#Michael langdon deserved better
eldritchlibertine · 5 months
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soft baby. look at him
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ajokeformur-ray · 1 year
Michael Langdon is the kind of person who never knows what the fuck he's doing (a mood, honestly), but as soon as you tell him you don't know what to do, he's examining the situation from all possible angles, a few more you hadn't thought of, and then somehow solving your problem with a cryptic comment or two. And he does it all with that smirk on his face - you know the one.
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worldswithoutendings · 11 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] PT.1
Hello everyone! guess who is back after a very very long time, I'm rewatching AHS and can't help but fall in love with the antichrist. so enjoy! This might be a series, I want to test it out first.
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Female reader
Warning: none
Summary: 15-year-old you made a sort of deal with the devil, for a love life. pathetic. you know. but he comes with a different approach to what you actually want. but will it work?
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You still regret the day you made the decision, the worst decision in your life so to speak of. When you made a deal with the devil. But on the other side, who can you blame? When you’re 15 years old, desperate for love, a life you wanted so badly. Due to all the influence, the neglect in your family. The yearning. You still remember his reaction to this day. Loud laughter ran through the reddened sky, ‘Sweetheart, please, don’t be so pathetic. You want to make a deal with me, for a love life?’ ‘Yes! Please’ you cried out, feeling foolish ‘Foolish, foolish little girl’ he mumbled as he sat on his throne ‘you can be so much more, you have so much potential. Yet you’re here, with me, pleading for love’
‘I’m sorry’ you whisper as you look down, hot tears flowing over your rosy cheeks ‘You’re so young’ he keeps mumbling about the great aspects of you ‘You could rule the world one day’ ‘I don’t want to do it alone’ you blurt out "oh! Now I have you talking, so you want to rule the world?” “I mean, yeah, doesn’t everyone want to rule the world at one point in their life?" his laugh echoes again ‘no one, can rule the world like you, but, I can arrange something for you. If you arrange something for me’
‘What do you want’ you blurt out ‘I want, you to be the bride, the bride to end all times, to end all days, to end eternity on this earth’ ‘What do you mean?’ you say as you try to get rid of the tears on your cheeks ‘I will give you, a husband, you have to find him first. He isn’t ready yet, I'll give you directions when the time is ri-‘ ‘NO!” you yell out
‘I want to be loved now, didn’t you hear me!? How old are you? Like two thousand years old?-‘ ‘-older my dear’ ‘Well then fix yourself some hearing aids!’ you blurt out, making Satan laugh again ‘Oh foolish girl, you’re going to give him a hell of a time’ and by that. Time stops. The sky turns back from red to gray.
You find yourself back in your bedroom, the cuts you made for your offering are gone, the dead bird has disappeared and all the candles are blown out. ‘What a joke’ you mumble to yourself as you cry yourself to sleep that night.
27th of November 2023
Corpus ave.
Dress code: black
You can’t help but laugh, corpus ave? How fitting for a cooperative meeting. You are now 26 years of age. You did age gracefully if you have to be honest. Maybe Satan was right and was keeping you youthful for your husband.
you laugh okay quit it y/n your 15-year-old was screaming in your head about how you deserve to be loved, yet no one ever bothered to go further than a lazy one-night stand or a short conversation filled with flirtations but no invitations. You thought Satan totally saw it as a joke and to be honest, you started to see it like that too over time.
But on the other hand, you hadn’t expected an invitation to a cooperative meeting, led by Satan, or rather his Spawn. You had heard from him, Michael Langdon, ‘son’ of Tate Langdon and Vivien Harmon. You didn’t want to expect much from him so you kept your expectations low as you got ready for the night.
Stupid dress, why did I buy you in the first place?! Even though you had better dresses in your wardrobe, you also wanted to impress the people there. So you took advantage of your body, with a black body con dress, that rose up every time you walked. That means I will be sitting down for the rest of the evening ‘Miss van son!” you hear, and you look up, to see an unknown face ‘You don’t remember me? My apologies, my name is Rutherford, Jason Rutherford. We went to high school together’ ‘And you are calling me by my last name because?’ ‘Because I have to, Miss van Son’ Jason smiles. But his eyes aren’t smiling. Which says enough for you, and you give him a 20-dollar tip ‘Have a nice night Jason’ ‘Thank you, mis-Miss van Son’ Jason stutters. You sit down in the ballroom with all the people who have money. Lots of money. You feel out of place.
‘all rise’ a man screams, making everybody stand up straight ‘Michael Langdon, The antichrist.’ Michael comes through the doorway and your breath hitches oh my. He is beautiful, with deep sea blue eyes, golden hair past his shoulder, and a girl to his side. Hold up. A girl!? It’s not him you sigh why else would Satan, of all people, invite me to a cooperative meeting ‘sit down” Michael's cold voice echoes through the room ‘first of all, thank you for coming. Second of all. I want to introduce my girlfriend, soon-to-be wife, Rosalie Withers. You can not question her about anything. I will have your head on a silver platter’ He shows his white teeth at the end, and you can’t help but feel jealous, so who will it be then, the so-called love of my life.
When it’s time to socialize, you scrape your throat. Getting ready to walk to the bar for a heavy drink. Only to lock eyes with Michael. You show him your best smile and raise your empty glass at him as he opens a pathway for you to the bar. You can’t help but see him scan your body again!? No ‘Hi how are you’ or anything else? ‘Hi, how are you?’ Michael says softly ‘I’m good, thank you mister Langdon” he has to be a few years older than you.
He moves gracefully but strategically ‘You have potential’ Michael says ‘Excuse me?’ you almost choked on your saliva ‘I say you have potential’ he says a bit harder, but not harder for the room ‘Oh, thank you. I guess?’ you try to push your body through Donald Trump and Michael's body. You see how he takes a whiff of your smell and you see his eyes darken oh shit you try to pick up your pace to the bar but Michael has beaten you to it ‘a vodka soda, please’ you say to the bartender ‘Make that two, and two shots’ you hear Michael say and you furrow your brows
‘my father says I have to be polite’ ‘Well, you’re father is a shitty man’ you can’t help but blurt out. Making Michael laugh, almost the exact same way you got humiliated eleven years ago. You bite your lip on the inside and take a deep breath as you wait ‘I’m sorry, Miss Van Son, right?” ‘You can just call me y/n’ ‘you can just call me Michael’ ‘I’d rather not’ you say as the bartender puts down your drinks ‘why not?’ “well, you’re Satan offspring, I’m already... seen like a fool. Don’t want to humiliate myself that bad that I will definitely not have a-I don’t know why I’m telling you this, have a lovely night Mr Langdon’ you walk away with your drink and leave Michael with the two shots.
After you finish your drink you walk outside to feel the crisp air you’re still a foolish little girl you hear Satan roar through your mind ‘I know, thanks for the newsflash’ you say as you raise a middle finger to the ground ‘That’s where you are, right?! everyone looking down at you. Pathetic’ you mumble as you feel yourself getting irritated.
