#Miami sea aquarium
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aaronsmith94 · 2 years ago
RIP Lolita, may your spirit get to swim all over the ocean now since you were stuck in a bathtub for 50+ years.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
"I first met Tokitae (also known as Toki, Lolita and Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut), a female orca who had been captured off the coast of Washington, in 1987. I was a biology graduate student at my first professional conference, and the scientific society hosting this event held the opening reception at the Seaquarium.
Toki was 20 feet long and 7,000 pounds, and should have been in the Salish Sea traveling 40 miles a day and diving 500 feet deep with her mother and siblings. Yet there we were, a few hundred marine mammal scientists who mostly did field research, watching this magnificent being perform silly tricks in a bathtub.
That’s not really an exaggeration in Toki’s case. Toki’s tank was the smallest enclosure in the world for her species. It was only 35 feet at its widest point and 80 feet long. It was 20 feet at its deepest; if Toki hung vertically in the water, her tail flukes touched bottom. Captured in 1970 when she was 4 or 5 years old, she lived in this tiny space for 53 years.
The federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), administered by the US Department of Agriculture, has a ludicrous requirement for tank width — only twice the length of an average adult orca (or 48 feet). But Toki’s tank didn’t even meet that weak standard. For years, the USDA offered various excuses for not taking steps to revoke the exhibitor’s license. None of them made sense, as the tank was plainly not to code. Activists repeatedly tried to sue the USDA for failing to enforce the law, without success.
Toki’s was a strange, lonely life. Despite many campaigns to repatriate her to her family (the L pod in Puget Sound), years passed. The stadium around her slowly and literally crumbled.
The ‘Blackfish’ Effect,” named after the 2013 documentary that eventually reached tens of millions of people globally, has shifted the captive cetacean paradigm in the past decade. Businesses have severed ties with marine theme parks, and policymakers have passed laws ending the commercial display of orcas and other cetacean species. SeaWorld, the company that built its brand on Shamu, is phasing out orca display — no longer capturing, breeding or trading them.
And still Toki languished in the South Florida heat. The Seaquarium’s two owners during Toki’s first 52 years there were adamant that she would never leave the park and disdainfully dismissed talk of returning her to her family.
In March 2022, however, Toki’s outlook finally seemed brighter. The Seaquarium was sold to a company whose business model relied primarily on swim-with-dolphin encounters. An orca didn’t fit that model, and these owners were willing to let her go. Efforts could finally begin in earnest to return her home. The Lummi Tribe, who gave her the name Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut and considered her a relative, had prepared detailed plans for a seaside sanctuary in the Salish Sea.
Then, last month, Toki died. The hope felt by so many that she would finally go home disappeared in an instant.
Captivity robs orcas of a true life in the deep open sea. It robs them of family, of purpose, of change and challenge. Captivity is tremendous monotony for these socially complex, wide-ranging, intelligent animals. We should not perpetuate that.
Zoos and aquariums long ago relegated dancing bears and tricycle-riding chimps to circuses, but still claim that cetacean shows — loud extravaganzas featuring leaping orcas and cavorting dolphins — are educational (they are not). The industry could and should invest in seaside sanctuaries — it’s a win-win choice, as the industry would be heroes and the animals’ welfare would improve.
Let Toki’s miserable, isolated life and sad death mean something for her fellow captives. These amazing beings should not have to die to finally be free."
Dr. Naomi Rose is senior scientist (marine mammal biology) for the Animal Welfare Institute in Washington, D.C.
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
For nearly a year now, a bizarre heating event has been unfolding across the world’s oceans. In March 2023, global sea surface temperatures started shattering record daily highs, and have stayed that way since.
You can see 2023 in the orange line below, the other gray lines being previous years. That solid black line is where we are so far in 2024—way, way above even 2023. While we’re nowhere near the Atlantic hurricane season yet—that runs from June 1 through the autumn—keep in mind that cyclones feed on warm ocean water, which could well stay anomalously hot in the coming months. Regardless, these surface temperature anomalies could be triggering major ecological problems already.
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“In the tropical eastern Atlantic, it’s four months ahead of pace—it’s looking like it’s already June out there,” says Brian McNoldy, a hurricane researcher at the University of Miami. “It’s really getting to be strange that we’re just seeing the records break by this much, and for this long.”
You’ll notice from these graphs and maps that the temperature anomalies may be a degree or two Celsius warmer, which may not sound like much. But for the seas, it really is: Unlike land, which rapidly heats and cools as day turns to night and back again, it takes a lot to warm up an ocean that may be thousands of feet deep. So even an anomaly of mere fractions of a degree is significant. “To get into the two or three or four degrees, like it is in a few places, it’s pretty exceptional,” says McNoldy.
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So what’s going on here? For one, the oceans have been steadily warming over the decades, absorbing something like 90 percent of the extra heat that humans have added to the atmosphere. “The oceans are our saviors, in a way,” says biological oceanographer Francisco Chavez of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California. “Things might be a lot worse in terms of climate impacts, because a lot of that heat is not only kept at the surface, it’s taken to depths.”
A major concern with such warm surface temperatures is the health of the ecosystems floating there: phytoplankton that bloom by soaking up the sun’s energy and the tiny zooplankton that feed on them. If temperatures get too high, certain species might suffer, shaking the foundations of the ocean food web.
But more subtly, when the surface warms, it creates a cap of hot water, blocking the nutrients in colder waters below from mixing upwards. Phytoplankton need those nutrients to properly grow and sequester carbon, thus mitigating climate change. If warming-induced stratification gets bad enough, “we don’t see what we would call a ‘spring bloom,’” says Dennis Hansell, an oceanographer and biogeochemist at the University of Miami. “Those are much harder to make happen if you don’t bring nutrients back up to the surface to support the growth of those algae.”
That puts serious pressure on an ecosystem that depends on these phytoplankton. Making matters worse, the warmer water gets, the less oxygen it can hold. “We have seen the growth of these oxygen minimum zones,” says Hansell. “Organisms that need a lot of oxygen, they’re not too happy when the concentrations go down in any way—think of a tuna that is expending a lot of energy to race through the water.”
