#Microblogging in 2023
List of Top 50 Free Microblogging Sites In 2023 - Onlinetechnicalguru
Discover the top 50 free microblogging sites in 2023 and unlock the power of concise communication. Explore features, benefits, and monetization options. Learn effective microblogging tips and gain insights from successful case studies. Stay ahead of trends in the dynamic world of microblogging!
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mihikamoments · 1 year
not perfection, it's about bravery .
I raised my hand for the first time in class today. And I got it wrong. I raised my hand for the second time and got it wrong again!
But it was more relieving than embarrassing. You HAVE to be comfortable with imperfection. You will be loved and accepted not for being perfect but for being courageous. Girls and boys, you are not the only one who's struggling, but you gotta keep trying anyway. (period)
I don't write much online, but today i did the bravest thing i could ever do. And I'm hella proud.
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to anyone who put any thought into what they were going to wear to watch barbie: i see you, i love you and you look great <3
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scriptgoyal · 9 months
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edsonjnovaes · 14 days
Conheça alternativas semelhantes ao X 1.2 - Edição Ao Vivo on-line
Edson Jesus – A.I. Carr. 2024 set 04 Palavras Perdidas: Roubo de identidade: Yael Cohen Aris, As pessoas estão trocando o Twitter pelo Koo, Elon e vacas, James Cameron afirma que a Skynet destruiria a humanidade apenas com deepfakes, Internet morta: é MUITO PIOR do que vc pensa, Os idiomas que sobreviveram ao colapso das civilizações, Elon Musk acaba de comprar o Twitter e others tecs, COMO O…
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idknikkip · 10 months
ok an insane Buffy think I’m not really sure I actually noticed I’m blogging this so I remember tomorrow -sometimes having adhd & being this much of a stoner requires you to sort of memento (2000) yourself- is that the way werewolves look and are first shown looks weirdly similar to … actually, ya know what, this was actually an insane thing to think. & sometimes I think it’s important to catch those “2*2=4000 (if you assume it’s actually 2*2k but someone probably just forgot the k)” kind of thoughts & nip em in the bud. & it’s kinda funny to - idk what I was writing here to step away to google what causes tinnitus- turns out I have pulsatile tinnitus- I just thought that when it was too quiet everyone heard their own heart beat and it kinda sounds like when the fire alarm goes off at school and the pulsating shrillness bounces around in your skull.
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waqaryounas · 1 year
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--Have you had any experiences where a concept became more accurate when it was moved from its original context to another context?
10th July 2023
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ortaggiblog · 1 year
carciofi & fragole
carciofi e fragole 2023
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18arte · 1 year
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bluastro-yellow · 2 years
I hope they use this situation to do a rick and morty episode with an ai voicing rick and morty and somehow incorporate it into the plot
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budgebuttons · 9 months
There's a lot of reasonably frustrated but ultimately misdirected psa-style posting about how viewers NEED to start reblogging things rather than just liking them because that is the primary mode of post circulation on this site. The modern manifestation of this sentiment seems to miss the fact that, if you've been here for ~15 years, were here prior to, during, and after the exodus to the bird app, you already know that likes have always been more common than reblogs, that many people simply don't want to put your art on their blog, and that guilting end-users into using a microblogging site A Specific Way absolutely does not work. If it did, the trend would have shifted a decade ago. Because this conversation really is that old. Regardless, the modern discourse of how difficult it is to be Seen specifically on Tumblr isn't productive because I think it ultimately misses the reason being an artist online feels so Bad, now.
