit came in, cause I dunno if I would’ve wanted to give it a chance if I had to hear my fav game shit on constantly. I say I dunno cause tbh I was craving more after P4 so badly I still would’ve probs gotten into it regardless of the fandom, I wanted more from the franchise even if it wasn’t 100% like P4. 
But tbh I don’t blame P5 fans, anime fans, or Smash fans for maybe not wanting to get into the rest of the series. I get old fans of whatever feeling like they are...I dunno being invaded? By new people in the fandom. Or their afraid of new fans not fully understanding the franchise (hey guys that’s where you teach people instead of try to passive aggressively try to get them to leave the fandom I dunno maybe make posts to educate instead of trying to push away??? 030). And change is hard and yeah. And maybe you don’t like the new game (keep in mind there’s a diff between saying “*insert* Sux” and “I don’t like *insert* because...” one’s shitting on something and the other is constructive), but hey shitting on the game they like is probs not gonna win them over to your fav game sflkdjafkjafja Educate and be helpful, don’t gatekeep and drive people away. That’s a sure fire way for us to lose this franchise (remember we almost lost Atlus all together, but it was able to get a 2nd life thanks to P4 saving it....tbh probably wouldn’t have ever gotten P5 nor SMTV nor any spinoffs if not for P4′s success with its game and anime, this is both a history lesson and a word of warning since it already almost happened once). 
Tldr; Smash didn’t help but it’s really just the fact the fandom got bigger and bigger fandom means we also end up getting more toxic fans mixed in. Twitter now is basically 2012-2015!Tumblr (diff is Tumblr’s was a hivemind vs Twitter’s now extremist two sides only thing), and Tumblr’s porn ban probably migrated a lot of their toxic fans to Twitter which probs hasn’t helped any fandoms on there. Negativity in general isn’t an issue, it’s if you’re being an outright asshole where it’s an issue. Don’t be an asshole in general, if you need to vent then vent where you need to, if you wanna gush then gush were you need to and without bringing anyone/anything down obvie. You are a Persona fan, regardless of where/how you started. Don’t gatekeep for the love of god, or so help me Jack Frost will sneak into your house and smack you in the face with a snowball (and if he doesn’t then I will.....jk...half jk 8U). Also *sprinkles of (allusions to? I dunno I tried it’s 3 am and my 2nd try on answering this and the first one was just as long) Silly’s Persona fandom history lessons throughout the post*
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nightingaletrash · 5 years ago
Hi! I am rather new to modding Oblivion and I was wondering if there is any mods you would recommend for it? Or maybe just your mod list, if you are comfortable with sharing that? Your Oblivion characters always look so beautiful, especially Iriana. Anyway, I hope you having a wonderful day! :)
It’s ironic you ask Nonnie, considering I’m wrestling with Oblivion myself and failing atm XD
Still, I’m happy to drop some recommendations for mods I use and can usually get to cooperate with me ^-^
First off, you’ll want the Official Oblivion Patch, the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch, and the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches (if you have the GOTY edition). They fix a bunch of issues in the game, and some mods require them to be installed, so they’re a solid place to start.
The rest are under the cut because boy this got long o.o
Character Creation:
I cannot recommend Nuska’s Oblivion Character Overhaul enough. It’s an absolute must have for me as it deals with Oblivion’s potato faces beautifully. And, thanks to the hard work of other modders, it is possible to customise OCO further. I’ll list those in just a second. You’ll also need the Oblivion Script Extender and Blockhead to get it to work.
I also use the HGEC Female Body for my OCs - if you use that mod or any other body mods, there are some additional files provided by Nuska that make OCO compatible with them. They’re located in the optional files for OCO, and the description for those will tell you what order you need to install them in.
Now, my other OCO Mods that I recommend:
Orsimer Overhaul for OCOv2 - merges OCO and Orsimer Overhaul for a look I personally love for orc characters. It can be a little hit and miss with getting it to work on my end, so you’ll need to decide if you want to have a go at wrestling with it, but I personally think it’s worth a try
OCOv2 Martin and Adoring Fan Fix - I’m not a huge fan of OCO’s take on Martin, so I prefer this one even though it makes him look a bit too young imo
Unique Face Features for OCOv2 - Adds some warpaints, scars, freckles, and other kinds of face markings to the cc. iirc they’re tweaked with the age slider
Warpaint for OCOv2 - adds some more Skyrim warpaints 
Seamless for OCOv2 - removes the very visible neckseam on characters. Whether or not I can get this one to work is usually hit and miss for me ^^”
New Brows for OCOv2 - exactly what it says on the tin ;)
New Eyes for OCOv2 - new eye texture replacements, along with some optional files to customise them a little
Better Necks for OCOv2 - adds some detailing to the neck and throat of the character model. Not a requirement ofc, I’m just a sucker for detail
OCOv2 Male Beard - adds some actual beards to the cc
Hairstyle mods can vary in quality, and some only come available as wigs. I only use a couple myself. 
Sidenote, wigs tend to make your characters look like they have no ears so you’ll need a mod that adds equip-able ears - I’ll have one recommended further down.
ANiceOakTree’s Hairstyles for Oblivion is a mod that adds hairs as wigs. There’s a few styles in different colours, and it’s the one I use for Iriana. You create your character with whatever hair, it doesn’t matter, and then travel to either Vilverin, which is the Ayleid Ruin literally opposite the Sewer Exit after you finish the tutorial, or in the Cheydinhal Chapel near the doors.I usually tend to go to Vilverin, as it’s closer for me and the chest is literally down the stairs from the entrance, plus it counts as stealing from the chapel so I’d recommend the ruin if you’d rather not get in trouble for wanting nice hair.
Zinni_s Braided Redguard Expanded is good if you plan to play as a Redguard and would like a braided style. It’s added to the cc, so you don’t need to go looking for it ^^
Chakaru Wigs 2.0 is a bit trickier. You need to access the Testing Hall in order to find them, and I can’t remember exactly which room they’re in. They’re located in a chest directly opposite the door, however, so it narrows the search a little. If I get to the point where Oblivion is cooperating with me, I’ll add the location here.In order to access the Testing Hall, open the console and type ‘coc testing hall’ (if that doesn’t work try removing the space between testing and hall, I forget which is the correct way), and then in the centre of the main room, find the door labelled Hawkhaven, go through it, and fast travel to return to Cyrodiil.
I’ve not used the Cazy Hair Pack in some time now, but it’s still worth a mention. It adds some new hairs to the cc, so no looking around ruins and testing halls to find them ^^
Armour and Clothing
Ordinarily I would never download Apachii Goddess Store, but it is where I get Iriana’s ears. On the ground floor, there’s a container full of equip-able ears you can take free of charge, and iirc they match to your character’s skintone.
