#Mexican Food Places In Nairobi
carlamathew00 · 10 months
Pizza Restaurants In Nairobi | Events In Nairobi | Nairobi Today Events
Step inside Nairobi Street Kitchen and indulge on a culinary adventure unlike any other. Our outstanding chefs combine Local Mexican Cuisine In Nairobi traditional Kenyan cuisine with cutting-edge technology to create a menu that embodies Nairobi's culinary inventiveness.
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Best Places to Eat in Westlands Nairobi |NSK
the authentic flavors of Nairobi, look no further than Nairobi Street Kitchen. This vibrant restaurant located in the heart of the city offers dine in mexican restaurants in nairobi a truly unique culinary experience, showcasing the best of Kenyan street food.
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Best Places to have Brunch in Nairobi | Butter’d Buns Nairobi
A Culinary Journey through Authentic Kenyan Cuisine. From mouthwatering nyama choma to traditional ugali, our menu celebrates the rich heritage of restaurants for dinner in nairobi in Kenyan cuisine. Join us for a taste of Nairobi's vibrant culinary culture.
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carlamathew00 · 8 months
Indian Street Food Restaurant In Nairobi | Best Happy Hour Nairobi
Step inside Nairobi Street Kitchen and indulge on a culinary adventure unlike any other. Our outstanding chefs combine Indian Street Restaurant In Nairobi with traditional Kenyan cuisine to create a menu that embodies Nairobi's culinary inventiveness.
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Dine in Mexican Restaurants in Nairobi | Happy Hour Nairobi
Explore Kenya's vibrant flavours at Nairobi Street Kitchen." Immerse new breakfast place in nairobi yourself in a culinary experience as we introduce you to the real flavours and fragrances of Nairobi's thriving street food industry.
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 43
Sun 16th Feb
Travel Day - Lake Nakuru to Nairobi to night bus zzz
Phil got up early to go swimming before the crowds arrived and I happily relaxed with the wifi and room to myself. But theeeeeen Phil ran back excitedly to tell me that I should get up and join him to sit poolside in the beautiful morning sun. OH FFS.
I kinda couldn't be arsed (which I knoooow sounds stupid) but knew I HAD to go now that he'd run all the way back to say it. So I got up and dragged my poor self over to the pool (I hope you feel sorry for me). Despite the altitude making the breathing much harder (or something he said along those lines), Phil bossed 1500km of front crawl, then went to the little gym area to celebrate with 30 mins of picking things up and putting them down again (I think they call it weights). 
We cleared the breakfast buffet of all it's potatoes then got packed up to leave for a day of buses. We asked the manager again about the shorts and she said she'd spoken to the hedge trimmer guy who'd found them and 'thrown them away'. Sorry what now?? People do not throw clothes away here. So basically, we're pretty sure he stole them which is annoying. But we'll cope. Hope he enjoys the shorts. In HELL. I’m kidding. I hope they go to a good home and that God never finds out about the theft cos that guy will be in biiiiig trouble.
We went in a taxi to Easy Coach where they'd advised us to go for the ‪12pm‬ bus, tickets in advance not required. Sounded straightforward.
But on arrival, Easy Coach said they weren't sure what time the bus would depart - could be anytime between 12-3 - and that it was potentially full, so they wouldn't sell us a ticket till the bus arrived. Phil was really annoyed by this, but got organised and quickly found us a tuc tuc to go to Prestige buses. Ooh Philly Tours was in full mode here. Turned out there were posh matatu buses that DON'T stop a million times and put people on air seats that don’t exist! Prestige even did the OPPOSITE thing of telling us it would be an hour wait, then after 20 mins it was ready to go - causing us to down our mango juice and coffee and cancel our food order in a panic! But than the opposite though I can tell you.
The vehicle was comfortable but as I put the food bag on my lap I realised the Mexican food from the night before had LEAKED everywhere and the canvas bag was super wet. Plus it smelt kinda like vinegar so I guessed the food had gone to waste annoyingly. Plus on this bus, no one seemed to want their window open which made it SOOO hot. I had to keep asking the woman in front to open it and she would close it after 5 minutes every time. It was a real relief to get out in Nairobi ironically and feel cooler air. 
I tried to get Phil to eat the Mexican food but he said no so we walked 10 mins to a LP recommended restaurant called Trattoria and it was super nice. With 3 hours to kill, we were in no rush so took our time with a mushroom risotto and walnut eggplant ravioli. We then shifted into the bar area to watched Aston Villa vs Spurs, much to the Italian owners disappointment (he tried to change the channel to the Juventus game but our waiter forced him to change it back for us ha). 
As the light dipped into evening, the streets seemed intimidatingly busy and Phil smartly insisted on getting us an Uber to the bus station drop off. We pulled up to the Modern Coast office but I jumped out to check if we were in the right place and we were not! Thank GOSH we checked as I was able to jump back into the Uber and we went and found the correct place in the safety of a vehicle 😅. 
Our ‪8pm‬ bus was already there getting loaded up and the nice staff even let us use the office loos before we left, not that they were fancy or anything, but avoided hunting around for somewhere then paying. We got onto the bus and I looked at the GIANT VIP seats at the front of the bus and realised they were our seats GET IN - One on each side of the aisle. Wow they were MASSIVE and I felt so lucky to have them instead of the small ones. Phil sat in his doing a little dance for a good 5 mins. 
The first few hours of the journey were fine for me but when I looked over at Phil I was a little shocked. He was sat there completely topless, sweating. He looked at me in desperation and mounted at me 'I'm so hot'. Yeah no shit mate. 
I told him to ask for AC and as soon as he did, the bus guy turned it on and cool air blasted out. What a relief, Phil was a new man. However he soon put his T-shirt back on to the disappointment of all the ladies on board.
When the bus stopped ‪at midnight‬ for a 15 min break, it was important to take the opportunity to pee. This I have learnt in my years of being a travelling scruffbag. But Phil thought it was finally time to tuck info the Mexican food. Brave of him, I thought, but great that it wasn't going to waste. I made him eat it off the bus though as I could already smell it when he picked up the bag, eurgh. It was all vege tho so I thought it must be fine, just a bit marinaded and old. I was proud that Phil was going to give it a go despite the pure acidic pong that surrounded it.  
When I returned from the loo, Phil was sat in the outside eating area and looked a little unhappy. He was looking into the ice cream freezer when I got to him. Then he looked at me and said ‘I don’t want anymore Mexican food. It tastes weird’. It was at this point that I mentioned I'd been surprised he'd wanted it in the first place and he was like 'WHY didn't you say that BEFORE?! WHY did you let me eat it?! It was ROTTEN Jess!'. I started laughing and he bought a caramel ice cream to drown his sorrows and take the taste away. 
Back to the night bus, just another 6 hours to go...lets hope Phil doesn’t shit himself from the rotten Mexican food eh.
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mondewords-blog1 · 5 years
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
S.A should also build their own fence to stop women from disrespecting poor handsamu people as they tell them secretly to find their way to sa to rob to please their wants.
The padlock security as googled should not have the key opening and the one stuck hole where the upper shinny loop roles on to open the locked padlock should not be fixed but just the same with the other side where each day or evening you cut it with a wireless grinder chargeable or with wire from a nearby socket outlet. So the upper parts which are serialized can be bought at an extra cost in the shops or hardware. This serial allows you to find if it was tampered with but with normal padlocks you can use along if you wanna dude.
Just continue saying gadgets are not made yet am seeing progress from every nation what they have made as i have reached them in youtube or via email. You would rather try to find out what they have made and you have not bro.
With electric timer you can open it and locate with a volt meter its transformer wire outlet to use dc power and connect it to the battery that powers the same inverter bro.
Germany invaded Poland, china should also do that to India so they stop their absurdities.
The gate-man in many places in town in those premises they guard have made keys on a soap or by scanning, snap shot and making the same their by at night all sex in those business premises for an extra- cash liaising with the managers.
The link below show the parts of a padlock dude click and get the upper part that should be bought in shops called the shank/shackle
Final destination movie one shows you exactly what can happen to you if you get money off the 2goinvoice via the certificate or bolt or in rights.com then you lie to others its handwork. Click the link below dude
The jew, Egyptian thing that its East Africa was in place if oil is finished with another method like AE, coz no-matter how much you worship God the truth is oil is finished and its 90% of your Economy so you must resort to lies or theft or slow down as reduce the population. Worshiping God wont transform a country like saudi or Naigeria into an highland got to do something bro. Worshipping of God is easy when your land is very fertile like Rwand, kisii, cameroon, tz, ethiopia or Congo but when dry like Nigeria better look 4 another way to feed ya stomach even if it means killing yaself- king of jew to cement the truth. Many africa nations had it in pray to find oil like Nigeria so they are not left behind, but the irony is the same same oil has been rendered useless by solar or chargeable cars which are just about to hit the market. So what you gonna do bro!!!!
Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!!
