#Midheaven ruler in the 12 house
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intheestaars · 2 days ago
Solar return Observations pt. 3
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‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
Hello my loves, i hope you are doing great. I've been feeling inspired to make some new posts (more might be coming soon), and i'm currently really into Solar return charts, so i'm sorry if you'd like to see more normal observations, but i don't really have much to talk about there, i'm really sorry. I still hope you still enjoy this!
If you do not know about solar return charts or constellations i'm mentioning, i would recommend you to look it up beforehand. I am not the best at explaining this kind of stuff, but there are other astrology pages who have amazing introductions for people who are getring into for example solar return charts. Please look them up and then come back to this!!
Also: this is just astrology, don't take it too serious!!
Kite Constellation: If you want to see in which year you will accomplish big life goals or experience big positive life changes (like a marriage, finishing your college degree, going into retirement, etc.), look for the years you have a Kite constellation. These accomplishments can be anything, but they will have to be something that feels big specifically for you and bings you lots of happiness. So for example, just finishing school, which can be positive but for you is just a step along the way and not really a big accomplishment, then you might not have a kite in your chart or it is not about thst. So this will most likely be a very positive and happy life event, because it involves a grand trine, despite the opposition. The opposition just means, that it will involve some tensions, as any big life event will. I feel like, this is also why it makes it more so about big life accomplishmentd than other constellations like the grand trine. They are also very important, but the opposition makes it more so about big accomplishments or changes events, because they will involve some form of stress or tension. For example marriage: a marriage is a very beautiful thing, but making the descision and planning everything can still be very stressfull. Also, if you want to see what the big life accomplishment or change is about, look for the planets that are involved in the kite and what houses these planets rule in your solar return chart. For example: if you have Pluto, Neptune, mercury and mars involved, and your 7th house is ruled by Pluto, plus Pluto is conjunct your mc and your mercury is conjunct your DC, your Mars is conjunct your IC and Neptune is conjunct your North node, this is very likely signifying that you will get married in that year. This is one of those constellations i've consistantly seen with big life changes/accomplishments, to the point where it's kind of scary how accurate it is, so i urge you to look it up.
Venus in the 7th house: Adding to the last observation, this also can signifie you receiving lots of love, although i don't think this alone signifies something as big as getting married, but it will bring more romance into your life if not connected to malefic planets.
Ruler of the MC in the 12th house: This signifies you being known or seen by the "public" (it can also be your community) as isolating yourself or going somewhere that is far away or secluded from this community/public life. For example traveling across the world, not posting as much on social media, distancing yourself from your friendgroup or community, or a friendgroup breakup which leads to you isolating yourself. Thinks like that. If you are very spiritual and maybe your Mc is in Pisces, Aquarius or Scorpio, this can also have to do with the occult and spiritual experiences, but most likely it is about some form of isolation or seclution.
North node in the 6th house: This will be pushing you to get into better habits, like going more to the gym for example, but in a positive way. For example, you might finally be pushed to change your gym, which can have to do with more negative things, especially with south node in the 12th house it might have to do with you feeling isolated or having mental heslth struggles, so you try to find new ways to connect with people and try to have an outlet for the stresses you are experiencing. But this leads to you finally finding the gym or the kind of sport that is perfect for you, so you go there more often and train a lot more. It doesn't have to be about the gym, but to give you an example.
Saturn in your 4th house: I've talked about this before, but now i am way more certain this is not about moving house. This is more so about either again, isolation, feeling restricted emotionally or physically in or to your home, or to what you consider your family. Or just where you feel safe if you have neither.
MC ruler in the 9th house: Being known for travelling quite a bit. It doesn't matter where or how far.
Most or a lot of planets in the 4th/5th house in conjunct: This year will be about something that you enjoy a lot that correlates to family and friends. For example, if you haven't seen your old family and friends in years and you are really excited of seeing them again, you might visit them, which could make you really happy. Even if you travel far for this, its not so much about the travel but enjoying seeing them again.
Ascendant in Pisces with Neptune in the 12th house conjunct Chiron: This might mean some form of mental health struggle having to do with you being mentally trapped in an illusion.
Uranus in the 4th house: If this is not about moving house, it can also mean a change in what you find safety and a sense of home. For example, it could also mean you meet your life partner, so now you find a sense of security or home through them.
Neptune retrogate in the 2nd house: Illusions surrounding your self worth or financial situation may be broken appart or dismantled, especially if you have North node there too. With Chiron it might be something you really struggle with throughout the year, but especially with north node, it is something you are ment to heal.
Lot's of positive 5th and 7th house connections: This could indicate love that is very romantic and fun, or also very close friendships/relationships that are very fun and light hearted. It doesn't have to mean it is not serious, but i feel like the 5th house gives more fun and light heartedness which the 7th house can sometimes be missing, but in combination it can be very beautiful.
Empty 9th house, but with ruler in the 3rd house (with positive and expanding planets like jupiter in the 3rd): You might travel a lot, but it will be mostly with friends and probably more short distance. Short distance can also be a 3 hour flight away, it's just probably not transcontinental (that's more 9th house and 12th house stuff).
Okay, i think that's it for now. It takes me a little while to make these because i have to wait and see how life evolves to get new insights, and i have to compare what i see in my chart for example with what i see in other charts, thats why these don't come as often. But i still hope you enjoyed it and see you next time. Take care and bye!!
