#Micro ATM Device
voso-store · 2 years
Start providing mATM services or micro ATM services to your retail customers to earn the highest commission on every mATM transaction. Among the Voso portal, mATM is one of Voso's best services that provide a great business opportunity to earn high commission by providing mATM services.
Offer mATM services to your customers through VOSO and earn the highest commission on each successful transaction. With high commissions on each transaction, grow your business exponentially.
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finserv-1 · 7 months
Best Deals on Aadhaar Micro ATM Machines | Lowest Prices in India
Get the best micro ATM devices at unbeatable prices in India. Explore our range of mini ATM machines with Aadhaar integration, ensuring seamless transactions at the lowest cost.
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Have you seen these articles? I’ve always hated big tech and have wanted it to crumble/dismantle alongside the US considering big tech plays a role in what is going on in the Congo and the ecological disasters they pose but now it seems more important than ever that it ceases. I know obviously we can’t stop using phones and computers atm so we can keep sharing resources and fundraising for Palestine, but maybe encouraging people not to use AI is a first step? Or finding different search engines
Honestly with surveillance the way it is I personally already stopped using smart devices except for my phone and even that's a love/hate relationship.
Like honestly my convenience and streaming and whatever else, isn't worth genocide. It's not. I'll use a VCR/DVD player to watch shows I aquired. I'll use a timer instead of my phone and an old blu-ray for movies. I'll even use an honest to God cd player or a boom box for music.
I'm over the commodification of convenience at someone else's expense.
There are a lot of good places to start, I won't argue with AI.
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bryce-bucher · 2 years
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J(a)SON Post #2
Games like Deus Ex, VtM:B, Prey 2017, etc. include interesting interfaces for things like computers, security terminals, etc. Rather than just simply showing the player the information they need to see and then moving on, they opt to allow the player to explore an interface with a degree of control closer to that of a real device or an operating system. The first time I saw the interface for controlling cameras in Deus Ex, all of the synapsis in my brain fired at once when I realized you can just manually rotate the cameras and enable /disable them individually. It doesn't take that much extra effort to include this degree of interactivity, and it baffles me as to why so few big budget games do so. At a certain point in development, I realized I needed a system like this, so I set it up so that I could easily create and assign an interface to any device that needs one. As you can see in the photos above, each interface has its own pre-render that depicts a closeup of whatever the player is interacting with. This allows me the freedom to basically do whatever I want with them, and it opens up the door to some pretty fun possibilities. On a surface level it allows a higher degree of player freedom as they can do things like manually set the timer on the c4, but it will also allow me to do some more ambitious stuff like create a micro-os for the computers that lets you check email, mess with a pseudo-code terminal, and play picross. This week I've been working on the ATM, which will allow you to enter any bank account information that you come across and drain whatever amount of money you want from the account. I'm looking forward to sharing more of the interfaces as I develop them, so I guess you'll see them then.
Twas tha night before christmas when I wrote this post, but sadly I have not even remotely been in the christmas spirit this year. There isn't any particular reason or anything it just hasn't even felt like december weirdly. I think this post is kind of spiritually connected to my second Basidia post, as it similarly showcases my love of fun and interesting ui in games. Anyway, I hope ya'll have a happy holidays, and I'll see you again next week when I make yet another J(a)SON post.
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snowmuttgetsweird · 1 month
8/9/24, morning
Roommate comes home today I'm so relieeeeeved
It's boring and lonely without him. Just feels like a massive bleak void in my life when he's not here. I'm bored he's not here, I'm lonely, I'm anxious I can't see him, and I get stir-crazy and lost and don't really know how to conduct myself. I would just be standing around thinking about what I should do and then end up doing push-ups or something just to work out some nervous energy.
In the meantime I picked up a handful of groceries yesterday to make sure I can make a nice brunch for him when he arrives, including a couple 5lb bags of rice. I washed out an empty 30lb bucket of cat litter cause it already has a lid and a handle and it seems to work just fine as a rice bucket- not for food storage but as a workout device.
