#Mieko - OC
gloryride · 1 month
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Corpo Babe
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traulisms · 4 months
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alligaytorswamp · 5 months
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my lil idols
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trash-dragon-art · 8 months
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OCs: Mieko (left) and Misfit (right)
Based on a panel from The Misadventures of Misfit and Mieko (webtoon)
@misfitandmieko_comic on instagram
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sunliights · 5 months
open to anyone. muse: mieko izumi. 26 years old. bisexual. she/her. sound and lighting engineer. plot: no real plot, just throwing out some test muses!
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"you were always my maybe, you know? ‘maybe you'd finally ask me out.’ ‘maybe when i wasn’t the one looking, you were noticing me too.’ i know it’s silly... but you were always in the back of my mind."
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m6nomas · 6 days
DELUSIONAL !!! ok heres my mha oc guys . um … plz dont bully me idk what im doing either sad face emoji ☹️😢 meet citrine though !! PLZ PLEASEE ask me about her i want to brainrot so bad :( im also a lil shy about posting this bc ive never rlly posted oc content b4 throughout my tumblr life …
QUIRK : PUNISHMENT (tw mentions of s/h) — when mieko performs an act of self-harm while maintaining eye-contact with anyone, she is able to share that wound with that said person and temporarily injures them for only fifteen minutes. however, unlike her victim, mieko’s wounds will leave a long-lasting scar while the other heals without leaving any traces of an injury. overusing her quirk may cause old wounds to open up, which will bleed non-stop for at least a few minutes along with vomiting blood clots.
also plz chat i wanna do oc x canon but im so scared ill get my ass handed to me 💀
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Echoes and Experiments- Chapter 16:
“Anniversary?” Albedo looked up at Sucrose and Timeaus, both looking horrified at the questioning tone in his voice.
“M-Mister Albedo, please tell me you know what an anniversary is.”
“I do.”
“D-Did you just not plan anything yet? Your anniversary with Miss Mie is coming up isn't it?”
“Oh… I suppose it is.”
“Mister Albedo… Have you ever celebrated an anniversary with Miss Mie in the 3 years you two have been together???”
“No, not that I recall.” He stated, both of his assistants looking like they might faint from this knowledge.
“Huh? Anniversary?” Mieko looked up at Jean and Lisa. “Albedo and I don't celebrate.” She shook her head, not wanting to incur the wrath of either one if she told them the relationship with Albedo was an experiment. But their faces at this moment were just a little terrifying.
“He doesn't do anything for your anniversary???” Jean asked, a dark energy looming over the normally bright woman.
“Now Jean, don't worry.” Lisa chuckled, the same darkness looming over her as well. “We'll go have a talk with him about this. He's in the headquarters today, isn't he?”
“Wait, wait you two.” Mieko shook her head. “Don't bother Albedo, it's fine. I don't need an anniversary celebration.” She added.
“Mieko.” Jean's hand rested on her shoulder. “Please don't worry. I will ensure that Albedo gives you a proper anniversary. Of all the things for him not to do… This I will not allow to pass.”
“Jean, really, it's fine.” Mieko said, trying to calm her friend down. But it was useless to try and stop her. When Jean made up her mind, changing it was extremely difficult. Mieko took the better part of the hour trying to soothe Jean's mind that she really didn't need Albedo to do that sort of stuff for her. “Albedo and I don't need that sort of thing, you know? It's just dating.” she reminded them. “It's more my fear of celebrating something that might end that's in the way, really.”
“Are you absolutely certain, Mieko?” Jean asked. “Albedo is nothing like your ex. And he's absolutely not the type to think about these things, since he's always working.”
“I'm sure. Really, I'm sure.” Mieko sighed in relief when it seemed like she was listening. “I thank you for your concern Jean, really I do, but I promise it isn't something to worry about.” She smiled.
