#Michalina Sablik
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QUENCH THIRST WITH DEW Hesitantly, they dragged their heels in lace-up, knee-high, leather boots-hooves. With ASMR sounds in their headphones: low whispers, slurping, swallowing, licking of empty wrappings and dribbling spit. Wet tarmac reflected ad screens. Viscous rain dripped slowly down their latex coat. Out of the corner of their eye, they glanced at their distorted reflection in a […] The post QUENCH THIRST WITH DEW appeared first on BLOK MAGAZINE. https://blokmagazine.com/quench-thirst-with-dew/
#Eyewitness#Poland#Agnieszka Szostek#kraków#Michael Biber#Michalina Sablik#Piotr Mierzwa#poland#Szymon Sokołowski#UFO Art Gallery#Vera Zalutskaya#BLOK MAGAZINE
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Warsaw Preview is an open-air festival that takes place in various outdoor urban spaces. In a picnic-like atmosphere artists from various fields present their works accompanied by live music.
Warsaw Preview creates an open space for artists to present their works outdoors, using the topography of a natural setting placed in urban areas. They can take part in a open call or just join spontaneously the day of the event.
Main organizer: Heart of Man Gallery | Serce Exhib.
Team: Eryka Głos, Kamil Trzeci, Michalina Sablik and Milena Soporowska.
First edition took place in 2019 in the Sculpture Park in the neighbourhood of Królikarnia - Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture, part of The National Museum in Warsaw.
By locating our events in open spaces, art could be experienced spontaneously by passersby. It created an opportunity for a nonconventional, natural conversations outside of a traditional snobbish white-cube space.
You can read interview about the first edition of Warsaw Preview in Going.MORE lifestyle online magazine HERE.
Check out interview in Radio Kapitał, where we discuss the main premise of Warsaw Preview. You can listen to it HERE.
The second edition took place during the pandemic in 2020 in the park of Open Jazd��w area in Warsaw - community of the Warsaw settlement of wooden Finnish houses, offering a social, cultural and ecological public program.
In 2020 Warsaw Preview was featured in BLOK MAGAZINE, an online, English-language contemporary art journal that focuses on the region that is known as Central and Eastern Europe, as part of Polish Highlights of 2020.
You can read the whole article HERE.
❝Warsaw Preview, an open-air festival that took place during the first weekend in September, featured 30+ artists and DJ’s (in collaboration with Radio Kapital). In the midst of a pandemic and political upheaval, the atmosphere was vibrant and connective, with artists showing and sometimes selling works, re-introducing a very open, non-pretentious, human-centered approach to contemporary practices.❞
Our second event was focused on small sculpture forms. Art presentation was accompanied by music played by DJs and artists associated with Radio Kapitał - first community radio in Poland.
You can listen to some of their works HERE.
You can listen to the artists describing their sculptures with words and music in a synethesis radio interviews conducted by Milena Soporowska in Radio Kapitał HERE.
Artists taking part in radio show: Øleg and Kaśka, Paulina Jołda, Jan Możdżyński i Kuba Mozolewski.
Media coverage of second edition of Warsaw Preview in Open Jazdów included two articles in Going.MORE online magazine.
🍀Interview with co-ordinators
🍀Interviews with artists taking part and photo coverage of their works
Documentation: Milena Soporowska
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Selfish Blue, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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'A Dream Within a Dream'☁️☁️ Off-site group exhibition on a garden in Warsaw curated by @dzidy_duo (Michalina Sablik & Aleksandra Liput) w/ works by @olegandkaska @celina_dijon @marta.niedbal_qosma @aleksandraliput @jan__wolski @marceliadamczyk #adreamwithinadream #dzidzy #MichalinaSablik #AleksandraLiput #offsiteexhibition #offsite #groupshow #groupexhibition #warsaw #warsawart #warsawgarden #gardenexhibition #EdgarAllanPoe #Øleg&Kaśka #KarolinaJarzębak #MartaNiedbał #AleksandraLiput #JanEustachyWolski #MarceliAdamczyk #exhibition #art #contemporaryart #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform (at Varşova) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0aU5nFSPy/?igshid=ts85ajqkqgcy
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online opening: 20th May 18:00
open weekend: 23-24 May 12:00-19:00
artists: Marceli Adamczyk, Jan Eustachy Wolski, Marta Niedbał, Aleksandra Liput, Øleg&Kaśka, Karolina Jarzębak
curators: Dzidy (Michalina Sablik i Aleksandra Liput)
photographer: Bartosz Górka
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream
/a fragment of a poem by Edgar Allan Poe "A Dream Within a Dream"/
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Podsumowanie V edycji Cracow Gallery Weekend Krakers 2016
,,Za nami kolejny krakowski weekend galeryjny, czyli Krakers. Było co oglądać.
Krakers dojrzał. Zaczynał jako mała impreza dla grupy entuzjastów, dziś lista miejsc, w których można oglądać sztukę rozrosła się do kilkudziesięciu. Obok regularnych galerii jest miejska partyzantka artystyczna. Wyświechtane „każdy znajdzie tu coś dla siebie” wyjątkowo trafnie opisuje sytuację.
