#Michael Kaneko
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kozy-ogawa · 2 years ago
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2023.07.08 OCEAN PEOPLES @ 代々木公園ライブレポート
梅雨の晴れ間、SincereとMichael Kanekoのステージを見るため、代々木公園でのイベント「OCEAN PEOPLES」に行ってきました。
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Twitterで紹介したところ、何とSincereにリツイートされました。 ありがとう!
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ライブで歌声を聴くのは今日が初めて。 生歌上手い!ステージでのパフォーマンスも熟れてる感じ。 隣にいた女性のファンが「可愛い」と絶賛していました。
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「water」「Like no one's done」「I'll be」などに加えてCMソングに書き下ろしたニューシングル「Our Way」も披露。 とにかく素敵すぎるステージだった。
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Michael Kaneko
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マイキーのライブを見るのは、コロナ禍以前の2018年8月のTOKYO MUSIC CRUISE 2018 @ ザ・プリンスパークタワー東京パークステージ以来。
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lyrics365 · 3 months ago
Spent a couple nights alone These minutes feel endless Body’s getting cold Try to hide it under my sleeves But these creatures come crawling They always let me know Remember when it was so easy Stuck in our apartment We’d drink till the morn You know we’re closing in on midnight Maybe I’ll call her And let her know I’m just trying to find something to hold Scream through the hallways We’re losing…
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suiyoubis · 4 months ago
ohira mizuki — holiday (feat. michael kaneko)
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hoiyanshing · 7 months ago
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jpopstreaming · 1 year ago
🆕🎶 「 Take Me Back (Remix Sessions feat. Michael Kaneko) 」 new single by Nenashi, Michael Kaneko, Kibunya is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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benjiman · 1 year ago
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ryanpuffs · 8 months ago
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Fighting game recolors be like - Kagami Akiyama (chibi by @GCastelini)
Ken Ito
Naoki Kaneko
Jack (Exalted Future)
Cosmo (Fairly OddParents)
Kazuma Kiryu (Like a Dragon/Yakuza)
Soren (Fire Emblem)
Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3)
Michael De Santa (Grand Theft Auto V)
Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)
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faecaribou · 11 months ago
Michael Afton Web Weave
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Jukebox the Ghost, "Under My Skin" // Taylor Swift, "seven" // Elizabeth Jennings, "Song for a Birth or a Death" // the unsent project, to mom // Rick Riordan, Demigods and Magicians // Grail Quest #3: The Gateway of Doom // whispertothem00n, "The chain bound" // Anne Carson, "Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides" // W. Todd Kaneko, "THE DAY AFTER" // Audre Lorde, "Sister Love: The Letters of Audre Lorde & Pat Parker" //
Third Michael Afton Web Weave ( 1 - 2 - 3)
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tveitertotwrites · 10 months ago
Intros to some other MC's
Hey everyone. This is a post for MC's that I won't write for, but I will answer questions for/use for book clubs (if I decide to do them).
High School Story: Lillia Thompson
Name: Lillia Jade Thompson
Birthday: April 26, 2002
LI: Michael Harrison
FC: Jules Leblanc
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High School Story: Class Act: Olive Karagach
Name: Olive Amelia Karagach
Birthday: January 12, 2005
LI: Rory Silva
FC: Raegan Revord
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Open Heart: Emilia Anderson
Name: Emilia Noelle Anderson (Some of you who have been following me from the beginning might remember her)
Birthday: October 14th, 1993
LI: Bryce Lahela
FC: Florence Pugh
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Platinum: Daniella Warren
Name: Daniella Isabella Warren
Birthday: April 16, 1997
LI: Avery Wilshire (Female)
FC: Harriet Caplan Dean
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Queen B: Lauren Caldwell
Name: Lauren Elizabeth Caldwell
Birthday: May 28, 1999
FC: Meg Dixon Brasil
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Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance: Izi Arnold-Wilson
Name: Izi Marie Arnold-Wilson
Birthday: February 29, 2000
LI: Colt Kaneko
FC: Mackenzie Ziegler
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Rules of Engagement: Aspyn Brooks
Name: Aspyn Elisabeth Brooks
Birthday: February 12, 1984
LI: James/Bartender (Default name is Dean)
FC: Sutton Foster
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Again, I will most likely not write for these books but you can ask questions for these MC's as you may see the if I decide to join one of the book clubs. If there are other books I decide to create MC's for, they will be placed here.