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harmoonix · 1 year ago
° Short Astrology Observations °
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"I get close to make it easy for you,
you are my fantasy"
🦋 -> People with 5°, 17°, 29° degrees on their Midheaven can get known/famous from a young age, these people can have that "Everyone's favorite" type of person
🦋 -> Venus at 6°, 18° degrees can make the person to fall in love a bit harder than others, that's because most of the natives have bigger expectations when it comes to love
🦋 -> Cancer & Capricorn placements in someone's chart indicate a duality between being cold yet a bit fragile, like you try to be hard/cold but inside you know you're soft and kind
🦋 -> Air Moon Water Sun can be that type person who can listen to you all night and give you the best advices, but in the same time the person who can help you grow
🦋 -> Aries/Sagittarius placements on TOP, they're so bold and so majestic, I remember the times where Sagittarius was representing royalty back in the 2016 trends
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🦋 -> Aquarius & Libra placements combo in someone's chart can make the person very social and very charismatic. Like they always have beautiful words to charm people
🦋 -> Sun in the 7th house/Leo in the 7th house tend to have both the same energy, these people are focusing much on their relationships, and they expect their partners to do the same
🦋 -> People with Saturn in Pisces/Saturn in the 12th house or Saturn in Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) natives are the type of people who wake up late or tend be late at events/they may like sleep a lot and they most times will prioritize that
🦋 -> Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Juno can be an indicator of a power couple, like you tend to boost eachother a lot and also to be posesive of eachother
🦋 -> Gemini Mars & Gemini Venus love to make deep conversations with their lovers, to be there and to talk freely is something they desire in a relationship
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🦋 -> Jupiter in harsh aspects to Sun can possess an big ego. And an switched up personality. They can also attract people without them wanting it
🦋 -> One tning about Sagittarius Mercury natives is that they are honest. So if you want an honest opinion about something, talk with an Sag Mercury about it
🦋 -> Venus in 8th house/Venus in Scorpio, is a not a lie that Venus struggles in this sign and in this house and that means the native may struggle a bit when it comes to their love life (It may be difficult to find the right partners for them)
Why Venus may struggle in Scorpio you may question? One of Venus rulers is Taurus, Scorpio is Taurus opposite sign so Venus becomes in detriment in Scorpio (Watch and see cus having it in vedic/sidereal chart sometimes it can be chaos😭)
🦋 -> Lucifer (1930) - Ascendant aspects natives are having a powerful boost of pride. People with these aspects can be very proud of themselves. In good aspects the native can have much confidence aswell
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🦋 -> Cancer Ascendant natives are really good at helping others out whenever they may need help. Like that friend who helps you with a homework they're very kind people
🦋 -> Natives with Cancer Moon (I mostly saw men with this placement) could get a lot of love from their moms, or neither at all, most of them can experience mommy isuses
🦋 -> Leo Moons/Moons in the 5th house know how to love themselves, they know how to spoil themselves in order to be happy
🦋 -> Moon in Sagittarius Degrees (9°. 21°) can find themselves writing a lot. They have great inspiration for writing and creating. Especially stories about adventure/comedy. These people can even write in their Diary a lot
🦋 -> People with Mercury - Pluto aspects can use their voice to manifest things in their lives. Like wanting something you truly want. Try to talk with the God/Spirits/Ancestors about it or whoever source you may like talking with. Because it can help a lot
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🦋 -> Taurus Ascendant and Taurus Sun people may have sensible ears, and they can be sensible also at high volumes. Like high volume music. It can trigger them. Because Taurus rules over the ears for a human body
🦋 -> 12th house placements are attracted to things people may find weird or different, for example someone may find an specific song "weird" while you may find it unique and different than the others
🦋 -> Ceres Asteroid (1) square/opposition Juno can indicate that you may need to nurture/help your partner and they to do the same for you, it may not be easy but is something that needs to be done together (Also these people are so clingy in relationships)
🦋 -> Saturn or Mars in the 1st house can get that "good body" while working out. It may actually help them a lot because people with these placements have really great muscles and gain muscles fast
🦋 -> Jupiter in the 11th house can have that type of friendships who last forever, because this house is one of the best to have Jupiter, basically your friends are everything for you
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🦋 Today feels like a day living in the most beautiful island forever 🦋
🦋 It's a good day for an Fantasy/Fairytale theme inspired post so here I come making one for y'all
🦋 I hope you all have a great day, spend it with the people you love, doing the things you love because if you don't do it know then when??🦋
🦋 Yours Truly, Harmoonix 🦋
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astrosky33 · 1 year ago
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NOTE: these are the MOST COMMON indications of each type of fame in astrology (not including asteroids)
There can be more indications but these are the most popular ones based on my research and also astrological evidence as well
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◉ Singing Fame
Libra/Taurus/Pisces Midheaven
North Node in the 2nd/3rd house
Water Sun + Libra Moon
Mercury/Venus/Neptune in the 2nd house
North Node - Mercury/Venus/Neptune aspects
Venus - Neptune aspects
◉ Acting Fame
Leo/Pisces/Cancer Midheaven
Sun/Neptune in the 10th house
Moon in the 5th house
5th house stellium
North Node in the 5th/12th house
Sun - North Node aspects
◉ Comedic Fame
Virgo Moon/Moon in 6th house
Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini Sun
North Node in the 3rd/9th house
Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius Ascendant
Capricorn Mercury/Mercury in the 10th house
Scorpio/8th house stellium
Prominent 3°/12°/21° placements
◉ Rapping Fame
Aries/Gemini/Aquarius Midheaven
Aries/Gemini Mars
Mercury/Mars in 10th house
Aries/Gemini stellium
Aries Mercury
3rd house stellium
◉ Modeling Fame
Libra/Taurus/Pisces Midheaven
Venus/Neptune in 10th house
Venus/Neptune in 1st house
Venus/Neptune aspecting Midheaven
Venus/Neptune aspecting Sun
Sun in 1st/7th house
Prominent 5°/14°/23° placements
◉ Social Media Fame
Gemini/Aquarius Midheaven
Sun in 3rd/11th house
3rd/6th/11th house stellium
Gemini/Aquarius/Virgo stellium
Mercury/Uranus in the 10th house
Mercury/Uranus aspecting Midheaven
Prominent 11° placements
◉ Reporter/Interviewing Fame
Virgo/Sagittarius/Gemini Sun
Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini Midheaven
9th house stellium
Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini stellium
Chart ruler in 9th/11th house
North Node in 9th house
◉ Athletic Fame
Aries/Scorpio Midheaven
Mars in the 5th/10th house
North Node in the 1st house
Midheaven aspecting Mars
North Node aspecting Mars
1°/11° placements
◉ Political Fame
Midheaven in Virgo/Gemini/Sagittarius/Aquarius
3rd/9th/11th house stellium
North Node in 3rd/9th/11th house
Jupiter in the 3rd/11th house
Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini/Aquarius stellium
1° placements
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pubbamoon · 9 months ago
Random Astrology Observation
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Hi guys! Thank you so much for liking my recent post about Midheaven. I was absolutely shocked and blown away when I see the number of notes in the first 12 hours (more than 100 notes). This time, I'm going to do something different. I'm going to make an astrology observation about random placements from any natal chart. I didn't prepare anything, I'm just going to describe those placements that will come to my mind first, haha lol. This observation may apply to the western astrology only. Also, this will be a general observation, so take only what resonates with you. Hope it's going to makes sense, at least.