The social media era has funneled Looking At Stuff on the Internet into an economy of engagement that encourages end-users to treat everything we/they see as quick, cheap, and disposable. This is just another fun and flirty way that capitalism devalues art. It's nothing new. Trying to force masses of users to behave in a way that is healthier for the circulation of art isn't going to do anything to solve the discontent we all feel when we hurl something into the void and it is ultimately ignored. I swear up and down: A higher notes number won't feel better, either. Popularity is just as demoralizing as radio silence, but it manifests differently. Instead of 4 likes and maybe 1 reblog from Old Faithful Mutual, you get a horde of people who treat you like a content machine. You keep hoping for an impossibly Bigger Number. The notifs on the first Big Number Post haven't even settled, and people are already asking when the follow-up is coming. You get anons, but most of them are trying to passively convince you to give them More Content.
It's really, really hard to make people care about art. If there was a silver bullet for making the average person appreciate the enormity of human effort behind every beautiful thing they encounter, we would have found it centuries ago.
The best thing creatives can do for their lives online is to be friendly, or at least kind, with other creators. "Big" artists don't form in-groups because they're snobs. They find each other because they casually showed each other support, and their mutual appreciation for that Thing that wound them up in the same tag becomes a foundation for connection, and in many cases, the ever-illusive Bigger Audience as they introduce themselves to each others' circles. We get more eyes on our work by building community with each other.
Where does that leave people who are just here to look at things, not post them? I think the answer is almost identical: COMMENT!! Please, comment! The first step to engaging with art on a more meaningful level is to point out something you particularly enjoy about a given work. It can go in the replies, it can go in the tags, doesn't matter!! If you notice some symbolism or make some connection, there is all likelihood that OP put it there because they desperately wanted somebody to notice it. Let them know why you like it!
Reaching for the nebulous, impossible goal of better post circulation isn't going to make being a creator online in 2023 suck less. Meaningfully connecting with each other can, will, and does. You can make someone's day just by passingly letting them know that their effort is worth more than a number.
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tiktaalic · 8 months
Second Edition of gayjoealwyn’s extemporary analysis of Wonka (2023), edited to comply with updated publication standards of Tumblr.com, microblogging platform
First edition available here.
Hugh not so mungo¹ these days. Perhaps due to wonk?²
1: “Hugh Grant | Biography, Movies, & Facts | Britannica.” Www.britannica.com, www.britannica.com/biography/Hugh-Grant. Accessed 13 Jan. 2024.
States that Hugh Grant’s full name is Hugh John Mungo Grant.
2: Wilkes, Emma. “Hugh Grant Says “Wonka” Director Sent Him a Naked Oompa Loompa Image.” NME, 9 Dec. 2023, www.nme.com/news/film/hugh-grant-says-wonka-director-sent-him-a-naked-oompa-loompa-image-3556435#:~:text=Hugh%20Grant%20has%20revealed%20that. Accessed 13 Jan. 2024.
Grant’s role in Wonka (2023) is as “Oompa-Loompa”, a man who is eighteen inches tall.
Acknowledgements: thank you to Gayjoealwyn for allowing me the honor of working on your literature. Thank you to tsurangaconundrum for your extensive help with research and editing.
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zedecksiew · 8 months
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Week four of BLOGGIES month has ended. Soon there will be a four-way free-for-all, where GOLD winners in each of the four category brackets will vie for BEST BLOG POST OF 2023!!!
But first: your winners of the REVIEW category, their medals, and acceptance speeches!
(I asked these designer-critics for some thoughts about their winning entries, and where they think we in TTRPGs are going.)