Gave it a shot- get very much covered in rice starch, and the workout is definitely exhausting. Theoretically, it helps strengthen all the micro muscles in your forearms to help protect you from carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, etc; really good for keyboard warriors, artists, heavy lifters- pretty much anyone that uses their hands and fingers for a lot of strenuous or continuous activity. If nothing else, it sure does a hell of a job exfoliating my hands lol. Maybe this will finally fix my fucked up cuticles. Prolly gonna start wearing a mask while using the bucket though- I dunno how much dust it kicks up but I'd hate to develop a rice allergy this way.
Pretty disappointed I couldn't pick up that Gallantmon stuff the other day, but really I should have tempered my expectations more. I'm not as hung up on it now- I'll get it eventually, I just hate waiting for it to happen.
Dunno if I mentioned already, but I started taking metamucil too. I'm not a big milk drinker, but overnight oats and protein shakes and cottage cheese have me consuming a lot more dairy than I usually do, and diets with a lot of meat and dairy tend to cause GI issues, so I figured the extra fiber would probably be a good idea while on a high protein diet. The first few days suck- not particularly painful or uncomfortable, but really gassy, which is just kinda embarrassing and annoying to deal with. It passes after the first three or four days though, and I DO notice that I seem to have more consistent BMs, feel less bloated, less gassy, and a bit lighter. My appetite means I'm trying to pack as much protein into as little actual food as possible too given how hard it is to eat as much as I'm expected to, so I'm actually overeating a lot less, which also probably helps.
That said, I haven't been particularly strict on myself about food- more for philosophical reasons than anything. The goal is just to get the protein I need, and nothing else really matters atm. There's no point in eating anything I don't enjoy, and any goal that's completely miserable to achieve is phyrric. As long as I'm getting my protein and I'm lifting to the end of my sets every time while steadily increasing the weight I lift, I WILL build muscle, and those muscles will burn more calories, which will result in weight loss. As long as I stay on top of it at least 3 times a week (ideally more, but 3 is my bare minimum atm) and don't eat a GROSS excess of calories, all I need otherwise is trust, time, discipline, and patience- all things my ADHD-addled brain struggles with, lol.
I haven't been to the gym the last three days. Skipped one day cause I got home especially late and I was wiped, skipped the next cause I was depressed, skipped last night cause a bit of time-blindness had me going out to the grocery store pretty late at night, etc, so this week has been pretty bad for gym-going, but I'm gonna get back on it. Maybe not tonight cause I close at work and my roommate is finally back home- which does mean I'll be cooking dinner for both of us when I get back- but tomorrow I'm getting back into it with a vengeance.
Wish me luck.
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Micro ATM Service Provider | cyrusrecharge.com
Our Micro ATM Software is a handheld device which could be easily carried with a great deal of attributes like GPS, smart card reader .
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xettle-technologies · 2 months
A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Micro ATM in Your Community
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Micro ATMs are instrumental in enhancing financial inclusion by providing basic banking services in underserved areas. Setting up a Micro ATM in your community can significantly improve access to financial services and empower local businesses. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to establish a Micro ATM:
1. Research and Planning
Before setting up a Micro ATM, conduct thorough research to understand the regulatory requirements, market demand, and infrastructure needs in your community. Identify potential locations where the demand for banking services is high but access to traditional banks is limited.
Key Considerations:
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with local regulations and licensing requirements for operating a Micro ATM.
Market Demand: Assess the demand for banking services and potential customer base in your community.
Infrastructure: Evaluate the availability of electricity, internet connectivity, and mobile network coverage in the chosen location.
2. Selecting a Micro ATM Provider
Choose a reputable Micro ATM provider that offers reliable devices, secure transaction processing, and technical support. Consider factors such as cost-effectiveness, ease of integration with existing banking networks, and customer service quality.
Criteria for Selecting a Provider:
Device Reliability: Ensure the Micro ATM device is robust, durable, and equipped with necessary security features (biometric authentication, PIN protection).
Transaction Fees: Compare transaction fees and operational costs associated with different providers to choose the most cost-effective option.
Technical Support: Opt for a provider that offers responsive technical support and maintenance services to minimize downtime.