Russia controls the world, they can dig many holes from below to deplete all the oil from the oil fields of the world. Mfalme wa yahoodi to cement the truth into the outter space. This can be done when other feasible ways to power gadgets have been achieved like solar cars in Holland and you can google or charged electric cars in Germany or AE technology found at mrmonde tumblr a/c or kevinelsonmondy Facebook pictures. And guys you can check that bro!!  They as well can loop 4 another nation oil from another nation from below dude to fund their pursuits. get my post on this link https://www.spreely.com/members/settings/privacy called spreely and the name used is monde nelsonodenyi as the search name and profile name is mrvokeoutcust. this the link to find me below https://www.spreely.com/mrvokeoutcust open one and click the link to open in another new tab to see bro Get out every url or link with the very very url i have provide that ends with a name i have opened the very very tumblr account with then click the link after you have open your own tumblr account to open in a new tab. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chalmerslynnmonde my tumblr name is mrmonde, upholsterynelson, nelsonunderwood, my twitter is outcustnelson, kevinelsonmonde or outcustmonde. Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!! click this link bro below https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonbotomsiepa
Greenade nyale, forcing people with church to open the offering bag to see how much you have given to channel you to being cut by a panga. M-pesa number per church you send your offering. Magdalin and Robinson wont benefit either from my things bro, am saying this kinda biting my lower lips then changing it to the down one signifying anger or being helpless and sometimes carrying one of my legs up as if am in disgust while sited. The devol will be chained 4 a 1000 years then set free, at that time you wont be able to make gadgets unless you have made many and are in store. Revelation five- the root of david Rod. Click the link below 4 more information
God made the earth crust 16 km to show that he is also limited as 1 way can only see you under light and 4 the people to dig it & take oil from below to develop other nations for other nations to worship as they worship God as America say it was built on strict christian doctrines which aint the case as you now know fellows. Think twice dude!!! You cant force water out magumo tree, of what significance is the church when oil is over-shadowed by a new technology 4 those opec nations rather reduce population or kill ya self, king of the jew and Vineyard & worker parable to cement the truth. I did not had the computer, i was racing against time thats why i write alone vineyard parable Lord God LG.
Hawa watu big bodied wata surrender lini says adriano tu-start to play na magede, the bottom-line we have known how to make gadgtet, even roads, bridges, houses, windows are now easy to make what i remaining is playing with women, no even repair, cheap things you buy a new one, nikuchotana bro. Its was our all day thinking people of the hard task of being there always and under the sun.
Small bodied people were associated with long china playful like movie, malaysians and the kamba hunger on the tv, so if you are small bodied and want to rest somewhere people thing you gonna be there 4 long coz now you have learnt automation and how to generate food as you are safe now wanting to get into luxary bro and wanting women to play with. Thats why people want to get them out as fast as posible but with big bodied people are associated with Nigeria, Somali with oil or botswana with low population, so people thing oil has been finished what will they do is their thought, as thinking of their downfall so are left at a place 4 long, with botswana no how to increase their population maybe their is a new oil discovery in that desert. This is as well with libya or mali with big bodied people, thinking of what to do if oil is finished whenever they are, so are left to stay 4 long at a place without people worrying much as short or small people moreover running 4 them is hard not as easy for the small people in case of petty theft or robbery and that is the gimmick of small/big bodied people puzzle with other people in their houses or any sitting place dude. Get this straight fellows.
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro  Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tabhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblrhttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
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carlamathew00 · 1 year
Social Restaurant Nairobi | Dine In Mexican Restaurants In Nairobi
At Nairobi Street Kitchen, menu honors the rich legacy of Kenyan food, featuring Best Places To Have Brunch In Nairobi and explore dishes like delectable nyama choma and classic ugali. Come taste Nairobi's thriving food scene with us.
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hipandcriticalblog · 7 years
Jamm’s Top 7 Must See Netflix Series
Monday, August 28, 2017 7:50 PM by. Jae Covington (Jamm)
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  We are all familiar with the juggernaut streaming service NETFLIX and its mega successful and award winning  series’ like House of Cards and Orange Is The New Black. While these shows are well deserving of all the glory that they have received, there are still a wealth of less recognized series that deserve some of the spotlight  as well. So here is my list of seven essential shows for your viewing pleasure on NETFLIX.
1. Sense 8    Let's start off with the most well known show from the list, Sense 8. The series has been making waves recently due to its fans loud uproar of disapproval following the shows cancellation, right after the release of its second season. But if you take the time to experience this epic sci-fi drama/thriller, you'll no doubt join in on all of the rage.
 Sense 8 introduces the idea that there is a more evolved species of human on the planet called sensates (get sense 8, sensate), with the ability to share memories, emotions, and all senses with other sensates. These amazing abilities combine to make a another one called "visiting". Visiting is kinda like making a projection of yourself directly into someone else's consciousness, something like a hologram. While the premise is enough to bring you into the story, the characters and their interactions with one another is definitely what keeps you engaged. The story revolves around, you guessed it, 8 characters in a cluster (you'll learn about the term from the show) from all over the world. Each character has their own unique background, talents, and personalities which vary greatly from the other characters. Like Capheus, a Kenyan bus driver living in the slums of Nairobi and Nomi, a transgender lesbian hacker from San Francisco.
    The show dedicates itself to exposing the nuance of the lives that the characters live, and introducing that same nuance and culture  to people who would never experience it. It is an extremely engaging show to say the least, full of likable characters, drama, and action. This short summary won't give it its due justice, so you should just experience it yourself.
2.       3%    Now when I first started 3% I had no idea what I was watching and what to expect. But I ended up witnessing a thrilling and thought provoking series that I highly recommend. 3% takes place in a dystopian Brazil, where the mass majority of people live in extreme poverty and in a desolate landscape, where people fight and die over resources like food and water. Meanwhile, a small chunk of the population live in a complete paradise separated from the mainland called "The Offshore".
   The main plot is people from the mainland trying to get to the The Offshore, but the only way to achieve this is through an extreme series of testing simply called "The Process". While the plot was beginning to open up, I thought I was going to get another Hunger Games clone but I was lead into something much more dramatic and thought provoking. 3% is like the Hunger Games however, only a certain amount of people can participate. But unlike Hunger Games however, instead of picking children and teenagers, all participants are 21. Also instead of an all out battle royale, the process includes mental challenges and teamwork in some cases in order to advance.
   This show delivers drama, action, mystery, and even a revenge story pulled together into a single narrative creating a must see series.
3.       The OA    Straight up, this show is weird. Usually, I can predict plot points before they are revealed while watching movies or a new series. This however was not the case for The OA. This series left me full of questions and a deep need to find out what is going to happen after the first season. Fair warning: This show will confuse you, but nonetheless, you should watch it.
   In a nutshell, the show tells the story of a blind girl who was kidnapped, but then years later returns to her hometown, with her vision once more. Unfortunately, if I go any more into detail about the story it would spoil too much...so strap in for this one because The OA will take you on a wild ride.
4.       Ozark    If you love gritty crime shows with rich character building and an intense plot, then welcome to your new favorite show, Ozark. This show grabbed me at the first episode and never loosened its grip on my attention and imagination. The series follows an intelligent Chicago financial advisor Marty Byrd, who is also a money launderer for a huge Mexican drug cartel. The basic premise of the show is based around Marty trying to launder 5 million dollars within a short time frame of a few weeks for the cartel, or the cartel will kill him and his family. The show takes a slow start in the first episode but it makes up for it drastically, with a major increase in tension towards the end of the episode.
 In order to launder this mass amount of money Marty takes his family to Ozark, Missouri, a small country lake town in order to capitalize on the large tourist population during the summer. The show is very reminiscent of Breaking Bad. The difference is this show does right when Breaking Bad starts to fall off. Personally, I started to lose interest in Breaking Bad when Walter White connects to the South American drug lord. The interplay between the two characters didn't really add any more drama to the show and I thought the drug lord played too much of a role in the plot, but with Ozark it's the opposite. Every time you see the cartel after the first episode, it's nothing but intensity. Instead of being always seen the cartel thrives in the background but reappears just enough to stay relevant without overdoing it.
   All in all, this show is simply amazing and I highly recommend it to drama show lovers.
5.       Chewing Gum   Sexual, Awkward, Hilarious, are the words that comes to mind when I think about Chewing Gum. This series takes raunchy comedy to an entirely new level. In its two seasons it has become a comedic masterpiece that is choke-full of truly laugh out loud moments. The story revolves around a young woman named Tracey, that’s trying desperately to lose her virginity despite the rules of her highly religious mother. Now one might think this plot to be simple and easy to overcome, but when you are as awkward and so out of touch as Tracey your idea of simple might change.
    The wild and outrageous situations that she finds herself in in the pursuit of sex are to die for. I must admit though, that not all the jokes land well but those are few and far in-between, and the ones that do hit hard and are memorable and will keep you laughing for minutes on end. What makes this show stand out to me however is the fact that Tracey is black. We really don’t see black women in leading comedic roles, nor do we see them actively looking to engage in sex.
This BAFTA winning series is by far one of my favorites on the air right now. It's refreshing, funny, honest, and truly worth your time to watch.