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ferios-favorite-styles · 10 months ago
♬おすすめの曲 プレイリスト♪ Ferios List 199
MIRROR / Ado 毎日 - Every Day / 米津玄師 Amber / Kroi ちりぬるを / 椎名林檎, 中嶋イッキュウ DEAD / 中嶋イッキュウ ルバート / ヨルシカ 進むために / 阿部真央 Hello Hello / NakamuraEmi, MASSANxBASHIRY, XinU OKAY / SUNNY YAMAMOTO, yuzuna rebel / Michael Kaneko So Good / Nozomi Kitay, K.E.I 真似事 / 9Lana Stay With Me / 長瀬有花, SASAKRECT, New K Windy You / Billyrrom 青果店 / Natsudaidai マニマニ / 7co 透明 / RLOEVO U / MORISAKI WIN OVERTIME / 春野, Taka Perry WOLF MOON / Broken Kangaroo nonfiction / swetty, Yvng xan Ruby / Joe Cupertino, Lil' Leise But Gold Let You / T3N4, KIRA, Ry-lax BLONDE / Taeyoung Boy PARADIGM / e5, CYBER RUI, KOTONOHOUSE POLAR EXPRESS / 泰斗 a.k.a. 裂固, Ashley Hurricane / Louis Vision, Maquina Boi 悪魔と戯れ / MONONOKE Expired / Arche NOT Okay / Luby Sparks Warcry / 板東祐大, 岡崎体育, THE KAIJU BAND 神無 / ego apartment 世間様 / asmi キミはナガレボシ / miwa Survive / Swagcky Donuts / ロザリーナ AЗ�� - Remix / TAKUMI, mato kiyokawa, ji2kia もう一度 / 由薫 passing forward / Hana Hope ウェンズデー / 日向文 Stay - feat. Ryce, Adison Maxwell / RiE MORRiS, The Guest Room, Ryce, Adison Maxwell Rainy Bride / Ai Ninomiya Feeling So Bright / Nao Yoshioka, MXXWLL Deep Water - deep deep mix / Primula, Maika Loubté
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kozy-ogawa · 11 months ago
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2024.4.19 Spincoaster presents aimi “I’m OK” Release Party @ BLUE NOTE PLACE
R&Bシンガーaimiの新曲“I’m OK”のリリースパーティを観に恵比寿ブルーノートプレイスに行ってきました。
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今回の新曲“I’m OK”はジェネイ・アイコを手掛けたLEJKEYSのプロデュースとのこと。
今回aimiのもとにはLEJKEYSから直接メールがきたというが、アイコやユナ、旧知のアンダーソン・パークやダムファウンデッドも含めてアジアにルーツを持つアーティストとの仕事が多いアジア系の彼が、アイコの『Chilombo』を聴いて改めてR&Bに開眼したaimiと結びついたのは、偶然だったのかもしれないが必然だったとも言いたくなる。 R&Bシンガー aimi、LEJKEYSとの必然とも言えるタッグ 「I'm OK」に満ちた癒しのエネルギー - Real Sound|リアルサウンド
バンドセットのステージはとても素敵だった。 aimi(Vo.) with 竹田麻里絵(Key.) Zak Croxall(Ba.) Willie(Ds.) 竹田麻里絵さんの演奏は初めて聞けたし、Nao Yoshiokaのステージも務めるZakも一緒だった。
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aimiのR&Bの原点について考えると、こちらの楽曲“Lady Boy”ではないかと自分は考えている。
「日本のR&Bは連��が必要」 aimiが語る、R&Bと〈STAY READY〉への強い想い|日刊サイゾー
Nao YoshiokaやSincere、MALIYA、XinUのファンである自分にとては最近のJ-R&Bの動向に対してのワクワク感が止まらない。
Nao Yoshiokaライブレポ
近年の国内シーンはなかなか〈R&B〉というカテゴリー自体では注目されにくかったものの、アーティスト単位では非常にバラエティ豊かな才能を揃えてきたからだ。オーセンティックなジャンル性を継承しながら王道のR&Bの豊かさを確かな歌唱で伝えるシンガーたち――中堅のNao Yoshiokaから、昨年傑作『Chosen One』を作り上げたaimi、VivaOlaとも繋がるSincereまで――は良質な作品をリリースし続けているし、対してポップス畑に近いところでもXinU、CELINA、大比良瑞希、NEMNEといったニューカマーが続々現れ、ストリーミングのプレイリストを沸かせている。 もちろん、同様の領域ではJASMINEからiri、RIRI、MALIYAといった一~二世代前の実力者たちがいまだにリリースペースを落とすことなくエッジの立った曲を出し続けている状況もある。 「w.a.u以降」のR&B―露出に頼らぬ自律性で真価を示す歌い手たち|日刊サイゾー
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こちらの本の詳細についてはアジカン後藤がホストを務める ポッドキャスト番組APPLE VINEGARにてaimiが話をしている。
2つ目は新たなポッドキャスト番組Detox Lounge(デトックスラウンジ)の告知。
R&Bシンガーaimiとダンサー/DJのYacheemiがナビゲートする、R&B Loversのための憩いの場。さまざまな表情を持つR&Bの中でも、特に癒し効果にあふれた楽曲・アーティストに焦点を当て、Let'sリラックス&デトックス。あなたの音楽ライフをゆるやかに彩ります。
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corduroy-leggings · 11 months ago
Day and night coords
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I had both my comm's swap meet and Carmen the opera yesterday!! Both were really fun. I got AP's Victorian Letter skirt in brown from the swap meet and I'm very excited to wear it! I think it will go with a lot of stuff I have.