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Firstly I'd like to thank anyone who thought it was a good idea to give me an award of any kind. It's humbling and bewildering and y'all are the best. This was a just-for-funsies lunch time blog post that almost didn't happen. It was inspired by carefully listening to folks much wiser than me talk about what makes them tick. (Often times I think people's aspirations can tell us a lot about what their origins and inspirations might be) Yet here we are, an award winning post! Let this be a testament that it's always better to put yourself out there because you never know what people will resonate with! I'd like dedicate this award to children big and small, in and out of homes of all shapes and sizes. The suffering so many kids endure is heartbreaking, so if you take anything from this little speech let it be this: Be kind to the next generation. What we pass down to the young readers of today shapes the writers of tomorrow. No pressure ~
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🥈Plagiarism in Unconquered (2022)🥈 from Traverse Fantasy
I am so happy that Ènziramire’s excellent critique of The Mwangi Expanse won first place for reviews this year, for three reasons. First, because he is a wonderful friend and I am so excited to celebrate his successes. Second, because his critique is such an insightful application of historical materialist and anti-colonial theory to the realm of tabletop game literature, above all the rest deserving first place. Third, I’m upset that my “review” was nominated and voted for to such a degree over other bloggers’ more deserving work as well as over my own actual reviews and critiques. Being nominated for a long-form call-out post, and it being treated as a significant accomplishment on my part, feels gross. Someone had to write it, but all it had to be was over and done with. It did not, and should not, need to be celebrated. I’m very glad that an actual review, especially one so cohesive and incisive, won in the end. Congratulations, Ènziramire!! As for the content of the post itself, here's my final word on it: if you're going to commercialize your work, commercialize YOUR work. My constant emphasis on the distinction between copyright infringement and plagiarism is more than pedantic: it's the difference between disrespecting intellectual property (about which, who cares!) versus privatizing the work of others. Going forward, sure, we should work towards a better culture of creative attribution, but we should also work towards non-commercial interactions with our hobby. Pseudo-Paul says, "The love of money is the root of all evil", and it's difficult not to see the constant grind of commercial publishing and social engagement as responsible for this incident. Isn't an ideal creative culture not just an attributive one, but a free and accessible one disentangled from the demands of capital (even if expressed through our particular needs)? We should attribute generously, but we should also share freely as well. From each according to their ability, to each according to their need!
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(In lieu of a medal, Gold winners will get a linocut print; here’s a design inspired by Ènziramire's post & Christina Sharpe's In The Wake: On Blackness and Being---a dragon and her wake. )
🥇An Empty Africa - PF2E's The Mwangi Expanse and the strange career of Black Atlanticism🥇 from A Most Majestic Fly Whisk
"An Empty Africa" was, if you’ll forgive the joke, written in a spirit of homecoming. Pathfinder was my first tabletop RPG and the frustrations with bourgeois Afrodiasporic creative spaces expressed in the post are the same exact ones that compelled me to make a blog in the first place. The post’s reception in those same Black spaces has been varied but the most important conversations about it that I’ve participated in have been characterized by a kind of low level nervousness. What does trans-Atlantic intimacy and community look like if many of the ‘natural’ connections between Black folks we take for granted are actually expressions of Afrodiasporic supremacy? Is the desire to feel wounds together (with the Middle Passage as the ur-wound) inherently imperial? There's nothing wrong with a bit of healthy concern, but a perspective on diaspora that includes and inscribes Africa as a constitutive locus (as opposed to a static source for diasporic self-invention) is one that opens up passages. It’s trendy to say that the politics of Afrodiasporic relation, real capital-P Pan-Africanism, ‘dies’ in the 20th century bc a solidarity of shared suffering is somehow false or limited. Fuck that. Solidarity between people going through it is just one basis for affiliation, but it’s a basis that continues to demonstrate its power and relevance. South Africa and Palestine, average Chadians rescuing Darfuris targeted by genocidal militias in Sudan, Rwandan activists risking prison or worse to protest their government’s role in the bloodletting in the Kivus, mutual support networks linking queer Ugandans and Namibians together, and so much more. My father, himself a stubborn old pan-Africanist from Somalia's "born-free" generation, is fond of saying that the experiences with racial capitalism which make immigrant Africans Black are blessings if you read them backward; mourning together gives you new kinfolk. My advice for people with similar fears: don’t let liberal constructions of identity constrain your love. The part of you that wants to be caught up in the emotional worlds of cultural Others—what Glissant might call the entangled co-creation of selves, “unities whose interdependent variances jointly piece together the interactive totality”—is something to be cherished and scholars of Black music have noted that serious play allows us to explore forms of diasporic belonging that respond to difference with joy instead of masking it behind strategic essentialism. Africa should be more than an object of retrospective rediscovery, yes, but genuine familiarity is the most potent weapon we have to combat that tendency. Anyone insisting that this work, learning to reflect each other more honestly, must be restricted to (nebulously defined) 'people of African descent' for it to matter is an idiot or a huckster. We’ll fuck up, but that's family, yeah? Thanks for reading, y'all.