You wished you had brought a shawl or a coat but no, you thought it wouldn’t be long. Yet it’s already 2:45 ‘shit’ you mumble as you look at your phone, only to feel a coat be draped over your shoulders ‘Figured you might need it’ Michael says as he walks back to the club he followed me?! He didn’t see me flip off his dad, right? You shake your head and make your way home. Longing for your warm bed, funny enough, Michael's scent hypnotizes you in a funny way. Making you not remember going home at all. Just as you fell asleep in your bed, still wearing his coat.
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zoebensonsgf · 1 month
to go along with my list of favorite ahs seasons, I wanna add a list of favorite characters from each season, so here u guys go
(please bare in mind that I haven't watched Roanoke or double feature yet)
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1. Murder House; Violet Harmon
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2. Asylum; Lana Winters
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3. Coven: Misty Day
(also probably my favorite ahs character of all time alongside jpm + winter and kai)
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4. Freak Show: Jimmy Darling
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5. Hotel: James Patrick March
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7. Cult: Winter and Kai Anderson
(I couldn't decide between the two. They both deserve better)
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8. Apocalypse; Michael Langdon
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9. 1984: Montana Duke
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 13 - Vulcan Michael
Vulcan Michael Langdon x reader 
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For Michael, Halloween was totally illogical.
But most of the things humans did were totally illogical, so he shouldn't be surprised by this weird party where people pretended to be someone else, sometimes other species than their own, or even worse, beings which did not exist.
For several days, Y/N had tried to explain to him why it was important, a kind of custom, that you shouldn't look for logic in customs, just see that it was a good time, to share, to relax, during which people could have fun and forget their worries for a night.
           "Yes, okay, the way of having fun is not logical, and it's also ridiculous to ignore your problems instead of trying to solve them but... But that's it !"
           "But that's it ?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow.
           "Yes, that's it !"
           "Very well, t'nash-veh ashaya."
           "... So you agree to dress up and come go candy hunting with me ?" she asked with a small pout, knowing that he was illogically having a hard time resisting her when she was doing that face.
           "I don't see why I would refuse, as long as the costume is not offensive."
"          I had thought of an elf."
           "... That's a bit offensive."
           "A vampire then. And I'll be a young princess, under your spell and totally at your mercy."
           "But that's it !"
           "Yes ashal-veh." he sighed, trying not to smile, even though smiling wasn't as illogical as the Vulcans thought. It showed that we were happy.
It was just better to be happy inside, in a controlled way.
It was therefore filled with discreet joy that Michael accompanied Y/N in the streets to collect sweets. Of course, he didn't dare hold her hand in public, it was highly inappropriate.
And he repeated to her that sweets and other delicacies were not good for her health.
He also noticed that there weren't many disguised adults knocking on doors.
           "Michael." Y/N said kindly looking at him with wide eyes. "You know very well what I'm going to answer you."
           "Hmm. That's this is what this celebration is about, so you won't be logical, you will do whatever you want with regards to holding my hand, eating, and going out in costume, and that's it."
           "Just promise me not to eat everything too quickly, I don't want you to get sick."
Despite his grunts of protest and the fact that several people were watching them, Y/N kissed him on the cheek, saying that he was cute, and promising to be reasonable.
It didn't really convince him, because he knew that his human and he didn't have the same definition of what was reasonable.
So he wasn't really surprised to find her on the sofa, still wearing her big dress, her face covered in sugar and chocolate. Using her little pout, she tried to avoid his criticism.
           "Whether I eat them now or later, it's almost the same."
           "The nuance is in the 'almost', ashal-veh. You promised me."
           "I only ate five ! Well... Maybe seven. Or more. But there's still plenty left. You can take some if you want. You chased them too, you deserve them. Oh Michael, come on, try one !"
           "No, it is not..."
           "Michaaaaael ! For me, please !" she begged, holding up a candy to him, waiting for him to eat it straight away.
It was illogical, but he couldn't refuse it. He could never deny her anything.
And he didn't realize at all that he was eating chocolate, sitting next to her, letting her feed him again and again.
Since Michael had never told her about the effect of chocolate on Vulcans, he couldn't blame Y/N. She hadn't really forced him to eat it either.
He was the only responsible for this situation, which his mate did not understand right away.
It was a real surprise for her to see him smiling and laughing like it was perfectly normal, moving oddly.
           "Your cheeks are all green. Are you sick ? Oh, I hope you're not allergic to something ! I can call a doctor, I..."
           "It's all right, ashal-veh." he chuckled, taking her in his arms. "I'm fine. I've never felt so good. My love. My life. I'd like to take you far away, to a cave, where no one can take you. I'll build you a house and we'll have plenty of children."
           "... What ?"
           "I don't like it when other people touch you. Or when they look at you. You're mine. You're mine, aren't you ?"
           "Yes Michael, I'm yours. But you're not in your normal state, you... Are you purring ? And you...  Are you biting my neck ? Michael ?!"
           "You smell so good, t'nash-veh ashaya. T'nash-veh ashal-veh. T'nash-veh ta'hal. Nash-veh ashaya du, weht do kanok-vei. Worla trasha nash-veh, sanoi . Wuh panu tor gu'gelik heh herbosh rik' du."
Vulcans having a denser mass than humans, it was not easy for Y/N to drag Michael to the bedroom. He didn't really help her, before falling asleep in the middle of the bed.
The next morning, his head hurt terribly. With great difficulty, he prepared tea and meditated for several hours, until Y/N woke up.
Despite his meditation, he behaved slightly illogically by "sulking", refusing to talk about what had happened and decreeing that they would never again participate in Halloween, which was a holiday as dangerous as it was illogical.
He later tried to banish several other holidays where chocolate was present, such as Christmas when Y/N served him hot chocolate, or Valentine's Day, before accepting that he could not escape this toxic product, and that anyway, Y/N found him so adorable when he was drunk that he could eat some from time to time to please her.
But only if there were no other witnesses to see it.
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men i could fix ch.2
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Heyyyyy, did you miss me? I bet you did.
Alright so Michael Langdon, Satan in a sunday hat (props to anyone who knows where that saying is from), the literal antichrist, what's there to say about him that anyone else hasn't said?
Michael is definitely one of my favorite American horror story "villains."
Why did i put villain in quotes? Lemme explain.
(I suggest don't read this if you haven't seen AHS: Apocalypse yet and don't want any spoilers.)
So, as we all know, Michael is the son of Satan, he started killing arguably when he was just in the womb of his mother Vivian. He fed off the nutrients of his twin brother and then traded his mother's life for his during his birth. And then from months old to 3 years old he begun to kill small animals before killing his first human at the age of 3. As the days went on, he also begun to physically age overnight thus his powers and bloodlust becoming more stronger than ever.