Natives who have multiple planets in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are meant to be leaders at some point. They might have such a strong presence and naturally attract other people because of their strong and natural charisma. Every angular house describes the most important things and events in our life.
1st house represents someone's personality, body and overall life.
4th house represents home, childhood and someone's private life.
7th house represents marriage, other people and our partner's life.
10th house represents career path and someone's professional life.
For a couple of months, I have realized that I eat very poorly and less than I have ever eaten for years. Sometimes I basically skip breakfast. It's become clear to me why this happens to me when I did look at the transits and saw that transit Saturn is currently in Pisces sign and it's sitting in my natal 2nd house of food, eating and throat. Saturn is all about restrictions and struggles and I don't have that capacity to eat the huge amount of food like I used to do. And it's not that I'm big, I'm naturally skinny actually.
South Node is related to spirituality, detachment and our comfort zone. When someone's personal planet or point, especially Sun, Moon or Rising, conjuncts your natal South Node, this may be a person who you naturally hang out with. You might feel comfortable with this type of person, but you may suddenly lose or break contact with this person like that is meant to happen. That is because South Node is a karmic planet and you should learn some lessons from your past life while interacting with person whose natal Sun/Moon/Rising conjuncts your natal South Node.
I could be called out for this statement, but I find Lilith a little bit overrated here on Tumblr and on every other social platforms (especially on Instagram and Twitter/X). Since I started following some astrology accounts here, I've been hearing about Lilith and other asteroids like they're something special. Don't get me wrong, I do think that Lilith does represent the sexual and dark side of us and that it can be accurate, but I also think that we already have Pluto for this (and Mars and Saturn too, 'cause they're all dark planets). My opinion is that people rely a little bit too much on asteroids here. When I look at someone's natal chart, I usually look the positions of the planets and I get enough clarity on someone's life and behavior. I use asteroids too, but that's the last thing I look on someone's natal chart.
Since I switched a house system from a Placidus to a Whole Sign, I have understood my own natal chart with the Whole Sign system clearer than before I used Placidus system. I'm not saying that the Placidus is bad and less accurate, but from my experience, that house system has always been confusing to me. When I switched to the Whole Sign system, I could understand my natal chart better and everything just 'clicked' to me. Whole Sign just makes more sense to me, I don't know about you and others.
I used to use both traditional and modern planetary rulers for each sign and house, but now I'm starting to realize that is enough to use only the traditional ones. I'll still use planets from Sun to Pluto while analyzing someone's natal chart, but when it comes to the rulers of the signs and houses, I'll use only planets from Sun to Saturn. The reason why is because I've concluded that the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) move too slow and it takes several years to change their signs. But regardless, I'll still say that these outer planets are co-rulers in modern tropical/western astrology, but I won't use them in practice anymore until I change my mind, which happens quite often, hahaha.
In traditional tropical astrology, Saturn rules over the Capricorn and Aquarius, Jupiter rules over the Sagittarius and Pisces and Mars rules over the Aries and Scorpio. But in modern tropical astrology, Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune and Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto. Use whatever it resonates more to you. I don't force you to think like me, that's not my goal at all.
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Thank you for reading this observation and supporting my work. You can ask me what do you want me to do next if you have any ideas. Wish you all had a wonderful day ahead.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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brielledoesastrology · 2 years ago
There is just something about Vesta (4) & Hestia (46) prominent people in astrology (a theory)
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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⚠️before this post start i just wanted to say that all of this is a theory, so i could be wrong. These are just observations from what i've seen when i do famous people charts and i saw some repeating patterns about it. And not gonna lie this is probably one of the most confusing posts I've ever made cuz I still have no answer to this too, that's why i hope other people have answers about this too.⚠️
asteroid Vesta code number : 4
asteroid Hestia code number : 46
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- Marie Antoinette has hestia conjunct her moon in aquarious in the 5th house
- Audrey Hepburn has vesta conjunct her mercury at taurus - gemini
- Madonna has hestia conjunct her midheaven in gemini
- Henry Cavil has hestia conjunct his venus and northnode in gemini
- Cillian Murphy has vesta conjunct his venus and mercury
- Marilyn Monroe has hestia conjunct her midheaven in taurus
- Pamela Anderson hestia conjunct her mercury in cancer and mercury also her chart ruler
Other people that i can't include in the pictures because tumblr didn't let me too 😭 :
- Eminem has hestia conjunct his sun in libra
- Cardi b has hestia conjunct her sun in libra
Some repeating patterns i saw :
- most of these people are considered as "sex symbols"
- some of them are authentic about what they do in their career
- some of them are like not afraid to be extremely honest or blunt
- not gonna lie most of these people are really extremely physically gorgeous
- some of them had really pleasant voices (ex : marilyn, audrey, cillian)
Is it me only or other people notice some repeating patterns too or does anyone have any answer to this?
Tagging some people too (it's ok if u don't have time to answer, it's not a must to answer this) : @zeldasnotes @d4rkpluto @a-d-nox @astrosky33 @notanastrologer @littledigest @evangelinesbible
Update ( i forgot to add abt the mythology of vesta/hestia too) :
Vesta, in Roman religion, goddess of the hearth, identified with the Greek Hestia. The lack of an easy source of fire in the early Roman community placed a special premium on the ever-burning hearth fire, both publicly and privately maintained; thus, from the earliest times Vesta was assured of a prominent place in both family and state worship. Her worship was observed in every household along with that of the Penates and the Lares, and her image was sometimes encountered in the household shrine.
Hestia, in Greek religion, goddess of the hearth, daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and one of the 12 Olympian deities. When the gods Apollo and Poseidon became suitors for her hand she swore to remain a maiden forever, whereupon Zeus, the king of the gods, bestowed upon her the honour of presiding over all sacrifices. She was worshipped chiefly as goddess of the family hearth; but, as the city union was only the family union on a large scale, she had also, at least in some states, a public cult at the civic hearth in the prytaneion, or town hall. Hestia was closely connected with Zeus, god of the family in its external relation of hospitality and its internal unity. She was also associated with Hermes, the two representing domestic life on the one hand, and business and outdoor life on the other. In later philosophy Hestia became the hearth goddess of the universe.