Thank you, TTRPG family!
(Special thanks to Martin / Sharkbomb for his assistance tidying up the medal graphics.)
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cleolinda · 1 year
Weekend links
My posts
No perfume or vampire recap this week, although I have one of each about 3/4 drafted. New Medication Side Effects are slowing me down (but I'm doing well on it otherwise).
Social media hell
Threads was a mistake. For me, not Zuckerberg; I'm sure it's great for him. In theory I was trying it out so you wouldn't have to, but I regret all the choices that led me to this. It is the tenth circle of privacy hell. Someone else can try out the bad idea next time. Save yourself.
After discussing the difficulty of getting on Mastodon, I actually did manage to wrestle my way through the signup process, because I felt like it wasn't fair to complain if I didn't at least try. I am now on mastodon.world. I'm not sure if I want to be there ("Shitposting is not allowed")? Can I go somewhere else? What... what are the somewhere elses? I am currently reading up on this.
I have wrangled a Bluesky invite! "What's Hot" seems a lot like the list of media journalists I follow on Twitter, which I haven't been on full-time in years. Bluesky will probably be more enjoyable once more people I know get on, which they might be able to do if Jack Dorsey would open Bluesky to the public already.
I feel very out of step with microblogging culture after years away—oddly, I got back on Tumblr full-time late last year and I felt at home pretty much immediately, which means that you're stuck with me now.
Reblogs of interest
20,000 Pounds of Trash Removed From Pacific Garbage Patch: ‘Holy mother of god. It worked!’
Search engines and databases that aren't Google
G/O Media forced a nonsensical AI-generated Star Wars article onto io9, and the staff is pissed
Indigenous Horror Films
Sparrow Tarot: Judgment and the Ace of Pentacles
Dance Here ⭕️
Dug in Real Life
The sacred texts
Tama the Eternal Stationmaster
Me getting up in the morning like
Tony Hawk's existential nightmare
Personal tags of the week
One orange braincell (see also the subreddit of the same name devoted to doofy orange cats)
Fashion, some of it from the Fall 2023 runways
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rainbowsky · 1 year
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Yibo Official and Yuehua have posted an update on some of the lawsuits against antis.
Rumors are illegal, infringement will be sued, no matter which platform or corner!
(Translation under the cut.)
Explanation on the progress of Mr. Wang Yibo's name rights protection case
Recently, our company discovered that some network entities intentionally released seriously defamatory remarks against our artist Mr. Wang Yibo through WeChat, Weibo and other platforms, which aroused the attention, reposting and commenting of many network users. The dissemination caused serious damage to Mr. Wang Yibo's reputation and social image, and was suspected of seriously infringing on Mr. Wang Yibo's right to reputation. In this regard, our company resolutely safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of Mr. Wang Yibo, and actively protects his rights through legal means. Now our company makes the following explanations regarding this incident and the progress of Mr. Wang Yibo���s other initiated reputation rights protection cases:
1. The relevant remarks about Mr. Wang Yibo spread on the Internet are defamatory. Mr. Wang Yibo has always been law-abiding, and has been actively and conscientiously completing his work. Our company strongly condemns the malicious spreading of rumors and disrupting public order by the relevant parties and will take legal measures to investigate the administrative and civil responsibilities of the relevant parties.