With all the horrible things Michael had already committed, Constance, his grandmother, had been become weary and stressed and later committed suicide and refused to see him in ghost form. A distressed Michael then found comfort in Ben Harmon, as Ben was more of a father figure to Michael. Michael was also then rejected by Tate Langdon, his father technically as he impregnated Vivian. One dark night, the founder of the church of Satan and his followers arrived at the murder house and commenced a ritual which brought Michael to accept his role as the destroyer of mankind.
Why did i just explain this man's entire story that everyone already knows? Well, that brings me to how I could fix him.
Technically, there's no "fixing" Michael. He is the son of the Devil so his role in society was already predetermined in blood. All of his actions were basically decisions made by his subconscious by his "evil" side, the only reason he was created by the devil was only to wreak havoc on earth.
He's not all bad though, we see in the series times where he's showed genuine emotions and remorse for his action even though he has no control over them, like when he snapped out of his trance after unknowingly trying to strangle his grandmother while she slept, or after finding out that Ms. Meed was killed. Unfortunately, this is about how far as his human side goes besides just presenting as human.
Honestly, regardless of all the things he did, Michael just needed some love. He was outcasted by his family, the woman that was a real mother to him was killed by the coven and his own father didn't want anything to do with him. All of this eventually turned to resentment and just led him deeper into darkness. He was abandoned, alone and scared. All he wanted was someone to listen, to understand him and help him find his place in the world. He really did deserve better.
[It's currently 2:08am as I'm posting this. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!]
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cherienymphe · 1 year
What are your top 5 AHS seasons and why?
Oooooo ok I know one of these is going to be super controversial so
5. Asylum
"Um Cherie wtf? Why is the best season ever so low?" BECAUSE ITS NOT THE BEST SEASON EVER. I love asylum and it definitely had some amazing plot lines (sister Mary Eunice becoming possessed is a top 3 plot line in the whole show) but asylum just had too much going on for my taste and I know I'm the odd man out because this is the favorite season of just about every fan but to this day I just can't love it as much as everyone else. On top of everything in that season they really decided that it also needed aliens. I'm sorry but I was done 😭 with that being said, it still makes the top 5. Stan Lana Winters
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4. Roanoke
I know what you're thinking and no I haven't lost my mind. I loved Roanoke. More than Asylum. Sue me. I thought it was very different and it was a nice different that was a change of pace from the same story style of all the other seasons. Roanoke was also the season that got back into the horror factor imo. It was the first season to genuinely creep me out and scare me in like 3 seasons tbh. Idk but this season really had me hooked. I watched this one live and each week my mind was spinning
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3. Apocalypse
Ok this is where it got pretty hard because I feel like my top 3 are going to be obvious but it was just a matter of who was going in what spot. I'd love to put apocalypse at number 2 (because if you've been here for a long time you know what's going in number 1) but the ending really cast a shadow over the whole season. It's still miles better than most of the other seasons but that ending still rubs me the wrong way.
Apocalypse was an era okay? The way I was seated every single week for this season was insane. It's the crossover season between my favorite seasons and it's 95% perfect. Michael Langdon is a great antagonist and I really enjoyed seeing male witches. Returning to the coven was exhilarating and I just really enjoyed seeing the schools explored upon more. Not to mention the return of some of my favorite characters. They chose the perfect season and character for Cody's AHS debut
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2. Coven
Arguably the most iconic season. Very quotable. Everybody was acting DOWN. I love anything with witches but especially southern witches and setting this season in Louisiana couldnt be beat. That alone makes this season so personal and near and dear to my heart. This season had me on the edge of my seat every episode and half of AHS' most iconic characters came from this season alone. I enjoyed the inner workings of the coven and seeing witches go toe to toe with each other. Fiona and Marie Laveau were just teeew good and putting Jessica Lange and Angela Bassett in the same season deserves to get your ass ate. With all of that being said, the later half of the season did not live up to the first half but season 3 is still way better than the majority of the show
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1. Murder House
This should surprise no one. AHS really came out the gate SWINGING bc murder house is that bitch and will always be that bitch. There isn't a single thing I would change about this season (and that's why some things in apocalypse rubbed me the wrong way). This season was horror galore and easily one of the creepiest seasons. This season alone is solely responsible for teenage girls everywhere thirsting over a blond shaggy haired serial killer. Some of the plot twists in this season had me GAGGED! And this season (along with season 3) made me really attached to the characters that I think some of the other seasons failed to do. It got to a point where you wanted these people to make it out of that house and it still hurts sometimes when I think of their fate
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
KRISTEN!! How are you, lovey? As promised, I'm here after work (& before studying) to gush about our Angsty-Christ😭
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Firstttt, he's so PRETTY and for WHAT?!!!! Those golden curls and devilish smile, the deep inhale he does when he's satisfied or proud of himself, the way he prances around the Outpost and teases Gallant and everyone else, the still and quiet way he watches people, the sassy "classified" or the sharp, "then you stay here and die", the way he projects his insecurities and trauma onto Gallant "I can see why your grandmother is so disgusted by you", the way his hair goes from curly to wavy as he gets older and we get to see Michael at various stages of his life non-chronologically, the way he dresses, THE DEEP VOICE AND CRYPTIC STATEMENTS AND THE WAY EVEN AFTER FOUR YEARS I STILL CAN'T FULLY READ HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND I LOVE THAT MYSTICISM.
The way he cries and breaks every time yet another family member abandons him, the way we can see him being used and abused and twisted into being what other people want him to be and because no one gave him an instruction manual and no one asked Michael what he wanted, they only told the antichrist what he needed to do, the way we see him grow and thrive and flourish but not in the way he wanted; he wanted to be good but people molded him for their own needs and the antichrist was loved but Michael, the sweet boy, was ignored and neglected, the cute puppy dog headtilt when he's doing that Rubik's Cube, those gorgeous blues and bouncy curls, the way I want to both look away from him because I'm blushing so hard I'm embarrassed but also I can't look away because he's magnetic and commands the screen even when he's just in the background, the close camera angles making it look like we're in the room with him, sharing in his life experience as an invisible presence, the way he deserved better.
I've never seen his death scene, I know you know why, but sometimes I feel like I should rip it off like a bandaid, just get it over with, but also it's been four years so if I haven't watched it yet then it's likely I never will because if I watch it, I acknowledge his entire tragic and bitter arc and I don't want to because Michael deserved better and I'll forever be mad and sad (smad?) about it.
All this to say, I love Michael Langdon. He'd snap me like a twig in a very unsexy way without even blinking or any second thoughts but I'd use my last breath to thank him for it.😂
I’m eh, lovely. How about you? ❤️
LISTEN, I cannot even put into words how you’ve just summed everything up about this poor bimbo, demonic daddy. He didn’t ask for anything he got, but somehow, he was Ryan’s biggest ball drop ever (whilst that man single handedly destroyed Murder House in the same season). Michael had Vivian’s humanity and it’s completely glossed over because of COVEN POWER OMGGGGGGFF. What could’ve been one of the best seasons was destroyed by Ryan himself, and I hope he’s proud! He can sit with the Duffer bros ^_^
Look at this face
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The Silent Queen
The Silent Queen
by VillanelleDanielleLangdon2Morningstar
Sabrina Morgana Spellman knows she's not a good person, she's evil and cruel in just the right amount, identical middle twin of Sabrina Edwina Diana Spellman, Aziraphale Spellman's favorite niece. And the only creature to raise a voice for Zelda Spellman. Disillusioned with the insistent hope of a happy life at only fifteen; she is cynical, manipulative, ruthless, and, above all, a survivor. But her life changed when she took a trip to LA. And the soul bond she forms with two even more unlikely people will change the entire Wizarding Community.