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astrosouldivinity · 4 months ago
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ~ 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍✰
(𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢) 🌌 ✨🔮
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• Full Reading (Includes All Options Listed Below)
• Horoscope Reading $12
• Career Reading $14
• Love Reading $14
• Personal Style Reading $12
• Big 6 (Personal) Planets Reading $18
• Major Asteroids Reading $18
• Outer (Generational Planets Reading) $18
• North Node & South Node Reading $18
𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔: 📋✨
📖 In a Horoscope Reading, I will analyze the current transits and astrological aspects, along with their impact on your natal chart, to provide insights into the energies influencing your life. If you have a specific question, I can integrate that into the reading. In addition, transits reflect the movement of planets and their interactions with your birth chart, revealing opportunities for growth and transformation.
• Meanwhile, aspects reveal the relationships between different planets and points in your chart, illustrating how these interactions affect your experiences. By understanding both the transits and aspects, we can explore the themes and lessons that may arise during this period, providing clarity on your personal challenges and opportunities as you navigate your journey.
📖 In a Career Reading, I will guide you in exploring your Midheaven (MC) sign and the career paths that align with it. In astrology, the MC represents your public persona and image, highlighting your unique talents and how you are perceived by the public. By understanding your MC sign, you can discover a variety of career options that resonate with your strengths, empowering you to thrive in your professional life.
• Furthermore, I will analyze your 10th and 6th house, along with their rulers, to see which placements fall within those houses. The 10th house which relates to your career, ambition, and public image, while the 6th house focuses on your work and daily routines.
• In addition, I will analyze your Jupiter placement, the house it occupies, and its connection to your career. Jupiter symbolizes abundance, growth, and opportunities. By examining its position, I can uncover valuable insights into the areas of your life where you may experience expansion, good fortune, and the potential for success.
• Lastly, I will analyze your Mars sign and the house it occupies. This placement reflects your drive, ambition, and passion. I will also consider your rising sign, which influences how you are perceived in social settings.
📖 In a Love Reading, I will analyze your Venus sign and the placement of the Juno asteroid in your birth chart, including the houses they occupy. Additionally, I will take into account your Moon sign and any planetary placements in your 7th house, which is linked to relationships and partnerships due to its association with Libra.
• The love reading highlights the qualities in a partner that would attract you at an energetic level, and it can also reveal how you might meet them. If you have someone specific in mind, I would analyze both of your charts and observe the synastry to provide deeper insights.
📖 In a Personal Style Reading, I will be analyzing your Venus sign, rising sign, moon sign, the Aphrodite asteroid, and Lilith asteroid to uncover your aesthetic. Your Venus sign reveals your beauty preferences, while your rising sign influences your overall look. Your moon sign reflects your emotional style, and the Aphrodite asteroid highlights unique elements of attraction that make you stand out.
• Additionally, Lilith represents your instinctual desires and how you assert your individuality, adding depth to your personal style. Together, these insights will help you create a wardrobe that truly expresses your individuality. I’ll also include photos to illustrate these concepts and inspire your style journey.
📖 In a Big 6 Reading, I will analyze the six major placements in astrology: your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Rising Sign, along with the houses they occupy to gain a deeper understanding of how their energies manifest in your birth chart.
• In addition, these planets are fundamental in astrology, representing core aspects of your personality, such as your emotions, communication style, relationships, and outward persona. While this overview is broad, each placement provides deeper insights, making it a great introduction to your natal chart. These placements can reveal valuable information about your strengths, challenges, and overall life path.
📖 In an Asteroids Reading, I will analyze your Lilith, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, and Eros asteroids, along with the houses they occupy, to gain a better understanding of how their energies manifest in your birth chart.
• In addition, Asteroids represent specific aspects of your personality and life experiences, influencing themes such as relationship dynamics, healing journey process, self-expression, sexual desires, and creativity. Each asteroid carries its own unique energy and symbolism, allowing for a nuanced understanding of how these themes play out in your life.
📖 In an Outer Planets Reading, I will analyze your Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto signs, along with the houses they occupy, to gain a better understanding of how their energies manifest in your birth chart.
• Outer Planets, also known as Generational Planets, are celestial bodies located beyond the asteroid belt, characterized by their slower movement. These planets possess transformative qualities that impact society at large and delve into themes of fate and profound introspection.
📖 In a North Node & South Node Reading, I will analyze your North Node and South Node, along with the houses they occupy, to better understand how their energies manifest in your birth chart.
• Your North Node signifies your future self and the direction you are heading in this lifetime, representing the person you aspire to become. In contrast, your South Node reflects your past life and who you were before this incarnation. While it offers insights into your history, the goal is to evolve towards your North Node and embrace the lessons your South Node teaches you.
𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒚:
To ensure an accurate reading, please provide the following information:
• Your Date of Birth, Place of Birth, & Exact Time of Birth. Please make sure your birth time is correct. I would say that’s the most important thing I will need from you. If the time is even off a little it can drastically affect the accuracy of your reading.
• Your email address so I can send you a copy of your reading when it’s finished.
• After receiving your birth chart information, I will conduct an in-depth analysis. Once complete, I will compile all the details into a Word document in PDF format and email it to you. 🤍
Please note that all readings are final once payment is received via Venmo, Etsy, Cash App, Ko-fi, or PayPal, and I do not offer refunds. Payment is required before I begin your reading, which you can expect to receive within 1-4 weeks, or sooner depending on its length and my availability. If you have any questions or need clarification before making a purchase, please don't hesitate to reach out. ☺️
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Once your reading is complete, I’d love to hear your feedback! For example, what resonated with you the most, and anything else you would like to share. Your feedback is optional, but it would be greatly valued and help me improve.
𝔁𝓸𝔁𝓸- 𝓚𝓲𝓴𝓲 💟
𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒏 ~ 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 (𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚃𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚍)
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plutoyoni · 10 months ago
riize group chart - a reading (mostly observations lol)
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(this is kind of unstructured tbh and will basically just be me making note of random things i notice in the chart 😌)
💮 the first thing that stood out to me was their aquarius rising - i personally haven't seen a kpop group with an aquarius in their ascendant. aquarius is all about modernity and trends - i would say this is illustrated in that distinctive 'gen z feel' that people usually mention when it comes to them (astrologically this is because gen z - generationally - have their uranus and neptune in aquarius).