In addition to plankton dealing with ever-higher temperatures due to global warming, there’s also natural variability to consider here. Less dust has been blowing off the Sahara Desert recently, for example. Normally this plume wafts over to the Americas, forming a giant umbrella that shades all that Atlantic water. But now the umbrella has partially folded up, allowing more of the sun to beat down on the ocean.
Weirder still, another contributing factor to ocean warming might be the 2020 regulations that drastically reduced the amount of sulfur allowed in shipping fuels. “Basically overnight, it cut this aerosol pollution by about 75, 80 percent,” says Robert Rohde, lead scientist at Berkeley Earth, a nonprofit that gathers climate data. “That was a good thing for human health—the air pollution was toxic.”
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But sulfur aerosols attract water vapor, meaning that previously those ships would produce clouds in their wake—known as ship tracks—which, similar to Saharan dust, would bounce some of the sun’s energy back into space. “Now that we’ve cut it back, it has the side effect that some of that air pollution—that marine smog, if you might—is no longer there,” Rohde says. “The sky is clearer, so a little bit more sunlight is coming through.” Thus shipping regulations may have contributed a little bit of ocean warming in heavily trafficked areas like the North Atlantic. (In the graph above, the solid black line again shows 2024’s temperatures, this time specifically in the North Atlantic. Orange is 2023.)
Over in the Pacific, an El Niño band of warm water formed last summer and is now waning, both accounting for a good chunk of ocean warming globally and adding heat to the atmosphere to influence weather around the world. El Niño is now waning. The phenomenon and its counterpart La Niña—a band of cold water in the same area—are perfectly natural, but now they’re happening on top of that warming of the oceans that humans are responsible for. “One of our challenges,” says Chavez, “is trying to tease out what these natural variations are doing in relation to the steady warming due to increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.”
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Now check out the graph above, which shows sea surface temperature anomalies since the late 1800s. Things really started warming up in the 1980s, but notice the red spikes well before, in the early 1940s. That’s associated with El Niños, says Chavez, showing just how powerful the events can be in influencing global ocean temperatures.
Still, sea surface temperatures started soaring last year well before El Niño formed. Also, independent of that band of warm water in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean has been boiling, as you can see in this map of January’s temperature anomalies relative to the mean between 1910 and 2009. “The Atlantic has been record-breakingly warm since early March of 2023,” says McNoldy. “It’s not even close. That’s kind of the head-scratcher: Will it ever be back to just normal record-breaking instead of record-crushing? It’s just kind of crazy.”
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If you know that a warm ocean fuels Atlantic hurricanes, you might be wondering whether we’re now in danger of a cyclone forming in February. But worry not. “There are quite a few ingredients that hurricanes need, and warm ocean temperatures is just one of them,” says McNoldy. For one, the low wind shear that hurricanes require to form isn’t there yet. But, McNoldy adds, when those conditions do appear, they’ll take advantage of that warm ocean. “We actually did see that a year ago with two named storms, Brett and Cindy, both in June in the middle of the tropical East Atlantic, which is incredibly odd,” he says. “We were also looking at extremely warm ocean temperatures out there, where normally they would have been a little too cool.”
Last week, the US Climate Prediction Center put the odds of La Niña developing between June and August at 55 percent. Whereas El Niño tends to create wind shear in the Atlantic, which beats down hurricanes, La Niña reduces wind shear. “All other things being equal, La Niña acts to enhance Atlantic hurricane activity,” says McNoldy. “When you have that influence on top of a very warm ocean, it’s probably cause for some concern.”
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ovaruling · 1 year ago
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we did it. now the focus is to make sure the animals don’t get sent to another aquarium but instead go to sanctuaries. i hope so, so much that, Miami being a major international hub, this will set a precedent for other sea prisons aquariums across the country and the world.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year ago
Spiders and Wallabies and Leeches, Oh my! (Week 3)
From the massive spiders to the venomous snakes, people can’t stop talking about all the creatures of Australia. To be honest, as much as I don’t like being around spiders, I’ve been itching to see some wild species here that I won’t be able to find anywhere else in the world. Though, I wasn’t exactly itching to see them in my Airbnb. My hostel mates and I had just arrived to our new home for the next 4 days in the Gold Coast when a giant brown Huntsman spider decided to show us around what was apparently its humble abode. As much as we wanted to see a big spider, we didn’t want to live with it, so a quick cup-and-paper-slide maneuver moved it outside. I guess the large spiders of Australia are itching to see some Americans as much as we are itching to see them!
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The next two days at the Gold Coast, the Miami of Australia (there is quite literally an area called Miami Beach), were full of more beaches and nightlife. When I first stepped foot on Burleigh Heads Beach I felt like I was on another planet. The shore went on for miles and curved around with the city skyline in the distance. The water was so shallow and the wave current pulled at us like a horse at a carriage. We felt like we’d wandered onto a planet from Star Wars. Unfortunately, the beach we were at didn’t have the best conditions for surfing so we left that endeavor for another time and just let the beauty sink in. The next day at Rainbow Bay Beach proved similar with just as incredible views and even a rainbow to satisfy the name.
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Pictured above are the vast Burleigh Heads Beach and Rainbow Bay beach.
Our final day at the Gold Coast warranted a trip to the nearby Springbrook National Park. It being my first time in an Australian rainforest, I was determined to see a koala munching on some leaves, but my attempts at manifestation came to no avail. Instead, on our way out of the park, two hopping wallabies (which we first thought were baby kangaroos) chose to make my day. Just moments earlier we had bumped into a family that told us kangaroos are as common in Australia as deers are in the US - a fact I could not believe until 5 minutes later when I thought I saw my first kangaroo.
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One of the two hopping wallabies!