  Main Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar / Sabrina Morgana Spellman Morningstar
Sabrina Morgana Spellman Morningstar/ Hope Andrea Mikaelson
Sabrina Morgana Spellman Morningstar / Klaus Mikaelson
Sabrina Morgana Spellman Morningstar /Michael Samael Morningstar.
Words: 70, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018) RPF, The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms, Lucifer (TV), American Horror Story: Apocalypse, Lucifer (TV) RPF, Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Sabrina Spellman, Nicholas Scratch (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Hope Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman, Ambrose Spellman, Zelda Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Cordelia Foxx | Cordelia Goode, Zoe Benson, Mallory (American Horror Story), Edward Spellman, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson, Freya Mikaelson, Mary Wardwell | Madam Satan | Lilith, Satan (American Horror Story), Harvey Kinkle, Rosalind "Roz" Walker, Theodora "Theo" Crain, Kol Mikaelson, Davina Claire, Dahlia (The Originals), Inadu | The Hollow (The Originals), Marcel Gerard, Hayley Marshall, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Michael Langdon, Michael (Lucifer TV), Gabriel (Lucifer TV), Ramiel (Supernatural), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Adam Young (Good Omens)
Relationships: Hope Mikaelson/Sabrina Spellman, The Dark Lord | Satan/Sabrina Spellman, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) & Sabrina Spellman, Klaus Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Lucifer/Original Female Character(s), Hope Mikaelson & Original Female Character(s), Michael Langdon/Sabrina Spellman, Sabrina Spellman/Other(s), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Elijah Mikaelson / original maa
Additional Tags: Harvey Kinkle Knows Sabrina Spellman is a Witch, POV Sabrina Spellman, Bisexual Sabrina Spellman, Ruler of Hell Sabrina Spellman, Dark Sabrina Spellman, Michael Langdon Deserves Better, Protective Michael, Protective Klaus Mikaelson, Possessive Klaus Mikaelson, Protective Lucifer, Protective Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Hurt Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Protective Hope Mikaelson, Bisexual Hope Mikaelson, Tribrid Hope Mikaelson, Dark Hope Mikaelson, Dark Lizzie Saltzman, Dark Hermione Granger, Dark Morgana (Merlin)
From https://ift.tt/zgSVCEI https://archiveofourown.org/works/42045810
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rainbowxmisa · 3 years
"The Castle in the middle of the woods."
Pairing: Vampire!Michael Langdon x Fem!Reader.
Word Count: 6,7k
Tags/Trigger warnings: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Character Turned Into Vampire, Vampire Turning, Vampire!Michael Langdon, Getting Back Together, Marriage, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Memory Loss, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Multi POV.
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There was a legend about a Vampire that lived hidden in a castle in the middle of the woods. The legend said that whoever dared to enter the woods and look for said castle, will never come back, all of them destined to a terrible fate.
Everyone feared to be near the woods; everyone but her.
She was a young woman that grew up listening to that legend, fascinated about the mystery that surrounded the vampire. And when she became a writer, she was determined to write about him, even though she didn’t know if the vampire was real, or if after all, he was just a legend. But nevertheless, she wanted to discover the truth about him.
Because, for some reason, something about that vampire felt really familiar to her.
Ignoring the warnings of the villagers, she packed a bag with all the necessary stuff to explore the woods and entered the forest with a map in her hands. She wondered why everyone was so scared of that place; the sun shone bright upon the trees, and the fresh wind made the path through the woods even more pleasant. It was a beautiful and calm place, and if the vampire was real, she was sure that he had chosen a perfect spot to live. Even though… he probably wouldn’t be able to enjoy a sunny day because, well, he was a vampire after all.
After what felt like hours walking, she chose to make a stop for lunch, seating in the shadow of a big tree. As she ate in peace listening to the melody of the chirping birds, the sun slowly started to disappear behind big, dark clouds that promised a huge storm. “Crap” muttered the writer. She rushed to pack everything in her bag again, ready to find somewhere to shelter herself before the storm could fall violently on her way to a safe place. The distant roar of thunder signaled that she had little time left to hide, and wondered if it was just a coincidence or if the woods and their master really cursed everyone that dared to enter the forest in the first place.
When the sound of the thunder began to approach more and more she started to feel hopeless, there wasn’t any place to find a decent shelter in the woods. The writer sprinted to the biggest tree she could find again and sat with her back pressed to the trunk, hugging her bag, wishing that she could make it until the storm went away.
But her luck wasn’t on her side that day. As soon as the storm came, it did it with a strong and forceful wind. Her shelter was useless, the wind made the rain of the storm soak her anyway, making her shivering in discomfort and starting to feel sick. Counting on her luck, she was sure that at the end a thunderbolt would catch her. But that didn’t matter anymore, she was starting to feel more and more weak at each passing second, and she was sure that she was doomed to die there, in the middle of the woods, where everybody warned her not to wander through.
And when her vision started to get blurry and the strength of her hands on her bag failed, a cloaked figure emerged from what seemed to be nowhere and approached her, crouching in front of her and lifting her to their arms.
The last thing she saw before passing out was a mop of blonde curls, and the most beautiful and bluest eyes she had seen in her whole life. She was sure that she’d seen them somewhere; she knew those blue eyes had haunted her for a very long time... but she couldn’t remember why, or recall why they felt so familiar.
As soon as the clouds started to block the sun, and he was sure there wasn't any danger of getting outside, Michael put his cloak on, not wanting to taste the waters and end up dying like a damn fool. He missed the sun; he missed bathing his skin in the heating weather of the summer. But that was the price to pay to stay alive. He knew that if it weren’t for his father, he would had be pretty much dead as soon as the incurable illness tried to murder him from the inside out years ago.
The vampire ventured himself outside the castle, enjoying the freshness of the upcoming storm. It seemed that it would be a short walk this time, but he prefered to enjoy five minutes outside rather than stay inside of that huge and lonely castle on his own the whole damn day.
Michael walked on his habitual path, listening to the distant thunders that were approaching. But with the wind came something else; a familiar scent; a scent he would never forget in a lifetime. “That couldn’t be possible…” the vampire thought, panic rising instantly on his chest, tightening his dead heart as if it were still able to beat. And like if he were an automaton, he started to run following that familiar scent, but the strong wind made the task more difficult than he would have liked it. Sooner than he expected, the storm arrived, making it even harder to find where that person was hiding.