💮 their midheaven falling in their 11h also indicates their public perception (midheaven) is highly reliant on their presence and image on social media (11h) - i'd say this is seen in their modern and unique marketing style that makes heavy use of tiktok and trends.
💮 the 3h aries chiron can signal some damaging rumours as chiron is all about wounds/painful events (especially in a volatile sign such as aries) and the 3rd house is all about the spread of information and communication - ultimately seen in the rumors that led to seunghan's departure from the group.
💮 this is also exacerbated by that 8h sun-mercury conjunction which is indicative of hidden (8h) information (mercury) coming to light (sun). (might indicate possible scandals in the future - i'd have to check the transits to be sure).
💮 but they have a very dignified and well-placed moon! their 4h taurus moon-jupiter conjunction is probably why everyone immediately felt very soft and protective over them they have a very notable familiarity that people respond to.
additionally, a dignified moon (because the moon exalts in taurus) and benefics in the 4h (i.e. moon and jupiter) in the chart of a public figure is usually a good indicator that there will always be a place for them in the hearts of the general public 💌.
💮sagittarius midheaven and 9h libra mars definitely shows why they hit it off with international audiences, they even have their rising at a sagittarius degree too! this usually gives great appeal with foreign people as sagittarius rules over foreign lands - a very worldly and laidback feel.
💮also midheaven at a libra degree (7°) - known for their pretty boy-ness.
💮 there's alot of virgo/taurus energy here too so a definite feel of being more grounded and down to earth.
💮 the 2h pisces saturn and neptune can show that they had some trouble finding their footing in the beginning, like the actual construction (2h) of the group was possibly difficult (saturn) and unclear and required some sacrifices (pisces) at first. which we are now aware of regarding shotaro and sungchan initially being nct members without a unit before riize's inception.
💮 also them sharing a saturn sign with sm and sm's saturn falling into their 2h and them debuting during sm's saturn return (which I'd gladly expand more on in a future post!) all point towards sm likely heavily valuing/investing in them (2h) or just seeing them has highly useful to their longevity (saturn) in some way.
💮 lastly, a jupiter-uranus conjunction is a goldmine for easily standing out, since uranus rules over uniqueness and jupiter gives abundance and great luck - especially since uranus and jupiter are the rulers of their ascendant (aquarius) and midheaven (sagittarius) too , the general public sees them and just knows they're Different.
💮 also a 12° leo venus is a very glossy heartthrobby placement so there's that as well lol
thanks for reading!! i enjoyed doing this and their chart honestly reminds me a bit of nct 127's chart lol
(thank you sooo much for the love on the previous posts <3333 i wasn't sure they'd be received well so im so grateful that they were enjoyable! also i'm really sorry for the 2 month disappearance 😭 since the last post I've since moved homes and also had with a huge blow of creative block which i'm working through now so posting will definitely be on a more flexible and regular basis :D)
i hoped this was enjoyable - im not sure how many people are familiar with riize - im quite new to them myself so this might not be wholly accurate (if so - please correct me)
i really enjoyed writing this !
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heartlilith · 8 months ago
♥️July Reading Specials♥️
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The Beauty in Your Chart - $15
I'll describe 3 placements in your natal chart that are beneficial and attractive. This isn't only about physical looks!
ASC Persona Chart Observations - $8
10 observations. 
Synastry Chart Observations - $8
10 observations.
Natal Chart Observations - $7
10 observations.
Solar Return Observations - $7
10 observations.
Venus Persona Chart Observations - $8
10 observations.
Mini Solar Return Reading - $15
Focuses on the Sun and Moon sign and house placement as well as the Rising sign and chart ruler. I will also describe 3 major aspects. What are your major themes for the year? What will be in focus? What situations does your chart indicate?
Mini Natal Chart Reading - $13
Focuses on your big 3 (Sun, Moon, and Rising sign) and their house placements as well as 3 major aspects. Who are you in general? What are your vibes?
Mini Juno Persona Chart Reading - $15
What traits should you look for in a lover? What do you need in relationships?
Deep Dive - Sun - $12
Explaining your Sun sign and house placement in detail as well as it's major aspects. What is your focus in this life? What's important to you? What traits does your Sun take on?
Deep Dive - Moon - $12
Explaining your Moon sign and house placement in detail as well as it's major aspects. What is your emotional nature? Where should you seek comfort? What will help you?
Deep Dive - Midheaven - $12
Explaining your Midheaven sign and ruler in detail as well as it's major aspects. Who are you in the public's eye? What career suits you? What do people admire about you?
Deep Dive - Any Planet/House - $12
Explains placement in detail as well as the traits that come with it.
I take PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay
Message for me inquires
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callistolivia · 11 months ago
Transiting Jupiter and Uranus are going to enter my 10th house near the end of this month/early next month and I’m projecting that I will have some sort of career or job change with a bigger salary within the next 6-12 months (as long as I remain optimistic and opportunistic as I have been feeling!)
Ever since I started pursuing a more Taurus-esque type career (my Midheaven) I’ve noticed a lot more opportunities and I feel like I’m not fighting against a current, there seems to be a lot more grace. I believe what is held in our 10th house and its ruler are natural skills and opportunities that can be utilized if we desire success.
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theastrohub · 6 months ago
heyy, I have a question, first of all I wanna say I read and love all your stuff and you’re amazing person!
id like to ask bout my natal chart, so my midheaven is in Scorpio and the ruler of 10th house in 12, can that make me a film director or actress? that’s my life goal.. I also have Neptune/Mars/Chiron 1st house.. thank you! I love your content 💗
thank you so much🥺
please remember that astrology doesn't determine what you do with your life rather serves as a guide for directions you would benefit from going in. even then, you can go in a complete opposite direction if you'd like and figure things out yourself.
that being said, the traditional ruler for scorpio is mars and with your 10th house ruler being in your 12th house (assuming you are an aquarius ascendant) you can definitely go into acting, as the planet of drive and ambition is in the house of the subconscious and hidden. this means you have a strong inclination towards careers that put you in positions to be perceptive and intuitive, which correlates with being an actress (imo specifically for high-intensity acting/ dramas/ anything that evokes deep feelings). with neptune here, you probably have a dreamy appearance, maybe are very attractive and this can make for being fit for on-screen roles or even modeling.