6.       Grace&Frankie    To keep the comedy wagon rolling next up is this "buddy buddy" comedy that brings "old eyes" on current issues. This series will definitely will be one that will be discussed for years to come, due to how it handles topics like; sexuality, ageism,  infidelity, and family issues. And it only helps that it's funny as well. The best way to describe this story is messy, as it follows two older married couples Grace and Robert and Frankie and Saul whom are all friends via Saul and Robert, who are also partners in their own law firm. Where things get messy is when Saul and Robert both come out as gay and in love with each other and have been over the majority of both of their marriages. So to help each other through the situation that they both found themselves in, Grace and Frankie both move in together to be apart from their ex-husbands. I needed some sanitizer writing this because it gets so messy, as this is just the basic premise of the show.
   But through all of this drama and heartbreak the series still finds the space to fit in plenty of comedy in the mix. Mainly the comedic relief falls on Frankie and hippy like lifestyle as it clashes with Grace's upper class and bourgeois status and sensibility. As stated before, the show really shines by its ability to integrate current topics to older characters, which is very seldom seen in television. I really enjoyed watching both Grace and Frankie trying to re-enter the dating scene after being with one person for over 20 years. The show also does a good job of sharing screen time with all of its characters including the children of both marriages, all of whom are complete individuals and have their own storylines to follow.
   In my opinion, Grace&Frankie is one of the best crafted shows that you will see on television. So if you haven't seen it log on to Netflix and delve right into it, you deserve it.
7.       Black Mirror    This show just might be my favorite thing on the entire Netflix platform. It might even be my favorite television show period. Yeah it’s that good. It’s definitely the most complex show on the list, and no doubt will be the hardest to describe...so let’s just get into it. First off, every episode is different so there is no continuity nor connectivity with each episode, just one recurring theme of how technology has, is, and might affect people and society as a whole. The lack of continuity was confusing at first, because the series gives no indication of it, so I was taken back at first, but the feeling faded as I got into the second episode and beyond.
    The show really plays out like a collection of movies instead of television series, due to the quality of the production and how immersive every episode is. What I truly enjoy about this series is that every episode provokes thought and the feeling of "What if that were to really happen to me/us?". A great example of when I felt this sensation is in an episode where the bee population is so low that a company created mechanical bees to make up for the low natural bee population. The problem however is when someone hacks into the artificial bee's systems and start using them to kill people who are chosen over twitter via people attaching their name to a certain hashtag. The show gets deep and when you are watching it it becomes hard to turn away and remove yourself from your captivation to it.
    I can never do this masterpiece any justice from this short description of it. You just have to immerse yourself into it to truly understand how great it is.
   So that’s it with the list of my top seven must see shows. So take a day or two for yourself, and your favorite binge buddy, grab some snacks, and start checking off the shows on your new watch list.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/africa/tacos-tequila-telenovelas-nairobi-embraces-its-mexican-soul/
Tacos. Tequila. Telenovelas. Nairobi Embraces Its Mexican Soul.
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On New Year’s Eve, as people around the world celebrated with a kiss or a glass of champagne, some partygoers in Nairobi celebrated a different way: with 12 grapes, one for each month of the year, as the clock ticked down to midnight. This Mexican tradition, which dates back to the Spanish colonial period and is said to bring good luck, arrived in Nairobi on the crest of a cultural wave that is taking over Kenya’s trendiest corners. Mexican culture is everywhere: on restaurant menus, in dance clubs, on television.
Although the number of actual Mexicans in Nairobi is small — about 200 people, according to embassy estimates — and they don’t have a defined neighborhood, their influence on the city’s cultural life is hard to miss (and that’s not even including Lupita Nyong’o, the daughter of Kenyans who was born in Mexico City). Nairobians can drink tequila and dance to Mexican-Kenyan fusion music at Blend Lounge on a Saturday night, then worship with Mexican Catholic priests at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish the next morning. Decent Mexican food is notoriously hard to find throughout Africa, but in Nairobi, hungry travelers don’t even have to leave the airport: at Java House, East Africa’s answer to Starbucks, they can feast on quesadillas, guacamole, and even huevos rancheros.
The first Mexicans came to Kenya in the late 40s, as Catholic missionaries. Here’s how their influence spread.
From TV
The fusion of Mexican and Kenyan cultures began in the 1980s, as Latin American telenovelas, mostly from Mexico, took over Kenyan airwaves. The rights for these soap operas were cheaper to buy than those for United States shows, so networks snatched them up. Today, business is still booming: Caroline Mbindyo-Koroso, a CEO and executive producer of African Voices Dubbing Company, says the company started out in early 2015 with two employees dubbing soap operas. Now it’s the biggest dubbing company in East Africa, with 15 recording booths and four dedicated mixing stations.
Ms. Mbindyo-Koroso says soap operas are so popular because they’re aspirational: a pretty, downtrodden hero or heroine overcomes daunting odds — an evil stepmother, a bespectacled business tycoon — to achieve greatness. Most Mexican telenovelas in Kenya currently air in English, but Ms. Mbindyo-Koroso thinks there would be even more potential if they were dubbed into local languages. There are more than 120 million Swahili speakers in Africa, she notes.
To the radio
Born in Veracruz, Mexico, Edgar Manuel Vargas Gallegos, 28, had always idolized the Mexicans who had worked in Kenya as missionaries. After seminary school, but before his ordination, Mr. Gallegos followed their footsteps, intending to spread the Gospel.
Instead Mr. Gallegos fell in love with genge, Nairobi’s home-grown genre that combines traditional hip-hop beats with rap lyrics in Kiswahili and Sheng. With telenovelas popular, he reasoned: why couldn’t Mexican-Kenyan fusion be the next big thing in music, too? Mr. Gallegos ditched the priesthood and adopted the stage name “Romantico” to pursue a life in rap.
His collaborations with Kenyan artists, including Samaki Mkuu (the Kenyan Olympic swimmer Jason Dunford), and the so-called father of genge, Jua Cali, are addictive mash-ups: in the video for his 2018 single, Mkora (which means “scoundrel”), Romantico raps in Spanish and Swahili while wearing a bright-blue Mexican wrestler mask. In a forthcoming song, he reimagines the Veracruz classic “La Bamba” with genge soul.
“We are starting a new movement here in East Africa: a fusion of Spanish and Swahili music,” said Romantico, sitting outside a Nairobi taqueria where Kenyan employees clamored to take selfies with him. “The people can feel that it belongs to us. When we are singing, we are not singing for ourselves. We are singing for the people.” And the people love it: already, Romantico has performed on two of Kenya’s most popular TV shows, Ten Over Ten and The Churchill Show.
The hype has spilled over into classical music genres, too. The Kenyan classical guitarist Kevin Munyi, who specializes in private performances and corporate events, said there is suddenly more demand for mariachi music than ever before.
To the restaurant kitchen
“Mexican food has a checkered history in Kenya,” said Salisha Chandra, one of the co-owners of Fonda NBO, which became Nairobi’s first authentic Mexican restaurant when it opened in October 2017. (NBO is the airport code for the city’s international airport and has become shorthand for the city.) “It was only Tex-Mex, and those restaurants opened and closed very quickly.”
Ms. Chandra and her husband, Yash Krishna, lived in the United States for several years, including in California, before finally returning home to Nairobi. They missed the food they had fallen in love with abroad.
“We couldn’t figure out why there wasn’t any really good, authentic Mexican food here,” said Ms. Chandra. “It’s really similar to Kenyan food, in terms of ingredients: corn, avocados, beans. We said, ‘it should work really well with the Kenyan palate.’”
Indeed, ugali (the stiff cornmeal porridge that is ubiquitous in East African cuisine) is reminiscent of Mexican corn masa, and kachumbari, a Kenyan fresh tomato and onion salad, is a dead ringer for pico de gallo.
Ms. Chandra and the other co-owners traveled to Mexico, where they ate their way around the country, then flew the acclaimed Mexican chef Juan Cabrera Barrón to Nairobi for 10 days to help develop the menu. Authenticity was key: when certain ingredients, such as guajillo chilies and epazote herbs, weren’t available in Kenya, Fonda NBO partnered with an organic farm to grow them. And after more than a dozen misfires, they finally found a local Kenyan cheesemaker to make perfect queso fresco and queso Oaxaca from scratch.
Spira Cornel, the head chef at Fonda NBO, honed his skills with many different global cuisines but had never even tasted Mexican food before. “From day one, it was a blast for us as chefs. Mexican and Kenyan recipes use the same ingredients, but it’s a very different platform and techniques.”
Since Fonda NBO opened, Nairobi’s Mexican food scene has boomed: At Mercado, in Westlands, the head chef and bartender are both from Mexico, and at Alchemist, a cultural marketplace of pop-up bars, music venues, and food trucks, hipsters can wash down nachos with Mexican-inspired tequila cocktails.
Jay Muchai, a Kenyan chef and manager at Fonda NBO, has never traveled to Mexico but still feels a strong connection to the country. “Every time I serve the locals, I pretend to be more Mexican than Kenyan,” he said. “They say Mexican food feels like home food. It has the same soul.”
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serene-faerie · 7 years
Sensate Tumblr Blogs
Kala: Her blog would be a mix of fun science facts and Indian culture. She’d reblog photos of beautiful sarees and traditional clothing, expressing her love for beautiful henna in the tags. Also, she’d post about famous Indian scientists, discuss medical ethics and make information posts regarding counterfeit medicines. She’d also post about Indian food, maybe even posting some recipes of her dad’s, and also reblog photos of Indian food. URL would be @queen-of-science-and-spices.