Another guest appearance on the hiking trip was the leech! And by “the leech!” I mean the formidable, constant flow of tiny leeches that plagued us from the ground, water, and air. I managed to evade them all, but my mates were not so fortunate and had a lot of battles with the relentless blood-sucking monsters. I left the Gold Coast content with the fact that I had come face-to-face with the largest spider I’d ever seen as well as the fact that the largest spider I had ever seen was thousands of miles away from Coogee beach.
A few days later I finally saw my first koala and kangaroo at the Sydney WILD LIFE zoo followed by the SEA LIFE aquarium. I was very excited by all the marsupials, and my personal favorite, the Tasmanian Devils. The creatures of Australia are truly one-of-a-kind and I can't wait to see more in the wild!
David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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maybanksbabe · 1 year ago
oh pleaaaase, give us all of your thoughts!
Ok these are just my thoughts n feelings about the college au for all of the characters, brief little headcanons if you will!
as someone that's now sober from substance abuse and has been clean since he decided to go to college, he has a sweet tooth
when those 2AM cravings for a hit wake him up, he has a shoebox or drawer in his bedside table full of lollipops, hardboiled sweets, Jolly Ranchers anything with a sour enough sting to take the edge off
goes on morning runs before any of his classes, just to get him in the right kind of mood for the day and wake up properly
I'm sticking to the fact he's an art student what I wouldn't GIVE to watch him complete a study -
probably also volunteered to be the nude model for the unit on anatomy ;)
if you'd let him, he'd draw and paint all over you and take pictures on his camera to print off and stick in a little scrapbook ;)
definitely a caramel latte or chocolate frappe kind of guy, I can feel it in my bones and in winter he's a hot chocolate kind of guy
has to cut back on smoking and drinking because of the swimming guidelines and the stipulations of his scholarship
so he develops a love of meditation and yoga to unwind - he's still going to parties but can't risk getting sprung with a sample test at practice or getting disqualified for the season so he only really has one or two nowadays or offers to be DD
early morning surfs before practice, adores being out on the water as much as in the pool and the sea feels a lot better on his skin and hair than the chlorine
gets asked all the time by various art and photography students to model or if they can use him for a project ;)
definitely has either a polaroid camera or one of those mini printers for phone pictures and has them tacked up ALL OVER his dorm
has a little jar of shells and pebbles from the OBX to remind him of home on his desk or windowsill, definitely also starts collecting for a new jar from his time at UCLA
John B:
Spends a lot of time in the water and around the tanks in the lab, and likes spending time around the animals in the experimental aquariums
is definitely one of the more unconventional students they have at SIO but he does the work and gets everything handed in on time
probably meets an equally shy gal from one of the other classes/courses and they geek out over the marine life together
I don't think he'd spend a lot of time in his dorm room because when he's by himself he has too much space to think and feel and get too into his head
definitely spends a lot of time on the pier or just out on the water in general, it reminds him a lot of home
of all of them, definitely the one to get the most homesick when he's away at college
cheerleading keeps her active and busy so she doesn't get caught up in her head
her roommate - or just a close friend she makes through her classes - definitely helps her realise that she's bisexual, or pan at the very least
averaging in her classes, it's intense and a lot of studying, exams, assignments, research and essays so she definitely makes use of the Miami nightlife
gets invited to most if not all of the parties that go on after school hours, always goes so she can let her hair down and relax
because she spent so long trying to appease Ward and fit his ideal of a perfect daughter, having the freedom of being unsupervised at college means she can finally figure out who she is and what she wants
definitely allows herself a few spontaneous hook ups with both girls and guys before deciding to try and make a move on her aforementioned Bi awakening
finds a coffee shop that's on her way to campus and quickly becomes a regular, to the point where they know her order by the time thanksgiving break rolls around
slowly amasses more piercings and tattoos in her time at college
definitely a night owl, she likes to sit on her windowsill or on the roof, smoking and writing music
already knows she's queer but it's not until she starts attending workshops with the same girl that she realises that she has the opportunity to actually explore that avenue
has about 3 notebooks of lyrics, poems, etc by the time Christmas comes around
branches out from just Ukelele to guitar and piano, is surprisingly good at both and picks them up easily
10000% sings about OBX, home, the Pogues etc, just like she promised in S1
she gets picked up by a local student-run radio station and they play her songs frequently, she becomes a favourite amongst listeners
definitely ends up acquiring a stray cat and names it Marley, after Bob ;)
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ihazyourkitty · 18 days ago
What Is Wrong With Themed Reality!?
Themed Reality is an….. odd bunch. They are essentially a blog run by a couple animal advocates, focusing in particular on marine mammals.
Joe Kleiman (sp?) to my knowledge is the primary founder/writer for the blog. He has some professional experience in animal husbandry from many years ago, but of late has primarily been a journalist following the many inner workings of the theme park industry— again, marine parks in particular.
From what I have observed, Dr Jenna Wallace, one of the veterinarians formerly employed at Miami Seaquarium, has also been heavily involved with Themed Reality as of late.
Through various FOIA requests, they helped document a lot of things going wrong at Miami Seaquarium, especially where Tokitae was concerned. They’ve been highly critical of the Whale Sanctuary Project for a long time, and are continually trying to hold the people involved with WSP accountable for what happened to animals like Tokitae under their watch.
For Joe Kleiman’s part at least, ostensibly his intent is to just get the truth out there. He hasn't claimed to be overtly pro or anti captivity. Dr. Jenna Wallace is.... another story, let's just leave it at that.
Fine. So what’s the problem here?
You see, for how critical they are of the WSP continually failing to actually get a sanctuary up and running... they (or at least their fans) sure do seem excited by this.
In case you can't access that link, it's their most recent Facebook. First it quotes the French Minister of Ecological Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, on the transfer of the Wikkie and Keijo:
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So.... the French Minister's solution to all these incomplete sanctuary projects from different countries is to.......... propose another project? This is expediting the process how exactly? This is like someone setting up a meeting to talk about how we're having too many meetings!
