#Mexican dream x girl dream
ghost-likes-drawing · 5 months
You know what. I don't miss a lot about dsmp. But you know who I do miss whenever I think about them?
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They were in LOVE. They are one of my few heterosexual ships (we ignore they are both played by men because that part doesn't matter) Guys they unironically were the only fully healthy couple on that damn SMP. I will now cry
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exodusin · 1 year
𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄 Miguel O’Hara taking you horse riding in Tequila, Jalisco, México, in your first date with him in the afternoon, so high up the mountains to see the sunset and the beauty of the view and sounds of the bells chiming from Parroquia Santiago Apostol (the cathedral). You enjoy the view as if you were looking into the eyes of peace itself, however, Miguel is looking at you instead as if you were a gift from the Gods sent to earth.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 9 months
I wanted to order something from Wonka (2023) because I fell in love with it after watching the movie! So if possible, I would like something fluff in which Reader and Wonka are mutually in love but neither has enough confidence to declare themselves and Noodle helps them both to tell each other their feelings. (sorry if I didn't understand, the english isn't my first language)
A little push [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 4.5k
note: first of all, I want to tell you not to worry because English is not my first language either (i'm Mexican, where are u from?) and second, I loved writing this, I had fun and I think I got a little excited with the words count, haha. I hope you enjoy!
taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos [Timothée masterlist]
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“Everything is amazing!” Noodle squealed, as he walked down the stone hallway and looked around with absolute fascination: from the chocolate river to the glass ceiling through which you could look at the blue sky.
After you had gotten rid of the Chocolate Cartel and the rest of the group had returned to their normal lives, Willy had finally started his dream of building a chocolate factory. Now that it was finally finished, you and Noodle had been the first in the world to have the privilege of seeing it. You had stayed in touch, of course, although it was almost always when he went to town in search of some materials for his creations, to sell chocolates on the streets or to work on rebuilding the store at the Galeries Gourmet.
"So you think?" he asked, smiling. He loved the girl as if she were his little sister and you imagined that her approval would prove to be quite important.
“Of course, it's magnificent,” she assured him. You looked out at the grass and waved at the little orange man (who you now knew was called Lofty) who was drinking from a small cup “Is the river real chocolate?”
“Of course it's real chocolate, who do you think you're talking to?” he murmured, almost offended “Go explore and eat whatever you want. I accept suggestions for improvements” Willy indicated to your friend, who smiled at you apologetically and bolted towards the glass bridge section.
“I think we'll finish the merchandise before the opening,” you joked and then Willy seemed to remember your presence.
His smile was extremely sweet when he turned to you to offer you to take his arm, like a gentleman, and so you began walking, a little slower and a shorter distance.
“It would be impossible, I assure you.”
“How have sales been?” you questioned and then he began to give you a summary of everything.
Abacus was still his trusted accountant so this whole matter was well monitored, which allowed him to make all the movements, purchases, and remodeling. While Noodle (whose name you knew wasn't hers, but you kept calling her that out of habit) was lost in the recesses of the enchanted castle you seemed to be in.
"A flower?" he offered you suddenly, leaning down to pull one of the ones growing on the floor.
"It is eatable?"
“Everything here is edible,” he said cheerfully. “Except me, I guess.”
“Maybe you are, although I think you'd taste quite peculiar,” you said in a soft, teasing voice, hoping he'd catch at least a little of your flirtation.
After everything you had been through at the launderette, as well as the time you had lived together after that, you had become good friends, but little by little you had begun to feel something else blossoming inside you. The boy was handsome, you had realized this from the first moment you saw him, but the more you lived with him you began to realize the great qualities he had. It was much worse when you added to all this the sweetness with which he always treated you and how attentive he was towards everything you wanted.
That's why you threw in some flirtatious comments from time to time, to test the waters, observe his reactions, and thus build an image in your mind to know if you had at least a chance.
“Let's find out,” he said, and your breathing hitched for a moment, but it came out as a chuckle when you saw him lick the back of his hand “Not that unpleasant, though a little salty, I’d say.”
You had to admit that you would have liked to see how your friend tasted differently, but for now you would just let it go. Maybe he was very innocent or maybe he didn't like you. 
“What are you working on now? Something new?” you asked curiously, taking a bite of your flower. It was delicious.
"Yeah! Actually yes. Now I'm thinking about creating a chocolate whose flavor contains the three meals of the day, so people who don't have much money could buy it and have the pleasure of the three foods. Oh, and I want to expand the sweets to sell in the store, not only chocolates, but also gum, candies, gummies... What do you think about that?
“Sounds like an excellent idea, Willy” you smiled. He separated from you when you reached the edge of the river falling from the waterfall, where he theatrically removed his hat to pull out a cup that he filled with liquid chocolate and then held out in your direction.
"Do you want?”
“I can drink a little,” you replied, while you took the porcelain container with your fingers and took a sip of the contents. There was something special about his chocolates that you still didn't understand, but he made them a thousand times more enjoyable. “Hhm-mmm.”
“All the chocolate is in constant motion, which makes it beat better and taste smoother,” he explained to you, as he got completely excited when it came to talking about the chemistry behind his creations. You noticed that he was looking at your lips and you were about to say something when he spoke: “You have a little… over there.”
"Here?" you asked, stretching your tongue in the direction where he had pointed, but Willy continued to look at you with some amusement.
“No, in… right there, uh… wait” he murmured and seeing your failed attempts to get rid of the stain he took a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket “Let me help you.”
Willy took a step towards you and you gasped when one of his hands came up to cup your cheek, as if he didn't want you to move your face. The other, with the help of the handkerchief, gently passed the corner of your lips.
You took the opportunity to look at him carefully, trying to record as many details as possible: some freckles that he had on the bridge of his nose, a trace of facial hair that he probably shaved in the morning, his bushy eyebrows above his beautiful eyes framed by long eyelashes and finally her pink lips that were pressed in on themselves as a sign of concentration. He was so handsome and so close to you that you were getting nervous.
He, unbeknownst to you, had his own swirl of emotions. The skin of your face that he was holding was soft and in that position it would have been enough to lean in a little to capture your lips with traces of chocolate, without you even noticing it and, probably, without you being able to deny it for a moment. But he didn't want to do that to you, he knew it wasn't correct and after all he didn't know if you felt the same way.
He hummed a word to let you know he was done and suddenly the two of you found yourself looking straight into each other's eyes, lost in each other's gaze. Just two fools in love who didn't realize it.
"What are you doing?"
You separated abruptly when you heard the voice of the girl, who had apparently been watching you for a few seconds, and looked at her accompanied by Lofty. Both of them were smirking.
“Huh, she… had some chocolate on her face and I…”
“Willy helped me remove it” you completed. You didn't even understand why you guys were nervous, it wasn't like you guys were doing anything guilty.
“Do you guys want to go see my lab?” Wonka murmured, trying to divert attention from whatever had happened just a moment ago. “You're going to love it. “I’ll even let you make a chocolate if you want, Noodle.”
“Okay,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders, but giving you a look that clearly meant: we'll talk about this later. 
When they began to walk, Willy turned for a second to look at you with a feeling that you couldn't decipher and then he returned his gaze to the front, just so that you wouldn't see the blush that had painted his cheeks.
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“Are we going to talk about it?”
"Talk about what?" you asked absentmindedly, punching your pillow to soften it.
You and Noodle shared a room because you still couldn't find a place to settle and, furthermore, you had been hired at the library so there was no problem for Dorothy with you staying with them.
“Talk about how you and Willy almost kissed.”
“We weren't going to kiss!” you screeched immediately, turning violently to look at the girl.
“Well, that's what it seemed like. He had his hand on your face and you were so close.”
“He was just helping me remove a stain,” you defended yourself, although it was obvious that you had gotten nervous.
What if he had tried to kiss you? you suddenly asked yourself. No, it was impossible. 
“But you like him.”
“Noodle,” you squeaked under your breath, “What kind of questions are those?”
“Oh, you like him!” she concluded. For the girl, the fact that you were evading an answer was an answer in itself. “I knew it.”
“You can't tell him,” you said, resigned that the girl wouldn't let the matter go so easily. “You have to promise.”
"Why not? Maybe he likes you too”
“Well, I prefer not to know that,” you lied. It was obvious that you wanted to know, but you were too worried about ruining your friendship with him to do any real research.
"What is it that you like the most about him?"
“I won't tell him!” the little girl said, raising her hands in surrender. “I swear. I just want to know how it feels, I have never fallen in love with anyone."
The excitement in the girl's eyes ended up convincing you to talk to her about your feelings for your mutual friend and after letting out a deep sigh you sat down on the mattress, patting the spot next to your side as an invitation for her to sit too.
“You must swear to me that you will not tell him. Please,” you warned her and she nodded frantically. “I like his eyes.”
“I knew it,” she said again, victorious. “What else do you like about him?”
You thought the real question was: was there anything you didn't like about him?
“I really like that he is so kind to everyone. And I like that he is a dreamer, I like his curly hair and his strange clothes. I like when he’s cordial with me and I also like that he talks so… I don't know, so softly, you know what I mean?” you asked and she nodded excitedly.
Talking about it with someone was, in a way, very liberating and once you started you couldn't stop. You spent a long time talking about him, gossiping about the little moments that you thought meant some sign and listing your fantasies, while your friend listened attentively.
As the words left your mouth, you convinced yourself more that it wasn't just a crush, but that you were actually in love with that boy. And it scared you, to be honest.
“Will you ever tell him? “You would make a nice couple.”
"That's what you think?” you asked amused. You had already attacked a stock of chocolates that Willy had given you when he left the factory. “Well, I don't know, Noodle. If one day the conditions are right and he gives me some sign, I guess so."
The girl laughed to herself and registered her information in her mind, certain that very soon you would receive that signal and she would personally take care of it.
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“Willy!” The man listened and when he turned in the direction of the voice, he found the unruly hair of his little friend.
“Darling, hello,” he greeted cordially, while he bent down a little to give her a hug “What brings you here?”
“I had a break at the library and I wanted to come see if you were here,” she smiled. The store was packed with people, as always, but they were in a quiet enough section “And I also wanted to ask for your help.”
“Sure, whatever you want”
“It's about Y/N,” Noodle said. Noticing that the man's posture straightened a little, she smiled victoriously, because the mere mention of your name had already captured his attention “But you must promise not to say anything to her.”
“My lips will be sealed”
“Well, it's about a boy”
There was silence, where Wonka frowned perceptibly. Noodle couldn't be happier.
"A boy?"
“Yes, I think he likes her. He goes to the library every day just to see her and he talks to her for hours and even helps her organize some of her books. You should see them, they are so cute together. And I want to organize a date for them”
“A date?” he screeched. He felt betrayed by the girl, although she clearly couldn't read her mind and therefore she didn't know about her feelings for you.
"Yeah! I want your help because I want you to make some delicious chocolates that will make them fall in love or something like that”
“My chocolates can't make someone fall in love with someone else,” he said immediately, although that wasn't entirely true. “And why do you want her to go on a date with that guy? Does he even treat her well? What does he look like?”
It was evident that he was, to say the least, affected by the information she was giving him. She could almost say there was some anger in his voice. Or maybe it was just jealousy.
“Wow, wow, calm down Willy. I thought this would excite you.”
“Why should I get excited?” he asked, honestly confused. Noodle had the boy right where she wanted him and he wasn't realizing anything. It was perfect.
“Because she's your friend and I thought maybe you'd like to help me get her a boyfriend. I don't know, for her to be happy and all that”
Willy Wonka remained silent. He seemed to be holding something in his chest that he didn't want to let out and judging by the look on his face she believed that even he might cry. Suddenly the girl felt the man's hand take her arm to take her to an even more secluded place, far from all the curious ears.
"She likes him? You know that?"
“I don't know, she hasn't told me anything.”
Lies, pure lies. She clearly knew that you were madly in love with the boy in front of her.
“I can't do you that favor you want,” he ruled. “But could you do one for me?”
"What do you want?" she asked, pretending to be confused. He took a moment before daring to speak.
“Please distract that boy. Don't let him get close to her."
"And why?"
“Because I like her,” he finally breathed out.
Bingo, she had gotten just what she wanted.
"No way! Are you talking seriously?"
“Yes, but you can't tell anyone, do you understand?”
“Well, it wouldn't be any use for me to tell someone if she is in love with that boy.”
“Don't you dare think about it,” her friend whimpered. There was no such thing as a suitor of yours and she felt like laughing, but she stopped herself. “She seems very interested?”
“Well, not that much, but he will be soon if he keeps acting like that with her.” Noodle snorted and then he pursed his lips and cursed under his breath, “Unless…”
“No, it's nonsense”
“Tell me,” he asked, obviously distressed. He really liked you and he didn't want there to be a chance of someone else winning your heart.
“Well, I think she might lose interest in him if you tell her what you feel, don't you think?” she argued.
“What if she doesn't like me?”
“You won't know if you don't tell her!” She mumbled, feeling the same frustration she felt when she had that conversation with you. “Listen, you remember the flamingos at the zoo, right?”
“And do you remember that they didn't fly until they knew they could escape? If they hadn't flown, they would still be there. They had to do it to discover that there was a world out there, you know what I mean?”
“I don't think so,” he replied, concerned, and she rolled her eyes in exasperation.
“What I'm trying to say is that you should tell her if you want to know if she feels the same way. And who knows, maybe so” she murmured. If you knew what she was doing you'd probably be strangling her, but she just hoped everything turned out okay.
The man thought seriously for a moment, with his gaze lost as if he were immersed in his own world, and then he looked at the youngest.
“Well, how do I do that?”
Noodle jumped a little with excitement and pulled her friend to her until they reached a place to sit, prepared to talk to him as much as necessary for him to confess his feelings for you. Willy listened very carefully and by the end of the afternoon they already had a small plan drawn up, that with some luck she would be able to unite her two best friends into a perfect couple.
Willy felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest when he started to look for you in the library, after more than a week of his conversation with Noodle, ready to confess what he felt to you that same afternoon or die trying.
He found you in the history section, carrying a stack of books and looking for the right place to put them. Even without trying you looked very pretty and a sigh escaped him at that, while he thought why it had taken him so long to consider telling you how much he felt for you.
“Huh, hello.”
"Hello, how can I help y…? Willy?” 
“That's me,” he said timidly. 
“How are you?”
“Well, everything is very good” as you left the books on a shelf and approached him you noticed that he was holding a solitary flower in his hand and you asked with your eyes the reason for it “Oh, this one is for you. It's not chocolate, it's just that I saw it on the way and it reminded me of you, because I know that's your favorite color and because... well, because it's pretty."
“Ow, thank you,” you said tenderly, reaching out to take the present and becoming a little embarrassed. “Were you looking for Noodle?”
“No, I wanted to ask you if once you finish you would like to go for a walk to hang out and… chat. The weather is warmer than ever and spring has beautiful sunsets,” he noted. You didn't understand why he seemed so nervous, nor did you know if you were misunderstanding the situation, but you felt your face turn a barely perceptible shade of red.
“I would love to, actually. But I have to cover a shift and…”
“I'll cover it for you,” someone next to you said quickly. It was Noodle, who had seemingly arrived out of nowhere. “You guys go have fun.”
“But your mom…”
“My mom won't say anything. Come on, go” she insisted, pushing you in the direction of the exit. You didn't know what that girl was up to, but you suspected she was up to no good and gave her a warning look.
“Huh, in that case I guess there is no problem anymore. Just let me go to my room to put on some other clothes and I’ll be back, okay?” you said with a smile. You looked at the girl again, as if searching for an answer, but this time she didn't even notice your look, so you went straight to what you needed.
Once there you took the opportunity to comb your hair, put on some cologne, brush your teeth, put on a pretty necklace, and things like that, hoping to look a little prettier for him.
You placed the flower on your shelf with special care and smiled at the boy's kind gesture towards you. When he said that it reminded him of you because it was pretty, was he calling you pretty? God, you hoped so.
Once you returned to where you had left him you noticed that he was waiting patiently in a chair and Noodle was nowhere to be seen, so you announced your arrival and both of you were ready to leave.
“I'm sorry I arrived unexpectedly” was the first thing he said, once you were outside. He wasn't lying, the atmosphere had started to get warmer.
“It's okay, you don't have to worry. I like surprises”
“I hope so,” he said, more to himself than to you.
You walked in silence through some houses and you took the opportunity to admire the landscape, without really knowing where you were going, but with some curiosity.
“Do you want to go to the pier?” he spoke again, because that was one of the destinations you could reach with the route you had taken “The sunset can be seen from there.”
True, he wanted to show you one of those spring sunsets.
"It's a good idea"
Then the man began to talk about something else, to distract his mind and to distract you, and that talk filled the silence of the entire road. When the sea was in front of you, you leaned against a white wooden railing with the sticky salt-smelling air hitting your face. You noticed that the sun had already started to set.
“The sea is huge,” you said suddenly. He leaned next to you, quite close, and this time he looked a little more confident. “Especially when the tide comes in, at this time.”
“Have you ever traveled by ship?”
“No, no,” you responded quickly. “It would be a disaster if I did that. I get dizzy easily and I would be afraid of drowning.”
“You get dizzy at first, but as time goes by you get used to it,” he assured, sounding amused at your response. “It's a good experience.”
“Did you see a lot of sunsets when you were at sea?” you asked, turning to look at him for a second and then returning your gaze to the natural spectacle.
“And sunrises too. The worst were the storms, you would imagine. But in general, there were very beautiful landscapes”
“I bet so,” you smiled. Your hair was blowing in the wind and Willy could only stare at you.
“Although I don't think any of them were as beautiful as you,” he murmured, in a tone so low that you thought you had imagined it.
You were silent for a second, watching the waves crash against the rocks, and then you were able to speak.
“You called me pretty twice today, did you even eat one of those wine-infused chocolates?” you tried to joke, to mask the fact that you were surprised and nervous in equal parts.
“No, it's not that,” he said, with a seriousness that worried you, as you were hoping he would divert the topic. “I really think you're pretty, very pretty actually. But… I mean, that's not the most important thing about you, I don't want you to think that. You were beautiful inside and out, like… your personality. It's brilliant"
“Oh, nonsense.”
“No, I'm serious.”
You could feel the few rays of sunlight that remained, in the distance, hitting your face, and when you looked at him you realized that it reflected a certain golden glow in his eyes. He was precious.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Everything around you took a backseat to the possibility that those compliments weren't just that, but something more, and then he took a deep breath before answering you.