“Just make sure that he doesn't think we aren't keeping an eye out for you.” Lisa chuckled. “If he messes up…”
“Now don't go threatening him.” Mieko sighed. When they finished their tea, Jean walked Mieko to where Albedo was, not wanting to let her walk alone after hearing from Albedo that she had been sleeping less and was having dizzy spells recently.
“Have you been eating properly? Drinking enough water? Making sure you're taking care of yourself?”
“Jean, breathe.” Mieko reminded her, smiling up at her friend. “I'm fine. Just stressed and worrying about how to make rent… I'll be okay.” Jean wasn't inclined to believe her, but she knew Mieko was going to be stubborn about this.
“If you ever need, you know we would welcome you here, Mie. Your training with Albedo has made you much better at fighting. And you were able to hold your own against me in a sparring match.” She added cheerfully. “That hasn't happened in years.”
“Because you're always working to better yourself, Jean. You're amazing that way.” Mieko replied as they arrived at the lab. Jean opened the door and let Mieko inside, seeing Albedo at his desk. The ashy blonde glanced up, smiling when he saw Mieko. “How was work today, Albedo?” She asked as he walked over to her and took her hand, kissing the back of it.
“It went well, darling.” He nodded his head to Jean, the woman smiling a little. “I have been told I need to make amends.”
“Amends?” Mieko asked.
“For not celebrating our anniversary our first 2 years, darling.”
“It's really fine…” Mieko smiled at him. “I don’t need it.”
“But considering that even Sucrose and Timeaus scolded me… I feel like I should do something. Perhaps I could take you out to Starsnatch for a picnic? Or would you prefer we go have a nice dinner somewhere in the city?” Jean smiled, glad that Albedo had said something.
“I'll leave you to it.” She said before leaving the room, Mieko sighing once her friend was out of the room.
“Are you unhappy, Mie? You've been sighing a lot recently.” Albedo asked her, holding her hand still.
“No, Albedo, not unhappy.” She shook her head. “Just… A bit tired.”
“Oh, then let's head home. Perhaps my place this evening? I don't want you going back to the shop right now.” He smiled at her.
“You know I'll have to go back tomorrow.” She reminded him gently.
“I know. But, at least for tonight.” He led her out of the Headquarters, holding her hand in his as they walked back to his home. “What would you like for dinner, Mie? Shall we order out?” he asked, turning to look at her and seeing a blank look in her eyes. “Mie?” She jumped a little, looking up at him.
“I'm sorry, Albedo, I was lost in thought again… What was that?” she asked, putting on a smile. Albedo had noticed her not paying attention more and more frequently. She was also making mistakes when she worked, or when she was in the kitchen too. The alchemist was starting to worry more, seeing as Jean and Lisa said she never used to be like that, even when she was absolutely exhausted.
“Nothing, my darling. Let's order out tonight. We can share.” He smiled at her. They got their dinner and headed home, and before Albedo realized, Mieko was essentially asleep on his shoulder. “Mie, lay down if you want to sleep.”
“Huh?” She looked around, blinking at Albedo as he took her glasses. “Did I fall asleep again…?”
“You did, darling. Come along. Time for bed.” He was a tiny bit disappointed, but he knew she needed the rest. He handed her a potion and pet her head once she drank it all. “Good job, Mie.” He kissed her forehead. “Now, go to sleep.”
“I'm sorry… I know you're pent up and waiting on me.” She mumbled as the potion took effect. Albedo shook his head, petting her hair as she began to drift off to sleep.
“You don't have to worry about any of that, Mie… Please, just get some rest.” He said softly, watching as she knocked out. “Mie… My darling Mie…” He sighed, feeling awful. He didn't know what else he could do for her, or how he could help her. The potions put her to sleep, but they never seemed to be enough. Some nights they barely did anything at all, and Mieko was always so exhausted. A thought crossed his mind that made him shake his head. “No… I can't lose her like this.” He mumbled to himself. “I'll tell her about Sumeru tomorrow… That should raise her spirits, and make her feel better.” He told himself, staring down at his partner, gently playing with her hair as she slept.