12th house placements coincides strongly with film-making. the most successful directors and movies made are ones that really touch people, in whatever way. in order to be able to do that, you need to understand the human mind and be able to depict concepts in a way that is impactful. with your mars here, any inclinations towards spirituality and introspection will definitely benefit your ambition.
again, ultimately it is up to you to use your potential to its fullest. hope this helps.
more questions? book an in-depth reading with me.
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torialefay · 1 year ago
Hey! Here is my chart! Thank you so much for doing this. You honestly have no clue how excited I am. 😂
The many similarities in have with Chan is sometimes ridiculous, but I have a feeling you’re going to be able to see that. 😂😂
Let me know if you need anything!
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Here you are little honey ❤️
Ascendant in Gemini (1st house):
Yayayay Ascendant in Gemini. Same as Chan’s. From what I’ve seen, I think any air sign is naturally initially drawn to any other air sign. Especially in that witty Gemini energy, I think the connection between the two of you would be electric right off the bat. I think it’s even more supported by y’alls Libras both in Mercury… Like the convos would be SUPERIOR. It’s just one of those things that I think even if you had different stances on something, you’d really get why the other person felt that way and would leave with a newfound understanding and appreciation for their opinion.
In everyday life, I think this would manifest as lowkey being the party couple. Y’all just GET others and like to be around them (only limited tho bc y’all both have a lot of cerebral shit going on and even though you’re good at small talk, you have to escape sometimes and get that real mental stimulation.) I do see your friend groups intertwining though. He’d be besties with all your friends.
Midheaven in Pisces (12 house):
I normally don’t do Midheaven unless there’s a planetary placement there, but when I saw yours, I was like okayyyyy this makes sense. The way I see midheaven is that it’s heavily reflected in your online or social media presence. Being a Pisces Sun, I’m ngl I was like ‘okay this girl is just like me’ the first time you messaged me! Even though my MC is in Aquarius, I realllly see an extension of MC into the 11th house (so my Pisces too). I literally love the MC in Pisces placement bc I feel like it’s just so natural for making friends. I’m gonna bet you easily make friends through social media, even from the first time reaching out. And obviously Pisces being the ruler of the 12th house, you had to talk to me over our witchy, astro, spirituality shit bc it’s in your starrrrrs 🤭
Sun in Virgo in the 4th house:
Idk why but I hardly ever see 4th house placements on here… But you’re literally a married woman though so go figure. I feel weird explaining things bc I know you already know this…. SO I would bet that you’re a pretty cozy girl. Don’t get me wrong, you can def get along with people on a night out or something, but I think you’d be a great mothering type. Even if you don’t have or want kids, you probably have some quality about you that would bring a lot of comfort to those you live with. With practicality being involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were very supportive in your family endeavors and great at giving advice!
I’d also say from this placement that when you make friends, you turn them into family. People who meet you originally see you as fun, smart, and charming (even if you won’t admit it), but when getting closer to you, they realize that you are actually a really good friend who will always be truthful with them. In this way, I think the people that you allow into your life are those you deeeeply care about and treat them as one of your own.
Note: I also just feel like this plays into you expecting a lot of yourself. That’s all, just wanted to point that out (but Chan too so lord help yall).
I think this is a great placement with Chan tbh. We all know he’s has a “father” aspect to the kids, and I honestly think you’d be able to take on a mothering role to them as well. I could see your younger friends calling the both of you “Mom and Dad”. <3
Moon in Taurus in the 12th:
I loveeeee this placement and think it’s a great one with Chan. Reading your chart just seems to back every little thing up. Ofc Chan’s moon is in Libra so he needs that balance in life, but of course he has a hard time getting it with his internal struggles of knowing himself for who he truly is. I think it would be great for him to have a strong, steadfast sign like Taurus to support him and make him feel known. I feel like a lot of people view Taurus as this stubborn, unwavering sign, but I just don’t fully agree. I think the only time this is true is when they feel like they see things that others clearly DON’T. With it ruling over beauty and love, you’d be able to assure Chan in a very nurturing way. I could see you healing him in ways that he doesn’t even realize until he looks back to see how far he’s come in learning to love himself. The 12th placement is so wholesome too, I think it’d deffff be a soul-healing experience.
Mercury in Libra in the 5th house:
With your placement here in the 5th, I’d venture to guess that you are someone who looooooves having deep conversations. You probably also love being able to help people by giving them advice. It’s likely that being able to accurately communicate with people of all kinds is important to you. With Libra neeeeeding their harmony too, you probably have a sweet way of talking to people that makes them feel seen and understood (you prob really want this too tho hehe).
Chan’s Mercury is also in Libra, so I’m sure you would both have good communication for the most part. The ONLY thing I could somewhat worry about with both being in Libra, you both tend to avoid conflict. You would have to MAKE sure to talk with each other honestly, even if it could possibly hurt the others feelings (especially making sure to not sugar coat things too much). I will say, with all your Virg placements, I do see you having the upper hand in communication. Solving problems between the two of you, I also think you have the upper hand at analyzing what is the true problem and getting to it that way.
Venus in Virgo in the 4th house:
This placement tells me that you have a very loving, but not too suffocating, nature when in relationships with others. I think to be in a relationship with you would feel very stable. You are likely just GOOD at relationships. You understand what it means to be a good partner and how to make others feel loved. I look at the Virgo-Pisces axis as the axis of service… you having the upper hand at MAKING service (esp to a partner) happen. I look at Chan’s Libra as being on the “focus” axis, obviously his focus being on other people… wanting to please them.
Long story short, I think y’all would be great at making sure each other’s needs are being met. Whether that’s how frequent, where, and what types of things you’d like to explore in the bedroom.
Mars in Virgo in the 4th house:
With this placement, I think that having a pleasant surrounding, especially in the home, is gonna be super important to you. With that Virgo energy though, I do think this is a place you need to be careful with Chan. Since you have such high expectations of yourself, you may also expect others to live up to this standard. Chan’s Mars lives in Sag, so he may be a little more predisposed to needing his own freedom… or he may just not get it a little bit lol. And Chan can be explosive in fights so he defff wouldn’t like if he felt that way. But with all of your Virgo placements PLUS that Libra Mercury energy, I think you’d be able to make up just fine and reconcile. <3
Overall thoughts:
Big Mommy and Daddy energy. Y’alls relationship would be sickeningly sweet and cute and nurturing and understanding and ugh i cant stand yall 🙄
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pubbamoon · 9 months ago
Top 5 placements from my natal chart I like
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Hello, it's me! Before I get into a topic, I would like to thank to everyone who has supported me for a couple of days. It really means the world to me. My second astrology observation about the planet Venus in houses really blew up and it got over 100 likes/notes in its first 24 hours, which I did not expect at all. I'm glad you like my posts and that you can resonate with the words I write. So, I was thinking for hours about what could I do next and decided I'm going to make an observation on my favorite placements from my own natal chart, which is a very 1st house Mercury thing, hahaha, lol. Hope you wouldn't mind this kind of observation.