“It wasn't a lie when I said I wanted to talk to you. It's something important to me and... well, I hope you're okay with this, because I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way."
"With what?" you insisted. A part of you told you that you were just misunderstanding everything, that he couldn't be referring to what you believed.
“Well, with the fact that I think you are a great person, that you are charismatic and kind and beautiful and that I like all of that a lot. I like you a lot"
The world stopped for a second and so did your heart. You wanted to pinch yourself to make sure it wasn't a dream, but it wasn't necessary because you knew that the breeze, the sun, and the sound of the waves couldn't be the work of a dream, just as the boy in front of you who was waiting for an answer couldn't be one either.
“Sure, why would I lie to you?” he expressed, sincerely bewildered. An involuntary smile lit up his face and then your hand went to hold his. It was big compared to yours, and it was warm.
“I don't know where all that came from, but I'm glad you said it. Because I like you too. Like, really a lot” you said shakily, and then he could breathe again.
“You don't know how happy it makes me to know that,” he smiled, while he brought your hand to his lips and gave you a sound kiss. Suddenly his hands went to your waist and he gently lifted you off the floor, giving you a spin in the air that made you laugh. “You like me too.”
“That's right,” you said, overjoyed to know that you were reciprocated. Had Noodle had anything to do with this confession? You knew it most likely was, but you would make sure to question her later.
“I was so nervous that you wouldn't like me.”
“How could I not like you, huh?” You exclaimed, raising your hands to his cheeks to force him to look at you. “You are perfect and even sweeter than your chocolates. Of course I was going to like you."
Willy blushed at the compliment and suddenly leaned in to hug you, hiding from your gaze captivated by him as he felt unworthy of it. You smiled widely while you stood on your tiptoes and let yourself be held tightly, while you saw the sunset in the distance and you left a soft kiss on his cheek, whispering a soft Love ya in his ear, hoping that that moment would remain engraved in your memory and that it was only the beginning of many more.
Noodle, from home, was smiling just imagining what you two would be doing and, in her mind, by this point you might have even kissed.
And while it wasn't like that, either way, watching the sunset in each other's arms was much more romantic and memorable for both of you.
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bratzforchris · 7 months
sturniolo triplets masterlist ༉‧₊˚🕯️🖤❀༉‧₊˚.
hello! this is a complied list of all my works for you to enjoy! please remember that my writing does not reflect matt, chris, or nick in real life; it is purely fiction. enjoy!
🎃=fluff, 💀=angst, 👻=smut, 🦇=alternate universe, 🧡=headcanons, 🍬=age regression, 🧛🏻‍♀️=latina reader, 🐈‍⬛=neurodivergent
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Matt Sturniolo
Chicken Soup: in which matt takes care of you while you're under the weather [🎃]
Comfort: matt's been burning out, but with your help, everything is okay [🎃]
Disgusting Food Roulette: in which you comfort matt after the infamous disgusting food roulette [🎃]
My Person: a rather stressful meltdown on the podcast leaves matt struggling, to which the best way to calm down is to spend time with his special interests and his comfort person [🐈‍⬛]
Moonlight: you and matt have perfected your start to the weekend, which includes a little bit of weed, and a whole lot of sex [👻]
Healing: headcanons about healing your inner child with matt [🍬]
Puppy Love : in which matt is your biggest protector and helps you afce your fear of dogs [🎃]
Dad Energy: headcanons about girl dad!matt [🎃]
Sleepy Baby: after a long, hard day of stress, you finally find the courage to slip around your boyfriend [🍬]
Tumblr Girls: an "innocent" tumblr post leads you to a visit from fwb!matt [👻]
Relax, Baby: in which matt discovers your biggest secret and helps you realize that it's okay to heal your inner child [🍬]
Five Love Languages: ways in which you show your love for matt as a neurodivergent person [🐈‍⬛]
Model Baby: matt's a model with a secret--he's practically the biggest sub on the planet and he's turned on by his photographer [👻]
Snowy the Lamb: in which matt finds a new favorite toy for his little self [🍬]
Goldfish: matt's chronic illness is flaring up, but somehow the cute nurse in the er makes the situation slightly less shitty [🎃]
Make It Better: in which matt's sick and bored and wants exercise [👻]
Animal: the hockey game did not go matt's way and he wants, no, needs an outlet [👻/🦇]
Matt with Food Intolerances: headcanons about matt having food allergies [🍬]
I Think You're Hot: headcanons about matt being the best husband to his bi wife [🧡]
Bumps n' Bruises: in which matt just wants to play like chris, but his body won't let him do that [🍬]
Matt x Mexican!girlfriend Headcanons: headcanons about matt and his mexican gf [🧡/🧛🏻‍♀️]
Bed Chem: in which matt looks a little too good in his latest tiktok [👻]
Guess: based off the song by charli xcx :) [👻]
Chris Sturniolo
My Girl: in which you and chris bring your daughter home from the hospital for the first time [🎃]
Daddy's Girl: headcanons about chris being the best caregiver [🍬]
Princess Treatment: in which you take being a brat too far for chris' taste [👻]
One of the Kids: headcanons about chris being the fun dad [🧡]
Ways to Say ‘I Love You’: in which you and chris have what very well may be the cutest relationship ever [🐈‍⬛]
Prank: in which a "harmless" prank leads to you being face down, ass up [👻]
Gotcha: in which your children inherit chris' playful nature [🎃]
Scream: in which chris discovers a not-so-conventional fetish of yours [👻]
Chris with a Latina Girlfriend: headcanons about chris and his latina girlfriend [🧡/🧛🏻‍♀️]
Masking: in which a day full of masking leads to your boyfriend taking wonderful care of you [🐈‍⬛]
Once Upon a Dream: you have a princess costume and a dream...one that involves chris and a lot of sex [👻]
Barbies: in which you and chris heal your inner child together [🐈‍⬛]
Sunflowers: having adhd is hard, but when chris meets a kind stranger, you instantly click [🐈‍⬛]
Babygirl: just chris being the best daddy ever [🍬]
Snaps You’d Take of Bf!Chris: self explanatory [🎃]
Red Looks Good on You (Pt. 1): in which you meet a hot and nice lifeguard on your summer vacation [🦇]
Red Looks Good on You (Pt. 2): in which you meet a hot and nice lifeguard on your summer vacation [🦇/👻]
Daddy!Chris Headcanons: headcanons about daddy chris being the best ever [🍬]
Chris x Autistic!reader Headcanons: headcanons about chris helping his autistic partner during a meltdown [🐈‍⬛]
Nick Sturniolo
Uncle Nick: headcanons about nick being the fun uncle [🧡]
Dad Life: headcanons about dad!nick [🧡]
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© 2024-bratzforchris
all of the work posted here is 100% my own. please do not copy/repost/translate my writing on other platforms (this includes linking and “recommending” on tiktok). this is my only tumblr account and my ao3 is under the same username.
updated: september 6th, 2024
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
His Girl
Relationship: Luke Alvez x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 1,095
Main Masterlist: Here
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Here
Summary: When Luke speaks about his girl, people assume now that he is talking about Roxy. Although he does love his dog, he is not speaking about her.
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“What are your plans for the weekend, Alvez?” Jennifer called out to her teammate who was packing up his effects.
“Just hanging out with my girl. Gonna take it easy the whole weekend.” He replied with a big smile on his face.
“Ah, date night with Roxy. Sounds like a dream.” She teased, beginning to pack up her own things.
“Yeah. Date night with the girl.” Luke reiterated; his mind wandered for a minute.
“Oh, big night I’m assuming?” JJ asked, stopping her movements for a bit.
“Not really. It’s just the first time we’ve been able to have a night to ourselves in a while.” He said, drumming his fingers against the desk.
“Who’s having a date night? What’s going on?” Garcia asked, coming around the corner with Rossi.
“Luke is apparently planning a big date night with Roxy.” JJ teased again, to which the man chuckled once more.
“Listen, tomorrow night. Dinner at my place. Spouses welcome for a family.” Rossi stated, looking towards everyone.
“Mind if I bring my girl?” Luke asked, whipping his phone out and beginning to type.
“As much as I love Roxy, we’re having a dog free dinner.” Rossi shot back, and Luke typed out a message before pocketing his phone.
“Understood. Text the details, but I’ve gotta get going before I get in trouble.” Luke bid them goodbye, and left the building. As soon as he got into his car, his phone rang.
“Hey, pretty lady. Yes, I’m leaving now. Yeah I can pick up some takeout. Whatcha want? Mexican? Alright, whatever my girl wants. Be home soon.” He hung up, and began to drive. All he could think about was getting home to his girl. The time getting the food was spent daydreaming about that evening. Arriving home, Luke poked his head around trying to find a sign of life.
“Baby? Anybody home?” He called out, looking around as he entered the apartment. The sound of nails clicking on the floor alerted him to his dog coming to see his owner.
“Roxy! Hey girl, where’s your mom, huh?” He asked, giving her lots of scratches around her face, ears, and chin. Footsteps followed the same path the Sheppard was just walking to the excited sound of a woman.
“Baby, you’re home!” Luke poked his head up and found just who he was looking for.
“Hey sweetheart.” He stood and opened his arms, to which she launched herself into happily. Luke picked her up by the backs of her thighs and walked them over to the counter to set down the food and his girlfriend. Pulling away just a little, he stood very close to her and shared a sweet kiss.
“I have missed you.” He whispered, ducking his head into the crook of her neck.
“I missed you too baby. How was your day?” She asked, stroking a hand through his curls.
“Good. Just a paperwork day. Listen,” he pulled away a little bit more, “there’s a dinner tomorrow night. Family BAU night, spouses included. I want you to meet my team tomorrow night.”
“Okay. Yeah, let’s do it. You got dinner for tonight though, right?” She asked, patting his chest. Luke chuckled and pulled away, and tapped the styrofoam boxes next to them.
“Right here, my lady.” He replied, feeling a chuckle bubble to the surface as he pressed another kiss to her lips.
“Well, let’s have dinner and I’ll show you how excited I am to meet your team finally.” She trailed a hand over his chest, and leaned into her lover.
“Ooo, I love the sound of that.” Luke responded, bringing her in for another kiss.
The next evening, everyone was gathered around the dinner table. They were just waiting on Luke to arrive, and talking about it in the meantime.
“So do you think that Luke is gonna bring Roxy? Cause I’m totally okay with that, even if Rossi is not.” Garcia gushed with a glass of wine in hand.
“Who knows? I mean, that is the only female Luke has ever mentioned in his life.” Spencer piped up with his own glass of wine.
“I know, but like Rossi said no dogs and I kind of want a Roxy exception to that.” Garcia commented. Just then, a pick up truck pulled into the spacious driveway of David’s house. They waited for the man to walk through the house and come into the backyard. Everyone turned to face the door to the house from the backyard,and watched as a man and a woman walked through that door.
“Who is that?” Garcia asked with her voice squeaking.
“Hey everybody.” Luke chimed in, walking with a hand on the woman’s back.
“Welcome. Who is this lovely lady?” David walked up to the couple, and brought the man in for a hug. She provided her name while shaking hands with the agent.
“It’s so lovely to meet everyone finally.” She stated, scanning her eyes over the rest of agents around the tables.
“Well, Bella, we are oh so excited to meet you. Come and sit.” Rossi held out his arm, looped hers through it, and led her over to the table. Luke chuckled as he shook his head and walked over to the table as well. Making her rounds of introductions, she learned each one of the other agents names while giving them her own. Luke pulled out her seat and made sure she was settled before moving on to getting into his own.
“So you’re with Alvez? I mean, how does he land someone like you?” Penelope asked, absolutely floored by the woman before her. She laughed as she held hands with her boyfriend underneath the table.
“Yes, we’re together. Um, well we met in a dog friendly bookstore. It had a little coffee shop attached and that’s where Roxy came up to me. She introduced me to her dad, and that was that.” She explained, looking over at her lover with a gleam in her eyes.
“Oh, that is straight out of a romance novel.” Tara piped in with, sipping her wine.
“It kind of was. I was shocked to find my dream girl in the middle of Barks and Books. But here we are.” Luke proclaimed, gazing right back at his girlfriend. Rossi raised his glass, leading the whole team in a toast.
“To the happy couple we did not know was here the whole time.” Glasses clinked, and cheers were started all around the table. Sips were taken, and Luke was glad that his team could finally meet his girl.
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the alchemy | i. the return (joel’s pov)
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pairing: no outbreak!dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter rating: Mature [18+ only, minors dni, dbf/secret relationship, age gap (joel is 34, reader is 24), just joel pining in secret, mention of cheating (past relationship), one mention of joel fantasizing about a blowjob]
summary: joel takes us through his inner monologue the day of reader’s return.
wc: 1k
the masterlist
She was back.
The woman who’d starred in every depraved fantasy I’d had since the day I met her had made her return to Austin, this time to stay.
I’d been mentally preparing for our reunion for weeks now, ever since her father let the news slip. I told myself that this time I’d finally be done with my little crush on the woman nearly a decade younger than me, but I knew how this story went.
Every time she came home to visit during her breaks from school, I told myself the exact same bullshit. And every time I came face to face with her, it all went to hell again. All she had to do was walk into a room, and I was back to secretly pining over her like a lovesick boy.
This time was no different.
When her and her dad pulled into the restaurant parking lot, I was already sweating. When she stepped out in those denim cutoffs, I’d melted completely.
She was the type of beautiful that required no frills to make a man fall to his knees. She could wear a burlap sack and I’d have no choice but to believe she was nothing less than a goddess.
I tried not to let my tongue wag too much as she walked over to Sarah, hugging her tight and complimenting her on her new braids. Her dad offered me a bit of distraction as he complained about needing to change out the brake pads on his truck, but even that wasn’t enough to tear my eyes away from her. From the woman I knew he’d never approve of me being with.
I couldn’t say I’d do any different if it was my own daughter in question.
When her eyes met mine, I felt the need to justify my ogling with a greeting.
“Welcome home,” I said, instead of what I longed to say—things that would’ve earned me a punch in the gut from her dad.
She mumbled a thanks in response, but seemed entirely disinterested in any further conversation with me. So I let it end there as we walked into the mexican spot that was apparently her favorite, according to her dad. I made a mental note of this new information. For what reason, I had no clue. It wasn’t like I’d ever be taking her out.
She avoided me at all costs throughout dinner, leaving me with no choice but to coax her into paying me some attention by asking her if she was still interested in babysitting. It was a genuine enough question. Sarah did need someone to look after her over the summer, and the last babysitter just never managed to click with her the way that she had. But I’d be lying if I said that it was strictly business, my asking.
When she said yes, my heart all but leapt out of my chest with relief. If she had said no, I would’ve had no excuse to see her, no excuse to talk to her.
I watched with greedy eyes as she sipped her drink through a straw, her lips wrapping around the bit of plastic. I instinctively licked my lips as she pulled away, swiping her tongue over her lips to collect the bit of lime-flavored liquor that coated them.
God, that mouth.
I’d thought about it almost every night. Even when I was with Mia, my ex, it was her I imagined. Those plump lips wrapping around me, working me until I came. And as horrible as it was to say, I never felt guilty about the fantasy. Especially now, knowing that the entire time, Mia had been having her own fun on the side.
I couldn’t imagine that the girl in front of me would hurt anyone in that way, and that drew me towards her all the more. She was so kind, so good that it hurt. I hoped whoever she had been with in the past had treated her with the same sort of respect that I dreamed of giving her, but I knew all too well what it was like to be a twenty-something year old boy. They’d likely not even noticed the gem that they held in the palm of their hands.
At the end of dinner, she gave Sarah a thorough goodbye, promising to come over the next day for a swim. I thanked God that it was a weekend, that I’d be home to catch a glimpse of her.
When I stepped over to tell her goodnight, she blew me off completely. I tried not to let the rejection sting. I had no reason to feel slighted, to feel disappointed, but it cut through me nonetheless.
Her dad muttered an apology, saying that she was likely just tired from a long day of unpacking, and I let myself believe him. It was better than thinking that she wanted nothing to do with me.
Even if I knew it was true.
Why else would she have agreed to go out with Tommy last summer? And according to him, the date went well. He refrained from spilling all the details, but from what he let on, I could’ve only assumed it ended with her in his crumb-filled sheets. It took me weeks to get the image out of my head, to be able to look my brother in the eye again.
Maybe one of these days I’d ask her about it myself. I wouldn’t let on that I disapproved of the two of them being together, either. Instead, I’d play the role of a nosy older brother who simply just wanted to know whether his brother was treating her right, or if he was fucking things up like he so often liked to do when a good woman entered his life.
But truthfully, it didn’t matter what the two had going on. She could hate him or love him, I didn’t care.
My crush was here to stay.
Even if I had no chance in the world with her.
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igotanidea · 11 months
Crawl back to you: Jason Todd x reader
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Summary: Mexican!reader celebrating dia de los muertos, going throught the process of grieving after Jason's dead and her process of getting better through the years with a little plot twist at the end.
Thank you @thefandomdiaries07 - I played with the idea somewhat, hope you'll like it.
Disclaimer: this is not, in any way, a hate on religious belief, the reader's attitude just fit in the plot. (no offence to anyone meant here, truly)
Dia de los muertos.
Day of the Dead.
Despite her origin and upbringing Y/N never really felt connected to this celebration.
Remembering people who died and who she was too young to remember in the first place felt just … weird.
Of course, her mother, aunts and grandmothers got her involved in preparing the ofrenda and preached her about the importance of preparation for the souls’ arrivals but she always did it only half-heartedly, putting on a fake smile and pretending to enjoy the festivities.
But deep down she felt like a freaking hypocrite, while in fact not feeling anything.
And when her family moved to Gotham, out of all places, it got even worse. Poor girl felt conflicted, unaccepted, unsure of who she was and dealing with identity crisis, going as far as renouncing her ancestry to fit in the crowd. She was a teenager what else could you have expected.
A few months passed and she got used to that god forsaken, lawless hole, keeping herself a bit away from her family, even if technically she was still living the same house. But with her struggles with ethnicity and traditions, she was a bit of a black sheep of the family, having not many true friends and spending most of the time alone,
recklessly wondering alongside the streets, pretending to be a freaking globetrotter. 
 And that was how one day she got involved with the batfamily, starting from being saved from an assault, by the Batman sidekick, Robin.
Jason Todd.
Whose name she learnt a few weeks later, having lost all the hope to see that red, green and yellow bird boy ever again.
However, surprisingly, those two clicked fast enough and even though they were technically still young  teenagers something bigger than friendship started creeping in.