I went to the opera with my friend @thin-izzy and my other friend @2grub was part of the ensemble which was super cool to see!! @thin-izzy also got her first lolita piece which I am super excited to see on her.
🖤Coord rundown under read more 🖤
Base coord:
JSK: Kaneko shop
Stockings: Roji Roji
KC: made by me
Flower collar pin: Pittsbrocs, Marché St Ouen
Chatelaine (covered in first photo): Dressew
Day coord:
Blouse: made by me
Purse: Alice and the Pirates
Boots: Memery
Lace pouch necklace: my great aunt
Night coord:
Blouse: Taobao
Ribbon belt: literally just some ribbon from Michael's
Choker: Claire's
Boots aren't shown because it was raining so much I was wearing my snow boots from like 2019 to not ruin the leather of my other boots too much
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
Masterlist of all my important Choices MCs (and their LIs). (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates) OLD POST. The proper MC masterlist is here.
Unlinked and uncolored MCs do not have a sprite made for them yet.
You're welcome to ask me questions about any of these MCs! Yes, even the ones that I haven't fleshed out as much yet, it will help me build their characters better.
Anthology Profiles: AKA Singular Profile Braindump Posts for the Series that go through different MCs (eg. HSS, ILS, Untameable, RWB)
HSS: Jordan Price (Prime f!MC), Evie Ayana (OG f!MC), Cher Lee (HSS:CA f!MC)
ILS: Jo Hunter (Woods f!MC), Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (Beneath demigirl!MC), Cedric Zhao (Within m!MC)
MCs with Completed and Thorough Profiles
OG HSS f!MC: Evie Ayana (LI: Aiden Zhou)
MCs with Basic Simple Profiles
ILW m!MC: Cedric Zhao (LI: Jocelyn Wu, but also likes Amalia De Leon)
MCs for stories where I've completed playthroughs with their "official" story routes (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
ILITW f!MC: Jo Hunter (LI: Lucas Thomas, but also likes Andy Kang and Connor Green)
ILB genderfluid demigirl MC: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (LI: either Tom Sato or Parker Shaw, most likely Tom)
BP f!MC: Cady Asshunter (LI: has trysts with all of them)
TNA f!MC: Eh IDC (LI: White Samuel Dalton)
MCs for stories where their specific story routes are in progress or need a replay (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
HSS Prime f!MC: Jordan Price (LI: ends up with Julian Castillo in OG HSS's prom)
HSS:CA f!MC: Cher Lee (LI: Ajay Bhandari) and her trans m!Twin Bear Lee
ES f!MC: Emilia Harris (LI: undecided)
TRR f!MC: Lew Asshunter (LI: East Asian Liam "Sexy Thicc Man" Rys)
BB trans f!MC Jasmine Yin (LI: White Adrian Raines, Kamilah Sayeed, and Jax Matsuo; can't decide which of them she becomes closest with though)
PM m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Black f!Hayden Young and Sloane Washington)
AME m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Probably MacKenzie Harris)
TH:M f!MC: Otto (LI: none, she's had and still somewhat has the hots for Ansel Crane and they have at least one hatefuck hookup)
MAH f!MC: Peggy Stone (LI: White Tyler Woods)
TPA f!MC: Jane Bond (LI: Agent Callum "Booty Galore" Grey, undecided which version)
DLS m!MC: Dick Ryder (LI: Hispanic Charlotte King, or rather "Peg" King)