Moon Trine Venus - This is my tightest aspect in my natal chart (0° 12' orb) and I'm glad it is. I think this is a beautiful placement which gives natural beauty. These planets are placed in the earth signs in my chart, which gives very grounding energy. People always tell me how I'm so grounded and stable when they see me. I love this placement, you can be loved by everyone basically. Trine is a harmonious aspect which can tell about our talents, so this aspect can make someone talented in arts. Love that!
Sun in the 1st house - This placement can be truly a blessing when you use it the right way. Of course, it depends on the position of the Sun too. For example, I do have Sun in Aquarius, which is a detriment position for the Sun. But regardless, having Sun in the 1st house can make you confident and to have a strong personality, which I think it's so important. This placement answered my question why have I always been by myself and independent for my whole life, haha.
Pluto Sextile Ascendant - Pluto represents power, obsessions and even sexiness, while Ascendant represents ourself, our body and our overall life. Those natives could have very powerful presence and persona. It can make someone being beautiful and having a sex appeal too. When I'm interested in something, I can become obsessed with that and I think this could be the manifestation of this aspect.
MC ruler in Leo - Midheaven/Medium Coeli/MC is all about career, reputation and how you seem to be like to other people. Leo, on the other hand, is associated with creativity, entertainment and being the center of attention, which is great for careers in creative pursuits. My MC ruler is also at 11 degrees, which represents internet and technology. I basically make an astrology content here on Tumblr and I think that's creative. My MC ruler is also retrograde, so it could be a little bit harder for me to get successful in career.
North Node in the 5th house - North Node represents our life mission and something that could be hard for us to establish. It tells us what should be work on to maintain our life purpose. The 5th house is all about having fun, creativity, children, entertainment, hobbies and doing something what we like to do. While it's hard sometimes to work on that placement, I always feel guided to be in present moment and have fun a little bit more. It's lovely to me when your life purpose is needing to have to be comfortable with yourself and doing something creative.
That would be all for today. Thank you again for supporting my astrology journey. Hope that this resonates if you have this placement in your natal chart. Wish you all love and luck.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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cutiepieloves131 · 10 months ago
My Tropical Birth Chart!
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Sun in 3° Capricorn in 7th house conjuncting Pluto, trine mars, sextile Uranus, and trine Lilith Moon in 14° Libra in 5th house sextile mercury, sextile Saturn, trine Neptune, opposite North Node, and trine Ascendant Mercury in 15° Sagittarius 6th house conjucting Pluto, trine Saturn, sextile Neptune, trine North Node, and opposite Ascendant Venus (r) in 1° Aquarius in 8th house square Saturn Mars in 9° Taurus 11th house opposite Jupiter, square Saturn, sextile Uranus, and sextile Midheaven Jupiter in 12° Scorpio in 5th house square Saturn, trine Uranus, square Neptune, and trine Midheaven Saturn (r) in 10° Leo in 3rd house opposite Neptune, trine North Node, and sextile Ascendant
Uranus in 7° Pisces in 10th house conjuncting Midheaven Neptune in 15° Aquarius in 9th house trine Ascendant Pluto in 24° Sagittarius in 7th house trine Lilith, and opposite Ascendant North Node in 9° Aries in 11th house Chiron in 1° Aquarius in 8th house conjunct Venus, opposite Saturn, and sextile Fortune Fortune in 28° Pisces in 10th house square Sun, sextile Venus, and square Pluto Vertex in 0° Scorpio in 5th house sextile Sun, square Venus, and square Chiron Ascendant in 16° Gemini 1st Ruler in 6th house
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newwayastrology · 1 year ago
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There was no Internet when I became a professional astrologer in 1980. The first astrology software came out in the early 1980's or late 1970's. If you were serious about astrology, you bought software.
Now that there is an Internet, a lot of what has happened with astrology is appalling, disgusting, etc. At the top of the list is the chart styles, many of which try to overcompensate for those who know next to nothing about astrology. They can's look at the Sun at 15 Leo, Mars at 12 Scorpio, and see that it's a square so there are lines and all kinds of colors.
The two charts at the top of the page are examples. LOOK AT THAT!!!! It's embarrassing!!! Compare it to the chart of Jobs below it, which is clean and easy to read. Most of the chart styles online have a billion colors and my top of the list annoyance, the Midheaven is hardly ever at the noon position so visually, something in the Midheaven can look like it is in the 9th or 11th House.
These whacko chart styles do not help a person to learn astrology. To learn astrology, you read and study books. You buy astrological software, collect charts and study them. Know the basics. My book, The New Way To Learn Astrology (the reprint with 4 added chapters will be out by the end of January) is perfect for learning. Drawing aspects in a chart, making the chart look like a rainbow doesn't help anyone to be an astrologer. As well, the inclusion of every possible asteroid and Uranian planet is unnecessary. Humans are not that complex. Think about anyone that you know. They have a theme about them. For example, I know a man who has a Venus-Pluto square with Venus ruling his 5th House (the sexual identity). Mars is in his 8th House opposed by retrograde Saturn in the 2nd (the orbs are too wide to make a Grand Cross). As a child, his father used to spank him A LOT and he would verbally trash him so that by the time he was even 10 years old, he wanted to kill himself. His self-worth was shot (2nd House tension via ruler or planet there always suggests self-worth tension). What he did to make himself feel better about himself was become a sexual addict. Now, as a senior, he looks back on his 13 kids from four women and has entered into a therapy program.
