jennyvipham · 2 days
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Close your curtains, hide your stakes, ready your necks.
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kokoseko · 9 months
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helixchi · 2 months
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Decided to try to put all the sprites of my favs
Front row to back row left to right:
MicahYujin from Error143
Milo from Perfect Love
TK from Your Boyfriend
Eugene from Dangerous Fellows
Mychael from Mushroom Oasis
Mammon from ObeyMe
Peter from Your Boyfriend
Reesey or his old version Retep from Yours
Tenebris from Duality
Z from FAVOR
Xeno from Where Gods Rot
Casper from ADateWithDeath
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mbm-artist · 4 months
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(via Celebrity Micah | Which facet of Micah is the one for you?)
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uncle-ravise · 1 year
Micah: You're so HOT when you're in denial 🔥🔥🔥
This game is so cool! I have work to do tomorrow but I can't stop my hand to drawing him. lol😂😂😂
I hope you guy like this picture💕⭐⭐⭐
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the-magicians-blue · 2 years
How about micah and reader where reader dies and micah just waiting for then to get online again,, i just really live for angst 🙏🙏
Ah I see you’ve caught me at a good time. Angst it is!
MicahYujin: You there?
MicahYujin: Angel?
MicahYujin: Y/N
MicahYujin: ….
MicahYujin: Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry.
MicahYujin: Please talk to me.
Micah was concerned. He hadn’t heard from you for almost 3 weeks now. He sent messages everyday without fail. You didn’t even touch your computer anymore (he knew because he hacked your computer to see if there was any activity). Maybe you were out of town and forgot to tell him? But you’ve never forgotten to tell him when you’d be away from your computer for long and you usually would text him. Something was wrong, really wrong but he couldn’t figure out what. At this point there was only one thing he could think to do: go to your house and see for himself.
The plane ride was stressful. All he could do was hope for the plane to go faster so he could see you again. The car ride was stressful. He was stuck in traffic and the driver took two wrong turns. But he thought it’d be worth it to see you. He thought it would.
When had finally got to your house he was surprised to see multiple cars and a moving truck in the driveway. He soon saw a slightly familiar face: your mother. He had never met her but you had shown him photos. She had tears in her eyes as she was carrying a box full of your things out of your home. Your mom saw Micah and recognized him from the screen shots you secretly took of him when you talked.
“Oh, you must be the boy Y/N talked to so much.”
A bitter smile grew on her face.
“They really liked you. Its not often Y/N bring up someone they’re talking to we when we talk… thank you for treating my child with so much love and kindness.”
She began to tear up again as Micah stood there confused.
“What… what happened?”
“They were on their way to the airport. Something about a surprise visit? It was a super early flight but… but apparently there was a drunk driver who was out late and speeding and… and the car hit the taxi and flipped over the car…. And… and-“
Your mother began to sob as Micah stood there in shock. No, no you can’t be gone, not just like that. You were just talking to him a few weeks ago, smiling and laughing and clowning him. You can’t be gone. You just can’t. And a surprise visit? You couldn’t have been going to see him were you? Did you die because of him?
A young man came up behind your mother to console her, sitting her down before going back to Micah. He introduced himself as your cousin. He only confirmed what Micah didn’t want to be true.
“Y/N had been in a coma for two weeks. At first it seemed like they’d wake up after a few days but… they’re condition worsened and by the end of the week the doctors said they were brain dead and weren’t gonna wake up. It took 2 more weeks for Y/N’s mom to finally decide to pull the plug. I’m sorry you had to find out like this… Oh! Wait I recognize you! You were that guy Y/N has a photo of on their dresser! Micah right?”
Your cousin ran off and returned with a battered box, parts of it singed.
“Y/N was apparently holding onto it when the paramedics found them. Apparently they kept saying something about making sure it got to you? They asked us if we knew a Micah but Y/N never gave us your name.”
Micah could do nothing but stare at the box in his arms. Taking a deep breath he opened the box to see a handmade plushie of skrunkly, a sailor moon figurine and a note.
Dear Micah,
As you know I’m not someone thats good at saying my true feelings face to face, so I wrote them down here. You are one of the best things that has happened to me in a long time. I’m always busy so having someone to talk to consistently wasn’t something I had the luxury of. You make me laugh, you make me calm, you make me feel safe. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so close to someone in such a short time before. I hope you like the gifts, I made the plushie myself! I know I can never capture the full beauty of skrunkly but I hope you appreciate my efforts. That sailor moon figure was actually hard to find too so you better be happy. I guess it’s just to pay you back for how much you’ve changed my life (and for the cute dinosaur plushie). Thank you for everything.
P.S if you ask about any of the mushy stuff I wrote to my face I can and will deny any of it. I am not past gaslighting.
As he read the note Micah began to laugh before breaking down into tears. He couldn’t help but feel like this was all his fault. If you hadn’t tried to surprise him you would still be here. Maybe he should’ve paid more attention when you asked him what his favorite sailor moon character was. He should’ve noticed when he saw you searching up how to crochet. He should’ve done something, anything. Maybe, he should’ve never started talking to you in the first place. He should’ve just like that little revenge hack be all that it was. You would still be alive if he did. Would he have met such an amazing person? No, but that would have been better than knowing he’s the reason they’re gone now.
Micah helped clean your house out. Your family like him keep the photo of the two of you on his first visit to your house as well as the dinosaur plushie he gave you. They invited him to the funeral but he just couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t be able to handle seeing you laying there, completely lifeless. He just went home promised himself that he’d never get close to anyone like that again. He wouldn’t be able to take losing someone else.
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el-dritchknight · 10 months
my Error143 MC, Haxx0r_g0d (fae/faer) with MicahYujin in honor of DLC Release Day 💜🕺🏾👨‍💻
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by @inclementine_8 on ig
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by @ryu_8567 on twt
go play the game!!
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mornisucc · 2 months
||Mor☕︎|| Erased.
||Error|| System Locked.
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jennyvipham · 1 year
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WHY IS BRO HIDING ALL OF THAT OMG,,,like take it awf rn fr
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artdumpss · 2 years
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I've been busy
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rainslices · 2 years
ERROR143 Demo - Otome Game will be live on itch.io in less than 48 hours!!
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WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! what a jam!!! it feels like only yesterday i posted the 4 day countdown to otome jam,
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and now we're here at the end. i'm pleased to announce that we're just about touching up the game and programming the final voiceline bits! you can find our game's itch.io page here: https://jennyvipham.itch.io/error143 , and scream about it on twitter using the hashtags #ERROR143 and #MICAHYUJIN!!! so many talented people helped make this game real, and we all can't wait for you guys to play the demo. we'll be releasing a very cool kickstarter for it soon as well, so watch out for that!
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jennyvipham · 1 year
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Hi! I'm currently moving my NSFW fanfics into game format so that it has a longer shelf life and so it's playable and pretty!
And to celebrate the Google Play release, I'd like to offer one of my favorite ones to be released for free if we hit 500 reviews! What do you think?
(Art by @rainslices)
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jennyvipham · 1 year
Ye 😎
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jennyvipham · 1 year
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Outfit Inspo ^^ (By Neiicho_)
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jennyvipham · 1 year
Good morning, Micah!
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jennyvipham · 1 year
Major thanks for making this beautiful game and for birthing Micah but any chance you could upload Micah's voice lines somewhere plzzz like being able to hear his voice like on demand would literally be a dream
that's it BUT THANK YOUUU (uwu)
Here are all the voice lines numbered!
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