Belphe’s Travelling Gear (the female version) is another mod I wouldn’t usually use, but it looks surprisingly good on Iriana sooooo. There’s a few mods on this page you can try out if you’re interested, but I have no idea how to install the ones without esp files, so I can’t help you if you want any of those.
This is my favourite remodel of the Archmage Robes (I could do without the titty physics, but it’s very unnoticeable most of the time so it’s survivable). Because of the unfortunate physics aspect, it does require Coronerras Maxiumum Compatibility Skeleton, but otherwise it’s a brilliant remodel. However, the Archmage Robes present a problem with equip-able ears - as they take up an amulet slot and these robes don’t let amulets show, you will have missing ears with these robes. There’s another mod I use to fix this, which I’ll get to late.
Alternatively, there is a male replacer for the Archmage Robes that I like but (obviously) have never used if you’re making male characters
The Triss Armour Retexture is another great mod, and I personally like to use the Dark Brotherhood variant for my DBH characters as opposed to actual Shrouded Armour. They can be a pain to obtain as you need to fight your way through some bandits in Fort Cedrian, then locate the bag in the Mausoleum, but they are worth the trouble.
Assorted Protective Female Armours is another must imo as it fixes the ridiculous boobplates and some textures for some of the game’s heavy armours.
If you used the HGEC Body for female characters, then you’ll want to grab the Vanilla Amulets Fix for HGEC as it’ll fix how amulets fit on that body.
Spike4072s Female Sheogorath Regalia is a great mod if you’d rather keep the iconic Sheogorath look on a female character rather than have it swapped out for a dress.
Shrouded Armour Cowl is another great mod for DBH characters; I use it with the Dark Brotherhood Triss Armour, seeing as the hood doesn’t really mix with it.
Sinblood_SonjaArmourTweaked is another good female armour mod; it looks good, and is reasonably functionable.
Other Mods
Oblivion Reloaded is a fantastic mod; primarily it’s a graphics extender mod, and it really does make the world of Oblivion look amazing.
Alternative Start is a great mod, and it functions very much like its Skyrim counterpart. If you want to do the Main Quest but start elsewhere, after a certain number of days pass you’ll receive a message to meet someone in a set period of time at the Temple of the One. That will put you in the tutorial and set up the Main Quest. Word of warning, miss that meeting and I don’t think it’s possible to do the Main Quest at all so just be careful.
Oblivion XP is an absolute must if you struggle with Oblivion’s levelling system like I do. XP is awarded for defeating foes, discovering locations, completing quests, stealing things, etc. It’s installed with Oblivion Mod Manager, so make sure you grab that.
Kvatch Rebuilt is a pretty damn good mod which offers a questline to rebuild the city of Kvatch and give it a ruler. That ruler can even be the player, depending on some choices you make. The voice acting isn’t stellar, but it’s worth it to see Kvatch restored.It requires the Engine Bugs Fixes so make sure to grab that.Also, make sure you pick up Compatibility Patches for OCO to avoid too many weird faces around Kvatch and other places.
Reneers Guard Overhaul is also a pretty useful mod if the ever-charming behaviour of the Oblivion Guards gets a bit wearing. They’ll no longer chase you to the ends of Tamriel, and a crime committed in Cheydinhal won’t get you attacked in Leyawiin (kinda like how Skyrim manages crime).
No Anachronistic Main Quest Comments is good for immersion; you won’t have people saying how a city might not go the way of Kvatch after the Oblivion Crisis is over.
Now, the amulet issue with the Archmage Robes. I fixed that with the Summonable Private Quarters, which provides a station where you can mess with slots for armour/clothing sets. There’s lots of use for this mod besides just making your amulets and ears visible, but this is what I primarily use it for.To make it work you need the Core files of Cobl, so manually download that and move the core folder into Oblivion’s Data folder.
I also use a couple of animation mods, namely Staff Animation which changes the PC’s idles and the way they move when holding a staff so it looks less awkward.
There’s also the Heroic Female Idle Replacer which is less stiff than the vanilla female idle. Otherwise I recommend searching through the Oblivion Nexus’ animation tag and finding any mods that suit you and your characters best.
Project Oblivion Gate Destruction Spell is useful if you get tired of diving into gates over and over again when you just want to get on with the game. Just cast the spell and poof, no more gate and you still get the Sigil Stone. It’s good for when you’ve already played the game over a few times.
The Elder Scrolls Online Imports is a must have if you love ESO like I do. It adds some bits of lore, creatures, and locations from ESO.
Better Cities makes the cities of Cyrodiil more varied and interesting, though it might be a bit troublesome at times. I’ve had the occasional problem with this mod, purely based on load order so just keep that in mind. Otherwise it’s a gorgeous mod with a lot of effort and creativity put into it.
Vanilla Staff Replacer isn’t necessary if you’re not playing a mage, but I really enjoy it personally ^^
I’m going to add Black Horse Colour Overhaul because it honestly bugs me that the black horses in Oblivion aren’t black
Companion Vilja is a mod I haven’t actually used yet, but I’ve got installed for this playthrough because I’ve been meaning to play it forever. Apparently Terry Pratchett himself contributed to this mod, so that should speak for its quality.
I hope this was helpful to you Nonnie, and good luck with modding Oblivion ^^
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kindasortaameyzing · 6 years ago
A Hot Take on j//nerys
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*posting this as a separate post bc tumblr’s being dumb as hell* 
First of all, anon, thank you very much for this ask, because BOY OH BOY have i MANY FEELINGS about the magical targcest ship that is j//nerys.
This is about to be a long ass post. Also, includes spoilers to Season 8 Ep 1 (I’ll tell u when!)
First of all, when watching Season 7, I could not find myself shipping J and D. Like...I can see what D&D tried to do with the buildup and the chemistry (like the cave paintings and Jon Chilling with Drogon), and idk if they meant to make it so awkward and stunted, but it was. I felt -1000000 chemistry in between those two characters, frankly speaking. I could see some of it nearing episodes 6 and 7 if I squinted, but I was just kind of blown away by how I absolutely could not get behind this ship that the show has supposedly been leading up to for seven seasons.
At that point, I did kinda believe in Political!Jon because it made more sense for his character rather than falling in love with Dany “White Savior Complex” T. Before watching S8 Ep1, I already didn’t think jonerys was going to be endgame, even if they were canon for the time being. It was just such a stilted relationship and the Dark!Dany was coming in STRONG. But after watching 801, may I just say…
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*if you haven’t noticed, S8 EP1 spoilers start now*
Here is a pretty hot take that I don’t think I’ve seen anyone share:
Jon Snow is infatuated by D. Maybe even in love with her. But he absolutely does not love her.
