#Mid sodor Jim
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team-zug · 11 months ago
My wooden railway mid sodor railway engines customs (so far)
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Hey guys, so the 3 years I always wanted to make a mid sodor series, and I always wanted to make customs of them, so I began to make Albert, Jennings, Altas, and kind of. But I only was able to finish Albert but I used a paper face for him and I say kind of Jim it's because I tried to cut off the body from the running board but u couldn't get it off and i wasn't happy with my altas, so I Abandoned the whole idea until 2 weeks ago I wanted to try again so I took my old oliver that I tried to make jim out off and I made it into Jerry or Gerry but I like calling Jerry so there. Then I decided to give Jennings a face that is made out of airdrying clay, same with Jerry, and then I decided that I would finish Altas and I'm warming up to my model of him then I also give Albert a new face and I finally made Jim and I'm so happy how he turned out. So who is your favourite model I made so far and I'm in the process of making Tim and I have plans to make John soon.
All these characters are from the RWS (kind of) (c) Rev W Awary.
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duskstargazer · 1 year ago
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“This is simply absurd.” Albert III declared.
“Not this again, please-”
“Why ever not? We are perfectly capable of operating on our own. We have been since before that ruddy “Mid-Sodor Railway” came along. Why are we the ones being lumped in with them?”
“It is true that our railway has existed longer,” Tim said, patiently, “but the MSR is the larger company. And we aren't exactly being “lumped in” with them. Our railways are coming together to pool their resources-”
“And'ja know why that is?” Jim broke in. “It's caus'a that big fancy electric railway.”
Tim groaned as Albert snarled.
“Just wait until those rat bastards and I finally meet!” The red engine stormed. “You can rest assured I will show those parasites without one iota of doubt just the sort of railway they've trifled with!”
Tim gazed up to the sky, making a silent pray for divine intervention as her brothers fumed and ranted about the “leaching Earthworm Railway”.
“If this is our last Christmas in our own sovereignty, we may well try and enjoy it.” Albert sighed at last. Tim didn’t say it, but he felt that was the most sensible thing her brother had said all night.
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steam-beasts · 11 months ago
Considering nobody’s mentioned
I’ll ask you about them.
Are there any more Hit Era characters,for example Dennis.
How does Mighty Mac work?
Do they have two stomaches?
Can the Culdee Fell engines eat from the faces on their back?
And lastly No.4:Who’s the list of Mid Sodor engines in YOUR AU.
There’s Molly and Murdoch, AND Arthur. Those three are still existing AND on the island, a lot of engines just rarely see them, except James who sometimes ditches work to see Molly. Actually, now that I’m talking about Molly…she’s a quite a self-depreciative engine in my au. Always cracking a bit of humour about how ugly she looks and the stuff she pulls, thinking she doesn’t deserve to pull passengers and prefers pulling dirty trucks. Her old railway was never good to her, which is kinda the reason why she’s got those issues. Other than that, she’s an introvert, but can be optimistic when she likes.
Murdoch is still the same engine he was before. When he became a beast, he was more of a curious animal. He’s often seen around the mainline, pulling goods or just wandering around, which gives train enthusiasts the perfect chance to get up close to him to either feed or pet him.
Arthur is still at the coastal village, aiming to keep his record clean of any mishaps. He often wanders around the village or goes for a little dip in the shallow pools. He mostly eats fish, and often has his crew complaining about it.
Mighty Mac is pretty much a catdog situation. No one knows if they have separate stomachs, not even them.
As for the legs, they don’t have any hind legs since they’re the same engine, sooo….they just have eight front legs.
Yes! The Culdee Fell engines can very much eat from both ends. They also have stubby little tails so they don’t block their back faces too.
Duke, Smudger, Freddie (it was mentioned he canonically used to work on the MSR in the TV series), Jennings, Albert, John, Tim, Gerry, Alfred, Jim and there’s also Stanley, but not the RWS Stanley. I’ve also deciding whether or not I could give Mighty Mac a MS background.