Mieko sat up slowly the following morning, hearing Albedo in the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and went to get dressed, seeing that Albedo had laid out some clothes for her. She smiled and got dressed, braiding her hair over her shoulder before heading downstairs. “Albedo.” He turned to her and smiled.
“Morning, Mie. Are you feeling better? Did you sleep well?” He asked as she walked over. “I made you something light, unless you want something more.”
“Thank you, Albedo.” She hugged onto him, kissing his cheek. “Would you count as more?” She asked, Albedo's cheeks coloring.
“If you're up to it… I don't mind.” He replied. “But food first, and drink some water. And then I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” She asked, letting Albedo finish cooking and plating the food. He lead her to the table where he had an envelope waiting.
“Yes, but please eat first.” He smiled. “And perhaps we'll have some fun after.” He teased, feeding her a few bites and allowed her to return the favor, taking their time. Once they ate and dishes were done, he sat with her and held her in his lap, trying to not push her since she had been so tired. “Mie?” He asked, nuzzling against her shoulder, trying his hardest not to give into his urges as she leaned against him and tangled her fingers in his hair.
“Darling.” He sighed shakily, his hands gripping her clothes. “I can't stop myself if you do that.”
“Then don't … You've been holding back on my account.” She whispered into his ear, Albedo shivering. “You're too considerate sometimes, Albedo.” She added, Albedo taking a deep breath and sliding his hand down to her thigh. “Whatever you want… Anything. I'll give it to you.”
“Yes, my Mie…”
After they were done, Albedo laid with Mieko in his bed as she stayed curled up next to him. “Do you feel better now?” She asked, smiling at him.
“You noticed…” He leaned over and kissed her. “You indulged me even though you were still exhausted.”
“I did. Because I wanted to.” She chuckled. “Now, tell me.” She said, playing with his hair. “What sort of surprise have you gotten this time? And how long will I be repaying it?” She asked, Albedo chuckling.
“Well, I'm not sure.” He said, rubbing her back, kissing her a few times before grabbing the envelope. They sat up and Albedo draped his shirt over her shoulders and held her around the waist as she opened the envelope. She read the contents, eyes widening as she kept going. “What do you think? Is this a good anniversary present, to make up for the 2 years I missed?” He asked, Mieko turning to him quickly and knocking him down before peppering his face with kisses.
“You… I can't believe…” She laid on top of him, tears in her eyes as she smiled. “Albedo…”
“I'll take that as a yes?” He chuckled. “A trip to Sumeru to study the flowers, courtesy of my new friends Tighnari and Cyno, to make some expansions on your merchandise. And of course, I paid your rent for the next 2 months, so you have no reason to refuse.” He smiled. “You're not upset?”
“If you ever do this again I will be.” She said, kissing him again. “You're absurd… And I love you so, so much.”
“I love you too, Mie.” He smiled. “Now, let's take our time today? I don't want to let you go… I need to make sure you rest, and have energy for our upcoming venture to Sumeru.”
“Alright… I'll indulge you for now.” She told him, relaxing with him and staying with him all day.
A couple of days later, they were packed and ready to leave the day after next for Sumeru. Mieko laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, Albedo sitting down on the bed next to her. “What are you thinking about, Mie?”
“Just making sure I packed everything.” She replied, looking up at him, smiling. “Thank you again, Albedo… For everything you've been doing for me.”
“Oh? You know I did promise… we worked out a plan together, after all.” He tucked her hair behind her ear.
“I didn't think you'd implement it this year, though.” She said, smiling still. “You work too fast. I can't keep up.”
“There are also other things I do that you can't keep up with.”
“Yes, Mie?” He smiled, letting her pout at him. “Don't pout too much, darling. Or I'll end up tempted again.”
Albedo felt Mieko shift in her sleep, opening his eyes to see her face scrunched up. “Another nightmare…” He sighed, pulling her against him and tucking her head under his chin. “It's alright… I'm here, Mie…” He whispered, slipping his hand under her shirt and rubbing her lower back. She whined in her sleep, clearly distressed. Albedo just held her until she woke, smiling when he heard her apologize. “Shh, don't worry.” He shook his head, burying his nose in her hair and kissing the top of her head.