Let me start with the distinction. J is infatuated because he’s almost maybe even obsessed. He knows her as the Breaker of Chains, the Mother of Dragons, and all these mythical things that her title is, and combined with the fact that she swooped in to save him when he was going Wight Hunting, I think it’s just a bunch of savior idealism mixed in with a tad bit of Stockholm Syndrome. Not to mention, I think he’s being blinded with his obsession of finding more allies to fight against the AotD, and he’s willing to overlook all of her many, many faults to get there. He’s thinking very short term right now.
And honestly? I think that this infatuation is an ongoing trend with Daenerys’ lovers. None of them truly love her as an equal, except Drogo probably. They are besotted with her. Jorah, Daario, and mayyybee even Drogo to an extent -- they don’t love her, they are in love with her.
So does this kill Pol!Jon? Mayhaps. I think, actually, that Jon started out with those Pol!Jon motives in season 7, and I think he sticks to them up until Eastwatch (if his lukewarm reactions to D and clear annoyance with her has anything to say about it). To me, when watching Eastwatch, it was like a flip was switched. Suddenly, so suddenly, Jon was bending the knee to this woman who swooped in and saved the day. And I think his whole “let’s all be truthful once and for all” spiel in Dragonpit is sort-of evidence as to the falling of his Pol!Jon motives. (tbh, I can see how it could actually bolster the Pol!Jon argument, but it’s irrelevant).
Admittedly, this was all conjecture in my head. Up until Season 8. And BOY oh bOY did this episode feed me.
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[Yay to Robert and Cersei parallels, anyone?]
I know a lot of people felt as if Jon was rather ooc in 801, and I agree. I think that’s due to his adoration for Dany. Not sticking up for Sansa when Dany threatened her? Asking Arya to take Dany’s side and making that little jab at Sansa for thinking she’s the smartest person in the world (btw, she absolutely is)? Generally being complacent as hell?
I think, in all those moments, he’s warring with himself. On one hand, angel-on-his-shoulder Jon knows that family should come first, that he should fight and stand up for the ones he loved. On the other hand, he’s desperately trying to justify his infatuation for D. He’s grasping at straws, and I think he’s scared of the fact that he is. I think the most telling part of this is when he tries to justify D’s murder of the Tarlys (AND, might I add, he doesn’t even know that she burned them alive yet, just that she killed them. Oh, i cannot WAIT for this tea)
Just...watching that scene [I’ll put a pic when I can get one]. Jon begins by looking confused and worried as hell. He’s beginning to look past his infatuation and see the truth. And he really tries to defend her, he does -- “I’ve had to murder people before” or whatever he says -- but Sam CALLS him the fuck out. And let me tell you? In that fucking scene, Jon doesn’t look angry. He looks scared.
And OOF that scene with Sansa? “Did you kneel for the North or for love?” (I’m paraphrasing, sorry if it’s not accurate)
Jon hesitates. He knows, in his heart of hearts, that he’s supposed to be doing this for the North, and he’s trying to justify his infatuation with Dany and marry the two, but it isn’t working.
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And the “Did you ever have faith in me?” I think Jon truly thinks what he’s doing is right. Or it could be right. He’s may be looking for Sansa’s validation, partially, because at this point even he’s unsure of what he’s doing, but that’s a little tinfoil. 
Now, on to explain the existence of J//nerys moments that don’t involve the two characters themselves..
Davos, Varys, and Tyrion talking about a marriage alliance. I’d be lying if if I said I was surprised by it. And I don’t blame Davos for trying to push it. In an ideal situation if D was an actual good person, it would make sense. But she isn’t, and Jon doesn’t love her. Not to mention I find it kind of funny that they were looking at the pair and then we find out D’s just whining abt how Sansa doesn’t like her. Very romantic.
I think that scene was necessary for two reasons. I think they might add in a push for a marriage alliance in Ep 2, when I predict that the tensions btwn Jon and D will begin, and then Jon just reveals it can’t happen because he is, ta-da, a Targaryen. And then D will go back to Dragonstone before the Battle of Winterfell while leaving her armies behind (which people are predicting). But second of all, that scene was absolutely set up for Varys’ last line -- “Nothing lasts.”
A very purposeful line. A very purposeful shot to J and D as Varys says that line. This, more than everything else, confirmed that no matter how canon j//nerys might seem now, it’s never going to be endgame.
Now for the dragon joyride scene! Yay! Let’s take a break in the middle of literal war preparations and ignore an alliance about to fall apart at the seams to go chill at a waterfall that should be frozen over!
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Honestly I thought this whole scene was such fanservice. There was no emotional aspect to it, no swelling music or long-awaited release. But D&D put it in there, using their precious screentime for a reason.
1. I think it shows Jon “embracing”, or lack thereof, his Targ side. It’s very clear he is not made for it, and he is not enjoying it. When Dany first rode her dragons, she did so with ease. Jon is absolutely not having it. I think this goes to show in some little way that no matter Jon’s blood, he’s a Stark. Or maybe it’s showing a melding between his Stark and Targaryen side. Idk. either way, there wasn’t an ounce of romance in that scene that didn’t seem forced
2. Foreshadowing for Dance of Dragons 2.0 much?? I think this is very much an introduction to Rhaegar-staying-with-Jon and knowing that Jon can control him
3. Oh my god was the romance one-sided. D instigated all the romance, she instigated the kiss. Admittedly, Jon obliged, but uh...his whole kiss while staring at Drogon? I???? What??? Ah, yes, very romantic????
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I love D staring at Jon with all this love (I do think she loves him, and his betrayal will turn her to Dark!Dany, but more on that later) and Jon just trying his best! Keep your queen warm! uwu!!!!!!!!!!! 
PHEW! That’s all the meta-y thoughts I have on j//nerys. I’m also beginning to think that j//nerys is the Bad version of Ygritte and Jon? As in in both cases, I believe Jon began by trying to infiltrate the enemy party and pretending to be in love, but then actually truly falling for the girl in Ygritte’s case and falling in infatuation in D’s, and ending up having to betray her because it was never going to last in the first place. Also, cave/waterfall parallels maybe. That being said, Ygritte and Jon is far, far healthier and balanced, and this is just a crack theory, so don’t hate me on this one!!!
I really found it funny how j//nerys stans after 801 were frantically giffing the dragon joyride and makeout session bonus pack and blatantly ignoring how the entire plot of the story was pointing to Dark!Dany and the strife btwn them. Also, I could literally do an entire other post about Dark!D and how I absolutely hated her in 801 and then another one about jonsa, so if anyone’s interested, lmk!
TLDR: Jon has feelings for D but it’s not even close to love, it’s infatuation at best. Pol!Jon happened initially, but then faded away.  j//nerys is hella one-sided atm and even if jon truly loves D, it’s 101% not going to last longer than like ep 3. Also not mentioned but if D insults Sansa one more time I’m going to kick her ass.