Until he find her.
She was sitting on the base of a tree, hugging her bag for dear life. And when he felt that her body was starting to weaken and her heartbeat was slowening, the panic tightened his chest once again. Normally he used the bodies of the people that got lost in the woods to feed himself, so he wouldn't have to go to the nearby village and hunt them. It was easier when they came to the forest like they willingly wanted to offer their blood to him.
But she wasn’t nothing like the rest of those people; she mattered more than anyone else in the whole world, and he wouldn't allow her to die here. Alone and scared. Like the way he felt once.
He crouched in front of her, sighing and thinking that this was gonna be a problem for future Michael. His priority now was to take her to a safe place and take care of her… and that meant that the only answer for that was taking her to his castle.
When he carried her in his arms and saw a little bit of her bright eyes for a very short moment, a flashback of his past life came to him. He knew those eyes; those eyes haunted him day and night for years with the promise of a “I’ll see you again someday”, and it looked that if she made it, he’d have to fulfill that promise soon.
When she woke up, she sat up suddenly, sucking on a breath with difficulty, trying to take control of her lungs slowly. She looked at her surroundings, seeing that she was in a huge room that she didn’t recognize. The writer noticed that she was wearing a nightgown and was very much dry, like she never was in the middle of the storm for starters.
She didn't feel sick anymore at least.
“Where the hell am I?” She asked softly, mostly to herself.
“You’re in my castle.” Someone answered inside the room.
She jolted as she heard the unexpected voice, startled, not expecting to get an answer at all. She tried to see where the voice was coming from, but the room was dark. Until a thunderbolt illuminated the room and she saw him.
The vampire.
He was sitting on an armchair at the end of the room, looking at her with a piercing gaze with his legs crossed. And then, without thinking about it, she took one of her hands to inspect her neck on instinct.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t bite you.” The vampire said flatly.
The writer sighed in relief, pushing herself out of the bed.
“Why did you take me here?” She asked, still unsure to approach him.
“Would you have prefered to die in the middle of the storm?” The vampire asked with disdain.
“No… I suppose not.” She answered, hugging herself, trying to bring a bit of warmth to her body.
Finally, the vampire lit a candle, illuminating the room.
“Then I’m glad I made the right decision saving you. My name is Michael Langdon.” He said, introducing himself, still looking at her with that intense gaze.
Her breath got caught in her throat as her eyes roamed his sharp and beautiful features. Vampire or whatever he was… he was definitely a beautiful man. And for some reason, the writer had a feeling that she already saw him somewhere else… but didn’t remember where or when. Only that she had dreamt with similar blue and icy eyes as his more than once.
“Who the hell was this man?” She thought, incapable of stopping looking at him.
“Are you cold?” He asked, looking at her with concern.
“Yeah, a little bit.” She answered.
“Come with me.” He demanded standing up, grabbing the candle and heading to the door.
She felt reluctant at first, but followed him regardless.
As soon as she was outside of the room, the writer saw that she really was inside of the castle. It was huge and beautiful, and for some reason, she felt that it was a very lonely place.
“Do you live here on your own?” She asked with curiosity.
The vampire remained silent for a while, until he decided to answer.
“Yes. I lived here with my father at first. But now it’s just me.” He said in an emotionless way.
“Don’t you feel lonely?” She asked, feeling really bad for him.
“I suppose so. But believe me, I would rather be alone than be with my father again.” He explained. His voice was filled with venom, and she didn’t know if it was polite to pry a little bit about it, so she remained silent while she kept following the vampire.
For a little while the only sound surrounding them was the loud storm still falling with intensity outside the castle.
Finally they entered a room that looked like a living room. In the middle of said room there were a couple of couches that seemed to be really comfortable, a tea table, and in front of them, a fireplace that warmed the whole room, making it even cozier.
“Please, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back.” The vampire said with a polite smile.
While she waited, the writer sat in one of the couches, extending her hands to the fireplace to gain a little bit of warmth in her body. She looked around her, noticing that there were a lot of packed bookshelves in the room. She was dying to take a look at them, but for now, she was a lot more curious about the man hosting her than the place in itself. She wondered why he was being so nice to her when at the same time, it seemed like he didn’t want anybody close to him at all.
Not much long after he left her alone, he returned bringing with him a tray in his hands.
“I hope you like chamomile tea.” He said, placing a couple of cups on the table, throwing a knowing look at her.
“Yeah, in fact, it's my favourite.” She answered, smiling brightly.
That seemed to please him, returning her smile with a matching one. For some reason, it was like he already knew what she wanted to drink, but she didn’t think too hard about it.
He made himself comfortable on the couch in front of her, elegantly crossing his legs, putting his arm on the back of the couch while he sipped the tea, looking at her with that mysterious and piercing gaze.
“May I ask you what made you venture into the forest in the middle of a damn storm?” He asked with curiosity, raising a brow, but for some reason, he seemed to be a little bit… pissed? Worried? Why? She wondered.
She sipped from her tea feeling how it slowly helped to warm her body. The writer froze for a moment, being aware that she didn’t even think for a second that the tea could have been poisoned. But then, she thought that if the vampire would have wanted to kill her, he could have done it by now.
Finally, she answered his question.
“First of all, when I entered the woods it was still a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky, the storm started a few hours after that.” She pointed out. “ And secondly, I entered them with the intention to look for you, so I think in the end I winned.” She explained, feeling victorious.
“Yeah, that’s only because I felt your presence and came to your rescue. So, you’re welcome.” He said, sounding as pissed as he looked.
It was obvious that he rescued her, but why? She thought about the rumours of all the people that ventured to the woods and never came back. So… maybe all of them end here at some point?
“You rescue everyone that gets lost in the forest?” She asked.
The vampire laughed, and she had a really bad feeling about it…
“No.” It was his only answer.
“And what happens to them?” She asked, fearing that she already knew the answer.
“What happens to them, is that they become my dinner.” He answered with honesty, smirking and showing for the first time his sharp fangs.
Yeah, that’s what she was thinking about all the missing people. So, what she feared right now was that her fate was the same as them. Maybe she wasn’t as safe as she had thought.
“Are you going to… ” She started to say, bringing back her hand to her neck.
“Only if you want to.” He said in a defiant way, winking mischievously at her.
She didn’t answer, even though she blushed and got lost in those beautiful and piercing blue eyes once more.
“Why were you looking for me?” He asked instead after the silence lingered around them for too long.
“Because I want to write about you.” She said with honesty.
“Write about me? Why?” He asked laughing, like if the mere idea of someone interested enough in his life that wanted to write about him was impossible.
“Why are you laughing? Is it ridiculous that someone wants to write about you?” She asked, cocking her head.
“I honestly don’t know, this is the first time in years that I actually talk to someone. I didn’t expect that.” He said looking amused at her.
“What did you expect then?” She asked curiously.
“I don’t know, maybe something like you were looking for the monster hidden in the woods that everyone talks about.” He answered, crossing his arms defensively.