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weirdowithaquill · 7 months ago
So guessing by a previous comment you made about the Mid Sodor Engines in Stanley the American Engine (No Tim, no Jim, no Albert”), am I right to assume that Mid Sodor Engines is about them?
Goodness, that's going way back!
Mid Sodor Engines is one of those fics that is stuck waiting for me to find time to write the instalment in the series that precedes it - and you're partly right! It will have Tim and Jim in it, but no Albert. Albert's got plenty of fics about him, and I'd like to do something different.
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Mid Sodor Engines probably would also have a Stuart and Falcon story, and of course Duke would be there too. But until then, you'll just have to wait and see!
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hunty627 · 3 months ago
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These are 4 engines who worked with Smudger, Stanley, Duke, Stuart and Falcon on the Mid Sodor Railway. Albert pulled the passenger train called the Parliamentary. Jim pulled a goods train called the Horse and Cart. Tim pulled small coaches called bug boxes to carry workmen. And Atlas the mine engine worked in the mines.
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toast-com · 3 years ago
A Driver's Daily Life
The island of Sodor is full of engines of all kinds. Steam, Diesel, Electric. From the newest engine on the rails, to the oldest operating engine, every engine is really useful. This is in part, to the driver's that operate their amazing machines.
This is the island of Sodor, and these are the daily lives of the drivers that operate the many engines located there...
(I'm planning on adding more characters to this list, don't worry)
The Drivers
The engine's drivers are tougher than the average human. They have slightly pointed ears, and share a deep bond with their engines.
The uniforms of the drivers change with the livery of the engines.
The Railways
There are many railways on the island of Sodor, and are thus:
The Northwestern Railway
The Skarloey Railway
The Culdee Fell Railway
The Mid-Sodor Railway
The Northwestern Railway
Thomas Brighton
Edward Furness
Henry Stanier
Gordon Gresley
James Yorkshire
Percy Avonside
Tobias Wisbech
Montague Charles
Donald McIntosh
Douglas McIntosh
Oliver Collet
Emily Stirling
Holland Peckett (Thirteen)
Occasional Visitors (will be updated occasionally)
Wilbert Dean
Christopher Bickerstaff
Stepney Stroudley
Cabott "Captain" Baxter
Tabitha "Tabby" Harriet Whitehaven (Townsend Hook)
William Finlay (William Finlay)
Skarloey Railway
Skarloey Whitehaven
Rheneas Whitehaven
Sir Handel Corris
Peter Sam Kerr
Rushton "Rusty" Hornsby
Duncan Barclay
Ivo Hugh Pendre
Fred Hunslet
Duke George
Frederick Porthmadog
Macbeth "Mac" Fairlie
Morgan "Mighty" Fairlie
Luke Wren
Arlesdale Railway
Rexford "Rex" Ravenglass
Michael "Mike" Muncaster
Engelbert "Bert" Irton
Jock Eskdale
Sigrid Dalegarth
Brigham "Blister 1" Cyril
Burgess "Blister 2" Cyril
Culdee Fell Railway
Godred Shiloh
Ernest Shiloh
Wilfred Shiloh
Culdee Shiloh
Shane Dooiney Shiloh
Lord Harry (Patrick) Poll-ny-Chrink
Alaric Poll-ny-Chrink
Eric Poll-ny-Chrink
Mid-Sodor Railway
Stanley Baldwin
James "Jim" Hughes
Timothy "Tim" Hughes
Albert Hughes
Geraldine "Gerry" Jeanette
John Cadeby
Michelle "Monty" Decauville
Scott "Smudger" Whitehaven
Atlas Foundry
Alfred Foundry
Jennings Whitehaven
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the-charlie-ryan-saga · 3 years ago
Can you do a story about duke talking a nap?
TW // Mentions of character death and child abuse.
Please proceed with caution.
After the Stress
It was autumn on the Island of Sodor. The tree's leaves were orange and bright, and the ground lit up with the orange, red, and yellow leaves. In Duke's house, it was warm and cozy. 