He kissed her for the first time when they were 15.
And it was magical, romantic and send her into a spiral of love and dreams and worries and thoughts about future.
It was pretty much prefect for a whole year, as they somehow managed to make it work despite being forced to keep their relationship a secret from both families.
Imagine the panic that would spread in her family if they knew she was in love with a vigilante.
Imagine the panic that would spread in his family if they knew he told his identity to a girl he fell for.
That was obviously a no go.
So they kept on meeting in secret.
Almost every night she sneaked out of the house to check out on him after patrol and he was escaping Batman’s watchful gaze to have at least a few hours together alone with .
But one night changed everything.
He went to search for his biological mother.
And she should have stopped him or tell him how reckless he was being or do anything to dissuade him from this idea. Instead she laid her head on his shoulder, holding onto him tighter, kissing his lips briefly and making him promise he’d report to her the second he gets back.
A promise he never kept.
 “Hello? Who’s this?” she picked up her phone, blissfully unaware of the news that was about to fall upon her.
“Hey… um… is this Y/N?” an unrecognisable male voice reverberated on the other side
“Yes” she frowned “Who is this?” the girl asked again.
“My name’s Dick Grayson. I’m Jason’s older adoptive brother. We’ve never met but… I know you two were close…”
Wait. Did he just say were close?
“What – what happened…?”
The receiver fell from her hand, tears flooded her face and her heart broke in half.
His funeral was probably the worst day of her life, even though she couldn’t remember much more than the see of blackness, plenty of people she knew from Jason’s stories but saw for the first time and some meaningless words of consolations.
It had been eight months since his death and she was still grieving, unsure if the pain in her chest would ever subside or the tears would ever dry.
In that short time, she had become very close to Jason's brother, Dick, who was the perfect definition of an eldest child and had sort of taken her under his wing (pun intended). After everything with Jason and everything in between, she couldn't and didn't want to stay in Gotham, a place that was a painful reminder of the past.
Y/N took a different route every time she came across the places where they hung out or where they first kissed and where they secretly met at night and considering the fact that Gotham wasn't that big, it was slowly becoming impossible to move. And going to school and seeing couples and happy people was like a shot to the heart, making her a walking fountain almost every school break.
She felt a sudden need to get away from everything and moved to Bludhaven, where she started a new school and where Dick made sure she was safe and (as much as possible, meaning not much at all) happy.
It was October and dia de los muertos was right around the corner, of which her family was kind enough to inform her, inviting the girl to the family celebrations, and mentioning the resulting obligations of the living.
Making her angry at first.
Angry and with the sense of unfairness and stupidity of life. You’re there one second, enjoying the presence of the loved ones, and then, in another second you are just gone and it’s like you never really existed.
What was the point of life, apart from constant suffering and uncertainty of tomorrow?
 This whole celebration freaking sucked, and she was not going to celebrate the death, having loved and lost the most important person in her young life!
Once she got herself into that spiral of thinking, Y/N slowly started feeling something more than annoyance at her nation’s cultural habits, overwhelming depression and lack of any motivation to move on. Maybe…
It was the first time she had someone she knew to remember. And to hope that maybe, on this special day, his soul  were walking amongst the living and watching her from the other side even if she could not do the same.
And if he was, maybe it was her only chance to somehow communicate with him, tell him all the words she kept hidden in her soul, that never found a way out. Perhaps from the silent beating of her heart he would feel the love that was still there, the longing, the needing and the fact that despite being gone, he wasn’t and would never be forgotten by her.
Her eyes grew wide and she jumped off the bed, gathering all the necessities and beginning her work.
“Y/N?” Punctual as always Dick entered the apartment, carrying the box with her favourite takeout. It was their Thursday tradition to have some good food and hang out together and he was not going to be a breaker. But he definitely did not expect to see his friend kneeling on the floor in front of something that looked like a tiny stairs, painted in red, green and yellow ending with an arch. It was decorated with something he recognised as salt, candles, water and marigold flowers. And the whole apartment smelled like lavender for some reason. “Y/N? What are you doing?” he put the food on the table, seriously concerned by her mental state.
“Oh!” she almost jumped at the sound of his voice, turning around to face him. “Hey, Dick. It’s just a little celebration.”
“Of what?” he frowned, not understanding a thing. “What is this?”
“ofrenda” she explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but his confused gaze made her realise that maybe not everyone were familiar with the festivity. “an offering.”
“An offering? Of what? To who? And why?”
Y/N almost rolled her eyes.
“I thought Bruce made you go the private school. Don’t you know anything about dia de los muertos?”
“I thought you were done with your national customs?”
“I was…” she sighed deeply reaching for the picture she was about to hang in her little altar. Jason, smiling, happy at some point back in time, that was never supposed to go back. She took the photo at one of their walks in the park in the autumn, with the sun shining and colourful leaves falling down from the trees. “but things have changed…” Y/N whispered, caressing Jason’s cheek on the photo, her eyes still shining with love and affection, but also tinged with sadness. “I miss him…”
“I know, Y/N. I miss that little prick too.”
“Yeah, he was a prick, wasn’t he? And an asshole, sometimes.” She chuckles as Dick sat on the floor next to her. “I bet if he’s around he’s annoyed at us bad-mouthing him.”
“If he’s around?”
“Yeah, the whole point of this day is that the souls come back to earth to visit us.”
“so it’s basically something like Halloween.”
“ more or less so. But cut the haunting part.” She smiled a little “We can’t see the deceased but we can feel them…”
“do you?”
“do I what?” Y/N frowned at his question. “Do I feel him?”
“Yeah. Sorry if it’s too soon or too bold thing to say, Y/N…”
“It’s not. It’s okay. I can’t exactly feel him, but it doesn’t mean he’s not here. We both agreed he was a prick sometimes, maybe he’s just hiding from me. Just to tease me. But that won’t stop me from calling upon him even from beyond the grave.”
She stood up and put the picture at the top stairs.
“Hey Todd, if you’re somewhere there, I’m not gonna go easy on you. See you next year, you little asshole.”
“Hey, Y/N, I dropped by decorating store and bought some things for your ofrenda this year, wanna take a look at them?”
You know, Dick, I’m not sure if Jason would appreciate us using the cape here….
“Your limiting my imagination….”
“I don’t care. I’m in charge. Remove it, now”
 Did you make the ofrenda without me, Grayson!?
No way in hell she was going to let Dick take charge this year. For the past four of them he was growing more and more fond of the day of the dead, starting from assisting and doing shopping ending on going behind her back in finalising his own crazy concept. And finally, the tide had changed and Y/N had to put her foot down.
“What do you mean  you want me to leave?!” Dick cried out the second she told him what punishment she chose for him “Y/N! Why?! It’s so unfair, I – “
“You hijacked my preparations last year. And two years ago. And to tell the truth, three years ago as well!”
“I didn’t – ok, fine…” he raised his hands in surrender “but you can’t blame me for that! It’s really fu-“ he stopped in the middle of the sentence.
“You wanted to say funny, didn’t you?” Y/N raised an eyebrow and Dick blushed a little. Maybe it was a bit inappropriate and unfortunate word to use.
“NO! No I wanted to say… um…” Dick was desperately searching for more accurate wording, also starting with fu, but obviously the alternatives were even worse.
“See that’s the whole point. You kind of missing the message of the day. Yes, sure, it’s supposed to be fun way to honour the dead and tame death in some way, but still it’s also supposed to be at least a little bit of an opportunity to stop for a second and think about things and people.  I really appreciate your positive attitude and it’s not like I’m kicking you out, but...”
“but you do.” Dick smirked and nodded with understanding.
“I just feel like I need to be alone for a while, ok? It’s been five years and at his point I feel like I sometimes need to focus to even remember his face without a photo. It’s all becoming a blur, lost in the joy and amusement. And I don’t want that. I want to remember.”
“Is that why you never gave any boy any chance to –“ he cut out again without really thinking what he was saying.
“Grayson… “ she trailed warningly.
“I’m out! I’m out! Don’t hit me!” he rushed towards the exit. “Just call me when it will be safe to come back, ok?”
“Got it. Now get out!” she chuckled, closing and locking the door behind her friend.
Every little word she said was true.
She wanted to remember.
She had to remember.
It was the only way to fill that little dent in her heart, that Jason left when he died. She couldn’t just let go of him, even though Dick was probably right, and after so many years she should have moved on.  But both her heart and her soul refused to do so.
Maybe you only get one chance to meet your soulmate and Y/N was close to sure that  Jason has been hers.
”It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" she whispered the quote to herself while reaching for Jason’s photo she chose for this year’s decoration, turning them over in her hands for a while, looking at the face of a 15 year old she used to know “I wonder what you would look like now. Bet you’d be even more handsome and all the girls would be jealous I got such a catch.” She laughed a little “Hope you don’t hear me now, cause god damn, that would be such an ego booster for you.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” The sudden male voice coming from behind her made her jump (almost the mirror situation to the one that occurred five years ago when Dick found her preparing the ofrenda). But this time it was not Dick standing in her apartment.
“What the actual fuck!?” she yelled taking a fighting stance she learned from Grayson, knowing it would not help her at all due to the shaking of her body at the view in front of her.
“Handsome, huh?” Jason Todd in the flesh, absolutely not dead, brushed some unruly hair from his forehead, looking at her with a playful expression
“¡Estas muerto! ¡Eres un fantasma! ¡¿Qué está pasando?! Cómo –?“ as usual when she got nervous she started using Spanish. (you’re dead! You’re a ghost! What’s going on?! How-?)
“Baby…” Jason took a step forward, hesitantly. “Baby…” he opened his arms “I;m not dead, I swear to you. I-“
She cut him off by diving into his embrace, holding him tightly, wanting to make sure that he wasn’t just a friction of her imagination and needing to feel his warmth, the beating of his heart and his breathing.
“You’re really here!” she cried out, tears falling down her cheeks like a waterfall when she nuzzled into his chest. Honestly, she didn’t need any explanation, at least not at this point. She only wanted him close, afraid that if she let go for as much as a second he would disappear again. “Swear to me this is not a dream…” she muttered, against his shirt. “Swear to me.” Her entire body shook from the shock, she felt so small in his arms, but also safe as never before. It was like after five long years she got home again, that this missing part of her heart was found, and immediately jumped into the place reserved solely for him, unrepleacable. She was whole again and that was what count.
“Baby…. Oh, my sweet girl…” Jason wrapped his arms around her, caressing her back and hair, pulling her even closer, wanting to comfort her, to give her all that love and peace she was deprived of for what felt like ages. “I’m really here. I’m here. My baby… I’m back to you.” He whispered, closing his eyes, feeling equally, if not more emotional than her. He’s been through hell but the only though that made him keep on going was her. His angel. His joy. His only source of light in the eternal darkness that seemed to surround and swallow him. His grip on her tightened and he hoped to convey all these unspoken words to her through hugs and caresses and the gentle brushing of his lips against her temples.
“I love you…” she sobbed desperately, blurting out the only thing that was on her mind at the moment. “I missed you and I love you and –“
“I know baby. I love you too. And I promise you, you’ll never have to worry about hanging my picture in your altar ever again. Ever. I’ll crawl back to you every time and not even death can stop me from being with you. ”
And they just stood there, next to something that was supposed be an tribute to not-so-dead Jason Todd, holding and hugging each other tightly, creating the little bubble only for them two and being so very happy cutting out the entire world and reality, lost in daydream that happened to be the upcoming future for two people that have loved, have lost, and luckily, have found a way back to each other.
Talking could wait.
Silence, in the company of the only person that mattered, came first.
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lxstfathier · 1 year
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Cowboy! Alejandro Vargas x Horse Hybrid! Reader
Summary: you’re given to Alejandro as a gift, soon becoming an important piece in his new life as a lonely cowboy. But things get out of hand when you get your first heat.
Warnings: slight degradation, unprotected sex, p in v, pussy slapping, breeding kink, corruption.
A/N: i absolutely love the hybrid!reader fics that i see around here, but they’re always a puppy or a bunny, so i decided to write one with a horse reader and finally here it is, i hope you all enjoy reading this just as much as i enjoyed writing it! 💗 (and before y’all come at me, no, this is not zoophilia and i don’t expect it to look like it)
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Soon after catching Valeria, Alejandro decided to leave the military, leaving Rudy as the colonel of los vaqueros, opting for a more peaceful life away from violence.
He bought a nice house in the outskirts of las almas, with lots of land to plant and raise cattle. So, once he moved in to his new home, he put his hands at work to get everything nice and perfect, planting some seeds and acquiring some animals, just starting with some chickens, a small herd of cows and two horses.
His new life in the middle of nowhere seemed to go just right, like dream come true. That’s until, one day, he received a gift.
A black truck came into his property, saying that the had a special present from another high-ranked colonel in the mexican military that he used to know. And how could he deny such thing? of course it would be something to be grateful for.
However, nothing could have prepared him for when he saw you for the first time.
Getting out from the backseat, you finally put your feet on the dry soil, looking at Alejandro with big innocent eyes as he admired every single inch of your body. Hell, you were definitely a rare sight, one of a kind. He had never seen a hybrid before, and you looked almost human, but those pointy ears and long tail revealed your true nature.
“A beautiful young mare” that’s what the strange men told him you were, created in a laboratory with the most pure and strong bloodline. But to Alejandro? you were just a pretty girl who slightly resembled to a horse.
So he took you under his care, even though he knew nothing about hybrids and you were too shy to speak to him for several days, still not used to being out of the horrible lab where you were raised for almost two decades.
First, being careful not to scare you, Alejandro showed you around, all the way from his house to the vast land surrounding it, introducing you to the other animals there, with whom you connected immediately. Then, he prepared a stall for you to use every night, using extra wood shavings to make it more comfortable.
And, with such kind treatment, it wasn’t long until you started trusting your new owner.
Two weeks later, you got out of your stall by your own, running on the field with the other horses, hanging out with the cows and their little calves, or simply just sitting in the grass every evening, enjoying the last rays of sun while you watch Alejandro from afar, admiring the way he unloads bales of hay from his truck, shirtless, with his tanned skin and strong muscles glistening under the orange sky.
Sometimes you even eat diner with him on his kitchen, chomping on a bowl of grain and carrots while he eats whatever he finds, hearing him talk about all those interesting stories from his days in the military.
It all went well for a while, enjoying the time spent together, just getting to know each other. Until everything got complicated again.
After a few months, when your body reaches full maturity, you get your first heat. Something that you’re so innocent and naive to even understand what is going on. You feel weird all day, with a strange tingle between your legs and a sensitive hot skin, aching for any kind of relief.
So you ask Alejandro for help, thinking that an experienced man like him should know what to do in that situation, but he refuses every time, telling you to just get some rest till it goes away.
And you try, you really try, but by the end of the week it’s unbearable, growing desperate and needy, clenching your thighs together, almost whimpering in pain at the slightest friction.
It’s practically a torture for both of you. And he finally snaps when he sees you there, leaning on the fence, mindlessly trying to flirt with his stallions, even though the poor animals can’t smell your hormones due to your mixed dnas.
“Can you stop being a little whore for at least five minutes?” Alejandro grabs you by your arm, practically dragging you away from there, clearly fed up with all that.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, i- i don’t know what’s going on, i just want to feel better” you apologize, still not quite used to that new change in your body, looking up at him with teary eyes and flopped ears. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
He’s not mad, he’s just pent up after all those days of teasing. But he understands you, he knows full well that you’re going through something difficult and suffering because of it, and he doesn’t like to see his animals suffer.
“Then tell me what do you need to feel better” he says, as if he didn’t knew exactly what, letting go of your arm to caress your cheek and run his thumb over your pouted lips.
You don’t know exactly how to put it into words, but you try your best to communicate your needs and not get distracted by his pretty brown eyes, that delicate caress, or his bare torso where you can clearly see his toned muscles.
“Touch me. Please.”
“Así?” Alejandro asks, a smirk appearing on his face as one of his hands gets under your shirt to play with your tits and the other one finds its way between your legs, exploring your soaked folds.
You just nod, unable to speak, feeling as if you were about to melt from his touch, holding on to his strong arm for some stability.
“You’ve been such a tease for days. Whoring yourself out for everyone here to see, and do you know what happens to little whores like you? huh? they get treated like one.”
You can’t process his words, you’re out of your mind already, but you’re willing to let him do whatever he wants to you, as long as he keeps giving you that sweet relief that you’ve been craving all week.
Alejandro smirks, almost mocking how pliant you are him, easily pushing you with his arm until your back hits a pile of hay bales. Now totally cornered and slightly scared, feeling your prey instincts come to surface.
Then, he grabs you by the waist, effortlessly lifting you up to make you sit on top of a few bales, just at the perfect height for him to spread your legs and admire that pretty pussy between your legs, all swollen and slick, practically dripping with arousal.
“Look at you, hermosa. So fucking wet. Who would have thought that such a innocent creature would be a total slut begging for cock.” he says, placing a few hard smacks to your sensitive cunt, making you squirm and whine with each impact.
“Please” you cry, trying to stop his hand.
“Please what?”
“F-fuck me Ale. Please, i need it.” you plead, looking up at him with teary eyes, wanting nothing more than to end your agony.
“Si?” Alejandro smiles, unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants, letting his hard cock spring free. “You want me to breed this little pussy?”
He wraps a fist around his length, dragging the tip along your slit, mixing his pre cum with your sweet juices. And the pure sight of that big veiny cock teasing you poor cunt is enough to make you clench around nothing.
You buck your hips, encouraging Ale to put it in already. And he does it, being kind enough to decide that it’s been enough torture for you, guiding his fat cock to your entrance, sliding it inside inch by inch, growling when he feels how tight you are around him.
There’s a slight stinging in the way he’s splitting you open, stuffing you so full and deep that you can almost feel him in your guts, but you like it, even if your eyes get teary and pained cries escape your lips.
“Tranquila hermosa. Let me take care of you, si?” he soothes you once he’s fully sheathed inside, caressing your fluffy ears as he kisses you softly, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
Alejandro starts thrusting slow, just to get you adjusted to him, and also because he doesn’t want the moment to end so soon. If he could be buried in your warm cunt for an eternity, he would, without a second thought.
But, when both of you start to get eager for more, he picks up a fast pace. His thrusts become harder, impaling you with his girth over and over, making you feel as if you were about to break in half, but at the same time, an immense pleasure with each hit against that soft spot deep inside you.
It’s too much. You break the kiss to moan loudly, digging your nails on the soft skin of his back, already knowing that you won’t last any longer.