Donald Trump's 2nd House has tension. Neptune is squaring an 11th House planet. No matter what the planets are, when you know humanistic astrology, that is going to tell you that it's likely a person whose sense of self-esteem is completely dependent upon the love and attention received from others. Act like you like him and you're okay. Oppose him and he'd just as soon urinate on you. His self-esteem is shot and the reason why has a parental base. We are born in a certain environment to certain kinds of parents in a certain culture. The love and support that you do or do not get shapes everything about you. When the love and support from both parents was absent, you overcompensate for it in ways that are easily seen in a horoscope without the use of a billion extra positions. No one is complex enough to need all that and if you do, it is because you cannot synthesize a horoscope. What you do is "this means that" analysis. You don't need colors, uneven Houses, or 49,000 extra planets. Those two charts at the top of this page are total chaos!
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noisynutcrusade · 2 years ago
How The Ruler Of The Midheaven Influences Your Legacy
In astrology, the Midheaven of the natal chart is on the cusp of the 10th house. It is located at the top of the chart, or the 12-noon position, and represents the career as well as public image and reputation. This speaks of your professional path forward and life standing. Most importantly it describes our purpose and what we contribute to society. Knowing what your Midheaven, also referred to…
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gg-astrology · 6 years ago
What do you have to say about Cancer Mars and Venus in 10th? How would that work considering Capricorn, Cancer's opposite sign, rules 10th?
Hey there ❤️💕 oof I hope you won’t mind if I answer something that’s been nudging me for a while now a lil ;; just for everyone else as well if that’s ok? ❤️💕 promise I’ll get to Cancer Venus/Mars in 10th soon ❤️💕
About House Rulers and Houses  
Hm well first of all, unless you have aries asc – capricorn wouldn’t rule the 10th. The idea of 1st house = aries, 2nd house = taurus etc. comes from the 12 letters alphabet to help beginners learn/integrate already-mastered knowledge hopefully care/start on the houses (i.e. learning about the signs, planets, so ppl often mistakenly think that 1st house = aries = mars–  as most modern resources online would reference it without saying what it’s replaced.)
1st house=aries=mars is inaccurate/incorrect, unless you actually have aries asc in which case it would apply. But if your rising is in any other sign, then your ruler would be different. Each house govern would be different. The natural rulers/12 letters alphabet rule would be useless if we’re trying to learn about houses and how it functions, when the house rulership technique is not applicable to that formula (*again, unless you actually have an aries asc).
Thus why a lot of people tend to get confused as to why we need houses, if the signs/planets themselves are representative of them already. If Virgo is talking about the same thing as the 6th house – then isn’t the 6th house the same as Virgo’s quality/traits? It actually isn’t, not just because the functions of signs and houses are different from one another – but a lot of people get it confused because we often don’t really know what houses are used for. We’ll have to gently unlearn in order to fully comprehend the houses and the different things we can do with it.  
It actually do more damage long term, because we never realize how to utilize the houses’ significations. It takes away from so many things we could grasp with the houses, so we’d have to peel it back and unlearn a little bit that not all charts can assume the ruler of the 1st would be aries ❤️💕 
Also, that’s probably also why people may have a hard time understanding house rulership. Because we assume on one hand that 1st = aries as a natural thing, so when we try to learn how to find chart rulers, house rulers- we often think of it as a separate branch to things. By definition, house rulers refers to the actual ruler of the houses/its domains. The natural ruler/12 letters alphabet is well-intended, but it also hinders the progress of learning about houses.
So long explanation over (sorry about that) – let me actually talk about your Cancers now ❤️💕
Cancer MC + Cancer Venus/Mars 
Phew so. You have Cancer MC and Capricorn IC! ❤️💕Don’t fret, I think that’s the general idea with the ask? You might think it’s subvert bc of what we mentioned before with the natural ruler, thus a lot of people tend to think having signs like Cancer in MC/Capricorn IC, or Leo IC/Aquarius MC (or wise versa) feels ‘weird’ to them somewhat. It’s actually not! It’s just our preconceived notion about the houses. But start afresh, you’re you and this is actually organic in its own way
Cancer MC (esp since you have Venus/Mars there) might actually feel more comfortable not at home. Home as in the roots, ancestries, culturally. In a way, the structure that Capricorn IC brings is nice and familiar, it’s grounded and a stable pillar. But the emotional value and ‘progression’ is more in your exploration outwards from that.
Finding comfort in what you do, who you are, where you’re at/whom you’re with in the outside (IC - land/heritage you’re from, maybe a ‘place’ you grew up in or associate with your roots, properties, linage etc.) — tying all that into you at large– your representation/identity in a larger public, the representation the group you belong in has, the statues/figures you see in public that represents you, the social impact and how others perceive that has. It’s bringing the roots – that unspoken stability and function Capricorn has into something that is nurtured in the world, in representation, in presentation and receptivity/social impact that it has– that’s actually important.
This can be for other people, but with your placements there– it’s also you perhaps wanting/craving to see yourself be part of that representation. To make an impact as a figure in your own right as well, there’s desire/wants (venus) and will/drive (mars) to perhaps reach a higher vibration. 
Not necessarily focused on helping others (that’s pisces area) but rather to have that standing in public where you can hold your own/have the space and be available to receive receptions from others and respond to it you see you should/will as well. 
I’d say it can be linked to protection, but rather than saying youre just being protective of others- it’s more like you see that in yourself, and you’re protecting yourself and others, those who are like you or may feel like you. Being the representation/solace they need even if it’s not something you focus on, as you might not want to be biased– so the focus is more on the objectivity of the argument/knowledge behind it instead.
It’s the idea of projections thats not used in a bad way, but rather as a technique to reach out to others and gather reveberations in voices that feels the same way as you do in order the speak it into existence. Cancer MC talks alot about manifestations, particularly actions and impact. Bring the irrefutable evidence/pledge of accomplishments. So that it couldn’t be denied or doubted.
So. With all that said, Cancer Venus/Mars in 10th (along with Cancer MC) I wouldn’t say would want to stand out like a Leo, but would know why having that is so important. It’s purposeful - why having certain standing and stability is necessary for things to proceed and play out the way it should roll. The importance of it is in the desire, or rather why you want it. Rather than saying you want power for power (which isn’t necessarily untrue) – having a will is also just as important because without it – things would still be lacking and frustrating for you.
I hope this helps ❤️💕 Oof sorry for writing a lot ;; I hope u don’t mind the first part as well! ❤️💕 And i hope the second part (the cancer part) is good enough for you ❤️💕❤️💕 Thank u for asking! ❤️💕 
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