“I have to worry… Its causing you trouble, Albedo.” She replied, clearly put out by the knowledge that she was causing him to lose sleep, even if he didn't need as much as most people. “I… I can't handle the thought of distressing you…”
“And if I tell you, my darling, that I would rather worry about you than myself?”
“Then I will worry about you more.” She said softly, kissing the mark on his throat, making him pull her closer. “Albedo…?”
“Yes, Mie?”
“I've told you, haven't I? I would do anything for you… Go anywhere with you…” She said, Albedo tangling the fingers of one hand in her hair.
“I am well aware.” Albedo said softly. “My darling Mie… Go back to sleep for a while.” He added, kissing her forehead while Mieko clung to him and gently pressing against the mark on his throat. “I'm here… I'll make sure you're safe.”
“Thank you…” She said softly, smiling and kissing the mark again a few times, Albedo's cheeks coloring. He held her there, finally feeling her settle down and drift back to sleep, clinging to her. Why did he feel like she was slipping away when she was right here in his arms? This feeling made him clingier to her, he had noticed it many months ago, but he was so attached to her. Almost obsessively so.
“Mie… Do you know that I would do anything for you as well? And if anything ever happened to you… I cannot imagine the potential fallout that would follow…” He felt his eyes closing slowly, keeping his grip on Mieko until he couldn't stay awake any longer.
Once Albedo was deep enough in sleep, Mieko's eyes opened. She looked up at him, smiling softly. “Albedo…” She whispered softly, wrapping one arm over his side and pulling him as close as they could get, her hand gently dipping under his shirt and resting against his skin. “I'm so sorry… You're always putting up with me…” She felt compelled to apologize, to tell him sorry every time he did something for her. She hated it, and she knew he wasn't fond of the apologies either. She sighed and tried her best to settle back down. She had started to notice he was looking at her differently, and so her insecurity of being left behind was getting the better of her. She hated that feeling. She didn't know what else to do, which was why she kept saying things like she would follow him anywhere. It was definitely true that she felt that way, but verbalizing it eased her mind that she was making it clear. She could only hope that it wasn't irritating him as she closed her eyes and did her best to fall back asleep.
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mlkywaycafe · 1 year
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omg it’s the idol that gets everyone’s heart racing, Mieko!!!
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skzmei · 1 year
— M.list.
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- MEI is a member of the group STRAYKIDS, and even though she is the only female alongside 8 males, she is very loved by the one and only, Stay.
! IMPORTANT ! nothing in this fanfic is true, it is all fiction so don’t take this too seriously.
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… about Mei!
kprofile, interviews, background, claims
… relationships!
inside SKZ, outside SKZ, family
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… eras!
current: SOCIAL PATH ft. LiSA
PARTY’S NOT OVER, 5 STAR, There, SKZ-REPLAY, CASE 143 (Jap. Ver.), MAXIDENT, Mixtape: Time Out, CIRCUS, Oddinary, SKZ2021, Christmas EveL, NoEasy, Mixtape: Oh, All In, In Life, Go Live, TOP, Mixtape: On Track, SKZ2020, Mixtape: Gone days, Clé: Levanter, Double Knot, Clé 2: Yellow Wood, Clé 1: Miroh
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… social media!
twitter, instagram, tiktok, youtube
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… variety shows!
SKZ-talker, SKZ-Code, 2 Kids Room, Chan‘s Room, Kingdom
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Please do not copy or translate any of my work.
Reblogs and requests are highly appreciated!!