Wolfgang: His blog would be a mix of nightclub photos and Conan the Barbarian/Arnold Schwarzenegger fandom posts. He’d also post lists of the best nightclubs in Germany, and reblog Conan the Barbarian gifsets and photos. He’d especially comment on very classy and gorgeous nightclubs, as well as making a few posts about his friend Felix and their adventures together. Another part of his reblogs would be photos of Berlin and Germany, especially photos of the Black Forest and Rhine country. His URL would be @derdiamantdieb.
Sun: Her blog would mainly consist of photos of her dog, reblogs of feminist posts, and Korean culture. She’d also record short videos of her dog, whom her followers absolutely adore, and post a few rants about her brother, talking about how disgusting he is, but putting tags such as ‘delete later... maybe’. She’d especially discuss the situation of how women are treated in South Korea, and any creeps who try to fetishize her in her inbox end up getting some epic burns and comebacks that result in them deleting their accounts. Occasionally, she’d reblog photos of Korean food and fashion. Her URL would be @sun-feminist.
Capheus: His blog would be something like a diary of sorts, in which he makes posts about events that happened. He’d also reblog photos of fancy bus designs and gifsets of Jean Claude Van Damme. Among his reblogs would be photos of Kenya, especially photos of metropolitan Nairobi. He’d also make a lot of posts about having courage and strength, and how it’s important to never be afraid. Also, he’d give wonderful advice to followers asking him questions, and give sincere wishes for them to have a good day. His URL would be @van-damn-of-nairobi.
Nomi: Her blog would have plenty of fandom-related topics, such as posts about her favourite TV shows and movies. Among them, of course, would be posts related to LGBTQ+ rights, especially transgender issues. She’d post advice for anyone questioning their gender identity, and stand up to TERFs trying to send death threats to her. Occasionally, she’d share posts about her family, talking about her sister being so supportive while her mother constantly misgenders her, but finish them by stating that she’s happy to be away from her mother. Not to mention, she would post plenty of pictures of herself and Amanita, and sharing about how lucky she is to have the sweetest and most perfect girlfriend in the world. Her URL would be @nomithehacker.
Lito: His blog would be all about acting, fine arts, and gay rights. He’d make posts about his favourite Mexican telenovelas and celebrities, especially about Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron. He’d also reblog photos of beautiful art, especially art by Mexican artists, discussing their significance and beauty. He’d also have an entire master post dedicated to Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera’s artworks. Occasionally, he’d also make posts about gay rights issues and how gay actors are always typecast in various films, but he’d also post selfies of himself, Daniela and Hernando together, talking about how much he loves Hernando and how Daniela is a wonderful best friend. His URL would be @vissi-d-amore.
Will: His blog would be about his family and about his favourite bands. He’d make posts about his favourite bands and about his bond with his dad. Among reblogs would be events happening in Chicago and the food scene. There’d also be quite a few posts involving self-reflection and introspection regarding himself, as he posts about how he’s changed from when he was at a certain age, reminiscing over certain events from his life, and sharing stories from his childhood days. He’d also post tips about working out and exercise, and reblog workout master posts, making notes about how he has to try certain routines and regimens. His URL would be @reflectionofchicago.
Riley: Her blog would be a mix of music, Iceland, and reflections of her past. She’d post about DJs and the best party destinations in Europe, and even reblog posts about classical music and the like. She’d also reblog photos of Iceland, especially the scenery, and talk about how she loves her home country. When followers ask if they can hear her speak Icelandic, she records a small portion of herself speaking Icelandic and posts it. Occasionally, she’d post about the loss of her husband and baby girl, and how she’s still trying to cope with the guilt and grief, saying that her blog is a place for her to cope with the tragedy. She’d receive sweet wishes to get better from her followers and even tips on how to cope with grief. Her URL would be @dreamingljósálfr.
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 42
Sat 15th Feb
Safari in Lake Nakuru 🦒🦓🦏🦩🌞
The pillows in our room were officially the worst pillows in Africa so far and in the night we’d had to put our travel pillow inside one case, and one of our PUFFY COATS in the other. I planned to file a complaint with Philly Tours first thing the next morning.
On the contrary, the hotel had prepared our takeaway breakfast with so much care and attention. There were proper takeaway cups and packaged up food, including our leftovers from the night before so Phil tipped the two chefs and waiter a dollar each. They were buzzing.
Thankfully, our Safari vehicle arrived (so we hadn’t been completely ripped off by Peter) and it was a good vehicle, not a crappy minibus like we’d seen some people safari’ing in. The two French girls in there were nice but they hadn’t bought their passports with them, so paying at the entrance was a bit awkward - until I reminded them a picture might be fine and they found one on their phones. PHEW.
At first, the safari was a little underwhelming as we could see the edges of the park around us with all the buildings of the town. But then we went around the lake and deeper into the park - and then it was really cool. It was more chilled out than the Masai Mara, not as impressive of course, but still nice. There were quite a few areas that had issues from previous flooding though. A couple of roads had been built up with rocks and we passed a lot of dead trees atmospherically positioned in flooded land with loads of ugly maribou stork birds and baboons around. There was a weird atmosphere in those areas and it sort of felt like they were about to attack the vehicle. Then our driver was like ‘Make sure all the food is hidden as the baboons might attack the vehicle’. Oh god, planet of the apes could be REAL.
We got through all the baboons scratching and picking at each others arses without being attacked, then spotted giraffes and warthogs (there’s always warthogs), but then our driver managed to get us to an AMAZING spot where we saw two adult white rhinos and a baby right next to us! The adults had a bit of a stand off and we watched on in amazement.
We visited a nice waterfall where the water was a little brown from the mud, then we headed to a lodge for our lunch stop. We had bought our lunch with us as Peter had told us it would be 25$ per person to eat in the park, but outside the entrance was a massive sign in capital letters saying NO PICNICS ALLOWED. Great.
After the manager flat our refused for us to eat are food there, we made friends with the waiter and he said we could eat it if we were subtle and ordered other things - so I had a vegetable soup and Phil had a bang average veggie sandwich and chips. We sat with the French girls and one of them randomly said that the best ketchup she’s ever had was when we was in Ireland when she had a delicious homemade ketchup somewhere. LOL did not expect that to be what she remembered about Ireland, Stella & Helen will be disgusted. She also said that the grass on safari was green but the grass in Ireland is the greenest in the world she thinks. Ketchup and grass = Irelands legacy.
While we sat in the restaurant we went to book our train as we’d decided which day to get it. And guess what? It was fully booked again. We’d left it too late, assuming the weekdays wouldn’t be so busy. IDIOTS.
On the afternoon drive, we were lucky enough to spot a black rhino, much rarer to see than the white. It was peacefully grazing amongst zebras, impalas and warthogs - it looked amazing, had a proper tortois-y dinosaur face!
Over the whole safari, we saw:
Giraffe (endangered Rothschild type)
Maribou Storks
White Rhino
Black Rhino
When we got back to the hotel, Phil noticed that his shorts had disappeared from the bush they were drying on outside the room. It was obvious someone had been trimming that very bush as it was all neat and there were clippings on the ground, so Phil asked reception. They assured him they’d ask the gardener and find them. I was convinced they’d been nicked...
We half decided to eat at the hotel again out of pure laziness and fatigue, but as soon as we walked in I was like Why are we here. It ain’t for a plate of vegetables thats for sure. So we went to reception to get a taxi to town as we knew there was a Java cafe there and it was a safe bet, and plus if we went to town, we could book our coach tickets for Nairobi to the coast (damn you fully booked train!).
Our taxi driver annoyingly dropped us at a little shop with a Modern Coast kiosk that was CLOSED instead of the actual Modern Coast office HOW BLOODY USELESS. So we ended up walked through the busy town while really hungry looking for a tuc tuc to get to the right place. Then we saw Java cafe on a corner so thought screw it, We’re really hungry so lets just eat first.
But then...we walked over and the door was LOCKED. I could see people inside eating their food, but it had closed at 7pm and it was now 7:15pm. Oh ffs.
We stood outside it feeling a little sad, then the manager walked over to the door, popped his head out the door and smiled at us ‘There’s another Java cafe if you want to eat, just over in the Mall!’. OMG what a legend, we KNEW Java wouldn’t let us down like this. Thanks random man 👍🏽.
We jumped in a tuc tuc to go to Modern Coast and Phil jumped out to get the tickets while I paid. The driver and his mate (not sure why he had a mate with him but whatever) then tried to overcharge me. I paid them 200ksh as that was more than enough and then one of them was like ‘Miss, Buy me a tea’. He had this really annoying look on his face like he was telling me I had to do it. Excuse me buddy, that is not how you ask someone if they’d like to buy you a gift.
We needed a tuc tuc to get to the mall but I didn’t want to go with them out of principal so we walked there like fools. It was only 10 minutes but it was down a crappy dusty busy road and we were hungry. But at least we had our morals right?!
We passed a shop with hats and remembered my quest for a baseball cap (look, I know its a bad idea, but I need one for safaris okkkkkkk). I tried a few on and honest to god it might be the worst I’ve ever looked ever. HORRENDOUS. So no, I didn’t buy one. The search continues.
