#Michael vey textpost
vey-electroclan · 5 years
Hatch: HA HA! I have just tricked you into signing your soul over to me!
Michael: Uh you might wanna read that contract again
Hatch: Michael Vey's soul is hereby owned by— SUCK A LEMON LITTLE MAN?
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Hey it’s me Vey and I’m ready to play
Michael, at some point
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Ostin: The laptop is almost out of power
Ostin: Michael
Michael: NO.
Ostin: Put the charger in your mouth, Michael
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Person: God he’s gone through so much… I wonder what Michael’s thinking right now
Michael’s brain: ohmygosh there’s Taylor!!!!!! Dang it she’s gone now……………… *spongebob music continues to play*
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Ostin: Hey Torstyn can you hand me that spoon
Torstyn: this reminds me of a time... there I was, trapped in the jungle with only small spoon. Suddenly, a PANTHER-
Ostin: bro just please give me the spoon please
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Zara: *shows up*
Me: Oh wow she’s really powerful I wonder if she’ll join the electro-
Michael: *incinerates her*
Tumblr media
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Pre POC25 Jack: Vey?! Michael: Hey, Jack, I’m from the future Jack: Seriously?? Michael: Yeah, I’m from the future and in the future we’re friends Jack: You’ve got to be kidding me. Michael: Fine, I’ll show you. *a year or two later* Michael: See? Jack, staring at the scene in which he and Michael are playing Let it Go aggressively on recorders along with the movie while Ostin lays down on the floor with a pillow on his head: Jack: Michael: ? Jack: I neED TO UNDO THIS QUICK
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
The Electroclan as How to Ruin Dinner
Michael: Where did dad go ... Ostin: r u drinking piss Taylor: Dad I am Pregante Jack: I killed the dog Wade: hows the dog shit Zeus: it’s human, not pork:) Nichelle: RAWR XD x3 Ian: I lost the weed Grace: I drank all the salt Tanner: please end me McKenna: i’m dropping out of school Abi: So there’s this guy Tessa: my tarantula is lost Tara: What’s a furry Quentin: I am a furry Torstyn: hey so I killed a man today
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Ostin: so what’s it like not having a father figure? Michael, intensely: I am my own father figure. Jack: Shut up, crazy. As I was about to say, my father figure, Captain Crunch, really got me through some hard times-
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Ostin: *Casually sticking magnets on Michael while he talks to Taylor* Tanner: What are you doing Ostin: What does it look like I’m doing?? Tanner: How come he hasn’t noticed Ostin, annoyed: Because Taylor is distracting him, duh. I’ve gotten a magnet with a swear from every place we’ve visited. Swears in Taiwanese and Spanish too. He hasn’t noticed yet. Now I’ve come to step two of my plan: leaving them on for as long as possible. Tanner: Tanner: Remind me to never make you mad
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
McKenna: Well, I'll tell you my secret sir! McKenna, voice lowering: I lie to myself. McKenna: Every morning when I wake up I say "everything's going to be okay" but I'm lying. McKenna: And I don't know how much longer I can do it. McKenna, smiling: *wheezing noise*
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Ian, on Michael’s 22nd birthday: Wow Michael, you’re getting tall Michael, still considerably shorter than Ian: Why is life always a contest to you Ian
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Michael: Mom, meet Nichelle Sharon: Hi, how are you? Nichelle: Good, sorry I hurt you son Michael: Oh that reminds me I should probably apologize for trying to strangle you to death haha Sharon: wait-
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Michael: Taylor! It’s your birthday! Taylor: Yeah I- Michael: You know, when I was your age I had my 22nd birthday Taylor: Taylor: I’m breaking up with you
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vey-electroclan · 6 years
Michael, about to climb the tower in MV6: um ok bye then guys
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vey-electroclan · 7 years
Abi: *walks in the kitchen* Jack: I love how these eggs just,, slide down my gullet, they're so easy to slurp, so comforting, feels like home- Abi: *walks out of the kitchen*
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