2. For WeChat user "Xinxin" (WeChat ID: W1526896***) who publicly published defamatory remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo in the WeChat group, and Weibo user with UID 5777773235 who continued to publish multiple articles against Mr. Wang Yibo on the Weibo platform. For the behavior of insulting and defamatory blog posts, our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted lawyers to obtain evidence and file a lawsuit as soon as possible, and filed a lawsuit with the court according to law today, requiring the relevant online platforms to disclose the real-name identity information of the network subjects involved in the case. A lawsuit was filed against the real-name authentication subject, requiring the relevant subject to make a public apology to Mr. Wang Yibo in accordance with the law, and to compensate for the corresponding mental damage relief money and reasonable rights protection costs, etc. Regarding the follow-up progress of this case, our company will release it publicly at an optional date.
3. Regarding other rights protection cases that have been launched before, the specific progress is as follows:
①Mr. Wang Yibo and Yu **[Weibo user "Half Hawthorn yysl", UID: 7583092450] Internet tort liability dispute (the case of reputation right:
In September 2022, Weibo user "Half Hawthorn yysl" (UID: 7583092450) continued to publish a number of insulting and defamatory blog posts aimed at Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo platform, which seriously damaged Mr. Wang Yibo's personal reputation. At present, our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted a lawyer to initiate a lawsuit against the real-name subject of the microblog user on **, and the court has arranged for a court session, and the case is pending further trial by the court
②Mr. Wang Yibo and Chang **[Weibo user “汉晗qvq”, UID: 7799836585] network tort liability dispute (the case of reputation right:
In March 2023, Weibo user "汉晗qvq" (UID: 7799836585) published defamatory remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo through the Weibo platform, seriously damaging Mr. Wang Yibo's personal reputation. At present, our company and Mr. Wang Yibo have entrusted a lawyer to start a lawsuit against Chang**, the real-name subject of the Weibo user.
③Mr. Wang Yibo v. Zhu** [WeChat user "Zhu Rui Gabriel Jiumenwu Film Industry", WeChat ID: Gabriel****] Internet tort liability dispute (reputation right) case:
In September 2022, a screenshot of WeChat Moments circulated on the Internet platform. The content of the screenshot showed that a personal WeChat account nicknamed "Zhu Rui Gabriel Nine Gates Dance Films" (WeChat ID: Gabriel****) was in " A circle of friends was publicly released in the "WeChat" APP, and the copy of the circle of friends contained serious defamatory remarks against Mr. Wang Yibo. At present, the WeChat platform has disclosed that the real identity information of the WeChat user is Zhu **. Our company has now entrusted a lawyer to further claim rights against ** Zhu ​​through legal channels.
0410 In addition to the above-mentioned cases, there are still other cases of Mr. Wang Yibo's reputation and portrait rights protection in progress. Our company once again sternly warns all network entities to immediately stop posting and disseminating speeches suspected of infringing Mr. Wang Yibo's reputation, so as to avoid further expansion of damage consequences and incurring their own legal liabilities.
The Internet is not a place of lawlessness, and our company once again appeals to the majority of netizens: they should actively respond to the "Qinglang" action, do not publish or spread false information, do not spread rumors, do not spread rumors, respect the legitimate rights and interests of others, and jointly maintain a civilized and healthy cyberspace.
Beijing Lehuayuan Entertainment Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
July 27, 2023
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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New Images Of China’s J-35 Naval Stealth Fighter, Could Depict Third Example
Oliver ParkenPUBLISHED Mar 13, 2024 9:10 PM EDT
A prototype J-35 stealth flghter in flight
Chinese internet via X/Twitter
Recent imagery shows what could be the third flying prototype of China's carrier-based Shenyang J-35 stealth fighter. The new visuals, which depict the aircraft from its underside, come after growing indications that the J-35 might eventually operate from China's two in-service carriers, Type 001 Liaoning and Type 002 Shandong, as well as future carriers fitted with catapults and arrestor gear, including the soon to set sail Type 003 Fujian.