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artfolega · 2 years ago
Devil may cry hd collection style switcher mod
DOWNLOAD NOW Devil may cry hd collection style switcher mod
#Devil may cry hd collection style switcher mod Pc#
So how long til Capcom makes an actual mobile port I wonder? Power isn't an issue as I can emulate GameCube and Wii versions of games at nearly 4k that I can't get the weaker Ps2 versions of working at all. Haven't tried it myself as I'm only bothering for games with no ports I could buy instead but still, gotta love just how not dead the series truly is these days. So not only do we have an official mobile game but you can actually run DMC 3 on a cell phone now.
#Devil may cry hd collection style switcher mod Pc#
However there is a downgrade and that's the HUD size, it's too small compared to the original release of DmC Devil May Cry, and I suspect this might be because they didn't bother making a higher resolution version of it for 1080p, if they were to ever release a PC port I'd love to have an option to have the original HUD size.įun fact, mobile ps2 emulation is actually doable now though very few games are actually playable atm (Castlevania Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness being close to stable and in the general 50-60 fps range most of the time and the only things even close to playable of what I've tried) but DMC 3 SE is one of the very few verified to be fully playable. They also added a hardcore mode (can be activated at the start so no need to unlock it) with mechanic alterations such as, deflecting attacks requiring more skil for balance, Devil Trigger no longer launching enemies into the sky, getting higher style grade is harder while said style grade decreases faster and enemies deal more damage. The improvements are a lock on, being able to damage red or blue enemies with any weapon (No stagger with mismatching weapons), has a turbo mode, new game modes, angel evade can be used 3 times in succession (on the ground) kinda like level 3 trickster in DMC3, mission doors being altered so that any key works on any mission door and Vergil can be used in bloody palace.
DOWNLOAD NOW Devil may cry hd collection style switcher mod
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vacanpaathy · 5 years ago
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KATHERINE ANN FARWELL Nickname: Kat, Weird Kid Alias / Code-Name: None Age: verse dependent / 16-25-ish Nationality: American Face: Anya Taylor-Joy Ethnicity: White Physical Disorders / Disabilities etc: None currently / None currently known Mental Disorders / Disabilities etc: Depression, PSTD, Anxiety Religion: Nothing formal, Very Spiritual City of birth: Sunnydale, California Currently living: Verse dependent Job title: verse dependent , student or artist usually Employing company: None Income: Family fortune and whatever she makes off her art Marital Status: single Language ( s ): English, High School Spanish Dialect: Southern Californian Birthday: TBA PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
Height: 5′6 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black/Dark Brown Style: Long and Basic af FAMILY
Mother: Caroline Farwell ( dead since her senior year of High School ) Father: Jacob Farwell  ( dead since her senior year of High School ) Brother ( s ) : 3 brothers all dead-- Jonathan ( First ) , Matthew  ( Third ) , Daniel  ( Fourth ) Sister ( s ) : 1 sister dead-- Judith  ( Second )
Addictions: None Bad Habits: lying, ditching, picking at hems, picking at her own fingers, entering and ending conversations uninvited, being places she shouldn’t Good Habits: very observant, journaling, I’m sure there’s more here really  Hobbies: drawing / art, youtube binging, going down intensely weird internet rabbit holes, knitting, home improvement projects to try and keep the Evil at bay.  Likes: books, bad tv, comedies, bbc trash, fluffy anything, bob ross shit, retail work(???) Dislikes: long hallways, construction in buildings, trench coats, face covering anything, film noir, TRL, people who think that the bachelor isn’t HIGH ART Strengths: intelligent, creative, compassionate, funny, determinator, adaptive, pragmatic, hardcore Weaknesses: melancholic, usually at least somewhat confused, Over Everything, keeps forgetting shit like gore is Not Normal, just too exhausted to give a shit most of the time Fears: the various deals, pacts and whatever else her father / family has made which are now on HER head, the things she sees, not being able to tell what’s a vision and what’s real Hopes: [aggressively plays piano riff] FOR EVERYTHING TO STOP BEING SO HORRIBLE ALL THE TIME !!!!
Education: Was a solid mid-tier student her whole career in public school Intelligence: 7/10  Overall bright but strong in creative problem solving than anything that requires some memorizing
PSYCHIC ABILITIES:  Kat is a psychic and a medium with absolutely no control of her powers which usually means that they’re on 24/7 making it hard at times for her to even know where she is. She has the full gamut of experiences from “bad feeling about this” to “I’m trapped in the Negative Zone and I can’t get out” when it comes to what she can potentially see / feel of the paranormal. She is also very easily possessed or influenced when in a trance / zoned out or asleep which tends to lead to ominous sleepwalking or her preforming various kinds of dangerous acts ( paranormal or mundane, to herself or others ) .  examples of sub-abilities/applications: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Psychometry, Retrocognition , Scrying , Aura Readings, Astral Projection, Automatic Writing, Channeling, Precognition,  Remote Viewing
DEMONIC PROTECTION:  Kat’s family have made a lot of deals, many of which involve her somehow and even without that her abilities make her desirable as a vessel / pawn / whatever which usually means that there’s a 50 / 50 chance that when shit’s going down and she might say, die in a way that wasn’t in the TOA a demon or similar might step in to protect her from whatever might kill her. She has no clue how or what any of this happens and past the whole “hooray i’m not dead” thing she’s not really a fan. 
Self-perception: Very little self-image honestly, she’s just never really spent too much time developing one, she’s extremely “ i exist here in the now ” Assumed external perception: The Weirdest Kid On Earth  Self-Confidence: somehow both 0% and 10000000% at the same time. Rational Or Emotional ? Mostly rational to try and compensate for the hellscape that is her life but she’s still you know.... Human.... Introvert or Extrovert ? Largely Introverted Prefer to Give or to Take ? Give Nice or Rude ? Surprisingly nice and actually means it too !!
WARNING:  Not really needed atm but once the long version is up there’ll be more obvious talk of human sacrifice, infanticide, grim occult shit, disturbing imagery etc. 