And he can tell quite easily that you’re close by the way your walls hug him tight and your body tenses. So he gives you a little help, moving a hand down to rub your clit with his thumb, in fast circular motions that have you screaming out his name.
“Ale! f-feels so good! ah! i’m- i’m gonna-“
You can’t even finish your incoherent babbles when the orgasm hits you, exploding with waves of pleasure, crying and shaking under him, with you arousal being enough to form a creamy ring at the base of his cock.
“That’s it, good girl” Alejandro praises you, slowing his thrusts for a few seconds while you ride out your high. “Now i’m gonna pump you full of my cum, and you’re gonna carry my child and be a good mommy, si? you want that?”.
You’re so cockdrunk that you can only nod, just being able to concentrate on how his hands keep your legs open, the way he fucks you with new newfound strength, abusing your tiny hole, and the filthy squelching noises between your bodies.
Alejandro mumbles curses in spanish while you whine from the overstimulation, and it’s not long until his thrusts lose rhythm, finally coming undone. His cock twitches inside your warm cunt, flooding your fertile womb with thick ropes of white seed as a deep grunt escapes from his throat.
He ruts into you for a while, enjoying the delicious sensation, and then slowly pulls out, keeping your legs open to admire the mess. Your pussy is absolutely wrecked, with slick smeared all over it, slightly sore and dripping with his cum. And he’s proud of it.
“You’re feeling better?” he asks, rubbing your trembling thighs and fixing his pants.
“Yeah. A little bit” you answer shyly, knowing that it’s going to take more than that to calm your heat.
“Well, i guess that we’ll have to do this all weekend. Until your heat is gone, or until you give me a little filly… or a strong colt, i don’t care.”
You smile at his comment, not caring about it either, anything sounds good to you. But Alejandro is not shy to hide his desire to be a father, in love with the idea of having a lovely kid just like you, with ears and tail, running around the farm.
But, for now, he has to take care of you, his precious little mare. So he takes you in his arms, carrying your exhausted body to the house as you cling to his neck, ready to give you a nice bath, braid your hair and dress you with another clean shirt.
All while thinking that you are definitely the best gift that he has ever received.
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
The Assistant - Part 4
Travis Kelce x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: ???
A/N: I was gonna wait till this got more notes, but I figured since I made ya'll wait so long for the last one I should hurry up and get this one out. <3
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You groaned as a huge amount of pain shot threw your leg. It was completely dark when you woke, up and it took you a minute to figure out where you were. Since you didn't recognize the room when you woke up.
After remembering you were staying at Travis's, you turned on the lamp and got ready to find him. You couldn't remember anything past them taking you in for surgery and you were worried about what you might have said while being loopy on the drugs.
Your head hurt, and you could still tell whatever they gave you was still affecting you.
You grabbed your crutches that were resting on the ground, next to the bed and started to make your way to the kitchen.
You made it down the hall and into the kitchen, but when you didn't see Travis you continued onto the living room. You could now hear voices coming from there, as you hesitated thinking about just returning to your room.
You decided it was best to just go see Travis and entered the living room. You were surprised to see Patrick Mahomes and his wife Brittany sitting in the living room, with their little girl.
Patrick and Brittany saw you first, since they were facing where you entered from. Travis had his back to you, but turned when he realized that you had entered.
He immediately got of the couch and made his way over to you faster than your brain could process. One second you swear he was on the couch and the next he was right by your side. "What are you doing up?" He asked worriedly, checking you over to make sure everything was okay. "You should be resting in bed."
"I'm fine, but I didn't mean to interrupt I was just coming to find you." You gave Patrick and Brittany a sheepish wave, offering them a small smile.
Patrick spoke up, "You're not interrupting. We actually came here to see how you were doing. Travis told us about what happened, so we just wanted to stop by and see if you needed anything" Patrick explained.
You resisted the urge to raise your eyebrow and look at them suspiciously, instead opting for another small smile. "You guys didn't have to do that." You said, as you made your way to the couch, tired of standing on one leg.
You didn't really understand why they were here. It wasn't like you were friends with either of them. Yea, you knew them due to being Patricks assistant but you never had more than a few conversation with them.
You liked Patrick, since he was a pretty down to earth guy. Brittany on the other hand wasn't your favorite. She always seemed stuck up and acted like she was better than you.
"Nonsense." Brittany cooed, acting as if you were silly for saying they didn't have to come. "We also brought you a get well soon basket. I think Travis put it in the kitchen."
"Oh, thanks that really sweet of you." You didn't know what to think of them acting this way and were starting to think that maybe you were dreaming all of this. Maybe the drugs were affecting you more than you thought.
Their daughter, Sterling, was starting to get antsy clearly bored of being here. "Well we better get going, this ones ready for bed." Patrick pointed to his daughter.
They both gave you a quick hug, before saying their good byes and leaving. "That was weird." You mumbled to yourself, not wanting Travis to hear considering he was friends with them and did actually like them.
"How'd you sleep?" Travis asked, coming back into the room after walking the Mahomes family out.
"Good, I swear your bed is like the comfiest bed in the world." He laughed, heading into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? I ordered food." He asked from the kitchen.
"Sure, what did you get?"
"Well theres pizza, Chinese, Mexican, and Italian." Travis said listing off everything you requested earlier.
"Oo, my favorites." You cheered, grabbing your crutches and making your way into the kitchen.
"Well, I would hope so considering you requested all of this." He grabbed a two plates from his cabinet and then two water glasses.
Your eyes widened, "I asked for all of this?"
"Yes," he laughed, just thinking about it. "You claimed you were starving and hadn't eaten in like 50 million years, so you need all this food. Then when I left you alone to order it you passed out."
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how embarrassing was I?" You asked, not even sure if you wanted to know.
"Maybe like a 4." You released a huge breath, happy with that number. "You weren't embarrassing, just funny."
You told Travis what you wanted as he loaded it onto a plate and heated it up in a microwave. He then did the same and put his plate in after yours was done warming up.
You waited for him by his dining room table, which happened to have the get better basket Brittany and Patrick brought over. You couldn't resist and started looking to see what put in there.
There was a blanket, tea, candles, fluffy socks, a few different snacks, and a Louis Vuitton bag that was worth at least two thousand dollars.
Travis came into the room and placed down your guy's plates. "Who puts a 2000 dollar purse in a get well basket?" You ask, holding it up for him to see.
"Apparently Brittany." He commented, also thinking it was a little outrageous.
"I can't accept this, I'll have to return it to her." You shook your head, dropping the purse in the basket. That purse could cover like 3 months rent for you.
Travis helped you into your chair and you guys started to dig in. "How's your knee?"
"It hurts." You answered truthfully.
"Do you want your pain medication? The doctor said we should stay on top of them, to keep your pain to a minimum." Travis said getting ready to stand up and grab them.
"No, I don't want them. I'm not planning on taking them." Travis was surprised. "I just don't want to get addicted to them or anything. You always hear those stories about people taking them and getting addicted to them." You rambled on. It was partially the truth, but you decided to leave out the fact that addiction ran through your family.
Your father was an alcoholic, while your mother was an drug addict. You did drink, but you were always pretty careful about how much you consumed and you'd never once tried anything drug related.
"Ok, it's your choice but if you decided you want them let me know."
"I don't" You assured. You guys ate in silence for a bit before you spoke up, "So I was thinking I could head home tomorrow and get out of your hair." Travis frowned, "or tonight it that would be better." You offered, worried that maybe he didn't want you here another night.
"How are you gonna drive home?"
"In my car."
"Its your right leg."
"I'm aware, but I'm pretty sure I can manage to drive. I'm not walking on it or anything." You didn't see why he was making a big deal about this.
"and how are you going to get up 3 flights of stairs? What happens if you fall and no ones there to help you? How are you going to go grocery shopping? How are you going to do basic things, while you can't walk?" Travis asked, seeming to grow more irritated with each question.
"I don't know, but I'll figure it out."
"Just stay here, until you can walk."
"That's 3 weeks, you start practice in one so I'll be here alone anyways."
"I already asked Maria to stay with you during the day, incase you need anything once practice starts up."
"I don't want to over stay my welcome." You were already so grateful for everything he's done and the last thing you wanted to do was become a burden.
"You're not. You're here almost all the time anyways when you are working, so what's the difference?" He asked.
"The difference is that I'd basically be living here."
He sighed, knowing how stubborn you were. "Just think about it. You can decide tomorrow, but I'll sleep better knowing you're here and not laying on your floor at home not able to get up."
"Fine, I'll think about it." You begrudgingly agreed.
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nicksalchemy1 · 6 months
Mientras Respiro, Espero - Part 1
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Pairing: Firefighter AU Dean Winchester x Nurse!Plus-Size!Mexican!Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester, a firefighter with a reputation for casual flings, finds himself longing for something more meaningful in his life. Meanwhile, you, a stubborn surgical intern, are trying to escape your past in California. When Dean loses a bet and is tasked with cleaning the trucks, your paths cross unexpectedly. Little do both of you know meeting each other would cause some problems.
A/N: “Mientras Respiro, Espero”: Spanish for “while I breathe, I wait.”
Here’s the first part of my little story. I really like writing in this universe and if part goes well, then I’ll continue posting. (I’m gonna post it anyways 🧐) Credits for inspiration again go to @zepskies !!
🚒 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2,167
Warnings: Toxic parental situation, mentions of fat-shaming, childhood trauma, and a quick old-fashioned meet cute.
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Part 1 - Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
Avalon, California, was a gilded cage with ocean views, where the houses were as polished as the facades people wore. It was in one such manicured home where your story paused.
“Mija, you’re wasting your life with these... these dreams of yours! ¡No seas tan estúpida!” Your mother’s voice was a razor wrapped in velvet, cutting into you as you packed the last of your belongings into an old, battered suitcase.
The room was a mausoleum of your former life, with its pristine walls adorned with academic accolades and a full-length mirror that once reflected a girl desperate to please. Now, it only mirrored your resolve.
“I’m saving it, not wasting it,” you shot back, the words tumbling from your lips like brave soldiers in battle. You tucked a framed photo of your childhood self – the one with the broadest, most hopeful eyes – into the suitcase's side.
Your mother’s silhouette filled the doorway, her arms crossed in the silent indictment. “And what about the family reputation? Our standing in the community?”
You zipped up the suitcase, and the sound of a definitive line drawn. “What about my happiness, Mamí? What about living a life that’s actually mine? With someone who won’t pick on me like I’m still a child?”
She scoffed dismissively, a sound that stung like salt in an open wound. “Esos gringos no saben nada. Happiness is a luxury for those who can afford to be foolish.”
You locked eyes with her in the mirror, your own gaze hardened like forged steel. “Then consider me a fool.”
The house seemed to hold its breath as you shouldered past her, suitcase in hand. Your father stood in the hallway, a silent sentinel. His eyes, a mirror of your own, flickered with something that might have been pride or sorrow – or both.
“Daddy,” you whispered, pausing for a moment.
He cleared his throat, a rumble from deep within. “You always were the stubborn one,” he murmured, his voice barely above a soft-spoken whisper. “Be careful. Call me anytime you need me.”
A nod was all you could muster before you descended the staircase, each step a drumbeat to your newfound freedom. The door closed behind you with a finality that echoed through your bones. The California sun dipped low, as if bowing to your courage.
The suitcase wheels rumbled against the cobblestone path, a small but sure declaration of your departure. Behind you, the house – a beautiful prison of expectation and familial duty – faded into just another part of the landscape.
You didn't look back.
Considering it was your first time flying in an airplane, first class at that, you were anxious. Not about actually being in the plane around people or the way the lady in the seat across from your aisle coffee smelled like someone took a fancy shit, but because you were moving in with a couple that you trusted yet, hardly knew.
Mary and John Winchester were rough around the edges, but they meant well. They knew what happened in your household, how toxic it was, and invited you to stay with them in Lawerence. Plus, you would be able to keep your job. Mary was head of Neurosurgery and earned you a spot as a surgical intern. Working hard or hardly working, am I right? You thought to yourself, smiling to yourself.
And boy, were these ‘gringos’ rich. Not only did they offer you that extra guest room in their house, but they also bought you your first-class seat, in which your butt was in right now.
You knew John was a respected detective, and with his income mixed with Mary’s, they made bank.
You also knew they had two sons. John and Mary mentioned their names, but you knew the youngest worked for the ADA, and the oldest worked as a firefighter.
Cool. Wonder what that's like, you tilt your head in thought.
A stable work life, home life, and family. But not all ‘picture-perfect’ families meant they were truly picture perfect.
And that was for you to figure out.
The airplane descended through the cotton candy clouds, and the world below began to take shape—a patchwork of fields and roads that would soon become your new reality. Your heart danced a nervous tango with the seatbelt across your lap, anticipation tightening with every drop in altitude.
The captain's voice crackled through the cabin, announcing the imminent landing in Lawrence. You straightened up, smoothing the fabric of your jeans as if to iron out the last creases of your past life.
When the wheels kissed the tarmac, you felt a jolt, not unlike the one that had propelled you out of your family’s house. You collected your single suitcase from the overhead bin—a symbol of your fresh start—and made your way through the aisle with a resolve that echoed the click-clack of your boots on the aircraft's floor.
The airport was small but buzzing with life, a hive of reunions and farewells. You stood for a moment at the arrival gate, scanning the crowd until you saw them.
Mary's presence was undeniable. She stood with a grace that spoke of her surgical precision, her eyes warm and welcoming. John, equally imposing in his own right, had the stance of a man who had weathered storms and could chart a course through any adversity.
They spotted you almost immediately, and Mary’s smile widened as she opened her arms. “There she is! Welcome to Kansas!”
You stepped into her embrace, the scent of antiseptic mingling with a soft perfume—a stark contrast to the oppressive aroma of your mother's overwhelming floral scents. “Thank you, Mary,” you smiled, grateful for the genuine warmth.
John extended his hand, which you shook firmly, finding in his grip the silent support of a seasoned detective. “Good to have you here. We’ve got the guest room all set up for you,” he said, his voice a deep timbre of reassurance.
You nodded, your eyes meeting his. “I can’t thank you both enough for this opportunity.”
As you walked through the airport, with Mary’s hand lightly on your back and John carrying your suitcase, you felt the weight of your old life lifting. The conversation was light, peppered with Mary’s questions about your flight and John’s quips about Kansas being the true heart of America.
Once in the car, the grilling starts. “So, how are you doing, hun?” Mary asks curiously, mainly because she’s concerned and trying to make sure you’re comfortable.
“Oh, you know, as good as you can be while moving state from state.” You remark as politely as possible, trying not to seep tension into the car ride.
“I hope you feel better. When we get to the house, you’re welcome to rest. I don’t cook very well,” She clears her throat, shrugging, “But I can give you some money to order something in?”
“I couldn’t do that, but thank you. It’s late, anyways. I’ll wait till tommorow morning.”
“Okay. Just as along as you’re comfortable.” Mary winks, a soft, motherly smile on her face.
You nod, meeting her smile with the same.
John pulls the Volkswagen van into the driveway and puts it in park, shutting the engine off. “Home sweet home.”
You sigh and step out of the car, staring at the home. The house is a two-story structure with a prominent green exterior. It features white trim around the windows and roof edges, contrasting nicely with the green. The front door is wooden with a rich, warm tone. There are two windows on the upper floor and one window on either side of the front door on the ground floor. A chimney extends from the left side of the roof, indicating a fireplace inside.
A well-maintained lawn adorned with various small plants and flowers. A concrete pathway leads to three steps up to a small porch area before reaching the wooden front door.
Mary leads you up to where your room is at and it seemed to be one of her boy’s old nurseries, but now the wall was decorated with two old band posters, The Beatles and a Zeppelin poster. Huh. The bed had a floral blanket and a navy sheet under it. There were two pillows in a white silk covers and a lamp on the beside table.
“John and I are gonna hit the hay, so, goodnight, love.” Mary waves from the doorframe, giving you one last glance before heading off.
“Goodnight,” You reply, setting your suitcase down beside your bed and lay back on your bed.
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In the locker room, you changed into your scrubs, the fabric feeling foreign yet exciting against your skin. You tucked your hair under a surgical cap and checked yourself in the mirror. Ready.
The hospital corridors were a maze of activity, doctors and nurses moving with a sense of urgency that was almost palpable. You found your way to the intern's lounge, where a group of young doctors was gathered, pouring over patient charts and sipping on coffee as if it were a lifeline.
That's when you met her — Charlie Bradbury. With her vibrant red hair and a stack of comic books under her arm, she was a splash of color in the sterile environment. She noticed you immediately, her green eyes lighting up with an impish sparkle.
"Hey, you must be the new kid! I'm Charlie, your friendly neighborhood genius slash intern. Welcome to the chaos!" she greeted you with an outstretched hand, adorned with quirky rings.
"Thanks, I'm..." you began.
"Don't tell me," she interrupted playfully, "You're the one who just flew in from Cali, right? Mary's been raving about you."
You chuckled, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "Guilty as charged."
Charlie showed you around, her chatter filling the spaces between the bustle of the hospital. She introduced you to the other interns, the nurses, and even the grumpy guy who ran the coffee cart. Throughout the day, you shadowed her as she confidently navigated patient care, inserting IV lines with precision and calming anxious patients with her quirky humor.
Despite the exhaustion that came with the endless rounds and the mountain of new information, you felt a sense of accomplishment. You were doing this, really doing it — and you were not alone.
In the afternoon, Mary tasked you with delivering first aid kits to the local fire department as part of a community outreach program. You welcomed the break from the hospital walls and made your way to the fire station with a box of supplies in tow.
As you approached, you noticed a firefighter washing a large, red truck — his sleeves rolled up, revealing muscular arms, and his focus never wavering from the task at hand. You hesitated for a moment before approaching.
"Excuse me," you called out, "I have a delivery from Lawrence General?"
He turned around, and you were met with striking green eyes and a smudge of soap on his cheek. He was ruggedly handsome, with a stubble that spoke of long hours and a jaw set with determination.
"Oh, hey," he replied, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Thanks for the-"
Before he could finish, another firefighter called out to him, "Dean, we need you!"
"Sorry, duty calls," he said with a charming, apologetic grin. "Just leave the kits by the door, and thanks again."
"No problem," you replied, feeling a pang of disappointment as the moment ended too quickly. You placed the box down and watched as he jogged back to his colleagues, ready to respond to the next emergency.
The rest of your shift passed in a blur, and before you knew it, Mary was driving you back to the Winchester home. As the car hummed along the road, she glanced at you with a knowing smile.