The images were originally posted to the Chinese Weibo microblogging website earlier in March before being shared more widely. While the precise date they were taken remains murky, it has been indicated by Hui Tong on the Chinese Military Aviation blog that the aircraft was pictured as it approached the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation in Liaoning after a test flight. That same blog posits that this could be the third J-35, although we cannot confirm that at this time.
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The images give us a view of the bottom of the J-35. We know from previous photos that the overall skin of the J-35 is quite smooth for low observable requirements. The rear of the aircraft shows largely standard exhaust nozzles — although we know the J-35 has serrated petals on its nozzles, although the enhanced image at the top of this post appears to have smoothed them out. The jet appears to be wearing a ventral bolt-on Luneburg lens (radar reflector) as is customary on stealth fighter aircraft when low-observability is not needed and can also be a challenge for flying in dense airspace. The style and placement look similar to the one found on the F-22 and, subsequently, the J-20. The J-35's landing gear features a twin nose wheel for carrier operations and a similar general layout as the F-35C.
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Chinese internet via X
A navalized variant of the land-based Shenyang FC-31, the first flying J-35 prototype made its initial flight, at least that we know of, in October 2021, sporting a blue-green primer finish and wearing the serial 350001. The second known flying J-35 prototype, 350003, was subsequently spotted in July of 2022 with a low-visability gray tactical paint job. There was speculation that a third was pictured in flight in September 2023, although, as we noted at the time, the quality of the imagery made it difficult to ascertain whether the aircraft was indeed a navalized J-35 or a land-based FC-31 variant.
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Of course, the emergence of the J-35 had long been considered closely linked with the People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN) future catapult-assisted takeoff but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) carriers.
For a time, it was widely assumed that China would stick with operating J-15 fighters from Liaoning and Shandong, which are both equipped for short takeoff but arrested recovery (STOBAR) operations. More capable future CATOBAR carriers such as Fujian would subsequently feature air wings that include J-35s and CATOBAR versions of the J-15, among other aircraft and drones. This may no longer be the case.
However, imagery that emerged out of China at the beginning of last month purported to show a J-35 mockup onboard Liaoning while the carrier was in dock. Then, later in February, further imagery materialized which showed the article next to a J-15 mockup aboard Liaoning as the carrier set out to sea for further post-maintenance trials.
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A close-up view of the mockups of the J-35 and the J-15 variant from late February. Chinese internet via X
While the possibility of J-35s performing regular operations from Liaoning and Shandong may not have been anticipated by many observers, this would seem to make sense, Andreas Rupprecht, a longtime China aerospace analyst and contributor to The War Zone, has stressed: "In my opinion [the J-35 joining the Liaoning and the Shandong] makes perfect sense," he said. "Before the Fujian is ready, especially as an operational carrier, the PLAN will need to spend a lot of time training with the J-35 on the deck and in the air. Even if the training is limited due to not having a catapult, the PLAN can gain a lot of flight hours and a lot of experience."
Actually operating J-35s from STOBAR carriers would have some drawbacks, it should be noted. While recovery is the same for both STOBAR and CATOBAR carriers, J-35s would have to make use of Liaoning and the Shandong's ski-jump ramps on the bow to launch. As such, they would have to take off with less payload, in terms of weapons and fuel, compared to launching via future CATOBAR carriers. The Fujian will feature advanced electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) type catapults, instead of traditional steam-powered catapults.
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However, the overall benefit they would bring to China's in-service carriers could be significant. Alongside its low-observable characteristics, it is assumed that the J-35 will feature an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar alongside a host of advanced sensors, as well as very capable weaponry. Above all else, it would get these aircraft out to sea and operating, where major lessons can be learned, before Fujian is fully ready.
While this is all intriguing, it remains speculative. It could turn out that J-35 is either unsuitable for STOBAR operations or developmental timelines will mean that waiting for Fujian is a better move. We will have to wait and see how it all plays out.
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