Dinner at Java was half good and half annoying. Our starter of tomato soups were bought over and the girl said ‘Two chicken soups’. Uh, no love, we ordered tomato soup - so she walked away to check with our waitress who was dealing with another table. This waitress then bought the soups back over and fully tried to blag it ‘Two chicken soups’ she said as she tried to palm them off onto us. I’m not gonna lie, part of me wanted to just take the chicken and peanut soup as I’ll bet it was tasty as fook. - but no, we told her the mistake and waited patiently for our TOMATO soups.
After the soup, I honestly felt full (mental I know) so my Mexican burrito was ready for takeaway after two bites. Phil managed to devour his vege burger no problem.
On return to the hotel, still no sign of the shorts (cos they’d been nicked obvs) but I forced the reception guy to find me new pillows and he basically broke into someone’s room while they weren’t there and took the pillows off their bed. BOVERED cos they were SO much better, as in, they were actual pillows and not a bag of socks. So I went to bed happy. Well, I did until I checked my phone and saw the news that Caroline Flack had passed away. It wasn’t officially suicide at that point, but from the reports it seemed the most likely scenario. It felt incredibly weird to be sat in Kenya and to think she’d died that very day, while we’d been on a safari, and we went to bed feeling very strange and very sad.
1 note · View note
mondewords-blog1 · 5 years
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
S.A should also build their own fence to stop women from disrespecting poor handsamu people as they tell them secretly to find their way to sa to rob to please their wants.
The padlock security as googled should not have the key opening and the one stuck hole where the upper shinny loop roles on to open the locked padlock should not be fixed but just the same with the other side where each day or evening you cut it with a wireless grinder chargeable or with wire from a nearby socket outlet. So the upper parts which are serialized can be bought at an extra cost in the shops or hardware. This serial allows you to find if it was tampered with but with normal padlocks you can use along if you wanna dude.
Just continue saying gadgets are not made yet am seeing progress from every nation what they have made as i have reached them in youtube or via email. You would rather try to find out what they have made and you have not bro.
With electric timer you can open it and locate with a volt meter its transformer wire outlet to use dc power and connect it to the battery that powers the same inverter bro.
Germany invaded Poland, china should also do that to India so they stop their absurdities.
The gate-man in many places in town in those premises they guard have made keys on a soap or by scanning, snap shot and making the same their by at night all sex in those business premises for an extra- cash liaising with the managers.
The link below show the parts of a padlock dude click and get the upper part that should be bought in shops called the shank/shackle
Final destination movie one shows you exactly what can happen to you if you get money off the 2goinvoice via the certificate or bolt or in rights.com then you lie to others its handwork. Click the link below dude
The jew, Egyptian thing that its East Africa was in place if oil is finished with another method like AE, coz no-matter how much you worship God the truth is oil is finished and its 90% of your Economy so you must resort to lies or theft or slow down as reduce the population. Worshiping God wont transform a country like saudi or Naigeria into an highland got to do something bro. Worshipping of God is easy when your land is very fertile like Rwand, kisii, cameroon, tz, ethiopia or Congo but when dry like Nigeria better look 4 another way to feed ya stomach even if it means killing yaself- king of jew to cement the truth. Many africa nations had it in pray to find oil like Nigeria so they are not left behind, but the irony is the same same oil has been rendered useless by solar or chargeable cars which are just about to hit the market. So what you gonna do bro!!!!
Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!!
Russia controls the world, they can dig many holes from below to deplete all the oil from the oil fields of the world. Mfalme wa yahoodi to cement the truth into the outter space. This can be done when other feasible ways to power gadgets have been achieved like solar cars in Holland and you can google or charged electric cars in Germany or AE technology found at mrmonde tumblr a/c or kevinelsonmondy Facebook pictures. And guys you can check that bro!!  They as well can loop 4 another nation oil from another nation from below dude to fund their pursuits. get my post on this link https://www.spreely.com/members/settings/privacy called spreely and the name used is monde nelsonodenyi as the search name and profile name is mrvokeoutcust. this the link to find me below https://www.spreely.com/mrvokeoutcust open one and click the link to open in another new tab to see bro Get out every url or link with the very very url i have provide that ends with a name i have opened the very very tumblr account with then click the link after you have open your own tumblr account to open in a new tab. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chalmerslynnmonde my tumblr name is mrmonde, upholsterynelson, nelsonunderwood, my twitter is outcustnelson, kevinelsonmonde or outcustmonde. Market ya post on fb or tumblr to different groups from different nations you have chosen dude to reach many. The way to go is poligamy 4 the rich to divide the wealth not kept within one person. They get money via petty theft and give a folk like ruto to build an hotel as his to attract women yet he is just paid out of it, so upon his death to delude the whole story they say he had many wives in that that wealth will be subdivided to meaningless public attraction to defuse bro. Take heed wome dont be fooled.They bring you kids if you got some money yet if you warmn these women of these men they wanna even cut ya with a panga yet their ways have been subdued. Street urchins su, sumu/poison, yesus like the luo or kikuyou character must be sub dued, christ was caned out of this and killed as these people became radical if their wired unknown ways have been blocked and lure people with not actions but mere talks, want to sit around and iddle even wanting people food without sense and moreover are thieves like petty theft. Must be eliminated or reshuffled to alonely island of the sea to live alone or can tantamount to power and slow everything in the economy. Britons, thais got this blood as well. They were ninja in satan who purported they were good people whom rights were denied so were brought here. Christ with little kids/children and lost coin parable to cement the truth bro.Malachi 4- who to the people who long to sea the day of the lord. Western SEA, south East Asia dude. Take heed fellows!!!! click this link bro below https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nelsonbotomsiepa
Greenade nyale, forcing people with church to open the offering bag to see how much you have given to channel you to being cut by a panga. M-pesa number per church you send your offering. Magdalin and Robinson wont benefit either from my things bro, am saying this kinda biting my lower lips then changing it to the down one signifying anger or being helpless and sometimes carrying one of my legs up as if am in disgust while sited. The devol will be chained 4 a 1000 years then set free, at that time you wont be able to make gadgets unless you have made many and are in store. Revelation five- the root of david Rod. Click the link below 4 more information
God made the earth crust 16 km to show that he is also limited as 1 way can only see you under light and 4 the people to dig it & take oil from below to develop other nations for other nations to worship as they worship God as America say it was built on strict christian doctrines which aint the case as you now know fellows. Think twice dude!!! You cant force water out magumo tree, of what significance is the church when oil is over-shadowed by a new technology 4 those opec nations rather reduce population or kill ya self, king of the jew and Vineyard & worker parable to cement the truth. I did not had the computer, i was racing against time thats why i write alone vineyard parable Lord God LG.
Hawa watu big bodied wata surrender lini says adriano tu-start to play na magede, the bottom-line we have known how to make gadgtet, even roads, bridges, houses, windows are now easy to make what i remaining is playing with women, no even repair, cheap things you buy a new one, nikuchotana bro. Its was our all day thinking people of the hard task of being there always and under the sun.
Small bodied people were associated with long china playful like movie, malaysians and the kamba hunger on the tv, so if you are small bodied and want to rest somewhere people thing you gonna be there 4 long coz now you have learnt automation and how to generate food as you are safe now wanting to get into luxary bro and wanting women to play with. Thats why people want to get them out as fast as posible but with big bodied people are associated with Nigeria, Somali with oil or botswana with low population, so people thing oil has been finished what will they do is their thought, as thinking of their downfall so are left at a place 4 long, with botswana no how to increase their population maybe their is a new oil discovery in that desert. This is as well with libya or mali with big bodied people, thinking of what to do if oil is finished whenever they are, so are left to stay 4 long at a place without people worrying much as short or small people moreover running 4 them is hard not as easy for the small people in case of petty theft or robbery and that is the gimmick of small/big bodied people puzzle with other people in their houses or any sitting place dude. Get this straight fellows.
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro  Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
When you you write your gmail account email with or without password you go to forget password it will take you 1st to enter last password then you click try another way below to take you to get a phone verification code if you didnt remove the number but when it doesnt bring you to that are it show the number was removed then click i dont have my phone option then takes you to get a verification on the recovery email you had written in case it was not blocked as me i do write always [email protected] with omenana as my pas-code and try logging it will give you the pattern to infinity. Try another way brings you to answer your security question which was long time ago when phone number was optional, the the time you created the a/c which i can remember then try another way still to bring you to enter an email  We need some time to review your requestEnter an email address where we can contact you later, which says google cant recover your email or a verification sent to your email which the email has still the recovery email it cant send unless you removed it bro. Mr hindu what do you want !!!! Finally says this bro Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you.
With the recovery of an email i just guess as write letters or numbers randomly as [email protected] so i dont get back to it. What do you want Mr hindu, the recovery email is 10 years old and i guessed it, so you want to cut my head with a machete to open up my brain to retrieve it or what? Its crystal clear i dont know the recovery email and it should stop at that bro.
click the links below 4 more information dude
So am speaking kijaluo as you wanted previously, what do you want, to eat my 2 dime food 4 people. Dont be silly, hustle dude, lest i stub you. Silly guy!!!