W Novej (ul. Batorego 2) Łukasz Surowiec ze swoim „Zielnikiem” porusza zagadnienie „pamięci miejsca”. Zbieranie i suszenie roślin w miejscowościach, które naznaczone są traumą wojny i mordu to specyficzny rodzaj zapisu wspomnień, symbolicznego pamiętania, kruchości życia. Z kolei w Szarej Kamienicy (Rynek Gł. 6) oglądamy zbiorową wystawę „Wszystko co ludzkie jest mi obce”. To momentami fascynująca rzecz o relacjach ludzi i zwierząt.
U Jana Fejkla (ul. Sławkowska 14) znakomite grafiki Anny Sadowskiej. Wystawa „Powrót po śladach” jest też ciekawą rozmową o przypadkowości, geście artysty, odcisku przedmiotu. ZPAF Gallery (ul. św. Tomasza 24) pokazuje prace Moniki Niwelińskiej, jednej z najciekawszych artystek młodego pokolenia, która wychodząc od zjawiska światłoczułości zastanawia się w swej twórczości nad przemijaniem i znikaniem.
W galerii Artemis (ul. Poselska 15) zobaczymy prace Katarzyny Karpowicz. Niektóre z nich, uciekając od dosłowności, stają się niezwykle ciekawą wypowiedzią artystyczną.
U Olympii (ul. Limanowskiego 24/4b) - prace Bogumiła Książka, których bohaterem są oczy Duchampa. Z kolei w Aristoi (ul. Sołtyka 9/2) Marta Sala, odwołując się do mody na recykling, tworzy opowieść o sobie, współczesnym świecie i sztuce abstrakcji.
Na przeciwległym biegunie znajdują się miejsca takie jak The Greenroom - pracownia Kingi Lubowieckiej, która wraz z Justyną Gryglewicz stworzyła bardzo ciekawy dwugłos o drugim życiu przedmiotu, nieoczywistości świata i najbliższego otoczenia. Do tego wystawa w Potencji (budynek Telpodu), czyli opowieść o obcych.
W hotelu Cracovia Bartosz Czarnecki i Michał Sroka tworzą „przestrzeń w procesie”. Przebudowa? Destrukcja? Stawanie się? To ciekawe pytanie w kontekście miejsca: jaka będzie przyszłość budynku po dawnym hotelu?
Od pojedynczych wystaw ważniejsze jest jednak rejestrowanie zmian w artystycznym obiegu. Poza regularnie działającymi galeriami komercyjnymi Krakers daje szansę zapoznania się z podziemiem. Artystycznym. Pozwala poznawać nowe miejsca, czasem zaadaptowane zaledwie na kilka dni dla sztuki. Rozpychają się na rynku nowe galerie, szukają miejsca dla swej sztuki młodzi artyści. Kraków się europeizuje i uświatowia. Takie same przestrzenie, półoficjalne i partyzanckie, pozwalają złapać oddech i uniknąć zadyszki Berlinowi, Nowemu Jorkowi czy Warszawie.
Poza tym weekend galeryjny pozwala też zawrzeć „serdeczne porozumienie” między pokoleniami. Podoba mi się różnorodność, która temu wydarzeniu towarzyszy. Nawet jeśli więcej było zjawisk przeciętnych niż bardzo interesujących, to warto było te trzy dni spędzić ze sztuką. A tłumy odwiedzające poszczególne miejsca najlepiej o tym świadczą.” ~ Łukasz Gazur
artykuł Łukasza Gazura: https://dziennikpolski24.pl/krakers-w-labiryncie-artystycznych-spraw/ar/9914335?fbclid=IwAR1pUZflQ0He2R7fI9HrEJfbQqVOC4fBj0P5SefigtyqOs_fJBdkF6yKj38
artykuł Michaliny Sablik: https://ownetic.com/magazyn/2016/michalina-sablik-niepospolite-ruszenie-krakers-2016/?fbclid=IwAR050gj4IhDMflmZ78ZOuMlYBwY9MRhfNNowOWnHVujQFHs9R64VZgq5N70#/
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Cityscape III, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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Hardware, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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The Black Star, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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Cityscape B, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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Pressures of Existence, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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Urban shroud, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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The last Mohicans, Piotr Ambroziak
Ambroziak definitely stopped using symbols, spirituality, sexuality and malformed bodies. He doesn`t comment on reality in his own, individual way. He doesn`t criticize, but he wants to face reality. Urban jungle woke up a wild animal living inside him. This animal pours the paint, breaks, teases canvas and uses techniques connected with “street art” and “painting of the matter”. His paintings do not express devious meanings, but they become an emotion in itself. Ambroziak`s neo-expressionist paintings are predatory art of gesture. The artist discovers again the power of colour and spontaneous gesture which are full of expression. For him it`s a new way to express himself. His art doesn`t use symbols and ideas but focuses on jiggy gesture (without any painting rules). His works are inspired by urban space which is full of information and doubtful meanings. It is also a “wastepaper bin” for culture. His works are painted with a thick layer of paint, damp patches with elements made of spray paint. They are similar to scratched walls of urban jungle full of graffiti pictures. Ambroziak`s paintings which are like these graffiti become palimpsests, so you can`t recognize the meanings of the layers. In this urban cave the message emotion and impulse matters. So Ambroziak becomes a urban shaman and vandal, who attacks the canvas. text : Michalina Sablik
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