     ►  Farwell Family is an old money house that’s part of a secret group of them that all do dark shit to get money and power      ►  Kat and her siblings are all born eventually, the rest of them all “disappear” mysteriously      ►  Kat has psychic powers and everything is just the WORST ALWAYS      ►  Goes to Sunnydale High School       ►  Both her parents die in her senior year under mysterious circumstances, doesn’t realize for like a month + bc she keeps seeing their ghosts. Father found in study, mother never found      ►  A distant cousin comes to live with her in the mansion until she’s 18 and the house starts officially going off the rails, 100% no longer safe to be out in the halls past midnight      ►  Begins to try and sort through her father’s study to figure out just how fucked she is       ►  Starts getting into home improvement and the occult to appease / stop the house       ►  Survives the graduation that blows up the school      ►  Cousin miraculously somehow not dead from cursed house, flees immediately never to return      ►  Goes to college, still not sure what to do with the house or anything, just kinda #Fucked      ►  ????      ►  PANIC
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jasonrhope · 6 years ago
talking about someone’s idea here, had an interesting idea for a sort of interconnected skyscraper grid concept that i thought i’d post as it’s own topic, for people to maybe talk about and puzzle out.
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talking about someone’s idea here, had an interesting idea for a sort of interconnected skyscraper grid concept that i thought i’d post as it’s own topic, for people to maybe talk about and puzzle out.
TLDR: the basic idea is an interconnected grid of skyscrapers, maybe only a 3X? pattern only three blocks wide, but miles long, situated oblong north/south, to try and maximize solar panelish glass outsides on these skyscrapers, maybe top floor's exposed, and is an agricultural thing, with a wind turbine at the top to generate wind power on each building, bottom floor's mostly access to the street and roads, more for commercial resupply than most other things, attached to one another via sky bridges every ten stories or so, able to move people easily, as well as share some resources among the buildings, like the electrical grid, water, etc, emergency units being situated not within every building, but possibly staggered somewhat on the 50th floor (if 100 floors high), something like the middle row being hospitals, police, fire department, and the 50th floors having skybridges intended solely for emergency uses, designed with indoors vehicles that can travel in the building's hallways (also presumably the hallways have enough room for one of these vehicles and people moving around still, commercial and emergency elevators able to handle them, something like a golf cart able to carry several people, nexus points being wider than just the hallways to enable turning better), different elevators for pedestrian, commercial, and emergency uses, residential and commercial floors pretty well mixed tier wise, so you might not have to travel much past a few floors even within your building for the general day to day, the land 'east' and 'west' to the sides of the column of buildings maybe used for more general stuff that isn't a good fit for being in a skyscraper to begin with, like receiving mail, shipping in general, water, power stations, and utilities in general, maybe longer term jails, if they really didn't want the jails within the towers, though, a block sized floor devoted to police, every 3X3 square of blocks feels like it'd be significant, it might not be able to handle all the criminals, given we're also talking about this 3X3 blocks of people living in 100 floor skyscrapers, with presumably at least 1/4th of the space being used for residential. those 1 floor (doesn't need to be just one floor, though, maybe it's two to three blocks), it's like 225 blocks of residential apartments for 1 block of police.
(was talking about sky bridges on skyscrapers, making a web like city, essentially made such a in depth answer, at least i feel like, that i kinda wanted to make it it's own topic. sorry. )these skyscrapers that are like a block unto themselves, even if they went like 80 floors up, they'd still be presumably something like not too much the difference between the buildings at ground level. (with tube style skyscrapers, OP from the other post mentioned the burj kalifa specifically.)
afaik, it'd essentially need to be flexible rather than rigid higher up, as i think the skyscrapers give at least slightly. and while i do sorta like the idea for maybe a second-third floor style one of these, to be able to just travel through the lobbies of these buildings rather than crossing the street, i don't think it'd be that useful really, i mean, how many times do you REALLY need to go from the 36th floor in the building you're currently in to the 36th floor of the building next to yours?
(start talking about the new city style concept) though i do sorta like it as a potential future style building planning sort of thing, something like a 'commuter' floor every ten floors in these buildings, that's in an interconnected web, and maybe has stores and food locales, whereas the other floors might be businesses or residential places. we could use this system to transport water, electric, small amounts of goods, etc, potentially, it'd be great if the outside were toxic or something, and we could have hundreds of buildings in a wide net where you'd never need to step outside. like an acre of bundled frame tube skyscrapers, each their own block, able to go up like 100 floors, interconnected at every couple of floors, the bottommost floor maybe being access for vehicles/parking, something like emergency services being within a 3X3 grid of each of these blocks, small/large hospital, firefighting, police, whatever units staggered every 4 buildings in a row/column, maybe staggered for rows, too, so one row/column might have hospitals, one row up, one column over might have firefighters, one row up, column over might have police, another with a fourth thing, then repeating, and alternating major and more minor installments, something like:
h=hospital, p=police, f=firefighter, b=other stuff, given every building doesn't need it's own hospital, police, firefighter, etc. lower case smaller installations, upper case larger installations (this was kinda the grid concept when it was gonna be more than just 3x? strips, it'd repeat hospital row, police row, firefigher row, over and over in i guess an almost damn near country wide city, or at least, however wide you wanted it.)
b h b b H b b h b b H b b h b b H
b b P b b p b b P b b p b b P b b
F b b f b b F b b f b b F b b f b
emergency services aren't ever more than a building and a few floors away, even for one without a hospital, police, or firefighting section inside it, 3/4 buildings right next to it do have those resources. another idea is several types of elevator – one for commercial use, bringing up stuff to certain floors, one for pedestrian use, one for emergency services, in a couple locations, so medical units coming from another building, police coming from another, and firefighters coming from a third building won't have to fight over the same elevator usage, they could be directed to say, elevator area a, b, or d depending on which area they came from, and make their way to the right floor. that floor being one of the 'ten' that has it's own walkways, presumably less used than some other walkways because they're intended for emergency services personnel. if the buildings are all 100 floors, presumably would make them be around floor 50 – the bigger installations might want something more like floors 49-51 or whatever, for like major hospitals, but always being able to, at minimum, be one building away and 50 floors away from anyone in this grid concept would presumably be good. there could also be like indoors vehicles that are more like motorized carts than cars, usable within the hallways and whatnot, able to use the elevators, the medic version having some basic medical stuff and able to keep someone alive (hopefully) while they travel to the hospital areas, the police one being able to restrain several people, the firefighter one carrying some gear and the people, of course, the buildings having both sprinkler systems as well as potentially access to lots of water, sorta like a hydrant, at a few places every floor, like 4 major firefighting pipes in roughly the center of the 4 quadrants of each building.
different styles of commuter floor would be good, too. maybe floor 10 is like a strip mall ish thing – minimize the commercial elevator use to higher floors for something like this, floor 20's like an almost indoors park, 30's maybe more tech focused/internet cafe ish, whatever. also thinking lower floors should be more residential, given it's got a bigger demand for water, waste disposal, etc and presumably it'll be easier to deal with that at lower floors, higher floors more commercial, offices, labs, whatnot.
there'd also be different styles of residential floors, not all apartments made alike: some for more single people/couples, that have living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, some that might have 3-4 bedrooms, multiple baths, etc.