"I hope your first day wasn't too overwhelming. You did great," she said encouragingly.
"It was definitely a day to remember," you admitted with a tired smile.
Mary's expression turned warm and excited as she announced, "Well, get ready for a family dinner tonight. John and I want you to meet our sons properly. They're excited to have you."
The thought of the evening ahead sparked a mix of nerves and curiosity within you.
"Oh, uh, okay." you replied slightly indifferent by the unexpected dinner, but the prospect of a meal with a family that wouldn’t make measure how many calories your plate has won’t be bad just because you had to meet your “landlord’s” sons. “Sounds nice.”
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And there’s that! Next time. 😉
Character Introduction For This Series
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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thesimulationswarm · 1 year
Double Shot, Part 2
Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!AFAB!reader x Tommy Miller Rating: explicit, 18+ MDNI Summary: A gorgeous man walks into your coffee shop and introduces himself as Tommy Miller. Then his equally gorgeous brother shows up. You can't decide which you like better... but maybe you don't have to. A/N: This will be in four parts, building up to the smut. Hopefully released daily. It's dumb filthy shit I couldn't get out of my head, okay? Then I'll be back to my ongoing serious series. Word count: 1.5k warnings/tags: Tommy has a hangover, gratuitous pastry, threesome, shameless flirting, sibling rivalry, pwp
This is Part 2 of Double Shot; here are Part 1, Part 3, and Part 4.
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Tommy was moving a little slow that morning, nursing a hangover. He’d had a few too many last night down on Sixth Street, and now the sharp August sunshine felt like it wanted to melt a hole right into his skull. When he shifted into park, the jolt of the truck rolling back on its chassis sent a wave of nausea through him.
Leave it to Joel to use it to his advantage, swinging out the door of the cab and hustling into Prickly Pear Coffee & Sweets while Tommy was still unbuckling his seatbelt.
He had his brother’s number.
He knew why Joel had put on a shirt with no stains or holes for once, one that stretched nicely across the muscles of his chest. It was the same reason he himself had carefully knocked the mud off his work boots and lavished extra attention on his curls this morning.
It was that pretty little thing who owned the place.
Who’d been eating out of the palm of his hand yesterday when Joel came in and ruined it. Or tried to, at least— the girl had still seemed interested after his brother showed up. She’d still looked him over with that sassy, hungry gaze.
Only problem was, she’d looked at Joel the exact same way.
And Joel had noticed, of course.
Tommy jogged to the door of the cafe, running one last hand through his hair before he ducked inside. Joel was standing by the counter, studying the pastry case intently.
“Which one would you recommend?” He asked, resting his tanned forearm oh-so-casually on the glass top. Motherfucker. 
You’d been following Joel’s gaze, studying the baked goods, but when you heard the door open your eyes snapped up and met Tommy’s. Like you’d been waiting for him.
Tommy smiled his biggest smile. It wasn’t a put on— he felt a genuine flood of happiness seeing you look up to greet him. His eyes roamed over you. The golden sun pouring through the windows was catching on your hair and making your eyes sparkle. In place of yesterday’s oversized t-shirt, you were wearing a low-cut white tank. And fucking hell, you wore it well. Hangover forgotten, he strolled over to join his brother.
“Well I know what I’m having. Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about that cinnamon roll last night. Was like I could taste it in my dreams.” You looked at him and laughed, a magical soft sound.
“One sticky pecan cinnamon roll for Tommy, coming up,” you announced, and Tommy noted with approval that you remembered his name. You moved with a practiced ease behind the counter, lifting the cinnamon bun with a pair of tongs and nestling it in a plastic clamshell. You passed it to him with a sly half-smile.
Then you looked down at the pastries again, as if deep in thought.
“I think for Joel, however, we need something a bit… darker.” Tommy watched as your eyes flicked up to Joel’s.
“I think you may just be right, darlin’,” Joel practically purred back, meeting your gaze. Fuck him.
“How about a slice of my Mexican chocolate tart?”
Tommy watched you serve Joel his pastry. When you handed it over, he saw how your small hand brushed against his larger one, almost lingering there. He felt a hot flood of jealousy rising up through his chest— but then he noticed something. Even as your hand was touching Joel’s, your eyes were on him.
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They sat outside on the picnic table, eating their treats and sipping their coffee.
“God damn,” Joel breathed as he set his plastic fork down in the now-empty box. “That woman can bake.”
“I know, right?” Tommy concurred. “I think I’m in love.”
Joel shook his head. “That’s gonna be a bit of a problem, because I’m pretty sure she wants to take me for a roll in the hay.”
“You just keep tellin’ yourself that, if it makes you feel better.”
Tommy rubbed his finger along the rim of his iced coffee, feeling the cold condensation that had gathered there. He loved nothing more than giving his brother shit, but he did wonder. He wanted to believe it was him that you were into. But for every moment you seemed to be flirting with Tommy, there was another when your eyes were definitely on Joel. What the hell was that thing about him needing something a bit darker anyway?
He knew Joel was handsome, that some girls dug that rugged, older man vibe. They got wet for a guy with a mortgage and sad eyes. And he’d spent his childhood watching chicks go wild for his big brother, so it’s not like this would be the first time a girl was more interested in Joel than in him. 
But it didn’t seem that simple, either. There was something playful and mischievous about you, something more his speed. And there was undoubtedly a spark there when you locked eyes. 
“Y’know what, Joel?”
“I think we should have a little wager. See which one of us can land a date with the coffee shop babe first.”
Joel laughed and shook his head. “Jesus, Tommy. What are you, twelve?”
A slow grin spread across Tommy’s face. “Sounds like someoneis afraid he’s going to lose.”
“You really wanna play this game, Tommy? ‘Cause you know I’ll take you down.”
“Oh I do,” Tommy said, his smile widening. This was going to be fun.
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Tommy couldn’t believe his luck. Joel was distracted packing up the truck for the day, making sure all his beloved tools were accounted for. And then you came right out the door of your shop, keys in hand and bag slung over your shoulder. He walked briskly across the food truck lot as you flipped the ‘Come In, We’re OPEN’ sign to ‘Sorry, We’re CLOSED.’
“Headin’ out for the day, sugar?”
You turned slowly, and he watched the delicious roll of your body. That tank top, man alive. And now that you weren’t standing behind the counter, he could properly appreciate the tight cut-offs you’d paired it with. That denim hugging your curves like a second skin.
“Hey Tommy. Yeah, it’s closing time for me. I’ll be back bright and early tomorrow, though.” 
You stood there, hand on one hip, looking him over in that saucy way you had. Expectant. He felt his palms begin to sweat— it was now or never.
“Hey, so, I was wonderin’…” He trailed off, ducking his head and rubbing at the back of his neck with one hand. Get it together, Miller, he silently admonished himself.
“Well, I thought you might be interested in goin’ out dancin’ this Saturday.” 
Your eyes were twinkling. You opened your mouth to respond, but before you had a chance—
“That’s right, me and by brother were plannin’ on hittin’ up The Broken Spoke. ‘S kind of a Miller brother tradition.” Joel slapped a hand heartily against Tommy’s back. Son of a bitch must’ve snuck up while he was distracted. “We thought you might be interested in joining.”
Your face broke into a wide smile. “That so?”
“Looks like we’ll be neighbors for a while here, while we work on this house. Be good to get to know each other,” Joel drawled. Tommy imagined how satisfying it would feel to kick his knees in with his steel-toed boots.
“I’d be happy to join you boys,” you pronounced, turning your key in the door lock with a practiced flick of your wrist. “Pick me up around 8?”
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
you stayed (alt ending of "whenever you're ready, bug") 💔🫶
pairing : max verstappen x fem!younger sister verstappen reader & f1 grid x platonic!fem younger sister verstappen reader
summary : whilst max verstappen's younger sister always seemed to draw the short straw in her life, what if she actually survived and beat her cancer? what if she actually never died at the 2024 mexican grand prix and she was actually a young adult during the time of the mexican grand prix? what if she made it past all of her birthdays? what if her short straws were actually never short to begin with and they just needed some tender loving care to grow properly? 
warnings : happy ending, older brother x max, terminal illness, crying, flashbacks
a/n : the og was done for kian egan from westlife and then jared padalecki but now i've done max verstappen. i have also messed with the timeline so the first part is kind of the "alternate ending" if you will where the first one is she's younger when she dies during the mexican grand prix whereas in this one, the "og one" she's actually a lot older by the time it gets to the 2024 mexican grand prix. which i know sounds fucking confusing but please hear me out alright! so, in the first part, i had the mexican grand prix happen in 2024 and have willow be nine years old, however, in this version, she's eighteen and it was a dream she had in her "alerted" cancer state when she was nine that she had died during the mexican grand prix 2024 but as a nine year old if that makes sense. 
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willow verstappen was eight-years-old when she was diagnosed with cancer. she already wasn't considered a "normal kid" because of who her family was, the verstappens. however, the moment the young girl and her mum and older brother heard the news of the heartbreaking diagnosis, they knew exactly how the press and other kids willow's age would react. to the other kids and everyone else, not only did willow's brother and his fame make the girl weird but her new cancer diagnosis made her even weirder and as though she was an exhibit in a museum.
when willow was nine-years-old when her brother and his f1 grid were starting their last race before a three week break before their next triple header, there was a moment. during the mexican grand prix, the last race before a three week break that was before the triple header that everyone, including willow herself, thought she wasn't going to make it through the entire day and wake up the next morning. but, she did wake up the next morning. she opened her eyes the next morning and cried out for her brother who was in mexico. in a rage of emotions, their sister victoria verstappen, rang their brother max in a frenzy of her own emotions. 
thinking the worst, max was mere seconds away from dropping everything at the mexico grand prix. that was until he heard the very voice he had thought, imagined, he would never hear again. he then stopped for a moment and took that as his chance to just breathe. his little sister was alive and she was okay 
willow's pov | flashback to cancer diagnosis
i could tell my mum and brother felt like the walls in the doctor's office was closing in on them. they, like me, never imagined to be getting this news. after all, it was just supposed to be just another regular hospital trip for me, eight-year-old willow verstappen.
whilst i wasn't in the office with my mum and max, whilst my doctor, dr phelps, told them, i could still hear them. especially when it's realised that the hospital is never as soundproof as one thinks, "...mr verstappen? max, did you hear what i just told you?" dr phelps questioned my brother, who until now had never really called him by his first name as max responded after blinking a couple of times
"no, sorry, what did you say? could you please repeat that?" it was obvious that max was still so far away from dr phelps' office mentally, doing his best to not tune out a second time since it was important news that dr phelps was telling my mum and brother
"i was saying that, with willow's recent diagnosis of terminal cancer, she can still try chemotherapy and maybe a little bit of radiotherapy but we are not certain that it'll work in the way it usually would if we had seen it earlier..."
ahh, yes, i could see the wheels in my brother's head start to turn as he realised what the conversation was about. his younger sister, me, had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and were having a conversation about the roads of treatment for me. and just how successful they could be for a small eight-year-old who had many ailments before this new one. as i watched from the waiting room, i could tell that max could feel a cry building in his throat, mum also feeling it as well, holding his hand tightly as i knew they both wished they were anywhere but in dr phelps' office at this moment.
i watched as max continued the conversation, "...ah, umm, so, theoretically speaking, if my sister...willow, was to undergo a round or couple of chemotherapy and maybe radiotherapy, how long would you say we'd have her with us, realistically?" max gulped as i watched the way he fiddled with the scrunched up tissue in his palm as he squeezed mum's hand with his other hand
dr phelps paused before he continued, "now, max, i really couldn't tell you because this is so new and so late in finding the cancer in willow's system that we truly have no idea how long it could potentially prolong her life but, once the chemo and radiotherapy do start, then we can start estimating things like that..." dr phelps responded as i could tell that max felt his heart shatter
our mum feeling like she was holding all of his heart and hers together. max's face almost crumbling as he then turned away from the dr when he caught a glimpse of me. which i quickly turned my head to make it seem as though i was in conversation with his f1 teammates, daniel and charles, who had lovingly put their hands up to take care of me whilst the other drivers put their hand up to take care of kelly and penelope, once again, jos and the step-siblings nowhere to be found
hesitating to turn his head back around, he quickly did so before continuing on, making me turn to look back at my mum and brother and dr phelps, "...she doesn't deserve this..." hearing my brother so heartbroken and his voice so croaky from his tears was not something i'd ever heard before as he brought his tissue up to cover his face, mum comforting him whilst dr phelps sighed solemnly
"...no, she doesn't max, no one her age does. she's so young but, unfortunately, these things happen and it's absolutely cruel but i promise, we'll do everything we can to make sure your little girl has the best chance of surviving and beating her cancer since she was so strong during all of her other surgeries and ailments," dr phelps was confident in the idea that once again, i was going to survive another diagnosis
but heartbreakingly, i could tell mum and max thought otherwise and it seemed as though, in my eyes, i too thought the same thing as my mum and brother.
as mum, max and dr phelps continued to chat, i silently slipped my hands into both of daniel and charles' hands since i was sat in the middle of them. i was absolutely terrified and it didn't take a genius for daniel and charles to figure it out either and the looks we shared with each other weren't as helpful as we hoped they'd be.
present time
as i remebered the day i was diagnosed, i remembered that i didn't cry like i had imagined myself i would have. because if you know my family well, most especially my parentals but specifically my dad (hauk tuh - and not in that way, jos verstappen), my family is not known to be an emotional family. that is, discounting me, i am the one in the family that basically carries all the emotions for the entire family. like, to the point that max has made fun of me in many f1 press conferences about it that the reason he isn't as emotional about things is not only by our dad's fault but also by the fault that i took all of the tears in the family. so the fact i didn't cry after my cancer diagnosis is something i'm just realising years later at nearly nineteen years old and that's insane to me. completely insane because at eighteen, nearly nineteen, i'm still the crybaby that i was until my cancer diagnosis.
right now, i was hanging out with penelope, the little girl of max's girlfriend kelly piquet. she was very young, an actual toddler, when i was going through my cancer and it's something that she genuinely does not rememeber well whereas my little step-sister blue jaye, who was maybe slightly older than penelope, has some lingers of memories here and there. i have been told though that there are times that she, penelope, does have vague memories and it makes her really upset and panicky. but what makes her upset and panicky is because she can't remember everything about it, only small little pieces of it. since then, the verstappen family has grown thanks to father verstappen having yet another wife, which is lucky number three apparently but that's okay. 
but, going back to hanging out with penelope, we were literally just getting ready to head out to the beach since i could drive and had my own car now. and, because of that, i could drive us down since mum was busy with victoria's littles and max and kelly were on a date night hence why i had penelope with me. everything was completely fine and happy as penelope and i got ready together, penelope on one side of my room and me on the other. but, i was taking a bit longer, penelope had popped her head over the divider to check in on me. i was no longer fine and happy. as i slipped on my bikini and reached up to grab my surfboard and wetsuit, i had caught a glimpse of all my scars and my porthole where i could get my chemo put in. it was really the first time i had seen it since i had been named in remission and by every technicality, cancer-free. and i hadn't realised how traumatising and ugly the scars and porthole actually was until this moment. the moment which i actually took a moment to stop and look at it after actively avoiding my glance from it for so many years.
and i cried.
i cried my eyes out nearly nine whole years after my initial diagnosis.
i hadn't cried this much or this hard i don't think since i had told victoria that i thought i was going to die during the mexican grand prix. and obviously, hearing and seeing penelope peak over meant that she had heard my break down into tears. and usually, similar to mum and max, but especialy max, i'd usually try to hide it in front of the littles, especially penelope. but, this time, i just couldn't. not because i couldn't control my tears but because i needed to stop hiding my emotions from my family, including kelly and penelope.
after her knock, i heard her voice and it made me smile, "...you okay willow?" she asked as i tearfully giggled, wiping my hand underneath my nose
"you can come back to my side of the room if that's what you're asking p, i'm fully dressed now," i tearfully chuckled as i turned away slightly from the divider and looked back at myself in my full-length mirror
i then heard the divider slightly creek as penelope walked back to my side of the room. she then noticed me in the mirror and her face fell as she saw my tear-stained face. immediately, she rushed over and pulled me in for a hug as she quickly noticed what it was that i was staring at in my reflection. my porthole and other scars being the first thing that started penelope's memories of me having cancer whilst she was a toddler.
and then, the next thing she said was the utmost sweetest thing in the world and made me cry even more, "don't let those scars upset you anymore, willow. because they're the reason why i can hug my aunty every day! you may think it's ugly but, i don't. i see them as the reason why you're still alive and got to watch me and the rest of the littles grow up ! if it's making you so upset to look at it in your bikini, which i think you great in by the way willow, we don't have to go surfing today if it's making you feel a bit icky to do so. we could just instead go for a walk along the beach and go surfing over the weekend with mum, maxie, victoria and the family?" penelope sincerely asked as she didn't let me go out of her hug as i smiled, shocked at how this little kid, my little niece was so emotionally intelligent
pulling back out of the hug, tears still streaming down my cheeks but for happier reasons this time, i nodded my head, "that sounds perfect p, thank you, baby girl! you are such a sweetheart and i love you so much, sweetheart. of course, we can go for a walk on the beach and then go surfing with the family over the weekend. i'll just throw some clothes over the top of my bikini and then we can hit the road, that sound okay p?" i asked after thanking my niece as she nodded her head, swiftly leaving my room without another question as i then threw on a pair of linen pants and a halter crochet top before grabbing my phone
meeting penelope downstairs as she handed me a pair of flip flops, my car keys and handbag, we said farewell to max's cats, jimmy and sassy. we then got into my car and we drove down to secret beach.
flashback | willow's pov
it was the mexican grand prix and my brother and the other drivers were in mexico when i thought i'd not wake up the next day. it was during the day that victoria was looking after me when i genuinely thought my life support machine and my body was going to go awol and that i wasn't going to wake up the next morning. i was aboslutely terrified to close my eyes, worried that if i did, i wouldn't wake up tomorrow. suddenly remembering all the other times i was tired and knowing that i'd wake up the next morning. however, more recently, falling asleep and just closing my eyes has been scary for me.
shaking with worry, i reached over to grab victoria's hand which she immediately grabbed, "what's wrong, love?" she asked without hesitation as i tried to calm down as best as i could
"i...i'm so scared to fall asleep, vic. what...what if i don't wake up tomorrow morning?" i whispered fearfully as victoria softened as she held my hand, squeezing it tightly
"oh, willow. don't be scared, i'll stay here, awake with you all night and make sure nothing bad happens to you throughout the night. you are safe sweetpea, big sissy victoria's got you!" she whispered as i nodded my head but still didn't want to close my eyes
however, with some more encouragement from victoria and her singing my favourite album, we managed to get me to close my eyes and fall asleep. just hoping, praying, that i was going to be able to open my eyes the next morning.
and i did. i opened my eyes the next morning.
and i cried out for my maxie, enough though i knew he wasn't here in monaco.
and in a flurry of her own emotions, victoria rushed to grab her phone and ring him.
and i just knew he was ready to drop everything, thinking the worst. ready to leave the mexico grand prix when he heard the one voice i think he also thought, imagined, he wouldn't hear again.
i was still alive.
present time | 2024
finally, after what felt like forever, and the hell that was the three week break between the mexican grand prix and the triple header, f1 was back in full swing. so, here the entire f1 family were at the dutch grand prix and it was an emotional moment, that's for sure. and it wasn't just because we were finally back as a family. but because i was eighteen, an age that no one thought i'd be able to reach because of the cancer that i was now in complete remission from. also because, the dream i had when i was younger that i would die during the 2024 mexican grand prix as a nine year old hadn't come true. obviously, because i'm eighteen in 2024, not nine. and it was also actually the anniversary of my first diagnosis back when i was eight years old and i was now eighteen. so, i just knew that at some point during the press conference, most likely when max was there, that he would talk about it. and then get emotional over it which would then get me emotional over it all over again. 
and, who would've thought, i was correct? however, i did not think it would have my brother inviting me up to the press conference couch but, in all honesty, i didn't care. i grew up with this f1 grid and the cameras so i wasn't uncomfortable on the couch and around the drivers so, i went along with it. 
smiling, i walked to the couch and over to my brother, sitting in the middle of him and daniel. getting smooshed into a maxiel sandwich has honestly always been my favourite thing about having my brother as an f1 driver. even at the age of eighteen, when max was debuting all those years ago when i was much younger, i still enjoyed all the hugs the same way i did when i was a little girl. 
max then grabbed my hand, grabbing the attention of the media personel and the moderator of the entire press conference. still giving me a shock at how easily he and the other racers could control them. he then introduced his little speech as everyone happily filmed it and took photos. 