MCs for stories where I haven't even started their "official" playthrough yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
OG HSS m!MC: Alan Parke (LI: either Emma Hawkins, Maria Flores, or both)
OG HSS f!MC: Violet Jones (LI: Michael Harrison)
ES m!MC: BJ Kingsley (LI: Estela Montoya)
PM f!MC: Penny (LI: Probably m!Hayden Young but I'm not sure)
AME f!MC: Jamie MacLeod (LI: Marries Jen Espinoza on the show, but her true love is Carson Stewart and she ends in a threeway poly relationship with them)
ROD f!MC: Adelaide Zhou (LI: Most probably Colt Kaneko)
TH:M m!MC: Bill (LI: Eris Huang)
LOA f!MC: Anjali Bhandari (LI: East Asian!Gabe Ricci, Aislinn Tanaka, and Joaquin Morales)
COP f!MC: Roslyn Rose (LI: m!Trystan Thorne, not sure which version)
MCs I have planned for stories I haven't even touched yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
TE f!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Either Beckett Harrington or Griffin Langley)
Alpha m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: East Asian f!Channing Lowe)
Alpha f!MC: Luna (LI: None, she is not interested in Channing and prefers to clap the cheeks of Asher and Markus)
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lotusug · 2 years ago
Come, get drunk on our sounds, cheer up. Sleep, and you'll forget. In the end, nothing's changed between present and past. In this fleeting world, humans are miserable creatures. Yet somehow wonderful. Raging and laughing, what happenstance!
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Let's break away from this difficult society! Hoist the flag, dusk will soon dawn!
Ak-ka Sei, played by Sanya
Ezume Ikeda, played by Salem
Faiz Al-Rahji, played by Mod Mae
Bloody Mari, played by Jonah
Hiori Hoshizora, played by Tess
Honey, played by Brie
Ignacio "Iggy" Garcia-Kaneko, played by Lepra
Isago Mikurube, played by Munny
Jianjun Xiao, played by Mickey
Kaichirou Narumi, played by Noah
Kino Raion, played by Yuufa
Miu Kahm, played by T
Mizutani Himari, played by Gale
Rei Soejima, played by Cammy
Ritsuki Hoshiguma, played by Michael
Ruri Futamata, played by Han
Tetsu Miura, played by Pider
Tsubasa Yoshinaga, played by Mod Ash
Zenji Fujiwara, played by Jamie
Zero Ten, played by Deka
Come, listen to our sounds and dance, be merry! Drink, sing! There isn't a single thing to worry about. In this fleeting world, humans are deplorable creatures. Yet somehow lovely. Past Sekidayamachi Road, and beyond, beyond. Even if you're clinging, disoriented, and wounded, go forward, forward!
[Congratulations to all who made it in! You will be invited through discord with a link to the server shortly. Or you might be asked through your listed alternate contact due to the discord username changes. Just expect us!]
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jpopstreaming · 1 year ago
🆕🎶 「 Strangers In The Night 」 new single by Michael Kaneko is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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piduai · 2 years ago
top 5 most played songs of 2023
TBH the only song i'm positive i had on replay for a while is bibi vengeance, i was obsessed. also sandie by michael kaneko. also this i do Not know how to read it.
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