Sea Shepherd France's post is as follows:
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TL;DR, it's more of the same. "We don't want these beautiful whales being exploited at another marine park prison, so we're proposing a beautiful sanctuary instead!"
Now, what, pray tell, is the reaction of Themed Reality fans who have long since decried the WSP's alleged scam? This. This is their reaction:
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I just.... I cannot... there are no words. NOTHING IS CHANGING HERE! It's just another promise that "don't worry, we promise we're gonna build one, and it's gonna be great you guys!"
And yet the same people who balk at the WSP for not having anything ready are in love with Sea Shepherd France for pledging to do the exact same thing, but... better somehow?
Literally the only thing SS has done is is propose a sanctuary. At least WSP has actually selected a site and been doing environmental analyses (even if they aren't being fully transparent about the results of those). SS hasn't even done that!
To be clear, I'm not the biggest fan of Loro Parque. I think they've made a lot of mistakes in how they've managed their orcas. But they are not some roadside zoo either, and sending them there is still vastly better than sending them to Japan, let alone leaving them in the situation they are in now. These whales needed to moved yesterday!
Whether it's to Sea Shepherd or WSP, if transfers continue to be blocked, these whales would be doomed to stay in a crumbling facility waiting for a sanctuary to be built. I honestly fail to see how these people think building one would be any faster with SS than with WSP. It took the latter years just to get a site selected, because newsflash, one does not simply call dibs on some random bay and go "Yup, imma build it here!"
National Aquarium also pledged years ago to build and send their dolphins to a seaside sanctuary. It too has yet to take fruition, in part because they haven't been able to secure a safe or appropriate site. The people promising to build Corky a sanctuary have also been promising one for years. It's not there.
Sea Life Beluga Trust's sanctuary is literally the only organization that has actually been able to get a decent facility up and running. But somehow, somehow, these people expect Sea Shepherd to just magically be able to build one fast enough for these whales.
See, this is my problem with Themed Reality. At least one of the writers claims not to be pro or anti cap, but they actively court a fanatical anti-cap audience. On top of that, it's not even that productive an anti-cap audience, because they're call foul at WSP, but then applaud SS, even though green lighting either project wold still keep these whales in limbo at a crumbling facility. Oh, but it's fine as long as it's not Loro Parque or WSP, right? (It's not)
Outside the FOIA documents they've been able to obtain about how Friends of Tokitae and The Dolphin Company mishandled Tokitae's "rehabilitation", they're more a Whale Sanctuary Project/Charles Vinick Hate Club than anything else.... one that, ironically, makes a lot of big promises that it fails to deliver on.
Seriously, scroll through their Facebook page. Multiple times they make promises on "We've got a big bombshell of a blog post coming on this new revelation!" .... and then half the time that blog post never drops. Is it behind a paywall or something? I don't know. I haven't been able to find an option to subscribe for additional content. I don't see them on their offshoot blogs like The Flip/Shadow Warriors. All I know is that many of the big posts they've promised to put on their blog are still not there, as of this posting. But their Facebook page sure is rife of weird AI images with Charles Vinick and orcas... you know... for content.
They also did some big "expose" on one of WSP's founder's former affiliation with some kind of satanic church thing. I'm not exactly sure how this person's former spiritual affiliations relate to what WSP is doing now... aside from Themed Reality's broad assumptions that: "This guy was once part of this weird group that rebranded itself, which he allegedly lied about... and now WSP is not being transparent about their finances and site analyses, so AHAH!!! YOU SEE!?"
Seriously, some of their content borders on conspiracy theory style logic. It doesn't keep their audience informed. It's become just more shameless clickbait that satisfies their audience's itch to hate on the Whale Sanctuary Project, while simultaneously painting other animal rights groups in a more sympathetic light, despite them doing essentially the same things as WSP.
And look... there is plenty to criticize about them, but I guess my point here is: Themed Reality isn't part of the solution here. They're part of the problem.
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attractionticketshop · 1 month ago
Exploring the Best Tourist Destinations in the USA
Discover the Top Tourist Attractions in Miami
Miami is a city that blends vibrant nightlife, pristine beaches, and rich cultural heritage, making it a must-visit destination. Whether you are looking for outdoor adventures, art-filled experiences, or luxurious shopping, Miami has it all.
One of the most famous tourist attractions in Miami is the Art Deco Historic District, where colorful buildings and retro architecture transport you back in time. Visitors also love exploring Little Havana, a neighborhood filled with Cuban culture, delicious food, and lively music. For nature lovers, the Everglades National Park offers airboat rides through Florida’s unique wetlands, where you can see alligators and exotic birds in their natural habitat.
For a more relaxing experience, South Beach is the perfect place to enjoy golden sands and crystal-clear waters. Those interested in marine life can visit the Miami Seaquarium, which features incredible dolphin and sea lion shows. With so many attractions, Miami is a city that caters to all types of travelers.
Experience the Magic with Tickets to Universal Studios Orlando
A trip to Florida isn’t complete without visiting one of its most famous theme parks. Whether you’re a fan of action-packed rides, magical worlds, or live entertainment, securing tickets to Universal Studios Orlando guarantees an unforgettable experience.
Universal Studios is home to some of the most thrilling roller coasters and interactive attractions inspired by blockbuster films. Visitors can explore the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, where they can sip butterbeer, shop for magical wands, and ride the iconic Hogwarts Express. Other highlights include the adrenaline-pumping Jurassic World VelociCoaster and the fun-filled Minion Mayhem ride.
Besides the incredible attractions, the park also offers live shows, dining experiences, and character meet-and-greets. Whether you’re traveling with family or friends, this theme park provides an exciting adventure for all ages.
Explore the Windy City with a Chicago City Pass
For those planning a trip to Chicago, getting a Chicago City Pass is one of the best ways to explore the city's top landmarks while saving money on admission fees. This pass grants access to some of the most iconic attractions, allowing tourists to experience the best of Chicago with ease.