©️ skzmei on tumblr | all rights deserved | unauthorised duplication will be reported.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 8 months
shook talks way too much about her ocs, episode 1: generational trauma!!!!!
slight context: this literally only exists bc i was thinking about two of my ocs that are distant relatives, and kept forgetting how exactly they were related so i decided to draw out a family tree for my own reference
and then wrote a 4 page lore and info dump to accompany it, which could have been much longer tbh i definitely left some stuff out-
anyways here's the family tree, lore dump beneath the cut, enjoy(? i guess lol)
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The Families The Tayasu are a long running lineage of yokai hunters who are known both for their skill in their craft and extreme prejudice against the non-humans they hunt. They are a primarily patriarchal line, with the eldest son typically taking over as head of the family, though there have been exceptions to this. Notable examples include the family's first head, Tayasu no Ayumi, who was a woman, and the current head, Tayasu Masahiko, who is the youngest out of his brothers. Typically any sons who do not become head of the family for whatever reason will either marry into other familys, taking on the surname of said other family in the process, or leave to pursue their craft on their own. Examples include Jun'ichi Inori and Tayasu Aiiro, who will be discussed more in depth later on. The line also seems to be more prone to developing supernatural abilities, though this is not true for all members and often takes the form simple sensing abilities rather than anything extraordinary.
The Inori are similarly a long running lineage who are believed to have descended from the Kami Inori (note: i will be italicizing his name so it's easier to tell when i'm actually referring to him), and serve as shrine maidens in his service. They are a matriarchal line, with every Inori to date having had at least one daughter, and succession is decided by which heirs are able to commune with Inori himself, though there have been cases in which none are able, in which the most capable candidate is often chosen. Due to the nature of their work, which often involves battling spirits, yokai, and other malicious entities, many of the Inori lineage die young. The oldest known head of the family was Inori Reina, who passed away at 66 after serving as the family head for much longer than usual due to her daughter, Inori Chika's, death at the age of only 23. All Inori are born with the inherent ability to sense non-humans, as well as a natural talent for spiritual and exorcism techniques, though their specific strengths will vary by individual.
The Individuals Inori Haruka was the daughter of Inori Chika. Her mother's death spawned a deep hatred of yokai within her. As a result, she nearly exclusively trained herself in combat, and married a heir of the Tayasu in the hopes of producing a child with exceptional yokai exterminating abilities. She never capable of hearing Inori's voice, a fact which drove her mad. Died when Inori Rei was 8.
Inori Jun'ichi was the eldest son of his generation of Tayasu. He married into the Inori family due to his lack of combat ability, though he quickly embraced their lifstyle and picked up some spiritual techniques. Despite, or perhaps because of, his lack of combat ability, he sought for his child to be exceptionally talented. Died when Inori Rei was 8
Inori Rei is the current Inori shrine maiden, as well as the youngest when taking over the position. Though she both claims to hate yokai and is exceptionally skilled with spiritual and exorcism techniques, as well as combat in general, she only goes after those who are actively causing trouble, and rarely ever truly exterminates them. She is however, very emotionally closed off and acts coldly towards most. Has been able to hear the voice of Inori since she was very young.
Inori Mars is the son of a craftsman who ran away from home at a young age in pursuit of the arcane arts. Though he has little to no natural magical talent, he has nonetheless become a powerhouse in his craft through a combination of hard work and supplemental devices of his own making. He and Inori Rei make a surprisingly good team.
Inori Shin is the next in the line of succession, and will be the first man to ever have the position. Though he is not as capable as his mother, he still has very strong natural abilities, as well as having a very good handle on said abilities for his age. He is calm and thoughtful, preferring pacifism when possible but willing to achieve peace through combat if need be. Is able to hear the voice of Inori, though less clearly than his mother.
Inori Yoku is the twin sister of Inori Shin and the first female Inori to not become a shrine maiden. This is due both due to her lack of desire to do so, as well as her inability to hear the voice of Inori. She is extremely energetic and tends to be obsessive, but has an incredible natural talent for magic. Likes to cause problems and play pranks.
Tayasu Aiiro is the middle son of his generation of Tayasu. He rejected the position of family head to pursue his craft of yokai hunting, though his natural coldness made him the less likely candidate regardless of his place in the order of succession and incredible natural combat ability. Has the ability to sense non-humans.