top floor might be exposed to the elements, and growing food/trees. it also might be angled sorta diagonally with the rising and setting of the sun, with solar paneled sides, so the entire city could be harvesting and sharing energy, though in the early morn/late afternoon, it'll mostly just be some of the outer buildings, as well as the tops of buildings, so maybe 3X3 along a longer length, to potentially try and maximize sunlight gained, with a wind turbine on top of each building, floor below is the stuff needed to actually use the wind turbine energy, as well as the agricultural tools to take care of the floor above's gardens, trees, etc.
i think it'd be a very economical, functional, useful method of doing it like a whole sorta enclosed in buildings city concept. would decrease some of the need of commuting, i think, if you lived in the building in which you worked, as well as were able to eat there, and see a doctor at most a 2 block walk away. might need to stagger residential somewhat, considering everyone living on floors like 5-30 or something, that'd be a lot of people potentially trying to get to floor like 70 in the morning, being able to live like within 5 floors of your work would be better for commuting purposes, if it's like within 2-3 floors you can presumably just use the stairs, moving near your work might be a more palatable idea, having a bunch of personal public transport vehicles if you're going to a building that's like 10 buildings away to visit a friend or something, or if you really don't want to move out of building X floor Y because you really like the combo of people, businesses, or whatnot you live nearby atm, but got work in building Z which isn't really local.
i'm imagining cities kinda being built in roughly oblique north/south strips, roughly 3 of these megastructures deep, potentially, but maybe miles long, whereas the area to the east/west of these structures is sorta basic stuff that's not well translated to being in a megastructure, like, receiving shipping to ship to specific locales in the city, like the mail or amazon/ups shit, assuming amazon doesn't just have drones delivering it to your window or something, major utility connections to these megastructures, lots of wide road space for the trucks and whatnot, some semi dropping of mcdonald patties would just basically pull into the bottom of whatever building has mcdonalds, they'd unload their restocking into the services elevators, that'd go up to the floor that has mcdonalds, the truck would then go to the other buildings with mcdonalds, repeat.
Submitted August 02, 2019 at 11:04PM by leeman27534 via reddit https://ift.tt/2ZDe5at
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Kcg9AS via IFTTT
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artlessictoan · 8 years ago
How I’d do Naruto Next Gen
okok I’ve been wanting to do something more in depth and organised than my usual ranting about how everything is terrible now, so here we go! (though lbr this is just my usual ranting but 10x longer)
for the sake of brevity ha and my own piece of mind I’m not gonna go into how unnecessarily hetro the ending was and how everyone should’ve been gay and hey not every couple absolutely had to get married and/or have kids and also nart should’ve gotten the opportunity to realise that becoming hokage wasn’t necessary to achieve his real goal of becoming someone loved and accepted by others and he deserved so much better tbh and why isn’t sak just running the whole show and why isn’t there more sand sibs, bc let’s face it none of that was ever gonna happen, so these ideas are mostly built with the premise that all the canon couples stay canon and all the kids are still around and the product of those ships and the big plot things that happened (like nart becoming hokage and the like) stay roughly the same
forewarning bc else someone’s bound to say something; if you enjoy the next gen stuff? not a problem! that’s great, people enjoying stuff is a good thing! I wish I could enjoy more stuff, bc enjoying things is far more fun than not enjoying things! everyone has a different taste though and for me – and a lot of other people – the way that the next gen has turned out has been a disappointment, this post is for those people, so we can talk about why we think it’s failed and what we would’ve like to see instead, if you don’t feel that way about it.. well just scroll on past this post and keep enjoying the things you enjoy! have an absolute blast, you’ve earned it!
under the cut bc I am apparently incapable of keeping my rambling concise, there’s 2000 words of only vaguely coherent thoughts and tangents, so maybe get yourself a cuppa and a snack before trudging through it (some of this I’ve said in other posts before but w/e)
first off lets change some of the kids’ personalities, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with any of them, but like….. 90% are carbon copies of one of their parents (and mostly their dads but I won’t get into that issue rn) which is ridiculous, bc personality traits aren’t genetic?? like my mum is super chill and sensible and my dad is short-tempered, but I’m an anxious mess and my bro is an anti-social control freak.. we didn’t get any of that from either of our parents
while it’s certainly true that you might be influenced by them (me and mum share a lot of interests and tastes), it’s not a hard and fast rule and I don’t find it realistic that EVERY kid takes after their parents, though I probably wouldn’t have such a problem with it if they were more a mix of both parents than just their dads, so here’s some potential alterations:
Boruto. good fucking lord, no, we did not need a clone of Naruto heading another series, if we wanted to see a rambunctious scamp who gets into trouble but loves his friends a whole lot and has a knack for giving inspirational speeches, then there’s already a whole 700 chap manga for that! one with a far more likable and interesting rambunctious scamp tbqh. so how about we make a few alterations, maybe instead of taking after Nart, Bolt takes a bit more after Hinata? a little quiet and a bit of a pushover, but someone who’ll quickly stick up for a friend and has an ease of communication that’s a bit more Nart? not shy so much as laidback and composed, maybe he isn’t all that interested in being a ninja too, like he’s quite skilled but is a pacifist and would much rather get a civilian job as idk a baker or gardener or something
Shikadai. only a few minor changes here bc I really do like the kid as he is, I’d just like to see him using Tema’s abilities too (and maybe also being just a bit more snarky and unyielding like his mum)
Inojin. I’m kinda torn on this one, bc I do like that he’s a lot like Sai (at least in the anime, he seems to have a pretty different personality from what little we’ve seen of him in the manga???), but I think it’d be pretty interesting if he was just not like either of his parents, maybe if he was very quiet and subdued, but also the mastermind behind all the kid’s pranks, has a mischievous streak that often shocks people, but his friends always love hanging out with him bc of it. also why doesn’t he have Ino’s powers? let’s give him Ino’s powers too
Sand Kids 2.0. ok so at this point we haven’t seen nearly enough of them to say much either way but I have negative faith in kishi and ike so I’ll just say that I want them all to be Gaara’s adopted kids (since it’s still unclear if it’s just Shinki or all of ‘em atm) and I want them to be exactly like this shameless plug for me and @spellfire01‘s versions of them which are the best fucking versions and I will protect my children with my life
now some changes to the original cast (this is where I’m gonna get proper bitter, prepare yourselves):
OH NARUTO MY POOR CHILD WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU I’ve already talked about this but let me just reiterate in as eloquent a way as I can; Naruto would never become a neglectful father. N e v e r. not after the childhood he went through, no matter how much work he had to do as kage, don’t dare fucking try and tell me that Naruto – "It's almost unbearable, isn't it… the pain of being all alone. I know that feeling; I've been there, in that dark and lonely place, but now there are others, other people who mean a lot to me. I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them… They rescued me from my loneliness" – Uzumaki would EVER neglect his kids. just fucking don’t. in this version Nart is a doting and involved dad (perhaps a little too much, to the point that his kids find him kinda exhausting and have to ask him to leave them alone sometimes) who sends his clones to work at the office while he hangs out with his family.. I honestly don’t know why he doesn’t already do that
let all the girls out of their houses to do some ninja work for the love of god
poor put-upon Shino-sensei is alright.. but we’ve already had that with Iruka, I’d honestly much rather see the Cool Sensei who keeps all the kids in line without even doing much of anything and has a knack for inspiring them and always has a line of students trailing after him asking to hear more of his awesome ninja stories and everyone always trying to show off when he’s around, bc Shino is literally The Best
have Sauce and Saku be divorcees. seriously, are even the people who ship them happy with how their relationship has turned out? they barely see each other and apparently it’s been that way since chap 699, so why not just have them split up? it really wouldn’t change much, just say that, at some point after Sarada was born, they realised that they were both gay incompatible personality-wise and they were both so busy with their individual work that there wasn’t much of a relationship to lose. not only would this be good for both their characters (there’s no reason they couldn’t still be good friends) and just more sensible all-round, but it would also be a nice way to show that not every childhood romance/first love works out and that’s perfectly fine and normal and they can still live happy, full lives afterwards!