One of the highlights included in the pass is the Skydeck Chicago, where visitors can step onto a glass observation deck and enjoy breathtaking views of the city skyline. The Field Museum is another must-visit destination, featuring ancient artifacts and incredible dinosaur exhibits. Additionally, the Shedd Aquarium offers a glimpse into marine life, with thousands of aquatic species on display.
With a Chicago City Pass, travelers can also visit the famous Art Institute of Chicago, home to a vast collection of artwork from different eras. The pass makes sightseeing more convenient, allowing tourists to explore the city's rich culture, history, and modern attractions effortlessly.
Experience the Best of the Big Apple with New York Tour Packages
New York City is a dream destination for many travelers, offering world-famous landmarks, Broadway shows, and incredible shopping experiences. Choosing from a variety of New York tour packages is the perfect way to ensure that you don’t miss out on the city’s top attractions.
One of the most popular spots in the city is Times Square, known for its bright billboards, theaters, and buzzing atmosphere. Visitors can also explore Central Park, a massive green space offering scenic walking paths, boat rides, and even a zoo. For those interested in history, a trip to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island provides insights into the country’s immigrant heritage.
Broadway enthusiasts can watch award-winning performances in the Theater District, while shopping lovers can browse luxury boutiques on Fifth Avenue. Foodies will also find plenty to enjoy, from world-class dining experiences to famous New York-style pizza.
With a well-planned itinerary, New York tour packages allow travelers to experience the essence of the city, ensuring an unforgettable adventure in the heart of the USA.
Choosing the Perfect Destination for Your Next Vacation
Whether you’re looking to relax on the beaches of Miami, experience the magic of Universal Studios, explore Chicago’s famous landmarks, or immerse yourself in the energy of New York City, the USA offers a diverse range of travel experiences.
For those interested in theme park adventures, securing tickets to Universal Studios Orlando ensures an action-packed journey into the world of movies and fantasy. If you’re heading to Chicago, a Chicago City Pass allows you to explore top attractions at a discounted rate. Miami offers a mix of urban charm and natural beauty, with its many tourist attractions in Miami catering to all types of travelers. Meanwhile, New York tour packages provide the ultimate experience for those eager to discover the city that never sleeps.
No matter which destination you choose, each city offers unique experiences that will leave lasting memories. With careful planning, the perfect travel itinerary, and the right passes or tickets, your next vacation is guaranteed to be an exciting and memorable one.
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fam-travel · 1 year ago
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**Uncommon Kids' Destinations: Exploring Las Vegas and Miami with the Family**
When it comes to family vacations, certain destinations might not immediately spring to mind. Las Vegas and Miami, for example, are often associated with adult-oriented entertainment and nightlife. However, these vibrant cities offer a plethora of activities and attractions that are perfect for kids and families. Let's shed some light on the fun and exciting experiences that await in these uncommon kids' destinations.
**Las Vegas: More Than Just Casinos**
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Las Vegas, famously known as "Sin City," might seem like an unlikely choice for a family vacation. But beyond the glitz and glamour of the casinos lies a world of kid-friendly entertainment and attractions.
1. **Circus Circus AdventureDome:** This indoor amusement park features rides and games for all ages, from thrilling roller coasters to classic carnival games.
2. **The Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay:** Get up close and personal with marine life in this aquarium, which is home to over 2,000 animals, including sharks, rays, and exotic fish.
3. **Discovery Children's Museum:** This interactive museum offers hands-on exhibits that encourage learning and creativity in science, art, and culture.
4. **Springs Preserve:** Explore nature trails, botanical gardens, and live animal exhibits in this outdoor oasis that offers a break from the hustle and bustle of the Strip.
**Miami: A Tropical Paradise for Families**
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Miami is often celebrated for its beaches and nightlife, but it's also a fantastic destination for families looking for sun, fun, and cultural experiences.
1. **Miami Children's Museum:** With interactive exhibits covering topics like health, culture, and the environment, this museum provides educational fun for kids of all ages.
2. **Jungle Island:** This eco-adventure park features animal encounters, zip lines, and a water park, making it a great spot for adventure-loving families.
3. **Miami Seaquarium:** Discover the wonders of marine life through shows, presentations, and hands-on experiences with dolphins, sea lions, and more.
4. **Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park:** Enjoy a day of outdoor activities like swimming, picnicking, and exploring the historic Cape Florida Lighthouse.
In conclusion, Las Vegas and Miami are more than just destinations for adults. With a wealth of family-friendly attractions and activities, these cities offer unique and memorable experiences for kids and parents alike. So next time you're planning a family vacation, consider stepping off the beaten path and exploring the unexpected delights of these uncommon kids' destinations.
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champawattigress · 9 months ago
Okay, there's a lot to unpack here.
Firstly, Tokitae was never held at any Seaworld facility. She was housed from her capture in the wild onwards at Miami Seaquarium.
Secondly, the plan to rehouse Tokitae in a sea pen was not very well thought out. A geriatric orca that spent far more of her life in chlorinated aquarium water than in the wild is not an ideal candidate for reintroduction into ocean waters. Captive orcas are prone to respiratory illness even in their chlorinated tanks. Her age, and her captivity compromised immune system, would make her a magnet for disease, and that's not even mentioning the levels of pollution she would suddenly have to contend with.
Thirdly... Tokitae died in August last year. I feel like this development is pretty significant and may adversely affect the lummi nation's campaign.
I actually hate having to explain to genuine grown ass adults that you can still dislike Seaworld while simultaneously acknowledging that, barring euthanasia, keeping their orcas where they are is easily the most humane, realistic option available to us right now.
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gardenshomemanagement · 2 years ago
Un-blurring The Myths And Realities Of Women And Childrenâs Rights In South Africa Commonwealth Youth And Growth
During the peak of COVID-19 restrictions, nearly all non-residents were banned from getting into. "It's armed response, all of the security is armed. There are two gates, the main gate and the service gate, and anytime anyone comes in they are ID'd after which they have an image taken of themselves, their automotive home watch boca raton, and their license plate. So always, everyone knows who's in, who's out." With merchandise tried and examined by the largest manufacturers in South Africa, Chilla Beverage Co. has ensured high quality merchandise to satisfy the highest of expectations.