Tayasu Masahiko is the youngest son of his generation of Tayasu, and current head of the family. He is kind and generous to his fellow man, but becomes ruthless and unforgiving when dealing with non-humans. His combat prowess is exceptional, having even slain oni in the past, but his current focus is training his daughter to take over as head of the family. Has the ability to sense non-humans.
Tayasu Mieko is the eldest daughter of a well known family of martial artists who married into the Tayasu family. She is incredibly kind and loving, often going above and beyond for her family. She also has incredible combat prowess due to her upbringing, though prefers peace over violence. Has slight telekinetic abilities.
Tayasu Hatsue is the eldest child of the current generation of Tayasu, and next in line to be head of the family. This is due in no small part to the resemblance she bears to the family's original head, Tayasu no Ayumi, both physically and in demeanor. She is considered to be a prodigy, and is well loved due to her cheery demeanor. Surprisingly has no supernatural abilities.
Tayasu Hidemi is the middle child of the current generation of Tayasu. He has next to no combat ability, and cares more for romance than yokai extermination. He is kind but tends to come off as quite vain, and hopes to marry into a different influential family one day. Has the ability to sense how someone is truly feeling.
Tayasu Shino is the youngest child of the current Tayasu generation. She does not share the prejudice for non-humans that the rest of the Tayasu typically have, something which has led her family to entirely ignore her existence at the behest of her father. It is not known how most of them feel about this decision, but she has become cold and isn't very emotive as a result. She is very skilled at hand-to-hand combat, and has the highest potential for supernatural powers of any Tayasu to have ever existed. Primarily has psychic abilities like telekinesis and can sense non-humans, though her abilities are still developing.
if you made it to the end then uh
feel free to ask some questions or let me know who your fave is or whatever idk ckhjvbc
and also thank you thank you for reading all of my insane ramblings-
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gloryride · 2 months
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traulisms · 4 months
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mieko and bria reporting for yuri
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miekomi · 3 months
”Does anyone have any music recommendations? I’ve been looking for something to listen to whenever I’m not busy.”
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
An Art Gift for Pandoom and QQ
🇵🇷Me:Hey guys! Thought for my first 🦃November 2022 art post is working on an art gift that I made a promise to a friend. After what he did back in September 2022 when sharing his post for me and my P-pal @murumokirby360 So today as a returning the favor by giving my art gift to him and Mieko as well. Hoping he’s gonna like this art gift I’ve made for him, but at least at the right time after finishing through other stuff from last month. What that being said, here’s to our former friend and Mieko to share my gift with my mains.
Maxwell, May, and Sam created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @abdullah-almarri
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sunliights · 1 month
open to anyone. muse: mieko izumi. 26 years old. bisexual. she/her. sound and lighting engineer. plot: roommates with benefits plot where our muses are roommates that hook up with each other all the time. are there feelings there? who knows, they’ve never ever discussed the topic and refuse to. but suddenly one of them gets a girlfriend/boyfriend and the other doesn’t know what to do or how to act anymore.
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mieko stabs into her fruit salad with a lot more force than what is actually required to get the piece of pear onto her fork, narrowing her gaze on her roommate as she leans into the counter top. “i didn’t know you had company last night. who was that sneaking out this morning?”
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phoenixdaneko · 1 year
Repostober Day 2
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ID: A drawing of a woman and a child. The woman has seafoam green hair that's in a braid over her shoulder, and her eyes are closed. She's sitting down in a cross cross applesauce position, and the child has their arms around her neck in a hug. She is wearing a red crop top and blue shorts, and the bottom of her shoes are grey. She has a pair of folded up white wings on her back. The child has white hair that fades into seafoam green, and is tied in a ponytail. She is wearing a purple shirt and a black skirt, and black shoes. She has a pair of white wings that fade to a pinkish red. You can only see one of the girl's eyes, and it is an ice blue in color. END ID
Second oldest piece of art saved on my phone! My main persona and her kid.
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