"...i'm so sorry guys but, can i just say something?" max queries, making me giggle as the couch and media cheer at his question 
giving me a smile, he then continues, "so, as everyone possibly already knows, this is one of my younger sisters, willow, who is eighteen years old..." he trails off as everyone, including the drivers on the couch, are in shock, the shock rippling through the crowd which induces laughter
which, i can't lie, also included me too. because, i truly forget too that i am eighteen myself. 
"...i know, it's crazy to say i have an eighteen-year-old sister too so, don't worry, it's just as shocking for me as it is for you guys! but umm, that's not the reason why i invited her to join this press conference. the reason why i invited willow on the couch for this press conference is that, on this very day when she was eight years old, we were told that willow had cancer..." he trailed off as i smiled softly and squeezed his hand tighter as he smiled back, daniel, charles and lando moving closer by as well
taking a deep breath, max continued, "...and for a while, we didn't think willow would make it through the very beginning or through the races she was able to go to during her diagnosis. or in mexico during the mexican grand prix we were especially worried something bad would happen after she had turned nine. because, during this time, it seemed as though willow's chemo was not effective anymore. it was during the mexican grand prix 2014/15 that she thought she wasn't going to wake up the next morning. i remember because like i already mentioned, we were just about to start the race and i got a phone call from our sister victoria. and immediately, i thought she'd be on the other line in absolute hysterics telling me that willow had died but, she hadn't. she had rung me up because willow had woken up and had cried out for me. hearing my little sister's voice that day, just as i was ready to drop everything and leave mexico for my little sister. to then hear that she was okay and that she was still alive was all i needed to know that she was getting better. and that maybe, just maybe, she'd recover and be okay again..." max once again trailed off as it started to get way too emotional as i smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed as the crowd stayed in utter silence
which is probably why i felt a little bit uncomfortable at the same time. since, the f1 media are never this quiet and are always the ones asking for the invasive answers that max had just suddenly become comfortable to talk about. the moderator then asked if i wanted to stay on the couch for the actual recorded and shown conference and i couldn't say no so, i didn't. 
so, i stayed on the couch with the drivers and i was also asked some questions that i got to answer which was super cool. and it felt so surreal to be on the press conference couch on the other side since i was almost always either watching the press conferences on tv or in the red bull hospitality. having the privilege to even be alive and be in complete remission from my cancer. 
then, after i answered a journalists question, max raised his microphone to his mouth and spoke up again. revealing some news that we had only just found out this very morning to the point that, i don't even think he had told daniel, charles, lando or the rest of the attending drivers.
max smiled brightly as he got everyone's attention as he announced the news, "...this morning, we found out the best news in regards to willow and her cancer. we got told this morning that she is finally in complete remission and has been said to be cancer-free!" he smiled tearfully as i turned around on the couch to see how daniel, charles and lando reacted and it made me teary-eyed
giving me the answer that this was the first time they had been told as well. daniel, charles and lando then hopped off their spots on the couch and pulled us in for a group hug in which i started to cry. in pure joy that i was healthy again, my cancer is finally gone and i didn't have to be constantly in the hospital anymore.
the press conference then finished and the other drivers who were waiting for their own press conference gave me hugs and congratulations. then we went back to the red bull garage and i just hung out with max, kelly and penelope for a little bit. 
the free practice and media day had finally finished and as we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company, i got a notification saying that max had posted to his instagram. and i just knew instantly what it was he had posted about. he had been saying all day that he had wanted to also make an instagram post, announcing that i was officially in complete remission and cancer-free. so, he did. 
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liked by willowverstappen, victoriaverstappen, landonorris, heidiberger, danielricciardo, francisca.cgomes and 12,001k others
maxverstappen1 when willow was eight-years-old, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the uncertainty of her survival. however, all these years later and i have an eighteen-year-old, nearly nineteen year old sister, who i got to see reach all of her special milestones. like her tenth birthday, her high school graduation, her eighteenth and soon her nineteenth. she also got to see her step-siblings be born, all of their births and will be healthy enough to watch them grow up even more and watch them reach their special milestones. my younger sister stayed and it is the biggest joy to say that willow is now in complete remission and cancer-free! i love you so much, willow violet verstappen. and if i had to watch you go through cancer all over again, i would do it. because it reminded me of truly how special and irreplaceable you are. you were the final of mum and dad's angels and our favourite sister. you know we would do everything and anything to make sure you were your happiest, your healthiest and your best. and i truly do believe that this next season in your life, with you cancer-free and no longer in hospitals constantly, you'll be truly successful in every single thing you wish to do with your life! you are such a strong girl and even though you always say it was me, mum, victoria, kelly, penelope and the f1 family as the reasons why you stayed, i truly believe that it was you that made yourself stay. and that it was you that gave you the strength to push through. your older brother loves you willow, thank you for staying 🤍
view all 87k comments
willowverstappen i love you so much, maxie! i am truly so grateful to be cancer-free! and don't thank me for staying, of course i'd stay 🤍
maxverstappen1 willowverstappen i love you more willow and i know you're grateful and so am i 🤍
victoriaverstappen these photos of our little sister! i cannot believe she's nearly nineteen 🤍
maxverstappen1 victoriaverstappen i know right? it makes me feel so old, like, we nearly have a nineteen-year-old sister!
landonorris i swear to god, we need to stop telling each other things for the first time during press conferences! but, in all seriousness, it brings me so much happiness that willow is cancer-free!
maxverstappen1 landonorris lol, we really do! and it brings me so much happiness as well, getting that phone call from dr phelps was like a dream come true!
heidiberger still in shock that willow's cancer free!
maxverstappen1 heidiberger i'm still in shock too
danielricciardo best news ever, max! hearing that willow's cancer-free was truly the highlight of the entire media day!
maxverstappen1 danielricciardo i agree! i had moments where i just wanted to scream it out way earlier in the press conference but i knew i couldn't!
francisca.cgomes this is great news max! i'm so glad that willow is finally cancer-free! it seems as though that time from eight years old to eighteen/nineteen has been a whirlwind for you all but also somewhat of a fever dream!
maxverstappen1 francisca.cgomes i know! so am i, it's been a long, windy road but, i'm glad we've finally reached the end of it! 
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liked by maxverstappen1, kellypiquet, pierregasly, victoriaverstappen, carlossainz55, christianhorner and 11,000k others
willowverstappen life since being cancer-free 🤍
being a survivor of childhood cancer, amongst other things throughout my life, i knew i wanted to stay and stay alive the moment i was told i had the "big c". since entering complete remission and getting labelled cancer-free, i've graduated high school, i've travelled back and forth from each corner of the globe, from monaco, to the states, to australia and back. i've turned eighteen, i've gone on nights out with my parents and f1 grid family (only in europe and australia). i've gone to grand prixs with my family and i've surfed. i've been able to live my life in ways that i hadn't been able to do in years and i didn't have to worry about the scars, i didn't have to worry about being tired, i didn't have to worry about the fear of simply closing my eyes and if they'd open the next morning. i've been able to take care of and hang out with my step-siblings and my nieces and nephews, especially little p, i've seen them grow up, from when they were toddlers when i was first diagnosed to when cousins of mine came along later on when i was recovering, to their handsome and gorgeous selves now. when i was battling cancer, i couldn't do the things i can do now. i couldn't surf, i couldn't drink (i mean, that was because i was underage the majority of the time and still am in some countries), i couldn't go into physical school and had to do it all online when i wasn't violently ill, i couldn't travel back and forth around the world and had to stay in monaco or the netherlands. i couldn't have an extravagant ninth or tenth birthdays for that matter, and i couldn't go to races with my f1 family. when i had cancer, i was constantly riddled with the fear and anxiety of not being able to live another day because of how tired, sore and exhausted i was. having to see but also hear your family, most especially your brother, who isn't an emotional person, cry and not being able to help them other than offer a hand or a soft smile for comfort was agonising. the number of times i watched my brother cry as he sat in the same hospital chair over and over again just to make sure i was still breathing through the night is no longer countable since he had done it so many times. the number of times i had to watch my f1 family cry as they also sat and watched to make sure i was still alive throughout the day is immeasurable. thankfully, i didn't have to see my littles cry a lot, especially because they were so young at the time and were rarely visiting the hospital. but, at the same token, it makes me feel sick to think about the times when the other cousins were around that they did cry during my cancer battle and i wasn't there to tell them that everything was going to be okay. but now, whenever they do cry or they are upset, i can be there for them straight away. and it was all because i stayed alive and i didn't let myself have my family go through the agony of having to live without me. because i couldn't do that to them, no way.
view all 99k comments
maxverstappen1 i love you, more than words can describe willow! you strong, brave girl!
willowverstappen maxverstappen1 i love you most maxie! and i'm only strong because of you, victoria and mum
kellypiquet crying my eyes out reading this!
willowverstappen kellypiquet i cried writing this, believe it or not!
pierregasly hearing your brother announce during the panel that you're finally cancer-free after completing complete remission is the best news to hear!
willowverstappen pierregasly i genuinely had no idea that he hadn't told you guys yet! so seeing how everyone all reacted made me cry!
victoriaverstappen i'm still screaming over the news that you're finally cancer-free!
willowverstappen victoriaverstappen so am i vic! it's the best feeling ever!
carlossainz55 i am so beyond relieved that you are cancer-free, sweet willow! i remember when i first met you when you were just a little baby and now you're a glowing eighteen-year-old
willowverstappen carlossainz55 aw, thank you carlitos! i am relieved too and thank you again!
christianhorner i'm so glad you're cancer-free willow!
willowverstappen christianhorner so am i! i cannot believe it sometimes!
yay, another one-shot done and i am so glad it's over! and yes, i know i fucked up the timeline, i mentioned that in the above author's note that it would be happening. this part two is not my favourite out of all the ones i've written but that's okay! i've found it slightly hard to write for f1 because i always forget to add in the fact that they are f1 drivers lol! but no matter, it'll get better i'm sure!
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tommydarlings · 2 years
redbull's golden girl | m.v & s.p
pairing: dom!max x dom!sergio x sub!reader
warnings: smut, spanking, face slapping, dacryphilia, overstimulation, gagging, hair pulling
w/c: 0.8k
summary: you were always gonna be loyal to redbull, and the two drivers are gonna make sure of that.
my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3
You were over the moon as soon as you heard the news that you got the job of being a part of the social media team at redbull but you didn’t thought it would end up with you in a hotel room after the Mexico Grand Prix with the two drivers max and Sergio. You always kinda fancied max verstappen, always dreamed of being with him and maybe even having a bit of fun with him but with both? That’s like a dream come true but even better.
“Does that feel good baby? Huh, the two redbull man using you like some cheap whore that fucked her place into redbull?” Max asked you while Sergio rammed into your wet pussy from behind, his hands gripping your hips, steadying them now and then while max pouted at you.
“uh-hu.” You whined before your head dropped forwards but only a bit because the Dutch driver quickly grabbed your chin in a harsh grip and went on talking,
“Such a pretty mouth, perfect for us to use it isn’t it?” He asked you but you only nodded while the the other redbull driver gave you a spank on the ass before he leaned forward and put his hand on the back of your neck.
“That was always your wet dream wasn’t it? Getting fucked by the two redbull drivers until your shaking and crying, am I right?” He muttered as you felt your orgasm creeping closer before he pushed your face into the cushions. Max quickly grabbing your hair and pulling your head up but only so far that you chin was still laying on the bedsheets.
“I knew you where a little redbull whore, redbull's little girl, always looking so innocent but deep down just wanting to get fucked brain-dead by the two drivers.” He told you while you looked at him with pleading eyes, completely stained in tears before Sergio noticed how your legs started shaking.
“Fucking shit man, look, she’s shaking verstappen.” He proudly licked his lips before he went faster, your groans and begging only getting louder.
Max quickly threw Sergio a smirk and a glance towards sergios moving hips and your shaking ass and thighs before he got a hold of your chin and made you look at him. “Cum for us baby, c'mon, prove us how much of redbull's little slut you are.” he told you before he collected your tears and stuffed them deep into your mouth, fingers gagging you as your orgasm hit while the mexican man was groaning and moaning loudly into his fingers per biting on them, desperately trying to muffle his moans. You gripped the sheets for dear life as your legs gave out and dropped onto the white sheets with your abdomen but Sergio didn’t remove himself.
“P-please, please I-I can’t-”
“Well let’s test that, shall we?” Max told you as he started pumping his dick before he slapped your cheek, signaling you to open your mouth and you immediately did because how could you disobey max verstappen.
You opened your mouth while you gazed up at max with tears escaping your eyes, sliding down your already wet cheeks. Your body was moving forwards and backwards as Sergio gripped your hips tightly and thrusted into you at an slow but hard pace.
You never knew that you could tell by a man’s hip movements that he’s a formula 1 driver but apparently you can.
Pérez collected your hair in a very messy ponytail, fists gripping your hair in a tight grip before max slammed his dick a few times down onto you waiting tongue, hands next to his thighs gripping the sheets as the Dutch driver shove his cock deep into your throat with a loud groan.
“Fucking hell baby, such a good mouth, may be bratty but also heavenly at sucking a Dutch cock.” He moaned as he face-fucked you with zero mercy.
“Mierda, qué puta tan bonita para nosotros.” Fucking shit, such a pretty little whore for us. Sergio muttered as he brushed his hair out of his face with one of his hands, the other one still having your hair in a ponytail.
“uh, f-fuck, please.” You cried out, the two drivers barely understood you with max's dick in your mouth while your entire body was bouncing forward and backwards, sergios hips stuttering a bit.
“Ah, shit.” He muttered before his head fell down towards his own chest, mumbling different spanish curse words under his breath. “Your gonna make me fucking c-cum again.” Meanwhile, max was retreating his throbbing dick from your mouth. “Open.” He ordered you before you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, desperately looking up at him. The Dutch world champion quickly came on your tongue and face.
“Neuk schat.” Fuck baby.
“Such a good girl, such a good fucking girl for us, always gonna be loyal to redbull won’t you baby? Always gonna run to us when you're cock hungry won’t you?” You slightly nodded as you slowly came back to your senses.
“Of course you will.”
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Specimen." Connor x Venom reader.
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Description: Y/n, a girl who's been alone her whole life, decides to change when an alien from the sky corrupts her body. Learning to cope with the symbiote named Venom, the two figure out a way to help put an end to disgusting humans who pick on the weak. But what happens when a certain Android detective is on her tail as if he was attracted to her all this time?
Warnings: Drama, blood, violence, stuff from the game, you know, the usual from Detroit become human.
Other things:
-I do not own Detroit Become Human; they belong to the owners and creators of the game.
-We will be following both Markus and Connors's side because the reader is with the deviants, while Connor, you know, does his cop duties, lol.
-Y/n is a human girl who is then corrupted by Venom; if you don't know who Venom is, then I recommend watching the movie about him, then that will sum it up for you.
-I really hope you like my second book, and I'm excited to share this all with you, so without further do, enjoy the prologue of my new book. :)
"How long has it been? You know....since the incident....?"
'Five years.....why?'
"No reason...I think it's funny...."
'Funny? Funny how? You were in a living hell, and you're telling me that situation is funny? You're truly are fucking weird brat...'
"Heh. Guess I am...five years ago today, I finally got my drunk ass dad to jail, and guess where that got me? Living in an abandoned house, now looking at a murder scene of a Mexican guy, where his robot is hiding in an addict....now looking back, this like I have right now is no fucking Island dream; it's paradise, am I right?"
'If this hell hole is your definition of paradise, I don't know what your vacation will be like. Do you dream about Mexicans being murdered every night? Because that's a weird kink to have.'
Your eyes rolled. "Yeah, of course I do; the blood of Mexicans aroused my blood." Venom popped out of your back. "Really?! Hah! Who knew-OUCH!" Throwing a sandwich at his head, you glared at him. "Do you really think that this was my kink?! You are truly disgusting." He let out a low growl before putting the whole sandwich, with the wrapper in his mouth, having no effect on eating something not edible. 'Can you blame me? You watch crime documentaries and celebrate when a murderer or a rapist is sentenced to death; I can't tell the difference between your fantasies or your interest, so I fucking apologize.'