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Links of My Facebook disabled, click dude
https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=110 https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/?next https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=300 https://www.facebook.com/login/device-based/regular/login/?login_attempt=1&lwv=301 Click the links below, Migration into the New World https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+europeans&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNQgW4Ud6yJLGN0vxr5fZIwmnSEU9w:1569051557088&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik4sbFtOHkAhXKyIUKHe_ZAroQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1280&bih=922 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSrrZnI8j0f1HUvTqT3Rk3yiRdkKQ%3A1569051600923&sa=1&ei=0NOFXcT4N4zJgQaV8IwQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+british&gs_l=img.3…0.0..6327…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.VefJSCaDozs&ved=0ahUKEwjEoLratOHkAhWMZMAKHRU4AwIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNR-p5k2v_mFmU_Fcco2hTBlzpNMIQ%3A1569051608364&sa=1&ei=2NOFXZXzFc6S8gLyz5-YAQ&q=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&oq=migration+into+australia+by+the+germans&gs_l=img.3…12338.16927..17350…0.0..0.296.2528.2-10……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39.rXaaHjzjyP0&ved=0ahUKEwiVv4DetOHkAhVOiVwKHfLnBxMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQA3-or1I0p6u3ryapOwbNrInw_lw%3A1569051626997&sa=1&ei=6tOFXfG6PM-4gQadnqSYBQ&q=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&oq=migration+into+canada+by+europeans&gs_l=img.3…20180.31557..32092…0.0..0.332.8655.2-32j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….35i39j0i67j0j0i5i30j0i8i30j0i24.X7SGKUo4Ynw&ved=0ahUKEwjx1_HmtOHkAhVPXMAKHR0PCVMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
Click all the links after opening ya tumblr to open in a new tab
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Green-card how is awarded to countries the winners minus their spouse or the kids. This is the individual winner dude, click the link below
U look great in it u should keep it
Uhuru kenyatta and the Gikuyu were giving people long time piki piki even b4 you pay nothing, any youth who is willing but 4 2 years everyday you submit to meet your target of 500 bob then the motor bike is yours solely to build Nairobi and its environs and central kenya not to mention in East Africa as well and other tribes like the luo have clogged into it to also build their spheres.
Boltsofware link below
De trut 2 set ya free. Highlight the link the on the left button of the mouse click open in a new tab
The malindi man who was killed his money is used to buy plots to build and to Heep others businesses. If you put a coin in the palm of your hand then you meditate you see his killers a 1000 miles away not 10 km radius Hindu, anyone. King of the jew to cement the truth. click the link below
Other Food Restaurant i want to open in the Developed world once i got my cash. The logo is the Delicacies you need at your reach or A better food Restaurant. J continue saying am your uncle, continue singing that hymn or rhythm, the fact is you 4get of the DNA factor and no-sooner i get my money than i run away unless you make a kidnap. You say am begging but the bottom line i dont beg you, you wanna eat my food, you hungry dude, looking 4 a eating place, so you kidnap to take the key to steel dude and claim supremacy still. This time round am armed try me and no bullet by the silly police will stop my pursuit. Russia cheat people the crust is to deep to reach its bottom yet they go to the bottom via a big drone knowing the bearing the take out oil from those nation with oil then they sell and thats why its said Russia has big oil reservoir. They print it in the books to keep you out of dark not to know this sad fact. Click the link below, this can be made big to even rotate the stater of an Electric Generator or car alternator to power houses or business premises.
White dent paste is made out of tea the same way gadgets are made from above in a deep dug pool and thats why their is much illegal picking of tea leaves in Kenya and kisumu being the central point on the tea hub to reach it and thats why 4reigners want to settle here come what may dude. Try me and come alone dude, you haven’t been finished yet, where have you reached and precisely talking where is ya pride, talk to me dude!! Click the link below and see even what Nigerians, Tz have apart from India and italy in their own cruise ship dude. This facilitate illicit tea plucking in Kenya at Night period. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&biw=1280&bih=922&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNTPknbMH_QRHbfb0aQ5pM0pd9IOxg%3A1568729367404&sa=1&ei=F-mAXbiZGM6S8gLJ8o6IAg&q=micro+tea+processing+plant&oq=micro+tea+processing+plant&gs_l=img.3…20085.27992..28403…0.0..0.335.6183.2-25j1……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i67j0i10j0i30j0i24.KvXttislfSg&ved=0ahUKEwj4gMWlhNjkAhVOiVwKHUm5AyEQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I wanna show you dat you have stepped on a wrong toe or stone
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/furtsonmondehttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/mondebruntley Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondegooch
open ya tumblr account then click this link to open in another tab https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo Log in | Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mondelocketo
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/asninelson click to open in a new tab after you open you own tumblr account bro. Get the full picture. I have finalised and dienabled all the account as i have put it, neither me nor you can enter, Jesus with the needle and camel and its on youtube bro, the Gmail and tumblr or twitter i use. Now what do you want bro!!! Fight, with me i got the dagga, grab me please am killing this man, anege bwana. Asninelson also if you write under search tumblr it pops out even minus the link bro. Everything there dude, kill me but you wont get into it to eat with my things yet dhach.
Email change pas code link
In Wichita find the apprentice location downtown to give you how to start working at Coleman company when you got your green-card handy dude!!! No need to get into a friend apartment or house which builds quarrel bro. Click the down link 4 more infor, or go direct to coleman company and ask
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
Black population per state link below
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writting on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
I dont want the money period dude, keep it, dont send it later. It connects me with useless men who cant help me and criminals. Women spare me my penis!!!. Am SHOUTING, Well Understood.
Never will i go to a white-man country to help frustrate some1 i knew like Andrea of wsu or i dont know in pursuit of his happiness. There you will never find me, it doesn’t belong to me, don’t look 4 good land strive to live where you are. Let me change citizenship and let the Kenyan Government change law that once you change citizenship you forfeit your Kenyan one to remove the gimmick that i will return here again if all goes well bro even with any nations green-card.
Under the conditions of dug deep pool well cemented with offering in it during the dark, many people with dim spotlight append there signatures many times or even of others and there its is, boom the gadget you want. Buy Gadgets made this way bro. Now they want to organize bank robbery with the money WSU is to give me which i have done them a letter informing them i now dont want. Dont force me dude connecting me with hooligans and putting my life in danger bro. Let them have it and i have said it period. Its good to their side dude. They lias with wsu and any white man as local Kenyan people with the wsu police and the Kenyan one. Jacob edoms/Esau brother wives got the Nigerian blood though they were white, lover of good things who during post war went to USA en-mass as Germans.
Click the link below to see who formed USA per state
Click the link below on how to edit a tumblr account post
The link show on that page which got the name you opened it with if you copy paste and post on the subject of compose after you specify the email address on yahoo a/c to a gmail a/c after opening another tumblr a/c if you click it to open in a new tab you see the same thing of that previous a/c dude. You go to account arrow on the link below then you click on post to highlight the url given or the one give that ends with many number if you wanna send it to another email to use it later.
Writing on yahoo subject makes your link not to be distorted but its well with a gmail a/c you can just write your text as a message body.
Go to Sumner county jail in Wichita which in its junction there is the McDonald restaurant and get a glimpse of the real mirror, send the man under this link below bro to report back to you.
KTN News Investigative Reporter Hussein Mohamed weds lover in Nairobi : KTN News
A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. A quarter liter lighter like the cigarette one for kitchen as a new market, burnsen burner size to eliminate match box as Hindu and other have ventured into this to make much money without kworol or not known as public eye. Boa as bank of America my money was not stollen in that bank and by virtue of me saying that you should stop on that bank theft saga neither did i operate an a/c with that bank. Why open an account with my name and even if i tell you the above you dont stop liaising with the kenyan dignitaries and hooligans to jeopardize me not to mention white men like denis and the pajero mitsubishi rider who want money they dont know including Jehova witness whites who even wants to put up a fight. The same indictment falls on barclays kenya, i dint open an a/c there if any its staff a/c and was closed 8 yrs back. Why do that BBK and if i go to the bank to complain of the same you call the stupid soldiers on me to ambush me. Stop daytime theft dude, sending colleague there to me that there is money in the a/c i opened not if i go to confirm they do the above to me. Take that money, impersonate my pulse rate which is 68 and my finger prints in the huduma things with people who transfigure. I wont arrest with that and i have said it, leave me alone women lest i skin you alive. And dont tell me to take the Greencard, specify the person who has it, so i take it and tear it, dont just put it up on the air “chukuwa” and now its 5 yrs with that saying without progress dude. My money was not stolen wsu its a hoax and get it straight dude and leave me alone. I just wanted to be rich quick. Do me a letter informing me of the same so i post it on youtube on prisoner lucky dube song for people to see or when paying me do the same so i roll the cash into 5 thousand kenyan money units and  i hurl all to people on the bank parking lot to signify you my main agenda wasnt money. And if you are luo, kikuyu, kisii claiming allegiance do the same like in window shopper song mase hurling the same in water. click the link below 4 dat song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=window+shopper+50+cent
Buy the curved type of key 4 your padlock or the 3 edged key which is very hard to craft to safe guard your business and thwart the turf headed and rudeness of the people who open them during the day as much as the security and police officers safe-guarding other business during the day. Let respect reigns bro, Nelly G they got to know. Click the down link below bro but leave the one hanging on the gate as it is easy to craft. Buy the one in 4;40 minute hard to open on the youtube link and leave the on in 5:58 th  minute also easy to make as the old flat one.