“Well, that’s in part true. but I wasn’t looking for a monster, I was looking for a vampire.” She stated.
“What’s the difference? It fucking seems the same to me… ” He said, trying to hide his worry but failing.
“A vampire is a vampire and a monster is a monster, it's as simple as that. And certainly looking at you, I don’t see a monster.” She answered, shrugging.
The vampire snorted in a very impolite way.
“You really are an oblivious and reckless woman.” He said with a little laugh.
“What do you mean?” She asked, trying not to sound worried.
“I mean that you entered the woods, where you knew people usually never get back home and die; where lives a vampire that you now know feeds off said people’s blood, and you keep saying that looking at me you don’t see a monster. Are you really that naive? Or do you think that you are special or something just because I got you into my castle?” He said with an amused and sharp smile.
“I don’t know, you do tell me. What makes me so special to end here and not be killed like the rest of them?” She questioned, crossing her arms and raising a brow, looking defiantly at him.
Something in his gaze changed for a second, and then he looked back at her intensely, mirroring her expression. The writer felt how the tension between them started to grow more and more with each passing second of their interlocked gazes and agonizing silence.
When Michael finally spoke, he averted the writer’s gaze.
“I really wish you could remember…” He whispered, his voice tainted with melancholy.
“Remember what?” She asked with curiosity.
Michael jolted, standing up abruptly.
“It’s getting late, you should rest.” The vampire suggested, his gaze was a mix of worry and frustration.
The writer furrowed her brows at his change of mood, but didn’t say anything.
With a last sip of her tea, she left the cup on the table and stood up, following the vampire to her room once again. Before entering, Michael tended her the candle, making her skin tingling where their hands had met.
“My bedroom is that way.” Michael pointed to the corridor with an elegant finger. “Second room at the left of that ugly portrait of my father.” He added.
She nodded in understanding.
“Thank you. Good night, Michael.” The writer said with a small smile.
And to her surprise, the vampire took her free hand and kissed her knuckles, never breaking eye contact, making her sucking in a wavering breath.
“Good night.” he said softly before heading his way to his bedroom. She felt speechless, feeling her heart hammering in her chest forcefully.
As soon as he reached his bedroom, Michael cursed himself.
“Why did I hope so badly she’d remember me? Why did I let myself hope at all?...”
He felt hopeless, just like he’d been feeling since the moment he arrived at this castle for the first time so many years ago.
After midnight, the storm was getting worse; stronger; the wind howling through every corridor of the place; the loud thunder making the ground tremble beneath his feet; the lightning bathing in white the rooms in the castle. Usually, Michael would appreciate such an awful day mimicking his own mood, but not today, today the weather was making him feel a lot more sad; a lot more lonely. She was just a few rooms away; away from him, but at the same time, so impossibly close it hurted not to have her in his arms.
He hated himself, because it was partially his fault she didn’t remember him at all.
His train of thought dispersed when the next loud thunder brought with it a high-pitched scream of fear. Hurriedly, he jolted and ran to open his door, just to stumble against her trembling body.
Maybe it was because of the fear, but as soon as she lifted her teary gaze and found Michael’s worried eyes, she hugged him tightly for dear life, hiding her face on his chest.
“Don’t leave me alone.” She pleaded.
Michael hugged her back just as strongly, sucking on a heavy breath, trying to find the right words for her.
“Never again.” He finally said.
And just as he was wishing a few moments ago, he finally had her in his arms.
Michael closed the door behind them, taking her to the armchair that was close to the lit fireplace. The vampire kneeled before her, framing her face in his hands and wiping delicately with his thumbs the tears from her cheeks away.
“Are you okay?” He asked. She shook her head slowly, unsure. “Were you scared?” He tried again, and this time, the writer nodded.
“I had a really weird nightmare that felt very much real.” She stated.
Michael furrowed his brow.
“What happened in the nightmare?” He curiously asked, voice full of worry.
She sucked in a trembling breath, trying to speak over and over again.
“I saw someone very dear to me die… but I can’t remember who he was. I couldn’t see his face. I felt the anguish; the suffering; the heartbreaking ache in my chest while I was holding his cold hand until it went limp between mine. I cried and screamed trying to get him back, but I couldn’t… I know I couldn’t do anything for him.” She explained between heavy sobs.
Michael’s undead heart broke into a thousand pieces… he knew very well who she was talking about, and that that person was indeed very real; as real as that nightmare was.
“You really can’t remember who this person was?” He asked, caressing her face tenderly, trying that his voice wouldn’t sound too hopeful.
She looked at him intensely before answering.
“I’m not sure… the only thing I seem to remember about him it’s his eyes… and they looked so much like yours…” She said in a quiet voice, raising her hands and brushing his curls apart so they could look into each other’s eyes better.
Michael held his breath, feeling hopeful once again, knowing that if his heart could still beat, it would do it impossibly fast; roaring stronger than the storm that was falling outside.
Then, something in the writer's eyes flicked, changing her expression completely.
“You said 'never again'... Why did you say that, if this is the first time we've met?” She curiously asked, furrowing her brow.
Michael's eyes widened in surprise.
He really meant it, he wasn't planning on leaving her behind ever again. The vampire heaved a sigh, knowing he finally needed to come clear to her.
Michael stood up, putting some distance between them, and cleared his throat before starting telling her the whole truth; before telling her who he really was.
“Ten years ago, when I was eighteen years old, I got really, really sick, and the day I died, my father came to save me, and… turn me into what I am now. But saving me came with a price, I had to work for him, and had to leave behind everything else… my life, my family, and the woman I loved, and I still deeply love.” The vampire began to explain in a solemn voice.
“What happened to them? Your loved ones, I mean. Are they still alive?” She asked with a worried gaze.
Michael sighed, she seemed to still not put all the pieces together.
“Yes, they’re fine. But they still think that I’m dead.” He explained with a sad smile, looking at her with a mix of intensity and softness. And then, he thought about the best way to try to make her remember everything. “You know, around the time I died, I was supposed to get married, and maybe you want to see this.” Michael added as he went to grab something on his nightstand. He returned with a tiny wooden box, giving it to her.
“What’s this?” She curiously asked.
“Open it.” He commanded with a soft smile.
Michael wasn’t even sure if this was gonna work, but he refused to lose all the hope that was left on his undead heart.
Inside the box there were two golden bands that Michael knew too well; and he also knew what was engraved on the inside of them. And when the writer saw it, she stood up, her eyes widened, looking first at the rings in disbelief and then at Michael.
“B-but… these are our names… how?” She stuttered, clearly confused.
The vampire took a step forward so he could be closer to her, feeling how her breathing was heavy once again, hitching when they were just mere centimeters apart.
It was now or never.
“Ten years ago, when I died, the last thing I felt before passing away were the warm hands of the love of my life, calling my name desperately until I couldn’t hear anything anymore.” He explained with a hopeful smile, feeling how his eyes were starting to feel a little bit teary.