Sighing, your elbows leaned more onto the railing. Eyes looked down to a house, which police cars surrounded. This house holds a special event with codes and keys of importance to Jerhico. North Sent you and Venom since if things could go south, you can grab the deviant with ease, preventing the police from being able to access the information.
You and your slimy friend have been on the rooftop for hours, getting nothing from the enemy but standing and complaining about the gruesome smell. With Venom eating all the sandwiches, snacks, and fuel you brought for this mission, it didn't take even ten minutes before another car pulled up to the crime scene, a rather old, yet grumpy man coming out of it.
Intrigued, your eyes followed him, watching the fat officer shake the man's head.
"Venom, let's listen in on those two.' "Copy, but don't blame me when they're talking dirty to each other. You can't get that shit out of your brain for a while." Confused, you didn't think of Venom's comment as he went back inside you, giving you hearing a 100% upgrade.
"Ah, for fuck sake, I thought I told you to stay in the car!" Confused, you looked around, your eyes soon landing on someone unfamiliar.
Eyes widened, you noticed an LED on the male, notifying you that it was an android. 'Why the fuck is the tin can working with the police?' sighing, your eyes stared at the android, looking around his body for any clues. You noticed his suit had writing on it, the letters reading RK 800 and cyber life. You weren't surprised that the police would hire an android, which makes them not as stupid as you realise.
"It's not a devient...this mission is going to be a lot harder with him on their side..."
"Yes, but we do know where the stray is...if we can get to him now, then we can just grab the fucker and flee back to jerhico, simple as that."
"It's not that simple."
"And why is that brat?"
"This android they hired is the best of the best, able to sense, see, and hear any human, robot, and android hundreds and maybe thousands of yards around him. He's able to track down evidence, previous situations, and many devients in just under ten minutes. If we try and get the devient out, he will know we are there, and this whole operation is blown."
"Well, I guess our time limit is ten minutes then, do you fucking know who I am? I was able to make us as silent as a mouse when it was just us breaking into Jericho, this will be a piece of cake." Sighing, you threw your empty burger wrapper behind you while hopping back to your feet. Stretching a bit, you continued to eye the crime scene below, watching as the three went inside the house, the android stopping momentarily.
"Tin can, oi! What are you standing there for?!" The android sensed something wrong as his head looked around the area. Seeing almost no one, his sensors were acting weirdly, as his eyes looked to the building you were standing on.
Venom, who quickly pulled up your cloak, covered yourself as he looked straight at you, the long black cloth blowing with the rainy-mixed win.
Smirking, you were fond of the looks of this robot, as he was not like any moddle you ever seen.
His hair was a dark brown, slicked back as the rain didn't mess it up, his skin a medium pale as beautiful, yet perfect dotted freckles painted his face.
The suit he wore from cyber life hugged ever inch of his body, his jacket blowing with the wind as well, his brown eyes digging into your mysterious soul. "Earth to fucking Connor!" Not getting anything when he scanned you, he turned to Hank and the officer, who were looking at him confusingly. "The hell is wrong with you? Looks like you saw a ghost or something.." Shaking his thoughts, Connor took a deep breath. "Apologize lieutenant, the air just suddenly changed. But, to add to your comment, Ghost's do not exist, I was just simply scanning the area." Weirded out by him more, Hank let out a scoff before turning. "Fucking androids...just...don't do anything stupid alright, we don't want the crime scene to be messed up-AH CHRIST THIS FUCKING STINKS!" A large, uncomfortable scent aroused throughout the house, multiple scents hitting the human's noses as both of them cringed with disgust. "We gotta call from the landlord around eight to tell it that the victim hadn't paid his rent back for a few months. So I thought he'd drop by to see what's going on. This smell, to be honest was worse before we opened the windows. So, have at it you two, the victim's name is Carlos Ortiz, who has a record of theft and assault."
Hank looked down at the victim, with great disgust as blood ran down the humans mouth. Multiple stab wounds were onto the mans stomach, leaving indents from his shirt. Connor, started investigating behind the two, as the old man's eyes glared to the officer slightly. "Did the neighbors hear anything or say anything about him?" The officer sighed. "According to them, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside most of the time, and they hardly ever saw him.." Hank bended down to his level "Well, the state he's in Wentworth calling everybody out in the middle of the night. He coulda waited till morning. How long do ya think he's been here?" The officer shrugged. "Probably for a good three or four weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here, probably the murder weapon." Hank took something from the officers hands, Connor distracted which gave you a chance to get closer to the house.
Making sure the officers around the house didn't see you, you leaped crossed buildings, the trees to the victims yard as your silhouette shined in the clouded moonlight behind, your cloak still attached to your head.
Landing simply on the roof, your feet was light, so no loud thumping was heard at all.There was a hole in the middle of the roof, you walking simply closer to it as you were able to see the android, hank, and the whole investigation easily.
Kneeling down, you were making sure to be careful, as you just listened in to the convo that is going on right now. "Any signs of a break in?" Asked Hank. "Nope. The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside. All of the windows were boarded up. The killer must have gotten out the back way." 'You know, for humans without superpowers, their pretty stupid.' Nodding, you sighed. "Agreed, but, I wouldn't know the deviant was still here if I didn't have you...let's see if they can figure it out first, don't want to be unfair to them hmm?" 'Right, but we both know the Rk 800 is going to figure it out, right? He's a police android for fuck sake.' "Yeah, but, let's just hope he takes a bit of time going through the crime scene, I always wanted to watch one in real life, it just gets me excited." "Your fucking weird, you know that?" Chuckling, you adjusted your position, while now fully sitting onto the roof. "Guilty as charged." Looking more to the operation below, you saw the man, who seemed to be named Hank, holding the light up more to carlos, Connor, or the android, still was looking around, Piecing the evidence and everything together. "What do we know about his android?" "Not much, the neighbors confirmed he had one but it wasn't here when we arrived....I-I gotta get some air." As the officer left, you weren't surprised with how weak his nose was, as the smell of dead, rotting bodies was pretty brutal. Looking around some more, your eyes landed on the Wall, which had a writing of 'I AM ALIVE' written on it. Getting out a pad of paper, you scribbled it down, then writing a note that the android turned deviant, probably from the attacker. Looking up from the pad of paper, your eyes landed on the android, who looked at some red ice, then made his way to the murder weapon. Kneeling down to it, his fingers touched the blood, soon putting it to his mouth. Cringing from the sight, you had to look away before Venom popped out. 'The hell is he doing?! That's fucking disgusting! Even I won't eat 4 weeks old of blood!'
"Oi! What the fuck are ya doin'? That's fucking disgusting!" Hank told him, as Connor simply turned to the man. "I'm sorry, I'm analyzing the blood, I can check samples in real time. I should have warned you." Turning back to him, you were impressed with his response, as you wanted to Jot that down under this robots abilties. You could sense Hank was still disgusted, but slightly impressed as well as he began to back away. "Well-alright, but put no more fucking evidence in your mouth got it?" Connor nodded. "Got it." Hank scoffed. "Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit." As Hank walked away, connor continued to look around, from the living room, to the kitchen, to the hallway, he even looked out the back, trying to see if the devient walked out the back.
But to his surprise, he found no Foot prints at all, notifying he's still in the house.
'Three minutes left, we need to get to the robot. Now. ' Nodding, you quickly got up, trying your best to be quiet as Venom told you the way, you ending up in the attic just a couple steps away.
The room was full of manikins and other storage stuff, you of course seeing the devient hiding behind boxes, while of course holding a metal pipe into his hands.
Sighing, you hopped off the roof, landing in the attic with a slight thud, which alerted the deviant.
Scooting back instantly, his eyes widened when he met you, who was just standing their. "W-Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" Eyebrows furrowing, you could sense he was truly scared, and traumatized as dents, blue blood, and human blood were attached all over his body. He looked like hell, as the pipe that was in his hands shook with his body. Taking a step, you began to head towards him, in a calm yet caring manner. "Do not be afraid, I am not her to hurt you. I understand what you've been through, you were abused, correct?" Eyes widened with surprise, he held the pipe towards you, scooting back as you got closer. "H-How d-did you know t-that-" "I know all things-we know a lot of things. Carol Ortiz, hit you with the bat, almost ended your life as you just wanted to be free, wanted to be a better version of yourself. I know all the bad things he said to you, the brutal things he has done to you, you were only just trying to defend yourself." The deviants breath's became shakier, as you sensed more fear coming from him. "H-He was going to kill me...I-I d-didn't know what else to do-for the first time that night, I truly felt like myself, free, I couldn't let him do anything else to me..I-I didn't mean to kill him-" Smiling gently, you kneeled more to him, grasping the robots hands into yours. "I know..that's exactly why I'm here, to take you to a safer place." His eyes widened. "W-What do you mean by that? What could be safer, the humans hate me, how are you so willing to help?" "Because I know what your going through, androids and all humans alike deserve a better life, the weak and abused deserve to live freely without being in fear. I know your scared, and confused right now, but before the Humans find us, you need to come with me." Hesitant for a second, the android didn't know what to answer nor did he have time. You could sense someone else in the room instantly, as the RK 800 suddenly came into your view.
Eyes widened, you came in front of the deviant, Connor shooting his gun to you as Venom easily blocked it, pushing the android to a wall.
The Gunshot alerted hank, as he hurried to the attic stairs. "Connor! What is going on up there!?" Grabbing the deviants hand, he allowed you to lead the way, as both of you made a run for it towards the window. "IT'S HERE LUITENANT! HE'S ESCAPING WITH SOMEONE!" Hank let out a low growl, slightly cursing before sending more officers out side.
Connor bolted from the wall, heading to the window you hopped off of, before your eyes locked with his.
Stopping for a second, he got a slight glimpse of you, before your mouth formed a smirk, your hood still keeping your identity from being revealed.
"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!" He asked, as the only response he heard was a giggle, your body fully turning to him with the deviant behind you. "The world needs to know the truth, and the cruelty humans bring. I am not who you think I am, but you, yourself will know the truth of freedom." Gritting his teeth, he saw you about to jump out of the window before he bolted, his arm reaching for your cloak.
But, before he could grab it, wind rushed in front of him, pushing connor back as you teleported away, taking the Deviant with you.
As his back slammed on the ground, his eyes instantly opened, him hopping back to his feet, his eyes and interface scanning for you.
You were gone.
Hank, who was outside witnessed the whole thing, his eyes winded with surprise as everything happened so fast.
Holding his watch up to his lips, he took a deep breath. "Tin can! Are you still there?! What the fuck happened? Do you have the suspect?!" It was silent for a second, as connor let out a slight curse, heading to the window.
No traces of you were found, as the remembrance of you and the deviant slipping through his fingers came through his mind, his LED turning a purple color. "I lost them Hank....."
"Someone took the deviant."
Thanks for reading the prologue, stay tuned for the first chapter, which will be uploaded Monday, July 3rd.
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formulauno98 · 1 year
A Birthday to Remember - Toto Wolff x OC
My first attempt at a one-shot, based on this glorious request from @latte-luxe:
If you can, could you please write a short, but spicy🌶️🌶️🌶️ one shot of a young, crazy, yet loveable 5'2 Maestra who is celebrating her 30th birthday in Monaco, and a certain 6'5 F1 team principal laid eyes on her and knew he just had to have her. 😅😅😅🙏🙏🙏
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Caution may contain spice.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
It was Saturday morning and stepping out onto her balcony at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, Fernanda swept her eyes over the spectacular view. It was a pinch yourself to check if you’re dreaming kind of view of sparkling blue waters, peppered every so often with a gleaming white yacht.
“Good morning, birthday girl.” murmured a husky, heavily accented voice from behind her. Before she even had the chance to turn around, a pair of muscular arms swooped around her from behind before coming to rest on her hips, gently squeezing her curves.
“Good morning to you too,” she said, turning around and leaning up to kiss the tall towel-clad Austrian, resting her hand on his bare chest as he pressed himself tightly against her. It was yet another pinch me I’m dreaming moment. If someone had told Fernanda this time yesterday that this was how she would be spending her Saturday morning she would have laughed and called them crazy, but sometimes life could be crazy.
It was a sunny evening and Fernanda had stood out on the balcony with a glass of wine in her hand, admiring the view whilst waiting for her three best friends to get ready. As a lifelong Formula One lover, a weekend trip to Monaco had been on the cards for a while so when her friends asked where she wanted to go to celebrate her thirtieth birthday it was at the top of the list. Turning the dream into reality was another thing altogether and she still couldn’t believe that the trip had materialised. 
Dinner was due to be lowkey as Saturday was going to be the big night out, with dinner plans at Elsa, a Michelin-star establishment, followed by a night on the tiles at Jimmyz, a club frequented by the world of Formula One. Friday night’s restaurant of choice was Song Qi, an upscale Chinese restaurant in Larvotto that had come highly recommended. 
“Fernanda, how long is the walk?” A voice called out from the suite.
“About five/ten minutes.” She replied, sighing, as always the mom of the group.
“Medium heels it is then,” her friend Olivia replied.
“We can always get a car,” Fernanda suggested.
“No, let’s conserve the taxi budget for tomorrow night,” Olivia said, stepping out onto the balcony to 
accompany her friend, “Laura and Becca are almost ready.”
“Good idea,” Fernanda replied, “You look gorgeous by the way.”
Olivia beamed with the compliment, stepping back to twirl in her pink minidress and sparkling sandals, “I try my best, although I can’t compete with you, my spicy little Salma Hayek twin.”
Fernanda blushed, everyone always compared her to the diminutive Mexican actress and truth be told, it wasn’t the worst comparison in the world. She’d chosen a simple white dress with gold sandals for the evening’s dinner, perhaps a risky move in a restaurant serving noodles but she felt fabulous. Her dark hair was slicked back into an elegant bun and she’d highlighted her tanned skin with golden shimmering oil, a move that always brought the compliments.
It wasn’t long before Laura and Becca also emerged, both looking as beautiful as ever. The four friends had treated themselves to two adjoining suites and opened up the connecting door to create a mega-suite.
“Oh la la, give us a twirl,” said Fernanda, looking her elegant friend up and down as she dutifully spun around.
“Beautiful!” Now it was Laura and Becca’s turn to blush. “Ditto! Shall we get going?”
“Sounds like a plan.” Fernanda agreed, the four of them making their way off of the balcony.
Song Qi turned out to be an excellent choice, with the table weighed down with baskets of dim sum and bowls of noodles, crispy beef and endless wontons. The restaurant was decadent but comfortable and as Fernanda sank back into her sumptuous green velvet chair she spotted a strangely familiar face at the table across from them. He was dark-haired, handsome with chiselled features and although he was sat down, tall, as he towered above the two men he was dining with.
It took a moment to realise that it was none other than Toto Wolff, the affable Mercedes Formula One team principal. Although she thought it was only for a moment, Fernanda must have stared for a while as he briefly met her eyes and shot her a charming smile. Smiling back like a fool, her friends whipped their heads around to see who their friend was smiling at, fortunately, Toto not noticing as he had returned to his plate.
“Damn girl, he’s kinda hot, in that old businessman kind of way,” said Olivia, turning back around to face Fernanda.
“Well yes…” Fernanda stuttered, “He’s also one of the team principals in Formula One.”
“Huh?” Asked her three friends blankly, not followers of the sport.
“Kind of like the equivalent of a football manager,” Fernanda explained, “Except he owns some of the team as well.”
“Fancy, well he’s pretty. You should go and talk to him.” Said Laura, all formula one facts going straight over her head.
“Oh my god, no,” Fernanda said, “I’m sure he was just being polite.”
As if on cue, Toto looked up and locked eyes with her once again, his deep brown eyes crinkling. Fernanda gulped, returning his gaze with a smile once again.
Dinner continued, with the girls chatting away as Fernanda every so often met Toto’s eyes across the crowded restaurant. He looked to be in some kind of business meeting as the two men with him were dressed smartly and looked serious while conversing with them.
It wasn’t long before dinner had been cleared and a smiling waiter emerged with a chocolate cake laden down with a sparkler and a golden thirty-number candle, Olivia, Becca and Laura looking at each other mischievously before breaking into a rousing rendition of the Happy Birthday song. Fernanda felt her cheeks reddening as she realised the entire restaurant, including Toto and his business associates had joined in the song. As she blew out the candle, she once again locked eyes with Toto who was grinning away while applauding.
“You guys are the worst,” Fernanda said, half joking as she shook her head at her friends. “But that’s why I love you.”
“Aw, well we had to do something,” said Laura, “It’s not every day you have a big birthday like this and although I still don’t understand why you love your car racing so much, I’m happy that we came here.”
Fernanda smiled at her friends, she was appreciative of them, enabling her desire to walk around the Formula One track and visit the car museum, despite the fact they really weren’t interested. Just as she was musing how ironic it was that she’d seen Toto Wolff, their waiter reappeared with a tray of drinks.
“Oh, I don’t think we ordered those,” said Olivia politely.
“Yes Madame, in fact, the gentlemen over there sent them alongside their birthday wishes.” The waiter replied.
Fernanda’s eyes widened, Toto Wolff had sent her birthday wishes. An interesting turn of events.
“Well, then that’s very nice of them,” said Olivia, as the waiter set them down, “Fernanda, you should go and say thank you!”
“Oh my God, yes, go!” Said Becca, egging her friend on.
Sighing, but also buoyed by her friends’ enthusiasm, Fernanda spoke, “I’m going to go but only to say thank you.”
Her three friends squealing with excitement, Fernanda took an extra sip of her drink for courage before standing up and sauntering over to where Toto and his associates sat. His interest piqued immediately as he noticed her making her way across the restaurant.
“Good evening, sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to say thank you for the drinks, it was very kind of you,” Fernanda said, a little too quickly due to nerves.
“Well, it’s not every day you celebrate a milestone like that.” Replied Toto kindly, standing up to hold out a hand to shake, “I’m Toto by the way, and this is Jean and Sebastian,” he gestured at the older gentlemen he was dining with.
Struck by the almost comical height difference Fernanda looked up at the tall Austrian in front of her as he gripped her hand very tightly, “I’m Fernanda, nice to meet you all.”
The other gentlemen smiled at her politely, wishing her a happy birthday before picking their conversation back up. Toto, however, remained stood up, his eyes raking her curves. “Fernanda?” He asked, “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
Now Fernanda was really blushing, “You’re far too kind.”
“Not at all,” he said, “I hope you do not think this forward but would you like to join me for dinner one evening?”
Fernanda’s eyes widened, floored that this man was asking her out. “I would love to but unfortunately I’m only here until Sunday so I’m not sure if I’ll have time.”
Toto looked disappointed but pressed further, “Well then, how about a drink later this evening?”