speaking of Sauce, let him spend at least a little bit of time interacting with his friends and family in Konoha, even if he’s still mostly travelling around on important missions he should at least be taking every opportunity to visit his daughter when he’s in the area, seriously, c’mon
Temari got done so dirty in that one episode.. here’re some much better words than I could ever muster but generally I’d want her to be less the ‘scary, overbearing, harsh’ mother and more the ‘strict but cool and sneaky’ mother, like she’d honestly be the type to use reverse psychology and gentle manipulation, she’d make her boy do some seemingly meaningless task that somehow makes him have an epiphany and come back to her when he’s done like “I know what I did wrong now and I’m sorry” than just shout at him and refuse to make dinner (also I just really like to hc that she’s a terrible cook so it’s Shikamaru who does all the cooking anyway)
it’d be really great to see Hina either being the new clan head or at least otherwise involved in Hyuuga clan politics, so we could actually see how she’s working to destroy that whole slavery thing they’ve got going, rather than that plotline just being dropped somewhere around the end of the chunin exam arc and never picked up again (I mean I assume that it’s all supposed to be fixed by now, but that’s not the kinda thing that should happen entirely off-screen) and so we can see her life revolving around something other than Nart and her kids, she’s remarkably capable and had so much potential but she’s been denied every opportunity to really exist as her own character by the writers
Kiba…… what the hell is going on with Kiba? where is he? what is he doing? how’s he feeling these days? is he supposed to be married to that nameless cat lady we saw for a single panel? these are things we shall never know I guess. tbh what I’d really LOVE to see would be Kiba-sensei, just imagine him and Shino both being teachers who work in completely opposite ways, Shino is the quiet, inspiring, lowkey scary one and Kiba is the gigantic fucking dork one who cheers his students on way too loud and makes the classes super fun and joins in the kids games, him and Shino have a class rivalry and Kiba is constantly roping students into joining his attempts to prank Shino (they’ve never once succeeded but oNE DAY)
Ino should be the next head of Konoha’s intelligence division, I will fight kishi on this one
why the actual fuck is oroch still happily living it up in his penthouse lab?? kill the fucker. or at the very least imprison the fucker. just say that Mitsuki was an old project of his that somehow kept developing in his absence, or was a product of research carried out by some lackeys’ years after he’s gone, anything that means I don’t have to accept that everyone has apparently forgiven him for everything and knows that he’s still experimenting on kids but just don’t care
and on that last note: Justice for Yamato 2k17
right now let’s get onto the actual plot/story for this very self-pandering au
make Sarada the main char. while I can see why they would choose to go with Boruto, honestly Salad’s more interesting a character and! A Girl!! Main Character!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!! focus on her goal to be hokage and her struggles with her parents and follow up on that ‘restoring the Uchiha’ plot thread that just.. dropped right off the map somewhere between 699 and 700, her reconciling what her clan was with what she wants to make it
get rid of that weird demon-sensing eye thing that’s going on. and the demon thing in general. and also that jarring post-apocalypse future thing they’re building up. I didn’t slog through over a decade of kishi’s bullshit just so my kids didn’t get to live long, happy lives. make the plot just slice-of-life fluff, nothing more dangerous than a bully, just some kids trying to be awesome ninja in a world that doesn’t really need ninja anymore bc peace and all that
waaay more of Chocho, Himawari and Inojin (at least enough so they all get equal billing)
show how the ninja world has grown and developed since the end of the original series (not just technologically), what do ninja do now that there aren’t any wars and international relationships are at an all-time high? have missions completely gone from being combat and intel based to more about construction and assistance? are ninja numbers actually dropping, favouring civilian jobs in these more peaceful times? how well are people – ninja or not – adjusting to these changes? is learning ninja techniques still encouraged but in a way that’s more about culture and traditions than actual use in combat (in the same way that swordplay today is mostly practiced for performance, fun and sport, rather than out of any real-life practicality)? there are so many interesting things to explore that you don’t even need to be adding in new threats to keep the series entertaining
I’ve said this before, but I think it’d be really cool and cute if after the end of the war and with some drastic changes to the ninja world’s politics, this next gen is less about becoming ninja, than realising that they’ll never be ninja (at least not in the way that their parents were) and how they react to that. maybe they’re frustrated because they hear so many cool stories about the grand battles of the previous generation and they want to be able to do those things too damnit! so the kids are just going around trying to be super-awesome ninja in a world that doesn’t really need ninja anymore, picking fights and trying to make their boring d-rank missions seem more important and dangerous than they really are, maybe at some point they learn a bit more about how hard and traumatising that life was for their parents and why the world had to change, until they eventually decide that if the role of a ninja has to change, then together they’re gonna discover what that new role will be, what will being a ninja really mean in this new, peaceful world?
and, a final ending note: fuck ike’s sickening treatment of Sarada with regards to her sexualised presentation and the disgusting reveal that someone taught Boruto (a young child!) the sexy jutsu. Let The Kids Be Kids 2k17
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ariellynn14 · 8 years ago
TouMyu Yume Hitotsu Mini Album Reviews!!
So I finally got to listen to the new TouMyu songs after being so busy this past week. So I consider this a treat for very hard work this week as I worked myself a little to much this week……
Do check out the translations here as my japanese atm is terrible and I haven’t had time to study it lately.  This post should direct you to the translations as I am still learning to use Tumblr and I have no clue how to get links for posts yet XD
(Just warning ya……it’s an overly long list ahead and it took me almost an hour and a half to complete.)