Then, something in her eyes flicked, and Michael wanted to believe there was understanding in her gaze, but she still looked at him like she wasn’t capable of fully comprehending the situation.
“You’re… you’re the boy from my dreams…” She stated unsure.
“Yes.” Michael said with a small smile, his voice cracking a little bit, feeling that he was able to finally hope again.
“Then… why can’t I remember you at all?” She said with a pained voice, her eyes were starting to be all teary too.
Michael smiled sadly at her.
“My father put a spell on all my loved ones so they didn’t follow me back here; so all of you keep believing I was dead.” He explained, feeling the tears finally falling on his cheeks.
“How can I get my memories of you back?” She asked, closing her hands on the rings and taking them close to her chest; close to her heart.
“I’m not sure…” He admitted.
Her eyes widened and her gaze reflected all the pain she was feeling. Michael’s undead heart ached painfully at the sight. He knew it was possible to reverse the spell, but he really wasn’t sure how to do it.
“I want to remember you.” She pleaded, her eyes more and more watery.
The vampire lifted his hands slowly until he placed them framing her face tenderly. He locked his gaze with hers, feeling again that tension that surrounded them growing and growing; their breath heavy and her heart beating strong and faster for the both of them. Slowly, their faces got closer; their breath mingling together until it felt like they were breathing as one; their eyes traveling from their eyes to their lips, yearning; wanting.
And finally, finally, their lips met in a long, sweet kiss that made the world stop around them; the roaring of the storm fell silent and suddenly the white of the lightning engulfed them completely until something inside them clicked; made them feel whole again. And when the writer finally opened her eyes, she smiled widely, the unshed tears finally breaking free, falling on her cheeks like she’d been accumulating them inside her for over ten years, and probably, that’s exactly what really happened.
“Michael…” She whispered, cuping his cheek like this was the first time she was seeing him, and partly, it felt like that.
This ‘Michael’ felt more familiar; this ‘Michael’ felt like how she always made him feel every time she’d call him; this ‘Michael’ felt like she finally recognized who he really was.
“I can remember you… I can remember everything...” She said, smiling between sobs.
Michael felt like he’d been underwater for a very long time, and he finally was able to breathe again.
The vampire hugged the writer tightly, hiding his face on the crook of her neck and letting the tears break free once again, feeling how he was filled with the relief and the happiness he’d been waiting desperately for ten years.
He finally fulfilled his promise.
The moment she remembered everything it felt like a punch sucking the air out of her lungs, tightening her chest painfully, but filling her heart with the warmth she’d lost for so long. The tears and sobs felt unstoppable while she hugged Michael with all her might.
“I’ve missed you so damn much…” The vampire whispered softly against her neck.
Some hours ago, she was afraid he'd bite her, but now, she knew he would never harm her.
“I’ve missed you too.” She said back with a wavering voice.
Michael guided them to the bed, not daring to break the hug, but as soon as they were laying on the mattress, he put the tiniest bit of distance between them so they could get lost in their gazes once again.
She now recognized those blue eyes; she remembered the first time she saw them when they were little kids, and how those beautiful eyes had seen her until Michael’s last breath.
“I think all this time I was so intrigued by this mysterious vampire because deep down my heart knew it was you who I was looking for.” The writer stated, caressing softly one of Michael’s cheeks.
He smiled fondly at her.
“That means you’re no longer gonna write about me now that you know who I am?” He mocked.
She scoffed with a smile.
“Oh, so now you want me to write about you?” She asked, raising a brow.
“Who said I didn’t want you to write about me? I simply find it unbelievable, but I never said I didn’t want you to.” He pointed out.
She beamed at him.
“Good, because I was gonna do it anyway.”
Michael snorted.
“I have no doubt about that.”
After they laughed for a little bit, she looked at him worriedly.
“Who really was the man that saved you?” The writer asked with curiosity.
Michael heaved a sigh.
“He was a vampire that was looking for someone to learn from him and keep with his legacy. At first, he told me he sensed I was dying and came to my rescue, but soon after, I discovered he had come to my home multiple times disguised under a spell as my doctor… and he was killing me slowly, poisoning me, so he could turn me into a vampire afterwards. As soon as I discovered that, I killed him.” He explained with a pained voice.
Her heart broke into a million pieces. She remembered that man. She remembered the hope he brought to their lives, only to now know they were all lies.
“I’m so sorry, my love.” She said, crying once again, feeling the rage for not having been able to stop that man ten years ago.
“What would you possibly be sorry for? Nothing of what happened was your fault, darling.” He assured her with a small smile.
“I know… but I hate we’ve been apart for so long.” She lamented.
“Yeah, me too. I was so afraid to go looking for you knowing that there was the possibility of you not remembering me at all. If I’d known that with only a kiss I could give you your memories back, I'd have gone looking for you sooner.” He said with a heavy sigh.
“Maybe it’s a fate thing.” She commented with a bright smile.
Michael laughed softly.
“Yeah, you always said since we were little that we’ve been destined to be together for all eternity.” He said, trying not to sound too mocking.
But when Michael said that, she sucked on a breath, realizing that it was true.
“You’re right… we can.” She said in a whisper.
“We can, what?” He asked, looking at her in confusion.
“We can be together for all eternity.” She stated with a knowing gaze.
Michael looked at her with a furrowed brow until he understood what she was implying. His eyes widened, and he put some more distance between them, sitting and looking at her hard with that piercing gaze.
“No. Absolutely not.” He said before she could say anything else.
“Why not?” She asked, whining, sitting and placing her hand on his knee.
Michael took her hands on his, heaving a deep breath before answering.
“Do you really want to feed off blood for all eternity?” He asked sternly.
“I don’t care, I just want to be with you.” She said, giving him a little squeeze.
“We can still be together without you being a vampire.” He said, looking at her with worry.
“I know, but I don't want to get old and die. If I have the chance, then I want to stay as I am now. With you. Forever.” She pointed out.
Michael looked at her intensely, until he heaved a sigh.
“Okay… are you really sure?” He asked, fear visible in his gaze.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life.” She answered seriously.
“Then, I have a deal for you.” He proposed.
She lifted a brow, tilting her head with curiosity.
“Which is?”
Michael opened the hand where she was still guarding the rings, taking them.
“If you want me to turn you into a vampire… then I’d like you to finally be my wife.” He said, taking her left hand, caressing the finger where one of those rings should have been placed ten years ago.
She sucked on a breath, feeling how her heart hammered against her chest loudly and more faster than ever.
“Yes, of course I’d love to be your wife.” She answered with a wavering voice, feeling how her eyes were starting to be watery once more.
Michael slipped the ring to its rightful place slowly, shining beautifully. Then, she did the same to him. They both smiled brightly to the other, feeling inside of them an infinite happiness they hadn’t felt for over ten years. They approached slowly, until their lips met again in a much sweeter kiss, feeling like that was the perfect way to seal and make their marriage official.
It wasn't like any priest was going to approve a wedding between a vampire and a future vampire anyway.