3. Acquiring Necessary Permissions and Licenses
Obtain the required permissions and licenses from regulatory authorities to operate a Micro ATM in your community. This may include approvals from banking regulators, local authorities, and relevant government agencies.
Steps Involved:
Banking Partner: Establish a partnership with a licensed bank or financial institution that can provide backend support for transaction processing and settlement.
Local Authorities: Obtain permits or clearances from local authorities for installing and operating the Micro ATM at the chosen location.
4. Installation and Setup
Once you have selected a provider and secured necessary permissions, proceed with the installation and setup of the Micro ATM. Ensure proper installation to optimize functionality and security.
Installation Steps:
Location Selection: Choose a secure and accessible location with adequate foot traffic, such as near markets, community centers, or local shops.
Power Supply: Ensure continuous power supply for the Micro ATM through mains electricity or alternative power sources (e.g., solar panels in remote areas).
Connectivity: Establish reliable internet connectivity or mobile network coverage for seamless transaction processing.
5. Testing and Calibration
After installation, conduct thorough testing and calibration of the Micro ATM to ensure all functions are working correctly. Test transaction processing, biometric authentication (if applicable), receipt printing, and connectivity.
Testing Procedures:
Transaction Tests: Perform test transactions using different payment methods (cash withdrawal, deposit, fund transfer) to verify system reliability.
Security Checks: Test security features such as PIN protection, biometric verification, and data encryption to safeguard customer transactions.
User Interface: Evaluate the user interface for ease of use and clarity of instructions for customers conducting transactions.
6. Training and Awareness
Train local operators and users on how to use the Micro ATM effectively and securely. Conduct awareness campaigns to educate the community about the benefits of using the Micro ATM for banking transactions.
Training Components:
Operational Training: Train operators on operating procedures, troubleshooting common issues, and maintaining the Micro ATM.
Customer Education: Educate customers on how to use the Micro ATM for various transactions, security best practices, and the importance of banking formalization.
7. Launching and Promoting the Micro ATM
Officially launch the Micro ATM and promote its availability to the community. Use local channels such as community meetings, posters, and word-of-mouth to inform residents about the new banking service.
Promotional Strategies:
Community Outreach: Engage with local community leaders, businesses, and organizations to promote the benefits of using the Micro ATM.
Demonstrations: Conduct live demonstrations of the Micro ATM’s features and functionality to attract potential users and build trust.
Incentives: Offer promotional incentives such as reduced transaction fees or rewards for early adopters to encourage initial usage.
8. Monitoring and Maintenance
Regularly monitor the performance of the Micro ATM and address any technical or operational issues promptly. Implement routine maintenance and security updates to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
Monitoring Activities:
Transaction Monitoring: Track transaction volumes, types, and frequency to gauge usage patterns and customer preferences.
Maintenance Schedule: Schedule regular maintenance checks and software updates to keep the Micro ATM operating smoothly and securely.
Customer Feedback: Gather feedback from users to identify areas for improvement and enhance customer satisfaction.
Setting up a Micro ATM in your community can significantly enhance financial inclusion by providing accessible and affordable banking services to underserved populations. By following this step-by-step guide—from initial research and planning to installation, testing, training, and promotion—you can contribute to empowering local businesses and individuals through improved access to financial services. As Micro ATMs continue to evolve, their role in fostering economic development and financial empowerment in developing countries becomes increasingly pivotal.
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upiadda · 6 months
UPIADDA: Empowering Financial Inclusion with Micro ATM Feature
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Our blog post dives deep into the Micro ATM Feature offered by UPIADDA, highlighting its significance in enhancing financial accessibility for individuals across diverse demographics.
In today’s digital age, financial transactions have become increasingly seamless and convenient. However, for many individuals, especially those in rural or remote areas, accessing banking services remains a challenge. This is where the Micro ATM Feature of UPIADDA comes into play, bridging the gap between traditional banking and modern digital payments.
With UPIADDA’s Micro ATM Feature, users can perform various banking activities right at their fingertips, without the need to visit a physical bank branch. Whether it’s withdrawing cash, checking account balances, or even depositing funds, the Micro ATM Feature offers a wide range of banking services in a compact and user-friendly interface.