Fellow buy the ones in the link below you cant craft lest you cut the handle for the owner to know bro.
When that thing i said is done call the police, dont put my with words, it can just be a word of mouth bro. Dont come and warn me dont go there, if i go there shoot me then or call the police bro. Dont say i want that or this girl, dont speak 4 me, my mouth is big and aint smelling, i can talk myself.
am in love with ya
Dont involve people in violence this time round Mr Ruto we got the camera to monitor people at the pooling room, like we can literally count how many have cast their ballot papers. The Barclays people are organizing crime, they want to know if i got the ID even after warning them that i did not open an account with them bro. The tumblr link on the post that comes up with the name you used to create the a/c with if you open another tumblr a/c and right click that link to open in a new tab you see all the post of the other tumblr which its like has the name like the one below
The greencar is given per county and on the id the emabasy has all the counties of the fellow given evenly not per tribe but kikuyu and masai as luo are not given out of the kitten like earlobe or bad teeth period dude.
If I get to Chicago i will use my turf head and walk on the up bridges on R.Michigan or go to down town direct and walk with white women. I swear any police who arrest me will have a rude awakening in the court room.
The link with names like above signify a new opened tumblr each, so go to my twitter outcustmonde and within every link with name i have provided click as well others inside it that it brings with name and count how many they are. So many dude and i have run out of name to write anything. Get it straight dude when you guess the email & password or you simply cut the password you have written randomly you cant get into that account you or another person but if you have the name you opened it with in mind or the url with the opened name with if you open a new tumblr a/c & write in search tumblr bar or click the url to open in a new tab you the whats in the a/c you dont know the password as you guessed it or cut it, same as the email and you can try that as in youtube- how to reset email or tumblr password bro.
The manual cooker timer if made big can rotate the stator of a generator or wind turbine to produce power. Or it can be mounted on a strong 12 volts dynamore to be connected to an electric invator or just to a powerful 200 volts dynamore to power gadgets. It can come that way straight from the company to save the world of electric burden bro according to twits from Eddie Roy. Click the link below 4 de song
The link below shows mabatea iron sheet rest rooms from $ 200
Bath in the/inside the big double door fridge then the cash on ya feet or house
The link below explains
You can burn up ya money in a big cooler in the bank to evade the outside planned robbery dude, click the down link dude
Sources from Michael Masita, with one 12 volts battery connected to a solar panel and then to that solar power controller spc, then on the same battery connected to 2 230 invator with electric timer that used dry cells as the mechanism to power them- china has made such, you can make them to alternate like this one works 40 mins then switches of then the other picks up and do the same like the 1st one then you connect it to a refrigerator or cooking coil, Folks it will never burn up the invator out of over-heating coz b4 it over heats to burn, the timer switches off to open the other invator as it switched on by the other timer. It work all day-night long, 24/7, 365 days a year. And folks this is cheap, the invator is $ 60, Battery $ 100 and the timer close to $ 30 and so in totality is $ 250, the total cost. Dont bring your kids to disturb one who has given up in life bro, i aint a lover of good things whom their mothers want, dont disturb my peace bro.
The mexican border they still dig holes down the fence to still find way into the USA, along the fence they should dig like 1 km artificial pool, a half km on the other side and on the other side as well, one in the usa and the other in Mexico and channel strong electric current to that water to electrocute the invader. That pool of water should be deep like the height of one electric pole as well the fence should go that deep to completely thwart the works of the invader dude. Then perpetual crossing of that border with intruders who commit crime in usa ends abruptly dude
They follow you to where you buy your food, saying they are investigating your begging/nagging character they have heard yet they themselves in that pretense as well investigate what is “fat“ in the shop shelves to steal not to be realized dude at night when the owner aint around with made keys and the people who transfigure bro.
Kalonzo has brought all this absurdities according to nundu kakan by joining hands with kibaki to defeat Raila completely. He ought to have merged with odm to pass a vote of no-confidence to PNU to get them out the government. Little is said of the rich man and lazarus, the richman burning in hell same indictment falls on kalaonzo and his tribe. Mr Uhuru has left the country to hide in the usa coz their plan that makes Mr ruto to shake the head when taking is over-due and is well known- the plan of recruiting kids and women to do petty theft to build up the Nairobi and its environs dude. NOW shake ya head or quit politics, address the nation dude stop dilly dally and silly games of women bro.
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Everything That’s Worth Drinking in the Hamptons and Montauk, According to Moby’s Maegan Delgrande
For some New Yorkers, the Hamptons, an enclave of buzzy beach towns about 100 miles east of Manhattan, is the quintessential summertime escape. For the past three seasons, Brooklyn bartender Maegan Delgrande has been among them.
“I originally took a job bartending at Moby’s [in East Hampton] to escape the summer heat in Brooklyn and spend some time bartending beachside,” Delgrande says. “I quickly fell in love with the lifestyle: surfing, beach bonfires, and boats.”
“The workload is a heavy one, but it keeps you on your toes and the payoff at the end of the season is well worth it,” she adds.
Prior to her 2019 Hamptons tenure, Delgrande spent six months working on the Mulberry Project pop-ups in Tulum and Nairobi. She keeps coming back to the Hamptons, however, thanks in large part to the ever-evolving food and drink scene. “The majority of the restaurants and bars only operate seasonally, so it never gets old,” she says.
Here, we explore all that the Hamptons and Montauk have to offer, according to Delgrande.
Credit: Lincoln Pilcher
Moby’s (East Hampton)
“Moby’s is where you will find me serving up a multitude of ‘patio pleasers’ from behind the bar. We have a killer tequila-based passionfruit habañero cocktail called Cabo Nights that goes down entirely too easy. The space is sprawling and overlooks a marina full of yachts; it’s the best place to watch the sunset in all of East Hampton and is certainly known for being so. It’s easy to spend the whole night here, being that dinner is served until 11:00 p.m. and, depending on the night, there’s everything from DJs to reggae bands performing for the late-night crowd. The cuisine is northern Italian and the two-and-a-half-pound lobster dish doesn’t disappoint. You could also keep it simple and have one of their thin-crust pizzas.” Location.
Credit: Mobysny.com
TT’s (Montauk)
“This adorably decorated Mexican restaurant is the new kid on the block in Montauk and is definitely worth a trip to the marina. They’ve got an incredible agave spirits portfolio and have a killer ginger Margarita. All of the food is thoughtfully curated and super fresh; the grilled chicken tacos are packed with flavor and intoxicating.” Location.
Rosie’s (Amagansett)
“Rosie’s is also a newcomer as of this year in Amagansett. The owners’ farm is the sole provider for all of the produce in the restaurant, which shows in the food. Everything is incredibly fresh … it’s a true farm-to-table experience. My favorites on the menu are the house-made pickles, chilled broccolini, and the chicken schnitzel sandwich. The Mezcal Cooler is full of smoke and citrus and is totally delicious.” Location.
Page at 63 Main (Sag Harbor)
“This is definitely my favorite brunch spot! The jumbo lump crab cakes eggs Benedict is to die for. They also have a great organic wine menu. The thing I like most about this spot is that everyone in the industry is there late-night so it gets wild; it’s a great place to network and get to know literally everyone in the industry in Sag Harbor. The music and socializing are the best in the area.” Location.
Gurney’s (Montauk)
“Although this property has many bars, the Regent Firepit is my favorite. It’s right on the beach and has cabanas and DJs on the sand. It’s definitely a great place to be ‘seen’ in the Hamptons. The rooms and the clientele are really chic; almost all of the rooms overlook the ocean and you literally feel like you’re sleeping in the water.” Location.
Credit: Gurneysny.com
The Maidstone (East Hampton)
“I like this hotel because it’s a bit out of the way of everything. The rooms are a mix of modern Scandinavian design and old-world cottage feel. Their restaurant is attached and offers really great American cuisine; you don’t need to leave the property at all if you’re just there to unwind. It’s also stunning for a winter stay.” Location
Sag Harbor and Montauk
“These are my favorite neighborhoods to explore. Both are expanding at a steady pace so I find new places and things to do every year I return. Montauk is definitely more geared toward the late-night scene and is a ton of fun, while Sag Harbor is great for shopping and finding new restaurants. It’s quaint, village-like, and bustling.”
The article Everything That’s Worth Drinking in the Hamptons and Montauk, According to Moby’s Maegan Delgrande appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/best-hamptons-bars-summer-2019/
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carlamathew00 · 1 year
Good Authentic Mexican Food In Nairobi | Restaurants In Nairobi Westlands
At Nairobi Street Kitchen, savor the vivid flavors of Kenya. Enjoy a culinary journey as we introduce you to the Good Places To Eat For Breakfast In Nairobi real flavors and scents of Nairobi's thriving street food scene.