Duke settled in a rocking chair, drinking hot tea and reading a nice book. He occasionally looked up at the window, seeing the sights as he thought. He thought about memories back at the Mid Sodor Primary, and his other ex-coworkers he hadn't seen in a while. "I wonder how Jim, Tim, and the rest are doing?" Duke thought to himself, sighing in grief. 
Things had changed for all of them: the school closing down, Atlas's passing, and how the former students of the school were growing up. It almost felt like yesterday when everything happened. Like he met Stuart and Falcon, his coworkers, the school closing down, Atlas passing away, and autumn yesterday.
Duke only gave a solemn sigh, and a sip from his hot tea before setting it down on the nearby coffee table. He pushed his glasses up, irritated at how they were always falling down to the bulb of his nose, but the feeling soon faded as he continued to read his book.
A few minutes had passed, and Duke gave out a yawn, his eyes feeling droopy. He rested his cheek on the palm of his hand, reading on. Then, he finished to the ending. He closed the book gently, and set it right beside his tea. He stared at the walls for a bit, thinking to himself. Thinking to himself about the stress of finding another job, about his friends, about Stuart and Falcon. They felt like sons to him, and it didn't help that Stuart and Falcon were not in the best living conditions.
As Duke thought and thought, he slowly closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep, his mind being at peace finally.
He deserved a long nap after the stress that was given, and when he woke up, he felt absolutely refreshed.
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princeluckybug13 · 3 years ago
Since Duke seems to be a fresh topic atm I wanna talk about him and the mid sodor cause its fun. It’s for sure gonna be a mashup of books and tv, and some of it is stretching since theres a ton of holes (mostly a ton of engines only hinted at or mentioned outside of stuff). Also keep in mind I do not like Duke so uh.. some bias there lol
First thing I wanna touch on is just how many engines the Mid Sodor Railway went through (keep in mind this is mainly coming from the wiki). Not Including Duke, SIr Handel, and Peter Sam, there were 12 other engines on the railway at some point. Which for 73 years isnt bad... except this a rather small railway. That’s 15 engines that we know of that was in the hands of the Mid Sodor.
And I’m gonna talk about ‘em all. Sorta... a lot of it’s kinda washy.
First I’m gonna briefly touch on the ones that dont really fit or are just so vague they exist but theres hardly any record of: Jennings, Alfred, Atlas, and John. Theyre all based on models Awdry had and were mentioned indirectly the books (very indirectly). Jennings has the most given theyre literally the same model as Dolgoch (smudger wasnt the first to be the same model as rheneas/dolgoch). Other than that, nothing is really known about any of them. No history. No dates. Just existence. Though obviously they were either sold, scrapped, or worse some other fate the railway decided for them.
The next pair I’m gonna talk about are Gerry and the Mine Engine. Gerry was built in 1919 so just before Peter Sam came along. The Mine Engine is the only without an official name outside of their title, they were built sometime in 1899. Though it isnt said when they arrived on Sodor. Neither of these engines have any records of what happened after the railway closed, though it is assumed they were either sold or scrapped. 
Albert, Jim, and Terry are three engines that are least known when they were sold (1936) when the railway was really stuggling but... with how theyre officially numbered (5, 6, and 7) it’s insinuated that theyre most likely bought after 1923. Around the time when the railway knew it was struggling. Honestly, I think they might’ve been bought in desperation or ignorance.
Now we’re gonna get into the more well known bunch, starting with Sir Handel, Peter Sam, and Stanley. First off, Stanley was built in 1917 and made into a pumping engine 1928. So both Peter Sam and Sir Handel would have known him. Which would most likely mean that Smudger would Duke’s go to story (more on that later). This also means there was probably another “number 2″ before Stanley given Sir Handel was number 3 (this could also insinuate there were multiple number 3′s as well). I’ll get more into their stories in a little while, I’m just setting the messy cast of engines.