Quick note before the actual review so people dont get mad at me later on:In all honesty……….Nagasone and Hachisuka did not impress me at all……I find that their voices are super weak compared to everyone else when doing duets. Yes i understand Imari and Kensuke were the Kostetsu brothers, but their voices just don’t match……Kensuke has a deeper voice than Imari (which should be flopped since Nagasone has the deeper voice in game where as Hachisuka has the higher one) I like their versions of the songs but seriously…….I can’t really stand their songs as of right now and they definatly have to grow on me. I might end up liking them later on but for now its just not there for me (My dad had commented and said they sounded like they were still going through puberty, but he knows all of the actors are adults since my cousins are very huge with Butai actors and other Butai things.)
So the first song I will review is………Heart-To-Heart!!!
 Horikawa and Kane-san…….I freaking love their voices together!!!!! Ogotan and Shoutarou’s voices blend so well together!! They make me want to sing along with them every time I listen to their voices!!!! Honestly they make such a good duo and I’m very glad that they got cast as Horikawa and Kane-san! Their version of Heart-To-Heart is so cute! I love Horikawa’s parts the most!! Ogotan really did a good job at his part and played it well!!
Now for Kashuu and Yamato!! OmG…………the voice dynamics that they have together though!!!!! It makes me overly happy compared to Horikawa/Kane-san’s version. I love how Ryuji puts so much energy into the chorus as well as Toripyo. They blend so well and in all the times I have listened to their version, I have sang along each time.They make everything sound so well and with me being a music student, listening to the dynamics helps with my pitch range significantly. (especially Ryuji’s voice since I sing an octive or more above him so singing along is helping me with my studies….not to mention the lyrics get stuck in my head quite quickly! xD)
Just a side note……when both say “You and I are two of a kind” I kinda lost it since their pronuncation is actually extremely good for English not being their native language. ^°^
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Next song is……..Prologue!!!
So…….whats my thoughts on Imari and Kensuke’s version you ask?? Well Its good but like I said before their voices have to grow on me before I make my final judgement. I feel as though Imari slurred quite a bit and Kensuke sounds kinda like he is straining which is not the best combo to have in the audio that thousands of fangirls are potentially willing to buy. Its quite good however for me not really liking them all to well. Its the same with Ryo and Daichi. their voices had to grow on me and now i find them so sexy its not even funny now! XD
Now for Horikawa/Kane-san!! Ahh!!! This version is so cute!! Yes I know that both versions are the same, but their voices blend so much better for me and I don’t hear really any slurring or straining going on. I have to praise Ogotan as his voice is so adoreable and he makes me wanna hug him so much! Again this is another song that I have been singing along to each time I listen to it as it is just so cute!!!
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Now for……..Beautiful Tragedy!!!
So………Imari and Kensuke sang this one as well…..its OK but not to my liking. Yes I realize that they are the ones that sang it first but I find the Kashuu/Horikawa and the Kashuu/Yamato versions much better. I just have this weird issue with their voices and how they don’t blend as well together as the other voices do. As much as I hate to say it, I just don’t like their voices all to much. There’s to much to cover about their voices and it makes me really sad to say that.
So how about Kashuu/Yamato’s version…..what do I think about that?? HOLY FUDGE THEY’RE SO GOOD!!!!!! (My quote 2017)
 Well straight from the beginning at the “woah” part I was in heaven. Like seriously when Ryuji does the woahs behind Yamato it makes me go nuts. Yes I’m probably being 1000% biased since he is my favorite butai actor but he makes everything sound so much better!!! His husky and deep voice (did I also mention Sexy or no?? XD) blends so beautifully with Toripiyo’s higher pitched voice (which clearly he had to practice since he has a deeper voice than what I thought at first……) I can’t get over this song and its at the top of my TouMyu Bakumatsu Playlist. I love the bridge the most as it slows down and I can really hear Ryuji’s dynamics up against Toripiyo’s. I love the way they say “NOW AND FOREVER” as it sounds so sexy and like something I shouldn’t be listening to for my youngb age, but seriously when it comes to Ryuji I can’t back away. >.
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Overall I love all of the songs so much!! The order that I will mist likely listen to them in is:
1. Beautiful Tragedy (Kashuu/Yamato)
2. Prolouge (Horikawa/Kane-san)
3. Heart-To-Heart (Kashuu/Yamato)
4. Heart-to-Heart (Horikawa/Kane-san)
5. Beautiful Tragedy (Hachisuka/Nagasone)
6. Prolouge (Hachisuka/Nagasone)
I can say that the Kashuu and Yamato duets are the strongest by listening to all of them. They convey the most emotion and make me sing to them every time I listen, the Horikawa and Kane-san ones are very strong as well but I think because I was so hyped to get the Kashuu and Yamato CDs I became overly biased as soon as I listened to them. As for Hachisuka and Nagasone…..I’m not the biggest fan, but I will try my best to listen to their versions when I get tired of listening to the other guys singing…..if that ever does happen xD
On one more note I must point out how well Ryuji blends so well with everyone in Yume Hitotsu and Hitohira no Kaze. He has the most control out if everyone else and it’s defiantly noticeable…..like when singing with Toripiyo, he’s what 5 years older than Ryuji, and Ryujui has way more control than him, even when listening to his raw vocals. He sounds like he has some of the best control I’ve evr heard in my life! (No amerivan male singer can nearly do it as well as Ryuji is a comment that I am making now as Ryuji is way better than any American male singer I have ever heard. I mean there are so many wonderful male singers out there in the american world, but its gotten to the point where all I listen to is japanese music since I can’t stand how overly sexualized the american music industry has become and how much boys sing about sex and that crap that me as a teenage girl doesn’t really want to talk about yet alone listen to…….) Ryuji has way more control than Toripiyo does in my opinion. For his age he has progressed so well and is growing to be such a seasoned performer. Coming from a performing arts and musical family I can tell the demeanor behind Ryuji and his actions. They might not be the best ideas ever but he puts so much effort into everything that he does and has excelled well over his comrads who have been in the business much longer than he has been. If he is reading this post I do wish him so much luck for his future and I congratulate him on all of his success!! He is well known in my music class (thanks to me, my boyfriend, and my best friend) and we all love his voice, even if we can’t understand you well. He has become very popular outside of Japan as well and many people know about him because of his beautiful works!!! Thank you so much for making these past 3+ years of my life so happy with your acting and singing!!!
Ryuji seriously derseves so much for everything that he’s done and I hope one day he gets an award for all of his work that has made so many people so happy.
Please support the boys by buying their albums as well as Team Sanjou’s albums on both the Japanese and International ITunes store. 
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