Dr. Noble has been a Professor of Medicine at Nova Southeastern Medical School and enjoys educating and empowering folks to see the advantages and success stories of functional drugs. Upgraded from a tropical storm to a Category 1 hurricane because it thrashed the Bahamas on Wednesday, Nicole was packing sustained winds of up to 75mph (120kph) because it neared landfall along the east coast of Florida north of Miami, according to the National Hurricane Center. Data standardisation is a process in which information values for a data element are transformed to a constant illustration. Dr. Noble has had her personal battles together with her well being and through nutritional and metabolic drugs she has experienced wellness. She may be very keen about her subject and strives to be a job mannequin for her patients, via working towards what she preaches.
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You can even go to the Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Facility to be taught concerning the sea turtles currently in their care. Located in Boca Raton, Hyatt Place Boca Raton is inside a 30-minute drive of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and offers an out of doors pool. It is conveniently positioned for those vacation home watch boca raton wishing to visit the world's well-liked sights. Located in Boca Raton, Holiday Inn Express Boca Raton - West is within a 35-minute drive of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and offers free Wi-Fi and an out of doors pool.
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sidrajput8677 · 2 years ago
Best Places To Visit In Miami
Miami, located on the southeastern coast of Florida, is a vibrant city that offers visitors a mix of art, culture, nightlife, and of course, beautiful beaches. With so many things to do and see, it can be difficult to decide where to start. Here are some of the best places to visit in Miami that will make your vacation unforgettable.
1. South Beach South Beach is one of the most iconic neighborhoods in Miami, famous for its pastel-colored Art Deco buildings and its beautiful beach. It’s a great place to spend the day sunbathing, swimming, or playing beach volleyball. But the fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. South Beach also has a lively nightlife, with plenty of bars, clubs, and restaurants to choose from.
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2. Little Havana Little Havana is Miami’s Cuban neighborhood, where you can immerse yourself in Cuban culture and cuisine. The main street, Calle Ocho, is lined with colorful murals, cigar shops, and cafes serving authentic Cuban coffee. Don’t miss out on the chance to try some traditional Cuban dishes like ropa vieja, picadillo, or a Cuban sandwich.
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3. Wynwood Walls
Wynwood Walls is an outdoor art museum that showcases the work of some of the world’s most talented street artists. The walls are covered in colorful murals and graffiti, making it the perfect spot for an Instagram-worthy photo. The neighborhood is also home to many galleries, restaurants, and bars, making it a great place to spend an afternoon or evening.
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4. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is a stunning Italian Renaissance-style villa that was built in 1916. The villa is surrounded by beautiful gardens and features a collection of art and antiques from the 15th to the 19th centuries. Visitors can take a guided tour of the villa or explore the gardens on their own.
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5. Miami Seaquarium The Miami Seaquarium is a great place to learn about marine life and conservation. The aquarium is home to dolphins, sea lions, sea turtles, and many other species of marine animals. Visitors can watch live shows and interact with some of the animals.
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6. Everglades National Park The Everglades National Park is a unique ecosystem that covers more than 1.5 million acres of land. Visitors can explore the park by hiking, biking, or taking a boat tour. The park is home to many species of wildlife, including alligators, panthers, and manatees.
7. Bayside Marketplace
The Bayside Marketplace is a large outdoor shopping and entertainment complex located on the waterfront. It features over 150 shops, restaurants, and bars, as well as live music and events. Visitors can also take a scenic boat tour of the harbor from here.
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8. Art Deco Historic District The Art Deco Historic District is a must-see for architecture lovers. It features over 800 buildings from the 1920s and 1930s, all designed in the Art Deco style. Visitors can take a walking tour of the district to learn more about the history and architecture of the area.
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9. Miami Beach Botanical Garden The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a beautiful oasis in the heart of the city. The garden features a wide variety of plants and flowers, as well as sculptures and art installations. Visitors can take a guided tour or explore the garden on their own.
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10. Jungle Island
Jungle Island is a wildlife park that is home to many exotic animals, including parrots, monkeys, and kangaroos. Visitors can watch animal shows and even have a close encounter with some of the animals.
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In conclusion, Miami offers visitors a diverse range of attractions and activities making it a perfect vacation destination for those seeking a mix of relaxation, culture, and adventure. Whether you want to spend your days lounging on the beach, exploring the city’s vibrant neighborhoods, or immersing yourself in nature, Miami has something for everyone.
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happynaturalhair · 2 years ago
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Great 61st Earthday Celebrating 🥳 at The Beach 🏖 in Miami Fun in the Sun ☀️ Sea 🌊 Aquarium we come’n back on Friday 2 The Sea 🌊 Aquarium I love 💕 the Beach 🏖 #happybirthday #61yearsyoung #fun #on #the #beach #miami #birthdaygirl #chieftainessiskitanihatapushiknitakomi #hachotakniyamasseecriiktribe #feathersup https://www.instagram.com/p/CqY2e1Cua6k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ljl52687-blog · 7 years ago
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First visit to the Frost Museum with my niece and dad. (Part 1) . . . #science #sciencenerd #aquarium #miami #downtownmiami #gaynerd #gaymer #sea #traveller #sciencemuseum #frostmuseum #frostsciencemuseum #aquaticlife #museum (at Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science)
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deviliciousdev · 4 years ago
MBTI✨(pt 2) The Advocate's Lemon 🍋🥴🚫Pre-Brunch
entp (the debater)
infp (the mediator)
entj (the commander)
intp (the logician)
friend group
[brunch time. entp x infp & entj x intp standing out front of fancy restaurant over looking the bay 🍽🌤🌊]
infp: wow entj, i can't believe you got us a reservation at this place.
entj: [on their phone 📱 ] oh yeah, i represented the GM of the hospitality group, during that PR nightmare last year when one of their fine dining restaurant's 300 gallon aquarium broke open.