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rightsinexile · 7 years
“Defining, understanding and measuring the de facto integration process is central to the agenda of improving the human development of this [urban refugee] population and, although a clear definition does not yet exist, several researchers and organizations have begun to address it [...] In this article, we extend this research line through the development and pilot testing of a new measurement tool called the Refugee Integration Scale (RIS), which is a 25-item Likert scale designed to assist in estimating the degree of integration among urban refugees” - Developing and Validating the Refugee Integration Scale in Nairobi, Kenya. David Beversluis, David Schoeller-Diaz, Martin Anderson, Natalie Anderson, Amy Slaughter and Ronak B. Patel. Journal of Refugee Studies. March 2017. 
“The deprivation of liberty further traumatises the often already traumatised asylum seeking families, without any reasonable justification. The impact is especially significant on children, who have difficulties to understand the reasons for their detention and do not cope well with this distress in most cases” - Best Interests Out of Sight - The Treatment of Asylum Seeking Children in Hungary. Anikó Bakonyi, András Léderer and Zsolt Szerek. Hungarian Helsinki Committee. 2017.
“The arrival of families and children seeking the protection of the US government along the southwest US border from Central America in the summer of 2014 triggered an immediate and severe response by the administration. [...] Characterizing this humanitarian situation as a threat to national security, the administration responded with a statement from DHS Secretary Johnson, who emphasized the need for marked increases in detention and deportation in order to send a “message” to deter future migration.” - Weeping in the Playtime of Others: The Obama Administration’s Failed Reform of ICE Family Detention Practices. Dora Schriro. Journal on Migration and Human Security. 2017.
“Beyond the legal issues raised by the informal operation of these [temporary accommodation sites for refugees-migrants] and the failure to issue the regulatory acts required for their establishment and operation, this pending issue [awaiting a Joint Ministerial Decision] is the main reason for the creation of organisational dysfunctions, due to the lack of effective coordination of the involved agencies and the inability to monitor and attribute liability in cases where serious omissions are discovered.” - Migration Flows and Refugee Protection: Administrative Challenges and Human Rights Issues. The Greek Ombudsman. April 2017.
“As the violence and chaos in Libya continue, the EU must ensure that its actions do not result in refugees and migrants being returned to torture or other forms of ill-treatment in Libya. The EU must make rescue at sea a priority” - “Hell on Earth”: Abuses Against Refugees and Migrants Trying to reach Europe from Libya. Izzy Leghtas. June 2017.
“The dismal response from the international community has put a severe strain on Uganda, the UN and non-governmental organizations’ ability to meet the needs of the refugees. Basic needs including access to adequate amounts of food, water and shelter, are not being met, let alone longer-term needs such as access to psychosocial support and mobility aids for persons with disabilities. This is having a detrimental impact on the lives of refugees in the settlements, and on Uganda’s ability to carry out its progressive policy” - “Help Has Not Reached Me Here”: Donors Must Step Up Support for South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda. Amnesty International. 2017.
“On January 13, 2017, several non-governmental organizations filed a complaint with [John Kelly, US Secretary of Homeland Security] and the Department of Homeland Security's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL). [...] The January complaint and May report both document Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officials erroneously informing asylum seekers that daily quotas for asylum cases had been met, visas are required for asylum seekers, the US is no longer accepting asylum seekers, or Mexicans cannot apply for asylum. These statements run contrary to law. In some instances, asylum seekers were physically abused by CBP agents. Following denial of entry, some asylum seekers have been kidnapped, raped, and robbed in Mexico, and face continued exposure to persecution.” - Letter from 40 members of US Congress to the US Secretary of Homeland Security. 25 May 2017.
“The aggregate effect and indeed the sought-after outcome of Trump’s new actions is to undermine the rights of asylum-seekers in the USA and to permit an inhumane and punitive regime for migrants entering irregularly. In addition, the Mexican government plays an important role in illegally detaining, deporting and returning thousands of people to situations of danger, at times relying on US funding to do so.” Facing Walls: USA and Mexico’s Violations of the Rights of Asylum Seekers. Amnesty International.  2017.
“The Commissioner for Human Rights calls on all Council of Europe member states to uphold their human rights obligations and ensure the practical effectiveness of the right to family reunification for refugees and other international protection beneficiaries. To do so, states should (re-)examine their laws, policies and practices relating to family reunification for refugees” - Realising the Right to Family Reunification of Refugees in Europe. Issue paper published by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. June 2017.
“All displaced people need some form of shelter. Whatever the type of shelter which is found, provided or built, it needs to answer multiple needs: protection from the elements, physical security, safety, comfort, emotional security, some mitigation of risk and unease, and even, as time passes, some semblance of home and community. This Forced Migration Review looks at the complexity of approaches to shelter both as a physical object in a physical location and as a response to essential human needs” - Shelter in Displacement, Forced Migration Review 55. June 2017.
“Tools to measure refugee integration are required to conduct research and to guide programmes and policy. This study describes the development and validation of a 25-item Refugee Integration Scale (RIS) using standard scale development methodology among Somali and Banyamulenge refugees in Nairobi, Kenya. We report mixed-methodology methods to strengthen the scale’s validity and reliability” - Developing and Validating the Refugee Integration Scale in Nairobi, Kenya. David Beversluis, David Schoeller-Diaz, Martin Anderson,  Natalie Anderson, Amy Slaughter and Ronak B. Patel. Journal of Refugee Studies, 24 July 2017.
“Australia is set to roll out a new private sponsorship programme for refugees and humanitarian entrants on 1 July, following in the footsteps of Canada. As noted in the 2017-18 Budget, Australia will increase its Refugee and Humanitarian Programme to provide 16,250 places in 2017-18 and 18,750 in 2018-2019” - The risks and rewards of private humanitarian and refugee sponsorship. Khanh Hoang. Lowy Institute Interpreter Blog. May 2017.
“The majority of interviewees expressed their discontent with the results achieved by AMISOM, especially its failure to protect civilians against attacks by Al-Shabaab and other armed groups. Its limited results were contrasted with its decade - long presence in the country. AMISOM was created in 2007, and gradually developed into a force with a maximum of 22,126 troops, mandated primarily to reduce the threat posed by Al-Shabaab and to provide security to government institutions and humanitarian actors” - “They Say They’re Not Here to Protect Us.” Civilian Perspectives on the African Union Mission in Somalia. International Refugee Rights Initiative. May 2017.
“Expedited removal represents a cruelly efficient enforcement strategy to greatly abridge due process rights and drastically increase deportations” - The Trump Administration’s Troubling Attempt to Expand “Fast-Track” Deportations. Jose Magaña-Salgado. Immigration Legal Resource Centre Policy Report. June 2017.
“A consensus is building in Europe that the current use of immigration detention is unsustainable, harmful, and, in many cases, unlawful. The European Network on Statelessness report draws on research from six European countries, shining a light on systems and practices in which men, women, and children without a nationality are trapped. Many find themselves subjected to long term detention despite there being no reasonable prospect of return. Few are able to break this cycle and are therefore left in legal limbo for years” - Protecting Stateless Persons from Arbitrary Detention: An Agenda for Change. European Network on Statelessness Report. April 2017.
“Can we conceptualize power in a way that engages with the functioning of the refugee regime in both global and local contexts? Can a more disaggregated understanding of power, sensitive to form and context of expression, open new areas of enquiry into the functioning of the regime and help explain its ability and inability to fulfill its core mandate of protection and solutions for refugees? This article proposes a heuristic framework for understanding power and influence in the diverse context of the global refugee regime. It argues that various forms of power co-exist within the regime, and that further research could usefully examine the manifestations and implications of these forms of power through the making and implementation of global refugee policy” - Power in the Global Refugee Regime: Understanding Expressions and Experiences of Power in Global and Local Contexts. James Milner and Krystyna Wojnarowicz. Refuge. Spring 2017.
“As refugees in prison strive to attain justice, amidst lengthy judicial process characterized with postponement of trials due to case backlog, they continue to face unresolved emotional reactions, caused or exacerbated by harsh prison conditions. In such circumstances, to flourish psychologically depends on one’s coping mechanism and ability. It is important for organizations working with refugees to have a grounded understanding of psychosocial dynamics of
refugee detainees in order to promote their rights better” - The Mental Health State of Refugees in Prison, A Case-study from Western Uganda. David Stephen Ojok and Charity Ahumuza Onyoin. Refugee Law Project Research Report. June 2017.
“Safe zones are, at best, the least worst alternative. They do not provide true protection as envisaged by international refugee law. The law on safe zones is underdeveloped and State practice is too erratic for them to be considered a proper response to humanitarian crises. The idea that States in the global north might seek to impose safe zones as a means of discouraging would-be refugees from fleeing (on the basis that they protect them from the dangers associated with irregular movement) is disingenuous. [...] Safe zones should never be seen as places to which refugees could be returned (for example, through the application of the internal flight/protection alternative).” - Creating Safe Zones and Safe Corridors in Conflict Situations: Providing Protection at Home or Preventing the Search for Asylum? Geoff Gilbert and Anna Magdalena Rusch. Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law. Policy Brief. June 2017.
“One feature of the right to seek asylum is that a person has to be outside their country of origin and have access to the territory of another state in order to exercise that right. In other words, externalization measures aimed at restricting the ability of people seeking asylum to leave or enter a state will restrict their ability to access international protection” - Amnesty International. The Human Rights Risks of External Migration Policies. 13 June 2017.
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