Fernanda’s eyes went even wider before she managed to answer, “I’m not sure, it’s a girl's trip and I don’t want to ditch my friends, I really would love to though. Maybe can I get your number and text you once I’ve figured out their plans?”
“Understood,” replied Toto, looking down, gazing into her eyes with an unreadable expression, “It would be my pleasure, give me your phone.”
Fernanda’s eyes lit up as she handed her phone to the tall Austrian in front of her who deftly punched in his contact. “Thank you, I’ll check in with the girls and let you know. I’ll leave you to your dinner for now but I hope to see you later,” she said with a smile.
Toto turned to glance at his dining companions who were still deep in conversation, and dropped closer down to Fernanda’s ear, keeping his voice low, sending a shiver down her spine, “It’s okay, I don’t think they missed me. I hope to see you later too Fernanda.”
Fernanda looked up at Toto with a smile, “I’m sure they did. See you, Toto.” As she turned back towards her table she glanced over her shoulder and saw Toto’s eyes were locked on her as he returned to his seat. He was undeniably hot and as much as she always abided by the golden rule, chicks before dicks, this was special circumstances.
Sitting back down with her friends, they immediately leaned in to get the lowdown.
“What did he say? He didn’t take his eyes off of you!” said Laura excitedly.
“Just wished me a happy birthday… and asked me out,” said Fernanda blushing.
“No way!” exclaimed her three friends in unison.
“You’re going to go right?” said Olivia, looking at her friend in concern.
“I’m not sure.” said Fernanda, “I don’t want to ditch you all for a man but equally he’s hot as fuck and it would only be for an hour or so.”
“An hour or so?” said Becca, raising her eyebrows, “I doubt this, but you should go, make it a memorable birthday!”
Fernanda looked over once again at where Toto sat, he was a striking man, pushing all of his success to one side. “What the hell, I’ll message him now. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Her friends squealed with excitement in unison.
Fernanda grabbed her phone and nervously began typing her message to Toto.
It’s all good for tonight, we’re almost done eating so I’m free whenever you are.
She could see Toto excuse himself and take out his phone, shooting her a grin from across the restaurant before looking down to type a response.
Sure enough, Fernanda’s phone buzzed.
Perfect, so are we. Shall I meet you outside in ten minutes?
Fernanda replied excitedly, still not believing she was texting Toto Wolff of all people. 
Sounds like a plan.
Fernanda was nervous but excited as she saw Toto and his associates pay their bill and head off, Toto shooting her a wink as he jostled his way out of the restaurant.
Settling their own bill, Fernanda and her friends were close behind and as she exited the restaurant, sure enough, she saw Toto standing outside waiting for her, leaning casually up against a column.
Bidding her friends goodbye, she made her way towards her date for the evening. “Hi,” she said somewhat awkwardly, knowing that her friends were likely watching from where they were ordering a taxi to return them to their hotel.
“Hi,” he said, glancing down at her fondly, “How was your dinner?”
“So good!” she said, “How was yours?”
“It was okay, my dining companions weren’t as lovely as you but I think my evening is improving,” he said with a rakish grin.
Fernanda smiled, “You’re a charmer, Toto. Where were you thinking of heading?”
“I know a place a few streets behind, it’s not so fancy but they have an excellent selection of wine if you like it?”
Knowing that she was already a little tipsy, Fernanda was grateful he’d suggested wine, “Sounds good to me, lead the way, Mr Wolff!”
Toto whipped his head around, “I never told you my surname.”
Feeling she’d made a huge error of judgement, Fernanda stuttered, his dark eyes intimidating her before she decided the best course of action was to fess up, “Well it took me a moment but I recognised you. Guilty as charged.”
Musing quietly, Toto’s expression softened, “So you know a little about me, tell me about yourself.”
As the pair made their way around the twisting streets towards the bar, Fernanda filled Toto in on her background, her career as a teacher and her plans for the weekend.
Soon enough they arrived at their destination, Toto, taking the lead and speaking with the Maitre D’ who promptly led them to a secluded table towards the back of the bar.
Settling down on the chair opposite Toto, Fernanda was suddenly much more nervous. 
“You look nervous,” Toto said, his eyes kind.
“Well, this is not how I thought my evening was going to pan out. The ruse is up in that I recognised you so I may as well tell you that we came to Monaco because I love Formula One.” Fernanda blushed furiously as her words tangled into one.
“Relax Fernanda, so you know about formula one?” he said, reaching across the table, taking her hand in his and tracing small circles with his thumb on the back of her hand.
“Well, probably not as much as you.” Fernanda laughed, breaking the tension and gazing into his eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” said Toto shrugging with a smirk. “I just got lucky.”
As the evening went on, the pair discussed everything under the sun, the wine helping Fernanda to feel less awkward and forget who she was talking to. Toto was funnier than she expected and she spent half the evening giggling at his stupid remarks. He’d regaled her with stories of his travel adventures, driving mishaps and various other anecdotes, whilst she’d filled him in with her tales of teaching and embarrassing childhood moments. They’d bonded over their love of all things with an engine and time had flown by.
“Ahem.” Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a waiter, “Monsieur, Madame, I am sorry to say that we are closing in ten minutes. Can I take one last order?”
Knowing she was well beyond tipsy, Fernanda shook her head, looking at Toto to check if he was in agreement. Looking somewhat bleary-eyed himself he shook his head as well, “Just the bill please.”
Soon enough the cheque had been settled and Fernanda found herself once again wandering the moonlit streets of Monaco with Toto, this time her hand firmly encased in his.
“Where do you need to go?” Toto asked kindly, “I can drop you back.”
“I’m staying at the Fairmont,” Fernanda replied, not wanting the night to end.
“It’s not so far, are you happy to walk?” he asked, squeezing her hand.
“Sure, it’s just up there,” she replied gesturing at the bend in the road where the hotel was perched, “As long as you can get home okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” said Toto, a dark look in his eye. “Fernanda, when do you leave again?”
“Sunday afternoon,” she said sadly, wishing she was staying for longer.
“Well, you’ll have to come back next year for the Grand Prix,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe if I rob a bank!” she said with a chuckle, “One day.”
“I don’t like to boast, but I might know someone who can get you in without having to resort to organised crime,” he said, laughing with a deep rumble.
“Oh really?” Fernanda said, turning to face Toto in the inky moonlight, “Is he nice?”
“Very,” said Toto, dropping Fernanda’s hand and placing his hands on either side of her waist, swaying slightly in his merry state.
Laughing, Fernanda stretched up to look Toto in the eye, “I’ll have to meet this guy, he sounds great.”
At that their lips met, Toto bending down to plant a soft kiss on Fernanda’s lips, their height difference making it slightly a challenge but one that neither party seemed bothered by. As the kiss deepened, Toto began to run his hands down towards Fernanda’s perfectly rounded ass, squeezing gently as he found her curves.
Breaking apart for air, Fernanda glanced around, luckily there was no one in the empty street but she didn’t want to risk being caught making out in the street with a famous face and it being splashed across the tacky tabloids.
“Do you fancy a nightcap at mine?” she asked, looking up at Toto through her fluffy long lashes.
Toto’s eyes lit up, “Well, I have heard the view is nice.”
Fernanda laughed, grabbing Toto’s hand once again and leading him towards the corner entrance to her hotel. As they crossed the lobby she had a sudden panic that her friend Olivia was in their room, and as they made it into the elevator, sent a frantic text knowing her friends would still be awake, waiting for her post-date debrief.
Red alert, I’m bringing him back, please can you vacate?
Sure enough, the replies came back instantaneously.
Oh la la of course birthday girl! 
Get it girl! 
Knew it!!!!!
Smiling as Toto rested his hand on the small of her back in the elevator, Fernanda looked up at him before he once again swooped down to catch her lips with his.
The elevator dinged before things could get too heated but it didn’t stop Toto wrapping his arm tightly around Fernanda’s waist as the pair stumbled towards her room.
“Here we are,” she said, scrambling to find her keycard in her bag before popping open the door to unveil her suite. Thankfully her friends must have tidied for her as the detritus from getting ready for the evening was nowhere to be seen.
“Nice,” said Toto before bending down once again to continue kissing her, turning her around to face him as she closed the door. Pressing her against the wall with his leg, he continued to deepen the kiss, his hands starting to explore more of her body.
“As soon as I saw you I knew I had to have you,” he said, his lips resting against her ear, his deep Austrian accent rumbling.
Fernanda gulped, she never would have thought it but his voice roused something deep within. Her lips stretching up and finding the crevice of his neck, she replied in a low voice, “Then have me.”
Toto needed no invitation, scooping her up into his arms, he carried her over to the bed, throwing her down before leaning over and continuing to kiss her, his strong arms either side of her, pinning her down.
Emboldened by his eagerness, Fernanda wrapped her legs around his thick torso, pushing herself against him, not surprised to find a growing bulge. As he ground his hips into hers, he started to explore her curves with his large hands, ghosting her breasts and waist and reaching around to caress her ass once again.
Reaching up, Fernanda started to unbutton Toto’s shirt, exposing a surprisingly muscular frame. Impatient, he leaned up and divested himself of the shirt as well as the rest of his clothes, leaving him in nothing but boxers. Fernanda couldn’t help but smile at the view that greeted her as he once again lunged down to kiss her, this time, his hands making quick work of pulling her dress off, leaving her exposed in nothing but her lingerie and heels.
“You are ridiculous,” he said, his eyes hungry with desire, gazing into her eyes and gently kissing her neck.
“I could say the same about you,” replied Fernanda breathily, her back arching in pleasure as Toto kissed his way along her neck and across her collarbone.
Melting into each other’s arms, Fernanda began to grind back against his now prominent hardness, feeling herself getting more turned on by the second.
“Toto?” she asked, gasping for air, “Will you fuck me?”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “I thought you’d never ask.”
Smiling at each other, Toto reached down to unhook Fernanda’s bra, releasing her pert breasts, “Fuck, Fernanda.” he said, lifting his head to marvel at them, “Even better than I imagined.”
Fernanda blushed at his words, not used to such attention. Growing impatient she ghosted her hands down Toto’s abs, hooking her fingers into the waistband of his boxers.
“You’re an impatient little thing aren’t you?” he said, leaning back suddenly and hooking his arms underneath Fernanda’s legs, gripping her thighs and bringing her closer. “I want to taste you first.”
Gulping Fernanda leant back, allowing Toto to bring his mouth to where she needed it most. As his tongue lapped gently, he brought his hand along and began to stroke her clit, slowly but sensually.
It wasn’t long before Fernanda was writhing in pleasure, tugging Toto’s dark locks as he pumped a finger in and out, continuing to expertly lick.
“Toto, I want you in me,” she said, seeing stars as she was so close.
Pausing his ministrations, Toto was more than happy to oblige, kissing his way back up her torso as he replied, “I want to do everything with you.”
At that, Fernanda melted, the evening had turned into one that was beyond her wildest dreams. As Toto swiftly undressed them both, she gazed into his intense chocolate eyes as he began to line himself up, unsurprisingly intimidatingly big.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he pushed in, slowly but surely. Gasping, Fernanda shifted as she adjusted to his size. True to his word, he took it easy and entered her tantalisingly slowly, an inch at a time.
“Fuck, Toto.” she said breathily, “You’re so big.”
Smiling, he pulled back out before pushing in once more, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“Not at all, it feels good,” she said, feeling pleasantly stretched in places she’d never felt before.
“Good.” he said with a grin as he began to thrust in and out lazily, continuing to kiss her.
It wasn’t long before they were a tangled mess of arms and legs, both nearing completion. “Fuck, Toto, I am so close.” said Fernanda, her eyes rolling back in pleasure.
“Close isn’t good enough,” said Toto, smirking as he reached down and found her clit once again, his thumb circling gently as he continued to push in and out, speeding up.
“That feels so go…” Fernanda couldn’t even finish her sentence as Toto hit the sweet spot with expert precision. 
“Fernanda…” was all Toto managed as he thrust in and out a few more times, chasing his own high before collapsing on top of Fernanda.
“Ooff.” said Fernanda, crushed by the weight of the muscular man on top of her.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, flashing her a shy grin as he rolled off to lie beside her.
“Well… that was not how I expected my birthday to turn out.” said Fernanda, feeling like she was in a dream.
Toto laughed, stretching a strong arm across her stomach to pull her in for a cuddle. “There’s still a few hours of your birthday left.”
Fernanda’s eyes widened once more. This was certainly a birthday to remember.
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skinnyazn · 2 years
Tennessee Whiskey
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader Notes: fluff, they dance in a bar, I’ve never played the game but I’m o b s s e s s e d with big boy Ghost, my first COD fic hope y’all like it, it was inspired by my Tennessee Whiskey (a classic) which came on at dinner last night and so I had to write a fic obv
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The buzz of the neon sign hummed behind your head. The 141 was celebrating tonight—a victory somewhere just across the Mexican-American border. It was a bit of your standard Southern bar, with sticky floors and tables to match. Soap and Alejandro were taking shot for shot of tequila, while the big man who’d recently (and inappropriately) began to haunt your dreams—his large hands roaming your body—mask halfway up as he ate you like a man starved—was sipping a bourbon next to you at the table. His balaclava raised just above his nose. You watched the dim light dance off his blonde stubble. A reminder of how long you all had been on the mission.
You reluctantly drew your eyes away, back to the amber liquid in your own cup. A smirk found its way to your lips, but whether from the alcohol or the ambiance you couldn’t tell.
“What?” gruffed the masked man.
“Hmm?” Your eyes back on him. Half lidded; seductive, but unintentionally.
Ghost looked at you, eyes briefly flicking to your lips, then looked out to the bar. Your eyes lingered on him, then followed his gaze. 
“Alejandro! How th’ hell’s it go again?” Soap blared over the music. He was standing; Rudy laughed on his barstool.
“Hermano, if you slowed down a bit maybe you’d remember it,” Alejandro taunted back.
“Ack. C’mon. We’re celebrating tonight! I’m allowed to get pissed, right L.T.?”
The Scott looked at Ghost. His broad chest shook as you heard his light scoff.
“Sure, Johnny. But I’m not gonna be the one to carry ya home.”
“Booo!” Soap replied. “You’ll walk me home, won’t you Alejandro?” He made puppy eyes at the Mexican.
“When you look at me like that how can I say no?” Alejandro grabbed his cup. “Alright, ¡arriba, abajo, al centro y pa' dentro!” he bellowed.
Soap drunkenly chimed in the the latter half of the toast. They shot back the remnants of the tequila. Ghost shook his head next to you. 
“Not gonna join in?” You smiled and angled toward him. Your knees brushed under the table but he didn’t flinch away. You relaxed a little into it.
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on you guys.” He picked back up his glass and took a sip. You watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. You felt a flush in your cheeks.
“That’s a shame.” You swirled your glass.
“Why’s that?”
“Would like to see what The Ghost looks like with his guard down.” You knock back the rest of your drink and signal to the bartender for another.
You felt Ghost’s gaze heavy on you as you watched the other team members enjoying themselves. You angled your neck at him, intentionally this time. His body tensed against your knee and tried your damndest to stifle a smile. He took another sip from his drink as the bartender brought yours to the table. He raised his empty glass and the bartender nodded.
“Didn’t picture you as a whiskey girl.”
“Oh?” You tapped your forefinger on the liquid and circled the rim of your glass. “Why’s that?” 
“Dunno. Figured you for tequila. Or mezcal.”
You turned and looked him in the eye. “I like the burn of a good whiskey down my throat.”
His gaze was frozen on you. Was he leaning closer? It felt like you couldn’t pull back and neither could he. You moved your knee against his softly, and his eyes dipped to your lips again. His blonde lashes contrasted against his black eye paint. Such a pretty man.
The bartender set another glass of bourbon on the table. You felt your cheeks flush as the trance was broken and looked back out at Soap, who was now doing some kind of drunken do-si-do with Rudy. Price shook his head as cigar smoke wafted around him. You liked this team—it was like one big idiotic family. So you probably shouldn’t ruin that by trying to seduce your L.T..
“Do you dance?” 
You turned your surprised face to him again. But now he was looking out at the team.
“Do you?” You asked, as you took another sip of your whiskey. If he was going to ask you, you’d need a little more of the liquid courage. 
He simply pointed up and you listened to the music.
You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey.
You smiled. It was one of your favorites as far as country songs went. “Thought you loved Kentucky?” 
Ghost shrugged. “S’good song.”
“Mm. A classic.”
He took a sip.
Your grin spread wider. “If I’m asked properly.” Your finger rubbed the rim of the glass.
His barstool groaned against the floor. He was such an imposing figure when he stood. But he was built like a god and you desperately wanted to feel his body pressed against yours. Even if it was just through a dance.
“Can I have this dance?” He held out his gloved hand. You smiled as you stood. Your hand was so small in his. 
He was surprisingly tender as his palm rested on the small of your back while the other held your right hand. You both swayed to the music.
I’ve looked for love in all the same old places. Found the bottom of the bottle’s always dry. 
You rested your head against his broad chest. He stiffened slightly, but then you felt his muscles acquiesce; his heartbeat becoming more steady. You wondered the last time someone had treated him with tenderness. His fingertips ghosted circles on your back, over your black tank top, as you moved from side to side.
You’re as warm as a glass of brandy. And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time.
“Where’d you learn to dance?”
“A past life.” 
You looked up at him, cheek still against his chest. He was staring vacantly forward. God you wanted kiss him so badly.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You felt the vibrato through his body.
“Why not?” Your lashes brushed against the fabric of his shirt.
“Cause then I’m going to have to take you home.”
“Hmmm,” you hummed against him. Your fingertips mimicked his as you stroked his broad back.
“And I already told Johnny I wasn’t gonna carry him back. How would that look, me leaving with you?”
You nodded your head understandingly. “Don’t want to break the poor boy’s heart.”
You looked back up at him. This time he returned the gaze. You heard his heart beat a little louder. A little faster.
“But you said you wouldn’t carry him home. Never said anything about walking home.” You contended.
He hummed in agreement. The vibrations you felt through his chest sent a heat straight to your core.
“I did, didn’t I?” He let go of your hand and his thumb brushed your bottom lip. Your mouth parted automatically. He dragged it down. The coarse fabric brushed against your chin. Grazed the length of your throat. Fuck. You were in it now.
“In that case,” he nodded to the door. A seductive smile broke across your face and you bit your bottom lip. And the two of you slipped out of the bar without a sound; his hand never leaving the small of your back.
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