entp: oh yeah didn't they have like eels and jelly fish in there?
entj: and sea urchins...
entp: pfffttt
infp: wowww... so you guy's have met infj's new gf?? what's she like??
intp: hmmm... what's the word i'm looking for... [taps chin in thought]🤔 [snaps, sarcastically] 👌 oh, psychotic.
entp: aha. that bad? 😄
entj: [nods] she's super jealous, and clearly insecure.
intp: you forgot insane. oh and she doesn't believe entj and i are actually together, and that entj and infj are sleeping together...
entp & infp: [both laughing] 😆😂
infp: you're kidding?!
entj: no, so infj asked us to act more "lovey dovey" 🤢 so she doesn't think anything's going on between me and infj.
entp: aha, that's fuckin' dumb 😄
intp: [on their phone📱] we should just show her that video we made, save a lot of time.
entj: 😳
entp & infp: 😮🤭
infp: umm, what video...[trying to hid smile]
entj: [laughs nervously] ahaha, there's no video, they're joking.😬
intp: [starting to look up from phone] no, you know the video we made in Miami, on that white leather couc-
[entj clasps hand over intp's mouth]👋
entp & infp: [wide smiles trying not laugh]
entj: ew! [quickly pulls hand away] god, did you have to lick my hand?! you little shit. ick.
intp: 😛
entp & infp: [raised eyebrows + unconvinced expressions] 😳😬
entj: i mean, you little... sweetie... aha [nervous chuckle]
everyone: ooo, ehh, no.
entj: what?! what was wrong with that?! [wagging finger]🤏i've heard you two call each other dumb pet names before!
entp: it just sounds so aggressive when you say it.
infp: [kind voice] yeah, ya know entj, pet names are supposed to be a sweet lil add on to something, not a... threat...
entj: ugh.🙄
entp: i'm still for the, "showing ur guys' sex tape to her", plan.
intp: THANK YOU.
entj: oh! 🙄 🤦‍♀️/🤦
infp: no, no, no, they don't need to do that, they'll be fine. well, may be get a few dozen mimosas in.
entp: what would that prove? they don't get romantic when they drink, we'll just get a live performance of the video.
infp: oh yeah you guys do get a little porny when ur wasted...
entj: 🤨 [throws hands out in shock]👐 we DO NOT.
entp: dude, at infj's lake house halloween party, you two broke the light over the pool table.
infp: and a potted plant.
entp: and a lounge chair.[snorts in laughter]
intp: [nodding with wide smug smile] 😏 [high fives entp] 👋
entj: 😬😑, whatever. i think our table's ready.
[hostess takes them to private table over looking bay🪑🍽🌊🌤]
infp: 😍✨ ooooo, entj, i'll pretend to be in a relationship with you, if it gets me more of this🙌
entj: [winks, with a smirk]😉
entp: [looking at a basket on the white cloth table] is this potpourri or chips??
intp: i hope this place has breakfast mac n cheese.
entp: [eats mystery items in basket] this is not chips. [eats another]
entj: oh my god. [to waiter] let's get the mimosas goin' shall we? 🤌🥂
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kari-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
ocean waves
words 1941
genre: slice of life, lgbt+
Ever since he could remember, Evan had wanted to be a Marine biologist.
He remembers when he first moved near the beach, the feeling of heat on his skin and wind in his light brown hair, the sun, the waves, and there was so much to explore! but most of all he remembers the little crab he had met. the second he'd seen the snapping critter he'd run up to it looking in wonder as it crawled past him and into the sea "mama look!" he'd cried. He remembered the way she smiled at him as he pointed.
"Do crabs come in different colors?"
"What do crabs eat?"
"How big can a crab get?"
He had asked questions all the way home and the more they researched about crabs not only did his interest grow but he found himself fascinated with other sea animals as well.
Clown fish, whales and octopi to name a few, he begged his mom to take him to the beach everyday and she took him every chance she got. She would always smile about it, any time he showed her his new discoveries, she would be just as interested as him, any time he had questions, she was right there to help him find an answer, she had always supported him.
He remembers starting school.
He remembers entering the classroom, being met with so many kids, they all were tanned, and a few sunburnt -most likely from playing outside all summer- he remembers being introduced, his teacher telling him to sit wherever he liked, multiple kids tried to call him over their eyes glowing in excitement. His eyes, however, strayed to the back of the class, where a kid was coloring all by himself, he was a lot paler than the others for some reason...the kid looked at him and for a second light and dark brown eyes met before he looked back down.
While all the other kids looked super fun he found himself walking towards the back.
"Hi." He whispered when he sat down looking
"uh...hi" the boy shyly replied back, his long dark brown hair hiding his face as he looked down, Evan subconsciously touched his own shorter hair, he kinda wished his own hair was that long...
"I'm Evan, what's your name?" he asked excitedly.
the kid shifted. "...Im Kade"
It was then that Evan saw Kade's drawing.
"Is that a crab?"
the boy flinched guiltily as if caught doing something bad, he shifted his paper
"uh...yeah it's a crab eating an apple." Kade said hesitantly.
"I love crabs! and apples are yummy, especially chocolate covered apples, those are my favorite" Evan exclaimed happily trying to keep his voice down.
Kade turned to look at him. "yeah, I like the ocean and apples are my favorite." his eyes shifted downwards, "my parents say its just a dumb phase though."
Evan was shocked at this, he fidgeted a little in his seat. "Well it's not just a phase for me, the ocean is cool, it's got all sorts of awesome animals like whales and dolphins, and I'm gonna be a marine biologist so I can study them all when I grow up!" his hands waved a little in the air as he said this.
Kade finally shifted to look at him "what's a marine biolatist?"
"biologist" Evan corrected " that's someone who studies plants and animals that live near the sea"
Kade's eyes lit up, and forgetting his earlier shyness he exclaimed. "That's so cool! I wanna be one too!"
but then he slouched back down, his face contorting into one of sadness again. "But I have to be a doctor, my parents said so...." he looked back at his drawing.