One of the key advantages of UPIADDA’s Micro ATM Feature is its accessibility. Users can access these services through their smartphones or other digital devices, eliminating the need for physical ATM machines or bank branches. This is particularly beneficial for individuals living in remote areas where traditional banking infrastructure may be lacking.
Moreover, the Micro ATM Feature is designed with security and reliability in mind. UPIADDA employs robust encryption and authentication protocols to ensure that every transaction is secure and protected from unauthorized access. This gives users peace of mind knowing that their financial data and transactions are safe and confidential.
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payniko · 6 months
Unlock Convenience: PayNiko's Micro ATM Feature for Seamless Banking
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PayNiko's revolutionary Micro ATM feature! With our payment gateway, users can now enjoy the convenience of banking services right at their fingertips. Gone are the days of long queues and tedious transactions at traditional ATMs. Our Micro ATM feature allows users to perform a wide range of banking activities directly from their mobile devices or computers.
With PayNiko's Micro ATM feature, users can easily withdraw cash, check their account balance, transfer funds, and even make bill payments, all without having to visit a physical bank branch. Whether you're in a bustling city or a remote village, our Micro ATM service brings banking convenience to your doorstep.
Our payment gateway employs state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the safety of every transaction. Users can rest assured that their financial information is protected at all times. Plus, our intuitive interface makes navigating the Micro ATM feature a breeze, even for those who are not tech-savvy.
Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional banking and embrace the future of finance with PayNiko's Micro ATM feature. Experience seamless transactions, unparalleled convenience, and ultimate peace of mind, all with just a few taps on your device. Join the thousands of satisfied users who have already made the switch to PayNiko's innovative payment gateway today!
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payrupeshop · 7 months
Micro atm
In India, the traditional banking system remains out of reach for many people due to a lack of knowledge about financial and technological literacy, especially in non-metropolitan cities. This creates a problem because a vast majority of the population still depends on cash-based transactions. And since banks and ATMs are not always easy to reach in India, people often face problems when trying to withdraw cash.
Hence, payRup has introduced its microATM, a handheld device that will enable retail and merchant/shop store owners all over the country to turn their shops into miniATMs!
Ways in which MicroATM benefits you as an eShop merchant:
1.By using payRup’s microATM machine, you can offer cash withdrawal and balance inquiry services to your customers. This innovative method improves customer satisfaction and loyalty, allowing your business to offer a more convenient and innovative cash handling solution.
      2. By offering seamless cash withdrawals, the MicroATM simplifies tasks like money withdrawals and balance checks, thereby eliminating confusing steps and long queues and making withdrawals simple, seamless, and stress-free.
Gain commission on every swipe, avail micro-ATM services, and enjoy commissions.
MicroATM is a great source of revenue for merchant and shop owners as it is a great opportunity to offer financial services to the unbanked Indian population. payRup’s microATM empowers your business growth and helps you turn your eShop into a miniATM! . If you are not a merchant on payRup and want to avail microATM and other services, visit eshop.payrup.com. Join PayRup eShop now!
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htjhytjytjy · 7 months
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Beffy mATM Services
Beffy offers the best micro ATM services with software, mobile apps and micro ATMs. The best parts of micro ATMs are the highest cost for cash withdrawals, portable devices and ease of use. Micro ATM machines accept all bank cards and use biometrics for secure cash withdrawal transactions. Micro ATM, which is also called mini ATM. Unlike POS devices. The Micro-ATM solution enables bank correspondents (BCs) to perform basic banking services and financial transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, payments (transfer of funds), balance inquiries and small statements using biometric devices. Provide to customers. The platform allows business correspondents (who may own local Kirana stores) to make instant transactions.
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Gsm Data Receiver [ POS & ATM ] skimmer
ATM credit card Skimming without any physical contact. This Skimmer will work without a physical connection to ATM/POS Machine. This product is our best-seller, and is used by 92% of our clients.
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Gsm Data Receiver [ POS & ATM ] Skimmer .
ATM credit card Skimming without any physical contact. This Skimmer will work without a physical connection to ATM/POS Machine. This product is our best-seller, and is used by 92% of our clients.