When they broke the kiss, she looked at him determinately.
“Are you really sure about this?” He asked with worry.
“Absolutely.” She answered without hesitation.
“Okay… but this is gonna hurt a lot.” He warned her, while delicately brushing her hair aside to have better access to her neck.
She nodded in understanding, gripping Michael’s shirt tightly.
Michael took a few deep breaths until he gathered enough courage to sink his fangs into the soft and tender flesh of her neck. She screamed, feeling the intense pain in her whole body. The warmth of the blood falling against her skin felt like it burned. Michael sucked the blood out of her, licking the wound over time to time, and if it hadn’t hurt so much, she was sure she’d be enjoying it. After a few minutes, she felt the venom enter her body, filling her veins with a burning and very painful sensation. She wanted to jolt to stop the burning inside her, but Michael kept her in place firmly.
After what felt like forever, Michael stopped to suck on her blood, but the burning sensation remained on her body.
“It burns!” She screamed between sobs.
Michael caressed her hair softly and helped her to lay down.
“I know, my love, it’s gonna hurt for a little more until the venom transforms all the cells in your blood. It’s gonna take a while.” He said with a pained voice.
“Don’t leave me alone...” She pleaded.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He said, taking his hand on his, squeezing it lightly.
She felt like she was dying slowly in painful agony, and probably, that was exactly what her body was going through.
Her eyelids felt heavy, and suddenly, everything went black.
She opened her eyes slowly, grateful that the burning on her body had finally stopped, but besides that, she didn’t feel any different than usual, only like if someone had beaten her out. Oh, that, and that now her heart wasn’t beating anymore. Something that would make her undead heart go impossibly fast if it could still beat.
When her vision adjusted to the dim light of the room, she noticed that Michael was on the armchair reading peacefully.
“Michael?” She called in a whisper. Her throat was sore and hurt as much as her body did.
Michael put the book aside and he was beside her quickly.
“Hello, Mrs. Langdon.” Michael greeted her, making her smile. “How are you feeling?” He asked, caressing her cheek tenderly.
“Everything hurts. And it freaks me out not to feel my heart beating anymore.” She said in a quiet voice, trying not to hurt her throat any more.
Michael chuckled softly.
“I can imagine, I went through the same back then. But now you’ll start to feel better, I promise.” He said, keeping caressing her cheek.
“How long have I passed out?” She asked, trying to sit, but being stopped by the gentle hand of her husband.
“A couple of days. Don’t force yourself, you need to rest, darling.” He said, tending to her a glass of water that was placed on the nightstand.
“Oh my God, it felt like just a couple of minutes.” She said before sipping a few gulps of water. Her throat felt grateful, but it still ached.
“Yeah, it’s a weird sensation, isn’t it?”
She nodded in agreement.
“Can I keep drinking and eating what I used to, or now I can only feed off blood?” She asked.
Michael smiled softly at her.
“Considering I’ve brought you water, the answer is clear. But yes, you can still drink and eat everything you want, but your body will need blood too.” He explained.
“Even garlic?” She asked worriedly.
Michael laughed.
“Yeah, even garlic. Some of us develop an intolerance to garlic for some reason, but it doesn't kill us as people say.” He stated.
“And what if someone stabs our heart with a stake?” She asked, still worried.
At that, Michael cackled.
“My love, everyone dies if someone gets stabbed in the heart.”
She looked at him, feeling dumbfounded, until she realized how dumb her question has been.
“Ah, that’s true.” She said with an amused smile.
The both of them burst out laughing.
“Now rest a little bit more.” He said with a soft smile.
“If you insist.” She joked, tugging the blanket up to her chin, feeling the slumber coming to her quickly.
Michael kissed his forehead, but didn’t go away until she finally fell asleep again.
After a couple of months in which she got used to her new nature and the fact that from now on she had to feed off blood too, everything started to go better than she ever expected. She knew she was gonna miss the feel of the sun on her skin, but honestly, knowing that she was gonna be finally at her husband’s side for all eternity, the sun didn’t seem that important anymore.
The writer started to feel more at home in the castle, and they even adopted some of the stray cats that roamed the nearest part of the woods and loved to be pet by them every night.
One morning when they were snuggled up on the bed, a huge storm started, making it feel like the sky was gonna fall upon them. A loud thunder made everything tremble like the beginning of an earthquake.
Michael nuzzled his nose softly against the scar on her neck, feeling content.
“This reminds me of the day I found you.” He said in a quiet voice, talking about the storm.
“Yeah, I know.” She agreed, pressing her back to her husband’s firm chest.
Michael hugged her waist, peppering her neck and shoulder with soft kisses.
The writer turned so she could look better at him.
“I have something to tell you.” She said, smiling mischievously.
Michael lifted a brow.
“Do I have to feel scared?” He amusedly asked.
“No,” she laughed softly. “I’m finally starting to write the book about you. Only that I changed my mind a little bit.” She explained.
“Oh? Are you saying that writing about me isn’t interesting enough anymore?” He mocked.
“No, I have plenty of interesting things to tell about you. But I think that I want to write about us; about our story.” She told him.
Michael smiled proudly at her.
“That’s amazing, love. And how’re you gonna call your story?” He asked with curiosity.
She thought about it for a moment, until she finally found the perfect title.
“The Castle in the middle of the woods.” She stated.
Michael laughed softly,
“Very clever.”
“Thank you.”
She beamed, feeling proud of herself.
They got lost in each other’s gaze. Michael caressed her cheek softly, looking at her like she was the most precious treasure in the world, and to him, she was. She lifted his hand to brush delicately aside some of his beautiful curls.
“I love you so much.” She said, her voice filled with devotion and love.
Michael smiled brightly at her.
“And I love you more.” He said back, sweetly.
Their lips met on a kiss full of everything they felt for the other, knowing that if they wanted, they could keep kissing the other for all eternity.
And that’s exactly what they did.
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Happy early Halloween! I was so excited to finally write this story, I hope you'all liked it 🥺🤲🏻🖤
You can find more of my Michael Langdon fanfics here: Michael Langdon masterlist.
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someiconsx · 6 years
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michael langdon - headers (part 15).      ✧  like or reblog is you use/save.      ✧  @dearcardan on twitter.
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eldritchlibertine · 5 months
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unironically. michael langdon deserved better. he just needs a hug and for someone to make him some soup. christ, I love him so much.
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ajokeformur-ray · 10 months
As much as I love Michael Langdon, he wouldn't look at me twice. I'd be like the fly he carelessly swats away, and even that seems like a bit of a stretch.💔
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yuiyuuji · 5 years
Can I just say how much I hated the end of AHS Apocalypse? Like.. I watched it a second time and I STILL hate it. Even more then before. wtf
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divinerivals · 6 years
Next season of AHS...
Michael Langdon becoming the Archangel, Michael and defeating the real Antichirst.
Change my mind
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preciousdeans · 6 years
after watching the ahs finale:
disappointed, but not surprised
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