Evan crossed his arms. "Well my mom says you can be whatever you want when you grow up so if you want to be a marine biologist then when you grow up then we can study sea animals together!"
"...really?" Kade looked confused at the prospect of 'being whatever you wanted.'
"yeah!" Evan smiled.
and like that they were best friends, their parents liked each other too so that helped.
they would have sleepovers and playdates -almost always at Evans house- but that didn't matter Evans mom loved it when Kade came over.
Whenever Kade came they would all go to the beach or the Aquarium and play or look at the animals, and even if it was raining his mom would just set up a documentary instead, and though he was shy around Evans mom at first but he soon came out of his shell.
he remembers turning 15 and finally being old enough to volunteer at the aquarium, Kade wasn't allowed too, instead his parents had sent him to a private school, determined to get him a scholarship for med school, but that didn't matter, it was only three more years then he and Kade could do whatever they wanted together. and besides Evan wasn't allowed to do much at first, maybe help behind the scenes with some shows and take Supplies from one place to another, and maybe help feed the animals from time to time with supervision, but he still got to learn so much from the other workers and had fun!
When Evan got back he immediately called Kade and told him everything that happened.
"...wow that sounds...fun." Kade said, sounding a bit sad.
Evan frowned. "I'm sorry you have to be at dumb private school, i miss you."
"I miss you too."
"...but remember what I told you? once you move out you can do whatever you want, it's only three more years and then you can be a marine biologist with me right?"
"yeah...I just...." Kade sounded unsure. "Do you think they'll hate me? I mean they're spending all this money so I can be here and-"
"Kade" Evan said interrupting, they had had this conversation a lot over the years, and a while ago his answer would have been 'who cares what they think' but as his mother has explained Kade cared what they thought, they were his parents after all.
"It's your life and your choice, just because your parents want you to be something doesn't mean your required to do it, and even if you decide to become a doctor to please them, if you're not happy then technically they're still wasting their money, you still want to study sea life right?"
Kade made a small sound if agreement "then that's what your gonna do"
Kade went silent on the other line for a second before saying "yeah...yeah I guess you're right" Kade took a deep breath before letting it out again slowly.
"and until then I'll just have to volunteer for both of us!"
Kade chuckled. "thanks Evan."
Evan grinned "anytime dude" Evan looked at the clock "hey it's getting kinda late over here, but talk to you tomorrow?"
"...yeah, night."
three years passed quicker then he thought, but at the same time also agonizingly slow.
every day he'd call Kade to talk and tell him about his day, and tell him what he'd learn, and ask if Kade was doing alright and just...everything.
but still, he missed talking to best friend face to face…
finally Evan graduated high school! he was 18 and in another Month Kade would be too he was so excited!
The entire month was spent either looking at different colleges or talking to his mother about what he and Kade would do with each other.
Now, he was waiting in the middle of his room, looking at college applications, and trying to figure out which one to go to...the door opened and Evan turned his head expecting his mother to be there to ask what he wanted for dinner.
"KADE!?" and it was Kade. did he look paler then last time he'd seen him? Has his hair gotten longer?
After a moment of shock Evan quickly got up and hugged him. "But I thought you weren't coming till next week?" he said, confused.
"Yeah, my parents were gonna pay for my train ticket...but a friend said she'd do it for me, so here I am" he said, his voice happy but also holding nervous hints to it.
Evan frowned "do you know what you're gonna say to them?" Kade shook his head.
"I don't, I mean...I've thought about it but" Kade took a deep breath.
Evan hugged him again "I'll be right here with you Kade ok?"
Kade nodded "yeah."
"Well this is it!" Evan said, bursting with excitement as he walked into their new apartment and set his suitcase down.
"Can you believe it? we're finally going to college!"
Kade smiled slightly "yeah." he replied.
Evan's smile wavered and he walked over. "You doing ok?" he asked gently. to say Kades parents hadn't taken the news well was an understatement, that night they had decided to wait till the end of summer to tell them Kades decision and instead gone over too Kade's house to surprise them, the rest of summer went well but of course they had argued when Kade told them he wasn't going to be a doctor, he had looked almost ready to back down but Evan had just grabbed Kade's hand, told them exactly what he'd told Kade multiple times, that it was Kade's life and that the both of them had already been accepted at miami university and walked out of there.
Now a week later they were in their new apartment in Miami, Kades parents had stopped blowing up his phone and had instead grown eerily silent.
"I'm ok," Kade said, tugging at the end of his shirt a little.
"forget about them for tonight" Evan said, guessing what, or rather who he was thinking about. "Let's put our stuff away for right now, yeah?"
Kade nodded.
"Great, now let's get to work!"
and that's how college life started for them, it was fun -well as fun as school could be anyways.
They studied -or helped Kade study as Evan had already learned most of this either by himself or by his volunteer work at the aquarium, got jobs, made a few friends, met some of Kades friends.
years passed and now they were both graduating college.
"Evan Loring."
Evan walked to the platform, eyes shining as his mother cheered from where she was sitting, he looked back to where Kade was sitting waiting to be called up as well, several names were called until,
"Kade quince"
His mother cheered again, sounding just as excited as they both felt, and Kade's eyes also shined as he got his diploma and stood next to Evan.
Evan and Kade got jobs at a sea life research facility, a few years of saving up later they started their own rescue and rehabilitate Aquarium with plenty of shows about raising awareness of pollution...
"Will you marry me?" he asked Kade, one summer, they were at the beach, the one they grew up at, they had been dating for three years now, Kade looked at Even in surprise before smiling widely "yes."
The wedding was beautiful, and at the beach of course where else? and Kade, Kade looked amazing. there was no one else he'd rather have. His mother looked so happy.
...they had invited Kade's side of the family but...Evan pushed that thought to the back of his mind, no matter.
They had been through a lot together, but as they said their vows Evan knew there was no one else he'd rather have had by his side, both then and now.you
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