This is most Advanced GSM data receiver. It receives credit card / Debit Card data from ATM and POS terminals. Small size 10×10 Centimeters, with one charging it can work up to 24 hours and the manufactured memory can capture about 27000 credit card / Debit Card data, with antenna it can take data in radius of 100 meters. Without antenna 10 meters. Device can work from (-25 to 45 degrees). Dust resistant & Water Proof.
We use 3.7V 4500 mAh batteries. With one charging the device can work up to 20-24hours.
We have built in a micro SD card in the device, which can collect 25000 – 27000 data records.
Briefly – GSM data receiver is a GSM module receiver which with the help of special software clones and receives all credit card / Debit Card  information from POS and ATM terminals. The received information is stored in the built-in memory card. To collect this information, you just need to connect the device to your computer, and the device will automatically send the data to your computer, with the help of the software. We have also implemented a new feature, to store information into a regular cell-phone SIM cards, which will be extractable with the use of the software. GSM data receiver is small & you can easily hide it in your bag, clothes, pocket, ore in your car – near the POS/ATM terminal.
Device has two led lights – Red and Green
Red – Device needs to charge.
Flashing red – Device can work for 30 – 60 min more, afterwards it needs to be recharged.
Green – Device is working.
Flashing green – Device is connecting.
Package Content :
* msr206 .
* 50 Blank Cards.
* High power GSM Antenna .
* Ultra HD Videos & PDF Files for step by step traning.
* Blackhat Membership .
* 3 Hours Live Training  .
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pkkapri · 11 months
Using Fino Payments Bank Mini ATM machine you can generate ATM Pin of your customers very easily. Also you can use Fino Mini ATM for cash withdrawal and balance enquiry and earn some commission instantly.
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zambo11 · 11 months
Micro ATM, Mini ATM, Micro ATM Device
Zambo delivers next generation services to our consumers, both in Rural and Urban India, by offering a Micro ATM for entrepreneurs across all segments.
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lanshengic · 11 months
STMicroelectronics protects and powers Ellipse’s leading battery-free dynamic card verification module
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【Lansheng Technology News】On October 26, 2023, STMicroelectronics provided energy harvesting security microcontrollers to financial technology innovator Ellipse World to enhance the security of card payments. CompoSecure will launch the first metal card using EVC technology. This innovative payment solution will enhance the payment experience and enhance user protection functions. The behind-the-scenes support of STMicroelectronics’ ST31N600 chip is indispensable.
Ellipse selects the ST31N600 secure microcontroller as a key component of the battery-less EVC (Ellipse Verification Code) All-In-One™ dynamic CVV (Card Verification Code) micro-module. EVC All-In-One is a standard-sized EMV micro-module that allows card manufacturers to install a three-digit card verification code display on the back of the module on the card. Every time you pay with a card at a physical POS terminal or ATM device, the card verification code will change. You can also use your mobile phone to refresh the card verification code on demand. The new code can be used for subsequent online or card-less transactions, effectively reducing errors in rejected transactions and Risk of fraudulent card-not-present activity.
When used in conjunction with STPAYTP1x, EVC All-In-One adds a layer of security to EMV payment transactions. ST31N600 is responsible for collecting the electromagnetic energy radiated by the card reader and powering the entire circuit. The solution requires no batteries, simplifying the manufacturing process and saving costs.
Lansheng Technology Limited, which is a spot stock distributor of many well-known brands, we have price advantage of the first-hand spot channel, and have technical supports. 
Our main brands: STMicroelectronics, Toshiba, Microchip, Vishay, Marvell, ON Semiconductor, AOS, DIODES, Murata, Samsung, Hyundai/Hynix, Xilinx, Micron, Infinone, Texas Instruments, ADI, Maxim Integrated, NXP, etc
To learn more about our products, services, and capabilities, please visit our website at http://www.lanshengic.com
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grahakseva · 11 months
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How to Apply for Micro ATM
Applying for a Micro ATM (Automated Teller Machine) typically involves a series of steps, and the process may vary depending on the financial institution or service provider you are working with. A Micro ATM is a handheld device that allows banking and financial transactions, particularly in areas where traditional ATMs are not readily available.
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