The last bunch, Duke, Smudger, and Bertram, are an interesting bunch (kinda). Bertram has so little on him there’s not too much to say other than the railway most likely sold him to the mine given he was left there instead of sold or scrapped elsewhere. It is also noted that he seems to have the same build year as Duke though it’s most likely based on him being the same model as Duke. Smudger surpisingly doesn’t have a build year (or at least not officially that i could find). This makes his history very vague other than what’s told by Duke. 
Now Duke. Duke is the one to outlast them all (besides sir handel and peter sam technically). But why? Why this engine? Is he really such a saint that he wasn’t condemned? What makes all those other engines different? There’s no way in 73 years didn’t make any of the same mistakes the younger engines did. I mean, in one of the books he was struggling (from some leaking pipes) and he was praised as a hero. And Smudger and Stanley? Neither of who’s issues of staying on the rails were their fault, are literally condemned to rot and left behind.
Now, the railway’s favoritism towards Duke isn’t his fault. However, his reaction to it is.
Let me explain. So in Stanley’s story the entire reason he kept coming off the rails is because his class (a Baldwin 10-12-D) have a different gauge, and when he came to sodor he wasn’t gauged properly. Meaning Stanley literally could not help it. Smudger seems to be a similar case though it could be more along the lines of being cheaply and not well built. In either case they literally couldn’t help it. This is something the railway knew. 
Now, Duke is not ignorant of what’s going around him. He knows what happened more than anyone (with smudger especially). Yet he’s using Smudger’s story to scare the kiddies straight. Which is obviously ineffective when the engines can be sold or scrapped at the drop of the hat. Far more than on their sister railway.
On another note, I find really odd how long it took for Duke to be found. Especially how long it took for Peter Sam and Sir Handel to talk about him. Now I completely understand waiting to see if they’d move again, but the entire reason Duke came up in the books is because of Skarloey’s 100th birthday. There’s never even been a mention of him until now. Another point is long it took after that to find him. Duke, who’s supposedly had such a wonderful reputation that all the surrounding towns probably knew him (not to mention his personal crew) and not a single person knew at all where Duke might be. They have to guess where he might be. 
Duke was basically forgotten in 17 years. So instead of finding him in a few months or a few years, it took 15. That’s really odd for a supposedly loved and adored engine. 
Now am I being too harsh? Maybe. But I feel as an elder and a parental type figure you kind of need to be. Because even if he does care for Sir Handel and Peter Sam dearly, it does not make him a good person. There are several other older engines who have willingly shown guilt and laugh at how silly they were when they were younger, and several who still make mistakes and correct themselves. But Duke hasn’t gotten that. Not majorly and not enough.
Product of the times or not, Duke has many flaws and many issues that I find deplorable and personally aggravating. 
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drtimeturner01 · 3 years ago
Here is my custom mid Sodor Railway Jim
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My custom is on the left the original is on the right
Look in the background you will see a sneak peek
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the-charlie-ryan-saga · 3 years ago
Who is gay???
This might be a bit touchy because there's a lot of queer representation in my AU, and because there aren't so many people who are friendly towards it, I usually keep it private and only to those who I trust. But I reckon I can share here:
Skarloey Line:
Skarloey - Straight
Rheneas - Straight
Sir Handel - Straight
Peter Sam - Undetermined but maybe pansexual
Rusty - Gay and Trans Female to Male (He/they)
Duncan - Undetermined but maybe pan, bi, or gay (tied between the two)
Luke - Biromantic Straight
Ivo Hugh - Undetermined
Fred - Undetermined
Freddie - Straight asexual
Might Mac - Asexual Aromantic due to surgery
Mid Sodor Line:
Duke - Asexual straight
Bertram - no. i refuse to use his name.
Jim - Gay (closeted and still is)
Jerry - Straight
Tim - Straight
Atlas - Straight
Jennings - Straight but not interested in sex due to ... certain circumstances.
Andreas - Straight
Albert - Straight aromantic
Smudger - Gay
Stanley (RWS) - Bisexual
Other characters:
Sidney - Undetermined
Little Barford - Undetermined
Proteus - He's a Guardian
Crimson - Undetermined
John - Undetermined due to being underage in the late 1970s/early 1980s.
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